Credit Analyst
Sausalito, CA
To start, $45M-60M per year depending upon experience and qualifications, small office in great community, work w/seasoned
professional; Banking or financial or leasing background required, opportunity to increase skills and knowledge: call Steve Pickens at 415-331-1725
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Clarification: FTC Brook' statement
Classified Ads---Credit
T-Bills highest level since 2001
Kropschot: Orix Vendor Group:Equilease
Republic Fleet: “Broker/Lessor” List
“Super Broker” List up-dated
SBA Winners lease despite Covenant
Letters---We get eMails!!!
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Sales Makes it Happen--by Gerry Egan
A Critical Sales Tool Too Often Ignored
Fred McDonald at LEAF Financial
Jay James at US Bank Equip. Finance
Todd Emro:American Railcar Leasing
News Briefs---
You May have Missed---
California Nuts Briefs---
"Gimme that Wine"
Calendar Events
Today's Top Event in History
This Day in American History
Baseball Poem
SuDoku Puzzle
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
Clarification: FTC Randy Brook' statement
FTC $90 Million NorVergence Officer Settlements
Thomas Salzano $50 million, Peter Salzano $40 million.
“Story as published is fine, “FTC Senior Attorney Randy Brook told Leasing News by e-Mail: “We go after individuals to make sure they do not retain the profit from fraud schemes. Sometimes this means we get judgments against individuals who have no money left, if only to make it clear that we are serious about going after fraud and its profits. I can't predict what the FTC might do, if anything, regarding finance companies and their officers who were involved in NorVergence financing.”
If you are not on our mailing list, you may not have received our late breaking story on Monday:

Seattle Based FTC cat Randy Brook
FTC senior attorney Randy Brook most notably recent win was against Leasecomm. Under the terms of the settlement with the Federal Trade Commission, Leasecomm agreed to stop collection efforts on all outstanding judgments, totaling $24 million, involving the financing of the software and equipment for processing credit-card transactions. The company also agreed to stop financing those kinds of business opportunities in the future. Leasecomm also paid pay a $1 million fine to be split by the states of Massachusetts, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, North Carolina, North Dakota and Texas, plus other fines to the State of California. One of his claims to fame is the ability to read Lease Team software programs, a very popular accounting program among the equipment leasing industry.
Classified Ads---Credit

Westfall Winery, Montague, New Jersey *

Atlanta, GA
10 yrs experience in credit/collections/recovery/documentation in the leasing industry. P&L responsibility, team builder & strong portfolio mgnt skills.
email: mortimerga@adelphia.net
Boston MA
Challenging position where my skills, professional experience, organization, leadership, strategic thinking, creativity, energy, passion, competitive nature will enable me to define opportunities and personal development.
Email: bernd.janet@verizon.net
Corona, CA
VP credit Consumer Credit prime/sub prime Auto lending/leasing/mortgages. 20+yrs exp. If you are looking for someone to affect the bottom line I am that person. Will relocate.
Email: amosca2000@yahoo.com
Fort Lee NJ
3 Years Experience credit/documentation. Looking in NJ/NY.
Email: angitravis@mail.com
Irvine, CA
I have over 16 years of Credit/Collection experience in the finance industry. Prompt results, extremely effective and knowledgeable, professional, excellent manager and team player.
Email: newportresources@sbcglobal.net
Los Angeles, CA
Over 15 years experience in Credit/Operations with Small Ticket and transactions up to $500,000.00. CLP, with excellent relationships with most major lenders.
Email: jonbh123@earthlink.net
New Jersey, NJ
Credit Analyst with 10+ years experience in small-ticket lending up to $500,000. Experience with both vendor-direct and with brokers.
Email: b.leavy@worldnet.att.net
New York, NY
V.P. Credit & Collections w/23 years exp.looking for a situation where I can utilize my varied & extensive knowledge of credit/collections/risk-management & leasing.
Email: rcouzzi@yahoo.com
Sausalito, CA
Sr. Corp. officer, presently serving as consultant, fin. service background, M&A, fund raising, great workout expertise, references
Email: nywb@aol.com
Orange, CA
Credit/Operations-15 years exper., looking for a new home. Have handled both middle/ large ticket transaction, plus muni & international finance.
email: equiplender@aol.com
Senior Credit Officer
experienced in middle-market leasing; structured, vendor and 3rd party to the fortune 1000. Proactive team builder, originations capable with strong work ethic.
Email: kyletrust@hotmail.com
For a full listing of all “job wanted” ads, please go to:
To place a free “job wanted” ad, please go to:
* www.westfallwinery.com
Magazine article on Westfall Winery
Short-term T-Bills Rise Again
Look out, America, interest rates on short-term Treasury bills have risen to the highest levels since early 2001.
The Treasury Department auctioned $15 billion in three-month bills at a discount rate of 4.905 percent, up from 4.830 percent last week.
Another $14 billion in six-month bills was auctioned at a discount rate of 5.110 percent, up from 5.055 percent last week.
The three-month rate was the highest since three-month bills averaged 4.920 percent on Feb. 5, 2001. The six-month rate was the highest since 5.360 percent on Jan. 2, 2001.
The discount rates reflect that the bills sell for less than face value. For a $10,000 bill, the three-month price was $9,876.01 while a six-month bill sold for $9,741.66.
Separately, the Federal Reserve said the average yield for one-year Treasury bills, a popular index for making changes in adjustable rate mortgages, rose to 5.24 percent last week from 5.13 percent the previous week.
Look for the Fed to raise the basic rate another notch, as predicted in our last analysis, they would raise one more time before August and leasing companies before August would raise their rate, too, despite the reported slow down in new business.
Despite all the hoopla, times are changing for the leasing industry into the down side.
Kropschot helps Orix Vendor Finance Group go to Equilease

