Monday, December , 2015

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Position Wanted –Credit
Work Remotely or Relocate for Right Opportunity
Top Stories November 30-December 4
(Opened Most by Readers)
Top Five Leasing Company Web Sites—
in North America
Fifth Circuit Holds Golf Channel May Be Held Accountable
as Trade Creditor for Aiding a Ponzi Scheme
By Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal Editor
“Handling Being Laid Off Before or During the Holiday Season”
Career Crossroad---By Emily Fitzpatrick/RII
Leasing Industry Ads---Help Wanted
Start New Year with a Better Job
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLFP
“Business Plans for 2016”
Corgi, Pembroke Welsh Mix
Golden, Colorado Adopt-a-Dog
Channel Partners---November Last 20 Deals
FIC/TIB/Annual Revenues/Term/Funding Amount
News Briefs---
Key Bank Partners with FinTech Aptexx
Payment & Property Management
Export-Import Bank Is Revived
Legislation resurrects bank after five-month lapse
GE (GE) to Sell Equipment Leasing, Lending Business
in Mexico; Carries ENI of ~$1.1B
Georgia ‘FinTech’ moves to top of job creation push
Payment Systems Top Innovations
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (writer's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months (Be Careful of Doing Business)
Leasing News Icon for Android Mobile Device
You May have Missed---
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer
Sports Briefs---
California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in American History
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.
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Position Wanted –Credit
Work Remotely or Relocate for Right Opportunity

Each Week Leasing News is pleased, as a service to its readership, to offer completely free ads placed by candidates for jobs in the industry. These ads also can be accessed directly on the website at:
Each ad is limited to (100) words and ads repeat for up to 6 months unless the candidate tells us to stop. Your submissions should be received here by the end of each week.
Please encourage friends and colleagues to take advantage of this service, including recent graduates and others interested in leasing and related careers.
Will relocate for the right opportunity and can work remotely. I have (25+) years in making credit decisions, as well as helping sales team and third party originators close more transactions via understanding their applicant's financial abilities. I can create alternative or additional opportunities (and income) by knowing which type of loan is best for the borrower |
Orlando, Florida
As a Commercial Credit Analyst/Underwriter, I have evaluated transactions from sole proprietorships to listed companies, across a broad spectrum of industries, embracing a multitude of asset types. Sound understanding of balance sheet, income statement and cash flow dynamics which impact credit decisions. Strong appreciation for credit/asset risk.
407 430-3917 |

Top Stories November 30-December 4
(Opened Most by Readers)

(1) Confirmed—Capital One Equipment Finance Corp.
Exiting the Marketplace – and Why
(2) No Longer taking Broker/Discounting Business
plus Leasing Companies Out of Business
(3) New Hires---Promotions in the Leasing Business
and Related Industries
(4) FinTech #102 by Charles Anderson
Peer-2-Peer Lenders Coming to Leasing?
(5) October, 2015 The List
History of Leasing since 1998
(6) Increased Competition from Alternative Lenders
Beige Report Notes
(7) Blocking Robocalls on Smartphones
CTIA -The Wireless Association
(8) Allegiant Partners Announces Division Name Change
Implements Salesforce
(Tie) (9) GreatAmerica Ranked #1 by Copier Dealers
in THE CANNATA REPORT 2015 Annual Dealer Survey
(Tie) (9) JPMorgan Chase and OnDeck Partner Up
To Use Small Business Lending Platform/OnDeck Score
(10) The Slippery Slope of the ACH Loan Industry borrowing
cost typically ranges from 70% to 350%

Top Five Leasing Company Websites—
in North America

(The lower the rating, the higher of the list of websites visited the most, according to
- CIT Worldwide improved, as well as “time of site” went from 2:57 to 3:38
- All Direct Capital numbers improved.
- All Balboa Capital numbers improved except for “sites linking in” going from 160 to 138; it should be mentioned “US ratings” went from 131,505 to 84,301.
- TimePayment moved into fourth place with US readers going from 220, 315 to 148,053, the most improved in the top five. All the other categories were off, including time on site from 5:18 to 4:12
- GreatAmerica improved slightly in global ratings, but all their other ratings showed the continued loss of visitors that has been trending for over a year.
I= t should be noted that Marlin Leasing, which two years ago was in fourth place, went to fifth place a year ago, then fell out of the group last year. Today, Marlin ranks 617,722 in United States, 6,044,262 in Global, 1:32 on website with only 40 sites linking in.

Time on Site: 3:38
USA Alexa Traffic Rating: 59,244
WWW: 212,270
Sites Linking in: 441

Time on Site: 2:19
USA Alexa Traffic Rating: 65,919
WWW: 188,166
Sites linking in: 490
Time on Site: 2:35
US Alexa Traffic Rating: 84,301
WWW: 491,307
Sites Linking in: 138

Time on Site: 4:12
USA Alexa Traffic Rating: 148,053
WWW: 985,213
Sites Linking in: 48

Time on Site: 4:12
USA Alexa Traffic Rating: 185, 695
WWW: 959,336
Sites Linking in: 111
The next leasing company with the best US visitor numbers is Financial Pacific Leasing with 229,444. It is obvious that FinPac becoming a subsidiary of Umpqua Bank has not only improved their new business, but is also reflected in their growing visitor website ratings.
Note: Many leasing companies affiliated with banks are included in the bank website and therefore an independent rating of visitors is not available. Others, such as Key Equipment Finance ( do not show a US rating (Alexa states : “We do not have enough data to estimate these metrics.”)
August 26, 2015 Top Five Leasing Company Web Sites—
in North America

