Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Today's Leasing News Headlines
Partners Capital Group Will Join
Companies who utilize Evergreen Clauses
for Extra Lease Payments
Top Ten Leasing News
October 5 - October 9
Story Credit Lessors and Lenders List for COVID-19
"C" & "D" Lessees, Business Loans, Working Capital
Leasing Industry Ads
---Help Wanted
“Non-compete, but I want to leave!”
Career Crossroads by Emily Fitzpatrick
The World's Biggest Gold Mines
Top gold mines by tonnes of gold produced annually
Database Management
Sales Makes it Happen by Scott Wheeler, CLFP
CLFP Foundation 3rd Quarter Report
New CLFPs and Associates with Photos
Australian Commercial & Asset Finance Broker Association
to Institute Australian CLFP Designation along with U.S.
By Madison Utley, Australian Broker
COVID-19 Cases and Deaths Per Million
Per Country October 3, 2020
The Alta Group Appoints Paul Menzel, CLFP
and Rick Remiker as Vice Chairmen
Siberian Husky
Santa Ana, California Adopt-a-Dog
News Briefs---
Anthony Fauci calls Rose Garden
Amy Coney Barrett event a ‘super spreader’
Dr. Anthony Fauci hopes worrisome numbers jolt Americans
to take steps to stem spread of Covid-19
Minnesota 2,350-pounder wins Half Moon Bay pumpkin honors
Grower drives 35 hours to enter his heavyweight contender
You May have Missed---
49ers owner pouring money into Santa Clara City Council
races for preferred candidates
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (wrilter's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months
www.leasingcomplaints.com (Be Careful of Doing Business)
Leasing News Icon for Android Mobile Device
Sports Brief----
California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in History
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
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######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release,” it was not written by Leasing News nor has the information been verified. The source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “byline.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.

Partners Capital Group Will Join
Companies who utilize Evergreen Clauses
for Extra Lease Payments
Partners Capital Group utilizes the Wintergreen Clause, an offshoot of the Evergreen Clause. Instead of an automatic 12-month renewal clause, the payments continue until the purchase option is received or release of the contract by the return of the equipment in satisfactory order is confirmed by the lessor.
Pacific Capital Group originally responded:
“Here: is the language in our docs and below that the letter we mail every customer at the end of term. We don't require any notification or any kind nor do we charge any processing fees:”

In reviewing this, Leasing News responded, "It is not mailed 90 days in advance of the termination, as well as it does not state what the "fair market value" is, or how the "fair market value" is obtained. It is basically a “Wintergreen lease termination."
The company response:
- We notify every customer via the letter below prior to the expiration of their lease.
- We always give our customers the option of buying, returning or going month-to-month after their initial lease term has been paid and we start the conversation months before the termination date.
- We do not require any written notice nor do we require “must be given no sooner than 180 days prior to the expiration” or “must be given within 90 days of lease termination” like others in our industry. We are easy. We notify our customers well in advance and they can call, email or communicate with us in any way they want and at any time during or after their initial lease period.
- A good percentage of our customers do not want and do not use the equipment any longer. If our asset dept. deems the equipment has value, we will have it shipped to a remarketer to be sold, and if it has no value, we charge nothing. We do not bill the customer for any payments.
- A good percentage of our leases are originated though vendor programs where we notify the vendor that our mutual customer has equipment on a lease that is maturing. Most of the time the vendor is able to lease the customer a new machine and they take the old machine in as a trade. We are happy to write a new lease as it’s a “win win win” for all of us.
For those customers who do still use the equipment and do not want to trade it in, our asset department will reach out to the original vendor and maybe a few others to get a value on the asset. Customer has the option to purchase the equipment at the “Fair Market Value” or simply return it.
90% of all our business comes from vendors, the remaining 10% is repeat customers. We must do all we can before, during and after every lease and loan to make sure all our customers are happy because if we have just one upset customer for any reason, the vendor is going to hear about it and we do not want to lose a vendor program over a billing issue.
Top Ten Leasing News
October 5 - October 9
(Stories most opened by readers)
(1) Technology is Amazing
Two Photos
(2 Evergreen Clause and Today
"The Times They Are A-Changin’ ”
By Christopher Menkin, Editor
(3) New Hires/Promotions in the Leasing Business
and Related Industries
(4) Positive Thinking---
(5) Insurance Certificates are Often Virtually Worthless
By Michael J. Witt
Retired Well-Known Bank/Finance/Leasing Attorney
(6) Which U.S. States Have the Highest Rates of COVID-19?
Rate of cases per 100,000 residents as of October 5, 2020
(7) Now is the Time for Originators
Sales Makes it Happen by Christopher Menkin
(8) Congratulations to AACFB
for the Successful Virtual Conference
(9) Here Are the Top 10 U.S. Cities
With the Highest Salaries, 2020
(10) Dext Capital Closes $75 Million
Bi-lateral Credit Facility with Regions Bank

Story Credit Lessors and Lenders List for COVID-19
"C" & "D" Lessees, Business Loans, Working Capital

With the topsy-turvy of funders, as well as the changing of credit and industry requirements, story credit lessors and lenders are now more in need than ever. Here are funders who also may take "A" and "B" rated applicants and more may be more interested not in "application only." Some may become more comfortable learning more, beyond reviewing financial statements and tax returns, additional collateral, learning more about the story behind the business as qualifiers.
To qualify for this list, the company must be a funder (as qualified by Leasing News and on the “Funder List” and not a "Broker/Lessor; notifies lessees in advance when the lease will end and what the residual will be, does not automatically extend the lease or insist that their discounter follow the same policy. We reserve the right to not list a company who does not meet these qualifications.
Funder List “A”
We encourage companies who are listed to contact us for any change or addition they would like to make. Adding further information as an "attachment" or clarification of what they have to offer would be helpful to readers is also very much encouraged."
Full List:

Leasing Industry Help Wanted

"Non-compete, but I want to leave!"

