Sr. Credit Analyst
Walnut Creek, California
Excellent opportunity to work with growing equipment leasing bank division, excellent reputation. Click here for more information.
First Republic Bank has offices in the San Francisco Bay Area, throughout California, and in Portland, Seattle, Las Vegas, Boston and New York. |
Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Archives, May 2, 2000---Bruce Kropschot re-opens
Classified Ads---Sales
Leasing Jobs Overseas
Classified Ads---Help wanted
Please “add me” to mailing list
Alert—Sheldon Player
More on Sterling Financial—Serious!
Original Sierra Cities unit to close in Houston
500 IFC Credit NorVergence leases in Mediation?
Sales makes it Happen—by Linda P. Kester
“That’s why I’m here”
Icon Mourns Passing of Beau Clarke
new CEO, Chairman, other personnel changes
April CMI Recoups Last Loss through Mfg. Sector
Taylor at Harbour Capital Corporation
Susquehanna Bancshares Inc. and Community Banks
NVLA National Conference Press Release
Isuzu, ITOCHU, and Tokyo Leasing
ZRG Ads Rich Weinstein as Managing Director
LEAF/Resource America 1st Quarter
CIT/Fair Value Accounting Standard
National City to Acquire MidAmerica Bank
NetBank sells ATM and merchant servicing op
You May have Missed---
California Nuts Brief---
Sports Briefs---
"Gimme that Wine"
Calendar Events
Snapple Real Facts
Today's Top Event in History
This Day in American History
Basketball Poem
Daily Puzzle
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
Archives, May 2, 2000---Bruce Kropschot re-opens
Bruce Kropschot re-establishes Kropschot Financial Services

Bruce Kropschot announced today that he has re-established Kropschot Financial Services, which he founded in 1986 as a merger and acquisition advisory firm for the equipment leasing and financing industry. Mr. Kropschot left the firm in late 1997 to become Vice Chairman - Mergers and Acquisitions of UniCapital Corporation, which he helped acquire 17 equipment leasing businesses. and go public in May 1998 in the largest roll-up initial public offering ever.
Effective April 1, 2000, Mr. Kropschot retired from UniCapital Corporation, where he was also President of UniCapital Business Credit Group. Under Mr. Kropschot's leadership. Kropschot Financial Services arranged over 125 acquisitions of equipment leasing and specialty finance businesses from 1986 through 1997 and was ranked as the leading provider of merger and acquisition advisory services in this sector.
Mr. Kropschot stated, "I am pleased to be devoting again all of my attention to M&A activities. There is a need for an advisory firm that understands the opportunities and the challenges unique to the equipment leasing market. When representing owners in the sale of their businesses.
Kropschot Financial Services will not only be looking to maximize the sale price but also to find a buyer under whom the business and its employees can achieve their potential. When representing acquisition searches for buyers, we will utilize our vast knowledge of the leasing industry and its many participants to locate those companies that best fit the defined acquisition parameters.
The firm will also arrange financing for equipment leasing and specialty finance companies and perform business valuations. Mr. Kropschot indicated that Kropschot Financial Services would soon be making an announcement regaining other key executives who will be joining the firm.
Bruce Kropschot, Historian

Bruce Kropschot joined our advisory board on September 6, 2000.
Bruce keeps everything he is involved with confidential, including potential clients or projects. As a matter of fact, often a press release is sent out about a company who he was responsible in putting together the sale or merger, and the first we learn of his involvement is when we read the press release. He never tells us anything about his clients, potential clients, or association activities.
His main role is as a historian. If it is public information about a person or a company, Kropschot is a walking encyclopedia about who is who and who did what. Often he knows the president personally. He is a wealth of equipment leasing history. We can often can check facts, verify what we have heard, or Bruce will tell us where to look. But if it comes to one of his clients or potential clients, he will tell us “no comment.” But when we call him about something he can talk about, he is a tremendous asset.
Leasing News Advisory Board Member Biography

Kropschot Financial Services
70 Beachside Drive, #101
Vero Beach, FL 32963
(772) 228-9808
Bruce Kropschot is President of Kropschot Financial Services, a firm he founded in 1986. The firm has been for many years the leading provider of merger and acquisition advisory services for equipment leasing companies, having initiated the sale of more than 150 businesses. He has been active in the equipment leasing industry since 1972 and has been a senior executive of three large leasing companies.
Mr. Kropschot has served on the Board of Directors of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (formerly the Equipment Leasing Association,) Eastern Association of Equipment Lessors, and United Association of Equipment Leasing. He currently serves on the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association Capital Markets Committee. He is also a founding director of the International Network of Merger & Acquisition Partners, a worldwide organization of over 60 merger and acquistion firms. Mr. Kropschot is a CPA and graduated with BBA and MBA degrees (with honors) in Accounting and Finance from the University of Michigan. [headlines]
Classified Ads---Sales

Atlanta, GA
Experienced/successful self-starter w/solid background & book of business general equipment & franchise finance/ vendor & direct. Excellent communication, strong negotiation, biz development, ACT, HP19II, etc.
Email: 2jacksonhole@bellsouth.net
Compenhagen, Denmark
10 years of experience as VP Europe, Middle East and Africa for a US based Equipment Leasing Company. $500,000 plus w/ excellent connections European shipping lines/ maritime financing. Click here.
Montgomery, AL
Individual with 10 years advertising sales exp. & 7 years insurance sales exp. Wants independent contractor situation in Alabama.
Work with leasing company or broker.334-590-5133
E-mail: billmcneal2003@yahoo.com |
Oklahoma position, over 30 years of financing experience, resume posted at www.geocities.com/bobbybenmoore, phone 580-351-2531 |
Philadelphia, PA
25 years in Healthcare and seeking an opportunity to represent a lender for dental/medical funding in the Northeast to Mid-Atlantic states.
email: mitutz@msn.com |
Stuart, FL area
Years of experience in leasing sales, credit, operations, documentation and syndication. Seeking position with direct middle market lender, equip. mfr or major equip. distributor. email: southernleasing@bellsouth.net |
To place a free “job wanted” ad here, please go to:
For a full listing of all “job wanted” ads, please go to:
Leasing Jobs Overseas