It is no secret ORIX decided to close down its Vendor Finance and Dealer Finance groups. The reasons may be seen in this recent story:
http://www.leasingnews.org/archives/May%202006/05-16-06.htm#orix )
Samuel H. Smith III wanted to keep his group together and approached Bruce Kropschot, Kropschot Financial Services, who specializes in the sale of leasing companies and lease portfolio's, to find a company that would keep his Vendor Finance Team together.
Although Kropschot Financial has not advertised their services in finding homes for groups of people, the company has accomplished this a number of times, most recently the hiring last year of the Washington Mutual team by All Points Capital after WaMu decided to get out of the leasing business.
While Kropschot Financial is not an executive recruiting firm, the process of placing a team of people is similar to selling a business.
The perfect fit for Smith's was Equilease Financial Services, Inc. The new Vendor/Dealer Group, which serves vendors and dealers that sell equipment to capital intensive industries, is fully operational and has offices in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and Atlanta, Georgia.
The team has been working together for many years, and has originated approximately $400 million of equipment leases since 2004. Mr. Smith has over twenty years in the equipment finance and leasing industry, and was President of ORIX Vendor Finance before joining Equilease.
Previously, he was a Senior Vice President and Division Manager for Wells Fargo Equipment Finance, Inc. Mr. Smith was co-founder of Wentworth Capital Corporation, a company that was acquired in 1997 by Charter Financial, Inc. and subsequently acquired by Wells Fargo Equipment Finance, Inc.
Kropschot told Leasing News, “ The M&A market is more vibrant for smaller leasing companies than anytime since the market tanked in late 1998 when the stock steep price drops occurred for the active acquirers First Sierra, UniCapital, T&W and LINC, primarily as a result of gain on sale accounting going out of favor.”
Gary Silverhardt, President and CEO of Equilease, said, "We're enthusiastic about Sam and his team joining the company. They know our industries well, and their extensive knowledge of equipment finance will further expand our service and provide additional capabilities to the markets Equilease currently serves."
Equilease operates in the commercial and industrial equipment segment of the leasing industry, providing both full credit review and "application-only" programs which enable vendors and dealers the ability to offer financing to customers of all credit qualities, including sub-prime credits that might otherwise be unable to acquire business-essential equipment.
Mr. Smith said, "I'm excited to have my team join an organization where we can integrate our extensive network of dealers and vendors with Equilease's existing credit models and successful servicing platform.
“As an independent lease originator, Equilease has both the capital and commitment to finance small and middle market companies within a wide range of capital intensive industries across the credit spectrum."
Equilease, founded in 1957 (www.eqfsdirect.com), is a specialty finance company engaged in diversified non-commodity equipment leasing, including origination, underwriting and servicing of middle ticket leases to medium and higher credit quality customers, small ticket leases to lower credit quality customers on an application-only basis and the acquisition of portfolios acquired in the secondary market.
Republic Fleet Service add to “Broker/Lessor” List
Third Column: YES - Year Company Started | YELB - Years in equipment Leasing Business
Business Reports: Companies listed may make any netiquette comment about their company or reports or other information in the footnote section of their listing. Leasing News recommends readers also view the footnote as well as the section itself or searching reports on the business.
It also should be noted that if a BBB report listing is found by a reader, as there may not have been one when this was last up-dated, please send the link to maria@leasingnews.org so Leasing News may up-date this section.
BBB - Better Business Report | CBB - Leasing News Complaint Bulletin Board
| CNI - Current News Information
A - City Business License | B- State License | C - Certified Leasing Professional |
D - State(s) sales/use tax license |
E - Named as "lessor" on 50% or more of lease contract signed. |
City, State
Leasing Association
(see above for meaning) |
D |
45. |
28 |
11 |
National |
$10,000 |
Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
To view full list, please go here:
Super "Broker/Lessor" List
( for “Funder,” please click here
for funders specializing in “Story Credits, “ please click here
for "Broker/Lessor," click here )
There is no advertising fee or charge for a listing. They are “free.” Leasing News makes no endorsement of any of the companies listed, except they have qualified to be on this specific list.
For those who want to be listed on this form, please fill out Super "Broker/Lessors" Form
and fax to 408-374-3843 or you may e-mail to: kitmenkin@leasingnews.org.
Business Reports: Companies listed may make any netiquette comment about their company or reports or other information in the footnote section of their listing. Leasing News recommends readers also view the footnote as well as the section itself or searching reports on the business.
It also should be noted that if a BBB report listing is found by a reader, as there may not have been one when this was last up-dated, please send the link to maria@leasingnews.org so Leasing News may up-date this section.
BBB - Better Business Report | CBB - Leasing News Complaint Bulletin Board
| CNI - Current News Information
A -Requires Broker be Licensed | B -Sub-Broker Program | C -Warehouse Line | D -Also a Funder
N/R (not reported)
* (no response---these listing do not come from the company directly, but from our research from many sources. It is our policy not to put anything in this section without confirmation.)
Rank |
In Business Since
Leasing Association |
Employees |
Area |
Amount |
Business Reports |
A |
B |
C |
D |
1. |
15 |
National |
Application only up to $150,000 |
N |
N |
Y |
Y |
2. |
15 |
Nationwide |
$10,000 to $10 million, App only $100K
* |
* |
* |
* |
3. |
LPI Healthcare Financial Services, Inc.
(primarily loans, not leases)
Kurt Hess
770-579-2900 ext. 11
7 |
National |
$15,000.00 up to $800,000.00 |
N |
Y |
N |
N |
4. |
Affiliated Investment Group, Inc.
("Although the company was established in 1991, it has been inactive until recently and is the proud continutation of the 20 year history of Affliated Corporate Services, Inc. Known as “The Flexible Funding Source,”actually since 1991 worked under trade style of Affiliated Corporate Services.")
Jim Lahti , CLP
972.221.7335, Fax 972.221.7336
4 |
Nationwide |
$25,000 min., with no max.
"Ap only" program $25,000 - $75,000
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
5. |
4 |
Nationwide |
$20,000 to $2MM |
* |
* |
* |
* |
N/R (not reported)
* (no response---these listing do not come from the company directly, but from our research from many sources. It is our policy not to put anything in this section without confirmation.)
(A) BSB Leasing, Inc has been providing syndication services for brokers nationwide since 1982 and have been funding business directly since 2002 through BSB Direct Finance, LLC. We offer Brokers a complete internet solution for credit submission and tracking and document preparation.
BSB will fund up to $75,000 App Only on our direct line under BSB Direct Finance, LLC and we now offer App Only up to $150,000 through BSB Syndication (our house syndication group
Broker Qualify - Please Call or see application on-line at bsbleasing.com
(B) Affiliated Investment Group, Inc. is the proud continuation of over 20 years of serving the broker community. We are a balance sheet, cash flow, credit lender. The primary question on every transaction is "what is the likelihood of being paid back". Our motto is "any equipment, for any Lessee, anywhere in the country". Also known as "The Flexible Funding Source" as we look at a deal with the philosophy of "what's right" about it "how can we make it work". We have significant sources of funds from A to C+ credits.
Broker Qualify - Yes
(C) Quail Capital specializes in large structured and complex transactions. Mohammed Ahsan began his days at Westinghouse Credit (then Atlantic Federal, Mitsubishi Bank, Bank of CA, First Sierra) funding transactions. He has been in the leasing industry for 25 + years. His partner Jeff Rudin has over 27 years. In addition to equipment leasing, Quail Capital is also involved in Asset Based Lending, Franchise Funding, International Finance, Acquisition Finance and Real Estate Secured transactions.
Broker Qualify - Please Call
(D) LPI-HC specializes in Working Capital Loans for new and established medical professionals with our target market being dentists, medical doctors, veterinarians and physical therapists. We also offer Dental Practice Refinancing for established dentists that want to consolidate all their practice debts and improve their cash flow position. "We have the financial solutions to help start and grow a practice with repayment programs designed for medical professionals to manage their money."
Broker Qualify - Please Call
These companies basically function as a "broker," meaning most of their transactions are sent to other leasing companies or funders. The great majority of their transactions are on a “non-recourse” basis. They may have a “warehouse” line for “housing” a lease transaction or making payments in advance, or building a portfolio to sell, and they also may “keep” leases for their own “in house” portfolio. They are classified as a “Super Broker” because the great majority do not directly “service” accounts, but “sell” the transaction to another. Their intention it not to act as a “funder,” although they may present themselves as one, but to “sell” to another.
An additional description: the majority of their business comes from others, who are acting as a “broker.” These “deals” may come from an independent, a “company,” or even a “lessor” or “funder.”
Most are very experienced in the leasing industry and well-known.
In relation to the rest of the industry categories, this is the smallest. You will only find the “elite” listed here. To date, Leasing News has turned down eight who have requested to be listed due to not having a “satisfactory” Better Business Bureau report (this does not include those listed on the Leasing News Bulletin Board Complaint who have not applied to date.)
It is Leasing News experience that most “advance rentals” or “deposits” have been kept primarily by those acting as “super brokers,” particularly with “tougher” credits or equipment situations.
Their source of business is varied, meaning both new and experienced brokers will come to them because they may not have the "volume" for the source the "super broker" may have; they may be have sufficent years in the leasing business to qualify for many sources: they may be looking for a better rate than their regular sources, or the transaction was originated by another broker and they need to acknowledge that the transaction comes from another broker, called "sub broker," in the trade (most funders will not accept business from that has been “re-brokered.” .” As important, the sender may not have a regular source for the specific transaction they want to place, such as a young privately held company wanted the lease as “corporate only.” Both parties also realize the sender may “go direct” or grow to that point or utilize the “Super Broker” as a consultant for new sources.
Most important, the transactions may come from a lessor that wants to satisfy their client, and they have a "minimum" that the transaction does not meet; or perhaps their client is to the maximum amount of exposure for them.
For whatever reason, they come to a "super broker" to place the deal on their behalf.
In the question of sub-broker business, we take for granted that the “super broker” not only has a written agreement with the sub-broker but informs the lessor when submitting an application it has come from a sub-broker. A violation of this will have the company removed from the list.
In addition to the above qualifications, the "Super Broker" must have a "clean" Better Business Bureau rating, no Leasing News Bulletin Board complaints or a poor record, and must belong to a national leasing association, as we view this that they are professional and abide by their association standards and code of ethics.
We also will be verifying warehouse lines or "lessor" lines with their bankers (as done with those on the Story Credit List.)
Leasing News reserves the right not to list any company it believes does not meet the qualifications as stated above.
SBA Winners lease despite Covenant Not To
by Christopher Menkin

