Friday, February 18, 2011
Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Pictures from the Past 1977
Jim Kalinski/Kit Menkin
Classified Ads---Sales Manager
Bulletin Board Complaint
iFinancial Group, San Clemente, California
US-Capital Joins “Broker/Lessor List ‘A’ “
Aggregate Funding Sources
New Hires---Promotions
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
The List---January, 2011
Meet the Leasing News Media Editors
Leasing News Advisory Board Member Dale Davis
View from the Top--by Steve Chriest
Ducks in Eagle School
Story Credits---Updated
Cedar Rapids/Kaboom!
Movie/DVD Reviews by Fernando Croce
Due Date/Fish Tank/Get Low
Study Finds 7% Prepared New Accounting Standards
San Clemente, California Adopt-a-Dog
Classified ads— Signing Service / Site Inspection
News Briefs---
Lessors Influence May Be Growing Aircraft Mfg. Decisions
US Senate Passes Two-Year, $35 Billion Aviation Bill
Experian adds rental payment data: consumer credit files
Container Leasing Packs Growth, Value + Dividend
Wine Maker Kluge Loses Estate to BofA in Foreclosure
Giordano's to continue operating despite BK filing
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists |
Features (collection)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers |
Top Stories last six months
California Nuts Briefs---
Sports Briefs
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in American History
Poem: “Cool Tombs” by Carl Sandburg
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer. It is considered “bias” as it is the writer’s viewpoint.

Pictures from the Past 1977
Jim Kalinski/Kit Menkin
James J. “Jim” Kalinski, General Partner,
Christopher “Kit” Menkin, Managing Partner
American Leasing, Santa Clara, California

(1990 picture of Jim, latest one in the file;
sold his interest to go out on his own)
Classified Ads---Sales Manager

(These ads are “free” to those seeking employment
or looking to improve their position)
Bayville, NJ
Dedicated individual seeking a account management position, 3 years leasing experience and 15+ years sales experience. Resume furnished upon request,
email Frank at . |
Fort Myers, Florida
Very experienced and strong skills with both Captive and Specialty Sales Management. Over 25 years , will relocate and travel---successful and team player.
Free Posting for those seeking employment in Leasing:
All “free” categories “job wanted” ads:
(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)
Bulletin Board Complaint
iFinancial Group, San Clemente, California

The complaint regarding the return of $3,820 deposit dated May 27, 2010 along with a copy of the Financing Proposal and emails was presented to Todd Clark, principal of iFinancial regarding an 84 month proposal for $191,000 for a conveyor oven. He wanted to look into it, although emails showed he was involved. After seven days of emails and telephone calls, he emailed back:
“This customer had gone to another company after we had received a signed proposal. The proposal states ‘In the event that the lease fails to commence through no fault of the Lessor the deposit will be earned”. We performed according to our agreement and the customer did not. Therefore, the deposit is earned.”
Again, copies of emails were mailed to him, stating this is a second chance to review the situation.
“Thanks for the second chance, but it is not needed. We are keeping our position and holding to our agreement”
This is part of what was sent to him, as there are other documents, but for the sake of space, have chosen on a few of the email exchange:
To Leasing News from:
Linda Grundtner
Marketing/Sales Manager
Precision Coatings, Inc.
2313 Wycliff Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55114
Ph. 651-641-0878 ext 303
Fx. 651-641-0339
Attached is a scanned set of the “contract” & check, and a few emails that may be helpful.
There are more emails, let me know if you are interested in specific content of other emails.
“In essence this is the timeline:
“We applied on or about May 18, 2010
We were approved on May 19, 2010
We sent check on May 26. 2010
They cashed check on June 1, 2010
They sent email on June 7 2010, saying ‘they had a change in underwriters’ and we now needed to ‘get re-approved’
They came back with lease options that were at much higher interest rates and shorter terms
We decided against going with the new proposals
The chase began for our refund.”
From: David Harris []
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 1:05 PM
To: Mike Myers; Linda Grundtner
Subject: iFinancial
Linda / Mike,
I apologize for the delay; however, the bank that is doing the transaction has pulled out of the equipment financing sector. That explains why we were not getting a lot of information as of late. We are going to find out if they will be honoring the transactions they currently have and funding those later today.
If for some reason they do not, I do have another option for you that might be attractive. I may be able to get this funded as “Corp Only,” meaning no personal guarantees from any of the owners, and there are other options available if needed. More on that later today, I will be in touch in a few hours once we know if this is moving forward as planned.
Best regards,
Dave Harris
888-852-5155 X226
949-369-4699 Fax
There are several emails back and forth, but this is the new proposal
From: David Harris []
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 1:32 PM
To: Linda Grundtner
Subject: iFinancial
Here are a few of the programs available:
1) Standard Lease
This option is the quickest and doesn’t require anything on your end. Keep in mind the term in 60 months.
60 months
190-200k cost of equipment
No documentation required, as we have everything
Can be completed in a week
Payment - $4524.10
Residual - $1.00
A Fair Market Value / 10 PUT is available at a lower payment, but a residual would be due at the end of term.
2) Corporate Only
This option requires no personal guarantees; the only requirement is the signor be an officer of the company.
60-66 months
190-200k cost of equipment
Does require 2-3 advance payments due after signing the bank’s letter of credit
Can take 5-10 days to fully process
Payment - $4257.45 (based on 63 months)
Residual - $1.00
A Fair Market Value / 10 PUT is available at a lower payment, but a residual would be due at the end of term.
Unfortunately, the landscape is bleak for a 72 or 84 month term. The previous bank was one of the few who would offer that. We have previewed with the other institutions that offer 72 and 84 month terms and they have declined the request for various reasons: current cash flow, debt service ratios, light liquidity, historical cash flow etc.
Let me know your thoughts and I will get the ball rolling asap.
Best regards,
Dave Harris
888-852-5155 X226
949-369-4699 Fax
Response finds the new proposal not acceptable:
From: Linda Grundtner []
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 2:10 PM
To: David Harris
Cc: Mike Myers; Matt Grundtner
Subject: RE: iFinancial
“We have reviewed your two financing option below.
“These terms and interest rates are not acceptable.
“Please provide an option that matches the agreed upon term and interest rate in our executed contract (84 months term and approximately 8.4% interest rate.).
“This contract has been in force since May 27th and the deposit/first payment for the contract was cashed by iFinancial on June 1st.”
Linda Grundtner
Marketing/Sales Manager
Precision Coatings, Inc.
2313 Wycliff Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55114
Ph. 651-641-0878 ext 303
Fx. 651-641-0339
Response, again stating cannot make the terms
and conditions of the original proposal:
From: David Harris []
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 5:33 PM
To: Linda Grundtner
Subject: RE: iFinancial
I have previewed this with numerous banks trying to get similar terms, but none have bought into it yet. All have issues with the debt servicing ratios and deem the company highly leveraged. I have a few options that could be considered long shots that I will preview with before the end of the day. We may get lucky….this credit market is very unpredictable at this time. I will have that information for you tomorrow early afternoon your time.
Due to that bank getting out of this industry, we have had many calls trying to pick up our transactions that were with that institution. We may also get something there, however, what I sent you earlier is what is on the table at this moment and what 2 institutions were willing to provide. Those were the only 2 out of about 10 that felt comfortable and those were the terms we were given. We will touch base tomorrow and see where everything stands.
Best regards,
Dave Harris
888-852-5155 X226
949-369-4699 Fax
There are numerous emails from Dave Harris
stating that a refund is coming to them.
September, 2010:
From: David Harris []
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 11:30 AM
To: Linda Grundtner
Subject: iFinancial
I have a call into accounts payable person. He is out until Monday and I will get a status then and touch base with you. Have a great weekend!
Best regards,
Dave Harris
October, 2010
From: David Harris []
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 4:48 PM
To: Linda Grundtner
Subject: RE: iFinancial
I spoke with Todd Clark and he said he will have this sorted out within 24 hours. Let’s touch base tomorrow afternoon and this should be completed then. Thanks again for your patience.
Best regards,
Dave Harris
May 26, 2010 Proposal to Precision Coatings:
(in all of these, click to make larger)
Bank pulled the transaction:
Rejection of new Proposal:
Spoke with Todd Clark, October 5, 2010:
US-Capital Joins “Broker/Lessor List ‘A’ “

