EFD Credit Officer III
Walnut Creek, CA
You will underwrite equipment finance and lease transactions primarily using credit scoring systems. Requires 5 years lending experience including underwriting.
CLICK HERE for a detailed description and resume submission info.
Visit www.bankofthewest.com, for more information. Bank of the West and its subsidiaries are equal opportunity/affirmative action employers.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Classified Job Wanted --- Credit & Legal
UAEL Spring conference report
5 Reasons Bus. Owners Pref. Equip. Leasing
Lease Agreements
Classified – Help Wanted
Sales Makes it Happen by Linda P. Kester
Finding Your Niche
Willis Lease Financial CEO Sells Shares
Marlin Hires Chief Sales Officer
US Express Leasing Acquires MBO Finance
CIT Chair and CEO to speak at the CEO Leadership forum
Sterling Nat’l Names Sr VP Asset-Based Lending & Sr VP of Marketing
News Briefs---
California Nuts Brief---
This Day in American History
Baseball Poem
Daily Puzzle
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
Job Wanted --- Credit & Legal
Mission Viejo. CA
20+ years experience in all phases of credit, operations and collections. Aggressive, bottom line producer. Can handle everything from micro ticket to large ticket credit.
E-Mail: leasecredit@cox.net
San Diego , CA
Experienced in-house corporate, equipment leasing and financial services attorney seeks position as managing or transactional counsel. Willing to relocate. Cell Phone: 760-533-4058;
Email: sandidq@msn.com
To place a free “job wanted” ad here, please go to:
For a full listing of all “job wanted” ads, please go to:
UAEL Spring conference report from Brian Montgomery
Dear Kit,
I am not sure if the word unprecedented applies or perhaps just out of the ordinary but I would like to ask for the privilege to utilize Leasing News to give a report on this weekend’s meeting of the UAEL in Tucson, AZ. Of course the reason it might sound out of the ordinary for me to give this report is because I am the current President of the NAELB. Indeed, it may seem awkward that the President of what some might consider a competing leasing association should give his report on a UAEL Fall Conference but I would ask for your readers’ indulgence.
As a guest and non member of the UAEL, I was not sure what to expect from this group of leasing veterans as I arrived at the El Conquistador Golf and Tennis Resort. Yes, the weather was perfect and the view simply breathtaking of the shear rocky faces that comprised the background for the hotel but what would I find once inside? Would this be an event that left me feeling like the proverbial fish out of water? I admit that these thoughts were fresh on my mind as I parked my car and unloaded my luggage. What I soon found was a professional UAEL staff that understood the importance of a smile in making the first timer feel welcomed. Following soon after was the reassuring handshake of Brad Peterson of Predictifund, President of the UAEL as he took me by the arm and introduced me to those whom I did not yet know. Somehow the words gracious and kind seem inadequate to describe the actions of each UAEL member that I encountered throughout our weekend together. There were many there that have a dual membership in both the UAEL and the NAELB, realizing that each serves an important and dynamic role in meeting the needs of our members. It was a delight to see many smiling faces in the crowd that I recognized as friends; moreover, my list of those who I now call “friend” has grown even more as I met many new faces to me but obvious veterans of the industry with much wisdom to share. I could go on for a while longer describing the events of the conference but to be honest, I believe that in the end, it is that memory of a warm personal contact or new business partner that most people take home with them fresh on their mind so I will leave it to others to describe the who, the what, and the when. I shall focus on the how; how I felt as a first timer at a UAEL convention.
In closing, I feel it important to share that I was not completely surprised with the excellently produced UAEL Fall conference and the generosity of its members. I firmly believe that the one commonality found in each of our organizations’ and our membership is a strong commitment to professionalism, the betterment of our industry, and the need to fellowship with like minded people. All of which are worthy aspirations which we obtain with our participation in events such as this years UAEL Fall Conference. To all of the members of the UAEL, I thank you for your leadership and your generosity.
Warm Regards,
Brian Montgomery, NAELB President
Brian Montgomery
Express Funding Solutions
678-583-4100 Phone
678-583-4200 Fax
Equipment Leasing - 5 Reasons Why Business Owners Prefer Equipment Leasing
Within the past decade, equipment leasing has mushroomed into a multi-billion dollar industry and currently accounts for over one-quarter of all capital expenditures in the United States.
There are five major reasons, or category of reasons why lessees prefer equipment leasing versus a loan for equipment acquisitions.
