Inside Sales Manager
Troy, MI
Proven in sales, prospecting and closing
skills. Must know how to lead and
grow our sales team. Send resumes to htischer@leasecorp.com
Monday, August 7, 2006

Classified Ads
---Collector/Controller/Contract Admin
June brings top 2nd Q to 25 Leasing companies
Tomorrow—-Rate Change?
Balboa Capital pushes "Evergreen" to Brokers
Contact Management Survey
Top Stories--July 31-August 4
Classified ads---Help Wanted
August 8, 2006 Phoenix Arizona
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders,CLP
“Revenue ruling 179”
Browser Wars
NAELB Sept. 8-9 West Coast Meeting
AIGCEF Announces Funding Milestone
News Briefs---
You May have Missed---
Sports Briefs---
"Gimme that Wine"
Calendar Events
Today's Top Even in History
This Day in American History
Baseball Poem---Tim Peeler
SuDoku Puzzle
Leasing 102—by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
(This is the first of a continuing regular Leasing News column regarding more current sophisticated information for all segments involved in equipment leasing from a recognized, author, educator and trainer. editor)
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
Classified Ads
---Collector/Controller/Contract Admin

King Estate, Eugene, Oregon
Collector: Boston, MA
Challenging position where my skills, professional experience, organization, leadership, strategic thinking, creativity, energy, passion, competitive nature will enable me to define opportunities and personal development.
Email: bernd.janet@verizon.net
Collector: Jacksonville, E. Brunswick, FL
13 years experience with collection, recovery,re-marketing and legal on commercial loans and leases. Expertise with distressed portfolios, Six Sigma trained. Willing to relocate.
Email: RichardB12364@aol.com
Controller: Chicago, IL
experienced in lease accounting, operations, management, and Sarbanes-Oxley. Seeking position with equipment lessor. Would consider contract assignments or relocating.
email: leasecontroller@comcast.net
Controller: Philadelphia, CA
CPA/CFO/Controller/Due Dilgence Officer/SOX Lead seeking position.
Email: obrienhowardj@aol.com
Controller: Seattle , WA
CPA w/ Sarbanes Oxley/ 15 years management exp. as CFO/ Controller/5 yrs w/ PWC Extensive exp providing accounting/ tax guidance for the equipment lease industry. Willing to relocate.
Email: bltushin@hotmail.com
Controller: Southeastern, MI
Controller & Management experience w/ equip lessors &broker. MBA, CPA w/ extensive accounting, management, securitization experience with public and private companies. Willing to relocate.
Email: Leasebusiness@aol.com
Controller: Uniondale, NY
I have a strong multifaceted background in all areas of lease accounting combining my years as a Controller of leasing companies and as Vice-President of Leasing for a NY Bank.
Email: awinitt@hotmail.com
Contract Administrator
Contract Administrator: New York, NY
10+ years in equipment leasing/secured lending. Skilled in management & training, documentation, policy and procedure development & implementation, portfolio reporting. Strong work ethic.
Email: dln1031@nyc.rr.com
Contract Administrator: Portland, OR
6+ years small ticket leasing/financing. Documentation/funding Policy development &implementation, management &training, process mapping, customer service, broker, vendor, portfolio experience.
Email: susanc777@hotmail.com
For a full listing of all “job wanted” ads, please go to:
To place a free “job wanted” ad, please go to:
*I have watched this winery grow for many years, visiting the University of Oregon for football games, graduation, and also have enjoyed their wine, too (my Sue is a “Duck.”) Before Oregon became known for its Pinot Noir, King Estate was making an inexpensive, wonderful, fruity yet almost “French style” Pinot Noir. Now, you have an excuse to go to Eugene. The winery is open seven days a week for wine tasting, and during this season, the market is also open for organic produce. The web site has some wonderful photographs, and other information, such as about other Oregon wineries(editor:)
Main web site: http://www.kingestate.com/
June brings top Second quarter for 25 Leasing companies

### Press Release ###########################
Equipment Leasing Association's MLI-25 index
Shows Capital Equipment Investment Spiked 20 Percent in June

Arlington, VA——New originations of commercial equipment leases and loans spiked 20 percent in June over the prior month according to the Equipment Leasing Association /1 (ELA) Monthly Leasing Index (MLI-25) released today. The MLI-25 is a monthly survey of commercial equipment lease and loan activity and performance as reported by 25 equipment finance companies.
Portfolio quality deteriorated slightly, however, with receivables over 90 days increasing to 1.0 percent.

Charge-offs as a percentage of net lease receivables also increased to .59 percent from .39 percent in the prior month.

June's credit approval ratios dropped very slightly from May, coming in at 78.7 percent compared with 79.3 percent.

Total headcount rose to 10,931, the sixth consecutive rise in employment for the MLI-25 companies.
“The data continues to highlight a robust demand for new capital investment in the commercial sector, even in the face of an uncertain interest rate environment,” commented Paul A. Larkins, chairman of the ELA's board of directors and president and CEO of Key Equipment Finance.