2007 |
3 |
US |
$5,000 |
Y |
N |
N |
N |
N |
A - City Business License | B- State License | C - Certified Leasing Professional | D - State(s) sales/use tax license |E - Named as "lessor" on 50% or more of lease contract signed. |
Note the great web site, especially for a small company:
Full List “A”
Aggregate Funding Sources
There were over 25 in this category in 2001, when it was started.
Govlease qualifies, but is basically only for governmental entities with qualified lenders in an online, sealed-bid environment.
Top eLeasing companies as ranked by employees and volume
Rank |
Company Name
Year Founded |
Employees |
Additional Services Offered |
Yearly Volume |
Major Clients |
N/R |
N/R |
N/R |
N/R |
N/R |
N/R |

Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Business Development/Credit Experience
3+ yrs. equip. finance, sales, marketing, credit.
Base plus incentive commission full benefits
with 401K plan. Resume/Ref. to
Warren Capital is a 27 year old, well-established
financial company located in Novato, California
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
[ headlines]
New Hires---Promotions

Fred Crivlare has joined LEAF Commercial Capital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as regional sales manager for the Midwest territory. Prior he was Regional Manager, Balboa Capital (January 2010-January 2011), Regional Sales Manager, Key Equipment Finance (January 203-August, 2009), Branch Sales Manager Popular Leasing (March 2002-December-2002), District Sales Manager Wells Fargo Financial Leasing / Conseco / GreenTree / Finova Capital / Bell Atlantic TriCon Leasing (January, 1991-March, 2002), Branch Sales Manager, Modern Business Systems, Alco Standard Corporation-Ikon (September, 1988-September, 1991). He has a University of Northern Colorado Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing.

Richard D. Gumbrecht as Chief Growth Officer, a newly created senior leadership position, EverBank Commercial Finance, Inc., Parsippany, New Jersey. He was Chief Marketing and Operations Officer, EverBank Commercial Finance (February, 2010-December, 2010), Chief Marketing and Operations Officer, Tygris Commercial Finance (May 2008-February, 2010), Co-Founder, Chief Originations Officer, US Express Leasing (March, 2004-May, 2008), Owner, Principal, Aternus Partners (March, 3002-February 2004), Chief Marketing Officer, GE Capital Vendor Financial services(January, 2000-February, 2003), General Manager, diversified Industries Group, GE Capital Vendor Finical services (September, 1997-Decmber, 200), General Manager, Electronics Financial services, GE Capital, Commercial Equipment Finance (June, 1992-August, 1997).
He has a MBA, Strategy and General Manager, Summa Cum Laud, Adelphi University, and BBA, marketing, Cum Laud, Hofstra University. He is also a Director of the Commercial Finance Association. He also is a Trustee of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Foundation and serves as chair of its Research Committee.

Kathy Havlik has been promoted to associate leasing manager at Key Equipment Finance, Superior, Colorado. She will focus on the business banking segment and clients with revenues up to $100 million in the Hudson Valley, Greater New York City and Northern New Jersey regions. She joined Key Equipment Finance in 2008 as a Sales ACT (Accelerated Career Track) program participant, which led to a position in 2010 as a regional sales associate for the company. She has a Business Administration degree in Finance from the University of Colorado at Boulder-Leeds School of Business.
Lori Maxon was promoted to leasing manager at Key Equipment Finance, Superior, Colorado. She will be responsible for managing leasing transactions for the middle market in Albany, NY and Maine. joined Key Equipment Finance in 1998 and most recently was vice president, commercial leasing services, business banking. Previously, she worked for the company in various capacities, including account manager, inside sales and business banking.

Andrew (Andy) G. Mesches joins the Alta Group, Reno, Nevada as global consultant. Prior to joining Alta, Mesches was executive vice president and chief risk officer at Key Equipment Finance in Superior, Colo., from 1997-2010. Prior he was EVP, Risk Management, KeyCorp Leasing (1995-1997), SVP-Credit and Operations, BancOne Leasing Corp (December, 191-April, 1995), Vice-President US Leasing (1981-1991). He did graduate work in Economics at the State University of New York at Albany and has a BA in Economics form the State University of New York at Buffalo.

James (Jim) R. Renner joins the Alta Group, Reno, Nevada as global consultant. The prior 15 years he was president of Wells Fargo Equipment Finance and its forerunner, Norwest Equipment Finance. During this time, Renner spearheaded the growth of the company’s lease portfolio to $7.5 billion, establishing Wells Fargo as one of the largest bank leasing companies in North America. Before Norwest, he was president of First Bank System Leasing. Earlier in his career, Renner was a commercial lender for First Bank of Minneapolis before launching its de novo leasing operation. His first job in the industry was with Irving Trust Company in New York City.
Renner has been an active member of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association for three decades, including chairman in 1999 and leadership roles on various committees. He also has held key positions with the ELFA Foundation, including chairman from 2002-04, as well as trustee and national development chairman roles. The Foundation honored him with a special recognition award in 2005. Renner received a B.A. Degree in economics from the University of Minnesota. Listed in Leasing News as one of the "Top 25 Most Influential People Leasing Industry

Paul Weiss, Principal at Panthera Leasing, San Francisco, California. He is chairman, Pacific Rim Partners(April,2008-Present), President/Vice Chairman of Parent, ICON Capital Corp. (August, 1996-December, 2006), EVP, co-founder, Griffin Equity Partners(1991-1996), VP, Pegasus Aviation Finance Company (December, 1987-April, 1991), EVP Investment Bank, Limited Partner (February, 1986-November, 1987), Analyst, Sutro and Company, 1983-1986), Credit Analyst, Crocker Bank (1982-1983). He has a BA in Economics from Connecticut College. He is a member of Silicon Valley Chapter of the Association of Corporate Growth, City Club of San Francisco, Keiretsu Forum of San Francisco, Commonwealth Club. Listed in Leasing News as one of the Top 25 Most Influential People Leasing Industry."
The List---January, 2011

