Friday, June 6, 2008

Gary “US” Bonds (Gary Anderson), singer, “Quarter to Three,”
"This Little Girl of Mine,” born Jacksonville, FL, June 6, 1939
Still going strong:
Borland Triple-By Pass Successful
Classified Ads---Legal
Alliance Funding Group, Orange, California
Bulletin Board Complaint
Steve Barker Sentenced to 48 months
Ron Lear leaves PFF behind, joins OFC Capital
PFF Bank seeks $460 Million
More Bank Losses, Write-down’s Loom
Cartoon---Qualifying for a Loan
Mortgage Rates Up
Help Wanted Ads---Summer Special 20% off
(plus 31 days, not regular 21 days)
FireFox gains Momentum
Wal–Mart now has classified ads
IATA global airline losses possible 2008
News Briefs---
You May have Missed---
California Nuts Brief---
Sports Briefs---
"Gimme that Wine"
Calendar Events
Snapple Real Facts
Today's Top Event in History
This Day in American History
Baseball Poem
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
News on Line---Internet Newspapers
Grand Rapids, Michigan
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
Borland Triple-By Pass Successful

Jim Borland, 67, President of U.S. Energy, Conyers, a One-World Leasing company, Greensboro, Georgia, triple by-pass surgery at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia, went well this last Tuesday. He reportedly is in good spirits, but remaining in the hospital. Often called the “Founding Father” of the National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers, he was their first president in 1992.
Reportedly when he leaves, he will send emails to friends that all is well. He is looking forward to semi-retirement, selling his company to one of four suitors.
Wednesday Report:
“Jim is doing very well. He is taking lots of Percocet and began calling the offices late Wednesday to be sure we are all working. They are still talking about Saturday or Sunday being the homecoming day. He has not be able to have a computer in front of him as of yet but I’m sure first chance he gets, he will!
Thursday Report:
“He was moved into a regular room today (#344). The main number for the hospital is 404-851-7001. He is doing EXTREMELY well. The doctors told him that he has been one of their strongest patients and has done better than most. He is up and moving around. They are finally giving him fluids and jell-o and such. He has called both offices this afternoon to check to be sure we are all working and making the company money.
“When I spoke with him, he sounded hoarse which I’m sure was from the breathing tube being in his throat for the procedure. He also said though he was glad to have the drainage tube removed, it hurt like nothing else he could remember! (I polished that a bit!) He is high on Percocet and seems to be happy considering where he’s been and what he has gone through the last 32 hours or so! I am leaving all of your emails/well wishes as “unread” in his email as I know the first chance he gets to have a computer in front of him, he will do so and be able to read them for himself. I will try to send another update tomorrow and will do so especially if there is any change. Thanks again to everyone for their thoughts and prayers.”
Kim Brennan
Saint Joseph's Hospital • 5665 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. • Atlanta, Georgia 30342 *
Classified Ads---Legal

San Diego, CA
Experienced in-house corporate, equipment leasing and financial services attorney seeks position as managing or transactional counsel. Willing to relocate.
Cell Phone: 760-533-4058;
Looking For A Leasing Attorney
Birmingham, Alabama
The lawyers of Marks & Weinberg, P.C. have over 30 years experience in dealing with virtually every type of equipment financing and are recognized throughout the industry for prompt, practical solutions and exemplary service. They offer cost-conscious, effective lease enforcement and good counsel.
Website: |
California, National: city: Riverside
Ellen Stern - get results, reasonable pricing; numerous industry contacts, nearly 30 yrs SoCal, 20 yrs equip.: CFL license specialist, documentation, work-outs, litigated collections, recoveries; deal-maker.
Email: | UAEL |

Kenneth C. Greene |
Hamrick & Evans, LLP, Universal City , LA; San Francisco Bay
Area, No.Calif. Call for free consultation (828)763-5292 or
(415) 806-2254, |
Connecticut, Southern New England: EVANS, FELDMAN & BOYER, LLC Collections, litigation, documentation, portfolio sales and financing, bankruptcy. We represent many of the national and local leasing companies doing business in this state. Past chairman EAEL legal committee. Competitive rates.
email: EAEL |
Law Firm - Service, Dallas, TX. ELA
Mayer regularly practices in leasing, secured financing, project development and finance and corporate finance.
Website: |
Los Angeles, Statewide: CA. "ELA" Aggressive creditors rights law firm specializing in equipment leasing handling collection matters on a contingency, fixed fee or hourly basis. |
Los Angeles -statewide: CA "ELA "
Practice limited to collections, bankruptcy and problem accounts resolution. Decades of experience. 10-lawyer firm dedicated to serving you. Call Ronald Cohn, Esq. (818)591-2121 or Email:
Long Beach, CA
Wagner & Zielinski, successfully representing lessees/ lessors. Not a member of any leasing organization, therefore not beholden to special interests. Richard Wagner
(562) 216-2952
Long Beach CA.
Paul Bent -- 30 years experience in all forms of equipment leasing, secured lending, and asset based transactions, from analysis and deal structuring to contract negotiations to closing to private dispute resolution. (562) 426-1000 |
National: Coston & Rademacher: Business attorneys serving the lease-finance industry since 1980. Transactional, documentation, corporate/finance, workouts, litigation, bankruptcy, portfolio management. Chicago-based national practice. Jim Coston, CLP (Members: UAEL, ELA, MAEL).
email: |
St. Louis County, MO. - statewide:
Defend clients sued by Popular Leasing USA and other assignees of Norvergence rental agreements. Also register and collect foreign judgments. Ronald J. Eisenberg, Esq.
Schultz & Little L.L.P. |
Westport, CT: We represent finance companies, banks, lessors, etc., in replevins/seizures, collections and bankruptcy matters in Connecticut and New York. Flat fee, contingency and hourly rates.
Email: |
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Leasing Recruiters:
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Alliance Funding Group, Orange, California Bulletin Board Complaint

