"Senior Leasing/Commercial Account Executives
Proven history of closed deals & an established book of business?
Want superior support & great income opportunity?
Email resume to deanc@capnetusa.com
About the Company: CapNet Financial Services, Inc has been a leader in direct lease originations for 10 years. Our mission is to provide American business with fast, innovative, financing solutions to grow their companies and exceed their goals."
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Comedian Shecky Greene (born Sheldon Greenfield) April 8, 1926, Chicago, Illinois. One of the last stand-up comics, who first performed in Las Vegas in 1953. He is still performing today at age 82.
http://www.ticketsnow.com/shecky-greene-tickets/ |
ELFA President Bentsen on CNBC
Classified Ads---Asset Management
Bulletin Board Complaint
IFC Credit, Morton Grove, Illinois
SunBridge Capital Pushed into Chapter 11
First United Bank files against PNC Financial
Cartoon---Sage on top of the Hill
Menzel to Present Teichman Leasing News Award Las Vegas
Sales makes it Happen---by Robert Teichman, CLP
“Shooting at the Right Target”
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Gearing up for Windows 7
Fed Said to Offer $5 Billion Credit for AIG’s ILFC
CEOs expect more job cuts through year's end
Another Chicago law firm lays off attorneys, staff
Economic Crisis Sweeps Eastern Ukraine
Eyeing the 'Idol' odds: 2009 American Idol Meter
News Briefs---
You May have Missed---
"Gimme that Wine"
Today's Top Event in History
This Day in American History
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######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
ELFA President Bentsen on CNBC

It’s rare that you see anyone but traders or company CEOs on CNBC, but on Tuesday and for the first time, the $650 billion equipment leasing and finance sector was represented on CNBC’s “Street Signs.”
The show and the interview segment was hosted by CNBC’s Erin Burnett and the subject was the addition of equipment finance ABS into the Term Asset-backed Loan Facility (TALF), one of the programs created by the government to stimulate the markets. The interview was conducted while the TALF auction was occurring and featured Equipment Leasing and Finance Association President Kenneth Bentsen and Wall Street Trader Dennis Moroney of the Towergroup. CNBC has 83 million viewers, and the CNBC website is constantly streaming to 4 million viewers. Washington DC, New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles are collectively CNBC’s numero uno market.
"Why some of the biggest players in lending are not playing today, with Ken Bentsen, Equipment Leasing and Finance Association; Dennis Moroney, Towergroup; and CNBC's Erin Burnett."
(copy and paste into your browser or video player)
[headlines] --------------------------------------------------------------
Classified Ads--- Asset Management
Massachusetts, MA
Started in credit and collections 30 years ago with a private agency. My skills are negotiating with Attorney's, Insurance Companies & Large & small companies.
cityofpa@earthlink.net | Resume |
Minneapolis, MN
16 years leasing experience from micro to large ticket market, variety of equipment. Most recently calling on vendor telecom dealers in Upper Midwest.
golfadm@yahoo.com |
United States
Multi- talented individual looking to relocate back to mainland. Over 20 years of experience in Asset Management, Venture Leasing, Operations and Senior Management Positions.
RESUME | Email: dan@ggpglobal.com |
United States
Portfolio Management/Collections/Workouts. 12 yrs + management $1B lease portfolio, administration, EOT negotiations, buyouts, extensions, workouts, collections, bankruptcy, property valuation/ litigation, results orientated: portfoliomgt007@yahoo.com |
For a full listing of all “job wanted” ads, please go to:
To place a free “job wanted” Leasing News ad:
ELFA Career Center: Job Seekers (free):
Bulletin Board Complaint
IFC Credit, Morton Grove, Illinois

Spiral Binding, Totowa, NJ was the vendor on a series of leases from December 31, 2008 through March 04, 2009 for $148,604. Fifty two percent of the outstanding balance is from December.
The company was told they would be paid in full when the lessee made their first payments. The lessee has now made lease payments on all the outstanding leases according to Spiral Binding.
After repeated telephone calls, the company was to be paid in January,
then February, then March. It took many telephone calls and emails to various parties at IFC Credit, according to Bob D'Alessio, Chief Financial Officer, Spiral Binding until IFC told them they didn't have the money.
Originally they assured Spiral Binding they would be paid, when that was not going to happen they offered $10,000, every two weeks. Spiral Binding was not amenable to the offer and counter offered with at least $25,000 every two weeks. IFC rejected Spiral Binding’s request and then balked on the $10,250 payment they were going to send March 27th, 2009. IFC has now postponed the payment of $10,250 to April.
When they learned that IFC CEO Rudy Trebels had purchased a house on the golf course in Florida, it appears they have to bring the matter to court now and file in New Jersey before the premises are vacated.
Since March 27, 2009 Leasing News has attempted to reach CEO Rudy Trebels, CLP, Executive Vice President Patrick Witowski, Chief Financial Officer Marc Langs, Senior Vice President, Controller and Treasurer David Keenan, IFC Credit Attorney Beth Anne Alcantar, as well as Mr. Rudy Trebels', CLP, secretary and public relations contact, plus Vice President of Marketing, First Corp., Mike Beltrano, Jr. Over six emails, perhaps a dozen telephone calls; none with a response. [headlines]
SunBridge Capital Pushed into Chapter 11

Bank of Kansas City holding an original portfolio of $97 million, now down to $76 million, filed a motion for relief and the action appears to have pushed SunBridge Capital into a voluntary Chapter 11. There appears to be over $100 million in debt. Three creditors claiming to be owed more than $102,000 have filed a Chapter 7 involuntary bankruptcy petition against SunBridge Capital Inc., Kansas City, Kansas on March 20, 2009. There appears to be more to follow, as local banks seem to be holding the bag as well as Lakeland Bank, HSH Norbank, and Midwest Bank.
A meeting of Creditors 341(a) meeting will be held on Monday, May 4, 2009 at 11:00 AM at KC Room 173, United States Bankruptcy Court, District of Kansas.