Key Equipment Finance/American Express/Sierra Cities/Rockford (01/11) Year-end 2010 lease charge offs $88.1 million; 2009: $106.5 million, 2008: $62.4 million, according o FDIC filings.
LEAF Financial, Philadelphia, Pa. (01/11) LEAF Commercial Credit under way, looks like LEAF Financial in limbo.
Benchmark Financial Group, Aliso Viejo, CA (01/11) Eight Bulletin Board Complaints plus law suits:
ACC Capital Corp., Midvale, Utah (01/11) Complaint from GeNESIS Commercial capital non-payment of $48,000, their share of $120,000 residual collected by ACC Capital. Loni Lowder, President-CEO says "One time situation, no comment."
Alphabetical order:
Chronological order:

Meet the Leasing News Media Editors

Stuart Papavassiliou, editor, and Lisa Rafter, co-publisher,, along with Kit Menkin, editor, to appear at “Meet the Leasing News Media” March 18, 2011 at the National Equipment Finance Association (NEFA) Spring Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. (John Semon, was not available due to a preexisting scheduling conflict.)
Many other highlights including Bruce Winter, of FSG Leasing, who is going to let attendees peek inside his actual financial statements as he charts the progression of his business, now in its 20th consecutive profitable year.
“He’ll talk about 5 things you want to avoid; the 5 best decisions he ever made; and 3 mistakes he made that you don’t have to make,”
NEFA Executive Director Gerry Egan said.” And, he’s backing everything up with actual, real-world numbers. That’s a rare opportunity.
“The key luncheon speaker is Dave Weiner, who is going to preview a report prepared by the Alta Group for the Equipment Leasing and Finance Foundation called "The Place of Independents—2011 “to be given by Dave Weiner. That report will prove to be a critical planning tool as this industry continues to pick up steam.
“I’d like to warn any of your readers interested in our conference, though, to act quickly since the hotel deadline is today.”
Saluting Leasing News Advisory Board Member Dale Davis

The Leasing News Advisory Board does not participate in editorial decisions, meaning reviewing or choosing stories or subjects. Their role is to participate with policy and business advice as well as contribute in discussions on matters brought up by the publisher in a private internal blog.
Dale joined the Leasing News Advisor Board on January 26, 2007.

Dale R. Davis
Endeavor Financial Services
(877) 727-4327
(877) 337-3227
Dale Davis is the President of Endeavor Financial Services. He has been active in the vehicle and equipment leasing business since 1978.
Dale was the President of the National Vehicle Leasing Association (NVLA) in 2005 - 2006 and currently is active on the board of directors. He was presented with the association’s Lifetime Achievement award in 2007.
Dale is a contributing author to “Foundations of Leasing", an industry publication. He is also active with local community groups and the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Dale is married and has four children ranging in age from 21 to 7.


Ducks in Eagle School
Anyone who has managed salespeople must admit to making hiring mistakes. At one time or another all of us have found ourselves unable to resist the temptation of hiring the next great sales superstar, even though our intuition made us uneasy, or something in their story just didn’t jibe with reality.
If you continue to rely on “gut checks” in your hiring process, you are likely to make more bad hires than necessary. I once heard someone admonish sales managers: “Don’t send your ducks to eagle school!” It just won’t work. You send the ducks out hunting, they find a rabbit and they make friends with it! You then yell at the ducks, “No, no, no, reread page twenty-one of your hunting manual!”
The same thing happens when you send the wrong salespeople on a hunting expedition for new prospects and you realize that they make friends with potential customers, buying them lunch, treating them to sporting events, and showering them with expensive gifts. In frustration, you yell, “No, no, no, bring in the orders, close the prospects, close the prospects!”
The first step in avoiding hiring mistakes is to recognize some of the myths about sales. A big myth about sales is that a truly superior sales person is equally good in any sales situation. Just because ducks, like eagles, can fly, doesn’t mean they are good candidates for eagle hunting school. It’s the same with salespeople. Just because a salesperson has shown exceptional skills at hunting for new customers doesn’t mean she is a good candidate for managing strategic account relationships.
Another myth about sales is that you can train talent. The truth is talent cannot be trained. You either have the talent to sing like an opera star or you don’t. Practice and training can improve innate talent, but the talent must already exist. The experts tell us that the performance of talented salespeople can be improved by up to 20%.
Let’s look at the numbers. If you can improve someone in the 80th percentile by 20%, they can become a 96th percentile performer. The bad news, unfortunately, is that all the time and money in the world won’t boost a 20th percentile performer past the 25th percentile!
Nearly 45% of all money spent by business on employee training and education is spent on sales. At some point companies will demand a better system for selecting sales candidates whose talents match the job for which they are hired. For many companies this may become their single most important investment to improve market share and profitability. Finally, avoiding bad hires is a true win-win. The company and sales managers win because time and resources aren’t squandered on candidates that just don’t have the talent or the will to succeed in a specific area of sales. The candidates win because they are free to pursue other opportunities more suited to their talents and predispositions.
About the author: Steve Chriest is the founder of Selling UpTM (, a sales consulting firm specializing in sales revenue improvement for organizations of all types and sizes in a variety of industries. He is also the author of Selling The E-Suite, The Proven System For Reaching and Selling Senior Executives and Profits and Cash – The Game of Business. He is the past president and founder of a major leasing company. You can reach Steve at
Previous columns: View from the Top
Story Credit Lessors---Up-Dated

