Monday, December 21, 2015
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Contributors at press time: Bruce Cady, Brian Carey, Ed Castagna, Richard Cohen, Don and Bonnie Dulmage, Randy Haug, Sheri Kluga, Bruce Kropschot, Allan Levine, Bruce Lurie, Barry Marks, Esq., Robert Misheloff, Dean Morrison, Gerald Oestreich, Klaus Pache (in honor of Yvonne Pache), Portfolio Financial Services Company, Tim Rahmanian, Dean Rubin, Susan Robert, Jeff Rudin, David Silverman, Robert VanHellemont, VFI Corporate Finance, Barbara Walker, Rick Wilbur, Rosanne Wilson
Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Position Wanted---Risk Management
Seeking New Opportunities
Top Stories December 14-December 18
(Opened Most by Readers)
ELFA Continues Down Report of New Business
November MLFI-25 Report Down 21% from October
Great News! Section 179 Signed into Law
Applies to 2015, if Delivered this Year
“California Sucks for Merchant Advance”
Response to Editor Sean Murray,
By Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal Editor
Navitas Lease Corp. CA Lenders License Policy
Issues Policy to All Third Party Originators
Each Year Poet Barry Marks, also an Attorney,
Writes a Christmas Poem for Leasing News Readers
“For a better economy in 2-0-1-6”
Leasing Industry Ads---Help Wanted
Now Hiring
“Why I left my previous employer…”
Career Crossroad---By Emily Fitzpatrick/RII
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLFP
“Community Banks”
Foundation Launches Equipment Finance Department
with Appointment of Senior Vice President Mike Mayfield
Dave Gilbert Sponsors his Alma Mater Holiday Bowl
“Go Trojans!" He Shouts
For Christmas: Trading Places/Gremlins
National Lampoon's Xmas Vacation, Eyes Wide Shut/'R Xmas
Special Christmas Edition by Fernando Croce
American Bulldog/Boxer
San Diego, California Adopt-a-Dog
News Briefs---
Free State UCC Searches
Compliments of
Merchant Cash Advance Leads/Merchant Leads
Compliments of
Japanese Financial Institutions Partner w/Technology Startups
To Utilize the Blockchain
Amazon is to lease a fleet of 767 jet planes to control
its overseas shipping operation
Hospitality and Gambling Interests Delay Closing
of Billion-Dollar Tax Loophole
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (writer's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months (Be Careful of Doing Business)
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You May have Missed---
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer
Sports Briefs---
California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in American History
Daily Puzzle
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Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.

Please send to a colleague and ask them to subscribe.
Position Wanted---Risk Management
Seeking New Opportunities

Each Week Leasing News is pleased, as a service to its readership, to offer completely free ads placed by candidates for jobs in the industry. These ads also can be accessed directly on the website at:
Each ad is limited to (100) words and ads repeat for up to 6 months unless the candidate tells us to stop. Your submissions should be received here by the end of each week.
Please encourage friends and colleagues to take advantage of this service, including recent graduates and others interested in leasing and related careers.
Risk Management
(Chicago Based) Highly knowledgeable and analytical Equipment Leasing Executive; leveraging 25 years in Portfolio Management, Operations, Credit, and Collections within Banking environment and Commercial Equipment Leasing Industry; proven track record, developing/implementing strategies, sound operational excellence and process improvement, while maximizing revenues and positioning organizations for greater success.
Top Stories December 14-December 18
(Opened Most by Readers)

(1) Apology to Financial Pacific
Should have been FinTech
(2) New Hires---Promotions in the Leasing Business
and Related Industries
(3) New FinTech Association Hires Executive Director
12 Years Washington Public Policy Experience
(4) Chart---Federal Interest Rate on Consumer Credit
Mortgages, Auto Loans, and Credit Cards
(5) FinTech #102 by Charles Anderson
Stacking of Loans/Cash Advance
(6) “Been out of leasing, but want back in.”
Career Crossroad---By Emily Fitzpatrick/RII
(7) California Concerned about Financial Technology Practices
Wants Survey of Alternate Financing Companies
(8) Many in Industry Taking Off for the Holidays
Including Theresa Kabot, CLFP, BPB
(9) Letters? ---We get Email!
(Lot of Answers to SB 197 and More)
(10) Watson joins Rick Wilbur Family
in Paradise Valley, Arizona

ELFA Continues Down Report of New Business
November MLFI-25 Report Down 21% from October

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association MFLI-25 November report was $6.1 billion in new loans, leases, and lines of credit, according to Reuters, which would be 20.77% down from October.
The trend was against Leasing News Lessors, as reported for October.
US Business Did Not Fall for These Lessors
Despite the ELFA October MLFI-25 Report

Great News! Section 179 Signed into Law
Applies to 2015, if Delivered this Year

Under current legislation, the bonus depreciation is extended through 2019. This allows businesses to apply a 50 percent bonus depreciation to any equipment bought during and delivered this fiscal year. This applies to capital leases and can also be passed in TRAC and specific operating leases by the lessor.
For example, 50 percent of any equipment delivered on or before Dec. 31, 2015, can be depreciated on a company’s 2015 taxes, with the rest depreciated over the remaining useful life of the equipment.
The current bill allows the full 50% for property placed in service during 2015, 2016 and 2017, then phases down to 40 percent in 2018 and 30 percent in 2019, according to an analysis by John McClelland with the American Rental Association (ARA).
There’s better news on the Section 179 front. The Section 179 cap, which was reduced to $25,000 for fiscal 2015, not only went back up to the $500,000 cap in effect from 2010 to 2014.
Section 179 will be permanent at the $500,000 level. Businesses exceeding a total of $2 million of purchases in qualifying equipment will have the Section 179 deduction phase-out dollar-for-dollar and completely eliminated above $2.5 million. Additionally, the Section 179 cap will be indexed to inflation in $10,000 increments in future years.
This section of the tax code, according to the website, allows businesses to deduct from its gross income the full purchase price of qualifying equipment bought during a tax year, instead of depreciating it over time. If you exceed a total of $2 million in annual qualifying equipment purchases, there’s a dollar-for-dollar phase out of the depreciation until it’s completely eliminated above the $2.5 million level.
Here is a summary from the Congressional Ways and Means Committee “Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015:”
(See Section 143 on Bonus Depreciation and Section 124. There
are many other tax incentives in the summary).