Adrian Weber, President-CEO, SunBridge Capital
(Photo: Archive)
SunBridge CEO Adrian Weber and other witnesses were called to a meeting yesterday, April 7, 2009 at 2:00pm with other witnesses to appear, including those “necessary for rebuttal, foundation, impeachment, or authentication.”
In the meantime, the list of those who have taken losses, have potential losses, agreed to a method of collecting lease payments and set up a “transition agreement,” where: "Each Lender which is signatory hereto, shall place in a separate account designed by SBM as to each lender (the "Deposit Accounts" or as to each Lender the "Deposit Account"), the amounts as set forth below:

Unsecured creditors will be filing.
There is no filing at press time regarding Portfolio's held by
LEAF Corporation or New World Equipment Funding.
Attorney for Debtor and Debtor-in-Possession:
Spencer Fane Britt & Browne, LLP, represented by Scott J. Goldsein, Lisa A. Epps
1000 Walnut, Suite 1400
Kansas City, MO 64106
(816) 474-8100
(816) 474-3216-Fax
Chapter 11 Filing:
Previous Stories
(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)
First United Bank files against PNC Financial

First United Bank & Trust, Oakland, Maryland has filed a major fraud case in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg Division, primarily against the PNC Financial Services, Pittsburg, PA., as well as their company they purchased Sterling Financial Corporation, Lancaster, PA, and Equipment Finance, LLC, both located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
They are claiming "...fraud against First United are shocking, outrageous and in bad faith that punitive damages are warranted. As a corporate successor, PNC acquires the liabilities and debts of its predecessor Sterling and its alter ego EFI. Wherefore, First United demands judgment in its favor and against EFI and PNC in the amount of the purchase price of $1,238,111.10 less principal payments received, if any, plus accrued and accruing interest, late charges, attorneys' fees and costs, and punitive damages in the amount of $10,000,000.00, and such other relief as this Court deems necessary or appropriate."
The loans were made with the representation that the seller were “experts in the field of loans in the logging industry, and on the logging industry itself…The United States Office of the Controller
of Currency had undertaken two separate reviews of EFI’s equipment loan portfolio. Eight specific loans were mentioned, accusing Sterling
“…subverting the putative internal controls of EFI; concealing credit delinquencies; falsely claiming no losses on the Loan Portfolio; falsifying financial contracts and related documents; and related actions and inactions with EFI’s equipment loan business.”
The claims states the eight loans sold to First United were part of the "irregularities" in Sterling's financial statements for the years 2004, 2005, and 2006, related to equipment financial contracts at EFI, the timing, as well, covered in the following press release:
Sterling Financial finds $165MM Fraud/Fires Five Officers
No comments from the parties involved were received by press time.
First United Complaint:

Menzel to Present Teichman Leasing News Award Las Vegas

(sample artwork, not finished award)
Paul Menzel, CLP, first recipient of the Leasing News Person of the Year Award, 2005, will present Robert Teichman, CLP, with the 2008 Award at the Las Vegas National Association of Equipment Leasing Broker Conference Business Conference Luncheon on May 1st, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Paul is president of Financial Pacific, Federal Way, Washington. He has been in the commercial equipment leasing industry, managing the same portfolio from his days at Puritan Leasing, for over 30 years and arranged the acquisition of the Leasing Division by Santa Barbara Bank & Trust in 1996 and then the sale to LEAF Corporation. He was named Leasing Person of the Year for 2005 by Leasing News. He is a former board member of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association as well as the United Association of Equipment Leasing, also very active in his community. He is a Certified Lease Professional, a graduate of UC Berkeley and holds an MBA in Management.
New at the Las Vegas Conference:
A professional portrait to use on business cards, e-mail signatures, websites, business networking profiles and more." Just stop by booth 413 at the 2009 NAELB Annual Conference in Las Vegas on Friday, May 1 to sign up for an appointment. Then dress to impress on Saturday, May 2 to have your portrait made with no sitting fees and no obligation to buy."
Registration Form:
Registration Brochure: http://www.naelb.org/associations/2004/files/AC2009%20registration%20brochure%20
FINAL-revised%202-6-09.pdf [headlines]
Sales Make it Happen --- by Robert Teichman, CLP