Paul A. Larkins
“A 20 percent monthly increase in new originations is a strong sign that the business sector continues to see the need to invest in productive assets. That said, the spike in charge-offs is concerning, and must be closely monitored (in future periods) as this degradation could be indicative of the long-predicted cooling in portfolios.”
The participant companies in the MLI-25 represent a broad cross section of the equipment finance sector including small ticket, middle market, large ticket, bank, captive and independent leasing and finance companies. Because the same companies participate in the survey each month, the MLI-25 provides a consistent trend analysis of current industry activity. Results of each MLI-25 are posted on the ELA website and Equipment Leasing Today magazine. Charts and graphs are available for reprint to the media.
The ELA provides a variety of studies, reports, and market analyses covering the $220 billion equipment finance sector. To access this and other industry information, visit the ELA website at http://www.elaonline.com/Research/
or call Dean Frutiger at (703) 516-8380.
ELA MLI-25 Participants
ADP Credit Corporation
Amsouth Leasing Corporation
Bank of America Leasing
Bank of the West
Canon Financial Services
Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation
De Lage Landen Financial Services
First American Equipment Finance
GreatAmerica Leasing Corporation
Hitachi Credit America
HP Financial Services
Irwin Financial
John Deere Credit Corporation
Key Equipment Finance
LaSalle National Leasing Corporation
Marlin Leasing Corporation
National City Commercial Corp.
RBS Asset Finance
Siemens Financial Services
US Bancorp Leasing & Financial
US Express Leasing
Verizon Capital Corp/Verizon Credit
Volvo Financial Services
Wells Fargo Equipment Finance
Organized in 1961, the Equipment Leasing Association (ELA) is the premier non-profit association representing companies involved in the dynamic equipment leasing and finance industry to the business community, government and media. As the voice of the leasing industry, ELA promotes the forecasted $220 billion industry as a major source of funds for capital investment in the United States and abroad.
For more information on ELA, please visit www.ELAOnline.com.
### Press Release ###########################
Tomorrow—-Rate Change?
Federal Reserve policymakers will hold their latest meeting about interest rates tomorrow. While there have been expected increases at previous meetings, experts say they are not sure if the Fed will raise its target for short-term rates or hold steady.
If the Fed increases its target, it will be the 18th time since June 2004.

Balboa Capital pushes "Evergreen" to Brokers
by Christopher Menkin

Equipment leasing brokers have written Leasing News that Balboa Capital, Irvine, California still has the "Evergreen" clause in their lease contract.
When Patrick Bryne bought out his 16 year partner Shawn Griffin in May, 2004, one of the first things he did was bring in a lease broker program. It is no secret in the industry that the two were not getting along. In fact, the company was for sale, and it got to such a point that one had to make arrangements to buy out the other as it was getting quite disruptive to the company, according to many sources, including ex-employees. Griffin and Byrne disagreed on almost everything at this point, one of them being utilizing your own sales force. Prior to this time, all sales were from “inside sales” with sales offices in the United States with a “network” of sales managers.
After taking the reins, Byrne hired a top man with plenty of experience from Colonial Pacific Leasing (CPL), whose company was purchased by GE Commercial. Reportedly CPL had an "Evergreen leasing" program, and was one of the first to pay salesmen and brokers in advance for "purchase options." The key here is the lessee was informed in advance about the $1.00, 10% PUT's, and FMV and the lessee agreed to the “option” and/or informed, normally 90 days before the expiration. It should be noted the actual lease payments reflected the choice of the purchase option. In the three complaints Leasing News received the rates were “capital leasing” rates.
It should be mentioned that Leasing News received several complaints after the portfolio was moved from Oregon back east, both from brokers and also lessees. There was confusion regarding several of the purchase options. To our knowledge, all were resolved, except two that the last we heard were going to court to resolve
(noticeably both were “sub-broker” transactions.)
Note in the Balboa Capital ad which has appeared in several leasing trade publications on the company's new direction, which also were sent out as “press releases,” regarding applications up to $100,000, commercial up to $250,000, “no banks or trades,” “corporation only,” “private party sales” and “We pay commissions up to 20%”
The Balboa Capital complaints received at Leasing News concerned the "advance notice" of the expiration of the term of the lease itself, not the extension clause. There are several leasing companies who have a 12 month or other extensions reportedly to comply with “true lease” requirements. The issue here regards the notice of expiration. It should also be pointed out that in the complaints the contract payment implicit interest rates were those of a typical “capital lease. All three were “discounted” or “sold” and not held by Balboa Capital.
In the first one, it appears a settlement has been reached, as Reche Canyon Mobile Estates received this in writing: "Pursuant to our conversation of today, in exchange for the lease equipment, BALBOA CAPITAL CORPORATION will forgo the remaining renewal period for the above referenced lease agreement. As mentioned in our conversation, you will have your engineer de-install the leased equipment and have your shipping company ship the equipment in address provided to you. I will have Nassau Asset Management contact with the shipping address."
At press time, there was a condition that was not included, according to John Byk, of Reche Canyon Mobile Estates: "and waive any other charges or obligations."
In the second and third complaint, a settlement of a combination of extra rental payments and purchase was paid on the first, and the second not recognized as the notice was not sent by "certified mail," just made verbally, by fax, and e-mail. The first one was settled with the main intent of returning the equipment in the second one, according to Ms. Wang, and not going into an automatic renewal.
It is Leasing News policy to confirm that e-mails sent regarding comments be verified and that the sender give permission to use their name. Normally, we do not “withhold names” without verification or to encourage readers to speak out without retribution, as is this case. None of the senders wanted their names used. In fact, many of them sounded like advertisements as they all wanted to continue to broker leases to Balboa Capital: Yes, all said they would continue to do business with Balboa Capital, liked the rates, the commissions, the service, working with the staff, and the “liberal” credit approvals. In fact, they sound like advertisements, except they were “uncomfortable” regarding the “Evergreen clause:”
"The automatic renewal for 12 months on certain types of leases and other hooks are still in the documents for company complained about in last Wednesday's news.
"See the attached verbiage from their current documents:
“'If you do not give us such written notice or if you do not purchase or deliver the equipment in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Lease, then the Lease shall automatically renew for 12 months term and thereafter renew for successive 3 months terms until you deliver the Equipment to us'”
(name with held)
"Paragraph 16 is the one I am referring to Kit. It is interesting that it is still in the doc's and still says Certified Letter etc etc. I never noticed this until I read it in your story."
(name with held)
"They are the current contracts sent out to a new broker. I assume for their direct mail side they use the same ones. I just signed up with Balboa in ******* and don't want to burn any bridges . . . yet. I got a direct mail piece sent to my corporation for a pre-approved lease account. That first then the announcement of yours about the complaint."
(name with held)
"You are right about it being Balboa. Please do not use my name but I appreciate your keeping everyone in the loop as much as you are able. No forum is perfect or at least it may be until we join it so I will keep reading."
(Name with held)
"Please withhold my name Kit. Don't want to step on any toes. They take deals I can't place elsewhere. But thank you for letting me know about Evergreen clauses."
(name with held)
"Thank you for pointing out the practice, but I like to do business with this company as they put deals together and we both make money.
I will have to keep track of when the leases expire, as I do keep in contact with ‘my' customer. "
(name with held)
Complaint I
Complaint II
Readers on “Evergreen Lease”
Contact Management Survey
It is a quick response. You don't even need to sign your name.
This is to find which is the most popular contract management system being used in the equipment leasing industry. If you have a comment you would like to share, please include.

