Credit Analyst
Anaheim,CA; Federal Way, WA; Tigard, OR
$150K -$500k equipment leases, financing (recourse/non-recourse lines of credit)
Requires five or more years of credit underwriting.
Work with third party originators, brokers, as well
as clients & vendors of Umpqua Bank
Please click here for more information.
A subsidiary of Umpqua Bank
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Is Fintech the Next Big Bust?
by Henry Grace
ELFA Letter Regarding SB 197
Seeking Clarification
Confirmed: SB 197 Signed by Governor Brown
Takes Effect January 1, 2016
Leasing Industry Ads---Help Wanted
Ascentium Capital/Financial Pacific
Credit/Collections #102 by Ben Carlile
How to Ace your Performance Review and Earn that Raise – III
Sales Make it Happen by Scott Wheeler, CLFP
Year-End Prospecting
Online Marketing for Social Media
New Concepts to Increase Business
Don’t Know Why—but Off to a Slow Start
Generally by Now We Are Further Ahead
Columbus, Ohio Adopt-a-Dog
Software for Lessors/Brokers
System 1/CapitalStream
News Briefs---
Chart - Top States for Equipment Finance Professionals
Insiderphile: Top 5/Top 50
Export-Import Open for Business Except over $10MM
Needs Full Board, Appointees Held Up in Congress
Banking and Fintech: An Uncommon Partnership
The Banking perception of the Fintech Challenge
Google Gunning for Banks’ Mortgage Business?
Offers Free Mortgage Quote Comparisons
Banks Risk Losing Graduates to Technology Firms,
Deloitte Says
American Financial Technology Awards 2015
─ All the Winners
Fintech makes Investopedia top 10
new financial terms list
OpenFin Open-Sources Market Leading
HTML5 Container Technology
Dropbox Will Shut Down Mailbox In February 2016
And Carousel in March
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (writer's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months (Be Careful of Doing Business)
Leasing News Icon for Android Mobile Device
You May have Missed---
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer
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California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in American History
Daily Puzzle
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######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.

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Is Fintech the Next Big Bust?
by Henry Grace

For some time now I have seen all the new "FinTech" companies coming into the market. This isn't anything new, it has been done before. Unfortunately, most of those original companies are no longer around.
I think it is great that these companies have stepped in to help Small Business get financing, cash or invoice factoring that they so desperately need. Regardless, I see a disaster coming.
Recently, we have been receiving applications from companies that have loans currently with these new companies, both in working capital loans and invoice factoring. The information we receive is alarming.
To give an example: We received an invoice factoring application and started our due diligence. We asked for a payoff from the funder with an accounting of what invoices were open. We also asked the customer for his aging list, invoices, purchase orders and proof of shipping as part of our back-up. This was a disaster waiting to happen. Here's why:
- The invoices that corresponded to the payoff letter did not match the customer's aging. Many of the invoices had already been paid directly to the customer.
- Some of the open invoices did not match. When I asked the customer why his invoices were smaller than the invoices in the payoff letter, I was told "The funder has a minimum of $500 per invoice, so I just input $500 and pay the difference when I get paid." (Unfortunately, he wasn't paying the invoice or the difference.)
- The customer had no proof of shipping the product when invoicing. When I asked about that he said: "I pre-bill so I can get the money to purchase the supplies. I then have them shipped directly." That is a big no-no in invoice factoring.
- No invoice verification!! All of this was done with no invoice verification whatsoever.
Unfortunately, in my opinion, this is not an invoice factoring deal that should be done and one could argue fraud was being committed.
When trying to speak to the funder, they e-mailed us and told us to get all the information we needed from the customer. They never returned a single phone call to discuss the matter.
I can see this happening repeatedly as it seems it really is a numbers game. Put on a bunch of loans knowing that some will go bad, but there will be enough profit in the other deals to keep going. Or the old famous, give good money for bad, scenario (renew past due loans by giving the customer a little more money).
Does any of this sound familiar? Anyone ever see a customer with not just one working capital loan but several?
Henry Grace
US Financial Companies
ELFA Letter Regarding SB 197
Seeking Clarification
Attorney Marshall Goldberg of Glass & Goldberg, ALC, Woodland Hills, California newsletter notes that the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association is seeking clarification of the new amendments to California Finance Lender's License Law prohibiting licensees from paying referral fees to unlicensed person except under very limited circumstances.
"On December 2, 2015, the Equipment Lease and Finance Association submitted a Request for Interpretive Opinion to the California Department of Business Oversight ("DBO"), with a comprehensive set of questions regarding the application of the new amendments to the California Finance Lender's Law limiting compensation for referrals to unlicensed persons, except in very limited situations.
"The letter was drafted by Dennis Brown, Vice President, State Government Relations for ELFA, with the input of a workgroup of attorneys and members of both ELFA and the National Equipment Finance Association ("NEFA"). We will provide the DBO response upon receipt. Please feel free to email me if you would like a copy of the letter to the DBO. For more information on the amendment, see the first blog below."
Dennis Brown provided a copy of the letter for readers of Leasing News:
Letter to Dept. of Business Oversight (5 pages)
To subscribe to Glass & Goldberg Newsletter (has other
information regarding leasing in addition to above),
please go here:
Phone: (818) 888-2220

Confirmed: SB 197 Signed by Governor Brown
Takes Effect January 1, 2016
Why Every Broker Needs to be Licensed
in the State of California
By Tom McCurnin
Leasing News Legal Editor