18 of the United States 2006 Small Business Administration “State Small Business Winners" participated in the Equipment Leasing Association survey on leasing. “These small business owners are nationally recognized as representing the best in each of their states, their experience can serve as an example for other small businesses working for success,” an ELA spokesperson told Leasing News.
What is interesting is that many SBA agreements preclude equipment leasing, specifically, while others also include other types of financing not involving their bank. Most often the bank and SBA agency are involved in granting permission to obtain additional credit. Often the process is long, and it is not uncommon for small ticket leasing to ignore this SBA loan covenant. The fact that 83% of these SBA winners lease is significant.
Top of the list of what they leased were: Office equipment, computers and industrial/manufacturing.

The ELA survey also found: " Considering economic conditions over the past year, 45% of companies have relied on equipment leasing and financing the same to more than they had previously, while 55% have relied on it less than usual."
The reasons they leased: Improve cash flow, no down payment, ability to have the latest equipment, and help to manage company growth.

When evaluating financing options for equipment procurement, it is not surprising the ELA survey found bank loans are the number one competitor with 78% of survey participants. Two-thirds (67%) consider a line of credit, followed by 61% evaluating cash purchase for equipment acquisition. This generally follows the agreement of their SBA loans.

Letters---We get eMails!!!

FTC NorVergence Officer Settlement
“Thanks for the update!
“What a relief to hear that "all" the Salzano's have do is give back whatever money the government can find and promise never to do it again! I was very nervous for a while there, that these low-lifes were actually going to forced to do some <cringe> jail time!
“Clearly this judge was mentored by the O.J. jury.”
Regards ,

