Monday, August 19, 2019

Today's Leasing News Headlines
Help Wanted Ads---Free
Senior Level Credit, Collections/ Risk Management
Leasing News Top Stories
August 12 - August 16
Equipment Leasing Associations
Related Finance Associations
Alternate Finance Association Membership
Leasing Industry Ads---Help Wanted
Experienced Sales Professional
Pursue a Degree?
Career Crossroads by Emily Fitzgerald/RII
CLFP Foundation Adds 10 New CLFPs
Brings total to 762 active Professionals & Associates
Positive Thinking
Archives, August 19, 2002
Broker Protection----New Series
John Torbenson
The Reason for His Company’s Longevity
Shepherd Mix
Scottsdale, Arizona Adopt-a-Dog
5th Annual Conference and Exhibition
National Alliance of Commercial Loan Brokers
October 4 -6 Las Vegas Westin
News Briefs---
Silicon Valley Accounts for 1/4th Job Growth in California
Rockets High in July, Weak Growth Elsewhere in SF Bay Area
Warren Buffett Is Buying Bank Stocks. Why Aren’t Others?
"They have been giving back more money to shareholders"
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (wrilter's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months
www.leasingcomplaints.com (Be Careful of Doing Business)
Leasing News Icon for Android Mobile Device
You May have Missed---
Sports Brief----
California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in History
Daily Puzzle
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######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release,” it was not written by Leasing News nor has the information been verified. The source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “byline.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.

Please send a colleague and ask them to subscribe. We are free
Email kitmenkin@leasingnews.org and in subject line: subscribe
Help Wanted Ads---Free
Senior Level Credit, Collections/ Risk Management
Free Positon Wanted goes into our Classified Ad section on the website: http://leasingnews.org/Classified/Jwanted/Jwanted.htm
It also runs once a week in the News Edition.
Use your personal email address only. We encourage you to add a resume, although not necessary. If you do so, please make sure your name, address and telephone number are not included. If so, we will delete them. The reason is once the resume is placed on line it remains in Google and in Leasing News Editions’ archives. A search of your name will bring up your posting, which will have your address and telephone number for years to come.
It is also a good idea to create an email for the ad specifically that you can delete after use. This is “free” to those looking for a new position. Each ad is limited to (100) words.
Senior level Credit, Collections and Risk Management professional with demonstrated competencies in portfolio management, credit analysis/underwriting, collections and risk management. Equally comfortable with leases and loans, detail-oriented with proven abilities to transform teams into high performance units through coaching, training and motivational techniques. My preference is to work on Long Island, NY, but everything is negotiable. jbsullivan46@gmail.com Resume
To post your free position wanted, please email: kitmenkin@leasingnews.org

Leasing News Top Stories
August 12 - August 16

(Stories most opened by readers)
(1) Providence Equipment Finance Joins
Funder “A,” Looking for Broker Business, Story Credit Lists
(2) New Hires/Promotions in the Leasing Business
and Related Industries
(3) Top Small Business Funders by Revenue
(4) Types of Leases being used on the Street
Sales makes it Happen—by Christopher Menkin
(5) July 2019, The List
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
(6) Bankruptcy filings rising across the country
and it could get worse
(7) Bernie Madoff whistleblower says GE
is a bigger fraud than Enron
(8) San Francisco Valley Leasing
"What have you gotten us into, Larry?"
By Christopher Menkin
(9) More than 7,800 stores are closing in 2019
as the retail apocalypse drags on — here's the full list
(10) Three of Europe's biggest economies are probably in recession
— and the ECB is out of bullets

Equipment Leasing Associations
Related Finance Associations
Alternate Finance Association Membership
United States

Help Wanted

Pursue a Degree?
Career Crossroads by Emily Fitzgerald/RII
It’s Survival of the Fittest out there. In short – Absolutely – give yourself an advantage when competing with other Candidates.
HOWEVER do NOT forgo your current role or pursue education in lieu of employment.
One of the first things I would do is start studying the Certified Lease and Finance Professional handbook. You then can ask for a tutor or mentor and get ready to take the test or attend an Academy class to become a CLFP. It will mean a lot to you, to your employer and others in the leasing field. (1)
If you plan on applying next year, then purchase the Seventh Edition. The book is available from the Foundation’s website and Amazon.
I also believe in continuing education, even if you don't get a degree. Although a degree does mean a lot to a potential employer, as well as for your own education. You can take evening or online classes. The years go by anyway … and pursuing or completing your education can only benefit you.
Of course, there is a cost involved but taking one class at a time should not be too much of a hardship. You may be able to apply for a student loan, however most loans are for full time students (you can attend evening classes full time – though you might wind up burning the candle at both ends)
If you are with a larger organization, they often offer education reimbursement; keeping in mind if you leave before a certain time frame you will have to pay the company back. If you are looking to advance with your current employer, this is a good option – speak to HR.
For those entering or soon to enter the work place (e.g. your teens/young adults). I STRONGLY recommend coupling experience with education, e.g. internships or evening / weekend classes. This will give you the competitive advantage needed.
Please call me if you would like to discuss this in person.
Emily Fitzpatrick
Sr. Recruiter
Recruiters International, Inc.
Phone: 954-885-9241
Cell: 954-612-0567
Invite me to connect on LinkedIn
Also follow us on Twitter #RIIINFO
(1) Amazon for CLFP Professional Handbook
CLFP Foundation Information:
Career Crossroads Previous Columns
CLFP Foundation Adds 10 New CLFPs
Brings total to 762 active Professionals & Associates
The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation is pleased to announce that ten individuals who recently sat through the 8-hour online CLFP exam, hosted by Wintrust Specialty Finance, have passed. They are:

Nerio Gonzalez Sanchez, CLFP
Vice President of Credit and Operations
Global Financial & Leasing Services LLC

Cindy Grover, CLFP
Funding Coordinator II
Financial Pacific Leasing, Inc.
Dan Kats, CLFP Associate
Audit Manager
ECS Financial Services, Inc.

