Arizona * California * Illinois * Minnesota |
SINCE 1995
National Account Manager
60% commission. APP only to $ 250,000. No industry/geo restrictions. Tremendous flexibility/freedom: your home office or our regional offices. BJohnson@Alliancecap.com
Friday, August 1, 2008

Dominick "Dom" DeLuise (born August 1, 1933) is a well-known second banana comedian, actor, film director, television producer, and chef. He has often co-starred with Burt Reynolds; together they appeared in the films The Cannonball Run and Cannonball Run II, Smokey and the Bandit II, The End, The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas and All Dogs Go to Heaven. DeLuise was the host of the television show Candid Camera from 1991 to 1992.
He appeared in many of Mel Brook's movies, and perhaps may also be remembered by other old timers from the Dean Martin's TV show, where he played "Dominick the Great", a riotous example of a magic act gone wrong. DeLuise is an avid cook, author of several cook books.
http://www.domdeluise.com/ |
Classified Ads---Careerjet
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Cartoon---You’re Hired!!!!
Last Dance for EAEL???
Too bad it’s not April 1
by Izzy Finster
Mechanics Bank enters equipment leasing fray
Banks stepping down in vehicle leasing
'Switch kits' help depositors jump ship
Mr. Terry Winders’ Poker Tables
Fernando’s Review
3 DVD’s to Rent this Week
"Mama Mia" Review by C. Menkin
Looking for an Advertising-PR Firm?
New Hires---Promotions
Compliance Coach/Harland Financial Solutions
SC Equipment Funding Strong Second Quarter
Melissa Data/Save 25% direct mail Postage
Jobless claims hit 5 year high
NJ Star-Ledger "on life support"
Jobless claims hit 2003 high
India blames US for WTO talk’s failure
News Briefs---
CalFireNews—Yosemite Fire
You May have Missed---
California Nuts Brief---
Sports Briefs---
"Gimme that Wine"
Calendar Events
Snapple Real Facts
Today's Top Event in History
This Day in American History
Baseball Poem
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
News on Line---Internet Newspapers
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
Classified Ads---

Careerjet (www.careerjet.com), an employment search engine for the USA has been added to the listing of web sites in search for employment/employee.
Careerjet gives the job seeker access to a massive selection of jobs that are compiled from various internet sources, saving the trouble of having to visit each site individually.
Some of the embeddable tools are:
JobBox - see http://www.careerjet.com/partners/jobbox.html
SearchBox - see http://www.careerjet.com/partners/searchbox.html
Other e-Mail Posting Sites:
www.craigslist.org (available in many cities now, use scroll feature)
www.worktree.com For a full listing of all “job wanted” ads, please go to:
Leasing Recruiters:
To place a free “job wanted” ad here, please go to:
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
National Account Manager

Arizona * California * Illinois * Minnesota |
SINCE 1995
National Account Manager
60% commission. APP only to $ 250,000. No industry/geo restrictions. Tremendous flexibility/freedom: your home office or our regional offices. BJohnson@Alliancecap.com
Vendor Sales Specialists
Like selling vendor programs and large transactions?
Enjoy international financing programs?
Prefer the advantages of a commission only environment with the security of health and welfare benefits?
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About the company: Located on the water in
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Growing vendor based equipment leasing company
Learn our value proposition
2 Years Sales or Related Exp.
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You will work with people
that you can trust and respect
Click here to learn more
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
Cartoon---You’re Hired!!!!

Last Dance for EAEL???

“SAVE THE DATE! Monday, September 15, is set for EXPO 08. This EXPO, the last before our pending merge with the UAEL, promises to be a memorable occasion for members new and old.
“Lessors' and Funders' workshops, a special Internet Marketing session, Funding Source and Service Provider exhibits, and a very special award ceremony honoring four special members.
“The event is September 15, 2008 at the East Brunswick Hilton, East Brunswick, New Jersey, and there will be a Hospitality Suite open Sunday evening 7 to 9 PM.”
Alison Pryor
Eastern Association of Equipment Lessors
212 809-1602.
Funding sources and service providers
(at Press Time:)
All Points Capital, Inc.
American Lease Insurance
Bank of the West
Court Square Leasing Corporation
ECS Financial Services
eOriginal, Inc.
Equipment Finance Partners
Financial Pacific Leasing
LEAF Financial Corporation
LeaseTeam, Inc
M&T Credit
Nassau Asset Management
Pawnee Leasing
Team Equipment
US Bank Manifest Funding
EXPO '08 Brochure:
Register: $200 member
Additional Attendee: $175
Non-Member: $300
Registration on line:
Too bad it’s not April 1
by Izzy Finster

If it were April 1st, the humorous headline should be:
"Hertz Avis and Enterprise are joining the auto companies and will no longer rent cars, after all the residual value is too unpredictable so why be in the business..."
These recent developments by Chrysler, Ford, GMAC are quite provocative to me...
It seems really dumb that a car manufacturer would stop leasing cars, but on the other hand it always seemed dumb to me that they got into financial services at all and didn't lay all the paper off since the 1970s.
Lets face it: lease rate + residual value can almost always equal profit, this calculus has been the spine of our industry since the Babylonians started leasing arrangements. All tangible property that
has a remaining useful life has some residual value, and for the most part it is predictable (if in doubt, straight line the thing from OEC to 10% scrap over the conservative useful life estimate and you are
close to finding the residual). The auto companies overbooked residuals to make sales happen (doh!) and now need to adjust not terminate leasing practices.
Hence a debate may ensue: should the manufacturer ever be in leasing whether autos, computers, machinery, whatever? Will leasing change as a result of the auto companies standing down? Is this an opportunity for the independents? Will bank leasing companies fill in the leasing capacity? Will leasing move further away from FMV residuals... maybe more first amendment type structures... and how will that work as FASB changes lease accounting in the background?
Maybe this is a) a sign of a big series of changes to come, or b) a lot of leases are going to go sour and banks who syndicated these transactions are going to lose a lot of money that the auto industry cannot repay, or c) the government will be bailing out Chrysler again, as well as GMAC and Ford.
(d) All of the above.
Mechanics Bank enters equipment leasing fray