First Capital Equipment Leasing Corp.
508-833-2228 x-22 FAX 508-833-6692 |
(The FTC can't send people to jail. Only the US Attorney or State Attorney General can do this.
(Also please see clarification at the beginning of this edition regarding FTC Senior Attorney Randy Brook. To this editor, the action does send a message that others involved in NorVergence Leasing fraud will be taken to task for their involvement, which may indeed apply to individuals of various leasing companies who do have assets.
(It also should be noted Pennsylvania Attorney General Gerald J. Pappert does have a case against the Salzano's and he prosecute them where the judge will impose jail time if they are found guilty.
NorVergence Lessee:
“Well, this is certainly a true travesty of justice. A slap on the wrist, wouldn't you say? I didn't know that in this great country, all you have to say is “I don't have the money,” and the court just says ok, no problem, we'll just forget about it, but first we have to put it in legal terms!
“I'm appalled at this hoax on the American small businesses, leasing companies, and whoever else was hurt by their scam. After all the damage they did just to get rich???? I have my own hopes for the Salzano brothers' future, which I'm sure, is shared by thousands of other small business owners across the country.
“Thanks Kit, for doing such a great job in following this story!”
Jody Nichilo
(The leasing industry in the last few years has certainly been hit by many frauds; although historically the industry has seen some $200 and $300 million such hits in the last twenty years. It is not an easy business. When the sales department starts telling the credit department what to do, this is typical of what happens. In the old CIT days, any new salesman first started off in the collection department.
(As a side note, none of the recent scandals from CyberNet, NorVergence, Allserve, the Days, involved leasing brokers.
It seems the leasing brokers deals are scrutinized so much, or perhaps the brokers also scrutinize them, the break in the firewall comes from vendors and the individual lessees---not the brokers. Think about it. editor)
Russ Wilder, CLP— “The ATEL Credit Man.”
"I greatly counted on Russ (Wilder's) credit-evaluation experience. Good article...”
A. J. Batt
President & CEO
ROMEL Investment Corporation
415-781-5501 x 201 Direct
415-781-5566 FAX
Jim Lahti-Miami Heat Win
“I thought you might get a kick of this email we sent to our brokers:
“After a day of experiencing sorrow, disappointment, distress and mourning (no relation to Alonzo) over the Dallas Mavericks loss in the NBA finals last night, I thought I could move on and regain joy in Leasing Life if we requested more business from our friendly brokers. There is no better remedy for troubles than approving and funding lease transactions. Your assistance is appreciated. “
James R. Lahti, CLP and Avid Texas Sports Fan
Affiliated Investment Group, Inc.
"The Flexible Funding Source"
930 S. Bell Blvd, Suite 104
Cedar Park, TX 78613
512-336-7336 Fax
Leasing News Major Policy Change
This is a very positive change. Looks great.
Regards, Bob
Robert D. Baker, CLP
Wildwood Financial Group, Ltd.
800-373-3581 toll free
877-235-0808 fax
Six Year Anniversary
“First thing each morning I read your column, you always have the news before any of the other websites, and I can always count on yours to be accurate. Congratulations on six years of producing an excellent publication!!”
Best regards,
Helene G. Kugit, Managing Director
Executive Solutions for Leasing and Finance, Inc.
10 Timberdale Drive Holmdel, NJ 07733
Fax: 732.875.0555
“Cobra Capital congratulates you on your 6th year anniversary! Your newsletter has become the grassroots information source in our industry and your candid approach of searching for the truth is refreshing. I may not always agree with your opinions but I do take the time to listen to what you have to say.
“I can really appreciate how far you have come since 2000 particularly since I founded Cobra in the same year which, as you know, was perhaps the most challenging time for our industry and the U.S. economy. The fact that you have not only survived, but have indeed flourished during what has been perhaps the most volatile period of time in our country's history, speaks to the value of your contributions to our business.”
Dale Kluga
Cobra Capital LLC
“Happy anniversary! Progress continues! .. I can't wait to see what it looks like in 10 more years.. Judging by the other advisors I met at the UAEL conference it seems like you have a knack for surrounding yourself with good people. I'm happy to be part of the leasing news”
Ed (Castagna )
Nassau Asset Management
from Bob Teichman, CLP
“Ah Kit, who would'a thought it's been six years. All in all, it has been a fun ride, watching the equipment leasing business ebb and flow, watching Leasing News mature and doing it all in spite of some spiteful people who didn't appreciate how you tried (and still try) to improve the leasing industry.
“I wonder how many of your readers know how much time, effort and money you put into this newsletter only because of your deep interest in keeping the industry transparent and ethical.
“Thanks for sticking to it and for providing an outstanding service to the equipment leasing industry.
“From one of your "originals".
(Are you still in the Ukraine?)
“Yes, I'll be here in Kiev for another couple of weeks, and will send you a report about the Ukrainian leasing industry when I return.
“I was able to get an apartment with a high speed cable modem. It has been very helpful in allowing me to stay in touch with everyone, but the time difference is still annoying. It is now 1:00 AM. I have to make appointments to call people. Thank heaven for e-mail.”
Best regards,
Bob Teichman, CLP
Teichman Financial Training
3030 Bridgeway, Suite 213
Sausalito, CA 94965
Tel: 415 331-6445
Fax: 415 331-6451
e-mail: BoTei@aol.com
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Account Executive

Exp. Account Executive
Salt Lake City, Utah
Intermediaries--Background in sales/leasing and/or finance required/credit experience preferred. Salary plus commission. Fax resume: 801-733-2363 or email: clong@acccapital.com
Account Managers
"Specializing in Equipment Financing"
Charlotte * Los Angeles * New York * Phoenix
National Account Managers
60% com./30% res. APP only to $150,000. No industry/geo restrictions. Tremendous flexibility/freedom: your home office or our regional offices. bjohnson@alliancecap.com
Jr. Analyst

Credit Analyst
Sausalito, CA
To start, $45M-60M per year depending upon experience and qualifications, small office in great community, work w/seasoned
professional; Banking or financial or leasing background required, opportunity to increase skills and knowledge: call Steve Pickens at 415-331-1725
Operations Manager
Operations Manager for growing equipment leasing/broker services co. in Costa Mesa, CA to oversee syndication, docs, & credit functions. Prior leasing experience pref. Salary with benefits. Send resume to: Sarah@Podiumfinancial.com
Sales Manager

Sales Manager
Costa Mesa, CA
Responsibilities include managing and directing marketing staff from solicitations through credit submission and doc signing.
Email: sltidland@goldenwestfinance.com

