Friday, December 12, 2008

Five-time Grammy Award-winning singer Marie Dionne Warrick born December 12, 1940, East Orange, New Jersey. Best known for "Do You Know the Way to San Jose," "Say a Little Prayer for Me," "This Girl's in Love with Young." |
Headlines--- Classified---Attorneys specializing in Leasing
Kit’s Salvation Army Kettle
SunBridge Capital’s “Truck at Hand” Repossessed
Pentech still on its Feet by Christopher Menkin
Leasing News Bulletin Board up-date
Cartoon---Downtown Bar
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Cadillac Records/Wendy and Lucy
Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who!/Europa/Man on Wire
Classified ads---Finance / Human Resources
Auto Bailout Talks Collapse as Senate Deadlocks
BofA plans up to 35,000 job cuts in next 3 years
Bernard Madoff arrested over alleged $50B fraud
UCLA economists predict worsening picture 2009
News Briefs---
California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
Today's Top Event in History
This Day in American History
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”

(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Scott Wheeler)

Classified---Attorneys specializing in Leasing
Birmingham, Alabama
The lawyers of Marks & Weinberg, P.C. have over 30 years experience in dealing with virtually every type of equipment financing and are recognized throughout the industry for prompt, practical solutions and exemplary service. They offer cost-conscious, effective lease enforcement and good counsel.
Website: |
California, National: city: Riverside
Ellen Stern - get results, reasonable pricing; numerous industry contacts, nearly 30 yrs SoCal, 20 yrs equip.: CFL license specialist, documentation, work-outs, litigated collections, recoveries; deal-maker.
Email: | UAEL |

Kenneth C. Greene |
California & Nevada
Hamrick & Evans, LLP, Universal City , LA; San Francisco Bay
Area, No.Calif. & Nevada. Call for free consultation (828)763-5292 or (415) 806-2254, |
Connecticut, Southern New England: EVANS, FELDMAN & BOYER, LLC Collections, litigation, documentation, portfolio sales and financing, bankruptcy. We represent many of the national and local leasing companies doing business in this state. Past chairman EAEL legal committee. Competitive rates.
email: EAEL |
Law Firm - Service, Dallas, TX. ELA
Mayer regularly practices in leasing, secured financing, project development and finance and corporate finance.
Website: |
Los Angeles, Statewide: CA. "ELA" Aggressive creditors rights law firm specializing in equipment leasing handling collection matters on a contingency, fixed fee or hourly basis. |
Los Angeles -statewide: CA "ELA "
Practice limited to collections, bankruptcy and problem accounts resolution. Decades of experience. 10-lawyer firm dedicated to serving you. Call Ronald Cohn, Esq. (818)591-2121 or email. Email:
Long Beach, CA
Wagner & Zielinski, successfully representing lessees/ lessors. Not a member of any leasing organization, therefore not beholden to special interests. Richard Wagner
(562) 216-2952 |
Long Beach CA.
Paul Bent -- 30 years experience in all forms of equipment leasing, secured lending, and asset based transactions, from analysis and deal structuring to contract negotiations to closing to private dispute resolution. (562) 426-1000 |
National: Coston & Rademacher: Business attorneys serving the lease-finance industry since 1980. Transactional, documentation, corporate/finance, workouts, litigation, bankruptcy, portfolio management. Chicago-based national practice. Jim Coston, CLP (Members: UAEL, ELA, MAEL).
email: |
St. Louis County , MO. - statewide:
Schultz & Associates LLP., collections, negotiation, and litigation. Also register and pursue recovery on foreign judgments. Contingency and reasonable hourly rates.
Ronald J. Eisenberg, Esq. (636) 537-4645 x108 |
Westport, CT: We represent finance companies, banks, lessors, etc., in replevins/seizures, collections and bankruptcy matters in Connecticut and New York. Flat fee, contingency and hourly rates.
Email: |
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Kit's On Line Salvation
Army Kettle
SunBridge Capital’s “Truck at Hand” Repossessed

