Award winning commercial leasing salesman, middle market Georgia , Alabama , Tennessee , and Florida in addition to originating leases nationally. 26 years experience.
Resume |
For a full listing of all "job wanted" ads, please go to:
Bank Beat-Another Leasing funder is gone!
by Christopher Menkin

As long as the banks continue to fail, credit will remain tight for
the leasing industry as there are less sources, particularly ones
who have funded leases or provided lessors with lines of credit, both
recourse and non-recourse.
The FDIC predicts there are over a hundred more banks to fail. I
started this "Bank Beat" to keep tract of what was happening and why
the smaller, regional, and now "middle-market" banks are failing.
This meant not only interviews, seeing what industry stories were
being written, but also personally analyzing the SEC and FDIC financial
filings, which are quite revealing if you know how to read them
and what to look for. They each have their own story, although common threads do exist to the reasons of their demise.
Irwin was a large NorVergence funder (which they were one of
the first to write off, not what IFC Credit did). They also had an active vendor and profitable lessor operation, no longer around to service the leasing industry.
Irwin's problems were not with financing businesses, but major overextending subprime mortgages and commercial real estate, especially in Nevada (Las Vegas primarily) and Southern California, according to many bank analysts (and the FDIC). It was not
NorVergence leases or Irwin's lease portfolio (they were able to
sell off quite a bit before they went under as it was viewed as
being quite profitable, as noted in Friday's story), but what finally brought them down was a major a lack of confidence in the board of directors' management by both the banking regulators, and as important, the shareholders. Not only could they not attract new capital, the drop in price per bank share was headed for zero
after the "cease and desist" notice.
In writing the story on Friday about the true financial condition of one of the most popular lease funding financial institutions, the original title was "Irwin Desperately Trying to Raise Capital to Stay Alive."
Viewing the June 30, 2009 FDIC financial statement filings, analyzing
it, doing more research on the internet, seeing the questions being asked, it was a matter of time. It certainly was quite serious and
became the lead story on Friday, especially viewing what had happened to their bank's leasing portfolio, as they were obvious not only selling branches but everything they could. Shares also had
plummeted to 50 cents a share after the "cease and desist order."
The "cease and desist" gave a deadline of September 30th. I thought it was too "rough" a headline and maybe Irwin did have a chance; certainly did not want to see them fail. Little did I know the FDIC had already made up their minds after the stock fell. At 6pm EDT they made their announcement:
"To protect depositors, the FDIC entered into a purchase and assumption agreement with First Financial Bank, National Association, Hamilton, Ohio, to assume all of the deposits of the two banks."
At the date the banks had total assets of $518.2 million, retail deposits of $411 million and 103 employees, originally 939 employees in June 30, 2008 to 482 June 30, 2009, before the sale of three branches. The FDIC said "It certainly was in an unsafe and unsound condition to conduct business because of its deteriorating asset quality, weak earnings and inability to develop an acceptable operating plan."
As of August 31, 2009, it had total assets of $2.7 billion and total deposits of approximately $2.1 billion. Irwin Union Bank, F.S.B., Louisville, Kentucky, as of August 31, 2009, had total assets of $493 million and total deposits of approximately $441 million.
Irwin Union B&T Company and Irwin Union Bank, F.S.B. had 27 locations between them, operating in nine states (Irwin Union Bank lists a Reno office at 5496 Reno Corporate Drive.) Claude Davis, president and chief executive officer of First Financial Bancorp,
said he hoped to keep most of the Irwin Union employees, but
did not mention locations out of their main operating arena.
"The purchase of these banking centers expands First Financial's multi-state presence that now includes 49 locations in Indiana. We're excited to extend our products, services, and brand of banking to a larger client base," Claude Davis said. "First Financial has been recognized for its stability and its focus on asset quality, liquidity and strong capitalization. Our strong financial position has enabled us to complete this strategic purchase, and we're confident that we can successfully integrate these banking centers with our existing operations."
The FDIC and First Financial Bank entered into a loss-share transaction on approximately $2.5 billion of the assets of Irwin Union B&T Company and Irwin Union Bank. The FDIC estimates the failure of the two banks will cost its insurance fund about $850 million.
Irwin Union Bank, FSB, and its sister bank, state-chartered Irwin Union Bank and Trust of Indiana, were owned by Irwin Financial Corporation.
Irwin Resolved to Raise Capital to Stay Alive
by Christopher Menkin
List of Bank Failures
Bank Beat:
Leasing 102
by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP

Lease Pricing Today
When computing a rent payment for a proposal, or a discussion on a potential lease, it is important to understand the difference in types of leases and the components of a proper pricing. In addition, it is always smart to give your customer a number of alternatives instead of just reacting to their one request or terms off of your rate chart. A choice of type of lease is not just a choice of terms. Many customers view a lease like a financing and usually ask for a $1 out or a bargain option lease. However, currently there are many ways to price a lease with a host of advantages to each one. It is your duty to present and explain each alternative.