Sales Make it Happen

A Critical Sales Tool Too Often Ignored
By Gerry Egan
Imagine selling successfully to the most successful businesses in your market, getting virtually every application you work on approved, and spending almost no time at all defending your rates. If you can only imagine that because it doesn't describe your own business, then imagine this, too. Imagine that selling like that is far easier and far more productive than how you may be selling right now. …Ah, but there's the catch! You may need to change how you're selling now. Are you willing to give it a try?
In the next few minutes, I'm going to tell you about one single thing you can do that, in and of itself, is so powerful it can make selling like that a reality. Here's that one thing: Create an effective lease-versus-purchase analysis. First let me tell you why it's so important and so powerful, and then I'll tell you how to create one that will be truly effective.
I consider it a wonderful privilege that I get to travel around this great country so much and I get to meet so many people in the equipment leasing business. Almost universally, though, among the ones that are struggling; among those that aren't maximizing the opportunity they have; among those that aren't reaching their goals; I've observed a common thread. They're not selling equipment leasing. Sadly, many are not even trying.
They're not trying because they don't know how to overcome the rate issue. Because they can't overcome the rate issue, they become trapped in an identity as a high-priced lender. Because they're identified as a high-priced lender, they tend to drift to into sub-prime credit markets. Because they're in sub-prime credit markets, they generally end up working far harder for fewer approvals than they need to. This is all due to one simple but critical selling mistake. The reason they can't overcome the rate issue is because they are allowing their proposal to be compared to other proposals available to the customer; for example, bank financing. That's the mistake; they're comparing the proposals rather than contrasting them.
Decisions, though, are generally made not on the similarities of things but on their differences. In our business, we have a huge advantage here if we'll only take it. A lease contract is an entirely different thing than a traditional sales finance contract. More important, it has entirely different impacts on the customer. A properly written lease can be treated completely differently for federal income tax purposes and some can even be treated differently for book accounting purposes.
This is why it's so important to have an effective lease-versus-purchase analysis to show those differences. It's not enough for us to have a vague understanding of them or offer them as an aside; they have to be crystal clear to our prospects and we have to be adept at demonstrating them in ways that show them with dollars —and with sense. When we can, it becomes an incredibly powerful selling tool because we can tap into natural reluctances to borrow money and natural resentments of bank policies and procedures while offering a clear and practical alternative. When you can effectively and successfully compete with local bank financing, you can work effectively and successfully in the ‘A' credit markets and your approval rates will go way, way, way up. When you can effectively sell equipment leasing not as a form of, but as an alternative to, traditional sales financing you'll also spend virtually no time dealing with or defending ‘rates'. Now that's powerful!
Putting it to work starts with understanding those differences, though, and that starts with us. Unfortunately, here's a dirty little secret of our industry. Way, way, way too many equipment leasing salespeople would, for themselves, never choose to lease. They, themselves, believe it's a high-priced form of financing. What are their chances of believably offering it to discerning customers who have real alternatives?
That's why step number one in creating an effective lease-versus-purchase analysis is exactly that; creating it. Don't ask for mine. Don't ask for your friend's. Don't try to find one online. Create one yourself. That way you're ‘invested' in it and will understand and believe every part of it. When you are, and when you do; you'll be willing to use it and you'll be effective using it.
You don't have to create it all alone, though. Use a CPA. That's right, go to a local CPA and get him or her to help you. Even if you have to pay the accountant wouldn't it be worthwhile if it drove your approval rates way up or cut down the time you spend now dealing with rate issues? Now, I know many of you are saying: my CPA doesn't believe in leasing. That's fine. Find another CPA. Why would you want to maintain a business relationship with someone who doesn't even believe in what you do for a living? The myth that all CPA's are against equipment leasing is exactly that; a myth. Many just aren't very familiar with it but many others actively recommend it. Keep shopping until you find one who does or is willing to learn. When you do, you'll be helping that accountant develop a tool that he or she can use over and over again when they get asked about it, and you'll have developed a close professional relationship with someone who can be immensely helpful to your own business.
The second step is to show only what's necessary to the task at hand. Your analysis should show where the customer will be at a specific point in the future —not at the end of all eternity! In other words, many analyses have a built in prejudice toward purchasing because they compare the net-after-tax-cost of a thirty six month lease with the lifetime depreciated cost of purchasing the equipment. But that's not what you're asking the customer for, so it's not a fair comparison.
Remember, you're selling the differences and you should also be selling the fact that the customer doesn't need to own the equipment to benefit from the use of it. One of the big differences in leasing is that at the end of a thirty six month lease your customer can return it, buy it, re-lease it or do whatever's in the customer's best interest at that time —but he or she doesn't have to make that decision until then. Let's say it's in their best interest to trade up to a faster model at that point in time. Most purchase-prejudiced analysis fail to take recapture of excess depreciation into account for that scenario but that's a very real possible scenario for many, many customers. An effective analysis shows the customer that at the end of thirty six month's, (for example), here's what you will have spent in net-after-tax dollars and that's the minimum decision you need to make today.
The third step in making your analysis into an effective selling tool is counter to most sales instruction. This is one time you don't want to keep it simple. Your analysis should be thorough and it should look it. It should include plenty of detail and supporting information. Within reason, more is better. I've seen a software program that will print out a twenty-eight page report. Now, that's a little overkill, to be sure, but two, three or four pages are not. Your customer wants to know this is serious and more often than not the decision will go with the preponderance of the evidence. Make sure that's in your favor. It's important to understand that your customer doesn't want to buy; doesn't want to borrow; and doesn't want to pay interest. He or she does want whatever the product will do, however, and if you can show a way to get that without having to buy, borrow or pay interest —and your case is professional, thorough and believable and you're able to back it up with facts and figures— you're giving them what exactly what they want.
Now, here's a little bonus sales tip that allowed me to use this and build a successful business working with top credit prospects. I've always been prepared to do a customized lease-versus-purchase analysis for any customer but I've almost never had to. What I do instead is have a generic one ready at all times. I can fax, email or hand it out immediately. It's based on a one hundred thousand dollar piece of equipment and a thirty six month lease. Why? Because the amount is both interesting and the results are easy to convert to per-dollar figures. As I'm getting the customer's agreement that he or she doesn't need to own the equipment to benefit from it's use, (if you skip that step in any sale you must like to work a lot harder than I do), I tell them I have a sample that shows how they can without having to buy. They all want to see it. Once they see it and ‘buy' the fact that leasing doesn't always and automatically cost more, they rarely care to spend any more time on the decision. After all, remember, most don't really want to have to buy or finance. They just believe it's the most practical way to acquire the use of whatever they're considering. When they see there's an alternative that's at least roughly equal, most will choose to lease.
Finally, you may want to know at this point if your sales can benefit from developing your own lease-versus-purchase analysis. There's an easy way to know for sure. Simply ask yourself this question: Would you rather sell this way, or would you rather compete with someone who does?