1) Economic or Financial
2) Financial Reporting
3) Income Taxes
4) Technological
5) Flexibility
Let's examine each of these more closely.
1) Economical. The economic attributes of an equipment lease can be considerable. The monthly rentals in the lease can be quite low when compared to the loan payments levied by a bank, due primarily to the impact of the residual value in a lease.
The tax benefits alone that are generated in the transaction will influence the lease payments as well. The lessor can lower the equipment lease payments when receiving value from tax benefits, although, the lessor may use tax benefits to increase its yield.
Longer lease terms also help to lower the lessee's lease payments. The repayment of the equipment cost is spread out over more periods so less payment needs to be charged each period to recover the entire cost.
Equipment leasing also requires little, if any, up-front cash outlays when compared to a bank loan. Many leases require just one payment up front versus the normal down payment requirement on an installment loan for a lessee with a good credit history. The combination of lower up-front and lower subsequent payments helps to preserve working capital.
Additionally, equipment leasing provides the business owner with another source financing, thus allowing them to diversify their funding options.
2) Financial Reporting. Entities are constantly striving to have their financial statement look as strong and healthy as possible to their shareholders and lenders. When a company purchases equipment and finances it with a loan, an asset, as well as the corresponding liability, appears on the balance sheet. If, however, the company chooses equipment leasing over a loan, and that lease is classified as an operating lease, then no asset or liability would appear on the company balance sheet. Hence, the term operating lease has become synonymous with off-balance-sheet financing.
Off-Balance-Sheet financing is sought after for a variety of reasons: to keep debt off the balance sheet, to improve the financial ratios of a company, and to potentially enhance the company's ability to borrow in the future. It is also conceivable that in the early years of the lease, the operating lease will improve the company's reported earnings when compared to a capital lease or purchase.
3) Income Taxes. The value of tax benefits to the lessor can influence the lease payment charged to the lessee. A built-in reciprocity exists in tax leasing, in that the lessor-owner in a tax lease receives the tax benefits given up by the lessee-user and, in return, may pass those benefits on to the lessee in the form of a lower lease payment. The lessee also receives a tax benefit since the lease payments are fully deductible.
Another income tax factor to consider is the Alternative Minimum Tax or AMT, which is very complex. AMT is a penalty tax imposed by Congress. Equipment leasing, not purchasing, helps an organization avoid falling into this penalty situation, thereby saving taxes.
4) Technological. In today's rapidly changing environment, there is always the risk that high technology equipment will become obsolete. Indeed, the risk of technological obsolescence is one of the primary reasons for leasing. Equipment leasing can help lessees transfer the risk of owning equipment which is no longer technologically useful.
The transfer of risk can be accomplished in several ways. The most obvious would be for a lessee to enter into a short-term agreement, thereby requiring the lessor to assume the technological risk through residual value. If the equipment is still useful at the end of the lease term, the lessee could then renew the lease. If the equipment becomes obsolete during the lease term, the lessor may replace it with newer technology through what is know as a takeout, or an equipment upgrade.
In a takeout, the lessor, through its access to the secondary market, will find a new home for the original equipment because equipment that is obsolete to one entity is not necessarily obsolete to another. For new and untried technology, many lessees prefer leasing the equipment on a short-term or experimental-use basis.
5) Flexibility. A company may simply need the use, not the ownership, of a piece of equipment. Leasing can help a company avoid many of the headaches associated with equipment ownership. For instance, leasing can transfer the burden of disposing of the equipment o the lessor, who typically has better access to the used equipment market. The lessee can also contract with the lessor to take care of the other aspects of ownership, such as insurance, maintenance and property tax, by bundling these costs into the lease payment. Many lessees appreciate this one-stop shopping aspect of equipment leasing.
Many owners/managers prefer equipment leasing, as opposed to purchasing, because leasing enables them to acquire needed equipment out of their operating budgets, without the necessity of going through a lengthy bureaucratic capital budgeting and approval process. Lessees may also benefit from very flexible structuring practices such as step or skipped-payment leases. These type of payment schedules are useful to businesses in industries that are seasonal and disruptive to cashflow.
Note: Business owners should always seek advice from their tax professionals before a major equipment acquisition.
Lease Agreements
Before entering into considering leasing, an agreement between both parties, those seeking a lease, and those who will either directly provide the lease or the lease company who will do the actual transaction, an understanding needs to be signed by both original parties.