Career Crossroads by Emily Fitzpatrick
Question: I am considering a new sales role but have a non-compete. How do you suggest I handle this?
Answer: I strongly recommend you consult with an attorney. It is worth the expense and your first step so you will know what you will need to deal with (in some states they are not enforceable) .
If you are considering other opportunities:
1. Conduct your search and attend your interviews
2. While on your phone interview or inquiry, I would mention your non-compete. You can mention you have consulted with an attorney and discuss this with potential new employer as to how this should be approached
3. If you decide you are going to accept an offer from a particular company, obviously give your two-week notice (no turning back!) and discuss the non-compete with your current employer
4. Many times, they will agree to an arrangement (again, if enforceable; if not enforceable and they bring this up during your exit interview, let them know you have already consulted with an attorney).
5. You want to make sure you don’t EVER burn a bridge. Do the right thing and it won’t come back to haunt you in the leasing business.
If you are working with a Recruiter, they should discuss this with you in the beginning!
Emily Fitzpatrick
Sr. Recruiter
Recruiters International, Inc.
Phone: 954-885-9241
Cell: 954-612-0567
Invite me to connect on LinkedIn
Also follow us on Twitter #RIIINFO
Career Crossroads Previous Columns

(A ton is a unit of measurement equaling 2,000 pounds.
In non-U.S. measurements, a tonne is metric: 2,240 pounds)
The economic carnage brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic has led to investors hedging against the ongoing volatility and that has driven the price of gold to record levels. In August, the price per ounce surpassed $2,000 for the first time ever. Political uncertainty in the United States is also leading to soaring demand with UBS recently warning its clients to buy safe-haven assets such as gold in case a contested presidential election leads to even more stock market volatility.
The levels of demand for gold are now prompting questions about whether reserves of the commodity are being exhausted and if humanity has reached "peak gold." Some experts believe we have indeed reached that point, a view that is supported by annual gold production statistics. Mining has largely levelled off in recent years and given that the 3,351 tonnes extracted in 2019 was 1 percent lower than 2018, we are actually on an ever so slight downward trajectory. That's according to a BBC analysis of World Gold Council data which also states that while new gold deposits are being discovered, large reserves are increasingly rare with the majority of production still happening in older mines that have been in use for decades.
So, which mines are producing the most gold every year? The BBC analysis states that gold mines in Nevada produce around 116 tonnes of the stuff every year which is comfortably the highest amount globally. The Muruntau Gold Mine in Uzbekistan's Qizilqum Desert is the world's largest open-pit gold mine and it has the second highest level of annual production at 66 tonnes. The Olimpiada gold deposit in the Severo-Yeniseysky District of Russia was discovered in 1975 and its mine is the third-largest worldwide with 43.2 tonnes each year.
by Niall McCarthy, Statista

Database Management
Sales Makes it Happen by Scott Wheeler, CLFP
Top originators in the commercial equipment leasing and finance industry are well-organized and have a workable database that is up to date.
Originators are adapting to changes which are quickly emerging in 2020. The databases of top producers reflect these changes with new clients, new prospects, and ranking systems that place past clients into proper categorizations. A strong database reflects current market conditions. A low-ranked 2019 prospect may suddenly become a top priority in the fourth quarter of 2020. Conversely, a top 2019 client may now be a low-ranked opportunity. The market has changed. Prospects' and clients' requirements change. An originator's capabilities and priorities may change. Therefore, an originator's database should also reflect change.
Several years ago, I helped review the database of a top producer. The database was a living document with constant alterations to track his prospects, opportunities, and clients. The information was all up to date. His contacts were current: sales representatives within vendors were marked by tenure, sales volume, territory, and financing activity. The originator had a multi-dimensional ranking system for his vendors and end-users, and qualifying matrices to move vendors and end-users up and down through the ranking system. The database tracked competitors and his ability to compete. His CRM provided him with the necessary tools to maximize his time, organization, and personal production. His sales volume within his company was always 50% greater than his peers. His database management skills allowed him to outperform his internal peers and external competitors.
As a top producer, you should have a robust, ever-changing database that is current and meaningful. It is well worth the time and effort to be organized. A meaningful database allows an originator to be proactive in the market, rather than reactive. A meaningful database allows an originator to be more efficient, better prepared, and professional. A meaningful database allows an originator to work smarter and to maximize his income.