Alliance Funding Group, Orange, California (not to be confused with other companies with a similar named) engages in “Evergreen Leases,” meaning if the lessee does not notify them within a specific period of time, the lease automatically extends. This is legal in every state except New York and Rhode Island (Illinois for consumers only.)
“We leased containers for Mr. Ward in May of 2003. The original equipment cost was $52,264.14 with a monthly payment of $1,116.76 for 60 months with a 10% Purchase Option. If Mr. Ward wanted to pay his fixed residual he should have notified us 180 days prior to the end of the base term. He did not. Per the contracts, Mr. Wards lease should have been renewed for 12 months with a FMV purchase option thereafter. The total he owed at the end of the term to us was $18,627.26 (12 payments plus a 10% Purchase Option). After speaking to our collections team, we both agreed to settle the matter for $8,580.00. We saved the customer $10,047.26 by not auto extending his lease.”
Larry Masani
3745 W. Chapman Ave. Suite 200
Orange, CA 92868
Tel: 800.978.8817 Ext. 1272
Fax: 714.704.1448
“…five years ago we entered into a lease agreement with Alliance for equipment (refuse carts and containers) from two vendors for a total equipment price of approximately $52,000. The lease was an operating lease, 60 months with a purchase option of 10% at the conclusion of the lease. Monthly payments were approximately $1,116 per month which equated to a 10.2% interest rate, rather high for the times but we accepted.
“The small details in the agreement called for us to notify Alliance 180 days prior to expiration our intent to exercise the option to purchase. OK, but we forgot to do so.
“Once we paid the final payment April 2008, we then notified Alliance our intent to exercise the purchase option per Addendum A of the agreement, wrote a letter to Alliance asking acceptance of the 10% buy-out, approximately $5,200 and transfer title. Mr. Kent Schneider, their agent told us since we did not notify them timely, our only options were to continue with $1,116 per month for 12 months and then exercise the option, this would total approximately $18,600 or pay a one-time buy-out of $15,000, both unacceptable. If we did not agree, he threaten to find us in default and contact all credit bureaus finding Solid Wastes of Willits, Inc., and myself and mother in default since both my mother and I signed personal guarantees.
“I inquired how he came up with this number and its justification and his response was pay or face the consequences. I tried to explain we were on-time for all 60 month payments, the 60 payments paid back the equipment in full with interest, approximately $16,000 in interest and accepting $5,200 for a buy-out was more than fair, anything else is extortion and unreasonable.
“A day or two later after again discussing the buy-out with Mr. Schneider, I told him I was going to contact an attorney and if he notified any credit bureaus before we could settle this we would take legal action. He then re-evaluated and said he would compromise by accepting $8,000 plus sales tax for the buy-out. After considering legal expenses and wanting this to go away, I accepted. However, it still bothers me that a leasing company can get away with this and feel the leasing industry should know what this company is doing, as this only paints the leasing industry in a bad way. I hope you would agree. They know that most business will react the same way I did, settle and receive this additional money. Although I hope this will stop, our intent is for this information to help in minimizing this type of extortion from these types of leasing companies.”
Gerald W Ward (Jerry)
Solid Wastes of Willits, Inc.
PO Box 1425
Willits, CA 95490
(707) 459-4845, ext. 11
(707) 459-0175 (fax)
Alliance Funding Group has an “A” rating from the Better Business Bureau
Rhode Island: section 6-13-14 of the Rhode Island statutes restricts renewal clauses in personal property leases.
This is from a major bank senior attorney:
"New York's General Obligations Law Section 5-901 prohibits any automatic renewal of a lease for a term greater than one month unless the lessor gives the lessee written notice of the existence of such renewal provision at least 15 days and not more than 30 days prior to the time that the lessee is required to give notice under the lease. Illinois has a similar statute (815 ILC 601 Sec 10). However the Illinois statute does not apply to “business to business” leases, while the New York statute applies to all leases. “The Evergreen Lease”—Legal but unethical
by Barry Reitman [headlines]
Steve Barker Sentenced to 48 months

