5 Years+ Small Ticket or Middle Market Exp.
with Established Customer/Vendor relationships.
Remote Office or On Site/ Jobs@TEQlease.com
Attn: Mike Lockwood or Russ Runnalls CLP
TEQlease Provides Customized Equipment
Leasing Solutions For Businesses Nationwide
Monday, February 15, 2010

Cartoonist Matthew Abram "Matt" Groening born February 15, 1954 Portland, Oregon; best known as the creator of the "Simpsons"(453 episodes, 1989-2010) and "Futurama" (72 episodes, 1999-2003) TV series. He also is the creator of the cartoon series "Life is Hell" carried in 250 newspapers. (Trivia: The Simpsons are named after his own parents and sisters — while Bart was an anagram of the word brat.)
http://www.squidoo.com/Matt_Groening |
Ability Capital Solutions (“ACS” formerly “Matrix”)
Long Beach, California –Bulletin Board Complaint
Matrix Business Capital, Long Beach, California
Bulletin Board Complaint
Classified Ads---Senior Management
Bank Beat---Evans Bank Ceases effort to sell lease portfolio
Top Stories February 8--12
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Problem Lease: The Residual
Arizona Equipment Leasing Assoc. Winter Meeting
Equipment Storage and Sales Kevin Libert
Executive Solutions Expands
National Leasing Among Top 50 Employers Canada
San Francisco--Adopt-a-Dog
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Cracchiolo, US Bank Fin. CEO, equipment investment “weak”
Lakeland Bank cuts down Leasing Business
China’s Central Bank Hits Brake on Hot Economy
Sacramento Region's shuttered stores tell a 1,000 stories
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######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
Ability Capital Solutions (“ACS” formerly “Matrix”)
Long Beach, California –Bulletin Board Complaint

This concerns a $5,063.50 advance rental made on August 14, 2009 from Michael Lentine, EarthArtist Mountain Studio-Campus LLC, 1300 East South 6th Street, Seneca, South Carolina 29678 USA wrote to Brian Acosta on October 28th, 2009 that he wanted the money returned as the lease had not gone together as per the proposal:"... I have provided you with my consent for York chillers and/or our Schulte’s beam carousel as further collateral (with a minimal, combined, used value of $800,000). York chillers are very liquid collateral, substantial yet common equipment for hospitals, universities, airports, sports arenas, etc., across the United States of America.
“When you committed to our equipment lease/finance agreement three months ago, in order to secure our deposit, you stated that financing would take a ‘few days’ and a ‘few more documents.’
“We have provided multiple documents and collateral over three months, even though ten days elapsed before you or Jordan Lai would return my call(s). Because of our contractual agreement to provide mobile production technology to the independent film, Ruby’s Saturn Return, by November 9th, 2009, and their requirement of evidence of our ability to perform by October 30th, 2009, I hereby demand that you perform on your verbal and written agreement with me and my company for an equipment finance/lease minimum amount of seventy-five thousand dollars to be received in our Carolina First Bank EAMS account (053902197 7100463216) by October 30th, 2009, or return our deposit by wire transfer that day.” (1)
Since Mr. Acosta was a National Association of Equipment Leasing Best Practice Broker (2) and the National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers (NAELB) attorney and board member are both Joseph Bonanno, who also is on the Certified Leasing Professional Foundation Board of Directors and assists in its legal capacity, the complaint was refer to NAELB (Leasing News spoke with the 2009 President Theresa Kabot, CLP, who explained the CLP complaint procedure, and since it was not fully in place that NAELB was the place to go.)
“December 14, 2009
“Joseph G. Bonanno, Esq., CLP
NAELB Legal Counsel
151 Mystic Avenue
Medford, MA 02155
“Dear Mr. Bonanno:
“I respectfully request that NAELB address ethical violations of Mr. Brian Acosta of Ability Capital Solutions (Matrix Business Capital, et. al.). I represent that there is no pending litigation between my company, EarthArtist Mountain Studio-Campus LLC and Ability Capital Solutions or Matrix Business Capital.
“In a recent telephone call to Mr. Acosta, I was told that if I reported his refusal to refund my company’s deposit for an equipment lease arrangement to your organization, I would not “see our money again.” He has stated that a refund would not occur before the end of January 2010, almost six months since we forwarded our deposit to his company on August 14th, 2009, three and a half months since our October 13th, 2009, request for refund (attached hereto) and three months since our final request, per certified mail, on October 28th, 2009. I am faxing these letters along with related documents and can transmit the email trail of our dealing with Mr. Acosta to you. In the event we commence litigation with Mr. Acosta’s company, then I acknowledge that NAELB shall suspend all investigation in this matter, pending the conclusion of said litigation.
“I look forward to discussing this situation with you.
“With kind regards,
“Michael Lentine” (3)
Note: The requirement of no legal action.
January 5, 2010 M. Lentine informed Leasing News:
"Mr. Acosta has still not responded to Mr. Bonanno's letter.
“Therefore, I am attaching Mr. Bonanno's ‘follow-up letter’ extending Mr. Acosta's response deadline to January 8, 2009, including attachments in regard to the equipment lease and proof of our deposit nearly six months ago." (4)
“As you are aware, this office is legal counsel to the National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers ("NAELB). In that capacity, this office administers the ethics program of the NAELB. An ethics complaint for improper retention of an advance deposit has been filed with this office against Ability Capital Solutions f/k/a Matrix Business Capital by a prior customer, EarthArtist Mountain Studio Campus. 1 had previously corresponded with you on December 15, 2009 via UPS and fax. I have enclosed herewith proof of delivery receipts for both UPS and the telefax that was sent to you along with the complaint material.
“As of this date, I have not received a response to the matter from you. However, in fairness I will acknowledge that the timing of the holidays may have made a response within the normal 10 day period impossible. Therefore, I will provide you with the opportunity to respond to this matter by the close of business on this Friday, January 8, 2010. In the event there is no response received by that time, then I will forward the matter to the NAELB Ethics Committee (and potentially the full board if the process goes that far) without the benefit of your response.” (4)
The complaint was reportedly forwarded to the NAELB Ethics Committee (three broker members, three funder members) who reportedly passed it then to the board for their January meeting. Since there was no response by January 8, 2010, it appears it was then held for the February board meeting to be held February 11th.
In communication with Mr. Brian Acosta, CLP, for a statement regarding this complaint, his response was a copy of a lawsuit filed by his company on February 9, 2010 against EarthArtist Mountain Studio-Campus and Mr. Michael Lentine as an individual for $5,063 plus damages, court and attorney costs (it is 14 pages to large to print; however it is available in PDF format). (5).
