Credit Syndicator
Full time opening for the right team player with heavy structured transaction experience. Click here for description.
Funding Specialist
Full time opening for the right team player with heavy structured transaction experience. Click here for description.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Michael Richards as Kramer, Jason Alexander as George Costanza,
Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Elaine, Jerry Seinfeld as himself.
Actor/comedian/writer Jerome Allen "Jerry" Seinfeld born April 29, 1954, Brooklyn, NY., perhaps best known for playing himself in the TV series "Seinfeld" (175 episodes, 1989-1998). He quit at the height of its popularity saying he didn't have a "private life," that everything he did was for his TV show. He married Jessica Sklar in 1999, bought Billy Joel's house in the Hamptons; now has three children. He occasionally does stand-up comic as well as guest appearances on TV.
http://www.sonypictures.com/tv/shows/seinfeld/ |
Bulletin Board Complaint
IFC Credit Corp. dba First Corp.
Classified Ads---Other sites to visit
Sales Makes it Happen---by Linda P. Kester
Vendor Follow-Up
Cartoon—I tried to hijack a US ship
Letters!---We get eMail
Cartoon—Rudy Trebels to Michael A. Leichtling
Classified ads---Help Wanted
CLP Discount/Master Class/New Handbook this Fall
Leasing Association Meetings Open to all
Envision Capital Group Secures Credit Facility
News Briefs---
You May have Missed---
California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
Today's Top Event in History
This Day in American History
Baseball Poem
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
Bulletin Board Complaint
IFC Credit Corp. dba First Corp, Morton Grove, Illinois

“On 02/05/2009 IFC Credit Corp dba FirstCorp issued Ameritech Medical a Purchase Order in the amount of $20,546 for 1 piece of diagnostic ultrasound equipment HP/Philips Sonos 5500 to be shipped to a physician group in Hartford, CT.
“Ameritech delivered the equipment, and invoiced IFC. The equipment was accepted by the physician group. Terms are payment within 30 days. On 24 March 2009 Mr. Brad Wheatley, EVP (wbwheatley@ifccredit.com, 847-663-6742) of Finance sent me an email stating that payment would be made within the week. No payment was made. To date, (almost 3 months) IFC has both refused to pay and has delayed payment.
“At first they stated they had not received system serial number. This was provided immediately although it was previously provided. Then they requested a revised Invoice. Revised invoice was provided with all details they requested although my original invoice clearly stated the correct bill to and ship to information.
“After pressing the issue, IFC representatives
(Mr. Kevin Collins - VP of Vendor Sales, kcollins@firstcorp.com, 847-324-1538)) informed me within the last week that they are in fact unable to pay because of financial reasons at IFC. The physician that received the equipment is being billed in a timely fashion electronically by IFC, yet they refuse to pay me the vendor for almost 3 months. Even after stating that our attorney would be contacting IFC, they have still refused to pay or even indicate when they can honor this debt. “
Pat Jackson – President
Ameritech Medical
6030 Marshalee Drive, Suite 702
Elkridge, MD 21075 USA
Mr. Rudy Trebels and officers of IFC Credit, including those named in the complaint, as well as Jason S. Harley and Michael A. Leichtling, Esq., Troutman-Sanders, were contacted for a comment or statement.
619,557 4315 telephone
jason.hartley@troutmansanders.com |
Attorneys at Law
550 West B Street, Suite 400
San Diego, CA 92101-3599
619.235.4040 telephone
619.231.8796 facsimile |
April 28, 2009
Via First Class Mail and E-mail
Mr. Christopher Menkin
Leasing News, Inc.
14127 Capri Drive, #7
Los Gatos, CA 95032 Re: Leasing News
Dear Mr. Menkin:
Three weeks ago we wrote to you with a request that you stop misrepresenting Leasing News as an unbiased and fair news source. We have not received any response to that letter, nor have you complied with our request to follow California's unfair business practices laws and accurately disclose the true nature of Leasing News.
In that regard, please be advised that no further comment to you or your publication, Leasing News, will be forthcoming directly from IFC on any issue. Any questions, comments, or inquiries you have concerning IFC in any way should be directed to the undersigned as counsel for IFC.
Very truly your’s
S. Hartley
cc: : Michael A. Leichtling, Esq.
(Readers, we refer you to
“We Get eMail” for a response. editor)
IFC Bulletin Board Complaint
IFC Bulletin Board Complaint
IFC Bulletin Board Complaint
Classified Ads---Other sites to visit

For a full listing of all “job wanted” ads, please go to:
To place a free “job wanted” Leasing News ad:
ELFA Career Center: Job Seekers ( free ):
Sales Make it Happen --- by Linda P. Kester

