Readers on the NY Times Article


Leasing News has received many e-mails on this.  We are printing

only e-mails where people would allow us to use their name, as

in this instance, if you have an opinion, you will need to sign

your name to get published regarding this issue;



“Really enjoyed the article and your excellent reporting of it.

 However...who cares what the NY Times thinks about our industry? We don't tell them what to charge for newspapers and advertising do we?The cost of the Sunday NY Times has become almost criminal.


“And then there is always the issue of Jason Blair...the "honest

 reporter”. So who the hell cares what the NY Times thinks?

And you can forward this email all over the world for all I care.”


Steve Nardi





“ I don't suppose they would print a correction, but they are implying that this is "typical" in the leasing business.   I think we know it is

 not...unfortunately, I guess, it is also not "uncommon" enough.


“I will however call the Better Business Bureau of the Southland (of

which I am a member) and express my displeasure of his blanket agreement.”


 Scott Wingate

 GamePlan Financial, Inc.



“I too have written a letter to the editor of the NY Times and I would

suggest that every one else should as well. This article, while it may have merit in some of its points, paints a very bad picture of the leasing industry as a whole and the skepticism that will arise from prospective clients will resonate to all of us who run ethical businesses.”


Deborah J. Monosson


Boston Financial & Equity Corporation

1260 Boylston Street

Boston, MA 02215


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