Monday, June 18, 2007

Classified Ads---Controller
New England Meeting open to all
Other Events/Meetings open to all
Alexa ranks Leasing Media Web Sites
Top Stories--June 11-June 15
Classified ads---Help Wanted
Leasing 102-by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Lessee Waiving Rights under UCC - 2A
Compliance Tops List of Worries
Super yacht Financing:
--Traditional Financing & Lease
Bernanke: Banks still big credit players
BofA Will Remake Private Bank
Path clear Zoellick World Bank chief
Internet tax issue returns to table
News Briefs---
You May have Missed---
California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
Calendar Events
Snapple Real Facts
Today's Top Event in History
This Day in American History
Baseball Poem
Daily Puzzle
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
Classified Ads---Controller

Boca Raton, FL
CPA w/ Sarbanes Oxley/ 15 years management exp. as CFO/ Controller/5 yrs w/ PWC Extensive exp providing accounting/ tax guidance for the equipment lease industry. Willing to relocate.
Chicago, IL
experienced in lease accounting, operations, management, and Sarbanes-Oxley. Seeking position with equipment lessor. Would consider contract assignments or relocating.
Southeastern, MI
Controller & Management experience w/ equip lessors &broker. MBA, CPA w/ extensive accounting, management, securitization experience with public and private companies. Willing to relocate.
Email: |
West Palm Beach, FL
CPA/CFO/Controller/Due Diligence Officer/SOX Lead seeking position.
Email: |
To place a free “job wanted” ad here, please go to:
For a full listing of all “job wanted” ads, please go to:

New England Area Regional
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Red Rock Bistro
141 Humphrey St .
Rt. 1A
Swampscott , MA 01907
(781) 595-1414 |

Networking on the Ocean
Join UAEL and your leasing industry friends and colleagues as you enjoy some of the finest seafood and cuisine Boston has to offer. From its breathtaking views of Boston Harbor to its assortment of fresh fish, Red Rock Bistro provides us the perfect opportunity to network in style.
Attendee Cost
*Cost includes lunch and soft drinks
To register , go to the Event Section of the website or call the UAEL office, 760-564-2227.
Host Contacts:
Larry LaChance, CLP
Banker's Capital
John Donohue
Direct Capital Corporation
John J. Dussi, Esquire
Cohn & Dussi, LLC
781-494-0200 |
Other Events/Meetings open to members/non-members
Calendar Dates |
UAEL New England Area Regional |
UAEL Evening at the Track, Grand Prairie, TX |
UAEL St. Louis Regional Gathering |
UAEL Oregon Networking Regional Cocktail Reception Party |
EAEL "Day at the Races" Arlington Race Track, Chicago, IL |
AZELA Diamondback's Baseball outing & summer meeting |
EAEL Northeast Golf Outing, Bethpage Red Course, Farmingdale, NY |
UAEL 5th Annual Southern California Anaheim Angels Night! |
NAELB 2007 Western Regional Meeting - Costa Mesa, CA |
EXPO Marriott Teaneck, NJ |
NAELB 2007 Eastern Regional Meeting - Atlanta, GA |
To view Leasing Association Conferences in 2007, please click here. |

