Reg. Sales Managers:
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Florida, Georgia. Other positions available nationally. Vehicle & Equipment Funder.
Earnings potential is unlimited. Two years outside leasing/finance sales, proven track closing deals. Est. customer base/vendors a plus. Click here for more info.
Friday, January 10, 2006

2006 Winter Olympics -- Torino, Italy Feb 10-26
Classified Ads---Doc.Mgr./Finance/Legal
"Selling In A Down Economy"/Steve Chriest
BankFinancial FSB Joins "Funder List"
Marlin $4.4MM 4th Q---Officers Sell Stock
Microfinancial: Year-End net Loss: $1.7MM
Gonor Funding Joins "Story Credit" List
Classified Ads-Help Wanted
Placard---"I'm so Far behind."
News Briefs---
You May have Missed---
Sports Briefs---
"Gimme that Wine"
Calendar Events
Today's Top Event in History
This Day in American History
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a "press release"
Classified Ads---Documentation Manager / Finance / Legal
Documentation Manager / Finance / Legal
Documentation Manager: New York, NY
10+ years in equipment leasing/secured lending. Skilled in management & training, documentation, policy and procedure development & implementation, portfolio reporting. Strong work ethic.
Email: dln1031@nyc.rr.com |
Documentation Manager: Phoenix, AZ
Lease Administrator with exp. in lease administration, doc. & porfolio management for $200M in IT assets. Additional experience financial analysis process improvement/development.
Email: jeg3894@cox.net |
Finance: Austin, TX.
20+ years all facets of lease/finance. Collection and credit management. Equipment & rolling stock structuring. $150k credit authority, $100 million portfolio management.
Email: texmartin@juno.com
Finance: Chicago, IL
Experienced in big ticket origination, syndication, valuation and workout.
Twenty five years, MBA, CPA, |
JD, LLM (Tax), structuring specialist. Inbound and outbound transactions.
Email: pal108381@comcast.net
Transaction Summary
Website: www.tlgattorneycpa.com |
Finance: Orange County, CA
25+ years experience large ticket and mid-market commercial finance. Senior manager in operations, documentation, legal, credit, workouts, portfolio management. $2+Billion portfolio. MBA Finance. Juris Doctor.
Email: finance1000@cox.net
Finance: San Jose, CA.
15+ years sourcing debt, managing cash and receivables and other treasury functions. Strong background in credit, contract
administration and bankruptcy litigation experience. MBA Finance.
Email: raycis@comcast.net |
Finance: Sausalito, Ca
Sr. Corp. officer, presently serving as consultant, fin. service background, M&A, fund raising, great workout expertise, references
Email: nywb@aol.com |
Finance: Toronto
Long diverse career financial services industry. Executed billions of dollars of leases over 20 years; structuring, executing and pricing US/Canadian transactions. Per Diem or full time.
E-mail: eslavens@eol.ca |
Information System: North Detroit, MI
INFOLEASE EXPERT - 18 years experience. Since being downsized in 2002, working as a consultant for several leasing companies.
Seeking consulting projects nationwide.
email: darwint@prodigy.net |
Legal: Los Angeles, CA
Experienced in-house corporate and financial services attorney seeks position as managing or transactional counsel. Willing to relocate.
Email: sandidq@msn.com |
For a full listing of all "job wanted" ads, please go to:
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"Selling In a Down Economy"
by Steve Chriest
Sooner or later an economic bad moon will rise and we'll find ourselves in a down economy, if not a recession. Selling in a down economy is problematic for most salespeople in almost all industries. What can you do, as a professional salesperson, to prepare for selling during uncertain economic times?
There are at least four things you can prepare to do if you expect to sell in a down economy:
- Stay in front of your customers
- Get to the senior levels in buying organizations
- Share success stories to which your customers can relate
- Manage your time as a guardian of your company's resources.
In tough economic times it's vital that you stay in front of your customers, especially your best customers. One major caveat applies to this advice - Only contact your customers when you have something of value to offer them, such as advice, an unusual perspective, or special knowledge. Never, I repeat, NEVER, contact a customer during tough times and ask, "Do you have any deals for me today?" That inane question will drive customers to the nearest exit!
Unfortunately, middle managers are often a primary layoff target when times get tough. This reality, however, presents an opportunity for you to meet with senior managers who otherwise might be inaccessible to you. Forget about "pitching" special programs and offers to senior executives. Meeting with senior executives gives you an opportunity to listen carefully to them and to learn about and understand their concerns and the real challenges facing their business.
Senior managers are usually eager to hear about what other companies are doing to address tough issues and circumstances. Without divulging anything held by you in confidence, sharing success stories with executives is a powerful way to build your credibility and build your business with company leaders. You might, for example, share the experiences of a vendor who used a particular marketing approach to expand their universe of potential customers.
Finally, while it's always important to effectively manage your time and your territory, it's critical to optimize your selling time and guard your company's resources during an economic slowdown. By pursuing only realistic, profitable sales opportunities, you can help ensure the best use of your time and of company resources that are usually strained during a down economy.
In the interest of fair disclosure I should tell you that it isn't absolutely necessary to prepare yourself for selling in a down economy. Keep in mind, however, the words of a college professor who offered this observation of those salespeople who prefer to "wing it" during good and bad times: "Failure comes as a complete surprise, and is not preceded by a period of worry and depression."
Copyright © 2006 Selling UpTM. All Rights Reserved.