This allows the applicant protection, particularly if money is requested, even in a leasing contract is provided. It the lease does not move forward, a protection of both parties involvement should be spelled out and signed.
Here are typical "lease agreements" utilized in the equipment leasing industry.
The Greene Leasing Agreement
Designed to allow costs and other expenses to be kept if a lease does not fund.
Commitment Letter
This form is one of the most widely used in the leasing industry and covers most of the bases. Note: Last sentences about the signatures makes this more a “proposal,” than commitment. If required, these sentences may be removed.
Master Lease Commitment Letter
This is for a “master lease,” when they will be other schedules, dates of delivery and acceptance, and interim rent is to be imposed on the “funded” portion(s.) Note: Last sentences about the signatures makes this more a “proposal,” than commitment. If required, these sentences may be removed.
Lease Application Fee Agreement
This is designed for the broker of leasing company to earn a fee and/or expenses should the lease not go together. This is a form that you can make into a template. First use “find, replace” to insert your name. It's purpose is generic, aimed at earning money for your time and expenses if a lease does not move forward.
Authorization to Find a Lender
This form was designed for use in the State of California, where arranging for a loan requires a license. Real Estate and mortgage brokers may not need a California Financial Lender's License, as well financial institutions. Any third party “agent” does need the license. This may also apply in other states.
You can make a template on this form very easily. It primarily purpose is for real estate secured loans , equipment finance agreements, and “sale/leaseback” type situations.
The form to allow for specific expenses being developed by Ken Greene,Esq. is in the process of being reviewed by the sponsors, and attorneys Leasing News has contacted.
Here are a list of the sponsors of the Greene Engagement Letter:
Steve Chriest
Diablo Capital
1710 Les Trampas Rd.
Alamo, California 94507
Ben Carlile
******** Partners Incorporate
999 Fifth Avenue, Suite 300
San Rafael, Ca 94901
Patrick Byrne
Balboa Capital
2010 Main Street 11th Floor
Irvine, Ca. 92614
Warren Hawkins
Bank Partners
2496 Rocky Ridge Road
Box 43738
Alabama, Ca. 35243
Gary Saulter
Chase Industries 109 Ottawa Ave.
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
(616) 459-6800
Gary Trebels, CLP
8700 Waukegan Road
Suite 100
Morton Grove, IL 60053-2103
(847) 663-6700
Theresa Kabot
Kabot Commercial Leasing
7043 - 12th Ave., N.W.
Seattle, WA 98117
(206) 301-9960
Charlie Lester
LPI Financial Services
3535 Roswell Road Suite 62
Marietta, GA 30062
Bruce Larsen
Leasing Partners Capital
1211 Hamburg Turnpike
Wayne, New Jersey 07470
Mark Watkins
Geneva Capital LLC
522 1/2 Broadway Street
Alexandria, MN 56308
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
EFD Credit Officer

EFD Credit Officer III
Walnut Creek, CA
You will underwrite equipment finance and lease transactions primarily using credit scoring systems. Requires 5 years lending experience including underwriting.
CLICK HERE for a detailed description and resume submission info.
Visit www.bankofthewest.com, for more information. Bank of the West and its subsidiaries are equal opportunity/affirmative action employers.
Funding/Lease Processor
Funding/Lease Processor
Los Angeles, California
Organized, detail person, 1 yr min. Brokering/discounting exp. Unlimited career growth.Contact: jdobens@taycor.com
Taycor has been in business for over 10 years with access to every major funding source. |

Sales Make it Happen

by Linda P. Kester
Linda Kester is nationally recognized as an outstanding equipment leasing sales trainer, and professional speaker. She has twenty years of experience in leasing sales and marketing equipment. Her teachines make a tremendous positive impact on company's sales--from start-up firms to corporate giants.
Finding Your Niche
I see many leasing sales people who are stuck in misery. They cold call day after day after day only to find meager results. They are trying to stand out in a crowded market place and they are not getting noticed. What is the answer to this? Well, there are many answers like differentiating yourself, improving your sales skills, believing in company, falling in love with leasing, and focusing your efforts. One part of focusing your efforts is niche marketing.
The word “niche” comes from the French verb nicher “to nest.” Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines a niche as “a place, or activity for which a person is best fitted.” A business leasing niche, then, is a specific type of vendor or lessee on which you are best fitted to focus your marketing efforts.
