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Leasing #102 columnist for Leasing News,
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February 1, 2010 until Noon on the 3rd,
San Diego, California
Hosted by Five Point Capital
$395.00 Paid in Advance for first person from company
$345 with each additional attendee
"Certified Leasing Professionals attending this seminar will earn CPEs (Continuing Professional Education)
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Friday, January 8, 2010

Dame Shirley Veronica Bassey, DBE, born 8 January 1937, Tiger Bay, Cardiff, Wales), is a Welsh singer who found fame in the late 1950s and has continued a successful career since then worldwide. She is also well-known for recording the theme songs to the James Bond films “Goldfinger (1964),”” Diamonds Are Forever (1971),” and “Moonraker (1979).” She has sold an estimated 135 million records to date. With 35 hits in the UK Singles Chart plus 37 hit LPs in the UK Albums Chart, she maintains her position as Britain's most successful female artist of all time, and the artist with the longest span (50 years) of Top 40 hits. |
Classified Ads---Sales Manager
Ralph Petta, 2009 Leasing News Person of the Year
View from the Top---by Steve Chriest
The Role of the Sales Team in Risk Management
Microsoft Explorer/Android Leading the Market Place
ELFA and Evergreen/Winter Green Clauses
by Christopher Menkin
Cartoon - If you dont have an attorney...
Fernando Croce Movie Reviews
Sherlock Holmes/Nine
The Hurt Locker/Lorna’s Silence/In the Loop
Mike Lockwood’s Family Adopts "Leo"
Wonderful Story--Los Angeles Adopt-a-Pet
TEQlease Hires Runnalls Lead Finance Team
North Hollywood Man Gets 4 Years plus
Boston, Massachusetts ---Adopt-a-Dog
News Briefs---
US Census 2000-2008 estimated rental
& leasing service revenue
Mortgage Rates fall to 5.09%
Retailers See Holiday Sales Rebound From 2008
Nordstrom's solid December
$31 MM Fraud Case Feeds Sarbox-Exemption Critics
SF Bay Area sees boom in bankruptcies
FTC Settles Collections Case Largest Agency Penalty
Peacock golf club files for bankruptcy
At Tavern Auction Preview
Elvis, the young King
1965—Carson & Rat Pack in Vegas
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"Gimme that Wine"
Today's Top Event in History
This Day in American History
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######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
Ralph Petta, 2009 Leasing News Person of the Year

from Ralph Petta:
"I am honored to be recognized in this way. But, in my view, this expression of support is directed as much to the ELFA and what it stands for as to me personally. It underscores the positive feelings and high regard for the association—its leadership and professional staff, its valuable contributions to the industry, and its commitment to serving its membership.”
(in chronological order received)
From Paul Menzel, CLP, 2005 Leasing News Person of the Year
"As we are being reminded on a daily basis by the challenging economy, substance will always prevail over flash. Ralph Petta exemplifies the spirit of this tenet. He has steadfastly served our industry through his behind the scenes leadership of ELFA and consistent execution by he and the ELFA staff.
“We are fortunate to have such a dedicated individual represent all of us."
Paul J. Menzel, CLP
President & CEO
Federal Way, Washington
Phone: 253-568-6121 or 877-222-8558 x121
From former ELFA President Ken Bentsen, Jr.:
"Great choice. Ralph Petta is among the most knowledgeable people regarding equipment leasing in the entire industry who enjoys the highest respect of both the members of ELFA and his peers on the staff."
Kenneth E. Bentsen, Jr.
EVP, Public Policy and Advocacy
Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association
Washington, D.C.
202-215-8596 (cell)
From ELFA Chairman Ken Collins, Jr.:
“Ralph has served our industry for many years and is well respected by industry leaders and the ELFA staffers alike. His knowledge and passion for our industry has been a great asset to all of us. I have greatly appreciated the tremendous level of professionalism he has exhibited through these difficult times at the association.
“I am excited and grateful that he has been recognized by Leasing News for this award.”
Kenneth R. Collins Jr.
Chairman; Chief Executive Officer
Susquehanna Commercial Finance, Inc.
Pottstown, PA 19464-3229
800.786.0004 x123 Cell 610.656.1022
From Randy Haug, President, National Equipment Finance Association:
“I have a somewhat unique perspective as the newly elected President of the National Equipment Finance Association (NEFA) and also a longtime current and active supporting member of the ELFA that Ralph now leads.
“Personally I was very pleased to see Ralph being recognized for this great award. Ralph is not only very deserving but has also spent years behind the scenes utilizing his great knowledge of the equipment finance industry and his leadership role within ELFA to help influence positive outcomes for all ELFA members and the industry as a whole. There isn’t a person that I know that does not have the utmost respect for Ralph Petta and the work he and his entire group at the ELFA have accomplished over his many years of service.
“As most are aware Ralph has now stepped forward to assume the Executive Directors role at ELFA, with the recent resignation of Ken Bentsen, and while he is more out in the forefront now, he continues to shine! There is no question that with Ralph’s steady hand at the wheel, and his ability to make thoughtful decisions that benefit its members today and for years to come, the ELFA will continue to provide the leadership that is required to keep the ELFA a strong and meaningful voice for the Equipment Finance Industry. Thank you. “
Best regards,
Randy Haug
President of the National Equipment Finance Association (NEFA)
Sr. Vice President / Partner
LeaseTeam, Inc.
(800)531-5086 x 1014
Innovative Solutions, Extraordinary Results!