While SB197 Ostensibly Allows Funders to Pay Unlicensed Brokers,
It Won’t Happen
While I’ve previously written about SB197 and the new “exception” to allow licensed Financial Lenders to pay unlicensed brokers, no funder will ever avail itself of this exception and will probably insist on all brokers, nationally, to obtain California licenses. Sounds extreme, doesn’t it? That’s why I was against SB197, but since it has been foisted on us, let’s focus on complying with the law.
Why Funders Won’t Use the Exception
The exception now embodied in California Financial Code § 22602 (a) allows funders to pay unlicensed brokers only if certain things happen both before and after the loan. Those conditions will be too much for most funders:
• First, the lender must satisfy itself that the borrower is a commercial entity. Normally, this would already accomplished by underwriting, but the Financial Code section goes beyond the obvious andrequires the funder to obtain articles of incorporation, a business license and/or bank account statements showing the deposit of business income. That’s a lot of extra work.
• Second, the funder must satisfy itself that the borrower has the financial wherewithal to repay the loan, again by obtaining financial statements, bank statements or a business plan. Again, that’s a lot of work.
• Third, the funder must notify the borrower that the loan is being brokered by a broker and the funder will be paying a commission, in specific type size. Again, that is not normally done.
• Fourth, the broker cannot take financials, negotiate the deal, or communicate credit decisions. In essence, the broker is merely a referral source. How many brokers want to restrict that activity? None, that I know of.
• Fifth, after the loan is made, the funder must report the commissions paid to the unlicensed lender in its annual report.
So for these reasons, if you are a broker, you should expect your funding source to require you to be licensed.
If the reader is a funder, and services California borrowers and is therefore licensed, you will be violating the law if you pay commissions to an unlicensed broker. None of the above restrictions apply if the funder uses a licensed broker, so the choice is an easy one for funders. To further emphasize compliance, the sanctions are now statutory and can include fines (per violation, up to $25,000), class action suits, cease and desist orders, and of course, outright suspension or revocation of the license. Is there a lender out there that really wants to risk stirring up the California Department of Oversight?
The bottom line is that for funders, insist that your brokers are licensed. For brokers, expect to be required to be licensed, or lose that business.
Tom McCurnin is a partner at Barton, Klugman & Oetting
in Los Angeles, California.

Tom McCurnin
Barton, Klugman & Oetting
350 South Grand Ave.
Suite 2200
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Direct Phone: (213) 617-6129
Cell (213) 268-8291
Visit our web site at
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Credit Analyst
Anaheim,CA; Federal Way, WA; Tigard, OR
$150K -$500k equipment leases, financing (recourse/non-recourse lines of credit)
Requires five or more years of credit underwriting.
Work with third party originators, brokers, as well
as clients & vendors of Umpqua Bank
Please click here for more information.
A subsidiary of Umpqua Bank
For information on placing a help wanted ad, please click here:
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
Credit/Collections #102 by Ben Carlile

How to Ace your Performance Review and Earn that Raise
Part 3
In the previous articles (see below) we looked at Step 1: Keeping a personal Job Journal to record your accomplishments throughout the year, and Step 2: Communicating the value of your accomplishments.
Today’s article is about Step 3: Negotiating your pay raise or promotion based on your accomplishments.
Well, before you start negotiating, do your research! To negotiate well, you must know the market compensation for comparable positions.
Start with external research. Talk to colleagues. See if you can find out the range their firms are paying for employees with similar duties as yours and with similar levels of experience and education. If you have access
to leasing association searches or have a friend who has access, try the 2015 Equipment Leasing and Finance Compensation Survey, the Robert Half 2015 Salary Guide for Accounting & Finance, and the NEFA Compensation Survey.
Use reputable online tools such as those of the Wall Street Journal,, and other national and regional sources. Read between the lines to determine the trends that are affecting compensation.
Remember that compensation varies by location−for example, positions in San Francisco may pay 38% more than the national average due to the stiff competition for candidates and the high cost of living. Compensation also varies for other reasons, such as the size of the company, how well it is performing, and the importance of the equipment finance unit to the firm.
Once you get the lay of the land from external research, try to get some internal numbers from your peers at your company and put them into perspective with what you’ve already learned. Keep organized notes of your findings. You want to walk into your performance review with a formal-looking
Compensation Analysis Summary that you objectively researched and prepared for your negotiations. The sheet will concisely list your title, duties, performance summary, years of experience, and education certificates (if relevant) along with a list the sources and dates of the salary data you have compiled (but don’t list personal names unless you have permission to do so).
Your summary should show a range of compensation depending on the relevant variables. You could create a graph like this:
Your research establishes this range. Where you fit with regard to the range will depend on the value of your performance this year plus the future value you will add going forward. Bolster your negotiating strength by measuring your value in dollar terms. For example, if your above-and-beyond performance saved the firm from losing an important vendor program this year, then the subsequent revenues from that program can be seen as part of the added value associated with your performance.
Don’t bring up compensation during your performance review until after your boss has acknowledged all of your great accomplishments! Here’s how it should go:
Make sure you get some uninterrupted time with your boss to go over the Performance Memo you’ve delivered in advance. Bring your Compensation Analysis Summary as well, along with any documents you may need to support your accomplishments and the range of market compensation. Carry these items in a portfolio with a notepad and a pen.
Begin the discussion by thanking your boss for her/his help this year and, if you’ve enjoyed working with them, please tell her or him so. Then go over the highlights on your Performance Memo−both your performance of stated goals and your important new responsibilities. Either you will hear your boss agree that you’ve performed well or you will have to ask for her/his concurrence.
After your boss agrees with your performance assessment and the value of meeting your goals, let her or him go first in suggesting a salary increase and/or a promotion. If your boss won’t go first, say something like “I know, based on the government’s COLA calculations, that the cost of living adjustment for this year is 2%. That said, let’s talk about my compensation. I’m sure you’ve put some thought into it….What do you have in mind?”
Then, whatever number your boss comes up with, just repeat that number, look disappointed, and don’t say another word for 30 seconds. If your boss remains silent, you can say “I’ve spent some time looking into the current market compensation for this type of position, for professionals with similar levels of experience, working at firms of this size in metro areas like ours….My research shows a range of $A to $B for someone like me. I’m not sure you were aware of that. Considering what we just discussed−my important contributions this year and the ways that I will add more value going forward−I think a fair salary would be in the range of $C to $D.” If your boss looks skeptical, that’s when you present the research from your Compensation Analysis Summary.
Remember to negotiate for more than just a base salary increase. Stock options, vacation time, education reimbursement and performance incentives are all important.
Also remember to bring up your career path. Make sure your goals of career advancement are understood by your boss. And, if you’ve performed well, it’s ok to come across as a bit impatient. Good Luck!
Ace Your Performance Review and Earn Your Raise!
How to Ace your Performance Review and Earn that Raise - II
Ben Carlile
Credit and Collections 102 Previous Articles