Yuman Li, CLFP
Staff Accountant
ECS Financial Services, Inc.
Julie Miller, CLFP Associate
Manager, Customer Success

Wyman Rothanburg, CLFP
National Account Manager
Northland Capital Financial Services, LLC

Julian Sirull, CLFP
Broker Relationship Manager
Western Region,
Global Financial & Leasing Services LLC

Mark Stephany, CLFP
Equipment Finance Specialist, RBC
M channel, First American Equipment Finance

Stacey Thompson, CLFP
Loan/Lease Servicing Specialist
First Foundation Bank

William Thomsen, CLFP
Operations Manager
Better Business Funding, LLC
Nerio Gonzalez Sanchez, CLFP Vice President of Credit and Operations, Global Financial & Leasing Services LLC, commented, “I chose to pursue the CLFP designation primarily to get in tune with the many standards and regulations of our leasing industry, and to gain a thorough understanding of the entire business cycle.
“Future recertification will allow me to keep up to date as regulations change. Being a CLFP gives me the privilege of belonging to an exclusive group of industry professionals and offers me the opportunity to help others who choose to pursue the CLFP designation.”
The CLFP designation identifies an individual as a knowledgeable professional to employers, clients, customers, and peers in the equipment finance industry. There are currently 762 active Certified Lease & Finance Professionals and Associates in the United States, Canada and Australia. For more information, visit http://www.CLFPFoundation.org.
Further information is available directly by contacting Reid Raykovich, CLFP, Executive Director: reid@CLFPFoundation.org

Archives, August 19, 2002
Broker Protection----New Series

John Torbenson
National Broker Division Manager
With all the changes in the leasing industry, including acquisitions, mergers, purchases of “assets only” or bankrupt porfolios, who has the “rights” to repeat business or the dealer who sold the equipment? Many companies spell out this policy, such as the Manifest Group, which issues an “insurance policy” to its brokers, while others have provisions in their “representation and warranty agreement. “Others have none and perhaps many are now
Leasing News will publish your “lease broker protection” policy to share with the rest of the industry.
The most definitive one I have seen comes from the defunct IFG Leasing Company, Inter-Regional Financial Group, in a newsletter dated February, 1982, from John Torbenson, National Broker Division Manager, page 2 ( at Leasingnews.org ”on line version,” you will see his picture as it appeared in “Broker Re-Lease:”)
Broker Categories Defined
A number of you have been asking what the different categories of brokers are at IFG in case you should find yourself in a non-active status. Below I’ve listed the seven categories of brokers and defined them. I would say that 90 percent of the brokers that we do business with are in an active broker status. However, a broker can fall into other categories.
1. Active Brokers — approved brokers with a complete, current file, who met volume requirements and who have not been placed in another category. IFG will accept lease applications and will fund transfers with these brokers.
2. Active Brokers- Incomplete File — brokers whose files are either Incomplete or non-current. Brokers in this category will be so notified and will be given 90 days to complete and/or update their file. IFG will accept and will fund transactions of brokers in this temporarily active category. Brokers failing to provide a complete file or to bring their file current within 90 days will be placed in the “Non-Current Broker” status.
3. Probation Brokers — brokers from whom IFG will accept applications and will fund transactions for a temporary period of time until some problem is rectified. Typical reasons for brokers being placed in this category include:
problems with lease applications (i.e., excessively high volume of rejected or dead applications), problems in daily business relations with IFG, and brokers using a “shotgun” approach to locating funding sources for their deals. Brokers will generally be given 90 days from date of notification to correct the problem cited.
4. Non-Current Brokers — brokers from whom IFG has accepted business in the past but who have not done business with IFG for an extended period of time and/or brokers who have not maintained a complete, current broker file at IFG. Lease applications will be accepted from these brokers, but broker commissions will not be paid until broker files are completed and/or brought current at IFG.
5. Ineligible Brokers — brokers who do not meet IFG’s credit, volume, or quality of business requirements. IFG will not accept lease applications from these brokers.
6. Newsletter Only Brokers — brokers who have not conducted financial business with IFG, but who are interested in IFG and whom we feel may someday become active brokers.
7. Restricted Brokers — brokers from whom we will not accept any lease applications under any circumstances.
Those of you in status #2 will want to finish completing your broker file and/or bring it current. As a reminder, a complete file contains a bank reference, three additional funding references, a current business or personal financial statement, and a brief history of your firm. You must be in category #1 to qualify for our Big Bang Bonus Contest. If you are not sure of your current status, be sure to ask either Kim McConville, our Administrative Secretary, or myself.
This historic newsletter also goes over IFG Leasing
Variable Rate leasing program:
“Under each basic rate structure, Floating or Fixed, we differentiate three categories of contracts for rate purposes: ITC to IFG, ITC to Lessee, and CSC. Once again, the rates reflect IFG’s differing costs of money.
“I should stress that on our Floating Term Lease the payments remain constant throughout the lease life. The only new twist is that the number of payments at the end of the lease may be decreased or increased a little depending on prime rate fluctuations during the term of the lease. It should be quite simple to sell a Floating Term Lease to your client since it reduces the buy rate 125 basis points while allowing the client the benefit of predictable cash flows. In essence, he receives one of the major benefits of Fixed Rate financing at a Floating rate price.”
John Torbenson
The Reason for His Company’s Longevity

