### Flash #########################
Don Myerson in Kauai, Hawaii
"We are evacuating right now. We are in the evacuation zone by about .5 miles. We've got the house prepared and we have food and water in cars and headed to friends in Omao. Hyatt also evacuated. Sirens went off at 6 am.Traffic backed up already. Expected to hit Kauai at 11:30. Got to go!"
"At friends house in Omao. Heavy traffic coming out of Poipu. All hotels on Poipu evacuated.
Will let you know how it plays out."
All Sent from his iPhone
Don Myerson on Kauai Island where he lives six months of the year with his family.
"Looking for high ground to watch the first wave. First hit expected to hit at 11:50 . They are saying it could last up to 6 hours. Beautiful day here on Kauai."
"Currently we're watching live feed from Hilo. Expected to hit there in about 15 minutes. About 40 minutes later here on Kauai. We're looking for a good spot up high to see the shoreline and our house so we can see when it first hits. Will keep you posted. Pray for safety for all involved."
"Looks like the threat was worst then the reality. Tsunami hitting Kauai now but not causing any damage so far. 4-5 foot swells but causing no damage. A few extreme surfers in water. I am sure slot of us in the leasing business can relate. Still waiting it out. I'll check in later."
"Headed home to put the house back together. Enjoy the rest of your weekend"
Tsunami Warning Canceled for Hawaii
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center canceled an alert for Hawaii on Saturday, after waves caused erratic surges in the sea but did not appear to cause significant property damage.
Gerard Fryer, a geophysicist at the center, told The Associated Press that the state had "dodged a bullet" after a major earthquake in Chile a half-day earlier had caused tsunami warnings to be issued for most of the Pacific basin
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/28/us/28warn ing.html?hp
From: Neil Zobler Catalyst Financial Group, Inc. "Financing for a Sustainable Economy" Tel: 203-790-4177 www.catalyst-financial.com
Our son lives in our apartment in Santiago, Chile (we live in Connecticut). The quake was huge...fortunately it hit in the middle of the night so people were not on the highways, bridges and in the elevators. It was impossible to walk during the over 3 minute event. They had over 25 aftershocks, the largest was 6.9 (a major quake by itself). The buildings are built with earthquakes in mind, so the damage, while substantial, could have been much worse.
Our apartment (7th floor) in Las Condes (Eastern section of Santiago) had the inside walls separate from the outside walls. Naturally everything on the walls is now on the floor. My mother-in-law lives about 60 miles south west of Santiago. Half the water from her swimming pool was shaken out of the pool.
The electricity came back fairly quickly. Cell phone service also came back fairly quickly.
There will be a lot of cleaning up to do. Considering the size of the quake, things could have been MUCH WORSE!
#### Flash ###################################
Regular edition follows
Set Yourself Apart and Prosper
Interviewing highly skilled professionals
Motivated by success, rooted in integrity
Exclusive funding sources. Full Med/401(k)
Click Here for more information.
Submit Resume To: smiscovich@stradacapital.com
About the Company:
With over 10 years in business, Strada Capital Corporation exists to provide customized commercial finance solutions through our unique customer-centric approach. Our boutique firm is steadfast in providing personal attention, swift turnaround and extraordinary customer experiences.
Visit us at www.stradacapital.com
Friday, February 26, 2010