Many readers have been following this story since we first reported that ion June 21, 2002, forty FBI agents raided the offices of RW Professional Leasing in Island Park, NY, on Long Island. The trial was long, the main culprit Barry Drayer, now 68, never took the witness stand, but was convicted and is now in jail with a sentence of 138 months (11 and a half years) in prison and 3 years of supervised release, as well New York branch manager of Bank of New York, Myrna Katz, who pleaded guilty to making false statements, four R.W. principals - Rochelle Besser (Barry Drayer’s sister, who was president of RW Professional, in name only, her brothers Adam and Roger Drayer, all also of Long Beach, and Susan Cottrell, of Mansfield, Mass. – all who have pleaded guilty. All were sentenced after the trial that ended February 16, 2006 except for 44 year old Stephen Barker of Southern California. Ironically, he was the first put in jail, before the trial started, as he was allegedly considered a flight risk since he is from South Africa (The others were under “house arrest.”)
Stephen Barker originally said he was innocent because he was following orders. The lucrative commissions, and computer information, plus testimony of others, found him guilty. Afterwards, he reportedly plead to a lesser sentence and fine consideration for showing how the computer records showed who paid, who did not, how the money flowed, as the US Attorneys office is trying to find money to repay victims. The dollar amount involved with Bank of New York, American Express, over twenty community banks, and lessees who paid off leases, but RW Professional did not, may be up to $100 million.
After many delays, mostly a turn of events and attorney negotiating, it was finally decided he would receive 48 months, including time served, plus most likely time off for good behavior. The judge also approved his request to serve time in a California penitentiary so he could be close to his wife and children. Whether Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will get involved is yet to be seen as the penitentiaries here are quite over crowed and one of the issues why the California budget is so high.
Here is a collection of RW Professional articles:
Ron Lear leaves PFF behind, joins OFC Capital

Ron Lear, well-known and very popular lease intermediary for many "story credit," “niche lessors,” and other small to medium sized lessors, especially for warehouse lines, has left PFF Bank and joined OFC Capital, Roswell, Georgia. He will keep his present office in California as he did for ten years with PFF Bank. Ron was appointed vice-president of the Commercial Leasing Division in the Western Division. His primary focus will be on providing lines of credit to equipment leasing companies with such facilities being fully secured by the equipment leases and the underlying equipment. It will not be a surprise if some of his long time customers follow him to OFC Capital.
Lear is an expert in providing permanent debt facilities to equipment lessors as well as setting up warehouse lines and looking for lessor purchases.
“We are very excited to have Ron on our staff, “said Robert “Chip”Leas, President and CEO of OFC Capital. “His skills and reputation in the market will play a key role in our strategic growth plan.”
Ron has forty plus years experience in the leasing industry, as well as being a past member of the Board of Directors of the United Association of Equipment Leasing.
He may be reached at 714-960-7837 or at [headlines]
PFF Bank seeks $460 Million

PFF Bancorp yesterday announced up to $460 million private placement offering of units, consisting of convertible senior secured notes and common stock. The proceeds are intended to be used to strengthen the Bank's capital levels and provide for the retirement of the Company's secured commercial bank loan with a current outstanding principal balance of $44.0 million and a maturity date of June 16, 2008.
PFF announced in late April it expects to post a loss of $159 million for the first quarter ending March 31. That was due in large part to an expected allowance for $120 million in loan losses, caused by problems in the residential construction industry. It was not subprime mortgages, but loans to the industries that were building homes and commercial developments. Many say the bank was not well diversified as to the many loans in this development industry.
The only major leasing problem was Creative Capital, which resulted between a fight between father and son. In one instance, the police had to be called to the office to break up a physical fight that resulted in black eyes and bruises to both father and son. Leasing News recently reported that PFF was awarded the $8 million Creative Capital leasing assets, including real estate, the bankruptcy creditors.
Key business development officers such as Ron Lear and Bob Robichaud, CLP, have left PFF.
Rating agencies have reported that more delinquencies are headed PFF’s way, requiring at least $150 million in new capital to increase charge-offs and loan-loss reserve coverage due to expected loan delinquencies over the next several quarters.
PFF currently has $4.3 billion in assets and 38 Southern California offices. After a series of announcements, its stock price has recently been battered, with shares on the New York Stock Exchange closing Thursday at $1.33 -- well below the 52 week high of $29.93.
In an April report, the New York-based equity research firm Keefe, Bruyette & Woods listed PFF Bancorp among about 20 regional banking firms nationwide that may need capital infusions to remain financially viable in the current economic climate.
Fed Official: More Bank Losses, Write-down’s Loom

