Assistant Manager
Assistant Manager
San Francisco, California
Excellent opportunity to work with growing equipment leasing bank division, excellent reputation. Click here for more information.
First Republic Bank has offices in the San Francisco Bay Area, throughout California, and in Portland, Seattle, Las Vegas, Boston and New York. |
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 
Sales Managers---Classified Ads
Ed Castagna presents award to Paul Larkins
All Leasing Association Membership is Up
Sales makes it Happen---by Gerry Egan
“Egan's Quick Summary Financial Form”
NAELB Nashville Conference up-date
Help wanted---Classified Ads
Placard---The Employee Clock
NorVergence Lessee Up-date
IRS issues ‘personal use’ procedure
For Whom the Mortgage Bell Tolls
by Christopher Menkin
Stress Release program to use on your computer
CIT Announces Purchase Offer for Senior Notes
Six-month Treasury bills highest in two weeks
Cash sources dry up for subprime mortgage lenders
'No Money Down' Mortgage Falls Flat
News Briefs---
You May have Missed---
Sports Briefs---
"Gimme that Wine"
Calendar Events
Snapple Real Facts
Today's Top Event in History
This Day in American History
Winter Poem
Daily Puzzle
Friday---“Late Fees”—To Tell the Truth--- Tom McCurnin
Barton, Klugman & Oetting, Los Angeles, California
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
Sales Managers---Classified Ads

Atlanta, GA
30 years in transportation Finance with strong management/ sales background. Represented company on national & region markets. Started two successful operations- produce profits and growth.
Chicago, IL
Successful sales manager has 15 years experience with captives and independents. Expertise in re-energizing existing sales teams and territories, also building teams from scratch. True Team Leader looking for new challenge.
Geneva, IL
Leasing leader seeking sales manager, senior sales/business development, marketing or strategic planning opportunity. Twenty plus years in the business. Looking for a new challenge.
Marlton, NJ
25 years exper. Promoted to sales manager after attaining highest percentage of quota for 2 years. Increased business by 50% over two years as sales manager.
Pennsauken, NJ
17 Years Leasing in all capacities from CSR and Collections to National Sales Management and Vice President Vendor Development. Exceptional People Skills. Many industry references.
email: For a full listing of all “job wanted” ads, please go to:
Ed Castagna presents award to Paul Larkins

(left to right: Paul A. Larkins, President and Chief Executive Officer, Key Equipment Finance, Superior, Colorado receives the “Leasing News Person of the Year for 2006” from Edward Castagna, President of Nassau Asset Management, Westbury, New York, member Leasing News Advisory Board.
(photograph by Matt Philbin) The award was presented at the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association/SAP Executive Roundtable held in Bonita Springs, Florida on Sunday, March 11.

Larkins was chosen by Leasing News as the person who has done the most for the entire equipment leasing industry in 2006.
Award Announcement:
All Leasing Association Membership is Up

At the beginning of this year, leasing associations report membership is up:
Certified Leasing Professionals (CLP): 179
Eastern Association of Equipment Lessors (EAEL): 196
Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA): 768
National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers (NAELB): 950
National Vehicle Leasing Association (NVLA) : 325
United Association of Equipment Leasing (UAEL): 314
(Beginning of year 2007 membership numbers, renewals as of February 28, 2007)
According to the Leasing News funder and broker/lessor lists, many leasing companies belong to two or three association, where funders may belong to all. Each association has their own fee structure and benefits to their members.
Descriptions have been up-date for most of the leasing association:

Sales Make it Happen

by Gerry Egan
“Egan's Quick Summary Financial Form”
I take a great deal of pride in the whole Distance Learning program of the National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers (NAELB.) I'm proud to have been, a number of years ago, as a Board Member and then President, one of the early drivers of the idea that the association could use technology and the internet to leverage a commitment to education, and to improved professionalism among the members, by reaching out to more of the members more frequently, and in more different ways. It's been very gratifying to see that subsequent Boards of Directors held onto and nurtured that idea. When they were able to launch the Distance Learning program last year, I was honored to be chosen to produce and present its first three segments.
You were right about one thing from the start, Kit. You said the Quick Summary form I described in the Distance Learning video was a great sales tool and everyone would want to see it. I've had many, many great comments on the program overall, but, just as you predicted, virtually everyone who's called or written to me has wanted to talk about that form and how to use it.
I didn't invent the form. I just took something that most salespeople considered a credit tool or credit function and I turned it into a very powerful and effective sales tool for myself. To create the one I use, I simply asked some of my underwriters for copies of what they used internally to summarize financial statements. A lot of callers have seemed surprised that my underwriters would be willing to share that. Kit, they were thrilled to! You can imagine how eager they were to have me interested in something that might save them from a lot of wasted effort! What I found was that ninety percent of the various forms I got were the same. I took that sameness as a guide and created what I use.
Some of the folks that have called me or written to me have confided that they don't feel confident asking for this kind of information because they don't have a good understanding of it themselves. Neither did I, I tell them. I'm not an accountant and, as I've told many people, and with all due respect to my friends in that very honorable profession, I have no interest in becoming an accountant —or a credit analyst, either, for that matter!
I realized, though, that it was in my own best interest for protecting my valuable selling time to be able to do a quick financial statement summary early in the sales process, so I set out to gain some confidence in doing so and found it in two different sources. First, when my underwriters realized I was serious about it, they became incredibly helpful teachers. Since they would eventually be passing judgment on the statements I got, you can be sure that I took their lessons to heart.
Equally helpful to me, though, was a book called: The Guide to Understanding Financial Statements by S. B. Costales & Geza Szurovy; published by McGraw-Hill, Inc. This book broke reading a financial statement down into easily understood sections and many years later I still find myself referring to it regularly.
I very much appreciate Leasing News for its support during the launching of my most recent online video sales training module for NAELB's Distance Learning program, and for the nice introduction Kit Menkin wrote for it on the NAELB web site.
Kit has asked me several times to make the form available to Leasing News readers,
but to do it properly, I felt it needed a specific introduction. So in addition to downloading the form I use, interested readers of Leasing News can view a brief tutorial on using and preparing the Quick Summary Form. All I ask is that anyone who finds it helpful send me a brief e-mail telling me about it. This is an exclusive and for a short time. You can find the form and the tutorial at this link:
I hope some of them will find it helpful.
Gerry Egan
Raleigh, NC