Leasing Job Index
Survey being conducted, some complete:
Salaries, Bonuses, targets, longevity, training, customer touch and satisfaction. The organizer also would like to have one for the United States.
Join the European Leaseblog. It’s free:
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Account Executive
Account Executives
Boston, Cleveland, Detroit, St. Louis,
SF Bay Area
Top position to work with CFOs, CIOs, CEOs and other high-level executives. 7+ years equipment leasing exp. Resume/indicating you saw ad in Leasing News to: US_DFS_Staffing@dell.com
About the Company: We're the exclusive provider of leasing and finance services for Dell technology systems worldwide. At Dell Financial Services our mission is to deliver financing solutions that enable and enrich the Dell Customer experience.
Finance Consultant
Regional Sales Managers
Regional Sales Managers
To establish small ticket vendor programs in major metro areas. Excellent compensation/ benefit package. View job description. Send resumes to Zully.Fernandez@IrwinCF.com
Company Description:
Irwin Commercial Finance (NYSE: IFC) is a true direct lender and in the ever changing leasing environment, we bring stability, creativity and consistent customer service levels to our business.
www.IrwinCFequipment.com |
Sales Director
Sales Director
Vendor Relationship Development
Office equipment experience a must. Territory covers FL, GA, SC, NC, AL, MS, LA. Must be able to sell value. To apply online click here.
About the company:
GreatAmerica offers office equipment financing to businesses across the U.S., and is the largest independent leasing company in the small ticket equipment financing market.
Sr. Credit Analyst
Sr. Credit Analyst
Walnut Creek, California
Excellent opportunity to work with growing equipment leasing bank division, excellent reputation. Click here for more information.
First Republic Bank has offices in the San Francisco Bay Area, throughout California, and in Portland, Seattle, Las Vegas, Boston and New York. |
Please “add me” to mailing list
The automated feature to “add” to our mailing list was down, most of last week. The acknowledgment warns that if you do not receive an issue, you may not have been added. This feature is often “hacked” by spammers. We have spent several thousands of dollars to make it more secure. Each time, it slows them down, until the next time.
This time they learned how to go through our “spam arrest” to send out e-mail, which is their main goal: to use someone else’s broadband width to send out e-mail.
It is not working again. Please pardon the inconvenience. If you utilize the feature, and do not receive our news edition, please e-mail me directly at kitmenkin@leasingnews.org
Alert—Sheldon Player
Greycas Inc. and another Greyhound unit, Greyhound Leasing & Financial Corp., were bilked of over $ 75 million by one Sheldon Player, a former Vernal, Utah, resident assumed to be in the machine and oilfield equipment sales business, who gained the money through fraudulently obtained loans from Greyhound. Greycas then devised an elaborate cover-up scheme to prevent disclosure of details about the loss.
This episode began at the beginning of the 1980's with one $ 600,000 loan. Player and his companies would sell Greycas heavy machine tools, lease them back and then pretend to sublease the expensive devices to end-users. In most cases the machines, which were collateral for the loans, were non-existent.
By 1984, Player had borrowed nearly $ 8 million from Greyhound in the same scheme. That year he asked for $ 40 million in new loans to continue his transactions. A total of $23.5 million had been disbursed by the time the company first got suspicious and confronted Player. He was told the company wanted to inspect the machinery that it was supposed to have owned. In 1985, he told them he had been putting the money into real estate. The leases were attempted to be converted to loans for the real estate to avoid the large loss, when it was discovered in doing the escrow, there were other loans against the property, too. He wound up with a five year sentence in a minimum security prison.
Reportedly he is back, this time in Illinois, with his wife as the president of the corporation. Several leasing companies have made $250,000 leases for him, but one doing an inspection found another leasing companies identification tag on the equipment---guess what, he bought back the lease, but the funder is not talking. This may be another Allserve.
Where is the Lease Police when you need them???
Leasing News is not able to divulge the name of the company or city at this time, but if you hear the name Sheldon Player, be very alert.
More on Sterling Financial—Serious!

As Leasing News reported that Sterling Financial, Lancaster, Pa.,
was not going to post its first quarter on April 24th due to reported irregularities in one of its financial services group companies, Equipment Finance LLC (EFI), on Monday announced new developments in a press release sent to the media.
In the press release they stated, "Sterling Financial Corp. will restate earnings for 2004 through 2006 pending the results of an internal investigation of contract irregularities at its Equipment Finance LLC subsidiary.
“Sterling expects to restate or amend these financial statements once the extent of the impact is known, which may require the Corporation and its affiliates to raise additional capital. The impact of the irregularities may also be material for years prior to 2004, depending on the results of the ongoing investigation.
“In connection with the investigation, two senior executives of EFI have been placed on leave.”
It is reported that the equipment finance division dollars may
be significant, particularly since previous filings show that approximately 40 percent of Sterling's profits during that period.
“Sterling is postponing its 2007 annual shareholder meeting, originally scheduled for May 8, 2007, and the Corporation does not expect that it will be able to file its Form 10-Q by the due date of May 10th.”
“I want to assure shareholders, customers and the public that Sterling is moving aggressively to take corrective action on the issues that have emerged during this investigation. We are taking steps to strengthen EFI’s management structure and internal control processes immediately,” said J. Roger Moyer, Jr., president and chief executive officer of Sterling Financial Corporation.
Sterling has implemented changes in EFI’s management structure, installing an acting Chief Operating Officer. The Chief Executive Officer of EFI has voluntarily relinquished his role as President, CEO,
and EFI Board member; however, he will be available to assist the company, in a non-management role, at the request of management. In addition, EFI’s Board of Managers has been augmented by the
addition of two new members. Internal control processes and procedures are being reviewed and enhanced.
“We understand that our shareholders, customers, employees and communities may have questions. We ask for your patience, and continued loyalty, as we complete our investigation,” added Moyer.
Full press release here:
Original Sierra Cities unit to close in Houston

