"Broker/Lessor" looking for broker business
There is no advertising fee or charge for a listing. They are “free.” Leasing News makes no endorsement of any of the companies listed, except they have qualified to be on this specific list.
The requirements for "Broker/Lessors" seeking broker business are to be listed on the Leasing News "Broker/Lessor A" list:
with a complete listing (answer to questions) as well as answering these questions with a "Yes" or "No":
Alphabetical list - click on company name to view more details
Leasing Associations: All non-profit leasing associations are abbreviated. To see the full name and learn more about the association, please click here.
A - City Business License | B- State License | C - Certified Leasing Professional |
D - State(s) sales/use tax license |E - Named as "lessor" on 50% or more of lease contract signed. | F - Accepts sub-broker business l G -Back Room - has a dedicated back room operation
Leasing Association
(see above for meaning) |
# of Empl. |
Geographic Area
1997 |
18 |
Nationwide |
$5,000 to $5MM |
Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Affliated Investment
Group, Inc.
Cedar Park, Texas
Jim Lahti, CLP
NAELB (footnotes) |
1991 |
4 |
National |
$15,000 to
$1 MM |
N |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y | Y |
Affiliated Investment Group, Inc. is the proud continuation of more than 25 years of serving the broker community. We are a balance sheet, cash flow, credit lender. The primary question on every transaction is ‘what is the likelihood of being paid back?’. Affiliated is also known as "The Flexible Funding Source" as we look at a deal with the philosophy of ‘what's right’ about it ‘how can we make it work’. We have significant sources of funds from A to B credits.
We recently agreed to be the exclusive broker services group for Alliance Commercial Capital. In addition to our normal programs, we are excited about marketing their vast array of product lines that will greatly increase our funding capability. Broker Qualify - Yes