Singer/Songwriter/Pianist Antoine Dominique "Fats" Domino born February 26, 1928 New Orleans, Louisiana. "Blueberry Hill," "Ain't that a Shame," "I'm Walkin'," "I Want to Walk you Home," "I'm in Love Again," and my favorite, "When My Dreamboat Comes Home" tied with "Walkin' to New Orleans." Even his "B" sides to his records were hits, "Little School Girl," "La, La." http://www.leoslyrics.com/artists/1767/
Ricky Nelson and Fats Domino: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWfsJx1ycY0&feature=related
and can he play Boogie-Woogie? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcvvUWhckww&feature=related |
Lawsuit between Brican America and PSFS Dismissed
Classified Ads---Sales
Alerts and Flags
"Complaints" Bulletin Board
From the Desk of Michael J. Witt, Esq.
Helping a New Broker
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Free Mobile Wine Program
Recommendations: Lease/Finance Calculators On Line
ELFI MLFI-25 January Less Transaction Submitted
But Higher Credit Approvals
Monthly ELFF Confidence Index Up
Cop Out/A Prophet/Up in the Air
Precious: Based Push by Sapphire/Ponyo
Fernando Croce Movie/DVD Reviews
Lincolnshire, Illinois --Adopt a Dog
News Briefs---
Mortgage rates climb
Madoff Securities ex-operations chief charged in scam
Half of all Twitter messages are not in English
Johnny Cash song iTunes' 10 billionth download
SeaWorld curator says victim's ponytail led to attack
Cash-strapped LA going after unlicensed dogs
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######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
### Press Release ######################
Lawsuit between Brican America and PSFS Dismissed
Miami, FL (PRWEB) February 25, 2010 – The lawsuit between Brican America and NCMIC d/b/a Professional Solutions Financial Services has been dismissed with prejudice.
“We were looking forward to our day in court but are nonetheless pleased that this matter is behind us. We can now get back to the business of serving our customers,” said a spokesperson for Brican. “Although clearing this hurdle is wonderful news, we still have a number of challenges ahead and are working aggressively to navigate them as well as we can in the best interest of our customers.”
The dismissal pertains to Case No.: 09-21192-CIV-Huck/O'Sullivan filed in the US District Court in the Southern District of Florida.
#### Press Release #######################
The lawsuit involved NCMIC Finance Corporation dba Professional Solutions Financial Services (PSFS), Clive, Iowa with a claim against Brican for $38 million involving 1672 leases. It concerned the potential liability regarding a letter provided to lessees regarding an entity making payment, reportedly unknown to PSFS, that might affect the lease in a default situation.
In reading the case, it appears it surrounds the contention that if the payments are not made, the leases will not get paid, and there were no cases presented that the leases in question were in default and more so, in default because of not getting an advertising check, and that now the lender was aware of this clause, thus with prejudice it was dismissed.
The press release above was received Thursday evening too late to contact any of the parties. A summation of the case was presented February 9, 2010 (1)
The stipulation of Dismissal was made on February 22, 2010 (2)
And the Final Order of Dismissal Entered February 24, 2010 (3)
In the meantime, two internet blogs http://www.towniecentral.com/Dentaltown and http://www.cafepharma.com/boards/showthread.php?t=397139 continue with information from professionals not receiving insurance payments to make the lease payments.
Leasing News has also been received emails, such as this one received Thursday evening:
"Hello, I got your contact info from the leasing news website. I am not sure if you have heard the latest on the big Brican debacle but there are 100's of doc's that are victim. We have advertising agreements that aren't being honored and are stuck in these leases. Mine in particular is with De Lage Landen. Do you have any suggestions on what I can do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated."
(name with held)
Leasing News is following up on this information, hopefully to receive statements from the parties involved.
Previous articles:
Summation of case
Stipulation of Dismissal
Final Order of Dismissal-Case Closed
Classified Ads---Sales
Boston, MA
Senior leader in companies of varying size and scope, including start-ups. My current focus is sales, as a leader or as an individual contributor. thomasherlihy33@comcast.net
Cherry Hill, NJ
College grad seeking entry level sales position for equipment leasing and financing in small to mid-size ticket markets. Have 6 months experience in the industry and self-motivated. Contact Matt at 609-280-2178 or
email at mkuzan@gmail.com
Fresno, CA
Aggressive, competitive self-starter w/successful vendor/direct equipment
leasing and asset-based lending experience seeks return to leasing industry
after successful stint in business banking sales.
Email: dsp559@hotmail.com
Resume |
Minneapolis, MN
16 years leasing experience from micro to large ticket market, variety of equipment. Most recently calling on vendor telecom dealers in Upper Midwest.
golfadm@yahoo.com |
Montgomery, AL
Individual with 10 years advertising sales exp. & 7 years insurance sales exp. Wants independent contractor situation in Alabama.
Work with leasing company or broker.334-590-5133
E-mail: billmcneal2003@yahoo.com |
Orange County, CA
In excess of 20+ years sales experience in the lease finance industry.
Looking to work with a direct lender to help increase their profitability!
Philadelphia Metro Area - 30 Years experience Healthcare sales/ management- 3 years experience newly create "small-ticket" healthcare division. Good success - Mitch Utz 215-460-4483
mitutz@msn.com |
Pittsburgh , PA
Aggressive self starter looking for leasing position w/10 plus yrs sales exp., plus banking experience
mwiser500@hotmail.com |
Pittsburgh, PA
Over 25 years of leasing experience including Captive, Dealer, Broker, and Third Party. Multiple equipment types. Seeking a Territory or National Sales position.
vsiegel2@aol.com |
San Francisco Bay Area:
Business Development “Hunter” with transferable book of business in multiple segments: commercial construction, technology, fitness, etc. Years of managerial experience: can also be a “player/coach”.
E-mail: VdrPgmBizDev@aol.com |
Award winning commercial leasing salesman, middle market Georgia , Alabama , Tennessee , and Florida in addition to originating leases nationally. 26 years experience.
Resume |
15 year lease vet looking for plact to take business.great references. all major equipment types. open to compensation. please contact if interested.
E-mail: bankingdallas@yahoo.com |
For a full listing of all “job wanted” ads, please go to:
Other e-Mail Posting Sites:
Alert---Mar Vista Financial, Villa Park, CA |
Louisiana Alert---Up-date |
Lease Police Alert
New Jersey and Louisiana |
Alert--Brican America, Miami, Florida |
Alert---Medical Sale/Leasebacks
"Failure Rate over 60%" |
Sheldon Player---new "Alert"
by Christopher Menkin |
Alert- Churchill Group/Churchill Leasing, Jericho, NY |
Second Alert: Sterling Financial, KS |
Alert: Sterling Financial, Prairie Village, Kansas
Removed from Leasing News Story Credit List |
Alert: NuTrend Toshiba Copier |
2nd Alert Up-date---Quantum Computer and Software 1/21/08 |
Alert—Sheldon Player |
Alert---EFS Enterprises, Scottsdale, Arizona |
Alert--- Today's Destiny, Inc., Max Day, et. al |
Alert------Incorrect Information - 12/28/2004 |
Harold Bishop, Inc. Summerville, Georgia - 11/16/2004 |
Scott Wright Employment Application - 1/16/2004 |
Alert---From US Postal Inspector J. R. Goodman - 06/27/03 |
Brokers Beware - 12/31/02 |
Total Control Trucking, Tucker, GA.
and Cahaba Business Systems, Atlanta, GA - 10/21/02 |
OFC Capital, Rosewell, Georgia - 10/16/02 |
Neytronix, Los Angeles, CA - 09/20/02 |
Hiram Communications - 09/19/02 |
Southeastern Casket/Carpet - 09/03/02 |
Palo Verde Women's Health (Dr. Johannes Ramirez) - 08/09/02 |
Oakland Digital - 08/08/02 |
Bulletin Board
Customer Complaints ( These are postings for informational purposes.
Any response, correction, addition, will be posted. We reserve the right
to edit or delete any opinion that is not in good taste)
2010 |
Ability Capital Solutions (“ACS” formerly “Matrix”) Long Beach, California
Bulletin Board Complaint |
Matrix Business Capital, Long Beach, California
Bulletin Board Complaint |
2009 |
Benchmark Financial Groups, Aliso Viejo, CA
Bulletin Board Complaint |
Benchmark Financial Groups, Aliso Viejo, CA
Bulletin Board Complaint |
Benchmark Financial Groups, Aliso Viejo, CA
Bulletin Board Complaint |
Benchmark Financial Groups, Aliso Viejo, CA
Bulletin Board Complaint |
Churchill Group/Churchill Leasing, Jericho, NY
Bulletin Board Complaint |
Marlin Leasing, Mount Laurel, New Jersey
Bulletin Board Complaint--Up-Date |
IFC Credit, Morton Grove, Illinois
Bulletin Board Complaint--Up-Date |
IFC Credit Corp. dba First Corp
Bulletin Board Complaint--Up-Date |
IFC Credit Corp. dba First Corp.
Bulletin Board Complaint |
IFC Credit, Morton Grove, Illinois
Bulletin Board Complaint |
Benchmark Financial Group, Aliso Viejo, CA
Bulletin Board Complaint |
Benchmark Financial Group, Aliso Viejo , CA
Bulletin Board Complaint |
Enterprising Capital Partners, Inc. dba
Enterprise Leasing, Spokane, Washington
Bulletin Board Complaint |
IFC Credit, Morton Grove, Illinois - Update |
IFC Credit, Morton Grove, Illinois |
American Capital Group, Inc. Irvine, California |
2008 |
Southwest Credit, San Antonio, TX |
Balboa Capital, Irvine, California |
Balboa Capital, Irvine, California |
Balboa Capital, Irvine, California |
Alliance Funding Group, Orange, California |
Omega Capital Partners, Austin, Texas |
2007 |
2006 |
Balboa Capital, Irvine, California
American Equipment Finance, Warren , NJ
2005 |
Ramsgate Leasing Systems, Bergenfield, NJ
Bridge Capital Leasing, Mission Viejo, CA
2004 |
2nd Bulletin Board Complaint --- Phoenix Alliance, Dana point, Ca.
Alert---Harold Bishop, Inc. Summerville, Georgia
Lease *Alliance, Bloonfield Hills, MI. 10/4/2004
Titus Holding, Eureka, Montana 9/21/2004
Phoenix Alliance, Dana Point, Ca 9/16/2004
Union Capital, Irvine, California
Dimension Funding, Irvine, California
Bridge Capital, Lake Forest, California --- Third Bulletin Board Complaint
Bridge Capital, Lake Forest, California---Two Complaints |
Avalon Southwest, Ken Hartley, Dallas Texas
Funding Corp. Dania, Florida 11/11/2003
Abacus Leasing --- 2/10/2003 |
YEAR 2002
Financial Services 12/3/2002
Precom “Rescinds” Acquisition of Saddleback Financial's Assets 8/21/2002
The Funding Tree Stories---also see Bad Boys
Owner: Open Complaint 7/16/2002
Financial, Orange, CA-Salesmen/ Vendors Not Paid 7/3/2002
MSM Capital,
Irvine, California 5/23/02---also see Bad Boys
and Associates/MonitorDaily Complaint 5/20/2002
Flex Lease,
Plano, Texas Complaint 1/10/2002
YEAR 2001
Capital Resume Fraud 11/05/2001
Sales Manager for Saddleback Financial 11/05/2001
Leasing, Ft. Lauderdale,FL 10/08/2001
Alert Telecom Management Washington Communications 7/20/01
Ted Pierce---Colonial
Pacific/GE Lament 7/11/01
Fraud Alert:
Vector Services, Granite Bay, Ca. 7/3/01
U.S. Capital,
Santa Barbara, California 2/14/2001
Lease Capital/Martin
J. Barteske Complaint 1/06/2001 |
YEAR 2000
NAELB Expels
Lease Capital Corporation/Principal Martin J. Barteske 11/16/2000
FMC Leasing
Confirms Gibraltor Financial Complaint 10/05/2000 Gibraltor
Financial Complaint 10/04/2000
Network Purchase Option Problems 7/26/2000
Capital reported by Citation Financial 7/19/2000
Universal Capital
Service 7/5/2000
Finance/Manufacturing 6/12/2000
Group Question 6/1/2000 |
((Please Click on Bulletin Board to learn more information))
(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)