Key Business Finance, a part of KeyCorp, is reportedly shutting down the Key Equipment Finance business unit office at 600 Travis St. Houston, Texas. According to the Houston Business Journal, this will affect 164 employees. Reportedly operations will be gradually wound down during the next 12 months before the office closes.
"12/04 AMEX turned over control to Key Bank last night and on the way out the door AMEX funded EVERYTHING in the system,.....verbals were not completed on many transactions, nor had delivery of the equipment occurred for many deals as well.....random attempts were made to complete verbals however after a message was left the deal was BOOKED.... "Nice to see Integrity rises to the upper levels of management in this industry!!"
(10/04) American Express Business Finance Sold to Key Equipment Finance.
"(11/2002) Lays off salesmen, rumors float they are about to get out of leasing business; Richard Anderson does not return telephone calls to confirm or deny. (09/2001) American Express Business Finance has closed down their broker division. We can submit deals until 10/12/01. All deals must be funded by 12/31/01. Unconfirmed rumors that salesmen are now going after the broker vendor accounts. We are seeking to confirm or deny this. (8/2001) Discovers up to $20 million write-off with RW Leasing portfolio, other portfolio's, alleged stock fraud, Amex declares they are investigating (7/2001) pretax write-down of $826 million that will pummel, second-quarter profits. The company also unveiled plans to cut as many as 5,000 more jobs because of the weak economy. Rumors abound about portfolio performance and major problems in the woodpile/going the way Rockford Industries went. (5/2001) New Name: "American Express Business Finance" (4/2001) Merger complete, Depping resigns as "gazelle" (3/31/2001) American Express completes purchase/merger (3/2001) Sierra Cities-Amex Merger gets green light by authorities (2/2001) offer from American Express for $5.68 per share in cash. We predicted this last week, naming the company and floor price. American Express active in equipment leasing, likes what it sees, and Sierra Cities is the vehicle, not Advanta or others that it has viewed to purchase. (1/2001) VerticalNet Merger falls apart. (1/16/01) Sells Off UK Assets. (7/2000) 2nd quarter loss, see report
500 IFC Credit NorVergence leases in Mediation?
It appears the 500 NorVergence IFC Credit Corporate leases have not only been consolidated, but that Judge William D. Maddux, Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois has asked that they be mediated.
There were 148 attorneys listed with their telephone numbers in the original hearing. Leasing News is attempting to find how this will be arranged and what the next steps will be.
In the Ninth Circuit of Appeals the case regarding Kay Automotive appears cases have been reassigned to Circuit Mediator Margaret A. Corrigan. The court will initiate a further conference by telephone on 5/31/07, at 11:30 a.m. PACIFIC (SF) Time (1:30 p.m. Central Time).
“Of the 500 pending cases, 496 or 99% involve only IFC---the Defendant in this first-filed class action-as the finance company: The remaining four cases break down as follows: one case involving Wells Fargo, one case involving Popular Leasing, and two cases involving Crown Bank. As will be demonstrated to Judge Henry, counsel for Plaintiffs are experienced class action lawyers, have succeeded in obtaining class certification in numerous consumer class action cases, have dedicated their entire practice to consumer class action litigation for years, and, for example, were counsel of record in the following matters: Valley Forge Ins. Co. v. Swiderski Electronics, lnc., 223 I11, 2d 352 (I11. November 30, 2006); Kinkel v. Cingular Wireless LLC, 273 I11. 2d 1 (I11. October 5, 2006).”
a court document footnote
Leasing News is attempting to learn if this is binding arbitration or perhaps "Alternative Dispute Resolution," as outlined in attorney Paul Bent's "To Tell the Truth:"
Please stay tuned as we hope to have more definitive information in the next edition.

Sales Make it Happen

by Linda P. Kester
This is from her new book now available at www.leasingpress.com
That's Why I'm Here
Prospective vendors/lessees may not want to listen to what you have to say. But if you believe in what you're trying to tell them, you need to move past their resistance and deliver your sales message. Reply to objections by saying: "That's why I'm here."
Here are some examples:
We don't use leasing |
That's why I'm here. I discovered that you are not currently using our products, and ... |
We use a different leasing company |
That's why I'm here. We believe that this model ... |
We had a bad experience with your organization |
That's why I'm here. We have undergone major changes lately and ... |
We already used your leasing company in the past |
That's why I'm here. We appreciated your business and ... |
Linda Kester helps leasing companies increase volume. For more information, visit: www.lindakester.com. Questions, contact: Linda@lindakester.com. |
### Press Release ###########################
Icon Mourns Passing of Beau Clarke, announces new
CEO, Chairman, and other personnel changes

NEW YORK, NY, ICON Capital Corp. (“ICON”), an equipment leasing and finance company based in New York City, announces with profound sadness today that Beau Clarke, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ICON, (aged 60,) died unexpectedly (from a heart attack) on Monday, April 30, 2007. Thomas W. Martin, a Director, President, and Chief Operating Officer of ICON, has been named Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ICON. Mr. Martin will also continue as ICON’s President. “It is with great sadness that I announce that Beau Clarke, our Chairman, CEO, and a close friend, died on Monday. Beau was an exceptional man who brought tremendous leadership and passion to his job. Our entire company mourns this loss and our thoughts are with his family and friends during this difficult time,” said Tom Martin.
By action of the Board of Directors and stockholder of ICON, the following changes to ICON’s Board of Directors and executive management have been adopted:
• As noted above, Thomas W. Martin, the President and Chief Operating Officer of ICON and a director of ICON since 1996, has been appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ICON. Mr. Martin has been President since February 2007, has been a Director (and Director, President and Treasurer of ICON Securities Corp. as well) since August 1996, and was Chief Operating Officer from February 2006 through May 2007 and Chief Financial Officer from May 2003 through January 2007. Mr. Martin has been in the equipment leasing business since 1983.
• Michael A. Reisner has been elected a director of ICON. Mr. Reisner has been Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer since January 2007 and was Executive Vice President-Acquisitions from February 2006 through January 2007. Mr. Reisner was Senior Vice President and General Counsel from January 2004 through January 2006. Mr. Reisner has been with ICON since 2001.
• Mark Gatto has been elected a director of ICON and has been appointed Executive Vice President and Chief Acquisitions Officer. Mr. Gatto was previously Executive Vice President-Business Development of ICON. Mr. Gatto is responsible for business and corporate development, including the acquisition of equipment subject to lease. Mr. Gatto was previously Associate General Counsel of ICON from 1999 to 2000.
• Joel S. Kress has been appointed Executive Vice President-Business and Legal Affairs and remains Secretary of ICON. Mr. Kress was previously Senior Vice President and General Counsel of ICON. Prior to joining ICON, Mr. Kress was an attorney with Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP in New York and London, concentrating on mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance and financing transactions (including debt and equity issuances), and private equity investments.
“On behalf of ICON, we express our gratitude for Beau’s leadership and all that he has done for ICON,” Mr. Martin concluded.
About ICON
ICON is the fifth largest independent equipment leasing and financing company in the United States according to the 2006 Monitor 100 Report, and the largest privately-held independent equipment leasing and finance company in the United States. ICON is headquartered in New York City and has offices in San Francisco, Boston, Toronto, Vancouver, and London and provides businesses with an array of specialty finance solutions that range from traditional leasing of equipment types such as information technology, aviation, marine medical, manufacturing, materials handling, telecom, and furniture, fixtures, and equipment to highly structured financial products for unusual asset types and emerging companies. ICON was established in 1985 and currently manages six publicly registered equipment leasing programs that have raised over US $1 billion to date and has sole management responsibility for approximately US$2 billion invested in leased equipment in its sponsored programs since their inception.
(Story in Monday’s edition on the passing of Mr. Clarke:
http://www.leasingnews.org/archives/April%202007/04-30-07-Flash.htm )
### Press Release ###########################
April CMI Recoups Last Loss Through Manufacturing Sector Performance