Gerry Egan since 1981 has been involved in Equipment Leasing training, education, and has written many articles. He is unique in his consulting profession as " We broker leases, hold our own leases and discount leases to local banks in addition to managing and servicing the leasing programs for a couple of small banks."
About Gerry Egan: http://www.realworldsalestraining.com/
Gerry Egan
TecSource, Inc.
5621 Departure Drive, Suite 113
Raleigh, NC 27616
Phone: 919-790-1266
Fax: 919-790-2262
E-Mail: mailto:GerryEgan@ForEquipmentLeasing.com
Internet: www.ForEquipmentLeasing.com
### Press Release ###########################
LEAF Financial Corporation Names New Director of Commercial and Industrial Funding

PHILADELPHIA, PA. – – LEAF Financial Corporation a wholly owned subsidiary of Resource America (NASDAQ:REXI) announces it has named Fred MacDonald as Director of Commercial and Industrial Funding. Fred has 30 years experience in the leasing industry. Prior to joining LEAF Fred was Senior Vice President of Credit/Operations for Unicyn Financial Companies and Unicyn Funding Group. Before Fred joined Unicyn he was Vice President of Operation for Fleet Credit Corporation where he managed the credit and documentation departments for their small ticket/third party lessor and broker transactions. In his position at LEAF, Fred will be originating strategic funding relationships with equipment lessors nationwide.
Nick Capparelli, Chief Marketing Officer stated, “We are fortunate to have a professional like Fred join our team and we expect him to contribute immediately. His years of experience and industry knowledge will enhance our sales efforts considerably and will solidify LEAF's position as a leader in the commercial and industrial niche.”
LEAF Financial Corporation is a commercial leasing company headquartered in Philadelphia, PA. LEAF's business model is to originate equipment leases by reaching the small to mid sized business market by forming strategic marketing alliances and other program relationships with equipment vendors, commercial banks and other financial institutions. After origination, LEAF manages the leases for its own account, institutions, and individual investors through investment partnerships and other investment vehicles.
Michelle Falcone
LEAF Financial Corporation
Phone Number: (267) 402-4529
### Press Release ###########################
U.S. Bank Equipment Finance Names Jay James to Capital Equipment Group

DALLAS — U.S. Bank Equipment Finance has named Jay James as vice president and area manager for the capital equipment group. In this new position, James has responsibility for new business development and sales, providing equipment financing solutions to middle-market through investment-grade companies across Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Arkansas. He's based in Dallas.
James comes to U.S. Bank Equipment Finance with nearly 12 years of leasing and financing industry experience. He has worked for ATEL Leasing, as a leasing executive, Wells Fargo Equipment Finance, Inc. as a vice president, Mellon US Leasing as district manager, The Bank of Texas as vice president, The American National Bank Leasing Company as leasing officer, and Bank of America in various sales and management capacities.
“Jay brings a solid base of equipment lease and financing structure experience and business development expertise to this critical market for our business line,” said Blair McBeth, executive vice president and general manager of the capital equipment group.
James earned a bachelor's degree in business administration from Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas, and a master of business administration from Amber University in Dallas. He resides in Rockwall, Texas, with his wife and family.
U.S. Bank Equipment Finance, one of the largest bank-affiliated equipment finance companies in the nation, has been providing quality equipment finance solutions for 35 years. It's a major funding source for companies in virtually every industry sector nationwide. Visit U.S. Bank Equipment Finance on the web at www.usbank.com/leasing.
U.S. Bank Equipment Finance is part of U.S. Bancorp (NYSE: USB). With assets of $210 billion, is the 6th largest financial holding company in the United States. The company operates 2,430 banking offices and 4,941 ATMs, and provides a comprehensive line of banking, brokerage, insurance, investment, mortgage, trust and payment services products to consumers, businesses and institutions. U.S. Bancorp is the parent company of U.S. Bank. Visit U.S. Bancorp on the web at www.usbank.com.
Sites of Reference:
Patty Wampler
U.S. Bank Equipment Finance
Phone Number: (503) 797-0846
Fax Number: (503) 797-0490
E-mail: patricia.wampler@usbank.com
### Press Release ###########################
American Railcar Leasing Announces New CEO
ST. CHARLES, Mo.---American Railcar Leasing, LLC, (ARL), the leader in the leasing and sale of specialized railroad tank and covered hopper railcars, has announced the appointment of Todd Emro to the position of Chief Executive Officer of the company, effective June 5, 2006. Mr. Emro is a seasoned executive with deep experience in the railcar and transportation industries. Most recently Mr. Emro served as Vice President, Petrochemical Sales and Services with GE Rail. Previously, he served as Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer of PLM Transportation Equipment Corporation, where Mr. Emro was a key contributor to the growth, turn around and subsequent sale of the rail business to CIT Rail Resources. Mr. Emro also spent several years in various capacities at both GATX Rail and Union Tank Car.
"Joining ARL at this time is a tremendous opportunity. As the demand for rail-focused transportation continues to increase, shippers and operating companies continue to look for innovative solutions to meet their transportation needs. I believe ARL is the right company to help address these challenges," said Mr. Emro. "ARL has a rich heritage that is synonymous with transportation excellence, and has a strong vision for the future of the industry. I am looking forward to working with the team at ARL to help our customers realize increased business value."
"We are extremely pleased to have Todd Emro join as our new Chief Executive Officer," said Carl C. Icahn, Chairman of the board of American Railcar Leasing. "The board of directors was impressed with Mr. Emro's deep experience in our target markets, his proven leadership in market leading transportation companies, and the passion he brings as an individual to the business. We are confident that ARL, behind Mr. Emro's leadership, will push forward in its pursuit of strategic leasing solutions, and continue to drive customer success."
Mr. Emro earned a Bachelor's degree in Organizational Management from Calumet College of Saint Joseph in 1991 and will be relocating to the Saint Charles area during the coming months.
About American Railcar Leasing
Formed in 2004, American Railcar Leasing LLC (ARL) is committed to being the leader in the leasing and sale of specialized railroad tank and covered hopper railcars. With an experienced staff of sales and customer service personnel, ARL is dedicated to providing lessees and customers with the very best service in the business.
American Railcar Leasing, LLC
Harry McKinstry, 636-940-5360
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Calendar Events This Day
National Handshake Day
Get a grip on a professional handshake today! The handshake is an important part of corporate America, and can make or break a business deal, interview or other encounter. Take this day to perfect your own handshake and put it into practice.
Today's Top Event in History
1951- “Amos and Andy” premiered on TV; based on the popular radio show about black characters played by white dialecticians Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll. It became the first dramatic series with an all-black cast to appear on television. The cast included Tim Moore, Spencer Williams, Alvin Childress, Ernestine Wade, Amanda Randolph, Johnny Lee, Nick O'Demus and Jester Hairston. The series was widely syndicated until pressure from civil rights groups, who claimed the show was stereotypical and prejudicial, caused CBS to withdraw it from syndication Today it is considered derogatory and re-runs are rare. It was one of the most popular radio and television shows of all time.