The Role Of The Sales Team In Risk Management
It seems more important than ever that risk management becomes part of the fabric of a company. A key component is financial literacy, and a financially literate sales team not only can save the company time and money, but may provide insights that can impact corporate strategy.
Financial Literacy Can Save Time
Providing the sales team with at least the basics of corporate finance can save time and increase efficiency in the finance department.
One of our clients saw the wisdom in providing their sales leaders with a picture of how the company calculates margin and the executives’ goals for growing margin in a twelve month period.
Not surprisingly, the sales leaders responded that this was the first time in their careers that someone from the finance department explained to them exactly how margin is calculated, and what must be done to grow margin in the future.
The sales leaders and their teams then carefully examined all their accounts to determine which customers were most likely to purchase products with margins that met the company’s finance goals. This freed up the sales group’s time for soliciting business only from profitable customers.
A corollary benefit can also accrue to the credit department. Financially literate sales professionals can help educate credit analysts about legitimate opportunities with customers that may not qualify for credit based on traditional credit analysis. Conversely, astute sales professionals can alert the credit department to potential customer problems before those problems become public knowledge.
Financial Literacy Can Save Money
Educating sales professionals on the true costs of transaction losses can modify behavior that saves the company money.
If a leasing organization that brokers its deals to a non-recourse funding source faces a first-payment default with a lessee, it is more than likely that the funding source will want the broker to “buy back” the defaulted paper, even though the transaction was funded non-recourse.
Assuming the broker sold a $50,000 lease to a funding source, and built 10 points into the transaction as a broker fee, the funding source’s investment in the paper is $55,000 ($50,000 equipment cost and $5,000 broker fee, plus expenses we won’t consider here). In order to the make the funding source whole, then, the broker is now out $55,000.
If the broker normally earns a 10% broker fee on lease transactions, the broker must now close $550,000 in lease volume just to get back to even. With all the expenses associated with generating lease volume, the actual number will be much higher.
Understanding exactly what it takes to recover from a loss should increase sales professionals’ sensitivity to the risk associated with customers who are likely to default on their payment obligations.
Financial Literacy Can Promote Organizational Risk Management
An alert, financially literate sales team that has been assigned risk management duties is perhaps in the best position to uncover insider information from industry employees regarding potential problems or opportunities at individual companies as well as in particular industries. Sharing this type of information with the finance department and with senior managers can help with risk management and might even impact corporate sales strategy.
I’m guessing that some managers will retain the thinking that the sales team’s job is to sell, and that risk management activities are best left to the folks in other corporate silos. My reply: The sales organization is capable of much more than we may think.
Teaching the sales team how their company makes and loses money, how to assess the financial health of customers and prospects, and how to uncover information that senior executives can use to reduce present and future risk, makes good sense today. I am convinced that most sales teams, given the right education and the opportunity, are capable of contributing to sound corporate risk management.
Copyright © 2010 Selling UpTM. All Rights Reserved.
About the author: Steve Chriest is the founder of Selling UpTM (, a sales consulting firm specializing in sales revenue improvement for organizations of all types and sizes in a variety of industries. He is also the author of Selling The E-Suite, The Proven System For Reaching and Selling Senior Executives and Profits and Cash – The Game of Business. You can reach Steve at
Microsoft Explorer/Android Leading the Market Place

www.netapplications. com notes that while Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are duking it out, Microsoft still is double all its competitors combined, although it has lost 7,81% share over the last year
December, 2009
Internet Explorer 62.69%
Firefox 24.61%
Safari 4.46%
Chrome 4.63%
Opera 2.40%
Opera Mini 0.53%
Other 0.67%
Browser Share Change
Microsoft Internet Explorer -7.81%
Mozilla Firefox +2.92%
Google Chrome +3.23%
Apple Safari +1.05%
Opera +0.23%
In the mobile devices, Android is by far the leader in sales, manufactured by Motorola, and it runs on the Verizon network, plus uses Google software and other software; Droid appears to be the leader of the pact. Google now has its own mobile device that runs on T-Mobile. iPhone is on AT&T, reportedly in the stage of being up-dated by Apple. The latest: Verizon to carry Palm's smartphones.
Mobile O/S Percentage Gain
(November - December)
Android +54.8%
Blackberry +22.2%
iPhone +20.1%
Symbian +19.0%
Java ME +15.6%
Up-grades to iPhone are promised in competition with Google, who’s telephone is quite sophisticated to those who like gadgets and the ability to have business, home telephone, email all connected as one.
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(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)
ELFA and Evergreen/Winter Green Clauses
by Christopher Menkin

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) is collecting responses on two Evergreen Clause agreements: one a draft to be presented to the ELFA Legal Committee next week during a meeting at ELFA headquarters on Monday, January 11 & Tuesday, January 12 regarding the Kentucky Automatic Renewal Bill, and brings forward the New Hampshire bill.
In a response to a question by Leasing News, ELFA stated:
"The ELFA believes that all contract terms, including automatic renewal terms, should be properly and adequately disclosed. In fact, our Code of Fair Business Practices states that while “different companies appropriately employ different business practices depending on a variety of factors … ELFA Members believe that all business agreements, arrangements and transactions should be conducted with transparency with respect to the roles and responsibilities of all parties. Full disclosure in and clarity of transaction documentation is a key element of such transparency.” Further, our Code of Fair Business Practices states “[m]embers shall conduct their activities in the spirit of full disclosure. All relevant information as to the terms and conditions of a transaction, relationship or service that may affect … the customer's ongoing obligations under the contract, shall be disclosed clearly to the customer prior to closing. Notice, return and end of term provisions of a lease shall be reasonable in light of the structure of the transaction, the type and use of equipment leased and the secondary market….”
The issue is not about transparency, but the actual "mandatory requirement." Leasing News has written editorials opposing those who practice the use of "surprise" automatic payments.
The issue of using these clauses to obtain a purchase option or termination agreement between two parties has value, and Leasing News has written many articles, including Bulletin Board Complaints about the abuse of purposely forcing extra payments, even reporting complaints from major leasing companies using this action of $1.00 purchase options.
As explained by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP, who for many years conducted seminars on behalf of the ELFA, "Evergreen" and "Winter Green" amendments have a place in leasing contracts, when they are mandatory:
“Many Lessors offer an evergreen clause that allows the lessee to renew the lease at the same rental on a month to month basis. This type of lease usually relies on a mandatory 90 day notice to return the equipment or the evergreen clause goes into effect so a month to month extension can come close to a three month extension if the lessee misses the notice requirement. A "winter green" clause is used when a six month or longer extension is automatic upon failure to notify 90 days prior to lease termination. Once again to impose an evergreen or a winter green provision you must give notice to the lessee to remind them of their notice requirement.”
The surprise “twelve months” practice has been abused since the days of syndication of leases. Prior it was an opportunity to obtain repeat business or work out terms and conditions of payment and keep a customer satisfied, meaning to do business with your company again.
A bank built up a customer base with repeat business, loyal customers, and knowing their customers will come back if they are treated well.
Today the syndicator doesn’t know the customer, nor care, as it is part of a portfolio. Others open one company, close it down, start another, and keep advance rentals, cheat on extra payments and residuals. Ethics to these practitioners are: you can do anything you want as long as you don’t get caught.
State of New Hampshire bill:
ELFA Draft Kentucky Automatic Renewal:
Fernando’s View
By Fernando F. Croce
Surprising performances by Robert Downey Jr. (“Sherlock Holmes”) and Daniel Day-Lewis (“Nine”) inaugurate the new year in movies, while DVD releases help you catch up with some of last year’s best (“The Hurt Locker” and “Lorna’s Silence”).

