Relationship Manager
Minneapolis, MN
Primary contact for brokers/lessors. Coordinates development and execution of programs, represents Company at trade association conferences, implements strategy to best serve the brokers/lessor marketplace. Requires 4 year degree or equivalent industry experience.
To apply e-mail resumes attention of Brad Peterson bpeterson@predictifund.com and careers@advanceme.com. Background Checks are required. EOE
Predictifund, a subsidiary of Capital Access Network, Inc. (CAN) providing equipment financing and working capital options to brokers.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Galloway: “taking apps., funding leases”
Classified Ads--- Project Management/Syndicator
Sales Make it Happen
Excerpt from New Book
Aquascape And CNH Offer Financing
ELFA Surv. out on Fin./Lease compensation
ELFA Surv. on Economic Activity
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Survey finds Credit Execs happy with pay
News Briefs
Calendar Events
This Day in American History
Baseball Poem
Daily Puzzle
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
Galloway: “We’re taking applications, funding leases...”

NetBank Business Finance CEO Dwight Galloway, CLP, is busy, saying his staff is taking applications, funding leases, “...and continuing to do an outstanding job. We are having record months.”

Dwight Galloway, CLP
President, CEO, NetBank Business Finance
While NetBank itself may be under the weather, he says he continues to fund leases from receivables and other necessary funds are provided by the Bank.
“You know, this is just like my days in the Army, “he said.
“When you get orders from the person in charge, you carry them out.”
He did confirm what Leasing News was told by others that the telephone has “been ringing off the hook” with interest in the NetBank Business Finance operation. It has been consistently for making a profit for twenty years.
In a previous interview, Galloway, who just turned 57 last week, said he is too young to retire, besides, “All I know is the finance and leasing business.”
With Brad Peterson starting up PredictiFund and Gary Kester, Mike Bennie, Bill Waddell starting Latitude Equipment Leasing, as well as new developments with Key Equipment Finance, Direct Capital, and a host of companies fighting for the same business, will he be able to hold on to his business?
“There is a lot of good competition out there, he admits”.
“But it’s always been that way”.
What makes the difference is the outstanding people we have here who get things done quickly and efficiently. With the people we have, we are ready to face the competition.”
Previous stories:
Classified Ads---Project Management/Syndicator
Project Management
Phoenix, AZ
Lease Administrator with exp. in lease administration, doc. & porfolio management for $200M in IT assets. Additional experience financial analysis process improvement/development.
Email: jeg3894@cox.net
Overland Park, KS
Top Syndicator from single deal to portfolios. 20+ yrs exp. Available for contract work or full time position. Nationwide contacts.
E-mail: FFLLeasing@aol.com
To place a free “job wanted” ad here, please go to:
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Sales Make it Happen --- Jeffrey Taylor, CLP

"Excerpts from his new book"
Jeff Taylor, CLP, Executive Caliber - Global Lease Training, is well-known in the equipment leasing industry.
Here are some excerpts, taken from various chapters. These are excerpts from Jeff Taylor's book "The Future of Equipment Leasing,"published in September,2006 and prophesy seems to becoming more true each day:
For fifty years, no one paid attention to the huge profits earned by the largest leasing companies and banks. Enron would bring to light the underlying problems of the convoluted accounting and tax rules that allowed leasing companies to earn ROIs in excess of 18% per year on a consistent basis.
On September 8, 2005 the Equipment Leasing Association met with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) to educate them on the positive aspects of equipment leasing throughout the world.
They stated that the global equipment leasing market is approximately $600 - $700 billion annually with the U.S. accounting for one-third of the global market (est. $220 billion in 2004).
They pointed out that Corporate America leases for the following reasons:
- Access to capital
- Lower cost of capital
- 100% financing
- Convenience
- Asset risk management
- Tax planning and minimization
- Off-balance sheet financing
- Regulatory capital and asset constraints
They also said that 77% of their member's volume was in the form of direct finance leases and conditional sales, which most experts acknowledge as alternative forms of loans. Only 9% were classified as true operating leases.
So the questions, logically, that I have to ask are:
If only 9% of the world's major companies volume is in the form of loan financing and not true operating leases, does that mean that equipment leasing companies:
- Are afraid of offering true leases?
- Cannot afford to offer true leases?
- Will no longer take residual risk?
- No longer exist and no one notices?