Fifth Circuit Holds Golf Channel May Be Held Accountable
as Trade Creditor for Aiding a Ponzi Scheme
By Tom McCurnin
Leasing News Legal Editor

Ordinary Trade Creditors With Arms’ Length Fair Value Transactions in
Ponzi Scheme Do Not Enjoy Presumption of Value. Will This Affect the Sheldon Player - Equipment Acquisition Resources Fraudulent Conveyance Actions Against Equipment Lessors?
Janvey v Golf Channel 780 F.3d 641 (5th Cir. 2015).
Everyone knows what a Ponzi scheme is. Such businesses need legitimate trade creditors to form and exist. Such legitimate trade creditors could include their landlords, their equipment lessors, and consultants and employees. Until now, those legitimate trade creditors have enjoyed protection from fraudulent conveyance actions by bankruptcy trustees because of the definition of “reasonably equivalent value” and “good faith.”
Sadly, the Texas 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that an ordinary trade creditor, “The Golf Channel,” which supplied advertising at market rates for the debtor, did not convey “value” for those services to the debtor. The Fifth Circuit noted that in a Ponzi scheme, the advertising perpetuated the scam and allowed the Ponzi scheme to continue, thus no “value” was conveyed. This case is a disaster, and makes trade creditors, like equipment lessors, share more exposure to the fraud associated with fraudulent investment schemes. The facts follow.
Stanford International Bank was the invention of Allen Stanford, a Texas real estate developer who bought his way into the Knight Commander of the Order of the Nation for the Caribbean island nation of Antigua. Stanford was, for a few years, legitimately known as Sir Allen Stanford, but these days he is referred to as Sir Scam-A-Lot while serving his 110-year prison sentence.
Stanford’s scam was an old one, which was selling CDs at a much higher rate of return than could be legitimately earned from banks in the United States. In February 2009, the SEC investigated Stanford and its principals were charged with fraud. The United States District Court in Texas froze all of Stanford’s assets in the United States and appointed a receiver.
However, in 2005, Stanford Bank became a title sponsor of the St. Jude’s Championship, an annual PGA Tour event held in Memphis, Tennessee, and signed up for a two-year agreement with the Golf Channel for 682 commercials per year. Stanford made all the payments to The Golf Channel. Stanford paid around $5.9 million dollars to Golf Channel pursuant to the agreement.
The Receiver uncovered the payments and sued The Golf Channel for fraudulent conveyance, alleging that the payments were made (true), made while Stanford was insolvent (true) and were made without “reasonably equivalent value” (the issue in the case). The issue was how to measure value, and whether it is measured by the market value of what The Golf Channel sold, or by the tangible value of what Stanford received.
The District Court found for The Golf Channel, ruling that it looked more like an innocent trade creditor than a salesman perpetrating and extending the Stanford Ponzi scheme. Thus, the trial court ruled for The Golf Channel and against the Receiver. The Receiver appealed, essentially demanding a mulligan.
On appeal, The Golf Channel argued that it was a legitimate trade creditor, acting in good faith and provided advertising time and services at market rate. It did not try to mathematically establish a tangible value to the Ponzi scheme. And there might be a good reason for that—the only value of the ads was presumably bait for new investors.
The Fifth Circuit reversed, holding that where the property transferred is a consumable, there is no tangible property and the analysis must be undertaken by examining the balance sheet of Stanford, and whether Stanford’s net worth was preserved. The analysis is viewed from the perspective of a creditor of Stanford and whether, after the transfer of money, Stanford was mathematically better off or worse off as a result of the transfer.
Under this analysis, the ads did not affect Stanford’s balance sheet and no value was given, and The Golf Channel was required to repay the $5.9 million dollars.
Then to cement its decision, the Court stated that there simply is no exception for “trade creditors” under fraudulent conveyance law and the Court declined to create one.
Ultimately for the Court, it was the failure of The Golf Channel to provide evidence how the advertising time and services provided economic benefit to Stanford’s creditors. The takeaways here are these:
• First, This Court’s valuation conclusion is confined to Ponzi scheme cases. Some lower courts in the Ponzi scheme context have previously rejected the Fifth Circuit’s analysis. If lawyers are reading this, you may contact me directly for those cases.
• Second, equipment lessors providing financing services to operators of Ponzi schemes (the Equipment Acquisition Resources fraudulent conveyance actions come to mind), are now at heightened risk because of this decision. The takeaway for me is that equipment lessors apparently have to discover the fraud before the SEC.
• Third, The Fifth Circuit’s holding on “value” demonstrate inconsistencies among Bankruptcy Code, the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer and case law. At the very least, the Fifth Circuit undercuts the meaning of “value” and the fair treatment of “good faith” transferees. Defendants to these types of suits will need to plead and prove tangible value to the creditors of the debtor, and not rely on the simplistic market value approach taken by The Golf Channel in this case.
• Fourth, I concede that in the law of fraudulent transfers there is an inevitable tension between creditors of the Ponzi scheme and the merchants who innocently deal with debtors. This tension manifests itself, as here, in The Golf Channel’s good faith defense. The Fifth Circuit forces trade creditors to share more exposure to Ponzi schemes, than investors do. That’s not fair. Who’s next, the pizza delivery boy?
• Fifth, The Fifth Circuit refused to make any distinction between services to secure new investment in a Ponzi scheme versus services which simply promote the company’s existence and brand in the ordinary course of business. Nor did The Golf Channel’s brief draw this distinction.
• Finally, this decision imposes an unrealistic expectation for trade creditors to investigate the affairs of their customers before transacting with them because even innocent parties could be subject to claw-back claims if they are dealing with the operator of a Ponzi scheme. Was The Golf Channel supposed to surmise that Sir Scam-a-Lot was just another Bernie Madoff before the SEC did? As silly as that sounds, it is what the Fifth Circuit held.
The bottom line is that this judicial decision is bad news for equipment lessors and will certainly be cited by the Trustee in the EAR Bankruptcy.
Janey v. The Golf Channel (6 pages)
Tom McCurnin is a partner at Barton, Klugman & Oetting
in Los Angeles, California.