Columbia, Maryland: — The seasonally adjusted Credit Manager’s Index (CMI) rose 1.6% in April, recouping last month’s losses as eight of the 10 components of the Index rose. The increase was driven by gains in the sales component and in both collections components.
“While overall the report was positive, there was a disparity between the manufacturing sector, which rose 3.3%, and the service sector, which was unchanged,” stated Dan North, chief economist with credit insurer Euler Hermes ACI. He noted that comments from the respondents echo a familiar refrain that the demise of the housing market has been a major drag on distributors of goods into that industry. “Median prices on existing homes have now fallen for eight consecutive months on a year-over-year basis,” he noted. “This is an unprecedented event since house prices almost never fall, and they have never fallen for more than two months in a row in the 38 years that records have been kept.” The continued deflation of the housing market bubble as seen in this data, combined with the lagged effects of monetary policy tightening and the prospect of higher gasoline prices, suggest that the economy will continue to slow throughout the year.

“The manufacturing sector rose 3.3% and enjoyed widespread gains as eight of the 10 components rose in April, more than recouping last month’s drop. Improvements in accounts placed for collections and dollar amount beyond terms were especially notable,” North noted. One survey respondent stated, “We have not placed any accounts for collection YTD. Our receivables are current and deductions are at an all-time low dollar amount open.” Another noted, “…record first quarter in sales.”

The service sector remained unchanged overall but six of the 10 components fell and two remain below the 50 level indicating economic contraction. “Once again, the demise of the housing market is the primary concern of the survey participants,” North said. Distributors of home furnishings and building supplies note, “sales are down considerably,” “housing market continues to cause problems” and “customers tell us they will ‘pay when paid’.” Other respondents cite a “slowdown within the housing market” and “higher than normal disputes…more liens filed.”
North said, “On a year-over-year basis, the combined index fell 0.9%, reflecting a resilient yet slowly deteriorating economy. The disparity between the two sectors on a year-over-year basis was notable. The manufacturing sector gained 1.3% but the services sector fell 2.9% as the decline of the housing market weighed on suppliers to the home building and construction industries.”
The CMI, a monthly survey of the business economy from the standpoint of commercial credit and collections, was launched in January 2003 to provide financial analysts with another strong economic indicator.
The CMI survey asks credit managers to rate favorable and unfavorable factors in their monthly business cycle. Favorable factors include sales, new credit applications, dollar collections and amount of credit extended. Unfavorable factors include rejections of credit applications, accounts placed for collections, dollar amounts of receivables beyond terms and filings for bankruptcies. A complete index including results from the manufacturing and service sectors, along with the methodology, is attached. A complete view of the index can be viewed online at http://www.nacm.org/resource/press_release/CMI_current.shtml .
The National Association of Credit Management (NACM), headquartered in Columbia, Maryland supports more than 25,000 business credit and financial professionals worldwide with premier industry services, tools and information. NACM and its network of Affiliated Associations are the leading resource for credit and financial management information and education, delivering products and services which improve the management of business credit and accounts receivable. NACM's collective voice has influenced legislative results concerning commercial business and trade credit to our nation's policy makers for more than 100 years, and continues to play an active part in legislative issues pertaining to business credit and corporate bankruptcy.
http://www.nacm.org/ [headlines]
### Press Release ###########################
Taylor to Direct Marketing and Communications at
Harbour Capital Corporation

Harbour Capital Corporation, Newington, New Hampshire, a company with 45 employees announces that it has hired Jay C. Taylor as Director of Marketing and Communications for the 13-year old New Hampshire firm.
Mr. Taylor brings over 20 years of public affairs and marketing experience to the company. He has served in public affairs positions within the New Hampshire Governors office as well as serving the communications needs of various candidates for local, State and Federal elective office. Most recently, Taylor was owner of a regional energy efficiency consulting company where he negotiated several lease-finance contracts for his clients.
“We’re excited to have Jay putting his knowledge and experience to work for our team”, says Chip Kelley, Harbour’s President. “His ability to present a clear message to the markets we serve is critical to expanding our potential in those areas.”
Taylor is a 1984 graduate of Portsmouth High School. He received his Bachelors degree in Political Science from the University of NH in Durham, NH. [headlines]
### Press Release ###########################
Susquehanna Bancshares Inc. and Community Banks Inc.
Announce Definitive Merger Agreement

Lititz, PA & Harrisburg, PA--Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc. ("Susquehanna") (NASDAQ:SUSQ) and Community Banks, Inc. ("Community") (NASDAQ:CMTY) jointly announced the signing of a definitive merger agreement pursuant to which Susquehanna will acquire Community in a stock and cash transaction valued at approximately $860 million. The transaction, unanimously approved by the boards of directors of both companies, will consolidate the companies’ presence in southeastern Pennsylvania and the Mid-Atlantic region, particularly in the attractive York and Lancaster markets. The combined company will have over $12 billion in assets and approximately $2 billion in market capitalization, making it the 45th largest bank holding company in the United States. The acquisition ranks as the largest in Susquehanna’s history, and as Pennsylvania’s third-largest in-state bank transaction.