Sherlock Holmes (Warner Bros. Pictures): Director Guy Ritchie, better known for his violent and darkly comic British undercover sagas (“Snatch”), takes a change of pace with this snazzy, engaging retelling of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s legendary 19th-century detective. Holmes (played with twitchy inventiveness by Robert Downey Jr.), with his trusty partner Dr. Watson (Jude Law) by his side, uses his remarkable deducing skills to track down criminals plaguing London. But will this Victorian-era dynamic duo triumph when faced with their most fearsome foe yet, a calculating mastermind (Mark Strong) with unsavory connections to secret societies? Full of fast-paced showdowns and witty comic moments, this is the rare kind of period drama that will appeal to action-movie audiences (and hopefully lead a few of them to read the original novel).

Nine (The Weinstein Company): The idea of the usually ultra-serious Daniel Day-Lewis singing and dancing is intriguing enough to give this screen adaptation of the acclaimed Broadway musical a try. Based on the Italian classic “8 ½,” it follows a frazzled movie director named Guido (Day-Lewis), who is faced with creative block while surrounded by the women of his life, ranging from wives and lovers to mothers and muses. Guido tries to get away at a health spa, but business and life find him anyway, leading to a roster of jazzy musical numbers. An all-star cast (including Nicole Kidman, Sophia Loren, Penelope Cruz, Marion Cottilard and Kate Hudson) make this a must for fans of Oscar-winning director Rob Marshall (“Chicago”).
Netflix tip: If you’re curious about the inner mind of a director but are not that into musicals, go ahead and check out Federico Fellini’s “8 ½,” the 1963 masterpiece that served as the inspiration of “Nine.”
New on DVD:

The Hurt Locker (Summit): After a series of misfires, renowned action director Kathryn Bigelow is back in top form with this intense and beautifully crafted chronicle of a group of bomb-defusing specialists in war-torn Baghdad. Creating an intimate and suspenseful atmosphere, it follows cocky Staff Sergeant James (a breakout performance by Jeremy Renner), by-the-book Sergeant Sanborn (Anthony Mackie) and impressionable Specialist Eldridge (Brian Geraghty) as they make their way through a hostile terrain filled with bombs, snipers, and mercenaries. Stuck in a land where they're always one step away from an explosion, can they stay in one piece until they can go home? Focusing more on character and action than on political ideology, Bigelow offers a taut, kinetic portrait of men at war and grace under pressure.

Lorna’s Silence (Sony): Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne, the Belgian brothers who directed such art-house gems as "The Son" and "The Child," are back with this gritty and involving tale about finding hope in a harsh world. Lorna (a luminous performance by newcomer Arta Dobroshi) is a young Albanian immigrant in Belgium, trying to obtain citizenship papers so she can settle down with her boyfriend. In order to get a green card, she must marry a drug addict (Jeremie Renier), in hopes that he will soon die. Her plan goes awry, however, when she starts to develop feelings for her husband, and her newfound determination go against the orders of local gangsters. A vivid, moving, and surprising story of unlikely redemption. With subtitles.

In the Loop (IFC Films): Comedy about serious subjects is a delicate balancing act, but director Armando Iannucci and a stellar cast succeed in creating an acerbic political satire out of grim issues. In a situation as volatile as war, misunderstanding can be disastrous, and that's just what happens when a British minister (Tom Hollander) unwittingly supports an upcoming war during a radio interview. Suddenly, the meek government official finds himself being shuffled back and forth between London and Washington, D.C., where he's questioned by doves (James Gandolfini) and hawks (David Rasche) alike. Expanded and enriched from a tart BBC sitcom, the movie works as both a very funny look at celebrity politicians and as a droll analysis at governmental issues.
Mike Lockwood’s Family Adopts "Leo"

Leo, Shepard mix, age 5 months, adopted November 22, 2009 from the Camarillo, Ventura County Animal Shelter.
"Your efforts in showing various pet adoption clinics worked for us - we got our new dog from the Camarillo shelter a month ago."
Michael Lockwood
TEQlease, Inc.
Calabasas, CA 91302
(818) 222-1006
Another Wonderful Story--Los Angeles Adopt-a-Pet
“ He is Blind and terrified...again imagine living for 2 years in a cage AND being blind AND being terrified.”

"Do you know if that blind dog that you featured in your 12/4 Newsletter was adopted. Please let me know if you have a moment. That one really hit me hard. Thank you.”
Larry Hegeman
Senior Account Executive
Kingswood Leasing Inc.
Wolfeboro Falls, New Hampshire 03896
Below is an update:
“Wonder is doing great. At first he was skittish and afraid of everything including me. Then he learned to trust me each day at a time. Taking him on walks at first was terrible. He was so afraid to walk outside of the gate of my driveway that I literally had to drag him to the front yard, then to the corner of the sidewalk, etc. We practiced everyday and finally got him to walk 3 blocks round trip, a total of about half a mile. “
“Now, he is lazy. He only wants to do 1 block. At the corner where we are supposed to go straight, he will pull me to turn the corner instead, so not to start the 2nd block. How can I argue with a 72 pound chow? He has put on quite a bit of weight since I got him from the shelter. I could see his ribs back then. He wasn’t skinny but I didn’t like seeing his ribs. He used to be scared of other dogs, even their bark as we walked the neighborhood. About a year after I got Wonder, I found a chi mix on the street where I used to work. I took him to the shelter hoping somebody would be looking for him or adopt him but nobody did. So, I gave him to a friend in SF bay area. She kept him for 9 months and returned him due to aggression issues. I took him back to see how he was acting and it turned out that he is just fine. She never took him for a walk and hardly played with him. Wonder and Lucky did so well together that I decided to keep him (for Wonder).”