In the last series of articles the headline and graphics were “On the Ropes,” “Down for the Count,” and this one seems the number being called is “NINE.”
“Ten” will be the end for those employed here, those awaiting commissions, funders and those companies hold “reps and warrants,” and lessees who will not have the opportunity of making a living as this company gave many an approval that others would not make.
According to a highly reliable source, Leasing News was told SunBridge Capital, Fairview, Kansas, has shut down its "Trucks At Hand" operation. Leasing News reported on November 14, that the company had told its salesmen and brokers it would not be funding any new leases until January 1, 2008 and would be concentrating on "Trucks On Hand."
"Trucks At Hand, the remaining division of SunBridge Capital, let all their employees go Monday night with the exception of 4. I understand that this is the result of a bank lender taking possession of at least 80 trucks and equipment last Friday that they had for loan collateral. I tried to email my rep and it came back.
"I understand that even the mechanics who were working on trucks and equipment that they had signed leases and checks for, were let go and many items are in various stages of completion. This will affect many Brokers since new Brokers coming over to leasing from the mortgage industry last year, found SunBridge since they had no requirements for a Broker to sign up and did not require a Broker Agreement. Many new Brokers have 'all their eggs in one basket' and now it appears the basket is broken. You might ask the NAELB (National Association of Equipment Brokers) how they feel this will affect their membership since it is now the time of the year for membership renewals. My opinion is that this will thin out the herd more than any other single funding source closing.
"The concept of Trucks At Hand was their ability to recondition repo'd trucks and equipment and put them back out on lease to marginal credits. The inflated prices of the collateral combined with 30% plus interest rates were bound to break the backs of the Lessees in a good economy. Their plan was that they could keep taking the collateral back, dress it up and send it out again. The downturn of the economy signaled the end of their plan. Also, since they didn't know the condition of their inventory until someone signed a lease and it was taken into the repair shop, the value of their inventory was suspect and probably their bank realized this.
"I know of several trucks that were 'sold' and when they started repairs, they realized that it would cost more to repair than the sale price of the truck and they had to scrap it. These were assets carried on their books at inflated values that suddenly were worth zero. The flaw in their business plan was something that you and I learned when we were young men in this business. If you have to repossess something, it won't comeback in the same condition that it was when it went out.
"To answer your question, if they fired the mechanics and can no longer recondition's over with the exception of items that are ready for delivery."
Highly Reliable Source
Telephone calls to SunBridge CE0 and President Adrian Weber and main contact, Chris Gregory, were not returned.
In the last reporting of their “funding shut down” that they issued a statement would be temporary, one of their main funders, perhaps their main funder since their bank backed out of the investment into the company, New World Equipment Funding, LLC, Lake Success, New York, denied any problems.
Seeing some of the companies on the web site of New World, Leasing News called several of them before speaking with New World President John Martella. On July 1, 2008, Martella admitted to cutting back brokers, plus had told companies such as Equilease, no more trucks. Equilease President Martin Zwick confirmed that his company had reached their $40 million line in truck leases. He was complimentary of their relationship with New World.
Martella then told Leasing News, ““SunBridge is a value client run by responsible professional people.
“We have not cut them off.”
“My relationship with SunBridge goes back to 2000. Once again SunBridge is a valued client. The senior management and investment group are responsible operators.
“We have never had a problem with SunBridge honoring any of their obligations.
“You should be a little more carefully about selecting your sources of information.”
At the time Leasing News had heard from several discounters that they were cut off from New World, and from SunBridge leases not funded for several months, and communication difficulties (promises
broken about dates of funding.) Several readers related what they were being told by reps, by company officers, the problem was too many repossessions, including several, including discounters, about a trip by Martella to SunBridge and what they were told that transpired. Leasing News shared many of the stories received about "Trucks on Hand" and SunBridge. Martella denied to Leasing News that he visited SunBridge and that there were any troubles with his truck lease portfolios. He said they were still funding deals for SunBridge, although SunBridge had announced at the time they were not funding any transaction, seeking new lines of credit.
A telephone call on Wednesday to Mr. Martella was not returned.
July 1, 2008 New World Equipment Funding article:
Pentech still on its Feet by Christopher Menkin

November 28, 2008, Benjamin E. Millerbis, CLP, President & CEO, Pentech Financial Services, Inc., took the high road and sent a memo out to all its divisions and their sources of business that “ Pentech has temporarily suspended all funding operations while we negotiate amendments to our primary financing facility.”
This is an excellent company, very well run, whose officers have contributed very much to the leasing industry during their careers. Leasing News wishes them the best in their endeavors, not only in their professional approach to the situation, but for their proven record of ethics and intelligence. If their company is let to become a sacrificial lamb, all of us in the leasing profession will suffer greatly in 2009 and the years to come.
If Pentech is let to hang in the wind, who will be next?
The good news is that there is no announcement of layoffs and that the “negotiations continue.”
“As we communicated to you last week, Pentech has suspended all funding operations while we negotiate amendments to our primary financing facility. At that time, we anticipated those details would be finalized by today with normal funding to resume next week. However, it now appears that will not be the case.”
“Consequently, Pentech will no longer be approving new applications. Until we have an acceptable financing facility in place, you are encouraged to pursue alternative funding. We will assist you in this effort wherever possible.”
“Your relationship with Pentech is highly valued. It goes without saying that your forbearance as our negotiations continue is greatly appreciated. We will be back in touch with you again when we have more definitive information to report. Thank you for your patience.”
Benjamin E. Millerbis
President & CEO
Pentech Financial Services, Inc.
Pentech Financial is listed in the Monitor Magazine as the 15th largest independent with $110 million in volume in 2007 with 85 employees nationwide. Leasing veteran Ron Wagner, CLP, is Senior Vice President and General Manger. The "Navigator Program." Brad Brisbin is Vice President, Sales and Marketing, working out of the Roseville office in Northern California.
November 28 announcement/story:
Leasing News Bulletin Board up-date