Helping a New Broker
This appeared in a National Association of Equipment Brokers Forum:
“Michael Witt is an attorney, I believe he handles finance documentation for the entire country, but only practices business law for court cases in Iowa & PA. I have a ridiculous situation (My corporation & me personally are being sued for consumer fraud, breach of contract & bait switch for no reason by someone that never actually closed on a loan and I've collected no money whatsoever). Anyway, this attorney has been assisting me (answering questions & trying to resolve with the other attorney), even though he cannot represent me since it is out of his states of licensing and it appears we are on the brink of this being dropped so I do not have to spend 1000's of dollars on an attorney for a lawsuit worth just a few thousand in the first place. I've been targeted by a shyster lawyer and they are trying to pick pocket me through the legal system b/c their customer cannot get a loan.
“I cannot say enough about this guy. As I am just getting started in this business, this guy has shown me so much kindness that I am overwhelmed. The least I can do is share his info and I have no doubt that he will prove to be an excellent option for anyone that retains his services. “
I didn’t expect it. I felt sorry for this person new to the leasing broker business. I identified with him because I went out on my own after working for two large concerns. Here is a guy who cut his teeth in equipment leasing in a large national bank. He finally gets the courage to strike out on his own and start an equipment leasing brokerage business.
The market is tough. You work hard, set up your business, incorporate to protect your personal assets. You’re hungry for business and the economy is down, so you consider any applicant who dials your phone number. A small business 1300 miles away is looking for $5,000-10,000 in financing, and the owner “goggles” the internet and finds you. You appreciate the call, but the only problem is the owner has a sub-500 FICO score. But you accept the project, because again, you’re hungry.
You contact three, then five more funding sources, and they all shoot you down. But you keep trying. You keep thinking, “This client chose me out of the pack. Me.” Finally, after twelve tries, you find a funding source who knows another source that is willing to extend $3,500 to this poor soul with the sub-500 FICO score. The funding source issues a contract, which is signed by your client. You think now you are simply a go-between between the applicant and the funding source. You are happy it came together.
You are really looking forward to the deal closing as it is your first one. You stand to make a commission of maybe $150, which, after 20 hours of work (and more to come), spells something close to the federal minimum wage. But you’re happy. You’ve done a deal.
But it turns out that the funding source was a little too sloppy in its initial due diligence. After issuing the original credit agreement, the funding source discovers other facts about your client that aren’t exactly pristine. The funding source decides that it must change the original terms. A new credit agreement is issued. And – who could have guessed otherwise? – the client is now angry and feels betrayed.
So the client sues you in a state court 1300 miles from your home. The client alleges “bait and switch,” which is fraud. Since it’s a claim of fraud, the client’s attorney sues you personally too, claiming that fraud allows an injured party to pierce the corporate veil and go after the corporation’s owner personally. You contact a litigation attorney in the state in which you were sued, and his rates are $250 per hour and he wants a $2500 retainer to take the case.
And now you are the one who feels angry and betrayed. From you’re perspective, all you did was try to help a person with a terrible credit score obtain a little financing.
You’re now in post-mortem analysis. What should you have done differently? For starters, you should have had a very simple, short, easy-to-understand agreement with your client that should have provided for something like the following. (And note how similar these provisions are to the “hell or high water” provisions found in the typical equipment lease agreement.)
You, the broker, are not related to any funding source that you find on the client’s behalf, and any such funding source is not your agent, and vice-versa;
The terms and conditions of any credit agreement will be established by the funding source, not you;
It is your (the client’s) decision alone as to whether to accept the terms and conditions of a funding source, and you (the client) will not hold us (the broker) liable for any changes to, or any withdrawal of, such terms and conditions offered by any funding source.
If you have any dispute regarding any such terms or conditions, you will assert any complaint against the fund source and not us (the broker).
Readers who have not had this happen to them, should re-look at their agreements with clients, check with your counsel before deciding on the final form and content of your form of agreement with your clients.
This not only includes a clause regarding “advance rentals” but also will not be liable for any changes in terms and conditions by a funder.
Michael Witt was Managing Counsel at Wells Fargo & Co and Senior Vice President and General Counsel of Advanta Leasing Corporation.
He is now in private practice in Iowa.
Michael J. Witt Law Offices
4342 Oakwood Lane
2nd Floor
West Des Moines, IA 50265
Tel: (515) 868-1067
Web: http://www.witt-law.com
Previous Columns:

(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Michael Witt, Esq.)
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Set Yourself Apart and Prosper
Interviewing highly skilled professionals
Motivated by success, rooted in integrity
Exclusive funding sources. Full Med/401(k)
Click Herefor more information.
Submit Resume To: smiscovich@stradacapital.com
About the Company:
With over 10 years in business, Strada Capital Corporation exists to provide customized commercial finance solutions through our unique customer-centric approach. Our boutique firm is steadfast in providing personal attention, swift turnaround and extraordinary customer experiences.
Visit us at www.stradacapital.com
Newport Beach, CA / New York, NY
20 openings CA/4 NY - Min. 1yr exp.
Est. customer/vendor a plus. Base plus
comm. Info@eaglebusinessfinance.com
Eagle Business Finance is a national Leasing company offering brokered and internal funding services from $1,000 to $2,800,000

5 Years+ Small Ticket or Middle Market Exp.
with Established Customer/Vendor relationships.
Remote Office or On Site/ Jobs@TEQlease.com
Attn: Mike Lockwood or Russ Runnalls CLP
TEQlease Provides Customized Equipment
Leasing Solutions For Businesses Nationwide
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
Free Mobile Wine Program

- Find 380,000 professionally tested food and wine pairings (not generated by computer algorithm)
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To get the free Mobile App visit:
On the page above, click on the words iPod or iPhone under the iPhone image to go to the iTunes store for the app. The direct link is:
For BlackBerry, Droid, Nexus One, Nokia, Palm Pre and other smartphones, click on those words under the BlackBerry phone image. The direct link is:
"A native app for BlackBerry will be available in about a month. Please e-mail me if you'd like to be notified when it's launched on App World. (Native apps for other smartphones are in the works ... it's just a matter of time and money :) In the meantime, the section of the site at the link above is designed for smartphones so you can bookmark and use it. If you post a review, please let me know"
Natalie MacLean
Connect with me:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/nataliemaclean
Facebook: http://bit.ly/c90uWZ
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/natalie-maclean/a/364/70b
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/natdecants
Lease/Finance Calculators On Line
Free Lease-vs-Buy Calculator