About the author: Steve Chriest is the founder of Selling UpTM (www.selling-up.com), a sales consulting firm specializing in sales improvement for organizations of all types and sizes in a variety of industries. He is also the author of Selling Up, The Proven System for Reaching and Selling Senior Executives. You can reach Steve at schriest@selling-up.com .
BankFinancial FSB Joins "Funder List"
A -Accepts Broker Business | B -Requires Broker be Licensed | C -Sub-Broker Program
| D -"Private label Program" | E - Also "in house" salesmen
In Business Since Contact
Leasing Association
1. |
350 |
Nationwide |
$50,000 - $10,000,000 |
None |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
(DD) BankFinancial FSB - Non-recourse lender and (soon to be) equity investor. We do not originate. We do not have a leasing subsidiary.
Full list at:
Marlin $4.4 million 4th Quarter-- Officers Sell Stock

"MOUNT LAUREL, N.J., -- Marlin Business Services Corp. (Nasdaq: MRLN) today reported net income of $4.4 million for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2005, compared with net income of $3.6 million for the same period in 2004. Diluted net income per share was $0.36 for the fourth quarter of 2005, an increase of 16.1% compared with $0.31 for the same period in 2004. Annualized returns on average assets and equity in the fourth quarter of 2005 were 2.49% and 15.89%, respectively."
Press release
"2005 was another solid year of growth," said Daniel P. Dyer, Chairman and CEO of Marlin Business Services Corp. "Strong asset growth and credit quality led the way and is a reflection of our disciplined operating approach and our strategic focus on delivering quality service to our customers."
The full press release at:
A comparison statement follows the press release to the SEC:
Not in the release: Daniel P. Dyer, Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer & Treasurer, in the last two months selling 10,500 shares of stock. Originally purchased for $1.91, sold 3,500 2/7 for $22.284, 3,500 on 1/25 for 22.94, 3,500 on 1/20 for 22.738 Stated controls or owns 257,048 shares.
Attorney and press release contact George D. Pelose, Senior Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary, also sold shares:
Originally purchased for $4.23 he sold 1,250 1/31 for $22.75, 1,250 1/19 for $22.81 and 1,250 1/6 for $23.35. It is noted he owns or controls $15,397 shares.
Here is the full listing of sales sold by officers in 2005:
1/18/2006 Press Release:
"Piper Jaffray Cos. analyst Robert Napoli maintained his investment opinion of Marlin Business Services Corp. at "outperform," with a price target of $26.50.
"The analyst wrote in a research report: "We forecast the lease portfolio to grow 3% q/q and 17% y/y to $575 million in 4Q '05. Our estimate assumes originations of $77 million, a 16% y/y increase. We believe loan demand from the small business market continues to be strong, while MRLN suggested on its 3Q conference call that competition from larger banks had diminished somewhat."
Marlin Business Services Corp. (Nasdaq: MRLN) announces the following Webcast:
What: Marlin Business Services Corp. Webcast - Fourth Quarter and Year End 2005 Earnings Conference Call
When: February 10, 2006 @ 9:00 AM EST
Where: http://www.marlincorp.com/
How: Participant Dial in - 800-903-0258
Or Live over the Internet -- Simply log on to the web at the address above.
Contact: Bruce E. Sickel, CFO, 888-479-9111 X4108.
MicroFinancial Reports Year-end and Fourth Quarter, 2005

Year-End net Loss: $1.7MM
MicroFinancial Incorporated (AMEX-MFI), a financial intermediary specializing in vendor based leasing and finance programs for microticket size transactions in the range of $500 to $15,000, announced its financial results for the fourth quarter and the year ended December 31, 2005.
Fourth quarter revenue for the period ended December 31, 2005 was $8.9 million compared to $12.4 million in the prior year's fourth quarter.
Revenues for the year ended December 31, 2005 were $39.3 million, compared to $60.4 million during fiscal 2004. The net loss for the year ending December 31, 2005 was $1.7 million, versus a net loss of $10.2 million for the previous year.
The fourth quarter provision for credit losses decreased to $1.6 million from $10.0 million for the same period in 2004, while net charge-offs decreased to $2.2 million versus $18.8 million. Sequentially, amounts greater than 31 days delinquent on December 31, 2005 decreased to $18.1 million from $20.1 million on September 30, 2005.
The benefit for income taxes decreased to $21 thousand for the fourth quarter of 2005 from a $10.6 million tax benefit for the same period last year. During 2004, the Company recorded an income tax benefit of $7.9 million that resulted from a reduction in the Company's estimate of certain tax liabilities that had been included in accrued income taxes on the Company's balance sheet.
Richard Latour, President and Chief Executive Officer said, "In 2005, we made solid progress building the necessary infrastructure through the strengthening of our sales and marketing programs. Results for the fourth quarter validate these efforts, as our new contract originations improved 42% to $2.3 million over the third quarter. We also approved 145 new vendors and processed over 2,000 applications. Although TimePayment Corp had made sequential gains from quarter to quarter in 2005, the annual results clearly point us in the direction of where we need to improve upon for 2006."
Full Press Release at:
More information on this company is available at:
Gonor Funding Joins "Story Credit" List
Story Credit Lessors - Update
Rank |
In Business Since
Leasing Association |
Employees |
Area |
Amount |
Broker Qualify |
5 |
3 |
$10,000 to $100,000 with an average of $25,000 - $35,000
Please Call |
(Y) Gonor Funding specializes in hard to fund leases with D credit. Collateral based with good rates and commission program. |
To view the full list, please go here:
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Funding Manager
FUNDING MANAGER: Seeking a very organized, detail oriented Funding Manager with experience in discounting consumer
and commercial auto loans and leases.