In the year 2000 when Leasing News started its “ombudsman” posting, most of the Bulletin Board Complaints came from referrals by leasing brokers. When they approached a prospect for a lease, they
were told about problems with a prior leasing transaction as a reason why they did not want to lease again.
When the companies were mentioned in the bulletin board, their
competitors also started sending in complaints. And then with the expansion of the World Wide Web, the position in Google, Leasing News was found direct without a referral. Today, perhaps as much as 75% of the complaints received are “direct,” without a broker or leasing company referral.
Leasing News at one time was keeping count of how many received, but at 800 stopped some time ago, as well as the dollar amount as it was at $8 million, many under $5,000, too.
CapitalWerks/Preferred Leasing has the record of settling over 50 complaints, all money returned or settled, until the two founders pled guilty in Operation Lease Fleece. There are companies in business
who have settled over ten complaints with Leasing News.
The main thrust seems that the company involved does not want a complaint published in Leasing News. It appears their competitors use it against them as well as many funders will sit up and notice or it becomes the "straw" that breaks the relationship. Several complaints about the same company should be taken more seriously by readers.
The bottom line is that Leasing News does not say who is right or who is wrong, but leaves that up to the readers. The role is first to see if the complaint is "legitimate" and then to present both sides "fairly" and as "accurate" as possible.
The procedure has not changed since started as a “statement” from the party making the complaint is necessary, as well as a copy of all documents signed, any correspondence, including emails, as well as a copy of the front and backside of the check or copy of the ACH form. The first step is to fully understand the complaint for the determination, and as important, the full representation to the other party involved.
The great majority of the complaints concern an advance deposit or commitment fee for a lease that did not proceed. During this time, Leasing News introduced a commitment letter, recommending its use to spell out services and costs, whether the lease proceeded or did not. Whether the form is being used is not known, but there has not been any feedback that it "works."
Most of the commitment letters used that Leasing News receives are broiler plate, leaving out length of time, or do not have legal language regarding receiving "all the information requested" or an alternation such as "splitting the lease into several leases" or a change in the dollar amount submitted or terms. Often they are reportedly reviewed by a local attorney, but that is difficult to believe as the added wordage does not appear “legal.”
The overwhelming number of complaints come from "C" and "D" credits, start-ups, new people in business or those who have had trouble getting leases. While stating this, most of them do obtain a lease or finance elsewhere. Leasing News in this economy is seeing better credits caught in not getting their lease approved and the broker or lessor keeping the advance rental, too.
There are also many complaints about residuals not being a $1.00 or a specific amount, as well as "Evergreen Clauses."
There are also complaints that are not "legitimate," going to another leasing company in ten days for a better rate or approval or changing their mind about the equipment or financing. It does happen.
There are also complaints from brokers and discounters about commissions not received or deferred or changed at funding. Almost all of these are verbal and get into the category of "he said, I said." Without written and bilateral agreements, they are difficult to resolve, but often compromises are made in the process by Leasing News getting involved. None to date have made the on line Complaint
Bulletin Board.
There have been complaints that have been “settled” after they have been posted, and per a poll taken several years ago, Leasing News will remove the complaint from the Bulletin Board if the criteria
is met.
Kit Menkin, editor
"Complaints" Bulletin Board
Customer Complaints ( These are postings for informational purposes. Any response, correction, addition, will be posted. We reserve the right to edit or delete any opinion that is not in good taste)
YEAR 2008 |
Balboa Capital, Irvine, California |
Balboa Capital, Irvine, California |
Balboa Capital, Irvine, California |
Alliance Funding Group, Orange, California |
Omega Capital Partners, Austin, Texas |
Southwest Credit, San Antonio, TX |
YEAR 2007 |
YEAR 2006 |
Balboa Capital, Irvine, California
American Equipment Finance, Warren , NJ
YEAR 2005 |
Ramsgate Leasing Systems, Bergenfield, NJ
Bridge Capital Leasing, Mission Viejo, CA
YEAR 2004 |
2nd Bulletin Board Complaint --- Phoenix Alliance, Dana point, Ca.
Alert---Harold Bishop, Inc. Summerville, Georgia
Lease *Alliance, Bloonfield Hills, MI. 10/4/2004
Titus Holding, Eureka, Montana 9/21/2004
Phoenix Alliance, Dana Point, Ca 9/16/2004
Union Capital, Irvine, California
Dimension Funding, Irvine, California
Bridge Capital, Lake Forest, California --- Third Bulletin Board Complaint
Bridge Capital, Lake Forest, California---Two Complaints |
YEAR 2003 |
Avalon Southwest, Ken Hartley, Dallas Texas
Aventura Funding Corp. Dania, Florida 11/11/2003
Abacus Leasing --- 2/10/2003 |
YEAR 2002 |
Triangle Financial Services 12/3/2002
Precom “Rescinds” Acquisition of Saddleback Financial's Assets 8/21/2002
The Funding Tree Stories---also see Bad Boys
Photoshop Owner: Open Complaint 7/16/2002
Saddleback Financial, Orange, CA-Salesmen/ Vendors Not Paid 7/3/2002
MSM Capital, Irvine, California 5/23/02---also see Bad Boys
Molloy and Associates/MonitorDaily Complaint 5/20/2002
Flex Lease, Plano, Texas Complaint 1/10/2002 |
YEAR 2001 |
Tribex Capital Resume Fraud 11/05/2001
Regional Sales Manager for Saddleback Financial 11/05/2001
Parker Leasing, Ft. Lauderdale,FL 10/08/2001
Fraud Alert Telecom Management Washington Communications 7/20/01
Ted Pierce---Colonial Pacific/GE Lament 7/11/01
Fraud Alert: Vector Services, Granite Bay, Ca. 7/3/01
U.S. Capital, Santa Barbara, California 2/14/2001
Lease Capital/Martin J. Barteske Complaint 1/06/2001 |
YEAR 2000 |
NAELB Expels Lease Capital Corporation/Principal Martin J. Barteske 11/16/2000
FMC Leasing Confirms Gibraltor Financial Complaint 10/05/2000
Gibraltor Financial Complaint 10/04/2000
Leasing Network Purchase Option Problems 7/26/2000
Universal Capital reported by Citation Financial 7/19/2000
Universal Capital Service 7/5/2000
Universal Finance/Manufacturing 6/12/2000
Metropolitan Group Question 6/1/2000 |

Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Like selling vendor programs and large transactions?
Enjoy international financing programs?
Prefer the advantages of a commission only environment with the security of health and welfare benefits?
CLICK HERE to find out how to have fun again. |
Settlement Specialist
Settlement Specialist
Brea, CA
Small ticket leasing company looking for someone to negotiate end lease settlements (renewals, FMV, etc.) and run the department. Report directly to the Director of Operations. Require 2+ yrs. experience minimum. Attractive Compensation $65k to $90k 1 st yr. + benefits.
Please email resume to: or
Fax: 714-985-6255
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
Cadillac Records/Wendy and Lucy
Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who!/Europa/Man on Wire
Fernando’s View
By Fernando F. Croce
In Theaters:

Cadillac Records (Sony Pictures): Doing a better job than “Dreamgirls” of recognizing the influence of Africa-American artists in pop culture, this account of the wild early days of rock ‘n’ roll is a rollicking ode to the power of music. Focusing on the evolution of Chicago’s Chess Records, which under the aegis of Leonard Chess (Adrien Brody) during the 1950s included such legendary performers as Muddy Waters (Jeffrey Wright), Willie Dixon (Cedric the Entertainer), Chuck Berry (Mos Def), and Etta James (Beyonce Knowles). Energetically directed by Darnell Martin and performed with fantastic brio, it’s a treat for its historical assessment as well as for its powerhouse musical performances.

Wendy and Lucy (Oscilloscope Films): Again proving that she’s one of her generation’s most intrepid actresses, Michelle Williams gives a piercing performance in this raw, moving tale of lost souls and fleeting connections in the midst of tough times. Williams plays Wendy, a drifter on her way to Alaska, with her faithful dog Lucy as her only companion. Owner and pet are separated while passing through a small Oregon town, sending Wendy on a desperate, surprising search. Director Kelly Reichardt, whose earlier “Old Joy” offered a similar portrait of modest, profoundly felt human alienation, once more breaks your heart without resorting to cheap tricks or facile sentimentality.
New on DVD:

Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who! (Fox): Dr. Seuss’ beloved children’s tale becomes a witty, enjoyable animated feature in this eye-catching adaptation, from the folks behind “Robots” and “Finding Nemo.” When Horton the elephant (voiced by Jim Carrey) hears a voice coming from a tiny speck of dust, he discovers an entire tiny city called Who-ville. Horton sets out to help the Mayor of the Whos (Steve Carell) but when Kangaroo (Carol Burnett) decides to put an end to Horton’s stories, the elephant must race to protect his new friends. Colorful and big-hearted, the film does justice to the author’s generous worldview, where “a person's a person, no matter how small.” 
Europa (Criterion): Set in the aftermath of World War II, this visually stunning thriller may be the most purely enjoyable film by the controversial Danish director Lars Von Trier (“Breaking the Waves,” “Dogville”). The plot follows a young, idealistic American (Jean-Marc Barr) who travels to postwar Germany on a humanitarian mission but is soon involved in a complex intrigue that involves dangerous women and Nazi plans. The story is mostly a clothesline on which Von Trier hangs imaginative and provocative images, making this a dazzling puzzle. Don’t miss the interviews included in the Criterion package, which give a peak into Von Trier’s fascinating, often maddening mind.