Vendor Follow-Up
Many equipment leasing representatives think that a follow-up call consists of calling a lessee or a vendor and asking: “Did you get the information I sent? Do you have any questions? Anything I can quote for you?” The prospect normally responds: “No, I have your information here; I'll call you if I need you.”
This becomes a game of nagging the prospect for business.
No more nagging!
As a professional leasing sales representative, it's your job to find out the prospect's “sweet spot”. Find out what is most important to your prospect and when you follow up, the call is all about them. You add value to their business by providing ideas, articles and suggestions that can help them end their craving for the service they desire.
Here's an example of a good follow-up call:
The transcript from a good follow-up call :
Caller: Okay, let's see here...who should I call. Hmmm, here's one. Brunswick Equipment...(touch tones).
Receptionist: Brunswick Equipment, how can I direct your call?
Caller: I need to speak with Ken Smith please.
Receptionist: One moment
Customer: Ken Smith.
Caller: Hi Ken, this is John Miles with ACME Leasing. I'm calling to continue our conversation from two weeks ago. You mentioned that fast response was one of the most important things to you in a leasing company . I'd like to walk through the material I sent you to point out the specific benefits to equipment companies. Do you have the kit handy?
(If YES review the literature. If NO ask the following:)
That's OK I wanted to get your thoughts on a special program we're running...Do you think this would work for you? What needs to happen for you to try a new leasing company?
Next Step
Go into an ending question. Example:
After you site an example of helping another client in the same industry: “What would be the best way to see if we could help your company realize similar or even greater benefits this year?”
“Mr. Prospect, would you do business with us if we were to develop a solution in this area that exceeded your expectations?”
The key to the follow-up call is to do it in a timely manner, add value to the prospect, slow down and find out the real problem, and help them solve it.
If you want to learn more about follow-up calls and how to increase business from existing lessees, visit Linda in Las Vegas this Friday 5/1/09, at the NAELB convention , Red Rock Casino, Resort and Spa. Hope to see you there.
Sign up for Linda's eMail Newsletter
Linda Kester: Institute for Personal Development
PO Box 278
Voorhees, NJ 08043
856-489-6558 | Fax: 856-424-2363
Sales Makes it Happen articles:



(Basically in chronological order)
Actor Jack Klugman birthday

Michelle Selvato, Peter Geleta (my brother), Jack Klugman, and me! 1975
Linda Kester
“Spanish” Influenza
“I am student working on a research project for an American History course. I have to pick a significant event that impacted the world (not just the US) in either a positive or negative way. I chose to study the effects of the Bubonic Plague. I found this article to be a really helpful overview of the virus and its impacts.
“I noticed that on http://www.leasingnews.org/American_History/mar_11.htm you link to http://home.nycap.rr.com/useless/bubonic_plague/index.html, but that is a broken link (doesn't look like that page exists anymore). I found this page to be a good replacement if you just wanted to change the link to: http://www.usa-people-search.com/content-the-bubonic-plague.aspx I hope this helps, thanks!”
(Now Corrected:
(1918-The first cases of the "Spanish" influenza were reported in the US when 107 soldiers became sick at Fort Riley, KS. By the end of 1920 nearly 25 percent of the US population had had it. As many as 500,000 civilians died from the virus, exceeding the number of US troops killed abroad in WWI. Worldwide, more than 1 percent of the global population, or 22 million people, had died by 1920. Due to the panic, cancellation of public events was common and many public service workers wore masks on the job. Emergency tent hospitals were set up in some locations due to overcrowding.
(http://home.nycap.rr.com/useless/bubonic_plague/index.html )

Open Letter to Brokers/Salesmen/Funders et. al.
by Christopher Menkin
“You are right on the mark, when my son, John and I owned Pioneer Capital we had been the main funding source for Subway stores since the early 1990's. We often brokered leases to T & W when our credit lines were temporally full. In year 2000 T& W went bankrupt and its large portfolio was parceled out to Finova (now out of business) and other servicing organizations, all of whom did not have the complete document package. They were quite vigorous in attempting to maximize their collections and placed extraordinary claims on our lessees for FMV since there was no record of a purchase option letter or proof of any security deposits.
“We were able to save hundreds of lessees’ grief by producing these documents. Our standard terms called for a 10 % security deposit and a 10 % Put. In other words, at the completion of payments the lease was paid in full. Subway Headquarters never heard about the dilemma of our lessees or the efforts we made to put things right. Pioneer continues a relationship with Subway even today after Pioneer having been purchased by IFC in 2004.
“Very good advise indeed.”
Bernie Boettigheimer, CLP
Lease Police, Inc.