There were no comments from the past president of the CLP Foundation, Theresa Kabot, CLP, or the current president Chris Walker, CLP, or from Spencer Richman, CLP, NAELB President.
Ripoff Report--Two Complaints Matrix Business Capitalhttp://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/Matrix-Business-Capital.aspx
Ability Capital Solutions BBB Report: A- BBB Member
Matrix Business Capital BBB Report: A- BBB Member
Matrix Business Capital member in good standing at National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers
Associate member through Matrix Business Capital at National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers
Brian Acosta, CLP, President, Best Practice Broker
(one of eighteen)
Brian Acosta, CLP, member in good standing of Certified Leasing Professional Foundation
Brian Acosta California Dept. Real Estate License
#01373911 Expired 03/25/07
No California Lender's License for Matrix Business Capital found
No California Lender's License for Ability Capital Solutions found
(1)October 28th, 2009 letter
(2) Best Practice Broker
(3) Copy of December 14, 2009 letter
(4) Copy of January 5, 2010 letter Bonanno to Acosta
(plus proof of service letters from NAELB)
(5) 14 page copy of law suit (Response from Brian Acosta, CLP)
Matrix Business Capital, Long Beach, California
Bulletin Board Complaint

"My outpatient hospital is located in San Antonio, Texas. Our Gross Revenue stream is roughly $7 million. The firm below pre-approved me from two handicap buses I needed to purchase back in November 2009. To this date that have failed to fund the transaction. In December they requested the first and last month payments ($2644.00) as a security deposit pending final loan documentation. It appears that they have simply stolen my money and keep bantering me with e-mails requesting additional information and sighting various excuses why they need more time."
Basil P. Casteleyn, Jr.
Chief of Staff
La Paz Community Health Care Center, Inc.
530 San Pedro
San Antonio, Texas 78212
February 10, 2009 from Brian Acosta, CLP:
"We did not change the terms we worked very hard and secured two approvals.
"We originally encountered and issue with his pay net and some outstanding payments. We then offered to work with him and he cooperated with us. Last week the phone service provider we work with dropped our service for about 1 hour. I have emails from the provider. Basil and the vender became irate and accused us of being con artist and being out of business. He then refused to cooperate with anything we were trying to accomplish.
"He as apparently shopping at the same time we worked with him and so one of our banks was requiring us to get a letter of exclusivity to show that we were financing this truck and he was not working with anyone else. He refused to sign this letter as being coached against us.
"We have a second approval for the equipment but the bank is not willing to go 48 months because of the age of the equipment.
"We have secured funding as agreed and he is being coached by a competitor to use our approval to fund through another source."
There were many emails back and forth, including telephone calls.
"We have two approvals. I am suggesting that one of the approvals does not need the letter but will not go out as long. The other approval will meet the terms but we need the letter of exclusivity (see below)
"Read my other correspondence I have sent about the details of the two approvals. One of them will go 48 months but we need the exclusivity letter that he agreed to send and then changed his mind after talking to the vender."
There was no document in “(see below)”, but the main fact of the original proposal of November 19th not being met was not addressed.
From Mr. Acosta, CLP:
"Our agreement does state that if we get them approved at the terms and they walk on the approval then they forfeit the deposit. The guy is being dishonest.
"My attorney will deal with this from here.
"You are clearly on his side and do not seem to care about the facts or what has actually occurred."
It is Leasing News role to decide if the complaint is legitimate for the Leasing News Bulletin Board.
Mr. Acosta, CLP, was asked for a statement regarding the complaint:
"In this letter the carrier explains that the recording popping on stating ‘no longer in service’ that Basil heard that caused him to send his email exactly 23 minutes into the outage and 1 day after the approval where he accuses us of being con artists and vows to attack us with media because of this is. Please read this letter.
"Most importantly see the following emails:
"1. Email showing the day he sent his final item and in full cooperation with us just 4 days prior to this apparent cyber attack.
"2. Email showing Basils’ reaction to the cyber attack vowing to take us down with media.
"3. You can easily look at the date he signed his agreement and sent in his check and it was December and not Nov. He also references in his email.
"4. I have sent you multiple emails about him working on his ownership discrepancy in Dec. and also his pay net in late January if you go back and review.
"5. Lastly if you review any emails to basil from me and Alfredo. None of them ever reference a part approval. They all clearly state we can get the entire amount funded at terms. We do have some emails speaking about a secondary approval that we did not feel was going to work based on the equipment but that it the whole purpose of having two approvals. One of them does go out to 48 months as he requested.
"Has the phone lines not gone down and he became enraged by this thinking that we went out of business with his money he would have still been working with us and his deal would have funded. He was already a little upset by the negative reporting on his pay net and was unfamiliar with the report but furious with the company that had reported him as this caused him additional work and he felt it was unfair because it was a construction company he delays payment to. But he also spoke to the vender during the outage and the vender told him about another company and not to use us so at that point he became adamant about breaching his contract with us and he is now using you to attempt to gain leverage rather than just working with us directly. He in fact has stopped responding to our phone calls ever since he sent his con artist email on the day of the outage.
"If you are going to print a story I ask you print my side and all of my side. If you print one sided stories and leave out facts that is not a good thing. This is why we are willing to take people to court if needed to protect our rights because then all the facts will become present.
"I am going to be writing a story myself that all the banks and brokers are going to be very interested in about how lessees and greedy brokers try to use the media for personal gain and to breach contracts or steal business as well as commit fraud and attempt to undermined the purpose of getting a signed commitment. These commitment letters are very important to maintain the integrity of the business write now so that we can remain in business and honor our relationships. I spent a great deal of resources to have the language in my agreement stated reliance on commitment so that it is clear and spelled out so that lessee can read it and understand what the agreement is and we can operate fairly with one another. It is designed to protect my company and them and guarantees them a refund if we are not able to perform so that a person would never have to go to Leasing news or the BBB unless they are being dishonest in which case we will defend ourselves in the court of law."
From Mr. Casteleyn, Jr.:
"Here is my response and my final request that Matrix Business Capital return my deposit in the amount of $2644.06 and all proprietary documents including our financial information forwarded and accepted by or on behalf of La Paz Community Mental Health Center, Inc. by Matrix Business Capital.
"I have been in business a long time and I understand when people are hiding behind questionable business practices. Mr. Acosta assured me that they could arrange for a business lease based on my funding requirements in November of 2009. The time frame in which he had to accomplish this is easily verified referencing the attached contract. It became apparent to me that he could not fulfill this obligation in early January. What frustrates me is that he is still trying to find excuses why this contract was not honored and processed by Matrix Business Capital. Here are the following facts…not my perceived reality, but the actual facts as memorialized in the contract and supported therein.