Tom McCurnin
Barton, Klugman & Oetting
350 South Grand Ave.
Suite 2200
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Direct Phone: (213) 617-6129
Cell (213) 268-8291
Visit our web site at
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:

“Handling Being Laid Off Before or During the Holiday Season”
Career Crossroad---By Emily Fitzpatrick/RII
Q: I believe our company is going to lay off our division within the next week, right before the holidays! I have been loyal to my employer and am curious to know why they would do this before the holidays.
A: You would be surprised to know that according to the U.S. Department of Labor in 2014 “an average of 55,318 people were laid off or fired each day, including weekends and holidays. Remember, most employees in the United States are “at will” employees and as such can be fired for any reason at any time (research your state labor laws if unsure).
We know the holidays should be a cheerful time spent with family and friends, a time to reflect on our successes of the previous year and a time to create new professional/personal goals for the upcoming year. Being let go does not ring in joy and happiness. So why would your employer, do this?
First, and foremost, do not take it personally a layoff of a division or group is purely a business decision that will affect the bottom line of the organization (however, a firing may be a result of poor personal performance). A majority of companies are on a calendar fiscal year and must meet/achieve year-end numbers; if they have not been met a layoff may occur "…business cycles are focused on results without bias, emotion, nor sentimentality…” Some companies may just want to start 2016 fresh.
There are experts who suggest waiting on layoffs until after the holiday season as the “survivors” may feel guilty and/or lash out. Not only do remaining employees feel bad for those let go, but also may begin focusing on finding employment elsewhere. Some company employees will be angry at the holiday-layoff timing. " … (Waiting until after the holidays) lessens the impact of the termination for employees who are looking for a reason to lash out with litigation, social media attacks, or even acts of workplace violence …"
There may be some positives if you tend to look at a glass half-full, particularly if you receive a severance package and a period of continued benefits:
- The ability to take a good look at your career and where you want to go, a new direction or industry, etc.…
- Year-end is a good time for securing a new position (1) companies are looking to fill vacant spots before the end of the year (2) Companies may be gearing up to develop/build a new division in Q1, etc.…
Emily Fitzpatrick
Sr. Recruiter
Recruiters International, Inc.
Phone: 954-885-9241
Cell: 954-612-0567
Invite me to Connect on LinkedIn
Also follow us on Twitter #RIIINFO
Career Crossroads Previous Columns
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Credit Analyst
Anaheim,CA; Federal Way, WA; Tigard, OR
$150K -$500k equipment leases, financing (recourse/non-recourse lines of credit)
Requires five or more years of credit underwriting.
Work with third party originators, brokers, as well
as clients & vendors of Umpqua Bank
Please click here for more information.
A subsidiary of Umpqua Bank
For information on placing a help wanted ad, please click here:
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.

(Terry retired January 1, 2015. To honor him and his many years of writing for readers of Leasing News, is repeating several of his columns that are still meaningful today. Here is December 12, 2012, the year date has been updated.)
“Business Plans for 2016”
Actually, this should have been finalized by management last month, perhaps even earlier, depending on the size of your company. Perhaps like a football team, the various coaches have their own departments and communication, and report to the head coach who works with the owners of the company if budgets are to be changed.
The question of how much input the staff has had in the final plan is a very important question. Each area of the company from credit to sales must have a goal for next year from faster turnaround to fewer turn downs from unacceptable credits. So goals must reflect the advances necessary to move the company forward beyond just the incentive to make more money!
It should not be the “same old, same old,” as times have changed; automation is here, new selling techniques, processing, accounting, and to realize the internet has changed our industry, too, not just the post office.
This may sound strange but I think you should have everyone sign the business plan to make sure they understand it and are comfortable with it. Then I would set some company monthly goals to review, as the year moves on, being prepared to critically look at your progress and make the necessary changes. If you fail to make the goals everyone will know why. If you make your goals everyone will know why and success is the name of the game.
Setting a proper goal for any department requires something that is a stretch, but not unattainable, after considering the input from that area. On many occasions, in my career, edicts from afar (upper management) were passed down that made me wonder if they were on the same planet because there was no input from the trenches and it appeared that they began with the answer (what profit level they wanted) and decided how much volume it took and how to do it with fewer people or a very tight budget. The GE way is to cut the department, until it is again working well, then cut it again, until it is again working well, and then perhaps one more time or merge it with another department. That might work for GE because they are so large, but the old American Way is not just to work harder, but smarter---often a cliché that goes in one ear and out the other. More people need to take Six Sigma Quality and Credit training.
The three parts to creating a business plan and then compensation programs must start with a discussion about markets and capabilities within those markets with regards to the state of the economy and those markets own predictions of business next year. A review of those industries trade publications would give you some clues. Next a candid review of your success rate with-in those markets. Don’t listen to the hype, look at the numbers. Perhaps chose one or two additional markets to explore, but be careful not to venture to far from the markets that have been your bread and butter. Next always consult the staff about how they can improve the back office operation and incorporate it into you plan.
Sales goals and compensation for completed business must reflect margin, term, and credit quality. The best compensation plan does not change every year, but if it must change to get better it needs to be sold to the sales staff, not dropped on them. Changes need to have a purpose. If there is a better margin in some areas than increase the compensation in that area and decrease compensation in those areas of lower margins. Some markets look good because volume appears to be steady but the transactions may be small and are gumming up the works for larger more profitable transactions.
One good goal for the sales staff is an increase in their average size transaction without a loss in margin. Perhaps you should look at the physical work flow to determine if the distance between job assignments adds or subtracts from the time to move a transaction through the system.
Business plans are an excellent time to review where you are headed. I know this is another cliché, like not only work harder, work smarter---but it is just as true---"If you don’t know where you are going, that is where you will wind up."
Previous #102 Columns:

(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for appraisals and equipment valuations provided by Ed Castagna)

News Briefs---
Key Bank Partners with FinTech Aptexx
Payment & Property Management
Export-Import Bank Is Revived
Legislation resurrects bank after five-month lapse
GE (GE) to Sell Equipment Leasing, Lending Business
in Mexico; Carries ENI of ~$1.1B
Georgia ‘FinTech’ moves to top of job creation push
Payment Systems Top Innovations
Credit Analyst
Anaheim,CA; Federal Way, WA; Tigard, OR
$150K -$500k equipment leases, financing (recourse/non-recourse lines of credit)
Requires five or more years of credit underwriting.
Work with third party originators, brokers, as well
as clients & vendors of Umpqua Bank
Please click here for more information.
A subsidiary of Umpqua Bank

--You May Have Missed It
Chuck Williams, founder of Williams-Sonoma kitchen stores, dies at 100
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer

9 Superfood Swaps for Healthier Meals
Multitasking Foods to Add to Your Meal Plan

Football Poem

The modern spelling of the word "football" is first recorded, when it was used disapprovingly by William Shakespeare. Shakespeare's play King Lear (which was first published in 1608) contains the line: "Nor tripped neither, you base football player" (Act I Scene 4). Shakespeare also mentions the game in “A Comedy of Errors” (Act II Scene 1):
Am I so round with you as you with me,
That like a football you do spurn me thus?
You spurn me hence, and he will spurn me hither:
If I last in this service, you must case me in leather.
("Spurn" literally means to kick away, thus implying that the game involved kicking a ball between players. )
(Of course, football in England is quite different than as played in the USA, but "football" by Shakespeare survives. Editor)

Sports Briefs----
Steph Curry (44 points) carries Warriors past Raptors, to 21-0
For better or worse, Patriots’ loss to Eagles may define their 2015 season
NFL Playoff picture
Raiders Loss to Chiefs 34-20 End Playoff Hopes
Jets Pull Out Victory Over Giants to Keep Playoff Hopes Alive
Blaine Gabbert's 71-yard TD pass lifts 49ers to OT win
Titans snap home losing streak
Rams Report Card: Most units flunk again
NFL Week Scores and Highlights®ion=top-stories-below&WT.nav=top-stories-below
Oregon Ducks returning to San Antonio to play TCU in Alamo Bowl on Jan. 2
(Please Click on Bulletin Board to learn more information)
(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)

California Nuts Briefs---
Major League Soccer eyes 28 teams, opening door for Sacramento

“Gimme that Wine”
Light But High-Quality California Winegrape Harvest
Top 100 from field of 20,000 Unique Wines
Wine pyramid scheme? Customers sue Berkeley
business over failure to deliver wine
Free Mobile Wine Program
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page