“California Sucks for Merchant Advance”
Response to Editor Sean Murray,
By Tom McCurnin
Leasing News Legal Editor

I was asked to comment on the recent posting by Editor which supports merchant advances and apparently has strong feelings about California’s licensing of lenders (1). His citation of a well-known case, Bistro Executive, Inc., et. al. v. Rewards Network, for support for the idea that lenders should not have to be licensed is interesting, and probably the wrong example.
The Bistro case involved an East Coast lender of restaurant receivables. The transaction is unnecessarily complicated but generally involved the lender taking a personal guaranty, collateral for the loans, then making loans which had to be repaid at about twice the amount borrowed. Rewards Network’s own management called the business model a “loan,” and actually took personal guaranties and collateral, and instituted collection actions in California, and then had the audacity to come into Federal Court and argue that the transactions really weren’t loans. The Federal Judge quickly saw through this ridiculous argument, and the company did not do themselves any favors with this judge by making such inconsistent arguments. The 32 page opinion goes on for about 15 pages how ridiculous the two-faced argument was.
Once the Federal Court established the Rewards Network’s advances were loans, the rest was downhill because they certainly bore interest in excess of the 10% threshold for written loans in California. The remedies for usury are likewise simple, and I believe fair. The loan remains in full force as does any collateral, but, the lender forfeits the right to collect interest and must refund two years’ worth of payments measured from the filing of the Complaint. There is a possibility of a discretionary treble damage award for the last year of payments, but often judges use their discretion not to award treble damages. No attorney fees may be awarded.
Mr. Murray complains of “crippling usury litigation,” but frankly I’ve not seen that many usury cases which cripple any business. Finally, I would point out that the process of obtaining a California license is awfully easy, and involves a small filing fee and a bond. In exchange, the lender becomes absolutely exempt from usury. Yes, the Department of Business Oversight may audit licensees, but assuming the lender reads and follows the law and regulations, this is not a big burden. That, in my opinion, is a small price to pay.
The bottom line to me on these comments and making the Rewards Network the poster child of usury victims is really misplaced. That company had 100% interest rates, wasn’t licensed and then retained counsel which advanced a really ridiculous argument—that the program wasn’t really a loan when it had all the accoutrements of a loan program, including collections actions.
For anyone interest in reading these really ridiculous arguments, the Court’s judgment on Summary Judgment is attached. I’m no fan of usury claims, but compliance with the law and exemptions from the usury law are so easy to come by these days, I just don’t see very many usury claims. Moreover, they are so easy to spot, that the cases ought to settle quickly unless the lender’s management is too stupid to understand usury and licensing.
Bistro v Rewards Network (32 pages)
(1) California Sucks for Merchant Cash Advance
By: Sean Murray, Editor,
Tom McCurnin is a partner at Barton, Klugman & Oetting
in Los Angeles, California.

Tom McCurnin
Barton, Klugman & Oetting
350 South Grand Ave.
Suite 2200
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Direct Phone: (213) 617-6129
Cell (213) 268-8291
Visit our web site at
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:
Navitas Lease Corp. CA Lenders License Policy
Issues Policy to All Third Party Originators

Leasing News has reproduced several leasing companies’ new policy regarding the new law going into effect January 1st, 2016 regarding, as well as answering specific questions. So far, all have been in agreement on the need to do business only with those licensed to do lending or capital leases in California.
This is quite definitive and comes from Dwight Galloway, Senior V.P. Broker Operations, RLC Funding, a Division of Navitas:
"We elected to alert our brokers to our policy. Many who do not attend the leasing associations’ meetings were in the dark and wondering what their funders were going to do and what options they will have. Many have replied that they will take their attorney’s advice and do no more than the exempt 5 deals per twelve months. For many out of state brokers that should cover most of their needs.
"I expected that you might summarize all the funders’ policies. It sure would help the brokers."
From Navitas to Third Party Originators:
Many broker/lessors are asking what our policy will be regarding the new amendment to California's Lenders License law, Senate Bill No. 197.
Please call me if you need to discuss our policy. If you do minimal business with California customers, it simply may not be worth the time and expense to acquire and maintain the License and to endure the annual reporting and possible audits.
Navitas Policy:
As of January 1, 2016, you must have an active California Lender's License, or provide verification (a copy of your submitted app will do) that you have applied for the license, in order to submit applications for lessees/obligors located in California, for any EFA, $1.00 out, or lease with a nominal purchase option (PUT or "no more than"). Approvals you already have will be honored, regardless.
Our understanding of the law and this amendment:
- It does not apply to "true leases" which we consider to be unlimited FMV leases or rentals.
- It does not matter where you are in the US.
- It does not matter where the vendor is.
- It does not matter whether it is on your docs or our documents.
- It does not matter whether you are the lessor/lender or us.
- It does not matter whether you are brokering or assigning/discounting the deal.
- It's "5 deal exemption" does not apply to one who performs the normal activities of a broker on more than 5 total---not 5 per funding source.
The amendment is far reaching and carries significant penalties for violators. You can go online to review/apply for the application and you may wish to consult an attorney for assistance, though that is not required. Nationwide, brokers are considering whether or not to apply based on the type and amount of CA business they anticipate. You may wish to consult one of the numerous industry attorneys who have published their impressions of the amendment.
After you have made your decision, please let us know your plan.
Dwight Galloway
803-566-8245 Ext. 302
Questions to Leasing News with answers:
How Does it Affect Vendor Spiffs
Greatest Hardship Out of State Brokers
Inspecting My Office in New Orleans
Banks Most Asked Questions on New California Law
Each Year Poet Barry Marks, also an Attorney,
Writes a Christmas Poem for Leasing News Readers
“For a better economy in 2-0-1-6”

