Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Classified Ads----Other Sites ######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release” -------------------------------------------------------------- Classified Ads----Other Sites (available in many cities now, use scroll feature) ELFA Career Center For a full listing of all "job wanted" ads, please go to: To place a free "job wanted" Leasing News ad: ELFA Career Center: Job Seekers (free): -------------------------------------------------------------------- HL Leasing Blog discovers UCC's The blog above ("An attempt to organize HL Leasing research") has discovered a law suit between Pentech Financial, Campbell, California, and HL Leasing, Fresno, California, that was going to a hearing shortly before Heritage Pacific and HL Leasing CEO John Otto committed suicide. Following this lawsuit, existing leases out of state were found being serviced out of Cincinnati, Ohio, reportedly by Key Corp., being answered as "Pentech Financial." The telephone number in the lease assignment form (part of the lawsuit documentation) while at a Cincinnati post office box address is the Pentech Financial Campbell, California address found by using Google as a telephone number search. There was a hearing scheduled for HL Leasing's lawyers to attend on May 26, 2009 in a case in New York called "In re John Richard Constable, Debtor, HL Leasing, Inc., Plaintiff against John Richard Constable", Case 08-76313 and 8-09-08030. In that case, one of the exhibits to the complaint filed by HL Leasing was an assignment of leases from Pentech to HL Leasing. A list of 48 leases was included in the court records. There are leases still on going, some to expire in 2011. The documents concern the location of equipment in a bankruptcy from a lease originated by American Capital Group, discounted to Pentech Financial, non-recourse, who in turn discounted them to HL Leasing, non recourse. A list of the leases discounted is included in the transcript. There may be more here, as well as elsewhere, filed under other jurisdictions and secured party names. This is a major find. This blog should be congratulated for what it contains and for its results. It is a further indication of the value of the internet.
The payments on the lease were being made to a Pentech Financial lockbox in Cincinnati, Ohio, reportedly set up by Key Corp., perhaps their Equipment Lease Finance division. This is important as Dan Ramirez was calling them "American Express" leases. American Express Business Finance was sold to Key in 2004. It could be in referring to buying leases they were leases from Key that were originally American Express Business Finance, and perhaps other leases purchased here, or sold here, was the jargon being referred to as "American Express" leases. The leases may exist. There may be many of them. Pentech Financial CEO Ben Millerbis, CLP, told Leasing News "the information is not accurate." He made no further comment. He may have been referring to the specific court case, but he did not explain. At one time he acknowledged that John Otto had an investment in Pentech, but had reportedly withdrawn. It was shortly thereafter that Otto basically closed down Heritage Pacific Leasing in Fresno, California, and also let the State Board of Equalization Sales Tax Permit expire. Around this time, Pentech itself started its downward trend that basically saw the company withdraw from active leasing at the end of last year.
Millerbis claimed at one time his company had as many as 9,000 accounts a few years ago with those accounts serviced by Lease Dimensions. Reportedly US Bank is servicing around 4,500 of them as of a few months ago. The Navigator lease program has basically closed down in San Diego, California, with only the accounting manager remaining. It is reported that Lease Dimensions is still servicing a small number of accounts as well. Basically left in Campbell is a recovery team headed by Larry Blazek. Sales manager and Vice-president Brad Brisbin is gone, as well as vice-president Ron Wagner, who put together the team that successfully funded over $300 Million in small ticket leases. Brad Peterson left the firm and other venture group executives such as Peter Eaton left much earlier. Pentech appears not to be formally servicing any accounts but might be managing residual plays if available, and certainly the servicing is being announced under their name. The lockbox in Cincinnati, Ohio was not explained by Pentech Financial, nor the sale of leases to HL Leasing. What role Ben Millerbis, CLP, may have had in leases sold to HL Leasing investors is not known at this time. HL Leasing Case (2.7mb):
---------------------------------------------------------------- Top 25 Most Influential Leasing People-June 3 The nominations are made by readers that Leasing News accepts as "anonymous." This is an effort to keep this from becoming a "popularity contest."
I apologize to those who nominated people that
were not accepted for the list. There have been many who
have been helpful, or active in a leasing association, and
may give rise to a category such as "honorable mention."
"Influential" as "a person whose actions and opinions strongly influence the course of events" {Online Dictionary}. They must be alive, and do not need to be active any longer in the leasing or finance industry. Send nominations to: New nominees to appear in the next list: Ned Mundell-- Ned was chairman and CEO of U.S. Leasing International from the 1970s until just after the company was sold to Ford Motor Company in 1987. During that period of time, Ned led US Leasing to a position of being the largest independent leasing company (NYSE public company) in the United States, and amongst the largest in the world. He brought the company to international markets in Europe, Latin America, and Asia, forging banking and finance partnerships with some of the largest companies in the world. In Japan, even today-years after Ned's retirement-- Ned is viewed as an extremely important and influential person in the industry (I witnessed this while meeting with the CEO of Orix in Tokyo a year ago). Under Ned's leadership, US Leasing in the US became an early leader in the vendor business with active and important programs with the likes of Digital Equipment Corporation, IBM, Wang, NCR, Kodak, Lanier, and more. Ned led his management team to act swiftly to engage with all the baby bells when they were spun out, and the company landed exclusive program agreements with Southwestern Bell, Nynex, US West, and PacTel. Finally, Ned's negotiations with Ford were at the time characterized as "brilliant", as he sold the company for $68 a share, far exceeding the company's equity value in the markets at the time. In 1987, the year Ford bought the company, US Leasing International was the most successful stock on the NYSE in terms of increasing value.
Alan J. Mogol, Attorney-- Over the last 25+ years Alan and his team have created a large volume of middle market lease documentation currently used by the majority of the larger bank and finance companies in the industry; including standard forms of lease documentation as well as industry standard syndication, assignment, notice of assignment, participation and motor vehicle titling trust documents. Much of what Alan has created is considered de facto industry standard in the bank middle market space. He is a frequent lecturer and author in the equipment financing area.