My predictions for public leasing companies are as follows:
Small Ticket - will abandon true leases and all residual risk and support direct finance leases and loans to consumers. Captive companies including IBM, HP, John Deere, J & J will dominate. All transactions will be credit scored and audited for compliance.
Middle Market - will lean towards direct finance leases and loans, yet create true operating leases in which they feel they can make money in re-leasing used equipment. They will abandon consumers and focus on business markets. They will use brokers to acquire business and jettison full-time sales people.
Large Ticket - They will continue to leave the U.S. and find a home in Europe and Asia where the tax laws are more equitable and capital is abundant.
Equipment leasing volume in the U.S. has been steadily declining since 1999 when the dot com boom hit the market. Ironically, volume in Europe, emerging Europe and Asia continue to rise.
Given the overbearing rules and regulations governing fair market value, disclosures and present value computations promoted by FASB and the increasing reduction in tax benefits to those who take tax risk, it is no wonder to see this phenomenon occurring here in the U.S., while our International competitors grab an ever increasing lion's share of the marketplace.
While FASB/SEC focuses on taking down large public leasing companies, the true leasing marketplace has started to migrate back to the small local lessor who existed before he sold out to large corporations with deep pockets.
If the FASB gets their way, they will require that all public leasing companies and public users of leases report all material long-term leases on the balance sheet using a rights and obligations approach based on fair value estimates derived principally from analytical models.
The only company that would not be affected by this ruling would be a private company, one that is not in the limelight of public reporting. So, if you work for a large public leasing company and want to sell equipment leasing over the next 5-10 years, you may want to consider becoming a broker or start your own private leasing company.
Jeffrey Taylor is the author of Selling Leasing "In A Tough Economy and The Future of Equipment Leasing." The book is available for $14.95 from Target:
Jeff has worked with the equipment leasing industry for more than 30 years and has trained more than 20,000 leasing professionals in more than 1,000 equipment leasing companies throughout the world. He is a retired CPA, active Certified Leasing Professional (CLP) and an expert on FASB, GAAP and Sarbanes-Oxley (SARBOX). Today Jeff lives in Scottsdale, Arizona,where he is a commercial realtor: JeffreyArizona@aol.com
Dominion Real Estate Partners, LLC.
4844 East Andora Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85254 (602) 708-4981 (cell)
(602) 867-9382 (home)
(602) 867-9385 (fax) |
### Press Release ##########################
Aquascape Inc. and CNH Captial Offer Innovative Financing
Aquascape, Inc. ("Aquascape"), the St. Charles, Ill.-based firm that pioneered the "balanced ecosystem" method of pond building, has entered into an agreement with CNH Capital America LLC ("CNH Capital") to offer the Aquascape Professional Card -- a dedicated credit line for Aquascape distributors, retailers and certified contractors to use when purchasing Aquascape pond packages, parts, components and accessories.
CNH Capital, based in Racine, Wis., is the financial services business of agricultural and construction equipment maker CNH Global N.V.
"We will be offering many payment specials with the new card to help our contractors purchase Aquascape products during the slower times of the year, with 90 days no payment, no interest options," said Jeff Payton, Aquascape's Executive Vice President of Business Development.
Eligibility for Special Promotions
As part of the agreement, Aquascape will offer unique promotional programs each quarter. The first promotion will offer no payments and no interest for 90 days with purchases of $250 or more for qualified account holders. This promotion will run from September 1 through October 31, 2007.
Representatives of CNH Capital were on hand to kick off the program at the Pondemonium event held recently at Aquascape headquarters in St. Charles, Ill.
"We are pleased to offer financing solutions that directly support Aquascape's goal -- that is, to help its customers succeed at building, selling and retailing water features," says Don Pralle, Senior Director, CNH Capital Partner Programs. "This is an exciting growth industry, and we are delighted that we can be part of that growth."
About Aquascape, Inc.
Aquascape is North America's leading innovator in the water gardening industry. Aquascape invented the low-maintenance, naturally balanced ecosystem pond that is the # 1 contractor-installed water garden. The St. Charles, Illinois headquarters, dubbed "Aqualand," received Silver Level recognition in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating system. Aquascape's mission is to help our customers succeed at building, selling, and retailing water garden products. Aquascape and its vast network of Authorized AquascapePRO(TM) Distributors sell exclusively to contractors and retailers. Founded in 1991, Aquascape made the Inc. 500 list of fastest growing private companies four years in a row. In 2005, founder and CEO Greg Wittstock was named one of America's Best Bosses by FORTUNE Small Business Magazine and Winning Workplaces(TM). More information about Aquascape, Inc. can be found on the company's web site at http://www.aquascapeinc.com .