Alexa Ranks Leasing Media Web Sites
Rank |
1. |
122,248 |
136,242 |
| Leasing News |
2. |
179,889 |
159,713 |
| American Bankers Association |
3. |
255,491 |
401,179 |
| Credit Today |
4. |
399,706 |
424,514 |
|* National Assoc. of Equip Leasing Brokers |
5. |
405,470 |
398,747 |
|** Equipment Leasing and Fin. Association |
6. |
515,962 |
556,458 |
| Monitor Daily |
7. |
641,987 |
726,410 |
| U.S.Banker |
8. |
839,027 |
983,387 |
| Ind Community Bankers of America |
9. |
1,155,086 |
1,057,173 |
| Commercial Finance Association |
10. |
1,582,003 |
2,389,114 |
| Leasing Notes |
11. |
1,740,135 |
2,348,832 |
| Institute of International Container Lessors |
12. |
1,809,780 |
1,469,806 |
| Equip. Leasing & Fin Fndn |
13. |
1,865,174 |
2,120,115 |
| United Association of Equipment Leasing |
14. |
2,135,897 |
2,123,565 |
| Leasing Press |
15. |
2,229,537 |
| Lease Chat |
16. |
3,121,601 |
3,930,498 |
| Exec Caliber-Jeffrey Taylor |
17. |
3,195,004 |
1,648,849 |
| eLessors Networking Association |
18. |
3,615,218 |
3,250,498 |
| Assoc of Government Leasing Financing |
19. |
4,419,261 |
7,107,138 |
|*Eastern Association of Equipment Leasing |
20. |
7,283,306 |
No Data |
| CLP Foundation |
21. |
No Data |
8,246.155 |
| The National Funding Assoc |
22. |
No Data |
No Data |
| Lease Assistant |
23. |
No Data |
No Data |
| Lean -Lease Enforcement Att Net |
24. |
No Data |
No Data |
| Equipment Financial Journal |
David G. Mayer's Business Leasing and Finance News is not included in the Alexa report list as it does not have its own individual site and Alexa finds Patton Boggs, LLP Attorneys at Law. The rating is not valid as it includes all those who visit and communicate with the law firm. When Business Leasing and Finance News has its own individual web site, it will be included in the Alexa survey. is part of a blog network and actually rating of the specific site is not possible. At present they state they have 500 subscribers. *It should also be noted that two web sites have their "list serve" posted via their site, meaning their e-mails are counted as a visit to the site, whereas they are "list serve" communication. These are technically visits to the web site, but primarily to use "list serve."
** This site has changed since At one time, viewers were referred to the new web site. It now appears that most are now on the new site. There was some "double-counting," but we believe this figure is fairly accurate and in future months will show the consistent rating.
These comparisons are compiled by Leasing News using Alexa and should be viewed as a "sampling," rather than an actual count from the website itself. Other than as noted above, we believe the ratings are reflective as most have stayed in the same position, basically, for over a year.
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You may download their free tool bar A graph and analysis of the last three months are available.
( Note: the lower the number, the higher you are on the list. It is based on all web sites. Leasing is only a very small part of the various sites such as Yahoo, MSN, Google, etc. )
Top Stories--June 11-June 15

Here are the top ten stories most “opened” by readers last week:
(1) Marlin takes hit along with the rest
(2) NorVergence, four years later
- Equipment Leasing is changed forever
by Christopher Menkin, publisher
(3) Marlin Appoints New Chief Marketing Officer
(Not a joke)
(4) CIT and Key, too
(5) Ten most popular dog breeds in the US
(6) Interest rates are going up
(7) Leasing #102---by Bob Teichman, CLP
Verifying Financial Information
(8) Archives—June 13, 2006—Bob Fisher Promoted
(9) Sales makes it Happen—by Christopher “Kit” Menkin
“The Best Deal”
(10) “Too Tell the Truth”—by Barry Marks & Ken Weinberg
GUARANTIES: For Your Consideration
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Leasing 102
by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP

Lessee Waiving Rights under UCC - 2A
To the average person when they see a request to waive rights it sounds like the old days when we asked for a “confession of judgment,” in our documents to speed the legal process in case of a default. Most States have done away with this procedure but now our lease agreements state “TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, LESSEE WAIVES ANY AND ALL RIGHTS AND REMEDIES CONFERRED UPON A LESSEE BY ARTICLE 2A OF THE UCC." If this was not explained to me I would refuse to sign the lease. This is not a confession of judgment and the purpose of the statement is not well understood by many lease salespeople and when a lessee asks it purpose many unusual excuses are given. Its real purpose is the right to reject equipment after it has been accepted if the equipment does not live up to the vendors promises.
Article 2A (10 in California) splits leasing into two parts, two party paper and three party paper. A two party paper lease makes the lessor and the equipment supplier, one and the same, thereby making the lessor responsible for equipment performance. Three party paper, called a “finance lease” recognizes the lessor as separate from the equipment supplier and does not give the lessee rights to reject the equipment “after” accepting it.
However, in a two party lease where the lessor and the equipment supplier are one and the same, a lessee has a lot of rights to cancel the lease and return the equipment (after acceptance) if the equipment does not function properly or does not meet lessee’s expectations according to lessor promises. These are the rights that finance lessor’s want waived and the purpose for the statement.
It may seem over protective to request waving of lessee’s rights in a legal finance lease but on occasion their may be a question of how much the lessor is involved in equipment selection, vendor selection, performance suggestions and other involvements that may begin to erode the separation between a two party transaction and a finance lease. So it appears prudent to many finance lessor’s just to have the lessee wave those rights and make sure they are committed to the transaction after acceptance of the equipment.
It should be noted that the more a lessor gets involved in the equipment or vendor selection the more this statement is necessary. If you are truly a finance lessor the following protects you against the lessee rejecting the equipment after acceptance.
RCW 62A.2A-407
Irrevocable promises: Finance Lease
1) In the case of a finance lease, the lessee’s promises under the lease contract become irrevocable and independent upon the lessees acceptance of the goods.
2) A promise that has become irrevocable and independent under subsection (1) of this section;
(a) Is effective and enforceable between the parties, and by or against third parties including assignees of the parties; and
(b) Is not subject to cancellation, termination, modification, repudiation, excuse or substitution without the consent of the party to whom the promise runs.
3) This section does not affect the validity under any other law of a covenant in any lease contract making the lessee’s promises irrevocable and independent upon the lessee’s acceptance of the goods.
If you are a vendor/lessor then the lessee may reject the equipment after acceptance if the equipment does not perform to anticipated standards.
Mr. Terry Winders has been a teacher, consultant, expert witness for the leasing industry for thirty years and can be reached at or 502-327-8666.
He invites your questions and queries.

Compliance Tops List of Worries
Financial services industry executives cite the cost, risk and burden of regulatory compliance as their top concern these days, according to a survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers during the company's annual forum.
But the executives gathering for PwC's recent financial services forum also expressed concern about fallout from the subprime mortgage meltdown.
While only 10% said the decline in the housing market would be the biggest challenge facing their organization over the next two to three years, 30% said they were concerned or extremely concerned about adverse impacts that the turmoil in the subprime mortgage market could have on their organization, according to PwC.
The plurality, or 49%, said they were only "somewhat" concerned about the subprime mortgage issue. Another 21% said they were completely unconcerned by it.
Other leading challenges cited by the industry over the next two to three years included the "decline of U.S. competitiveness" and "competition for talent."
PwC noted that concern about declining U.S. economic competitiveness has increased significantly since last year's forum.
"Financial services firms operate in an increasingly complex and heavily regulated environment, on in which the bar is high, by design, to ensure the highest level of investor protections. The rigor of compliance and controls has helped make our capital markets system one of the strongest in the world," said Timothy Ryan, chairman of the U.S. financial services practice at PwC, in a news release.
He said there is concern that the U.S. may be lowing its dominance in the financial markets because of reasons that go beyond the country's regulatory environment.
"It faces new competition that never existed in the global capital markets system. We must work to identify the true root causes of the perceived decline of U.S. competitiveness and propose solutions that do not undermine confidence in the capital markets," Mr. Ryan said.
The executives also expressed concern about a number of "fair valuation" accounting changes being implemented by the Financial Accounting Standards Boards. One of those changes, which allows mortgage companies to account for servicing rights and hedging instruments by marking them to fair value, has been embraced by many large mortgage companies.
When asked about which FASB initiatives will have the greatest impact on their business or finance team, 34% said that the fair value measure (FAS 157) and 28% said the fair value option rule (FAS 159).
When asked how they are managing the challenge of meeting these new accounting requirements, almost half (46%) of finance executives said they were relying on their own internal finance departments to implement the accounting changes. Another 21% are using existing valuation experts. And one-quarter turned to valuation professionals as a result of the new accounting standards.
Survey respondents included executives representing banks, insurance, investment management, real estate, broker/dealers and private equity firms. Twenty percent of respondents said they expect the U.S. economy will enter into a recession within the next 12 months.
(c) 2007 National Mortgage News and SourceMedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
News Briefs---- Super yacht Financing: Traditional Financing & Lease
Bernanke: Banks still big credit players
BofA Will Remake Private Bank
Path clear for Zoellick to become World Bank chief
Internet tax issue returns to table
Boeing prepares to boost jet production,0,6652332.
Intel to unveil new chipsets