“I just had to comment on Part II of the cold-calling article. Excellent! I can't tell you how many people I've spoken with in the last six months that seem to be paralyzed. Instead of "doing something about it" like you state in your article, they do everything other than something that will bring them closer to their goals. In fact, it seems they have no goals.
“It seems that a lot of people in this industry forget that they are in a "sales" position. As such, you need to live your work 24/7 and get the word out to everyone you come into contact with. Eventually, it will sink in and you'll get the business, but you can't let up.
“Thank you for putting together a quality product.”
Best regards,
Sonia v.M.Stoddard
Lease Financing for Equipment & Software
310.390.2009 direct line/office
Skype address: Sonia.Stoddard
888.842.7008 NAELB-related business (toll free)
NAELB Vice President, Communications Committee & Master Member Liaison
Sales makes it Happen--by Kit Menkin
Cold Calling----Part II
“I just read your Leasing News’s article about "Making Sales Happen" and wish to offer an idea.
When I started focusing on leasing full time in the fitness industry, I decided to apply to the trade shows to offer a seminar and was pleasantly surprised that since no one had ever offered seminars on leasing and SBA loans, my application was accepted. The major work involved was writing the seminar, but the return was that my name and our company received a tremendous amount of publicity as part of the marketing of the trade show. Also, at the trade show, my " ‘Speaker's’ badge separates me from my competitors as a perceived "expert".
“I decided to apply to write to industry publications using my speaker expertise and contacted the editors and was accepted in both cases. I have now written two (2) articles on financing in different publications and am now writing a two (2) part series for a third publication. The time and research in writing the articles has been involved, however I am now the only person to have written articles on the subject within the fitness industry on debt financing. Over time, it is my goal now to become the leading expert in fitness on equipment leasing and SBA loans which I believe is attainable. This process started our started out with an idea and a phone call and involved absolutely no money other than the travel expense to attend the trade shows.
“I hope you enjoy a happy, healthy & prosperous 2009!”
Paul Bosley, National Marketing Director
First Financial
3309 NE 33rd Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
Toll free Office Telephone (800) 956-7313
Fax (954) 630-1015
Cell (561) 702-5505
Website www.ffcash.net
Looking forward to more positive news
“I wanted to just drop a quick line of how much I enjoy getting your publication. For whatever reason I would just get here say from the industry of what was posted. I even more so look forward to the future of Leasing News when the cycle continues back to more positive news!
“In addition the way you handle info provided paying close attention clearly to names requested to be withheld is very tactful.
“Thank you again for what you bring to the industry which is well presented information as well as opportunities.”
Adam Abramowitz
“The meeting in Charlotte went very well. We got a lot of response from folks suggesting other cities and we're putting together our ‘itinerary’ for those right now.
“There are a lot of folks who need help right now and what they've been doing isn't working for them anymore so it's a good time for them to re-evaluate and try some different approaches. The bigger broker/lessors and the funding sources can get the help they need and, while I enjoy working with them and it's profitable, my heart, of course, is with the smallest brokers; especially the ones who are relatively new to the business. “Many of them spent a lot of money on one school or another and are just floundering; completely lacking in direction and with no real philosophy or plan for marketing; completely reactionary to whatever's going on around them. I'm never sure of the best way to reach the most of them in a way that's practical for them as well as for me. They need more than a few paragraphs of sales tips or a few minutes of encouragement and platitudes. I've spent enough time on the phone with enough of them to know a couple of things for sure, though. They need to know whether or not they're really committed to the business and they need to have something invested in the help they receive for it to have any value and, ultimately, any practical results for them.
“Take care,”
Gerry Egan
A Division of TecSource, Inc.
5621 Departure Drive, Suite 113
Raleigh, NC 27616
Phone: 919-790-1266
Fax: 919-790-2262
E-Mail: mailto:GerryEgan@LearnLeasing.com
Internet: www.LearnLeasing.com
619,557 4315 telephone
jason.hartley@troutmansanders.com |
Attorneys at Law
550 West B Street, Suite 400
San Diego, CA 92101-3599
619.235.4040 telephone
619.231.8796 facsimile |
April 9, 2009
Via First Class Mail and E-mail
Mr. Christopher Menkin
Leasing News, Inc.
14127 Capri Drive, #7
Los Gatos, CA 95032 Re: Leasing News
Dear Mr. Menkin:
We are attorneys for IFC Credit Corporation ("IFC") and Mr. Rudy Trebels ("Mr. Trebels"). We write to you on their behalf regarding the nature and content of the Leasing News website (www.leasingnews.org) and the publication published and distributed by you under the name "Leasing News" (the website and the publication are called collectively "Leasing News."). For the reasons outlined below it is our clients' position that your publication of Leasing News constitutes an unfair and deceptive business practice under California law. Leasing News holds itself out to the leasing industry and to the general public as a source for "Independent unbiased and fair news about the Leasing Industry." This representation is false and deceptive as Leasing News is in fact the opposite of what it purports to be. You are not simply the "Publisher/Editor" of Leasing News, but also the principal of American Leasing L.P. ("American Leasing"), a commercial enterprise which has been involved in the leasing business for many years and is a competitor of IFC and others in the industry. Notwithstanding your self-serving "Policy Statement" for Leasing News that American Leasing is "a separate company" and that you purportedly strive to "keep both companies distinct entities to avoid any journalistic conflicts", this inherent conflict is irreconcilable. False, inaccurate, defamatory, and disparaging statements about IFC, Mr. Trebels and others in the leasing industry can only serve to injure them and benefit you and American Leasing. Leasing News published numerous articles and statements about IFC and Mr. Trebels, none of which can be reasonably characterized as "independent," "unbiased," or "fair." We note with interest that your publication highlights that it has an independent "Board of Advisors". The Board of Advisors includes active participants in the leasing industry, including several members who compete with IFC and others in the industry. Just as surprising and of concern is the fact that the Board includes individuals with extensive backgrounds in journalism and reporting. Given the observations in this letter, it is disconcerting that these
Mr. Christopher Menkin April 9, 2009
Page 2
leasing and news advisors support your claim that your publication and its content are independent, fair and unbiased. Further, articles and statements about IFC and Mr. Trebels published by you in Leasing News have damaged and will continue to damage the business reputations of IFC and Mr. Trebels. Readers of your publication have been defrauded and are being misled as to your motives and intentions in writing and circulating such articles. We note that Leasing News claims it substantiates all submissions before publication. A truly journalistic publication should be held to the highest standard of accuracy, and we believe that Leasing News has failed this standard as to IFC, Mr. Trebels, and others in the industry. It is clearly wrong and unfair for you to simply repeat disparaging rumors, speculative gossip and innuendo or to publish inflammatory exaggeration as "unbiased facts" or "news" and accordingly we request that you cease and desist making such statements. If you have independent support or legitimate sources that accurately substantiate your claims regarding IFC or Mr. Trebels, please identify them for us. We welcome the opportunity to evaluate them and stop any misrepresentations regarding IFC or Mr. Trebels at their origin. The false portrayal of Leasing News as a news outlet is an unfair and fraudulent business practice, and constitutes unfair, deceptive, untrue or misleading advertising under California Bus. & Prof Code § 17200, et seq., inter alia. Accordingly, we also request you immediately cease and desist from portraying Leasing News as "Independent unbiased and fair news about the Leasing Industry" and that your role as a long-time participant in the leasing industry be prominently and appropriately disclosed on your website and publication. Please be reminded that should you fail to promptly remedy these deceptive and unfair business practices, our clients intend to enforce any and all rights available to them including legal action against you. Nothing contained herein should be construed as a waiver of any of our clients' rights and remedies, which are expressly reserved.
Very Truly Yours,
Jason S. Harley
cc: Leasing News Board of Advisors
American Leasing, L.P.
Michael A. Leichtling, Esq. (Leasing News has never received the U.S. Mail letter as it was sent to an address we moved from September 1, 2007; including the most recent one in the Bulletin Board Complaint. The first email was not received, being caught in our Spam program. Delays happened due to the wrong addresses being utilized. The Leasing News correct address is printed in each of the news editions mailed to readers.
(Mr. Kenneth Greene, Esq., an original member of the Leasing News Advisory Board and partner with Hamrick & Evans, LLP, Universal City, California advised us of the eMail. Leasing News informed Mr. Harley’s secretary that he would be responding for Leasing News. It was late Friday that the email was received, and then Mr. Harley’s secretary informed. Mr. Greene was leaving the next day with his wife and children for “Spring Break.” Under the circumstances, as originally communicated, Mr. Greene will respond for Leasing News.
(I am responding for the reader’s benefit, the issue mentioned in the next to last paragraph: Our mission, policy, and F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) are in each news edition with links in the bottom tool bar. They are also printed from time to time in main news editions as well as in previous “We get eMails.” They are also on the site map. Stories about American Leasing are not hidden either. Editor)
American Leasing:
Archives—April 21, 2005 Kit Menkin Moves
http://www.leasingnews.org/archives/April%202009/04-20-09.htm#arch [headlines]
Cartoon—Rudy Trebels to Michael A. Leichtling