"Shooting at the Right Target"
“This is the worst I have seen for years”. That is the complaint from lessors, brokers, bankers, funders and almost everyone in the equipment leasing business, particularly those who have been in the business for years.
But what is “the worst”? Is it the general downturn, or is it, more likely, the dramatic increase in turn downs? Everywhere you look, funders, at least those who are still in the business of funding lease transactions, are tightening their credit standards. And they are limiting new transactions by geographical location, by size of transaction, by equipment type, by industry, by any number of different parameters.
Brokers and lessors who have done well for years submitting “app-only” transactions are finding that their sources of money are now limiting the maximum funded amount. Where once you could look to $150,000 and more” app-only”, the ceiling is now well under $100,000. And often there is a request for financial information; tax returns, bank statements and the like. Funders want to know more about the applicant, and rightly so, since first payment and early defaults are rising, as are delinquencies overall.
Fewer funders are accepting fewer transactions. One possible solution is to find more deals, make more calls, contact more vendors – and throw more stuff against the wall in hopes that the hit ratio will go up. But if the credit quality is poor, or if the deals don't meet the funders' guidelines, it will all be a waste of everyone's time. You may be working harder, but you are not working smarter. And dumping a lot of paper on the funder doesn't say much for the source's professionalism.
The target isn't finding more deals. The target is to submit approvable deals. Many lessors and brokers tell me that they have plenty of transactions, since much of their competition has left the business. But they have difficulty in getting their applications approved.
If a lease broker or salesman is to be successful, there has to be a re-focus from finding deals to professionally placing them.
First, know thy funder. Yes, we have been saying the same thing for years, but funders' guidelines are changing rapidly. One funder I spoke to insisted that they had “always” looked at transactions only from companies with annual sales of $100 million or more. After a little discussion, he admitted that this was a major, and very recent, change. So call often; don't wait for an e-mail telling all about the latest standards. They may have been changed weeks earlier.
Don't try to jam a very square peg where it won't fit. Don't send a software-only deal to a funder who you know won't take any equipment that isn't painted yellow. If your funder will only do deals in, say Utah , don't send something from Southern California .
Second, know your customer. The more you know about your customer's history, about the purpose for the equipment, about the customer's future plans, the more likely you are to get the transaction approved. And this information must be transmitted to the funder as part of the application. You don't want the funder to guess how the customer will use the equipment, or why they are buying it. You have to tell the story.
A good reporter remembers and uses these words; who, what, where, when, why and how. For instance, “Our customer, Jones Fencing (“who”), is planning to get a Smith Model A-75 wire twister costing $50,000 (“what”) for their plant in Irving, South Dakota (“where”) in June (“when”) to increase their production of barbed wire fencing (“why”). Their existing cash flow will service this new lease (“how”).”
In a couple of paragraphs you can tell the whole story, including the company's financial historical and operational history.
Spending time in getting all the details will pay dividends in more approvals and in your funder's increased respect for your professionalism.
Robert Teichman, CLP, is the Leasing News Person of the Year for 2008. He is 2007-2008 president of the Certified Lease Professional Foundation and Chairman of the Leasing News Advisory Board; one of the original founders of internet trade publication as well as one of the originals in the formation of the CLP program. His career spans over 45 years with Belvedere Equipment Finance, Crocker Bank, Dividend Leasing, New England Capital, Sumitomo Bank, as well as his own company Teichman Financial Training, Sausalito, California .
During this time, he has also been on the Board of the United Association of Equipment Leasing (1997-1998, 2002-2003) as well as active in the National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers (NAELB) with workshops and educational programs plus participation in the growth of the CLP Foundation, NAELB, and UAEL. He also is an Advisor to the USAID and has worked in Ukraine training local bankers and lessors in US-style middle market leasing. He created a leasing school and certification program for people who want to enter the leasing business in the Ukraine and surrounding countries. He also is a current consultant to the World Bank for lease training in Kosovo and other locations.
Robert Teichman, CLP
Teichman Financial Training
Sales Makes it Happen articles:

Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Credit Syndicator / Funding Specialist
Credit Syndicator
Full time opening for the right team player with heavy structured transaction experience. Click here for description.
Funding Specialist
Full time opening for the right team player with heavy structured transaction experience. Click here for description.
Experienced Sales Person
Orange County, California
Commission 40-65%, full back office, Marketing Tools, vendor programs, credit analyst available.

Barbara Griffith 714-573-9804
About the Company: Southern California Leasing: Professional, Reputable, 17 year winning track record.
San Clemente, California
The iFinancial Group is looking for highly motivated individuals with experience originating equipment lease transactions . We offer a relaxed work environment, provide leads and offer above industry standard commission. Call Todd Clark 888-852-5155 x223
email: tclark@ifinancialgroup.com
Ten years providing financing nationwide
"Senior Leasing/Commercial Account Executives
Proven history of closed deals & an established book of business?
Want superior support & great income opportunity?
Email resume to deanc@capnetusa.com
About the Company: CapNet Financial Services, Inc has been a leader in direct lease originations for 10 years. Our mission is to provide American business with fast, innovative, financing solutions to grow their companies and exceed their goals."
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Gearing up for Windows 7

By Steve Wexler
Microsoft Vista shipments are going strong and its successor, Windows 7, is still more than six months away from scheduled launch, but unlike it allegedly did with the successor to XP, Gartner is recommending that companies start evaluating the new OS now. Prior to Vista's launch in 2006, Gartner analysts were telling companies to hold off on upgrading for a couple of years. The research giant was wrongly perceived as being 'against' the radical new operating system, but that wasn't the case, said Gartner's Steve Kleynhans, VP client computing.
"We have never trashed Vista per se." What the research company said was that organizations -- especially large enterprises, have to be realistic. "The corporate environment is like a supertanker& it's going to take them at least a year just to kick tires." He said organizations with 1,000-plus users will take approximately 18 months to thoroughly test the software and put in place the appropriate implementation program. Then it will take up to another 36 months for the roll-out. That's close to a five-year cycle, and that's one reason why he is recommending companies start looking at Windows 7 now, rather than later.
While more than 150 million copies of Vista have shipped in the last three years, Kleynhans puts the corporate installed base at only 10 percent. The current economy didn't help matters, but that makes it even more important to be prepared for Windows 7, he said.
Although the new OS isn't scheduled for general availability until early 2010, and start shipping to PC manufacturers in the fourth quarter, he thinks Microsoft might speed things up.
"I think Microsoft is motivated to get it out early, probably before the end of the 3rd quarter." Kleynhans thinks as many as 50 percent of companies will skip Vista and go straight to the new OS. "Windows 7 looks and acts a lot better than Vista. Windows 7 won't have to take all the pain of Vista. Vista took that pain."
He said the new OS looks a lot better, and in many ways, is a lot better. However he added that Microsoft didn't set the bar very high for Windows 7. "It's relatively incremental polishing of what they did with Windows Vista. I think they came up with product well suited for current times."
While not as sanguine about skipping OS generations as Kleynhans, Microsoft spokesman Elliot Katz does agree that the time is right for the next version of Windows, and that both SMBs and the channel will see huge benefits. "Windows 7 is very important. It allows the channel to reinvigorate the whole ecosystem because there will be renewed interest in the operating system and there is pent-up demand for Windows 7."
The value proposition is equally compelling for small and midsize businesses, he said. In gaining the benefits of a modern OS, customers will see improvements in being productive anywhere, security and management. Features like DirectAccess and BranchCache will improve performance for mobile and branch-office workers. Security will be enhanced with BitLocker To Go, AppLocker and an improved User Account Control. And Katz said Windows 7 makes it easier to manage and deploy desktops, laptops or virtual environments.
"It's very important that small and medium businesses as well as enterprises are planning their move from Windows Vista. If they don't have plans in place, they should be thinking about the move to the next operating system."
Katz also disagrees with Kleynhans about Windows 7 shipping early. "Originally we were looking at January 2010& (and we're) still on target for that, general availability in the early part of 2010."
Both Microsoft and Gartner are in agreement that the product roll-out will be a lot smoother than in the past, largely because of Microsoft's experience and the tremendous feedback it gets from beta users. Katz said the data is not only broader -- more users -- but also deeper. One result is that the company can go with just one release candidate at this time. [headlines]
#### Press Release ##############################