About CNH Capital
CNH Capital, the financial services business of CNH Global N.V. (NYSE: CNH), provides a comprehensive range of services, including wholesale and retail financing, leasing, insurance, asset management, and revolving lines of credit, for the global marketplace. Building on 50 years' experience in the equipment finance industry, CNH Capital services a portfolio of more than $15 billion, helping customers through various wholly owned subsidiaries and joint ventures throughout North America, Latin America, Europe and Australia. More information about CNH Capital can be found at
www.cnhcapital.com .
For more information, contact: Ben Sterling CNH Capital Email Contact (262) 636-6949
[headlines] ### Press Release ###########################
Just Released! 2007 Equipment Finance/Leasing Compensation Survey
ELFA eNews Daily
Whether yours is a large leasing and finance organization (i.e., over $250 million in annual volume) or small- to mid-sized (under $250 million in annual volume), you are now able to determine how your organization's rewards and retention system stacks up against your peers in the industry. The ELFA 2007 SME Leasing Industry Compensation Survey (aka the "small company survey"), focuses on compensation levels for 18 positions within leasing and finance organizations. The ELFA 2007 Equipment Finance/Leasing Industry Compensation Survey (aka the "big company survey") summarizes industry pay practices of the ELFA's largest member organizations. Included in the report is comprehensive pay data (salary, short- and long-term incentives) for 35 unique leasing positions along with extensive information on pay administration and incentive design for finance organizations.
In both projects, participants received advance copies of the results. Non-participants may access survey reports through the ELFA store at
For more information about the project, contact Bill Choi at ELFA,
(202) 238-3413 or
bchoi@elfaonline.org [headlines]
### Press Release ###########################
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
EFD Credit Officer

EFD Credit Officer III
Walnut Creek, CA
You will underwrite equipment finance and lease transactions primarily using credit scoring systems. Requires 5 years lending experience including underwriting.
CLICK HERE for a detailed description and resume submission info.
Visit www.bankofthewest.com, for more information. Bank of the West and its subsidiaries are equal opportunity/affirmative action employers.
Funding/Lease Processor
Funding/Lease Processor
Los Angeles, California
Organized, detail person, 1 yr min. Brokering/discounting exp. Unlimited career growth.Contact: jdobens@taycor.com
Taycor has been in business for over 10 years with access to every major funding source. |
Relationship Manager
Relationship Manager
Minneapolis, MN
Primary contact for brokers/lessors. Coordinates development and execution of programs, represents Company at trade association conferences, implements strategy to best serve the brokers/lessor marketplace. Requires 4 year degree or equivalent industry experience.
To apply e-mail resumes attention of Brad Peterson bpeterson@predictifund.com and careers@advanceme.com. Background Checks are required. EOE
Predictifund, a subsidiary of Capital Access Network, Inc. (CAN) providing equipment financing and working capital options to brokers.
### Press Release ###########################
Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s
Survey of Economic Activity: Monthly Leasing and Finance Index
MLFI-25 Data Show Steady Rise in New Business Volume;
Capex Sector Remained Strong During August
 Washington, DC, September 25, 2007— The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s 1/ (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports equipment finance activity, showed that overall new business volume for August increased by 6.1 percent compared to the same month in 2006. According to year-to-date cumulative totals, new business volume for January to August 2007 was 9.4 percent higher when comparing the same period in 2006.
 The MLFI-25 reported new business volume for August totaled $6.9 billion for new commercial equipment leases and loans, compared to $6.7 billion in July. New business volume for August 2006 totaled $6.5 billion.
 Portfolio quality showed some softening in August. While current receivables (less than 30 days) remained virtually unchanged from July of this year, those in the 61-90 day and over 90-day buckets increased when comparing both the prior month and year-earlier month’s data. Losses were up as well, when comparing both periods. Credit approval ratios remained the same compared to August 2006 data, but increased dramatically from the prior month.
 Total headcount was slightly higher in the July-August period, but compared to the earlier-year month, showed a 9 percent decline.