"a. Matrix Business Capital, through its agent(s) Brian Acosta and Alfredo Moran offered us a Business lease for two handicap busses needed for our Hospital operations in the amount of $42,000.00. Arrangements were made with the Vendor immediately with regard to the assets being purchased/leased in late November 2009.
"b. This contract was executed by our CEO on December 1st 2009 and funds were transferred (due consideration) $2644.06 on December 2nd 2009 to Matrix Business Capital.
"c. The contract states the following exactly:
"In consideration of Lessor's time, effort and expense in considering and processing the lease transaction, Lessee agrees that Lessor shall have twenty (20) business days from the date of Lessor's receipt of all documentation and information required by Lessor from Lessee (which documentation and information Lessee shall provide to Lessor within seven (7) business days of Lessor's request) to provide final approval as noted above. If Lessor provides final approval and Lessee does not fulfill its commitment with respect to completing the lease transaction, then the Initial Deposit will be considered a processing fee earned by Lessor. The Initial Deposit shall be retained as liquidated damages by Lessor in the event Lessee does not supply the required documents and information required by Lessor or otherwise comply with the terms of this agreement, there is a material adverse change to the financial condition of the Lessee or any Guarantor, or if any material misrepresentation is made by Lessee in connection with the documents and information provided to Lessor. If Lessor does not provide final approval as noted above within the twenty (20) day limit referenced above, and Lessee revokes its acceptance in writing thereafter, Lessee's Initial Deposit, lessee processing and due diligence expenses incurred by Lessor in considering the transaction, will be returned to Lessee within thirty (30) days of Lessee's written request.
"Matrix Business Capital failed to finalize our lease agreement within the 20 days required by the contract. Again, it became evident that they did not have the ability to negotiate this lease. Therefore, if I was wrong I agreed to give Mr. Acosta until February 3, 2009 to execute a final lease document, and simply fund the transaction. It is worth noting that if approval was not obtained by Mr. Acosta by December 22, 2009, he violated the terms of the contract and should have returned the deposit based upon my initial written request. The time for excuses and on-going bantering is now over…period.
"Brian Acosta’s other allegations are neither worth my time nor effort in formulating a response. I actually had trouble reading his elusive style of pros. He is very talented at stretching the truth, however, I am more than confident that this organization will repeat this practice, and this time when the phone bill is not paid there will be no more excuses.
"I am highly upset with the time I personally wasted trying to close a relatively small leasing transaction with Matrix. We are a busy multi-million dollar outpatient hospital, and my goal was simple; I needed to purchase two (2) handicap vehicles. Matrix Business Capital’s integrity and character will be self-evident when and if I receive my deposit back. If they do not return the deposit I will let the industry be the judge."
Basil P. Casteleyn, Jr.
Chief of Staff
La Paz CHHC, Inc.
Ripoff Report--Two Complaints Matrix Business Capital
Ability Capital Solutions BBB Report: A- BBB Member
Matrix Business Capital BBB Report: A- BBB Member
Matrix Business Capital member in good standing at National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers
Associate member through Matrix Business Capital at National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers
Brian Acosta, CLP, President, Best Practice Broker
(one of eighteen)
Brian Acosta, CLP, member in good standing of Certified Leasing Professional Foundation
Brian Acosta California Dept. Real Estate License
#01373911 Expired 03/25/07
No California Lender's License for Matrix Business Capital found
No California Lender's License for Ability Capital Solutions found
(1) Copy of 11/19/2009 Proposal singed December 1, 2009
(A) Simple Single letter re: 23 minute telephone outage
Classified Ads---Senior Management
25+ yrs exper. management roles Chase, AT&T Capital, Heller Financial, SFS. Develop biz from “scratch to success”. Looking for challenging & pioneering job.
Email: frans@alliedproperty.net |
Philadelphia, PA
27 yrs. exp. sales, ops., credit, strategy, P&L mngmet. Most recently created & executed the biz plans for 2 highly successful Bank-owned small ticket leasing subsidiaries.
email: mccarthy2020@comcast.net |
Philadelphia Metro Area - 30 Years experience Healthcare sales/ management- 3 years experience newly create "small-ticket" healthcare division.
Good success - Mitch Utz
Email: mitutz@msn.com |
Bank Beat---Evans Bank Ceases effort to sell lease portfolio

Once a player in the national leasing market place, Evans Bank, Hamburg, New York exited the industry. Their fourth quarter income was $1.4 million versus $0.5 million the previous quarter, recording a $0.7 million income for the year 2009 compared to a $4.9 million the year before.
John Gallo, who sold his company M&C Leasing to Evans in 2004, left after Evans management decided to get out of leasing, taking his son Brian with him, who was to form a new company, BlueBridge Financial, with Mark DeBacker, the former CFO of Evans Bank from 2001-2006.Veronica Wroblewski is the Senior Broker Representative: http://www.bluebridgefinancial.com/
According to the fourth quarter Evans Bank announcement press release:
“The national direct financing lease portfolio declined $4.7 million during the fourth quarter to $31.5 million at December 31, 2009 as the Company ceased lease originations in the second quarter of 2009 and is winding down the portfolio and exiting this business line. The 2008 year-end balance was $58.6 million. In the third quarter of 2009, Evans announced that it had ceased its marketing efforts to sell the portfolio and intends to service the portfolio until maturity. The weighted average life of the leases in the portfolio is approximately 15.1 months. The national direct financing lease portfolio currently comprises 6.4% of the Company's total loans and leases portfolio down from 7.6% at September 30, 2009 and 14.4% at December 31, 2008."
Gary Kajtoch, Executive Vice President and CFO of Evans Bank noted, "We continue to monitor the national economic conditions that may impact the lease portfolio with additional deterioration. Concurrently, we are making great efforts to collect the remaining direct financing lease portfolio as the balances pay down. We have $4.2 million or 11.67% of coverage for uncollectible leases from the mark-to-market adjustment made last June that may be utilized against future charge-offs. The reduction of the lease balances, which have typically earned higher yields, have negatively influenced overall net interest margin, but it's decreasing size relative to the total loan and lease portfolio has also reduced the level of overall risk on our balance sheet. We have offset some of the decline in yield by growing our loan base within our local market where we have a solid knowledge of our customers and their operating environments."
Mr. Kajtoch commented, "We have a solid balance sheet and capital that exceeds regulatory requirements. However, as we look to grow Evans through gaining greater market share in Western New York, establishing new branches and making acquisitions, we need to continue to expand our capital base to accommodate for this growth. The reduction in our cash dividend last year was one step in that direction."