News Briefs---- Fed Said to Offer $5 Billion Credit for AIG’s ILFC
CEOs expect more job cuts through year's end
Another Chicago law firm lays off attorneys, staff
Economic Crisis Sweeps Eastern Ukraine
Eyeing the 'Idol' odds: 2009 American Idol Meter

You May have Missed--- CEO gives workers $1000 each from his own pocket

“Gimme that Wine”
Beringer's California Collection Chardonnay Earns #1 Wine Launched in 2008
Copia: New creditor may take over bankruptcy, challenge '07 financing
Wine thrives in Muslim Morocco
Wine drinkers jump on the blendwagon
Constellation cuts more jobs
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Winery Atlas
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page
The London International Vintners Exchange (Liv-ex) is an electronic exchange for fine wine.
Today's Top Event in History
1935 - The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was approved by Congress. President Franklin Roosevelt proposed the Works Progress Administration (WPA) during the Great Depression of the 1930s when almost 25 percent of Americans were unemployed. The WPA created low-paying federal jobs to provide immediate relief. The WPA put 8.5 million jobless to work on projects as diverse as constructing highways, bridges and public buildings to arts programs like the Federal Writers' Project.

This Day in American History
Birthday of the Buddha. Among Buddhist holidays, this day is the most important as it commemorates the birthday of the Buddha. It is also known as the Day of Vesak. The founder of Buddhism had the given name Siddhartha, the family name Gautama and the clan name Shaka. He is commonly called the Buddha, meaning in Sanskrit "the enlightened one." He is thought to have lived in India from c. 563 BC to 483 BC. Some countries celebrate this holiday on the lunar calendar, so the date changes from year to year but it always occurs in either April or May. This day is a holiday in Indonesia, Korea, Singapore and Thailand.
1726-Morris Lewis, signer of the Declaration of Independence, born at Westchester County, NY. Died Jan 22, 1798, at Morrisania Manor at NY. All of the Morris property and nearly all of his wealth had been destroyed in the revolution. Morris should have left Congress to ward off an impending British attack on New York which, by the end of June, had not occurred. Instead, Morris was on hand to sign the Declaration, even though he knew that a large British army had landed within a few miles of his estate, that their armed ships were lying within cannon shot of his homestead, and that his extensive possessions would probably be pillaged. "Damn the consequences, give me the pen," Morris is said to have shouted. Soon after, more than a thousand acres of woodland, all located on navigable water, were burned, his house was ransacked, his family driven away, his livestock captured, his domestics and tenants dispersed, and the entire property laid waste and ruined. For the next six years, he and his family suffered many privations, until the evacuation of New York City. Early in 1777, he relinquished his seat in congress to his half-brother, Gouverneur, on which occasion that body passed a resolution complimenting him and his colleagues "for their long and faithful services."
1731-William Williams, signer of the Declaration of Independence, born at Lebanon, CT. Died there Aug 2, 1811.
1834-previously, mayors had been chosen by a board of the Common Council but the first city major was elected in New York City when Cornelius Van Wyck Lawrence, a Democrat, defeated Gulian Crommelin Verplanack, a Whig, in the three-day election which ended April 10. There were 34,988 votes cast, of which 17,573 were for Lawrence, 17,393 for Verplanck, and 22 for others. Seven other municipal officers were also elected.
1872-African American playwright, born at Glasgow, MO. Best known for prize-winning comedy The Church Fight, which was published in Crisis (a publication of the NAACP) in May 1926.
1872-the "Father of Canadian Rodeo," O. Raymond Knight was born at Payson, UT. His father, the Utah mining magnate Jesse Knight, founded the town of Raymond, Alberta, in 1901. In 1902 Raymond produced Canada's first rodeo, "Raymond Stampede." He also built rodeo's first grandstand and first chute in 1903. O. Raymond Knight died Feb 7, 1947.
1873-Alfred Paraf of New York City, who organized the Oleo-Margarine Manufacturing Company, obtained a patent on his process for purifying and separating fats. 1886, Congress imposed a tax regarding the manufacturer, importing and exporting of oleomargarine.” 1877 New York enacted “ an act for protection of dairymen and to prevent deception in sales of butter.”
1886- Alice Throckmorton McLean, president American Women's Voluntary Services in WWII with a working membership of more than 325,000 who did everything from selling bonds to teaching, to mechanical work to air raid defense management. Her mother was one of the founders of the day nursery school movement. (Studied the British, Finnish, and Swiss volunteer organizations and founded the AWVS in 1940 as a private organization.) At first no one knew what to do with the organization since the U.S. was still at peace and there was a prevailing belief among many politicians of isolationism and, of course, women's worthlessness except as mothers and housekeepers. The AWVS gave first aid classes and women joined by the thousands. They were involved in defense photography, map reading, child care, workshop, conservation, salvage, canteens, rehabilitation and motor transport, even fruit pickers. They sold a billion dollars worth of War Bonds. They took photographs of men and women in the service for their families back home, made and reconditioned clothing for children and babies, and chauffeured almost 400 military cars. They knew what to do even if the politicians didn't.