Top salary. Send resume via email to ekaye@advantagefunding.us
or fax to 718 392 5427.
About the Company: Advantage Funding is the leader in automotive and equipment lease financing, Long Island City, NY.
Independent Regional Sales Manager

Reg. Sales Managers:
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Florida, Georgia. Other positions available nationally. Vehicle & Equipment Funder.
Earnings potential is unlimited. Two years outside leasing/finance sales, proven track closing deals. Est. customer base/vendors a plus. Click here for more info.
Sales Person
Motivated Sales Person
Burbank, California
Long established lessor, "app. only" to
$100K, commercial & structured
transactions up to $10 million.
Call Jim McFeeters
818-843-8686 X25

If you haven't subscribed to Shawn Halladay's blog,
you may want to "bookmark" the site today:
Shawn D. Halladay
Managing Principal
124 South 400 East Suite 310
Salt Lake City, UT 84111-2135
Phone: (801) 322-4499
Fax: (801) 322-5454
E-mail: shalladay@thealtagroup.com
It primarily concerns accounting, taxes, and other matters regarding leasing with the ability to share information with other colleagues, regardless whether you belong to a leasing association or not. And from all over the world. If you want to know the latest about how the 2006 tax laws will affect leasing as a lessor or to present to "win the deal," this is the site for you. Very well written, too.
Highly understandable. To the point.
Who is Mr. Halladay? From his "blog:"
"Just so you know a little bit about me, I have a degree in accounting, along with an MBA, and began my career as an auditor with Arthur Andersen & Co. It was during this time that I was licensed as a CPA and got my first exposure to real world leasing (although I did complete my senior paper on the newly-issued FASB 13 prior to this time). Since then, I have performed lease/buy analyses as a lessee, closed deals as a lessor, and solved numerous leasing problems in my current role as a consultant to the leasing industry.
"I have taught equipment leasing courses throughout North and South America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, consulted extensively, and written eight books on equipment leasing, including the Handbook of Equipment Leasing. I am a member of the Equipment Leasing Association in the US and serve on several of its committees. The value to you of all this is my exposure to so many aspects of the equipment leasing industry, including its evolution over the past 25 years.
"Although an accountant by background, I like to think of myself as being able to also see the practical side of leasing issues. The combination of theory, practice, wide-ranging experience, and a predilection for heavy metal music, should provide you with an interesting perspective and insights into equipment leasing.
As in any good learning environment, our give and take is what will make LeasingNotes work, so I encourage you to ask questions, challenge ideas, and let me know what you think. In this way, we can all gain the maximum benefit from this experience.
"My goal here is to thoroughly explore the applications and practices of equipment leasing around the world, including all the similarities and differences between locales. I expect the discussions to be wide ranging, always informative, and often evocative. The topics covered will be from the simple to the complex, dollar outs to LILOs, and everything in between."

News Briefs---
Life after Fed proves tricky for Greenspan
Morton's Raises $161 million; NYSE trading to start
Weekly Jobless Claims in U.S. Hit New Low
Oracle to cut 2,000 jobs
Everyone goes home happy from the Starbucks-palooza

You May Have Missed
Zillow.com, a dollars-and-maps real estate information Web site, went online this week, providing consumers with a new way to assess the value of their homes and creating a possible challenge to real estate brokers.

Sports Briefs----
Ambitious USA ready to 'surprise the world'
In Fitting Twist, Pairs Will Provide the First Olympic Test of New Scoring System
T.O. tour comes to Miami
Raiders get more rejection notices
Michaels dealt to NBC as Sunday night, 'MNF' lineups set

"Gimme that Wine"
More on the Silver Oak Fire
"The blaze, caused by 'human error' from 'smoldering ashes in the building's fireplace,' Little said, began just before 6 am on 2 February. It took three hours to bring under control."
Zinfindel to become California's state wine?
A semiconductor for sommeliers
Paso Robles Grand Tasting Tour Debuts in Dallas on March 6
Vineyards want wine bill to deliver
Wine Becomes the New Favorite of Chinese
If you want to know if you got a value for your wine, or what the wine price is today, go to www.winezap.com Type in the vintage (year) and name of the producer with wine type or geographic area, such as 1995 Chateau Lynch Bages Pauillac. Even 1995 Lynch Bages will work, or 1999 Viader

Calendar Events This Day
Umbrella Day
Today's Top Event in History
1965 - An often used quote was first spoken by Hubert H. Humphrey who said, "The impersonal hand of government can never replace the helping hand of a neighbor." Humphrey was a beloved United States Senator from Minnesota and a Vice-President during the Lyndon Johnson administration. He eventually ran for the Presidency but lost to Richard M. Nixon, primarily because Nixon promised to end the war in Viet Nam (which he eventually did) and Humphrey was Johnson's former vice-president, who at best "waffled" on the Viet Nam war. Perhaps what lost him the very close race was the Chicago Democratic National Convention. The convention, which began August 126,1968, was the most violent in U.S. history. Antiwar protestors clashed with police and national guardsmen. Hundreds of people, including bystanders and members of the press, were beaten by police, some in full view of television cameras. Nixon beat Humphrey 31,785,480 to 31,275,166, and independent George C. Wallace, a third-party candidate, 9,906,473. The electoral vote was 302 to 191 and Wallace received 45. The republicans gained four seats in the House and five in the Senate (the Democrats still held majorities of 58-42 in the Senate and 243 in the House). The Republicans gained five governorships in the election.

