If you haven't ordered roses for the coming year, it may be too late. One of the best roses I have grown in quite some time is "Firefighter" from Edmunds Roses, an exclusive. It is not only a beautiful red color, but extremely fragrant, quite prolific, especially for a young plant, and tall growing, meaning is not only a garden rose but for cutting, too. In the rose rating by the American Rose Society, I gave it a 8.9, which is very high. After the next year of growing, I will see if it gets higher, but I was really impressed with this rose. And it appears everyone else was too, as it is completely sold out. To learn more about this program, please go here. A new rose that I have ordered is Maria Shriver, Grandiflora. Maria Shriver™ Grandiflora Height: 4-5' Petals: 40 Fragrance: Strong, citrus Hybridizer: Dorieux, 2004 I would always recommend "Double Delight" and for an hedge, this miniature that grows to two feet tall: "Gourmet Popcorn." Don't wait until you can actually see the roses blooming. By the time they get that way, the rosarians have picked over most of the good ones. In addition, I always recommend bare root planting, rather than in a pot. Perhaps they will start off slower, but they will become full plants just as quickly. |