Well-known and old line bank in the San Francisco Bay Area, Mechanics Bank announced they are introducing a leasing program for equipment leases for up to $500,000.
"Northern California businesses with equipment-acquisition needs are increasingly relying on leases to preserve their cash positions and realize possible tax benefits," said Cort O'Haver, executive vice president and director of corporate banking at Mechanics Bank. "On average, a company earns about 15 percent on every dollar of working capital retained in the business.
"Cash that normally would be needed for a down payment can be otherwise employed more productively. Revenues are generated by using equipment, not by owning it," he added.
California leads all states in the use of leases for equipment finance, representing 37 percent of the U.S. market, according to the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation and Global Insight. Based on the percentage of equipment that is leased in lieu of other forms of financing, O'Haver said California's lease market is expected to exceed $24 billion this year.
Richmond-based Mechanics Bank (OTCBB: MCHB), with assets of $2.7 billion, has 34 offices throughout Northern California.
Banks stepping down in vehicle leasing

Tarry Shebesta, President of LeaseCompare.com, past president of the National Vehicle Leasing Association, says independents will be stepping up as banks are stepping down in leasing of vehicles.
Video story and interview:
Tarry E. Shebesta, OCLC (Ohio Certified Lease Consultant)
President, LeaseCompare.com
Past President, National Vehicle Leasing Association (NVLA)
Tarry@LeaseCompare.com / 800.223.4882 ext. 11
'Switch kits' help depositors jump ship
By Jay MacDonald • Bankrate.com

In a curious twist, the same banks that are fighting tooth and nail to retain every breathing customer have actually made it easier for depositors to jump ship, thanks to the recent introduction of
"switch kits."
What's a switch kit? It's a marketing packet that many banks now use in addition to toasters and iPods to entice you to come onboard.
“It's streamlining a process by having everything you need in one place.” Switch kits help you collect the data for all of your recurring electronic deposits and withdrawals -- direct deposits, auto payments, life insurance and mortgage payments, savings plans, etc. -- on one form so your new bank can seamlessly continue those transactions for you.
Some kits even include form letters to send to the appropriate parties to switch your direct deposit, redirect your auto payments and close your previous accounts. Switch kits often are available online as well as at bank branches and through the mail.
Steps to switching banks:
• Analyze your reasons for switching banks, then contact your current bank. It may be able to accommodate your requests so you won't have to move on.
• Open an account at your new bank before closing your old account(s). This enables you to write checks, use the ATM and make deposits and withdrawals during the transition.
• Keep open your old direct deposit and auto bill-paying account(s) until those recurring transactions have been successfully redirected and appear on your new account statement.
• Be sure to leave sufficient funds in your old account to cover automatic payments in case the changeover takes more than one billing cycle.
• Don't close your checking account until all outstanding checks have cleared.
• Be prepared to provide account and bank routing numbers for your old and new accounts when canceling, establishing or redirecting direct deposits and auto payments.
• Have your old bank verify in writing that all accounts, including debit and credit cards if applicable, have been closed at your request with no balance outstanding.
• Keep all closing statements for your records.
• Don't forget to empty your safe-deposit box, turn in the key and collect your deposit, if any.
This is an abbreviation of the full story that appeared in www.bankrate.com.
This article was written by Jay MacDonald.
The full story is here:
Mr. Terry Winders’ Poker Tables

Terry’s hobby is not only playing poker, but building poker tables.
He built one for himself, and when his poker friends came over to play, they wanted him to build one. Now he builds them not only as a hobby, but a side-line business.
“They are all solid walnut except the Base board. They are therefore very heavy. I sell the plain ones for $2450, the one with a bumper all the way around for $2695 and the one with the red bumper and chip holders for $2995. The color of the bumpers and the color of the felt can be any color the person wants....The purchaser must pay for shipping....”
Chairs not included:
Bumper all around:

Chip holder and bumpers version

Get an audit or a CD or training or poker table
from Mr. Terry Winders, CLP:
leaseconsulting@msn.com [headlines]
Fernando’s Review
3 DVD’s to Rent this Week

By Fernando F. Croce
Shine a Light (Paramount): The Rolling Stones have long provided director Martin Scorsese with some of the best tracks for his movies, so Scorsese returns the favor with this vigorous concert film, in which vintage footage of the band in its Sixties heyday is mixed with numbers from their “A Bigger Bang” New York City tour. The Stones may be well into senior-citizen territory, yet songs like “Sympathy for the Devil” and “Brown Sugar” never sounded so timelessly youthful. A must for fans of the band, and for anybody with a taste for concert films.
A sample is available from Rolling Stones:

The Band’s Visit (Sony): Eran Kolirin’s excellent comedy-drama may have been disqualified from the Best Foreign Language Oscar category on the grounds that too much of it was spoken in English, yet this gentle account of an Egyptian band stranded in a small Israeli town is a winner all the way. While waiting for the morning bus, the characters experience a variety of charming moments, from a dinner table sing-along to romance on the disco club. Full of perceptive and humorous human vignettes, it’s a movie of hope, connection, and some of the funniest deadpan sequences this side of Jim Jarmusch. 
Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (New Line): This generation’s Cheech and Chong are back on the road in this zany sequel, which finds the duo (John Cho and Kal Penn) dodging bumbling government agents after being mistaken for terrorists. While on the run, they try to prevent a wedding, bump into a nutty Neil Patrick Harris, and even get to hang out with the President himself. Hardcore fans of the original might be disappointed at the surprisingly routine plot, but the chummy chemistry between Cho and Penn keeps the laughs coming.