“They play together, eat their dinner side by side, we go on the 1 block walk together. It was really perfect timing for Wonder to have Lucky come into his life. After a year of getting used to me and our routines, he was not afraid of dogs anymore and was friendly with Lucky. I noticed how much happier he is with Lucky around. And Lucky is happier now too and no longer aggressive. Wonder is not aggressive at all. He gets excited if the cats are standing in front of his face but he doesn’t attack or lunge at them. He only growls if Lucky tries to steal his bone from under him. He is on daily senior vitamins and glucosamine for his joints. He even has VPI pet insurance. But so far he is healthy, no problems.”
### Press Release ##########################
TEQlease Capital Hires Runnalls to Lead Equipment Finance Team

TEQlease Capital announced that W. Russell (Russ) Runnalls, CLP, has joined the company to lead its lease brokerage group. Runnalls is a 30 year equipment leasing industry veteran and has an extensive background in equipment leasing company operations, including with Markay Financial and Charter Equipment Leasing.
“As a successful and experienced industry veteran, Russ is well equipped to grow our equipment lease funding capabilities and our business," said Michael Lockwood, TEQlease Capital president. "We are extremely fortunate that Russ has agreed to join TEQlease Capital and lend his considerable expertise to our efforts.”
TEQlease Capital is a Calabasas, California-based equipment leasing company and equipment lease servicer. TEQlease leases essential use, revenue-producing equipment to end users nationwide. TEQlease customers include Fortune 500, medium-sized, middle market, private equity-backed, and closely-held small businesses. Learn more about TEQlease at
### Press Release ############################
North Hollywood Man Ordered to Serve 4 Years Probation for Filing False Claims with the IRS
Ordered to pay restitution to the IRS in the amount of $199,267
Los Angeles – In United States District Court in Los Angeles, a North Hollywood man was ordered to serve four years probation and to pay $199,267 in restitution to the IRS related to a conspiracy scheme to defraud the United States with respect to claims, in violation of Title 18, United States Code section 286.
Sigbirt Adler, of North Hollywood, admitted being a part of a conspiracy that filed false claims with the Internal Revenue Service in a scheme in which gambling winnings and losses of the participants were falsified to obtain tax refunds. He was sentenced before United States District Judge Christina A. Snyder.
According to his plea agreement, Adler, in conjunction with Anthony Del Rosario, Lee Del Rosario, Nelson Mauricio Ardon, and others conspired to defraud the government by filing false claims for income tax refunds. Adler solicited Ardon and the Del Rosario’s to provide their personal identifying information, telling them that the information would be used to prepare and file false income tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service, claiming fictitious gambling winnings on their returns. The participant’s information was used to prepare fictitious Forms W-2G’s, reporting false gambling winnings and withholding amounts. Subsequently, false returns were filed by the co-conspirators with the IRS utilizing the falsified Forms W-2G’s and tax refunds were obtained by Ardon and both Anthony Del Rosario and Lee Del Rosario.
Adler’s plea agreement details that, in 2006, he solicited Anthony Del Rosario for his personal identifying information and, in conjunction with others, caused a false return to be filed with the IRS claiming that Anthony Del Rosario had received over $265,000 in gambling winnings and had paid $66,451 in federal taxes. As a result of the false information contained on the return, the IRS issued a refund to Anthony Del Rosario in the amount of $66,451.
In related cases, Anthony Del Rosario was previously sentenced to 60 months probation and ordered to pay restitution of $66,451 after pleading guilty to filing a false claim with the IRS. Lee Del Rosario was sentenced to 36 months probation and ordered to pay restitution of $57,417 subsequent his pleading guilty to submitting a false document to the IRS. Nelson Ardon is scheduled for trial before United States Magistrate Judge Rosalyn Chapman on charges he submitted a false document to the IRS later this year.
The investigation of Adler, Ardon, Anthony Del Rosario, and Lee Del Rosario was conducted by IRS – Criminal Investigation’s Los Angeles Field Office in cooperation with the United States Attorney’s office for the Central District of California.
#### Press Release #############################

News Briefs----

You May have Missed---
This show is at Kiel Opera House in St Louis June '65.
Johnny Carson hosted....
The Rat Pack were playing Vegas.
This is supposed to be the ONLY time Carson sang in public.
Quincy Jones was conducting the Basie band, and he is visible in the background.

Sports Briefs

"Gimme that Wine"
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Winery Atlas
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page
The London International Vintners Exchange (Liv-ex) is an electronic exchange for fine wine.
Today's Top Event in History
1815-The greatest battle of the War of 1812 and its finest American victory came on Jan. 8, 1815, two weeks after the war had been ended officially by the Treaty of Client. The Battle of New Orleans was fought on the British side by 7500 veterans under the command of Gen. Sir Edward Pakenham. The U.S. force, under the command of Gen. Andrew Jackson, comprised about 4500 troops, many of them expert marksmen from Kentucky and Tennessee armed with exceedingly accurate long rifles. The U.S. troops were strongly entrenched when on the morning of Jan. 8 the British, in close ranks, made two assaults on their lines. In half an hour the British were driven back, Pakenham was killed, and 2036 of his men were killed or wounded. U.S. forces suffered 8 killed and 13 wounded. Although the battle had no bearing on the outcome of the war, it was a stimulus to U.S. pride, which had suffered from several embarrassing defeats during the conflict. The battle made a military hero of Gen. Jackson, whose political career was advanced.