This Day in American History
1661 - Under pressure from the British Parliament, the American Colony of Massachusetts suspended its Corporal Punishment Act of 1656, which had imposed harsh penalties on Quakers and other religious Nonconformists.
1787 - In Dover, Delaware, the U.S. Constitution is unanimously ratified by all 30 delegates to the Delaware Constitutional Convention. Less than four months before, the Constitution was signed by 37 of the original 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention meeting in Philadelphia. The Constitution was sent to the states for ratification, and, by the terms of the document, the Constitution would become binding once nine of the former 13 colonies had ratified the document. Delaware led the process, and on June 21, 1788, New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the Constitution, making federal democracy the law of the land. Government under the U.S. Constitution took effect on March 4, 1789.
1787 - Delaware became the "First State" when it was first to ratify the proposed United States Constitution. As a result of their quick action, it was admitted first into the Union. Also known as the Diamond State, Delaware is the smallest of the Southern states and is the second smallest of all 50 states. The state bird of Delaware is the blue hen. Thomas Collins, who was president of Delaware at that time, automatically became the first state governor.
1796 - Electors chose John Adams to be the second President of the United States.
1801 - Abigail Hopper Gibbons (d. 1893) birthday in Philadelphia. She was a U.S. prison reformer and whose New York home was a stop for runaway slaves. Raised in the Quaker tradition of good works, she was instrumental in establishing reforms in women's prisons in New York, personally implemented and aided a number of assistance programs including a home for indigent infants and children. She nursed for 3.5 years during the Civil War and her criticisms and reforms of hospital and surgical conditions earned her the enmity of many Army officers and medical men. Her pre-war anti-slavery campaigns translated into compassionate care for the freed slaves. Her fight for police matrons rather than men guards who often abused and raped women prisoners was one of her most significant campaigns and, at age 91, she was victorious in the creation of a women's reformatory in New York City.
1805 - Having spied the Pacific Ocean for the first time a few weeks earlier, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark cross to the south shore of the Columbia River (near modern-day Portland) and begin building the small fort that would be their winter home.
1808 - James Madison was elected President, succeeding Thomas Jefferson. George Clinton, Republican of New York, was elected Vice-President. The electoral vote was Madison, Democratic-Republican of Virginia, 122; Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, a Federalist of South Carolina, 47; George Clinton, 6. In the Vice-President race, the electoral vote was Clinton, 113; Rufus King, Federalist of New York, 47.
1836 - Martin Van Buren was elected President. The electoral vote was Van Buren, 170; William Henry Harrison, Anti-Masonic candidate, 73; Sen. Hugh L. White of Tennessee, anti-Jacksonian Democrat, 26; Daniel Webster, Massachusetts, Whig candidate, 14; and William P. Mangum of North Carolina, 11. The popular vote was Van Buren, 761,549; Harrison, 549,567; White 145,396; Webster, 41,287. None of the four Vice Presidential candidates received a majority of the electoral votes. The Senate, for the first and only time, had to choose, naming Richard M. Johnson of Kentucky to the office.
1842 - The Philharmonic Society of New York, the first permanent orchestra in the U.S., held its first concert. Despite uncomfortable seating, the event was a huge success. They performed works of Beethoven.
1848 - Henry Dodge of Wisconsin and his son Augustus Caesar Dodge of Iowa were senators at the same session, serving together until February 22, 1855, in the 30th to 33rd Congresses. They had previously served as delegates to the House of Representatives in the 27th and 28th Congresses, from March 4, 1841, to March 3, 1845, prior to the statehood of their territory. Henry Dodge continued to serve in the Senate until March 3, 1857.
1848 - Lt. Lucian Loeser arrived in Washington with 230 ounces [6.5 kg] of gold stuffed into a tea caddy. It was placed on display at the War Department and caused much excitement.
1865 - The Stetson hat is introduced as John Stetson opens a one-man hat factory in Philadelphia. Stetson, the son of a hat maker, had previously attempted to establish himself in the business, but ill health had forced him to travel to Illinois, Missouri, and Colorado. During his travels he had noticed the style of hat favored by westerners and, after a slow start in Philadelphia, he began to design new hats based on the western styles. His business began to expand rapidly. By 1906, he employed 3500 workers and was selling 2,000,000 hats a year. The Stetson hat had a broad brim and its crown was tall, enough to sport ten ornamental braids, known as galloons. It was the mispronunciation of the word galloon, which gave the world the term ten-gallon hat.
1868 - Jesse James gang robbed the bank in Gallatin, MO, killing 1 and taking $700.
1873 - Birthday of American author Willa Cather (d. 1947) at Winchester, VA. Best known for her novels about the development of early 20th century American life, such as “Pioneers” and “My Antonia”. She won a Pulitzer Prize in 1922 for her book “One of Ours”.
1874 - About 70 blacks were killed when they attacked the courthouse at Vicksburg, Miss. The blacks rioted over the intimidation and ejection of a carpetbag sheriff by the whites of Vicksburg. History does not record whether they were born here, thus they are "blacks" to historians.
1885 - The last spike is driven in the first Canadian transcontinental main line at Craigellachie, B.C. in the Eagle Pass. Van Horne makes his famous fifteen-word speech "All I can say is that the work has been well done in every way".
1909 - Bandleader Teddy Hill (d. 1978) was born in Birmingham, AL.
1911 - Singer/trumpet player Louis Prima (d. 1978) birthday, New Orleans.
1916 - Woodrow Wilson was reelected President and Thomas R. Marshall was reelected Vice President. The election was so close that the outcome was uncertain for three days, when it became clear the Wilson had carried California, but by fewer than 4000 votes. The electoral vote was Wilson, 277; Charles Evans Hughes, Republican, candidate, 254. In congressional elections, the Democrats lost three seats in the Senate but maintained a 53-42 majority, with one seat going to a minor party. In the House, the Democrats again narrowed their majority over the Republicans, 216-210, with six seats held by minor parties.