A bargain option lease (non-lease)is priced on a ROI basis and usually has the same payments as a fully financed conditional sales contract. The advantages are that the sales tax is spread over the term, instead of being paid up front, and front end expenses such as transportation costs and setup fees are also amortized in the lease. There are no additional collateral requests and no loan indentures are required. But we require liability insurance coverage not required in a loan and a lease is a non-cancelable transaction. This lease is covered by Article 9 of the UCC because it is not considered a lease for legal purposes.
On occasion, a non-lease has the ability to include a small residual with a fixed price purchase option, or a residual "put" that does not change the nature of the transaction but does lower the payment making the present value of the payments lower than a loan.
When you price a lease for a firm that is a non-profit (501-C) remember that they may want a lease to expense, requiring you to price an operating lease for GAAP, but it will also become a true lease for income tax purposes and the MACRS depreciation is restricted and will have an effect on your numbers. MACRS depreciation must be for 20% longer than your lease term or the old ADR term whichever is longer.
The municipal (muni)market is a huge market but the tax free nature of the transactions usually make them a non-lease with reduced pricing. Be careful how you price a muni lease and follow the rules. If you are unfamiliar with the rules let me know and I will send you something to read. In addition banks have additional restrictions since 1984 and must understand the yield because of the loss of interest deduction or they may not be getting the yield they figured.
If you price a tax lease, it is wise to use a computer based pricing program because the payment stream is pure income and your offset is the MACRS depreciation. The relationship of these determines you taxable income. Each change in the payment structure or residual will affect the overall taxable income and therefore affects the yield requiring you to re-price the transaction. Also be sure to check the MACRS depreciation tables for the correct depreciable term. If you use the wrong term it may affect your results drastically.
Requirements for a true lease are not easily found in the tax guides instead they evolved over the years from Tax cases, IRS rulings and IRS procedures. Do not price a tax lease without investigating the rules by reading the many publications from PLI and the Leasing industry.
Computer based pricing programs are a necessary tool in today's pricing wars even if the transaction is not a true lease. The many payment variables including seasonal, irregular, hi-low, low-hi, and packaging fees can be figured precisely in a heartbeat instead of "close to" on a calculator. A calculator is a wonderful tool but it does not hold a candle to a good computer based pricing program, especially at the low prices the programs command today.
Mr. Terry Winders, CLP, has been a teacher, consultant, expert witness for the leasing industry for thirty years and can be reached at leaseconsulting@msn.com or 502-327-8666.
He invites your questions and queries.

(This ad is a "trade" for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Lease Corporation of America is seeking a select group of business development professionals to participate in our Independent Sales Associate program.
This is a commission only program that can lead to permanent employ with base salary, commission and benefits.
John Martella
LCA Financial, llc
Phone: 800.800.8098 ext. 5209
Direct: 248.743.5209
2 years+ small ticket ($150k and under) experience
We offer the ability to structure and fund Vendor Programs, great
commission splits; friendly support staff in beautiful Carlsbad, CA.
Remote office work is acceptable for the right candidate. More Info: click here or Email resumes@ilslease.com
ILS is a direct lender specializing in
Vendor Program business.
Sales positions in the Western United States
5 years+ small ticket or mid market experience
Established customer/vendor relationships a plus. Draw/Base
plus commission. Submit resume to: jobs@TEQlease.com
TEQlease provides customized equipment leasing solutions for businesses.
Managing Director Origination - Middle East & Africa
Despite recessionary pressures,
confidence swells at US Bancorp
By Kevin Dobbs
Beaten-down consumers continue to hamper loan growth and
credit quality, but U.S. Bancorp, while couching its optimism as cautious through much of the recession, is now sounding an almost
fearless tune.
The Minneapolis-based bank is confident the pace of consumer
credit woes has slowed — a bank is only as healthy as the people
to whom it lends — and the bank promises that it is poised to grow
revenue steadily and produce robust profits when economic growth
resumes in earnest.
“We are growing the company on all levels, even in this difficult
time,” Richard Davis, chairman, president and CEO, told investors at
a Sept. 15 conference sponsored by Barclays Capital.
U.S. Bancorp is intent on organically growing its retail, corporate
and wealth management operations, but Davis said he also has his
eyes wide open to deals that would enable the bank to beef up its
position in each area. He said “transformational” deals — an acquisi-
tion of another large commercial bank, in order words — are not
part of his plan, but acquisitions involving payments and corporate
trust businesses as well as niche deals, such as its purchase this
month of three North American partner credit card portfolios from
Citigroup Inc., are likely.
Davis said U.S. Bancorp also continues to study “fill-in” deals in
the Midwest and West, such as its FDIC-assisted acquisition of bank
assets from Ketchum, Idaho-based First Bank of Idaho FSB earlier
this year. U.S. Bancorp, in late 2008, also acquired Downey Savings
& Loan Association and PFF Bank & Trust in California.
“You can expect more of these,” Davis said.