Top Stories--July 31-August 4

Here are the top ten stories most "opened" by readers last week.
(1) Marlin Leasing for Sale?
(2) Marlin Leasing Posts Stunning 2nd Quarter
(full press release available with financial statement)
(3) Alliance Funding, Jacksonville, Florida Sold
(4) NetBank may be for sale
(5) Lease Attorney Veterans Go on their Own
(6) Cartoon---Pat “Evergreen” Byrne
(7) Mark and Rachelle Gordon obituary
(8) Kerhoulas settles California tax issue
(9) Sales Makes it Happen —“Terms of Use”
by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
(10) Leasing Tools for the Hard Times
This is a "flash"," not counted in the "Top Ten:"
Frederick Van Etten Named New President of Popular Leasing, U.S.A.
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Account Managers
"Specializing in Equipment Financing"
Charlotte * Los Angeles * New York * Phoenix
National Account Managers
60% com./30% res. APP only to $150,000. No industry/geo restrictions. Tremendous flexibility/freedom: your home office or our regional offices. bjohnson@alliancecap.com
Marketing Specialist

ELD Marketing Specialist
Walnut Creek, CA
Serve as a liaison between the leasing department and several hundred brokers . Requires a BA/BS; 3+ years of leasing and contract experience; Click here for detailed description & resume submission info.

Highest Commission in Industry
Seeking self-motivated, energetic individuals for California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois,Texas
equipment transportation leasing/financing. Moderate travel & extensive phone work.
Email resume : ekaye@advantagefunding.us or fax to 718-392-5427.
About the Company: Advantage Funding was recently acquired by Marubeni Motor Holdings, a major Japanese trading company and is a leading commercial and consumer vehicle and equipment financing and leasing company based in Long Island City, NY.
Outstanding opportunity for established vendor sales professional to introduce a cash advance product that vendors can utilize to facilitate the sale of their products. To apply, please send resume to applicant@1rstfunds.com.
Sales Manager

Inside Sales Manager
Troy, MI
Proven in sales, prospecting and closing
skills. Must know how to lead and
grow our sales team. Send resumes to htischer@leasecorp.com
August 8, 2006 Phoenix Arizona
Networking and… 
The Arizona Equipment Leasing Association invites you to join us for a networking session with selected funders and your peers followed by an evening of Baseball with the Arizona Diamondbacks.