Order via Amazon: https://www.createspace.com/5355516
Scott A. Wheeler, CLFP
Wheeler Business Consulting
1314 Marquis Ct.
Fallston, Maryland 21047
Phone: 410 877 0428
Fax: 410 877 8161
Email: scott@wheelerbusinessconsulting.com
Web: www.wheelerbusinessconsulting.com
Sales Makes it Happen articles:
CLFP Foundation 3rd Quarter Report
New CLFPs and Associates with Photos
13 page CLFP Circular

Australian Commercial & Asset Finance Broker Association
to Institute Australian CLFP Designation along with U.S.
By Madison Utley, Australian Broker
Reid Raykovich, CLFP, Exec. Direct CLFP Foundation
Trip to Australia Photo May, 2018
Left to Right: Reid Raykovich, CLFP, Executive Director CLFP Foundation; David Gandolfo, Director, Quantum Business Finance, Current President CAFB; David Gill, Chief Executive Officer at Commercial & Asset Finance; Nathan Gibbons, CLFP, Chief Operating Officer at Innovation Finance USA
The Commercial & Asset Finance Brokers Association of Australia has just launched the CAFBA Education Council to oversee the structure, content and delivery of education in the commercial finance sector in a bid to both further professionalize the industry, as well as attract a new generation of talent.
According to David Gill, CAFBA CEO, the need for standardized education and designated credentials is crucial to maintaining the high standard of the industry and staving off external regulation, particularly in the aftermath of the royal commission.
Further, CAFBA’s research has found that Gen Y and millennials are attracted to professions which offer a credential and structured career path.
“The formation of this Education Council has brought all the major financiers together to head in one direction and get the right curriculum for commercial finance,” said Gill.
“For our industry, that’s a huge step; all the lenders, the broker association, the finance industry association which represents the lenders, they’re all on board with this curriculum to help newcomers into the industry and set more solid education standards.”
The Council’s first endeavor will be to establish a prestigious professional designation – the Certified Lease and Finance Professional (CLFP) – with post nominals.
“We’ve been talking to the Certified Lease and Finance Professional Foundation in the US, which has a post nominal you can study for and obtain. It’s similar to an accountant who has a CPA; if you’re in commercial finance in the US and you have a CLFP, basically, you’re educated and you know what you’re doing,” explained Gill.
“The CLFP designation is the preeminent credential for equipment leasing and financing professionals throughout the world who have demonstrated competency through testing of knowledge, continuing education and a commitment to their business practices and dedication to the industry.
“It’s being rolled out in Canada and India. It’s going around the world, so we’ll be part of an international standard with that,” he added.
The CLFP will enhance the professionalism of the industry within Australia through requiring additional development and training; to maintain the professional accreditation, there will be required annual updates and certified professional development activities.
The Australianised version of the US Certified Lease and Finance Professional course will complement CAFBA’s two other courses: the Certificate IV in Financial Services (FNS41815): Specializing in Commercial & Asset Finance and its Diploma of Financial Services (FNS51815) Complex Issues in Commercial Lending.
The CAFBA Education Council has teamed up with the Institute of Strategic Management, the industry recognized RTO who will deliver the programs.
The Council will be led by CAFBA board member Terry Moody as chair and Rob Ryan, head of FAST in NSW, ACT and QLD, as vice chair.
Together, they will oversee the adaptation and work with the CLFP Foundation in the US to ensure compliance and provide final approval.
“By bringing industry together to have a coordinated approach and recognized curriculum, we will truly set commercial finance on the path to being a profession,” said Moody.
“There is a real advantage of having and being part of a recognized international designation.”
The Education Council will be made up of the following participants, who will set the course for commercial education into the future:
Foundation Partners – CAFBA, FAST, CBA, NAB, Westpac, ScotPac, AFG, Get Capital, Flexi Commercial, Macquarie Bank, Australian Finance Industry Association (AFIA)
Strategic Partners – ANZ, BOQ, Classic Funding, Zip, NFC Aggregation
Industry Partners – PLAN, Judo
The Council will continually review content in all courses to ensure compliance, relevance and continued development, and investigate a structured mentoring program to ensure any new entrant is capable to effectively deliver the commercial finance product.
“The CLFP is locked in as our first course of action, but we’ll be rolling out other courses as well. Once the Council convenes and we get some governance protocols, we can decide which direction to move in next as an industry,” Gill finished.
COVID-19 Cases and Deaths Per Million
Per Country October 3, 2020
Compliments of Alberto Calva, B. Eng, M.Econ
Toronto, Canada

##### Press Release ############################
The Alta Group Appoints Paul Menzel, CLFP
and Rick Remiker as Vice Chairmen

GLENBROOK, NV- The Alta Group has appointed Paul Menzel, CLFP and Rick Remiker as Vice Chairmen. These highly-regarded equipment leasing and finance industry leaders bring recent industry experience and support Alta’s commitment to providing deep industry expertise based on real world, true hands-on experience as market leaders and leasing executives.

When Paul Menzel, CLFP, based in Santa Barbara, California, was on the Equipment Leasing and Finance board, he chaired the association’s Code of Fair Business Practices and Small-Ticket Business Council committees. He also served on the association’s Industry Future Council.
He became a CLP (now CLFP-Certified Leasing and Finance Professional) in 1990 and participated in the development of the original CLP handbook.
“I’m a big proponent of leadership development as a strategy to support successful growth within an organization,” Menzel said. “My long career in the leasing industry, through a variety of challenging successes, has been very rewarding. It is time give back to the next generation of leaders. This advisory role with Alta will allow me to do so while also enjoying the next chapter in my career.”
“I’ve always seen myself as a lifetime learner as a means to keeping life interesting and furthering my career,” he said. “I believe that 'knowledge is king’ in creating a positive outcome in any situation, so I have lived by that tenet in advancing my leasing career.”
Menzel arranged the sale of Financial Pacific Leasing to Umpqua Bank in 2013, establishing a bank leasing subsidiary operating in all markets of the leasing industry, from small-ticket to middle-market transactions in third-party origination, vendor and direct channels.
Menzel has spent two-thirds of his career in the industry at a division or subsidiary of a bank within a regulated environment. The balance of his career has been spent working under private equity ownership as an independent operation, he said. When he joined Financial Pacific Leasing in the depths of the Great Recession in 2008, Menzel was able to lead the company through that challenging economic cycle and grow the business to $1.5 billion in assets—achieving six-fold growth in six years.
His proudest achievement, he said, was keeping the same team of employees together through all the changes in ownership and finding owners that supported their business plans.
(He is also 2005 Leasing News Person of the Year and currently serves on the Leasing News Advisory Board. Editor).