You May have Missed--- The Ugly Part Wasn’t His Face

California Nuts Briefs--- Governor's no stranger to Spanish

“Gimme that Wine” How the Mondovi’s Lost an Empire
The highs -- and lows -- of the 100-point scale
Report: Rosé wine sales in U.S. rise dramatically
Jewish vintners and winemakers gather to celebrate their roots
LITWAK, Leslie
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Winery Atlas
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page
The London International Vintners Exchange (Liv-ex) is an electronic exchange for fine wine.

Calendar Events This Day Egypt: Evacuation Day –
Public holiday celebrating the anniversary of the withdrawal of the British Army from the Suez Canal area of Egypt in 1954.
Go Fishing Day
International Panic Day
International Picnic Day
Seychelles: Constitution Day –
National holiday commemorating adoption of constitution in 1993.
Splurge Day
Saint feast Days

Bamboo can grow 3 feet in one day.
(David Farrelly, in his The Book of Bamboo, says that one specie of bamboo has been measured to grow 47.6 inches in a 24-hour period.
Other sources report: “The fastest bamboo can grow 1.1 feet per day.”
This “Real Fact” is misleading, but since it says “can,” will leave it as is. editor)

Today's Top Event in History 1812-A after much debate in Congress between “hawks” such as Henry Clay and John Calhoun, and “doves” such as John Randolph, Congress issued a declaration of war on Great Britain on this day. The action was prompted primarily by Britain’s violation of America’s rights on the high seas and British incitement of Indian warfare on the frontier. War was seen by some as a way to acquire Florida and Canada. The hostilities ended with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent on Dec 24, 1814, at Ghent, Belgium.
( lower half of: )

