Like selling vendor programs and large transactions?
Enjoy international financing programs?
Prefer the advantages of a commission only environment with the security of health and welfare benefits?
CLICK HERE to find out how to have fun again. |
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Daniel Patrick Harrington, Jr., actor/comedian born August 13, 1929, New York City, perhaps best known as the janitor Duane Schneider on "One Day at a Time." He also appeared on many early TV shows in running characters: "Steve Allen," "Jack Paar," and then in many current TV shows.
Balboa Capital, Irvine, California
Bulletin Board Complaint
Classified Ads---Asset Management
Leasing Salesmen and Saleswomen Today
Best Leasing Web Site
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Cartoon---Bad Dog
“Four Tips for Prospecting in a Shaky Economy”
Sales makes it Happen—by Linda P. Kester
Two New Books also Available
Leasing Icon Frechette joins USXL
LeaseCompare.com Steps in as other Exit
One in Four Houses sold for a loss
Banks' Subprime Losses Exceed $500 Billion
Wachovia's Woes Worsen
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You May have Missed---Dollar at Crossroad
California Nuts Brief---
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"Gimme that Wine"
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News on Line---Internet Newspapers
Los Gatos, California
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
Balboa Capital, Irvine, California
Bulletin Board Complaint
"Fair Market Value"
It is the role of the Leasing News Complaint Bulletin Board to verify that the complaint is legitimate, post both sides, and let readers determine for themselves regarding the complaint. It regards the valuation of computers at $9,850 as well as an automatic 12 month renewal. The following people at Balboa Capital were contacted six or more times by e-mail, from two different sites, plus called on the telephone several times: Mr. Patrick E. Byrne, President; Mr. Michael Losey, Director, Portfolio Management; Ms. Joy E. Heckendorf, Director of Marketing; Mr. Arnold R. Victoriano, Lease Accountant.
Mr. Victoriano did answer his telephone, received the e-mail, and would relay the information that we spoke about to the appropriate person.
Rob Rasmussen, identified by the telephone operator as COO, and a Balboa Capital press release, as Chief Risk Officer, did not return any telephone calls.
The question:
"How was the 'fair market value' of the computers in question determined?"
The original complaint:
"In 2004, I leased some 25 computers with a purchase price of $43,555. After I signed the lease with $1 buyout at 48 months, the sales agent asked if I wanted to reduce my monthly payments by going with a "fair market buyout." The savings per month was nominal but I asked what the difference at the end of lease. Our discussion was that computers aren't worth much after 4 years and the difference would be approximately the same as the savings on payments which was only $18 per month.
"I expected Balboa to be fair about the buyout but they are not. When I thought the payments would come to an end, they kept withdrawing money from my bank account and now want an additional $26,365.20 for 11 more payments and buyout of $9,850.
"While I can see they are following the fine print, I believe this is a scam. Each computer probably has a value of between $100-$200 if you can find a buyer. I would be willing to pay this but they still want more than 60% of the original purchase price. I believe the leasing industry serves a valuable service to small business but this sort of tactic gives the leasing industry a bad name. I would have been happy if I did not make the mistake of agreeing to "fair market value" but I don't think every leasing customer should have to learn the hard way.
"Please let me know if you are interested in my problem with Balboa. I would be willing to make some additional payments but would like to convert back to a $1 buyout after a few more payments. Any way you know how to keep them from taking the money from my account so we can fight it out in court?"
Ted Lachinski
The original request from Balboa Capital was $26,365.20
(see attached PDF:) Copy of payoff, amendment agreement, and supportive documents:
An attempt was made by Balboa Capital directly to Mr. Lachinski after Leasing News attempted to contact Balboa on the value of the computer using eBay. Mr. Lachinski states most of the information was "asking price," and also did not apply to the computers built for his company. One part with a price of $1,399 was originally part of five for $3,000. He states the computers are worth at best $200 to $400 as they come with no software, no mouse or keyboard and are obsolete, actually running on a “Windows 2000” operating system. He was interested in returning them or purchasing them for a "nominal" price.
In having his bookkeeper go through bank statements, it appears they made 50 payments, not 48. In discussing this with Balboa, they offered a new figure of $5900 and three more monthly payments of $1,351.93. Mr. Lachinski states he is willing to pay “fair market value”
and asks for a knowledgeable appraisal by an unbiased third party.
Calls and eMails by Leasing News to Balboa Capital were not returned for a comment since June 23, 2008.
Classified Ads---Asset Management