Gerry Egan since 1981 has been involved in Equipment Leasing training, education, and has written many articles. He is unique in his consulting profession as " We broker leases, hold our own leases and discount leases to local banks in addition to managing and servicing the leasing programs for a couple of small banks."
About Gerry Egan:
NAELB Nashville Conference up-date

The Winchester Boys
The National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers (NAELB) conference to be held in Nashville, Tennessee from May 17 to May 19th, promises to be the most attended of Spring conferences with more brokers, super brokers, “would be funders” and “funders” than ever before. The association is certainly to reach over 1,000 members.
Good rumor: NAELB Past President and One World Leasing Chairman John Winchester, CLP, will be taking a lucky few on his Boudreaux cruise down the mighty Mississippi, with perhaps an excursion to Graceland. Rosanne Wilson is surely to join the party.

May 17-19, 2007
Broker 101:The Foundation
Conference cost and reservation form:
Conference Brochure (12 page download:)
Hotel Information
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center
2800 Opryland Drive
Nashville , TN 37214
To make hotel reservations at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel
call 1-615-883-2211 and reference the NAELB Group Code - XELB7 .
You may also book your reservations online by clicking the link below. Enter the Online NAELB Group Code - ELB . The group rate is $165 per night for a traditional view room.
The deadline for reserving sleeping rooms is March 22, 2006.
Click Here To Make Your Hotel Reservations Online
Airline Information
Northwest Airlines is offering a 5 - 12 % discount on their fares for air travel to and from the conference.
You or your travel agent may call Northwest Airlines at 1-800-328-1111 and reference the WorldFile code, NYUYD .
You may also visit Northwest's website at Under the Flights tab at the bottom, click on NWA Discount Travel E-Cert Redemption.
Login as a guest. Complete the flight search section and navigate to the bottom where you will see "Click here if you have a Northwest meeting agreement WorldFile number." Enter the WorldFile code, NYUYD and complete your transaction.
Travel agents should visit
10 th Annual NAELB Golf Tournament information: |
List of all association conferences 2007:
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Assistant Manager
Assistant Manager
San Francisco, California
Excellent opportunity to work with growing equipment leasing bank division, excellent reputation. Click here for more information.
First Republic Bank has offices in the San Francisco Bay Area, throughout California, and in Portland, Seattle, Las Vegas, Boston and New York. |
Credit Analyst
Credit Analyst
Irvine, California
Southern California candidates only--Minimum two years experience with leasing credits, $40-$45K base depending on experience.
Call or e-mail: Pamela Stuber 800-234-0136 ext. 243
About Us: As a leader in equipment financing we have created funding partnerships with a wide variety of financial institutions and specialized credit facilities. This diversity allows us to be a complete funding partner for your business.
Sales Regional Office
Financial Funding Services, LLC |
Sales/Regional Office
Generous Compensation with above average industry commission splits/unlimited income potential, six figures plus and nationwide financing for A – D credit.
Click here for more info.
Small Ticket Specialists
Three Small Ticket Specialists
Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Nashville, TN, and
Richmond, VA.
Click here for more information.

NorVergence Lessee Up-date

It seems the Popular Leasing 21 state settlement with the Attorneys General office regarding NorVergence lessees did not happen in Ohio. NorVergence lessees report to Leasing News they are getting collection calls from a collection agency saying they are representing Popular Leasing.
All the hoopla between the Federal Trade Commission investigation and IFC Credit Corporation, Morton Grove, Illinois, seems to be going nowhere. If the FTC does not have a case, they procedure is to write a letter stating so. No letter, no other action. In the meantime, the cases continue in court.
Here are 2 federal court cases involving IFC Credit Corp:
"Our firm is presently handling approximately 80 NorVergence related cases that are still pending. In two separate cases in the Federal District Court – N.D. IL, the trial judges have allowed a number of affirmative defenses and counterclaims to stand against IFC Credit Corp. IFC moved to dismiss our affirmative defenses and counterclaims in both cases.
"On 1/12/2007, in IFC Credit Corp. v. Aliano Bros. Gen. Contractors, Inc., 04 C 6504 (Yes – the same case where the 7th Circuit reversed dismissal on forum selection clause), Judge Darrah let stand affirmative defenses and counterclaims relating to fraudulent inducement, consumer fraud and/or deceptive trade practices, fraud and civil conspiracy.
"On 3/2/07, in IFC Credit Corp. v. Warner Robins Supply Co., Judge Manning let stand affirmative defenses and counterclaims relating to declaratory judgment, breach of contract, fraudulent inducement, deceptive trade practices, fraud and civil conspiracy."
- Michael J. Fleck, Attorney
Huntley, Illinois
IRS issues ‘personal use’ procedure
The OVLA Lessor
The Ohio Vehicle Leasing Association