Michael J. Rizzo, President of US Bancorp Business Equipment Finance Group in Marshall, Minnesota, said, "It is very encouraging that, despite a softening economy and the negative implications of the sub-prime mortgage fallout, demand for equipment financing remains very strong relative to last year. Given the Federal Reserve's recent rate decrease, the remaining four months of 2007 should continue to reflect this underlying strength.” Mr. Rizzo, whose firm is an MLFI-25 survey participant, said, “It is not surprising that portfolio quality is deteriorating slightly since most lessors have enjoyed historically low delinquency and bad debt for the past three years. The key to continued success in this market is to pay increased attention to portfolio management and to recognize inherent risk when pricing transactions.”
 “The August MLFI-25 data indicate that the commercial sector of the economy remained on track during August and credit remained available for both lenders and borrowers in the equipment finance market,” said ELFA president Kenneth E. Bentsen, Jr. “While we witnessed some softening of credit quality, business capital investment remained strong, reflecting the underlying economic fundamentals.” MLFI-25 Methodology
ELFA produces the MLFI-25 report to help member organizations achieve competitive advantage by providing them with leading-edge research and benchmarking information which supports strategic business decision making. The report is also a barometer of the trends in U.S. capital equipment investment.

Click image to see full graph
Five components are included in the MLFI-25 survey: new business volume (originations); aging of receivables; charge-offs; credit approval ratios (approved vs. submitted); and headcount for the leasing and finance business.
The MLFI-25 provides metrics reflecting monthly commercial equipment lease and loan activity as reported by participating ELFA member equipment finance companies representing a cross section of the equipment finance sector including small ticket, middle market, large ticket, bank, captive and independent leasing and finance companies. Based on hard survey data, the responses mirror the economic activity of the broader equipment finance sector, which contributes to the representation of current business conditions nationally.
The MLFI-25 complements other relevant economic indices, including the monthly durable goods report produced by the U.S. Department of Commerce, which reflects new orders for manufactured durable goods and the Institute for Supply Management Index, which reports economic activity in the manufacturing sector. Along with the MLFI-25, which reflects levels of equipment financed, these reports provide a complete picture that describes the use of productive assets in the U.S. economy: equipment produced, acquired and financed.
Results of each MLFI-25 are posted on the ELFA website and in ELT, the Magazine of Equipment Leasing and Finance. Charts and graphs are available for the media upon request; please contact Diane Helyne Zyats at ELFA at dzyats@elfaonline.org # # #
/1. The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) is the trade association representing financial services companies and manufacturers engaged in financing the utilization and investment of and in capital goods. ELFA members are the driving force behind the growth in the commercial equipment finance market and contribute to capital formation in the U.S. and abroad. Its over 750 members include independent and captive leasing and finance companies, banks, financial services corporations, broker/packagers and investment banks, as well as service providers. For more information, please visit www.ELFAOnline.org The ELFA is also the premier source for statistics and analyses covering the equipment finance sector. To access ELFA's comprehensive industry information, please visit
ELFA MLFI-25 Participants
ADP Credit Corporation
Bank of America
Bank of the West
Canon Financial Services
Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation
De Lage Landen Financial Services
First American Equipment Finance
Hitachi Credit America
HP Financial Services
Irwin Financial
John Deere Credit Corporation
Key Equipment Finance
LaSalle National Leasing Corporation
Marlin Leasing Corporation
National City Commercial Corp.
RBS Asset Finance
Regions Equipment Finance
Siemens Financial Services
US Bancorp
US Express Leasing
Verizon Capital Corp
Volvo Financial Services
Wells Fargo Equipment Finance
### Press Release ###########################
Most Credit Execs Are Satisfied With Compensation Package: 26 Factors Linked to Job Satisfaction

The number of credit execs who believe that their overall compensation is fair is 67.9 percent, nearly the same as three years ago.
The table below shows responses to the question: Do you agree that your complete compensation package is fair?

Source: Credit Today 2007-2008 Salary & Job Satisfaction Survey
Positive Correlations with Satisfaction with Pay
Here's important data for credit and HR department managers. The list below is a rundown of all variables that relate to the belief that one's compensation is fair. As with other such rankings in this survey, the numbers in the table are based on a statistical measurement known as "Pearson's coefficient." The number "1" would imply perfect correlation. "0" means total randomness, and no correlation.