John Torbenson
His reasons for his company’s longevity:
Over the long 4th weekend, we celebrated our 43rd Anniversary in the Leasing Business (2019 was his 50th. Editor).
In looking back over all these years one question that we hear is, “How do all your leasing companies stay in business over all these years with so many of the larger leasing companies closing, merging or just going out of business?
The answer is that years ago we chose to:
1. Specialize in financing the B and C credits, story credits and start-up businesses. Most other leasing companies don’t entertain these requests.
2. To provide the best service possible to our equipment dealer network by doing all the leg work on each application they give us.
We still do the A credits, when possible, but we have figured out a way to get the lower end, newer company, credits approved. Most of the larger lease companies only do the A credits.
In the eyes of our clients, they want to do business with a company that can handle all the different types of credits, A credits to C credits. They know if they come to us to finance equipment, we can generally accomplish this regardless of the type of request, the credit and type of equipment. Most companies don’t finance equipment over 10 years old while we have always financed the older equipment requests.
The leases we do may have less than perfect personal or business credit but are applications that have a story behind them. We get to understand what is actually happening with the company in question; we CALL and talk to the prospective client. How Unique!
Many financing companies turn down financing requests JUST using an individual’s Fair Isaac credit score. If the score misses their credit matrix, it gets turned down.
We have always believed that many of these requests merit credit extension one way or another. Many of our leases in our portfolios fall into this category.
Actually one of our companies specializes in financing B&C medical/dental credits and around-town smaller trucks to companies.
We have used down payments, additional collateral, co-signers, and liens on Real Estate and cross-company guarantees to help make many of the financings happen. We earn nothing if we can’t figure out a way to approve the requested amount. Commission sales certainly help our sales force work harder.
Of the 4400+ clients we have provided financing for over the years, many are higher rate, tougher credits. Many of these were new companies who continually let us finance other equipment requests. We get letters from our lessees at the lease termination thanking us for approving them when no one else would.
As you all know all we need to get started is a signed credit application. In case we don’t have a current one on you and your company I attached our application.
Try us; you will find they just don’t get any better than Odyssey!
John Torbenson – President
Odyssey Equipment Financing
711 E Pinnacle Peak Road, Suite F211, PMB 206
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
Originally Appeared:
Shepherd Mix
Scottsdale, Arizona Adopt-a-Dog

Black/Brown Color
Declawed: No
Housetrained: Unknown
Site: Brynne Smith Memorial Campus
Location: Dog Suite 1, BSMC
In my profile it says that I am a social butterfly. That is so true with people. I love to be around in the kitchen, bedroom and even the bathroom to see what you are doing. The kitchen might be my favorite since I usually can get a treat if I sit really still and be a good boy. Well to tell you the truth: sitting really still is not my favorite thing to do. I have just enough energy to maybe start a jet plane or light up Anthem at night. I love to be outside running around and going for a hike. I would do best with an experienced dog owner who has worked with mouthiness and high energy in larger and strong dogs. I should also go to a home with older kids (teenagers) or no kids at all with a great couple who LOVE the outdoors. I will need to have some rules in my new home, so I do not get too carried away.
Foothills Animal Rescue
Brynne Smith Memorial Campus
10197 E Bell Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Tues-Sun 11AM-5PM
5th Annual Conference and Exhibition
National Alliance of Commercial Loan Brokers
October 4 -6 Las Vegas Westin

The Westin Lake Las Vegas Resort & Spa
Our Discounted room rate is $199.
This discounted rate will end October 2019
What makes this conference different are funders and brokers who normally do not attend conferences but who come from all parts of the United States. This is not just for members of one group but open to all, many who do not belong to finance and leasing associations, including specialists with specific followings in business loans, equipment finance and leasing, merchant advance, working capital and other commercial financial transactions.
"Whether you're a bank or private commercial lender, or a commercial loan broker, the NACLB conference is designed specifically for brokers and lenders to help each other get business done.
"Based on a recent poll of last year's conference in Las Vegas, our lenders proposed on over $50,000,000 worth of deals within two months after the conference; all from new broker relationships they gained. That means that the brokers who attended had over $50,000,000 worth of deals that were not being funded previous to attending our conference. No other conference can deliver those numbers!
"Top things you will gain as a broker:
"Meet close to 200 banks and lenders that are eager to take on broker business across multiple funding categories in business lending and commercial real estate lending.
"Get educated on different products to cross sell your clients or gain access to funding products to concentrate on and increase your revenue.
"Learn and hear from the industry's most successful brokers and how they grew their businesses.
Learn how to effectively make the leap from broker to lender.
Discover the changes that might be impacting your industry with regard to regulations.
Keynote Speaker

Robert J. O'Neill
Former SEAL Team Six Leader and Man Who Killed Osama bin Laden, Naval Special Warfare Development Group, and New York Times Best-Selling Author.

Among the other speakers is Attorney Ken Greene, Esq., American Association of Commercial Finance Brokers Legal Attorney, well-known Leasing News Advisor and Contributing Writer, speaking on Broker Licensing.