Man on Wire (Magnolia): One of the year’s most intriguing documentaries, James Marsh’s account of notorious French tightrope walker Philippe Petit sheds light on what has been called “the artistic crime of the century.” In 1974, Petit somehow managed to walk on a wire illegally suspended between New York City’s twin towers, then the urban world’s equivalent of Mount Everest. How he managed to elude security and make his way across thousands of feet above Manhattan streets are chronicled with an approach that’s at the same time hypnotic and haunting, particularly as the now aged Petit reflects on the events. A one-of-a-kind film that will appeal both to your curiosity and to your vertigo.
Classified ads---Finance / Human Resources
Leasing Industry Outsourcing
(Providing Services and Products)
Finance: Chicago, IL
Experienced in big ticket origination, syndication, valuation and workout.
Twenty five years, MBA, CPA, |
JD, LLM (Tax), structuring specialist. Inbound and outbound transactions.
Transaction Summary | The Lechner Group
Finance: Naperville, IL
Your guide to the right questions and answers in finance. Expert in capital raising, GAAP, acquisitions, lease economics. CPA. MBA.
E-mail: |
Finance: Charlotte, NC
15 Years of Equipment Leasing Experience and Recruiting with Business Aviation niche. Visit us at
E-mail: |
Human Resource Consultant: New York, NY
Employee Relations, Recruiting, Benefits, employee customer surveys, plus payroll administration "ON-LINE" services-- AND IN PERSON at your location Please visit: |
Information System: North Detroit, MI
INFOLEASE EXPERT - 18 years experience. Since being downsized in 2002, working as a consultant for several leasing companies.
Seeking consulting projects nationwide.
email: |
All "Outsourcing" Classified ads
(advertisers are both requested and responsible to keep their free ads up to date): How to Post a free "Outsourcing" classified ad:
News Briefs---- Auto Bailout Talks Collapse as Senate Deadlocks Over Wages
BofA plans up to 35,000 job cuts in next 3 years
Bernard Madoff arrested over alleged $50 billion fraud
UCLA economists predict worsening picture in 2009

California Nuts Briefs--- California Budget meeting blows up/Gov. in Trouble
(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)

“Gimme that Wine” Winemaker of the Year: Ehren Jordan
Italy may become world's biggest wine producer
Judd to leave Cloudy Bay
The Washington Wine Trails board game offers vintage fun for eager oenophiles
Organic wines and sulfites
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Winery Atlas
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page
The London International Vintners Exchange (Liv-ex) is an electronic exchange for fine wine.
Today's Top Event in History
1915- Frank Sinatra born at Hoboken, NJ. While the websites gives more history, briefly Frank Sinatra matured from a teen idol to the premiere singer of American popular music. Known as the “Chairman of the Board” to his fans, he made more than 200 albums. His signature songs included "All the Way,” “New York, New York,” and “May Way.” His file career included musicals ( On the Town and Pal Joey) and two gritty films for which won Oscar nominations, “From Here to Eternity” and the Man with the Golden Arm. One of his many movies is making a revival with stars of the day instead of his “rat pack,” Oceans Eleven.” He died May 14, 1998, at Los Angeles, CA. “ Put Your Dreams Away for Another Day. [headlines]