1904-Hirsch Jacobs, thoroughbred trainer and owner born at New York, New York. Jacobs became a trainer in 1923 and was particularly adept at selecting horses in claiming races. He saddled 3,596 winners and earned $15,340,354. died at Miami, FL, Feb. 13,1970.
1909—Birthday of novelist John Fante.
1912-Sonja Henie, Olympic gold medal figure skater, born at Oslo, Norway. Henie competed in the 1924 Winter Olympics when she was just 11, but finished last in ladies' singles. She won gold medals at the Winter Games of 1928, 1932 and 1936. She became a professional skater and an actress (Sun Valley Serenade). Died Oct 13, 1969.
1913-13th Amendment ratified declaring U.S. Senators to be elected by popular vote, not by the Legislature Amendment. Prior to this, members of the Senate were elected by each state's respective legislature. The advent and popularity of primary elections during the last decade of the 19th century and the early 20th century and a string of senatorial scandals, most notably a scandal involving William Lorimer, an Illinois political boss in 1909, forced the Senate to end its resistance to a constitutional amendment requiring direct popular election of senators.
1918 -a big spring snowstorm buried the Potomac Highlands of West Virginia with 34 inches of snow at Wardensville, 30 inches at Moorefield, and 29 inches at Romney.
1918--Birthday of Betty Ford, U.S. First Lady acknowledged as a working partner to U.S. President Gerald. Went public with her mastectomy to bring the procedure out of the closet as well as admitting to drug and alcohol addiction.
1919 - A tornado swarm in northern Texas resulted in the deaths of 64 persons
1921-guitarist Leroy Holmes born Woodbine,FL
1920- Singer Carmen McRae Birthday
1926 - The lightning-set oil depot fire near San Luis Obispo CA boiled over and engulfed 900 acres. Many tornado vortices resulted from the intense heat of the fire. One such tornado traveled 1000 yards, picked up a house and carried it 150 feet, killing the two occupants inside.
1933- Broadway lyricist Fred Ebb was born. He is best known for the musical "Cabaret," which opened in New York in November, 1966 and ran for 1,166 performances. The original cast included Joel Grey, Jill Haworth and Lotte Lenya. Grey reprised his role in the 1972 film version of "Cabaret," which also starred Liza Minelli. The film won a number of Oscars.
1935 - The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was approved by Congress. President Franklin Roosevelt proposed the Works Progress Administration (WPA) during the Great Depression of the 1930s when almost 25 percent of Americans were unemployed. The WPA created low-paying federal jobs to provide immediate relief. The WPA put 8.5 million jobless to work on projects as diverse as constructing highways, bridges and public buildings to arts programs like the Federal Writers' Project.
1939-the first Intercollegiate Rodeo was held at historic Godshall Ranch, Apple Valley, CA. The student cowboys and cowgirls, who hailed from California and Arizona colleges and universities, were assisted by world champion professional cowboys including Harry Carey, Dick Foran, Curley Fletcher, Tex Ritter and Errol Flynn from Hollywood. Collegiate rodeos had been held since 1919 at Texas A&M University. College cowboys and cowgirls organized a national association in Texas in 1949 named National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association, which continues today as the only national college rodeo organization.
1943 - Wendell Wilkie's "One World" was published for the first time. In less than two months, sales reached a million copies. In 1940, he lost the presidential race to Franklin D. Roosevelt by almost five million votes.
1945--CREWS, JOHN R. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company F, 253d Infantry, 63d Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Lobenbacherhof, Germany, 8 April 1945. Entered service at: Bowlegs, Okla. Birth: Golden, Okla. Citation: He displayed conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty on 8 April 1945 near Lobenbacherhof, Germany. As his company was advancing toward the village under heavy fire, an enemy machinegun and automatic rifle with rifle support opened upon it from a hill on the right flank. Seeing that his platoon leader had been wounded by their fire, S/Sgt. Crews, acting on his own initiative, rushed the strongpoint with 2 men of his platoon. Despite the fact that 1 of these men was killed and the other was badly wounded, he continued his advance up the hill in the face of terrific enemy fire. Storming the well-dug-in position single-handedly, he killed 2 of the crew of the machinegun at pointblank range with his M 1 rifle and wrested the gun from the hands of the German whom he had already wounded. He then with his rifle charged the strongly emplaced automatic rifle. Although badly wounded in the thigh by crossfire from the remaining enemy, he kept on and silenced the entire position with his accurate and deadly rifle fire. His actions so unnerved the remaining enemy soldiers that 7 of them surrendered and the others fled. His heroism caused the enemy to concentrate on him and permitted the company to move forward into the village.
1946- James Augustus ("Catfish") Hunter, Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher, born at Hertford, NC. Died Sept 9, 1999, at Hertford.
1949-What television does today, radio did in 1949, drawing our full attention to, three-year-old Kathy Fiscus of San Marino, CA: while playing, she fell into an abandoned well pipe 14 inches wide and 120 feet deep. Rescue workers toiled for two days while national attention was focused on the tragedy. Her body was recovered Apr 10, 1949. An alarmed nation suddenly became attentive to other abandoned wells and similar hazards, and "Kathy Fiscus laws" were enacted in a number of places requiring new safety measures to prevent recurrence of such an accident.
1950-J.D. Salinger's story “For Esme—For Love and Squalor” appears in the New Yorker magazine.