This Day in American History 1621-The first duel of record took place between two servants of Stephen Hopkins, one of the leaders of the Plymouth Colony. Governor William Bradford’s decision was rendered as follows: “The Second Offense is the first Duel fought in New England, upon a Challenge at Single Combat with Sword and Dagger between Edward Dotey and Edward Leister, Servants of Mr. Hopkins; Both being wounded, the one in the Hand, the other in the Thigh; they are adjug’d by the whole Company to have their Head and Feet tied together, and so to lie for 24 hours, without Meat or Drink; which is begun to be inflicted, but within an Hour, because of their great Pains, at their own and their Master’s humble request, upon Promise of better Carriage, they are Released by the Governor.”
1778-The British Redcoats evacuate Philadelphia. After almost nine months of occupation, the fifteen thousand British troops under Sir Henry Clinton evacuate Philadelphia, the former US capital. The British position in Philadelphia had become untenable after France’s entrance into the war on the side of the Americans. In order to avoid the French fleet, General Clinton was forced to lead his British-Hessian force to New York City by land. Other loyalists in the city sailed down the Delaware River to escape the Patriots, who returned to Philadelphia the day after the British departure.
1812-A after much debate in Congress between “hawks” such as Henry Clay and John Calhoun, and “doves” such as John Randolph, Congress issued a declaration of war on Great Britain on this day. The action was prompted primarily by Britain’s violation of America’s rights on the high seas and British incitement of Indian warfare on the frontier. War was seen by some as a way to acquire Florida and Canada. The hostilities ended with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent on Dec 24, 1814, at Ghent, Belgium.
( lower half of: )
1811-The term Coodies came into the American language. The term Coodies was applied derisively to the faction of the Federalist Party that urged support for the War of 1812, a position highly unpopular with the majority of the party and the population of America, who did not want to go to war. The term derived from the series of pro-war articles written by Gulian Crommelin Verplanck, under the
pen name Abimeleck Coody. Verplanck was a distinguished editor, author, and Shakespearean scholar. People who were pro war were considered to have the Coodies. The epithet King Coody was applied to Rep. Roger Brooke Taney of Maryland, later chief justice of the Supreme Court.
1812-After much debate in Congress between “hawks” such as Henry Clay and John Calhoun, and “doves” such as John Randolph, Congress issued a declaration of war on Great Britain. The action was prompted primarily by Britain’s violation of America’s rights of the high seas and British incitement of Indian warfare on the frontier. War was seen by some as a way to acquire Florida and Canada. The hostilities ended with the sign of the treaty of Ghent on December 24, 1814, Ghent, Belgium.
1848-Captain Charles Welsh arrived in San Francisco. He was to build the first brick house in North Beach. A street was later named for him.
1851-The grant or patent of the "Suisun Rancho," was made for military services of Francisco Solano, Indian chief, and a Mexican citizen.
1857-birthday of Henry Clay Folger, Jr., American businessman and industrial who developed one of the finest collections of Shakespearna in the world and bequeathed it ( The Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC) to the American people. Born at New York, NY. Died June 11, 1930, at Brooklyn, NY.
1863 - After repeated acts of insubordination, General Ulysses S. Grant relieves General John McClernand during the siege of Vicksburg.
1864-At Petersburg, Grant ends 4 days of assaults. The pontoon bridge serves to bring supplies, but no victories.