This Day in American History
1753-Treaty of Paris ends French and Indian War. Canada was ceded to Britain, France received various West Indies possessions and Spain won Louisiana and Havana. Known in Europe as the Seven Years' War, this conflict ranged from North America to India, with many European nations involved. In North America French expansion in the Ohio River Valley in the 1750s led to conflict with Great Britain. Some Indians fought alongside the French; a young George Washington fought for the British. As a result of the signing of the Treaty of Paris, France lost all claims to Canada and had to cede Louisiana to Spain. Fifteen years later French bitterness over the loss of its North American colonies to Britain contributed to its supporting the colonists in the American Revolution.
1841 - The Act of Union, uniting Upper and Lower Canada, came into effect.
1846-Their leader assassinated and their homes under attack, the Mormons of Nauvoo, Illinois, begin a long westward migration that eventually brings them to the valley of the Great Salt Lake in Utah. The members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had been persecuted for their beliefs ever since Joseph Smith founded the church in New York in 1830. Smith's claim to be a modern-day prophet of God and his acceptance of polygamy proved controversial wherever the Mormons attempted to settle. In 1839, Smith hoped his new spiritual colony of Nauvoo in Missouri would provide a permanent safe haven for the Saints, but anti-Mormon prejudice there proved virulent. Angry mobs murdered Smith and his brother in June 1844 and began burning homes and threatening the citizens of Nauvoo. Convinced that the Mormons would never find peace in the United States, Smith's successor, Brigham Young, made a bold decision: the Mormons would move to the still wild territories of the Mexican-controlled Southwest. Young had little knowledge of the geography and environment of the West and no particular destination in mind, but trusting in God, he began to prepare the people of Nauvoo for a mass exodus. On this day in 1846, Young abandoned Nauvoo and began leading 1,600 Mormons west across the frozen Mississippi in subzero temperatures to a temporary refuge at Sugar Grove, Iowa. Young planned to make the westward trek in stages, and he determined the first major stopping point would be along the Missouri River opposite Council Bluffs. He sent out a reconnaissance team to plan the route across Iowa, dig wells at camping spots, and in some cases, plant corn to provide food for the hungry emigrants. The mass of Mormons made the journey to the Missouri River, and by the fall of 1846, the Winter Quarters were home to 12,000 Mormons. After a hard journey across the western landscape, Young and his followers emerged out onto a broad valley where a giant lake shimmered in the distance. With his first glimpse of this Valley of the Great Salt Lake, Young reportedly said, "This is the place." That year, some 1,600 Mormons arrived to begin building a new civilization in the valley. The next year, 2,500 more made the passage. By the time Young died in 1877, more than 100,000 people were living in the surrounding Great Basin, the majority of them Mormons. Young, however, had not escaped the troubles that plagued the Church in the East. By early 1848, the Mormons' haven became a U.S. territory after the American victory in the Mexican War. The Mormons had finally found a permanent home along the Great Salt Lake, but its isolation and freedom from persecution was short-lived.
1861-Jefferson Davis receives word that he has been selected president of the new Confederate States of America. Davis was at his plantation, Brierfield, winter pruning rose bushes with his wife Varina when a messenger arrived from nearby Vicksburg. It was not a job he wanted, but he accepted it out of a sense of duty to his new country. Varina later wrote that she saw her husband's face grow pale and she recalled, "Reading that telegram he looked so grieved that I feared some evil had befallen our family. After a few minutes he told me like a man might speak of a sentence of death." Davis said of the job: "I have no confidence in my ability to meet its requirement. I think I could perform the function of a general." He could see the difficulties involved in launching the new nation. "Upon my weary heart was showered smiles, plaudits, and flowers, but beyond them I saw troubles innumerable. We are without machinery, without means, and threatened by powerful opposition but I do not despond and will not shrink from the task before me." Davis was prescient in his concerns. He drew sharp criticism during the war--Alexander Stephens, the vice president, said Davis was "weak and vacillating, timid, petulant, peevish, obstinate," and Stephens declared that he held "no more feeling of resentment toward him" than he did toward his "poor old blind and deaf dog." His appointment of his friends as general was one of his main undoing, plus his inability to keep to a course. It is said, he changed his mind about military strategy often, actually following the suggestions of the last military person who spoke with. He had been elected to a six year term, never finishing it, and many believe he would not have been re-elected.
1855 -- The Women's Hospital of New York City is founded. Although it provides much needed care for poor women, the hospital was also the arena for J. Marion Sims. Much of his work was done on Black slaves where he saved countless lives and developed new procedures in gynecology. He founded the hospital for Black women to receive free care.
1863 - Two of the world's most famous midgets, General Tom Thumb, who stood three feet, four inches high, and his bride, Lavinia Warren, who was two feet, eight inches tall, were married in New York City, in front of 2,000 of their closest friends.
1863 - Alanson Crane patented the fire extinguisher.