Survey Results: Positive Correlations with Satisfaction with Pay
Those with increasing levels of job satisfaction .340
Higher base salaries in 2007 .326
Senior management in touch with the contribution of credit .260
A higher standard increase for the credit department in 2007 .235
Those who oversee a larger staff .227
Larger department size .211
Those expecting a bonus in 2007 .187
Job responsibilities include budgetary authority .183
Responsible for larger budget .178
Larger A/R portfolio size overseen .178
Those who rate their department's performance favorably .177
Larger companies .173
More recent merit raise .170
Evaluation of job performance include ability to manage staff .168
Benefits include parental leave .153
Larger number of invoices per day .151
Time spent in meetings .150
Benefits include tuition reimbursement .146
Time spent on personnel issues .146
Benefits include stock options .122
Those who cite "lack of challenge" as a top source of job .122
Number of years at current company .115
Lower staff turnover rate .113
Benefits include a company car .106
Number of years in credit .104
Those who cite "variety of work" as a top factor for continued job satisfaction .102
Interestingly, increasing job satisfaction (with a Pearson's coefficient of .340) is a better predictor of the belief that one's pay is fair than pay itself. But salary level is number 2 on the list, and not far behind, with a Pearson's coefficient of .326.
The third most important factor in the belief that one's pay is fair is having senior management that is in touch with the contributions of the credit department - i.e., recognition.
The above factors can be organized into several broad categories:
The size and type of company you work at - those at larger firms are more likely to be satisfied with their compensation package
The size of your responsibilities at your company - those with greater responsibilities and authority tend to be more satisfied with their compensation package.
Recognition - those receiving more recognition for the work they do tend to be more satisfied with their compensation package.
Job satisfaction issues - Those who believe that their department is performing well are more likely to be satisfied with their compensation package. Keep in mind, it's hard or impossible to say which CAUSES the other, but they're definitely linked (correlated).
Benefits - Our data show that benefits such as parental leave and tuition reimbursement actually are more important predictors of satisfaction with one's total compensation package than stock options.
Interestingly, though women overall are paid less than men, women are not less likely than men to believe that their compensation package is not fair.
Get the Full Report!
There are two easy ways to purchase the complete Credit Today 2007-2008 Salary & Job Satisfaction Survey. Either way, you can download it immediately.
The first (and best) way is to get it for free as a Member of Credit Today. To sign up and have immediate access to the survey and all our other great resources, including our download section, click here:
reprinted from CreditToday, also available on line:
To learn more about subscription, please go to:
### Press Release ###########################
News Briefs----
Bank of America to Layoff 4000

Calendar Events This Day
Saint feast Days
http://www.catholic.org/saints/f_day/sep.php [headlines]

This Day in American History
1774-Birthday of John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed, born Leominster, MA. Planter of orchards and friend of wild animals, he was regarded as a great medicine man by the Indians. The remarkable career of Johnny Appleseed began about 1800. He moved to Pennsylvania, where he sold or gave away saplings and apple seeds to settlers moving west. Chapman then moved on to Ohio, sowing and giving away apple seeds en route. For more than 40 years he traveled through Ohio, Indiana, and western Pennsylvania. He pruned trees he had previously planted and helped pioneers care for the orchards grown form his seeds. His work bore fruit, literally, over an area of perhaps 100,000 square miles. Chapman was ragged in dress and eccentric in his ways. He was also an itinerant preacher, expounding his faith in the Church of the New Jerusalem, the religious organization that grew out of the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg, the Swedish mystic whose teachings had been introduced to the U.S. in 1784 and whose empathy with the natural world apparently appealed to Chapman. During the War of 1812, Chapman traveled 30 miles to bring troops to Mansfield, Ohio, to forestall a raid by Indian allies of the British. Chapman also introduced and encouraged the raising of many useful medicinal herbs. He died near Fort Wayne, Indian, in 1847.
(lower half of: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/sep26.html )
1777- Philadelphia was occupied by British forces under Gen. Howe. General George Washington realizes the war is going badly for the colonials.
1814- With over 1,000 delegates from 17 churches, the Flint River Association was established -- the first official Baptist organization of its kind in the history of Alabama.
1835- The Suwanee Association was formed, in Florida. Comprised of eight member churches, it was the first official Baptist organization in Florida history.
1871- David Oliver Saylor of Allentown, PA, received a patent for American Portland cement. He perfected a process for making hydraulic cement from argillo magnesium and argillo calcareous limestone. European cement was regarded as superior and it was not until 1897 that the use of American cement exceeded the use of cement important from Europe. It was primarily brought in from Portland, England as ballast aboard ships.