(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for appraisals and equipment valuations provided by Ed Castagna)
Sales Make it Happen by Scott Wheeler, CLFP

Year-End Prospecting
December is an excellent time to prospect and lay the groundwork for a strong start to 2016. The strongest originators never slack off on their efforts to develop new end-users and vendors. Less productive originators make excuses that everyone is slowing down toward the end of the year or are less available to speak/meet. However, the best time to gain market share is often when the competition has their guard down and is less proactive in the market. Strong originators take every opportunity to solicit new business.
One of the most gratifying ways to complete a year is to land a new account that has been on your target list for several weeks or even months. Vendors and end-users reward those individuals who are willing to demonstrate their willingness to give 110% percent all year round.
Last minute transactions always appear in December with a sense of urgency to be closed by the end of the year. The originators who are engaged in the market are the ones that find and win these transactions.
Business acquisitions don't stop in December. Historically, activity increases significantly at the end of the year. Therefore, December is a great month to close transactions that have been pending, win transactions away from less competent competitors, and build new relationships with active vendors and end-users.
Be Aggressive

Available Here:
Scott A. Wheeler, CLFP
Wheeler Business Consulting
1314 Marquis Ct.
Fallston, Maryland 21047
Phone: 410 877 0428
Fax: 410 877 8161
Sales Makes it Happen articles:

Online Marketing for Social Media
New Concepts to Increase Business

Samson Media is an expert in content marketing, especially to social media sites. While the company offers other services, its specialty is social media marketing and setup. One of their most popular developments is including a "url" in a message that appears in Facebook or LinkedIn, among others.
The “url” works basically as an advertisement or message within a message. The sender refers to an article or story of interest to a potential customer. In reading the article or story, a pop-up message has either another message, an advertisement, or guide to further information about the original sender. The strategy is different and dependent on the marketing plan.
It avoids all programs that stop pop-ups as the "url" has been accepted by the receiver and is part of the article or message.
Samsonmedia states, "There are two main reasons for Social Media Marketing: the first is to provide information that can be found and consumed by people who have an interest in what you have to say in the places where they consume information. Some people may see your information on Facebook while others may see it on LinkedIn while others may prefer email. Creating and sharing useful content gives your business authority in your niche."
"The second reason for investing in a Social Media Marketing strategy is that it also positively impacts your own Search Engine Optimization because social media activity connected with your website is considered a ranking factor. This basically means that if you compare two similar websites, and one has social media activity and the other does not, the site with social media links and activity going in and out of the site will be more highly ranked in the search engine results than one that does not.
"Never before in marketing history have businesses been so empowered to deliver their own marketing messages directly to the people who want to consume them. Social Media Marketing IS that message!"
The company also offers a "Training Library" at $49 a month for unlimited access:
Gene Sower

Don’t Know Why—but Off to a Slow Start
Generally by Now We Are Further Ahead

Captain Howard Bennett, Chairman and Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Mary Jo Levinger, Kit Menkin, Past Chairman Ken Kelly.
Menkin Awarded Salvation Army "Emeritus Award"
This was the first such award in the San Jose four county districts ever given. A perpetual award in my name is to be awarded for volunteer work contributed. This was given for forty years of service serving as chairman, president, welfare secretary, and a list of accomplishments was read, as Kit Menkin takes a sabbatical from the Army.

I have been involved with the Salvation Army since I first arrived in San Francisco in 1964 with my first job doing press releases and events for the United Bay Area Crusade. I worked up to having two main clients: Youth for Service, teenage kids in Hunters Point, and the Salvation Army.
Before retiring from active social organizations in 2005, I have held several president and regional positions, as well as implementing the four County Santa Clara area division, as well as many programs that continue today. For years, ringing the bell at Christmas time, many locations, and starting a “Speakers Program,” bringing along a “client” from the Adult Rehabilitation Center.
We also were instrumental in Women’s center, although never got one started in San Jose, California; but came close, but my only “failure,” I believe in work for the Army. The officers are very dedicated people, earn very little money, work long hours, and help everyone, regardless of age, race, religion, or sexual orientation (they don’t let “gays” as Army officers, preferring married male and female teams, but then the Army is “old fashion,” although perhaps changing. They are truly dedicated to helping others at disasters, people stranded, homeless, and have many successful program. Definitely behind the times in promoting all the good that they accomplish.

(Please click on Kettle to donate and/or learn more)
Columbus, Ohio Adopt-a-Dog

ID: 30062049
Breed: Beagle/Mix
Age: 7 years 11 months 7 days
Sex: Female
Size: Medium
Color: Black/Brown
Declawed: No
Site: CHA Animal Shelter
Location: Large Dog Room
"Helen was transferred to CHA from a crowded, rural shelter. She came with her son, Hector. Helen is a very sweet, tricolored Beagle. She is small and stout with a very short tail. Helen enjoys a slower pace and loves nothing more than to snuggle in a soft bed. She would make an excellent TV watching, couch companion.
"Helen does enjoy her walks and taking in the smells as do all beagles. She's a little overweight and would be made more comfortable if she could lose a few pounds. A diet and daily walks would be very beneficial for this girl's well-being. Currently she enjoys working off the calories by running after other dogs in the play yard. She's not the fastest Beagle in the world but she likes to try to keep up with the other pups."
If you have any questions about Helen, please email
CHA Animal Shelter
3765 Corporate Drive
Columbus, OH 43231
Phone: 614-891-5280
Adoption Fee: $65
Open Hours:
Monday 12-2 & 6:30-8pm,
Tuesday, 12-2 & 6:30-8pm,
Wednesday 12-2pm,
Thursday 12-2 & 6:30-8pm,
Friday 12-2 & 6:30-8pm,
Saturday and Sunday 1-4pm
Adopt a Pet
Software for Lessors/Brokers
System 1/CapitalStream