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Newport Beach, CA / New York, NY
20 openings CA/4 NY - Min. 1yr exp.
Est. customer/vendor a plus. Base plus
comm. Info@eaglebusinessfinance.com
Eagle Business Finance is a national Leasing company offering brokered and internal funding services from $1,000 to $2,800,000

5 Years+ Small Ticket or Middle Market Exp.
with Established Customer/Vendor relationships.
Remote Office or On Site/ Jobs@TEQlease.com
Attn: Mike Lockwood or Russ Runnalls CLP
TEQlease Provides Customized Equipment
Leasing Solutions For Businesses Nationwide
National Business Development Manager
With seven years experience including current existing book of business. Remote Office Okay. Click here for more info.
Western Finance & Lease, a subsidiary of Western State Bank established in 1901, solicits originations throughout the US
and provides
funding solutions for a wide range of industries. .
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
Leasing 102
by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP

Problem Lease: The Residual
I received a call this week from a lessee in Texas that was a few months away from his lease termination and had a few questions for me about his lease termination. His problem was that he has two lease agreements and had signed a personal guarantee. The first lease was signed with the broker and then he was asked to sign a second agreement with the funding source. The first lease agreement, with the broker in the squares that indicated his terms, including the equipment cost and the payments, it indicated a one dollar “residual” monthly. He said that his discussions with the California broker that was introduced to him by the vendor told him it was a $1 purchase option. In the second lease agreement with the funding source it only states a fair market purchase option and a statement that this is intended to be a finance lease for legal purposes. Which agreement does he use? I know that the word residual in leasing terms does not indicate a purchase option but to a lessee in could be interpreted as such.
In addition when he received the request to sign the second lease agreement the attached letter stated:
Please do not date the documents, as the bank will do this upon receipt.
Please do not write on the “Schedule A” except for your signature. The bank will complete the “schedule A” upon receiving these final documents. ( the equipment description was blank)
He never ever received any completed forms from the funding source.
In the body of the lease it requires the lessee to return the equipment: “to a location we specify at your expense, in retail condition, full working order and complete repair.” Not unreasonable in our business except in this case the “cost” to return the equipment to “any” location other than the lessee’s location will cost more than the equipment is worth. This makes even a FMV purchase option a bargain. In addition it brings into question two additional questions. Did the term of the lease equal the useful life of the equipment? and did the Lessor take a meaningful residual.
You may ask “so what” but the big issue here is that the payments required, based on the equipment cost and the term of the lease, is over 27%, without any residual. In Texas the usury rate is 16%. If convicted of usury the cost to the Lessor will be a complete loss of the payments made and a penalty usually equal to the equipment cost. If any of the facts or questions raised here compel the court to make this an Article 9 transaction instead of an Article 2A lease the broker and the Lessor are in a lot of trouble. This is a result of poor documentation and lack of knowledge on equipment values or its actual use.
The lessee has indicated that he is in the process of closing his business but morally wants to complete the lease to save his credit but is in a dilemma as to how to proceed. What advice would you give him?
Mr. Terry Winders, CLP, has been a teacher, consultant, expert witness for the leasing industry for thirty years and can be reached at leaseconsulting@msn.com or 502-327-8666.
He invites your questions and queries.
Previous #102 Columns:
(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)
#### Press Release ############################
Arizona Equipment Leasing Association Winter Meeting

At the Arizona Equipment Leasing Association (AZELA) winter meeting held at the Star Fire Country Club in Scottsdale, Connie Kadansky, President of Exceptional Sales Performance, challenged the attendees to take action to make sales happen.
After introduction and comments on the attendees' view of the current state of equipment financing and the economy, tools were provided to make a change to our outlook when making the "cold calls."
She provided the tools and a new approach to identify and eliminate Sales Call Reluctance that attendees look forward to implement.
Bernice Truszkowski, CLP
"your equipment finance specialist"
Equipment Funding LTD
PO BOX 985
Scottsdale, AZ 85252
480-949-7012 FAX
### Press Release ############################
Equipment Storage and Sales Co. Names Kevin Libert
to Direct Off Lease and Repossessed Equipment Management Company

Equipment Storage and Sales Co. (ESSCO) is pleased to announce the addition of Kevin Libert as our new Business Development Manager. Libert has extensive experience in the heavy equipment financing industry and will be on assignment to manage and facilitate the sale of the increasing amount of bank owned equipment to buyers worldwide.
ESSCO specializes in helping lenders get the best return on investment for their off lease and repossessed equipment by providing transportation, storage, appraisal and sales for otherwise distressed heavy equipment. The service is an alternative to getting less than full value for your equipment in an auction or quick sale.
For more information visit www.equipmentstorageco.com and contact Kevin Libert, Business Development Manager, Equipment Storage & Sales Co. at (510) 639-4081 or email info@equipmentstorageco.com.
#### Press Release #############################
Executive Solutions for Equipment Leasing and Finance Expands

In order to provide a more comprehensive suite of products Executive Solutions has added Capital Markets services to their Talent Search solutions. Executive Solutions has expanded its capabilities to include special advisory expertise to arrange financing for companies whose customers have need for capital, such as:
• Major US-based captive finance companies
• Manufacturers looking to provide internal financing for their equipment
• Finance and leasing companies looking to augment their funding lines
• Companies in need of financing solutions for unique or non-standard transactions or programs.
• Companies looking to buy or sell portfolios
• Finance or leasing companies looking to participate with other firms
• Private placement of debt and structured equity
• Monetization of special assets, such as residual positions and subordinated securitization tranches
Teri Gerson, President of Executive Solutions for Leasing and Finance, Inc. stated in her annual newsletter that those companies that have reinvented themselves to realize opportunities the recession has created are necessarily the ones that will flourish. “I am thrilled to add a service as vital as capital markets in keeping with our commitment to continually redefine the term ‘excellence’. Jon Gerson, head of Strategic Initiatives, has additional exciting products and services that will be announced in the near future.” According to Ms. Gerson.
About Executive Solutions for Leasing and Finance, Inc.
Executive Solutions is a search firm that began serving the leasing and finance industry in 1990. It conducts retained, contingency, and hybrid individually structured searches for all functional roles within the leasing and finance industry. Executive Solutions represents companies ranging from small regional firms to Fortune 50 companies with an extensive database consisting of professionals in the US and Canada.
In addition to conducting searches for single positions, Executive Solutions puts entire teams together with niche specialties designed to catapult clients into new markets with minimal ramp up time and rapid revenue production. No assignment is too small or too large. Each assignment is handled with discretion, thorough screening, and ongoing strategic partnering with clients and candidates to create win-win solutions.