These companies specialize in "C" and "D" credits, often new businesses, or businesses where the principal(s) have Beacon score around 600 or previous difficulties; meaning to become comfortable with the credit and financial situation you need to learn the "story" to make a positive decision, often requiring further security, shorter term, or additional guarantors. Many of these companies may also have programs for “A” and “B” rated companies, but their specialty is not being a “cookie cutter” and often require full financial statements and tax returns as well as a “story about the company, its history, goals, circumstances” to fully understand the full financial picture.
To qualify for this list, the company must be a funder (as qualified by Leasing News and on the “Funder List” and not a "Broker/Lessor", along with an acceptable Better Business Bureau Rating and no history of complaints at Leasing News. We reserve the right to not list a company who does not meet these qualifications.
In Business Since
Leasing Association |
Employees |
Area |
Amount |
Business Reports |
Financial Pacific Leasing
Terey Jennings CLP,
130 |
Nationwide |
$5,000-$50,000 |
45 |
Nationwide |
$1,000 - $50,000
Does Subprime Leases
20 |
Nationwide |
Vehicles Only
$10,000 - $1,000,000
National Machine Tool Financial Corporation
Chris Chiappetta, Robert Lang, Susan Adamatis
800-669-7527 (CC)
20 |
Nationwide |
$15,000 |
15 |
US and Canada |
$50,000 to $3MM |
12 |
National |
$100,000 to $1,500,000
Does Subprime Leases
12 |
National |
$5,000+ |
TEAM Funding Solutions
Ted Reynolds – Owner and President
Jeff Deskins - Credit Manager
Lynn Smith - Broker
Development Manager
888-457-6700 x115,
App Submittal
Martin Lacayo - Broker Development Manager 888-457-6700 x106,
App Submittal
Mike Wright - Broker Development Manager
888-457-6700 x108,
App Submittal
Stephen Stuesser – CFO
Jessica Green - Marketing and Relationships Manager
888-457-6700 x109, Enrollment
Fax: 512-258-2322
512.692.0500 fax
11 |
All 50 States |
10 |
Western States |
Does Subprime Leases
9 |
Nationwide, including Alaska & Hawaii |
$20,000---$150,000 |
7 |
US Canada (F) |
$50,000 to $3MM
$250,000 average transaction |
Forum Financial Services, Inc.
Tim O'Connor
972-690-9444 ext. 225
275 West Campbell Road
Suite 320
Richardson, Texas 75080
Fax: 972-690-9464
Nationwide |
$50,000 to $1.0 million. Our average size transaction is $250,000.
Preferred Range
$100,000 to $500,000
Does Subprime Leases
American Leasefund, Inc.
Tom Davis
800.644.1182 - PH
503.244.0845 - FX
NEFA (Q) |
6 |
Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington |
$5,000 - $50,000
Does Subprime Leases
6 |
Nationwide - 50 States |
6 |
Nationwide |
$50,000 to $1MM
$250,000 average transaction |
5 |
Most States |
$50,000 - $450,000 |
5 |
U.S. |
$50,000 - $1,000,000
(Master Lease)
Does Subprime Leases
5 |
U.S. |
4 |
California |
$10,000 - $100,000 |
4 |
Nationwide & some offshore |
$10,000 - 250,000
($25,000 - $150,000 desired) |
3 |
$10,000 to $100,000 with an average of $25,000 - $35,000
Does Subprime Leases |
In Business Since
Leasing Association |
Employees |
Area |
Amount |
Business Reports |
Business Reports: Companies listed may make any netiquette comment about their company or reports or other information in the footnote section of their listing. Leasing News recommends readers also view the footnote as well as the section itself or searching reports on the business.
It also should be noted that if a BBB report listing is found by a reader, as there may not have been one when this was last up-dated, please send the link to so Leasing News may up-date this section.
BBB - Better Business Report | CBB - Leasing News Complaint Bulletin Board
| CNI - Current News Information
(A) Pawnee Leasing Corporation; Some times we go higher than $30,000, but our marketplace is from $1,000 to $30,000. Broker Qualify - One year time in business
(B) * Allegiant Partners has expanded their maximum transaction size from $250,000 to $500,000 for the 5 western states of California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Arizona.
In addition to increasing the transaction size Allegiant is offering more competitve rates for these A- and B+ transactions. Broker Qualify - For Broker qualification please click here.
(D)ABCO Leasing, Inc. (Seattle, WA) exclusively serves the broker community and has been in business since 1974. Since we retain all transactions in our own portfolio, we require full financial packages. We are best at deals that do not quite fit an “A Funder” due to a lack of flexibility or some type of an arbitrary matrix requirement. ABCO is an industry generalist that prides itself on being creative when structuring new business and in providing high quality service levels. Broker and deal contact: Brad Christensen, Broker Relations Manager, 877/634-4045
(G) Cobra Capital LLC. Comments: Our registered trademark "Solutions that work" is our designator of origin and central marketing identity for both strong and weak credits. In addition to funding strong credits, we have also developed a 14 year history, (from Cobra and my prior company GALCO), with funding specialty, non-conforming transactions and have a solid reputation for candidly responding to our originators and lessees and working diligently to mitigate deal risk rather than making excuses to turn deals down. Our originators prefer our underwriting approach to non-conforming transactions since unlike most non-conforming funders, we prefer to mitigate risk versus jacking our return. Both Originators and Lessee's prefer our candid approach as we are also frequently asked to advise lessee's and lessors on the best way to structure their bank loans and raise capital due to our 30+ year banking and accounting backgrounds as my partner and I are both former bankers and CPA's.
(I) Standard Professional Services. LLC is a non-cookie cutter funder who does not credit score.
(J) Boston Financial & Equity Corporation, most of our leases are venture capital backed startups and turnarounds. We require full financial disclosures, CPA and internal statements, no tax returns. We do not required additional collateral, no PG's or RE needed. Do not send deals with large tax liens, especially if they are payroll taxes. Broker Qualify - A deal in hand and a full package.
(P) Financial Pacific Leasing supports a nationwide network of Brokers and Lessors. We specialize in "B" and "C" credits for established companies as well as companies under two years in business. Broker Qualify - Please Call or see "Prospective Broker" section on website
(Q) American Leasefund, Inc. funds small hard to do transactions under $50,000.00. Most of the transactions are "app only". We look for additional collateral or larger first payments to help the weaker credits. We maintain and service our own portfolio. All of our lessee billings are done via ACH. Broker Qualify - Please Call
(S) We at Summit Leasing consider ourselves to be primarily "B" credit lenders, working almost exclusively through brokers. Broker Qualify - Contact us
(V) Agility Solutions; we fund all equipment used by Wireless Internet Service Providers.
Click here to see Leasing News story. Broker Qualify - Please Call
(W) Forum Financial Services, Inc., prefer venture capital backed start-ups and middle market to large corporate turnaround companies including companies in bankruptcy and post bankruptcy. Our absolute minimum sales for an established business with financial problems are $10.0 million. (this does not include venture capital backed start-ups). Broker Qualify - Please visit our website at or call 972-690-9444 ext. 225
(X) Advantage Funding - While we also consider quality equipment leasing as a funder, in the title vehicle leasing business, we consider all types of situations and credits and speciality vehicles for commercial use. We have a history of understanding all types of title vehicle leasing. Broker Qualify - Please Call
(Y) Gonor Funding specializes in hard to fund leases with D credit. Collateral based with good rates and commission program. Broker Qualify - Please Call
(Z) TEAM Funding Solutions is a structured lender for brand new businesses or for older companies with previous credit problems. We do not credit score. The secret to producing an approval for C-Credits starts with interviewing your customer." Broker Qualify - Click here for Broker Enrollment Form.
(AA) Calfund, LLC finances 18 wheelers and some trailers for owner operators with substandard credit.
(CC) Specializing in Machine Tools only for transactions up to $750k. National has been in the Machine Tool Finance business since 1986 and has a leasing proficient staff to accommodate the most challenging transaction. F ull financial disclosure required. We can provide structured financing for the story marginal credits. May require personal guarantees and/or down payments depending on the credit. Any size business accepted. For more information please contact Chris Chiappetta or Robert Lang at 800-669-7527.
(DD) Maxim Commercial Credit provides creative and flexible asset-based financing for today's challenging credit market.
(EE) BSB Leasing, Inc. is a direct funding source. In addition we offer an experienced Syndication Desk that can place transactions that fall outside of credit, equipment, geographic or dollar amount appetite.
(FF) NFS Leasing, Inc Specialist in Information Technology; Equipment Finance
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Fernando's View
By Fernando F. Croce
Lovers of humor are in for a treat this weekend, as notable comedies materialize both in theaters (“Cedar Rapids” and “Kaboom!”) as well as in DVD (“Due Date”), along with a pair of critically acclaimed dramas (“Fish Tank” and “Get Low”).
In theaters:

Cedar Rapids (Fox Searchlight Films): Proving that Zach Galifianakis wasn’t the only breakout star in “The Hangover,” Ed Helms gives an inspired performance in this engaging comedy from director Miguel Arteta. Helms plays Tim, a former go-getter who finds himself stuck in his old hometown, selling insurance to cover other people’s dreams while neglecting his own. His naïve worldview is in for a shake-up when he’s assigned to a company convention in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and becomes friends with Joan (Anne Heche), Zeigler (John C. Reilly) and Wilkes (Isiah Whitlock Jr.), three more experienced salespeople who open his eyes to the world and, maybe, to love, too. Arteta directs the picture with a rowdy and sweet twinkle, helped by hilarious turns by Sigourney Weaver, Stephen Root and Rob Corddry.