But while deals are part of the growth plan, he said he has no
interest in an acquisition that would not be a seamless fit and that
would sidetrack the bank’s organic growth momentum, which has
been fueled by a so-called “flight to quality” that Davis expects “will
continue for quite some time.”
Davis said, as weakened competitors bleed accounts, U.S. Bancorp
is aggressively cherry-picking creditworthy customers, helping it
to post strong deposit growth in the second quarter — growth the
company continues to enjoy this quarter, Davis said. He added that,
while competitors fret over commercial and consumer loan losses,
U.S. Bancorp’s credit issues remain in line with expectations. He said
he sees “nothing remarkable” and “no news” in his bank’s commercial
real estate portfolio, for example, and his credit card book, while
dinged, “is significantly better than our peers.”
Loan growth, essentially flat in the second quarter, remains so
now. “I refuse to lower credit standards simply to show loan growth,”
Davis said, but added that, once economic conditions fully stabilize,
his bank will be in position to ramp up loans to the best customers.
The timing of that shift, he said, remains dependent on the job
market. The national unemployment rate was 9.7% in August, and
many economists expect it to reach 10% this year. “The consumer
needs to move first,” Davis said, before cautious businesses will once
again tap credit lines at normal levels.
But there are indications that a floor is forming beneath the strug-
gling consumer-driven economy. U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben
Bernanke said in a Sept. 15 speech at the Brookings Institution that
the recession has likely ended.
His comments followed a new U.S. Commerce Department report
that found U.S. retail sales rose 2.7% in August. Auto deals, benefit-
ing from short-term gains propelled by a government car-rebate
program, boosted overall sales. But even excluding autos, retail sales
still rose 1.1%.
U.S. Bancorp is counting on the recovery of the consumer to help
it meet bold revenue goals. It said, from 2007 levels, its revenue
growth should exceed $500 million by 2011. “We are well on track
for that,” Davis said.
The bank posted second-quarter net income applicable to com-
mon shareholders of $221 million, or 12 cents per share. It recorded
a provision for credit losses of $1.4 billion, up from $1.32 billion in
the linked quarter, but its total net revenues of $4.16 billion also
were up notably from the $3.88 billion in the previous quarter.
“We believe that USB will … be one of the first companies to
return to ‘normalized’ earnings,” Oppenheimer & Co. analyst Chris
Kotowski wrote to clients after recently meeting with U.S. Bancorp’s
management team.
To be sure, other analysts have their doubts. Dick Bove of Roch-
dale Securities LLC called U.S. Bancorp’s relative strength and growth
plans “exciting stuff.” But he added in a note: “The problem with the
program is that it is being executed in a recession. This means that
bad loans are constantly interfering with the company’s programs. It
also means that it is hard to find good loans to underwrite.”
Davis did not seek to downplay credit troubles, saying they would
be a nagging pain in the company’s side for some time, but he told
investors to bank on success long term.
“We have a lot of focus in the company on the future,” he said.
He said the company has been and will continue to invest in ad-
vertising its name as one emblematic of safety and service, particu-
larly in large cities within its footprint. And he said the company has
placed heightened emphasis on establishing more business lines
with both new and existing customers — and getting more innova-
tive about doing so. Davis cited the bank’s recent move to provide
customers who open a new account with a credit card ready for use
the day they start doing business with U.S. Bancorp.
“We are working on it,” he said
Leasing Association Conference 2009

September 24-27, 2009
National Equipment Finance Association
2009 Fall Conference and Exposition
Monterey , California
Featured keynote speaker, John Sweeney, will discuss the concept of innovation in a very creative way. His book, Innovation at the Speed of Laughter, will create much thought and discussion about how we need to constantly look at our business models and adapt accordingly in an ever changing environment. Improvising when needed is always key; however, we cannot compromise innovation with poor risk management.
Knowing the industry will continue to be challenged by current economic conditions, the role funding sources play for the broker/lessor will be even more vital considering there are fewer funding sources in today's environment. Managing risk will be key to long-term success for everyone. Funding sources need to continue to add value to help brokers/lessors grow business. Adding value isn't in how a funding source evaluates credit; rather, adding value is in providing innovative marketing strategies, consultative sales strategies and superior service levels, which will create more business opportunities for a broker/lessor's business.
As you stay focused on creating success in the leasing industry, the NEFA looks forward to seeing you at the NEFA Funding Symposium?Fall 2009 in Monterey, CA. There is still much to discuss and debate about the challenges and opportunities we will continue to face. What happened in April 2009 vs. what IS happening in September 2009 will be the focus this fall.
Charlie Ehlers
Conference Chair
For information on exhibit and sponsorship opportunities please contact us:
Kim King 760.574.6328
Alison Pryor 404.760.2841
Joe Woodley 404.760.2842
Brochure is available at:

October 18th-20th
Equipment Leasing and Finance Association
48th Annual Convention
Manchester Grand Hyatt
San Diego, CA
New this year: The Funding Source Connction, a virtual funding
exhibition allowing attendees and funding sources to connect while
at the convention.