(Hopefully we will get Fernando, a professional movie reviewer, to do some theatrical as well as movie reviews. I wanted to bring to reader’s attention, “Mama Mia,” which I saw on Broadway, was not impressed, as really never listened to any ABBA songs (—not my style.) So when I was dragged to
the movie with another couple my attitude was already poor. But was I surprised. The poster of the movie, the reviews, and even the movie trailers don’t get to the zany, burlesque, extremely funny singing and dancing. The promotion is it is a romantic musical. It is much, much more. The movie version is a real kick, pure laughter, and on a beautiful Greek island and scenery; wonderful people.
(Meryl Streep was fabulous, Christine Baranski stole the show, and Julie Walters was also spectacular. The critics said Pierce Brosnan can't sing. Who cares! This was Mel Brooks at his best (I know he had nothing to do with it, but you could have fooled me.) The audience was laughing, all ages, I was laughing, smiling, and really getting into it. I don't want to give away the ending, but it was hilarious. Not only were people in the movie theater clapping afterwards, but many stood up, too. I haven't seen that in a long time. A real fun movie. Five stars!!! Editor)
(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)
Looking for an Advertising-Public Relations Firm?
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These companies have experience in the finance and leasing industry
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New Hires---Promotions

Russell Dobson joins U.S. Bank Equipment Finance in their direct marketing division. He previously was with Citicapital and GE Capital.
Matt Lizotte has been hired as a regional sales manager for Textron Financial Corporation, to build vendor relationships within the construction industry in Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wisconsin, Alaska, and Hawaii; based in based in Alpharetta, Georgia. He joins Textron Financial from GE Capital where he managed the Western territory reportedly into one of the company’s strongest and most consistent volume-producing regions with originations over $70 million. He began his career in General Electric’s Financial Management Program and has worked in GE Aviation and GE Commercial Finance.
Compliance Coach announces Harland Financial Solutions will
Market its Identity Theft Red Flags Rule Solution

SAN DIEGO - Compliance Coach Inc., a provider of automated regulatory compliance solutions to the financial services industry, today announced that Harland Financial Solutions, Inc., will market its industry leading software, CompliancePal (http://www.compliancepal.com).

CompliancePal is the industry’s first software solution to enable compliance with the FACT Act Identity Theft Red Flags Rule.
The Federal regulation imposes new responsibilities on businesses to prevent consumer identity theft. The impact is broad and the rule affects every single bank, credit union, mortgage lender, auto dealer, credit card lender, payday lender, utility company, phone company, and any consumer or small business lender in the country.
The compliance deadline is November 1, 2008. Failure to comply can lead to civil money penalty for each violation, regulatory enforcement action, private plaintiff lawsuits, negative publicity and loss of business.
“CompliancePal uses a unique five step system to enable faster and easier compliance with the Red Flags Rule,” said Sai Huda, chairman and CEO, Compliance Coach. “We are honored to partner with Harland Financial Solutions, an industry leader in compliance and risk management, to introduce CompliancePal to the financial services industry,” continued Huda.
“Complying with the Red Flags Rule will be challenging for financial institutions and affected businesses. We are delighted to partner with Compliance Coach to be able to offer to our clients an innovative solution that makes it easier for them to comply,” said Helen “Rusty” Beckel, senior vice president, Strategy and Market Development, Harland Financial Solutions.
CompliancePal is a Web-based software that walks the user through a series of questions and produces: the required risk assessment, the mapping of red flags to appropriate detection and response procedures, the written program, the training materials and the compliance status report, everything necessary to pass an audit.
The software is updated regularly for new identity theft schemes and red flags so a company can easily update its identity theft program and maintain compliance. To use the solution, companies simply sign-up online and access the software via the Internet. A demo can be viewed at
About Compliance Coach
Compliance Coach, Inc., is a leading provider of automated regulatory compliance solutions to the financial services industry. Five of the top 10 banks and hundreds of financial institutions throughout the U.S. rely on Compliance Coach’s solutions and services to mitigate compliance risk.
Compliance Coach provides risk assessment software, e-learning and other tools to enable compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Its products and services are supported by an in-house team of nationally recognized legal, compliance and technology experts. CompliancePal is the company’s latest revolutionary web-based software that uses a unique five step system to enable compliance with the new FACT Act Identity Theft Red Flags Rule, quicker and easier.
The company is privately held and venture capital backed by four of the top 10 banks: Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup and Washington Mutual are the company’s primary investors. It is based in San Diego, California and has a regulatory relations office in Washington, D.C. For further information, visit http://www.compliancecoach.com.
Compliance Coach® is a registered trademark and CompliancePal™ is a trademark of Compliance Coach, Inc. Patents pending. Copyright © 2008 Compliance Coach, Inc. All rights reserved.
About Harland Financial Solutions
Harland Financial Solutions, Inc. (www.harlandfinancialsolutions.com) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Harland Clarke Holdings Corp. and M & F Worldwide Corp., (NYSE: MFW). The company supplies software and services to thousands of financial institutions of all sizes, offering its solutions in both an in-house and service bureau environment. It is a leader in core systems, item processing, enterprise content management, branch automation, customer relationship management, business intelligence, origination and document solutions, risk management, compliance training, financial accounting, open documents, mortgage solutions, electronic funds transfer (EFT), electronic banking and advisory services.
### Press Release ###########################
SC Equipment Funding Has Strong 2008 Second Quarter
SC Equipment Funding has announced sustained growth through-out the first half of 2008. The combination of their innovative leasing programs with the strength of the equipment leasing industry in general are credited as the primary factors for the continued growth.
“Our growth is consistent with the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association's (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25),” according to company spokesman Bruce Braviroff, “ except that our growth was actually a little higher than the 6.5 percent increase in new business volume reported by ELFA.” SC Equipment Funding is experiencing a similar demand from existing clients as well. “Businesses typically seek ways to preserve cash during tough economic conditions” explains Braviroff “and existing clients already know how equipment leasing can protect their cash assets.”
Several innovative lease programs have also contributed to the continued growth at SC Equipment Funding. Lease programs such as “Quik Lease” and “Progressive Payments” have helped attract new business. “These new lease programs have helped us maintain our company's motto,” adds Braviroff, “even in tougher economic times, we continue to find new ways to make equipment leasing simple.”
About SC Equipment Funding®
SC Equipment Funding began in 1984 with the aim of providing expert equipment leasing to a wide variety of domestic businesses. From the main facility located in North Orange County, California, the company provides funding for equipment acquisition for all types and sizes of businesses. SC Equipment Funding provides lease programs through several financial partners as well as the company's own funding sources. This diversity of leasing products allows SC Equipment Funding to be extremely competitive while providing unique funding programs.
For further information about SC Equipment Funding and the company's equipment leasing programs can be found at www.scequipmentfunding.com.
SC Equipment Funding
895 E. Yorba Linda Blvd.
Placentia, CA 92870
Phone: (714) 996-1298
Toll Free: (877) 996-1298
Fax: (714) 200-0314
### Press Release ###########################
Melissa Data shares tips on using Saturation Mail
to save up to 25% on direct mail postage