This Day in American History
1687-The first Knighthood conferred on a person born in America was awarded at Windsor Castle, England, by King James II to William Phips(Phipps), for his fair distribution of 34 tons of silver, gold, and jewels valued at $1,350,000 that he salvaged from a sunken Spanish ship that had lain in the sea near the Bahamas Islands for 44 years. Phips was born on February 2, 1651, at Pemaquid (now Bristol), ME.
1770-Quakers open school for Blacks in Philadelphia
1778-History records the first Revolutionary War conflict in which American and British troops met on equal terms was the Battle of Monmouth Courthouse, Freehold, NJ, this day in 1778. The Americans under General George Washington lost 69 killed and 160 wounded. The British under Sir Henry Clinton lost 300 killed and 100 wounded or captured. The Battle of Monmouth in central New Jersey was fought in sweltering heat. The temperature was 96 degrees in the shade, and there were more casualties from the heat than from bullets.
1812-A after much debate in Congress between “hawks” such as Henry Clay and John Calhoun, and “doves” such as John Randolph, Congress issued a declaration of war on Great Britain. The action was prompted by Britain's violation of America's rights on the high seas and British incitement of Indian warfare on the frontier. War was seen by some as a way to acquire Florida and Canada. The hostilities ended with the signing of Treaty of Ghent on December 24, 184, at Ghent, Belgium.
1862-The siege of the Confederate city of Vicksburg, MS, began in earnest when Admiral David Farragut succeeded in taking a fleet past the Mississippi River stronghold on this date.
(He is best remembered as being the Union's only Admiral and for saying “Damn the torpedoes. Full speed ahead.” He did say this. In those days, by the way, a torpedo was a mine in the water. To halt ships entrance in the water, especially around harbors, floating mines or tied to a chain were very commonly deployed.)
1902—birthday of songwriter Richard Rodgers, New York City, NY
1902-The Isthmian Canal Act was passed by Congress. It authorized financing, and building of a canal across the Isthmus of Panama, and also authorized an alternative route across Nicaragua in the event the president could not obtain a concession from the Panama Canal Company of France ( which he eventually did for $40,000,000) and negotiate a proper treaty with Colombia. Treaty difficulties were obviated by the successful rebellion and separation of Panama from Colombia in November, 1903. the new republic immediately granted a ten-mile-wide strip of land for the canal.
1907-birthday of composer-arranger Jimmy Mundy, Cincinnati, Ohio. He died in 1983.
(we boasted a book of 70 Basie arrangements)
1909 -- Eric Ambler born (1909-1998). English author, widely regarded, with Somerset Maugham & Graham Greene, as a pioneer of espionage & crime fiction. Used the pseudonym Eliot Reed on four novels written with Charles Rodda. 1964 Edgar-winner, later named a Grand Master by the Mystery Writers of America.Wrote a series of great spy novels. One of my favorites, so he gets listed here.
1914-Archduke Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sofia were assassinated in Sarajevo by a Bosnian Serb, setting of a chain of events that lead to World War I.
1914-Birthday of bluegrass musician and singer Lester Flatt.was born in Overton County, Tennessee. Flatt, his partner Earl Scruggs and their band, the Foggy Mountain Boys, did more than any other group to bring bluegrass music to the attention of the mass audience in the 1960's. Flatt and Scruggs' "The Ballad of Jed Clampett" from "The Beverly Hillbillies" TV show was a hit in 1962. And their recording of "Foggy Mountain Breakdown," which they had originally waxed in 1949, reached the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1968 after it was used in the film "Bonnie and Clyde." When Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs' musical partnership ended in 1969, they had been together for more than 20 years. Flatt died on May 11th, 1979 at the age of 64. 
1922- birthday of Dean Benedetti, recorder of Bird solo's, Ogden, Utah.
1923 -Birthday of trumpet player Pete Condoli
1924 -A massive F4 tornado hit Sandusky, Ohio, moved across Lake Erie, and then tore through Lorain, Ohio. 85 people killed and total damage was 12.5 million dollars.
1925-Birthday of George Morgan, one of country music's earliest crooners, born in Waverly, Tennessee. He was the writer and singer of "Candy Kisses," the biggest country song of 1949. Morgan's recording went to number one and sold a million copies, while a cover version by Elton Britt was number three on the country chart. Morgan's smooth, easy style was featured on such early '50s country hits as "Room Full of Roses," "Cry Baby Heart" and "I'm in Love Again." He died of a heart attack in July 1975 just as his career was beginning to rebound.
1928-Louis Armstrong records the classic, “ West End Blues,” (Okey 87597)
1940- Congress approved the Alien Registration Act. During the period from August 27, 1940 to December 26, 1940, the number of non-citizens who registered was 4,741,971.
1944 - "The Alan Young Show" debuted on NBC radio. It was a summer replacement for the popular Eddie Cantor. The show became a regular in the fall NBC lineup. Young, incidentally, made the switch to TV in 1961. He became a CBS star with a talking horse, of course, of course, named "Mister Ed".
1948 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Woody Wood-Pecker," Kay Kyser Orchestra. The song tops the Billboard singles chart for six weeks and sells more than 1 million copies.
1951- “Amos and Andy” premiered on TV; based on the popular radio show about black characters played by white dialecticians Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll. It became the first dramatic series with an all-black cast to appear on television. The cast included Tim Moore, Spencer Williams, Alvin Childress, Ernestine Wade, Amanda Randolph, Johnny Lee, Nick O'Demus and Jester Hairston. The series was widely syndicated until pressure from civil rights groups, who claimed the show was stereotypical and prejudicial, caused CBS to withdraw it from syndication Today it is considered derogatory and re-runs are rare. It was one of the most popular radio and television shows of all time.
1955---Top Hits
Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White - Perez Prado
Rock Around the Clock - Bill Haley & His Comets
Unchained Melody - Al Hibler
Live Fast, Love Hard, Die Young - Faron Young
1960-birthday of Denver Bronco quarterback John Albert Elway, Port Angeles,WA.
1963---Top Hits
Sukiyaki - Kyu Sakamoto
Blue on Blue - Bobby Vinton
Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer - Nat King Cole
Act Naturally - Buck Owens
1964 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "I Get Around," The Beach Boys.