Rick Remiker, based in Chicago, Illinois, previously served as Senior Executive Vice President and Lead Commercial Banking Executive of Huntington National Bank. Menzel, of Santa Barbara and Seattle, was President and CEO of Umpqua Bank Equipment Leasing & Finance as well as Financial Pacific before it was acquired by Umpqua Bank.
Both Rick and Paul have enjoyed very successful careers in complementary segments of the equipment financing market. Having faced a variety of operational challenges during their careers, they have a unique ability to assess problems quickly and determine relevant solutions, adding to Alta’s existing collective knowledge and insight.
“I’ve spent my entire career in this industry and I care deeply about it,” said Remiker, who described his new opportunity as one that allows him to work with the industry’s preeminent consultants—leaders who “live and breathe this business.”
“I’m looking forward to engaging with business leaders I know and helping new generations of leaders tackle emerging challenges,” Remiker added.
He said his unique experience at the bank parent level gives him perspective that will be valuable as a consultant. He has navigated many economic cycles as a C-suite executive and as an industry leader. Remiker’s past leadership roles in commercial banking afforded him unique insights into regulatory, risk-management and investor relations, he said.
Over the years he has been a passionate advocate of “insight-led” relationship management, which delivers tailored, actionable insights to clients and prospects. He served on Huntington’s Senior Credit and Risk Management committees, and during his tenure the bank experienced rapid financial growth through his innovative business strategies and his role in specialty acquisitions.

“Rick and Paul complement each other well,” said John C. Deane, CEO and Chairman of The Alta Group (also Leasing News Person of the Year 2011. Editor). He noted that Paul brings a wealth of knowledge from a small-ticket perspective in both independents and banks, while Rick has more bank experience in mid-to large-ticket sectors.
Both Remiker and Menzel served as board members of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA), and Remiker was appointed chairman in 2013. He was also a two-term trustee in the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation, the U.S. industry’s non-profit research organization.
About The Alta Group
The Alta Group is the leading global consultancy dedicated exclusively to the business of equipment leasing and asset finance. Since 1992, Alta has represented equipment leasing and finance companies, vendor/captive finance organizations, financial institutions, manufacturers and service providers, offering counsel on strategy and competitive alignment, asset management, business quality assurance, digital business transformations, legal services, mergers and acquisitions, and professional development. For information on the group’s services in the United States and Canada, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, China, and Asia Pacific, visit www.thealtagroup.com and follow us on Twitter @thealtagroupllc.
### Press Release ############################

Siberian Husky
Santa Ana, California Adopt-a-Dog

Pet ID: A1695876
Sex: M
Age: 3 Years
Weight: 53.00 LBS
Kennel: 505
Santa Ana Shelter
OC Animal Care
1630 Victory Road
Tustin, Ca. 92792
(714) 935-6848
OC Animal Care
1630 Victory Road
Tustin, CA 92782
OC Animal Care is closed to walk-in visitors but continues to provide essential services to the public. OCAC has temporarily moved to an appointment-based system to limit visitors and continue to safely serve our community.