Rancho Santa Margarite, Ca. – Melissa Data, (www.melissadata.com), a developer of data quality and mailing preparation solutions, is arming local businesses with a strategy they can use to reach out to likely customers with direct mail – even during tough economic times. The strategy is called “saturation mailing” and it works by “saturating” a direct mail message within a localized area (i.e. a radius from your business, a ZIP Code™, city or county) by reaching the majority of households and/or businesses in a postal carrier route. It is an ideal way for local businesses to promote grand openings and special events, establish their brand, and increase walk-in traffic. And, because saturation mailings are so easy for the Post Office™ to process, they pass the savings onto the mailer – saving 20-25-percent off the cost of Standard Mail® or about $.05 per mail piece delivered.
“An economic downturn like we are experiencing now actually provides an opportunity for businesses to build greater market share by taking advantage of new buying concerns, projecting a stable image, and dominating the field when the competition is silent,” said John Hull, vice president of List Sales for Melissa Data. “And a saturation mailing is the perfect vehicle for local businesses – it’s a very cost-effective way to market to your best customers – your neighbors.”
The key requirement to qualify for a saturation mail discount is that the mailing must be sorted in “Walk Sequence” order – the actual sequence the postal carrier will deliver the mail while walking his/her route. Sorting the mailing in “walk sequence” order saves the Post Office™ time and effort spent sorting, coding and processing that mail.
“Many people assume a saturation mailing is complicated because of the Walk Sequence requirement and decide just to mail at the much higher First-Class™ or Standard rates,” Hull remarked. “But it’s really very easy to do a saturation mailing. Many list providers offer these mailing lists, called Saturation or Occupant lists, presorted in Walk Sequence order. When a customer buys one of these lists they don’t have to worry about a thing.”
To discover the secrets of using saturation mail to grow a business and drive more sales, download Melissa Data’s free white paper at www.melissadata.com/nosecret.
Melissa Data is an active DMA member, and a member of the DMA’s List and Database Council. For more than 23 years, the company has been a leading provider of direct marketing and mailing solu¬tions with emphasis on U.S. and Canadian address and phone veri¬fication, postal encoding and NCOALink® processing. The company offers a wide variety of USPS® CASS™/DPV™ processed mailing lists that are available online, 24/7 and come with a 100% deliverability and best price guarantee. For more information, visit www.MelissaData.com or call 1-800-MELISSA (635-4772).
### Press Release ###########################
News Briefs---- Jobless claims hit 5 year high
NJ Star-Ledger "on life support"
Jobless claims hit 2003 high
India blames US for WTO talks failure
Fire News
 Crews gain hold on wildfire outside Yosemite
Big Sur:

You May have Missed-- 
Sonoma County chef tops Bobby Flay in paella smackdown

Sports Briefs---- Green Bay fans torn apart by Packers-Favre civil war

California Nuts Briefs--- Schwarzenegger cuts state worker jobs, moves to cut pay

“Gimme that Wine” Napa/Sonoma wine lovers, here's your chance at stardom
Mondavis buys Cloud View Vineyards for Continuum
'Bottle Shock' seek expertise at UC Davis
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Winery Atlas
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page
The London International Vintners Exchange (Liv-ex) is an electronic exchange for fine wine.