1864 - Union war hero Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain is severely wounded at Petersburg, Virginia, while leading an attack on a Confederate position. Chamberlain, a college professor from Maine, took a sabbatical to enlist in the Union army. As commander of the 20th Maine, he earned distinction at Gettysburg when he shored up the Union left flank and helped save Little Round Top for the Federals. His bold counterattack against the Confederates earned him the Congressional Medal of Honor. His wound at Petersburg was the most serious of the six he received during the war. Doctors in the field hospital pronounced his injury fatal, and Union General Ulysses S. Grant promoted him to brigadier general as a tribute to his service and bravery. Miraculously, he survived and spent the rest of the Petersburg campaign convalescing at his Maine home. He returned to the Army of the Potomac in time for Lee's surrender at Appomattox, and he was given the honor of accepting the arms of the Confederate infantry. Chamberlain returned to Maine after the war and served four terms as governor. He then became president of Bowdoin College—the institution that had refused to release him for military service—and held the position until 1883. Chamberlain remained active in veterans' affairs and, like many soldiers, attended regimental reunions and kept alive the camaraderie created during the war. He was present for the 50th anniversary of Gettysburg in 1913, one year before he died of an infection from the wound he suffered at Petersburg.
1873 - Susan B. Anthony is fined $100 for attempting to vote for president.
1877-birthday of James Montgomery Flag, Pelham Manor, New York, creator of the illustration of Uncle Sam.
1892- Macadamia nuts first planted in Hawaii; became a major export item throughout the world
1900--Birthday of author Laura Z. Hobson - wrote revolutionary novels about social injustices. Gentleman's Agreement dealt with anti-Semitism, Tenth Month, on unwed motherhood, Consenting Adult, on homosexuality.
1906-birthday of Kay Keyser, American bandleader whose band, “ Kay Kyser’s Kollege of Musical Knowledge” enjoyed immense popularity tin the swing era. He was born James King Kern Kissers in Rocky Mount, NC. A shrewd showman and performer, he said he never learned to read music or play an instrument. Among his hit recordings were “ Three Little Fishes,” and “ Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition, “ a World War II favorite. Kyser retired from show business in 1951 and died at Chapel Hill, SC, July 23, 1985.
1909-drummer Ray Bauduc born New Orleans, LA.
1910-drummer Ray McKinley, born Ft. Worth, Texas.
1911-Tenor sax Babe Russin born Pittsburgh, Pa.,,488048,00.html?artist=Babe+Russin
1912—Tennessee University opens as Tennessee A&L State College
1913-birthday Sylvia Porter, American financial journalist, born at Patchogue, NY. Her column was syndicated by the Los Angeles Times, reaching 450 newspapers worldwide. She also wrote more than 20 books and was noted for her ability to turn complex economic language into readable prose. Porter died June 6, 1991, at Pound Ridge, NY.
1913- Sammy Cahn--- the Tin Pan Alley legend Sammy Cahn was born Samuel Cohen at New York City. He was nominated for 25 Academy Awards and won four times for” Three Coins in the Fountain” (1954), “All the Way” (1957), “High Hopes” (1959) and “Call Me Irresponsible” (1963). In the late 1940s he began working with composer Jimmy Van Heusen, and the two in essence were the personal songwriting team for Frank Sinatra. Cahn wrote the greatest number of Sinatra hits, including “Love and Marriage,” “The Second Time Around,” High Hopes” and “The Tender Trap.” Sammy Cahn died Jan 15, 1993, at Los Angeles, CA.
1914-Birthday of country bandleader and songwriter Pee Wee King.
1928 - Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to cross the Atlantic by airplane.
1934-the first Nationwide highway planning survey was authorized by Congress to be made by the Bureau of Public Roads of the department of Agriculture, in cooperation with state highway departments, to obtain traffic volume, load weight, and other information needed for the national planning of a nationwide system of interstate highways.
1936- Mobster Charles 'Lucky' Luciano is found guilty on 62 counts of compulsory prostitution.
1937-Birthday of American novelist Gail Godwin, born Birmingham, among her books, The Odd Woman; A Mother & Two Daughters.
1938- Babe Ruth wears a Dodger uniform for the first time as a coach. The 'Bambino' also takes batting practice with the team.
1939-birthday of baseball Hall of Fame outfielder Louis Clark (Lou” Brock, El Dorado, AR.
1942--Sir Paul McCartney birthday
1942 - The U.S. Navy commissions its first black officer, Harvard University medical student Bernard Whitfield Robinson.
1944--Birthday of American Composer Paul Lansky
1945---Top Hits
Sentimental Journey - The Les Brown Orchestra (vocal: Doris Day)
Dream - The Pied Pipers
Laura - The Woody Herman Orchestra
At Mail Call Today - Gene Autry