Classified ads---Help Wanted
Credit Syndicator / Funding Specialist
Credit Syndicator
Full time opening for the right team player with heavy structured transaction experience. Click here for description.
Funding Specialist
Full time opening for the right team player with heavy structured transaction experience. Click here for description.
Seeking an experienced Leasing Professional who has:
a proven track record in the middle market arena
experience w/ customer & vendor programs
Home State Leasing Corporation, a subsidiary of Home State Bank, N.A., has been serving the needs of our clients since 1915.
Like selling vendor programs and large transactions?
Enjoy international financing programs?
Prefer the advantages of a commission only environment with the security of health and welfare benefits?
CLICK HERE to find out how to have fun again. |
CLP Discount/Master Class/New Handbook this Fall
"For up and coming Certified Leasing Professions (CLP) we continue to offer a very unique program called the Anonymity Program (AP). The AP has been designed for highly visible leasing professionals who would like to study for and take the exam anonymously with an announcement only at the time they have earned certification.
"In support of our education goals, we are offering a CLP Master Review Class at the upcoming National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers (NAELB) conference in Las Vegas, April 30th through May 2nd.
"For a limited time, now through June 30th, 2009 prospective CLPS can take advantage of “The CLP Stimulus Plan”, which drops the fee for the CLP exam and handbook to $495."
Contact: Theresa M. Kabot, CLP
Please note: "We a pleased to announce that an updated version of the CLP Handbook will be available this fall. We are continually reviewing and revising the CLP Body of Knowledge to ensure it is not only accurate and complete but contemporary and relevant to the ever changing currents of the equipment leasing industry."
Leasing Association Events-Meetings Open to All

Calendar: Equipment Leasing and Finance Events & Training
(Many events and meetings are open to non-members, in addition, prospective members are invited, questions may be directed to Donald Ethier VP - Membership and Marketing dethier@elfaonline.org 202.238.3418 )

Thursday, May 07, 2009 (7:10 PM - 10:30 PM)
Cincinnati Reds vs. Milwaukee Brewers
Great American Ball Park
100 Joe Nuxhall Way
Cincinnati , OH 45202
Baseball Game: 7:10 p.m.
Member: $20 per person
Non-Member: $25 per person
Includes admission into the game, plus unlimited baseball fare:
hot dogs, peanuts, popcorn, potato chips and soft drinks!