Calendar Events This Day National Raspberry Cream Pie Day
Respect for Parent’s Day
A day set aside to think of positive things parents contribute to society.
Solar Eclipse
Total eclipse of the sun. Visible in northeast North America, Europe and Asia.
Sports Day
Switzerland: Confederation Day
National Holiday. Anniversary of the founding of the Swiss Confederation. Commemorates a pact made in 1291. Parades, patroiotic gatherings, bonfires and fireworks. Young citizens’ coming-of-age ceremonies. Observed since 600th anniversary of Swiss Confederation was celebrated in 1891.
Trinidad and Tobago: Emancipation Day
Public holiday. Slavery was abolished in all British colonies on this day in 1834. Also called Discovery Day.
Saint feast Days

Ten inches of snow equals one inch of rain in water content.

Today's Top Event in History 1873- The first cable car ran at 5am on Clay Street Hill , San Francisco, CA, while the City slept. It was ready to run its trails, and pictures were allowed to be taken on August 2. Revenue service did not take place until September 1. The ride cost five cents. This was the first cable car put into service anywhere in the world. It was invented by Andrew Smith Hallidie, who obtained a patent on January 17, 1871, on an “endless-wire rope way.” Today only three lines of the original lines operate.

This Day in American History 1498 - Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sets foot on the American mainland for the first time, at the Paria Peninsula in present-day Venezuela. Thinking it an island, he christened it Isla Santa and claimed it for Spain. He entered the Gulf of Paria in Venezuela and planted the Spanish flag in South America on August 1, 1498. He explored the Orinoco River of Venezuela and, given its scope, soon realized he had stumbled upon another continent. Columbus, a deeply religious man, decided after careful thought that Venezuela was the outer regions of the Garden of Eden. Returning to Hispaniola, he found that conditions on the island had deteriorated under the rule of his brothers, Diego and Bartholomew. Columbus' efforts to restore order were marked by brutality, and his rule came to be deeply resented by both the colonists and the native Taino chiefs. In 1500, Spanish chief justice Francisco de Bobadilla arrived at Hispaniola, sent by Isabella and Ferdinand to investigate complaints, and Columbus and his brothers were sent back to Spain in chains. He was immediately released upon his return, and Ferdinand and Isabella agreed to finance a fourth voyage, in which he was to search for the earthly paradise and the realms of gold said to lie nearby. He was also to continue looking for a passage to India. In May 1502, Columbus left Cýdiz on his fourth and final voyage to the New World. After returning to Hispaniola, against his patrons' wishes, he explored the coast of Central America looking for a strait and for gold. Attempting to return to Hispaniola, his ships, in poor condition, had to be beached on Jamaica. Columbus and his men were marooned, but two of his captains succeed in canoeing the 450 miles to Hispaniola. Columbus was a castaway on Jamaica for a year before a rescue ship arrived. In November 1504, Columbus returned to Spain. Queen Isabella, his chief patron, died less than three weeks later. Although Columbus enjoyed substantial revenue from Hispaniola gold during the last years of his life, he repeatedly attempted (unsuccessfully) to gain an audience with King Ferdinand, whom he felt owed him further redress. Columbus died in Valladolid on May 20, 1506, without realizing the great scope of his achievement: He had discovered for Europe the New World, whose riches over the next century would help make Spain the wealthiest and most powerful nation on earth.
1619-First black Americans (20) land at Jamestown, Virginia.
1764-Birthday of Anne Willing Bingham conducted social salons for leaders of the newly born United States such as Jefferson, Washington, etc., and had a lot to say to them. AWB is one of the largely unrecognized cadre of early American women who along with Abigail Adams, Mercy Otis Warren, and others attempted to gain human rights for women from the framers of the U.S. Constitution.
She reported was used as the model for “ liberty” on US coins.
1776- the first Jew to die in the American Revolution, Francis Salvador, was killed in a skirmish with the British loyalists. He was also the first Jew selected to office in colonial America. He was voted a member of the South Carolina Provincial Congress in January, 1775. He was known as the Southern Paul Revere for having warned of the approach of the British fleet at Charleston, SC. On August 1, 1776, while he was leading the militia under the command of Major Andrew Wilinson, his group was ambushed by Native Americans and loyalists near Esseneka (Seneca). Salvador was shot through the body and the left leg and was scalped by a group of Cherokees who sided with the British.
1779-Birthday of Francis Scott Key ( and if you don’t know who he was, turn in your citizenship papers). American attorney, social worker, poet and author of the US national anthem. Key was on shipboard off Baltimore during the British bombardment of Fort McHenery on the nights of September 13-14, 1814. Thrilled to see the American flag still flying over the fort at daybreak, Key wrote the poem “ The Star-Spangled Banner.” Born at Frederick County, MD., he died at Baltimore, MD, January 11, 1842.
1790- The first census revealed that there were 3,939,326 citizens in the 16 states and the Ohio Territory. Virginia, with 747,610, was the most populous state; Rhode Island, with 68,825, the least. New York City had a population of 33,131, Philadelphia had a population of 28,522, and Boston had a population of 18,320. The US has taken a census every 10 years since 1790.
1791- Virginia planter Robert Carter Ill confounded his family and friends by filing a deed of emancipation for his 500 slaves. One of the wealthiest men in the state, Carter owned 60,000 acres over IS plantations. The deed included the following words: “I have for some time past been convinced that to retain them in Slavery is contrary to the true principles of Religion and Justice and therefore it is my duty to manumit them.” The document established a schedule by which 15 slaves would be freed each Jan 1, over a 21-year period, plus slave children would be freed at age 18 for females and 21 for males. It is believed this was the largest act of emancipation in US history and predated the Emancipation Proclamation by 70 years.
1794- Whiskey Rebellion begins.
1812- A rare tornado hits Westchester County, NY.
1818-Birthday of Maria Mitchell. An interest in her father’s hobby and an ability for mathematics resulted in Maria Mitchell’s becoming the first female professional astronomer. In 1847, while assisting her father in a survey of the sky for the US Coast Guard, Mitchell discovered a new comet and determined its orbit. She received many honors because of this, including being elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences---its first woman. Mitchell joined the staff at Vassar Female College in 1865---the first US female profession of astronomy—and in 1873 was a cofounder of the Association for the advancement of Women. Born at Nantucket, MA. Mitchell died June 28, 1889, at Lynn, MA.
1838-Abolition of slavery in Jamaica. Spanish settlers introduced the slave trade into Jamaica in 1509 and sugar cane in 1640. Slavery continued until this day when it was abolished by the British.
1861-for trivia fans, John Tyler of Virginia, president of the United States from 1841 to 1845, became a delegate to the Provisional Congress of the Confederate States. He was elected a member of the House of Representatives of the permanent Confederate Congress on November 7, 1861, but died on January 18, 1862, before taking his seat. he is the only former president to serve as an official of an “enemy government.”