Software: Edmonds, WA
Preferred Broker Solutions offers software support (also custom templates & reports) for the System 1 and CapitalStream Advantage products. Ask about our Web Application interface.
(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for investigative
reporting provided by John Kenny)

News Briefs---
Chart - Top States for Equipment Finance Professionals
Export-Import Open for Business Except over $10MM, Needs Full Board, Appointees Held Up in Congress
Banking and Fintech: An Uncommon Partnership
The Banking perception of the Fintech Challenge
Google Gunning for Banks’ Mortgage Business?
Offers Free Mortgage Quote Comparisons
Banks Risk Losing Graduates to Technology Firms
American Financial Technology Awards 2015
Fintech makes Investopedia top 10 new financial terms list
OpenFin Open-Sources Market Leading
HTML5 Container Technology
Dropbox Will Shut Down Mailbox in February 2016
And Carousel In March

--You May Have Missed It
Redskins finally drop offensive name
Daniel Snyder, owner of the NFL Redskins, has announced that the team is dropping “Washington" from the team name, and it will henceforth be simply known as "The Redskins." It was reported that he finds the word 'Washington' imparts a negative image of poor leadership, mismanagement, corruption, cheating, lying, and money got votes, and is not a fitting role-model for young fans of football!
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer

Sparkpeople Dining Out Guide

Football Poem
Hope Is a Tattered Flag
by Carl Sandburg
Hope is a tattered flag and a dream of time.
Hope is a heartspun word, the rainbow, the shadblow in white
The evening star inviolable over the coal mines,
The shimmer of northern lights across a bitter winter night,
The blue hills beyond the smoke of the steel works,
The birds who go on singing to their mates in peace, war, peace,
The ten-cent crocus bulb blooming in a used-car salesroom,
The horseshoe over the door, the luck piece in the pocket,
The kiss and the comforting laugh and resolve—
Hope is an echo, hope ties itself yonder, yonder.
The spring grass showing itself where least expected,
The rolling fluff of white clouds on a changeable sky,
The broadcast of strings from Japan, bells from Moscow,
Of the voice of the prime minister of Sweden carried
Across the sea in behalf of a world family of nations
And children singing chorals of the Christ child
And Bach being broadcast from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
And tall skyscrapers practically empty of tenants
And the hands of strong men groping for handholds
And the Salvation Army singing God loves us….

Sports Briefs----
Patriots need to revise their formula for success
Broncos cut QB Christian Ponder
A new low for the Browns? ---Another Sunday loss
This Sunday they Play 49ers w/former Brown coach as 49er
((Please Click on Bulletin Board to learn more information))
(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)

California Nuts Briefs---
Sonoma’s St. Francis Winery Top Restaurant in America.
Mount Umunhum: Open space district plans eminent domain
to secure public access to scenic peak

“Gimme that Wine”
NVV Wins Certification Mark for Napa Valley
– First of Its Kind in U.S.
Total Wine & More Primed to Open Multiple Stores
in the San Francisco Bay Area
Tis the Season to Spend Money – on Wine
Napa Winery Offers $20K Connoisseurs' Tour
2015 Vintage Earns Raves in Washington
Free Mobile Wine Program
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page