1925 - In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, swimmer Johnny Weissmuller set a world record in the 150-yard freestyle with a time of 1 minute, 25 and 2/5 seconds. Johnny went on to star as “Tarzan, King of the Jungle” in movies, and setting records with women he met.
1926 - The first gas refrigerator to be successfully introduced into the American market was the Electrolux, which was sponsored by the Electrolux Refrigerator Sales Company of Evansville, Illinois. A tiny gas flame and a tiny flow of water in the refrigerator took the place of all moving parts, circulating a liquid refrigerant that was hermetically sealed in rigid steel.
1927 - Ben Pollack records “Waitin' for Katie”, “Memphis Blue.” Boom-chick-a-Boom beat is born.
1931 - Birthday of Bobby Osborne, Leslie County, KY. Musician, mandolin, singer with the duo Osborne Brothers.
1931 - The nation was mired in the depths of the Great Depression. The Committee for Unemployment Relief, formed at President Hoover's command in October 1930, released a report that detailed the depths of the nation's woes. According to the committee, some 4 to 5 million Americans were unemployed. However, the Depression only continued to grow worse, which further swelled the unemployment rolls; by 1932, some 13 million Americans were without jobs.
1934 - Converted Major League baseball player Billy Sunday, at age 72, began a two-week revival at Calvary Baptist Church in NY City. Sunday was an evangelist from 1893 until his death in 1935.
1935 - Severe flooding hit parts of the Houston, TX, area. Eight persons were killed as one hundred city blocks were inundated. Satsuma reported 16.49 inches of rain. The Buffalo and White Oak Bayous crested on the 9th.
1937 - The Boston Red Sox acquired the contract of 19-year-old Ted Williams from the San Diego Padres of the Pacific Coast league.
1939 - Lou Gehrig was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame. The five-year waiting rule was waived after the 'Iron Horse' was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) that would take his life on Jun 2, 1941.
1941 - At 7:55 AM, local time in Hawaii, “a date that will leave in infamy,” nearly 200 Japanese aircraft attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, long considered the US’ “Gibraltar of the Pacific.” The raid, which lasted little more than one hour, left nearly 3,000 Americans dead. Nearly the entire US Pacific Fleet was at anchor there and few ships escaped damage. Several were sunk or disabled, while 200 aircraft on the ground were destroyed. The attack on Pearl Harbor brought about immediate US entry into World War II, a Declaration of War being requested by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and approved by the Congress, December 8, 1941. US Military intelligence had expected the Japanese to attack Luzon and had sent the aircraft carrier Midway in its direction. It escaped being destroyed, but the intelligence of the day, called for the carrier to return as they now expected no attack in Luzon. On December 10, the Japanese invaded Luzon in the Philippines, where Gen. Douglas MacArthur commanded the defending U.S. and Philippine forces. December 11, Germany and Italy, in a pact with the Japanese, declared war against the United States. Misinterpreting the anti-war sentiment in the U.S., they thought we would not want to enter two separate wars, particularly with a decimated U.S. Navy and would leave Asia and Australia for Japan to conquer. They thought American's to be weak and without the will, particularly without the weapons to fight back. [Historical note: One of my Bay Area golfing buddies, as a 19-year old, served as a mate on the USS Pennsylvania, Adm. Kimmel’s flagship that was in dry dock for repairs. Jim mentioned that overnight, the Pennsylvania was moved and another ship moved into its spot. As he was in the crow’s nest at the time of the attack, he saw first-hand the first bombs hit where the Pennsylvania had been a few hours prior. Remarkably, he said, Pennsylvania sustained very little damage in the attack. Ralph Mango]
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1941 - SCOTT, ROBERT R., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy. Born: 13 July 1915, Massillon, Ohio. Accredited to Ohio. Citation: For conspicuous devotion to duty, extraordinary courage and complete disregard of his own life, above and beyond the call of duty, during the attack on the Fleet in Pearl Harbor by Japanese forces on 7 December 1941. The compartment, in the U.S.S. California, in which the air compressor, to which Scott was assigned as his battle station, was flooded as the result of a torpedo hit. The remainder of the personnel evacuated that compartment but Scott refused to leave, saying words to the effect "This is my station and I will stay and give them air as long as the guns are going.''
1941 - *TOMICH, PETER, Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Chief Watertender, U.S. Navy. Born: 3 June 1893, Prolog, Austria. Accredited to: New Jersey. Citation: For distinguished conduct in the line of his profession, and extraordinary courage and disregard of his own safety, during the attack on the Fleet in Pearl Harbor by the Japanese forces on 7 December 1941. Although realizing that the ship was capsizing, as a result of enemy bombing and torpedoing, Tomich remained at his post in the engineering plant of the U.S.S. Utah, until he saw that all boilers were secured and all fire room personnel had left their stations, and by so doing lost his own life.
1941 - *VAN VALKENBURGH, FRANKLIN, Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Captain, U.S. Navy. Born: 5 April 1888, Minneapolis, Minn. Appointed from: Wisconsin. Citation: For conspicuous devotion to duty, extraordinary courage and complete disregard of his own life, during the attack on the Fleet in Pearl Harbor T.H., by Japanese forces on 7 December 1941. As commanding officer of the U.S.S. Arizona, Capt. Van Valkenburgh gallantly fought his ship until the U.S.S. Arizona blew up from magazine explosions and a direct bomb hit on the bridge which resulted in the loss of his life.
1941 - *WARD, JAMES RICHARD, Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy. Born: 10 September 1921, Springfield, Ohio. Entered service at: Springfield, Ohio. Citation: For conspicuous devotion to duty, extraordinary courage and complete disregard of his life, above and beyond the call of duty, during the attack on the Fleet in Pearl Harbor by Japanese forces on 7 December 1941. When it was seen that the U.S.S. Oklahoma was going to capsize and the order was given to abandon ship, Ward remained in a turret holding a flashlight so the remainder of the turret crew could see to escape, thereby sacrificing his own life.