One of my friends, Paul Lee, works for Sterling National Bank. Paul has carved out a niche in a unique type of equipment. (No, I will not tell you what industry it is. Some sales people would not even finish reading this article and start calling on his vendors! Find your own niche. It is much more satisfying!) Paul's strategy is to stay away from industries that are saturated with leasing companies. He said “I found my niche by backing into the vendor relationship. I would interview lessees, small Mom and Pop companies and determine what type of equipment would help their business grow. I then focused on lessees with the same equipment needs. Soon I was an expert in a type of equipment that no leasing company had a major presence in. The vendors were thrilled with the results and started looking to me to finance more and more of their deals.”
Many leasing sales professionals resist niche marketing because they want to be everything to everyone. They feel if they focus on a specific type of equipment they may be turning away other opportunities. They also think that a niche might be boring . Believe me; it's never boring when you watch your monthly volume grow!
I am a big proponent of finding a niche in equipment leasing. Having a niche builds confidence. You can intelligently discuss the pros and cons of the equipment with the vendor. This increases your credibility to prospects .
People are more likely to trust the work of an equipment leasing specialist than an equipment leasing generalist. Achieving mastery in a specific area gives depth and focus to your portfolio. Also a niche helps you become known rapidly. If you direct your marketing efforts repeatedly to the same group of people, you will become known more quickly. If you communicate a clear benefit to this same group, they are more likely to remember you when they have a need for equipment leasing.
A niche reduces your marketing costs . When you target your marketing to a specific group, you no longer have to worry about marketing to the “universe” through generalized e-mails, fax's and direct mail marketing.
A niche can increase your income. People are happy to pay specialists more than they pay generalists. If you are known as an expert in your field, you can command higher rates. My friend Jack Wolff was the controller of a publicly traded company. He told me he would have gladly paid a couple more dollars a month for each of his leases to ensure good customer service. “I had leases with GECC, Marlin, and Xerox and I would have much preferred to deal with one company who focused on my individual needs and knew my account rather than just be a revenue generator that they did not give a crap about.”
You will be worth higher rates if you can solve a lessee's problem more efficiently, quickly or conveniently than someone with less mastery. When you can demonstrate that you know a lot about a certain kind of issue or challenge that your lessees face, it positions you as a real professional who knows his stuff. It attracts both vendors and lessees.
What makes a niche work? You need to pinpoint, or target your lessees and vendors. You need to communicate your uniqueness to prospects and vendors in a way that sticks in their minds. You do this by creating a mouth-watering message about what makes you unique. Then you make your presence known offline and online. You share your message by marketing consistently and repeatedly to the people are receptive to hearing it, people who want and need leasing. Paul Lee said “I go after profitable and credit worthy business that the big banks tend to ignore, and it's a win-win situation for everyone involved.”
Niche marketing is one of the keys to developing a profitable business that will make you stand out from the leasing crowd. Think of it this way…prospecting can become less of a bitch when you target your efforts on a particular niche ;=).
Linda Kester is the author of 366 Marketing Tips for Equipment Leasing. For additional articles visit www.lindakester.com Questions, contact: Linda@lindakester.com.
Previous "Sales makes it Happen" columns at:
Willis Lease Financial CEO Sells Shares
NEW YORK — The president and CEO of aircraft engine leasing company Willis Lease Financial Corp. sold 12,000 shares of common stock under a prearranged trading plan, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing.
In a Form 4 filed with the SEC Friday, Charles F. Willis IV reported he sold the shares Sept. 17 to Sept. 20 for $13.49 to $13.76 apiece.
The stock sale was conducted under a prearranged 10b5-1 trading plan which allows a company insider to set up a program in advance for such transactions and proceed with them even if he or she comes into possession of material nonpublic information.
Insiders file Form 4s with the SEC to report transactions in their companies' shares. Open market purchases and sales must be reported within two business days of the transaction.
Willis Lease Financial is based in Sausalito, Calif.
### Press Release ###########################

Marlin Business Services Corp. Hires Chief Sales Officer
MOUNT LAUREL, N.J. -- Marlin Business Services Corp. (Nasdaq:MRLN) is pleased to announce the hiring of Edward Siciliano as Senior Vice President and Chief Sales Officer. Ed joins Marlin from ALK Technologies, where he held the position of Vice President of Sales and Marketing. His previous experience includes serving as Senior Vice President of Sales & Marketing for Applied Theory Corporation and National Account Sales Director for Xerox Corporation.