Kaboom! (IFC Films): Best known for such frenetic and angst-ridden 1990s teenage pictures as “The Doom Generation,” independent-movie veteran Gregg Araki lightens up with this hypnotic comedy set in one of the craziest universities ever put on celluloid. Smith (Thomas Dekker) is a young film major at College of Creative Arts, a Southern California campus where, as one character puts it, “strange is the new normal.” Hanging out with sarcastic gal pal Stella (Hayley Bennett) and dim-witted roommate Thor (Chris Zylka) while waiting for his 19th birthday, Smith sees his life turned upside down as he gets involved with a mysterious party girl (Juno Temple) and uncovers possible conspiracies. Combining risqué humor with sci-fi paranoia worthy of “Twin Peaks,” Araki’s rollercoaster of a movie remains an unpredictable and invigorating blast of energy.

Netflix Tip:
The recent death of Peter Yates (1929-2011) gives Netflix viewers ample chance to revisit this versatile director’s varied output. Though he’s perhaps best known for his benchmark police thriller “Bullitt” (1968), the British filmmaker proved to be also expert at gritty character dramas (“The Friends of Eddie Coyle,” “The Dresser”), comedies (“Mother, Jugs & Speed,” “Breaking Away”), suspense mysteries (“Eyewitness,” “Suspect”), and even sci-fi fantasies (“Krull”). Check out these and more titles from this underrated talent. |

Due Date (Warner Bros.): Director Todd Phillips ("Old School," "The Hangover") continues his run of popular comedies with this agreeable, fast-paced, gag-filled tale featuring one of the screen's most mismatched recent odd couples. The mismatched partners thrown together in the road are Peter (Robert Downey Jr.), a very nervous father-to-be trying to get to Los Angeles to see his newborn child, and Ethan (Zach Galifianakis), a scatterbrained Hollywood hopeful whose slovenly manner is the polar opposite of Peter's every personality trait. The road trip provides the ideal clothespin line on which Phillips hangs a variety of often rude yet oddly lovable jokes, aided immensely by the harmonizing comedy styles of his two talented stars. Fans of "The Hangover" will find plenty of belly laughs.

Fish Tank (Criterion): For a grittier time at the movies, give this forceful look at adolescence a try. Mia (Katie Jarvis) is a 15-year-old British girl constantly butting heads with the world around her, above all her family. Her arguments with her mother (Kierston Wareing) and sister (Rebecca Griffiths) take a sudden turn when mom’s new boyfriend (Michael Fassbender) moves in with them, and takes an interest in the sullen, combative teenager. Will their volatile friendship help bring the family together, or simply tear it further apart? Writer-director Andrea Arnold follows the characters without judgment or phony sentimentality. It may be rough-going at times, but it gets huge support from a superb cast, including Fassbender (last seen in “Inglourious Basterds”).

Get Low (Sony): Robert Duvall delivers one of his most flavorful performance in this critically acclaimed period drama. Duvall plays Felix Bush, a cantankerous recluse who lives in the Tennessee woods and has, to put it mildly, quirky impulses. In his latest and maybe last bit of eccentricity, he decides to have his funeral while he’s still alive so that he can hear what his friends thought of him. It’s a scheme worthy of Mark Twain, and he sets out to pull it together with the help of his young sidekick (Lucas Black) and the local mortician (Bill Murray). Director Aaron Schneider combines surprising humor with a strong sense of people and land, and the exceptional cast includes Sissy Spacek and Bill Cobbs.
Previous Movie/DVD Reviews:
### Press Release ############################
Deloitte Survey: Only Seven Percent of Companies are Well Prepared
to Comply with New Lease Accounting Standards