Asset Management
Massachusetts, MA
Started in credit and collections 30 years ago with a private agency. My skills are negotiating with Attorney's, Insurance Companies & Large & small companies.
cityofpa@earthlink.net | Resume |
New York, NY
10+ years in equipment leasing/secured lending. Skilled in management & training, documentation, policy and procedure development & implementation, portfolio reporting. Strong work ethic.
Email: dln1031@nyc.rr.com |
Seattle, WA
20 years combined experience in Asset Management and Collections. History of successfully maximizing the residual position through superior negotiation skills and remarketing.
Email: gcsprings@comcast.net |
United States
Multi- talented individual looking to relocate back to mainland. Over 20 years of experience in Asset Management, Venture Leasing, Operations and Senior Management Positions.
RESUME | Email: dan@ggpglobal.com
For a full listing of all “job wanted” ads, please go to:
Leasing Recruiters:
To place a free “job wanted” ad here, please go to:
Leasing Salesmen and Saleswomen Today

Most sales personnel in leasing come from experience with a vendor using leasing to sell their product. The trend in the last ten years
is for telemarketers to go out of their own, which has not created
many sales personnel but collectors of “application only.” They
generally do not last long, relaying on “C” and “D” credits with
large commissions to survive. Some get lucky and find a good
Leasing News did a series recently that concluded the leasing
schools have not been contributing many news sales personnel
who exist on their own. There is a list of schools and franchises
at the end of this article.
There are exceptions and while two of the large schools are
no longer around, the ones that have been in business a few
years have many success stories to tell. Notably are the
results of veteran Ken Glasgow.

Photo: Ken Glasgow and his wife Joanne taken in front of the yacht "Entrepreneur" at Atlantis in Nassau, Bahamas.
Ken Glasgow, who started Corporate Capital Leasing Group, Inc., formed Leasing Partners LLC along with Sal Cozza, President of Flexlease Financial. Ken has 43 years in the business. Sal
has 25. Their approach is “hands on:”
"Everyone is trying to cash in on the mortgage brokers who are deserting the sinking mortgage ship and see leasing as their life raft, " Ken says. "Several schools have popped up. The coming months and years are going to thin the leasing herd. The brokers who never should have gone in the business will be gone and the older ones who are still trying to do business with 10 or 20 year old methods will probably realize it's time to retire. The people we are training have all had success of some kind in other fields and so they have no preconceived notions of how to market leasing. It is easier to train than to 'untrain.' We are taking the experience of these people and merging it with our leasing experience and when we get through, we will have a very unique and effective sales force."
He grew Corporate Capital Leasing Group in five years into 24 regional offices:
"In 2003 we advertised an opportunity to get into the Leasing Business on Ebay and offered a protected territory of their home state. They would pay $500 for a security deposit on the training materials and when they booked $50,000 in business, they would get a refund of their security deposit plus a bonus of $200. They also received a 60 page manual, four CDs and samples of marketing pieces. They would sign a 10 page Agency Agreement which clearly spelled out what they could or could not do and how their commissions would be paid including splitting commissions between territories in case of an overlap.
"It grew faster than we anticipated with many of them sending the applications directly to us as a 'home office.' After we learned to handle the flow, we started advertising for additional Regional Managers to fill some of the territories we have open. We didn't consider ourselves a school. Our philosophy has always been that we are primarily in the leasing business rather than the training business.
"We tweaked the plan and recruited new regional managers. We believe we can make more money by generating leases than by charging for training. In addition to the training material we supplied a web site and 1000 leads targeted to specific market within their territory.
"Most important, they had access to our on line Bulletin Board which has over 400 posts with tips on marketing and new programs. When one person asks a question on the Board, everyone benefits from the answer.
"We established 24 offices in 27 states from New England to Hawaii and the results have not only been excellent, in a few cases they have been remarkable. We call our people Regional Managers and several have set up their own web sites in conjunction with ours. One closed a $100k lease the first day he was with us and another did $90k the first two weeks. Our guy in Texas now has two sales people working for him and other regions are planning the same. It's not all good news though. A few have realized that this is something that they cannot do and have asked us to replace them which we have but some fall out was to be expected. We have some people selling leasing full time and others doing it part time until they build a base of business."
As the marketplace changed, Glasgow moved the Regional Manager program from Corporate Capital Leasing Group, Inc., and as noted earlier in this article, created Leasing Partners LLC, with Sal Cozza, President of Flexlease Financial in Charlotte, NC. Cozza is a 25 year veteran of vehicle leasing.