Teri Gerson , President
Executive Solutions for Leasing & Finance, Inc.
181 New Providence Road
Mountainside, NJ 07092-2516
908.654.1550 (f) 908.847.0377
### Press Release ###############################
National Leasing
Top 50 Best Small and Medium Employers in Canada!

Winnipeg, Manitoba, National Leasing, a recognized leader in equipment financing, is pleased to be named among the Top 50 Best Small and Medium Employers in Canada. The study, now in its sixth year, is published in the Globe and Mail and PROFIT Magazine.
"We are very excited to be named one of the Best Small and Medium Employers in Canada," said Nick Logan, President & CEO of National Leasing. "2009 was a year filled with change for National Leasing with the relocation to a new building and more recently, the Canadian Western Bank acquisition. It is the commitment demonstrated by employees and the way everyone embraced these changes that makes this company what it is."
"This is an awesome place to work," said Fenessa Parker, Sales Coordinator at National Leasing. "I've never worked for a company like this before and the longer I stay here the more I realize it's not just a honeymoon period, this is everyday."
"This year's joint Queen's/Hewitt Best Small-Medium Employers in Canada program profiled opinions representing more than 17,000 employees from across Canada," said Einar Westerlund, Director of Project Development for Queen's Centre for Business Venturing. "Despite the challenging economic climate facing many small-medium enterprises, competition for ranking as one of The Best 50' was especially keen in the current study. Once again in 2010, National Leasing has made this elite list, reflecting the company's continuing commitment to building and maintaining the kinds of people-focused programs, policies, and day-to-day practices which drive positive employee engagement, commitment, and ultimately business results."
Becoming a Best Small & Medium Employer is a very detailed and competitive process. This national awards program recognizes top employers with between 50 and 400 employees. This study mirrors the renowned Best Employers in Canada initiative run by partner, Hewitt Associates; however, caters to smaller businesses.
The rankings are primarily determined using the results from Employee Opinion Surveys. Here, 21 key engagement drivers are detailed and analyzed. The evaluation process also includes the assessment of organization practices and perspectives from the leadership team. This year, more than 200 companies across Canada registered to participate in the study.
Study partners include Queen's School of Business, Queen's Centre for Business Venturing and Hewitt Associates. More information about the Best Small & Medium Employers in Canada is available online at http://business.queensu.ca/qcbv/sme.
About National Leasing
National Leasing provides sound financial solutions to businesses across Canada. We are the leader in commercial equipment leasing and we're recognized as one of the largest Canadian lessors in small to mid-ticket transactions. Backed by professional service and an outstanding reputation, National Leasing is fast, easy and ever changing to meet our customers' needs. For more information please visit www.nationalleasing.com or call us at 1-800-665-1326.
##### Press Release ###########################

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Today's Top Event in History
The First Equipment Lessor----
1808- Birthday of Cyrus McCormick, 1808. He was the first to utilize "leasing" and "finance" to promote his product, something unheard of in his day. American historians believe McCormick's invention of the reaper is second only to the railroad in the development of the United States. Continuing the dream of his father, McCormick constructed a horse-operated reaper which was demonstrated for the first time in a Virginia wheat field in July 1831. He moved his operation to Chicago, IL, in 1847 in order to be closer to the Midwest's expanding wheat fields. His business prospered despite two decades of constant litigation over patent rights. His machine also was not considered the "best" of its day. In order to get his machine on the farm, he would offer "no payment until after Harvest," "No money down," " Seasonal payments," " Rent to Own," " Lease with Ability to Trade in For New Model." He died May 13, 1884, at Chicago. The company today is International Harvester.

This Day in American History
1762 - The British capture Fort Martinique, the main French port in the West Indies, and then St. Lucia and Grenada. Later in the year, Britain will also overrun the Spanish colonial outposts of Cuba and of Manila in the Philippines.
1726- Birthday of Abraham Clark, signer of the Declaration of Independence, farmer and lawyer. Born at Elizabethtown, NJ, and died there Sept 15, 1794. One of the “ordinary” signers, representing the people of his area, originally a farmer. Two or three of the sons of Mr. Clark were officers in the army, during the revolutionary struggle. During a part of their captivity, their sufferings were extreme, being confined in the notorious prison ship, Jersey. Painful as the condition of his sons was, Mr. Clark scrupulously avoided calling the attention of congress to the subject, excepting in a single instance. One of his sons, a captain of artillery, had been cast into a dungeon, where he received no other food than that which was conveyed to him by his fellow prisoners, through a keyhole. On a representation of these facts to congress, that body immediately directed a course of retaliation in respect to a British officer. This had the desired effect, and Captain Clark's condition was improved.
1758- Benjamin Franklin brought in mustard from France and introduced it to his guests in both a dark and light yellow “mustard,” hence its common name today. One of his guests was Benjamin Jackson, who established Globe Mills on Germantown Road, Philadelphia, PA, bottling and selling the product in glass bottles with his label on them. He advertised in the Pennsylvania Chronicle of February 15, 1768, that he was “ the original establisher of the mustard manufactory in America, and...at present the only mustard manufacturer on the continent. I bought the art with me into the country.” The truth, according to the Global Gourmet: All mustard is made in relatively the same way. The seed must be crushed, its hull and bran sifted out or not depending on type of mustard being made. It then may or may not go through further grinding and crushing. A liquid such as water, wine, vinegar, beer, or a combination of several of these liquids is added, along with seasonings and perhaps other flavorings. The mustard is mixed, in some cases simmered, and then cooled. Some mustard is aged in large containers before it is bottled and shipped to stores and customer. Although similar recipes for mustard paste appear as early as 42 AD, the use of mustard as a condiment was not widely practiced in either Greece or Rome. The Romans took the seed to Gaul, and by the ninth century French monasteries were bringing in considerable income from mustard preparations. By the 13th century, mustard was one of the items offered by Parisian sauce-hawkers, who walked the streets at dinner peddling their savory war.
1764--- The city of St. Louis was established as a French trading post. Pierre Laclede Liguest and stepson Auguste Chouteau notched a couple of trees that marked the site for Laclede's Landing that became St. Louis. August Chouteau is recognized as the “builder” of St. Louis.