This Day in American History
1561 - Birthday of Sir Edwin Sandys (d. 1629) at Worcestershire, England. English statesman and one of the founders of the Virginia Colony (treasurer, the Virginia Company, 1619-20). He later became a member of the Bermuda Company. Sandys Parish in Bermuda named for him. Encouraged many to go to America. He was also in favor of having the colonies become a self-sufficient republic.
1640 - Hugh Bewitt was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony when he declared himself to be free of original sin.
1775 - British troops lost the Battle of Great Bridge, and left Virginia soon afterward. Tensions heightened in Virginia in Apr, 1775 at about the same time as the Battles of Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts. Lord Dunmore, the royal governor of Virginia Colony had, on arrival in Norfolk, ordered the fortification of the bridge across the Elizabeth River, about 9 miles south of Norfolk in the village of Great Bridge. In response to Dunmore's proclamation, Virginia's assembly ordered its troops to march on Norfolk. They carefully withheld fire until the grenadiers were within 50 yards and then unleashed a torrent of fire on the British column. The British advance dissolved as the Colonials’ musket fire continued; about half of the British force was killed, and many were injured. They spiked their guns and retreated across the bridge. In some 25 minutes, Dunmore's attempt to stop the Patriot buildup near Norfolk had been emphatically turned back. In the following days, Dunmore and his Tory supporters took refuge on ships of the Royal Navy, and Norfolk was occupied by the victorious Colonials.
1783 - Slavery was made illegal this day in Massachusetts by a judicial interpretation of the state constitution of 1780, "…in which the text stating that all men were 'born free and equal'…” was construed as legal nullification of slavery. This year also saw the slave trade outlawed in Maryland. The following year, slavery was abolished in Connecticut and Rhode Island.
1786 - A second great snowstorm in just five days brought another 15 inches of snow to Morristown, NJ, on top of the eight inches which fell on the 7th and 8th, and the 18 inches which fell on the 4th and 5th. The total snowfall for the week was thus 41 inches. New Haven, CT received 17 inches of new snow in the storm. Up to four feet of snow covered the ground in eastern Massachusetts following the storms.
1788 - George Washington sold his race horse, Magnolia, to Colonel Henry Lee. Washington reportedly got 5,000 acres of Kentucky farmland. Lee was in Washington's command and also was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. He was known as “Light Horse Harry.” He wanted the horse to race as this was the great sport of the time. Upon the death of President George Washington, Harry was asked by Congress to deliver a tribute to his beloved general, describing him for posterity:
“First in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen...second to none in the humble and endearing scenes of private life.”
After the death of his idol, Harry's fortunes began to decline rapidly. The support of a family of six, coupled with disastrous land speculation, reduced him to poverty. Then, on January 19, 1807, in the large upstairs room at Stratford where so many Lees had come into the world, Ann gave birth to their fifth son, Robert Edward, named after two of his mother's favorite brothers. As Robert was learning to walk, his father was carried off to debtor's prison in Montross. With characteristic courage, in a 12-by-15 foot prison cell, Harry wrote his “Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States”, still the standard text on that portion of the Revolutionary War. When the book was finished in 1810, the family moved to Alexandria, where a new life on a modest scale was made possible by a legacy from Ann's father. Harry's eldest son, Henry IV, became master of Stratford. "Light Horse Harry's" last years were marred by sorrow and pain. Internal injuries, received when he was beaten by a mob as he defended a friend and freedom of the press in Baltimore, kept him in constant physical pain. He sought relief in the warm climate of the West Indies. When his health continued to decline, Harry attempted to return home, but died on Cumberland Island, Georgia, in the home of the daughter of his former commander, Nathaniel Greene.
1793 - The first daily newspaper in New York City was founded by Noah Webster; “The America Minerva" was published for the first time. How long Webster stayed awake at night to come up with "Minerva" is anyone's guess.
1835 - Inspired by the spirited leadership of Benjamin Rush Milam, the newly created Texan Army takes possession of the city of San Antonio, an important victory for the Republic of Texas in its war for independence from Mexico. After helping the Texas Army capture the city of Goliad, he made an impassioned call for volunteers, asking: "Who will go with old Ben Milam into San Antonio?" Three hundred men did volunteer, and the Texas Army began its attack on San Antonio at dawn on December 5. By December 9, the defending forces of the Mexican army were badly beaten, and the commanding general surrendered the city. Milam, however, was not there to witness the results of his leadership as he was killed instantly by a sniper bullet on December 7. If Milam had survived, he might well have been among the doomed defenders of the Alamo that were wiped out by Santa Ana's troops the following March.
1848 - Birthday of Joe Chandler Harris (d. 1908) at Eatonton, GA. American author, creator of the “Uncle Remus” stories.
1849 - San Francisco's first fire engine arrived from the East. It was known as the Martin Van Buren engine because it has been used to water the lawn of the President's estate in New York. It was not intended for fire use, but had been purchased to pump water from mines.
1861 - Battle of Bird Creek, Indian Territory (High Shoal, Chusto-Talasah), Oklahoma. Indian Union troops hold off Confederate advance, but retreat due to lack of ammunition. Confederates call it a “victory,” and at Chustenahlah, they again pushed back the ill-trained Union Indian troops.
1872 - African-American P.B.S. Pinchback was the Acting Lt. Governor and succeeded after the impeachment of Gov. Henry Clay Warmoth. He took the oath of office, starting the first of 35 days as the Governor of Louisiana.
1886 - Birthday of Clarence Birdseye (d. 1956) at Brooklyn, NY. The American industrialist who developed a way of deep-freezing foods, he was marketing frozen fish in 1925 when he founded Birdseye Seafood Company. He renamed that General Seafood and sold it to Goldman Sachs which later renamed it General Food Corporation which formed The Birds Eye Frozen Food Company.