1952- President Harry S. Truman seized control of the nation's steel mills by presidential order in an attempt to prevent a shutdown by strikers. On Apr 29, a US District Court declared the seizure unconstitutional and workers immediately walked out. Production dropped from 300,000 tons a day to less than 20,000. After 53 days the strike ended on July 24, with steelworkers receiving a 16¢ hourly wage raise plus a 5.4¢ hourly increase in fringe benefits.
1954---Top Hits
Wanted - Perry Como
Cross Over the Bridge - Patti Page
A Girl, A Girl - Eddie Fisher
Slowly - Webb Pierce
1955-The first medal of honor to a helicopter pilot was conferred posthumously upon Lieutenant (j.g.) John Kelvin Koelsch of Hudson, NY. On July 3, 1951, Koelsch and Aviation Machinist Mate George M. Neal volunteered to rescue James V. Wilkins form North Korea. They took off in a helicopter without fighter escort. The helicopter was shot down and the three men were captured a few days later. Koelsch died of malnutrition and dysentery in a Korean prisoner-of-war camp on October 16, 1951.
1962---Top Hits
Johnny Angel - Shelley Fabares
Good Luck Charm - Elvis Presley
Slow Twistin' - Chubby Checker
She's Got You - Patsy Cline
1963--Birthday of Julian Lennon, the son of John and Cynthia, was born in Liverpool. His first appeared on record playing drums on the last track of his father's "Walls and Bridges" album in 1974. Julian became a successful solo artist in 1985 when his song "Valotte" hit the pop charts.
1963 - Steve Brooks became only the fifth race jockey to ride 4,000 career winners.
1963 - the 35th Annual Academy Awards at Santa Monica's Civic Auditorium (Los Angeles). Frank Sinatra hosted. Seven Oscars including the #1 award for Best Picture went to "Lawrence of Arabia" (Sam Spiegel, producer) The epic production earned Oscars for David Lean (Best Director); Freddie Young (Best Cinematography/Color); John Box, John Stoll, & Dario Simoni (Best Art Direction/Set Decoration/Color); John Cox with Shepperton SSD (Best Sound); Anne V. Coates (Best Film Editing); Maurice Jarre (Best Music/Score - Substantially Original). Films of 1962 included Frank Sinatra's, "The Manchurian Candidate".) : "Mutiny on the Bounty", "Walk on the Wild Side", "The Longest Day", "The Music Man", "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", "Birdman of Alcatraz" and "Taras Bulba",. Those that won the top awards other than "Lawrence of Arabia" were "To Kill a Mockingbird" (Best Actor - Gregory Peck; Best Art Direction/Set Decoration/Black-and-White - Alexander Golitzen, Henry Bumstead, Oliver Emert; Best Writing/Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium - Horton Foote); "The Miracle Worker" (Best Actress - Anne Bancroft, Best Supporting Actress - Patty Duke); "Sweet Bird of Youth" (Best Supporting Actor - Ed Begley); and "Days of Wine and Roses" [title song] (Best Music/Song: - Henry Mancini (music), Johnny Mercer lyrics).
1966-in the last of a series of moves to abolish poll taxes, a three-judge federal court at Jackson, MS, outlawed Mississippi's $2 poll tax as a voting requirement for state and local elections.
1966- At the Astrodome, the Astros and Dodgers play baseball's first game on synthetic grass. Thanks to the Monsanto chemical company, who proposed using an experimental playing surface of nylon grass, the plan to play on an all-dirt field, necessitated by the need to paint the dome's glass panes to reduce the glare which prevented natural grass from growing, was alleviated by the use of 'Astro Turf'.
1966--The Righteous Brothers reach the top of the Billboard singles chart for the second and final time with "(You're My) Soul and Inspiration".
1966-The Jefferson Airplane opened at California Hall on Polk Street.
1967---*MICHAEL, DON LESLIE Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Specialist Fourth Class, U.S. Army, Company C, 4th Battalion, 503d Infantry, 1 73d Airborne Brigade. place and date: Republic of Vietnam, 8 April 1967. Entered service at: Montgomery, Ala. Born: 31 July 1947, Florence, Ala. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Sp4c. Michael, U.S. Army, distinguished himself while serving with Company C. Sp4c. Michael was part of a platoon which was moving through an area of suspected enemy activity. While the rest of the platoon stopped to provide security, the squad to which Sp4c. Michael was assigned moved forward to investigate signs of recent enemy activity. After moving approximately 125 meters, the squad encountered a single Viet Cong soldier. When he was fired upon by the squad's machine gunner, other Viet Cong opened fire with automatic weapons from a well-concealed bunker to the squad's right front. The volume of enemy fire was so withering as to pin down the entire squad and halt all forward movement. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Sp4c. Michael exposed himself to throw 2 grenades, but failed to eliminate the enemy position. From his position on the left flank, Sp4c. Michael maneuvered forward with 2 more grenades until he was within 20 meters of the enemy bunkers, when he again exposed himself to throw 2 grenades, which failed to detonate. Undaunted, Sp4c. Michael made his way back to the friendly positions to obtain more grenades. With 2 grenades in hand, he again started his perilous move towards the enemy bunker, which by this time was under intense artillery fire from friendly positions. As he neared the bunker, an enemy soldier attacked him from a concealed position. Sp4c. Michael killed him with his rifle and, in spite of the enemy fire and the exploding artillery rounds, was successful in destroying the enemy positions. Sp4c. Michael took up pursuit of the remnants of the retreating enemy. When his comrades reached Sp4c. Michael, he had been mortally wounded. His inspiring display of determination and courage saved the lives of many of his comrades and successfully eliminated a destructive enemy force. Sp4c. Michael's actions were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect the utmost credit upon himself and the U.S. Army.