This Day in American History
1675 - In the United States, the first corporation was charted: the New York Fishing Company.”
1786- Birthday of Nicholas Biddle, American lawyer, diplomat, statesman and financier who served as president of the Second Bank of the United States. Born at Philadelphia, PA, he died there Feb 27,1844.
1798 - The 11th Amendment of the United States Constitution, modifying the power of the Supreme Court, was ratified.
1802 - As mandated by Jay's Treaty, a specially appointed commission finds that in settlement of the war claims of British citizens, both Loyalists and English merchants, the US owes $2,664,000.
1806- Lewis & Clark find skeleton of 105' blue whale in Oregon
1815-The greatest battle of the War of 1812 and its finest American victory came on Jan. 8, 1815, two weeks after the war had been ended officially by the Treaty of Client. The Battle of New Orleans was fought on the British side by 7500 veterans under the command of Gen. Sir Edward Pakenham. The U.S. force, under the command of Gen. Andrew Jackson, comprised about 4500 troops, many of them expert marksmen from Kentucky and Tennessee armed with exceedingly accurate long rifles. The U.S. troops were strongly entrenched when on the morning of Jan. 8 the British, in close ranks, made two assaults on their lines. In half an hour the British were driven back, Pakenham was killed, and 2036 of his men were killed or wounded. U.S. forces suffered 8 killed and 13 wounded. Although the battle had no bearing on the outcome of the war, it was a stimulus to U.S. pride, which had suffered from several embarrassing defeats during the conflict. The battle made a military hero of Gen. Jackson, whose political career was advanced.
1821-Birthday of Confederate General James Longstreet, born near Edgefield, South Carolina. Longstreet became one of the most successful generals in the Confederate Army, but after the war was a target of some of his comrades, who were searching for a scapegoat. Longstreet grew up in Georgia and attended West Point, graduating 54th in a class of 62 in 1842. He was a close friend of Ulysses S. Grant, and served as best man in Grant's 1848 wedding to Julia Dent, Longstreet's fourth cousin. Longstreet fought in the Mexican War and was wounded at the Battle of Chapultepec. He served in the army until he resigned at the beginning of the Civil War, when he was named brigadier general in the Confederate Army. Longstreet fought at the First Battle of Bull Run and within a year was commander of corps in the Army of Northern Virginia under General Robert E. Lee. Upon the death of General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson at the Battle of Chancellorsville in May 1863, Longstreet was considered the most effective corps commander in Lee's army. He served with Lee for the rest of the war--except for the fall of 1863, when he took his force to aid the Confederate effort in Tennessee. Longstreet was severely wounded at the Battle of the Wilderness in May 1864, and he did not return to service for six months. He resumed service and fought with Lee until the surrender at Appomattox in April 1865. After the war, Longstreet engaged in a number of businesses and held several governmental posts, most notably U.S. Minister to Turkey. Although successful, he made two moves that greatly tarnished his reputation among his fellow southerners. He joined the despised Republican Party and publicly questioned Lee's strategy at the pivotal Battle of Gettysburg. His fellow officers considered these sins to be unforgivable, and former comrades such as Generals Jubal Early and John Gordon attacked Longstreet as a traitor. They asserted that, in fact, Longstreet was responsible for the errors that lost Gettysburg. There is a controversy regarding JEB Stuart and other actions, attributed to both the confusion of the battle, communication problems, and “battle decisions” rather than plans. Longstreet outlived most of his comrades and detractors but died on January 2, 1904. His second wife, Helen Dortch, lived until 1962.
1838- a telegraphic system in which dotes and dashes represented letters was invented by Alfred Vail of Morristown, NJ. On this date in 1938, he transmitted its first message: “ A patient waiter is no loser.” On January 24, in a public demonstration given at New York University, NYC, the message ‘Attention the Universe, By Kingdom’s Right Wheel.” was transmitted through a circuit of 10 miles.
1856 - Dr. John Veatch discovered Borax, hydrated sodium borate, in Tuscan Springs, California. It would become a multiuse product popularized during the time of television’s "Death Valley Days".
1859 - This is the only day New York City's temperature stayed below zero the entire day.
1867-- Election law granting African-American men the right to vote was the congressional act of January 8, 1867, amending voting practices in Washington, DC. Every male citizen of the city who was 21 years of age or over was given the right to vote, except paupers, those under guardianship, men convicted of infamous crimes, and men who gave voluntary comfort to the rebels during the Civil War. The bill was vetoed by President Andrew Johnson on January 5, 1867.
He had been chosen president after the election was decided by the electoral congress committee by promising Southern Democrats to vote against any reformation measures. His veto was overridden in the Senate by a vote of 29 to 10 and in the House by a vote of 112 to 28.
1877-Outnumbered, low on ammunition, and forced to use outdated weapons to defend themselves, Crazy Horse and his warriors fight their final losing battle against the U.S. Cavalry in Montana. Six months earlier, Crazy Horse (Tashunca-uitco) and his ally, Sitting Bull (Tatanka Iyotake), led their combined forces of Sioux and Cheyenne to a stunning victory over Lieutenant Colonel George Custer and his men near the Little Bighorn River of Montana. Outraged by the killing of the flamboyant Custer and more than 200 soldiers, the American people demanded speedy revenge. The U.S. Army responded by commanding General Nelson Miles to mount a winter campaign in 1876-77 against the remaining hostile Indians on the Northern Plains. Combining military force with diplomatic overtures, Nelson succeeded in convincing many Indians to surrender and return to their reservations. Much to Nelson's frustration, though, Sitting Bull refused to give in and fled across the border to Canada, where he and his people remained for four years before finally returning to the U.S. to surrender in 1881. Meanwhile, Crazy Horse and his band also refused to surrender, though they were suffering badly from sickness and starvation. His followers later reported that Crazy Horse, who had always been slightly odd, began to grow even stranger during this difficult time, disappearing for days into the wilderness by himself and walking about the camp with his eyes to the ground. On January 8, 1877, General Miles found Crazy Horse's camp along Montana's Tongue River. The soldiers opened fire with their big wagon-mounted guns, driving the Indians from their warm tents out into a raging blizzard. Crazy Horse and his warriors managed to regroup on a ridge and return fire, but most of their ammunition was gone, and they were reduced to fighting with bows and arrows. They managed to hold off the soldiers long enough for the women and children to escape under cover of the blinding blizzard before they turned to follow them. Though he had escaped decisive defeat, Crazy Horse realized that Miles and his well-equipped cavalry troops would eventually hunt down and destroy his cold and hungry people. On May 6, 1877, Crazy Horse led 1,100 Indians to the Red Cloud reservation near Fort Robinson. The mighty warrior surrendered in the face of insurmountable obstacles. Five months later, after he tried to escape, two guards led him back to the guardhouse, and he did not want to go. One of the of guards put a bayonet in his stomach and Crazy Horse died.