The IRS has issued Revenue Procedure 2007-11 which provides the maximum values for employer provided vehicles when using the cent-per-mile valuation rule or the fleet-average valuation rule. Further information can be found at
The procedure provides:
(1) the maximum value of employer-provided vehicles first made available to employees for personal use in calendar year 2007 for which the vehicle cents-per-mile valuation rule can be used is $15,100 for a passenger automobile and $16,100
for a truck or van; and
(2) the maximum value of employer provided vehicles first made available to employees for personal use in calendar year 2007 for which the fleet-average valuation rule may be used is $20,100 for a passenger automobile and $21,100 for a truck or vehicle.
For Whom the Mortgage Bell Tolls
by Christopher Menkin

Photo credit: the Florida Center for Instructional Technology, University of South Florida
Leasing News has been writing about the sup-prime mortgage industry troubles for over a year, as many in the leasing industry moved over to this marketplace for the "easy money." While the rising interest rates may have been a contributing factor, the financial history has shown
"easy come, easy go."
The major banks that got into this product also saw the writing in the wind, closing down department, shifting their credit policy, and deciding to even close down branches, as Washington Mutual has, among many others.
The mortgage industry was easy to get in, as most are really brokers or marketers, taking their "cut" with additional fees of various garbage. You can work from your house, an executive suite, or get an office with a number of desks and computers. All you really need is a quick license from the state and business cards.
In a way, it is very similar to the leasing business, except most in leasing don’t even apply for the license in states where it is required. Perhaps the main difference is that personal property is definitely not the decision, meaning it is cash flow and not collateral in making a credit decision in leasing.
In the mortgage business, it is collateral: real estate, which was growing in leaps and bounds every year. An 80% position became a 60% and then in many places, a 50% position, so how could things go wrong? You had the collateral!!!!
Netbank, Inc. was perhaps one of the first stocks hit last year
with the overselling of sub-prime mortgage lending. The parent of and Netbank Business Finance began selling off divisions.

Yearly stock chart (not just yesterday)
Their December 31, 2006 found a net loss of $202 million and a loss of $4.36 a share for the year, compared with a net loss of $180,000 and break-even earnings for 2005.NetBank ended the year with $3.7 billion in assets, compared with $4.8 billion in assets at the end of 2005.
NetBank Inc. began suit last year both firing and then suing the same day, the former head John Giagiari, former director of NetBank's Meritage Mortgage Corp for $1.1 million in disputed pay. Giagirai, who lives in Danville, California, and was running the operation from the West Coast, contends he was fired without cause, and is due the entirety of his 2006 salary and bonus and $447,000 to meet his employment contract's minimum pay, the suit states. Giagiari's contract states he would receive a base salary of $200,000 per year, with commissions of at least $750,000 paid in advance.
In a press release by Loancity of San Jose, California, announcing that John C. Giagiari, Jr. and Jeff Minch joined the company as Chief Operating Officer (COO) and National Sales Manager, stated:
"For the past 10 years, Mr. Giagiari was Director of Subprime Lending at Meritage Mortgage, a division of Netbank. During that period, Meritage grew from a regional lender doing approximately $30 million per month in volume into a national lender with more than 200 account executives, producing $300 million in loans per month. Prior to joining Meritage, he was responsible for wholesale lending in Northern California for First Franklin Financial...
"As Senior Vice President, National Sales Manager, at LoanCity, Mr. Minch will be responsible for originations and production, as well as product development and management. Since 2004, Mr. Minch was National Sales Manager at Meritage, during which time production increased by more than $175 million month, a 50% improvement. He also successfully implemented a shift in the sales organization’s focus from top-line revenue to bottom-line profitability and created a quantitative platform to measure sales effectiveness. Earlier in his career, he was Eastern Regional Sales Manager for Meritage and held strategy and operational posts at First Franklin..."
"LoanCity is one of the nation's most technologically proficient wholesale mortgage lenders, providing independent mortgage brokers across the country with a full spectrum of home financing programs. The company offers hundreds of different loan programs grouped into broad product bands: Conforming, Jumbo, Expanded, Alt-A, FHA/VA and Seconds. Within each band, there are wide ranges of credit, property, underwriting and documentation options, allowing LoanCity brokers to meet the needs of virtually any borrower. Most products are decisioned by LoanCity’s proprietary underwriting and pricing engine: AU 2.0. Headquartered in San Jose, California, LoanCity was founded in 1987 and has branches in major metropolitan cities throughout the country. The company funded $5 billion in mortgages in 2006."
There was a lot of money to be made in the real estate mortgage market as houses were increasing in equity, and it was definitely a sellers market at one time.
The young internet people do not remember the Savings and Loans debacle in the past, but they certainly will remember the mortgage problems happening this year as many had high paying jobs and with good equity, could get an "interest only" or "variable interest" rate loan very easily---perhaps too easily. As they borrowed from their high limit paying credit cards, send to them by the dozens, automatically approved, to pay for furniture, landscaping, and lifestyle, life changed and they found "flipping" a home not what it used to be, plus to pay off this debt they starting juggling payments
between their cards. Little did they realize that the bell was ringing for them.
(My apologies to John Donne. Kit Menkin)
Stress Release program to use on your computer
Stress Relief---