Photo: Sal Cozza
"All Regional Mangers are now Leasing Partners as well as the new people joining us. We are not hiring sales people but rather signing and training independent agents who are under contract to us and give us right of first refusal on their lease applications.
"We are training our own sales people and they are under contract to us. We get right of first refusal on all of their leasing business. We are not just giving them help in funding deals, we are actually processing their deals. The goal for them is to work for us for two years and then if they wish, to go out on their own with two years experience and we will recommend them to our funding sources if they have been producers of quality business.
“We teach them our funding sources' programs and then how to find the business that the funding sources want. It's a simple concept that new brokers (and many older ones) do not understand. This program evolved from the Regional Manager Program we have been running for almost 5 years with great success. We have just taken it to the next level. We don't charge $20-$30,000. We charge $5900 and out of that we pay their air fare to Naples; their room in a five star hotel for a weekend and their meals. In addition to their normal commission, we give them a 1% bonus on every deal funded until they have received their $5900 back. This is our way of sending a clear signal that we are interested in the business they will generate rather than simply collecting a 'tuition'.
“From the original 24, some went on to become successful on their own after two years. Nine of them are still with us and are having varying degrees of success. Some never made it for various reasons. It is impossible to motivate some people. Some found out that being a lease broker is not the easy buck they thought it was. We learned however, that training people long distance had its drawbacks. Also working with people who we had never met and who had not met us was very difficult. Lastly, we were originally awarding territories; usually a state, and that proved to be too confining. We wanted to be able to train our people in specific industry markets and to look for business wherever those markets took them.
“So the Leasing Partners program evolved from the Regional Manager concept. We are just taking it to the next level. Now we bring new people to Naples and we train them to market our funding sources products. This past weekend proved that meeting and bonding with people creates a totally different relationship than phone calls and emails. Just like our Regional Manager program our interest is in doing leases both equipment and vehicles and just like it's predecessor, we refund their investment as they do business. Frankly, the $5900 they pay us is a security deposit that keeps them sending their applications to us until they have earned their money back in the form of a 1% bonus on every lease funded. By then, they have become comfortable with our funding capabilities and back room and hopefully will keep going. If we didn't collect the $5900 then we would simply be training our competition.
"We like to think of it as being similar to the farm system in baseball. Our funding sources agree that as long as they are under contract to us, they we are not doing broker to broker business and the National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers (NAELB) has agreed that we are not considered a super broker. Leasing News attempted to do a study of the success rate of people who have paid $20 - $30,000 for a lease training course only to find that few, if any had success. There is no amount of training that will replace experience and certainly giving a graduate a list of ‘hard money’ funding sources does not constitute assistance in funding their deals. Those schools don't tell their students that a new broker can't get into the quality funding sources.”
Ken Glasgow
Corporate Capital Leasing Group, Inc. Leasing Partners LLC
For a list of all schools/training companies, please go here:
Best Leasing Web Site

Well, maybe this is not the best, but certainly is one of the best,
if not the best. Joseph L. Angelo Jr. of Lease One Corp., Lynnfield , Massachusetts started his program in 1989 and has become one of the most successful in the industry in the small, middle and large ticket leasing business.
“From its headquarters in Lynnfield, Massachusetts, a northern suburb of Boston, Lease One Systems coordinates a network of over 300 Associate Brokers that operate independent offices from coast-to-coast.”
With Introduction
Click on the categories as you will see and listen to
Joe Angelo, the real deal!!!
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
National Account Manager

Arizona * California * Illinois * Minnesota |
SINCE 1995
National Account Manager
60% commission. APP only to $ 250,000. No industry/geo restrictions. Tremendous flexibility/freedom: your home office or our regional offices. BJohnson@Alliancecap.com
Sales Person
Frustrated Sales Person
If you are experiencing difficulty in fulfilling local banks' credit criteria with your transactions, believe that foreign funding could be of assistance and are ready for an exciting new challenge---then you need to apply for this sales position.
gocustomcapital.com is an International equipment leasing company recently established in Brea, California, seeking to attract frustrated sales persons. |
Vendor Sales Specialists
Like selling vendor programs and large transactions?
Enjoy international financing programs?
Prefer the advantages of a commission only environment with the security of health and welfare benefits?
CLICK HERE to find out how to have fun again. |

About the company: Located on the water in
beautiful Newport Beach, California.The environment is positive. |
Growing vendor based equipment leasing company
Learn our value proposition
2 Years Sales or Related Exp.
College Degree Preferred
You will work with people
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Click here to learn more