Companies trying to obtain credit may soon find an
even more unfriendly environment.
by Vincent Ryan | US
A Federal Reserve official painted a bleak picture of the outlook for U.S. banks on Wednesday, saying he expects more losses and write-down’s from financial institutions for coming quarters. That, combined with recent benchmarking data on middle-market loan portfolios, suggests the lending environment could get even more unfriendly for companies trying to obtain credit.
In testimony before the Senate committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban affairs, Fed Vice Chairman Donald Kohn predicted bank holding companies would continue "to report weakening earnings and further asset valuation write-down’s and/or significant credit costs in coming quarters."
advertisement The deteriorating quality of loans in banks' portfolios will not abate, Kohn said, because of sharply declining house prices, which spark losses in lending tied to residential real estate, and overall "weak economic conditions." The problems could extend to other segments of lending, he said, including corporate loan portfolios.
For the 50 largest bank holding companies, nonperforming assets have more than doubled over the past year, to $81 billion at the end of the first quarter, according to Kohn. As a share of total assets, they have reached their highest level since 2002.
Other statistics detail the pervasiveness of the decline in credit quality. Analyzing first-quarter middle-market portfolio data from 17 top-tier banks, The Risk Management Association recently reported that middle-market loans on "nonaccrual"—that is, contractually past due 90 days or more—represented 0.83 percent of total outstanding balances, a 26 percent increase over the prior quarter. Loans tied to the construction sector lead the deterioration, with 2.55 percent of them being reported as “nonaccruing.” Loans in arts, entertainment, and recreation (1.99 percent); retail trade (1.10 percent); and manufacturing (1.02 percent) are also performing poorly.
Middle-market “nonacrrual” and delinquent loans—those 30 days to 89 days past due—are now at their highest level since March 2004, the RMA said.
As of now, despite higher provisioning for loan losses in recent quarters, banks' reserves have not kept pace with the growth in problem assets, Kohn said. To bolster loan loss reserves, banks will need further capital injections and need to consider dividend cuts, he said, to maintain "sizable and more reliable" liquidity and capital cushions. "We have strongly encouraged supervised bank holding companies to enhance their capital positions," Kohn said.
Supplying evidence of banks' thirst for capital, the Fed's latest term-loan auction, designed to boost banks' liquidity, recorded a big jump in bids. The regulator received 73 bids requesting a total of $95.9 billion, up from $84.4 billion in its previous auction in May.
"The world of financial services companies is breaking into the 'haves' and 'have-nots'," Mark Sunshine, president of lender First Capital told "While the have's earnings may not be robust, they're out there and looking to grow assets; but for the have-nots who drank the Kool Aid of high leverage and fast money, it is really tough." Sunshine's advice to borrowers: don't wait for a company loan to come up for refinancing. Instead, seek out capital from other providers.
Kohn did not outline any new steps the Fed would take to stem the hemorrhaging at banks. But he did say that examiners are "reviewing due diligence around commercial real estate valuations and ensuring that bankers make appropriate adjustments based on market conditions."
The Fed official's remarks come on the heels of a downgrade of Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, and Lehman Brothers Holdings by Standard & Poor's on Tuesday.
Stated S&P credit analyst Scott Sprinzen: "The downgrade primarily reflects our concern that the pace and extent of earnings improvement [at the three banks] could be considerably more muted than we previously anticipated."
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Mortgage Rates Up Not only are mortgage loan requirements much tougher, the rates are getting higher. Freddie Mac reported yesterday that 30-year fixed-rate mortgages averaged 6.09 percent, compared with 6.08 percent last week. It was the highest mark for 30-year mortgages in 12 weeks since averaging 6.13 percent the week of March 16.
A year ago, rates on 30-year mortgages stood at 6.53 percent, 15-year mortgage rates averaged 6.22 percent, five-year adjustable-rate mortgages were at 6.24 percent and one-year adjustable-rate mortgages were at 5.65 percent.
The mortgage rates do not include add-on fees known as points. The nationwide fee for 30-year and 15-year fixed-rate mortgages averaged 0.6 point; the fee on five-year mortgages averaged 0.5 point. One-year adjustable-rate mortgages averaged 0.7 point.
Long term rates are climbing for loans and leases, primarily on the news that the Federal Reserve sees no rate decrease until inflation is "under control." In addition, with less leases and loans being made, the funders/lessors are requiring a higher yield as they build up their reserves, plus find borrowing of money among themselves much more expensive.
The key appears to rest in employment figures, as well as cost of living, as families are finding their income is not going very far.
Help Wanted Ads---Summer Special 20% off
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FireFox gains Momentum
Net Applications Global Internet Usage Market Share for May 2008 shows Firefox gaining more momentum. Firefox market share for May was 18.41% up from 17.76% in April. If recent trends continue, Firefox should achieve 20% market share some time in July.

Last month, we showed the effect of Apple pushing Safari via software updates. This month, Mozilla has implemented a change in Firefox 3.0 RC1 where the installation now has a checkbox that defaults to making Firefox your default browser. The option is clearly displayed and labeled, unlike Safari, which misleadingly labeled the Safari install as an 'update' (since correctly changed to an 'install'). However, this practice is a break from the traditional practice browsers employed of defaulting this option to off. Prior to this change, Firefox 3.0 was already rapidly gaining usage share, so it will be difficult to measure the effect of this change.
Wal–Mart Branches Out Into Online Classifieds Market:
Mega–Retailer's Beta Site Sells Everything from Foreclosed Homes to Concert Tickets 
Wal–Mart quietly launched a free Internet classified service, as the retailer goes beyond selling its own offerings on the Web to posting the products, pets and paraphernalia of virtually anyone who wants to list. The retailer debuted Classifieds last week through classified website
News Briefs---- IATA says global airline losses possible in 2008
Continental Airlines to Cut 3,000 Jobs, Capacity
Home foreclosures set record in first quarter
Verizon to buy Alltel in $28.1 billion deal
Countrywide to cost BofA $12 billion
Costco, Nordstrom among retailers reporting May sales results above expectations

You May have Missed--- Disney creates Google Earth map of Disney World

Sports Briefs---- Pierce inspires Celtics past Lakers in Game 1 of NBA Finals
Raiders sign McFadden

California Nuts Briefs--- Schwarzenegger declares drought in California

“Gimme that Wine” 4th Annual Pinot Days 2008 Grand Festival returns to San Francisco
Champagne's solo act: Single-vineyard bottlings allow France's revered houses to buck tradition
Burgundy Learns to Bottle Consistency---Eric Asimov
Wine auction devotee recalls 27 years of Napa Valley wines
Wine firm hopes waves will make its bubbly sparkle
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Winery Atlas
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page
The London International Vintners Exchange (Liv-ex) is an electronic exchange for fine wine.