You have two options for this software program:
First option is OPEN the file without saving it. You can see how this works, then decide if you want to “save” and have it as an executable file.
In the open mode, it works, but once you exit, the application is no longer available. You have to install it each time you want to use it.
The second option is to “SAVE “the “.EXE” on to your computer. You will have the application available to use any time, until you decide to delete the program.
Note: Hit the Esc to quit the application in either option. [headlines]
[headlines] ---------------------------------------------------------------
### Press Release ###########################
CIT Announces Purchase Offer for Its 7.75% Senior Notes Due April 2, 2012 -
NEW YORK, / -- CIT Group Inc. (NYSE: CIT - News), a leading global provider of commercial and consumer finance solutions, today announced that it has commenced an offer to purchase for cash any and all of its outstanding 7.75% Senior Notes due April 2, 2012 (the "Securities").
Holders of the Securities wishing to sell must follow the instructions set forth in the purchase offer dated March 13, 2007 (the "Purchase Offer"). The offer will expire at 5:00 p.m. New York City time on March 21, 2007 (the "Expiration Date") unless extended or earlier terminated by CIT in its sole discretion.
The purchase price for each $1,000 principal amount of each Security tendered and accepted for purchase will be determined on the basis of the bid-side yield to maturity of the 4.625% U.S. Treasury Note due February 29, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. New York City time on the business day prior to the Expiration Date plus a fixed spread of 50 basis points as fully described in the Purchase Offer. The purchase price plus accrued and unpaid interest to, but excluding, the date of payment for Securities tendered and accepted for purchase will be paid to registered holders in immediately available funds on the second New York Stock Exchange trading day after the Expiration Date (the "Settlement Date"). The Settlement Date will be March 23, 2007, unless the offer is extended.
### Press Release ###########################
News Briefs---- Six-month Treasury bills highest in two weeks
Cash sources dry up for subprime mortgage lenders
'No Money Down' Mortgage Falls Flat
Late mortgage payments jump to 3.5 year high, new foreclosures hit all-time high
American Idol: Welcome to the top 12

You May have Missed--- The Number of U.S. Convenience Stores Increases 3.2 Percent to 145,119 Stores, According to NACS and Nielsen
Texas remains #1: Texas continues to be home to nearly one-tenth of all U.S. convenience stores, with 14,175 stores total. The rest of the top 10 states in terms of stores are: California (10,212 stores), Florida (9,380), New York (7,663), Georgia (6,262), North Carolina (6,190), Ohio (5,174), Michigan (4,797), Illinois (4,548) and Virginia (4,506). The same states have occupied the top 10 for several years in a row. The only difference in order for the latest store count is Illinois passed Virginia to move to ninth place.

Sports Briefs---- Guerin Nets Hat Trick in Sharks' 7 - 1 Win
Norv Turner won't take 'can't' for answer

“Gimme that Wine” Wine event to have all-female judges
Raymond Burr Vineyards Appoints MDM Distribution To Be Its Single Source Distributor
Lasorda Wines Step Up to the Plate
Idaho's Snake River Designated as America's Next Great Wine Region
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Winery Atlas
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page
The London International Vintners Exchange (Liv-ex) is an electronic exchange for fine wine.

Calendar Events This Day India: Holi
In this spring festival people run through the streets smearing each other with brightly hued powders and colored water. This is observed by Indians without regard to caste. Huge bonfires are built on the even of Holi. Because there is no one universally accepted Hindu calendar, this holiday may be celebrated on different dates in some parts of India.
Moth-Er Day
A day set aside to honor moth collectors and specialists. Celebrated in museums or libraries with moth collections
National Children’s Craft Day
To encourage children’s creativity through crafts.
National Potato Chip Day
Pi Day
Pi Day and Pi Approximation Day are two unofficial holidays held to celebrate the mathematical constant p (Pi). Pi Day is observed on March 14 (3/14 in American date format), sometimes at 1:59pm.
Saint Feast Days

Of the 92 counties in Indiana, only 5 observe daylight savings time.
(Make that number 11 incorrect: eighteen counties now observe Central Daylight Time and the remaining 74 counties of Indiana observe Eastern Daylight Time.)

Today's Top Event in History 1867-Michigan was the first state to enact a law to support state universities via property tax; “assessed all taxable property one twentieth of a mill on each dollar of value, to be used for the use, and maintenance of the university. The funds paid to the university in 1867 totaled $15,398.

