February 28, 2010---Flash Don Myerson in Kauai, Hawaii

"We are evacuating right now. We are in the evacuation zone by about .5 miles. We've got the house prepared and we have food and water in cars and headed to friends in Omao. Hyatt also evacuated. Sirens went off at 6 am.Traffic backed up already. Expected to hit Kauai at 11:30. Got to go!"

"At friends house in Omao. Heavy traffic coming out of Poipu. All hotels on Poipu evacuated.
Will let you know how it plays out."

All Sent from his iPhone

Don Myerson on Kauai Island where he lives six months of the year with his family.

"Looking for high ground to watch the first wave. First hit expected to hit at 11:50 . They are saying it could last up to 6 hours. Beautiful day here on Kauai."


"Currently we're watching live feed from Hilo. Expected to hit there in about 15 minutes. About 40 minutes later here on Kauai. We're looking for a good spot up high to see the shoreline and our house so we can see when it first hits. Will keep you posted. Pray for safety for all involved."


"Looks like the threat was worst then the reality. Tsunami hitting Kauai now but not causing any damage so far. 4-5 foot swells but causing no damage. A few extreme surfers in water. I am sure slot of us in the leasing business can relate. Still waiting it out. I'll check in later."


"Headed home to put the house back together. Enjoy the rest of your weekend"


Tsunami Warning Canceled for Hawaii

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center canceled an alert for Hawaii on Saturday, after waves caused erratic surges in the sea but did not appear to cause significant property damage.

Gerard Fryer, a geophysicist at the center, told The Associated Press that the state had "dodged a bullet" after a major earthquake in Chile a half-day earlier had caused tsunami warnings to be issued for most of the Pacific basin

http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/28/us/28warn ing.html?hp

From: Neil Zobler Catalyst Financial Group, Inc. "Financing for a Sustainable Economy" Tel: 203-790-4177 www.catalyst-financial.com

Our son lives in our apartment in Santiago, Chile (we live in Connecticut). The quake was huge...fortunately it hit in the middle of the night so people were not on the highways, bridges and in the elevators. It was impossible to walk during the over 3 minute event. They had over 25 aftershocks, the largest was 6.9 (a major quake by itself). The buildings are built with earthquakes in mind, so the damage, while substantial, could have been much worse.

Our apartment (7th floor) in Las Condes (Eastern section of Santiago) had the inside walls separate from the outside walls. Naturally everything on the walls is now on the floor. My mother-in-law lives about 60 miles south west of Santiago. Half the water from her swimming pool was shaken out of the pool.

The electricity came back fairly quickly. Cell phone service also came back fairly quickly.

There will be a lot of cleaning up to do. Considering the size of the quake, things could have been MUCH WORSE!