Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick’s Day

May you find your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
Classified Ads---Sales Manager
Public/Private Leasing companies
Placard---Cash Flow is King
S.F. Bay Area home sales two-decade low
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Leasing News Advisor Ken O’Greene
Leasing Meetings Open to All
Sales Points from -- ANONYMOUS!!
Top Stories - March 10--March 14
2008 Telecom Choice Award Winners
LTI New $ 35 MM Financing w/Wafra"
4 Steps Solving the Housing/ Credit Crisis
Independent truckers see end of the road
Recession is here, economist declares
Slump may be worst since World War II
Fed flushing credit market criticized
News Briefs---
You May have Missed---
Nigerian e-Mail Check continues today
"Gimme that Wine"
Calendar Events
Snapple Real Facts
Today's Top Event in History
This Day in American History
Irish Poem
Daily Puzzle
Provence, France-Vacation
News on Line---Internet Newspapers
San Jose, California
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
Classified Ads---Sales Manager 
Atlanta, GA
Strong sales and leadership skills; demonstrated with sales training and sales performance. Lead team in both regional and national operations and developed marketing programs.
[Resume] |
Chicago, IL
Sales Executive or Senior Manager, with responsibility for leasing capital equipment in support of transactions based on current market values, market potential and economic trends.
Resume |
For a full listing of all “job wanted” ads, please go to:
To place a free “job wanted” ad here, please go to:
Public/Private Leasing companies
by Christopher Menkin

This story is basically the stock performance of the publically held companies for the last year. Investors evidently have been losing faith for over a year despite Washington saying there is no recession, inflation, unemployment, and only “a tough time”---the most recent description.
Those in the trenches have felt this coming the end of 2006.
Leasing News has been writing about it since then. You are not going to get the press releases, the Pollyanna, or political posturing here.
While the by-line gives this writer the “permission” to state an opinion, the stock performances for the last year are the most revealing.

Last Trade: 15.23
52wk Range: 15.00 - 61.47
Volume: 13,316,575
Avg Vol (3m): 5,327,460
(They let some top management go, trying to change direction, including a major branding campaign, going to Europe and elsewhere, with the recent purchase of airplane paper (Airbus for 20 new aircraft worth about $1.9 billion at list prices) said to be a very low margin as they desperately try to go back to what made them money in past. Perhaps they should have remained with Tyco, whose stock and performance has been very good. Al Gamper got out while the getting out was good. A long time history of making it through tough times, by the way. Still believe CIT is a winner. ) 
52wk Range: 19.69 - 55.55
Volume: 167,635,254
Avg Vol (3m): 104,097,000
(Leasing News has been writing about Citigroup and its involvement in frauds, such as Lease Fleece for seven years. Have a story here, may see light of day when the US Attorney goes to trial with
CapitalWerks and its friends, some sad stories here, too. Perhaps we can write about it when the US Attorney goes to trial in their Operation Lease Fleece as much of it will then become public knowledge on how high the kickbacks went.) 
52wk Range: 8.18 - 24.29
Volume: 72,548
Avg Vol (3m): 70,117.7
(They just announced an industrial bank in Utah, what poor timing! ( as well as more regulations for them to report, all public knowledge.) Getting rid of their successful inside and broker sales manager, and former president as well as letting other key people go last year has played a major toll on this company, including the wrong move to factoring, that took them months to realize would not work, and now an industrial bank! all in a declining marketplace. It’s more than bad luck. The day before they had a sell-off of over 250,000 shares of stock. Wow! Rumor is look for CEO, and one of the original founders, Dan Dyer to be replaced by the board of directors by the end of the year. You heard it here first!) 
52wk Range: 4.08 - 6.52
Volume: 10,122
Avg Vol (3m): 12,567.7
(A survivor in its niche. The FTC beat them, and they came back when others said they would not.)

Allied Capital (parent of Financial Pacific)
52wk Range: 18.10 - 33.35
Volume: 1,059,950
Avg Vol (3m): 1,242,010
(This is Financial Pacific’s marketplace with a strong backing of dedicated leasing brokers; well-run company with the secret of an excellent credit and collection department for years; the best in their marketplace!) 
52wk Range: 31.65 - 42.15
Volume: 73,100,416
Avg Vol (3m): 46,084,400
(The leasing and finance figures not here, but Immelt looks for 10% profit this year despite any talk about trouble in the economy. If leasing and finance does not perform, they’re gone!) 
Key Corp (Key Finance)
52wk Range: 19.00 - 38.97
Volume: 7,899,885
Avg Vol (3m): 5,390,270
(The subprime and other such loans hit here. The numbers looked pretty good for Key Financial in the latest public financial statement. Larkins and his staff have done an excellent job in this economy spiraling downward. How much their parent will affect their performance as cuts may come is difficult to judge as the leasing/finance arm is definitely holding their own; a model for others to follow.) 
Sterling Bank (Sterling Leasing)
Day's Range: 14.16 - 15.20
52wk Range: 11.50 - 19.63
Volume: 140,800
Avg Vol (3m): 139,642
(Hanging in there; don’t confuse with Sterling Financial, as Sterling Bank Leasing is from the old school with real due diligence and service. Solid, steady, making money.)

Popular Bancorp
52wk Range: 8.51 - 16.07
Volume: 12,511,780
Avg Vol (3m): 13,155,500
(Fred Van Etten sold off the government-municipal operation to Bank of the West and the parent sold off its automobile lease division, but what direction does the bank want to go in, perhaps announcement soon. Originally more consumer oriented, especially Spanish speaking customers, they wanted to move more into the commercial side. The ex-Texas Sterling Bank/ Sierra Cities veteran has got to perform! They were supposed to go into the medical leasing market big time, but it has
not happened. Time will tell what new programs he will be adding to bring in good business or the popular Dutchman will be out on the street.)