Sales Make it Happen --- by Linda P. Kester

Four Tips for Prospecting in a Shaky Economy
· Focus on Your Top Ten Prospects
Average salespeople are all over the map. They think they are being productive when they are just "spraying and praying."
Leasing sales professionals focus there efforts like a surgeon. They study and dissect their prospect and their competition.
Now more than ever you need to focus like a laser on your top prospects. Collect the
e-mail addresses of any body you can at your prospect's location, and then connect with each and every person. Then convert that prospect into an active vendor one contact at a time.
· Get on Social Networking Sites
Register with sites like LinkedIn, Plaxo or Spoke. One you establish yourself (it's free) connect with people you know, and then look for someone who is connected to an employee at one of your top prospects. Ask your established relationship to give you an introduction to their contact.
· Get on Google Alerts
Go to www.google.com/alerts. Enter the names of your prospects or the industry you focus on.
When your prospect is in the news you are notified. You may want to enter in your prospects competition so you can inform your prospect of changes in the industry.
· Look for the Silver Lining
A recent Wall Street Journal article talked about how some U.S. manufacturers are in revival mode.
"The economic forces working in favor of U.S. manufacturing include a weaker dollar, which is helping drive sales for exporters and their suppliers.
“Rising transportation costs are encouraging companies to buy and produce more goods closer to home. An infrastructure and mining boom abroad is boosting orders for cranes made by Manitowoc Co.
At the same time, rising labor costs in some countries are starting to make outsourcing less attractive."
See, it's not all bad news. Maybe you might want to add some manufactures to your top lessee prospect list?
There is a silver lining to any downturn. Some niche markets are thriving, you just have to find them and prospect in a focused, smart way.

Meet Linda Kester in Costa Mesa!
Linda will be presenting Hell or High Water Marketing at the NAELB Western Regional Conference
on 9/6/08.
If you are passionate about leasing and you'd like ideas on how to earn more money doing something you are passionate about then you will want to come to the conference!
Information on the Conference:
"No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit." -- Helen Keller
Sales Makes it Happen articles:


Top Ten Tips to Increase Leasing Sales
Price: $15.00
 12 Core Fundamental Tips for the NEW Leasing Sales Professional
Price: $15.00
Linda P. Kester’s two others books, ""366 Marketing Tips for Equipment Leasing" and "12 Core Fundamental Tips for the NEW Leasing Sales Professional" are also available at:
To Order, please go here:
### Press Release ###############################
Leasing Icon Frechette joins USXL

