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Extra ---Leveraged leases

"I don’t know how much of your readership is affected by leveraged leases, but the FASB officially killed them on Wednesday.  Although we all knew it was coming, there was still hope that they would be grandfathered, but the FASB also voted to not allow grandfathering.  I am not certain of how lessors will react, but I have heard rumors that some leveraged lessors are talking of spinning off their leveraged leases."

1. A lessor would account for leveraged leases under the proposed new leases guidance. There would not be a different lessor approach for leveraged leases. 

2. A lessor would apply the same transition guidance to current leveraged leases as required for all other leases; that is, existing leveraged lease transactions would not be grandfathered.

Shawn Halladay, Managing Director
801 322 4499 direct
801 322 5454 fax

Global Experience Provides Direction

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