1888-Birthday of T.S. Eliot ( Thomas Stearns Eliot), Nobel prize winner, poet, playwright and critic, born St. Louis, MO. “There never was a time,” he believed, “ when those that read at all, read so many more books by living authors than books by dead authors; there never was a time so completely parochial, so shut off from the past.” Eliot died at London, England, January 4, 1965.
1892 - The ‘King of Marches' was introduced to the general public. John Philip Sousa and his band played the "Liberty Bell March" in Plainfield, New Jersey. Most of his compositions were written in Great Lakes, Illinois, where his Navy marching band was based.
1898 -George Gershwin Birthday
1907-Birthday of piano player Frank “Kansas City Frank” Melrose. Sumner, IL
1908 - An ad for the Edison Phonograph appeared in "The Saturday Evening Post". The phonograph offered buyers free records by both the Democratic and Republican U.S. presidential candidates!
1918- The “Battle of Meuse,” Argonne Forest. As part of four major efforts to break the Hindenburg line, a Franco-American offensive began on this date, with the US First Army striking between the Meuse River and the Argonne Forest and the French Fourth Army to their west. After four taxing weeks of attack, the Germans were gradually pushed back. By Oct 31, the Americans had advanced 10 miles, the French had reached the Aisne River 20 miles away and the Argonne Forest was rid of the Central Power forces. This was the final great battle of World War I.
1919-President Wilson actually suffered a strong while traveling to Wichita, Kansas from Pueblo, Colorado..
His national tour was halted and he was taken back to Washington, DC. History was changed as the seriousness of Wilson's condition was not made public, even to his immediate cabinet.
For quite a period of time, Mrs. Wilson along with a few key people kept his inabilities a secret.
Legislation did not happen, foreign policy was greatly affected, and Wilson's ability to communicate with the public was gone. The presidential election of 1920 was in part a referendum on whether the U.S. should join the League of Nations. Its main proponent was too incapacitated to continue and all the opponents had a field day.
The Democratic nominee, James M. Cox, pledged to do his best to take American into the league, but found little support or backing, even from his own party due to the lack of indecision by the many factions. The Republican platform straddled the issue; candidate Warren G. Harding did not seem to feel strongly either way (ironically he would die in San Francisco from a heart attack, August 2, 1923).. Harding's election was an indicator that the American people wanted to forget the war. They rejected Woodrow Wilson's idealism and returned to everyday pursuits. This was the first presidential election in which women could vote, and they apparently voted the same was as the men---overwhelmingly Republican ( the saying that “We gave the women the vote, and they voted for handsome Warren G. Harding (a well-known womanizer at the time) haunted the female vote for years. The U.S. Census recorded a population of 105,710,620. The center of population was placed at eight miles south-southeast of Spencer, Owen County, Indiana. For the first time a decline was recorded in the rural population to less than 50% of the total. The number of farm residents had dwindled to less than 50%. We were about to begin “The Roaring Twenties.”
1925----Texas Governor Pat Neff pardons folksinger Leadbelly, McGregor, Texas
1926-Gene Tunney won the heavyweight championship by taking a unanimous 15-round decision from Jack Dempsey, the champion since 1919. Tunney defeated Dempsey in a rematch, won one more fight and then retired.
1926 –Birthday of Julie London (Peck) (singer: Cry Me a River; actress: Emergency; died Oct 18, 2000)
1937- Bessie Smith, 43, one of the world's great jazz singers, dies in Clarksdale, Miss., from an auto accident. The closest hospital refused to admit her because she was black.
1939-Birthday of singer Tina Turner, Brownsville, TN
1944—Top Hits
I'll Walk Alone - Dinah Shore
Is You is or is You Ain't - Bing Crosby & The Andrews Sisters
I'll Be Seeing You - Bing Crosby
Smoke on the Water - Red Foley
1948-Birthday of singer Olivia Newton-John, Cambridge, England,.
1949- Jane Graves Smiley birthday - U.S. novelist and Pulitzer Prize winner. She won the Pulitzer honor for her devastating One Thousand Acres that was later made into a movie but is best known for her novel Moo which has almost become a cult favorite. Her mother was also a writer and journalist.