William J. Reuter, President/CEO
"Community's core markets, particularly in the York/Hanover and greater Harrisburg area, have long been at the forefront of our targeted expansion strategy, “William J. Reuter, Susquehanna's Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, said. Additionally, Community’s locations in the attractive markets of Lancaster, York and Berks counties in Pennsylvania complement our existing franchise.”
“The combination of Susquehanna and Community's branches will create a comprehensive network of banking offices to serve customers throughout central Pennsylvania and will give us market leadership in six of our key markets, “he added. “We look forward to working with Community’s experienced management team, which has demonstrated its ability to drive growth and profitability over the years.”
Eddie L. Dunklebarger, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Community, and five independent Community directors will be appointed to the Susquehanna Bancshares Board of Directors upon consummation of the merger. Dunklebarger will become Vice Chairman of Susquehanna Bancshares’ Board of Directors and Co-Chair of the Transition Team. Jeffrey M. Seibert will join Susquehanna Bank PA as Chief Operating Officer.
"Susquehanna’s similar focus on community banking and its wealth management business complement Community’s strategy and will enable us to leverage our platform to better serve our combined customer base. We believe that this combination will provide tremendous opportunities to create value for our combined shareholders, customers, employees and communities,” said Eddie L. Dunklebarger.
Susquehanna expects to achieve approximately 35 percent cost savings, or approximately $33 million, through the reduction of administrative and operational redundancies. It is anticipated that the transaction will be completed during the fourth quarter of 2007, pending regulatory approvals, the approval of the shareholders of both Community and Susquehanna, and the satisfaction of other closing conditions. The transaction is expected to be accretive to earnings per share in the first full year after closing.
Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc., is a financial services holding company with assets of $8.2 billion. It includes three commercial banks that provide financial services at 163 branch locations in the mid-Atlantic region. Through Susquehanna Wealth Management, the company offers investment, fiduciary, brokerage, insurance, retirement planning, and private banking services. Susquehanna also operates an insurance and employee benefits company, a commercial finance company, and a vehicle leasing company. For more information, please visit www.susquehanna.net.
Community Banks, Inc., a financial holding company with approximately $3.8 billion in assets and 80 banking offices throughout central and eastern Pennsylvania and northern Maryland, is headquartered in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
### Press Release ###########################
National Vehicle Leasing Association Plans Annual Conference

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The National Vehicle Leasing Association announced the venue, date and agenda for its annual conference.
Officials said the event will be June 6 to 9 at the Venetian Resort Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. What the association titled "NVLA + You: A Winning Combination" is open to any individual who operates in the vehicle leasing industry, including lessors, manufacturers, bankers and suppliers.
Organizers noted that the conference offers several workshops and seminars on industry topics and products as well as the opportunity for face-to-face interaction with attendees and other business experts.
The NVLA went on to mention that Joan Pender is scheduled to speak and to give out the Clemens Pender Award, a significant honor for industry achievement.
"We're proud to build on last year's success at the Gaylord in Texas by continuing to provide in this year's conference leading-edge educational programs for today's busy lessor," explained Tarry Shebesta, conference chairperson.
"We've listened to member feedback and are incorporating many suggestions into this year's conference. We're also bringing back some old traditions. An exciting new location, Las Vegas, two three-hour workshops and world-class entertainment that only our host city can provide will make this NVLA conference a winner," Shebesta continued.
Officials pointed out that a pair of concurrent half-day workshops will cover the subjects of time management and maximizing presence on the Web.
The other workshops and seminars conference organizers highlighted were:
—Selling Cars Online — Easy as 123
—Fraud & Compliance — Protecting Your Business
—Tax & Accounting Issues
—Deciphering Credit Reports and FICO Scores
—Lease Funding for Lessors
—Credit Union Lessors Roundtable
—Vehicle Reconditioning and Remarketing
—Legal, Legislative, Tag and Title Update 2007
—Medium Duty Trucks: Spec'ing, Upfitting, Bailment Pools
—Consumer Lessor Roundtable
—Fleet Lessors Roundtable
—Branding Your Business Like the Big Guys
The association also noted several entertainment activities are planned for the conference, including a presentation by pickpocket entertainer Bob Arno, available tickets to Cirque du Soleil's Mystere and a golf tournament.
"There's no better place to network with your peers, bankers, suppliers and the like. These special events help foster new relationships, rekindle old friendships and cement business opportunities," association officials pointed out.
For more information on the conference, individuals can contact NVLA headquarters at
(800) 225-NVLA or info@nvla.org. Individuals also can visit the NVLA Web site.
### Press Release ###########################
Isuzu, ITOCHU, and Tokyo Leasing, Partner on Captive Finance Unit.
ITOCHU Corporation, Tokyo Leasing, and Isuzu Motors have established a captive sales finance company, ISUZU Finance of America, Inc. for Isuzu products in the North American market.
The North American market for medium-sized trucks is on an annual scale of just over 100,000 units. Isuzu, which accounts for about 30,000 of these units, said it is an important market for the company in which it has the highest sales volume of all Japanese manufacturers. Isuzu launched the new captive financing unit in partnership with ITOCHU and Tokyo Leasing. The new company is scheduled to launch initial sales activities in the U.S. Northeast, which is a priority region for bolstering sales.
"We regard the North American market as ranking alongside the Japanese one in importance," the company said in a statement. "Through entry into the downstream sector of financing, we hope to strengthen our commercial vehicle business in North America while helping to increase the value-added level of Isuzu commercial trucks."
For Tokyo Leasing, the venture represents its full commitment to the field of commercial vehicle financing in the North American market.
### Press Release ###########################
ZRG Ads Rich Weinstein as Managing Director
Z Resource Group (ZRG) has added Rich Weinstein as a Managing Director working out of the Princeton, New Jersey offices.

Rich Weinstein
Rich will focus his efforts in the financial services and business information area for ZRG. Prior to joining ZRG, Rich held a variety of executive level roles in finance and corporate development at American Express, including Vice President, Business Development and Mergers and Acquisitions. Rich also led global mergers and acquisitions for D&B (Dun & Bradstreet), where he led numerous transactions in credit, marketing and business information. He also worked as a Managing Director for Berkery, Noyes and Co., a leading information industry boutique investment bank.
Rich obtained his B.A. / Economics from SUNY at Stony Brook and his M.B.A. in Finance from NYU Stern School of Business.
Rich can be reached at 732-744-4160 or by email at rweinstein@zrgroup.com
Larry Hartmann
Managing Partner
ZRG, Inc.
P - 201-560-9900 x 222
F- 201-701-0374
E - lhartmann@zrgroup.com
### Press Release ###########################
LEAF/Resource America 1st Quarter
-- LEAF Financial Corporation ("LEAF"), the Company's commercial finance asset manager, increased its commercial finance originations to $129.9 million for the second fiscal quarter ended March 31, 2007, an increase of $36.3 million (39%Resource America, Inc. Reports Operating Results for Second Fiscal Quarter Ended March 31, 2007
PHILADELPHIA, PA--- -- Resource America, Inc. (NasdaqGS:REXI - News) (the "Company") reported second fiscal quarter ended March 31, 2007 revenues of $31.6 million, operating income of $15.0 million, income from continuing operations before income taxes of $8.4 million, and income from continuing operations and net income of $5.4 million, or $0.29 per common share-diluted.
Assets under management increased to $14.7 billion at March 31, 2007 from $9.5 billion at March 31, 2006, an increase of $5.2 billion (54%). As of April 30, 2007, the Company's assets under management had increased to $15.0 billion.) from the second fiscal quarter ended March 31, 2006.
Full press release here:
### Press Release ###########################
CIT Decides Not To Early Adopt Fair Value Accounting Standard
- First Quarter EPS of $1.01 Versus $1.37 Previously
- EPS of $1.30 Excluding Noteworthy Items is Unchanged
- Stockholders' Equity Slightly Higher
- Cash Flow Unaffected
NEW YORK, -- CIT Group Inc. (NYSE: CIT),
a leading global provider of commercial and consumer finance solutions, announced that it has decided not to early adopt Statement of Accounting Standard No. 159 "The Fair Value Option for Financial Assetsand Liabilities" ("SFAS 159").
Reevaluation of SFAS 159 Early Adoption
In its April 18, 2007 earnings release, CIT presented financial information reflecting an early adoption of FAS 159, on a basis believed to be an appropriate interpretation of the standard at that time. Following the earnings release, guidance regarding SFAS 159 has emerged, including guidance recently issued by the AICPA's Center for Audit Quality, prompting the Company to reevaluate its initial intent to early adopt SFAS 159 for selected debt and capital securities.
Full Press Release:
### Press Release ###########################
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Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Winery Atlas
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page
The London International Vintners Exchange (Liv-ex) is an electronic exchange for fine wine.