PARSIPPANY, N.J., “ US Express Leasing (USXL), a Tygris Commercial Finance Group company, today announced the appointment of veteran commercial finance executive Paul Frechette as Executive Vice President of business development/ mergers and acquisitions. This addition, effective immediately, further strengthens USXL”s leadership position in providing vendor leasing and financing throughout North America.
Paul is one of the most knowledgeable vendor finance experts in the country and we are very pleased to have him join our team,” said USXL CEO Jim McGrane. “He brings more than three decades of experience in working with equipment manufacturers and distributors to develop and administer lease financing programs. Not only will he be exploring new opportunities for USXL in our existing markets, but also expanding into other equipment sectors. In addition, Paul will take the lead in helping us enter new markets through strategic acquisitions.”
Before joining US Express Leasing, Frechette was Corporate Vice President and General Manager of Sun Microsystems Global Financial Services from 2006-08. Prior to this, he was with Key Equipment Finance from 2002-06, most recently as President of Commercial Leasing Services. Earlier in his career, Frechette held a number of executive management positions with Heller Financial, U.S. Bancorp Leasing and Financial, U.S. Leasing International and Fleet Credit Corporation.
“I'm very impressed with the team Jim has put in place and appreciate the opportunity to be part of it,” Frechette said. “During this tightening of the credit markets and the general uncertainties in the economy as a whole, the time is now for a company such as Tygris/USXL to seize market share with our breadth of products and services. We feel this period of uncertainty and displacement provides us with many opportunities to expand our vendor program business, in particular, as manufacturers and distributors look for solid finance partners to service their customers. Now as part of Tygris we have an even greater opportunity to provide the market with a breath of fresh air.” USXL was acquired by Tygris Commercial Finance Group in May of this year.
Frechette earned a B.S. Degree in marketing management from the University of Rhode Island (URI), located in South Kingstown, R.I. He is a member of the Advisory Board of URI's Business School. He is an active member of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association, having previously served as chair of the ELFA Vendor Programs Business Council. He also is a member of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Foundation, where he currently serves as its Treasurer and member of the Executive Committee. He resides in Boulder, Colo.
About US Express Leasing, Inc.
US Express Leasing, headquartered in Parsippany, NJ, is a Tygris Commercial Finance Group company. USXL originates transactions through manufacturers, distributors and dealers in the commercial and industrial, graphic arts, healthcare, office equipment and technology industries. For more information, please visit www.usxl.com
About Tygris Commercial Finance Group, Inc.
Tygris is a commercial finance company that provides liquidity and growth capital to companies throughout North America. Tygris has three commercial finance businesses: Corporate Finance, Asset Finance, and Vendor Finance. Tygris has offices in Chicago, Stamford, CT and Parsippany, NJ. For more information, please visit www.TygrisCFG.com.
### Press Release ###########################
LeaseCompare.com Steps in as Chrysler and Others Exit Auto Leasing
Consumers Can Still Benefit from Leasing New and Used Cars
CINCINNATI----LeaseCompare.com, the leader in online direct-to-consumer auto leasing, announces that it has the financial resources to provide leasing for those who want to lease Chrysler and other vehicle makes, including SUVs.
As an independent leasing company, http://www.LeaseCompare.com gives consumers access to new and used car leasing from banks, credit unions and other finance sources. Site visitors can instantly compare payments, rates and residual values from each source and select the best lease for their driving habits.
“LeaseCompare.com offers an alternative to a manufacturer lease.” says Tarry Shebesta, President of LeaseCompare.com and auto leasing expert. “From one location, consumers can shop multiple lease offers from different sources and secure their lease online.”
“Even though Chrysler and other manufacturers are pulling back from leasing, there are still competitive lease options available to consumers if they know where to shop” comments Shebesta. “LeaseCompare.com offers such a marketplace.”
Top reasons consumers prefer to lease:
· Lower monthly payments
· Little or no down payments
· No trade-in worries
· Avoid upside-down loans
· Lower sales tax (in most states)
Shebesta also notes that “Dealers looking for leasing sources to offer their customers can use the programs available on LeaseCompare.com through a dealer-only website http://www.DoALease.com.”
About LeaseCompare.com
LeaseCompare.com is a leading provider of direct-to-consumer auto leasing. Using proprietary software, LeaseCompare.com enables consumers to instantly evaluate new and used vehicle leasing options from a number of banks, credit unions and independent leasing companies. Customers can lock in the lease offer they like and apply for credit online.
LeaseCompare.com has been featured on CNBC, FOX Business and Bloomberg TV and in the Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Business Week Magazine, Forbes Magazine, Kiplinger, USA Today and many others.
-Tarry E. Shebesta, OCLC (Certified Lease Consultant)
President, LeaseCompare.com
Immediate Past President, National Vehicle Leasing Association (NVLA)
Author, Auto Lease Insider (www.AutoLeaseInsider.com)
Tarry@LeaseCompare.com / 800.223.4882 ext. 11
### Press Release ###########################
One in Four Houses sold for a loss
Nationwide, nearly one in four (23.7%) homes sold during the past year sold for a loss while nearly 15 percent of sales were foreclosures(5). In parts of California, more than 60 percent of homes sold in the past year were for a loss while homes sold in foreclosure exceeded 50 percent. In New York- Northern New Jersey-Long Island MSA, which has the lowest rates of foreclosure among the markets monitored by Zillow, the percentage of homes sold for a loss since the second quarter 2007 is 8.8 percent and the percent of homes that sold in foreclosure is 3 percent.
In many markets, the rate of these Distress Signals is two to three times what was reported just a year ago. For example, 32.7 percent of homes sold in the second quarter were sold for a loss and 18.6 percent were foreclosure sales compared to the year-ago quarter when the rates were 12.2 percent and 7 percent respectively. In the San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont MSA, for example, nearly half (48%) of all homes sold in the second quarter recorded a loss while 34.3 percent were foreclosed; however, just a year ago, the rates were 14.9 percent and 10.7 percent respectively.
"The second quarter is the sixth consecutive quarter of home value declines and we see little promise of turnaround in the short-term as the rates of decline have yet to slow and, in fact, actually accelerated in many markets," said Dr. Stan Humphries, Zillow's vice president of data and analytics. "The high rates of negative equity are having a direct effect on home sales figures as we've seen considerable growth in foreclosure transactions and homes selling for a loss. Unfortunately, while there are a few bright spots -- like Pittsburgh, Oklahoma City and Austin that reached record-high values -- most markets are likely to remain in negative territory for the next few quarters given the magnitude of current year-over-year declines."
Full Press Release (with charts and figures) at:
### Press Release ###########################
[headlines] ### Press Release ###########################
News Briefs----
Banks' Subprime Losses Exceed $500 Billion as Writedowns Spread
Wachovia's Woes Worsen
CVS buys Longs for $2.9 billion
Biggest drop in U.S. oil demand in 26 years

You May have Missed-- Dollar at crossroads amid brighter US outlook
(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)

Sports Briefs----
Phelps wins 10th, 11th golds of Olympic career
California Nuts Briefs--- Schwarzenegger's $3.1 billion algebra problem

“Gimme that Wine” North Ca.With begin of harvest, crop looks smaller
Dirt for grapes, water for fish
Brooklyn is fast becoming an unlikely wine region
http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/brooklyn/2008/08/11/2008-08-11_brooklyn_is_fast_becoming_an_unlikely_wi.html Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Winery Atlas
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page
The London International Vintners Exchange (Liv-ex) is an electronic exchange for fine wine.