“Our web-based lease-vs-buy calculator is completely free, provided as a courtesy to the capital equipment leasing community by S.B. Associates, Inc. You can view sophisticated lease-vs-buy analyses right on the web site, or you can print out reports for your customers. You'll appreciate the many sophisticated elements that can reveal the advantages of leasing, such as stepped or skipped rents, alternative minimum tax situations, loss carryforwards, or end of term options.
“We currently offer 5 different lease calculators. In addition to the free lease-vs-buy calculator described above, we offer LeaseMan Express (see below), a lease yield and pricing calculator specifically designed for the needs of the small ticket market and non-tax based leases in the middle market. For tax-based and leveraged leases, we offer the LeaseMan (non-express) version. We also offer two separate calculators specifically designed for consumer vehicle leasing.”
*** * ***
Publish interest tables, also computed the rates into factors, where you
could then compute "retail" rates from "wholesale" rates.
For instance, on 60 months .025 was 18% or 10% add on ( in advance)
and you could then multiply 1.05 ( if you wanted five points) times it and
get the retail rate, the selling rate.
They also have books that had first and last and then with residuals.
A reader asked us for a program that would calculate his commission based on a lease factor. Many founders and equipment leasing companies offer these programs on line, for free. Some allow you to download the program Excel can also do this easily.
Bob Teichman, CLP, sent us the correct formula for HP17BII :
"This is a very difficult formula to copy correctly, whether on paper or on the calculator.
"I use this formula in my pricing classes, and it is very useful as it will solve for any of the leasing variables, given any number of advance payments, including rate factor, cost, term, yield (or rate), and residual. As shown above, the formula is only for leases or loans which are paid monthly and where payments are level. However, the formula could be easily adapted to other payment periods (quarterly, for instance). You would have to use a difference formula, or a program such as T-Value, to calculate skip or step payment structures.
"Thanks for printing the information about on-line calculators. I continually refer people to your list."
Bob Teichman, CLP
Teichman Financial Training
3030 Bridgeway, Suite 213
Sausalito, CA 94965
Tel: 415 331-6445
Fax: 415 331-6451
e-mail: BoTei@aol.com
In the old days we would take the factor and multiply it
by 1.00 with the commission the salesman was seeking. For instance,
.0331 and the salesman wanted five points, multiply 1.05 times .0331
and it would be 034755.
Here are some personal financial portals and calculation
tools we will be adding to the page:
The Motley
CNN Money has also a financial calculator and other tools, and it's advantage, it is designed with currency converters, and may other programs at work all over the world:
are some simple calculators:
a schedule for paying off leases, loans, credit card balances:
Loan Calculator, which works on Palm and other PC programs
of free financial calculator, including stock spread calculator, rent
vs. buy
To reach financial goals:
there is a calculator we have not mentioned on this page, please let
us know as we will share with other readers.
Here is one sent in by reader, Emily Hill emily.hill@inbox.com . She says she uses
it all the time as it "...features over one hundred (by the looks of it) finance-related calculators." www.mortgageloan.com/calculator/
* ***
*** * ***
Rosanne Wilson, CLP, sent in a company that will add a calculator to your web page for a fee.
Rosanne Wilson, CLP
1st Independent Leasing, Inc.
3800 SW Cedar Hills Blvd., Suite 165
Beaverton , OR 97005
(800) 926-0851 or Fax: (503) 626-1631
"It's the Lease We Can Do"
ELFI MLFI-25 January Less Transaction Submitted
But Higher Credit Approvals

click image for larger view
(ELFA MLFI-25 report)
According to the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association Monthly MLFI-25 report, a majority of participant companies reported that fewer transactions were submitted for approval during the month, but there were higher credit approvals (see chart above).
The report noted the downturn in the January new business volume was attributable to a continued decline in customer demand for financing. In addition, the construction and trucking transportation industries continue to lead the underperforming sectors.
Typically the December to January monthly new business numbers dropped 52.1%, while comparing January to the previous year was 24%.

click image for larger view
(ELFA MLFI-25 report)

click image for larger view
(ELFA MLFI-25 report)

click image for larger view
(ELFA MLFI-25 report)
Total headcount for equipment finance companies, according to those surveyed, decreased by almost two percent in the December-January period. Ironically a different trend than reported by the ZRG report.

click image for larger view
(ELFA MLFI-25 report)

(ZRG Group Hiring index chart)
ELFA MLFI-25 Participants
ADP Credit Corporation
Bank of America
Bank of the West
Canon Financial Services
Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation
De Lage Landen Financial Services
Dell Financial Services
Fifth Third Bank
First American Equipment Finance
Hitachi Credit America
HP Financial Services
John Deere Credit Corporation
Key Equipment Finance
Marlin Leasing Corporation
National City Commercial Corp.
RBS Asset Finance
Regions Equipment Finance
Siemens Financial Services
Sesquehanna Commercial Finance, Inc.
US Bancorp
Tygris Vendor Finance
Verizon Capital Corp
Volvo Financial Services
Wells Fargo Equipment Finance
Previous MFLI-25 Reports:
Monthly ELFF Confidence Index Up

(ELFF chart)
The overall Equipment Leasing and Finance Foundation MCI-EFI January Index is 60.6, the highest level since the index was launched in May 2009.
Respondents indicate:
■When asked to assess if their current business conditions would remain the same over the next four months, 42.9 % of executives responding said they believe business conditions will improve over the next four months. Only 2.4% believe conditions will get worse, and the majority, 54.8%, believe business conditions will remain the same over the next four months.
■59.5% of survey respondents believe demand for leases and loans to fund capital expenditures (capex) will "remain the same" over the next four months while 31% indicated there will be an increased demand for leases or loans to fund capex, up from January's index of 20% of CEOs who believed their would be an increase in demand.
From the Small-Ticket Sector
Ken Collins, Susquehanna Commercial Finance,
Pottstown, Pennsylvania
"I feel like we are in the aftermath of a major storm. It will take time to repair the infrastructure, but once the repair work is completed the reset will have taken hold and business will begin to move forward."
From the Middle-Market Sector
Elaine Temple, Hattiesburg, Mississippi
"[I'm] cautious but optimistic, and the worst is over but the economy will still be stalled for a while."
From the Large Ticket Sector
A large ticket MCI-EFI participant (name and company with held):
"At this point, the outlook for the industry in 2010 appears to be just slightly better than 2009. Greater improvement would require a more focused and business-friendly effort from Washington."
Full Report at:
Fernando’s View
By Fernando F. Croce
A double bill of crime stories, one serious (“A Prophet”) and one comic (“Cop Out”), hit theaters this week, while DVD releases (“Up in the Air,” “Precious”) give viewers the chance to catch up with Oscar contenders one week before the big night.

A Prophet (Sony Pictures Classics): An engrossing crime-drama that’s been nominated for the Best Foreign Language Picture Oscar, Jacques Audiard’s epic is an intense ride. Taking place mostly in a French prison, it follows 19-year-old Malik (an arresting performance by Tahar Rahim), a naïve Arab youth who finds himself at the mercy of the other inmates. It takes no time for his vulnerability to give way to rough ambition under the tutelage of an older, paternal crime lord (Niels Arestrup), who takes Malik under his wing and demands that he proves his worth in a series of increasingly harrowing tests. Long, severe and violent, the movie is notable for Audiard’s cinematic passion, impeccably naturalistic performances by Rahim and Arestrup, and brutal insights into the world behind bars. With subtitles.

Cop Out (Warner Bros.): Audiences looking for a decidedly lighter take on cops and robbers should give this buddy comedy a try. Jimmy Monroe (Bruce Willis) is a veteran NYPD officer whose latest assignment strikes a personal note—recovering a rare baseball card that’s been stolen just before he meant to give it as a gift at his daughter’s birthday. To navigate an underworld of goofy thugs and wacky kingpins, Jimmy gets help from his former partner Paul (Tracy Morgan), who’s less than enthused about chasing a memorabilia-obsessed gangster around town. Fans of Kevin Smith will want to check it out to see if the director of “Clerks” and “Chasing Amy” can put his own stamp on this odd-couple action flick.
Netflix tip: Coming out this week on DVD, “Ponyo” is just the latest in a long collection of first-rate animated features by Japanese master Hayao Miyazaki. For entertainment that beguiles kids and parents alike, check out his previous gems: “Kiki’s Delivery Service,” “Princess Mononoke,” and his masterpiece, “Spirited Away.”
New on DVD:

Up in the Air (Paramount Pictures): Jason Reitman (“Juno”) offers another crowd-pleasing, Oscar-nominated comedy-drama in this smooth tale of romance and salvation, which is already gathering talk of Oscar nominations. Dashing as ever, George Clooney plays Ryan, a devout bachelor whose job involves delivering the bad news to downsized corporate employees. He enjoys the perks of his job, until he meets Natalie (Anna Kendrick), a young upstart who threatens his own position, and Alex (Vera Farmiga), the woman who gives him a taste of his own medicine. Will Ryan reconsider his own attitudes, or will he plunge deeper into a life of suave cynicism? Though taking place in the midst of tough economic times, the movie’s spirits remain high and satisfying, making it an unique romantic comedy with a message.