"Our registration is now open and we anticipate over 800 brokers
to attend based on the success of last year and growth we experienced."
Kris D. Roglieri
Register Now

This Day in History
1692 - In Salem in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, five people, one woman and four men, including a clergyman, were executed after being convicted of witchcraft.
1779 - Americans under Major Henry Lee took the British garrison at Paulus Hook, New Jersey.
1782 - The last major engagement of the Revolutionary War, the Battle of Blue Licks, occurred almost ten months after the surrender of the British Cmdr. Cornwallis following the Siege of Yorktown. On a hill next to the Licking River in what is now Kentucky (but was then in Kentucky County, VA), a force of about 50 American and Canadian Loyalists along with 300 Indians ambushed and routed 182 Rebel Kentucky militiamen. It was the last victory for the Loyalists and Natives during the frontier war.
1792 - Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806) published his first Almanac. In February 1791, Major Andrew Ellicott hired Banneker to assist in the initial survey of the boundaries of the new federal district, which the 1790 federal Residence Act and later legislation authorized. Formed from land along the Potomac River that the states of Maryland and Virginia ceded in accordance with the Residence Act, the territory that became the original District of Columbia was a square measuring 10 miles on each side, totaling 100 square miles. Ellicott's team placed boundary stones at every mile point along the borders of the new capital territory. During this effort, Banneker also kept a series of journals that contained his notebooks for astronomical observations, his diary and accounts of his dreams. The title page of an edition of Banneker's 1792 “Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia Almanack and Ephemeris” stated that the publication contained: “the Motions of the Sun and Moon, the True Places and Aspects of the Planets, the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Place and Age of the Moon, &c.—The Lunations, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Judgment of the Weather, Festivals, and other remarkable Days; Days for holding the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United States, as also the useful Courts in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. In addition to the information that its title page described, the almanac contained a tides table for the Chesapeake Bay region listing times for high water or high tide at Cape Charles and Point Lookout, Virginia and Annapolis and Baltimore, Maryland. These locations remain today as those for which National Weather Service tidal information is regularly quoted.
1812 - Lucy Brewer, alias George Baker and Louisa Baker, concealed her gender and served on board the USS Constitution as a US Marine in its battle with HMS Guerriere. Brewer is the pen name of a writer who purported to be the first woman in the US Marine, serving aboard the Constitution. Brewer's adventures were probably written by Nathaniel Hill Wright (1787–1824) or Wright's publisher, Nathaniel Coverly. ‘She’ thus became the first woman to serve as a US Marine. This also was considered by historians to be the most important naval action of the war that took place in the Atlantic Ocean about 750 miles east of Boston. The American loss was 14 killed or wounded; the British, 79 killed or wounded and Congress awarded $50,000 to Captain Isaac Hull and his crew for the victory over Guerriere. According to the book, “The Female Marine,” original title: “The Adventures of Lucy Brewer,” Brewer supposedly grew up on a farm near Plymouth, MA and, at age 16, fell in love with a boy named Henry. When she became pregnant, Henry refused to marry her and she set out for Boston. In Boston, Lucy was tricked into prostitution after her baby died in childbirth. This series of seduction and betrayal precisely follows the strict line of the romance genre, until, that is, motivated by a patriotic desire to fight in the War of 1812, Lucy tricked her way onto the Constitution, pretending to be a man named George Baker. She served valiantly for three years and in many naval battles against the British before being honorably discharged, all the while keeping her true gender a secret.
1814 - The British land in Maryland to invade Washington, DC.
1814 - Mary Ellen "Mammy" Pleasant (1814-1904) birthday, whereabouts uncertain. She was an early African-American activist who used her fortune to further the abolitionist movement. She worked on the Underground Railroad across many states and then helped bring it to California during the Gold Rush Era. She was a friend and financial supporter of John Brown, and was well known in abolitionist circles. After the Civil War, she took her battles to the courts in the 1860s and won several civil rights victories, one of which was cited and upheld in the 1980s and resulted in her being called “The Mother of Human Rights in California.” She is often called the mother of black civil rights in California. Much of her life is clouded in legend which says that she freed slaves who were being held illegally in free California. She worked to win the rights at African-Americans to have their testimony accepted in court (1863) and helped to end discrimination on California streetcars in Pleasant v. North Beach and Mission Railroad Company (January 1868).
1818 – Capt. James Biddle takes possession of Oregon Territory for U.S.
1846 – Gen. Stephen W Kearney's US forces captures Santa Fe, NM
1848 - "New York Herald" printed an item about the discovery of gold in California.
1854 - The First Sioux War began when seven US Army soldiers killed Lakota chief Conquering Bear and, in return, were massacred near Fort Laramie, WY.
1870 – Bernard Baruch (1870-1965) was born in Camden, SC. He was an American financier, investor, statesman, and political consultant. After his success in business, he devoted his time toward advising Presidents Wilson and Roosevelt on economic matters and became a philanthropist
1871 - Birthday of Orville Wright (1871-1948), aviation pioneer, at Dayton, OH. There has been controversy as to who launched the first air plane flight in the United States, but he certainly is the one he made flying famous, with his brother Wilbur, at Kitty Hawk, NC.