Dear Santa
This year I don't want a tie or sweater,
Just please make business a little better.
It's been a struggle nearly all the time
Since things went south in two thousand nine.
I thought I'd hang it up back when
The banks pulled back in twenty-ten.
And it's hardly been a slice of heaven
In fourteen, thirteen, twelve or eleven.
Yes, Santa fifteen's a better year,
But I greet each forecast with a dose of fear.
Please loosen credit, let money flow
And settle things down, let business know
There's nothing to fear but fear itself
So they will buy what's on the shelf.
My clients are businessmen, now don't you knock it
They deserve to make a reason'ble profit.
So Santa, just let this boy be clear
I do believe, I don't laugh or sneer.
You, Donner, Blitzen, the elves, and deer
Can make Christmas magic for me this year.
Just give us a kickstart, put in the fix
For a better economy in 2-0-1-6
(And one more thing...can I make this rhyme?
Please let my clients pay on time!).
Santa, I'm not prone to moan or b*tch.
But I hope we all get good and rich.
And to all Kit's readers, hope these rhymes delight.
Merry Christmas to all, and a safe, good night!
Poetry Books by Barry Marks, Esq.
Dividing by Zero
Possible Crocodiles
(Available at
One Sentence Poems
An Interview with Barry re: "Dividing by Zero"
Leasing Industry Ads---Help Wanted
Time to apply is today
Credit Analyst
Anaheim,CA; Federal Way, WA; Tigard, OR
$150K -$500k equipment leases, financing (recourse/non-recourse lines of credit)
Requires five or more years of credit underwriting.
Work with third party originators, brokers, as well
as clients & vendors of Umpqua Bank
Please click here for more information.
A subsidiary of Umpqua Bank
For information on placing a help wanted ad, please click here:
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
“Why I left my previous employer...”
Career Crossroad---By Emily Fitzpatrick/RII
Question: I have heard I should not speak negatively about previous employers …. How do I handle this in an interview when asked why I left my previous employer?
Answer: In an interview NEVER – I repeat – NEVER talk negatively about previous employers or colleagues; choose your words very carefully. If you had a less than positive experience with a previous employer / colleague, how about:
- The position/corporate culture was not a good fit for me
- I did not feel I was being utilized to my full capability
DO NOT give a laundry list of complaints – this will damage your chances of being made an offer. Who wants to hire someone who has a pessimistic attitude! Always be upbeat and spin in a positive light (e.g. I realized that I am looking for a different type of culture) …
The exception to this rule: if you are working with a Recruiter; they should know your hot buttons and assist in finding a situation that will fit your current and future career goals; as such they should be privy to both positive and negative experiences. Recruiters should not be revealing this confidential information to potential employers … discuss with your recruiter and make sure this is the case.
But when talking with a HR person or the one who does the hiring, when taking your application or in an interview, this person is JUST as important as the President of the company; no negative talk – period!
Emily Fitzpatrick
Sr. Recruiter
Recruiters International, Inc.
Phone: 954-885-9241
Cell: 954-612-0567
Invite me to Connect on LinkedIn
Also follow us on Twitter #RIIINFO
Career Crossroads Previous Columns

(Terry retired January 1, 2015. Since then, Leasing News has been reading past columns, which are appropriate today. How long we will keep doing this has not been determined. But in the last time period, columns to close leases by December to help out clients with tax savings has come more timely with the passage of bonus depreciation as well as extension of Section 179. Here is one that is value to banks, brokers, and lessors as well as funders, from
September 15, 2015.)
Community Banks
One of the best funding sources I have found are community banks with assets around $500 million. They usually are looking for good commercial loans, which mean they prefer non-tax leases with no residual requirements. If you have the capital to invest in some equity, perhaps you could sell them the payment stream and retain the right to collect a fixed purchase option.
Community banks do not have the ability to handle the lease accounting requirement, so they will prefer to have you borrow the equipment cost and pledge the lease as collateral on the loan. Then they can use their loan accounting system. Some may think they can use a loan accounting for non-tax leasing, but too many items are ignored. Loan accounting is customer based whereas lease accounting is asset-based because location is key for sales tax, property tax and any other applied tax. It is simple if it is only one piece of equipment, but if there are multiple pieces of equipment, and they are in different counties or States, it becomes very difficult very fast.
Community banks usually like to have transactions in their own foot print, so they can have an opportunity to sell other bank products. That is one of the conversations you should have with the bank when you are asking them to fund your deals. If they think you are bringing them new customers, they will be more acceptable to leases. In addition most community banks are State Chartered Banks and are not qualified to do business out of State.
On occasion, if you handle the relationship with the bank by servicing your deals with collection help and lease education, they may refer you to their customers that ask for lease financing. It can be a favorable partnership, if all the requirements of lease operations are handled correctly.
Community banks usually have to be sold on the benefits of leasing because they do not offer it, so their customers never ask for it, so they assume no one wants it. In addition, they usually like small deals to begin with, and then, as they get use to leases, the size can increase. They are very sensitive to their legal lending limit for specific industries and equipment, so you need to discover the size parameters, so you do not offer something they are not prepared to accept.
Bankers have very long memories, so if they lost money on a loan with specific equipment as collateral they will always shy away from any deal with that kind of equipment regardless of the good credit. It would be wise to ask what kind of equipment they do not like.
Some banks think their customers are not interested in leasing because they have never asked for it, so a good idea is to ask for the name of 5 or 6 of their best customers and run a UCC search looking for liens from leasing companies. It never fails to surprise them when they see that there customers are leasing but have never said so.
Community Banks are a good funding source however it takes some time to cultivate a good relationship, so do not expect a quick response. Don’t be surprised if they want not only a business plan, but financial statements on your company and you as the personal guarantor.
From Ralph Mango, Associate Editor:
I would add that the sales cycle to convince them (1) to add leasing to their sales calls, (2) to bring you in at the earliest as a joint call, (3) that leasing is not just for garbage credits, (4) this is a legitimate source of fee income is lengthy and sometimes painful.
My experience across several such external originator programs with multiple employers is that the education process is often as difficult as implementing the calling and referral process. Bankers do not like joint calls and it takes them forever to get comfortable with you and your process. Usually the first prospect is one they cannot get through their own credit approval process, and if you can’t approve, your momentum is set back almost irreparably.
Anticipate a lengthy courtship and set expectations accordingly. Alternatively, there were several that turned out to be excellent sources of decent steady volume with solid credits.
Previous #102 Columns:
(Please Click on Bulletin Board to learn more information)
(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)
##### Press Release ############################
Foundation Launches Equipment Finance Department
with Appointment of Senior Vice President Mike Mayfield

New Equipment Finance Department created to provide a comprehensive offering to existing and potential clients
The launch coincides with the appointment of Mike Mayfield, who will lead the division as Senior Vice President, as well
as Steve Tidland and Bree Johnson
IRVINE, Ca.—– First Foundation Inc. (NASDAQ: FFWM), a financial services company with two wholly-owned operating subsidiaries, First Foundation Advisors and First Foundation Bank, which collectively provide investment management, wealth planning, consulting, insurance, trust and banking services primarily to high net-worth individuals and businesses, today announced the launch of its Equipment Finance Department, located at the bank’s headquarters in Irvine, California.
The new offering was created to deliver greater value to clients by providing equipment finance and leasing services to both existing and new clients.
The launch coincides with the appointment of Mike Mayfield, who will lead the department build out and serve as Senior Vice President. A 25-year veteran of the banking industry, Mr. Mayfield previously served as a Managing Member of Commercial Finance Company LLC and President of Golden West Financial Services, a subsidiary of Citizens Business Bank.