1941 - YOUNG, CASSIN, Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Commander, U.S. Navy. Born: 6 March 1894, Washington, D.C. Appointed from: Wisconsin. Other Navy award: Navy Cross. Citation: For distinguished conduct in action, outstanding heroism and utter disregard of his own safety, above and beyond the call of duty, as commanding officer of the U.S.S. Vestal, during the attack on the Fleet in Pearl Harbor, Territory of Hawaii, by enemy Japanese forces on 7 December 1941. Comdr. Young proceeded to the bridge and later took personal command of the 3-inch antiaircraft gun. When blown overboard by the blast of the forward magazine explosion of the U.S.S. Arizona, to which the U.S.S. Vestal was moored, he swam back to his ship. The entire forward part of the U.S.S. Arizona was a blazing inferno with oil afire on the water between the 2 ships; as a result of several bomb hits, the U.S.S. Vestal was afire in several places, was settling and taking on a list. Despite severe enemy bombing and strafing at the time, and his shocking experience of having been blown overboard, Comdr. Young, with extreme coolness and calmness, moved his ship to an anchorage distant from the U.S.S. Arizona, and subsequently beached the U.S.S. Vestal upon determining that such action was required to save his ship.
1942 - American PT Boats force a Japanese supply convoy to turn back before landing their supplies on Guadalcanal. The convoy is escorted by 7 destroyers led by Captain Sato.
1942 - The U.S. Navy launched the USS New Jersey, the largest battleship ever built. New Jersey was decommissioned for the final time on 8 February 1991, with the ship serving a total of 20 years (the most of the four Iowa -class battleships) in active service. She received nine battle stars for her World War II service, four for her service in the Korean War, two for her service in the Vietnam War, and four for service in Lebanon and the Persian Gulf region. Due to her outstanding service record, New Jersey holds the distinction of being the most decorated battleship in US history. On 15 October 2000 New Jersey arrived at her final resting place on the Camden Waterfront on the Delaware River.
1942 – Singer-songwriter Harry Chapin (d. 1981) was born in Brooklyn. Best known for his folk rock songs including "Taxi", "W*O*L*D”, and the No. 1 hit, "Cat’s in the Cradle”, Chapin was also a dedicated humanitarian who fought to end world hunger. He was a key participant in the creation of the Presidential Commission on World Hunger in 1977. In 1987, Chapin was posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for his humanitarian work. He was killed in an accident on the Long Island Expressway in July, 1981.
1944 - Franklin D. Roosevelt was reelected President, the only person ever to win a fourth term. Harry S. Truman was elected Vice-President. The electoral vote was Roosevelt, 432, Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, Republican, 99. The popular vote was Roosevelt 25,602,504, Dewey 22,006,285. In congressional elections, the Democrats lost two Senate seats but held a 56-38 majority. In the House, they gained 24 seats for a 242-190 edge, with two seats held by minor parties.
1947 – Hall of Fame C Johnny Bench was born in Oklahoma City. Perhaps the best catcher ever, he was a two-time MVP, a 14-time All-Star, a two-time home run champ, and a key player on the Big Red Machine Cincinnati Reds of the 1970s. He won ten Gold Gloves, beginning in his first full season in the Majors. In 1999, he was named to Baseball’s All-Century Team. In 2007, he was named to the Rawlings All-Time Gold Glove Team. He appeared in four World Series, winning two, hitting 5 home runs and slugging over .500. He was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1989.
1952 - Top Hits
“Glow Worm” - The Mills Brothers
“Because You're Mine” - Mario Lanza
“Why Don't You Believe Me” - Joni James
“Back Street Affair” - Webb Pierce
1952 - On CBS Radio, "My Little Margie", starring Gale Storm and Charles Farrell, debuted. The television version of the show began on June 16, 1952. "My Little Margie" lasted 3 years on radio. Storm got her own show, titled "The Gale Storm Show" and recorded several hit songs, including "I Hear You Knocking" and "Ivory Tower" between 1955-1957.
1954 - Marty Robbins becomes the first major artist to cover an Elvis Presley tune when he records the Arthur Crudup composition "That's All Right" for Columbia Records. Robbins' effort will pay off in a Top Ten hit on the Billboard Country chart.
1956 - Birthday of Larry Bird, Hall of Fame basketball player, former coach, born West Baden, In.
1957 - For the first of 6 weeks, Pat Boone was at the top of the pop charts with "April Love". His other number one hits would include "Ain't That a Shame", "I Almost Lost My Mind", "Don't Forbid Me" and "Love Letters in the Sand".
1960 - Top Hits
“Are You Lonesome Tonight?” - Elvis Presley
“Last Date” - Floyd Cramer
“Poetry in Motion” - Johnny Tillotson
“Wings of a Dove” - Ferlin Husky
1963 - "Dominique" by The Singing Nun was the number one record in North America, edging out The Kingsmen's "Louie, Louie". The song would eventually sell over 1.5 million copies and win a Grammy Award for the year's best Gospel song. Her given name was Jeanine Deckers and she would leave the convent in 1967 before taking her final vows, partly to pursue a recording career, but never repeated her earlier success. In 1985, the center for autistic children in Belgium that she helped to found had closed due to lack of funds. In despair over this failure, the 51 year old Deckers and her friend Annie Pescher committed suicide.
1963 - The Beatles appear on a UK show called Juke Box Jury, where host David Jacobs presided over a panel of four celebrities who rendered their judgments on the latest Pop record releases. John, Paul, Ringo and George turned thumbs down on Bobby Vinton's "There, I've Said It Again", which was currently number one in the US. They predicted that Elvis Presley's "Kiss Me Quick" would be a hit, but it stalled at #34 in America the following summer.
1963 - The Murmaids, an L.A. trio consisting of sisters Carol and Terry Fischer along with Sally Gordon, enter the Billboard chart with "Popsicles and Icicles", which will rise to #3.
1964 - Mario Savio, leader of Berkeley Free Speech Movement, was arrested. Univ. of California-Berkeley administration makes a presentation at the Greek Theatre to 18,000 students; followed by strike by 9,000 of the 27,000 students, and a faculty resolution (824 to 115) supporting the rapidly growing Free Speech Movement. I was there with other reporters covering the event.