Precious: Based on the novel Push by Sapphire (Lionsgate): Another Oscar contender, Lee Daniels’ adaptation of the popular novel by the poet Sapphire tells a wrenching tale of struggle and salvation. Set in 1987 Harlem, it follows Precious (an acclaimed debut by Gabourey Sibide) is a 16-year-old African American girl dealing with obesity, semi-illiteracy, and an abusive mother (comedian Mo’Nique, in an award-winning serious breakout). Things take a turn toward the hopeful when Precious becomes part of a class for remedial students taught by a kind teacher (Paula Patton), but will her newfound freedom allow her to get away from her past? Not an easy film to sit through, but an inspirational one that also often tempers anguish with humor.

Ponyo (Walt Disney Pictures): Hayao Miyazaki ("Spirited Away") shows once more why he's one of the most revered directors of animated features with this enchanting children's story. Loosely based on Hans Christian Andersen's "The Little Mermaid," it tells an unusual fairy tale about a young goldfish named Ponyo who's determined to leave the deep sea and start life on land as a human. Transformed into a red-haired little girl, Ponyo befriends a 5-year-old boy named Sosuke, but can she hide from her past long enough to find a new home? Putting even Pixar's movies to shame, Miyazaki's colorful and heartfelt fairy tale is for the young and the young at heart. With a voice cast that includes Liam Neeson, Cate Blanchett, Matt Damon and Cloris Leachman.
Lincolnshire, Illinois---Adopt-a-Dog

Pet ID #: D-3961
Breed: Terrier (Unknown Type, Medium) Mix
Size: Med. 26-60 lbs (12-27 kg)
Color: Black - With White
Sex: Female
Age: Puppy
Lucy is:
good with kids
good with dogs
up to date with shots
Lucy's story...
"Lucy is a sweet little freckle-nosed short-legged, long-bodied pup weighing just over 7 pounds, and estimated to be about 10 weeks old. She is smaller and cuter than she looks in her pictures! She is the outgoing one of her litter. She's friendly towards adults, kids, and other dogs. She loves to climb in your lap for a snuggle, then jump out again to play with her toys. If you are looking for a fun-loving companion to raise from baby puppyhood, come meet Lucy!
"Lucy is an unknown mixed breed, just your "basic little black & white dog" -- terrier? spaniel? hound? Because we cannot predict what size, shape or breed she will ultimately grow into as an adult, only those willing to take "pot luck" need apply. Because she is still very much a baby, she MUST go to a home with a stay-at-home person to attend to her potty training, obedience training, socialization and daily exercise."
Lucy's adoption fee of $325 includes: vet exam, flea preventative, DHPP (distemper-parvo combo) vaccination, bordetella vaccination, deworming, microchip and spaying.
Phone: (847) 870-8999
- Let 'em know you saw "Lucy" on Adopt-a-Pet.com!
E-mail: info@adoptapet-il.org
Website: http://www.adoptapet-il.org
Address: PO Box 408
Mt. Prospect , IL
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Adopt a Pet

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Today's Top Event in History
1873--By the year the American bison, also called the buffalo, was almost extinct, even though at the start of the nineteenth century estimates placed the North American bison population as high as 60,000,000. Bison were essential to the way of life of the Indians of the Great Plains, who depended on them for food, clothing, and shelter. The symbiotic relationship of the Indians and the bison threatened neither group. However, with the coming of the railroad, professional buffalo hunters, and the settlement of the West, the situation changed. Bison were slaughtered far beyond any' need for food or hides. Although in 1865 about 10,000,000 bison still roamed the plains, by 1890 only 1000 or so were left.