This Day in American History 1729-The first Catholic nun who professed her vows in the United States as Sister St. Stanislas Hachard of the Ursuline Convent, New Orleans, LA, who took her voews this day.
1743 - The City of Boston conducted the first town meeting in Faneuil Hall. It became an idea that caught on quickly throughout New England.
1796----African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church founded New York
1851-San Francisco Foreign Miners Tax, designed to discourage Chinese gold mining, was repealed.
1862-Union General Ambrose Burnside captures North Carolina's second largest city and closes another port through which the Confederates could slip supplies.
On March 13, he landed 12,000 troops along the Neuse River, 15 miles south of New Bern. Accompanied by 13 gunboats, Burnside's army marched up river to face 4,000 Confederate troops commanded by General Lawrence O. Branch.
The city was protected by extensive defenses, but Branch did not have enough soldiers to properly staff them. He concentrated his men along the inner works a few miles downriver from New Bern. Early on the morning of March 14, Burnside's men attacked in a heavy fog-two of the three Yankee brigades crashed into the fortifications. General Jesse Reno's brigade struck the weakest part of the line, where an inexperienced Rebel militia unit tried to hold off the Federals. Burnside's third brigade joined Reno and the Confederate line collapsed. That afternoon, Union gunboats steamed into New Bern. Union casualties for the battle were 90 killed and 380 wounded, while the Confederates suffered 64 killed, 101 wounded, and 413 captured. The conflict produced a Confederate hero, Colonel Zebulon Vance, who rescued his regiment by using small boats to bypass a bridge set afire by his comrades. Vance was elected governor of the state later that year.
March 14
1864- Red River campaign Louisiana
1864-Casey Jones birthday; railroad engineer and hero of ballad, whose real name was John Luther Jones. Born near Cacye, KY. He died in a railroad wreck near Vaughn, MS, April 30, 1900.
1867- First Woman dentist birthday: Lucy Beaman Hobbs, Franklin County, NY, first woman in America to receive a degree in dentistry (Ohio College of Dental Surgery, 1866) and to be admitted to membership in a state dental association.. In 1867 she married James M. Taylor, who also became a dentist (after she instructed him in the essentials). Active women’s rights advocate. Died at Lawrence, Kansas, Oct 3, 1910
1867-Michigan was the first state to enact a law to support state universities via property tax; “assessed all taxable property one twentieth of a mill on each dollar of value, to be used for the use, and maintenance of the university. The funds paid to the university in 1867 totaled $15,398.
1870 - a severe snow/wind storm struck Iowa and Minnesota. During this storm, the term "blizzard" was first used to describe a severe snowstorm. The "new" word appeared in the "Easterville (Iowa) Vindicator".
1879- Theoretical physicist Albert Einstein birthday, best known for his theory of relativity. He won the Nobel in 1921. Einstein's revolutionary theories introduced entirely new ways of thinking about time, space, and gravity, and he profoundly affected the way scientific inquiry occurred. A citizen of the world, Einstein was born in Germany, grew up partly in Milan, studied and taught in Switzerland, returned to Germany, and fled to the United States before World War II. In Einstein's theory, the speed of light, which is the limiting speed of any body having mass, is constant in all frames of reference. In the fifth paper that year, an exploration of the mathematics of special relativity, Einstein announced that mass and energy were equivalent and could be calculated with an equation, E=mc2. In 1950, he published his unified field theory, which was quietly criticized as a failure. A unified explanation of gravitation, subatomic phenomena, and electromagnetism remains elusive today. An avid pacifist, he nevertheless put into motion the invention of the hydrogen and atomic bombs with a letter to President Roosevelt, urging him to beware the possibility of Germany's building an atom bomb. Decades later, the specter of a nuclear attack capable of knocking out communications across the country was one of the factors leading to the development of the Internet.. Died 1955, Princeton, New Jersey.
1887-Sylvia Beach, owner of the Paris-based bookstore Shakespeare and Co., is born in Baltimore. Beach moved to Paris at the age of 14, when her father, a Presbyterian minister, was sent to France. She fell in love with the city. In 1919, she opened her bookstore, Shakespeare and Co., which became a gathering place for American writers in Paris in the 1920s, including F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway. Beach was a strong supporter of writer James Joyce, who lived in Paris from 1920 to 1940. The Irish writer had achieved fame with his 1915 novel, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and had started publishing his masterwork Ulysses in serial form in an American magazine called the Little Review. However, the serialization was halted in December 1920, after the U.S. Post Office brought a charge of obscenity against Joyce's work. Beach published the book herself in July 1922. It wasn't until 1933 that a U.S. judge permitted Ulysses to be distributed in the U.S.
1896- Sutro Bath opens in San Francisco .
1908- Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary was chartered in Waco, Texas. Originally named Baylor Theological Seminary, the school campus relocated in 1910 to Fort Worth.
1912- Bandleader Les Brown born Reinerton, PA. He led a top dance band for 40 years, beginning in 1938, was born in Reinerton, Pennsylvania. Les Brown and his Band of Renown had hit records in 1941 with "Jumpin' Joe Dimaggio," in 1944 with "Sentimental Journey," featuring a vocal by Doris Day, and in 1948 with "I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm." In 1947, Brown began his long association with Bob Hope, working with him on radio and TV and on overseas tours. Brown and his orchestra reappeared on the jazz charts in 1987 with the album "Digital Swing."
1913-Kansas was the first state to set up a “small claims court” to deal with cases involving not more than $20. The first court was at Topeka,KS, with W.H. Kemper as judge. The complainant could not be represented by counsel, but had to present his own case. strict rules of evidence and procedure were waived. The judgment rendered had the same force and effect, and was as binding as a judgment rendered in any court of record.