Calendar Events This Day Bahamas: Labor Day
Public holiday. First Friday in June celebrated with parades, displays and picnics.
Bonza Bottler Day
To celebrate when the number of the day is the same as the number of the month.
Donut Days: Honors the Salvation Army
Korea: Memorial Day
National pays tribute to the war dead and memorial services are held at the National Cemetery in Seoul.
National Applesauce Cake Day
National Gardening Exercise Day
Sweden: Flag Day
Commemorates the day upon which Gustavus I (Gustavus Vasa) ascended the throne on Sweden in 1523.
Yo-Yo Day
Saint feast Days

The most common name in the world is Mohammed. It, of course, is the world’s most popular name, too.

Today's Top Event in History
Today’s Top Event in History
1955--- Bill Haley & Comets, "Rock Around the Clock" hits #1

This Day in American History 1755- Birthday of Nathan Hale. The American Patriot was caught behind lines gathering troop movements by General William Howe, who ordered him to be hung in the morning, as he was a spy. His alleged last words have become a symbol of American Patriotism: “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." They were attributed to a news story printed in the 19th century, and were not heard by contemporaries of his time, nor commented upon. A 1777 newspaper article reported Hale as saying that ``if he had ten thousand lives, he would lay them all down, if called to it, in defense of his injured, bleeding country.'' Four years later another newspaper story quoted Hale's last words as: ``. . . my only regret is, that I have not more lives than one to offer in its service.'' Hull's 1848 memoirs give us the pithier version we know today: ``I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.'' According to Captain Frederick Mackenzie, a British officer who witnessed Hale’s death, he may have been young and courageous, but he never said these words. According to Mackenzie’s diary, he wrote that Hale’s last words were: “ It is the duty of every good officer to obey any orders given him by his commander-in-chief” James A. Barnes,” Myths of the Bryan Campaign,” Mississippi Valley Historical Review (1947).
1756-birthday of American painter John Turnbull, Lebanon, Conn.
lower half of:
1772 - Haitian explorer Jean Baptiste-Pointe DuSable settled Chicago.
1816 - The temperature reached 92 degrees at Salem MA during an early heat wave, but then plunged 49 degrees in 24 hours to commence the famous "year without a summer".
1831- “People of Color” Convention held for the first time.
1833 - In Ellicott's Mills, Maryland, President Andrew Jackson boards a Baltimore & Ohio Railroad train for a pleasure trip to Baltimore. Jackson, who had never been on a train before, was the first president to take a ride on the "Iron Horse." The steam locomotive was first pioneered in England at the beginning of the 19th century by Richard Trevithick and George Stephenson. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad began operation in 1828 with horse-drawn cars, but after the successful run of the Tom Thumb, a steam train that nearly outraced a horse in a public demonstration in 1830, steam power was added. By 1831, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad had completed a line from Baltimore to Frederick, Maryland. Two years later, Andrew Jackson gave railroad travel its presidential christening. The acceptance of railroads came quickly in the 1830s, and by 1840 the nation had almost 3,000 miles of railway, greater than the combined European total of only 1,800 miles. The railroad network expanded quickly in the years before the Civil War, and by 1860 the American railroad system had become a national network of some 30,000 miles. Nine years later, transcontinental railroad service became possible for the first time.
1862-Confederate gunboats engaged a Union flotilla near Memphis, TN. As crowds of spectators watched from the riverbanks, the outgunned Confederates were defeated. The city of Memphis surrendered shortly before noon of that day, effectively opening up the Mississippi region. . The war would rage on as the Union Army through shear source of "numbers of soldiers" would prevail.
1865 - William Quantrill, the man who gave Frank and Jesse James their first education in killing, dies from wounds sustained in a skirmish with Union soldiers in Kentucky.When the Civil War broke out in 1861, the 24-year-old Quantrill became the leader of an irregular force of Confederate soldiers that became known as Quantrill's Raiders. By 1862, Union forces had established control over Missouri, but Quantrill's Raiders continued to harass the northern army and unguarded pro-Union towns over the next three years. Quantrill and other guerrilla leaders recruited their soldiers from Confederate sympathizers who resented what they saw as the unfairly harsh Union rule of their state. Among those who joined him was a 20-year-old farm kid named Frank James. His younger brother, Jesse, joined an allied guerrilla force a year later. In August 1863, Frank James was with Quantrill when he led a savage attack on the largely defenseless town of Lawrence, Kansas. Angered that the townspeople had allowed Lawrence to be used as a sporadic base for Union soldiers, Quantrill and his guerrillas shot every man and boy they saw. After killing at least 150 male civilians, the raiders set the town on fire. In May 1865, Quantrill was badly wounded in a skirmish with Union forces, and he died on this day in 1865. Since Quantrill's men were guerillas rather than legitimate soldiers, they were denied the general amnesty given to the Confederate army after the war ended. Some, like Frank and Jesse James, took this as an excuse to become criminals and bank robbers.