Calendar Events This Day Central African Republic: Independence Day
Commemorates Proclamation of Independence from France in 1960.
Tunisia: Women’s Day
General holiday. Celebration of independence of women.
Left-Hander’s Day
National Filet Mignon Day
Trail Mix Day
Saint feast Days
http://www.123greetings.com/events/august2008.html [headlines]
 Roman coins have been dug up in America, suggesting that perhaps the Vikings or Columbus weren't the first Europeans to visit the New World. The coins were found in locations as far afield as Texas, Venezuela and Maine. One stash was found buried in a mound in Round Rock, Texas. The mound is dated to approximately 800 A.D. In the town of Heavener, Okla., a bronze tetradrachm bearing the profile of Emperor Nero was found in 1976. The coin was originally struck in Antioch, Syria, in 63 A.D.

Today's Top Event in History 1960 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: ``It's Now or Never,'' Elvis Presley. The song sells more than 20 million copes worldwide, making it Presley's biggest-selling single.
 This Day in American History
1521 - After a three-month siege, the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan (today Mexico City) was conquered by Hernando Cortes and Spanish troops. With a population between 150,000 and 300,000, Tenochtitlan was set up so it would sustain its inhabitants while still protecting the local ecosystem. The Spanish conquest caused a human and ecological disaster of epic proportions.
1587- Manteo, chief of the Hatteras, was baptized into the Christian faith as a member of the Church of England, becoming the first Native American to become a Protestant. He was invested by Sir Walter Raleigh with the power of Lord of Roanoke and of Dasamonguepeuk. There were earlier baptisms of Native Americans by Roman Catholic priests in Florida.
1650-Of all the Indians the English colonists encountered in the colonies, none were more powerful or better organized than the Iroquois. The five tribes—Mohawk, Oneida, Onodaga, Cayuga, and Seneca---were concentrated in New York in that order between the Hudson River and the Genesse River to the west. Their league, possibly organized as early as 1570, numbered no more than 25,000 persons by about 1650, but it dominated others in all directions. Their particular enemies were the Hurons to the north, who with their French allies dominated the fur trade. In 1649 the Iroquois won a resounding victory over the Hurons; in 1651 they nearly wiped out the Neutral National along the northern shore of Lake Erie; and in 1656 they defeated and dispersed the Eries. They continued to increase their power and became allies of the English after the Dutch lost New Netherland. As a result, the Iroquois were a serious problem for the patriot forces during the American Revolution. The estimated colonial population was 51,700.
1689-The legend of the naming of Nix Mate's Island in Massachusetts Bay originated. Captain Nix anchored his boat off the nameless island one night. Screams were heard by the inhabitants of Boston, and investigators found the captain murdered. His mate was accused, tried, and sentenced to hang. As a final statement the mate said that the island would wash away as proof of his innocence. by the beginning of the nineteenth century, a good portion of Nix Mate's Island had disappeared.
1722-Governor Alexander Spotswood of Virginia signs a treaty with the League of Six Nations, an Iroquois confederation that included the Tuscarora tribe. The Indians agreed not to cross the Potomic River or Blue Ridge Mountains.
1744—A new Indian treaty signed with the Iroquois League of Lancaster PA, ceded to England the territory of the Ohio River Valley north of the Ohio River
1784 - The United States Legislature met for the final time in Annapolis, Maryland. It moved a few more times, from Philadelphia, PA to New York City and, finally, to its permanent seat of government in Washington, DC.
1818-Birthday of Lucy Stone, American women's rights pioneer, born near West Brookfield, MA. Lucy Stone dedicated her life to the abolition of slavery and the emancipation of women. Although she graduated from Oberlin College, she had to finance her education by teaching for nine years because her father did not favor college education for women. An eloquent speaker for her cause, she headed the list of 89 men and women who signed the call to the first national Women's Rights Convention, held at Worcester, MA. October, 1850. On May 1, 1855, she married Henry Blackwell. She and her husband aided in the founding of the American Suffrage Association, taking part in numerous referendum campaigns to win suffrage amendments to state constitutions. She died Oct 18, 1893 at Dorchester, MA..
1831 - A blue sun was widely observed in the southern states. The phenomena was believed to have pre-staged Nat Turner's slave uprising.