Themed "Connecting to the Future" the program is designed to help members understand, plan for and benefit from the new equipment leasing and finance marketplace. The program will have three full days of educational sessions and networking, and include a newly added valuable feature, the Funding Source Connection.
As with ELFA's Annual Funding Exhibition held each April, the Funding Source Connection will create the opportunity for those in need of funding to meet with funding sources. Funding sources can post a profile on the convention Web page, and registered convention attendees can review the postings and contact specific funding sources to make individual appointments on an informal basis.
ELFA General Sessions speakers include:
· Mark Zandi, Ph.D.
Zandi is chief economist and cofounder of Moody's Economy.com, a division of Moody's Analytics, where he directs the company's research and consulting activities. His research interests include macro, financial and regional economics, and he conducts regular briefings on the economy.
· Jason Jennings
A business thought leader and best-selling author, Jennings has spent 20 years founding and leading successful businesses and consulting other companies, teaching them how to achieve their full potential. He delivers 80 keynotes annually and USA Today named him one of the three most in-demand business speakers in the world.
Members: $1775 Non-Members: $3550
First Timer, member only: $1095
Multi-discounts to members from the same firm available
Additional Attendee: $1520
Download Brochure:
November 9, 2009
National Equipment Finance Association
2009 Super Regional Conference
Newark, New Jersey
To view Leasing Association Events-Meetings Open to All, please click here.
CLP September Circular spotlights Brian Acosta, Joe Schmitz

The Certified Lease Professional Foundation September Circular spotlights Brian Acosta, CLP, Matrix Business Capital and Joe Schmitz, CLP , F. I. T. Leasing Financing Industry and Technology, plus has other information, including notice of expiration of $100 certificate to expire the end of this month.
Theresa M. Kabot, CLP, K2 Funding / Kabot Commercial Leasing, CLP president reports, "We are at 28 apps for certification this year…
not bad, eh? I feel good about it, but it's still a tough road…"
CLP September Circular:

(Leasing News provides this ad "gratis" as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)

### Press Release ##########################
West Coast Franchise Expo Scheduled for Oct. 2-4 in Los Angeles
WASHINGTON,-West Coast entrepreneurs will have multiple opportunities to learn from leading experts about the "how tos" of buying a franchise business, including financing and how to pick the right concept during the West Coast Franchise Expo Oct. 2-4 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
Topics include: Financing your Franchise; How to Buy a Hot Franchise; The 7 Secrets You Must Know Before Buying a Franchise and the 3 Traps that Will Kill You; and The A to Z's of Buying a Franchise. Many seminars will be provided in Spanish. For a complete list of seminar tops, click here.
Specialty seminars for Minorities & Women as well as Veterans will also be held during the exposition. During the exposition, attendees will be able to meet face to face with franchise company executives from over 150 franchise companies.
Franchise businesses provide for over 20 million jobs and contribute some $2.3 trillion to the U.S. economy. For more information about franchising visit www.franchise.org. For more information about the West Coast Franchise Expo, click here.
Leading franchise business speakers who will provide valuable information about buying franchise from the most basic to advanced.
Dozens of free seminars during the West Coast Franchise Expo to help entrepreneurs learn the ins and outs of getting into business for themselves but not by themselves.
Oct. 2-4, 2009
Los Angeles Convention Center
About the International Franchise Association
The International Franchise Association, the world's oldest and largest organization representing franchising, is the preeminent voice and acknowledged leader for the industry worldwide. Approaching a half-century of service with a growing membership of nearly 1,300 franchise systems, 10,000-plus franchisees and more than 500 firms that supply goods and services to the industry, IFA protects, enhances and promotes franchising by advancing the values of integrity, respect, trust, commitment to excellence, honesty and diversity. For more information, visit the IFA Web site at www.franchise.org.
### Press Release ############################

News Briefs----
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California Nuts Briefs---

Sports Briefs----
[headlines] ----------------------------------------------------------------
Today's Top Event in History
1931 - In the depths of the Depression, Americans had lost their faith in the nation's banking system. Despite President Hoover's various attempts to rekindle confidence, including temporary halts on debts and reparations, the nation remained wary. On September 21, 1931, that feeling of insecurity grew more pronounced with the announcement that Great Britain had decided to abandon the gold standard. Most people assumed that the United States would follow suit and pull out of the precious metal. Since gold was the standard bank reserve, the public also assumed that any money they had in the banks would be at risk. A mini-panic ensued, as people rushed to withdraw their savings and stockpile any available gold. By the end of October 1931, 827 banks had been forced to shut down. The public's suspicions, meanwhile, proved to be a bit premature, as the government did not give up the gold standard until 1933.

This Day in American History
1596-Spain named Juan de Oñate governor of the colony of New Mexico.
1673 - James Needham returned to Virginia after exploring the land to the west, which would become Tennessee.
1776 - Nathan Hale was arrested in NYC by the British for spying for American rebels.
