Leasing News Policy Statement  Fairness and unbiased reporting always.
We will question any information we think is suspicious. We will try to substantiate it by contacting at least two reliable and unbiased people.
It is the editor's sole discretion as to what is printed. If an opinion or viewpoint is expressed, the writer or writers will be named in the byline of the article, unless anonymity is requested.
Major corrections will be posted in the next earliest edition at the beginning of the news edition, highlighted in bold, and in the current “online” news edition as early as possible. Typographical errors such as wrong dates and name corrections will be corrected online when noticed by the editor or reader(s), and if necessary, as determined by the editor, may be noted in the next edition as a “Clarification” or “Correction.”
All press releases will be marked proceeding and after with #### Press Release #### to note the article did not originate at Leasing News.
All articles from The Leasing News may be reprinted with proper attribution. Copyrighted cartoons and other content may not be reprinted if it is noted that they originated in another medium. Permission to reprint those may come only from the copyright owner.
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Leasing News follows “The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law” by Perseus Publishing, Cambridge, Massachusetts. "The Chicago Manual of Style," by The University of Chicago Press, and “The Elements of Style” by William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White, MacMillan Publishing, Co., Inc.
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We follow Internet Netiquette at all times. Our sole purpose is to provide communication to improve the industry.
Christopher Menkin, editor |