"I am very excited to have Ed join the Marlin team," said George D. Pelose, Marlin's Chief Operating Officer. "Ed has over 22 years of sales and management experience in both large and small companies. He has built and managed inside and outside sales teams, and has a history of delivering exceptional results. Ed's sales and marketing knowledge, insight and energy will be tremendous assets to Marlin as we continue to move our business forward."
About Marlin Business Services Corp.
Marlin Business Services Corp. is a nationwide provider of equipment leasing and working capital solutions primarily to small businesses. The Company's principal operating subsidiary, Marlin Leasing Corporation, finances over 70 equipment categories in a segment of the market generally referred to as "small-ticket" leasing (i.e. leasing transactions less than $250,000). The Company was founded in 1997 and completed its initial public offering of common stock on November 12, 2003. In addition to its executive offices in Mount Laurel, NJ, Marlin has regional offices in or near Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Philadelphia & Salt Lake City. For more information, visit
http://www.marlincorp.com or
call toll-free at (888) 479-9111.
### Press Release ###########################
US Express Leasing Acquires MBO Finance
New Origination Platform Expands Capabilities in Graphic Arts and Printing Marketplace
PARSIPPANY, NJ, –-US Express Leasing, Inc. (USXL) announced today the acquisition of MBO Finance, a major provider of vendor financing to manufacturers, distributors and dealers in the graphic arts and printing industries. MBO Finance will become the core of USXL’s new graphic arts origination platform.
Leading the graphic arts business will be Teneyke Smith, formerly President and founder of MBO Finance. Smith has over 25 years of experience in providing equipment financing to the graphic arts and printing industries. He has driven significant growth through the delivery of creative sales aid financing programs with long established vendor partners.
“The acquisition of MBO Finance brings to USXL immediate access to a very attractive market while providing the MBO team with dedicated operational support, technology-enabled solutions, and a solid capital structure to help them reach their full potential,” says USXL CEO Jim McGrane.
According to Smith, “USXL’s unique brand of relationship-driven service and its focus on vendors make it an ideal fit for MBO Finance. We look forward to joining the USXL family and expect a rapid and seamless integration.”
Kropschot Financial Services initiated the transaction and served as the exclusive financial advisor to USXL.
About USXL
US Express Leasing (USXL), headquartered in Parsippany, N.J., is an independent equipment finance company originating transactions through manufacturers, distributors and dealers in the commercial & industrial, healthcare, office products and technology industries. For more information, visit USXL on the Internet at www.usxl.com.
About MBO Finance
MBO Finance was founded by Teneyke Smith as the contract captive for Machinebau Oppenweiler Binder, one of the worlds leading manufacturers of paper folding and bindery equipment. Since its inception, MBO Finance has evolved into a provider of vendor finance programs for manufacturers and channel partners across many segments in the graphic arts and printing industries.
### Press Release ###########################
ON OCTOBER 11, 2007 AT 4:00 PM
NEW YORK – CIT Group Inc. (NYSE: CIT), a leading global commercial finance company, today announced that Jeffrey M. Peek , Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, will speak at the Argyle Executive Forum 2007 CEO Leadership Forum on Thursday, October 11, 2007 at 4:00 PM.
Peek will be interviewed by Dan Armstrong, Senior Editor of the Economist Intelligence Unit on "Perspectives from America's Economic Engine – The U.S. Middle Market." In this session, Peek will discuss:
§ Defining the “middle market” and its role in the U.S. economy;
§ The key opportunities and challenges facing the middle market today;
§ Meeting the financing needs of the middle market; and,
§ The outlook for the middle market in 2008.
CIT and the Economist Intelligence Unit recently released The U.S. Middle Market Outlook 2007 , which provides an in-depth look at one of the strongest engines of the U.S. economy.
Members of the media interested in attending can register by calling the Argyle Executive Forum Audience Development Group at (646) 839-2034. Alternatively, registration is available online at: Argyle 2007 CEO Leadership Forum . Registrants should complete the following online instructions:
§ Select the blue button on the right hand side labeled, "If you've received an invitation code, click here"
§ Invitation code: EXEC
§ Select registration type, "Individual Attendee"
§ Discount code: PRESS
An audio and written transcript of the interview will be available following the event at www.cit.com.