This Day in History
1670 - Virginia passed a law that blacks arriving in the colonies as Christians could not be used as slaves.
1754 - Birthday of Mary McCauley (McCulla or McKolly), (d. 1832), Trenton, NJ. She is one of the choices to be the "real" Molly Pitcher. Other candidates are Molly Corbin, Anna Maria Lane, Elizabeth Canning . . . with many others contributing to the legends. There was no single Molly Pitcher . . . she is nothing more than a compilation of legends and popular histories that purport to describe the actions of a brave Molly Pitcher who defied convention (and hostile fire) to fire her husband's cannon...The term "Molly Pitcher" was probably what was used by soldiers in battle calling for the "water boy" (who was generally a woman) as men today say, "hey girl," (or "hey nurse" or "hey, waitress,") " or even "medic!" According to some legends, Mary Hay McCauley was a water carrier at the Battle of Monmouth June 28, 1778 where she loaded and fired a cannon after her husband was killed (some say collapsed from the heat).In an embellishment of the legend, a cannonball supposedly passed between her legs tearing her skirt (although the water carriers always tied their skirts up so they could move around. With skirts at the normal length, they'd trip or be much hampered in their movements.) Affectionately known as Sergeant Molly after General George Washington issued her a warrant as a non-commissioned officer, Congress awarded her a small pension after the war for her bravery in saving may American lives.
1775 - Second Continental Congress passed legislation authorizing the acquisition of ships and establishment of a navy. We were not called the United States at the time and the move was to name us the United Colonies of Columbia. Columbus was very popular at the time, and a compromise was finally reached to name the capital the District of Columbia and make it special, meaning it was not part of a state, as a compromise to call the new name as the United States of America, after Amerigo Vespucci. In 1972, The US Navy Chief of Naval operations declared that October 13 is the official birthday of the US Navy.
1792 - The presidential residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C., designed by James Hoban, was begun with the laying of the first cornerstone. The first presidential family to occupy it was that of John Adams in November, 1800. With three stories and more than 100 rooms, the White House is the oldest building in Washington. First described as the "presidential palace," it acquired the name "White House" about 10 years after construction was completed. Burned by British troops in 1814, it was reconstructed, refurbished and reoccupied by 1817. The original corner stone is allegedly missing, taken by a souvenir hunter, some claim the British.
1843 - B'nai B'rith ("Sons of the Covenant") was established in New York City by a group of German Jews. 12 German-Jewish immigrants met at Sinsheimer's Café on Essex Street on New York's Lower East Side and founded B'nai B'rith - the world's first Jewish service organization and the first international service organization in the United States. It is both the oldest and the largest of the Jewish fraternal organizations.
1845 - A majority of the citizens of the independent Republic of Texas approve a proposed constitution, that when accepted by the Congress, will make Texas the 28th American state. The annexation of Texas finally became a reality after long political bickering. Antislavery forces were opposed to annexation because Texas was certain to become a slave state. Others wanted to act lest Great Britain or France develop a relationship with the Republic of Texas, whose independence Mexico refused to recognize. In April, 1844, President John Tyler submitted to the Senate a treaty of annexation, but the Senate rejected it in June. In December, Tyler offered a joint resolution to cover annexation. This required only a majority vote by both houses of Congress instead of the two-thirds vote needed to ratify a treaty. Action on the resolution was completed on February 28, 1845, when the House accepted it in revised form. On June 23, the congress of Texas accepted annexation. On October 13, the constitution was proposed and, on December 29, 1945, Texas was admitted to the Union.
1849 - California State Constitution approved by convention in Monterey
the motto of California is to be "Eureka."
1870 - Birthday of famous singer/actress Della May Fox (d. 1913), St. Louis, MO. She was one of the highest paid variety performers of her time. She toured the U.S. with her own company. She reportedly had bouts of ill health because of drugs and alcohol.
1893 - Debt, bankruptcy, and plummeting stock prices crippled numerous companies and ultimately gave way to one of the nation's most staggering fiscal panics. On October 13, Union Pacific, one of the nation's largest railroads, announced that it was in receivership.
1902 - Warren Wilbur Shaw (d. 1954), auto racer, born at Shelbyville, IN. Shaw was racing cars by age 18. An early crash led him to invent the crash helmet. After several years of frustration, he won the Indianapolis 500 three times, in 1937, 1939 and 1940, the first consecutive victories by one driver. He served as Indy's president and general manager after Tony Hulman bought the Speedway in 1945.
1903 - The Boston Pilgrims (later the Red Sox) won the first modern World Series, defeating the Pittsburgh Pirates, five games to three. The Pilgrims won Game 8, 3-0.
1910 - Jazz pianist Art Tatum birthday (d. 1956), Toledo, OH.
1910 - Novelist and screenwriter Ernest K. Gann (d. 1991) was born in Lincoln, Nebraska. Gann served in the Army Air Force, Air Transport Command during WWII. Began writing novels in 1944 about flying. Five were made into films, including “Island in the Sky” (1944), “Fiddler's Green” (1950, filmed as “The Raging Tide” in 1951), “Soldier of Fortune” (1954), and “Twilight for the Gods” (1958).
1924 - Vibist Terry Gibbs was born Julius Gubenko, Brooklyn, NY.
1925 - The first full length play by an African-American writer to be performed in New York City was “Appearances,” by Garland Anderson, a three-act protest against lynching. It was produced by Lester W. Sager and lasted 23 performances.
1926 - Birthday of Jesse Leroy Brown (d. 1950) in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. He was the first black American naval aviator and also the first black naval officer to lose his life in combat when he was shot down over Korea, December 4, 1950. On March 18, 1972, USS Jesse L. Brown was launched as the first ship to be named in honor of a black naval officer.
the full heroic story of two friends, one white, one black:
1921 - In the first all New York World Series, the Giants beat the Yankees, 1-0 to win the baseball's championship in eight games.
1923 - Casey Stengel's home run is the difference as Giant hurler Art Neff out duels Sam Jones and the Yankees, 1-0, in Game 3 of the World Series.
1925 – Birthday of standup comic, social rebel, Lenny Bruce (d. 1966), born Leonard Alfred Schneider in Mineola, LI, NY. Imprisoned on obscenity charges and refused permission to enter Britain, his show was banned both in England and in Australia. Nightclub owners, fearing police harassment, began refusing to book him and his career collapsed. See his autobiography “How to Talk Dirty and Influence People,” and also Bob Fosse's award-winning film “Lenny” (1974). I saw him many times late in his life in San Francisco. Often he was not funny, but seemed high on heroin, but when he was hot, he was “hot.”
1926 - Bassist Ray Brown (d. 2002) born Pittsburgh, Pa
1927 - Altoist Lee Konitz (d. 2020) born Chicago, Ill.
1941 - Singer/songwriter Paul Simon born Newark, NJ. Musician, singer, songwriter and actor. He reached fame and commercial success as half of the duo Simon & Garfunkel and wrote nearly all of their songs, including US number-one single, “The Sounds of Silence,” Mrs. Robinson,” and Bridge Over troubled Water.” After Simon & Garfunkel split up in 1970, at the height of their popularity, Simon began a successful solo career. He recorded three acclaimed albums over the following five years. In 1986, following a career slump, he released ”Graceland,” an album inspired by South African township music, which sold 14 million copies worldwide and remains his most popular solo work. Simon has earned sixteen Grammy Awards for his solo and collaborative work, including three for Album of the Year (Bridge Over Troubled Water, Still Crazy After All These Years, and Graceland), and a Lifetime Achievement Award. He is a two-time inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: first in 1990 as a member of Simon & Garfunkel and again in 2001 for his solo career. In 2006 he was selected as one of the "100 People Who Shaped the World" by Time. In 2011, Rolling Stone named Simon one of the 100 greatest guitarists and, in 2015, he was ranked eighth in their list of the 100 Greatest Songwriters of All Time. Simon was the first recipient of the Library of Congress’ Gershwin Prize for Popular Song in 2007.
1942 – Jerry Jones was born in Inglewood, CA. H has been the owner of the Dallas Cowboys since 1989. He attended the University of Arkansas where he co-captain of the 1964 National Championship football team. He was an all-Southwest Conference offensive lineman and a teammate of college football and NFL coach Jimmy Johnson, whom Jones hired as his first head coach after purchasing the Cowboys. The Cowboys won three Super Bowls during the 1992-95 span. Much of the league's financial success since 1989 has been credited to Jones himself. In particular, he was decisive in securing Fox as the NFC’s primary broadcaster at a time when the traditional "Big Three" networks were trying to convince the league into accepting a rollback in television rights fees. Increased television revenues have played a decisive role in securing the NFL's place as the world's richest sports league, with revenues of well over $10 billion per season. The 2018 NFL season was Jones' 30th as Cowboys owner - more than the number of seasons as the combined tenures of his predecessors.
1943 - *OLSON, ARLO L., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Captain, U.S. Army, 1 5th Infantry, 3d Infantry Division. Place and date: Crossing of the Volturno River, Italy, 13 October 1943. Entered service at: Toronto, S. Dak. Birth: Greenville, lowa. G.O. No.: 71, 31 August 1944. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. On 13 October 1943, when the drive across the Volturno River began, Capt. Olson and his company spearheaded the advance of the regiment through 30 miles of mountainous enemy territory in 13 days. Placing himself at the head of his men, Capt. Olson waded into the chest-deep water of the raging Volturno River and despite pointblank machine-gun fire aimed directly at him made his way to the opposite bank and threw 2 hand grenades into the gun position, killing the crew. When an enemy machinegun 150 yards distant opened fire on his company, Capt. Olson advanced upon the position in a slow, deliberate walk. Although 5 German soldiers threw hand grenades at him from a range of 5 yards, Capt. Olson dispatched them all, picked up a machine pistol and continued toward the enemy. Advancing to within 15 yards of the position he shot it out with the foe, killing 9 and seizing the post. Throughout the next 13 days Capt. Olson led combat patrols, acted as company No. 1 scout and maintained unbroken contact with the enemy. On 27 October 1943, Capt. Olson conducted a platoon in attack on a strongpoint, crawling to within 25 yards of the enemy and then charging the position. Despite continuous machinegun fire which barely missed him, Capt. Olson made his way to the gun and killed the crew with his pistol. When the men saw their leader make this desperate attack they followed him and overran the position. Continuing the advance, Capt. Olson led his company to the next objective at the summit of Monte San Nicola. Although the company to his right was forced to take cover from the furious automatic and small arms fire, which was directed upon him and his men with equal intensity, Capt. Olson waved his company into a skirmish line and despite the fire of a machinegun which singled him out as its sole target led the assault which drove the enemy away. While making a reconnaissance for defensive positions, Capt. Olson was fatally wounded. Ignoring his severe pain, this intrepid officer completed his reconnaissance, Supervised the location of his men in the best defense positions, refused medical aid until all of his men had been cared for, and died as he was being carried down the mountain.