Meeting and Networking:
Tuesday August 8th 5:00
Sam’s Café Southwestern Grill
· Arizona Center
· 455 N 3rd St.
· Phoenix AZ 85004
Followed by:
Arizona Diamondbacks vs. the San Francisco Giants
Chase Field 6:40 P.M.
We need your early reservation and payment to get the correct ticket count for the game!!!.
Fee: $20 payable by July 11, 2006. Price includes, networking with funders, heavy hors deurves, drink ticket and game ticket.
RSVP/Registration form to Steve AmRhein..samrhein@leaseplans.com..
Phone |
Leasing 102
“Revenue ruling 179”
by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP

(This is the first of a continuing regular Leasing News column regarding more current sophisticated information for all segments involved in equipment leasing from a recognized, author, educator and trainer.)
Revenue Ruling 179 has been extended until 2008 and gives the business tax payer a right to expense the first $100,000 of capital equipment purchases in the their tax year and then use MACRS depreciation on all additional assets unless they purchase more than $400,000. Each dollar spent over $400,000 will reduce the expense allowance until the total purchases reach $500,000 and then the whole allowance is gone. In 2003 section 202 of JGTRRA expanded the definition of section 179 property to include “off the shelf computer software” (a category of intangible property). In addition, the $100,000 and $400,000 amounts were indexed annually for taxable years beginning after 2003 and before 2008. Inflation has caused the amounts for 2006 to be $ 108,000 and $430,000 respectfully. On July 13, 2005 the ruling was extended through the tax year 2008
What this means is a business may fully expense the cost of the equipment in the year it was purchased in stead of taking MACRS depreciation. Lets say the equipment has a five year life for MACRS. That would mean that the depreciation deductions over the next six years (six years because of the half year convention only allows 50% of the whole years depreciation for the first year thereby taking six years to get five year depreciation) would be 20%, 32%, 19.2%, 11.52%, 11.52%, and 5.76%. However, the 179 election would allow for 100% of the cost to be deducted from taxable income in the year purchased. An example of this would be if a business purchased $478,000 of capital equipment. That amount that exceeded $430,000 would be subtracted from the $108,000. $478,000 - $430,000 = $48,000 then $108,000 – $48,000 = $60,000. The 179 allowance is reduced to $60,000 and the balance of $418,000 would be depreciated under standard MACRS depreciation tables irregardless of term.
Section 179 would appear to be bad for leasing until the company purchases more than $430,000 of equipment. A prudent lessor would encourage the Lessee to lease those purchases over $ 430,000 so as to retain the advantages of RR179.
No one knows if this tax ruling will extend beyond 2008, and the United States Congress with their henchman at the IRS are known for making sudden changes of direction when it serves their purpose..
Mr. Terry Winders has been a teacher, consultant, expert witness for the leasing industry for thirty years and can be reached at leaseconsulting@msn.com or 502-327-8666
Browser Wars

Firefox ended the month with 11.34% market share compared to 10.77% for last month, reaching its all-time high. All of the other major browsers took small declines in market share except for Opera that had a modest gain from 0.57% to 0.59% browser usage.
Firefox version was released in July with several security and stability improvements, but many Firefox users are anxiously waiting to get version 2.0. The Beta 1 release of version 2 is available now, and will provide phishing protection.
In addition to the 5,000 employees being let go at AOL, it appears many are also leaving the "dial up" system. There are numerous complaints that the new AOL is trying to "block" all browsers but their own. They are hoping advertising will pay the way as it has on Google and Yahoo, yet AOL has no browser of its own.
NAELB Sept. 8-9 West Coast Meeting

The hotel registration cut-off for the Western Regional Meeting is Monday, August 7! Don't delay making your hotel reservations at the Wyndham Hotel Orange County .
To make reservations, call (866) 747-2635 and identify yourself as an NAELB attendee to recieve the discounted rate of $94.00 single/double or $104 triple/quad.
After August 7th the hotel will honor reservations on a space and rate availability basis!
Register for the NAELB Western Regional Meeting now at www.naelb.org to join us in sunny California September 8-9!

### Press Release ###########################
AIGCEF Announces Funding Milestone
AIG Commercial Equipment Finance, Inc. is pleased to announce that in July 2006 it surpassed the $1 billion in funded loan and lease transactions since its inception in October 2004.
Dave Fate, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer gives credit for the milestone to the dedication and experience of his 38 person team and the support of American International Group, Inc. (AIG), the parent company.
Mr. Fate noted “The professionalism, dedication and experience of the team has enabled us to achieve this funding milestone in a short 21 months since inception. From our first days with a group of 16 people and two platforms to our current staff of 38 people and 8 platforms, our people have performed extremely well. In addition, the support from AIG has been strong and unwavering. This combination has allowed us to accomplish what we have done.”
AIG Commercial Equipment Finance, Inc. (AIG CEF) is an equipment lease and finance subsidiary company of American International Group, Inc. AIG CEF actively seeks middle and upper-middle market transactions. AIG CEF operates platforms in Rail, Franchise Finance, Public Finance, Healthcare Finance, Marine Finance, Structured Finance, Senior Secured Lending and General Equipment in The United States and Canada, building long-term relationships with our business partners. More information on AIGCEF can be found at www.AIGCEF.com
American International Group, Inc. (AIG), world leaders in insurance and financial services, is the leading international insurance organization with operations in more than 130 countries and jurisdictions. AIG companies serve commercial, institutional and individual customers through the most extensive worldwide property-casualty and life insurance networks of any insurer. In addition, AIG companies are leading providers of retirement services, financial services and asset management around the world. AIG's common stock is listed in the U.S. on the New York Stock Exchange and ArcaEx, as well as the stock exchanges in London, Paris, Switzerland and Tokyo.
### Press Release ###########################
News Briefs---
Gain of 130,000 Small Companies
The Small Business Administrations estimates in 2005 there were 671,800 new companies. They also report 544,800 companies went out of business. An increase of 130,000.
Matriarch of In-N-Out Burger Dies at 86
Singer Barry Manilow to Have Hip Surgery