Resource America (LEAF)
52wk Range: 9.42 - 25.00
Volume: 111,651
Avg Vol (3m): 113,023
(This conglomerate has been laying off leasing portfolios to their entities. Rumor: they bought Studebaker Worthington, but can’t close the deal. They are tightening things up, all at the
direction of their parent. There is more to the story here on this asset management company; nothing illegal, just interesting how they do it. Stay tuned.)
US Bancorp (Manifest)
Day's Range: 31.18 - 33.10
52wk Range: 27.86 - 36.16
Volume: 17,722,125
Avg Vol (3m): 13,415,200
(Both the bank and leasing entities are solid performers in many areas. Manifest itself perhaps has trained many of the people now running other leasing companies. Note how their stock has run compared to other banks as my opinion is also held by the majority of their investors.)
Bank of the West not included as parent company BancWest is owned by French bank BNP Paribas (their web site indicates they are doing very well.) All indications are the leasing company continues to grow with excellent position due to Trinity management, the Bank of West Leasing credit and funding staff, despite for years brokers saying Credit Manager Doug Hatch was too tough. Jerry Newell, who came in several years ago not knowing leasing, has brought the division into new marketplaces. Russ Rickards would be very proud to see the numbers generated.
Pawnee was also left out as their stock was reported last week, very much down, but since two other entities are included in the Canadian Chesswood “parent,” it is difficult to predict. Today’s marketplace is their element, although they have much competition from independents and their parent wants them to be tighter with leases they accept. It should be noted the Pawnee staff has more than doubled, as reported by Chesswood, compared to the days when Rob Day and Sam Leeper, Pawnee's Chairman and founder, were directly involved in running the company.
Private Leasing Companies
Unfortunately the private side of the market place has been wild and reckless for several years. The smart ones selling off before the subprime debacle. The Federal Reserve has let business down by lowering the prime too quickly, not slowing inflation (whether they could or could not is a college course), and seeming to want to lower the rate more. When it does go up, those may be able to layoff paper or use their portfolo’s to borrow more money, that is, if there are not that many past the 30
day mark.
The problem is banks themselves were also taking in business, lowering their criteria, and when loans come up for renewal, they may need to tighten them. All this will filter to the private company or so-called independent market place. They certainly will feel the pressure and those who don’t have the margins or cash flow won’t be around. They’ll be joining the Leasing News List.
If the Feds raise the rate to slow inflation, it will create even more fear and slow down portfolio sales and borrowing.
So with Washington in such stand-off, including congress, the administration, and the splintered Democratic party, maybe Republicans too—we’ll see, unfortunately it appears we are in a tough ride until the third or fourth quarter of 2009, if we are lucky.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day.
Kit Menkin

S.F. Bay Area home sales remain at two-decade low La Jolla, CA.----The waiting game between San Francisco Bay Area buyers, sellers and lending institutions continued last month as sales dipped below 4,000 for the second month in a row, DataQuick reports; down 36.7 percent from 6,305 for February 2007.
January and February are the two slowest months in DataQuick's statistics, which go back to 1988. They are the only months with sales below 4,000.
The typical monthly mortgage payment that Bay Area buyers committed themselves to paying was $2,446 last month, down from $2,503 the previous month, and down from $2,884 a year ago. Adjusted for inflation, current payments are 7.3 percent below typical payments in the spring of 1989, the peak of the prior real estate cycle. They are 26.9 percent below the current cycle's peak in June last year.
Indicators of market distress continue to move in different directions. Foreclosure activity is at record levels, financing with adjustable-rate mortgages is at a six-year low. Down payment sizes and flipping rates are stable, non-owner occupied buying activity is increasing, DataQuick reported.

(Other city statistics: )
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Broker Relations Manager
Broker Relations Manager
Bothell , Washington
Build/manage broker base. Provide guidance to new brokers. Work with "full financial" credit packages, “story” & non-standard credits from $25,000 to $450,000.
e-mail or
fax resume: 425.806.1813 .
Our new business is sourced exclusively through brokers. |
Senior Credit Analyst
Senior Credit Analyst
Westport, CT.
Captive construction equipment finance background preferred;flexible adaptive team player w/8 years underwriting exper. For more info/to apply click here.
A Fortune 500 construction equipment manufacturing company.
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP

Many calculators and t-value are used to price or structure a lease. However; they are easy to use but they do not handle the creation of irregular rents to match the cash flow or revenue matching necessary to be competitive in today’s market. One of the more important factors to develop good business flow is to set yourself or your leasing company apart from the crowd. I suggest you look into a computer based pricing program such as Info Analysis or Super Trump. These programs offer structuring advantages that allow you to create payment streams that actually meet the lessee’s needs. You can also structure programs for vendors that help leasing become a selling tool instead of a financing product. Programs that have high-low or step up, plus 90 day delay, plus skip payments during the off season, and a term that ends on the right month can easily be combined on one of these programs and very hard to accomplish on anything else. Not to mention the positive or negative impact of the tax consequences on a fair market value lease and having the ability to maximize rate or broker fees.
Vendors like programs that allow their salesperson to offer alternatives that may not be offered by their competitors. Try a prepaid purchase option program that makes the interest rate look lower on the lessee’s financials. If you offer a 10% prepaid purchase option it is clearly not a lease for tax or legal because you have already agreed to sell it at termination. But if you have received 10% up front then you are only dealing with 90% of the cost making the lease payments lower and when viewed as a percentage of original equipment cost for GAAP the rate looks lower also. Occasionally if you calculate the amount of the prepaid option to produce an effect of prime rate on the original equipment cost the lessees loves to announce to the world they only pay prime rate on equipment financing. The prepaid purchase option stays on the lessees financials as an asset and is a liability on the Lessor’s’ financials to offset the cash receipts until termination. Very different than a security deposit but more effective.
Also you should create a rate chart for your vendor that has terms from 33 months to 64 months so the lessee can have the exact payment that fits his budget. By dividing the requested payment by the equipment cost you can determine the payment factor and then check which monthly term from the 33 months to the 64 months on the rate chart is closest to the requested payment. This makes the term flexible because it might have been 51 months to give the lessee their requested payment . When you give them what they want there is less discussion on rate. Also this chart can contain residual assumptions based on use in different columns thereby giving an excellent tool for your vendors use. The columns can carry headings such as “Heavy Use”, “Moderate Use”, “Light Use”. This is better than using 5%, 10%, or 15% residuals as column headings.
Level payments on full year terms continue to be popular because most lessees never hear the alternatives offered by informed Lessor’s. If you want more business think about offering plan b, c, or d instead of just reacting to the lessee’s flat request. Find out their fiscal year end and create a lease proposal that gives them an alternative that ends at their yearend or offer an alternative that has lower payments for the first two years or one that has higher payments during peak revenue periods or anything that looks different. Of course it may require you to ask some leading questions, god forbid that you act like a professional sales person instead of an order taker. The more information you have about cash flow and irregular revenue timing will give you a better chance to sell an alternative not offered by your competition.
There are lots of different programs and lease structures but as I said to get really creative you need a computer based pricing program. After you get one call me and I will teach you some crazy moves.
Mr. Terry Winders, CLP, has been a teacher, consultant, expert witness for the leasing industry for thirty years and can be reached at or 502-327-8666.
He invites your questions and queries.
Previous #102 Columns:
Leasing News Advisor Ken O’Greene, Attorney

Leasing News salutes its advisors. They do not participate in editorial decision, choosing stories or subjects, but give general advice, often on our private internal blog.
Leasing News has asked each one the same four questions to give readers more insight into their personality and experience in the industry.
1. What is the biggest issue you face in your business?
"Fear and greed. The proliferation of violence and the deteriorating economic climate, together with technology, has everyone scrambling to stay ahead. People are afraid to go out, and the internet enables isolationism. This creates antisocial behavior which in turn induces people to act without concern for consequences. The endgame is bad behavior. When ethics are expendable, it is difficult to practice law, and even more difficult to raise a family."
2. What advice would you give to a young person entering the leasing business today?
"Maintain balance. Don't sacrifice your passion in pursuit of your career. "
3. To what do you attribute your success?
"I'll let you know when it happens! "
4. What is one big thing that you hope to do before you die?
"See my children become independent, self-assured, and happy."