1860- Annie Oakley was born at Darke County, OH. She developed an eye as a markswoman early as a child, becoming so proficient that she was able to pay off the mortgage on her family farm by selling the game she killed. A few years after defeating vaudeville marksman Frank Butler in a shooting match, she married him and they toured as a team until joining Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show in 1885. She was one of the star attractions for 17 years She died Nov 3, 1926, at Greenville, OH.
1889- William Gray of Hartford, CT, received a patent on a “coin-controlled apparatus for telephones” The first pay telephone was installed in the lobby of the Hartford Bank in 1889 under the supervision of Ellis Benjamin Baker, superintendent of the Southern New England Telephone Company. In 1891, Gray, with Amos Whitney and Francis Pratt, incorporated the Gray Telephone Pay Station Company and installed the telephone in stores on a leasing basis. The company rented out the pay phones for 25 percent of the take. Ten percent of the take went to the place of business, and 65 percent went to the telephone company.
1892- First issue of the Baltimore Afro-American Newspaper.
1899- Alfred Hitchcock birthday, English film director and master of suspense born at London. Hitchcock's career as a filmmaker dates back to the silent film era when he made The Lodger in 1926, based on the tale of Jack the Ripper. American audiences were introduced to the Hitchcock style in 1935 with The Thirty-Nine Steps and The Lady Vanishes in 1938, after which he went to Hollywood. There he produced a string of classics including Rebecca, Suspicion, Notorious, Rear Window, To Catch a Thief, The Birds, Psycho and Frenzy, in addition to his TV series “Alfred Hitchcock Presents.” He died Apr 29, 1980, at Beverly Hills, CA.
1912-Birthday of Golfer Ben Hogan, born at Dublin, TX. Hogan was won of only four players to win all four major professional championships, and his 63-career victories rank him third after Sam Snead and Jack Nicklaus. Died at Ft. Worth, TX, July 25, 1997.
1919-pianist George Shearing birthday
1919- Birthday of Rex Humbard, pioneer radio and television evangelist. In 1958 Humbard established the Cathedral of Tomorrow in Akron, Ohio, from which he afterward based his television ministry.
1919 - At Saratoga, New York, the previously undefeated racehorse, Man o' War, was defeated by Upset. Legend had it this turn of events so upset Man o' War, he never lost a race again. After wining 1,300 races he went on to sire 379 foals, for a $5,000 stud fee.
1921-Birthday of pianist/songwriter Jimmy McCracklin, Helena,AR
1912-Birthday of trombonist Big Chief Moore, Komatke, AZ
1913-Birthday of singer Don Ho, Kakaako,HI.
1922—African-American Frederick Douglass' home in Washington DC is declared a national shrine.
1924 - "The Prisoner's Song" by Vernon Dalhart became the first country record to sell one million copies. The album included the songs "The Prisoner's Song", "Molly Darling", "Death of Floyd Collins" and "New River Train" which helped Dalhart outsell all others of his era by about 75 million records. In 1981, He became a Country Music Hall of Famer.
1925-Birthday of trumpet player Benny Baily, born Cleveland, Ohio.
1927-Birthday of guitarist Joe Puma, New York City, died June 4, 2000.
1934 - Cartoonist Al Capp began his famous comic strip, "Li'l Abner". In those early days, the cartoon strip was carried in eight newspapers. Eventually, it would be in more than 500, and would be the basis for a Broadway play and a Hollywood movie, too
1935- The first roller derby competition took place in Chicago, staged by promoter Leo Seltzer.
1942—Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin wrote both to England's Prime Minister Winston Churchill and American President F.D.Roosevelt, appealing for
them to help in the war in Europe against Germany. Not trusting the dictator, and wanting to protect the oil in Northern Africa, they invaded there first, and whatever relationship they had began to unravel even before it started.
1948 - Rookie pitcher Satchel Paige of the Cleveland Indians tossed his first full game in the major leagues. During the game he allowed the Chicago White Sox only five hits, winning the game 5-0. The rookie pitcher was 42 years old.
1951- Every one who shows up with a musical instrument is admitted free to Ebbets Field. Two thousand fans take advantage of the Musical Depreciation Night promotion including a man who brings a piano.