Scott Kavanaugh
Chief Executive Officer
First Foundation Inc.
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
First Foundation Bank
“The equipment finance offering enhances an important element of our banking platform and gives us an opportunity to serve our clients in new ways,” said Scott F. Kavanaugh, CEO of First Foundation. “Not only does it allow us to deepen our relationship with existing clients, it also provides us new opportunities to serve others.”
The new offering will leverage relationships with third-party originations as the primary driver of growth and is aimed at improving the client experience of the traditional model.
“I have been impressed with what First Foundation is doing for its clients and I am honored at the opportunity to add to the strength of its respected platform,” stated Mr. Mayfield. “To be able to offer equipment financing truly rounds out the bank offering.”
Aside from Mike Mayfield, the Equipment Finance Department will be anchored by two additional members. Mr. Mayfield will be joined by Steve Tidland, who will serve as a full-time consultant to the bank. Mr. Tidland joins First Foundation after serving as Senior Vice President of the Commercial Leasing Department of Financial Pacific Leasing. Also, Bree Johnson will join the team as Lease Operations Manager. Previously, Ms. Johnson was Operations Supervisor for the Commercial Leasing Department of Financial Pacific Leasing.
Mr. Kavanaugh added, “We feel that we are uniquely positioned to serve this specialty area of finance and the launch of this effort is perfectly aligned with the vision of our firm to offer solutions that contribute to the wealth and well-being of our clients.”
First Foundation, a financial institution founded in 1990, provides integrated investment management, wealth planning, consulting, insurance, trust and banking services. The Company is headquartered in Irvine, California, with offices in Newport Beach, Pasadena, West Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego, Palm Desert and the Imperial Valley in California; in Las Vegas, Nevada; and in Honolulu, Hawaii. For more information, please visit our website at
#### Press Release #############################
Dave Gilbert Sponsors his Alma Mater Holiday Bowl
“Go Trojans!" He Shouts.

SAN DIEGO, -- For the first time ever, a major FinTech company and small business lender, National Funding, has announced that it will be the title sponsor of the 2015 Holiday Bowl in San Diego. The National Funding Holiday Bowl pits USC versus Wisconsin.
Founded in 1999 by USC alumnus David Gilbert, National Funding is a San Diego-based financial technology company serving small to medium-sized businesses nationwide.

Dave Gilbert
Founder/CEO, National Funding
Former co-founder Five Point Capital
"National Funding has helped small businesses – locally and nationally -- with the capital they need to grow their operations for nearly 20 years," says David Gilbert, CEO, National Funding. "After a breakthrough year for the company, it felt like the right time for our company to give back to our community and make a bold statement in our industry by sponsoring this bowl."
National Funding is on pace for a record-breaking year with a 67% revenue jump from 2014 and the company recently doubled its office space to accommodate employee count up to 273. The company's rapid growth underscores a surge in the FinTech industry overall which took on more than $12B in investment in 2015, triple the amount from the previous year.
The 2015 National Funding Holiday Bowl kicks off Wednesday, Dec. 30 at 7:30 p.m. and will feature the 25th-ranked USC Trojans (8-5) from the Pac-12 against the Wisconsin Badgers (9-3) from the Big Ten. The game will be played at Qualcomm Stadium.
The mission of the non-profit National Funding Holiday Bowl is to generate tourism, exposure, economic benefit and civic pride for San Diego and its citizens by producing the nation's most exciting and entertaining bowl game and festival of events. Since its inception in 1978, the organization has generated $730 million in economic benefit for the San Diego region.
More information on the game can be found at
About National Funding
Founded in 1999, National Funding is one of the country's leading financial technology companies for small and medium-sized businesses, providing working capital loans, equipment financing, merchant cash advances and credit card processing. National Funding has provided more than $1 billion in capital for over 20,000 businesses nationwide. The company believes in American small business owners, and strives to provide fast turnaround, flexible solutions and great service to all of its customers and clients in a diverse range of industries including: construction, excavation, manufacturing, retail, packaging, printing, restaurant, telecommunications, trucking, transportation, and waste management, among others. The company was recognized on the Inc. 500 | 5000 list for the past three years, as well as placing on San Diego Business Journal's Fastest Growing Companies for the past three years. For more information, please visit:, or connect with us on Facebook or Twitter.
### Press Release ############################
(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for investigative
reporting provided by John Kenny)
Leasing News: Special Christmas Edition
By Fernando Croce
As the year draws to a close, it’s time once again to seek for the old and modern Yuletide classics waiting at Netflix. This year we’ve put together a selection of the more offbeat titles for movie buffs—so consider this our own personal batch of cinematic gifts.

Trading Places (John Landis, 1983): Christmas spirits and rollicking revenge go together like mistletoe and eggnog in this rib-tickling comedy blockbuster. Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd are at their best as men on opposite sides of the economic spectrum, a struggling con man named Billy Ray Valentine (Murphy) and a snooty broker named Louis Winthorpe III (Aykroyd). The two are switched as part of a wager conducted by the Duke Brothers (played by Ralph Bellamy and Don Ameche), but join forces once they realize they’ve been manipulated by the cruel millionaires. Inspired by the classics of Capra and Sturges, director John Landis (“Animal House”) combines slapstick with social commentary in a neat package. Add a cast that includes Jamie Lee Curtis and Denholm Elliott, and you got one of the best ‘80s comedies.

Gremlins (Joe Dante, 1984): Cuteness and terror are mixed with riotous results in this gleeful horror-comedy from the imaginative Joe Dante (“The Howling”). With Christmas just around the corner, small-town teen Billy (Zach Galligan) gets a unique gift: a furry and adorable little critter known as Mogwai, who becomes his beloved new pet. However, when an accident causes the tiny guy to release dozens of ferocious gremlins, the peaceful town is overrun by mischievous monsters. Can Billy and his girlfriend Kate (Phoebe Cates) put a stop to this invasion before it’s too late? Sending up the season’s conventional wholesomeness with subversive delight, director Dante packs the story with movie-buff jokes and cameos, including a story involving a chimney that would send chills up Santa Claus’ spine. A wicked and witty roller-coaster ride.

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (Jeremiah Chechik, 1989): The Griswold clan goes yuletide in this hilarious entry in the “Vacation” franchise. This time around, the beloved klutzy family courts disaster by hosting a Christmas dinner, which naturally spins out of control from the very first moment. Determined to bring together both sides of the family, well-meaning but hapless paterfamilias Clark (Chevy Chase) staples thousands of light bulbs all over their house and chainsaws a tree that might be a bit big for their living room. With his ever-supportive wife Ellen (Beverly D’Angelo) and shabby cousin Eddie (Randy Quaid) by his side, he brings over all the in-laws for a turkey meal that goes from bad to worse. Filled with uproarious gags, the movie also touchingly captures the Griswolds’ gumption even in the face of disgrace.

Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick, 1999): Legendary director Stanley Kubrick (“2001: A Space Odyssey”) ended a career full of audacious projects with this provocative drama, which strangely enough plays at times like a Freudian nightmare version of “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman star as William and Alice Harford, a wealthy New York couple whose stable life increasingly gives off hints of unsettled obsession. When a confession by Alice sends him on a furious stroll through the frigid streets of the city, William embarks on a dark journey into the city’s secret corners. What follows is a twisty tour of mystery and discovery that will change the way they see things forever. With his trademark complex camera and sardonic humor, Kubrick takes a piercing look at human desire that doubles as an unlikely Christmas story.

‘R Xmas (Abel Ferrara, 2001): The director of “Bad Lieutenant” would seem like an unexpected choice for a Christmas tale, yet Abel Ferrara has always had a streak of funky humanism to go with his brutally grungy sensibilities. So it goes with this underrated, surprising crime drama, set against a backdrop of wintertime Manhattan. The story focuses on an upwardly mobile young couple (Lillo Brancato Jr. and Drea de Matteo) who lead a seemingly respectable suburban life while being part of a drug business. The contradictions come to a clashing halt when the father is kidnapped on Christmas Eve, and his tough wife must face a crooked cop (Ice-T) by herself. A gritty and audacious portrait of the American Dream gone to seed, Ferrara’s film deserves more recognition as a one-of-a-kind holiday card.
American Bulldog/Boxer
San Diego, California Adopt-a-Dog

2Yrs 6Mths
Color: Tan/White
Spayed: Yes
Adoption Fee: $95.00
(From December 18 -27, all adult
animals are $10. There's no place like
home for the holidays.
How I arrived: I was transferred in from the Department of Animal Services- Southern location.
At SDHS: My doctors have helped me feel better as my skin was a little irritated when I first arrived. I am now ready for adoption.
Why I am the one for you: My Personality Color Code is Orange; meaning I'm Vivacious...enthusiastic... bubbly... vibrant...and cheerful!! I'm looking for a home with a patient family as I may need on-going care and time to continue to heal. In return, I will provide a lifetime supply of tail wags, kisses, cuddles, goofy antics and a sweet disposition that will blow your mind. Come meet me today. You won't regret it!
I'm currently located at:
San Diego Humane Society
San Diego Campus - Gaines Street
5500 Gaines St. San Diego, California 92110
(619) 299-7012
Adopt a Pet

News Briefs---
Free State UCC Searches
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Merchant Cash Advance Leads/Merchant Leads
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Leif the Viking bent his knees
And prayed to God in ten-o-three
"With your help I’ll set the sail
With your wisdom we’ll prevail."
Across the sea to a far off land
The Vikings sailed under Leif’s command
In winds and waves the ship was tossed,
But through it all the bark did cross.
A new world waited for Leif to view
Adventure, wonder, farmland too
Clear waters, fish and hunting grounds
A finer land could not be found
A man of courage, faith, and prayer
Leif the Norseman did his share
To open the worlds beyond the sea
A noble Viking, great was he!
Written by Carol Naevestad-Billings of Oxford, CT