1868-Birthday of William Allen White, American newspaperman, owner and editor of the Emporia Gazette. Coined the phrase "tinhorn politician" and in one obituary, wrote of the deceased that he had "The talent of a meat-packer, the morals of a money changer and the manners of an undertaker. "born at Emporia, KS, he died there Jan 29, 1944.
1868- the temperature of 32 degrees below zero recorded at Muscatine, Iowa on the Mississippi was the lowest for the period 1839 to 1965.
1893-Birthday of "The Schnozz," Jimmy Durante, born at New York City. His first break into show biz came when he was 17 and got a regular job playing ragtime at a saloon at Coney Island. Later his friend Eddie Canto urged him to try comedy. In the 1920's, he had a very popular nightclub in New York called "Durant." The painter had left "e" off and wanted a $100 bucks to re-do the sign and lights. Durante developed a unique comedic style as a short-tempered by lovable personage. His shtick included slamming down his hat and flapping his arms. His clothing, enormous nose, craggy face, gravely singing voice and mispronunciations were all part of the persona. Durante, whose career spanned six decades, appeared on TV, stage and Screen. His television signoff, " Good night , Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are! " became a trademark. Jimmy Durante died at Santa Monica, CA, Jan 29, 1980.
1893-Birthday of William Tatem "Bill" Tilden, Jr., tennis player, born at Philadelphia, PA. Generally considered one of the greatest players of all time, Tilden won more tournaments than the record books can count. A nearly flawless player, he was also an egotistical showman on the court with an interest in show business. He turned pro in 1930 and continued to win regularly. Died at Hollywood, CA., June 5, 1953.
1897-The familiar slogan "All the News That's Fit to Print" appeared on page one of The New York Times. It had first appeared on the editorial page on Oct 25,1896. Although in 1896 a $100 prize was offered for a slogan, owner Adolph S. Ochs concluded that his own slogan was better.
1898-Birthday of Katharine Burr Blodgett, inventor, research physicist, who developed the first non-reflecting glass (as used in picture frames) and was the first research scientist at General Electric Laboratories who was also a woman.
1899- the record low temperature for the state of Ohio was set at Milligan when the mercury dipped to 39 degrees below zero. The record low temperature for Virginia was also set at Monterey with 29 degrees below zero.
1902-Birthday of Walter Brattain, who together with William Shockley and John Bardeen, invented the transistor. The three shared the Nobel Prize for physics in 1956 for the transistor and for their work on semiconductors. The transistor replaced the bulky vacuum tubes previously used in electronics and paved the way for all later microelectronics.
1902-Drummer Chick Webb birthday
1907-Birthday of tenor player Walter" Foots" Thomas, Muskogee, OK
1908- Birthday of Jean Coulthard, the first composer from the Canadian west coast to gain wide recognition, born in Vancouver. Her orchestral compositions "Canadian Fantasy," "Excursion," "Ballade (A Winter's Tale)" and "Song to the Sea" established her reputation in Canada in the early 1940's. In 1953, the CBC commissioned her to write" A Prayer for Elizabeth" to mark the Queen's coronation.
1916-Birthday of accordion player Aldus Roger, Carencro, LA
1920 - Representatives for major league baseball outlawed pitches that involve tampering with the ball, including using sandpaper or emery paper. It may be a baseball law but, it is often broken like others. Many umpires have the nail files to prove it.
1921-Birthday of pianist Joe Big Duskin, Birmingham,AL
1923 - For the first time, ink paste was manufactured by the Standard Ink Company. It was available in one color: black.
1925 - In Michigan City, Indiana, the first waterless gas storage tank was put into service.
1927-Birthday of opera singer Leontyne Price, Laurel, MS.
1927, Gisele Mackenzie, Canadian singer, star of Your Hit Parade TV show during the 1950s. Her mother was a concert singer and pianist.
1932-Birthday of accordian/zydeco player Rockin' Dopsie, Sr. Carencro, LA
His son, Rockin' Dopsie, Jr.
1933 -54ºF (-48ºC), Seneca OR (state record)
1933 - The Postal Telegraph Company of New York City introduced the singing telegram.
1933 - In round 13 at match held at Madison Square Garden in New York, Primo Carnera knocked out Ernie Schaaf. While the crowd and the press at the match shouted, "Fake!" at the knockout, Schaaf later died as a result of that punch. It was no fake.
1934 - The United States Postal Service issued the first stamps without perforations or glue in New York City. One had to cut apart the stamps, then apply glue to the back to get them to stick to an envelope. After numerous complaints, the Postal Service changed this idea.
1935 - The Pennsylvania Railroad started passenger service with its new "streamlined" electric locomotive. The engine was 79 1/2 feet long and weighed 230 tons.
1939-Birthday of singer Roberta Flack, born in Asheville, North Carolina. She had a half-dozen ballad hits in the 1970's, including three number-ones - "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face," "Killing Me Softly With His Song" and "Feel Like Makin' Love." Flack returned to the top-10 in 1991 with "Set the Night to Music," a duet with Maxi Priest.