NEW YORK, -- Just seven percent of executives believe their companies are extremely or very prepared to comply with new lease accounting standards proposed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), according to a recent Deloitte survey.
As early as June 2011, the new proposed draft standards distributed in August 2010 may be finalized. To comply, lessees (and possibly lessors) would have to fundamentally change how they account for real estate and equipment leasing transactions, providing more extensive financial statement disclosures than ever before. The new standard would effectively eliminate all operating leases and require them to be capitalized on the company's balance sheet. For lessees, it would also replace rent payment expense reporting with interest and amortization expense reporting.
"These changes will have an immense impact on many companies that lease commercial property," said Josh Leonard, a leader in Deloitte's real estate consulting practice. "Beyond the major changes involved, companies need to start looking at their lease portfolios now for adequate lease information, technology capabilities, and resources to implement and monitor the new standard, expected to be final by mid-year 2011."
From a financial perspective, more than 80 percent of respondents believe that the lease accounting standards will place a significant burden on financial reporting for tenants as well as property owners. More than 40 percent of respondents believe the new standards would make it more difficult to obtain financing. In addition, 68 percent of respondents said it would have a material impact on their debt to equity ratio; and, roughly 40 percent thought the new lease standard would lead to shorter term leases.
Only 35 percent of respondents are extremely or very confident in the integrity of their company's lease data needed to comply with the new standard. Further, to accommodate the new standard, major IT investments would likely be needed. One-quarter of respondents said their companies are likely to have to make a major upgrade to their information technology systems, while 20 percent said they are likely to acquire a new system. Among companies with 1,000 or more leases, the need for IT investment was even greater — 39 percent of these respondents expect the new standards will lead to a major technology system upgrade, while 27 percent expect to acquire a new system. In addition, just 21 percent of respondents are extremely or very confident in the capability of their companies' information technology provider to comply.
Half the respondents at companies with 1,000 leases or more expect that implementation would take one year or longer.
"For the real estate industry, the impact of the proposed new lease accounting changes will impact both the balance sheet and tenant strategy and execution. For owners and operators, the big shift will be in what their tenants demand. Shorter term leases may be in high demand along with an increased tenant appetite to forego renting in favor of buying," said Bob O'Brien, vice chairman and real estate services leader for Deloitte LLP. "In addition to changing how they do business, real estate companies are going to have to make changes in how they operate. The proposed new leasing standards will require a re-examination of capital expenditures on new leases, enhanced lease administration and forecasting systems, and careful consideration of the balance sheet and income statement impacts on existing loan covenants. The changes may be sweeping."
About the survey
The survey was conducted online from Dec. 1, 2010 to Jan. 3, 2011, and was completed by 284 respondents who received a Deloitte invitation to participate. The survey was conducted by Bayer Consulting.
Certain questions were only asked of the following types of respondents: lessees, lessors and real estate service providers. Note: 24 respondents were from companies that are both service providers and also lessors. Respondents came from companies that manage a range of different sized lease portfolios: less than 100 leases (29 percent); 100 – 999 leases (34 percent); and 1,000 or more leases (32 percent). Respondents represent a variety of industries including real estate (33 percent), retail (20 percent), and financial services (10 percent).
#### Press Release #############################
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This Day in American History
1571- A group of Spanish Jesuits in the Chesapeake Bay area, led by Fray Batista Segura, were murdered by the Indians they had come six months earlier to convert. The massacre led ultimately to the withdrawal of all Jesuits living in Florida as well. On September 8, 1565, the first white colony in what is now the US was founded At. St. Augstine, FLA, by the Spanish under Pedro Menendez de Aviles. The first Catholic parish was founded by Fr. Don Martin Francisco Lopez de Mendozo Grajales, chaplain of the Spanish expeditionary forces. The first introduction of European livestock such as black cattle, horses, sheep and swine, into America was made by the Spanish in Florida. The Spanish began to settle the area, including fighting all those who had laid claim to the land. On September 20th, Mendendez destroyed Fort Caroline, and massacred most of its inhabitants. He renamed it San Mateo and in the next two years built a strong of Forts to Tampa Bay while looking for a water passage across Florida. The once “peaceful” Indians were either converted to Christianity or tortured and killed by the Spanish on their quest in the New World.
1668-Protest against slavery of importance was made by the German Friends, or Quakers, at a meeting in Germantown, PA. They protested against the “traffic in the bodies of men” and considered the question of the “lawfulness and unlawfulness of buying an keeping Negroes.” Some of the protesters were Francis Daniel Pastorius, Dirck opden Graeff, Abrahama op de Graeff, and Gerhard Hendricks. 1678- John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" was first published, in England. Bunyan was frequently imprisoned for preaching without a license. During these sequestered times, between 1660-72, Bunyan collected the ideas enabling him to pen this masterpiece of Christian literature. It was the most popular book in the new colonies.
1685 -Explorer Renee-Robert Cavelier Sieur de La Salle established a French colony at Fort St Louis in Texas.
1688 -- Pennsylvania Quakers make first formal protest against slavery.
1795- George Peabody birthday, American merchant philanthropist, born at South Danvers, MA. He endowed the Peabody institute in Baltimore, museums at Harvard and Yale and the George Peadbody College for Teachers at Nashville, TN. Died at London, England, Nov 4, 1869
1834- 1st US labor newspaper, "The Man", published, New York NY
1839 -Detroit Boat Club forms (still exists today).
1841- First Continuous filibuster in the Senate began over the issue of dismissal of the printers of the Senate. The filibuster continued until March 11. The first extended filibuster, debating the establishment of a national bank, began on June 21 and lasted fourteen days. First continuous filibuster in US Senate began, lasting until March 11
1848- Louis Comfort Tiffany birthday, American artist, son of famed jeweler Charles L. Tiffany. Best remembered for his remarkable work and with decorative iridescent “vavrile” glass. Born at New York, NY, died there Jan 17, 1933.
1859-Scholem Aleichem birthday , pen name of Russian-born author and humorist Solomon Rabinowitz. Affectionately known in the US as the “JewishMark Twain,” Died at New York, NY. 1916
1861-Jefferson Davis was inaugurated as President of the Confederate States of America. In the years before the Civil War, Senator Jefferson Davis was the acknowledged leader of the Southern bloc and champion of states’ rights, but he had little to do with the secession movement until after his home state of Mississippi joined the Confederacy January 9, 1861. Davis withdrew from the Senate that same day. He was unanimously chosen as president of the Confederacy’s provisional government, actually surprised with the news while he was pruning the roses for the winter with his wife, and was inaugurated at Montgomery, Alabama this day. Within the next year he was elected to a six-year term by popular vote and inaugurated a second time February 22, 1862 at Richmond, VA.
1865 - In the American Civil War, the Unionist fleet took the town of Charleston, South Carolina. In Columbia, SC, the fires still burned from the prior day invasion by federal troops under Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman. Bales of cotton were put to the torch, perhaps by Confederates to prevent their falling into federal hands. Strong winds scattered the burning cotton across most of the city. The entire south was becoming scorched earth as Gen. Grant’s plan was to cut off all supplies and food, blockade ships from Europe or free Southern ports.
1867- Morehouse College: The Augusta Institute was founded in Georgia. Established as an institution of higher learning for black students, it moved to Atlanta in 1879, and in 1913 changed its name to Morehouse College.
1882- violinist Alfred De Seve, a native of Montreal, appeared with the Boston Symphony Orchestra in a performance of Mendelssohn's "Concerto in E Minor." His appearance was among the earliest by a Canadian soloist with a US orchestra.