1873- The first cable car ran at 5am on Clay Street Hill , San Francisco, CA, while the City slept. It was ready to run its trails, and pictures were allowed to be taken on August 2. Revenue service did not take place until September 1. The ride cost five cents. This was the first cable car put into service anywhere in the world. It was invented by Andrew Smith Hallidie, who obtained a patent on January 17, 1871, on an “endless-wire rope way.” Today only three lines of the original lines operate.
1876- Colorado admitted to the Union as the 38th state.
1903 –Birthday of Calamity Jane, who’s real name was Martha Jane Cannary Burk, born Princeton, Missouri. Between legend and the usual misrepresentations, the true life of this frontier woman is shrouded. She usually dressed as a man, yet historians claim she was a prostitute. She claimed to have scouted for the army, including for Gen. George Custer while others say that was impossible. She was part of a geological expedition to the Black Hills and stayed after gold was discovered. History says she also was a "companion" of Wild Bill Hickok who died 27 years and one days before she did, and is buried next to him, not his wife. She lived her last years in poverty. How she earned her living appears to be a mystery as many historians claim that she was not a stage driver, a scout, nor anything else like that. She was in El Paso for a time where she married a Clinton Burke who soon deserted her. She was believed to have been a mail carrier in Deadwood, but her exact ways of earning a living are just not known. In reality, most of what we think we know of Calamity Jane is the product of dime novels of the era that portrayed her as beautiful and daring as well as Hollywood movies.
1916-Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Established. Area of Hawaii Island, including active volcanoes Kilauea and Manua Loa, were established as Hawaii National Park in 1916.
1933- California introduces sales tax due to the devastating depression.
1939-Glenn Miller Band records “ In the Mood,” ( Bluebird 104150 Non-royalty contract gives him only $175.
1941---Willy’s introduces the “jeep.” General Dwight D. Eisenhower said that America could not have won World War II without it.
1941-Birthday of Ronald H. Brown, born Washington, DC., grew up in Harlem and studied at Middlebury College in Vermont. After graduating from St. John’s University law school, Brown served as chief council for the Senate Judiciary Committee. He went on to become the first African-American partner at the law firm of Patton Boggs & Blow, the first African-American leader of the Democratic National Committee and later served as the US Secretary of Commerce during the Clinton administration. Brown died in a plane crash at Dubrovnik, Croatia, Apr 3,1996, while on government business. Some say the death was not an accident.
1941- Yankee Lefty Gomez breaks the major league mark for walks in a shutout by issuing 11 walks in a 9-0 victory over the Browns.
1942- Birthday of Jerry Garcia, lead guitarist and driving force behind the Grateful Dead, was born in San Francisco. The Dead were the only psychedelic band of the 1960's to survive into the '90s. They had been better known for their 4 - 5 hour concerts than for their recordings, until 1987's "In the Dark." It was the Grateful Dead's biggest seller, and a single from it, "Touch of Grey," became their first top-ten hit. Garcia died of a heart attack on August 9th, 1995, at a residential treatment center in Forest Knolls, California. He had reportedly gone there to battle his heroin addiction.
1943--KANE, JOHN R. (Air Mission)
Rank and organization: Colonel, U.S. Army Air Corps, 9th Air Force. Place and date: Ploetsi Raid, Rumania, 1 August 1943. Entered service at: Shreveport, La. Birth: McGregor, Tex. G.O. No.: 54, 9 August 1943. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry in action and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty on 1 August 1943. On this date he led the third element of heavy bombardment aircraft in a mass low-level bombing attack against the vitally important enemy target of the Ploesti oil refineries. En route to the target, which necessitated a round-trip flight of over 2,400 miles, Col. Kane's element became separated from the leading portion of the massed formation in avoiding dense and dangerous cumulous cloud conditions over mountainous terrain. Rather than turn back from such a vital mission he elected to proceed to his target. Upon arrival at the target area it was discovered that another group had apparently missed its target and had previously attacked ??and damaged the target assigned to Col. Kane's element. Despite the thoroughly warned defenses, the intensive antiaircraft fire, enemy fighter airplanes, extreme hazards on a low-level attack of exploding delayed action bombs from the previous element, of oil fires and explosions and dense smoke over the target area, Col. Kane elected to lead his formation into the attack. By his gallant courage, brilliant leadership, and superior flying skill, he and the formation under his command successfully attacked this vast refinery so essential to our enemies' war effort. Through his conspicuous gallantry in this most hazardous action against the enemy, and by his intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty, Col. Kane personally contributed vitally to the success of this daring mission and thereby rendered most distinguished service in the furtherance of the defeat of our enemies.
1944-Warsaw Uprising. Having received radio reports from Moscow promising aid from the red Army, the Polish Home army rose up against the Nazi oppressors. At 5pm, thousands of windows were thrown open and Polish patriots, 40,000 strong, began shooting at German soldiers in the streets. The Germans responded by throwing eight divisions into the battle. Despite appeals from the London-based Polish government-in exile, no assistance was forthcoming from the Allies, and after two months of horrific fighting the rebellion was quashed.
1944- Anne Frank makes the last entry into her diary. To escape deportation to concentration camps, the Jewish family of Otto Frank hid for two years in the warehouse of his food products business at Amsterdam. Gentile friends smuggled in food and other supplies during their confinement. Thirteen-year-old Anne Frank, who kept a journal during the time of their hiding, penned her last entry in the diary Aug 1,1944: ‘[I] keep on trying to find away of becoming what I would like to be, and what I could be, if . . . there weren’t any other people living in the world.” Three days later (Aug 4,1944) Grune Polizel raided the ‘Secret Annex” where the Frank family was hidden. Anne and her sister were sent to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp where Anne died at age 15, two months before the liberation of Holland. Young Anne’s diary, later found in the family’s hiding place, has been translated into 30 languages and has become a symbol of the indomitable strength of the human spirit.
1944---Top Hits
Amor - Bing Crosby
I’ll Be Seeing You - Bing Crosby
Long Ago and Far Away - Helen Forrest & Dick Haymes
Is You is or is You Ain’t (Ma’ Baby) - Louis Jordan
1951-Neal Hefti Band records his “Coral Reef.” Great trumpet player, greater arranger for Basie, Sinatra, and many others.
1952---Top Hits
I’m Yours - Don Cornell
Delicado - Percy Faith
Auf Wiedersehn, Sweetheart - Vera Lynn
Are You Teasing Me - Carl Smith
1953-Birthday of guitarist Robert Cray, Columbus, GA
1957- Dodger first baseman Gil Hodges hits his 13th career grand slam and the last grand slam in Brooklyn Dodger history. The bases-loaded shot establishes a new National League record.