1945-- Lt. Gen. Simon Bolivar Buckner, killed by Japanese artillery on Okinawa. On April 1, 1945, with his Tenth Army, he had launched the invasion of Okinawa, a strategic Pacific island located midway between Japan and Formosa. Possession of Okinawa would give the US a base large enough for an invasion of the Japanese home islands. Although there were over 100'000 Japanese defenders on the island, most were deeply entrenched in the island's densely forested interior, and by the evening of 01 April, 60'000 US troops had come safely ashore.
However, on 04 April, Japanese land resistance stiffened and at sea Kamikaze pilots escalated their deadly suicide attacks on US vessels. Over the next month, the battle raged on land and sea, with the Japanese troops and flyers making the Americans pay dearly for every strategic area of land and water won. On 18 June, with US victory imminent, General Buckner, the hero of Iwo Jima, was killed by Japanese artillery. Three days later, his Tenth Army reached the southern coast of the island, and, on 22 June, Japanese resistance effectively came to an end. Lieutenant General Mitsuru Ushijima, the Japanese commander, with some of his officers and troops, committed suicide rather than surrender.
The Japanese lost 120'000 troops in the defense of Okinawa, while the Americans suffered 12'500 dead and 35'000 wounded. Of the thirty-six Allied ships lost, most were destroyed by the 2000 or so Japanese pilots who gave up their lives in Kamikaze missions. With the capture of Okinawa, the Allies prepared for the invasion of Japan, a military operation predicted to be far bloodier than the 1944 Allied invasion of Western Europe. The plan called for invading the southern island of Kyushu in November of 1945, and the main Japanese island of Honshu in March of 1946.
1945 - Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower received a tumultuous welcome in Washington, where he addressed a joint session of Congress. Eisenhower went on to meet Pres. Harry Truman and the 2 men established a warm relationship that later soured. In 2001 Steve Neal authored “Harry and Ike: The Relationship That Remade the Postwar World.”
1946-Bobby Sherwood Band records “Sherwood’s Forest.”
1950-Brithday of American Composer Frank Ferko, born Barberton, OH.
1953—Top Hits
Song from Moulin Rouge - The Percy Faith Orchestra
April in Portugal - The Les Baxter Orchestra
I’m Walking Behind You - Eddie Fisher
Take These Chains from My Heart - Hank Williams
1953-Birthday of Robbie Bachman, drummer for Bachman-Turner Overdrive, was born in Winnipeg. The Canadian rock band, which also included Robbie's brothers Randy and Tim on guitars, was internationally popular in the 1970's with such hits as "Blue Collar," "Let It Ride," "Takin' Care of Business" and "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet," a 1974 million-seller. At its peak, BTO won many polls and honors in the US, as well as seven Juno Awards.
1953- Sending 23 batters to the plate at Fenway, the Red Sox enjoy a 17-run and 14-hit seventh inning as they pound the Tigers, 23-3. Sammy White sets a modern major league record scoring three times in the frame and outfielder Gene Stephens collect three hits in the to establish an American League record.
1954 - Albert Patterson was assassinated in Phoenix, Ala. He had recently been elected as attorney general on a platform to crack down on vice. His murder led the governor to call in the National Guard to replace local law enforcement and cleanup the vice. Patterson’s son John filled the attorney general position. He was elected governor in 1958.
1959 - A Federal Court annuls the Arkansas law allowing school closings to prevent integration.
1960-Don Sutton of the California Angels pitched a three-hitter against the Texas Rangers to win the 300th game of his career by the score of 5-1. Sutton pitched in the majors from 1966 to 1988 and finished with 324 victories.
1961---Top Hits
Moody River - Pat Boone
Quarter to Three - U.S. Bonds
Tossin’ and Turnin’ - Bobby Lewis
Hello Walls - Faron Young
1963- Three thousand Blacks boycott Boston public school.
1965 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: ``I Can't Help Myself,'' Four Tops.
1967 - The Jimi Hendrix Experience makes its debut performance at the Monterey (Calif.) Pop Festival. The Hendrix album ``Electric Ladyland,'' released in 1968, tops Billboard's pop album chart for two weeks.
1968—Poor People’s Campaign’s Solidarity Day takes place.
1969---Top Hits
Get Back - The Beatles
Love Theme from Romeo & Juliet - Henry Mancini
In the Ghetto - Elvis Presley
Running Bear - Sonny James
1976-Electric Light Orchestra's "OLE ELO" goes gold. The LP is a greatest hits collection.