About CIT
CIT Group Inc. (NYSE: CIT), a leading global commercial finance company, provides clients with financing and leasing products and advisory services. Founded in 1908, CIT has approximately $80 billion in managed assets and possesses the financial resources, industry expertise and product knowledge to serve the needs of clients across approximately 30 industries worldwide. CIT, a Fortune 500 company and a member of the S&P 500 Index, holds leading positions in cash flow lending, vendor financing, factoring, equipment and transportation financing, Small Business Administration loans, and asset-based lending. With its global headquarters in New York City, CIT has approximately 7,300 employees in locations throughout North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia Pacific. www.cit.com
### Press Release ###########################
Sterling National Bank Names Joseph Costanza
Senior Vice President of Asset-Based Lending,
Patricia Hrotko Senior Vice President of Marketing
NEW YORK -- Sterling National Bank, a subsidiary of Sterling Bancorp , announced today that Mr. Joseph Costanza and Ms. Patricia Hrotko have been named Senior Vice Presidents of the Asset-Based Lending Division and Marketing Group, respectively. The appointments come as Sterling prepares to increase each area’s activities to take advantage of what the company sees as favorable market conditions.
Mr. Costanza will be responsible for managing the bank’s asset-based lending business, one of Sterling’s core strengths and an area of growth and stability in the marketplace. Ms. Hrotko will lead Sterling’s marketing efforts to continue to enhance its core brand as a leading community bank and full-service small business lender.
“Joseph and Patricia are joining Sterling as we expand our lending and marketing capabilities and take greater advantage of opportunities in the small and mid-sized business markets,” said John Millman, president of Sterling Bancorp. “Our asset-backed lending business has been thriving as the credit crunch has continued to affect more borrowers. Joseph will help us capitalize on the many new opportunities we see and anticipate will continue for the near-term. Patricia will work with all of our businesses to increase our profile among constituents in core markets and regions through a wide range of new marketing initiatives.”
Mr. Costanza will be responsible for managing and increasing the bank’s share in asset-based lending, one of Sterling’s core competencies. He joined Sterling from LaSalle Business Credit, where he was the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Regional Manager for 10 years. Under his leadership, Mr. Costanza increased assets in his region from $235 million to over $600 million with a shift in portfolio composition from generally purchased participations to lead transactions.
Ms. Hrotko’s hire represents an important component to Sterling’s overall expansion of its marketing and advertising functions. As part of its commitment to enhance brand recognition, Sterling has also retained investor relations expert Ed Nebb to handle its IR functions and Dukas Public Relations (DPR) as its PR agency of record. Ms. Hrotko will be responsible for coordinating Sterling’s advertising campaigns, online presence and direct marketing efforts. She will also work directly with DPR to develop media strategies and thought leadership campaigns for Sterling’s executive team.
Prior to joining Sterling, Ms. Hrotko was the Vice President, Director of Marketing for First Morris Bank & Trust in Morristown, NJ.
About Sterling Bancorp
Sterling Bancorp (NYSE: STL) is a financial holding company with assets of $1.9 billion, offering a broad array of banking and financial services products. Its principal banking subsidiary is Sterling National Bank, founded in 1929. Sterling provides a wide range of products and services, including business and consumer loans, commercial and residential mortgage lending and brokerage, asset-based financing, factoring and accounts receivable management, trade financing, equipment leasing, corporate and consumer deposit services, trust and estate administration, and investment management services. The Company has operations in New York, New Jersey and North Carolina and conducts business throughout the U.S. For more information,
please visit www.sterlingnationalbank.com.
### Press Release ###########################
News Briefs---- China's Minsheng Bank to buy into UCBH
Latin Leasing: Explosive Growth

Sports Briefs---- Six turnovers later, Romo, Cowboys still can smile
Yankees to Debate on Future of Torre
Vick must repay $20 million from bonus

This Day in American History 1845- the Naval academy was established at Windmill Point, Fort Severn , Annapolis , MD , on a nine-acre site. I t officially opened with 56 students. On July 1, 1850, the name was changed to the U.S. Naval Academy. The following year, the academy instituted a standard four-year program. From may 9, 1861 to September 9, 1865, while Maryland was part of the Confederacy, the academy was transferred to Newport , RI .