1919- Max Brand publishes his first novel, the Untamed. He is perhaps the most prolific writer of western stories, using over 21 pen names. His actual name was Frederick Faust. Unlike many western authors, Faust made no pretense to historical accuracy in his works. His novels concerned a mythic West of his imagination, and he rarely provided any identifiable geographical details or demonstrated any mastery of the minutiae of western life. His strength was his ability to tell a compelling story, and he had a keen sense of style. In The Untamed, Faust created the hugely popular Dan Barry, a peaceable man who avoided trouble whenever possible. However, when Barry or those he cares about were attacked, he was transformed and was capable of wreaking violent vengeance on wrongdoers. Faust continued Barry's story in two best-selling sequels. Besides gaining fame and fortune as the author of Max Brand westerns, Faust also created the character of Dr. Kildare for his medical thrillers. Faust died in 1944, having written an estimated 30 million words, including more than 500 western serials or short stories.
1918 - The first seagoing ship made of concrete was launched at Redwood City, CA, near San Francisco. The ship was named "Faith" and those who launched her had plenty of that. They had faith that the vessel wouldn’t sink. It didn’t. "Faith" cost $750,000 to build.
1922- orchestra leader Les Baxter was born in Mexia, Texas. In the 1950's, he was signed by Capitol Records as an arranger and recording artist. Baxter featured Latin American and jungle drum themes, as well as standard popular tunes. He had hits with "The High and the Mighty," "Unchained Melody" and "The Poor People of Paris," which went to number one in 1956. Baxter died in Newport Beach, California, on January 15th, 1996.
1923 - U.S. President Warren G. Harding became the first Chief Executive to pay taxes and account for his income. Harding’s tax bill amounted to nearly $18,000.
1925-trumpet player Sonny Cohn born Chicago, IL
1928- Jack Teagarden cuts first solo “She’s a Great, Great Girl! ( Vi 21326)
1931-The first movie theater specifically designed and built to show movies that were rear-project was the Trans-Lux Theater in Manhattan.
1932-singer Mark Murphy born Syracuse NY
1933 - Birthday of Quincy Jones,Jr., American jazz composer, trumpeter, band leader and pianist. He composed film scores, TV show themes; record producer; arranger; 25 Grammys, Grammy´s Trustees Award in 1989, Grammy´s Legends Award in 1990; Musical Director for Mercury Records, then VP; established Qwest Records.
1934-jazz organist Shirley Scott born Philadelphia, PA. Recorded many
records with husband tenor sax player Stanley Turentine
1935- 6-year-old actress Shirley Temple presses her hands in cement outside Grauman's Chinese Theater in Los Angeles. Since first winning attention with a song and dance in the 1934 movie Get Up and Cheer, Temple beat out Clark Gable, Fred Astaire, and Ginger Rogers to become America's biggest box office draw.
1937 - Fred Allen and Jack Benny met on radio in one of the biggest publicity gags ever. It was called, “The Battle of the Century.” The two comedians locked horns in the ballroom of the Hotel Pierre, exchanging torrid insults that were heard by the second largest audience in the history of radio. The ‘feud’, incidentally, lasted for the next 12 years! This was probably the longest-running publicity stunt in history, too!
1937-The first birth control clinic run by a state government was opened in Raleigh, NC< when the North Carolina State Board of Health officially introduced a program setting up contraceptive clinics for poor married women in local maternity and child health services.
1937-The first blood bank to preserve blood by refrigeration for future use in transfusions was established by the Cook County Hospital, Chicago, Il.
1937 --Lou Gehrig signs with the Yankees for $38,000 and $750 signing bonus.
1941 - Before Desi Arnaz sang "Babalu" on the "I Love Lucy" show, Xavier Cugat and his orchestra recorded the song with vocals by Miguelito Valdes, on Columbia Records.
1945—Top Hits
Accentuate the Positive - Johnny Mercer
Saturday Night - Frank Sinatra
A Little on the Lonely Side - The Guy Lombardo Orchestra
(vocal: Jimmy Brown)
I’m Losing My Mind Over You - Al Dexter
1947-The first Navy commissioned officer who was African-American was Ensign John W. Lee of Indianapolis, IN, who was commissioned and assigned to the U.S.S. Kearsearge.
1949 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Cruising Down the River," Blue Barron Orchestra.
1950-“10 Most Wanted” List debuts: The Federal Bureau of Investigation instituted the “10 Most Wanted Fugitives” list to in an effort to publicize particularly dangerous criminals who were at large. From 1950 to 1998, 454 fugitives appeared on the list; 130 were captured. Generally, the only way to get off the list is to die or be captured. The FBI cooperates with the producers of TV’s “America’s Most Wanted” to further publicize these fugitives.
1951-Seoul, Korea, which had fallen to Chinese forces in January 1951, was retaken by United Nations troops during the Korean War.
1953—Top Hits
Till I Waltz Again with You - Teresa Brewer
Don’t Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes - Perry Como
Doggie in the Window - Patti Page
Kaw-Liga - Hank Williams
1954-a blizzard raged from eastern Wyoming into the Black Hills of western South Dakota while a severe ice storm was in progress from northeastern Nebraska to central Iowa. The ice storm isolated 153 towns in Iowa. Dust from the Great Plains caused brown snow, while hail and muddy rain fell over parts of Wisconsin and Michigan.
1955- The first Four Freshman album “Voices in Modern”: released on Capitol.
1957-the first four time National Women’s Figure Skating champion was Carol
Elzabeth Heiss of Ozone Park, Queens, New York City, who won her first title this day at Berkeley, CA; her second and third in 1958 and 1959; and her fourth consecutive title on January 29,1960 at Seattle, was winner of the National Women’s figure
1958 - The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified the first gold record. It was Perry Como’s "Catch A Falling Star" on RCA Victor Records. The tune became the first to win million-seller certification. The next three gold records that were certified after Perry Como’s million seller were the 45 rpm recordings of "He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands" by Laurie London, "Patricia", an instrumental by the ‘Mambo King’, Perez Prado and "Hard Headed Woman" by Elvis Presley. The first gold album certification went to the soundtrack of the motion picture, "Oklahoma!" featuring Gordon MacRae.