1873 – Mt. Whitney, the second highest peak in the US, was conquered for the first time by a trio of American climbers, Charles D. Begole, A.H. Johnson and John Lucas.
1883 - Birthday of Coco Gabrielle Chanel (1883-1971) in Samur, France. French dress designer. The Museum of Modern Art in New York has a full showing of her “work” which is fascinating to view, including jewelry and perfume bottles. Coco Chanel was the preeminent Parisian haute couture and premier arbitrator of western women's fashions for almost six decades. Coco Chanel almost single-handed changed women's wardrobes from works of architectural wonders to clothes that allow a woman to move. Her clothes were first designed for working girls, but soon wealthy women flocked to her small shop to find the clothes that freed them from the abusive corsets. Chanel, for the first time in history, presented women with clothing that fit a woman's body and did not force a woman to fit her designs. She was also one of the first women to make it big in the women's fashion industry. She presented bobbed hair, trench coats, jersey dresses, sweaters, bell-bottom slacks/trousers as well as the classic straight-line skirt as knee length with a boxy jacket that allowed freedom of motion. She retired in 1939 but came back in 1954 when Dior and others started a "romantic" fashion that threatened to return women's clothing to the turn of the century. She raised hems, introduced the chemise dress, the classic Chanel suit look we know today as a simple boxed jacket with a straight skirt with enough room to walk and climb, and, of course, the staple in every wardrobe, "the little black dress." In 1922 she developed a fragrance that is still one of the most highly sold fragrances in the world: Chanel #5. She was orphaned at age six. Her early years are obscure but there were no wealthy men behind her when she opened a small millinery shop in Paris in 1913 and within a very short time, her comfortable clothing had made her the rage of post-World War I Paris. At her height, she employed 3,500! She was described by Vogue as "a revolutionist, a non-conformist, a lone rebel who let women out of the prison of tight corsets. She led women to cut their hair in the 1920's, raise hemlines, stripped away trimmings and feathers, and produced a simplicity that freed women. Coco Chanel said in a 1954 interview, "There are too many men in this business and they don't know how to make clothes for women. All this fantastic pinching and puffing. How can a woman wear a dress that's cut so she can't lift up her arm to pick up a telephone?" One of the most influential of women's clothing in America.
1886 - The Christian Union was founded by Baptist clergyman Richard G. Spurling (1858-1935) at the Barney Creek Meeting House in Monroe County, Tennessee. In 1923, this Pentecostal denomination changed its name to the Church of God. Headquartered today in Cleveland, Tennessee, its current membership is nearly 500,000 in 14 congregations.
1893 - Frank J. Wisner, owner of Cripple Creek Brewing, served the first “Black Cow” root beer float in Cripple Creek, CO. Inspired by the moon-lit view of the snow-capped Cow Mountain which reminded him of vanilla ice cream floating on top of the pitch-black mountain, he added a scoop of ice cream to his Myers Avenue Red root beer and began serving it as the “Black Cow Mountain Ice Cream Root Beer Float.” Kids loved it and shortened the name to “Black Cow.” Cripple Creek Brewing, now located in Warrenville, IL, celebrating its 107th anniversary, sells beverages based on the original formulas, including Myers Avenue Red root beer. lbartl64lS@aol.com.
Web: www.cripplecreekbrewing.com.
1895 – Outlaw John Wesley Hardin was killed by an off-duty policeman in a saloon in El Paso, TX.
1900 – Rube Waddell threw two complete games as Milwaukee swept a doubleheader from the Chicago White Stockings, 2-1 and 1-0. After throwing 17 innings in the first game, the colorful southpaw was coaxed by skipper Connie Mack, who promised him a few days off to go fishing, to pitch the nightcap. He hurled a five-inning one-hitter.
1902 - Birthday of Ogden Nash (1902-71), American writer, best remembered for his humorous verse, at Rye, NY. “Undeniably brash/Was young Ogden Nash/ Whose notable verse/Was admirably terse/ And written with panache.”
1905 - Birthday of drummer Tommy Benford (1905-94), Charleston, WV.
1906 - Birthday of trombone player/guitarist/arranger Eddie Durham (1906-67), San Marcos, TX.
1906 – Philo Farnsworth (1906-71) was born near Beaver, UT. He was an inventor whose early work involved the first fully functional all-electronic image pickup device (video camera tube), the "image dissector," as well as the first fully functional and complete all-electronic television system. He was also the first person to demonstrate such a system to the public. Farnsworth developed a television system complete with receiver and camera, which he produced commercially in the firm of the Farnsworth Television and Radio Corporation, from 1938 to 1951, in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He asked his high school science teacher, Justin Tolman, for advice about an electronic television system he was contemplating. He provided the teacher with sketches and diagrams covering several blackboards to show how it might be accomplished electronically. He asked his teacher if he should go ahead with his ideas, and he was encouraged to do so. Later in 1924, Farnsworth applied to the US Naval Academy, where he was recruited after he earned the nation's second highest score on academy tests. However, he was already thinking ahead to his television projects and, upon learning the government would own his patents if he stayed in the military, he sought and received an honorable discharge within months, under a provision in which the eldest child in a fatherless family could be excused from military service in order to provide for his family.
On September 7, 1927, Farnsworth's image dissector camera tube transmitted its first image, a simple straight line, to a receiver in another room of his laboratory at 202 Green Street in San Francisco. Pem Farnsworth recalled in 1985 that her husband broke the stunned silence of his lab assistants by saying, "There you are — electronic television!" In 1999, Time magazine included Farnsworth in the "Time 100: The most Important People of the Century.”
