Advanced Property Tax Compliance specializes in comprehensive personal property tax outsourcing services.  The benefits include;

  • Lower total operating costs and effective budgetary expense
  • Eliminating internal technology expenses
  • Eliminating risk, property tax penalties and interest
  • More accurate filings, review, reconciliation, and payment of taxes

Advanced Property Tax Compliance provides “best in class” services at cost effective fees. Our staff has over 60 years experience. We accept file exports and integrate with all lease management or accounting software.  No other firm offers the combination of individual attention, software capabilities, expertise, “full disclosure”, and web portal accessibility to information than we do.

For more information call Gary DiLillo , President, at (216) 658-5618 , or visit .

What Our Clients Say About Us

"We are 110% satisfied with you and your team and very happy with our decision to use you as our Property Tax source."

Linda Cook - General Manager
Aztec Financial


“It has been a pleasure working with your company. We have been very pleased with the response time to our inquiries. Customer Service is always very prompt in answering any questions.”

“We have also been very pleased with the website and the ease of use it provides. It enables us to give timely payoff quotes to our customers, which is very important in maintaining relationships with those customers”.

Tammy Stegall - Vice President
Outsource Lease, Inc.


“Great customer service - The employees are extremely nice and helpful. Questions are answered immediately when we ask them without much of a wait. Employees are knowledgeable about the various state filings, which is nice when you do business in more than one state.”

“ Flexible reporting options - Files have been created to fit our specific needs that are easily i mported directly to our system. For example, we receive files for current year tax estimates for leases terminating during the next quarter. This helps us in ensuring we collect property taxes upfront prior to lease maturity with the customer, since most taxes are billed a year in arrears. ”

“ User friendly system - We haven't had any problems logging in or accessing copies of billings when requested to do so by our customers .”

Julie Kuhlman – Controller
Evans Leasing Services


“IFC uses the services of Advanced Property Tax Compliance.  Without question or qualification, I would highly recommend them.  We have found them to be highly professional, competent, and very cooperate to work with.”

Mr. Frank J. Stancato
IFC Credit Corporation


“ATPTC has done an exceptional job at taking care of all of VenCore's property tax functions. The team at ATPTC is very knowledgeable and has responded to requests in a timely and immediate manner. The website is one of the best I have seen in the industry and has proved to be a very valuable tool here at VenCore. It is very easy to navigate, view and print reports. The level of reporting is above and beyond our expectations and has helped in managing VenCore's cash flow better. I would recommend ATPTC to any company that wants great, efficient and accurate service.”

Kathy Titus - Controller
VenCore Solutions LLC


“ With respect to the system processing, I am quite pleased with how your CIO has worked the files to be compatible with Dollars. …. the few instances where I needed him to take a look at something or make a change, it has been done almost immediately. ”

“ Operationally, I couldn't be more pleased. Your team has displayed extraordinary effort in dealing with all issues. The handling of research items and dealing with tax assessors on my behalf has been an enormous help to me. Often customer service discover s an issue and begins efforts to resolve it before I myself am aware of it. ”

Eric O'Brien
Highland Capital Corp.


“In addition to the tremendous customer service, you offer a timely and complete audit trail of property tax filings. Your support team makes decisions based on what is right, rather than taking the quicker, easier route. Information provided makes it easy to re-bill our customers and provide them with the necessary information to process their invoices.

For these reasons stated above, I highly recommend Advanced Property Tax Compliance.

Sheila Coyle
LaSalle Systems Leasing