Ken has been representing Leasing News pro bono in several suits in our early days, including depositions and court time. He also may be better known for what Leasing News calls the “Greene Commitment letter,” which helps define the leasing expenses that a leasing company earns in considering an application:

swimming with the dolphins in the Keys
Kenneth C. Greene
Hamrick & Evans, LLP
10 Universal City Plaza, Suite 2200
Universal City California 91608
Fax: 818-763-763-2309
Northern Office:
P.O. Box 751
Kentfield, CA 9 4914-0751
Tel: 415.806.2254
Fax: 415.924.0971
Ken began his leasing career with BankAmerilease, practiced with several firms, and served as corporate counsel to a leasing company before joining Hamrick & Evans, LLC, a full service law firm specializing in construction defect litigation, insurance coverage litigation, equipment finance law, and entertainment law, throughout California and Nevada. He has been associated with the American Bankruptcy Institute ("ABI"), California Bankruptcy Forum ("CBF"), Eastern Association of Equipment Lessors ("EAEL"),Equipment Leasing and Finance Association ("ELFA"--formerly the Equipment Leasing Association), and United Association of Equipment Leasing ("UAEL"), California Bankruptcy Forum ("CBF"), and he has served twice on the board of directors of UAEL, and has also been its Legal Committee Chairman, Legal Line Editor, and Regional Committee Chair.
He received his B. A, at Brandeis University, located in Waltham, MA , graduating cum laude. He received his J.D. at Santa Clara University in 1980, also graduating cum laude.
Mr. Greene is a frequent writer and lecturer on matters of leasing law and other related legal issues. He is an acknowledged contributor on bankruptcy issues to Miller & Starr, California Real Estate 2d (Bancroft Whitney), contributed to UAEL'S Leasing Professionals' Handbook, the Monitor, and has been a frequent contributor to UAEL's Newsline. He lectures on leasing law and documentation, litigation and collection matters, and has produced and presented seminars to leasing companies on enhancing the attorney-client relationship. He has also instructed on law and documentation for UAEL's Institute for Leasing Professionals, with courses leading to the CLP exam, and has taught nationally for Euromoney Lease Training.
He presently sits on the Board of Directors of the Mountain Play Association, and remains very active in the music and theater communities in Marin County where he lives with his wife Barbara, son Alexander, daughter Gigi, and their two golden retrievers Bailey and Roxie
Leasing Association Events-Meetings Open to All

Thursday, March 27, 2008
UAEL 6th Annual SoCal Regional Roundtable
Costa Mesa, CA
Southern California Region
Thursday, April 3, 2008
UAEL Northern California Spring Mixer
Walnut Creek, CA
Northern California Region

Friday, May 16, 2008
Networking in the Fast Lane
Indianapolis, IN
Midwest Region

Eastern Association of Equipment Lessors
Chapter Meeting Schedule for more information:
Tel : 212 809-1602
Fax : 212-809-1650
62 William Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10005
March 20 |
New Jersey |
Breakfast, East Brunswick Hilton |
March 21 st |
Buffalo |
Chapter Meeting |
April 6 th - 9 th |
Amelia Island, FL |
EAEL Spring Conference |
April 8 th |
Atlanta |
Chapter Meeting |
May 1 st |
Philadelphia |
Chapter Meeting |
June |
Baltimore |
Crabfeast |
June 5 th |
New Jersey |
Chapter Meeting |
June 10 th |
New York City |
Chapter Meeting |
June 12 th |
Boston |
Chapter Meeting |
June 17 th |
Charlotte |
Chapter Meeting |
June 19 th |
Buffalo |
Chapter Meeting |
July 8 th |
Atlanta |
Chapter Meeting |
July 21 |
EAEL Night |
Yankee Stadium |
August |
New York City |
Golf Outing |
October 14 th |
Atlanta |
Chapter Meeting |
November 4 th |
Buffalo |
Chapter Meeting |
November 6 th |
Connecticut |
Chapter Meeting |
November 12 th |
Philadelphia |
Chapter Meeting |
November 13 th |
Long Island |
Chapter Meeting |
November 18 th |
New Jersey |
Chapter Meeting |
December 2 nd |
Boston |
Holiday Party |
December 3 rd |
Buffalo |
Holiday Party |
December 4 th |
Baltimore |
Holiday Party |
December 8 th |
New York City |
Holiday Party |
December 9 th |
Charlotte |
Holiday Party |
To view Leasing Association Conferences in 2007, please click here. |
[headlines] --------------------------------------------------------------
Sales Points from -- ANONYMOUS!!

Simply stated to maintain your dignity while prospecting vendors or lessees:
- Believe in your leasing services.
- Gather as much information as you can before talking to a decision maker.
- Ask everyone you talk to how decisions about leasing are made.
- Have two objectives set before making a call. For example one objective could be to obtain their email address, a second objective would be to have them go to your web site.
- Listen to the prospect-listen to understand-if they take the conversation to a different place than you wanted the conversation to go-just go with it. The goal is to establish a relationship.
- Bring something of value to each prospect call. A new idea, sales tips, an interesting article or web site to visit. It's not about you-it's about them.
- Ask them "What is most important to you in a leasing company?"
- Make your calls with confidence and enthusiasm. I became eager and anxious to make calls because I had thought about the vendor, I studied their situation, and had some ideas I believed might be of value to them.
- Find out what your prospects want and help them get it.
- Never give up!
Top Stories - March 10--March 14