1968 - The Beatles went gold again, receiving a gold record for the single, "Lady Madonna".
1969 – The Montreal Expos, a national League expansion team, played their first regular season game, beating the New York Mets, 10-9, at NY's Shea Stadium. the Expos finished the year in sixth place in the NL East with a record of 52-110. They won their first division title in the strike-shortened 1994 season.
1970---Top Hits
Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon & Garfunkel
Let It Be - The Beatles
Instant Karma (We All Shine On) - John Ono Lennon
Tennessee Bird Walk - Jack Blanchard & Misty Morgan
1970--LITTRELL, GARY LEE Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army, Advisory Team 21, 11 Corps Advisory Group. place and date: Kontum province, Republic of Vietnam, 4-8 April 1970. Entered service at: Los Angeles, Calif. Born: 26 October 1944, Henderson, Ky. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Sfc. Littrell, U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Advisory Team 21, distinguished himself while serving as a Light Weapons Infantry Advisor with the 23d Battalion, 2d Ranger Group, Republic of Vietnam Army, near Dak Seang. After establishing a defensive perimeter on a hill on April 4, the battalion was subjected to an intense enemy mortar attack which killed the Vietnamese commander, 1 advisor, and seriously wounded all the advisors except Sfc. Littrell. During the ensuing 4 days, Sfc Littrell exhibited near superhuman endurance as he single-handedly bolstered the besieged battalion. Repeatedly abandoning positions of relative safety, he directed artillery and air support by day and marked the unit's location by night, despite the heavy, concentrated enemy fire. His dauntless will instilled in the men of the 23d Battalion a deep desire to resist. Assault after assault was repulsed as the battalion responded to the extraordinary leadership and personal example exhibited by Sfc. Littrell as he continuously moved to those points most seriously threatened by the enemy, redistributed ammunition, strengthened faltering defenses, cared for the wounded and shouted encouragement to the Vietnamese in their own language. When the beleaguered battalion was finally ordered to withdraw, numerous ambushes were encountered. Sfc. Littrell repeatedly prevented widespread disorder by directing air strikes to within 50 meters of their position. Through his indomitable courage and complete disregard for his safety, he averted excessive loss of life and injury to the members of the battalion. The sustained extraordinary courage and selflessness displayed by Sfc. Littrell over an extended period of time were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit on him and the U.S. Army.
1971-New York City changed the “Sport of Kings” irrevocably by opening the nation's first off-track betting system. Horseplayers were now able to patronize OTB Parlors instead of going to the track to place their wagers.
1971 – “Chicago” became the first rock group to play Carnegie Hall in New York City. Through the 1970s and 1980s, Chicago scored big with these hits: "Make Me Smile", "25 or 6 to 4", "Saturday in the Park", "Old Days", "Baby, What a Big Surprise", "Hard to Say I'm Sorry" and many others.
1973- Canadian rock musician Neil Young's autobiographical film, "Journey Through the Past," premiered at the US Film Festival in Dallas. The soundtrack album from the film was the only one of Young's LP's from 1969 to '74 not to achieve a gold record sales award in Canada.
1974- Henry (“Hammerin' Hank”) Aaron hit the 715th home run of his career, breaking the record set by Babe Ruth in ~1935. Playing for the Atlanta Braves, Aaron broke the record at Atlanta in a game against the Los Angeles Dodgers. He finished his career in 1976 with a total of 755 home runs. This record remains unbroken. At the time of his retirement, Aaron also held records for first in RBIs, second in at-bats and runs scored and third in base hits.
1974-Elton John earns another gold record. "Bennie and the Jets" has John smiling even more as it's a big hit on the R&B charts as well.
1975-April 8, Frank Robinson, professional baseball player, becomes the manager of the Cleveland Indians and the first Black manager of a major league team, 1975
Fair Hill Burial Ground at Germantown Avenue and Cambria Street will celebrate a 300th anniversary at noon on Saturday, April 12th, 2003 . We will dedicate our newly restored fence and landscaped grounds. Children and their families can explore the grounds, learn the stories of famous reformers buried there, and enjoy special activities, good food and community.
1975-Frank Robinson made his debut as playing manager of the Cleveland Indians and the first black manager in the major leagues. Robinson hit a home run in his first at bat as the Indians' designed hitter, and Cleveland beat the New York Yankees 5-3.
1975-Minnie Riperton receives her only gold record for "Lovin' You," her recent Number One record.
1975 - "The Godfather: Part II" won half of the top six awards at the 47th Annual Academy Awards at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles. It won for Best Picture: (Francis Ford Coppola, Gray Frederickson, Fred Roos, producers); Best Director (Francis Ford Coppola); and Best Supporting Actor (Robert De Niro); plus Best Writing/Screenplay Adapted from Other Material (Francis Coppola, Mario Puzo); Best Art Direction/Set Decoration (Dean Tavoularis, Angelo P. Graham, George Nelson; and Best Music/Original Dramatic Score (Nino Rota, Carmine Coppola). The other three crowd- pleaser awards went to Best Actor Art Carney for his "Harry and Tonto" role; to Best Actress Ellen Burstyn for her part in "Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore"; and to Ingrid Bergman as Best Supporting Actress in "Murder on the Orient Express". Hosts Sammy Davis Jr., Bob Hope, Shirley MacLaine, and Frank Sinatra livened up the party, even though murder, intrigue and disaster were in the run. The award for Best Music/Song went to Al Kasha & Joel Hirschhorn for "We May Never Love Like This Again" from the "Towering Inferno". "Inferno" also won for Best Cinematography (Fred J. Koenekamp, Joseph F. Biroc) and Best Film Editing (Harold F. Kress & Carl Kress); while Best Sound went to "Earthquake" (Ronald Pierce and Melvin M. Metcalfe, Sr.) and Robert Towne's "Chinatown" won for Best Writing/Original Screenplay.