This Day in American History
1732- Mass was celebrated for the first time at St Joseph's Church , in Philadelphia the only Roman Catholic church built and maintained in the American colonies before the Revolutionary War.
1750-Population estimated the number of white inhabitants of all the colonies to be 1,165,000, and the blacks (who were mostly slaves) to be 260,000, distributed as follows: WHITE. BLACK. Massachusetts .. 207,000 3,000 New Hampshire .. 50,000 3,000 Connecticut .. 133,000 3,500 Rhode Island .. 35,000 4,500 New York .. 85,000 11,000 New Jersey .. 73,000 5,000 Pennsylvania and Delaware .. 195,000 11,000 Maryland .. 104,000 44,000 Virginia .. 168,000 116,000 North Carolina .. 70,000 20,000 South Carolina .. 40,000 40,000 Georgia .. 5,000 2,000 Since the English Revolution in 1688--a period of only sixty-six years--the growth of the colonies in population had been marvelous. New England had increased from 75,000 to 425,000; New York , from 20,000 to 85,000; New Jersey , Pennsylvania , Delaware and Maryland , from 47,000 to 372,000; Virginia , from 50,000 to 168,000; and the Carolinas and Georgia , from 8,000 to 135,000. The assertion of a letter of an "American Farmer" was almost literally true when he wrote: "We are all tillers of the earth from Nova Scotia to West Florida . We are a people of cultivation, scattered over an immense territory; communicating with each other by means of good roads and navigable rivers; united by the silken bands of mild government; all respecting the laws, without dreading their power because they are equitable."
1829- Bavarian immigrant Levi Strauss was born this day in 1829. He created the world's first pair of jeans—Levi's 501 jeans—for California 's gold miners. They were made of sail canvas and rivets were used along with sail making thread. He dyed them blue to hide the marks from the riveting apparatus, plus to make them appear more attractive. The pants style is still popular today, but now in “designer” styles from full boot to slim leg and more.
1846- George C. Stebbins, American Baptist music evangelist, birthday. A composer of over 1,500 songs during his lifetime, Stebbins is still remembered today for writing the melodies to such hymns as: "I've Found a Friend," "Take Time to Be Holy," "Have Thine Own Way, Lord" and "Jesus is Tenderly Calling Thee Home."
1846- William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody birthday at Scott County, Iowa. He claimed to have killed more than 4,000 buffaloes. Subject of many heroic Wild West yarns. Cody became successful as a showman taking his acts across the US and to Europe .
1870- the first pneumatic subway invented by Alfred Ely Beach , known first as the Beacg Pneumatic Underground Railway, was opened to the public in New York City . It consisted of a circular tube nine feet in diameter and the cars, which were well upholstered, carried 222 person s each way. They were propelled by a rotary blower that drove a blast of air through the tunnel against the rear of the car, carrying it along “ like a sailboat before the wind.”
1870 -- Wyatt Outlaw, black leader of Union League in North Carolina , is lynched. Wyatt Outlaw, the Negro police officer who had fired upon the Klansmen at their first appearance in the county, was head of the Union League, an anti-Ku Klux Group in the County. His death had been determined by certain members of one of the Klan orders. A party of them rode into Graham on the night of February 26, 1870, seized Outlaw in his home, and carried him to a tree in the courthouse square. There they hanged him, leaving on his breast the inscription: "Beware, ye guilty, both black and white.” Many blacks were killed by the Klan, and Black homes and property burned/destroyed for the next sixty-five years, into the late 1920's.
1873--By the year the American bison, also called the buffalo, was almost extinct, even though at the start of the nineteenth century estimates placed the North American bison population as high as 60,000,000. Bison were essential to the way of life of the Indians of the Great Plains , who depended on them for food, clothing, and shelter. The symbiotic relationship of the Indians and the bison threatened neither group. However, with the coming of the railroad, professional buffalo hunters, and the settlement of the West, the situation changed. Bison were slaughtered far beyond any' need for food or hides. Although in 1865 about 10,000,000 bison still roamed the plains, by 1890 only 1000 or so were left.
1885-Birthday of 1858, Lavinia Lloyd Dock, nurse, settlement house worker, suffragist. LLD trained as a nurse at Bellevue Hospital, the first American school to follow Florence Nightingale's principles of patient care and nurse self-reliance. LLD nursed during a yellow fever epidemic in Jacksonville, FL, and at the Johnstown, PA flood. She wrote Materia Medical for Nurses (1890), the standard nursing text for a generation. Moved to the Henry Street Settlement house Lillian Wald had created, became a member of Wald's inner circle, and lived there for 20 years. She also wrote A History of Nursing (1907 with Adelaide Nutting which explored the glorious historical past of women's involvement in nursing, until men took over to bring "general contempt" to nurses and "misery" to patients, "until Florence Nightingale came to the rescue." She had to move out of the Henry Street Settlement because of her actions - including arrests - in connection with the radical American Woman's movement.
1887- Grover Cleveland “Pete” Alexander, Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher born at Elba, NE. Alexander won 373 games ( tied for 3rd on all time list) pitching for 20 years with the Philadelphia Phillies, Chicago Cubs and the St. Louis Cardinals. he won 30 or more games three times and won the National League earned run average title five times. In Game Seven of the 1926 World Series with St. Louis ahead, 3-2, he staggered in from the bullpen to strike out the New York Yankees' Tony Lazzeri with the bases loaded and held New York at bay for the last two innings. Ronald Reagan played Alexander in the moving, The Winning Team. Inducted into the Hal of Fame in 1938. Diet at St. Paul , NE , Nov 4.1950.
1905-violinist/producer Bill Russell born, Canton , MO
1907 - The United States Congress raised their pay to $7500, for both House and Senate members. The Cabinet members and the Vice President earned twelve thousand. At that time, the Vice President was paid enough to buy half a dozen houses. The richest man in the world, John D. Rockefeller's oil fortune was, at that time, worth no more than $300 million.
1910 - Parts of Washington State were in the midst of a storm which produced 129 inches of snow at Laconia between the 24th and the 26th, a single storm record for the state. A series of storms, which began on the 23rd, led to a deadly avalanche on the first of March. By late on the 28th, the snow had changed to rain, setting the stage for disaster.
1916- American musician, comedian and actor, Herbert John "Jackie" Gleason was born at Brooklyn , NY . Best known for his role as Ralph Kramden in the long-running television series "The Honeymooners." Died at Fort Lauderdale , FL , June 24, 1987.
1917- first jazz record of history: Original Dixieland Jass Band cuts “Livery Stable Blues, “ One Step, “ NYC
1919- Grand Canyon National Park was established, by an act of Congress, An immense gorge cut through the high plateaus of northwest Arizona by the raging Colorado River and covering 1,218,375 acres, Grand Canyon National Park is considered one of the most spectacular natural phenomena in the worlD.
1919 -the Lafayette National Park was established, later renamed in 1929, the Acadia National Park , the largest East of the Mississippi
1921-Birthday of Betty Hutton, brash actor/singer best known for her role in the movie Annie Get Your Gun (1950).
1925 – Alto Sax player James Moody Birthday
1926-First Black middle-weight boxing champion, Theodore "Georgia Deacon" Flowers. Also known as “Tiger” Flowers. He beats Harry Greb in New York , NY to win the title “ -Middleweight Championship of the World>”
1929- Antoine (Fats) Domino birthday, the New Orleans r'n'b pianist who has sold more than 65-million records, was born in the Louisiana city. He is the biggest-selling '50s rock 'n' roll artist, with the exception of Elvis Presley. By the time he joined trumpeter Dave Bartholomew's band in the 1940's, he had already mastered the classic New Orleans piano style of such performers as Professor Longhair and Amos Milburn. In 1949, Fats Domino had his first million-seller, "The Fat Man." But it wasn't until 1955, with "Ain't That a Shame," that he attracted the white record- buying public. Domino eventually collected 23 gold singles, for such hits as "I'm In Love Again," "Blueberry Hill" and "I'm Walkin'."
1930 - Seven years after Garrett A. Morgan invented traffic lights, the first red and green signal lights were installed on New York 's Manhattan street corners.
1932- country singer Johnny Cash was born in Kingsdale , Arkansas . In 1954, Cash met guitar player Luther Perkins and bass player Marshall Grant. As Johnny Cash and the Tennessee Two, they sold a million copies of "I Walk the Line" on the Sun label in 1956. Cash signed with Columbia in 1958, and two years later drummer W.S. Holland was added to make the Tennessee Three. Cash's string of hits for Columbia have included "Ring of Fire," "A Boy Named Sue" and "Folsom Prison Blues." Johnny Cash's records have always been on the border of rock, and have often crossed over to the pop charts. The marching bass lines which characterize many of Cash's songs influenced the work of Waylon Jennings and others in the outlaw country movement of the 1970's. In 1994, Cash's career was revived with the release of "American Recordings," an album of just the singer and his guitar. It was embraced by everyone from traditional country fans to alternative rockers.