1968-President Lyndon B. Johnson approved Public Law 90-363, which amended section 6103(a) of title 5, United States Code, establishing Monday observance of Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day and Veterans Day. The new holiday law took effect Jan 1,1971. Veterans Day observance subsequently reverted to its former observance date, Nov 11.
1968-The Rascals claim gold record number three for their hit, "A Beautiful Morning".
1971-The Us Supreme Court voted 8-0 to overturn the 1967 conviction of Muhammad Ali for draft evasion. The World Champ had has his title stripped for refusing to participate in the View Nam war, declaring himself a conscientious objector.
1971---Top Hits
It's Too Late/I Feel the Earth Move - Carole King
Indian Reservation - Raiders
Treat Her Like a Lady - Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose
When You're Hot, You're Hot - Jerry Reed
1974-brithday of Karim Abdul-Jabbar ( formerly known as Sharman Shah) football player, born Los Angels, CA.
1974 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Sundown," Gordon Lightfoot. 1975 - Lee Trevino and two other golfers are struck by lightning at the Western Open golf tournament in Oak Brook, IL.
1978-The concept of racial quotas came under fire when the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Bakke v. the University of California that the university had to admit Allan P. Bakke to its medical school. Bakke, who was white, claimed his civil rights had been violated when he was refused admission because of racial quotas designed to increase the number of minority students in the medical school.
1979---Top Hits
Hot Stuff - Donna Summer
Ring My Bell - Anita Ward
The Logical Song - Supertramp
Nobody Likes Sad Songs - Ronnie Milsap
1980 - The temperature at Wichita Falls, TX, soared to 117 degrees, their hottest reading of record. Daily highs were 110 degrees or above between the 24th of June and the 3rd of July.
1981 - "Variety", the movieland trade paper, reported that the biggest single weekend in box-office history saw American moviegoers spending a blockbusting $56,101,095 at the box office. The popular movies bringing in the bucks were "Superman II" with Christopher Reeve, "Raiders of the Lost Ark" with Harrison Ford and "The Great Muppet Caper" with Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy.
1985 - Route 66, the 59-year-old highway of 2,200 miles of blacktop, was decertified as a U.S. highway. The highway that was a legendary part of Americana saw highway crews removing the classic roadway shield-markers that designated it as the highway west. Route 66 started in Chicago, Illinois and continued into Santa Monica, California. To travel from one end of Route 66 to the other, one would go through eight states and three time zones. Bobby Troup was disappointed.
1986-Don Sutton of the California Angeles and Phil Niekro of the Cleveland Indians became the first pair of 300-game winners in the 20 th century to start against each other. The Angeles scored six runs in the bottom of the eight inning to win the game, 9-3. Neither started figured in the decision.
1987---Top Hits
I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me) - Whitney Houston
In Too Deep - Genesis
Alone - Heart
Forever and Ever, Amen - Randy Travis
1988 - Founder Berry Gordy Jr. sold Motown Records to MCA Records and Boston Ventures, an investment firm, for $61 million.
1992 - A very strong earthquake shook the high desert of Southern California at 4:57 a.m. The M7.3 earthquake was centered on the eastern side of the San Bernardino Mountains near the town of Landers. The quake was the largest to strike California since the Kern County M7.7 earthquake in 1952. Vigorous rocking and rolling was felt 100 miles away in L.A. and the quake was felt as far away as Central California and Las Vegas, Nevada. Property damage: $56 million, including collapsed buildings, ruptured utility lines and widespread nonstructural damage. Human toll: One killed, 25 seriously injured, 372 treated for some sort of earthquake-related injuries, millions awakened with nightmares for weeks.
1992 -A slow moving tropical depression produced excessive rains across southwest Florida. Four day totals ending on the 28th, ranged up to 25 inches in the Venice area, with a general 8 to 14 inches over Sarasota and Manatee counties. Two deaths resulted from the flooding.
1994 - The U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) announced it would begin experimenting with a UV (ultraviolet) Index, “To enhance public awareness of the effects of overexposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, and to provide the public with actions they can take to reduce harmful effects of overexposure, which may include skin cancer, cataracts and immune suppression.”
1996-- Darryl Strawberry's 300th career round-tripper is a dramatic ninth inning, two-run dinger which gives the Yankees a come-from-behind 3-2 win over the Royals.
1997-In a fight for the WBA heavyweight championship in Las Vegas, challenger Mike Tyson was disqualified in the third round by referee Mills Lane for twice biting the ear of champion Evander Holyfield. After the fight, Tyson claimed the he had been upset that Holyfield head-butted him in the second round. The bits, which precipitated a near-riot in and about the ring, were an attempt at retaliation. Only July 9, the Nevada Boxing Commission fined Tyson $3 million and revoked his boxing license.
2000-- The Rockies draw their 20 millionth fan to one ballpark faster than any other team in major league history. Taking less than six years, Colorado eclipses the Dodgers' mark of taking nine years in two stadiums to reach the milestone.

Baseball Poem
For Junior Gilliam (1928-1978)
by B.H. Fairchild ©
Published: The Little Magazine (1978) |
In the bleak, bleacherless corner
of my rightfield American youth,
I killed time with bubble gum
and baseball cards and read the stats
and saw a sign: your birthday was mine.
And so I dreamed: to rise far
from Kansas skies and fenceless outfields
where flies vanished in the summer sun.
To wake up black in Brooklyn,
to be a Bum and have folks call me Junior
and almost errorless hit .280 every year
and on the field, like you, dance double plays,
make flawless moves, amaze the baseball masses.
You would turn, take the toss from Reese,
lean back and, leaping past the runner's cleats,
wing the ball along a line reeled out
from home and suddenly drawn taut
with a soft pop in Hodges' crablike glove.
And we went wild in Kansas living rooms.
The inning's over. You're in the shadows now.
But summers past you taught us how to play
the pivot (or how to dream of it).
And when one day they put me in at second,
I dropped four easy ones behind your ghost,
who plays a perfect game. |
Fast Facts
Jim "Junior" Gilliam played fourteen seasons with the Dodgers starting in 1953 and moving with the club from Brooklyn to Los Angeles in 1958, ending his career with the organization in 1966.
The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?