1888 - Twenty-eight-year-old Herman Hollerith installed his punch calculator machine at the War Department in Washington, D.C. Hollerith had developed his tabulating machine, which read and sorted punched cards, in the hopes that it would be used in the 1890 census. Census officials thought Hollerith's machine seemed promising but needed practical experience, so Hollerith volunteered to use the machine to organize health statistics from city health departments in New York and Baltimore. It was so successful that news of the machine soon spread, and the War Department invited Hollerith to install a tabulating machine there to track statistics. Ultimately, the Census Department did use Hollerith's machine in the 1890 census.
1898 - Birthday of Emmett Kelly (d. 1979) at Sedan KS. American circus clown and entertainer, Kelly was best known for “Weary Willie”, a clown dressed in tattered clothes, with a beard and large nose.
1906 - Birthday of Admiral Grace Murray Hopper (d 1992) at New York, NY. She retired from the Navy at eighty years old, developer of the computer, mother of COBOL, and quite an amazing woman, rising to the highest ranks for a woman at that time, 1983. When she retired from the Navy in 1986, she went to work full time for the Digital Computer Company as a “consultant”. Reportedly, she functioned in much the same capacity she did when she was in the Navy, traveling on lecture tours around the country, speaking at engineering forums, colleges, universities and computer seminars, passing on the message that managers shouldn't be afraid of change. In her opinion, "the most damaging phrase in the language is “We've always done it this way”. While the question on “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” for the top prize was “what insect was the computer bug”, which was the moth. This word was coined by Admiral Hopper and the Navy has a picture of what she discovered. She also is attributed with the phrase, “Computer debugging”. She is said to also have had quite a sense of humor. She was a constant smoker of filter-less Lucky Strike cigarettes. The USS Hopper (DDG 70) is named after her honor.
1907 – The first Christmas Seals were sold, at the Wilmington, DE Post Office.
1911 – “10 faw, 10 faw”. Actor Broderick Crawford, who starred in the early TV cop series “Highway Patrol”, was born in Philadelphia.
1912 – Former House Speaker Thomas “Tip” O’Neill was born in Cambridge, MA.
1916 - Trumpet player Bob Scobey (d. 1963) birthday, Tucumcari, NM.,,490603,00.html?
1916 – Actor Kirk Douglas was born Issur Danielovitch in Amsterdam, NY. As an actor and philanthropist, Douglas has received three Academy Award nominations, an Oscar for Lifetime Achievement, and the Medal of Freedom. As an author, he has written ten novels and memoirs. Currently, he is No. 17 on the American Film Institute's list of the greatest male screen legends of classic Hollywood cinema, and the highest-ranked living person on the list.
1917 - A severe winter storm struck the Ohio Valley and the Great Lakes Region. It produced 25 inches of snow and wind gusts to 78 mph at Buffalo, NY. The storm produced 26 inches of snow at Vevay, IND, with drifts fourteen feet high. By the 16th of the month people could walk across the frozen Ohio River from Vevay into Kentucky.
1918 - Birthday of violinist Joe Thompson, Mebane, NC
1919 - Birthday of Roy deCarava (d. 2009) in Harlem, NYC. He was the first African-American photographer to be awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship.
1922 - Birthday of Redd Foxx, born John Elroy Sanford (d. 1991) at St. Louis, MO. Redd Foxx plied his comedic trade on vaudeville stages, in nightclubs, on television, in films and on record albums. His talents reached a national audience with the TV sitcom “Sanford and Son.” He died after collapsing during a rehearsal for a new TV sitcom, “The Royal Family”.
1923 - Traveling to Chicago for the Major League meetings, Wild Bill Donovan, New Haven Manager, was killed in a train wreck. New Haven president George Weiss had swapped berths with Donovan and escapes with a minor injury. Phil’s owner William F. Baker was also on the train, but he was unhurt.
1925 – 73,000 fans saw Red Grange and the Chicago Bears beat the NY Giants in the first NFL game in NYC.
1926 – 17 year old Benny Goodman’s first recording session, Chicago, playing clarinet with Ben Pollack and His Californians. Victor Records. He had a 16 bars solo of a song called “He’s the Last Word.” Goodman worked hard to raise his family out of abject poverty in Chicago. Sadly, his father was hit by a car and killed on the same day Goodman recorded the solo. His father never came to one of Goodman's shows because he didn't own a suit.
1927 - Birthday of sax player Bennie Green (d. 1977), Leeds, England.
1927 - Red McKenzie-Eddie Condon stage first Chicago-style session, Chicago, Okeh records.
1931 - Baseball owners, fearful of the effects of the Depression, voted to cut rosters from to 23. Both leagues stopped awarding MVP trophies. The National League continued to prohibit uniform numbers. The NL loaned the Phillies $35,000 and loaned Judge Emil Fuchs, owner of the Boston Braves, $20,000 secured by his stock.
1932 - Birthday of trumpet player Donald Byrd (d. 2013), Detroit, MI.
1932 - Birthday of song writer/singer Jesse Hill, New Orleans, LA, Died Sept. 16, 1966.
1934 - Birthday of harmonica player Junior Wells, West Memphis, AR. Died Jan. 15, 1998.,+Junior
1934 – Known as The Sneakers game, the NY Giants defeated the Chicago Bears, 30-13 to win the NFL Championship. The defending champion Bears entered the game undefeated at 13–0, with an 18-game winning streak. A freezing rain the night before the game froze the Polo Grounds field. After Ray Flaherty, a Giants end, made a remark to Giants' head coach Steve Owen suggesting that sneakers would provide better footing on the frozen playing surface, Owen sent Abe Cohen to Manhattan College to get some sneakers. There, Brother Jasper, the athletic director emptied the lockers of the school's basketball team. Cohen arrived in the third quarter with nine pairs of basketball sneakers from the college. The Bears led 10–3 at the half when the Giants switched to the sneakers. A Chicago field goal was the only score in the third quarter, extending the lead to ten points. Early in the fourth, Giants QB Ed Danowski threw a touchdown pass to close the score to 13–10. On the next New York drive, RB Ken Strong scored on a 42-yard touchdown run. Later an 11-yard run by Strong was turned into another touchdown for the Giants, and they scored for a final time on Danowski's 9-yard run, a fourth unanswered touchdown. New York outscored the Bears 27–0 in the second half to win.
1935 – The Downtown Athletic Club, in NYC, awarded its trophy, later renamed the Heisman Trophy, for the first time. The winner was halfback Jay Berwanger of the University of Chicago.
1938 – Birthday of David Houston (d. 1993), Bossier City, LA. He was a Grammy Award-winning singer: “Almost Persuaded” [1966]; “Mountain of Love”, “Livin' in a House Full of Love”, “With One Exception”, “You Mean the World to Me”, “Have a Little Faith”, “Already It's Heaven”, “Baby Baby [I Know You're a Lady]”, “So Many Ways”; actor: “Carnival Rock”, “Cottonpickin' Chickenpickers”.