1942-A Japanese submarine launches a brutal attack on Midway, a coral atoll used as a U.S. Navy base. It was the fourth bombing of the atoll by Japanese ships since December 7.The capture of Midway was an important part of the broader Japanese strategy of trying to create a defensive line that would stretch from the western Aleutian Islands in the north to the Midway, Wake, Marshall, and Gilbert Islands in the south, then west to the Dutch West Indies. Occupying Midway would also mean depriving the United States of a submarine base and would provide the perfect launching pad for an all-out assault on Hawaii. Adm. Isoroku Yamamoto, mastermind of the Pearl Harbor attack and commander in chief of the Japanese combined fleet, knew that only the utter destruction of U.S. naval capacity would ensure Japanese free reign in the Pacific. Japanese bombing of the atoll by ship and submarine failed to break through the extraordinary defense put up by Adm. Chester Nimitz, commander of the U.S. Navy in the Pacific, who used every resource available to protect Midway and, by extension, Hawaii. Yamamoto persevered with an elaborate warship operation, called Mi, launched in June, but the Battle of Midway was a disaster for Japan, and was the turning point for ultimate American victory in the Pacific. The television series "Victory at Sea" has an excellent episode regarding this early part of the war, especially the Japanese underestimation of the American fighting stamina.
1942-Second Lieutenant Alexander Ramsey "Sandy" Ninger, Jr. was posthumously awarded World War II's first Medal of Honor for heroism at the Battle of Bataan. He had graduated from West Point in 1941 and was on his first assignment after being commissions.
1942 - For Decca Records in Los Angeles, California, Ted Fio Rito's orchestra recorded "Rio Rita". Bob Carroll provided the vocals for the song that became the group's theme song.
1942- the first gold disc ever awarded to an artist was presented to the Glen Miller Orchestra by RCA Victor during a radio broadcast. The presentation was for Miller's recording of "Chattanooga Choo-Choo," which sold more than 1.2-million copies on the Bluebird label. The award was not solid gold - it was merely gold lacquered.
1945---"Rum and Coca Cola" by Andrews Sisters hits #1
1945---Top Hits
Rum and Coca Cola---Andrew Sisters
Accentuate the Positive - Johnny Mercer
I Dream of You - The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra (vocal: Freddy Stewart)
I'm Losing My Mind Over You - Al Dexter
1946--Folk singer Donovan, whose last name is Leitch, was born in Glasgow. He was the British answer to Bob Dylan, and his career was launched in 1965 with his hit single "Catch the Wind." Donovan's biggest success was "Sunshine Superman," number one on both sides of the Atlantic in 1966. Donovan's music, as well as the flowing robes and love beads he wore, were out of date by 1970.
1949 - Lee J. Cobb, Arthur Kennedy and Mildred Dunnock starred in, "Death of a Salesman", which opened at New York City's Morocco Theatre. The play would later become a major motion picture.
1949-Joe Fulks of the Philadelphia Warriors set an NBA record by scoring 63 points in a game against the Indianapolis Jets. Fulks' total was the largest recorded by an NBA player before the introduction of the 24-second clock in 1954. His record stood until November 8, 1959,when Elgin Baylor of the Minneapolis Lakers scored 64 points.
1950-Birthday of opera singer Leontyne Price, born Laurel, MS.
1954: The Glenn Miller Story has its American premiere in New York City.
1956 - Elvis Presley recorded "Heartbreak Hotel" for RCA Records in Nashville, Tennessee. The record was awarded two gold records, one for each side. The hit song gracing the other side was "I Was the One".
1953---Top Hits
Don't Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes - Perry Como
Why Don't You Believe Me - Joni James
Keep It a Secret - Jo Stafford
I Let the Stars Get in My Eyes - Goldie Hill
1956-- Little Richard records "Long Tall Sally"
1957-Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., and other Southern black clergy founded the Atlanta-based Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) to help coordinate civil rights activities in the South. King remained the SCLC's president until his assassination in 1968. King's son, Martin Luther King III, became the SCLC's president on January 15, 1998.
1959- St. Louis, Missouri was hit by an F4 tornado. Nearly 2000 buildings were damaged or destroyed and over $10 million in damage was done. 21 people lost their lives and 345 sustained injuries
1961 - The Los Angeles franchise in the American Football League was moved to San Diego, California. In L.A. the team was called the Dodgers.
1961---Top Hits
Will You Love Me Tomorrow - The Shirelles
Calcutta - Lawrence Welk
Shop Around - The Miracles
North to Alaska - Johnny Horton
1962 - Francis Gary Powers, the U.S. pilot of a U-2 plane shot down over the Soviet Union in 1960, was exchanged for KGB agent Rudolf Abel in Berlin.
1964 - The press reported "millions of teenage boys are spending extra time in front of the mirror trying to make their hair look like Paul McCartney's...," after The Beatles appeared on "The Ed Sullivan Show" the night before.
1965-Viet Cong guerrillas blow up the U.S. barracks at Qui Nhon, 75 miles east of Pleiku on the central coast, with a 100-pound explosive charge under the building. A total of 23 U.S. personnel were killed, as well as two Viet Cong. In response to the attack, President Lyndon B. Johnson ordered a retaliatory air strike operation on North Vietnam called Flaming Dart II. This was the second in a series of retaliations launched because of communist attacks on U.S. installations in South Vietnam. Just 48 hours before, the Viet Cong struck Camp Holloway and the adjacent Pleiku airfield in the Central Highlands. This attack killed eight U.S. servicemen, wounded 109, and destroyed or damaged 20 aircraft. With his advisors advocating a strong response, President Johnson gave the order to launch Operation Flaming Dart, retaliatory air raids on a barracks and staging areas at Dong Hoi, a guerrilla training camp 40 miles north of the 17th parallel in North Vietnam. Johnson hoped that quick and effective retaliation would persuade the North Vietnamese to cease their attacks in South Vietnam. Unfortunately, Operation Flaming Dart did not have the desired effect. The attack on Qui Nhon was only the latest in a series of communist attacks on U.S. installations, and Flaming Dart II had very little effect.