1944 - BURT, JAMES M., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Captain, U.S. Army, Company B, 66th Armored Regiment, 2d Armored Division. Place and date: Near Wurselen, Germany, 13 October 1944. Entered service at: Lee, Mass. Birth: Hinsdale, Mass. G.O. No.: 95, 30 October 1945. Citation: Capt. James M. Burt was in command of Company B, 66th Armored Regiment on the western outskirts of Wurselen, Germany, on 13 October 1944, when his organization participated in a coordinated infantry-tank attack destined to isolate the large German garrison which was tenaciously defending the city of Aachen. In the first day's action, when infantrymen ran into murderous small-arms and mortar fire, Capt. Burt dismounted from his tank about 200 yards to the rear and moved forward on foot beyond the infantry positions, where, as the enemy concentrated a tremendous volume of fire upon him, he calmly motioned his tanks into good firing positions. As our attack gained momentum, he climbed aboard his tank and directed the action from the rear deck, exposed to hostile volleys which finally wounded him painfully in the face and neck. He maintained his dangerous post despite pointblank self-propelled gunfire until friendly artillery knocked out these enemy weapons, and then proceeded to the advanced infantry scouts' positions to deploy his tanks for the defense of the gains which had been made. The next day, when the enemy counterattacked, he left cover and went 75 yards through heavy fire to assist the infantry battalion commander who was seriously wounded. For the next 8 days, through rainy, miserable weather and under constant, heavy shelling, Capt. Burt held the combined forces together, dominating and controlling the critical situation through the sheer force of his heroic example. To direct artillery fire, on 15 October, he took his tank 300 yards into the enemy lines, where he dismounted and remained for 1 hour giving accurate data to friendly gunners. Twice more that day he went into enemy territory under deadly fire on reconnaissance. In succeeding days he never faltered in his determination to defeat the strong German forces opposing him. Twice the tank in which he was riding was knocked out by enemy action, and each time he climbed aboard another vehicle and continued the fight. He took great risks to rescue wounded comrades and inflicted prodigious destruction on enemy personnel and materiel even though suffering from the wounds he received in the battle's opening phase. Capt. Burt's intrepidity and disregard of personal safety were so complete that his own men and the infantry who attached themselves to him were inspired to overcome the wretched and extremely hazardous conditions which accompanied one of the bitterest local actions of the war. The victory achieved closed the Aachen gap.
1945 - Top Hits
“Till the End of Time” - Perry Como
“If I Loved You” - Perry Como
“Along the Navajo Trail” - Bing Crosby and The Andrews Sisters
“You Two Timed Me One Time Too Often” - Tex Ritter
1953 - Top Hits
“Vaya Con Dios” - Les Paul and Mary Ford
“You, You, You” - The Ames Brothers
“No Other Love” - Perry Como
“I Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know” - The Davis Sisters
1958 - Warren Covington conducted the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra's recording of what would be the last big band song to climb the pop charts, "Tea for Two Cha Cha." While the song made it into the Top 10, it peaked at #7, signaling the end of the Big Band Era. Rock 'n' Roll was here to stay.
1960 - At Forbes Field in Pittsburgh, Bill Mazeroski's dramatic bottom of the ninth inning HR off Yankee hurler Ralph Terry breaks up a 9-9 tie and ends one of the most exciting seven game World Series ever played. Text of announcer Chuck Thompson's call: "There's a swing and a high fly ball going deep to left! This may do it! Back to the wall goes Berra; it is over the fence, home run -- the Pirates win! Ladies and gentlemen, Mazeroski has hit a one-nothing pitch over the left-field fence at Forbes Field to win the 1960 World Series for the Pittsburgh Pirates by a score of 10-9. Once again, that final score, the Pittsburgh Pirates, the 1960 world champions, defeat the New York Yankees, the Pirates 10 and the Yankees 9.''
1961 - Top Hits
“Hit the Road Jack” - Ray Charles
“Crying” - Roy Orbison
“Runaround Sue” - Dion
“Walk on By” - Leroy Van Dyke
1962 - Birthday of perhaps the greatest wide receiver in football, Jerry Lee Rice, Starksville, MS. His 20 seasons career was primarily with the San Francisco 49ers who selected him in the first round of the 1985 NFL Draft, 16th overall, where he spent 16 seasons. Due to his numerous records, accomplishments, and accolades, he is widely regarded as the greatest wide receiver in NFL history and one of the greatest players in NFL history. Rice is the career leader in most major statistical categories for wide receivers, including receptions, touchdown receptions, and receiving yards, once being the leader for total yards and touchdowns in a season. He has scored more points than any other non-kicker in NFL history with 1,256 Rice was selected to the Pro Bowl 13 times and named All-Pro 12 times. He won three Super Bowls with the 49ers and an AFC Championship with the Raiders. As of 2017, Rice holds over 100 NFL records, the most of any player by a wide margin. In 1999, The Sporting News listed Rice second behind Jim Brown on its list of "Football's 100 Greatest Players." In 2010, he was chosen by NFL Network’s NF Films production, “The Top 100: NFL’s Greatest Players” as the greatest player in NFL history. Rice was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2010 and the College Football Hall of Fame in 2006. Rice was also inducted into the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame in 2007 and, in that same year, inducted into the Bay Area Sports Hall of Fame.
1962 - A 34-year-old Edward Albee brought his play, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf," to a stage in New York. Four years later, Albee's play would become an Academy Award-winning film, garnering 6 Oscars, and starring Elizabeth Taylor as the female lead, Martha.
1966 - Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara declares at a news conference in Saigon that he found that military operations have "progressed very satisfactorily since 1965." McNamara had arrived in Saigon on October 11 for his eighth fact-finding visit to South Vietnam. He conferred with General William Westmoreland, the senior U.S. military commander; Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge; various military leaders; and South Vietnam's Premier Nguyen Cao Ky and President Nguyen Van Thieu. McNamara said he was pleased with the overall progress in South Vietnam, but he later revealed to President Lyndon Johnson in private that he thought progress was "very slow indeed" in the pacification program. McNamara wrote after the war that he realized early on "the complexity of the situation and the uncertainties of our ability to deal with it by military means." Though he did understand the obstacles, he was dedicated to the U.S. commitment to preventing Communist takeover of South Vietnam. By the end of 1965, however, even McNamara had begun to doubt that a military solution in Southeast Asia could be achieved. Still, as late as July 1967, he told President Johnson that the U.S. and South Vietnamese forces were making headway in the war. Johnson tired of McNamara's vacillation and eventually replaced him with Clark Clifford in February 1968.
1969 - Top Hits