1907 - Birthday of sax player Joe Rushton (1907-64), Evanston, IL.
1909 - First edition of “The Little Red Songbook” published in Spokane, WA. Also known as “I.W.W. Songs” or “Songs of the Industrial Workers of the World,” it is a compilation of tunes, hymns, and songs used by the Workers (I.W.W.) to help build morale, promote solidarity and lift the bleak spirits of the working-class during the Labor Movement.
1909 - The first car race to be run on brick occurred at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
1912 - Jimmie Shields (d. 1982), one of the most popular Irish tenors in Canada during the 1930's, was born in St. Catharine’s, Ontario. Shields rose to further fame in the US from 1937 to 1941 when he appeared with the orchestras of Eddie Duchin and Morton Gould. He also appeared on several leading radio shows, and, in 1939, had his own weekly program on NBC, "Enna-Jettick Melodies." Shields was a regular performer on the CBC from 1948 until his retirement in 1964.
1913 - Birthday of Harry Mills (1913-82), leader singer of the famed Mills Brothers, Piqua, OH
1915 - The Boston Braves opened their new ballpark, Braves Field, with a 3-1 victory over the St. Louis Cardinals. The Braves called this park home through the 1952 season when they moved to Milwaukee. It is now the home field of Boston University.
1915 - Birthday of famed writer Ring Lardner, Jr., (1915-2000), son of fabled baseball writer and humorist Ring Lardner. Lardner, Jr., was an Academy Award winning screenwriter (Oscar for “Woman of the Year” and “M*A*S*H”) and he also wrote for television. He was a member of the Hollywood Ten, a group of film industry executives sent to federal prison in 1950 for their refusal to tell the House Un-American Activities Committee if they were members of the Communist Party. He served nine months, and was blacklisted for many years.
1917 - Team managers John McGraw and Christy Mathewson were arrested for breaking New York City's blue laws. The crime was their teams were playing baseball on Sunday.
1918 - Pianist Jimmy Rowles (1918-96) birthday in Spokane, WA.
1918 – Walter Johnson beat St. Louis, 4-3, in 14 innings. The Big Train worked in 15 extra-inning games, including two of 18 innings, one of 16 innings, and another of 15 innings.
1921 - Birthday of Gene Roddenberry (1921-91), the creator of the popular TV series “Star Trek,” at El Paso, TX. Turning from his first career as an airline pilot to writing, he created one of the most successful TV science fiction series ever. The original series, which ended its run in 1969, lives on in reruns, and the “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” “Star Trek Deep Space Nine” and “Star Trek: Voyager” series have continuing popularity. Eight films also have been spawned from the original concept.
1921 - At the age of 34, Ty Cobb becomes the youngest player to reach 3000 hits when he singles of off Red Sox hurler Elmer Myers.
1927 - Henry and Edsel Ford drove the fifteen millionth Model T off the assembly line at the Highland Park plant in Michigan, officially ending Model T production. Production in England ended on August 19; in Ireland on December 31. After revolutionizing the automobile market, sales of the Model T had started to falter due to its failure to keep up with the competition. Total world Model T production: 15,458,781.
1928 - Canadian pop singer Norman Brooks (1928-2006) was born in Montreal. He is best known for singing in the style of Al Jolson. Brooks played Jolson in the 1956 film "The Best Things in Life Are Free," and also starred in "The Magic of Jolson" on Broadway in 1975. His 1953 recording of "Hello Sunshine" was a substantial hit.
1929 - "Amos and Andy," the radio comedy program, made its debut on NBC starring Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll. This popular TV show ran on CBS (1951–53) and continued in syndicated reruns (1954–66). CBS finally gave in to pressure from the NAACP and the growing civil rights movement and withdrew the program. It would not be shown to a nationwide audience again until 2012.
1931 – Jockey Bill Shoemaker (1931-2003) was born in Fabens, TX. For 29 years he held the world record for total professional jockey victories with 8833. In retirement, and after being paralyzed in a Ford Bronco rollover, Shoemaker authored three murder mysteries: “Stalking Horse” (1994), “Fire Horse” (1995), and “Dark Horse” (1996)
1934 - Roberto Walker Clemente (1934-72), Baseball Hall of Fame outfielder, was born at Carolina, Puerto Rico. Clemente, one of the game's best and most exciting outfielders, played his entire career with the Pittsburgh Pirates, leading them to a World Series in 1971 and collected 3,000 hits. While on a mission of mercy to deliver supplies to victims of a Nicaraguan earthquake on New Year’s Eve, 1972, he perished in a plane crash off the Nicaraguan coast. He was immediately inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1973 after the mandatory 5-year waiting period was waived.
1934 – The first soap box derby was held in Dayton, OH.
1939 – NJ record was set when 14.8” of rain fell at Tuckerton.
1940 - The new Civil Aeronautics Administration awarded honorary license #1 to Orville Wright.
1940 – The B-25 Mitchell bomber, the workhorse of the Doolittle Raid two years later, was launched. Nearly 10,000 Mitchells rolled from the lines of North American Aviation and served in every theater of World War II. My father, Army Air Force SSgt Vincent Mango, was a tail gunner on one that flew over 65 missions including cover for the raids on Monte Cassino and the diversion at Calais on D-Day. The B-25 was also the star of the film version of Joseph Heller’s “Catch-22.”
1942 - First offensive action in the Guadalcanal where J.F. Junkin, Army air pilot, shoots down a German flown aircraft (allies of the Japanese) in the Solomon Islands, after Carlson's Raiders, a special guerrilla unit led by Lt. Col. Evans Fordyce Carlson, landed on Makin Island, at the northern end of the Gilbert Islands, with orders to destroy the radio station on the island. In 40 hours, every Japanese member of a force of 350 was killed, 1000 gallons of gasoline were set aflame, and the island was rendered militarily useless.
