
"I've taken another look at the budget, and I'm sorry I'm going to have to let two of you go." |
"I know all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't do it - but that didn't mean it couldn't be done!" |
"Before we get started, Mr. Merrilees, would you be interested in buying some tickets to the IRS Agents Ball?" |

"Bob Teichman School of Easter Business" |
"Our Senior Credit Analyst will see you now"
"I should have gone to HP Financial" |
"Bob Teichman School of Easter" |
"That's the first sign I've seen that the recession may be ending." |
"Sorry, No data today. My human is down." |
" I read somewhere that he thinks we're very large, very odd dogs." |
"Just once..." |
"All this---the house, the grounds , the lake -- instills a feeling of wonder in me. I wonder how I mange to pay for it all." |
"No, you're not here for an audit." |
"...and it's 2, 3, 4 strikes your out"
" I have to talk to that boy" |
"Guilt, innocence; they are not concepts that come naturally to you, are they?" |
"Oh my god I forgot! I have children" |

"Let me see the first one again." |
"Wall Street - Buy/Sell" |
"Data Processing Center. Raw Data / Bar B Qued Data" |

Popular Leasing Pres. Bruce Horton

"The Cost of Doing Business Lunch" |
"Righ Brain Dominance"
"Left Brain Dominance" |
"Folks, I feel as if we're turning a corner" |
"In, Out, Lost in Shuffle" |
"A Pat on the Back $.25" |
"Oh Good!The Cowboys Boots...we're not going far" |
"Leave It to Beaver"
"The Corporate Years" |
"I always suspected the partners' Lounge looked like this." |
Breakfast at the Grammar Cafe
"Would you like thoss eggs over easy...or
over easily?" |
"That's the First Sign I've seen that the recession may be ending." |
"Leave It to Beaver"
"Rerun" |
"In," "Out," "What the hell I am doing here" |
"Nonsence! Money is more important than age." |
"The buck Gets losts here" |
"I agree money can't buy happiness, but we may be able to lease it." |
"A Majority of One" |
"Good idea, Lets merge and be big." |
"Learning to Relax" |
"Pepper & Salt"
"It's odd...just about the time you get attached to your horse, the lease expires." |
"Sensitive Training"
"Insensitive Trainin" |
"We're proud of our corporate managers who have risen from the streets." |
"My eventual goal is to build a spaceship and colonize Venus, but for now I'm looking to move into a senior position at American Express Business Finance." |
"It's my fervent hope, Mr. Sheehan, that these are meaningless statistics." |
"Don't worry. We can send the deal through HP Financial Services." |
"Get Well Cards" |
"The word around the industry is that you have an attitude problem." |
"It smells like a magazine in here." |
"Under this new incentive plan, every salesman who meets its quota will get to keep his job." |
"She must be in there somewhere. I hear sobbing." |
CEO "No' |
"I want to issue a memo that anyone found reading Leasing News on their computer will be fired here at IFC!!!" |
(Not afraid of NorVergence leases, rumor has it that he has added his well-known office art collection as extra collateral to his company line of credit, It reportedly doublesany collateral needed.) |
"Office of Quality Control" |
Inside Patrick "Evergreen" Byrne's Brain |
"Leasing Brokers' Wedding" |
"Honk if you love class action suits" |
"I tried to hijack a US ship" |
"Get serious, Rudy, we're talking business ethics, not ethics." |
Kit's World |
Hard Work Pays Off
Son helps father |
Beware of everything |
Never compare |
Windows Could Not Find the File |
Indicators |
Fair Selection |
Waiter asks a question |
Making a Choice Today |
Why we need libraries |
A jungle |
Wine over 65 |
Weekend travel plans |
Heroes |
Bunnies Mask |
Heroes |
School Kids |
Forgot Mask |
Can't Remember |
Evolution of Technology |
Technology has not replaced |
Dog on computer |
Airplane food then and now |
Louisiana |
"I told you to take out the garbage! You didn't do the dishes last night! What are you good for? You just sit there and stare! I don't know why I married you!!!!" |
New pyramid in Egypt |
Free Medical Advice |
Won't Find |
2021 Brink's Truck |
Happy Father's Day |
Differecnce between cats and dogs |
Before you start talking |
It's a six |
What's this about? |
Frozen Turkeys |
As a kid |
Captain Kirk |
Bald Eagles |
Dollar Slice in NYC |