Here are the top ten stories most “opened” by readers last week:
(1) Archives-March 12, 2001 (yesterday and today)
Tyco buys CIT/Capital Stream $30 MM/NetBank
(2) California Finance Lenders Law
Are you in compliance?
(3) Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Economic Stimulus Act of 2008
(4) Clarification: NAELB Conference
(5) Marlin Business Bank Opens
(6) Which Date will the Feds Choose?
(7) Cartoon---Chef Rudy Trebels with his attorneys
(8) Stan Ragley new CEO of One World Leasing
(9) Law Firm Askounis-Borst Breaks Up
(10) Dollar Falls to Record Low Against Euro
### Press Release ###########################
Telecom Association Announces
Members Choice Award Winners for 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada, - Telecom Association ("TA"), a professional membership organization of over 2,000 telecom distributors founded in 1996, honored the telecom industry's best vendors today by bestowing on 11 of them the title, "TA Members Choice for 2008" in 11 service categories.
Following are the 2008 TA Members Choice Award winners honored for overall excellence by TA members in their respective service categories.
Master Agency |
Telarus* |
Communications |
Carrier |
ACC Business |
TelePacific |
Broadband |
Conferencing |
AccuConference |
Data Internet |
Telnes |
Communications |
Hosted VoIP |
Covad |
ShoreTel |
Managed Services |
Telnes Broadband |
Group (WTG)* |
Reseller |
AireSpring* |
SIP Trunk |
AireSpring* |
Wireless |
World Telecom |
Vendor Member |
*Current TA |
In addition to the Members Choice Awards, TA also awarded TA’s 2008 "President's Award" for "Agent Loyalty" to World Telecom Group (WTG); Vince Bradley, President & CEO.
### Press Release ###########################
"Leasing Technologies International, Inc. Announces New $ 35 Million Financing with Wafra"

Wilton, CT, Today, Leasing Technologies International, Inc. ("LTI") announced a new financing arrangement with Wafra Investment Advisory Group, Inc. to underwrite up to $ 35 million in new equipment leases. The arrangement will complement LTI’s programs to offer equipment financing solutions to U.S.-based emerging growth companies and venture capital-backed startups.
“The Wafra financing will significantly strengthen LTI's position in the emerging growth and venture leasing segments,” said F. Jared Sprole, President and CEO. “With market conditions steadily improving over the past five years, this facility will allow LTI to continue its controlled growth.”
Headquartered in Wilton, CT, LTI is a privately-held equipment financing company. LTI offers innovative equipment financing solutions to emerging growth and venture capital-backed companies located in the U.S.
Founded in 1983, LTI has provided over $300 million in equipment financing to over 500 emerging growth and venture capital-backed companies. Many of LTI's customers are technology and information services startups specializing in healthcare, software, communications, or other technology markets. LTI’s financing products include lease lines, equipment loans, vendor lease programs and sale-leaseback transactions. For more information about Leasing Technologies International, Inc., visit the company's Web site at .
Wafra Investment Advisory Group, Inc., a U.S. registered investment adviser, is beneficially owned by The Public Institution for Social Security of Kuwait. Founded in 1985, Wafra offers a range of investment services including portfolio securities management, direct equity, real estate and other structured products management. Wafra, together with its affiliates, currently manages or owns assets in excess of $4.0 billion. Originally founded to manage funds in the United States for financial institutions located in Kuwait and other Gulf states, Wafra has broadened its mission and now serves over 30 institutional and private clients throughout the world. For more information about Wafra Investment Advisory Group, Inc., visit the company’s web site at www.wcomafra.. Press contact for LTI: George A. Parker, Leasing Technologies International, Inc., 203-563-1100, x214,
### Press Release ###########################
Four Steps to Solving the Housing and Credit Crisis
What every home owner and buyer needs to know about mortgage industry reform
Ann Arbor, MI, – The President’s Working Group (PWG) on Financial Markets, which includes Treasury, the Fed, CFTC and SEC, issued a report on March 13, 2008, on the causes of the recent market turmoil and proposed solutions. “This report contained perhaps the most well reasoned diagnosis I’ve seen of the problems being faced and the solutions available," said Gibran Nicholas, Chairman of the CMPS Institute, an organization that certifies mortgage bankers and brokers. Here is a summary:
Step 1 – Diagnose the problems correctly. There are three root problems that caused the housing and credit crisis.
- Reckless decisions made by those who provide funding for US mortgage loans
- Chaotic mortgage process that confuses borrowers
- Government failure to properly regulate the mortgage and financial industry
Step 2 – Reform the sources of funding. In the United States, mortgage money comes from financial market investors who buy bonds on the bond market. The companies that issue and market these bonds to the investors use your mortgage as collateral to “secure” the bonds. When investors decide which bonds to buy, they rely on the information provided to them by bond rating agencies who basically issue report cards and grade the bonds based on how much risk they think is involved. This process needs to be reformed so that:
- The Federal Government requires financial institutions to have more cash reserves and make less risky decisions. This includes preventing financial institutions from borrowing money to buy bonds and other investments without having a plan in place to pay back that borrowed money if and when their bonds or other investments go down in value
- Credit rating agencies better disclose the methods they use to grade the bond investments and avoid conflicts of interest – especially when grading “structured investments” that tend to be complex in nature
- Bond issuers better disclose the risks associated with the investments they are selling
- Bond investors avoid over-extending themselves by making investment decisions that too risky
Step 3 – Reform the mortgage origination process. When bond investors began demanding higher returns on their investments, Wall Street went to the mortgage industry and said, “Go and create some more risky mortgages where people are willing to pay higher interest rates so that we can buy these loans and issue higher-yielding bonds to our investors.” It was like putting candy in front of a baby. Unfortunately, this caused some mortgage bankers to get too reckless in their guidelines and some brokers to get too greedy. This doesn’t mean that all bankers and brokers were reckless and greedy, only that some took advantage of the opportunity to make easy money as the ranks of mortgage salespeople mushroomed to a peak of just over 400,000 before declining to the current and more sustainable number of around 200,000. “While the PWG report recommended some reforms in the mortgage sales process, they did not fully outline all the actions needed,” said Nicholas. “We agree with most of the proposals but take a slightly different approach on a few of the issues,” said Nicholas. The PWG report suggested that:
- States be required to issue licenses to all mortgage brokers
- The Federal government maintains a national database of mortgage brokers
- Lending guideline reforms proposed by the Fed be adopted
Step 4 – Enforce sensible regulations and guidelines. The Federal Government should have a system in place to work with state and financial institutions to enforce the guidelines outlined above.
Click here to listen to an audio clip from CMPS Institute Chairman, Gibran Nicholas, for more details on various proposals that seek to reform the mortgage origination process.
About CMPS Institute: CMPS is a training, examination, certification and ongoing membership program for financial professionals who provide mortgage and real estate equity advice. The CMPS Institute was formed as a joint effort by leaders in the mortgage and financial planning industries to raise professional standards among mortgage professionals and integrate sound financial planning advice into the mortgage process. Recognized for its preeminence within the industry, the CMPS curriculum represents the core knowledge expected of residential mortgage advisors, regardless of the diversity of specializations within the industry. For more information or to locate a certified professional near you, please visit or call 888.608.9800.
Press Contact:
Josephine Nicholas
CMPS Institute
888-608-9800, ext. 102 [headlines]
### Press Release ###########################
News Briefs---- Independent truckers see end of the road
Recession is here, economist declares
Feldstein heads key forecasting group Slump may be worst since World War II
The Fed tries to flush out the credit markets once again, but the stink lingers.,0,3249536.story
Florida No. 1 in mortgage fraud; foreclosures up 60%
More in foreclosure choose to walk away
Views from around the world on US Economy:
Eurobank News—More US Banks in Trouble--Video
Australia—Hard times ahead,23636,23380935-462,00.html
Layoff notices go out to 10,000 California teachers

You May have Missed--- Nigerian e-Mail Check continues today:
You say, who would fall for it; a UofMiami Prof. did/Berkley law firm,

“Gimme that Wine” Tokay the toast of Hungary
Time for wine cellar or a refrigerator?
France: Champagne Demand Forces a Bigger Vineyard
Markham Vineyards at 30: Not Slowing Down
Boise woman starts winery tour business
Can Wineries Learn From Neiman Marcus?
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Winery Atlas
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page
The London International Vintners Exchange (Liv-ex) is an electronic exchange for fine wine.