Calendar Events This Day Baby Day
Brothers And Sisters Day
National Truffles Day
Robert’s Rules Day –
Anniversary of the birth of Henry M. Robert (General, US Army), author of Robert’s Rules of Order, a standard parliamentary guide. Born at Robertville, SC. Died at Hornell, NY, May 11, 1923.
Saint Feast Days

The raised bump reflectors on U.S. roads are named "Botts dots."

Today's Top Event in History 1863-General Stonewall Jackson, leading a large part of Gen. Lee’s army, delivered a devastating blow on Gen. Hooker’s right flank. Reconnoitering with his staff at day’s end, Jackson and his group were mistaken for Union soldiers and fired on by their own forces. Jackson’s shattered left arm had to be amputated. While he was hospitalized pneumonia set in; his death came on May 10.

This Day in American History 1837-birthday of our Sue Robert's relative, Henry M. Robert (General, US Army), author of Robert's Rules of Order, today the standard parliamentary guide.
1803-- That Land Grab in Louisiana, actually signed. During the early moments of the nineteenth century, the United States government wheeled and dealed its way into what is generally regarded as the "greatest land bargain" in the nation's history, the Louisiana Purchase. The deal, which was dated 30 April 1803, though it was in fact signed on 02 May, had been in the works since the spring of 1802. It was then that President Thomas Jefferson had learned of Spain's decision to quietly transfer Spanish Louisiana to the French; fearful of the strategic and commercial implications of the Spanish swap, Jefferson ordered Robert Livingston, the US minister in Paris, to broker a deal with the French either for a slice of land on the lower Mississippi or a "guarantee" of unmolested transport for US ships. Negotiations dragged on for months, but took a crucial turn when Spanish and US trade relations collapsed in the fall of 1802. With Spain now barring American merchant ships from transferring goods at the port in New Orleans, Jefferson set his sights on purchasing a far larger chunk of land. In early 1803, James Monroe headed to Paris to broker Jefferson's deal. With France teetering on the brink of war with Great Britain, and mindful not only of the fiscal repercussions of such a conflict, but of the possibility of a renewed US-English alliance, Napoléon's negotiators acceded to a deal to sell the whole of Louisiana. All told, the Louisiana Purchase cost the US $15 million: $11.25 million was earmarked for the land deal, while the remaining $3.75 million covered France's outstanding debts to America. Thus, for the prime price of 5 cents a hectare, the United States bought 2'145'000 square kilometers of land, which effectively doubled the size of the young nation
1853 - Franconi’s Hippodrome opened at Broadway and 23rd Street in New York City. The 4,000-seat facility opened in grand style for a hippodrome (an arena for a circus or games) with a chariot-and-ostrich race. It was popular for five years. http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/spe/art/print/exhibits/movingup/no29.htm
1843-Elijah McCoy was born in Colchester, Ontario. His parents escaped slavery in Kentucky by traveling along the Underground Railroad. This famous African-American inventor is credited with over 50 patents and his lubricating oil and systems were quite famous in its day. His most famous was the McCoy Lubricator. McCoy invented a device to oil the machinery while it was working. It was soon used on engines, train locomotives, on Great Lake steamships, on ocean liners and on machinery in factories. His invention became so popular that no engine or machine was considered complete until it had a McCoy Lubricator. The phrase "The Real McCoy" soon caught on as a way of saying that people were getting the best equipment available.
1863-General Stonewall Jackson, leading a large part of Gen. Lee’s army, delivered a devastating blow on Gen. Hooker’s right flank. Reconnoitering with his staff at day’s end, Jackson and his group were mistaken for Union soldiers and fired on by their own forces. Jackson’s shattered left arm had to be amputated. While he was hospitalized pneumonia set in; his death came on May 10.
1885-Good Housekeeping magazine makes its debut, becoming one of the most popular magazine for decades, setting many styles and standards for its day. It is still popular in this century.
1876- the first baseball players to hit home runs were Ross Barnes of the Chicago White Stockings and Charles Wesley “Baby” Jones of the Cincinnati Reds, at Cincinnati,OH. Chicago won 15-9. ( sorry, books don’t tell which hit the first home run. editor ).
1923- the first transcontinental nonstop airplane flight was made by Lieutenants Oakley G. Kelly and John A. Macready of the Navy Air Service. They took off from Roosevelt Field, NY at 11:36pm and arrived at Rockwell Field, Coronado Beach, CA, at 12:26pm the next day, covering a distance of 2,700 miles in 26 hours.
1903-birthday of Benjamin Spock, pediatrician and author, born at New Haven, CT. His book on childrearing, Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care later called Baby and Child Care, has sold more than 30 million copies. In 1955 he became professor of child development at Western Reserve University at Cleveland, OH. He resigned from this position in 1967 to devote his time to the pacifist movement. Spock died at San Diego, CA, Mar 15, 1998.
1905--Birthday of Charlotte Armstrong - U.S. author and playwright. Her science fantasy books regarding dragons have made her one of the most popular authors in the nation.
1906--Birthday of Aileen Riggin (Soule) - U.S. athlete. She won three Olympic medals and was the first competitor to win a medal in both the swimming and diving events in the same Olympics. Only 14 at the 1920 Olympics in Antwerp, Belguim, she was the first woman to win the gold in springboard diving. In 1924 she won a silver in springboard and a bronze in the 100-metre backstroke. She stood 4'7" tall and weighed 65 pounds.
1908-birthday of “Pinky Lee,” born Pincus Leff. Born at St. Paul, MN. When young, Leff had dreams of becoming an attorney, but abandoned the idea when classmates laughed at his lisp. His show business debut was in burlesque in the 1930s. He is best remembered for "The Pinky Lee Show" which telecast from Los Angeles in the early 1950s. Pinky Lee died Apr 3, 1993, at Mission Viejo, CA.