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Playoff picture: Texans, Chiefs continue surge in AFC
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This Day in American History
1620 - According to Governor William Bradford’s “History of Plymouth Plantation”, the Pilgrims, aboard the Mayflower, reached Plymouth, MA, “sounded ye harbor, and founde fill for shipping; and marched into ye land, & founde diverse cornfields, and ye best they could find, and yea season & their presente necessitie made them glad to accepte of it.... And after wards tooke better view of ye place, and resolved wher to pitch their dwelling; and them and their goods”. Plymouth Rock, the legendary place of landing since it first was “identified” in 1769, nearly 150 years after the landing, has been a historic shrine since. Contrary to common belief, the Pilgrims tried several locations first, including Provincetown Harbor, Mass, where the first social contract for a New England colony was drafted and signed by 41 adult males. The Pilgrims did not settle there, but went on after a time to Plymouth. Physician Dr. Samuel Fuller was on board, in fact one of the signers of the Mayflower Compact. For some time, he was the sole physician in Massachusetts. In a letter dated June 28, 1630, written at Salem, MA, to Governor William Bradford of Plymouth, he described one of the customary treatments, in which he “let some twenty of these people blood”.
1790 - Samuel Slater's thread-spinning factory goes into production, Pawtucket, Rhode Island. The beginning of the Industrial Revolution in America. The workers at his machines are 4 to 10 years old.
1829 - Birthday of Laura Dewey Bridgman - struck deaf and blind at two, she was the first blind-deaf mute to be taught successfully. LDB eventually helped teach others with disabilities. She learned to read through a Braille-like system and "spoke" through tapping out an "alphabet." as taught her by Samuel Gridley Howe at the Perkins Institute for the Blind, Boston. Howe's methods of teaching her are still being studied today and his journals as well as Bridgman's are carefully read for their insight and aid for teaching all those with disabilities. The records kept by Howe and by Bridgman's teachers are invaluable to modern researchers investigating the education of the disabled, as they are the first detailed records of the education of a deaf-blind person." She lived her entire life at Perkins, dying at age 60.
1830 - Birthday of early American author Mary Virginia Hawest Terhune. Her novels often centered around southern plantation life. Her first novel Alone (1854) sold more than 100,000 copies. She also wrote advice books, and popular biographies. She wrote syndicated columns on women's affairs for the Philadelphia North American (1900-10) and the Chicago Tribune (1911-17).
1850 - Celia, a black slave is hung for killing her master. Her tragic story and the underlying cruelty and the societal-approved prerogative of the male to sexually satisfy himself with his property - slave or wife - was told in Meltan A. McLaurin's historically accurate book Celia, A Slave, New York: Avon Books, 1991. Robert Newsom, a widower, bought Celia when she was about 14, raping her for the first time on the way back to his Missouri plantation. He set her up in a cabin behind the main house and in time she bore two children. As the trial transcripts relate, in trying to resist her master's advances, she killed him with a stick. White women rallied to her side claiming that women had a right to resist rape whether they were slaves or not, but not surprising in the all-male judicial system upheld the male prerogative and the right of ownership prevailed in court. All appeals failed and she was hanged for murder. Melton A. McLaurin's book Celia, A Slave (New York: Avon Books, 1991) attracted a great deal of interest when it was first published because it was the first time anyone had attempted to reconstruct the life of an "ordinary" slave, a woman at that. All the real facts that are known about Celia are taken from the transcripts of her trial. At about 19, she began developing a mind of her own and even became involved with another slave, George.
1864 - Sherman takes Savannah. Despite efforts by Confederate General William Hardee to defend the city of Savannah, GA, Southern troops were forced to pull out of the city, and on this date Union forces under William Tecumseh Sherman captured the town. By marching from Atlanta to the coast at Savannah, Sherman had cut the lower South off from the center. Contrary to Southern belief on history, it was the Confederate troops who upon leaving the city began the fires so Union troops would not food or supplies or goods held in stores or warehouses in the city. They also burned farms on their journey to also cut supplies from Union troops.
1892 - Walter Charles Hagen, golfer born at Rochester, NY. Hagen won two US Opens, four British Opens and five PGA Championships. He was extraordinary in match play, including the Ryder Cup, because he was a master scrambler and absolutely unflappable. He was also a colorful showman who brought the game to the masses and helped to increase prize money. died at Traverse City, MI, October 5, 1969.
1892 - Portland, OR, was buried under a record 27.5 inches of snow.
1903 – American detective writer Lawrence Treat born, wrote under the name Lawrence Arthur Goldstone, often called the "father" of modern police procedural novel.
1909 - Barney Ross, boxer born Barnet David Rosofsky at New York, NY. Ross was the first boxed to hold two titles simultaneously. He won the lightweight crown in 1932 and the welterweight crown in 1934. He also won a Silver Star during World War II as a Marine. died at Chicago, IL, January 18, 1967.
1909 - Although called introductory high schools, the McKinley and Washington schools of Berkeley, California, were the first authorized, junior-high schools in the United States. They taught grades 7, 8 and 9.
1912 - Joshua (Josh) Gibson, Baseball Hall of Fame catcher born at Buena Vista, GA. Gibson is regarded as the greatest slugger to play in the Negro Leagues and perhaps the greatest ballplayer ever. Gibson starred with the Pittsburgh Crawford's. his long home runs are the stuff of legend. In 60 recorded at bats against big league pitching, Gibson batted .426. He died at 35 years old just three months before the integration of baseball in the major leagues. Inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1972. Died at Pittsburgh, PA, January 20, 1947.
1913 - The first crossword puzzle was compiled by Arthur Wynne and published in a supplement of New York World. He basically redesigned a Victorian-era game called The Magic Square as a feature for the Pulitzer newspaper.
1914 - Marie Dressler, Charlie Chaplin, Mabel Normand and Mack Swain appeared in the first feature-length comedy that was six reels long. Mack Sennett directed the film called, "Tillie's Punctured Romance".
1929 - The first hospital insurance group plan was effected by Baylor University Hospital, Dallas, Texas. The plan was inaugurated by Dr. Justin Ford Kimball, executive vice president of Baylor University. The first group insured were the Dallas public school teachers, who paid 50 cents per month for 21 days of hospital treatment.
1929 - An exceptional snowstorm swept across the southern Plains through Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana. 26 inches fell at Hillsboro, TX and 18 inches fell at El Dorado, AR
1937 – “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” was exhibited in Los Angeles, CA. It was an instant hit. Disney took a tremendous gamble with this 3-year artistic venture, as fantasies usually did not fare well at the box office. He had much of his own money tied up in the film, and Snow White had the potential of financially ruining him. The film was originally budgeted for $250,000, but ended up costing $1,480,000. The film utilized the talents of 570 artists and contained 250,000 drawings. Would adults sit through a cartoon that ran nearly an hour and a half? But the pre-release fears were unfounded. The public and most critics were enchanted and impressed with Disney's painstakingly crafted fairy tale. Never before had anyone so successfully produced a full-length animation film, and it was quickly dubbed into 10 languages. In England, children under 16 were not allowed to see the film unless accompanied by an adult, and it was under partial ban in South Africa and the Netherlands. The film ran for an unfrequented 5 weeks at New York's Radio City Music Hall and for 31 weeks in Paris. Snow White set new attendance records around the world, marking the dawn of a new age in animation. It became the first movie to earn $1 billion. In its nine theatrical releases it earned approximately $1 billion in 1994 US Dollars. The home video version of Snow White was officially released on October 28, 1994, after receiving about 27 million retail orders, making it the top-selling video up to that time.