1776 – New York City was burned down in the Great Fire five days after British took over.
1780 - General Benedict Arnold, American commander of West Point, met with British spy Major John André to hand over plans of the important Hudson River fort to the enemy. Unhappy with how General George Washington treated him and in need of money, Arnold planned to "sell" West Point for 20,000 pounds--a move that would enable the British to cut New England off from the rest of the rebellious colonies. Arnold's treason was exposed when André was captured by American militiamen who found the incriminating plans in his stocking. Arnold received a timely warning and was able to escape to a British ship, but André was hanged as a spy on October 2, 1780. Condemned for his Revolutionary War actions by both Americans and British, Arnold lived until 1801.
1782- Congress authorized the printing of the complete Bible in English, only available in Green and Latin to that time. It was entitled “ the Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments—newly translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised.” The frontispiece noted that it was “printed and sold by R. Aitken, at Pope’s Head, Three doors above the Coffee House in Market Street, Philadelphia, PA, 1782.” It was a duodecimo of 353 pages without pagination. Philadelphia, PA, in 1782
1784-The first daily newspaper begins in Pennsylvania.
( lower half of: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/sep21.html )
1814 -- Black troops cited for bravery in Battle of New Orleans.
On each page of history
America sees my face
On each page of history
We leave a shining trace
On each page of history, My race! My race! My race!
---Langston Hughes
1858-Birthday of Annie Sturges Daniel, pioneering U.S. physician who developed the "out-practice" service in New York City, the system of physicians going to the homes of the poor, usually the tenements of the lower east side. She particularly fought the household sweat shops where the poor - mostly women and children - were forced to use their limited living space to produce clothing. However, because she was one of the foremost authorities on tenement living, she did not try to eliminate home sweat shops because the income was vital to the families. Instead, she lobbied various city and state committees to regulate the conditions and force a raise in the wages for the work. One of her most effective methods was to publicize the working conditions under which the clothing was manufactured and to warn consumers of the threat of disease being carried in the clothing.
1884-Birthdy of Hugh I. “Shorty” Ray, Pro football Hall of Fame official born at Highland Park, IL. Ray was the NFL Supervisor of Officials from 1938 through 1952. He wrote the high school rule book that became the basis for all football rule books. He raised the quality of officiating games conducting seminars and requiring officials to take written exams,. Inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1966. Died Sept 16,1956
1894 - A heavy chicken house, sixteen by sixteen feet in area, was picked up by a tornado and wedged between two trees. The hens were found the next day sitting on their eggs in the chicken house, with no windows broken, as though nothing had happened.
1912-Birthday of Chuck Jones, born at Spokane, WA. Chuck Jones worked as a child extra in Hollywood in the 1920s. After attending art school, he landed a job washing animation cels for famed Disney animator Ub Iwerks. He learned the craft, and by 1962 he headed his own unit at Warner Bros. Animation. He created the characters Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote, Marvin the Martian and Pepe le Peu. He worked on the development of Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd, Daffy Duck and Porky Pig, and also produced, directed and wrote the screenplay for the animated 1966 television classic “Dr. Seuss How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” He won several Academy awards for his work and his cartoon “ What’s Opera, Doc”” is in the National Film Registry. He died on Feb. 22, 2002, at Corona Del Mar, CA.
1914- bassist Slam Stewart born, Englewood, NJ
1918- bassist Tommy Potter born, Philly.
1921-Birthday of drummer Chico Hamilton
1931 - In the depths of the Depression, Americans had lost their faith in the nation's banking system. Despite President Hoover's various attempts to rekindle confidence, including temporary halts on debts and reparations, the nation remained wary. On September 21, 1931, that feeling of insecurity grew more pronounced with the announcement that Great Britain had decided to abandon the gold standard. Most people assumed that the United States would follow suit and pull out of the precious metal. Since gold was the standard bank reserve, the public also assumed that any money they had in the banks would be at risk. A mini-panic ensued, as people rushed to withdraw their savings and stockpile any available gold. By the end of October 1931, 827 banks had been forced to shut down. The public's suspicions, meanwhile, proved to be a bit premature, as the government did not give up the gold standard until 1933.
1934 – Singer/composer/musician/poet Leonard Cohen born Montreal, Canada.