1872- Susan B. Anthony tests the rights of women and black males to vote under the 14th and 15th amendment, registering and voting in Rochester, New York. She would be arrested, tired, and sentenced to pay a fine. She refused. The judge backed down, fearing she would take this to the Supreme Court for appeal, but nevertheless, the votes were all disqualified and both women and blacks would not be allowed to vote in this century.
1877--Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller - Afro- American sculptor. After success in Paris, she faced race and sex prejudice on her return to the U.S. In 1913 she began using Afro-Americans as models and for the next 50 years she produced major pieces that are part of the permanent collections at a number of museums and universities. Died March 18, 1968.
1889 -- Great Fire in Seattle, Washington destroys 25 downtown blocks.
1892-birthday of bandleader Ted Lewis, Circleville,OH
1894 - One of the greatest floods in U.S. history occurred as the Williamette River overflowed to inundate half of the business district of Portland OR.
1899-birthday of pianist William “Fats” Jefferson, Waco, TX
1889-- Bryn Mawr College awarded the first graduate fellowship to a woman in the history of the United States. It went to Emily Greene Balch (B. 01-08- 1867) for "prosecuting sociological studies." Balch went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946.
1902—Birthday of band leader Jimmy Lunceford
1904 -- Helen McCloy (1904-1993) American mystery writer, first woman to serve as president of Mystery Writers of America. In 1953 she received Edgar for her criticism.
1918 - The first large-scale battle fought by American soldiers in World War I begins in Belleau Wood, northwest of the Paris-to-Metz road. In late May 1918, the third German offensive of the year penetrated the Western Front to within 45 miles of Paris. U.S. forces under General John J. Pershing helped halt the German advance, and on June 6 Pershing ordered a counteroffensive to drive the Germans out of Belleau Wood. U.S. Marines under General James Harbord led the attack against the four German divisions positioned in the woods and by the end of the first day suffered more than 1,000 casualties.This is first battle where the AEF experienced the heavy casualties associated with the Great War. It represents the embodiment of U.S. Marine Corps determination and dedication and served as a signal to both allies and adversaries that America was on the Western Front to fight.
1918-Casey Stengel returned to Ebbets Field for the first time since being traded from the Brooklyn Dodgers to the Pittsburgh Pirates over the winter. Stengel celebrated the occasion by striding to the plate for his first at-bat, calling time, doffing his cap and letting a live bird fly out. Fans broke into laughter. He was giving them the bird.
1925-birthday of trombonist Al Grey, Aldie, VA, died March 24,2000
1930-Dillard University charged in New Orleans, LA
1931-birthday of guitarist Grant Green, St. Louis, Mo.
1933-Richard M. Hollingshead, Jr. opened America’s first drive-in movie theater in Camden, NJ. At the height of their popularity in 1958, there were more than 4,000 drive-ins across America. In the 1990s, fewer than 600 remained opened.
1934- President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Securities Exchange Act that established the SEC. Wall Street had operated almost unfettered since the end of the eighteenth century. However, the stock market crash of 1929 necessitated regulation of the exchanges. The Securities and Exchange Commission is composed of five members appointed by the president of the US.
1939-- Singer Gary (US) Bonds, whose real name is Gary Anderson, was born in Jacksonville, Florida. Bonds had a string of energetic dance records in the early 1960's, the biggest of which was "Quarter to Three," which reached number one in 1961. Bonds' career was revived in 1981 by Bruce Springsteen. "The Boss" wrote "This Little Girl of Mine," which became Gary (US) Bonds' first hit in nearly 20 years. Bonds' comeback album, "Dedication," also made the charts.
1942-Congress on Racial Equality founded.
1942-birthday of Marian Wright Edelman, activist and found of the Children’s Defense Fund.
1942 - The Battle of Midway. Admiral Yamamoto considers engaging in a surface battle against the US carrier fleet, but decides to retreat instead. The loss of the main portion of the Japanese carrier fleet and their aircraft pilots in the battle on June 4th has robbed the Japanese of the initiative in the naval battle in the Pacific. Also of importance is the use of code-breaking by the Americans to intercept Japanese planning. Prior knowledge of Japanese intentions at Midway allowed the Americans to prepare a trap.
1944- In the early-morning hours Allied forces landed in Normandy on the north coast of France. In an operation that took months of planning, a fleet of 2,727 ships of every description converged from British ports from Wales to the North Sea. Operation Overlord involved 2,000,000 tons of war materials, including more than 50,000 tanks, armored cars, jeeps, trucks and half-tracks. The US alone sent 1,700,000 fighting men. The Germans believed the invasion would not take place under the adverse weather conditions of this early June day, especially with their number one General George S. Patton employed elsewhere. But as the sun came up the village of Saint Mèere Eglise was liberated by American parachutists, and by nightfall the landing of 155,000 Allies attested to the success of D-Day. The long-awaited second front had at last materialized. General Patton joined the war with his tank brigade, pushing toward the Rhine River before the other generals told him he couldn’t do that.