1880 -San Francisco Emperor Norton drops dead on California St. Between 10,000 and 30,000 people were reported to have attended his funeral.
1889 - Dr. Herman Hollerith patented the tabulating machine. The machine tallied numbers fed to it on punch cards. The system was first used extensively to compile statistics for the eleventh federal census in 1890. In 1896, Hollerith organized the Tabulating Machine Company, which later grew into the International Business Machines Corporation (IBM).
1901 - In Chicago, Illinois, the first bowling tournament sanctioned by the American Bowling Congress was held.
1904-Birthday of songwriter/guitarist Tampa Red
1918 - United States President Woodrow Wilson presented his Fourteen Points to Congress, a peace plan aimed at a new world order after World War I.
1918-- Mississippi ratified the Prohibition Amendment and on January 16, 1919, Nebraska became the 36th state, making the three-fourth of the state requirement for the prohibition of alcohol which went into effect on January 16, 1920. In 1933, it became the first constitut8ional amendment to be repealed.
1918-- In a speech before a hastily convened joint session of Congress, President Woodrow Wilson presented Fourteen Points for a just peace. The proposal called for reduction of armaments to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety, “open covenants openly arrived at,” self-determination of governments and the creation of a League of Nations to preserve peace. Wilson was unable to obtain Allied agreement to his proposals.
1923-Birthday of pianist Bobby Tucker, Morriston, NY
1923 - the all-time January record high temperature reading was reached at Los Angeles when the mercury climbed to 90 degrees.
1926-Birthday of one of my favorite comedians, Soupy Sales, born Morton Supman,
Wake Forest, NC.
1928--SCHILT, CHRISTIAN FRANK Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps. Place and date: Quilali, Nicaragua, 6, 7 and 8 January 1928. Entered service at: Illinois. Born: 1 March 1895, Richland County, Ill. Other Navy awards: Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross with 1 gold star. Citation: During the progress of an insurrection at Quilali, Nicaragua, 6, 7, and 8 January 1928, 1st Lt. Schilt, then a member of a marine expedition which had suffered severe losses in killed and wounded, volunteered under almost impossible conditions to evacuate the wounded by air and transport a relief commanding officer to assume charge of a very serious situation. 1st Lt. Schilt bravely undertook this dangerous and important task and, by taking off a total of 10 times in the rough, rolling street of a partially burning village, under hostile infantry fire on each occasion, succeeded in accomplishing his mission, thereby actually saving 3 lives and bringing supplies and aid to others in desperate need.
1931-Birthday of music producer/promoter Bill Graham ( Wolfgang Grajonca,) Berlin, Germany ( see biography of Graham)
1932-Birthday of Mel Tillis, the Country Music Association Entertainer of the Year in 1976, born in Tampa, Florida. Equally talented as a singer and as a songwriter, Tillis began his hit-making career in 1958 with "The Violet and the Rose." His top-ten singles have included "Who's Julie," "The Arms of a Fool" and "Memory Maker." Tillis has a speech impediment, but has made his stuttering a part of his act.
1935-- birthday of Elvis Aaron Presley, American rock singer, born at Tupelo, MS. Although his middle name was spelled incorrectly as “Aron” on his birth certificate, Elvis had it legally changed to “Aaron,” which is how it is spelled on his gravestone. Died at Memphis, TN, Aug 16,1977. His motto was “TCB”, taking care of business.
1937 -50ºF (-45.6ºC), San Jacinto , Nevada (state record) Elko
1937--American composer Robert Moran born in Denver, Colorado. Studied 12 Tone Composition with Hans Erich Apostel in Vienna, l957-58; completed his Masters Degree in Composition with Luciano Berio and Darius Milhaud at Mills College, l96l-l963.
1937--Birthday of singer Shirley Bassey.
1940-- birthday of rocker Little Anthony, born Anthony Gourdine, New York City. Signed by producer Richard Barrett, the group had a million-seller in 1958 with "Tears on My Pillow." Their other top-10 hits included "Goin' Out of My Head" and "Hurt So Bad."
1941-American mogul William Randolph Hearst, owner of the Hearst newspaper chain, forbids any of his newspapers from accepting ads for Orson Welles' Citizen Kane, slated for release later in the year. The film was generally interpreted as a psychological study of Hearst, portrayed as the fictional Charles Foster Kane. In March 1941, Welles threatened to sue Hearst for trying to suppress the film, and RKO if it failed to release the film. The film premiered May 1, 1941, at the RKO Palace in New York and became one of the most highly regarded films of all time.
1941-- Harry James records “ Music Makers” ( Columbia 25932)
1942-Birthday of drummer Bill Goodwin, Los Angeles,,437013,00.html?artist=Bill+Goodwin
1944---Top Hits
My Heart Tells Me - The Glen Gray Orchestra (vocal: Eugenie Baird)
Paper Doll - The Mills Brothers
People Will Say We’re in Love - Bing Crosby
Pistol Packin’ Mama - Bing Crosby & The Andrews Sisters.
1945--DUNHAM, RUSSELL E. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Technical Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company I, 30th Infantry, 3d Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Kayserberg, France, 8 January 1945. Entered service at: Brighton Ill. Born: 23 February 1920, East Carondelet, Ill. G.O. No.: 37, 11 May 1945. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. At about 1430 hours on 8 January 1945, during an attack on Hill 616, near Kayserberg, France, T/Sgt. Dunham single-handedly assaulted 3 enemy machineguns. Wearing a white robe made of a mattress cover, carrying 12 carbine magazines and with a dozen hand grenades snagged in his belt, suspenders, and buttonholes, T/Sgt. Dunham advanced in the attack up a snow-covered hill under fire from 2 machineguns and supporting riflemen. His platoon 35 yards behind him, T/Sgt. Dunham crawled 75 yards under heavy direct fire toward the timbered emplacement shielding the left machinegun. As he jumped to his feet 10 yards from the gun and charged forward, machinegun fire tore through his camouflage robe and a rifle bullet seared a 10-inch gash across his back sending him spinning 15 yards down hill into the snow. When the indomitable sergeant sprang to his feet to renew his 1-man assault, a German egg grenade landed beside him. He kicked it aside, and as it exploded 5 yards away, shot and killed the German machine gunner and assistant gunner. His carbine empty, he jumped into the emplacement and hauled out the third member of the gun crew by the collar. Although his back wound was causing him excruciating pain and blood was seeping through his white coat, T/Sgt. Dunham proceeded 50 yards through a storm of automatic and rifle fire to attack the second machinegun. Twenty-five yards from the emplacement he hurled 2 grenades, destroying the gun and its crew; then fired down into the supporting foxholes with his carbine dispatching and dispersing the enemy riflemen. Although his coat was so thoroughly blood-soaked that he was a conspicuous target against the white landscape, T/Sgt. Dunham again advanced ahead of his platoon in an assault on enemy positions farther up the hill. Coming under machinegun fire from 65 yards to his front, while rifle grenades exploded 10 yards from his position, he hit the ground and crawled forward. At 15 yards range, he jumped to his feet, staggered a few paces toward the timbered machinegun emplacement and killed the crew with hand grenades. An enemy rifleman fired at pointblank range, but missed him. After killing the rifleman, T/Sgt. Dunham drove others from their foxholes with grenades and carbine fire. Killing 9 Germans - wounding 7 and capturing 2 - firing about 175 rounds of carbine ammunition, and expending 11 grenades, T/Sgt. Dunham, despite a painful wound, spearheaded a spectacular and successful diversionary attack.