1960- Chubby Checker's recording of "The Twist" was released by Cameo-Parkway Records. Checker wasn't the originator of the song that spawned the '60s greatest dance craze. That honor belonged to Hank Ballard, who wrote and recorded the tune as the "B" side of his 1958 hit "Teardrops on My Letter." But it was Chubby Checker who rode "The Twist" to stardom. His recording went to number one on the Billboard pop chart twice - in 1960 and again in 1962.
1960- 18 year-old singer Aretha Franklin made her first secular recordings for producer John Hammond at Columbia Records. She had recorded some gospel songs at her father's church in Detroit four years earlier.
1960---Top Hits
I’m Sorry - Brenda Lee
Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini - Brian Hyland
It’s Now or Never - Elvis Presley
Please Help Me, I’m Falling - Hank Locklin
1963-Arthur Ashe, first Black male to win Wimbledon, becomes first Black person named to the US Davis Cup team.
1966 - Charles Whitman takes a stockpile of guns and ammunition to the observatory platform atop a 300-foot tower at the University of Texas and proceeds to shoot 46 people, killing 16.Whitman, who had killed both his wife and mother the night before, was eventually shot to death after courageous Austin police officers, including Ramiro Martinez, charged up the stairs of the tower to subdue the attacker.Packing food and other supplies, he proceeded to the observation platform, killing the receptionist and two tourists before unpacking his rifle and telescope and hunting the people below. An expert marksman, Whitman was able to hit people as far away as 500 yards. For 90 minutes, he continued firing while officers searched for a chance to get a shot at him. By the end of his rampage, 16 people were dead and another 30 were injured. The University of Texas tower remained closed for over 30 years before reopening in 1999.
1968---Top Hits
Grazing in the Grass - Hugh Masekela
Stoned Soul Picnic - The 5th Dimension
Hurdy Gurdy Man - Donovan
Folsom Prison Blues – Johnny
1969 - The U.S. command in Saigon announces that 27 American aircraft were lost in the previous week, bringing the total losses of aircraft in the conflict to date to 5,690.
1971-The two Concerts for Bangladesh, organized by George Harrison, were held at Madison Square Garden in New York. Among the other performers were Bob Dylan, Ravi Shankar, Leon Russell and Ringo Starr. A three-record set, which won a Grammy Award, and a documentary film were made of the event. The concerts, album and film raised nearly $11 million US for the impoverished people of the newly-independent nation of Bangladesh, formerly East Pakistan. But much of the money was impounded by the US Internal Revenue Service during a nine-year audit of the Beatles' Apple Corps Limited. $2 million was sent to UNICEF before the audit began, but it wasn't until 1981 that a check for the remainder was issued.
1976---Top Hits
Kiss and Say Goodbye - Manhattans
Love is Alive - Gary Wright
Moonlight Feels Right - Starbuck
Teddy Bear - Red Sovine
1977-Willie McCovey of the San Francisco Giants hit the 18th and last grand slam of his career. His total still stands as the National League record. Lou Gehrig holds the major league record with 23.
1977- Giant Willie McCovey establishes a National League record by hitting his 18th career grand slam.
1977- "Elvis - What Happened," an expose by two of Presley's former bodyguards, was published. It sat in bookstores almost unnoticed until Presley's death two weeks later. Then it sold more than three-million copies. It is not available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, nor other on line used book stores at this time. Try the library in your neighborhood, and order by telephone or internet for a copy via the library system ( you must have a library card and internet pin number---it is free ).
1979- Following her graduation from rabbinical college in Philadelphia, Linda Joy Holtzman was appointed spiritual leader of the Conservative Beth Israel congregation in Coatesville, Pennsylvania, making her the first female rabbi to head a Jewish congregation in America.
1981-The all music-video channel, MTV, debuted. VHq, another music channel owned by MTV Networks that is aimed at older pop music fans, premiered in 1985.
1982- Greg Louganis, US becomes first diver to score 700 (752.67) in 11 dives.
1982- Hank Aaron, the holder of the career home run record (755) and RBI record (2,297); Frank Robinson, the first player to win the MVP in both leagues and the first black manager in the majors; Travis Jackson, an outstanding offensive and defensive shortstop for the Giants during 1920's, and former commissioner Happy Chandler, who provided leadership in breaking baseball's color line are inducted in the Hall of Fame
1984---Top Hits
When Doves Cry - Prince
Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Jr.
State of Shock - Jacksons
Angel in Disguise - Earl Thomas Conley
1989-- Gwendolyn King, became the first American of black African descent to head the Social Security Commission.
1998 -Using the old Negro League teams represented in their respective cities, the Cardinal-Brave game Saturday featured throwback uniforms of the 1928 St. Louis Stars and the 1940 Atlanta Black Crackers.
1990-The creation of what would become the world Wide Web was suggested this month in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Caliiau at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics at Switzerland. By October, they had designed a prototype Web browser. They also introduced HTML ( Hypertex Markup Language ) and the URL ( Universal Resource Locator). Mosaic, the first graphical Web browser, was designed by Marc Andesseen and released in 1993
( he was one of the founders of Netscape )---until that time there was “Archie” and Gopher. ) by early 1993, there were 50 Web servers worldwide.
1990-IBM sold off its typewriter and keyboard businesses on this day in 1990. The move signaled IBM's increasing focus on the personal computer market. IBM also discontinued production of several of its PS/2 systems due to poor sales.
1990- Ashton Tate released a new version of its software package, dBase IV. Ashton Tate had dominated the database market in the 1980s but began to slide in the 1990s. At the height of the company's success in the mid-1980s, founder George Tate died of a heart attack at his desk.
1993-African-American Ronald H Brown, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, appointed head of the Department of Commerce by President-elect Bill Clinton.
1994-, Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley confirmed that they had been married by a judge in the Dominican Republic on May 26th. Publicists for the bride and groom had been denying the marriage took place since word of it leaked out on July 10th.
1995 - Selling 331,000 copies, Selena's ``Dreaming of You,'' her first English album, debuts at No. 1 on the Billboard chart. The slain Tejano singer becomes the first Latin artist ever to debut at No. 1.
1996 - Olympic wrap-up: Michael Johnson left his fellow runners in the dust to win gold in the 200 meters in a record 19.32 seconds. He was the first male Olympian to complete the 200/400-meter Olympic double. And French sprinter Marie-Jose Perec became only the second woman in history to win a gold medal in both the 200-meter and the 400-meter runs at the same Olympics. Perec joined American Valerie Brisco-Hooks, who won both the 200 and 400 races in 1984 in Los Angeles. The U.S. women’s soccer team claimed the gold medal and capped the first women’s soccer competition at the Olympics, beating China 2-1. And last, but certainly not least, Dan O’Brien won the gold in the decathlon, four years after failing to make the U.S. Olympic team.
2001 -For the 33rd time in the team's history, the Tigers turn a triple play as Mariner Mark McLemore lines out to second baseman Damion Easley, who throws to shortstop Deivi Cruz to double up Tom Lampkin. Cruz then relays the ball to first baseman Shane Halter catching Ichiro Suzuki off first to complete Detroit's first triple killing since July 3, 1992, when the victim was also Seattle.
Baseball Poem