1977 - Fleetwood Mac worked "Dreams" to the number one spot on the pop music charts this day. It would be the group’s only single to reach number one. Fleetwood Mac placed 18 hits on the charts in the 1970s and 1980s. Nine were top-ten tunes.
1977---Top Hits
Dreams - Fleetwood Mac
Got to Give It Up (Pt. I) - Marvin Gaye
Gonna Fly Now (Theme from "Rocky") - Bill Conti
Luckenbach, Texas (Back to the Basics of Love) - Waylon Jennings
1980-The film, "The Blues Brothers", starring Dan Ackroyd and John Belushi, premieres in New York City. Cameo's in the film include Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, James Brown and John Lee Hooker.
1983-Dr. Sally Ride, 32-year-old physicist and pilot, functioned as a “mission specialist and became the first American woman in space when she began a six-day mission aboard the space shuttle Challenger in 1983. The “near-perfect” mission was launched from Cape Canaveral, FL, and landed, June 24, 1983, at Edwards Air Force Base, CA.
1985---Top Hits
Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Tears for Fears
Heaven - Bryan Adams
Sussudio - Phil Collins
Country Boy - Ricky Skaggs
1987 - It was a hot day in the Upper Great Lakes Region. Nine cities in Michigan and Wisconsin reported record high temperatures for the date. The high of 90 degrees at Marquette, MI, marked their third straight day of record heat. Severe thunderstorm in the Northern and Central High Plains Region spawned half a dozen tornadoes in Wyoming and Colorado. Wheatridge, CO, was deluged with 2.5 inches of rain in one hour.
1989 - Unseasonably hot weather prevailed in the southwestern U.S. In Arizona, afternoon highs of 103 degrees at Winslow, 113 degrees at Tucson, and 115 degrees at Phoenix were records for the date.
1998 - The Walt Disney Co. becomes an even bigger player on the Internet with the purchase of a 43% stake in Web search engine company Infoseek Corp. Disney Plans to launch an Internet portal - a Web site that contains entertainment, news and search capabilities in one location.
1999- Disney release the animated feature "Tarzan." The soundtrack features five tracks by Phil Collins each sung in five different languages -- English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Collins did two versions in Spanish -- one with a Latin American accent and another with a Castilian.
2001- Citing he wants to spend more time with his family, Orioles legend Cal Ripken Jr. announces he will retire at the end of the season. The two-time MVP will be best remembered for his streak of playing in consecutive 2,632 games.
2001- With the time starting when the pitcher enters fair territory, a two-minute limit for warm-up tosses thrown by relievers who come in during an inning is now mandated by the commissioner's office. At the beginning of an inning the allotted warm-up time will be 1:40 unless the game is on national television in which event the time allowed will be increased by 20 seconds.
2002- In the first major league game to feature four players with 400 career homers, the Cubs beat the Rangers, 4-3, as Alex Gonzalez hits a walk-off homer in the bottom of the ninth inning. Sammy Sosa (475), Fred McGriff (459) and Juan Gonzalez (401) watched Rafael Palmerio add his 460th home run to the total.
2005 After 136 at-bats and 155 plate appearances with the bases full, Derek Jeter hits the first grand slam in his carrier. The Yankees shortstop’s homer ends the longest drought (at bats and number of homers) among current major leaguers without hitting a bases loaded home run.
Baseball Poem

Extreme Is the Word
In sports today, the crazy zizz of skateboard wheels,
Of BMX bikes, of in-line skates,
Of rugged mountain cycles careening around boulders, Under feet and between the grips of your knees;
Human spiders suspended from cliffs
And bouncing at the end of Bungee threads.
All that angst and arrogance,
All that gas gone to pure adrenaline —
All that emptiness when compared
To the whole human feeling of pitching
Raised by dirt, rubber and cleats —
If the stadium is a temple,
Then the mound is its throne.
When the arm is loose, warm-muscled,
And the clay in front of the rubber just so,
And your mind nowhere else
But running to the fingers of your grip,
Aligning the catcher's target
With the perfect aim of memory,
And the batter is helpless as a fish,
Now that's extreme:
Ask Koufax,
Ask Maddux,
Ask crazy Bill Lee,
But don't even bother asking me.
Written by Tim Peeler
Published in “Touching All the Bases”
Printed by McFarland and Company |
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