1945- TURNER, DAY G. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company B, 319th Infantry, 80th Infantry Division. Place and date: At Dahl, Luxembourg, 8 January 1945. Entered service at. Nescopek, Pa. Birth: Berwick, Pa. G.O. No.: 49, 28 June 1945. Citation: He commanded a 9-man squad with the mission of holding a critical flank position. When overwhelming numbers of the enemy attacked under cover of withering artillery, mortar, and rocket fire, he withdrew his squad into a nearby house, determined to defend it to the last man. The enemy attacked again and again and was repulsed with heavy losses. Supported by direct tank fire, they finally gained entrance, but the intrepid sergeant refused to surrender although 5 of his men were wounded and 1 was killed. He boldly flung a can of flaming oil at the first wave of attackers, dispersing them, and fought doggedly from room to room, closing with the enemy in fierce hand-to-hand encounters. He hurled hand grenade for hand grenade, bayoneted 2 fanatical Germans who rushed a doorway he was defending and fought on with the enemy's weapons when his own ammunition was expended. The savage fight raged for 4 hours, and finally, when only 3 men of the defending squad were left unwounded, the enemy surrendered. Twenty-five prisoners were taken, 11 enemy dead and a great number of wounded were counted. Sgt. Turner's valiant stand will live on as a constant inspiration to his comrades His heroic, inspiring leadership, his determination and courageous devotion to duty exemplify the highest tradition of the military service.
1945- Elvis Presley receives his first guitar for his tenth birthday.
1947- Singer/Actor David Bowie born.
1952 - Marie Wilson debuted on television as "My Friend Irma". The show spent years on radio, and was highly popular, but only lasted two seasons on television.
1952---Top Hits
Slowpoke - Pee Wee King
Sin (It’s No) - Eddy Howard
Undecided - The Ames Brothers
Let Old Mother Nature Have Her Way - Carl Smith
1953 - A severe icestorm in the northeastern U.S. produced up to four inches of ice in Pennsylvania, and two to three inches in southeastern New York State. In southern New England the ice coated a layer of snow up to 20 inches deep. The storm resulted in 31 deaths and 2.5 million dollars damage.
1956- Elvis Presley's "Don't Be Cruel/Hound Dog" single goes to #1 & stays #1 for a record 11 weeks (for a single.)
1957 - Elvis Presley passed his Army pre-induction exam in Memphis, Tennessee.
1957-- birthday of former 49er “The Catch” Dwight Edward Clark, Kinston, NC, now general manager of the Cleveland Brown, considered a “traitor” for the way he left the 49ers along with Carmen Policy, who many fans like better than
Al Davis, today.
1958 - At age 14, Bobby Fisher won his first United States Chess Championship for the first time.
1960---Top Hits
Why - Frankie Avalon
Running Bear - Johnny Preston
Way Down Yonder in New Orleans - Freddie Cannon
El Paso - Marty Robbins
1960 - The NCAA met in New York to vote against resurrecting the unlimited substitution rule in college football.
1961 - Robert Goulet made his national television debut in the United States on CBS's "The Ed Sullivan Show".
1964-- President Lyndon Johnson declared a War on Poverty in his State of the Union address. He stressed improved education as one of the cornerstones of the program. The following Aug 20. he signed a $947.5 million anti-poverty bill designed to assist more than 30 million citizens. His fear of not being considered an anti-communist and too liberal kept us in the Viet Nam war as his diary and letters now reveal. His lack of foreign policy leadership overshadowed his domestic accomplishments.
1965-- Loma Elizabeth Lockwood of Douglas, AZ, was elected chief justice of the Arizona Supreme Court, the first woman to become a state supreme court justice.
She served from 1965 to 1975. She had been elected an associate justice of the
court in 1961.
1965 - On NBC, the television dance show "Hullabaloo" debuted. The show took a weekly trip into rock and roll with a group of girls in mini-skirts. ABC tried to compete with "Shindig".
1966 - The Beatles LP, "Rubber Soul", began its 6-week run at the top of the album chart. Since February, 1964, it was the seventh Beatles LP to hit #1 on the album charts. "Rubber Soul" lasted another 56 weeks on the charts. The other Beatles #1 albums to that date were: "Meet the Beatles", "The Beatles Second Album", "A Hard Day’s Night", "Beatles ’65", "Beatles VI" and "Help!". 1969, photographer Iain Macmillan took six pictures of the Beatles crossing the street outside their Abbey Road studio in London. A police officer held up traffic while the band walked back and forth several times. Paul McCartney chose one of the pictures for the cover of the "Abbey Road" album.
1968---Top Hits
Hello Goodbye - The Beatles
Daydream Believer - The Monkees
Judy in Disguise (With Glasses) - John Fred & His Playboy Band
For Loving You - Bill Anderson & Jan Howard
1968- WETZEL, GARY GEORGE Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Specialist Fourth Class (then Pfc.), U.S. Army, 173d Assault Helicopter Company. Place and date: Near Ap Dong An, Republic of Vietnam, 8 January 1968. Entered service at: Milwaukee, Wis. Born: 29 September 1947, South Milwaukee, Wis. Citation. Sp4c. Wetzel, 173d Assault Helicopter Company, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life. Above and beyond the call of duty. Sp4c. Wetzel was serving as door gunner aboard a helicopter which was part of an insertion force trapped in a landing zone by intense and deadly hostile fire. Sp4c. Wetzel was going to the aid of his aircraft commander when he was blown into a rice paddy and critically wounded by 2 enemy rockets that exploded just inches from his location. Although bleeding profusely due to the loss of his left arm and severe wounds in his right arm, chest, and left leg, Sp4c. Wetzel staggered back to his original position in his gun-well and took the enemy forces under fire. His machinegun was the only weapon placing effective fire on the enemy at that time. Through a resolve that overcame the shock and intolerable pain of his injuries, Sp4c. Wetzel remained at his position until he had eliminated the automatic weapons emplacement that had been inflicting heavy casualties on the American troops and preventing them from moving against this strong enemy force. Refusing to attend his own extensive wounds, he attempted to return to the aid of his aircraft commander but passed out from loss of blood. Regaining consciousness, he persisted in his efforts to drag himself to the aid of his fellow crewman. After an agonizing effort, he came to the side of the crew chief who was attempting to drag the wounded aircraft commander to the safety of a nearby dike. Unswerving in his devotion to his fellow man, Sp4c. Wetzel assisted his crew chief even though he lost consciousness once again during this action. Sp4c. Wetzel displayed extraordinary heroism in his efforts to aid his fellow crewmen. His gallant actions were in keeping with the highest traditions of the U.S. Army and reflect great credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of his country.
1969- American composer Frank Lee Sprague born Wichita Falls, Texas; over 1000 works to his credit. Many of his compositions have been debuted and performed in Los Angeles by the best musicians in the world including Ernest Ehrheardt, Karen Elaine, Robert Korda, Brian Leonard, and more. Originally from Wichita Falls, Texas, Frank has spent his life studying, writing, and performing music. His main instrument is the guitar. He has many works for guitar and also guitar with various chamber ensembles.