Robert W. Stubbs--- Founder of Tricontinental Leasing in St. Louis, relocated to Paramus, NJ when purchased by Yeagan Assoc., later bought by Bell Atlantic. Bob was Chairman of the AAEL (now the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association) prior to retiring and no one was a more active supporter of the Industry. June 3 List of Top 25 Most Influence in Leasing Industry: ----------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------- Classified ads---Help Wanted Sales
Help Wanted ads start at $500 for 21 days. Logo and company description are free, as well as clicking from the ad to a full job description. You can submit your own ad or have Leasing News design one for you. It is also our policy to place "help wanted" ads above the news edition headlines. This position is not available as a paid position, but appears on the top of the news edition in a rotation basis. Contact: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Letters-We get eMail "I appreciate your thorough articles about HL Leasing. Unfortunately, I am one of their investors. "I have a question for you and need your expertise and advice. "I am invested in the following other leasing companies: Cypress Equipment Fund 12 &14, LLC; Icon Capital Corp; and SCI Capital Group. Who do you recommend that I contact for an independent assessment that these funds are legitimate. I have not had any trouble with the investments but I could have said the same for HL. I was invested with them for 15 years and they were 'solid' right until they fell off the cliff. "Thank you for your assistance with this." (An HL Leasing Investor) (ATEL Capital, Cypress Equipment Fund 12 &14, LLC; Icon Capital Corp; and SCI Capital Group are quite different, heavily regulated, audited by outside large firms. (You should consult your broker to whom he recommends for a second opinion, perhaps a few names. (The relationship with a broker is like that with your personal physician. If you have concerns about the first opinion you got, go get a second one from another licensed practitioner. (That said: there is NO WAY for a concerned party to ferret out a leasing fraud. All leasing frauds are based on non-existent equipment. A guy would have to try to get an estoppel certificate from every lessee PLUS review the terms of every lease to prove the portfolio was there. No one gets that access, no one. (Each brokerage house conducts abbreviated due diligence, that's some comfort. (The SEC monitors the accuracy of public statements including the offering documents, that's some comfort (note SEC does NOT verify the existence of a portfolio so don't overstate the value of this). (Accounting firms verify the statements, if it is an honest firm that's some comfort. Not the same as verifying a portfolio. ("Public" sponsors (those large enough to be required to file 10Qs) are highly unlikely to be a fake, there are too many people looking at it. The frauds tend to be sole practitioners who have the authority to keep a secret to themselves, Madoff, Ponzi himself, Otto, Bennett, Judah, etc. (In conclusion, you don't have any redemption rights anyway so you are likely stuck and they are likely fine anyway. They are not HL Leasing or Excel Financial. Not even in the same league in any way. Editor) (This is a reverse as originally Leasing News was seeking a current photograph and more information on Mark Sullivan, why he joined Time Payment. The photo was received after press time, but thought we should run it and got his permission to print his email response. editor) "Next time you gotta use my new "skinny" pictures….dropped 40 lbs over the last year by not eating after 8pm…that is all it took… "I made the move because of the opportunity to grow this. Bank Lessors have been TARP'd, and Leasing Companies are seeing funding/credit tighter than its been since the 70's and must add more value to their Vendor Relationships to survive. TPC is the solution, Time Payment is not a competitor to Leasing Companies, we are an adjunct to them. Leasing companies are not set up to handle tiny deals, and only do them as an accommodation in hopes of seeing larger deals. TPC is the opposite, TPC's whole model is lots of tiny deals that nobody else wants, and TPC has a 20 year time tested model for surviving in this space. "Time Payment Corp works with Leasing Companies as a private label referral solution for micro-deals $500 dollars (yes, dollars) to $15,000 (yes, dollars!) and immediate turn-around sales expectations. Payments are up to 60 mos. Time Payment's unfair advantage is a tested model for doing start-ups and earlier stage entrepreneurs that need to conserve cash by matching monthly revenue to payments. "The unfair advantage is that TPC can approve startups without recourse to vendors. This is unheard of in traditional leasing companies. TPC is more a technology company, and while the ultimate contract ends up as a lease, the real business is to provide Equity like funding where the collateral is only the equipment and PG. Plus it is fast, consistent approval model and the Vendors are funded fast. And we will go as low at ($500) five hundred dollars on an app only basis. I am very excited. "
Mark J Sullivan (New Hire/Promotion notice: --------- "John Zinke, the former General Counsel for IFC Credit Corporation who planned and implemented their NorVergence litigation strategy, is no longer with the company. IFC is providing no information on whether his termination was the direct result of the NorVergence settlement, a deal that some at the company consider to have been a disaster. Oddly enough, Mr. Zinke still identifies himself on the Illinois ARDC attorney search web page as an attorney for IFC. "Thought this piece of trivia might make an interesting tidbit for your publication." (Name With Held) ---------
Andrew Corsi
Andrew Corsi is back from a five week hip replacement, anxious to get --------- GE Slogan --------- Your CLP 2009 Board of Directors at the NAELB Conference at the Red Rock Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Back row. Chris Walker, CLP; Cindy Spurdle; Rosanne Wilson, CLP; Paul Nibarger, CLP; Joe Bonanno, Esq, CLP ---------
"As a long time reader of Leasing News, I am most appreciative of your journalism and reporting. It is my first To-Do-Action of the day, even before I read the sports section. I use the archives all the time.