Calendar Events This Day Australia: Canberra Day
Australian Capital Territory.
Evacuation Day
A public holiday at Boston and Suffolk County, MA, celebrates the anniversary of the evacuation from Boston of British troops.
Ireland: National Day
St. Patrick’s Day is observed in the Republic of Irleand as a legal national holiday.
National Corned Beef and Cabbage Day
Northern Ireland
National Holiday. St. Patrick’s Day
Saint Patrick’s Day
Commemorates the patron saint of Ireland, Bishop Patrick (AD 389-461) who about AD 432 left home in the Severn Valley, England, and introduced Christianity into Ireland. Feast day in the Roman Catholic Church. A national holiday in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Early Irish settlers to the American colonies, many of whom were indentured servants, brought the Irish tradition of celebrating St. Patrick's feast day to America. The first recorded St. Patrick's Day parade was held not in Ireland but in New York City in 1762, and with the dramatic increase of Irish immigrants to the United States in the mid-19th century, the March 17th celebration became widespread. Today, across the United States, millions of Americans of Irish ancestry celebrate their cultural identity and history by enjoying St. Patrick's Day parades and engaging in general revelry.
Submarine Day
Saint feast Days

The American Heart Association recommends that daily cholesterol intake not exceed 300 mg. A chocolate bar is actually low in cholesterol. A 1.65 oz. bar contains only 12 mg! A one oz piece of cheddar cheese contains 30 mg of cholesterol - more than double the amount found in a chocolate bar.

Today's Top Event in History 1902-Golfer Bobby Jones birthday ( Robert Tyre Jones, Jr., first golfer to win the grand slam ( the four major British and American tournaments in one years), Born at Atlanta, GA, he died there December 18,1971.