1965 - An often used quote was first spoken by Hubert H. Humphrey who said, "The impersonal hand of government can never replace the helping hand of a neighbor." Humphrey was a beloved United States Senator from Minnesota and a Vice-President during the Lyndon Johnson administration. He eventually ran for the Presidency but lost to Richard M. Nixon, primarily because Nixon promised to end the war in Viet Nam (which he eventually did) and Humphrey was Johnson's former vice-president, who at best "waffled" on the Viet Nam war. Perhaps what lost him the very close race was the Chicago Democratic National Convention. The convention, which began August 126,1968, was the most violent in U.S. history. Antiwar protestors clashed with police and national guardsmen. Hundreds of people, including bystanders and members of the press, were beaten by police, some in full view of television cameras. Nixon beat Humphrey 31,785,480 to 31,275,166, and independent George C. Wallace, a third-party candidate, 9,906,473. The electoral vote was 302 to 191 and Wallace received 45. The republicans gained four seats in the House and five in the Senate (the Democrats still held majorities of 58-42 in the Senate and 243 in the House). The Republicans gained five governorships in the election.
1966-Andrew Brimmer is appointed the first Black person to serve on the Federal Reserve Board.
1967-Procedures for presidential succession were further clarified by the 25th Amendment, along with provisions for continuity of power in the event of a disability or illness of the president, ratified today in 1967.
1967-- The Beatles record---"A Day In The Life"
1969---Top Hits
Crimson and Clover - Tommy James & The Shondells
Everyday People - Sly & The Family Stone
Touch Me - The Doors
Daddy Sang Bass - Johnny Cash
1971-Four journalists, including photographer Larry Burrows of Life magazine, Kent Potter of United Press International, Nenri Huett of the Associated Press, and Keisaburo Shimamoto of Newsweek, die in a South Vietnamese helicopter operating in Laos. The journalists had been covering Operation Lam Son 719, a limited attack into Laos by South Vietnamese forces, when their helicopter crashed. Vietnam was one of the most reported conflicts in the history of warfare. In 1964, when the massive American buildup began, there were roughly 40 U.S. and foreign journalists in Saigon. By August 1966, there were over 400 news media representatives in South Vietnam from 22 nations. The Vietnam War correspondents in the field shared the same dangers that confronted the front-line troops, risking their lives to witness and report the realities of the battlefield. Sixteen Americans lost their lives while covering the war. American journalists are among the 42 U.S. civilians still missing in action and unaccounted for in Southeast Asia, including NBC News correspondent Welles Hangen and Time photographer Sean Flynn, both of whom disappeared while covering the war in Cambodia.
1977---Top Hits
Torn Between Two Lovers - Mary MacGregor
New Kid in Town - Eagles
Blinded by the Light - Manfred Mann's Earth Band
Near You - George Jones & Tammy Wynette
1978-Van Halen's debut album is released. The LP hit the top-20 and has sold over 6 million copies (as of 1997). It contained the singles "You Really Got Me and "Runnin' With The Devil."
1978- Southern California received up to 8 inches of rain, resulting in widespread floods and mudslides. The rainfall produced a wall of water, which ripped through the mountain resort community of Hidden Springs drowning at least 13 persons. The storm caused 50 million dollars in damage, making it one of the most destructive in history.
1979 - Rod Stewart's "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy" was the #1 US single. It was a track from the album "Blondes Have More Fun", which was the #1 U.S. album this day. The album stayed at the top for three weeks. "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy" was number one for four weeks: If you want my body and you think I'm sexy; come on sugar let me know. "If you really need me just reach out and touch me; come on honey tell me so..."
1982--- Bismarck, North Dakota experienced its 45th consecutive day of subzero temperature readings which tied the previous record long string of subzero daily lows ending on the same date in 1937
1985 - One of the Houston Rockets' "Twin Towers", seven foot four inch tall Ralph Sampson, the Rockets star center, scored 24 points; leading the West to beat the East, 140-129 in the NBA All-Star Game held in Indianapolis, Indiana. Sampson was chosen as the games' Most Valuable Player.
1985- "Tears Are Not Enough," the contribution of Canadian recording artists to African famine relief, was recorded at Manta Sound in Toronto under the name "Northern Lights." The song was written by Bryan Adams and his regular songwriting partner, Jim Vallance. Adams's performance of the song at the Live Aid concert in July 1985 was marred by satellite blackout.
1985---Top Hits
I Want to Know What Love Is - Foreigner
Easy Lover - Philip Bailey with Phil Collins
Careless Whisper - Wham! featuring George Michael
Ain't She Somethin' Else - Conway Twitty
1987- a gala benefit concert was held at Roy Thomson Hall in Toronto to honor the 100th anniversary of the Royal Conservatory of Music. Among the alumni who participated were tenor Jon Vickers, violinist Steven Staryk, soprano Lois Marshall and conductor Victor Feldbrill.
1987- one of the Soviet Union's top rock bands, Autograph, played in Quebec City as part of its first North American tour. The concert was organized to coincide with the Rendezvous 87 hockey series between the NHL all-stars and the Soviet Union.