--------- "Good day Sir, --------- "I would like to subscribe to I have a suggestion the site I visited does not have RSS (really simple syndicate), hence I would request you to enhance the Website that has RSS feeds." Regards Dhinesh Kumar (Joining our mailing list is like getting a RSS. When we have a breaking story, we send it out to our mailing list. We may note it in the "on line" news edition or reference it in the next issue. In reality, we try not to send out but three news issues a week, as most news can wait for the next edition. editor) --------- "Good afternoon ALL at K12 CDW "You think you can close more prospects with $0 down and 0% for the first year? "We have several payment options to help accommodate your clients' budgets. "Please call if you have any clients looking to get approved. "I look forward to earning your business and trust. Have an awesome week! "
**** ****** Our business is built from satisfied clients and Integrity is what we stand by!
--------- "Interesting developments in the Dental, medical and Vet financing business. Bank of America Practice Solutions is making a serious effort to buy all the business in multiple ways. It's nothing new and has been going on for a few years since Bank of America bought the division from MBNA. "They are buying the business is by bribing equipment reps and construction reps for referrals. This has been confirmed especially in the dental business where Patterson and Henry Schein reps are going to serious lengths to accept these fees. Despite being asked NOT to accept bribes, these reps are being advised by the Bank of America reps to establish corporations so that bribe money doesn't get reported personally to them. Other ways include paying the reps spouses. Even paying third party companies (i.e: contractors, designers, marketing co., etc) then asking theses companies to payout the reps so it's untraceable." ( Ricky L. Ā Ā ) (Referral fees are common and published by most leasing companies as to what they pay. Often they are similar to brokerage commissions. Often they are paid to the company itself and then disbursed to the sales manager and sales personnel. It has been common for gifts and money to sellers perhaps for two thousand years. GE cut it off when they acquired some companies and then lost the dealers. It is a way of life. Live with it. Editor) --------- "Regarding Benny Judah and Excel Leasing: I sincerely question your independence and absence of bias. "My father was Benny Judah's mentor; he gave Benny his start; he was a believer in Benny's ability and integrity. In fact, he was so confident he gave him a trusteeship; conveyed the responsibility for safeguarding funds left my daughter, money my father intended for her college education. These funds are now held in receivership; it is a trust frozen, leaving my only child, a senior in high school, without the ability to attend any college next fall, much less the one she'd been accepted on partial scholarship (she does not qualify for financial aid while her trust resides with the Receiver. Unfortunately, I relied on Trust and do not have the means to raise $70,000 Benny stole/lost) "Ironically, my father's generosity paid for Benny's college education---the same generosity he intended for my daughter. More ironic, is my dad also gave Benny the means to choose integrity or greed. If he were still alive, I know he would be more disgusted than I am. "My request is this: before you publish any more anonymous or public defenses for Benny Judah, consider the real lives and the real damage he has created. If Benny has no regard for the grandchild of the man who gave him his start, that's a human characteristic worthy of contemplation---in my case, it's a feeling of definitive contempt and disdain."
Sincerely, (Leasing News needs to print all sides, not just one side. We have never heard from Mr. Judah only the indictment. What you are referring to is from brokers who said they did business with him; nothing more, and found the company easy to work with. (Leasing News will be following the story and finding out if he is guilty or not. (We try to expose all fraud and crimes in the equipment leasing industry. (Please keep us informed. Editor) "Since you need to print all sides, it appears you now have an opportunity---I'll check back. I will also keep you posted. This is much bigger for me than Benny Judah. My tenacity is about my daughter and my father---preserving her future and his will." Sally (SEC froze his company assets and accused 50 year old Benny Judah of selling some $40 million in unregistered securities between January 2006 and March 2009 that he was using for "day trading." They also claimed his stating in literature to investors that he had over 4500 leases with receivables from the leases at $15 million earning 19.8% was "fictitious." May 6 the receiver was granted the motion to hire the accounting firm of Bolinger, Segars, Gilbert & Moss LL to perform accounting services. May 21 a second motion to take more than one deposition of Defendant Benny L. Judah was granted. editor) ---------------------------------------------------------------- (First New Aggregate "On Line" in Years. I could not pass up this press release, especially when they have President Obama on the front page. This is really hustling. The press release actually made me laugh out loud. You know, we need more of these in these days of nothing but bad news. Editor)
Austin, TX,-- The world of Equipment Financing is taken by storm by, a new service that provides a unique and revolutionary approach to people across North America looking to lease or finance their equipment. Usually people have no choice but to go through services that are biased to one lender or another but never before has there been a service where the client was matched with the best possible lenders based on their respective criteria, thus ensuring the Customers will receive the best deal possible for their type of equipment and profile. What makes unique is that it uses a simple three step process which is 100% Online, 100% automated and is done without the customers having to give out their confidential information like their SSN thus preventing multiple credit checks. It is also distinctive on another front given it's associations with specialized equipment journals and retailers who are using the system to offer financing to their own customers while making a commission on the actual deals. Here's a quote from the president and founder Dan Courville himself: "… our system is unique and revolutionary because we are an online workplace where pre-qualified businesses from all over North America connect with pre-qualified equipment Leasing companies to get the best competitive Lease Financing. As the first exclusive online equipment leasing referral service, we help businesses succeed by connecting them with equipment leasing companies that match the proposed request." In summary here's what makes so unique: · Customers receive, anonymously, multiple targeted offers to their equipment leasing/financing request. · Lenders get a continuous stream of targeted leads at a fraction of the usual cost · Retailers increase their bottom line by improving their closing ratio while adding a new source of income to their business For additional information please contact them or visit and see for your self what the fuss is all about. About is not a leasing Broker nor is it a lender in any way. It is an exclusive equipment leasing and equipment finance referral service for equipment buyers from Canada and the US looking for equipment leasing or equipment financing by providing direct access to pre-qualified lenders that have specifically identified their target markets. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Medical Launches Medical Equipment Lease Program The demand for new and/or additional medical equipment continues to rise among heath care facilities. Quick Medical has recognized the need to offer hospitals, medical clinics, and other health care facilities the option of leasing new and/or additional medical equipment a number of medical practices could possibly afford to pay cash for additional or new medical equipment, but the question is why? versus paying cash or long-term high interest rate financing. A number of medical practices could possibly afford to pay cash for additional or new medical equipment, but the question is why? Snoqualmie, WA -- With the continued fluctuations in interest rates, slowing of the economy, and competition for new patients, a number of hospitals, dental and medical clinics are struggling with reduced cash flow and the dilemma of how to purchase new or additional medical equipment to meet the needs and requests of their patients. "The medical industry continues to remain strong with the constant and increasing need for health care goods and services," said Bobby Beaulieu, IT Director at Quick Medical. "For many health care facilities, profit margins and cash flow are lower and the cost of providing newer or additional medical equipment is higher. At the request of our customers, we made the decision that we would offer a new medical leasing program designed specifically for hospitals, medical clinics and other health care facilities." One of the fastest growing and most popular ways to finance medical equipment is through a lease program. Current data suggests that of the majority of medical equipment sold to and/or financed by a medical practice, at least 50% was leased. Why pay cash for a piece of medical equipment when the business can pay nothing down and have the revenue generated by the medical equipment pay for itself? "A number of medical practices could possibly afford to pay cash for additional or new medical equipment, but the question is why?" said Scott Hanna, CEO of Quick Medical. "A new or growing hospital, start-up medical clinic, a medical practice with little cash flow, or a practice that has experienced exceptional growth may not have the cash nor the desire to tie up money in a large down payment or long-term financial obligation. Leasing is a way to leverage money and invest it in other revenue generating ideas that cannot be financed; or the money can be saved to cover expenses during an economic slowdown." As a national distributor of medical supplies and medical equipment since 1993, Quick Medical has been experiencing strong sales and customer growth. By adding a number of new product lines and a new leasing program, Quick Medical will provide additional value to their existing services while meeting ongoing customer requests for new products that will increase distribution channels and help to reduce overall customer cost. "One objective of our new leasing program is to reach the existing Quick Medical customers who wish to purchase our products, but do not have the cash and/or the desire to make a large up-front down payment", said Mr. Hanna. "We believe that with our new leasing program, a medical practice or health care facility can have the latest equipment and technology, as lease payments are often lower than payments available through conventional financing. Leasing offers tax benefits and has real cash flow advantages by eliminating the large down payments or cash outlays necessary with other forms of financing or purchase," concluded Mr. Hanna.
About Quick Medical: ---------------------------------------------------------------- News Briefs---- Brazil navy races to pull Air France wreck from sea
Irwin Union parent faces NYSE delisting
Pending home sales rose in April
Ford U.S. sales strongest since July
Zoellick Warns Stimulus 'Sugar High' Won't Stem Unemployment
Windows 7 Available on October 22
---------------------------------------------------------------- You May have Missed--- Who got the $trillions of dollars? "We don't know."
---------------------------------------------------------------- Overflow crowd for hearing on 49ers stadium
---------------------------------------------------------------- California Nuts Briefs--- Schwarzenegger: 'Our wallet is empty'
---------------------------------------------------------------- “Gimme that Wine” Not So Cold ... Doctor's Order--Eric Asimov
Sales of imported rose wines leap 42 percent
Washington wines comparable at better-than-California prices
Wine Prices by vintage ----------------------------------------------------------------
Today's Top Event in History
1965-the first Astronaut to walk in space was Major Edward Higgins White, II, who opened the hatch of Gemini 4 at 3:42pm this day, stepped out into space at a 1230-mile altitude at 3:45pm and remained outside for 20 minutes until 4:05pm, attached to the craft by a 25-0foot tether. A hand-held 7.5 oxygen jet propulsion gun operated by pressure on a trigger gave him control over his movements. ( The first human to walk in space was cosmonaut Aleksie A. Leonov, who stepped out of the Vokshad 2 spacecraft on March 18, 1965).1968-Poor People's Campaign March on Washington, DC, begins.
[headlines] This Day in American History 1539 - Hernando De Soto claimed Florida for Spain.1621 - The Dutch West India Company received a charter for New Netherlands, now known as New York. 1770-Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo: the second California mission to the Indians. 1781-Jack Jouett made a heroic 45-mile ride on horseback during the night of June 3-4, to warn Virginia Governor Thomas Jefferson and the legislature that the British were coming. Jouett rode from a tavern in Louisa County to Charlottesville, VA, in about 6 ½ hours, arriving at Jefferson's home at dawn on June 4. Lieutenant Colonel Tarleton's British forces raided Charlottesville, but Jouett's warning gave the Americans time to escape. Jouett was born at Albermarle County, VA, December 7, 1754 and died at Bay, JY, in 1822 ( exact date not known ). 1800 - John Adams, the second president of the United States, becomes the first president to reside in Washington, D.C., when he takes up residence at Union Tavern in Georgetown. The city of Washington was created to replace Philadelphia as the nation's capital because of its geographical position in the center of the existing new republic. The states of Maryland and Virginia ceded land around the Potomac River to form the District of Columbia, and work began on Washington in 1791. French architect Charles L'Enfant designed the city's radical layout, full of dozens of circles, crisscross avenues, and plentiful parks. 