“Sugar, Sugar” - The Archies
“Jean” - Oliver
“Little Woman” - Bobby Sherman
“Since I Met You, Baby” - Sonny James
1969 - Nancy Kerrigan, U.S. figure skater, was born in Woburn. MA. She was the victim on January 6, 1994, when she was clubbed in the right knee with a police baton by Shane Stant after a practice session at the U.S. Figure Skating Championships in Detroit, an assault planned by rival Tonya Harding’s ex-husband Jeff Gilooly and co-conspirator Shawn Eckardt. The attack mildly injured her leg and ruined Harding’s career. Kerrigan later won the silver medal at the 1994 Olympics and ridiculed the young Russian girl who edged her out for the gold. She turned pro after the Olympics and was featured at Disney shows.
1970 - Angela Davis, 26, a former faculty member at the University of California, Los Angeles, black militant, and self-proclaimed Communist, is arrested in NY City in connection with a shootout in a San Rafael, California, courtroom six days before. Davis is accused of supplying weapons to Jonathan Jackson, who burst into the Marin County courtroom in a bid to free inmates on trial there, and to take hostages he hoped to exchange for his brother, George, a prison revolutionary in San Quentin. Police fired on Jonathan and he was killed along with Superior Court Judge Harold Haley and two inmates. After a three-month trial, Davis, was acquitted of all charges. I interviewed her several times. She was involved but no one could prove it.
1971 - The first night game in World Series history matched the Pittsburgh Pirates and the Baltimore Orioles. Pittsburgh beat Baltimore, 4-3, behind three hits by Roberto Clemente, to tie the Series at two games apiece.
1977 - Top Hits
“Star Wars Theme/Cantina Band” - Maco
“Keep It Comin' Love” - KC and The Sunshine Band
“You Light Up My Life” - Debby Boone
“Heaven's Just a Sin Away” - The Kendalls
1979 - Michael Jackson hit #1 for the second time with "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough". His first number one hit came on October 14, 1972, when he was 14. The song was "Ben."
1980 - AC/DC position themselves as the heirs to Led Zeppelin with "Back in Black," which turns platinum on this date. The album makes it up to number four.
1984 - Hurricane Diana, after making a complete loop off the Carolina coast, made landfall and moved across eastern North Carolina. Diana deluged Cape Fear with more than eighteen inches of rain, and caused 78 million dollars damage in North Carolina.
1984 - Stevie Wonder started a three week run at the top of the Billboard singles chart with "I Just Called To Say I Love You", his seventh US #1.
1985 - Top Hits
“Oh Sheila” - Ready For The World
“Take on Me” - a-ha
“Saving All My Love for You” - Whitney Houston
“Meet Me in Montana” - Marie Osmond with Dan Seals
1987 - First military use of trained dolphins (US Navy in the Persian Gulf).
1987 - Showers and thunderstorms produced heavy rain in the northeastern U.S. Flooding was reported in Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Greenwood, NY received 6.37 inches of rain. A dike along a creek at Plattsburg, NY gave way and a $2 million crop left on the ground to dry was washed away. The prolonged rains in the eastern U.S. finally came to an end late in the day as a cold front began to push the warm and humid air mass out to sea.
1988 - Hurricane Gilbert smashed into the Cayman Islands, and as it headed for the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico strengthened into a monster hurricane, packing winds of 175 mph. The barometric pressure at the center of Gilbert reached 26.13 inches (888 mb), an all-time record for any hurricane in the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, or the Atlantic Ocean. Gilbert covered much of the Gulf of Mexico, producing rain as far away as the Florida Keys
1989 - Billy Joel releases his album, “Storm Front.”
1989 - Unseasonably cool weather prevailed over the Central Plains Region, with a record low of 29 degrees at North Platte, NE. Unseasonably warm weather prevailed across the Pacific Northwest, with a record high of 96 degrees at Eugene, OR. Thunderstorms over south Texas produced wind gusts to 69 mph at Del Rio, and two inches of rain in two hours.
1990 - Bob Dylan performs for over 4,000 cadets at the US Military Academy in West Point, New York. Many of them sang along when he launched into "Blowin' In The Wind."
1992 - Patty Smyth and Eagles' drummer Don Henley are awarded a gold record for "Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough."
1993 - At Veterans Stadium, the Phillies win the National League pennant by beating the Braves in Game 6 of the NLCS, 6-3. With Tommy Greene out-dueling Greg Maddux and the timely hitting of Darren Daulton, Dave Hollins and Mickey Morandini, Philadelphia wins its third consecutive game to dethrone the defending champs
1994 - Netscape Communications Corporation announced that it was offering its new Netscape Navigator free to users via the Internet. The Internet browser, developed by the six-month-old Silicon Valley company led by Silicon Graphics founder Jim Clark and NCSA Mosaic creator Marc Andreessen, was available for free downloading by “individual, academic and research users.”
2000 - Extending his streak to 33 and two-thirds innings, Mariano Rivera breaks the 38-year-old record of Whitey Ford for consecutive scoreless frames in post-season play as the Yankees defeat the Mariners, 8-2 in Game 3 of the ALCS. While Rivera’s record is for the post-season, the Yankees' Hall of Fame lefty still holds the World Series record.
2001 - Being down 2-0 in best-of-five series, the Yankees, thanks to the shut out pitching Mike Mussina and Mariano Rivera and Jorge Posada's fifth-inning home run, stave off elimination beating the A's and Barry Zito, 1-0. Shortstop Derek Jeter, backing up an errant relay throw down the first base and flipping it home to cut down Jeremy Giambi as the potential tying run, will be remembered as one of the best defensive plays in post season history.
2003 - A tearful 72-year-old Don Zimmer apologizes for his part in yesterday's brawl during Game 3 of the ALCS between the Yankees and Red Sox. During the fourth-inning matinee melee at Fenway, the Yankees' assistant to manager is thrown to the ground after charging Pedro Martinez. 2014 – The Vatican issued a document indicating that the Catholic Church is taking a softer position on relationships outside traditional marriage, upholding the Church’s views but advocating respect for unmarried couples and homosexual unions.
World Series Champions
1903 - Boston Pilgrims
1906 - Chicago White Sox
1914 - Boston Braves
1915 - Boston Red Sox
1921 - New York Giants
1960 - Pittsburgh Pirates

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