This Day in American History 1693--Birthday of Mary Spratt Provoost Alexander - Dutch colonial (born New York City) merchant. Although much of MSPA's life is not fully documented, this remarkable woman had 10 children, two husbands, and built a trading empire of stores in New York city for which "she imported goods so extensively that it was said hardly a ship arrived in New York without a consignment for her." The Dutch women colonists had a tradition of merchandising and trade. At least one actually traveled with her goods between European ports and New York city.
The couple built a magnificent mansion and lived well. Their wealth, in today's dollars, would have made them milliionaires. Many of her children lived extraordinary lives in commerce and trade as well as becoming involved in civic matters.
1734-Forty-two families of German Protestant refugees landed in the American colonies. Sponsored by the British Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge (SPCK), the 78 religious pilgrims soon founded the town of Ebenezer, 30 miles from Savannah, Georgia.
1755- Transylvania Land Co buys Kentucky for $50,000 from a Cherokee chief. It was considered the largest private or corporate real estate transaction in United States history between the Translyvania Company, led by Richard Henderson of North Carolina, and the Cherokee Indians for over 20 million acres of land-all the lands of the Cumberland River watershed and extending to the Kentucky River-for 2000 pounds sterling and goods worth 8000 pounds. Twelve-hundred Indians reputedly spent weeks in counsel at Sycamore Shoals prior to the signing of the deed; Chief Dragging Canoe was firmly against deeding land to the whites, but the other chiefs ignored his warnings and signed the deeds amidst great ceremony and celebration.
1776 - Having seized Dorchester Heights, George Washington forced the British under William Howe to evacuate Boston. One a tour of the Boston area, I saw where the cannon were poised around the British. It was amazing that they were able to be put into place over such rough land, poor weather, and under strength crew. What the British did not know, they had little dry powder to fire the cannon, and many lacked the cannon ball, but Washington surrounded them and bluffed them into leaving Boston. By the morning, more than a dozen cannons from Fort Ticonderoga had been brought within the Dorchester Heights fortifications. British General Sir William Howe hoped to use British ships in Boston Harbor to destroy the Patriot position, but a storm set in, giving the Patriots ample time to complete the fortifications and set up their artillery. On March 17, 11,000 British troops and some 1,000 Royalists departed Boston by ship and sailed to the safety of Halifax, Nova Scotia. The bloodless liberation of Boston by the Patriots brought an end to a hated eight-year British occupation of the city, known for such infamous events as the "Boston Massacre." For the victory, General Washington, commander of the Continental Army, was presented with the first medal ever awarded by the Continental Congress. I would highly recommend a visit to Boston and the surrounding area for the history, great restaurants, and people. Best is to hire a personal tour by one of the professional history storytellers who will take you to the sites, including the famous cemetery with a fabulous view of the city. I would recommend Robert of Exciting Tours of Boston, 69 Prescott Avenue, Boston, MA. 02150, Phone 617-699-6140 Fax: 617-889-3011 e-mail: Four Hour Maximum is a lot. Plan it so he can drop you off to one of his favorite Italian restaurants. You will not be disappointed.
1777-Roger B. Taney birthday, 1777, he became the first presidential nominee to be rejected by the Senate and later became Supreme Court Justice who ruled on the Dred Scott decision. Taney served as Attorney General under President Andrew Jackson. Nominated as Secretary of the Treasury, his rejection by the Senate centered on his strong stance against the Bank of the United States as a central bank and his role in urging President Jackson to veto the congressional bill extending its charter. The states want to control banking, and not allow the federal government to do so. In reality, the first federal bank failed during a terrible recession and bad decisions by its then president, which ended the contest between federal and state control. A year after being rejected later as Secretary of the Treasury, he was nominated to the Supreme Court as an associate justice by Jackson, but his nomination was stalled until the death of Chief Justice John Marshall July 6, 1835 Taney was nominated to fill Marshall’s place on the bench and after much resistance he was sworn in as Chief Justice in March 1836. His tenure on the Supreme Court is most remembered for the Dred Scott decision, that decided a Black man would not be recognized as a “free man” in U.S. territories.
1804-Frontiersman Jim Bridger born, American fur trader and scout, born at Richmond VA, and died July 17,1881, near Kansas City, MO. Believed to be the first white man to visit (in 1824) the Great Salt Lake, he also established Fort Bridger in southwestern Wyoming as a fur-trading post and a way station for pioneers heading west on the Oregon Trail. Bridger National Forest in western Wyoming is named for him. The son of a surveyor and an innkeeper, Bridger moved with his family to St. Louis in 1818. There, Bridger apprenticed to a blacksmith, learned to handle boats, and became a good shot and skilled woodsman. When the Ashley-Henry fur trading company advertised for "enterprising young men" to travel the Missouri River to trade with the Indians, Bridger was among the first to respond, and he was hired in 1822.Though he lacked much formal education, Bridger demonstrated a brilliant ability for finding his way and surviving in the wilderness. As part of the Ashley-Henry team, he helped construct the first fur trading post on the Yellowstone River. At the age of 21, Bridger became the first Anglo definitely known to have seen the Great Salt Lake, though he mistakenly thought it was the Pacific Ocean at the time. He was adept at learning Indian dialects and culture, and he had a tremendous memory for geographical detail. For several years Bridger worked as an independent trapper and in 1830 he joined with three partners to gain control of the Rocky Mountain Fur Company. Bridger never really enjoyed the life of the businessman, though, and he sold out in 1834. That same year, he married Cora, the daughter of a Flathead Indian chief, and she accompanied him on his fur trapping expeditions. Yet by 1840, Bridger had grown tired of the nomadic trapper life. He was convinced that the emigrant traffic through the West had become heavy enough to support a trading post. He founded Fort Bridger along the Green River section of the Oregon Trail, in present-day southern Wyoming. Fort Bridger quickly became a regular stopping place for overland emigrants, and Bridger happily settled down with Cora, with whom he had three children. Bridger's idyllic life did not last, though. Cora died, Indians killed one of his daughters, and a second wife died in childbirth. Bridger retreated to the mountains to trap and hunt after each of these tragedies, often living for a time with Indians. In 1850, he married the daughter of a Shoshoni chief, and thereafter he and his bride-whom he called Mary- divided their time between summers at Fort Bridger and winters with the Shoshoni. In 1853, Mormons, resenting the competition from Bridger's fort, tried to arrest him as an outlaw. He escaped into the mountains with Mary and his children, but a band of Mormons burnt and gutted the fort, destroying all his supplies. Concerned for his family's safety, Bridger bought a farm near Westport, Missouri, where he left Mary and the children during all of his subsequent western journeys. He sold Fort Bridger in 1858, and spent the next decade working as a guide and an army scout in the early Indian wars. By 1868, Bridger's eyesight was failing, and he increasingly suffered from rheumatism. He retired to his Westport farm, where he cared for his apple trees and no doubt fondly recalled the rugged western mountains he had known so well. He died at the age of 76 on July 17, 1881.
1811-The first Ohio River steamboat leaves Pittsburgh for New Orleans; it arrived three months later.
1841- Birth of James R. Murray, American sacred music editor. A veteran of the American Civil War, Murray is better remembered today as composer of the hymn tune MUELLER, to which we sing the Christmas carol, "Away in a Manger."
1842-Female Relief: Society of Nauvoo Organized. Twenty Mormon women formally initiated this organization at Nauvoo, IL, which is now known as the Relief Society and has grown to almost
four million members. Information furnished by Church of Latter-Day Saints, Public Affairs Department.
1862- Martha Platt Falconer born, one the greatest of all pioneers in changing holding area of delinquent or homeless girls from virtual jails to homes for rehabilitation, education, and social adjustments. She pioneered her work at Sleighton Farm in Pennsylvania and the idea was gradually accepted throughout the nation.