( lower half of: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/oct10.html )
1850-The Chesapeake & Ohio Canal was completed and opened for business along its entire 184.5 mile length from Washington, DC to Cumberland, Maryland. Sections of the canal opened for navigation as they were completed; from Georgetown in Washington, DC to Seneca , Maryland in 1831; then to Harpers Ferry in 1833; to Hancock in 1839; and finally to Cumberland in 1850. Commerce traveled primarily on the water, not roads which were subject to weather and “poor” even in the best of times; and by wagon train.
1874- Beatrice Moses Hinkle birthday- U.S. physician. As San Francisco 's city physician, she was the first U.S. woman to hold a public health post. She was one of the two physicians who established the nation's first psychotherapeutic clinic. She was among the earliest Jungian analysts in America , having rejected Freud with whom she'd personally studied. She was among the earliest practitioners of Jungian analysis in America , and contributed to the conceptual framework of the theory. Her Recreating of the Individual (1923) took a strong stand regarding women individuality. It was noted particularly for its chapters on women and artists.
1881- Ethel Traphagen birthday- U.S. fashion designer, influential founder of Traphagen School of Fashion design.
1886- Griswold Lorillard of Tuxedo Park, NY, fashioned the first tuxedo for men. Pierre Lorillard IV, heir to a tobacco fortune and the biggest landowner in town, asked his tailor to create four new formal black jackets modeled after the tailless red wool coats worn by English for hunters. Lorillard declined to wear the result, but his son Griswold Lorillard and three of his friends did along with waistcoats of scarlet satin, and the look caught on. Some say this is more fiction than fact, but history records the Tuxedo Club and Lorillard responding on wearing it that it was a Tuxedo.
1900- Helen Hayes birthday - U.S. actress; the winner of every award possible for an actor on the stage, in the movies, and TV. She began her acting career at age 5 and continued it for more than 85 years winning Academy Awards, Tonys, and Emmys. She received The Medal of Freedom (1986), the Kennedy Center Honors (1981), and even had a Broadway theater was named after her. An award in her name established for achievement in professional theater. Died March 17, 1993
1905-birthday of Willie “The Devil” Wells, Baseball Hall of Fame short-stop born at Austin , TX . Wells is generally considered the greatest shortstop to play in the Negro Leagues. As manager of the Newark Eagles, he developed several players, who became major leaguers. Inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1997. Died at Austin , Jan 21, 1989..
1915- famous Count Basie trumpeter and soloist Harry “Sweets” Edison born, Columbus , Ohio . 1921-Birthday of bass player Monk Montgomery, Indianapolis , IL1920- Indians' Bill Wambsganss becomes the only player in World Series history to complete an unassisted triple play as he makes a leaping catch, steps on second base and then tags the runner from first base.
1917-October 10, Pianist/composer Thelonious Monk Birthday
1923- In the first post season game ever played at Yankee Stadium, veteran Giant outfielder Casey Stengel breaks a 4-4 deadlock in the top of the ninth inning with an inside-the-park HR off Joe Bush. It is the first World Series game to be broadcast nationally
1928-Birthday of piano player Junior Mance, Chicago , IL
1933- Procter and Gamble, Cincinnati , OH developed the first synthetic laundry detergent, whose formula included a surfactant to emulsify dirt, and called it Deft. The first effective powdered detergent made for use in washing machines , and the first to contain a phosphate compound as a water softener, was Tide, developed by Procter and Gamble in 1946. 1943-Birthday of guitarist Steve Miller, Dallas , TX
1935-Premiere of Jazz opera Porgy and Bess, by George Gershwin. One of Gershwin's greatest works, the opera blended African American folk music, jazz, Tin Pan Alley, and classical styles. The show included the classic song "Summertime," among other classics, brought modern by Gil Evans and Miles Davis.
1948 -The largest crowd ever to attend an American League game, 86,288 fans, jam Cleveland's Municipal Stadium to witness Boston Brave hurler Warren Spahn beat Bob Feller and the Indians, 11-5 in Game 5 of the Fall Classic.
1950---Top Hits
Goodnight Irene - The Weavers
La Vie En Rose - Tony Martin
Bonaparte's Retreat - Kay Starr
I'm Moving On - Hank Snow
1957- “Zorro” premiered on TV. Originally he appeared in a McCulley novel and several films. Don Diego de Ia Vega (Guy Williams), a Spanish nobleman, is summoned to California by his father, Don Alejandro (George J. Lewis), to fight for the people. Diego's alter ego is Zorro, a dashing and assertive defender of the people. My father Lawrence Menkin wrote several of these episodes. He was well known as a TV Western writer, serving as story editor for Wagon Train, writing for Bonanza, Death Valley Days, Cisco Kid, among many others. Although the last telecast of Zoro was Sept 24, 1959, the series reappeared in later years, first as a remake and then as a sequel, and once again was made as a movie, titled The Mask of Zorro, in 1998.