Friday, May 22, 2009 (8:24 AM - 1:30 PM)
2009 NEFA Golf Tournament
Omni Interlocken Golf Club
800 Eldorado Blvd.
Bloomfield , Colorado
Shotgun Start: 8:24 a.m.
Fee: $95 per person
Includes 18 holes, cart, range balls and lunch!
Thursday, June 11, 2009 (4:30 PM - 8:00 PM)
NEFA's First Annual Crab Feast!
Bo Brooks Restaurant
2701 Boston Street
United States
Nancy Pistorio
Madison Capital
Bruce Winter
FSG Leasing
Registration Information
When: Thursday, June 11, 2009
Registration: 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Crab Feast: 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Member: $70 per person
Non-Member: $90 per person

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Hosted by Doug Welch and Alan Zeppenfeld
Ansley Golf Club
Atlanta, GA
Cost: $20 Members/ Non-Members

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Atlanta Regional Luncheon
12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Ansley Golf Club - Atlanta , Georgia

September 11-12
NAELB 2009 Eastern Regional Meeting
Renaissance Atlanta Airport Concourse Hotel
Atlanta, GA

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Hosted by Doug Welch and Alan Zeppenfeld
Ansley Golf Club
Atlanta, GA
Cost: $20 Members/ Non-Members

November 6-7
NAELB 2009 Western Regional Meeting
Hilton Orange County / Costa Mesa
- Costa Mesa, CA
To view Leasing Association Conferences in 2009, please click here.
Envision Capital Group LLC Secures
Credit Facility with Banking Partner,
Commerce National Bank

Newport Beach, California– ENvision Capital Group LLC, a commercial equipment financing company, announced this week that it has secured a credit facility with their banking partner, Commerce National Bank.
This credit facility provides an important source of capital for ENvision Capital Group as the company continues to grow and expand its reach in the commercial leasing industry.
“Our ability and commitment to access capital in this challenging economy is evidence of our strong track record as well as our dedication to growth,” stated David Normandin, Managing Member of ENvision Capital Group.
“This credit agreement exemplifies our commitment to continue providing innovative financing solutions to our clients throughout this economic downturn and beyond.”
Referring to Commerce National Bank, Mr. Normandin stated, “We are thrilled by this vote of confidence by our banking partner and look forward to developing this relationship. We are in a unique position to move forward in this challenging market by finding partnership opportunities that are mutually favorable and ultimately beneficial to our clients.”
About ENvision Capital Group LLC:
ENvision Capital Group LLC was founded to facilitate and sustain our clients’ growth by providing access to capital for the acquisitions of the equipment required to meet their goals. The company prides itself on servicing all business types and credit histories. ENvision Capital Group credits its success to consistent and solid product offerings, its focus on its customers and its dedication to hard work.
Contact: ENvision Capital Group LLC
David Normandin, Managing Member (949) 225-1750
davidan@envisioncapitalgroup.com [headlines]
#### Press Release ##############################

News Briefs----
Revenue and Profits Plunge at Sun Microsystems
Calpers to Oppose Re-election of Bank of America Board
Regulators urge BofA, Citi to boost capital
U.S. Home Prices Continued to Decline in February
Conde Nast Biz Mag Folds
[headlines] ---------------------------------------------------------------

You May have Missed---
Still open: The First Bank of Beverly Hills in Beverly Hills

California Nuts Briefs---
Flu scare prompts state of emergency

“Gimme that Wine”
Sonoma Winery Will Pay You $60K to Twitter
Introducing Vinturi White Wine Aerator: First-Ever Aerator Designed Exclusively for White Wine
Domestic Pinot Grigio
US wine market: value falls, volume rises
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Winery Atlas
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page
The London International Vintners Exchange (Liv-ex) is an electronic exchange for fine wine.
Today's Top Event in History
1954-Miles Davis Sextet records “Walkin'” (Prestige)
http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/2822/miles_davis.html http://www.wam.umd.edu/~losinp/music/miles_ahead.htm