1969 -At San Fernando State in California 1,000 anti-Vietnam War students attempt to occupy administration building.
1969--In San Jose, California, teachers join strike with students opposed to the Vietnam War.
1970- Janis Joplin bought a tombstone for blues singer Bessie Smith's unmarked grave in a Philadelphia cemetery. Less than two months later, Joplin herself was dead of a drug overdose. Smith had died following an auto accident in 1942 at the age of 37.
1971-- Jason Gilbert Giambi, born West Covina, CA, former Oakland Athletics now New York Yankee baseball player. Arizona beat the Yankees last year.
1972--the NCAA announced that freshman would be eligible to play varsity football and basketball starting in the fall of 1972.
1973 - Carly Simon was awarded a gold record for her single, "You’re So Vain".
1973-National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger and Hanoi's Le Duc Tho resume peace negotiations in Paris. After the South Vietnamese had blunted the massive North Vietnamese invasion launched in the spring of 1972, Kissinger and the North Vietnamese had finally made some progress on reaching a negotiated end to the war. However, a recalcitrant South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu had inserted several demands into to the negotiations that caused the North Vietnamese negotiators to walk out of the talks on December 13. President Richard Nixon issued an ultimatum to Hanoi to send its representatives back to the conference table within 72 hours "or else." The North Vietnamese rejected Nixon's demand and the president ordered Operation Linebacker II, a full-scale air campaign against the Hanoi area. On December 28, after 11 days of round-the-clock bombing (with the exception of a 36-hour break for Christmas), North Vietnamese officials agreed to return to the peace negotiations in Paris. When the negotiators returned on January 8, the peace talks moved along quickly. On January 23, 1973, the United States, North Vietnam, the Republic of Vietnam, and the Viet Cong signed a cease-fire agreement that took effect five days later.
1973 - A severe ice storm stuck Atlanta, GA. The storm paralyzed the city. Damage from the storm was estimated at $25 million. One to four inches of ice coated northern Georgia, leaving 300,000 people without electricity for up to a week.
1974 -Gold hits record $126.50 an ounce in London .
1979-- The United States advises the Shah to leave Iran.
1975 - Ella Grasso became the first woman to become a governor of a state without her husband preceding her, when she was elected as governor of Connecticut.
1976---Top Hits
Saturday Night - Bay City Rollers
I Write the Songs - Barry Manilow
Theme from Mahogany (Do You Know Where You’re Going To) - Diana Ross
Convoy - C.W. McCall
1977 - Barbra Streisand's recording of Evergreen debuted on Billboard's popular record charts on this date, staying on the charts for 18 weeks, and was in the Number 1 spot for 3 weeks. The song, love theme from the movie A Star is Born, was later certified gold.
1980- San Francisco marked the 100th anniversary of the death of America's only monarch, Norton I, Dei Gratia Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico, with lunch-hour ceremonies at Market and Montgomery streets. Best ruler the country ever had was the declaration.
1982 -Johnny Cash Parkway opens in Hendersonville Tennessee
1982-- in the most significant antitrust suit since the breakup of Standard Oil American Telephone and Telegraph agreed to give up its 22 local Bell System companies (“Baby Bells”). These companies represented 80 percent of AT&T’s assets. This ended the corporation’s virtual monopoly on US telephone service. Many critics believe deregulation lead to higher prices and “baby bell” monopolies, plus others believe AT&T is stronger than ever.
1984-- The Seattle Seahawks reached the AFC title game for the first time in their history but were defeated by the Los Angeles Raiders, 30-14
1984---Top Hits
Say Say Say - Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson
Owner of a Lonely Heart - Yes
Twist of Fate - Olivia Newton-John
You Look So Good in Love - George Strait
1987-- The Dow-Jones Index of 30 major industrial stocks topped the 2,000 mark for the first time.
1988 - A winter storm spread heavy snow across the northeastern U.S., with up to ten inches reported in southern New Jersey.
1989--- "42nd Street," the second longest-running musical in Broadway history, closed after eight years and 3,486 performances seen by 10-million people. The show is second only to "A Chorus Line" in Broadway longevity. "42nd Street" was based on the 1933 movie starring Ruby Keeler, Dick Powell and Ginger Rogers. It told the tale of a chorus girl replacing an aging star who breaks her ankle just before opening night.
1989 - Strong northwesterly winds and bitterly cold temperatures prevailed in the north central U.S. Winds in the Great Lakes Region gusted to 58 mph at Chicago IL, and reached 63 mph at Niagara Falls NY. Squalls in western New York State produced 20 inches of snow at Barnes Corners and Lowville. Snow squalls in Upper Michigan produced 26 inches around Keweenaw.
1990 - High winds plagued the northwestern U.S., with the state of Oregon hardest hit. Two persons were killed in Oregon, and nine others were injured, and the high winds downed fifty-five million board feet of timber, valued at more than twenty million dollars. Winds gusted to 90 mph near Pinehurst ID, and wind gusts reached 96 mph at Stevenson WA.
1993-- Michael Jordan scored 35 points to lead the Chicago Bulls to a 120-95 win over the Milwaukee Bucks. the points gave Jordan exactly 20,000 in the 620th game of his career and made him the second fastest NBA player to reach that mark behind Wilt Chamberlain, who did it in 499 games. January 4, 2002, Jordan back after retirement, hit the 30,000 score mark.
1997--Texaco took action against David Keough, one of the executives surreptitiously caught on tape making racist jokes and admitting to destroying potentially incriminating documents. An assistant treasurer at Texaco’s finance insurance subsidiary, Keough was fired after officials for the oil giant received the findings of independent counsel Michael Armstrong’s investigation into the tape scandal. Keough’s firing was just the latest chapter in Texaco’s tape saga: earlier in 1996, the discovery of the tape had helped a group of 1,400 employees win a $175 million settlement in a racial discrimination suit brought against the company. That same year Richard Lundwall and Robert Ulrich, two of the other executives captured on the tape, stood trial on charges of conspiracy and obstruction of justice; Ludwall and Ulrich were acquitted of those charges in 1998.
2000- Trailing 16-15 with 16 seconds remaining, the Tennessee Titans stun the Buffalo Bills with a lateral pass on a kickoff return that turns into a 75-yard Kevin Dyson touchdown and a 22-16 Wild-Card victory that is called "The Music City Miracle.
2007- Officials from the National Archives announced that their most requested document is a photo of cloaked and bejeweled Elvis Presley shaking hands with President Nixon at The White House on December 21st, 1970
Football Poem

"Some time . . . when the team is up against it, when things are wrong and the breaks are beating the boys - tell them to go in there with all they've got and win just one for the Gipper. I don't know where I'll be then . . .. but I'll know about it, and I'll be happy.”
spoken by Pat O'Brien about George Gipp, played by Ronald Reagan
Knute Rockne--All American (1940)
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