1958---Top Hits
It's All in the Game - Tommy Edwards
Rock-in Robin - Bobby Day
Tea for Two Cha-Cha - The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra
Bird Dog - The Everly Brothers
1959- Stan Kenton, June Christy, Four Freshman record Road Show album at Purdue University .
1962- Bob Newhart Show” premiered on TV. This half-hour variety series was hosted by Bob Newhart, a successful stand-up comedian famous for his trademark “telephone conversation” monologues. Regulars included Jackie Joseph, Kay Westfall, Jack Grinnage, Mickey Manners, Pearl Shear, June Ericson, Andy Albin and announcer Dan Sorkin. The show was critically acclaimed, winning both an Emmy and a Peabody in its short time on the air. Newhart later starred in situation comedies. In “The Bob Newhart Show,” which aired 1972—78 he played a psychologist.
1966—Top Hits
Cherish - The Association
Reach Out I'll Be There - Four Tops
96 Tears - ?(Question Mark) & The Mysterians
Almost Persuaded - David Houston
1970 - Neil Diamond reached the #1 spot on the pop music charts for the first time with "Cracklin' Rosie". In 1972, Diamond would reach a similar pinnacle with "Song Sung Blue".
1971- “Up-Stairs, Downstairs” premiered on TV.. The 52 episodes of this “Masterpiece Theatre” series covered the years 1903 to 1930 in the life of a wealthy London family (“Upstairs') and their many servants (“Downstairs”). Produced by London Weekend Television, cast members included Angela Baddeley, Pauline Collins, Gordon Jackson and Jean Marsh. Won a Golden Globe for Best Drama TV Show in 1975 and an Emmy for Outstanding Limited Series in 1976.The last episode aired May 1, 1977, though the series has been rerun several times on PBS.
1974—Top Hits
I Honestly Love You - Olivia Newton-John
Nothing from Nothing - Billy Preston
Then Came You - Dionne Warwicke & Spinners
I Love My Friend - Charlie Rich.
1982---Top Hits
Jack & Diane - John Cougar
Eye in the Sky - The Alan Parsons Project
I Keep Forgettin' (Every Time You're Near) - Michael McDonald
Yesterday's Wine - Merle Haggard/George Jones
1990---Top Hits
Close to You - Maxi Priest
Praying for Time - George Michael
Something Happened on the Way to Heaven - Phil Collins
Friends in Low Places - Garth Brooks
1992-Spiro Theodore Agnew became the second person to resign the office of vice present of the Untied States. Agnew entered a pleas of no contest to a charge of income tax evasion for contract kickbacks received while he was governor of Maryland and after he became vice president. He was sentenced to pay a $10,000 fine and serve three years probation Agnew was elected vice president twice, serving under President Richard M. Nixon.
1999 -Scoring more than 19 NFL teams, the Red Sox establish a major league record for most runs and biggest margin of victory in a post-season game as they rout the Indians, 23-7 to tie the 5-game series at two games apiece.
World Series Champions This Date
1924 Washington Senators
1926 St. Louis Cardinals
1931 St. Louis Cardinals
1937 New York Yankees
1945 Detroit Tigers
1951 New York Yankees
1956 New York Yankees
1957 Milwaukee Braves
1968 Detroit Tigers
Baseball Poem

by Tim Peeler
When every relationship and previously
Understood concept feels tenuous.
Albeit the gravity grows weak
And the voices that rise
Are not the sanguine few
You remember as wise, the coaches
That actually "knew" something
Beyond the roar of their anger-
Now your days on the field
Are gone or have slipped
Into the churn and become
Sweet buttered memories,
Not the indecisive hell
Of rounding second not knowing
Where the ball was and the
Third base coach hollering
At a player on the bench
While they trapped you in
A rundown.
You recall
The running outfield catches
Of a sunny childhood, not the
Dark liner lost in the lights till
It roared toward you
Like a car with one headlight.
Memory is the shaky tightrope
You wrap your dreams around;
And faith in the past, the balance
To get you through this day. |
“Waiting for Godot's First Pitch.”
with permission of the author www.mcfarlandpub.com
The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?
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