1808-birthday of Jefferson Davis, American statesman, US Senator, only president of the Confederate States of America. Imprisoned May 10, 1865-May 13, 1867, but never brought to trial, deprived of rights of citizenship after the Civil War. Davis was born at Todd County, KY, and died at New Orleans, LA, Dec. 6,1889. His citizenship was restored, posthumously, October 17,1978, when President Carter signed an Amnesty Bill. This bill, he said, “ officially completes the long process of reconciliation that has reunited our people following the tragic conflict between the states. “ Davis's birthday anniversary is observed in Florida, Kentucky, and South Carolina on this day, in Alabama on the first Monday in June and in Mississippi on the last Monday in May. Davis's birth anniversary is observed as Confederate Memorial Day in Tennessee. 1851-First Baseball Uniforms: The Knickerbocker Base Ball Club of New York City donned the sport's first uniforms: straw hats, blue full-length trousers and white shirts. 1856-Cullen Whipple of Providence, RI obtained a patent for a screw machine to make pointed screws. Prior to this invention, screws were blunt on their threaded ends, and it was necessary to bore a hole in order to insert them. 1856-Gov. Johnson proclaimed San Francisco in a state of insurrection because of Committee of Vigilance activities, and ordered all persons subject to military duty to report to Maj.-Gen. William T. Sherman to quell the insurrection. 1860 -The Great Camanche Tornado began its deadly trek near Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and ended its journey over Lake Michigan. 175 people lost their lives and 329 were injured. The town of Camanche, Iowa, on the Mississippi River, was destroyed. Total damage was 945,000 dollars (note - 1860 dollars). 1862-Haiti recognized as a nation by the United States. 1862-Liberia recognized as a nation by the United States 1863 - Gen. Lee, with 75,000 Confederates, launched a second invasion of the North. Lee led his troops into Maryland and then Pennsylvania, to meet the Army of the Potomac again, this time around a small town called Gettysburg. 1864-Battle of Cold Harbor. Although Confederate General Robert E. Lee had placed his troops behind considerable breastworks, Union General Ulysses S. Grant launched an all-out attack on the Southern army. More than 7,000 Federal troops were killed within on-half hour of the battle on the first attack. General Lee won his last victory over Union forces, numbering 108,000 against this 59,000. 1500 Confederate troops were also killed. In an eight –minute period more men fell in an assault on entrenched Confederate troops than in any other like period of time. After a second unsuccessful attack, Grant's orders for a third assault were all but ignored. Grant had new and ill trained troops, and his battle plan was not carried out by his officers. Compounding this was the battlefield tradition held that the first commander who sought a truce in order to tend to the wounded was the loser. Grant refused to admit defeat by seeking such a truce and the wounded were left on the ground for three days following the battle. General Lee also refused to be the first to go after his wounded, and therefore thousands of wounded men from both sides died either from their wounds, hunger, thirst or exposure. Between May 7 and June 3, federal losses were 50,000 men, Confederate 32,000. The North could replace its losses fully, especially paying for troops, many of them immigrants from Europe, but the South could not. (bottom half of ) 1877- Elizabeth Fires Lummis Ellet birthday; U.S. author and historian who used primary and direct research for her monumental three-volume Women of the American Revolution (1848), and the Pioneers of the American West (1852) as well as other books about women. 1884-the first national political convention of a major party president over by an African-American met in the Exposition Building, Chicago, IL. John Roy Lynch, an African-American politician who has served three terms as a congressman from Mississippi, was nominated for temporary chairman of the Republican Party by Henry Cabot Lodge. The nomination was supported by Theodore Roosevelt and George William Curtis, and was carried by a vote of 424 for Lynch a to 384 for Powell Clayton. The convention nominated James Gillespie Blaine for president and General John Alexander Logan for vice president. November 4 th Grover Cleveland was elected president of the United Sates and Thomas A. Hendricks was elected vice-president. The electoral vote was Cleveland, 219, James G. Blaine, Republican of Maine, 182. The popular vote was Cleveland, 4,911,017 and Blaine 4,848,224. A very interesting presidential election as it was fought mainly with attacks on the reputation of the rival candidates. The Republican candidate, James G. Blaine, on his basis of letters he had written, was accused of having profited from the Credit Moblier scandal involving the building of the Union Pacific Railroad. His opponents sang: “Blaine, Blaine, James G. Blaine, the continual liar from the state of Maine.” The Democratic candidate Grover Cleveland, was accused of having fathered an illegitimate child, which in his forthright manner, he admitted. The turning point of the election was a remark made on October 9 by the Rev.. Samuel D. Burchard in New York, in the presence of Blaine, that the Democrats were the party of “Rum, Romanism and Rebellion.” Blaine did not disavow the remark, and the Irish-American Roman Catholics of New York were outraged. Cleveland carried the state by 1149 votes and thereby won the election. In 1888, President Grover Cleveland did not campaigning, saying it was beneath the dignity of the office of the president. Benjamin Harrison, the Republican candidate, brought the front porch campaign to its peak, and won. In 1892, Grover Cleveland campaigned and won the election as president along with Adlai E. Stevenson as vice-president. The electoral vote was 277 to Harrison's 145, and popular vote 5,554,414 to President Harrison's 5,190,802. The Populist Party won Electoral College votes, carrying Kansas, Colorado, Idaho and Nevada, 22 electoral votes and $1,027,329 for candidate James B. Weaver, perhaps the Ross Perot of his day. inktomi-df1-2-20/104-3603723-3237564 1880- Alexander Graham Bell transmitted the first wireless telephone message on his newly-invented "photophone.” The photophone functioned similarly to the telephone, except the photophone used light as a means of projecting the information, while the telephone relied on electricity. 1888 -- "Casey at the Bat" first appears in print, in the San Francisco Examiner. 1886 - Grover Cleveland became the first U.S. President to get married in the White House. He exchanged vows with his bride, Florence Folsom. His bride was 27 years younger than he. While he ran for a second term, he did not campaign, but stayed in the White House with his young bride. He lost. But he ran again in 1892, this time, he campaigned, and he won. The only president to lose his office and then win it back again. 1904-birthday of Charles Drew-African American physician who discovered how to store blood plasma and who organized the blood bank system in the US and UK during WWII. Born at Washington, DC, he was killed in an automobile accident near Burlington, NC, April 1, 1950. 