1978---Top Hits
Night Fever - Bee Gees
Stayin' Alive - Bee Gees
Lay Down Sally - Eric Clapton
Ready for the Times to Get Better - Crystal Gayle
1978-Eddie Money saw his first US hit, "Baby Hold On" enter the Billboard chart, where it would reach #11. He would go on to place nine more songs in the Top 40, including two Top 10 hits "Take Me Home Tonight" (#4 in 1986) and "Walk On Water" (#9 in 1988).
1982 - An act of heroism was credited with holding the death toll to seven in the the firestone that engulfed the Caldecott Tunnel in the Oakland hills. When an AC Transit bus colided with a truck what was towing two trailers of gasoline in the westbound lanes. Steve Rutledge ran back to the tunnel entrance, stopping cars tha would otherwise have driven into the fire. Rutledge's mother, June M. Ruthledge, tried to call for help from an emergency phone inside the tunnel and was consumed by the explosion and flames.
1986- Facing Nolan Ryan of the Astros, Giant rookie Will Clark homers in his first major league at-bat.
1986---Top Hits
Rock Me Amadeus - Falco >
R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A. - John Cougar Mellencamp
Kiss - Prince & The Revolution
100% Chance of Rain - Gary Morris
1986 - It took 18 years of singing the U.S. national anthem, but on this day, at long last, baritone Robert Merrill of the Metropolitan Opera became the first person to both sing the anthem and throw out the first ball at Yankee Stadium for the Yanks home opener.
1987-for the first time in modern major league history, two 300-game winners pitched for the same t4eam in the same game. Phil Niekro and Steve Carlton combined their pitching talents to lead the Cleveland Indians to a 14-3 victory over the Toronto Blue Jays. Niekro started for the Indians and earned his 312th career victory. Carlton pitched four shutout innings of relief.
1989- 26-year-old David Hirsch replaced 59-year-old Dick Clark on "American Bandstand." His debut also marked "Bandstand's" move to the USA cable network from national syndication. Clark had been the host of the program for 33 years, introducing teenagers to Stevie Wonder, The Jackson Five and Madonna, as well as to such dance crazes as the Twist and the Jerk. The program debuted on a Philadelphia TV station in 1952, and Clark took over in 1956, the year before "Bandstand" went on the ABC network.
1989 -two dozen cities in the southwest reported new record high temperatures for the date. Phoenix, Arizona hit 104 degrees which tied its record for the month of April set only the day before.
1990-While we celebrate birthdays, it is perhaps fitting to remember Ryan White today. This young man, born Dec 6, 1971, at Kokomo, IN, put the face of a child on AIDS and helped promote greater understanding of the disease. Ryan, a hemophiliac, contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion. Banned from the public school system in Central Indiana at the age of 10, he moved with his mother and sister to Cicero, IN, where he was accepted by students and faculty alike. Ryan once stated that he only wanted to be treated as a normal teenager, but that was not to be as media attention made him a celebrity. A few days after attending the Academy Awards in 1990, 18-year-old Ryan was hospitalized and on Palm Sunday lost his valiant fight at Indianapolis, IN. His funeral was attended by many celebrities who wanted to honor him.
1990 - Twenty-two cities reported record low temperatures for the date as readings dipped into the 20s and 30s across much of the eastern U.S. Freezing temperatures severely damaged peach and apple orchards in West Virginia, where prolonged mild weather since January had caused an early blooming of spring vegetation. State and Federal agencies estimated a 50 percent loss in production for peaches and "Delicious Red Apples"
1994-The Recording Industry Association of America announced that Pink Floyd's 1973 album "Dark Side of the Moon" had become the fourth biggest-selling album in US history and had passed the 13 million mark in sales. Worldwide, "Dark Side of the Moon" has sold more than 25 million copies.
1996 -the first of two late season heavy snowfalls in only three days over the northeast dumped 12 inches of snow at Slide Mountain, New York, 10.2 inches, at Ashburnham, Massachusetts, and 7 inches at Falmouth, Massachusetts. The 6.1 inches at Binghamton, New York brought its seasonal snowfall total to 131.8 inches -- its snowiest winter ever.
2000-Santana performs at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium with people who collaborated with him on his Supernatural album including Dave Matthews, Lauryn Hill and Everlast.
2000-Santana returned to the top of the US singles chart for the second time in six months with "Maria Maria", another track pulled from the Grammy Award winning album "Smooth".
2003 In a frigid 35-degree home opener, with the fans chanting his name, Hideki Matsui hit his first major league home run, a grand slam into the right field bleachers. After be greeted with a warm reception in the pre-game ceremonies and a standing ovation after making a great defensive play, Godzilla receives a thunderous applause and curtain call from the sold-out Yankee Stadium crowd after his fifth inning bases-full poke against the Twins. Stanley Cup Champions This Date
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