1803- birthday of John Sutter. Born at Kandern, Germany, Sutter established the first white settlement on the site of Sacramento, CA, in 1839, and owned a large tract of land there, which he named New Helvetia. The first great gold strike in the US was on his property, at Sutter's Mill, Jan 24, 1848. His land was soon overrun by gold seekers who, he claimed, slaughtered his cattle and stole or destroyed his property. Sutter was bankrupt by 1852. Died at Washington, DC, June 18, 1880
1804-- New Jersey becomes last northern state to abolish slavery
1808- birthday of Cyrus McCormick, 1808. He was the first to utilize "leasing" and "finance" to promote his product, something unheard of in his day. American historians believe McCormick's invention of the reaper is second only to the railroad in the development of the United States. Continuing the dream of his father, McCormick constructed a horse-operated reaper which was demonstrated for the first time in a Virginia wheat field in July 1831. He moved his operation to Chicago, IL, in 1847 in order to be closer to the Midwest's expanding wheat fields. His business prospered despite two decades of constant litigation over patent rights. His machine also was not considered the "best" of its day. In order to get his machine on the farm, he would offer "no payment until after Harvest," "No money down," " Seasonal payments," " Rent to Own," " Lease with Ability to Trade in For New Model." He died May 13, 1884, at Chicago. The company today is International Harvester.
1812- birthday of Charles Lewis Tiffany, American jeweler whose name became synonymous with high standards of quality. Born at Killingly, CT, and died at New York, NY, Feb 18, 1902.
1820-Birthday of Susan Brownell Anthony, affectionally known as Aunt Susan. One of the primary figures of the 19th century battle for women's rights and became its best known spokeswoman. Elected to Hall of Fame for Great Americans in 1950. An untiring pioneer crusader for women's rights, women's suffrage, Negro suffrage and abolition who traveled this nation constantly for 60 years for social justice. Her last public words: "Failure is impossible."
1836-Birthday of Sarah Fuller - early advocate of teaching deaf children to read lips rather than signing. Taught Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, at her Boston School for Deaf-Mutes, which later became known as the Horace Mann School for the Deaf. (not to be confused with philosopher Sarah Margaret Fuller.)
1849- Goat Island, also known as Sea Bird Island and later as Wood Island, sold by Nathan Spear to Harbor Master Edward A. King for $1. This island serves as a base today for the Bay Bridge. It is not to be confused with Treasure Island, which is man-made.
1860-Birthday of Annie Blythe West, Japanese government gave her the 6th degree of the Order of the Crown for her 40 years of missionary work in Japan among women, children, and disabled soldiers.
1876-- Ada Everleigh who with her sister Minna operated a brothel in Chicago, "probably the most famous and luxurious house of prostitution in the country” from 1900-1911. At the time there were reported to be nearly 600 houses of prostitution in Chicago alone. When a reform movement closed the Everleigh house in 1911 because of their fame (others remained open), the sisters retired millionaires.
Minnie Everleigh
1879-- President Rutherford B. Hayes signed a bill allowing female attorneys to argue cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. It would be some 41 years before the federal government would allow women to affect the making of the laws through suffrage.
1895 - A big Gulf snowstorm produced six inches at Brownsville TX and Mobile AL, 15 inches at Galveston TX, and 24 inches of snow at Rayne LA in 24 hours. Snow fell at the very mouth of the Mississippi River. Houston TX received 22 inches of snow, and nine inches blanketed New Orleans LA.
1898-American battleship Maine was blown up while at anchor in Havana harbor, at 9:40 PM. The ship, under the command of Captain Charles G. Sigsbee, sank quickly, and 260 members of its crew were lost. Inflamed public opinion in the US ignored the lack of evidence to establish responsibility for the explosion. "Remember the Maine " became the war cry, and a formal declaration of war against Spain followed on Apr 25, 1898.
1905—Composer Harold Arlen birthday
1915- jazz trumpeter Taft Jordan born Florence, SC.
1917 --San Francisco Public Library (Main Branch at Civic center) dedicated.
1917—Birthday of Theresa Castro - US businesswoman, co-owner of Castro Convertible, virtually a synonym for convertible sofa. She had saved her tips as a waitress to help start the company with her husband Bernard. Historians record it as the last major invention in sofa beds, actually the result of customers' requests of an upholsterer named Bernard Castro (1904-1991) to produce a davenport sofa bed that looked and worked well. The Castro Convertible, patented in 1948, with its folding springs that pull out from inside the sofa frame, was the prototype for most modern sofa beds. A recent departure from the Castro type sofa bed features covered foam sections that stack to become seats and unfold to become beds. These designs reflect an ongoing need for cheaper more portable furniture. After becoming wealthy, Theresa Castro became well-known as an energetic charitable benefactor in New York and Florida, Her daughter, Bernadette Castro, at age 4, was used in television commercial to show how easily the bed opened and folded. Today she is the New York State parks commissioner and a well-known personality in her own right.
1932- The US four-man bobsled team won the gold medal at the Winter Olympics at Lake Placid, NY. On the team was Edward F. Eagan, who had won a gold medal in boxing at the 1920 Summer Olympics. Egan thus became the first person to win gold medals in both the Winter and Summer Olympics.
1932 - George Burns and Gracie Allen debuted as regulars on "The Guy Lombardo Show" on CBS radio. The couple was so popular that soon, they would have their own "Burns and Allen Show". George and Gracie continued on radio for 18 years before making the switch to TV. All in all, they were big hits for three decades.
1933- at Bay Front Park, Miami, FL, an assassin aiming at President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt had his aim deflected by a spectator. Cermak, mayor of Chicago, IL, born May 9, 1873, at Kladno, Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, was struck and killed instead. Giuseppe (Joe) Zangara, the 32-year-old assassin, who had emigrated from Italy in 1923, was electrocuted at the Raiford, FL, state prison Mar 20, 1933.
1936 - The temperature at Parshall ND plunged to 60 degrees below zero to establish a state record. On the 6th of July that same year the temperature at Steele ND hit 121 degrees, also a state record
1941-Duke Ellington records “Take the A Train,” Victor 273080)
1944-GORDON, NATHAN GREEN Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, commander of Catalina patrol plane. Place and date: Bismarck Sea, 15 February 1944. Entered service at: Arkansas. Born: 4 September 1916, Morrilton, Ark. Citation: For extraordinary heroism above and beyond the call of duty as commander of a Catalina patrol plane in rescuing personnel of the U.S. Army 5th Air Force shot down in combat over Kavieng Harbor in the Bismarck Sea, 15 February 1944. On air alert in the vicinity of Vitu Islands, Lt. (then Lt. j.g.) Gordon unhesitatingly responded to a report of the crash and flew boldly into the harbor, defying close-range fire from enemy shore guns to make 3 separate landings in full view of the Japanese and pick up 9 men, several of them injured. With his cumbersome flying boat dangerously overloaded, he made a brilliant takeoff despite heavy swells and almost total absence of wind and set a course for base, only to receive the report of another group stranded in a rubber life raft 600 yards from the enemy shore. Promptly turning back, he again risked his life to set his plane down under direct fire of the heaviest defenses of Kavieng and take aboard 6 more survivors, coolly making his fourth dexterous takeoff with 15 rescued officers and men. By his exceptional daring, personal valor, and incomparable airmanship under most perilous conditions, Lt. Gordon prevented certain death or capture of our airmen by the Japanese.