1938 - A great hurricane smashed into Long Island and bisected New England causing a massive forest blow down and widespread flooding. Winds gusted to 186 mph at Blue Hill MA, and a storm surge of nearly thirty feet caused extensive flooding along the coast of Rhode Island. The hurricane killed 600 persons and caused 500 million dollars damage. The hurricane, which lasted twelve days, destroyed 275 million trees. Hardest hit were Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Long Island NY. The "Long Island Express" produced gargantuan waves with its 150 mph winds, waves which smashed against the New England shore with such force that earthquake-recording machines on the Pacific coast clearly showed the shock of each wave
1944---TOWLE, JOHN R. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Private, U.S. Army, Company C, 504th Parachute Infantry, 82d Airborne Division. Place and date: Near Oosterhout, Holland, 21 September 1944. Entered service at: Cleveland, Ohio. Birth: Cleveland, Ohio. G.O. No.: 18, 15 March 1945. Citation. For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty on 21 September 1944, near Oosterhout, Holland. The rifle company in which Pvt. Towle served as rocket launcher gunner was occupying a defensive position in the west sector of the recently established Nijmegen bridgehead when a strong enemy force of approximately 100 infantry supported by 2 tanks and a half-track formed for a counterattack. With full knowledge of the disastrous consequences resulting not only to his company but to the entire bridgehead by an enemy breakthrough, Pvt. Towle immediately and without orders left his foxhole and moved 200 yards in the face of Intense small-arms fire to a position on an exposed dike roadbed. From this precarious position Pvt. Towle fired his rocket launcher at and hit both tanks to his immediate front. Armored skirting on both tanks prevented penetration by the projectiles, but both vehicles withdrew slightly damaged. Still under intense fire and fully exposed to the enemy, Pvt. Towle then engaged a nearby house which 9 Germans had entered and were using as a strongpoint and with 1 round killed all 9. Hurriedly replenishing his supply of ammunition, Pvt. Towle, motivated only by his high conception of duty which called for the destruction of the enemy at any cost, then rushed approximately 125 yards through grazing enemy fire to an exposed position from which he could engage the enemy half-track with his rocket launcher. While in a kneeling position preparatory to firing on the enemy vehicle, Pvt. Towle was mortally wounded by a mortar shell. By his heroic tenacity, at the price of his life, Pvt. Towle saved the lives of many of his comrades and was directly instrumental in breaking up the enemy counterattack.
1947---Top Hits
Peg o’ My Heart - The Harmonicats
That’s My Desire - The Sammy Kaye Orchestra (vocal: Don Cornell)
I Wonder Who’s Kissing Her Now - Perry Como
Smoke! Smoke! Smoke! (That Cigarette) - Tex Williams
1947-Birthday of author Stephen King, born Portland, ME.
1948- “ Texaco Star Theater” premiered. I remember around six years old watching this, and laughing at Milton Berle in women’s clothing, the group of us sitting around the television on the block, marveling at this invention.
1949-Wesley Anthony Brown of Washington, DC, became the first Naval Academy Graduate who was African-American when he received his commission as ensign.
1950-Comedian/Actor Bill Murray born Evanston, IL.
1955---Top Hits
The Yellow Rose of Texas - Mitch Miller
Maybellene - Chuck Berry
Love is a Many-Splendored Thing - The Four Aces
I Don’t Care - Webb Pierce
1955-The Platters' first million seller, "Only You," enters the pop charts at #24. The song hits Number One on the R&B chart. It becomes the first record to sell more than a million copies in France.
1955 - Boxing fans all over the world held their collective breaths as Archie Moore, the light heavyweight champion, knocked the heavyweight champion, Rocky Marciano, to the floor on this night. But the champ got up ... just as he had done in every fight before this ... and went on to defeat Moore. Rocky Marciano was the only world champion at any weight to have won every fight of his professional career (1947 to 1956). 43 of his 49 fights were won either by KO’s or because the fight had to be stopped.
1957- “Perry Mason” premiered on television. Raymond Burr will forever be associated with the character of Perry Mason, a highly skilled criminal lawyer who won the great majority of his cases. Episodes followed a similar format: the action took place in the first half, with the killers identity unknown, and the courtroom drama took place in the latter half. My father Lawrence Menkin was the story editor for several years, and also wrote several of the episodes. Mason was particularly adept at eliciting confessions from the guilty parties. Regulars and semi-regulars included Barbara Hale, William Hopper, William Talman and Ray Collins ( who when he got old, moved slowly, so Talman and Burr liked to pitch his butt, even on camera, to get him moving, and the crew sometimes would laugh too much and they would have to shoot the scene over, I remember my father telling me ).. Following the series’ end, with the last telecast on Jan 27,1974, a number of successful “Perry Mason” TV movies aired and the show remains popular in reruns.
1961--Birthday of American composer Michael Torke, born Milwaukee, WI.
1961 - The U.S. Army's 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), 1st Special Forces, is activated at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The Special Forces were formed to organize and train guerrilla bands behind enemy lines. President John F. Kennedy, a strong believer in the potential of the Special Forces in counterinsurgency operations, visited the Special Warfare Center at Fort Bragg to review the program and authorized the Special Forces to wear the headgear that became their symbol, the Green Beret.
1961 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: ``Take Good Care of My Baby,'' Bobby Vee. The song was written by Gerry Goffin and Carole King.
1962-A song called "Silver Threads and Golden Needles" by The Springfields became the first British record to crack the US Top 20. The vocal group was made up of Tim Field, Tom Springfield and his sister Dusty, who would go on to have her own solo hits like "I Only Want To Be With You".