1934 - Federal Communications Commission was created at the order of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, to oversee communication by radio, wire or cable. TV and satellite communication later became part of its charge.
1935—Babe Ruth, Babe Ruth signed a three –year contract with the Boston Braves , after being released by the New York Yankees. He played in only 28 games before retiring in May.
1936- Wallace “Buddy” Werner, skier born at Steamboat Springs, CO. Werner skied on three US Olympic teams and was the first American to break into the sport's top rank by winning important races in Europe . While filming a ski movie, he was overtaken by an avalanche that he attempted to outrace. Died at St. Moritz , Switzerland , April 13, 1964.
1937- Canadian composer, arranger and vibraphonist Hagood Hardy was born in Angola , Indiana . He grew up in Oakville , Ontario and from 1957 to 1961, while studying at the University of Toronto , he had his own jazz group. From 1961 to '67, he performed in the US with such musicians as Gigi Gryce, Herbie Mann, Martin Denny and George Shearing. Hardy returned to Canada in the late '60s, becoming a leading composer of radio and TV jingles. In 1975, his single "The Homecoming," written three years earlier as a Salada Tea commercial, became an international hit. The song won Hardy Juno Awards as best composer and best instrumentalist, and Billboard magazine named him instrumentalist of the year. Hardy died of cancer in Hamilton on January 1st, 1997.
1942 - The Academy Awards were presented, for movies that were shown in theatres during 1941. "How Green Was My Valley" won the award for Best Picture. The star of "Sergeant York", Gary Cooper, took home the Oscar for Best Actor and The Best Actress statue was presented to Joan Fontaine for her performance in "Suspicion". "How Green Was My Valley" garnered Oscars for Best Supporting Actor, Donald Crisp and Best Director, John Ford. Mary Astor was voted Best Supporting Actress for her role in "The Great Lie".
1943-guitarist/harmonica player Bob “the Bear” Hite, born
Torrance , CA Died April 5, 1981. Canned Heat lead singer.
1944- Sue Sophia Dauser, superintendent of the US Navy's Nurse Corp, was the first woman to receive the rank of Captain. On December 14, 1945, she became the first Navy nurse to receive the Distinguished Service Medal. 1942 - The Academy Awards were presented, for movies that were shown in theatres during 1941. "How Green Was My Valley" won the award for Best Picture. The star of "Sergeant York", Gary Cooper, took home the Oscar for Best Actor and The Best Actress statue was presented to Joan Fontaine for her performance in "Suspicion". "How Green Was My Valley" garnered Oscars for Best Supporting Actor, Donald Crisp and Best Director, John Ford. Mary Astor was voted Best Supporting Actress for her role in "The Great Lie".
1945—Top Hits
Accentuate the Positive - Bing Crosby & The Andrews Sisters
I Dream of You - The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra (vocal: Freddy Stewart)
Don't Fence Me In - Bing Crosby & The Andrews Sisters
I'm Losing My Mind Over You - Al Dexter
1945- Wood Herman cuts “Caldonia.”
1947-harmonica player Paul Oscher born, Brooklyn , N
1951 - James Jones' novel, ‘From Here to Eternity,' about military life in Hawaii just before the bombing of Pearl Harbor, was published in New York by Scribners.
1951--INGMAN, EINAR H., JR. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Sergeant (then Cpl.), U.S. Army, Company E, 17th Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Maltari, Korea, 26 February 1951. Entered service at: Tomahawk, Wis. Born: 6 October 1929, Milwaukee, Wis. G.O. No.: 68, 2 August 1951. Citation: Sgt. Ingman, a member of Company E, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy. The 2 leading squads of the assault platoon of his company, while attacking a strongly fortified ridge held by the enemy, were pinned down by withering fire and both squad leaders and several men were wounded. Cpl. Ingman assumed command, reorganized and combined the 2 squads, then moved from 1 position to another, designating fields of fire and giving advice and encouragement to the men. Locating an enemy machine gun position that was raking his men with devastating fire he charged it alone, threw a grenade into the position, and killed the remaining crew with rifle fire. Another enemy machine gun opened fire approximately 15 yards away and inflicted additional casualties to the group and stopped the attack. When Cpl. Ingman charged the second position he was hit by grenade fragments and a hail of fire which seriously wounded him about the face and neck and knocked him to the ground. With incredible courage and stamina, he arose instantly and, using only his rifle, killed the entire gun crew before falling unconscious from his wounds. As a result of the singular action by Cpl. Ingman the defense of the enemy was broken, his squad secured its objective, and more than 100 hostile troops abandoned their weapons and fled in disorganized retreat. Cpl. Ingman's indomitable courage, extraordinary heroism, and superb leadership reflect the highest credit on himself and are in keeping with the esteemed traditions of the infantry and the U.S. Army.
1953—Top Hits
Don't Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes - Perry Como
Till I Waltz Again with You - Teresa Brewer
Keep It a Secret - Jo Stafford
Kaw-Liga - Hank Williams
1954 - Singer/songwriter Michael Bolton (Michael Bolotin) is born in New Haven, Conn.
1955--R&B singer LaVern Baker appeals to the United States Congress in a letter to Michigan Representative Charles Digges Jr., to revise the Copyright Act of 1909. She says that recording artists should be protected against "note-for-note copying" of already recorded R&B tunes and arrangements by white artists and arrangers. Her request was denied.
1955-Billboard reports for the first time since their introduction in 1949, 45 rpm discs are outselling the old standard 78. Another change in the industry is also noted. On some New York City jukeboxes, it now costs ten cents instead of five cents to play a record.
1956--Buddy Holly's first recording session for Decca is held in Nashville.
1957--Singer/guitar player Eddie Van Halen birthday, born Holland.
1960-- David Jenkins of the US won the gold medal men's figure skiing at the VIIth Winter Olympics at Squaw Valley, Ca.
1961 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: ``Pony Time,'' Chubby Checker. A version of the song by the Goodtimers entered the chart the same week as Checker's version, but only reached No. 60.
1961—Top Hits
Pony Time - Chubby Checker
There's a Moon Out Tonight - The Capris
Surrender - Elvis Presley
North to Alaska - Johnny Horton
1962 - In New York City , the Best Play award winner of 1962, "Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mama's Hung You in the Closet and I'm Feeling So Sad" opened for 454 performances.
1965-Nineten year-old Jimmie Lee Jackson was killed by state troopers at a voting rights demonstration in Marion , Alabama . As a result, the Selma-to-Montgomery march was organized and took place a month later -- when Dr. King led 20,000 marchers 50 miles east from the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma , Alabama , to the state capitol in Montgomery . Five months later, President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act, and by year's end, more than 250,000 new black voters were registered
1966-The Beatles' LP "Rubber Soul" rose to #1 on the Billboard Hot 200 chart, becoming the group's seventh US album chart topper. Paul McCartney conceived the album's title after overhearing someone's description of Mick Jagger's singing style as "plastic soul". To date, the album has sold over six million copies in America.
1967--YABES, MAXIMO Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: First Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company A, 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry, 25th Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Phu Hoa Dong, Republic of Vietnam, 26 February 1967. Entered service at: Eugene, Oreg. Born: 29 January 1932, Lodi, Calif. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. 1st Sgt. Yabes distinguished himself with Company A, which was providing security for a land clearing operation. Early in the morning the company suddenly came under intense automatic weapons and mortar fire followed by a battalion sized assault from 3 sides. Penetrating the defensive perimeter the enemy advanced on the company command post bunker. The command post received increasingly heavy fire and was in danger of being overwhelmed. When several enemy grenades landed within the command post, 1st Sgt. Yabes shouted a warning and used his body as a shield to protect others in the bunker. Although painfully wounded by numerous grenade fragments, and despite the vicious enemy fire on the bunker, he remained there to provide covering fire and enable the others in the command group to relocate. When the command group had reached a new position, 1st Sgt. Yabes moved through a withering hail of enemy fire to another bunker 50 meters away. There he secured a grenade launcher from a fallen comrade and fired point blank into the attacking Viet Cong stopping further penetration of the perimeter. Noting 2 wounded men helpless in the fire swept area, he moved them to a safer position where they could be given medical treatment. He resumed his accurate and effective fire killing several enemy soldiers and forcing others to withdraw from the vicinity of the command post. As the battle continued, he observed an enemy machinegun within the perimeter which threatened the whole position. On his own, he dashed across the exposed area, assaulted the machinegun, killed the crew, destroyed the weapon, and fell mortally wounded. 1st Sgt. Yabes' valiant and selfless actions saved the lives of many of his fellow soldiers and inspired his comrades to effectively repel the enemy assault. His indomitable fighting spirit, extraordinary courage and intrepidity at the cost of his life are in the highest military traditions and reflect great credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of his country.