1945--FLUCKEY, EUGENE BENNETT Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Commander, U.S. Navy, Commanding U.S.S. Barb. Place and date: Along coast of China, 19 December 1944 to 15 February 1945. Entered service at: Illinois. Born: S October 1913, Washington, D.C. Other Navy award: Navy Cross with 3 Gold Stars. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as commanding officer of the U.S.S. Barb during her 11th war patrol along the east coast of China from 19 December 1944 to 15 February 1945. After sinking a large enemy ammunition ship and damaging additional tonnage during a running 2-hour night battle on 8 January, Comdr. Fluckey, in an exceptional feat of brilliant deduction and bold tracking on 25 January, located a concentration of more than 30 enemy ships in the lower reaches of Nankuan Chiang (Mamkwan Harbor). Fully aware that a safe retirement would necessitate an hour's run at full speed through the uncharted, mined, and rock-obstructed waters, he bravely ordered, "Battle station--torpedoes!" In a daring penetration of the heavy enemy screen, and riding in 5 fathoms of water, he launched the Barb's last forward torpedoes at 3,000-yard range. Quickly bringing the ship's stern tubes to bear, he turned loose 4 more torpedoes into the enemy, obtaining 8 direct hits on 6 of the main targets to explode a large ammunition ship and cause inestimable damage by the resultant flying shells and other pyrotechnics. Clearing the treacherous area at high speed, he brought the Barb through to safety and 4 days later sank a large Japanese freighter to complete a record of heroic combat achievement, reflecting the highest credit upon Comdr. Fluckey, his gallant officers and men, and the U.S. Naval Service.
1950---Top Hits
Dear Hearts and Gentle People - Bing Crosby
The Old Master Painter - Snooky Lanson
There's No Tomorrow - Tony Martin
Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy - Red Foley
1951- Birthday of Jane Seymour, real name Joyce Penelope Wilhelmina Frankenberg born in Hillingdon, Middlesex, England best known for her title role of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, the long-running TV series.
1951-Birthday of singer Melissa Manchester, born the Bronx, New York
1953- Tenley Albright made a figure skating history by becoming the first American woman to win the world's championship. She also skated her way to a silver medal at the 1952 Winter Olympics and a gold medal at the 1956 Winter Olympics.
1957--The Coasters record "Searchin'", which will reach #3 in the US and become the first of their ten Billboard Top 40 hits.
1957-Impresario Irvin Feld debuts his Greatest Shows of 1957 in Pittsburgh. On the bill: Clyde McPhatter, Fats Domino, Chuck Berry, Lavern Baker, Bill Doggett, the Moonglows, the Five Satins and more. Before it closes on May 5, the tour goes through every region of the U.S., including some such as the northern Rocky Mountain states, which have never seen a live rock and roll show before.
1957 – San Francisco Beatnik writer Jack Kerouac departs New York on the S.S. Slovenia en route for Tangier to see William Burroughs. February-March: In Tangier, Kerouac stays in a room above Burroughs at the Villa Muniria; types Burroughs' Naked Lunch manuscript (Kerouac has provided the title for the novel which Burroughs originally called Word Hoard.) In March Allen Ginsberg and Peter Orlovsky arrive in Tangier to visit Kerouac and Burroughs.
1958 - "Get A Job", by The Silhouettes, hit #1 on the music Tunedex, staying there for two weeks. One week earlier, the number one song was "Sugartime", by The McGuire Sisters, which fell off the top to be replaced by Perry Como's “Catch a Falling Start.” "Get A Job" would be replaced as number one in two weeks by "Tequila", an instrumental by a studio group known as The Champs.
1958---Top Hits
Get a Job - The Silhouettes
Don't/I Beg of You - Elvis Presley
Catch a Falling Star/Magic Moments - Perry Como
Ballad of a Teenage Queen - Johnny Cash
1958-Jerry Lee Lewis performs "Great Balls of Fire" and his latest release "Breathless" on "American Bandstand." Later in the day, "The Dick Clark Show," a new Saturday night rock & roll television program debuts on ABC-TV. The show features appearances by Jerry Lee Lewis, Pat Boone, Connie Francis, Chuck Willis, the Royal Teens and Johnnie Ray.
1964 ---Bill Bradley scores 51 points for Princeton (Bradley fouled out with his team leading 75-63), and a 58-point outburst against Wichita State in the 1965 NCAA tournament, which was a single game record. In total, Bradley scored 2,503 points at Princeton, averaging 30.2 points per game. In 1965, Bradley became the first basketball player chosen as winner of the prestigious AAU Sullivan Award, presented to the top amateur athlete in the country. After captaining the triumphant U.S. Olympic team in 1964, Bradley graduated with honors and was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford.
1965- the new Canadian national flag was raised in Ottawa, Canada's capital on this day. The re-and-white flag with a red maple leaf in the center replaced the Red Ensign flag which had the British Union Jack in the upper left-hard corner. It is now called “ the Maple Leaf” flag.
1966---Top Hits
My Love - Petula Clark
Lightnin' Strikes - Lou Christie
Uptight (Everything's Alright) - Stevie Wonder
Giddyup Go - Red Sovine
1967--WILLETT, LOUIS E. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Private First Class, U.S. Army, Company C, 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division. Place and date: Kontum Province, Republic of Vietnam, 15 February 1967. Entered service at: Brooklyn, N.Y. Born: 19 June 1945, Brooklyn, N.Y. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Pfc. Willett distinguished himself while serving as a rifleman in Company C, during combat operations. His squad was conducting a security sweep when it made contact with a large enemy force. The squad was immediately engaged with a heavy volume of automatic weapons fire and pinned to the ground. Despite the deadly fusillade, Pfc. Willett rose to his feet firing rapid bursts from his weapon and moved to a position from which he placed highly effective fire on the enemy. His action allowed the remainder of his squad to begin to withdraw from the superior enemy force toward the company perimeter. Pfc. Willett covered the squad's withdrawal, but his position drew heavy enemy machinegun fire, and he received multiple wounds enabling the enemy again to pin down the remainder of the squad. Pfc. Willett struggled to an upright position, and, disregarding his painful wounds, he again engaged the enemy with his rifle to allow his squad to continue its movement and to evacuate several of his comrades who were by now wounded. Moving from position to position, he engaged the enemy at close range until he was mortally wounded. By his unselfish acts of bravery, Pfc. Willett insured the withdrawal of his comrades to the company position, saving their lives at the cost of his life. Pfc. Willett's valorous actions were in keeping with the highest traditions of the U.S. Army and reflect great credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of his country.