1989-the first Chairman of a major political party who was African-American was Ronald H. Brown, who was elected chairman of the Democratic Party National Committee. Brown later served as secretary of commerce in the cabinet of President William Jefferson Clinton. He was killed in an airplane crash near Bosnia during a ceasefire.
1989- Miami Vice's 100th episode seen on TV
1990- Paula Abdul's "Forever Your Girl" became the first album to generate six number-one singles when "Opposites Attract" hit the top of the Billboard chart.
1991- Kevin Costner, Donny Osmond, Meryl Streep and Mike Tyson were among dozens of celebrities who gathered in Burbank, California to record a tribute to US troops in the Persian Gulf. The song, "Voices That Care," was composed and produced by Canadian David Foster.
1992 - The New Kids on the Block filed suit on this date against former producer Gregory McPherson, accusing him of slander. McPherson had publicly accused the group of lip-syncing, and said that the young entertainers did on 20 percent of the singing in concerts and on their 1988 hit album, Hangin' Tough. McPherson claimed that New Kids manager Maurice Starr and Starr's brother were the real voices. The group's attorney denied his claim. Two months later, McPherson dropped his $21 million suit against Starr.
1992 - In Indianapolis, former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson was found guilty of rape of an 18-year-old beauty contestant, Desiree Washington. The jury found him guilty on all three counts after deliberating for 9 hours.
1992 - Noted black author Alex Haley died at age 70 in Seattle of a heart attack. Haley would be best-remembered for his gripping account of African family history spanning two centuries, Roots, which was later turned into a wildly successful television miniseries. The eight-part series was aired on consecutive nights and became the most watched show in TV history. Some 130 million people-nearly half the country's population at the time--watched the last episode of the show. Haley's books led to an increased interest in the study of black history and heritage. Haley later spent two decades with the U.S. Coast Guard as a journalist, writing adventure stories to take the edge off his boredom. When he retired, he moved back to New York to pursue a writing career. He interviewed trumpeter Miles Davis and political activist Malcolm X for Playboy in the 1960s and later collaborated with the Black Muslim spokesman to write The Autobiography of Malcolm X (1965), an acclaimed work that fueled the black-power movement in America and was cited extensively in institutions of higher learning. Haley then started his best-known work, Roots: The Saga of an American Family, published in 1976. The blend of fact and fiction, drawn largely from stories recited by Haley's grandmother, chronicles seven generations of Haley's family history, from the enslavement of his ancestors to his own quest to trace his family tree. To write the mostly nonfiction work, Haley pored over records in the National Archives and went by safari to the African village of Juffure to meet with an oral historian (Haley later donated money to that village for a new mosque). There are those who claim that Haley copied the work from other writers. It was never proven and all law suits brought against him were not successful. In the early 1970s, he and his brothers founded the Kinte Foundation, named for Haley's ancestor Kunta Kinte, to collect and preserve African American genealogy records. Haley received special citations from the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award committees in 1977 for Roots, which sold more than a million copies in one year. It was translated into 26 languages. Later in his life, Haley wrote a biography of Frank Wills, the security guard who discovered the break-in at the Watergate Hotel that brought down Richard Nixon's presidency.
1993- Michael Jackson, in a live TV interview with Oprah Winfrey, said he had an inherited disorder that causes skin pigmentation to fade. He denied altering most of his face, but did admit to minor cosmetic surgery. Jackson also said he finds the comfort in children and animals that he missed in a friendless, workaholic childhood. In the wake of Jackson's first solo interview in nearly a decade, sales of his "Dangerous" album, released 14 months earlier, skyrocketed.
1993- Mick Jagger marked the release of his "Wandering Spirit" album with an invitation-only gig at a dance club in New York. Most of the material was from his solo effort, but Jagger also performed a couple of Rolling Stones' tunes - "Live With Me" and "Rip This Joint." The concert was beamed to clubs in Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles and Toronto.
1994- a severe ice storm occurred over portions of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. Heavy rainfall of over 5 inches in some sections resulted in one of the worst icing in many years for this region. Ice accumulation reached 6 inches in Mississippi, resulting in damage to 3.7 million acres of commercial forestland valued at an estimated $1.3 billion. Over 80,000 utility poles were pulled down by the weight of the ice. Some residents of Mississippi were without power for up to a month. Damage and cleanup costs exceeded $50 million in Arkansas.
1996- Canadian country singer Shania Twain drew an estimated crowd of 10,000 to 20,000 fans for an autograph session at the Mall of America in Minneapolis.
1996 - An IBM computer called Deep Blue made chess history by comfortably beating world champion Garry Kasparov, a machine's first victory under classic tournament rules.
1997-Heavyweight Riddock Bowe announced that he had retired from boxing in order to join the US Marines. He had enlisted on January 27 and reported to Paris Island on this date. On February 21, Bowe announced that he had changed his mind and that the Marines had agreed to release him. "He could not," said the Corps," handle the regulated lifestyle." Bowe, 29, married and the father of five, had won the heavyweight championship in 1992 from Evander Holyfield only to surrender it to Holyfiled in 1993. In his Marines stint, he endured 36 hours of actual training.
1998 - AOL raised its monthly flat access rate from $19.95 to $21.95, explaining it needed to upgrade its network to handle the onslaught of people taking advantage of its flat price. The increase was set to go into effect in April 1998. Eventually seven users could use the dial-up program. DSL and cable brought the internet faster speeds than the AOL dial-up and by the first quarter of 2003, for the first time in its history, AOL began losing more members than it was putting on.