You May have Missed---
In Lance Armstrong's world, fear, paranoia prevail

Sports Briefs----
Woods Finishes Off Field for 50th PGA Tour Title
Early look not positive for Raiders
Vote for a New NFL Commissioner Begins
Purdy: Champion's charisma shines for eternity

“Gimme that Wine”
Jura wine region, France—Eric Asimov, NY Times
Winemakers look to put Lamorinda on map
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Winery Atlas
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page

Calendar Events This Day
Antiqua and Barbuda: August Monday
The first Monday in August and the day following form the August Monday Public Holiday
Australia: Picnic Day
Public holiday in Bahamas. Annually, the first Monday in August. Commemorates the emancipation of salves by the British in 1834.
Canada: Civic Holiday
The first Monday in August is observed as a holiday in seven of Canada's 10 provinces. Civil holiday in Manitoba, New Brunswick, Northwest Territories, Ontario and Saskatchewan, British Columbia Day in British Columbia and Heritage Day in Alberta.
Columbia: Battle of Boyacá Day
National holiday. Commemorates victory over Spanish forces in 1819.
Colorado Day. Colorado
Annual, the first Monday in August. Commemorates Admission Day, August 1, 1836, when Colorado became the 38 th state.
Cote D'IVore: National Day
Commemorates the independence of the Ivory Coast from France in 1960.
Grenada. Emancipation Day
Grenada observes a public holiday annually on the first Monday in August. Commemorates the emancipation of slaves by the British in 1834.
Iceland: August Holiday.
National holiday. The first Monday in August. Commemorates Iceland's constitution of 1875.
Jamaica: Independence Day
National holiday observing achievement of Jamaican independence form Britain August 6, 1962. Annually, the first Monday in August.
Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day
Buy anything lately? Did you succeed in getting the durn thing open:
What do other people do when even mainstream society can't open a simple bottle of aspirin, let alone a milk carton? www.wellcat.com
Professional Speakers Day
A day celebrating the consumate professionals who help people thorugh their oratorical skills.
Smile Week
Zambia: Youth Day
National holiday. Youth activities are order of the day. Focal point is Lusaka's Independence stadium. Annually, the first Monday in August.
Today's Top Event in History
1807-The first trial of the Clermont, a steamboat, designed by Robert Fulton, began its trip to Albany, NY. It made the 150-mile journey in 32 hours and returned in 30 hours. Quite a fete in its day. The Clermont was the first steamboat to make regular trips.