This Day in American History
1749- Benjamin Franklin on the banks of the Shuylkill River, Philadelphia, PA, became the first person to cook by electricity. In a letter dated this day in 1749, he wrote: A turkey is to be killed for our dinner by the electrical shock and roasted by the electrical jack, before a fire kindled by the electrified bottle
1845-Macon B. Allen becomes the first African-American lawyer admitted to the bar in Massachusetts.
1854- the first college for African-American students was the Ashmun Institute, Chester County ,PA. It was named after Jeshudi Ashmun, the reorganizer of the colony of Liberia. In 1966, the college name was changed to Lincoln University.
1873-Eli Hamilton Janney of Alexandria, VA, obtained a patent on an “improvement in car-couplings.” Eventually every railroad coupler with which every railroad car in the United States, Canada, and Mexico was equipment with his invention.'`
1901-for the first and only time, the Kentucky Derby was run in April instead of May. The winning cold was “His Eminence,” ridden by Jimmy Winkfeld. Sannazarro finished second, a length-and-a-half back.
1899-Pianist/Composer/Bandleader Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington birthday
1908-April 29 Pierre L'Enfant
1910 - The temperature at Kansas City, MO, soared to 95 degrees to establish a record for the month of April. Four days earlier the afternoon high in Kansas City was 44 degrees, following a record cold morning low of 34 degrees.
1913-the zipper was invented about 1906 by Gideon Sundback of Hoboken, NJ, an inventor of Swedish ancestry, who obtained a patent on this day for his “separable fasteners.” His design consisted of two flexible tapes, each of which carried a row of metal teeth with tiny hooks, and a slider that locked the two rows of hooks together. This fastener was improved upon by later patents on March 20 and October 16, 1917, which were assigned to the Hookless Fastener Company of Meadville, PA, under the name “Talon.” The first manufactured garments to incorporate zippers were rubber boots made by the B.F. Goodrich Company in 1923. Prior to this all clothes used buttons exclusively. The term “zipper” was coined by the English novelist Gilbert Frankau, who saw the device at a promotional luncheon and explained “Zip! It's Open! Zip! It's closed!” The first fashion designer to use zippers was Elsa Schiaparelli, who added them to garments in her 1930 collection.
1918-Ace of Aces Captain Edward Vernon Rickenbacker of Columbus, OH first victory took place in the Baussant region, in the Toul sector, France. He was credited with 26 victories, including 22 airplanes and four balloons.
1927-birthday of tenor saxophone Big Jay McNeely, Watts Ca
1931- British skiffle musician Lonnie Donegan birthday. His biggest North American hit was 1961's "Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor (On the Bedpost Over Night)." Died November 3,2002.
1933-birthday of guitarist Willie Nelson, Abbott, TX.
1934-guitarist Otis Rush birthday, born Neshoba, MS
1941 - The Boston Bees agreed to rename the National League team the Braves, the name they used prior to 1935.
1945 - The 522nd Field Artillery Battalion, part of the most decorated regiment in the history of the U.S. military (the 442nd regimental combat team), added another first to the history books. They liberated the remaining prisoners of the infamous Nazi death camp, Dachau. The 522nd was made up entirely of second generation Japanese-Americans (Nisei).
1951-Marguerite Higgins won the Pulitzer Prize for international reporting. journalism. Her book, “War in Korea,” became a best-seller Among the many the many newspaper articles she wrote were the first report of the German death camps at the end of World War II, won the Pulitzer Prize for journalism in 1951. She was the first American to enter the Dachau death camp on 04-29-1945, in advance of military troops. From her dispatch filed that day: "Tattered, emaciated men, weeping, yelling and shouting `Long Live America' (in about 16 languages) swept toward the gate in a mob. Those who could not walk limped or crawled... at least a thousand prisoners were killed the night before... the barracks like those at Buchenwald (which she had also entered early) had the stench of death and sickness... the starving and dying lay virtually on top of each other in quarters where 1,200 men occupied a space intended for 200...in the crematorium itself were hooks on which the S.S. men hung their victims when they wished to flog them or to use any of the other torture instruments... Many of the living were so frail it seemed impossible they could still be holding on to life." More women were killed by the Germans in the concentration camps than men - and women were subjected to rape and other sexual tortures as well. So many of the Nazi doctors seemed fascinated by women's reproductive abilities and performed unspeakable horrors on pregnant women. She died in Washington, D.C. on January 3, 1966 of a disease which she apparently contracted while in Vietnam. September 14,2002 a stamp was issued to commemorate her life.
1951--Top Hits
If - Perry Como
Mockingbird Hill -Patti Page
Would I Love You - Patti Page
The Rhumba Boogie - Hank Snow
1952-birthday of Dale Earnhardt, stock car racer, born Kannapolis, NC, Apr 29, 1952. He was one of NASCAR's most popular personalities, winning the Winston Cup seven times. He was killed while driving in the Daytona 500 at Daytona Beach, FL, Feb 18, 2001
1953 - "Coke Time with Eddie Fisher" began its TV and radio run on NBC-TV and Mutual radio. Fisher, a popular performer, was seen and heard on more TV and radio stations in 1954 than any other entertainer. Oh, my! (Papa)