1937 - Birthday of Jane Fonda, considered a controversial figure because she visited Hanoi during the Viet Nam war. She won Academy Awards for her work in Klute (1971) and Coming Home (1978) and she was nominated three more times. She won the Emmy for The Dollmaker (1984). One of the nation's most distinguished actors, she may never be fully honored because of her anti-war activities during the Viet Nam war. She went to Hanoi and through radio broadcast begged America to stop the bombing. She has been called Hanoi Jane ever since by the right wing extremists who distorted her message and purpose. Her workout books and videos became very popular in the 1980s. She dropped out of films when she married Ted Turner, the TV mogul, in 1991 (divorced in 200). In 1994 she narrated A Century of Women, a TV series that celebrated women's achievements in the 20th century.
1938 - Cootie Williams's Rug Cutters record “Delta Mood”.
1940 - Rock singer and composer Frank Zappa was born in Baltimore. The oldest of four children, Zappa and his family moved to California while he was still in his teens. After graduation in 1958, he played with various lounge bands and began composing songs, one of which, "Memories of El Monte," was recorded by the Penguins of "Earth Angel" fame. In 1964, Zappa took over a rhythm-and-blues band called the Soul Giants and turned them into the Mothers of Invention. Their irreverent blend of satire and rock 'n' roll was featured on half a dozen albums in the '60s. Zappa began a solo career in the '70s, and made a surrealistic film of rock 'n' roll life called "200 Motels." All told, he released more than 50 albums, including "Jazz from Hell," which won a Grammy Award for best rock instrumental in 1988. Zappa died of prostate cancer on December 4th, 1993.
1942 - Soul singer Carla Thomas was born in Memphis, the daughter of veteran performer Rufus Thomas. She was the first Memphis soul artist to have a national pop hit, "Gee Whiz" in 1961. The success of that disc led to the formation of the Stax Records Company. Thomas had another pop hit in 1966 with "BABY," and the following year recorded two duets with Otis Redding, "Tramp" and "Knock on Wood," both of which made the Billboard Top 30.
1943 - Birthday of guitar player Wolfman Washington, New Orleans, LA
1944 - CURREY, FRANCIS S., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company K, 120th Infantry, 30th Infantry Division. Place and date: Malmedy, Belgium, 21 December 1944. Entered service at: Hurleyville, N.Y. Birth: Loch Sheldrake, N.Y. G.O. No.: 69, 17 August 1945. Citation: He was an automatic rifleman with the 3d Platoon defending a strong point near Malmedy, Belgium, on 21 December 1944, when the enemy launched a powerful attack. Overrunning tank destroyers and antitank guns located near the strong point, German tanks advanced to the 3d Platoon's position, and, after prolonged fighting, forced the withdrawal of this group to a nearby factory. Sgt. Currey found a bazooka in the building and crossed the street to secure rockets meanwhile enduring intense fire from enemy tanks and hostile infantrymen who had taken up a position at a house a short distance away. In the face of small-arms, machinegun, and artillery fire, he, with a companion, knocked out a tank with 1 shot. Moving to another position, he observed 3 Germans in the doorway of an enemy-held house. He killed or wounded all 3 with his automatic rifle. He emerged from cover and advanced alone to within 50 yards of the house, intent on wrecking it with rockets. Covered by friendly fire, he stood erect, and fired a shot which knocked down half of 1 wall. While in this forward position, he observed 5 Americans who had been pinned down for hours by fire from the house and 3 tanks. Realizing that they could not escape until the enemy tank and infantry guns had been silenced, Sgt. Currey crossed the street to a vehicle, where he procured an armful of antitank grenades. These he launched while under heavy enemy fire, driving the tank men from the vehicles into the house. He then climbed onto a half-track in full view of the Germans and fired a machinegun at the house. Once again changing his position, he manned another machinegun whose crew had been killed; under his covering fire the 5 soldiers were able to retire to safety. Deprived of tanks and with heavy infantry casualties, the enemy was forced to withdraw. Through his extensive knowledge of weapons and by his heroic and repeated braving of murderous enemy fire, Sgt. Currey was greatly responsible for inflicting heavy losses in men and material on the enemy, for rescuing 5 comrades, 2 of whom were wounded, and for stemming an attack which threatened to flank his battalion's position.
1945 - BENJAMIN, GEORGE, JR., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Private First Class, U.S. Army, Company A, 306th Infantry, 77th Infantry Division. Place and date: Leyte, Philippine Islands, 21 December 1944. Entered service at: Carney's Point, N.J. Birth: Philadelphia, Pa. G.O. No.: 49, 28 June 1945. Citation: He was a radio operator, advancing in the rear of his company as it engaged a well-defended Japanese strong point holding up the progress of the entire battalion. When a rifle platoon supporting a light tank hesitated in its advance, he voluntarily and with utter disregard for personal safety left his comparatively secure position and ran across bullet-whipped terrain to the tank, waving and shouting to the men of the platoon to follow. Carrying his bulky radio and armed only with a pistol, he fearlessly penetrated intense machinegun and rifle fire to the enemy position, where he killed 1 of the enemy in a foxhole and moved on to annihilate the crew of a light machinegun. Heedless of the terrific fire now concentrated on him, he continued to spearhead the assault, killing 2 more of the enemy and exhorting the other men to advance, until he fell mortally wounded. After being evacuated to an aid station, his first thought was still of the American advance. Overcoming great pain he called for the battalion operations officer to report the location of enemy weapons and valuable tactical information he had secured in his heroic charge. The unwavering courage, the unswerving devotion to the task at hand, the aggressive leadership of Pfc. Benjamin were a source of great and lasting inspiration to his comrades and were to a great extent responsible for the success of the battalion's mission.
1945 - The FCC assigned television channels to several licensees, including CBS and NBC in New York City and Radio Corp. of America in Camden, New Jersey.
1946 - Louis Jordan's single, "Let the Good Times Roll," debuted on the Rhythm and Blues charts.
(Lower half of: )
1946 - Guitarist Carl Wilson of the Beach Boys was born in Hawthorne, California. The three Wilson brothers - the others were Dennis and Brian - formed a group called Carl and the Passions with Mike Love and Al Jardine in 1961. The band's name was changed to the Beach Boys to take advantage of the surfing craze in southern California. Among their surfing hits for the Capitol label - "Surfin USA," "Surfer Girl" and "I Get Around." The Beach Boys turned in a more experimental direction in 1966, recording "Good Vibrations," a number-one song that took six months to produce and was at the time the most expensive single ever made. The Beach Boys continue to perform, primarily as a nostalgia act.
1947 - Metronome All-Stars record “Metronome Riff.”
1950 - Top Hits
“Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer” - Gene Autry
“White Christmas” - Bing Crosby
“Nevertheless” - Jack Denny
“If You've Got the Money Honey I've Got the Time” - Lefty Frizzell
1954 - Chris Evert, tennis champion, had 125 consecutive clay-court victories and has been called the world's best clay-court woman player of all time. She was ranked the world's best player 1974 to 1978 and in 1980 and 81. She was the U.S. singles champion 1975-78, 80, 82; Wimbledon champion 1974, 76, and 81, and won at least one Grand Slam singles title for 13 consecutive years. Between 1973 and 1979 Evert won a record 125 consecutive clay-court matches, and won the French Open on clay a record seven times.
1958 - Top Hits
“The Chipmunk Song” - The Chipmunks
“Problems” - The Everly Brothers
“One Night” - Elvis Presley
“City Lights” - Ray Price
1960 - Elvis Presley was inducted into the Los Angeles Indian Tribal Council on the day his movie “Flaming Star” opened.
1961 - One of Rock and Roll's strangest oddities happened when "I Heard It through the Grapevine" by Marvin Gaye hit number one on the Cash Box music chart. The same song was also a number one hit for Gladys Knight and The Pips exactly one year earlier. The tune would also turn up on the chart by Creedence Clearwater Revival in 1976.
1964 - A great warm surge from the Pacific Ocean across Oregon and northern California brought torrential rains on a deep snow cover resulting in record floods.