1969-Sly and the Family Stone's "Everyday People" hits #1 on the pop chart.
1969- The Doors' "Touch Me" peaks at #3 on the chart.
1971---Birthday of Renee O'Connor , aka Gabrielle, born Houston, Texas. ( Gabrielle was the dutiful sidekick and devoted best friend of Xena, Warrior Princess.)
1973-Birthday of Amy VanDyken - U.S. athlete won a record four gold medals at the 1996 Olympics, the most gold medals for any US woman in one Olympics to that date. AVD has severe asthma, doctors have estimated that she gets 65 per cent of a normal person's oxygen and on her worst days, she gets 30 per cent. She has passed out during workouts Her golds were in the 50m Freestyle and 100m Butterfly and two team events.
1974 -Boston Bruins Center Phil Esposito scored the 1,000 the point of his career, an assist in Boston's 4-2 victory over the Vancouver Canucks. Esposito finished his career with 1,590 points.
1974---Top Hits
Love's Theme - Love Unlimited Orchestra
Americans - Byron MacGregor
Until You Come Back to Me (That's What I'm Gonna Do) - Aretha Franklin
World of Make Believe - Bill Anderson
1975- Linda Ronstadt's "You're No Good" hits #1 on the pop chart.
1975-- Linda Ronstadt's album Heart Like a Wheel hits #1.
1982---Top Hits
Centerfold - The J. Geils Band
Harden My Heart - Quarterflash
Open Arms - Journey
Someone Could Lose a Heart Tonight - Eddie Rabbitt
1978-Leon Spinks won a 15-round split controversial decision over Muhammad Ali to capture the heavyweight championship in a fight in Las Vegas.
1979- The 1978 Grammy Award winners are announced. The "Saturday Night Fever" soundtrack wins Album of the Year and the Bee Gees take home statues for Best Pop Group and Best Arrangement for Voices for "Staying Alive." Billy Joel's "Just the Way You Are" wins Record and Song of the Year.
1986-- Living Bibles International moved to its present headquarters in Naperville, IL. Founded in 1968 by Ken Taylor, editor of the Living Bible, LBI is an interdenominational Bible distributing agency, working in 45 countries.
1982 - An intense cyclone off the Atlantic coast capsized a drilling rig killing 84 persons, and sank a Soviet freighter resulting in 33 more deaths. The cyclone produced 80 mph winds which whipped the water into waves fifty feet high.
1986 - Whitney Houston reached the #1 spot on the music charts. Her single, "How Will I Know", replaced a song recorded by her first cousin, Dionne Warwick ("That's What Friends Are For").
1987 - A storm crossing the central U.S. produced severe thunderstorms which spawned tornadoes in Louisiana and Mississippi. Tornadoes injured four persons at Pierre Pass LA, three persons at Tangipahoa LA, two persons at Lexie MS and two persons at Nicholson MS. Thunderstorm winds gusting to 100 mph killed one person south of Sulphur LA. Jackson MS was drenched with 1.5 inches of rain in ten minutes.
1989 - Thirty-seven cities in the southeastern U.S. reported record high temperatures for the date. The afternoon high of 80 degrees at Atlanta GA was a February record. Highs of 79 degrees at Chattanooga TN, 84 degrees at Columbia SC and 85 degrees at New Orleans LA equaled February records
1990---Top Hits
Opposites Attract - Paula Abdul with The Wild Pair
Two to Make It Right - Seduction
Janie's Got a Gun - Aerosmith
Southern Star – Alabama
1990 - Heavy snow also blanketed the Northern Atlantic Coast States, with ten inches reported at Buffalo NY and Mount Washington NH. Freezing rain over southern New England knocked out electricity to more than 10,000 homes in the western suburbs of Boston MA.
1995-- Dow-Jones closes at record 3986.17
1995 --Population of People's Republic of China hits 1.2 billion
1995---Top Hits
Creep- TLC
Take A Bow- Madonna
On Bended Knee- Boyz II Men
Another Night- Real McCoy
1995- Known as the “Condor,” the FBI arrested Kevin Mitnick in Raleigh, NC. It was considered by the FBI as its "most wanted hacker." He was charged him with cracking security for some of the nation's most protected computers. (Mitnick was later released after serving five years behind bars.
1997-- US female Figure Skating championship won by Tara Lipinski
1997-- US male Figure Skating championship won by Todd Eldridge
1998 - Dale Earnhardt finally won the Daytona 500. Earnhardt won the race on the 50th Anniversary of NASCAR, the 40th Anniversary of the Daytona 500 and his 20th running of the Daytona 500. During a post-race interview he took a stuffed toy monkey and threw it on the ground and said, “Now I have that monkey off my back!”
1998- The Rolling Stones wrap up their Bridges To Babylon North American tour in Las Vegas. The Stones played "The Joint," the 1,400 seat theatre inside the Hard Rock Casino in Vegas. Among those in attendance is Brad Pitt, Leonardo DeCaprio, Johnny Depp, Sting and Eddie Murphy. Said Mick during the show , "Well this is a fantastic audience. It's got to be the best-dressed audience I've ever seen in my life.
1999-- Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura -- a former Rolling Stones concert bodyguard -- declares today "Rolling Stones Day."
2000---Top Hits
Thank God I Found You- Mariah Carey Featuring Joe
I Knew I Loved You- Savage Garden
What A Girl Wants- Christina Aguilera
Get It On Tonite- Montell Jordan
Winter Poem
Shortcut Through the Storm
by Robert Savino
There were too few roads.
There were too many motorists.
My choice was longer in distance,
but far less travelled.
I took a shortcut through the storm,
crawling over the black-iced asphalt,
too close behind Boyd’s black flower car,
in the dreary pitch of Ocean Parkway.
Storm clouds shifting and changing,
pass over, so low, engulf my presence.
I exit in an angel’s breath,
a winged spirit of the Great South Bay,
greeted by Moses at the foot of the bridge,
moments from home and the neon lights
of strip mall shops, that brighten the bus
stop at the corner of Oak Neck Road.
Minutes pass slowly within these hours.
Sounds of snow plows wake me from sleep
The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?
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