1954 - Ernest Borgnine made his network television debut in "Night Visitor" on "Ford Theatre" on NBC-TV. The versatile film ("Marty") star would later become a sitcom sensation in "McHale's Navy" with comedian Tim Conway on CBS and, later, as a helicopter owner in "Airwolf".
1954-Miles Davis Sextet records “Walkin'” (Prestige)
1958 -Ted Williams becomes the tenth major league player to get 1,000 extra-base hits.
1958-"The Witch Doctor" goes to No.1 on Billboard's pop charts. The singer's voice was recorded at various speeds, mainly very Fast. Songwriter and singer Ross Bagdasarian (who recorded under the name David Seville) topped the charts again at the end of the year with "The Chipmunk Song," sung by his dubbed voice at very fast speed, and this time the singers were: the Chipmunks.
1959--Top Hits
Come Softly to Me - The Fleetwoods
(Now and Then There's) A Fool Such as I - Elvis Presley
Guitar Boogie Shuffle - The Virtues
White Lightning - George Jones
1959 - UNIVAC, the electronic computer that was the size of a house, actually picked four out of six winners at Churchill Downs in Louisville, KY. The electronic brain set a record for right choices in horse races. Of course, the winners all paid 2-1 or even odds, so it didn't win much. But, most of us don't...
1960 - Dick Clark told a House of Representatives investigating committee looking into the payola scandal that he, the host of "American Bandstand", never took payola for records featured on his daily TV show. Clark would, however, relinquish rights to music publishing that he owned. The value of those rights, Clark indicated 30 years later, amounted to about $80 million.
1961 - “Spanning the globe ... to bring you the constant variety of sport, the constant variety of human competition, the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. This is ABC's Wide World of Sports.” A Saturday afternoon sports program began its long run on ABC-TV. The show, featuring Jim McKay as host, along with Howard Cosell, Frank Gifford, Al Michaels, Jack Whitaker, Heywood Hale Brun and others, was not an immediate hit. Although Roone Arledge's vision of a worldwide window on televised sports got off to a slow start, "ABC's Wide World of Sports" became one of TV's most popular and enduring programs.
1963-Andrew Loog Oldham signed the Rolling Stones to a management contract. He had seen them peform the previous night at the Crawdaddy Club in Richmond, England.
1967--Top Hits
Somethin' Stupid - Nancy Sinatra & Frank Sinatra
A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You - The Monkees
Sweet Soul Music - Arthur Conley
Need You - Sonny James
1967- Aretha Franklin's "Respect" is released.
1967-Cindy Birdsong makes her stage debut with The Supremes at The Hollywood Bowl, replacing the increasingly unreliable Florence Ballard.
1967-Muhammad Ai was stripped of his world heavyweight boxing championship when he refused to be inducted into military service. Said Au, “I have searched my conscience, and I find I cannot be true to my belief in my religion by accepting such a call.” He had claimed exemption as a minister of the Black Muslim religion. Convicted of violating the Selective Service Act but the Supreme Court reversed this decision in 1971
1968 - "Hair" made its way from Greenwich Village to Broadway. The show certainly opened eyes. It was the first time that actors appeared nude in a Broadway musical. "Hair" ran for 1,844 shows on and off Broadway. It was even more successful in its London run later. Big songs from the show: "Hair" (The Cowsills) and "Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In" (The 5th Dimension).
1969 - Sir Duke, Duke Ellington, celebrated his 70th birthday. He was honored with the presentation of the Medal of Freedom, the U.S. government's highest civilian honor.
1973 - The Mississippi River reached a crest of 43.4 feet, breaking the previous record of 42 feet established in 1785.
1974 - Phil Donahue's TV show was on the move. "Donahue" was moving to Chicago, IL, where it would remain until 1985. The show was originally based in Dayton, OH. Following more than a decade in the Windy City, the show again moved, this time to New York City. During its stay in Chicago, "Donahue" earned nine Emmy Awards.
1975 - Operation Frequent Wind, the largest helicopter evacuation on record, begins removing the last Americans from Saigon.
1975--Top Hits
(Hey Won't You Play) Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song - B.J. Thomas
He Don't Love You (Like I Love You) - Tony Orlando & Dawn
Supernatural Thing - Ben E. King
Blanket on the Ground - Billie Jo Spears
1979- Van Halen's "Dance The Night Away" single is released
1981 - Steve Carlton, the Philadelphia Phillies pitcher, became the first left hander in the major leagues to get 3,000 career strikeouts. He fanned Montreal Expos's Tim Wallach in the first inning of a game that saw the Phillies beat the Expos 6-2. Carlton was only the sixth major leaguer to strikeout 3,000 batters. He finished with 4,136.
1983--Top Hits
Come on Eileen - Dexys Midnight Runners
Beat It - Michael Jackson
Der Kommissar - After the Fire
American Made - The Oak Ridge Boys
1985-“Challenger” was launched from Kennedy Space Center, Florida, piloted by the first African-American to enter outer space, Col. Frederick Gregory, who became a veteran of three space missions, logging in 455 hours. This flight had a crew of seven and a full animal menagerie of monkeys and other animals to learn about the effects of space. After 111 orbits of Earth, Challenger landed on May 6, 1985, at Edwards Air Force Base, Ca.
1985 - George Steinbrenner, owner of the New York Yankees, fired manager Yogi Berra. Berra was canned after only 16 games into the young baseball season. In his place, Steinbrenner brought Billy Martin back ... for the fourth time.