1938 – Birthday of David “Deacon” Jones (d. 2013), Eatonville, FL. He spent most of his 14-year career as a defensive end with the Fearsome Foursome of the LA Rams. He coined the term ‘sack' of which he was premier at the time; NFL defensive player of the year [1967, 1968]; NFL Hall of Fame, 1980.
1940 - The Chicago Bears won the NFL championship by defeating the Washington Redskins, 73-0, the most one-sided victory in the league's title game.
1941 - The first American bombing mission took place two days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, when B-17 airplanes of the 19th Bombardment Group attacked Japanese ships off the east coast of Vigan, Luzon, Philippines.
1941 – The first fighter plane from the United States to destroy a Japanese airplane in World War II was a Grumman F-50 Wildcat fighter of the Marines, which downed a twin-engine bomber off Wake Island.
1941 - Although having a 3-C draft deferment due to being the sole support of his family, Bob Feller, last year's AL’s leading pitcher with 27 victories for the Indians, becomes the first American athlete to enlist after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The 23-year old Navy recruit has already won 107 major league games. Feller spent a full four years in the Navy and saw combat as Gun Captain aboard USS Alabama in the Pacific. Historians conservatively estimate that the military service cost him at least 100 wins, yet he still complied a 266-162, 3.25 ERA record.
1942 – Birthday of Dick Butkus, Chicago. College and Pro Football Hall of Famer who spent his entire career as the Chicago Bears middle linebacker. He was two-time NFL Defensive Player of the Year, 8-time Pro-Bowl selection, and a member of the NFL 75th Anniversary Team. rates him #10 on the all-time list.
1943 – Birthday of Jim Merritt, Altadena, CA. Major League pitcher: Minnesota Twins [World Series: 1965], Cincinnati Reds [World Series: 1970/all-star: 1970], Texas Rangers) player of the Year [1969, 1970]; actor: “Rich Man, Poor Man”, “Half Nelson”.
Rank and organization: Major General, U.S. Marine Corps, commanding officer of the 1st Marine Division. Place and date: Solomon Islands, 7 August to 9 December 1942. Entered service at: Virginia. Born: 13 March 1887, Charlottesville, Va. Citation: For outstanding and heroic accomplishment above and beyond the call of duty as commanding officer of the 1st Marine Division in operations against enemy Japanese forces in the Solomon Islands during the period 7 August to 9 December 1942. With the adverse factors of weather, terrain, and disease making his task a difficult and hazardous undertaking, and with his command eventually including sea, land, and air forces of Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, Maj. Gen. Vandegrift achieved marked success in commanding the initial landings of the U.S. forces in the Solomon Islands and in their subsequent occupation. His tenacity, courage, and resourcefulness prevailed against a strong, determined, and experienced enemy, and the gallant fighting spirit of the men under his inspiring leadership enabled them to withstand aerial, land, and sea bombardment, to surmount all obstacles, and leave a disorganized and ravaged enemy. This dangerous but vital mission, accomplished at the constant risk of his life, resulted in securing a valuable base for further operations of our forces against the enemy, and its successful completion reflects great credit upon Maj. Gen. Vandegrift, his command, and the U.S. Naval Service.
1943 - Birthday of trumpet player Jimmy Owens, New York City.
1946 - Top Hits
“Ole Buttermilk Sky” - The Kay Kyser Orchestra (vocal: Mike Douglas & The Campus Kids)
“Rumors are Flying” - The Frankie Carle Orchestra (vocal: Marjorie Hughes)
“The Old Lamplighter” - The Sammy Kaye Orchestra (vocal: Billy Williams)
“Divorce Me C.O.D.” - Merle Travis
1946 – The Subsequent Nuremberg Trials began with the "Doctors’ Trials", prosecuting physicians and officers alleged to be involved in Nazi human experimentation and mass murder under the guise of euthanasia.
1949 – The All-American Football Conference folded. Of those teams, the San Francisco 49ers, Cleveland Browns, and Baltimore Colts were merged into the NFL.
1950 – Harry Gold was sentenced to 30 years in jail for helping Klaus Fuchs pass information about the Manhattan Project to the Soviet Union. His testimony was later instrumental in the prosecution of the Rosenbergs.
1953 - Frank Sinatra recorded "Young At Heart". The song was turned down by Nat ‘King' Cole and other artists, believe it or not. It became a top hit in the U.S. in March of 1954.
1953 – General Electric announced that all communist employees will be discharged from the company.
1954 - Top Hits
“Mr. Sandman” - The Chordettes
“Count Your Blessings” - Eddie Fisher
“Dim Dim the Lights (I Want Some Atmosphere)” - Bill Haley & His Comets
“More and More” - Webb Pierce
1956 - The Million Dollar Session was held at Sun Records in Memphis, TN. Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis gathered for an impromptu jam session. Six songs by the artists were recorded at this session. None of the songs was released for nearly three decades.
1957 – Singer Donny Osmond was born in Ogden, UT.
1958 - In Indianapolis, retired Boston candy manufacturer Robert H.W. Welch, Jr., establishes the John Birch Society, a right-wing organization dedicated to fighting what it perceives to be the extensive infiltration of communism into American society. Welch named the society in honor of John Birch, considered by many to be the first American casualty in the struggle against communism. In 1945, Birch, a Baptist missionary and U.S. Army intelligence specialist, was killed by Chinese communists in the northern province of Anhwei. The John Birch Society, initially founded with only 11 members had, by the early 1960s, grown to a membership of nearly 100,000 Americans and received annual private contributions of several million dollars. In the early days of formation, Ronald Reagan came to several meetings in the Pacific Palisades (he was never listed as a member). As a teenager, I parked the cars for one of my neighbors who held the meetings. The John Birch Society remains active today, and its members seek "to expose a semi-secret international cabal whose members sit in the highest places of influence and power worldwide."
1960 - Sperry Rand Corporation of St. Paul, MN unveiled a new computer, known as Univac 1107. The electronic wizard employed what was known as thin-film memory.
1961 - The Tokens' "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" tops the Cashbox Magazine Best Sellers Chart for the first of a four week run.
1961 – Nazi SS Col. Adolph Eichmann was found guilty of war crimes in Israel. After Germany's defeat in 1945, Eichmann fled to Austria. He lived there until 1950, when he moved to Argentina using false papers. Information collected by the Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency, confirmed Eichmann's location in 1960. A team of Mossad and Shin Bet agents captured Eichmann and brought him to Israel to stand trial on 15 criminal charges, including war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against the Jewish people. Found guilty on many of these charges, he was sentenced to death by hanging and was executed on 1 June 1962.