1885 - Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was published in the United States for the first time. At the time, the book was banned by many libraries for its racial-equality overtones. One hundred years and eleven years later, the book was again in the headlines, targeted to be banned from school reading lists because of its racial inequalities
1892-Wendell Wilkie birthday, American lawyer, author, public utility executive and politician, born at Elwood, IN. Presidential nominee of the Party in 1940. Remembered for his book, ‘One World,” published in 1943.” He ran for the nomination in 1944 but suffered a series of four heart attacks and lost to New York Governor Thomas Dewey.
1899 -80º F, San Francisco CA While much of the central and eastern U.S. was recovering from the most severe cold wave of modern history, the temperature at San Francisco soared to 80 degrees to establish a record for month of February
1908 - For the first time, United States' postage stamps were sold. They cost a penny.
1922—Birthday of author/editor Helen Gurley Brown . While an advertising minor executive in 1962 she authored her first book, Sex and the Single Girl, an immediate and controversial best seller. In 1965 she was named editor of the Cosmopolitan magazine and changed it into a splashy, upbeat magazine aimed at the young women. It even played the "Playboy" card and featured a male nude centerfold (the first was Burt Reynolds with an artful bear rug keeping the censors away).** Circulation and advertising revenues shot up. She also wrote Helen Gurley Brown's Outrageous Opinions, 1966, Helen Gurley Brown's Single Girl's Cookbook, 1969, and Sex and the New Single Girl, 1970,
1928-Drummer Frank Butler birthday, Kansas City, MO,,410461,00.html?artist=Frank+Butler
1928- Tenor Sax player Harold Land birthday, Houston, TX
1924-Bix Biederbecke and the Wolverines cut first records in Richmond, Indiana, for Gennett ( Fidgety Feet, Jazz Me Blues, Lazy Daddy.)
1927- The "first great voice of the air," Jessica Dragonette, makes her radio debut on Cities Service Concerts.
1930-Cow milked while flying in an airplane. Elm Farm Ollie became the first cow to fly in an airplane. During the flight, which was attended by reporters, she was milked and the milk was sealed in paper containers and parachuted over St. Louis, MO.
1930-Planet Pluto discovered. Pluto, the ninth plant, was discovered by astronomer Clyde Tombaugh at the Lowell Observatory at Flagstaff, AZ. It was given the name of the Roman god of the underworld. Some astronomers don’t accept Pluto as a planet.
1931-Toni Morrison birthday, Nobel Prize-winning novelist (Beloved, Jazz Tar Baby, Sual), born Lorain, OH.
1932 - In Montreal, Canada, Sonja Henie won her 6th world women’s figure skating title.
1938 –“The Big Broadcast of 1983” was released, one of the most famous motion pictures of all time hit the silver screen, as "The Big Broadcast of 1938" was released. The film featured Bob Hope singing his version of, "Thanks for the Memory", which got an Oscar for Best Song. Also starring in the film were Dorothy Lamour and W.C. Fields.
1939- Golden Gate International Exposition opens on Treasure Island.
1942 – The Mills Brothers on Decca records recorded one of their three all time greatest hit, "Paper Doll". The other two classics by the Mills Brothers are: "You Always Hurt The One You Love" (1944) and "Glow Worm" (1952).
1943---Birthday of American composer Alice Shields, New York City
1945---Top Hits
Don’t Fence Me In - Bing Crosby & The Andrews Sisters
Accentuate the Positive - Bing Crosby & The Andrews Sisters
I Dream of You - The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra (vocal: Freddy Stewart)
I’m Losing My Mind Over You - Al Dexter
1949 - On CBS radio, "Yours Truly Johnny Dollar" debuted on CBS radio, starring Charles Russell as the insurance investigator. The show was the last of radio's major, dramatic network programs. Johnny Dollar continued until 1962.
1953---Top Hits
Don’t Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes - Perry Como
Till I Waltz Again with You - Teresa Brewer
Keep It a Secret - Jo Stafford
I Let the Stars Get in My Eyes - Goldie Hill
1953 – 3D, the new fad in America , as demonstrated in the movie, "Bwana Devil". The three-dimensional feature opened at Loew’s State Theatre in New York City. Arch Oboler directed the movie which starred Robert Stack and the three-dimensional Barbara Britton along with Nigel Bruce and Ramsay Hill.. It was a Natural Vision-Magnetic Sound Track picture requiring Polaroid views. It was the story of a British engineer who tracked two man-eating lions that were disrupting the construction of the first railroad in East Africa at the run of the century. ON April 10, “The House of Wax,” another 3-D film was exhibited at Paramount Theater, New York City, starring Vincent Price. It was also seen through Polaroid viewers. Historians believe the advancement of color, sound, and now 3-D was to combat the emergence of television, which they thought would put the motion picture industry out of business.
1953 - Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz signed a contract worth $8,000,000 to continue the "I Love Lucy" TV show through 1955. The deal was the richest contract in television. “Babaloo!”
The hour TV Show:
1953-Robbie Bachman birthday, drummer for Bachman-Turner Overdrive, was born in Winnipeg. The Canadian rock band, which also included Robbie's brothers Randy and Tim on guitars, was internationally popular in the 1970's with such hits as "Blue Collar," "Let It Ride," "Takin' Care of Business" and "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet," a 1974 million-seller. At its peak, BTO won many polls and honors in the US, as well as seven Juno Awards.
1955-John Travolta birthday; dancer, singer, actor John Travolta ( Pulp Fiction, Look Who’s Talking, Urban Cowboy, Saturday Night Fever, “Welcome Back Kotter) Born, Englewood, NJ.
1956-The Platters hit "The Great Pretender" peaks at #1 on the pop chart.
1956-Pat Boone's cover version of Little Richard's "Tutti Frutti" hits #12 on the pop chart.
1956-Although she was reluctant to record it in the first place, "Rock and Roll Waltz" by Kay Starr becomes the first number one record by a female in the Rock era. The disc would go on to sell over a million copies, but Kay would later say that she was never asked to perform the record on TV and seldom sang it during a live show.
1957-Birthday of Vanna White ( Wheel of Fortune), born Conway, SC.
1959 - Some of the higher elevations of California were in the midst of a five day storm which produced 189 inches of snow, a single storm record for North America.
1959--Ray Charles records "What'd I Say.”
1959--- The Everly Brothers records "When Will I Be Loved," "Let It Be Me."
1959-Elvis Presley sings after-hours at the Lido Club in Paris while on leave from the US Army.
1959-Ray Charles records "What'd I Say," one of his most popular hits.
1959-- The Everly Brothers: "When Will I Be Loved," "Let It Be Me"
1960-The first artificial ice skating rink of Olympic size was formally opened by Vice President Richard Milhous Nixon at Squaw Valley, CA., for the Eighth Olympic winter Games. Freezing brine was piped into the rink through 70 miles of steel tubing. It had 300 feet of roof floating on cables suspended from 80-foot steel and concrete pillars.
1960 - The VIIIth Winter Olympic Games were opened in Squaw Valley, California. A lack of snow had prompted organizers to hire Native Americans to do a snow dance, but a deluge of rain was the only result. Snow finally arrived just before the opening ceremonies, which had to be delayed to await the arrival of U.S. Vice-President Richard M. Nixon, who would declare the games open. The storm had held up his flight.
1961---Top Hits
Calcutta - Lawrence Welk
Shop Around - The Miracles
Calendar Girl - Neil Sedaka
North to Alaska - Johnny Horton
1962-On weekend leave from marine training, The Everly Brothers appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show. Wearing full uniform and regulation cropped hair, the duo sang their new single, "Crying in the Rain", which was currently number 6 on the Billboard chart.
1964 - "Any Wednesday" opened at the Music Box Theatre in New York City. The play established Gene Hackman as an actor. Don Porter and Sandy Dennis also starred in the show.
1964- United States punishes nations for trading with Cuba
1964-- While vacationing in Miami during their first trip to America, the Beatles engage in a photo shoot with heavyweight boxer Cassius Clay, better known later as Muhammad Ali. Clay: "You guys got to be making a lot of money. You ain't as dumb as you look." John Lennon: "No, but you are." That night the group visits a local drive-in to watch the new Elvis film Fun in Acapulco.
1965 -- Civil rights worker Jimmie Lee Jackson is beaten and shot by state police in Marion, Alabama. He dies eight days later.
1965-- The Beatles record "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away," "Tell Me What You See"