1986 - Roger Clemens of the Boston Red Sox set a major-league baseball record by striking out 20 Seattle Mariner batters on the way to a 3-1 win. This record for the Red Sox hurler surpassed the 19 strikeouts for a nine-inning game held by Nolan Ryan when he pitched for the California Angels. Tom Seaver of the New York Mets and Steve Carlton of the St. Louis Cardinals also held a piece of the previous 19-KO record.
1987 - A storm off the southeast coast of Massachusetts blanketed southern New England with heavy snow. Totals of three inches at Boston MA, 11 inches at Milton MA, and 17 inches at Worcester MA, were records for so late in the season. Princeton MA was buried under 25 inches of snow.
1988--Top Hits
Wishing Well- Terence Trent D Arby
Anything For You- Gloria Estefan
Angel- Aerosmith
Where Do Broken Hearts Go- Whitney Houston
Pink Cadillac- Natalie Cole
1988-the 1988 Baltimore Orioles finally won a game after losing the first 21 games of the season. They beat the Chicago White Sox, 9-0, on a combined four-hitter by pitchers Mark Williamson and Dave Schmidt. The Orioles' streak, lasting from April 4 to 28, set an American League record but fell two losses short of the National League mark.
1988 -thunderstorms produced large hail and damaging winds throughout central Texas with baseball size hail reported at Nixon, Texas and wind gusts to 70 mph recorded at Cotulla, Texas. In contrast, a late winter storm dropped up to a foot of snow over northern West Virginia and western Maryland.
1989- Porter Wagoner joined Dolly Parton on stage for the first time since Parton split with her mentor in 1976. The duet sold out four shows at Parton's Dollywood theme park in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.
1990 - A storm system crossing northern New Mexico blanketed parts of the Rocky Mountain Region and the Northern High Plains with heavy snow, and produced blizzard conditions in central Montana. Much of southern Colorado was buried under one to three feet of snow. Pueblo tied an April record with 16.8 inches of snow in 24 hours. Strong canyon winds in New Mexico, enhanced by local showers, gusted to 65 mph at Albuquerque. Afternoon temperatures across the Great Plains Region ranged from the 20s in North Dakota to 107 degrees at Laredo TX
1990-The TV movie Summer Dreams: The Story of the Beach Boys airs on ABC.
1991--Top Hits
Baby Baby - Amy Grant
Joyride - Roxette
I Like the Way (The Kissing Game) - Hi-Five
Down Home – Alabama
1992-a jury in Simi Valley, CA, failed to convict four Los Angeles police officers accused in the videotaped beating of Rodney King, providing the spark that set off rioting, looting and burning at South Central Los Angeles, CA, and other areas across the country. The anger unleashed during and after the violence was attributed to widespread racism, lack of job opportunities and the resulting hopelessness of inner-city poverty.
1992- State Farm Insurance was ordered to pay $157 million to hundreds of California women who were not offered or given jobs as State Farm agents because of their sex. It was the largest sex-discrimination settlement in US history to that time. The settlement was shared by more than 814 women. The case that began in June, 1979 when Muriel Kraszewski sued because she was turned down repeatedly for agent jobs at State Farm offices in South California because she was a woman. As a result of the suit, the ratio of women agents with State Farm has increased from less than 1% in 1979 to more than 50% today. Women make up more than 50% of the population.
1995 -severe thunderstorms moved across Tarrant County in Texas. Hail up to 3.5 inches in diameter did an enormous amount of damage. 100 aircraft were damaged at DFW airport. Damages in the county totaled $220 million. This was the second major hailstorm to hit the area in a month.
1997- the US House of Representatives voted to bestow Congress's highest civilian award, the Congressional Gold Medal, on Frank Sinatra. In 1985, President Ronald Reagan had presented the singer with the Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the US.
1997-Craig MacIavish, the last player to go without a helmet, retired from the National Hockey League,. The NHL mandated helmets at the start of the 1979-80 season but allowed players then active to refrain by signing a waiver absolving the league of responsibility in case of head injury. MacIavish was the last remaining player of those who signed the waiver. He retired from the St. Louis Blues after a 16-year career during which he scored 213 goals. Despite his personal choice, he admitted, “Certainly, it's very dangerous out there without a helmet.
1998--Top Hits
Too Close- Next
You re Still The One- Shania Twain
Let s Rid-, Montell Jordan Feat. Master P
All My Life- K-Ci |
Baseball Poem

Beisbol's Arrival
by Michael J. Bielawa ©
Published: Baseball Almanac (2000)
how did baseball first
in these southern worlds
and then return North
reinvented rich aromatic coffee dark fresh as rain beisbol
before visas & passports
an Americano wading through jungle
under a panama hat
during gold rush daze or
aboard ship
unloaded at hazy evening dockside
flambeaux illuminated
clipper's crew on
drunken leave
swinging beer and denuded
banana stalk in jest
jostling warped dock boards
below bare feet running
to an imaginary first base
the game actually stops with each hit
(experienced fielders reminding a batter
who'd never played before
imagine the thoughts
in the eyes of this first
Latino youth
stepping from damp shadows of a
curtained doorway
somewhere a baby crying at his back
striding toward
an unfamiliar sailor or would-be forty-niner
taking the makeshift bat (maybe a pick-ax handle)
in calloused hands
squinting at the blonde pitcher
summoning future spirits
Adolfo Luque
Minnie Minoso
Cepada, Cookie, Clemente
Carew, Valenzuela
rubbing the bat with such small hands
unknowingly molding the future |
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