1962 - Top Hits
“Big Girls Don't Cry” - The 4 Seasons
“Return to Sender” - Elvis Presley
“Bobby's Girl” - Marcie Blane
“Don't Let Me Cross Over” - Carl Butler & Pearl (Dee Jones)
1962 - Arizona's Petrified Forest National Monument was established as a national park.
1963 - The first Supremes album, "Meet The Supremes", is released by Motown Records. The LP contained their first US Top 40 hit, "When The Lovelight Starts Shining Through His Eyes".
1965 - "A Charlie Brown Christmas" premieres
1965 – In one of the most famous trades in Major League history, the Cincinnati Reds traded Frank Robinson to the Baltimore Orioles for pitchers Milt Pappas and Jack Baldscun and OF Dick Simpson. The Reds' GM Bill DeWitt defended the trade by labeling Robinson "an old 30," a concept that Robinson quickly proved wrong. He responded by winning the AL Triple Crown, the AL MVP and World Series MVP, as the O’s swept the Dodgers of Koufax and Drysdale. He spent six years with the Orioles, hitting over .300 four times and continuing to hit home runs. The Orioles, during those six years, finished in first place four times and won the World Series twice. On Mother's Day 1966, Robinson became the only player who ever would hit a ball out of Memorial Stadium. He is the only player to win the MVP in both leagues. When he retired, his 586 career HRs ranked him fourth all-time behind Ruth, Aaron, and Mays. Washed up, indeed!
1965 - While giving a speech in Columbia, MO, Branch Rickey collapsed and died a few days short of his 84th birthday.
1965 - An article in the New York Times asserts that the U.S. bombing campaign has neither destabilized North Vietnam's economy nor appreciably reduced the flow of its forces into South Vietnam. These observations were strikingly similar to an earlier Defense Intelligence Agency analysis, which concluded that "the idea that destroying, or threatening to destroy, North Vietnam's industry would pressure Hanoi into calling it quits seems, in retrospect, a colossal misjudgment." President Johnson called for more ground troops to be deployed to South Vietnam.
1970 - Top Hits
“I Think I Love You” - The Partridge Family
“The Tears of a Clown” - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
“Gypsy Woman” - Brian Hyland
“Endlessly” - Sonny James
1972 - The Moody Blues hit number one on the US album charts for the first time with "Seventh Sojourn". It will be their last album of new material for more than five years as the group's members split to record and to tour as solo artists.
1972 - Elton John's "Crocodile Rock" is released. It would become his fourth US Top Ten hit and first number one single.
1975 - President Gerald Ford signs $2.3 B loan-authorization for New York City. He had originally opposed the aid to the city, but due to the political pressure, agreed for a federal loan to some $2,300,000,000 annually, to help the city avoid bankruptcy. The fiscal crisis had begun when securities markets declined to buy New York City notes.
1978 - Top Hits
“Le Freak” - Chic
“I Just Wanna Stop” - Gino Vanelli
“I Love the Nightlife” (“Disco 'Round”) - Alicia Bridges
“On My Knees” - Charlie Rich with Janie Fricke
1978 - John Belushi and Dan Ackroyd's version of Sam & Dave's "Soul Man" is released under the name, "The Blues Brothers."
1978 - "Le Freak" by Chic topped the charts and stayed there for 6 weeks.
1979 - The eradication of the smallpox virus was certified, making smallpox the first and, to date, only human disease driven to extinction.
1980 - 61ºF in Boston at 1 AM
1984 - Walter Payton of the Chicago Bears got another first as he ran six plays as quarterback. He was intercepted twice, but ran the ball himself on four carries. It didn't help. The Green Bay Packers won, 20-14. Payton said after the game, “It was okay, but I wouldn't want to do it for a living.”
1984 - Los Angeles Rams running back Eric Dickerson rushes for 215 yards in a 27-16 victory over Houston to top O.J. Simpson's single-season mark of 2,003 yards rushing. Dickerson finishes the year with 2,105 yards.
1984 - Michael Jackson announces that at the end of the current Jackson's tour, he will launch a solo career and no longer perform with his brothers.
1986 - Top Hits
“The Next Time I Fall” - Peter Cetera with Amy Grant
“Hip to Be Square” - Huey Lewis & The News
“The Way It Is” - Bruce Hornsby & The Range
“It Ain't Cool to Be Crazy About You” - George Strait
1987 - The fifth storm in nine days kept the northwestern U.S. wet and windy. Winds along the coast of Washington gusted to 75 mph at Oceans Shores and at Hoquiam, and the northern and central coastal mountains of Oregon were drenched with three inches of rain in ten hours, flooding some rivers. Snowfall totals in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State ranged up to 36 inches in the Methow Valley. High winds in Oregon blew a tree onto a moving automobile killing three persons and injuring two others at Mill City
1987 - Ron Hextall of the Philadelphia Flyers became the first goalie in NHL history to shoot the puck into the opposition team's net in a 5-2 victory over the Boston Bruins.
1988 - A winter storm blanketed the Southern and Central Appalachians with up to ten inches of snow. Arctic air invaded the north central U.S. bringing subzero cold to Minnesota and North Dakota.
1989 - "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel topped the charts and stayed there for 4 weeks.
1995 - The Beatles' "Anthology 1" was #1 in the U.S. The double CD contained 60 Beatles songs and was their sixteenth number-one album. It also set a record for the longest time span for a run of number-one albums: 31 years and 10 months between "Meet the Beatles" and "Anthology 1.”
2000 – In the continuing saga of who won the 2000 Presidential election, the Supreme Court halted the Florida vote recount. Eventually, Republican George W. Bush was declared the winner.
2002 - Pat Boone returned to Billboard's Hot 100 after a 40 year absence. His new song, "Under God", was written in response to a lawsuit filed in San Francisco by an agnostic who claimed his daughter's constitutional rights were violated by having to say the words "under God" when her school recites the Pledge of Allegiance. The record briefly rose to number 25, ahead of songs by the likes of Jennifer Lopez and Jay-Z. Boone's last Top 40 hit was "Speedy Gonzalez", which made it to number 6 in 1962.
2002 - United Airlines filed the then-biggest bankruptcy in aviation history after losing $4 billion in the previous two years.
2014 - The NASA Mars rover Curiosity has returned images from the red planet's Gale Crater showing evidence of sediment deposits, suggesting that lakes and rivers potentially existed across the planet millions of years ago.
2014 - The Senate Intelligence Committee released its report on CIA interrogation methods after 9/11. The report found that the CIA hid many of its actions from Congress and former President George W. Bush and claims that little useful intelligence resulted.

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