1906-birthday of African-American Josephine Baker, the very popular Parisian chanteuse known as "Le Jazz Hot," was a heroine of French resistance in WWII. She was born in St. Louis, Missouri, but moved to France because she was a black Lesbian and received better acceptance in Europe. She received Legion d'Honneur and the rarer Medaille de la Resistance from French President Charles de Gaulle for her work during World War II on behalf of France. She acted as a courier when she toured North Africa and other places as she sang and performed for Allied troops. She adopted 19 children, all from different nationalities. In later life when her money ran out and she was evicted from her home in France, Princess Grace of Monaco (formerly Grace Kelly of Philadelphia and Hollywood) gave her a villa in Monaco and financed her new act Josephine '75 to celebrate her 50 years in Paris. She died in her sleep after 14 performances. After WWII she had returned to the U.S. to try again but faced such racial discrimination for her act at the Stork Club that she returned to France where she was an honored entertainer and admired hero. 1911-Birthday of Jean Harlow - the original blond sex-queen of Hollywood who was haunted by a chaotic private life. She died when when her mother, as an abiding by Christian Scientist, refused to send her to a hospital for kidney failure. Her kidneys had been injured by a former husband who then shot himself. Her persona in the movies was a wise- cracking blond bombshell with a heart of gold. 1911-birhday of trumpet player Yank Lawson, Trenton, Mo. 1916- Gloria Martin born- Seattle author and militant socialist-feminist who attempted to weld the two into one movement through Radical Women (1967). The working mother of eight, she fought for poor women, women of color, abortion rights, etc., in an unabashed manner that called for women to train and organize to get their needs taken care of. Died November 17, 1995 1920—John Lewis birthday 1921-- A cloudburst near Pikes Peak CO killed 120 people. Pueblo CO was flooded by a twenty-five foot crest of the Arkansas River, killing 70 persons. Fourteen inches of rain was reported at Boggs Flat, where a hard surface road through nearly level country was washed out to a depth of seven feet 1926-birthday of Allen Ginsberg, Poet of the Beat Generation (“Howl”), born Newark, NY. Died April 5, 1997, New York, New York. 1916-the first Supreme Court justice was Jewish was sworn in, Louis Dembitz Brandeis of Boston, MA. He served until 1939. 1927-birthday of tenor saxophonist Boots Randolph, Paducah,KY 1932-birthday of vocalist Dakota Staton, Pittsburgh, Pa 1932-Lou Gehrig became the first American League player to hit four home runs in one game, doing so in a 20-13 New York Yankees victory over the Philadelphia Athletics. Gehrig hit his homers in four straight at bats and narrowly missed a fifth. His teammate, Tony Lazzeri, hit for the cycle. 1936-Bestselling novelist Larry McMurtry is born on this day in Wichita Falls, Texas. 1942- Curtis Mayfield, a driving force in black music as singer, writer, producer and record company owner, was born in Chicago. Mayfield formed the Impressions in the late 1950's with singer Jerry Butler. When their first single, "For Your Precious Love," was a huge hit in 1958, Butler left for a solo career and Mayfield joined him as a guitarist. Mayfield reformed the Impressions in 1961, and led the group during its greatest years. He wrote many of their hits, including their biggest, "It's All Right," in 1963. Mayfield left the Impressions in 1970 and formed his own record and publishing company, Curtom. He had the biggest hit of his career in 1972 with the soundtrack to the film "Superfly." It made number one on the Billboard chart. Mayfield was paralyzed in 1990 when a light standard fell on him before a concert. Died December 26, 1999. 1944--*JOHNSON, ELDEN H. Medal of Honor Rank and organization: Private, U.S. Army, 15th Infantry, 3d Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Valmontone, Italy, 3 June 1944. Entered service at: East Weymouth, Mass. Birth: Bivalue, N.J. G.O. No.: 38, 16 May 1945. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. Pvt. Johnson elected to sacrifice his life in order that his comrades might extricate themselves from an ambush. Braving the massed fire of about 60 riflemen, 3 machineguns, and 3 tanks from positions only 25 yards distant, he stood erect and signaled his patrol leader to withdraw. The whole area was brightly illuminated by enemy flares. Then, despite 20mm. machineguns, machine pistol, and rifle fire directed at him, Pvt. Johnson advanced beyond the enemy in a slow deliberate walk. Firing his automatic rifle from the hip, he succeeded in distracting the enemy and enabled his 12 comrades to escape. Advancing to within 5 yards of a machinegun, emptying his weapon, Pvt. Johnson killed its crew. Standing in full view of the enemy he reloaded and turned on the riflemen to the left, firing directly into their positions. He either killed or wounded 4 of them. A burst of machinegun fire tore into Pvt. Johnson and he dropped to his knees. Fighting to the very last, he steadied himself on his knees and sent a final burst of fire crashing into another German. With that he slumped forward dead. Pvt. Johnson had willingly given his life in order that his comrades might live. These acts on the part of Pvt. Johnson were an inspiration to the entire command and are in keeping with the highest traditions of the armed forces . 1945 - Captured maps of German minefields are distributed to all Allied governments, in Europe, by SHAEF. These maps are from the collection of approximately 4 tons of such maps captured by US 7th Army in Bavaria. 1945--CHRISTIAN, HERBERT F. Medal of Honor Rank and organization: Private, U.S. Army, 15th Infantry, 3d Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Valmontone, Italy, 2-3 June 1944. Entered service at: Steubenville, Ohio. Birth: Byersville, Ohio. G.O. No.: 43, 30 May 1945. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. On 2-3 June 1944, at 1 a.m., Pvt. Christian elected to sacrifice his life in order that his comrades might extricate themselves from an ambush. Braving massed fire of about 60 riflemen, 3 machineguns, and 3 tanks from positions only 30 yards distant, he stood erect and signaled to the patrol to withdraw. The whole area was brightly illuminated by enemy flares. Although his right leg was severed above the knee by cannon fire, Pvt. Christian advanced on his left knee and the bloody stump of his right thigh, firing his submachinegun. Despite excruciating pain, Pvt. Christian continued on his self-assigned mission. He succeeded in distracting the enemy and enabled his 12 comrades to escape. He killed 3 enemy soldiers almost at once. Leaving a trail of blood behind him, he made his way forward 20 yards, halted at a point within 10 yards of the enemy, and despite intense fire killed a machine-pistol man. Reloading his weapon, he fired directly into the enemy position. The enemy appeared enraged at the success of his ruse, concentrated 20-mm. machinegun, machine-pistol and rifle fire on him, yet he refused to seek cover. Maintaining his erect position, Pvt. Christian fired his weapon to the very last. Just as he emptied his submachine gun, the enemy bullets found their mark and Pvt. Christian slumped forward dead. The courage and spirit of self-sacrifice displayed by this soldier were an inspiration to his comrades and are in keeping with the highest traditions of the armed forces. 