1958 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Tequila," The Champs. Glen Campbell, Jim Seals and Dash Crofts all join the group after "Tequila" hits No. 1.
1959 - Elvis Presley made the album charts, with "For LP Fans Only", the first LP ever issued without the artist’s name anywhere on the cover. However, it has
his face over most of the front cover.
1960-Sam Cooke kicks off his first tour of the West Indies with a concert in Montego Bay, Jamaica. In the next two weeks, Cooke will set attendance records everywhere he appears.
1961—Top Hits
Pony Time - Chubby Checker
Surrender - Elvis Presley
Where the Boys Are - Connie Francis
Don’t Worry - Marty Robbins
1961- Baseball Hall of Fame Kirby Puckett birthday, Chicago, IL.
1962-Wilt Chamberlain of the Philadelphia Warriors completed a stretch of 47 consecutive games during which he played every minute. The streak , begun January 5 against the Syracuse Nationals and concluded against the Chicago Packers, stands as an NBA record.
1962-Righy wing Gordie Howe of the Detroit Red Wings became the second player in NHL history to reach the 500-goal mark when he scored in a 3-2 loss to the New York Rangers. Howe wound up with 801 goals and entered the Hockey hall of Fame in 1972.
1964 - Jack Ruby was found guilty of the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, alleged assassin of United States President John F. Kennedy.
1964- Billboard reports Beatle records have claimed 60-percent of the singles market.
1968 –Batman TV Show came to an end after two seasons on television--- ABC-TV showed the last episode of "Batman", starring Adam West and Burt Ward as Robin. The first "Batman" episode was "Hi Diddle Riddle", shown on January 12, 1966. The pilot program for "Batman" cost $300,000 -- quite expensive by 1966 standards. Through the two seasons, the ‘Dynamic Duo’ welcomed these stars to the cast: Art Carney (The Archer), Tallulah Bankhead (Black Widow), Eartha Kitt (Catwoman), Julie Newmar (Catwoman), Lee Meriwether (Catwoman), Liberace (Chandell), Vincent Price (Egghead), Cesar Romero (The Joker), Rudy Vallee (Lord Phogg), Milton Berle (Louie the Lilac), Shelley Winters (Ma Parker), David Wayne (The Mad Hatter), Zsa Zsa Gabor (Minerva), Van Johnson (The Minstrel), Otto Preminger (Mr. Freeze), Burgess Meredith (The Penguin), John Astin (The Riddler), Frank Gorshin (The Riddler), Cliff Robertson (Shame), Joan Collins (The Siren) and Anne Baxter (Zelda the Great). Victor Buono ( King Tut), Eli Wallach ( Mr. Freeze II), "?" as False Face, Leslie Gore ( as Cat Woman's sidekick that had a crush on Robin) and of course Nelson Riddle (of Frank Sinatra fame) doing the theme. Finally, a partial list of official Bat-Noises: Aargh!, Ba-Boom! Clash!, Crunch!, Klonk!, Pow!, Splat!, Clunk! Eee-Yow! Ooof!, Powie! Swoosh!, Biff!, Conck! Ouch!, Klunkk!, Ka-Boom! Thunk! Boff! Crash!, Uggh!, Zam!, Zap! and others. Wow! Readers may have seen these works in Leasing News headlines.
1969—Top Hits
Everyday People - Sly & The Family Stone
Proud Mary - Creedence Clearwater Revival
Dizzy - Tommy Roe
Only the Lonely - Sonny James
1969 - Creedemce Clearwater Revival at the Fillmore West, San Francisco. Creedemce Clearwater Revival at the Fillmore West Concert @ Wolfgang's Vault
1969 - Less than one month after winning her first horse race, Barbara Jo Rubin became the first woman jockey to win at Aqueduct Race Course in New York. She rode Brave Galaxy to victory and into the winner’s circle.
1972- California Governor Ronald Reagan pardoned country star Merle Haggard, who had served nearly three years in San Quentin on a burglary charge.
1972-Carole King won Grammys for Album of the Year for "Tapestry" and Record Of The Year for "It's Too Late." Carly Simon won the Grammy for Best New Artist.
1972 - The Cincinnati Royals announced their intentions to move the National Basketball Association franchise to Kansas City, Missouri. The Kansas City Royals baseball team was already there, so the basketball team became the Kings.
1972 - Cosmopolitan magazine released its controversial issue of actor Burt Reynolds in a nude pose. The issue was a quick sell-out, and it rejuvenated Reynolds's lagging acting career
1976-Jockey Bill Shoemaker won the 7,000th race of his career aboard Royal Derby II, a horse that hadn’t won in three years. Shoemaker became the winningest jockey in history in 1970, when he surpassed Johnny Longden’s total of 6,032. The Shoe retired in 12990 after having ridden 8,833 winners.
1977—Top Hits
Love Theme from "A Star is Born" (Evergreen) - Barbra Streisand
Fly like an Eagle - Steve Miller
I Like Dreamin’ - Kenny Nolan
She’s Just an Old Love Turned Memory - Charley Pride
1979 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "I Will Survive," Gloria Gaynor. The song is released as the B-side to the single "Substitute."
1985 - Bill Cosby won four People’s Choice Awards for "The Cosby Show". The awards were earned as the results of a nationwide Gallup Poll. Barbara Mandrell announced she was pregnant as she accepted her second award on the show. She mentioned “the child here tonight in my tummy.” Bob Hope won the award for All-Time Entertainer, defeating Clint Eastwood and Frank Sinatra for the honor.
1985—Top Hits
Can’t Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon
The Heat is On - Glenn Frey
Material Girl - Madonna
My Only Love - The Statler Brothers
1985-The first cabinet member indicted while in office was Raymond L. Donovan, secretary of labor under President Ronald Reagan from 1981 to 1985. Facing a trial for larceny and fraud in New York. Donovan resigned this day. He was acquitted of all charges on May 25, 1987, after an eight-month trial in New York City.
1985 - Bill Cosby captured four People´s Choice Awards for The Cosby Show. The awards were earned from results of a nationwide Gallup Poll. Barbara Mandrell stunned the audience by announcing that she was pregnant while accepting her second award on the show. Bob Hope won the award as All-Time Entertainer beating Clint Eastwood and Frank Sinatra for the honor.
1986- Frank Zappa played a drug czar on a "Miami Vice" episode.
1986- Microsoft goes public, closing the day at twenty-eight dollars a share, up seven dollars from the offering price. The offering, dubbed "the IPO of the year" by industry analysts, created a slew of instant tycoons as young Microsoft employees found their stock options suddenly worth something.