This Day in American History
1679-The “Le Griffon,” a two-masted armored square-rigger built by the explorer Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, at Cayuga Creek, near the Niagra River in New York, was launched in the Great Lakes, the first such ship to sail here. It was of 60 tons burden and sailed Lake Erie and Lake Michigan. It sank on September 18,1679, only a month in operation, during a gale in Mackinaw Strait and is believed to be resting in Mississagi Strait, Manitoulin Island, Canada. Road transportation was very poor, and the best, fastest means of transportation of not only people, but supplies, was by water. The great population lived around waterways.
1727- French Ursuline nuns first arrived at New Orleans, where they set up the first Catholic charitable institution in America. It comprised an orphanage, a girl's school and a hospital
1742- birthday of Nathaniel Greene, born at Patowomut, RI. A statue of him was placed at the US Capitol in 1870 by Rhode Island. Many historians rank him second only to Washington as a military leader. Born to a Quaker family, who organized the Kentish Guards, and his life is right out of movie “The Patriot”, which may be been based on his life. Some trivia facts, because of a stiff knee, the men would not let him lead the troops, so he followed with the general rank of soldiers. He worked his way up to brigadier general, then major general, and commandeered the army of occupation in Boston. He was chosen by Washington to run administration, a post he did not like, and resigned to replace General Horatio Gates, whose army had been badly beaten at Camden, S.C. By skill preparation and a series of brilliant maneuvers, according to historians, Greene push the British back into Charleston and Savannah ( just like in the move “The Patriot.” Georgia was so grateful for his saving so many farms and lives they gave him a plantation near Savannah, were he went to live in 1785. He died in 1786.
1760- in the French and Indian War (1754-1763):Captain Demere Fort Loudon, Tenn., capitulated to the Cherokee Indians at Fort Loudon, Tennessee. He surrendered under condition that his troops be allowed to retreat unimpeded. On August 10, the garrison was ambushed and massacred by Indians while retreating to Fort Prince George in South Carolina. To fully understand the life in this period, American Indians were constantly fighting and killing each tribe, very similar to Africa in the last century, as they fought for dominance. Perhaps similar to European culture as the French, English, Germans, and Spanish for centuries warred with each other. The Indians, as did the Europeans, allied with the British, the French, the Dutch, especially if another tribe had aligned themselves with the opposing side. They also did not follow the European custom of war or truce, especially fighting what was then modern warfare of armor, cannon, rifles and horses, unknown to the Indians until introduced by the Spanish and English. All Indians were not to be trusted. Physically alcohol went right to their brain and soon they became very dependent on rum whiskey, and even wine, which they had never produced before.
1782- at Newburgh, NY, General George Washington ordered the creation of a Badge of Military Merit. It was the first honor badge for enlisted men and noncommissioned officers. The badge consisted of a purple cloth heart with silver braided edge. Only three are known to have been awarded during the Revolutionary War.: Sergeants Daniel Bissell, William Brown and Elijah Churchill of Connecticut regiments, decorated on May 9, 1783, for singularly meritorious action in the Revolutionary War. They were entitled “ to wear on facings over the left breast, the figure of a heart in purple cloth or silk, with narrow lace or bindings.” The award was re-instituted on the bicentennial of Washington's birth, Feb 22, 1932, and recognizes those wounded in action.
1789-The first lighthouse bui8lt after American independence was located at Cape Henry, Virginia at the entrance of Chesapeake Bay. The first lighthouse keeper was Laban Goffigan. The original fuel for illumination was fish oil, followed later by whale oil, colza oil, lard oil, kerosene, gas, and finally, electricity. The advent of inexpensive radar, many lighthouses have been sold or demolished in the United States as too costly to maintain..
1794-The Whiskey Rebellion broke out in western Pennsylvania among farmers opposed to a federal excise tax on liquor passed in 1791. Farmers of Washington and Allegheny counties attacked federal officers. This day in 1794 Washington issued a proclamation ordering the insurgents to go home and calling out a militia of 13,000 from four states. He issued another proclamation on September 24, and ordered the militia to suppress the uprising. “ The report of the commissioners marks their firmness and abilities, and must unite all virtuous men, by shewing that the means of conciliation have been exhausted. “For a time Washington led this force in person. By mid-November the trouble was over. Two men were convicted of treason, but Washington pardoned them.
1801- The Great Religious Revival of the American West began at a Presbyterian camp meeting in Cane Ridge, Kentucky.
1807-The first trial of the Clermont, a steamboat, designed by Robert Fulton, began its trip to Albany, NY. It made the 150-mile journey in 32 hours and returned in 30 hours. Quite a fete in its day. The Clermont was the first steamboat to make regular trips.
1847-George Page, Washington, DC, received a patent for a plow for pulverizing the soil. Page's design used a revolving single disk on the side of the plow. This invention revolutionized farming.
1852-Birthday of Franklin L. Sheppard, Presbyterian organist and hymnbook editor. It was Sheppard who composed the hymn tune TERRA PATRIS, to which we sing "This is My Father's World."
1882- Hatfields of south West Virginia & McCoys of east Kentucky feud, 100 wounded or die.
1887-Birthday of pianist Lucky Roberts, Philadelphia, PA
1880Theophilius Van Kannel of Philadelphia, PA received a patent for a revolving door. The first building to install a revolving door was an office building in Philadelphia.
1895-Birthday of pianist Lucky Roberts, Philadelphia, PA.