This Day in American History
1712- The South Carolina colony passed a "Sunday Law" requiring "all...persons whatsoever" to attend church each Sunday, to refrain from skilled labor, and to do no traveling by horse or wagon beyond the necessary. Infractions of this law were met with a 10_shilling fine and/or a two_hour lock_up in the village stocks
1745- Birthday of John Jay, American statesman, diplomat and first chief justice of the US Supreme Court ( 1789-95), coauthor ( with Alexander Hamilton and James Madison ) of the influential “Federalist” papers, born New York, NY. Jay died at Bedford, NY, May 17,1829.
(lower part of:
1770 - The British soldiers responsible for the “Boston Massacre” were acquitted on murder charges.
1787- Pennsylvania became the second state to ratify the US Constitution, by a vote of 46 to 23. One of the original 13 colonies, Pennsylvania is geographically located in the keystone position in relation to the other 12 colonies, earning the nickname, the Keystone State. The state capital is Harrisburg, a city almost midway between Pennsylvania’s two most well-known cites, Pittsburgh in Western Pennsylvania and Philadelphia in the east. Philadelphia is also where the first Continental Congress met and where the Declaration of Independence was signed. Not so famous is the state bird, the ruffed grouse and the state flower, the mountain laurel.
1790- the first Catholic Bible printed in English was a 900-page quarto printed by Carey, Stewart and Company, Philadelphia. It was issued in 49-page sections every Saturday. It was based on the New Testament published in 1582 in Reims, France, and the Old Testament published in Douai, Flanders, in 1609.
1805- birthday of William Lloyd Garrison, American anti-slavery leader, poet, and journalist, born at Newburyport, MA. Garrison died at New York, NY, May 24, 1879.
1805-Birthday of Henry Wells, one of the fathers of speed-conscious delivery and banking services. Born in Thetford, Vermont, Wells cut his teeth working as an agent for Harden’s Express in upstate New York. Clearly taken with the express transport business, Wells set up his own shop, Livingston Wells and Pomeroy’s Express, which ferried "goods, valuables, and specie" between Buffalo and Albany. By 1844, Wells sensed that it was time to push his business west of Buffalo, and he joined forces with William Fargo and Daniel Dunning to start Wells and Company, which would service terrain beyond the upper reaches of New York. While this was all fairly ambitious maneuvering, the 1850s saw Wells make an even stronger move to conquer the express market. First, in 1850, ever ambitious, he merged his two concerns into the American Express Company, which initially covered California and the Eastern seaboard (it later stretched to serve Latin America). Then, in 1852, he linked up with Fargo again to form Wells, Fargo and Company, a joint-stock venture that served as a holding company for the Wells Fargo Bank. Along with bankrolling business ventures, Wells used his ever-swelling fortune to aid the plight of chronic stutters, as well as to establish Wells Seminary (now Wells College) for women.
1806- birthday of Stand Watie, born at Rome Georgia, and died there September 9, 1871. Cherokee chief who, by signing the treaty of New Echota, surrendered his people’s land in Georgia, forcing relocation to Oklahoma. Though three other signers were murdered, Watie escaped and went onto initiate the first volunteer Cherokee regiment for the Confederates in the Civil War. Promoted to brigadier general, he was active in destroying property of other Native Americans who supported the Union.. He never gave up.
1862- Naval Engagement at Yazoo River MS (USS CAIRO torpedoed)
1870- Joseph Hayne Rainey of Georgetown, SC, was sworn in as the first black to serve in the US House of Representatives. Rainey filled the seat of Benjamin Franklin Whittemore, which had been declared vacant by the House. He served until March 3, 1879.
1870- Rachel Crothers birthday - U.S., playwright, director, and producer. She triumphed on Broadway with 34 of the 38 plays she wrote in her lifetime, usually doing everything from writing to casting to directing to producing on her way to becoming a legend.
1899- African-American George F. Grant of Boston, Massachusetts obtained a patent for his invention, the golf tee. It was a wooden tee with a tapering base portion and a flexible tubular concave shoulder to hold the golf ball. As a side note, Grant was the first black to graduate from Harvard University.
1906 Oscar Straus, 1st Jewish cabinet member, appointed Secretary of Commerce by Theodore Roosevelt. 1850–1926, b. Rhenish Bavaria, grad. Columbia (B.A., 1871; LL.B., 1873), was a diplomat and author. He practiced law in New York City until 1881 and then went into business with his brothers. He was minister to Turkey (1887–89) under President Grover Cleveland and again (1898–1900) under William McKinley and was ambassador to Turkey (1909–10) under William H. Taft. He was appointed (1902) to the Permanent Court of Arbitration (the Hague Tribunal) and was (1906–9) Secretary of Commerce and Labor under Theodore Roosevelt. He was candidate for governor of New York on the Progressive party ticket in 1912. He wrote several books, including Roger Williams (1894), The American Spirit (1913), and Under Four Administrations (1922).
1912- birthday of Henry Armstrong, box, born Henry Jackson, Jr., at Columbus, Mississippi. Armstrong was the first boxer to hold three world titles simultaneously. He won the featherweight title on October 29, 1937, the welterweight title on May 31, 1938, and the lightweight title three months later. Died at Los Angeles, CA, Oct. 22,1988.
1915- Frank Sinatra born at Hoboken, NJ. While the websites gives more history, briefly Frank Sinatra matured from a teen idol to the premiere singer of American popular music. Known as the “Chairman of the Board” to his fans, he made more than 200 albums. His signature songs included “ All the Way,” “ New York, New York,” and “May Way.” His file career included musicals ( On the Town and Pal Joey) and two gritty films for which won Oscar nominations, From Here to Eternity and the Man wit the Golden Arm. One of his many movies is making a revival with stars of the day instead of his “rat pack,” Oceans Eleven. He died May 14, 1998, at Los Angeles, CA. “ Put Your Dreams Away for Another Day.”