1952- Top Hits
You Belong to Me - Jo Stafford
Wish You Were Here - Eddie Fisher
Half as Much - Rosemary Clooney
Jambalaya (On the Bayou) - Hank Williams
1955 - Debbie Reynolds married singing idol Eddie Fisher. The couple made it through four tempestuous years. Fisher gave her up for Elizabeth Taylor, and also “Jump the Shark” on his career.
1957- Sept 26 , West Side Stories opened at the Winter Garden Theatre, 1957 and ran for 732 performances
1957 - "West Side Story" opened in New York. The musical ran for 734 performances. The loose adaptation of William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" produced several hit songs, including "Maria" and "Tonight".
1960- the first of four television debates between Richard Milhous Nixon, the Republican candidate, and John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the Democratic candidate took place today in a Chicago studio; the second on October 8 in a Washington, DC, studio; the third of October 13, with Kennedy in New York City and Nixon in Hollywood, CA; and the fourth on October 21, in a New York city studio. off pitcher Jack Fisher of the Baltimore Orioles in the Yankee' 159th game.
1960—Top Hits
My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own - Connie Francis
Chain Gang - Sam Cooke
Mr. Custer - Larry Verne
Alabam - Cowboy Copas
1961-Roger Maris hit his 60th home run of the season to tie Babe Ruth's record. Maris's homer came off pitcher Jack Fisher of the Baltimore Orioles to the Yankees' 159th game.
1962- “The Beverly Hillbillies” premieres on TV. This half-hour comedy was one of the most successful “rural” comedies on TV; in addition, according to Nielsen, the eight most-watched half-hour shows are episodes of this series. “The Beverly Hillbillies” was about an Appalachian man, Jed Clampett (Buddy Ebsen) who found oil on his property, so he moved his family to a better life in Beverly Hills, CA. Most of its jokes were based on its fish-out-of-water premise. Also in the cast were Irene Ryan as Granny, Jed's mother-in-law, Donna Douglas as his daughter ElIy May, Max Baer, Jr as his nephew Jethro Bodine, Raymond Bailey as neurotic Milburn Drysdale, Jed's neighbor and the owner of the bank where Jed kept his money, Nancy Kulp as Jane Hathaway, Drysdale's secretary and right-hand-woman and Harriet MacGibbon as Margaret Drysdale, Milburn's wife.
1964- “ The Gilligans Island” premiered. Often asked on both “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” and other quiz shows, this series was about seven people who set sail aboard the Minnow for a three-hour tour and became stranded on an island. They used the resources on the island for food, shelter and entertainment. The cast included Bob Denver as Gilligan, Alan Hale, Jr, as the Skipper( Jonas Grumby), Jim Backus as Thurston Howell Ill, Natalie Schafer as Mrs. “Lovey” Howell, Russell Johnson as the Professor( Roy Hinkley), Dawn Wells as Mary Ann Summers and Tina Louise as Ginger Grant, the movie star. The last telecast aired on Sept 4,1967.
( could not find Gilligan's first name, someone told me it was Willard or Wille )
1968—Top Hits
Harper Valley P.T.A. - Jeannie C. Riley
Hey Jude - The Beatles
Hush - Deep Purple
Mama Tried - Merle Haggard
1968 -Hawaii Five-O debuts as an hourly program on CBS
1969- the Beatles' 13th album, Abbey Road, was released in the United Kingdom on this date in 1969. The album zoomed to number one on the record charts and stayed there for 11 weeks. It was the last album the Beatles made together.
1969- “The Brady Bunch”. This popular sitcom starred Robert Reed as widower Mike Brady who has three sons and is married to Carol (played by Florence Henderson), who has three daughters. Housekeeper Alice was played by Ann B. Davis. Sons Greg (Barry Williams), Peter (Christopher Knight) and Bobby (Mike Lookinland) and daughters Marcia (Maureen McCormick), Jan (Eve Plumb) and Cindy (Susan Olsen) experienced the typical crises of youth. The program steered clear of social issues and portrayed childhood as a time of innocence. The last episode was telecast on Aug 30,1974. The program continues to be popular in reruns in the after-school time slot. There were also many spin-offs: “The Brady Kids” (1972—74), a Saturday morning cartoon; “The Brady Bunch Hour” (1976—77), a variety series; “The Brady Brides” (1981), a sitcom about the two older daughters adjusting to marriage and “The Brady's” (1990), a short-lived dramatic series. A Very Brady Christmas (1988) was CBS's highest rated special for the season. In 1995, The Brady Bunch Movie appealed to fans who had watched the program 25 years before.