1904- singer and actor Bing Crosby was born in Tacoma, Washington. He sang with dance bands from 1925 to 1930, and in 1931 began work in radio and films. Crosby gained enormous popularity for his crooning style, which was ideally suited to the new radio medium. His recording of "White Christmas" is said to be the best-selling record of all time. In 1944, he won an Academy Award for his performance in the film "Going My Way." His other notable films included "The Country Girl" in 1955, "High Society" in '56 and the remake of "Stagecoach" in 1965. Bing Crosby had a lifelong love affair with the game of golf. In 1977, he dropped dead after completing a round on a golf course in Spain.
1924-birthday of singer/actor Theodore Bikel, Vienna, Austria
1930-First game of National Negro Baseball League, played in Indianapolis,
1930--- In Des Moines, Iowa, a Western League contest against Wichita becomes the first night baseball game to be played under permanent lights. The unique event, which draws 12,000 fans instead of the usual 600 patrons, is the beginning of a concept which will spread quickly through the minors and spare many organizations from the on-slaught of the Great Depression.
1931- Jazz organistRichard “Groove” Holmes Birthday
( Warren Luening and I along with Chris Morgan and/or Dave Silverman
saw Richard “Groove” Holmes in person on the Hollywood Strip, plus
Mose Allison, Cannoball Adderly, and others in the early 60’s.)
1935- Link Wray, one of the more influential rock guitarists of the 1950's, was born in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Wray introduced the distorted fuzz-tone guitar sound on his single "Rumble," which by 1958 had sold a million copies. It is said to have been recorded as early as 1954. Link Wray's playing was a tremendous influence on such British rock stars as Jeff Beck, Pete Townshend and John Lennon
1938-Ella Fitzgerald, with Chick Webb’s band, records “ A Tisket A Tasket,” ( Decca)
1939-New York Yankees first baseman Lou Gehrig asked manager Joe McCarthy to take him out of the lineup for the game against the Detroit Tigers. By his sittting out, Gehrig’s record streak of consecutive games played, begun May 25, 1925, stopped at 2,130. The slugger complained of fatigue, but he was really suffering from A.L.S. , amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a condition later known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Gehrig never played again.
1946 – 1960's teen star Lesley Gore was born in Brooklyn, New York; later moving with her family to Tenafly, New Jersey. She was only 16 when she signed with Mercury records, and became a top star with such hits as "It's My Party" and "Judy's Turn to Cry." Until 1966, Lesley Gore was one of the most successful American teen singers. An attempt in the 1970's to establish herself as a singer geared to the adult market was not particularly successful, and she later turned to performing her hits at oldies concerts.
1950 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "The Third Man Theme," Anton Karas.
1950- Lou Gramm, lead vocalist with Foreigner, was born in Rochester, New York. By the beginning of the 1980's, their hard rock music had gained them worldwide sales of more than 21- million records. Their 1977 debut album yielded three hit singles - "Feels Like the First Time," "Cold as Ice" and "Long, Long Way From Home." Their subsequent million-sellers included "Hot-Blooded" and "Double Vision," both from 1978, "Waiting For a Girl Like You" from 1981 and 1984's "I Want to Know What Love Is." Gramm departed Foreigner in 1990 to continue a solo career that had begun several years earlier. He had had a top-five hit in 1987 with "Midnight Blue."
1950 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "The Third Man Theme," Anton Karas.
1950 - Foreigner vocalist Lou Gramm is born in Rochester, N.Y. He has solo top 10 hits with "Midnight Blue" and "Just Between You and Me."
1953 - Dark Star defeated the heavily favored Native Dancer to win the Kentucky Derby. A $2 wager to win on this dark horse would have put $50 in your pocket as Dark Star was a 25-1 long shot.
1954---Top Hits
Wanted - Perry Como
Young at Heart - Frank Sinatra
Make Love to Me - Jo Stafford
Slowly - Webb Pierce
1954-Stan Musial of the St. Louis Cardinals hit five home runs in a doubleheader against the New York Giants in St. Louis, setting a major league record. The Cardinals won the first game, 10-6, but fell to the Giants in the nightcap, 9-7.
1956 -- For the first time in Billboard history, five records appear in both the pop and R&B Top 10. They are: Elvis Presley's "Heartbreak Hotel" , Carl Perkin's "Blue Suede Shoes" , Little Richard's "Long Tall Sally", the Platters' "Magic Touch" and Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers' "Why Do Fools Fall in Love". Presley's & Perkins' hits are also in the country & western Top Ten at #1 & #2 respectively.
1957- Elvis Presley recorded "Jailhouse Rock," a Leiber and Stoller song that would become the title of Presley's next movie.
1960- Ben E. King ended his association with the Drifters by signing a solo contract with Atlantic Records. King was the lead on such Drifters' hits as "There Goes My Baby," "Save the Last Dance For Me" and "This Magic Moment." King's first hit on his own was "Spanish Harlem," produced by Phil Spector.
1960 - Harry Belafonte presented his second Carnegie Hall concert in New York City.
1962---Top Hits
Good Luck Charm - Elvis Presley
Soldier Boy - The Shirelles
Stranger on the Shore - Mr. Acker Bilk
Charlie’s Shoes - Billy Walker
1964-- Posting a 7-3 victory, the Twins become only the third team in major league history to hit four consecutive home runs as Tony Oliva, Bob Allison, Jimmie Hall and Harmon Killebrew all go deep against A's pitchers Dan Pfister (3) and Vern Handrahan (1) in the top of the 11th inning at Kansas City's Municipal Stadium.
1966 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Monday, Monday," The Mamas & the Papas.
1968-Moby Grape appears at the San Francisco Fillmore Auditorium.
1970-Diane Crump of Oldsman, FL, became the first woman to ride in the Kentucky Derby, riding “Fathom” in the 1.25 96th Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, KY. In the 17-hourse race, she finished 15th.
1970---Top Hits
ABC - The Jackson 5
American Woman/No Sugar Tonight - The Guess Who
Love or Let Me Be Lonely - The Friends of Distinction
My Woman My Woman, My Wife - Marty Robbins
1974 - Stevie Wonder wins four Grammy Awards: Pop Vocal Performance (Male), R&B Song (Male), R&B Vocal Performance (Male) and Album of the Year.