1863- Battle of Kelly's Ford, Virginia. Union cavalry attack Confederate cavalry at Kelly's Ford, Virginia. Although the Yankees were pushed back and failed to take any ground, the engagement proved that the Federal troopers could hold their own against their Rebel counterparts. In the war's first two years, Union cavalry fared poorly in combat. This was especially true in the eastern theater, where Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart boasted an outstanding force comprised of excellent horsemen. On several occasions, Stuart embarrassed the Union cavalry with his daring exploits. During the Peninsular Campaign of 1862, Stuart rode around the entire 100,000-man Union army in four days. Later that year, he made a daring raid to Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, and returned unmolested to Virginia after inflicting significant damage and capturing tons of supplies. In February 1863, a raid by General Fitzhugh Lee (son of Confederate commander Robert E. Lee) left the Federals running in circles in search of the enemy force. Now, General Joseph Hooker assumed command of the Federal Army of the Potomac. He sought to bring an end to the Confederate raids by stopping Stuart's cavalry. Hooker assigned General William Averell to attack the Rebel cavalry near Culpeper Court House. Averall assembled 3,000 men for the mission, but he left 900 behind to protect against a rumored Confederate presence near Catlett's Station. Averell led the rest of his men towards Kelly's Ford, a crossing of the Rappahannock River east of Culpeper Court House. Fitzhugh Lee learned of the advance and positioned his cavalry brigade, which was part of Stuart's corps, to block the ford and dig rifle pits above the river. On the morning of March 17, Averell's men reached Kelly's Ford and were welcomed by fire from 60 Confederate sharpshooters. It took four attacks for Averell's men to capture the rifle pits and by noon the entire force was across the Rappahannock. Now, Fitzhugh Lee arrived with 800 troopers and two pieces of artillery. As the Confederates approached, the cautious Averell ordered his men to form a defensive line, thus giving the initiative to the Confederates. Lee arrived and ordered his men to attack, but Yankee fire drove them back. He attacked again and was again repulsed. Averell had a chance to score a major rout with a counterattack, but he instead withdrew across the Rappahannock River. He later said that the arrival of Stuart on the battlefield signaled the possible approach of additional Confederate cavalry. Averell lost 78 men killed, wounded, and captured during the day's fighting. The Confederates lost a total of 133 men. Among the Rebel dead was Major John Pelham, perhaps the best artillery officer in the Confederate army. He happened to be visiting Stuart when the battle began, and he rode forward to see the action. Pelham was mortally wounded by a shell splinter as he observed the Confederate attacks in the afternoon. Although Kelly's Ford was a Union defeat, it signaled a new phase of the cavalry war in the east. The Yankees were closing the gap with the Confederate horsemen. In the next four months, the Union cavalry fought their Confederate counterparts to a standstill at Brandy Station, and then scored a major victory at the Battle of Gettysburg.
1870- Massachusetts legislature authorizes incorporation of Wellesley Female Seminary
1876 --The Battle of Powder River--In the first of a series of battles over the Black Hills, Colonel Joseph Reynolds leads troops in an attack on a peaceful camp of Northern Cheyenne and Oglala Sioux near the Powder River. From positions on ledges and behind rocks, the Indians hold the soldiers at bay until women and children can escape across the river. Then the soldiers burn the tepees and everything inside, including the winter food supply, and drive away all the Indians' ponies. After dark, however, the Indians raid the Army encampment and recover their stolen horses. This lead to a court martial of Colonel Reynolds. The fighting near the Powder River culminates at the Little Big Horn and the ultimate destruction of freedom for the northern plains Indians.
1886 - The Carrollton Massacre in Mississippi occurred and 20 African Americans were killed.
1886-First Issue of “The Sporting News”, published in St. Louis at a price of two cents per copy. The Sporting News, long known as “The Bible of Baseball” and a multi-sport magazine since 1942,is the oldest continuously published sports publication in the country.
1892 - A winter storm in southwestern and central Tennessee produced 26 inches of snow at Riddleton, and 18.5 inches at Memphis. It was the deepest snow of record for those areas.
1894- Novelist and playwright Paul Green is born. He won the 1927 Pulitzer Prize for his play “In Abraham's Bosom.” Although Green was white, his work examined the problems of blacks in the South, based on his observations of his native state, North Carolina. Born in 1894, Green studied at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He began writing plays for the theater group Carolina Playmakers in 1919, drawing on Southern folklore for his themes. During the Depression, his work took on a tone of social protest and included plays like Hymn to the Rising Sun (1936), about a chain gang. In 1941, he worked with novelist Richard Wright to dramatize Wright's book Native Son. Interested in the interplay of words and music, he wrote a series of symphonic dramas, including The Stephen Foster Story (1959) and The Lone Star (1977). He died in Chapel Hill in 1981.
1897 - For the first time, motion pictures were shot of a championship prize fight, as ‘Sunny’ Bob Fitzsimmons knocked out ‘Gentleman’ Jim Corbett to win the world heavyweight title. Many of these films are available on line from the Library of Congress for free. With fast connections today, they are fascinating to view.
1897 -Emilie Grace Briggs became the first woman in America to graduate from a Presbyterian theological school, when she received her Bachelor of Divinity degree from Union Theological Seminary, in New York City.
1902-Golfer Bobby Jones birthday ( Robert Tyre Jones, Jr., first golfer to win the grand slam ( the four major British and American tournaments in one years), Born at Atlanta, GA, he died there December 18,1971.
1903- Radie Britain, composer, writer, teacher born near Amarillo, TX, won more than 50 national and international awards for her more than 150 classical compositions, trained at the American Conservatory in piano, organ, and composition, with advanced work and master classes in Germany. She taught at the Chicago Conservatory. Her daughter Lerae taught anthropology in Hawaii.
1906 - In a speech given to the Gridiron Club in Washington, DC, President Theodore Roosevelt coined the word ‘muckrake’.
1906-the temperature at Snake River, Wyoming dipped to 50 degrees below zero -- a record for the US for the month of March.
1910 - Luther and Charlotte Gulick founded the Camp Fire Girls organization at Lake Sebago, Maine. The group's catch phrase is “Wohelo”, an acronym of the words: WOrk, Health and LOve. It continues today, though the name has been changed to Camp Fire Boys and Girls, when boys began being accepted into the organization.
1915---Birthday of Rebekah West Harkness - U.S. patron of dance and a composer. RWH studied under the renowned Nadia Boulanger and at the Mames College of Music and wrote hundreds of popular songs. She inherited a Standard Oil fortune from her husband. She sponsored Robert Joffey Ballet and Jerome Robbins; Ballets USA, as well as modern and ethnic dance companies and the Central Park Dance Festival.
She was founder (1964) and president and artistic director (1970-75) of Harkness Ballet that was formed when she broke away from the Joffrey Ballet over artistic differences.
1917 - In St. Louis, Missouri, America’s first bowling tournament for women began with almost 100 women participating in the event.
1919-pianist Leroy Lovett piano born Philadelphia PA
1919-- Nat “King” Cole birthday
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, & be loved in return."
— from the song "Nature Boy"
1926 - In New York City, the musical "The Girl Friend" for a run of 409 performances.
1930-Composer/flutist Paul Horn born, New York, New York.
1930- Trombone player Grover Mitchell born Whatley AL, now directs the Count Basie Band, who play all the old charts with enthusiasm.
1938-guitarist Eddie Giles born Shreveport, LA
1939- Dean Mathis of the 1960's rock group the Newbeats, was born in Hahira, Georgia. Dean and his brother, Mark, along with Larry Henley, formed the trio in 1964. The Newbeats first record, "Bread and Butter," went to number two on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1964 and was the biggest of their half dozen hits.
1940- Vito Picone, lead singer with the Elegants, was born in Staten Island, New York. The Elegants took their recording of "Little Star" to number one on the Billboard chart in 1958.
1941 - In Washington, D.C., the National Gallery of Art
was officially opened by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
1941 - Paul Kantner born San Francisco, CA.(musician: guitar: groups: Jefferson Airplane: Somebody to Love, White Rabbit, LP: Crown, Wooden Ships; Starship: LPs: Dragonfly, Red Octopus, Spitfire, Earth; KBC Band; solo LP: Blows Against the Empire, Planet Earth Rock and Roll Orchestra)