Microsoft was founded in the mid-1970s, when high school friends and fellow computer nerds Paul Allen and Bill Gates read a Popular Electronics article about a new microcomputer called the Altair 8800. The two had been programming computers since high school, where they developed a system called Traff-o-Data for analyzing traffic data, as well as a registration system that reportedly placed the two in the classes of the most attractive girls. Allen and Gates quickly developed a version of BASIC, a computer language, and licensed it to MITS, maker of the Altair. The two formed a company called Micro-Soft (they later dropped the hyphen). For the next five years, Microsoft concentrated on developing computer languages that would run on the variety of home computers that flooded the market in the late 1970s. Microsoft's lucky break came when operating system guru Gary Kildall of Digital Research missed a meeting with IBM executives because he was out flying his plane: Instead, IBM asked Microsoft for an operating system. Gates quickly purchased the rights to Seattle Computer Products' "Quick and Dirty Operating System" (QDOS), which became MS-DOS, the operating system powering the IBM PC, introduced in 1981. Today he is the world’s richest billionaire: $50 BB.
1988 - Squalls in the Great Lakes Region continued to produce heavy snow in northwest Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, and produced up to 14 inches of snow in northeast Ohio. Poplar WI reported 27 inches of snow in two days.
1989 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Lost in Your Eyes," Debbie Gibson.
1990 - Fifty-three cities reported record high temperatures for the date as readings warmed into the 70s and 80s from the Gulf coast to the Great Lakes Region. Charleston WV was the hot spot in the nation with a record high of 89 degrees. It was the fourth of five consecutive days with record warm tempeatures for many cities in the eastern U.S. There were 283 daily record highs reported in the central and eastern U.S. during between the 11th and the 15th of March.
1992-About 40,000 people attend Farm Aid Five in Irving, Texas. The show is hosted by Willie Nelson and features performances by John Mellencamp, Neil Young and Paul Simon.
1992-intense snow squalls that began back on the 12th finally came to an end over Oswego and Onondaga counties in central New York. Palermo was buried under an incredible 85 inches of snow over the 4 day period. Parish checked in with 60 inches and Fulton recorded 51 inches. Syracuse recorded 7.7 inches of "normal" snow from the big storm back on the 11-12th, but this was peanuts compared to the 24 inches the squalls deposited on the city.
1993 - The second day of the "Great Blizzard which was clobbering the eastern US on this day and produced perhaps the largest swath of heavy snow ever recorded. Heavy snow was driven to the Gulf Coast with 3 inches falling at Mobile, Alabama and up to 5 inches reported in the Florida panhandle, the greatest single snowfall in the state's history. 13 inches blanketed Birmingham, Alabama to set not only a new 24 hour snowfall record for any month, but also set a record for maximum snow depth, maximum snow for a single storm, and maximum snow for a single month. Tremendous snowfall amounts occurred in the Appalachians. Mount Leconte in Tennessee recorded an incredible 60 inches. Mount Mitchell in North Carolina was not far behind with 50 inches. Practically every official weather station in West Virginia set a new 24 hour record snowfall. Further to the north, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania measured 25 inches, Albany, New York checked in with 27 inches, and Syracuse, New York was buried under 43 inches. The major population corridor from Washington, DC to Boston, Massachusetts was not spared this time as all the big cities got about a foot of snow before a changeover to rain. A rather large amount of thunderstorm activity accompanied the heavy snow. Winds to hurricane force in gusts were widespread. Boston recorded a gust to 81 mph, the highest wind gust at the location since hurricane Edna in 1954. Numerous cities in the south and mid Atlantic states recorded their lowest barometric pressure ever as the storm bottomed out at 960 milliners (28.35 inches) over Chesapeake Bay. 208 people were killed by the storm and total damage was estimated at 6 billion dollars -- the costliest extratropical storm in history. This day record cold followed in the wake of the "blizzard of '93" over the eastern US with 57 daily record low temperatures broken. Birmingham, Alabama plunged to 2 degrees, by far breaking its previous march record low of 11 degrees. Orlando, Florida recorded 33 degrees to smash its old daily record low by 9 degrees. It was also the coldest temperature ever recorded for so late in the season.
1996 - United States President Bill Clinton committed $100 million for an anti- terrorism pact with Israel to track down and root out Islamic militants.
1997- thousands of fans in Corpus Christi mobbed the Texas premiere of "Selena," the film biography of the Tejano music star shot and killed two years earlier by the president of her fan club. Stars attending included Jennifer Lopez, who played Selena, and Edward James Olmos, who portrayed the singer's father.
1997- Joey Mullen of the Pittsburgh Penguins became the 25th player in National Hockey League history and the first American to score 500 regular-season goals. His tally came in a 6-3 loss to the Colorado Avalanche.
1998 - Will Smith's hit single "Gettin' Jiggy Wit It' soared to Number 1, and stayed in the top position for 3 weeks.
2003-Police arrested 80 anti-war protesters in the SF financial district. They included Warren Langley, former head of the Pacific Exchange.
Winter Poem
The Sound of the Trees
by Robert Frost
I wonder about the trees
Why do we wish to bear
Forever the noise of these
More than another noise
So close to our dwelling place?
We suffer them by the day
Till we lose all measure of pace,
And fixity in our joys,
And acquire a listening air.
They are that that talks of going
But never gets away;
And that talks no less for knowing,
As it grows wiser and older,
That now it means to stay.
My feet tug at the floor
And my head sways to my shoulder
Sometimes when I watch trees sway,
From the window or the door.
I shall set forth for somewhere,
I shall make the reckless choice
Some day when they are in voice
And tossing so as to scare
The white clouds over them on.
I shall have less to say,
But I shall be gone.
The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?
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