1952 - The original version of "Hound Dog" was recorded by Willie Mae (Big Mama) Thornton. It was the first hit for the song-writing team of Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller. Musician-composer Johnny Otis ("Willie and the Hand Jive") said he helped Leiber and Stoller with the writing of "Hound Dog". All was fine as long as Big Mama Thornton was doin' the singing (Otis was her producer); but as soon as the Elvis version started bringing in the bucks, Otis was cut out of the picture. Otis went to court but lost the suit. He was a popular Los Angeles disc jockey as well as band leader, playing at the San Jose Fairmont, while painting, which got to be so popular, he moved to Santa Rose where he devotes his full energy toward painting.
1956---Top Hits
My Prayer - The Platters ( one of my old time favorites )
Hound Dog/Don't Be Cruel - Elvis Presley
Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera) - Doris Day
I Walk the Line - Johnny Cash
1964---Top Hits
A Hard Day's Night - The Beatles
Everybody Loves Somebody - Dean Martin
Where Did Our Love Go - The Supremes
Dang Me - Roger Miller
1965- The Jefferson Airplane makes it stage debut at the Matrix Club in San Francisco. Before the year's out, they'll become the first San Francisco rock group to sign a major recording contract.
1965- The Beatles "Help!" single is released.
1966- The Supremes' "You Can't Hurry Love" is released.
1969- In a 6-4 defeat to the Reds, Bobby Bonds becomes the fourth player in major league history steal at least 30 bases and hit at least thirty home runs in the same season. The other members of the 30/30 club include Ken Williams (1922-Browns) , Willie Mays (1956 & 1957-Giants) and Hank Aaron (1963-Braves).
1972---Top Hits
Alone Again (Naturally) - Gilbert O'Sullivan
Brandy (You're a Fine Girl) - Looking Glass
(If Loving You is Wrong) I Don't Want to Be Right - Luther Ingram
Bless Your Heart - Freddie Hart & The Heartbeats
1979- Outfielder Lou Brock of the St. Louis Cardinals got the 3,000th hit of his career, an infield single against Dennis Lamp and the Chicago Cubs. Brock finished his career that season with 3,023 hits.
1979- Cheap Trick has the biggest hit of their career, "I Want You to Want Me." The tune was originally on their second L.P., "In Color," which came out in 1977. However the song took off when it was included on the "Live at Budokan" album. The record goes gold on this date.
1980 - The afternoon high at New York City was just 89 degrees. But there were fifteen days of 90 degree heat during the month, their hottest August of record
1980---Top Hits
Magic - Olivia Newton-John
Take Your Time (Do It Right) - The S.O.S. Band Sailing - Christopher Cross
Stand by Me - Mickey Gilley
1986 - United States Football League standout Herschel Walker signed to play with the Dallas Cowboys of the National Football League. Walker's contract paid an estimated $5 million over five years. He had been playing for the New Jersey Generals before the USFL went out of business.
1987 The Cubs retire Hall of Famer Billy Williams' uniform number (26)— if you didn't know it, I am a big fan of the Chicago Cubs—the Dodgers number one when they were in Brooklyn, but today, it is only the Cubs!!!
1988- Boston Red Sox win AL record 24 straight home games.
1988---Top Hits
Roll with It - Steve Winwood
Hands to Heaven - Breathe
Make Me Lose Control - Eric Carmen
Don't Close Your Eyes - Keith Whitley
1988 - A dozen cities in the northeastern U.S. reported record high temperatures for the date. Lansing MI reported a record 35 days of 90 degree weather for the year, Detroit MI reported a record 37 days of 90 degree heat for the year, and Williamsport PA reported a record 38 days of 90 degree weather for the year
2003- After missing nearly three months with a groin injury, Mike Piazza makes a dramatic return to the New York lineup as he homers and drives in five runs on Italian Night at Shea Stadium. The backstop's 3-for-5 performance, including a home run in the third inning, RBI single in the fourth and a two-run single in the seventh, contributes to the Mets 9-2 victory over the Giants.
Baseball Poem

Baseball Archeologists
by Tim Peeler
Hatley had
a catcher's big hands
and had he played
he certainly would have caught,
braced in the squat position
examining the game
from its lowest perspective
with small dark eyes
darting like flashy pencil points —
Hatley never
watched the games live,
vcr'd them,
invited the guys over
to study
inning by inning
in reverse,
the coffee table smothered
with stuffed ashtrays
and emptied crushed beer cans,
at first the speculation
heavy as late game drunkenness,
what caused the score,
the change of pitchers,
rewinding the full swings,
the perfect throws,
in three out layers,
our eyes clearing,
cig butts disappearing,
finally ending
with the first taken pitch
and the sober presentation
of the lineups —
when the national anthem sang itself we stood
the words jumping
back into our mouths.
Touching All Bases
Poems from Baseball
Tim Peeler
The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?
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