1945---Top Hits Laura - The Woody Herman Orchestra Dream - The Pied Pipers Sentimental Journey - The Les Brown Orchestra (vocal: Doris Day) At Mail Call Today - Gene Autry 1946 -- Supreme Court bans segregation on interstate buses. The court rules that Negro passengers can not be forced to sit at the back of buses. In 1947, April 9-23, Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) sponsors an interstate bus ride to test the ruling — Bayard Rustin, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Igal Roodenko, Joseph Felmet get arrested and serve 30 days on a chain gang. This is a particularly dangerous period in the US: lynchings in the south approach 1918 levels as Negro G.I.s return, talk of getting the rights they fought for. 1949-the first Naval Academy graduate who was African-American was Ensign Wesley Anthony Brown of Washington, DC1952 – Hoping to make a come back, Frank Sinatra recorded the classic "Birth of the Blues" for Columbia Records. It would not be until he went to Capital Records and recorded with Nelson Riddle, among others, as Eddie Fisher was the pop idol of the day. 1953---Top Hits Song from Moulin Rouge - The Percy Faith Orchestra I Believe - Frankie Laine April in Portugal - The Les Baxter Orchestra Take These Chains from My Heart - Hank Williams 1956-Buddy Holly sees the John Wayne movie The Searchers and gains some song writing inspiration when Wayne utters the line "that'll be the day." 1959-Billboard Magazine splits its album chart into two separate sections: Best Selling Stereophonic LPs and Best Selling Monophonic LPs. 1960- Clarence Gideon is arrested and charged with breaking into a poolroom in Florida. The appeal of Gideon's subsequent conviction led to the establishment of one of the chief principles of American criminal justice. Due to Gideon's perseverance, every criminal suspect is entitled to representation by a lawyer. Now incorporated into what are known as our Miranda rights-"You have the right to speak to an attorney. If you can't afford one, one will be provided for you"-this information must be announced by every officer while making an arrest. When Florida decided to retry Gideon for the poolroom burglary in 1963, he had an experienced lawyer at his trial. The attorney easily poked holes in the prosecution's flimsy case, and Gideon was acquitted. New York Times writer Anthony Lewis wrote the stirring account of how one poor man changed the entire system in his 1965 book, Gideon's Trumpet, which later became a movie starring Henry Fonda. 1961---Top Hits Travelin' Man - Ricky Nelson Daddy's Home - Shep & The Limelites Running Scared - Roy Orbison Hello Walls - Faron Young 1965-the first Astronaut to walk in space was Major Edward Higgins White, II, who opened the hatch of Gemini 4 at 3:42pm this day, stepped out into space at a 1230-mile altitude at 3:45pm and remained outside for 20 minutes until 4:05pm, attached to the craft by a 25-0foot tether. A hand-held 7.5 oxygen jet propulsion gun operated by pressure on a trigger gave him control over his movements. ( The first human to walk in space was cosmonaut Aleksie A. Leonov, who stepped out of the Vokshad 2 spacecraft on March 18, 1965).1968-Poor People's Campaign March on Washington, DC, begins. 1967- Aretha Franklin scores her first No. 1 hit with "Respect." She quickly followed it up with six more Top 10 singles, including "Chain of Fools" and "A Natural Woman." Franklin, the daughter of a Detroit minister, grew up singing gospel. She signed with Columbia Records in her early 20s. However, Columbia ignored her gospel roots and recorded her singing show tunes with large orchestras. Franklin broke through when she switched to Atlantic Records and began singing gospel-influenced blues, or soul, winning her the sobriquet, "Lady Soul." A hit on the pop charts as well as the R&B lists, she became one of the most influential singers in contemporary music. aretha_background_04.jpg 1969---Top Hits Get Back - The Beatles Love (Can Make You Happy) - Mercy Oh Happy Day - The Edwin Hawkins' Singers Singing My Song - Tammy Wynette 1972-Sally Jan Priesand was ordained the first woman rabbi in the US. She became assistant rabbi at the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue, New York City, August 1, 1972. 1977---Top Hits Sir Duke - Stevie Wonder I'm Your Boogie Man - KC & The Sunshine Band Dreams - Fleetwood Mac Luckenbach, Texas (Back to the Basics of Love) - Waylon Jennings 1978 - Johnny Mathis and Deniece Williams combined their singing talents to reach the number one spot on the nation's pop music charts with "Too Much, Too Little, Too Late". 1980 -A slow moving supercell thunderstorm produced 7 tornadoes in and around the Grand Island, Nebraska area in less than 3 hours. There was one tornado of F4 intensity and 3 were rated F3. 5 people were killed, 193 were injured, and total damage was 300 million dollars. 1985- Apple Computer announced that chairman and cofounder Steve Jobs would no longer control the manufacturing and marketing of the Macintosh computer. The thirty-year-old Jobs had led the development team that designed the machine. He would become very successful on his own, then came back to Apple and helped turn the company around. 1985-a group headed by Tom Benson, Jr,. was approved to purchase the New Orleans Saints from John W. Mecom,Jr.1985 - "American Health" magazine released a survey that indicated 52 percent of doctors claimed that no one really should need to eat red meat more than once or twice a week, and 72 percent said that a vegetarian diet was a passing fad. Walking and running, plus working out was also considered a fad. 1985---Top Hits Everything She Wants - Wham! Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Tears for Fears Axel F - Harold Faltermeyer Don't Call Him a Cowboy - Conway Twitty 1989-Longest NL Night Game: The Houston Astros defeated the Los Angeles Dodgers, 5-4, in 22 innings at the Astrodome. The longest night game by time in National League history, it lasted seven hours, 22 minutes. 1995-The first West Point cadet who was a woman to graduate at the top of her class was 21-year old Rebecca Marier of New Orleans, LA, who was graduated from the United States Military Academy. She topped a class of 858 men and 130 women. 2003--- Yankee shortstop Derek Jeter is named the 11th captain in club history, The 28-year old joins Hal Chase (1912), Roger Peckinpaugh (1914-21), Babe Ruth (1922), Everett Scott (1922) Lou Gehrig (1935-41) Thurman Munson (1976-79)., Graig Nettles (1982-84),co-captains Willie Randolph and Ron Guidry. (1986-89) and Don Mattingly (1991-95). 2003 --Slugger Sammy Sosa is ejected from the game during the first inning after he shatters his bat and the broken remains exposes cork. The Cub outfielder will be suspended by major league baseball for 8 games (will be reduced to 7) his offense. -------------------------------------------------------------- Baseball Poem This day in 1888 the famous comic baseball ballad "Casey at the Bat" was printed in the Sunday San Francisco Examiner. Appearing anonymously, it was written by Ernest L. Thayer, Recitation of "Casey at the Bat" became part of the repertoire of actor William Dwalt Hopper. The recitation took five minutes and 40 seconds. Hopper claimed to have recited it more than 10,000 times, the first being at Wallack's Theater at New York, NY, in 1888. The Story Behind the Poem Casey at the Bat When George Hearst decided to run for senator from California in 1885 he realized the need of an influential organ, and bought the San Francisco Examiner to promote his political ambitions. When the campaign was over, he presented it to his son, William Randolph Hearst who had just graduated from Harvard College. While in college the younger Hearst had been editor of the Harvard Lampoon.