1975 - The biggest snowstorm of record for so late in the season paralyzed Chicago, IL. Up to 20 inches of snow fell in extreme northeastern Illinois, and 10.9 inches of snow closed Chicago's O'Hare Airport.
1976 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Welcome Back," John Sebastian. The song is the theme of the TV show "Welcome Back Kotter."
1977-More than three years after its release, Bruce Springsteen's "The Wild, the Innocent and the E Street Shuffle" goes gold.
1978-The Bee Gees receive their second platinum single awarded in less than two months for "Night Fever." It was preceded by "Stayin' Alive," both cuts are off the soundtrack "Saturday Night Fever."
1978---Top Hits
Night Fever - Bee Gees
If I Can’t Have You - Yvonne Elliman
Can’t Smile Without You - Barry Manilow
Every Time Two Fools Collide - Kenny Rogers & Dottie West
1981 - Scottish singer Sheena Easton made it to the top spot on the pop music charts for her first -- and only -- time. "Morning Train (Nine to Five)" knocked "Kiss on My List", by Daryl Hall and John Oates, out of the top of the music charts. "Morning Train" pulled into the top spot for a two-week stay. Easton had been an actress, appearing as a singer in the 1980 BBC TV documentary, "The Big Time"; and this time she made it to the big time, winning the 1981 Best New Artist Grammy Award. On U.S. TV, she is remembered as Sonny Crockett’s wife in five episodes of "Miami Vice" in the 1980s and for singing the title song in the James Bond flick, "For Your Eyes Only". Easton scored 14 hits on the charts between 1981 and 1991. Seven of those hits made it to the top ten. "The Lover in Me" in 1988 was the closest she ever came to having another number one hit. It stopped climbing at number two.
1982 - Severe thunderstorms spawned fifty-six tornadoes in the central U.S., including seventeen in the Red iver Region of Texas and Oklahoma. The tornadoes claimed thirty lives, and injured 383 other persons. A violent tornado near Messer OK left only the carpet tack strips on the slab of a house it destroyed, and carried a motel sign thirty miles.
1985 - The General Motors X-Cars rolled off the assembly line in Detroit, MI for the final time on this day. The cars were a dismal failure, despite being a hit in the beginning, as many claimed they were brought out too early and not “tested.”. The X-Cars were subject to massive recalls which cost G.M. many millions of dollars.
1986---Top Hits
Kiss - Prince & The Revolution
Addicted to Love - Robert Palmer
West End Girls - Pet Shop Boys
Now and Forever (You and Me) - Anne Murray
1986 - The photo essay, "A Day in the Life of America", began as two hundred photojournalists covered the USA to take 350,000 pictures. For publication of the beautiful coffee table book, only 350 pictures were selected. It is considered a collector’s item today.
1987 - Eleven cities in Florida reported record low temperatures for the date, including Tallahassee with a reading of 31 degrees. The low of 48 degrees at Key West smashed their previous record for the date by 13 degrees.
1988-- Pete Rose becomes the first manager to be suspended for an on-field incident as National League president Bart Giamatti issues a thirty day suspension for his shoving of umpire Dave Pallone.
1988---Top Hits
Anything For You- Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine
Shattered Dreams- Johnny Hates Jazz
Wishing Well- Terence Trent D'Arby
One More Try- George Michael
1990 - Thunderstorms produced severe weather in North Carolina and Virginia during the afternoon and evening. Thunderstorms produced golf ball size hail, and spawned a tornado near Chester VA which caused half a million dollars damage. A storm system produced snow and gale force winds across northern Michigan, with 8.3 inches of snow reported at Marquette. Temperatures in the north central U.S. soared from morning lows in the 20s and 30s to afternoon highs in the 60s and 70s. Eight cities reported record highs for the date, including Havre MT with a reading of 77 degrees.
1990-- The Mormon church says it is dropping some secret rituals that are viewed as offensive to women. It retains the requirement that a woman must be married and taken into heaven by her husband.
1993---Top Hits
Freak Me- Silk
That s The Way Love Goes- Janet Jackson
Informer- Snow
Love Is (From "Beverly Hills, 90210")- Vanessa Williams/Brian McKnight
I Have Nothing (From "The Bodyguard")- Whitney Houston
1998----Top Hits
Too Close- Next
My All, Mariah Carey
You re Still The One- Shania Twain
Everybody [Backstreet s Back]- Backstreet Boys
2001-One hundred million copies of J. K. Rowling's four Harry Potter children's books have been sold since the first one in 1995, including translations into 42 languages, her agent announces. The best-selling books of all time are The Bible with an estimated [how?] 6 billion copies sold, followed by Quotations from the Works of Mao Tse-Tung (the "Little Red Book") with approximate sales of 900 million.
2003-- The players' association agrees to a two-year experiment in which the winning league of the All-Star Game will have home-field advantage during the World Series. Other changes include roster increase by 2 to 32 players, a separate ballot of managers, coaches and players to be done during the week prior to the game to name the additional nine position players and eight pitchers for each team.
Stanley Cup Champions This Date
Toronto Maple Leafs

Basketball Poem
Rachel Ann Roskey, Canada
I Grab My Jersey And My Shoes
I Am Going To A Game That I Will Not Lose
I Put On My T-Shirt And Throw On My Shorts
Because Today I Will Play On The Basketball Courts
I Am Going To Play With My Basketball Team
We're Going To Win Gold, Or So It May Seem
I Practice My Lay-ups, Dribbling And Shot
I Shoot It And Score, It Was Right On The Dot
Now I Went In A Little Cocky, Because We Began To Lose
But My Team Will Not, No Way, We Refuse
So As I Became Angry, Also A One Man Team
I Got A Foul And Of Course Wanted To Scream
Half Time Came And My Coach Told Us To Bring It In
How Could We Lose, We Needed To Win
We Pulled It Together, And We Became A Squad
I Pleaded And Prayed To The One And Only God
There Was 5 Seconds Left, It Was A Tied Game
Jamie Passed It To Sam, And We Tried For Our Fame
She Tested For That Lay-up And Did Miss
But That Was That And This Is This
That Was Two Years Ago And I Have Learned One Thing
Work As A Team And Success It Shall Bring |
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