1965 - An overflow crowd of 76,251 jams the Cotton Bowl, giving Dallas its first home sellout. The Browns beat the Cowboys 24-17.
1966 - The Beach Boys receive three gold-record citations for the single "Good Vibrations," which hit Number One eleven days ago and the albums "Little Deuce Coupe" and "Shut Down, Vol. 2."
1966 - Top Hits
“Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron” - The Royal Guardsmen
“Winchester Cathedral” - The New Vaudeville Band
“That's Life” - Frank Sinatra
“Somebody Like Me” - Eddy Arnold
1967 - SMEDLEY, LARRY E., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, Company D, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division. Place and date: Quang Nam Province, Republic of Vietnam, 21 December 1967. Entered service at: Orlando, Fla. Born: 4 March 1949, Front Royal, Va. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a squad leader with company D, in connection with operations against the enemy. On the evenings of 20-21 December 1967, Cpl. Smedley led his 6-man squad to an ambush site at the mouth of Happy Valley, near Phouc Ninh (2) in Quang Nam Province. Later that night an estimated 100 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army regulars, carrying 122mm rocket launchers and mortars, were observed moving toward Hill 41. Realizing this was a significant enemy move to launch an attack on the vital Danang complex, Cpl. Smedley immediately took sound and courageous action to stop the enemy threat. After he radioed for a reaction force, he skillfully maneuvered his men to a more advantageous position and led an attack on the numerically superior enemy force. A heavy volume of fire from an enemy machinegun positioned on the left flank of the squad inflicted several casualties on Cpl. Smedley's unit. Simultaneously, an enemy rifle grenade exploded nearby, wounding him in the right foot and knocking him to the ground. Cpl. Smedley disregarded this serious injury and valiantly struggled to his feet, shouting words of encouragement to his men. He fearlessly led a charge against the enemy machinegun emplacement, firing his rifle and throwing grenades, until he was again struck by enemy fire and knocked to the ground. Gravely wounded and weak from loss of blood, he rose and commenced a l-man assault against the enemy position. Although his aggressive and singlehanded attack resulted in the destruction of the machinegun, he was struck in the chest by enemy fire and fell mortally wounded. Cpl. Smedley's inspiring and courageous actions, bold initiative, and selfless devotion to duty in the face of certain death were in keeping with the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.
1968 - The first Astronauts to orbit the moon were Colonel Frank Borman, Captain James Arthur Lovell, Jr., and Major William Alison Anders, who made 10 lunar orbits in Apollo 8, launched by a three-stage Saturn 5 rocked from Cape Canaveral, FL, at 7:51am. The spacecraft reentered the atmosphere and splashed down in the Pacific Ocean 147 hours 11 seconds later.
1968 - David Crosby, Stephen Stills and Graham Nash performed together for the first time at a concert in California. Nash had announced his departure from the Hollies earlier in the month, while Crosby had played with the Byrds and Stills with Buffalo Springfield. Another former member of Buffalo Springfield, Neil Young, joined Crosby, Stills and Nash in 1969.
1968 - Janis Joplin made her first appearance after leaving Big Brother and the Holding Company. Joplin performed in Memphis at the "Yuletide Thing" event sponsored by the Stax-Volt record labels. Also on the bill were such leading Stax acts as the Bar-Kays, Booker T. and the M-G's and Rufus and Carla Thomas.
1969 - Diana Ross and the Supremes make their final television appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show, singing "Someday We'll Be Together", which would be the last of their 12 number one singles.
1970 - Elvis Presley met US President Richard Nixon in the Oval Office at the White House. They posed for a photo that Nixon aides hoped would boost the president's image with America's youth. All the singer wanted was a Drug Enforcement Agency badge for his collection. Presley, according to most accounts high on pills at the time, lectured Nixon on the evils of drugs, the Beatles, hippies and communists. Nixon had Presley shown the door as soon as he'd presented him with the badge and made him an honorary federal agent.
1974 - Top Hits
“Cat's in the Cradle” - Harry Chapin
“Angie Baby” - Helen Reddy
“You're the First, the Last, My Everything” - Barry White
“I Can Help” - Billy Swan
1974 - Harry Chapin enjoys his only number one single with "Cat's In The Cradle". The song's theme about a distant father and son relationship was suggested to Harry by his wife, after he expressed disappointment about being on tour instead of attending his son's birth.
1979 - The Eagles, Chicago and Linda Ronstadt perform at a benefit show for the presidential campaign for California governor Jerry Brown, who also happens to be Ronstadt's boyfriend. The show at the San Diego Sports Arena is followed-up by a similar show at the Addin Theater in Las Vegas. The two shows bring in over $450,000.
1979 - Willie Nelson's movie debut, "The Electric Horseman," which also starred Robert Redford and Jane Fonda, opened in North American theatres.
1979 - Frank Zappa's "Baby Snakes" premiered on Zappa's 39th birthday. The film combined concert footage, backstage antics and animated clay figures.
1982 - Top Hits
“Maneater” - Daryl Hall & John Oates
“The Girl is Mine” - Michael Jackson/Paul McCartney
“Steppin' Out” - Joe Jackson
“Somewhere Between Right and Wrong” - Earl Thomas Conley
1985 - Bruce Springsteen's album, "Born in the USA", surpassed Michael Jackson's "Thriller", making it the second longest-lasting LP in the top 10. Springsteen’s album lasted at its peak for 79 weeks, and was second to "The Sound of Music" with Julie Andrews that lasted: 109 weeks.
1985 - Bruce Springsteen's album, "Born in the USA", passed Michael Jackson's "Thriller" to become the second longest-lasting LP in the top 10. It stayed there for 79 weeks. Only "The Sound of Music" with Julie Andrews lasted longer: 109 weeks.
1986 - Atlanta center Jeff Van Note, who at 40 was the oldest pro football player, played his 246th and last NFL game as Atlanta beat Detroit, 20-6.
1988 - Pan Am World Airways Flight 103 was the victim of a terrorist attack when the jet exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland. The 258 passengers, crew, and several people on the ground at the site of the crash were all killed.
1988 - Seven cities in the eastern U.S. reported record high temperatures for the date, including Charleston SC with a reading of 78 degrees. A storm in the northwestern U.S. produced 22 inches of snow at Idaho City ID in two days, and up to two feet of snow at Happy Camp CA. Ski resorts in Idaho reported three to six feet of snow on the ground.
1989 - Forty cities in the north central U.S., including thirteen in Iowa, reported record low temperatures for the date. Havre and Jordan, MT, tied for honors as the cold spot in the nation with morning lows of 43 degrees below zero, and the temperature remained close to 40 degrees below zero through the daylight hours. Dickinson ND reported a morning low of 33 degrees below zero and a wind chill reading of 86 degrees below zero. The high for the date of 16 degrees below zero at Sioux Falls SD was December record for that location.
1990 - Top Hits
“Because I Love You” (“The Postman Song”) - Stevie B
“Justify My Love” - Madonna
“Impulsive” - Wilson Phillips
“I've Come to Expect It from You” - George Strait
1997 - Barry Sanders of the Detroit Lions became the third player in NFL history to rush for more than 2,000 yards in a season when he gained 184 yards against the New York Jets. the Lions won, 13-10. He reached the 2,000 yard mark with a 2-yard run with just over two minutes left in the game. On the next play, he broke free for 53 yards, a gain that allowed the Lions to run out the clock and clinch a playoff berth. The other members of the 2,0000 yard club are O.J. Simpson, who rushed for 2,003 yards in 1973, and Eric Dickerson, who ran for 2,105 yards in 1984 ( this book is not up to date and there are surely some more members of this elite group today ).
2006 - The Beatles' "Love" sat at #1 on the European Top 100 Albums chart. The album was produced by George Martin and his son Giles Martin and features music compiled and remixed for the Cirque du Soleil show of the same name. The disc would quickly be certified Platinum and won Grammys in two categories - Best Compilation Soundtrack Album and Best Surround Sound Album at the 50th annual Grammy awards on February 10th, 2008.
2009 - A snow storm embattled the East Coast, closing airports, raising havoc in many states, affecting Christmas shopping and closing many businesses.

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