1969—Top Hits
Everyday People - Sly & The Family Stone
Build Me Up Buttercup - The Foundations
Can I Change My Mind - Tyrone Davis
Until My Dreams Come True - Jack Greene
1969 -the "100 hour snowstorm" was in full swing across the Boston area and the rest of New England as well. By the time snow ended on the 28th, Boston recorded 26.3 inches of new snow. Pinkham Notch, New Hampshire was buried under and incredible 77 inches and Long Falls Dam, Maine reported 56 inches. Both Portsmouth, New Hampshire and Portland, Maine set new single storm snowfall records with 33.8 inches and 26.9 inches, respectively. Rockport, Massachusetts measured an impressive 39 inches.
1972 - Harry Nilsson began week #2 at number one with "Without You"; a love song that spent four weeks at the top spot.
1972 -the "Buffalo Creek Disaster" occurred in the Buffalo Creek Hollow of Logan County in West Virginia. A coal slag dam on the middle fork of Buffalo Creek burst sending a 50 foot wall of water down a narrow valley killing 125 people and causing 51 million dollars damage. 3 days of rain atop 6 inches of snow cover prompted the dam break.
1972--Joe Tex's funk record "I Gotcha" enters the Billboard Pop chart and begins its climb to #2. Much the success of the song is rumored to be Tex's slurred delivery of the line "Told you not to play with my affection," which caused many listeners to mistake the last word for one that rhymes with it.
1973-Football player and golfer, Marshall Faulk, born New Orleans, LA.
1975 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: ``Best of My Love,'' Eagles. The song is the group's first No. 1 hit.
1977—Top Hits
New Kid in Town - Eagles
Love Theme from "A Star is Born" (Evergreen) - Barbra Streisand
Fly like an Eagle - Steve Miller
Say You'll Stay Until Tomorrow - Tom Jones
1979 - The sitcom, "Flatbush", first aired on CBS-TV, featuring the exploits of five, recent, high-school graduates living in a middle-class, Italian neighborhood in Brooklyn New York's Flatbush area. *(Joseph Cali/costar) Presto Prestopopulos, taxi driver and one of five street youths recently graduated from high school who lived in the middle-class Italian neighborhood of Flatbush (Brooklyn). Calling themselves the Flatbush Fungos, the gang also included Adrian Zmed as Socks Palmero, a clothing store employee; Sandy Helberg as Figgy Figueroa, a grocery deliveryman; Randy Stumpf as Joey Dee, a plumber's assistant; and Vincent Bufano as Turtle Romero, a restaurant worker. Also featured were Helen Verbit as Mrs. Fortunato, the neighborhood busybody; and Anthony Ponzini as Esposito, a pool hall owner. The ethnic stereotypes the show portrayed offended Brooklyn's Borough president, who demanded the series be taken off the air before it gave Brooklyn a bad name. In 1979, Brooklyn was known as the garden spot of the United States. CBS cancelled the show after 3 episodes.
1983 - Charley Pride's "Why Baby Why", written by George Jones and Darrell Edwards, topped the country music charts. Jones found national fame in the United States with his own version of the song in 1955.
1983 - Michael Jackson's "Thriller" hit #1 in the U.S. The album spent a total of 37 weeks at number one. The tracks: "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'", "Baby Be Mine", "The Girl is Mine" (w/Paul McCartney), "Thriller", "Beat It", "Billie Jean", "Human Nature", "P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)", "The Lady in My Life". At last count (2001), "Thriller" was certified for sales of more than 26 million copies by the Recording Industry Association of America, and was in a tie with the Eagles' "Their Greatest Hits 1971-1974" as the best-selling album of all time.
1984 - The last United States Marines in the multinational peacekeeping force in Lebanon left Beirut.
1985 - Tina Turner wins Grammys for ``What's Love Got to Do with It'' and ``Better Be Good to Me.''
1985—Top Hits
Careless Whisper - Wham! featuring George Michael
Loverboy - Billy Ocean
Can't Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon
Baby's Got Her Blue Jeans On - Mel McDaniel
1985 - Tonight was the night of the seventh highest-rated television music show of the 1980s, when a 23.8 share of the viewers watched "The Grammy Awards". The Best Pop Vocal Performance by a Male award was given to Phil Collins for, "Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)"; Best New Artist for 1984 went to Cindi Lauper, and Best Album of the year award went to Lionel Richie for "Can't Slow Down". Tina Turner was a big winner, taking Best Song, Best Record and Best Pop Vocal Performance by a Female for "What's Love Got to Do with It".
1986- Robert Penn Warren, the first official poet laureate of the United ,was named by the librarian of Congress, and great historian, Daniel J. Boorstin. Warren was born in Guthrie, KY, in 1905 and won three Pulitzer Prizes, two for volumes of Poetry, and one for his 1946 novel, All the King's Men.
1987-The Tower Commission report on the Iran-Contra affair was critical of Pres. Reagan for failing to understand or control the secret attempt to trade arms to Iran for the release of American hostages being held in Lebanon and divert profits from the sale to the Nicaraguan Contras. The commission appointed by the President in Nov. 1986, said Reagan must take responsibility for the policy, which ended in “chaos” and caused the U.S. much embarrassment abroad. Blame was placed also on Donald T. Regan, the White House chief of staff, whom the president replaced with former Senator Howard H. Baker, Jr., on February 27. It also faulted former National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane & his successor Admiral John Poindexter, and CIA Director William Casey. Casey had resigned on 2 February for health reasons; McFarlane attempted suicide on 9 February; and Regan resigned 27 February. In a television address on March 4, the president said he too “ full responsibility, “ but he did not admitting that the plan for dealing with Iran was basically wrong.
1988 - Eight cities in the central and western U.S. reported new record high temperatures for the date, including Lamoni IA with a reading of 67 degrees. Temperatures in North Dakota were as warm as those in Florida.
1989 - An upper level weather disturbance brought snow to parts of the central U.S. which just one day earlier were enjoying temperatures in the 60s. Snowfall totals in Missouri ranged up to nine inches at Rolla.
1990 - Unseasonably cold weather followed in the wake of the winter storm in the northeastern U.S. Ten cities reported record low temperatures for the date, including Syracuse NY with a reading of 10 degrees below zero. Freezing temperatures in southeastern Virginia caused considerable damage to plants and fruit trees. The barometric pressure reading of 30.88 inches at Wilmington NC was February record for that location.
1991 - "Rockline on MTV" premiered with host, Martha Quinn, giving viewers a chance to talk to the stars. The first guest was MC Hammer.
1991- Tim Berners-Lee introduces the Web browser:
Tim Berners-Lee presented an early version of a Web browser to a work group at CERN, the European Particle Physics Laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland, on this day in 1991. He conceived the Web as a way for physicists at different universities around the world to instantaneously share information. Throughout the next year, he modified the architecture, released early Web browsers on the Internet, and solicited feedback and input from Internet programmers. By late 1991 and early 1992, the Web was widely discussed, and in early 1993, when Marc Andreessen released his Mosaic browser (Netscape's precursor), the Web rapidly became a popular communications medium.
1993-World Trade Center Bombing: A 1,210-lb bomb packed in a van exploded in the underground parking garage of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing six people and injuring more than 1,000 (mostly from smoke inhalation). The powerful blast left a crater 200 feet wide and several stories deep. The cost for damage to the building and disruption of business for the 350 companies with offices in the Center exceeded more than $591 million. Fifteen people--the fundamentalist Moslem cleric Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman and fourteen of his followers--were indicted for the bombing. Rahman was given a life sentence and the others received prison terms of up to 240 years each. This is considered the first bombing of the United States by foreign terrorists.
1997- Celine Dion won two Grammy Awards for "Falling Into You" - album of the year and best pop album. At the time, "Falling Into You" had sold more than 21 million copies worldwide.
2009-A 10-minute version of The Beatles' "Revolution 1" leaked onto the internet, giving fans a never-before-heard listen of what the White Album sessions must have been like. Only two copies of the take were made when the song was completed on June 4th, 1968. One copy left the studio with Lennon that day and the other remained behind. It is unclear which copy appears on the bootleg, nor how anyone acquired it.
Winter Poem
Olympic Anthem
Immortal spirit of antiquity,
Father of the true, beautiful and good,
Descend, appear, shed over us thy light
Upon this ground and under this sky
Which has first witnessed thy unperishable fame.
Give life and animation to those noble games!
Throw wreaths of fadeless flowers to the victors
In the race and in strife!
Create in our breasts, hearts of steel!
Shine in a roseate hue and form a vast temple
To which all nations throng to adore thee,
Oh immortal spirit of antiquity.
The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?
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