1964 - The Beach Boys' Brian Wilson suffered a nervous breakdown while on a flight from Los Angeles to Houston. He would stop touring with the group soon after.
1965 - The Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches formally reconciled themselves by reversing a mutual excommunication of each other, dating back (over 900 years!) to July, 1054.
1965 - In a memorandum to President Lyndon B. Johnson, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara states that U.S. troop strength must be substantially augmented "if we are to avoid being defeated there." Cautioning that such deployments would not ensure military success, McNamara said the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong "continue to believe that the war will be a long one, that time is their ally, and their own staying power is superior to ours."
1968 - Top Hits
“Love Child” - Diana Ross & The Supremes
“For Once in My Life” - Stevie Wonder
“I Heard It Through the Grapevine” - Marvin Gaye
“Stand By Your Man” - Tammy Wynette
1968 - The Animals' lead singer, Eric Burdon, announced that the group will officially disband after a December 22 concert at Newcastle City Hall.
1972 - Richard M. Nixon was reelected President in the greatest Republican landslide in history. Spiro T. Agnew was reelected Vice—President. The electoral vote was Nixon, 521; Sen. George S. McGovern, Democrat, 17. The popular vote was Nixon 45,767,218; McGovern 28,352,668. The Democrats picked up two Senate seats for a 57-43 majority. The Republicans gained 13 seats in the House, but the Democrats still led 255-179, with one seat going to an independent.
1973 - The Giants sell future Hall of Fame pitcher Juan Marichal to the Red Sox. The high leg-kicking right-handed Dominican will post a 5-1 record for Boston.
1974 - "Kung Fu Fighting", by Carl Douglas, reached #1 on the pop charts, staying there for two weeks.
1974 - Barry Manilow's first hit, "Mandy" enters the US chart on its way to number one. The song was originally written by Scott English and Richard Kerr as "Brandy", but was changed by Manilow when a group called Looking Glass had a hit with that title six months before.
1976 - Top Hits
“Tonight's the Night (Gonna Be Alright)” - Rod Stewart
“The Rubberband Man” - Spinners
“You Don't Have to Be a Star (To Be in My Show)” - Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis, Jr.
“Good Woman Blues” - Mel Tillis
1976 - Bob Seger's fortunes are about to change when he releases the LP "Night Moves". The record would turn out to be his breakthrough album and took him from being a local Detroit favorite to an internationally known Rock star. "Night Moves" reached #8 on the US album chart and sold over 5 million copies.
1980 - The San Francisco 49ers erase a 35-7 halftime deficit to record the biggest comeback in NFL history, beating the New Orleans Saints 38-35 in overtime on Ray Wersching's 36-yard field goal. QB Joe Montana led the team back with two TD passes and a TD run while the defense shut out the Saints in the second half to force the game to overtime. This remains the largest deficit to be overcome in NFL history.
1982-- Liz Taylor's 7th divorce (Senator John Warner)
1984 - Top Hits
“Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” - Wham!
“Out of Touch” - Daryl Hall & John Oates
“Better Be Good to Me” - Tina Turner
“Your Heart's Not in It” - Janie Fricke
1985 - "Broken Wings" by Mr. Mister topped the charts and stayed there for 2 weeks.
1986 - Basketball coach Pat Riley got his 300th coaching victory when the Los Angeles Lakers downed the Golden State Warriors, 132-100. It only took Pat 416 games to reach the milestone.
1987 - Bruce Springsteen, Paul Simon, and Judy Collins (among others) appear onstage at Carnegie Hall to pay tribute to Harry Chapin, who would have been celebrating his 45th birthday. Chapin also was posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal.
1988 - An outbreak of cold arctic air brought up to 18 inches of snow to the Colorado Rockies, with 14 inches at Boulder, CO, and seven inches at Denver. Heavy snow blanketed New Mexico the following day, with 15 inches reported near Ruidoso.
1991 - "Black or White" becomes Michael Jackson's 12th US number one hit, tying him with The Supremes for the third most, behind The Beatles (20) and Elvis Presley
1996 - "Un-Break My Heart" by Toni Braxton topped the charts and stayed there for 4 weeks.
1999 - Earvin “Magic” Johnson, a star of the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team, announced his retirement because he was infected with the HIV virus that causes AIDS. A professional basketball player for 12 seasons, Johnson admitted to having had many unprotected sexual contacts. Johnson changed his mind and signed a one-year, $14,600,000 contract with the Lakers, but retired again on Nov. 2, 1992.
1999 - Alan Kaufman, SF poet, published his anthology of poetry: "The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry." His book “Jew Boy,” an autobiography, and “the New Generation” have received rave reviews from both readers and professional critics.
2004 - After popularizing the PC in the '80s, IBM sells its PC business to a Chinese company, Lenovo.
2007 – Barry Bonds pleads not guilty to five charges of perjury and obstruction of justice in federal hearings regarding the BALCO investigation.
He was indicted on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice for allegedly lying to the grand jury during the federal government's investigation of BALCO. The perjury charges against Bonds were dropped, but he was convicted of obstruction of justice. This conviction was upheld by an appellate court panel in 2013, but after a rehearing, a larger panel of the court voted 10-1 to overturn his conviction in 2015.
2010 - A judge in the divorce proceedings of LA Dodgers owner Frank McCourt muddied the waters when he invalidated a 2004 marital property agreement that stated the Dodgers were McCourt's sole property. As a result, his former wife Jamie was recognized as half-owner of the team; she is considering selling her share to outside investors. Ultimately, the Dodgers were acquired by Guggenheim Partners.
2011 - Rod Blagojevich, the former Governor of Illinois, was sentenced to 14 years in jail for corruption. Among the charges against him: attempting to generate “contributions” for his nomination of a replacement for the Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama.
2014 - U.S.-Iranian citizen Jason Rezaian, the head of the 'Washington Post' bureau in Iran, was accused of unknown charges and is being held without bail; Iran has denied requests from Switzerland to check on Rezaian's condition on behalf of the U.S.

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