When he went to California to edit the Examiner he took along with him three members of the Lampoon staff; Eugene Lent, F. H. Briggs, and Ernest L. Thayer. Each had nicknames -- Thayer's was "Phin." He wrote a humorous column on a regular basis for the Examiner and signed his columns with his nickname.
In the spring of 1888, Thayer wrote Casey and submitted it for publication. It appeared in the Examiner in the June 3, 1888 edition and was signed "Phin" as usual.
When Casey made its first appearance, nobody hailed it with shouts of joy or suspected that it would become immortal. A few weeks later, (exact date unknown) the New York Sun published the last 8 stanzas of the poem -- but signed its author as "Anon." Other than the Sun, it was just plain ignored by the public.
To become immortal, everyone (or thing) needs a press agent. Archibald Clavering Gunter, an author of novels, was "Casey's" press agent. Always on the look out for incidents to base some of his novels on, Gunter, living in New York, sought and actively read newspapers from around the country on a regular basis. When he read Casey for the first time, he clipped it out to save. He wasn't sure just what he would do with it, but he clipped and saved it anyway.
Many weeks later, in August of 1888, Gunter read that both the New York and Chicago baseball clubs would be attending the performance of the comedian De Wolf Hopper at the Wallack Theater in New York. Upon reading the announcement, Gunter instantly knew what he wanted to do with the clipping of Casey he had saved.
Gunter approached Hopper, a good friend, and offered the poem for him to recite as he felt the baseball teams would enjoy a comic baseball recitation. Hopper agreed and recited it that night. The rest, as they say, is history. From that point forward in time, Casey become immortal -- while a good poem to begin with, it took a recital before a group of "famous" baseball players by a professional comedian to bring it to life.
After reviews for Hopper's performance were published, three people came forward to claim authorship and demanded Hopper pay a royalty to use "their" poem. None could prove authorship, so Hopper kept it in his repertory.
Four or five years later, Thayer, living in Worcester, Massachusetts at the time, attended a performance of Hopper in Worcester. After the show, Thayer sent a note backstage requesting to meet Hopper. Thayer gave him the rights to perform it without paying any royalties.
Newspaper collectors should check their issues of New York papers for August, 1888 (exact day unknown) for reviews of Mr. Hopper's performance of Casey -- You may have an issue almost as important as the first printing of the poem in the June 3, 1888 San Francisco Examiner.
Casey at the Bat A straggling few got up to go in deep despair. The rest cling to that hope which springs eternal in the human breast; They thought, "If only Casey could but get a whack at that-- We'd put up even money now, with Casey at the bat." But Flynn preceded Casey, as did also Jimmy Blake, And the former was a hoodoo, while the latter was a cake; So upon that stricken multitude grim melancholy sat, For there seemed but little chance of Casey getting to the bat. But Flynn let drive a single, to the wonderment of all, And Blake, the much despised, tore the cover off the ball; And when the dust had lifted, and men saw what had occurred, There was Jimmy safe at second and Flynn - hugging third. Then from five thousand throats and more there rose a lusty yell; It rumbled through the valley, it rattled in the dell; It pounded on the mountain and recoiled upon the flat, For Casey, mighty Casey, was advancing to the bat. There was ease in Casey's manner as he stepped into his place; There was pride in Casey's bearing and a smile lit Casey's face. And when, responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed his hat, No stranger in the crowd could doubt 'twas Casey at the bat. Ten thousand eyes were on him as he rubbed his hands with dirt; Five thousand tongues applauded when he wiped them on his shirt; Then while the writhing pitcher ground the ball into his hip, Defiance flashed in Casey's eye, a sneer curled Casey's lip. And now the leather-covered sphere came hurtling through the air, And Casey stood a-watching it in haughty grandeur there. Close by the sturdy batsman the ball unheeded sped-- "That ain't my style," said Casey. "Strike one!" the umpire said. From the benches, black with people, there went up a muffled roar, Like the beating of the storm-waves on a stern and distant shore; "Kill him! Kill the umpire!" shouted some one in the stand; And it's likely they'd had killed him had not Casey raised his hand. With a smile of Christian charity great Casey's visage shone; He stilled the rising tumult; he bade the game go on; He signaled to the pitcher, and once more the dun sphere flew; But Casey still ignored it, and the umpire said "Strike two!" "Fraud!" cried the maddened thousands, and echo answered "Fraud!" But one scornful look from Casey and the audience was awed. They saw his face grow stern and cold, they saw his muscles strain, And they knew that Casey wouldn't let that ball go by again. The sneer has fled from Casey's lip, his teeth are clenched in hate; He pounds with cruel violence his bat upon the plate. And now the pitcher holds the ball, and now he lets it go, And now the air is shattered by the force of Casey's blow. Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright; The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light, And somewhere men are laughing, and little children shout; But there is no joy in Mudville-- great Casey has struck out. - Ernest L. Thayer
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