Baseball Poem

by Jim "Mudcat" Grant
Life is like a game of baseball
And you play it every day.
It isn't just the breaks you get,
But the kind of game you play.
Stop and look the whole team over,
You've got dedication there.
You're bound to be a winner,
With men who really care.
Your pitcher's name is courage,
You need him in this game.
For trust and faith your keystone men,
The grounders they will tame.
Your centerfielder is very fast,
Though small and hard to see.
So watch him when he gets the ball,
He's opportunity.
At first base there's religion,
He's stood the test of time.
At third base there is brotherhood,
A stalwart of the nine.
Your leftfielder is ambition,
Don't ever let him shirk.
Rightfielder is a husky man,
You'll find his name is work.
Your catcher's name is humor,
He's important to the scheme.
While honor is pitching from the bull pen,
Your game is always clean.
With love on your bench,
You've perfection, no less.
And a winning team,
With joy and happiness.
The other team is strong,
Greed, envy, hatred, and defeat
Are four strong infielders you'll have to buck,
To make your game complete.
Discouragement and falsehood,
Are the big boys in the pen.
You'll have to swing hard,
When you meet up with them.
Carelessness and a man called waste,
You'll find them playing hard.
And selfishness and jealousy,
None can you disregard.
There's one more man you'll have to watch,
He's always very near.
He's the pitcher for this team,
I'm told his name is fear.
The game will not be easy,
There'll be struggle, there'll be strife.
To make the winning runs,
For it's played on the field of life.
So stand behind your team,
There'll be many who'll applaud.
Just remember you are the player,
And the umpire there is God.
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