1963---Top Hits
Blue Velvet - Bobby Vinton
Heat Wave - Martha & The Vandellas
Sally, Go ’Round the Roses - The Jaynetts
Abilene - George Hamilton IV
1963-"Sugar Shack" by Jimmy Gilmer & the Fireballs enters the Hot 100. It says there for 15 weeks and climbs to Number One for five weeks starting on October 12. It receives a gold record on November 29.
1965 -- The Jefferson Airplane opens for Lightnin' Hopkins at the Matrix on Fillmore St. Norm Mayell backed Hopkins on drums.
He patted him on the back no sooner Mr. Charlie had stooped over
He said, mi'mi mi'mi Mr. Charlie
Mr. Charlie straightened up and looked at him & say
Boy you tryin to tell me somethin
He say, Now if you can't talk it then sing it
& he say
oooooooohhhh mister charlie
your rollin mill is burnin down
— Lightnin Hopkins, Once in the Country
1966--*LAUFFER, BILLY LANE Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Private First Class, U.S. Army, Company C, 2d Battalion, 5th Cavalry, 1st Air Cavalry Division. place and date: Near Bon Son in Binh Dinh province, Republic of Vietnam, 21 September 1966. Entered service at: phoenix, Ariz. Born: 20 October 1945, Murray, Ky. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Pfc. Lauffer's squad, a part of Company C, was suddenly struck at close range by an intense machine gun crossfire from 2 concealed bunkers astride the squad's route. Pfc. Lauffer, the second man in the column, saw the lead man fall and noted that the remainder of the squad was unable to move. Two comrades, previously wounded and being carried on litters, were Lying helpless in the beaten zone of the enemy fire. Reacting instinctively, Pfc. Lauffer quickly engaged both bunkers with fire from his rifle, but when the other squad members attempted to maneuver under his covering fire, the enemy fusillade increased in volume and thwarted every attempt to move. Seeing this and his wounded comrades helpless in the open, Pfc. Lauffer rose to his feet and charged the enemy machine gun positions, firing his weapon and drawing the enemy's attention. Keeping the enemy confused and off balance, his 1-man assault provided the crucial moments for the wounded point man to crawl to a covered position, the squad to move the exposed litter patients to safety, and his comrades to gain more advantageous positions. Pfc. Lauffer was fatally wounded during his selfless act of courage and devotion to his fellow soldiers. His gallantry at the cost of his life served as an inspiration to his comrades and saved the lives of an untold number of his companions. His actions are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the U.S. Army.
1968-It was rare that a Country tune could top the Billboard Pop chart, but Jeannie C. Riley's "Harper Valley P.T.A." did just that. The record sold over 1,750,000 copies in the first two weeks after its release. Although she never cracked the top 50 on the Pop chart again, Riley went on to have several big Country hits.
1968-Jimi Hendrix's "All Along the Watchtower" is released in the US where will become his only Top 40 hit single, topping out at number 20.
1968 - Rapper Trugoy the Dove of De La Soul is born.
1970- the first “Monday Night Football” premiered. Following the complete merger of the American Football League and the National Football League, ABC joined CBS and NBC in television weekly games w. The show originally began as an experiment but soon became an institution. Announcers Howard Cosell, Keith Jackson and Don Meredith called the first game, a 31-21 victory by the Cleveland Browns over the New York Jets.
1971---Top Hits
Go Away Little Girl - Donny Osmond
Spanish Harlem - Aretha Franklin
Ain’t No Sunshine - Bill Withers
The Year That Clayton Delaney Died - Tom T. Hall
1972 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: ``Baby Don't Get Hooked on Me,'' Mac Davis.
1974-Canada's Bachman-Turner Overdrive release "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet", which will become their third US Top 30 entry and their only number one.
1974-The Rolling Stones' "It's Only Rock & Roll (But I Like It)" peaks at #16 on the chart.
1974-At 300 pounds, he didn't look like a Rock star, but Barry White scored his first US number one and second of five top ten singles with "Can't Get Enough Of Your Love, Babe". It made #8 in the UK
1976-The Bee Gees' 20th album, "Children of the World," goes gold. It contains two of their latest hits "You Should Be Dancing" (Number One two weeks ago) and "Love So Right" (which will make it to #3 in two months.)
1979---Top Hits
My Sharona - The Knack
After the Love Has Gone - Earth, Wind & Fire
The Devil Went Down to Georgia - The Charlie Daniels Band
You’re My Jamaica - Charley Pride
1981 - Sandra Day O’Connor was confirmed by the United States Senate in a 99-0 vote, and she became the first female Justice of the United States Supreme Court.
1983-Billy Joel's "Tell Her About It" hits #1 on the singles chart.
1985-Michael Spinks won the heavyweight championship by taking a unanimous 15-round decision over Larry Holmes in Las Vegas. Sppnks held the title until June 27,1988,when he was knocked out by Mike Tyson in the first round.
1986-The New York Jets and Miami Dolphins combined for a record 884 passing yards and scored 96 between them, including 13 touchdowns and a pair of field goals. Quarterback Ken O’Brien completed four touchdown passes to wide receiver Wesley Walker, including the game-winner in overtime. The final score: New York 51, Miami 45.