1976-Top Hits
Play That Funky Music - Wild Cherry
I'd Really Love to See You Tonight - England Dan & John Ford Coley
A Fifth of Beethoven - Walter Murphy & The Big Apple Band
If You've Got the Money I've Got the Time - Willie Nelson
1981- Nolan Ryan o the Houston Astros became the first pitcher to throw five career no-hitters. He blanked the Los Angeles Dodgers, 5-0, at the Astrodome. Ryan ended his career with seven no-hitters.
1981- Roger Maris hit his 60th home run of the season to tie Babe Ruth's record. Maris's home came
1982- “Knight Rider” premieres. David Hasselhoff starred in this one-hour adventure series about a copy who was nearly killed, then brought back to live with a new identity ( Michael Knight ) by a mysterious millionaire. Together with a car that talked, a Pontiac Trans Am called KITT ( Knight Industries Two Thousand, Knight had various adventures. Other cast members included Edward Mulhare as Devon Miles, aid to the deceased millionaire, Patricia McPherson as mechanic Bonnie Barstow, Rebecca Holden as April Curtis, William Daniels as the voice of KITT, and peter Parros as Reginald Cornelius III, truck driver/chauffeur for KITT.
1984 - Liz Taylor starred in the season opener of the TV soap, "Hotel". Despite incredibly biting bits from John Belushi on NBC's "Saturday Night Live" regarding her plumpness at the time, viewers were quite amazed when Ms. Taylor appeared in a gown -- with a 24-inch waistline. Definitely no more, “I followed Liz Taylor to McDonald's to watch the numbers change,” from Joan Rivers.
1984---Top Hits
Missing You - John Waite
Let's Go Crazy - Prince & The Revolution
Drive - The Cars
Let's Chase Each Other Around the Room - Merle Haggard
1985- Shamu was born at Sea World at Orlando, FL and is the first killer whale born in captivity to survive. Shamu is now living at Sea World's Texas park
1986 - "Dallas", on CBS-TV, smashed NBC's "Miami Vice" in the overnight ratings. The episode, from Southfork Ranch, had Bobby Ewing (Patrick Duffy) returning from the dead -- in the shower, no less! Pam Ewing (Victoria Principal) was a bit perplexed. So were the viewers. Somebody had stayed up very, very late writing this episode.
1987 - Whitney Houston's fifth consecutive #1 U.S. single hit the top. "Didn't We Almost Have It All" was a cut from her LP, "Whitney", which was number one on the album charts from June 27 to Sep 11 that year.
1988- NYC's Rockefeller Center declared a national landmark.
1991 - A group of scientists, four men and four women began a two-year stay inside "Biosphere 2", a sealed structure in Oracle, AZ. They had planned to have no contact with the outside world; to grow their own food and live peacefully together as future pioneers in a harsh and alien world. Unfortunately, the outside world had to intervene a few times; to get rid of an ant invasion, to pump in oxygen, to tend to a health emergencies, to bring in forgotten necessities like makeup. The scientific team managed to last out the term, but they were half-crazy and half-starved when U.S. marshals led them out two years later.
1998 -With a 6-1 win over the Devil Rays, the Bronx Bombers set an AL record with their 112th win. The 1906 Cubs, who went 116-36, are the only team with more victories than the 1998 Yankees.
1998 - By hitting a 462-foot blast at the Astrodome, Sammy Sosa hits #66 (and his final homer of the season) to take the lead in the HR race. Less than an hour later, however, Mark McGwire also hits his 66th in the Cardinals' 6-5 victory over the Expos to tie the Cub outfielder in the historic home run race.
1998 - Ken Griffey, Jr. hits his league-leading 56th homer of the season and 350th of his career becoming the youngest player ever to reach the 350 mark.
Baseball Poem

Baseball Poem
Fifth Place Baseball in September
Because of drought and a few bad trades
the leaves have fallen too soon
and the crowd is sparse
and spaced like the remaining pieces
at the end of a long chess match
gridiron battle lines have been drawn
like grill marks across the brown diamond
and the ball follows the fifty
high and toward right
till the sun strikes the fielder
like a peyton stiff arm
and you forgive random rookie
for his bad judgment
for all rookies must be forgiven
once in September
when fifth place is sewed up
and attendance is amazingly over a million.
by Tim Peeler
from “Touching All the Bases”
with permission of the author.
available at: www.mcfarlandpub.com
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