1944-birth1944--BARRETT, CARLTON W. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Private, U.S. Army, 18th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division. Place and date: Near St. Laurent-sur-Mer, France, 6 June 1944. Entered service at: Albany, N.Y. Birth: Fulton, N.Y. G.O. No.: 78, 2 October 1944. Citation: For gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty on 6 June 1944, in the vicinity of St. Laurent-sur-Mer, France. On the morning of D-day Pvt. Barrett, landing in the face of extremely heavy enemy fire, was forced to wade ashore through neck-deep water. Disregarding the personal danger, he returned to the surf again and again to assist his floundering comrades and save them from drowning. Refusing to remain pinned down by the intense barrage of small-arms and mortar fire poured at the landing points, Pvt. Barrett, working with fierce determination, saved many lives by carrying casualties to an evacuation boat Iying offshore. In addition to his assigned mission as guide, he carried dispatches the length of the fire-swept beach; he assisted the wounded; he calmed the shocked; he arose as a leader in the stress of the occasion. His coolness and his dauntless daring courage while constantly risking his life during a period of many hours had an inestimable effect on his comrades and is in keeping with the highest traditions of the U.S. Army.
1944--*WOODFORD, HOWARD E. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company I, 130th Infantry, 33d Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Tabio, Luzon, Philippine Islands, 6 June 1945. Entered service at: Barberton, Ohio. Birth: Barberton, Ohio. G.O. No.: 14, 4 February 1946. Citation: He volunteered to investigate the delay in a scheduled attack by an attached guerrilla battalion. Reaching the line of departure, he found that the lead company, in combat for the first time, was immobilized by intense enemy mortar, machinegun, and rifle fire which had caused casualties to key personnel. Knowing that further failure to advance would endanger the flanks of adjacent units, as well as delay capture of the objective, he immediately took command of the company, evacuated the wounded, reorganized the unit under fire, and prepared to attack. He repeatedly exposed himself to draw revealing fire from the Japanese strongpoints, and then moved forward with a 5-man covering force to determine exact enemy positions. Although intense enemy machinegun fire killed 2 and wounded his other 3 men, S/Sgt. Woodford resolutely continued his patrol before returning to the company. Then, against bitter resistance, he guided the guerrillas up a barren hill and captured the objective, personally accounting for 2 hostile machinegunners and courageously reconnoitering strong defensive positions before directing neutralizing fire. After organizing a perimeter defense for the night, he was given permission by radio to return to his battalion, but, feeling that he was needed to maintain proper control, he chose to remain with the guerrillas. Before dawn the next morning the enemy launched a fierce suicide attack with mortars, grenades, and small-arms fire, and infiltrated through the perimeter. Though wounded by a grenade, S/Sgt. Woodford remained at his post calling for mortar support until bullets knocked out his radio. Then, seizing a rifle he began working his way around the perimeter, encouraging the men until he reached a weak spot where 2 guerrillas had been killed. Filling this gap himself, he fought off the enemy. At daybreak he was found dead in his foxhole, but 37 enemy dead were lying in and around his position. By his daring, skillful, and inspiring leadership, as well as by his gallant determination to search out and kill the enemy, S/Sgt. Woodford led an inexperienced unit in capturing and securing a vital objective, and was responsible for the successful continuance of a vitally important general of pianist Monty Alexander, Kingston, Jamaica
1946 –Birthday of Janet Lennon Culver City CA, singer (Lennon Sisters)
1946-The Basketball Association of America was founded at a New York meeting of hockey team owners and arena managers interested in having their buildings used on open dates. The BAA played three seasons (1946-47, 1947-48, 1948-49), after which it merged with the National Basketball League, founded in 1937, to form the National Basketball Association. Three original BAA teams remain: The Boston Celtics, The Golden State Warriors (originally the Philadelphia Warriors) and the New York Knicks.
1949---Top Hits
Riders in the Sky - Vaughn Monroe
Again - Doris Day
Some Enchanted Evening - Perry Como
Lovesick Blues - Hank Williams
1955--- Bill Haley & Comets, "Rock Around the Clock" hits #1
1956 - Gogi Grant (born Audrey Brown) reached the top spot on the "Billboard" singles chart for the first and only time in her career. Her hit, "The Wayward Wind", stayed at the top of the top-tune tabulation for eight weeks and on the music charts for 22 weeks. It was her second record release. The first, in October, 1955, was "Suddenly There’s a Valley" which climbed to number nine.
1956--Gene Vincent's recording of "Be Bop A Lula" was released. The song was co-written by Vincent and (Sheriff) Tex Davis, a deejay at a Norfolk, Virginia radio station. "Be Bop a Lula" was a hit on both sides of the Atlantic, selling a million copies. Vincent never was able to match the success of his initial hit. He died in 1971 of a seizure brought on by a bleeding ulcer.
1957---Top Hits
Love Letters in the Sand - Pat Boone
A Teenager’s Romance/I’m Walkin’ - Ricky Nelson
A White Sport Coat (And a Pink Carnation) - Marty Robbins
Four Walls - Jim Reeves
1960-- Tony Williams of the Platters left the group for a solo career. Williams was the lead singer on the Platters' big hits in the '50s - "Only You," "The Great Pretender" and "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes," among others. In the 1970's, Williams and Buck Ram, manager of the Platters, battled in court over who had the right to use the group's name. Ram won the case, but both later toured with groups billed as the Platters.
1960-- Roy Orbison's "Only the Lonely" was released. It would reach number two on the Billboard Hot 100 and inspire Bruce Springsteen to write "Born to Run."