1903-Birthday of Rudol C. Ising, co-creator with Hugh Harmon of “Looney Tunes” and “Merrie Melodies” born at Kansas City, MO. Ising and Harmon's inital production, Bosko the Talk-Ink Kid(1929) was the first talkie cartoon synchronizing dialogue on the soundtrack with the action on screen. Ising received an Academy award in 1948 for Milky Way, a cartoon about three kittens. During WWII, he headed the animation division of the Army Air Forces movie unit developing training films. Rudolf Ising died July 18, 1993, at Newport Beach, CA.
1904-Birthday of Ralph Bunche, American statesman, UN official, Nobel Peace Prize recipient ( the first black to win the award), born at Detroit, MI. Died December 9, 1971 at New York, NY.
1905 - The mercury soared to 127 degrees at Parker, AZ, to tie the state record established at Fort Mohave on the 15th of June in 1896.
1910 Pianist/Bankleader/Boogie Woogie Champ Freddie Slack Birthday
1913-Birthday of guitarist George Van Eps, Plainfield, NYU.
1923-Birthday of trumpet player Idrees Sulieman, St Petersburg FL.
1918- New York City's hottest day and night with 102 and 82 minimum. Philadelphia reached a record of 108.
1918-Philadelphia sets record of 106.
1926-Birthday of satirist Stan Freberg, Pasadena, CA. He began his career doing cartoon voices, and in 1951 had a record hit with "John and Marsha," a parody of soap operas. Freberg's 1953 recording of "St. George and the Dragonet" and "Little Blue Riding Hood" was a double-sided million seller. Freberg later turned to producing radio and TV commercials.
1929-Babe Ruth ties record by hitting grand slams in consecutive games.
1934- US Court of Appeals upheld lower court ruling striking down government's attempt to ban controversial James Joyce novel "Ulysses".
1936- Birthday of saxophone player Rahsaan Roland Kirk, Columbus OH.
1937-Birthday of trombone player George Bohanon. Detroit MI.
1937-Trumpet player Bunny Berigan Band records classic version of “I Can't Get Started.” ( Victor 36208). It was released in a two side shellac and a large 12 inch shellac, due to his long and famous trumpet solo.
1939-Birthday of singer Ron Holden, Seattle, WA.
1940 -Largest amount paid for a stamp at that date ($45,000 for 1 1856 British Guiana).
1941-Birthday of sax player Howard Johnson, Montgomery, AL.
1942-Birthday of singer B.J. Thomas, born in Houston, Texas. His easy, middle-of-the-road style was featured on the million-sellers "Hooked on a Feeling" in 1968 and "Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head," from the movie "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid," in 1970. In 1975, Thomas topped both the pop and country charts,with "(Hey, Won't You Play) Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song." He later concentrated on gospel, and more recently pure country material.
1942-The U.S. Marines Landed on Guadalcanal . The American offensive in the Pacific in World War II began at Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, by the Marines under Lieutenant General Alexander Archer Vandergrift. The Marines landed at Floria, Gavutu, Guadalcanal, Tanambogo, and Tulagi. The overall commander was Vice Admiral Robert Lee Ghormley, South Pacific Commander. This was considered the turning point of the war as US Allies had to win this geography not only for defense purposes, and raise morale at home and on the European front, but for the strategy of the War in the Pacific, this was the key and Victory at Sea has documented this very well with the music of Richard Rodgers.
1943-Birthday of singer Lana Cantrell.
1947- Balsa raft Kon Tiki crashes into a Polynesian archipelago reef.
1948- Hank Williams made his first appearance on the "Louisiana Hayride" radio show over station KWKH in Shreveport. Although Williams was virtually an alcoholic, he was booked regularly on the show. And in 1949 came a contract with the Grand Ole Opry. Williams was fired from the Opry in 1952 because of his perpetual drunkeness.
1949 - "Martin Kane, Private Eye" was first heard on Mutual radio. William Gargan starred on the Sunday afternoon program.
1953-The first Navy-Marine Corps Medal for Heroism awarded to a woman was present to Staff Sergeant Barbara Olive Barnwell, of Pittsburgh, PA, Marince Corps Reserve, in Washington, DC. She saved Private First Class Frederick G. Romann form drowning on June 7, 1952, at Onslow Beach, Camp Lejeuene, NC>
1956-57,000 people, the largest minor league baseball crowd in history, watched former Negro Leagues star and major leaguer Satchel Paige pitch of the Miami Marlines in an International League game against the Columbus Jets. The game was played at the Orange Bowl, and Miami won.
1959-Us satellite Explorer VI transmitted the first picture of Earth from space. For the first time we had a likeness of our planet based on more than projections and conjectures.
1963- Jackie Kennedy becomes the 1st first lady to give birth since first lady Francis Cleveland's ( 1893 and
1895—she was 27 years younger than her long time bachelor president who she married in his first term, he was defeated, but won the next election, the only president to do so ) “Mrs. Kennedy gave birth to their third child, Patrick Bouvier Kennedy. He suffered from a serious lung ailment, and was rushed to the Children's Hospital in Boston. Patrick died two days later, and Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy grew closer as they grieved the death of their son. Sadly, another tragedy befell her as she was still recovering from this terrible loss. On November 22, 1963, President Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy were in Dallas, Texas. As their car drove slowly past cheering crowds, shots rang out. President Kennedy was killed and Jacqueline Kennedy became a widow at age thirty-four. She planned the President's state funeral, which was watched by millions around the world who shared her grief and admired her courage and dignity.”
1964-Congress approved the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution,” pertaining to the war in Vietnam, which gave President Lyndon Johnson authority “ to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the Untied States and to prevent further aggression.”
1966- Race riot in Lansing Michigan.