1966--- FERNANDEZ, DANIEL Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Specialist Fourth Class, U.S. Army, Company C, 1st Battalion, 5th Infantry (Mechanized) 25th Infantry Division. Place and date: Cu Chi, Hau Nghia Province, Republic of Vietnam, 18 February 1966. Entered service at: Albuquerque, N. Mex. Born: 30 June 1944, Albuquerque, N. Mex. c.o. No.: 21, 26 April 1967. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Sp4c. Fernandez demonstrated indomitable courage when the patrol was ambushed by a Viet Cong rifle company and driven back by the intense enemy automatic weapons fire before it could evacuate an American soldier who had been wounded in the Viet Cong attack. Sp4c. Fernandez, a sergeant and 2 other volunteers immediately fought their way through devastating fire and exploding grenades to reach the fallen soldier. Upon reaching their fallen comrade the sergeant was struck in the knee by machine gun fire and immobilized. Sp4c. Fernandez took charge, rallied the left flank of his patrol and began to assist in the recovery of the wounded sergeant. While first aid was being administered to the wounded man, a sudden increase in the accuracy and intensity of enemy fire forced the volunteer group to take cover. As they did, an enemy grenade landed in the midst of the group, although some men did not see it. Realizing there was no time for the wounded sergeant or the other men to protect themselves from the grenade blast, Sp4c. Fernandez vaulted over the wounded sergeant and threw himself on the grenade as it exploded, saving the lives of his 4 comrades at the sacrifice of his life. Sp4c. Fernandez' profound concern for his fellow soldiers, at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty are in the highest traditions of the U.S. Army and reflect great credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of his country.
1967-Petula Clark's version of the Charlie Chaplin penned "This Is My Song" tops the UK chart for the first of a two week stay. After singing the song in French, German and Italian, Petula reluctantly recorded the song in English, even though she thought the lyrics were corny and old fashioned. The tune would go on to be a Top Ten hit in America, Canada, Ireland, Australia, Holland, Belgium and Norway.
1968- Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney, along with their female companions, head to Rishikesh, India to join the other two members of the Beatles in studying under the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
1969---Top Hits
Everyday People - Sly & The Family Stone
Touch Me - The Doors
Build Me Up Buttercup - The Foundations
Until My Dreams Come True - Jack Greene
1969--- Elvis Presley records "And the Grass Won't Pay No Mind," "Power of My Love," "After Loving You."
1970 -- Federal jury finds the "Chicago 7" innocent of conspiring to incite riots during the 1968 Democratic National Convention. However, 5 were convicted of crossing state lines with intent to incite riots.
1972 – Death Penalty declared by the California Supreme Court to be cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the state constitution. 107 inmates were taken off death row. Among those spared by the ruling was Charles Manson.
1972-Neil Young receives a gold record for "Harvest," the only Number One record of his lengthy career. The album includes the Number One single "Heart of Gold.
1973- The syndicated radio show "The King Biscuit Flower Hour" debuted with Blood, Sweat and Tears and a then- unknown Bruce Springsteen. The program, which is still on the air, would go on to feature live performances from some of the greatest names in rock, including the Rolling Stones, U2, Elton John and David Bow. 1973---Richard Petty, the "King of Stock Car Racing," won the Daytona 500 before a crowd of over 103,000 spectators, marking the first time a stock car race had drawn over 100,000 spectators. No longer would there be questions about NASCAR’s mainstream popularity.
1977---Top Hits
Torn Between Two Lovers - Mary MacGregor
New Kid in Town - Eagles
Blinded by the Light - Manfred Mann’s Earth Band
Near You - George Jones & Tammy Wynette.
1978-The third time would be the charm for a Topeka based group called Kansas. After scoring Top 40 hits with "Carry On Wayward Son" (#11) and "Point Of Know Return" (#28), "Dust In The Wind" entered the Billboard chart on its way to becoming the group's only Top 10 hit.
1979-Richard Petty became the first man to win six Daytona 500s. Winning the most prestigious event in any sport six times is enough to earn the nickname "The King," but Petty is perhaps most famous for his 1967 season in which he won twenty- seven of forty-eight races, including a record ten straight victories. In a sport where mechanical failure is commonplace, Petty’s total domination was seen as superhuman. "The King" came from royal stock. His father, Lee Petty, was the first man to win the Daytona 500.
1979 -52º F (-47º C), Old Forge NY (state record)
1979 --Miniseries "Roots: The Next Generations" premieres on ABC TV.
There is controversy that the original story was plagiarized from a 1967 novel by white author Hal Courlander. This miniseries two years after the original concerns
Arthur Haley’s actual life, and begins where the original series left off, 1882.-
1993 -Howard Stern's radio show begins transmitting to Rochester NY
(this is x-rated, and typical Howard Sterns: )
1981 – The first budget of United States President Reagan proposed the largest tax cuts and spending curbs ever for an administration. In his first State of the Union message, Pres. Reagan called for cuts of $41,000,000,000 in the budget President Carter had submitted. He also proposed a 10% income tax cut in each of the next three years, an increase of about $5,000,000,000 in defense spending and more liberal depreciation rules for business.
1983 -- The Wah Mee Massacre in Seattle is the worst mass-murder in the history of Washington State.
1984 –Reed Larson, Detroit, Michigan got two assists, making him the highest scoring, American-born player in National Hockey League history. Larson broke Tom Williams' previous record by scoring his 432nd point.
1985---Top Hits
Careless Whisper - Wham! featuring George Michael
Loverboy - Billy Ocean
Method of Modern Love - Daryl Hall John Oates
Make My Life with You - The Oak Ridge Boys
1985 –Greg Louganis: When he received the James E. Sullivan Award of the Amateur Athletic Union, today, diver Greg Louganis was recognized as the top amateur athlete in the United States. Louganis won double gold at the 1984 Olympic Games.
1987 – Girl Scouts Change Color of Uniform: The executives of the Girl Scout movement decided, because the older girls wanted a change, that it was time to change the color of the scout uniform from the traditional Girl Scout green to the newer Girl Scout blue.
1989 - Low pressure off the coast of North Carolina brought freezing rain and heavy snow to Virginia and the Carolinas. Snowfall totals in Virginia ranged up to 18 inches at Franklin. Freezing rain reached a thickness of two inches around Charlotte NC.
1995-Jansen Wins Gold: American speed skater Dan Jansen won a gold medal in the 1,000 meter race at the Winter Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway.
1995-Hootie and the Blowfish's "Hold My Hand" peaks at #10 on the pop chart.
1995—Top Hits
Take A Bow- Madonna
Creep- TLC
On Bended Knee- Boyz II Men
Another Night- Real McCoy
1997 – Pat Boone Cancelled: Trinity Broadcasting Network, a U.S. Christian TV net, cancelled Pat Boone’s weekly gospel music show after he appeared in black leather and fake tattoos on the American Music Awards show. The network said it received thousands of protest phone calls and letters from its ‘prayer partners’. Boone explained that his garb was designed to promote his album "In a Metal Mood: No More Mr. Nice Guy".
1998-New standard for 56k modems: As speeds from ISDN connections, DSL, and now cable were threatening dials-up, the two major rival modem makers 3Com Corporation and Rockwell International announced a new standard for 56K modems. There still was confusion and it was hoped the new “high speed” would boost sales and overcome the growing competition. It battle over the protocol gave the rivals more sales, enabling them to lower prices even further.
1998 – Harry Caray, long-time Chicago Cubs broadcaster died at the age of 83; in Rancho Mirage, California.
1999 – Dr.Ross Leaves ER: The much-anticipated departure episode on NBC's ER of Dr. Doug Ross, played by George Clooney, aired, and was the top-rated show for the week and earned a higher Nielsen rating than it had in many months; each ratings point represents 994,000 households. ER earned a 23.8 rating, watched in 23.7 million homes.
2000---Top Hits
I Knew I Loved You- Savage Garden
Thank God I Found You- Mariah Carey Featuring Joe
Amazed- Lonestar
What A Girl Wants- Christina Aguilera
“Cool Tombs”
by Carl Sandburg
When Abraham Lincoln was shoveled into the tombs, he forgot the copperheads and the assassin . . . in the dust, in the cool tombs.
And Ulysses Grant lost all thought of con men and Wall Street, cash and collateral turned ashes . . . in the dust, in the cool tombs.
Pocahontas' body, lovely as a poplar, sweet as a red haw in November or a pawpaw in May, did she wonder? Does she remember?. . . in the dust, in the cool tombs?
Take any streetful of people buying clothes and groceries, cheering a hero or throwing confetti and blowing tin horns . . . tell me if the lovers are losers . . . tell me if any get more than the lovers . . . in the dust . . . in the cool tombs.

The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?
Daily Puzzle

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