1943 - Singer Billy J. Kramer was born William Ashton, in Bootle, England. It was Beatles' manager Brian Epstein who brought Kramer together with a Manchester band, the Dakotas, and introduced them to the songs of John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Billy J. Kramer and the Dakotas had their first hit in 1963 with Lennon and McCartney's "Do You Want to Know a Secret." Kramer's other chart records included "Little Children" and "Trains and Boats and Planes." Kramer and the Dakotas parted company in 1966, with Kramer turning to performing in small English clubs.
1944 - NAKAE, MASATO, Medal of Honor.
Private Masato Nakae distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action on 19 August 1944, near Pisa, Italy. When his submachine gun was damaged by a shell fragment during a fierce attack by a superior enemy force, Private Nakae quickly picked up his wounded comrade's M-1 rifle and fired rifle grenades at the steadily advancing enemy. As the hostile force continued to close in on his position, Private Nakae threw six grenades and forced them to withdraw. During a concentrated enemy mortar barrage that preceded the next assault by the enemy force, a mortar shell fragment seriously wounded Private Nakae. Despite his injury, he refused to surrender his position and continued firing at the advancing enemy. By inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy force, he finally succeeded in breaking up the attack and caused the enemy to withdraw. Private Nakae's extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit on him, his unit, and the United States Army.
1946 - William Jefferson Clinton, 42nd US President (1993—2001), was born at Hope, AR. Left in disgrace due to lying and having an affair with one of his young interns; however, remained popular with those who forgave him. His autobiography was read by over a million people. Accordingly, he appointed more women to important government posts than all the presidents in history combined. There is no controversy that he liked women.
1946 - Woody Herman Band, directed by Igor Stravinsky, records his ”Ebony Concerto” in Los Angeles.
1946 - Nat King Cole records “For Sentimental Reasons”, Capital 304.
1950 - Gillette paid $800,000 for TV rights to the World Series. Radio rights will add another $175,000 more.
1950 - ABC-TV airs the first children's shows.
(bottom of: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/aug19.html )
1953 – Maybe this is the reason…The CIA and MI6 helped overthrow the government of Mohammad Mosaddegh in Iran and reinstated the Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
1954 - Top Hits
“Sh-Boom” - The Crewcuts
“The Little Shoemaker” - The Gaylords
“Hey There” - Rosemary Clooney
“I Don't Hurt Anymore” - Hank Snow
1954 - Ralph J. Bunche (1903-71), diplomat and first Black winner of Nobel Peace Prize, was named undersecretary of the United Nations.
1955 – WINS 1010 radio in NYC announced it will no longer play "copy" white cover versions of R&B songs by black artists. DJs must play Fats Domino's "Ain't It a Shame," not Pat Boone's. Early rock ‘n’ roll was littered with this practice of black artists releasing hits and white singers immediately ‘covering’ and having, in many cases, bigger hits.
1955 – Hurricane Diane was the first hurricane to cause at least $1 billion in damage.
1957 - New York Giants vote to move their franchise to San Francisco in 1958. The move was coordinated with the move of hated rivals, the Brooklyn Dodgers, to LA that same year. The vitriol of the New York rivalry has intensified since as the Dodgers have won five World Series and 9 NL pennants while the Giants have won 3 and 6, respectively.
1958 - The production of the elegant Packard line came to a halt on this day. Studebaker-Packard attributed the decision to lagging luxury car sales, but many Packard fans were disgruntled by the decision, which came shortly after Packard's acquisition of Studebaker. Many wondered why Packard, with its reputation for high-quality cars and knowledgeable management, would buy the debt-ridden Studebaker Company. Studebaker management assumed the company reins after the merger, not Packard. It was common to call the new car a “stupid-baker.”
1960 – US U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers was convicted of espionage in Moscow.
1962 - Top Hits
“Breaking Up is Hard to Do” - Neil Sedaka
“The Loco-Motion” - Little Eva
“You Don't Know Me” - Ray Charles
“Wolverton Mountain” - Claude King
1962 - Homero Blancos plays the finest round in US competitive golf history, shooting a 55 at the Premier Invitational Golf Tournament held in Longview, TX.
1962 - Peter, Paul and Mary released their first US Top 10 hit, "If I Had a Hammer."
1963 - National Association of the Advancement of Colored People Youth Council begins sit-ins at lunch counters in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
1964 - The Beatles opened their first US tour at the Cow Palace in San Francisco. Others to cross the stage include Jackie DeShannon and the Righteous Brothers.
1967 - The Beatles' "All You Need Is Love" hits #1 the pop charts. On the same day, Ringo Starr and his wife Maureen have a baby boy named Jason.
1967 - PLESS, STEPHEN W., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Major (then Capt.), U.S. Marine Corps, VMD-6, Mag-36, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing. Place and date: Near Quang Nai, Republic of Vietnam, 19 August 1967. Entered service at: Atlanta, Ga. Born: 6 September 1939, Newman, Ga. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a helicopter gunship pilot attached to Marine Observation Squadron 6 in action against enemy forces. During an escort mission Maj. Pless monitored an emergency call that 4 American soldiers stranded on a nearby beach were being overwhelmed by a large Viet Cong force. Maj. Pless flew to the scene and found 30 to 50 enemy soldiers in the open. Some of the enemy were bayoneting and beating the downed Americans. Maj. Pless displayed exceptional airmanship as he launched a devastating attack against the enemy force, killing or wounding many of the enemy and driving the remainder back into a Treeline. His rocket and machinegun attacks were made at such low levels that the aircraft flew through debris created by explosions from its rockets. Seeing one of the wounded soldiers gesture for assistance, he maneuvered his helicopter into a position between the wounded men and the enemy, providing a shield which permitted his crew to retrieve the wounded. During the rescue the enemy directed intense fire at the helicopter and rushed the aircraft again and again, closing to within a few feet before being beaten back. When the wounded men were aboard, Maj. Pless maneuvered the helicopter out to sea. Before it became safely airborne, the overloaded aircraft settled 4 times into the water. Displaying superb airmanship, he finally got the helicopter aloft. Major Pless' extraordinary heroism coupled with his outstanding flying skill prevented the annihilation of the tiny force. His courageous actions reflect great credit upon himself and uphold the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the U.S. Naval Service.
1968 - After 58 episodes, the final “Monkees” TV show airs on NBC. Since the its initial run, almost every major cable network has aired re-runs of the show, including a popular stint on CBS from 1969-1972
1969 - Trumpeter Miles Davis began recording sessions in New York for what would eventually become the ground-breaking jazz-rock fusion album "Br*tches Brew." Among the musicians taking part were Chick Corea, Wayne Shorter and Joe Zawinul. There were no rehearsals and Davis gave the musicians only minimal directions.
1969 - 'Never say die' Hurricane Camille let loose a cloudburst in Virginia resulting in flash floods and landslides which killed 151 persons and caused $140 million in damage. Massies Hill, VA received 27 inches of rain.
1970 - Top Hits
“(They Long to Be) Close to You” - Carpenters
“Make It with You” - Bread
“Spill the Wine” - Eric Burdon & War
“Don't Keep Me Hangin' On” - Sonny James
1972 - NBC-TV presented "The Midnight Special" for the first time. John Denver was the host for the first show. Wolfman Jack was the show's announcer. "The Midnight Special" proved to be a ratings success.
1974 - During an anti-American protest in Nicosia, Cyprus, US Ambassador Rodger P. Davies was fatally wounded by a bullet while in the American embassy.
1976 - The Republican National Convention nominates President Gerald Ford for reelection in a narrow victory over former governor Ronald Reagan of California. Senator Robert J. Dole of Kansas was nominated for the vice-presidency.
1977 - Fleetwood Mac's reunion album "The Dance" is released. The disc was taken from two shows that were recorded live at a Warner Brothers soundstage a few months earlier.
1978 - Top Hits
“Three Times a Lady” - Commodores
“Grease” - Frankie Valli
“Miss You” - The Rolling Stones
“Talking in Your Sleep” - Crystal Gayle
1978 - Alicia Bridges enters the soul chart with "I Love the Nightlife." Though the single will only reach as high as #31 in its seventeen weeks on the chart, the song's title will become a disco-era catch-phrase.
1980 - Christopher Cross comes from nowhere and has one of the biggest hits of the year off his debut album which goes platinum on this date. He has three top fifteen hits, including the Number One, "Sailing." He will take home five Grammies in February
1984 - Lee Trevino wins the PGA
1986 - Top Hits
“Papa Don't Preach” - Madonna
“Higher Love” - Steve Winwood
“Venus” - Bananarama
“You’re the Last Thing I Needed Tonight” - John Schneider
1986 - The temperature at San Antonio, TX, soared to an all-time record high of 108 degrees
1987 - It was on this day that consumer reporter David Horowitz was held at gunpoint on camera. During a KNBC-TV newscast in Burbank, CA, Horowitz was forced to read the assailant's rambling note. The news director took the program off the air until police could get the gunman off the set. Horowitz was unharmed.
1988 - Raleigh, NC reported a record hot temperature reading of 103 degrees. Afternoon thunderstorms in Oklahoma produced wind gusts to 75 mph in southern Pittsburg County. Thunderstorms in Indiana produced 4.50 inches of rain at Morgantown
1990 - White Sox Bobby Thigpen records his 40th save as the Chicago White Sox beat the Rangers, 4-2. He becomes the only eighth reliever to reach this milestone in Major League history.
1991 - Hurricane Bob was located 30-35 miles east of Cape Hatteras NC, and was at its peak intensity of 115 mph. Damage from Bob was estimated at $1.5 billion, making it the 15th costliest hurricane in U.S. History. A total of 18 people died in the storm.
1991 – In the Crown Heights Riot in Queens, NYC, Black groups targeted Hasidic Jews for three days after two black children were hit by a car driven by a Hasidic man.
1992 - When Mariner second baseman Bret Boone, the grandson of Ray Boone (1948-60) and son of Bob Boone (1972-90) makes a start against the Orioles, he becomes part of the first three-generation family to play in the Major Leagues. Brett’s brother, Aaron, also played 12 seasons with a number of clubs and is now manager of the New York Yankees.
1992 - IBM and Sears, Roebuck & Co. announce they are working together to create a voice-and-data network service called "Advantis." The two companies had already been working together since the mid-1980s to create the online service Prodigy. With their entry into Internet provider services, the companies expected to generate at least $1 billion a year in revenue.
1999 – “Saturday Night Live” creator Lorne Michaels received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
2004 - Google Inc. stock began selling on the Nasdaq Stock Market. The initial price was set at $85 and ended the day at $100.34 with more than 22 million shares traded.
2009 - U.S. Army officer William Calley publicly apologized for the My Lai massacre during the Viet Nam War.
2014 - Community Health Systems Inc., a private hospital company, revealed that Social Security numbers and other personal data were stolen for 4.5 million patients in April and June; the company believes the attack is the work of Chinese hackers.
2014 - Google will be launching a paid subscription-based music service featuring YouTube music video content; the service will be separate from the company's existing subscription music service on Google Play.

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