March 17
1942- Birthday of Paul Kantner, guitarist and vocalist with Jefferson Airplane and Jefferson Starship.
1944- Singer and songwriter John Sebastien, founder of the Lovin' Spoonful, was born in New York. Sebastien formed the Spoonful in 1964, and they had seven successive top-ten singles in 1965 and '66. The Lovin' Spoonful hit number one with "Summer in the City." After the group broke up at the end of the '60s, Sebastien began a moderately successful solo career in 1970 with an appearance at Woodstock. In 1976, he had a number-one record with "Welcome Back," the theme from the TV show "Welcome Back, Kotter."
1948---Top Hits
Now is the Hour - Bing Crosby
I’m Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover - The Art Moonie Orchestra
Beg Your Pardon - Francis Craig
I’ll Hold You in My Heart (Till I Can Hold You in My Arms) - Eddy Arnold
1948 -- Science Fiction author William Gibson born, Conway, South Carolina. He is credited with having coined the term 'Cyberspace', & with having envisioned both the Internet & virtual reality before most people had even heard of them. An early notable book by Gibson is Count Zero, whose characters are a mixture of eccentric low-lifes and nonconformists who find themselves confronting representatives of vast egomaniacal individuals whose wealth & power result directly from their ability to control information.
1956-"St. Patrick's big snow" fell at Boston, Massachusetts. Nearby Blue Hill observatory recorded 12.6 inches.
1956---Top Hits
Lisbon Antigua - Nelson Riddle
Why Do Fools Fall in Love - Frankie Lymon and The Teenagers
Hot Diggity (Dog Ziggity Boom) - Perry Como
Heartbreak Hotel - Elvis Presley
1962-The Shirelles' "Soldier Boy" is released on Sceptor Records. The tune become the girl group's biggest hit, climbing to Number One, selling over a million copies and earning a gold record
1963 - The Boston Celtics' Bob Cousey, played his last regular season basketball game after spending 13 years in the National Basketball Association.
1964---Top Hits
I Want to Hold Your Hand - The Beatles
She Loves You - The Beatles
Please Please Me - The Beatles
Saginaw, Michigan - Lefty Frizzell
1965 -- 1,600 demonstrate at Montgomery, Alabama courthouse.
1966 -- César Chávez and the National Farm Workers Association march from Delano to Sacramento, California, from March 17 to April 11, arriving on Easter Sunday.
1967 - "Peanuts" comic strip characters, Snoopy and Charlie Brown, were on the cover of "LIFE" magazine.
1967-Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumkins is born.
1968---*DEVORE, EDWARD A., Jr. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Specialist Fourth Class, U.S. Army, Company B, 4th Battalion, 39th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Saigon, Republic of Vietnam, 17 March 1968. Entered service at: Harbor City, Calif. Born: 15 June 1947, Torrance, Calif. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Sp4c. DeVore, distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous actions on the afternoon of 17 March 1968, while serving as a machine gunner with Company B, on a reconnaissance-in-force mission approximately 5 kilometers south of Saigon. Sp4c. DeVore's platoon, the company's lead element, abruptly came under intense fire from automatic weapons, Claymore mines, rockets and grenades from well-concealed bunkers in a nipa palm swamp. One man was killed and 3 wounded about 20 meters from the bunker complex. Sp4c. DeVore raced through a hail of fire to provide a base of fire with his machine gun, enabling the point element to move the wounded back to friendly lines. After supporting artillery, gunships and air strikes had been employed on the enemy positions, a squad was sent forward to retrieve their fallen comrades. Intense enemy frontal and enfilading automatic weapons fire pinned down this element in the kill zone. With complete disregard for his personal safety, Sp4c. DeVore assaulted the enemy positions. Hit in the shoulder and knocked down about 35 meters short of his objectives, Sp4c. DeVore, ignoring his pain and the warnings of his fellow soldiers, jumped to his feet and continued his assault under intense hostile fire. Although mortally wounded during this advance, he continued to place highly accurate suppressive fire upon the entrenched insurgents. By drawing the enemy fire upon himself, Sp4c. DeVore enabled the trapped squad to rejoin the platoon in safety. Sp4c. DeVore's extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty in close combat were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, the 39th Infantry, and the U.S. Army.
1968-The Bee Gees make their U.S. television debut on the "Ed Sullivan Show." They perform "To Love Somebody" and "Words."
1969- Cardinal first baseman Orlando Cepeda is traded to the Braves for catcher/first baseman Joe Torre.
1970 - Eddie Holman was awarded a gold record for the single, "Hey There Lonely Girl", which was originally a hit for Ruby and the Romantics titled, "Hey There Lonely Boy" in the 1960s. While singing this song, dedicated to his daughter, Holman died on stage at a New Jersey performance in the mid-1970s.
1972---Top Hits
Without You - Nilsson
Heart of Gold - Neil Young
The Lion Sleeps Tonight - Robert John
My Hang-Up is You - Freddie Hart
1978 - American Hot Wax, a film based on the story of Cleveland disc jockey Alan Freed, who introduced rock'n'roll to teenage American radio audiences in the 1950's, opened in United States theaters. The film featured a young Fran Drescher as Sheryl and Jay Leno as Mookie in one of their early film roles.
1980---Top Hits
Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Queen
Longer - Dan Fogelberg
Another Brick in the Wall - Pink Floyd
My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys - Willie Nelson
1985 -a strong (F3) tornado tore through Venice, Florida during the early morning hours. 55 homes were destroyed and 220 were damaged. 2 people were killed and 45 were injured.
1988---Top Hits
Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley
I Get Weak - Belinda Carlisle
Man in the Mirror - Michael Jackson
Too Gone Too Long - Randy Travis
1989 - Strong northerly winds ushered snow and arctic cold into the north central U.S. Winds gusted to 58 mph at Sydney NE and Scottsbluff NE, Cadillac MI received 12 inches of snow, and International Falls MN reported a record low of 22 degrees below zero.
1990 - Showers and thunderstorms associated with a slow moving cold front produced torrential rains across parts of the southeastern U.S. over a two day period. Flooding claimed the lives of at least 22 persons, including thirteen in Alabama. Up to 16 inches of rain deluged southern Alabama, with 10.63 inches reported at Mobile AL in 24 hours. The town of Elba AL was flooded with 6 to 12 feet of water causing more than 25 million dollars damage, and total flood damage across Alabama exceeded 100 million dollars. Twenty-six counties in the state were declared disaster areas.
1990- Carly Simon, Whitney Houston, Air Supply, Dionne Warwick and Milli Vanilli were among those who turned out in New York for a benefit billed as the single largest fund-raising event for AIDS. About two million dollars was raised. The concert was sponsored by Arista Records, which was celebrating its 15th anniversary.
1991---Birthday of American composer Mahlon Berv, Stanford, CT.
1995-Chicken Pox vaccine was approved for public use. Marketed by Merck and Company, Whitehouse Station, JN, under the trade name Variva, the vaccine was believed to be 70 to 90 percent effective.
1995-Madonna holds the "world's biggest pajama party" as 1500 guests gather with pj's and teddy bears. This was all for the premiere of her new "Bedtime Stories" video.
1997-The US Supreme Court declined to hear the San Francisco's argument that the cross on Mt. Davidson is a cultural landmark. The cross would now have to be torn down or sold to a private owner.
1997- the Recording Industry Association of America announced that the Eagles "Greatest Hits" album had tied Michael Jackson's "Thriller" as the all-time best-selling album in the US. Each had sold more than 24 million copies. "Thriller" was still the top-seller worldwide, with estimated sales of 46 million copies.
1998- USA Women's Hockey Team beats Canada for 1st Olympics Gold medal
1998-Van Halen releases their latest album, "Van Halen 3," which is their first album with new lead singer Gary Cherone. That night they hold a record signing for fans at the Virgin Megastore in Times Square.
Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the rain fall softly upon your fields. And the sun shine warm upon your face.
Top of the mornin' to you.....(and the rest of the day to 'me self!)
May there always be work for you to do.
May your purse always hold a coin or two.
May the sun always shine on your windowpane.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
This Author's favorite:
May the wind at your back not be from the cabbage and corned beef that you eat today!
Everyone's at least a little bit Irish on St. Patrick's Day. (how true, how true).
The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?
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