1917 - December 12, Father Edward Flanagan opened Boys Town west of Omaha , Nebraska , as a farm village for wayward boys, and since 1979, for girls too. In 1938, Spencer Tracy played Father Flanagan in, " Boys Town ", winning an Oscar.
1918-Birthday of jazz great Joe Williams born Cordele, GA. The album that turned me onto jazz in the early 1950’s when it came out, “Count Basie Swings, Joe Williams Sings,” is still wonderful today.
1925- the first motel opened, called the Motel Inn, San Luis Obispo, California. Arthur S. Heineman was the architect. The building featured a sign with flashing lights that alternated the letters H and M preceding the letters otel to spell out “ Hotel” and “ Motel” I t had accommodations for 160 guests individual chalets with garage, bathroom, and telephone. It was designed for motorists to be a “drive-up” hotel.
1929-Jazz pianist Toshiko Akiyoshi born Darien, Manchuria.
1938- Connie Francis birthday –Beach blanket favorite. Her first big single in the 50s was "Who's Sorry Now." She had a dozen hit singles and albums including "Where the Boys Are."
1941---*ELROD, HENRY TALMAGE Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Captain, U.S. Marine Corps. Born: 27 September 1905, Rebecca, Ga. Entered service at: Ashburn, Ga. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while attached to Marine Fighting Squadron 211, during action against enemy Japanese land, surface and aerial units at Wake Island, 8 to 23 December 1941. Engaging vastly superior forces of enemy bombers and warships on 9 and 12 December, Capt. Elrod shot down 2 of a flight of 22 hostile planes and, executing repeated bombing and strafing runs at extremely low altitude and close range, succeeded in inflicting deadly damage upon a large Japanese vessel, thereby sinking the first major warship to be destroyed by small caliber bombs delivered from a fighter-type aircraft. When his plane was disabled by hostile fire and no other ships were operative, Capt. Elrod assumed command of 1 flank of the line set up in defiance of the enemy landing and, conducting a brilliant defense, enabled his men to hold their positions and repulse intense hostile fusillades to provide covering fire for unarmed ammunition carriers. Capturing an automatic weapon during 1 enemy rush in force, he gave his own firearm to 1 of his men and fought on vigorously against the Japanese. Responsible in a large measure for the strength of his sector's gallant resistance, on 23 December, Capt. Elrod led his men with bold aggressiveness until he fell, mortally wounded. His superb skill as a pilot, daring leadership and unswerving devotion to duty distinguished him among the defenders of Wake Island, and his valiant conduct reflects the highest credit upon himself and the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.
1946- UN accepts 6 Manhattan blocks as a gift from John D Rockefeller Jr
1949---Top Hits
Mule Train - Frankie Laine
I Can Dream, Can’t I? - The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra (vocal: Jack Leonard)
Don’t Cry, Joe - The Gordon Jenkins Orchestra (vocal: Betty Brewer)
Mule Train - Tennessee Ernie Ford
1952 -Peter J. McGovern becomes the president of the Little League replacing Charles Durban who resigned due to ill health. The league which started in 1939 with two leagues has now grown to 1,800 leagues in 48 states and international sites.
1955 - The largest philanthropic act in the world was announced by the Ford Foundation which gave $500,000,000 to private hospitals, colleges and medical schools.
1955-- Bill Haley and His Comets record "See You Later Alligator"
1957---Top Hits
Jailhouse Rock - Elvis Presley
Raunchy - Bill Justis
Peggy Sue - Buddy Holly
My Special Angel - Bobby Helms
1959 - At 22 years and 104 days of age, Bruce McLaren became the youngest driver to win a Grand Prix race as he earned first place at Sebring, Florida.
1959--After being overtaken as the best selling record in the US for a couple of weeks, Bobby Darin's "Mack The Knife" returned to the top spot on the Cashbox chart. It is a feat that is seldom duplicated.
1961 - Former big band singer (with Kay Kyser) Mike Douglas began a variety TV show from Cleveland. The show became most successful when KYW-TV moved from Cleveland to Philadelphia. Then, when the Douglas show left Philly for Hollywood, it folded. All things considered, it was a successful syndication effort, nationally, for Westinghouse Productions.
1963 - "John Fitzgerald Kennedy - A Memorial Album" became the fastest-selling record of all time when 4 million copies of the disk, each selling for 99 cents, were sold in six days -- between December 7-12. The memorial tribute was recorded November 22, the day President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.
1963- Frank Sinatra Jr returned after being kidnapped
1964--Bobby Vinton scores his fourth Billboard chart topper with "Mr. Lonely". It was a song that Bobby co-wrote and had added to his Greatest Hits album as a filler, but the track was quickly released as a single when it started to get airplay.
1964--The Righteous Brothers song "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling" is released.
1965---Top Hits
Turn! Turn! Turn! - The Byrds
Let’s Hang On! - The 4 Seasons
I Got You (I Feel Good) - James Brown
Make the World Go Away - Eddy Arnold
1965- Gale Sayers of the Chicago Bears tied an NFL record by scoring six touchdowns in the Bears’ 61-20 win over the San Francisco 49ers. Sayers rushed for four score, caught an 80-yard touchdown pass and returned a punt 85 yards.
1965-US Supreme Courts votes 4-3 allowing Braves to move to Atlanta. Earlier, the Braves' move to Atlanta was halted by a court order, forcing a lame duck season in Milwaukee. The Braves led the league with 196 homers. In 1966, The Braves and Pirates debuted Major League Baseball's first season in Atlanta on April 12, with Pittsburgh winning, 3-2, in 13 innings. Atlanta was fifth in its initial season, but Aaron hit 44 homers and had 127 RBI to lead the league.