1965---Top Hits
Help Me, Rhonda - The Beach Boys
Wooly Bully - Sam The Sham and The Pharoahs
Crying in the Chapel - Elvis Presley
What’s He Doing in My World - Eddy Arnold
1966-civil rights activist Stokely Carmichael launches “Black Power” Movement. Died Nov 15,1998.
1966 -- Author Truman Capote holds famous "Black & White Ball" — widely regarded as most glittering bas of the decade.
1966 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Paint It Black," The Rolling Stones.
1966- The Turtles and Oxford Circle at the Fillmore Auditorium in San Francisco.
1973---Top Hits
My Love - Paul McCartney & Wings
Daniel - Elton John
Pillow Talk - Sylvia
Satin Sheets - Jeanne Pruett
1968-New York Senator Robert Francis Kennedy dies after being shot while campaigning for president. There are many who believe this was a conspiracy, and there are many sites on the internet making all kinds of noise, but history is full of loners who manage to assassinate famous people, including American presidents.
1986-Manager Steve Boros of the San Diego Padres was ejected before the first pitch of a game with the Atlanta Braves when he attempted to give umpire Charlie Williams a videotape of a disputed play in the previous night’s game, a 4-2 Braves victory.
1971 – Ed Sullivan said goodbye. He reportedly lived in my home time of Port Chester, New York, married to a Jewish lady who reportedly rule the roost at home. As a newspaper columnist, he was very popular and it was told a mention in his column was very important for your career. When his variety shows appeared on television, with him as the host, due to his fame as a columnist, he was able to attract the top stars that were originally afraid of the medium. He also brought in new talent and had a real circus from Polish dancing bears, a little mouse named Topo Gigio, and “discovered” Elvis Presley, The Beatles, The Dave Clark Five, the comedy of Jackie Mason, John Byner, Rich Little, Allen King, Richard Pryor and so many more, as "The Ed Sullivan Show" left CBS-TV. Gladys Knight and The Pips and singer Jerry Vale appeared on the final show. "The Ed Sullivan Show" had been a showcase for more than 20 years for artists who ranged from Ethel Merman to Ella Fitzgerald, from Steve and Eydie to the Beatles. "The Ed Sullivan Show" was the longest running variety show on TV .
1973 - Barry White was awarded a gold record for "I’m Gonna Love You Just a Little More Baby". It was his first hit and his first of five number one million-sellers. White began recording in 1960. He formed the group, Love Unlimited, in 1969 and married one of the group’s singers, Glodean James. He also formed the 40-piece Love Unlimited Orchestra which had the number-one hit, "Love’s Theme" in 1973.
1977 - Severe thunderstorms with large hail and winds to 100 mph caused one million dollars damage around Norfolk, VA. A forty-two foot fishing boat capsized near the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel drowning 13 of the 27 persons on board.
1978 - Proposition 13 passed in California. Voters joined Senator Howard Jarvis in cutting property taxes by 57 percent. This was seen as the birth of a taxpayer’s revolt against high taxes and excessive government spending. It also spelled the end of the higher education system in California, and brought the secondary schools from number one to number thirty and lower in score testing today.
1978-“20/20” premiered on TV. An hourly news magazine developed by ABC to compete with CBS’s “Sixty Minutes”. Its original hosts, Harold Hayes and Robert Hughes, were cut after the first show and replaced by Hugh Downs.
Barbara Walters became co-anchor in 1984. the show consisted of investigative and background reports. Contributors to the show have included Tom Jarriel, Sylvia Chase, Gerald Rivera, Thomas Hoving, John Stossel, Lynn Sher and Stone Phillips.
1981---Top Hits
Bette Davis Eyes - Kim Carnes
Being with You - Smokey Robinson
Stars on 45 medley - Stars on 45
Friends - Razzy Bailey
1988 - Seventeen cities in the north central U.S. reported record high temperatures for the date, including Williston ND with a reading of 104 degrees. Thunderstorms in Florida produced wind gusts to 65 mph which damaged two mobile homes northwest of Melbourne injuring six people.
1989---Top Hits
Rock On - Michael Damian
Soldier of Love - Donny Osmond
Wind Beneath My Wings - Bette Midler
Where Did I Go Wrong - Steve Wariner
1996 -San Francisco became the first city in the nation to sue the tobacco industry.
1998 - "The Boy is Mine", by Brandy and Monica, zoomed to number 1 on the "Billboard" pop chart. It ruled the Hot 100 roost for 13 weeks -- putting it in the top ten of longest-running #1 singles in the modern rock era.
2000-- Thanks to the Angels' video crew playing a clip from the 1994 movie "Ace Ventura, Pet Detective" on the JumboTron, the Rally Monkey is born. With the words "Rally Monkey" superimposed over a monkey jumping up and down in the Jim Carrey movie, the crowd goes wild as Anaheim scores two runs in the bottom of the ninth to beat the Giants, 6-5.
2003-- Insisting the corked bat, designed to put on home run displays during batting practice, was accidentally used in the Devil Rays' game, Cubs' slugger Sammy Sosa is suspended for eight games by major League baseball. Bob Watson, baseball's vice president of on-field operations, agreed the Chicago's outfielder use of an illegal bat was an "isolated incident," but one that still deserved a penalty.
NBA Finals Champions This Date
1976 Boston Celtics
Baseball Poem

2050: The End
The earth may end
by fire and wind
and we may all go insane,
but please Lord
not when the Mets
are winning a ball game.
Written by Robert L. Harrison
“Green Fields and White Lines,”
Baseball Poems published
by McFarland and Company
The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?
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