1970- Christine McVie became the first female member of the British rock band Fleetwood Mac. McVie was the wife of the group's bass guitarist, John McVie, and had previously performed with the blues rock band Chicken Shack. Christine joined Fleetwood Mac shortly after one of the group's original members, Peter Green, had left. When Fleetwood Mac was formed in 1967, it played blues classics and blues-influenced original material. But after the departure of Green, the group began performing more melodic rock songs. The band's commercial breakthrough came with the 1975 album "Fleetwood Mac," which sold four-million copies.
1972 - Yogi Berra, Sandy Koufax, Lefty Gomez and Early Wynn were among eight players inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame this day.
1976 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Don't Go Breaking My Heart," Elton John & Kiki Dee. The song is the first on which John sings to hit No. 1 on the British charts.
1981 - After 128 years of publication, "The Washington Star" ceased operation. Only one daily newspaper remained to serve the nation's capital: "The Washington Post".
1984 Jim Deshales becomes 1,000th playing Yankee.
1985- Barbara Streisand records "The Broadway Album".
1986-A judge in Los Angeles dismissed a lawsuit against heavy metal rocker Ozzy Osbourne by the parents of a teenage suicide victim. The 19 year-old youth killed himself while listening to Osbourne's "Suicide Solution."
1986 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Glory of Love," Peter Cetera. Cetera was a member of the group Chicago until 1982.
1987 - "Back to the Beach" opened at theatres around the country. The film reunited Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello, who played middle-aged parents with rebellious kids -- kids like Frankie and Annette had played in their "Bikini Beach" movies in the 1960s.
1988 - Thirty-eight cities in the north central and northeastern U.S. reported record low temperatures for the date. Youngstown, OH, hit 100 degrees, and for the second day in a row, Flint, MI, reached 101 degrees, equalling all-time records for those two cities.
1989-Phoenix records the 62nd straight day with 100 degree plus temperatures, setting a new record. Twenty-four cities, mostly in the southwestern U.S., reported record high temperatures for the date. Afternoon highs of 105 degrees at Cedar City, UT, and 114 degrees at Moab, UT, were all-time records for those locations
1990-Five days after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, US President George Bush ordered the military buildup that would become known as Desert Shield to prevent further Iraqi advances. This was a watershed day in the Middle East. Iraq announced that it had annexed the kingdom of Kuwait -- moving over 200,000 troops into the tiny, oil-rich country. As Iraq declared Kuwait to be its 19th Providence, U.S. President George Bush (I) warned Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, “A line has been drawn in the sand.” An ordered trade and financial boycott had not worked and American forces began moving into Saudi Arabia. August 9 a naval blockade would begin and by November 8, 230,000 American troops would be in Saudi Arabia. CNN would bring us the war “live” and the “see all, expose all” of satellite transmissions would bring instantaneous sight and sound to the entire world. The BBC had been doing this for years, building a worldwide audience, but CNN would bring dramatic pictures and “You Are There.”
1991-A last-minute entry who didn't have the opportunity to play a practice round, John Daly won the PGA Championship at Crooked Stick Golf Club in Indiana by three strokes over Bruce Lietzke. Daly endured a wealth of personal problems in the ensuing years, including marital difficulties and alcoholism. but he continued to thrill tournament crowds with his prodigious drives and his “grip it and rip it” approach to the game.
1995 - Alanis Morissette's biting "You Oughta Know" soars to No. 1 on Billboard's Modern Rock chart and is the most requested tune on rock radio.
1997 - Garth Brooks played to a crowd estimated at between 250,000 and 900,000 -- with an HBO audience of more than 15 million. The crowd at the free concert, was the largest ever for a concert in New York's Central Park. Said Garth of the preparations required, “We rehearse indoors at a place here in New York. Then we rehearse with no sound for the camera guys, so they will hopefully be in the vicinity of what's going on. And then the rest of it's really, man, just fly by the seat of your pants. You know, once the show starts, all the rules are out the window.” Police estimated 250,000 were there - the promoters said the crowd was three times that size. Billy Joel and Don McLean made guest appearances. The show was meant to coincide with the release of Brooks' album "Sevens," but because of a dispute between the singer and his record company, EMI, it didn't come out until three months later.
1998 - A pair of major explosions near U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania killed 224 people, including 12 Americans. “Clearly, this is a terrorist attack,” U.S. State Department spokesman Lee McClenny said.
2001--"Black Betsy," Shoeless Joe Jackson's 40-ounce warped hickory bat, is won by 30-year-old businessman Rob Mitchell in a 10-day eBay auction. The $577,610 price tag is believed to be the largest amount ever paid for a baseball bat.
2003-- Albert Pujols joins Jose Canseco as the only other player in major league history to hit 30 home runs and drive in 100 runs during of their first three seasons.

Baseball Poem
Your 95 MPH Fastball Won't Get You In The
Draft Anymore
by Tim Peeler
Like a 1400 on your SAT won't get you into Harvard
And American Express will continually turn you down
Because your salary goes up slower than their expectations.
Who will get through the traffic jam?
Who will grow the nerves to win the new game?
Who will sop up the spoils, raise a toast in the ruins?
Let me write one tremendously long line like the horizontal
bar at the high jump pit---
See how I fail, even at this?
But my failure is merely a failure of margins,
And your 95 MPH fastball is nothing more than a metaphor
These days.
Tim Peeler in “Waiting for Godot's
First Pitch” More Poems from Baseball
published by McFarland and Company
The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?
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