1970-- Smokey Robinson and the Miracles' "Tears of a Clown" hits #1
1970--Stephen Stills releases "Love The One You're With"
1971- left wing Bobby Hull of the Chicago Blackhawks got the 1,000th point of his NHL career, an assist in the first period of a 5-3 victory over the Minnesota North Stars. Hull finished his career with 1,170 points and entered the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1983.
1973---Top Hits
Top of the World - Carpenters
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Elton John
The Love I Lost - Harol Melvin & The Bluenotes
The Most Beautiful Girl - Charlie Rich
1980 - Oil tycoon Armand Hammer bought a notebook of writings by Leonardo da Vinci for $5.28 million at auction in London. It was the highest price ever paid for a manuscript. It was 36 pages long and dated back to 1508.
1980 - The U.S. Congress amended the Copyright Act in 1980 to explicitly recognize that computer programs were protected as literary works.
1980-- Marie Osmond's solo variety series, Marie, premieres on NBC.
1981---Top Hits
Physical - Olivia Newton-John
Waiting for a Girl like You - Foreigner
Every Little Thing She Does is Magic - The Police
Still Doin’ Time - George Jones
1982- known as the “Great Snowplow Play.” The New England Patriots defeated the Miami Dolphins, 3-0, in a driving snowstorm at Foxboro Stadium. The winning points came on a late field goal by John Smith, kicked after a snowplow came onto the field and cleared a spot for Smith and his holder. According to Kimberlee R. Coleman’s husband, the person who cleared the field was a state prisoner out on a work furlough. The Miami Dolphins believe they are robbed in the snowplow game by a 24-year-old man who is serving a 15-year sentence for robbing a house and is now on a work release program from the prison. Late in the fourth quarter, the New England Patriots are preparing to break a scoreless tie with a field goal when coach Ron Meyer waves Mark Henderson onto the field at Foxboro Stadium. Henderson fires up his yellow John Deere (Model 314) and heads for the Miami 23-yard line. Despite screams of protest from the Dolphins, Henderson runs a terrific sweep with his tractor-driven snowplow and clears the area for kicker John Smith. Smith kicks a 33-yard field goal with 4:40 left. After the Patriots' 3-0 victory, livid Dolphins coach Don Shula says, "The officials shouldn't have let it happen." Henderson says, "I figured, 'What's the most they could do? Put me in jail?' "
1983 - Football’s Jim Brown showed up in "Sports Illustrated" again. This time, he was not on the cover as in September, 1960, but inside the magazine -- a record span of more than 23 years between spreads, as they say in the publishing biz.
1984 - The group known as Band Aid -- 38 of Britain’s top rock musicians -- recorded "Do They Know This is Christmas?" for Ethiopian famine victims. Despite the best of intentions, much of the food raised never got to the starving Ethiopians. In fact, much of it was found rotting on docks, not fit for human consumption. More than a Band-Aid was needed to fix that political mess.
1985--- On her 45th birthday, Dionne Warwick is awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
1986 - James ‘Bonecrusher’ Smith became the first college graduate to win the world heavyweight boxing crown. “If I only had a bwain...,” he said, as he beat the brains out of Tim Witherspoon so badly, poor Tim couldn’t count to ten. “One, duh. Eight. Six. Duh. I’m out.”
1986 - The LA Lakers beat the Boston Celtics, 117-110, to become the first visiting team to win at the old Boston Garden since December, 1985 -- a streak of 48 straight wins for the Celtics.
1989---Top Hits
We Didn’t Start the Fire - Billy Joel
Another Day in Paradise - Phil Collins
Don’t Know Much - Linda Ronstadt (featuring Aaron Neville)
If Tomorrow Never Comes - Garth Brooks
1992 - The soundtrack from the movie "The Bodyguard" was the #1 album in the U.S. A smash, as they say, it was number one for twenty weeks. The track listing: "I Will Always Love You", "I Have Nothing", "I’m Every Woman", "Run to You", "Queen of the Night", "Jesus Loves Me", all by Whitney Houston; "Even If My Heart Would Break", by Kenny G & Aaron Neville; "Someday (I’m Coming Back)", by Lisa Stansfield; "It’s Gonna Be a Lovely Day", by The S.O.U.L S.Y.S.T.E.M.; "Peace, Love And Understanding (What's So Funny ’Bout)", by Curtis Stigers; "Theme from The Bodyguard", by Alan Silvestri; and "Trust in Me", by Joe Cocker featuring Sass Jordan.
1994- IBM said it would halt shipments of Pentium computers because of a flaw in the Pentium chip. The November 7 issue of Electrical Engineering Times announced the "floating point" bug in the Pentium chip, which could produce mathematical errors. Intel officials admitted they had known about the flaw for some time but thought it so unlikely to cause problems that they did not disclose the problem, creating an uproar among computer users. Intel said it would replace flawed chips only if users showed they engaged in computer work that might be affected by the error. Consumers attacked Intel for its position, and later, the company agreed to replace any chips that were returned. Ironically, six months later, only about three percent of customers had requested a replacement chip.
1995 - The International Olympic Committee announced that NBC had successfully bid a record $2.3 billion for the exclusive U.S. TV (broadcast and cable) rights to the 2004 and 2008 Summer Games and the 2006 Winter Games. $894 million is for the 2008 games alone. And the deal calls for a 50-50 revenue sharing program with the IOC.
2001: The state of Nevada declares today Frank Sinatra Day
2003---Mick Jagger was knighted by Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace. Jagger's 92 year-old father was in attendance to see his son receive the award. |
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