1987 - Tropical Storm Emily, which formed in the Carribean the previous afternoon, caused considerable damage to the banana industry of Saint Vincent in the Windward Islands. Unseasonably hot weather continued in Florida and the western U.S. Redding CA and Red Bluff CA, with record highs of 108 degrees, tied for honors as the hot spot in the nation.
1987---Top Hits
I Just Can’t Stop Loving You - Michael Jackson with Siedah Garrett
Didn’t We Almost Have It All - Whitney Houston
Here I Go Again - Whitesnake
This Crazy Love - The Oak Ridge Boys
1989 - Hurricane Hugo slammed into the South Carolina coast about 11 PM, making landfall near Sullivans Island. Hurricane Hugo was directly responsible for thirteen deaths, and indirectly responsible for twenty-two others. A total of 420 persons were injured in the hurricane, and damage was estimated at eight billion dollars, including two billion dollars damage to crops. Sustained winds reached 85 mph at Folly Beach SC, with wind gusts as high was 138 mph. Wind gusts reached 98 mph at Charleston, and 109 mph at Shaw AFB. The biggest storm surge occurred in the McClellanville and Bulls Bay area of Charleston County, with a storm surge of 20.2 feet reported at Seewee Bay. Shrimp boats were found one half mile inland at McClellanville.
1989-- General Colin Powell is confirmed by the U.S. Senate as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
1991-Stevie Nicks' greatest hits LP, "Timespace" enters the chart and Rush's "Roll the Bones" enters the LP chart.
1993-“NYPD Blue” Premiers on TV. This gritty New York City police drama has had a large and changing cast. The star of today’s CSI Miami David Caruso was the first to leave to begin a movie career that did not happen..The central characters were partners Detective Bobby Simone ( who later died,) played by Jimmy Smits, and Detective Any Sipowicz, played by Dennis Franz. Other cast members have included Kim Delaney as Detective Diane Russell, James McDaniel as Lieutenant Arthur Francy, Gordon Clapp as Detective Gregory Medavoy, Rich Schorder as Detective Danny Sorenson, Nicholas Turturro as Detective James Martinez, Mark Paul Gosselaar as Detective John Clark and Esai Morales as Lieutenant Tony Rodriquez.
1996 - The audience at the Grand Ole Opry witness a historic moment when 23-year-old Hank Williams III, son of Hank Williams Jr. and grandson of country music legend Hank Williams makes his Opry debut. Hank III wears a black western shirt trimmed with green fringe that belonged to his grandfather. His set includes "Moanin' the Blues," a 1950 chart-topper for Hank Sr., and "Lovesick Blues," the same song his granddad performed for his Opry debut in June 1949.
2001- The Mets donate their day's pay, which totals approximately $500,000, from tonight's game with the Braves at Shea to a rescue fund for the families of the firefighters and policemen killed in the World trade Center terrorist attacks. The contest is the first professional baseball game played in New York since the tragedy. Uplifting ceremonies before and during the game, which include singers Diana Ross, Marc Anthony Lisa Minnelli as well as bagpipers, pay tribute to victims of the tragedy. Mike Piazza's eighth inning home run gives the Mets a 3-2 dramatic victory over the Braves.
2001-America: A Tribute to Heroes, a commercial-free, live TV program was broadcast on all of the major US TV networks to raise money following the September 11th terrorist attacks. The show featured performances by Bruce Springsteen (My City in Ruins), Tom Petty (I Won't Back Down), Paul Simon (Bridge Over Troubled Water), Billy Joel (New York State of Mind), U2 (Walk On), Celine Dion (God Bless America) and Willie Nelson (America The Beautiful). Accepting pledges over the telephone were Robin Williams, Meg Ryan, Danny DeVito, Sally Field, Jack Nicholson, Goldie Hawn, Cuba Gooding Jr., Kurt Russell, Adam Sandler, Jim Carrey, Whoopi Goldberg and many more. The broadcast and soundtrack album helped raise over $128 million for the victims and their families.
Baseball Poem

National Pastime
Somewhere in the summer city...
someone's stoop... mid 50's,
when gods wore pinstripes,
and kids crammed their mouths
full of cloyingly sticky gum.
Got it... need it... want it.
Could have been anywhere, really.
Babe's House, Duke's Domain,
The Polo Grounds... Fenway Park.
The voices... Red Barber, Mel Allen,
statically beautiful.
Going... going.... gone!
Stark, white powder... highlighting
base lines, connecting the bags.
Irish-green outfields...
their warning tracks beckoning
that high, fly ball...
Holy cow... Oh, Momma, Touch 'em all!
Thurman and Roberto... gone too soon.
Mickey's left the reminiscing to Yogi.
Oh... for a ten-cent Coke, a shoe box,
crammed with flip-worn icons,
and somebody's mother...
calling him in to dinner.
The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?
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