Sales Account Executives: Jacksonville, FL/Philadelphia, PA
Small ticket Direct Lender with broad funding capabilities and exceptional vendor service. Join an experienced management team in a dynamic growth environment.
E-mail resume to:
Navitas Lease Corp is a top leader in the equipment financing industry. We offer solutions to small-to-medium-sized businesses looking to acquire and finance equipment.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Classified Ads---Senior Management
Active in Leasing---Bank Beat
Bank of Ozarks Now has 12 offices in Georgia
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Reasons to Lease – Cash flow
Placard---Cash Flow is King
Classified ads---Help Wanted
Evergreen and the ELFA MFLI-25
by Christopher Menkin
Top Stories --January 10---January 14
Saluting Leasing News Advisor Bruce Kropschot
Kit receives CLP Handbook for his birthday
Site Inspection Services
Bozeman, Montana---Adopt-a-Dog
First U.S. Finance Partners With SEC 100%
News Briefs---
Casino No Show loses to E.A.R. BK Trustee $471,250
Schwarzenegger says governorship cost him $200 million
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists |
Features (collection)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers |
Top Stories last six months
You May Have Missed---
Sports Briefs---
California Nuts Briefs---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in American History
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer. It is considered “bias” as it is the writer’s viewpoint.

Classified Ads---Senior Management

(These ads are “free” to those seeking employment
or looking to improve their position)
25+ yrs exper. management roles Chase, AT&T Capital, Heller Financial, SFS. Develop biz from “scratch to success”. Looking for challenging & pioneering job.
Email: |
Philadelphia, PA
27 yrs. exp. sales, ops., credit, strategy, P&L mngmet. Most recently created & executed the biz plans for 2 highly successful Bank-owned small ticket leasing subsidiaries.
email: |
Philadelphia Metro Area - 30 Years experience Healthcare sales/ management- 3 years experience newly create "small-ticket" healthcare division.
Good success - Mitch Utz
Southern CA
20 years exp. as hands-on leasing CFO, managing accounting, treasury, FP&A, including securitizations, Great Plains/FRx, budgets, risk management. MBA. Also available as interim Controller/CFO, consultant.
Free Posting for those seeking employment in Leasing:
All “free” categories “job wanted” ads:
Active in Leasing---Bank Beat
Bank of Ozarks Now has 12 offices in Georgia

Bank of Ozarks (NASDAQ-OZRK), Little Rock, Arkansas is very active in the leasing industry. Scott Hastings has served as president of the leasing division since 2003 and is part of the executives lead by George Gleason who has served as chairman, CEO and/or president since 1979.
The two branches of Oglethorpe Bank, Brunswick, Georgia were closed Friday with Bank of the Ozarks to assume all of the deposits. It brings the Bank of Ozarks to 12 offices in Georgia. According to the FDIC, as of September 30, 2010, the bank had 95 offices with one office in Alabama, 67 in Arkansas, 3 in Florida, 11 in Georgia, one in Louisiana, two in North Carolina, two in South Carolina, 8 in Texas.
Bank Director magazine recognized Bank of the Ozarks as the second best bank in the US (1)

Oglethorpe Bank was formed August 26, 2003. The bank had 37 full time employees with an office in Brunswick and Saint Simons Island. It is the 52nd bank to fail in Georgia since the middle of 2008. Again real estate loans, including construction and land development loans were the culprits.

City of Brunswick
Brunswick, the county seat of Glynn County, was incorporated December 3, 1812. Brunswick was founded in 1771 and received its name from the King of England, George III of the House of Brunswick. Many of the street and square names reflect English heritage - Gloucester, Halifax, London, Newcastle and Prince.
In addition, the over development and drop in tourism at Saint Simons Island was a factor, too.
Homes for sale Saint Simons Island:
As of September 30, 2010, Oglethorpe Bank had approximately $230.6 million in total assets and $212.7 million in total deposits. The bank equity had dropped from $19.7 million year-end 2008 to $17.5 million year-end 2009 and $2.3 million September 30, 2010; $3.8 million loss 2008, $14.2 million loss 2009 with $4.4 million charge off in 1-4 family residential properties, $1.2 million construction and land development, $902,000 in nonfarm nonresidential properties, $919,000 commercial and industrial loans, $705,000 to individuals.
September 30, 2010 the bank had lost $7.1 million after charge offs of $5.3 million in 1-4 family residential property, $3.9 million construction and land development, $982,000 nonfarm nonresidential property, $1.6 million in commercial and industrial loans and $415,000 in loans to individuals.
Non-current loans had also leaped to $28.3 million from $6.1 million the previous September. Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio 1.40%.
The FDIC and Bank of the Ozarks entered into a loss-share transaction on $173.9 million of Oglethorpe Bank's assets.
The FDIC estimates that the cost to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) will be $80.4 million.
Tracking Bank Failures Map:
List of Bank Failures:
Bank Beat:

Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP

Reasons to Lease – Cash flow
The proposed new accounting rules may eliminate irregular rents for accounting purposes, however, “Cash Flow is still King” and the more questions you ask about the revenue flow of your customer may create opportunities to create structured rents.
Leasing creates a new line of credit than a bank or accounts receivable line of credit. It also doesn’t have the restrictions and allows the lessee more “cash freedom.” It also may be less expensive when compared to a fixed price lease rather than an adjustable line, especially with a residual lease.
While it is true, the small ticket market place is more “convenience” and “Cash Flow is King,” the comparison advantage exists.
It is especially apparent when applied to the middle market and it is why the larger corporation lease instead of purchase or use their bank lines of credit.
One cost no one seems to want to bring up is the cost for a bank line of credit. The purpose for a line of credit is that all companies have periods of low cash and need to use the line of credit to handle payments that were structured on a level basis. So if a loan is arranged with an interest rate of 4%, which does not include points up front and most often is higher, the company will use the line when it finds itself in a cash shortage position.
If the equipment warrants a residual then the payments would be lower than a full payout loan and if the lessee understands the time value of money a lease will always have the upper hand.
In addition to the lower payments from a lease with a 10% put or 10% purchase option the earnings are greater for the lessor while being lower for the lessee. Example: a loan at 10 % for $100,000 over 60 months is $2,124.70 for a total of $127,482.27. A lease with a 10% put over the same terms is a payment of $1,995.57 saving the lessee $129.13 for 60 months for a 60 month savings of $7,747.96. Now you may say that the $7,747.96 does not equal the put at $10,000 which is true but if you put a present value to the monthly savings equal to the lessee’s current return on investment (ROI) say 15% pretax the actual value of the savings is $11,437.63.
The lessor with payments of $1,995.57 for a total of $119,734.20 plus the put of $10,000 gets a return of $29,734.20 while the bank only gets $27,482.27. Because of this difference the actual risk to the lessor for the $10,000 put is reduced by the $2,225.93 extra income so the actual risk is only 7.75%. The larger the put, or the residual, the greater the savings.
A lease that is arranged with irregular payments that match the firm’s revenue flow can prevent the need to use a line of credit and therefore would be cheaper that a level payment bank loan with a comparable interest rate. This is true regardless of the type of lease.
We must also remember that a large percentage of American business prefer to use cash accounting so they will expense irregular rents as they are paid. So always request the type of accounting used by small business and request information about revenue flow so you can create a lease that helps the lessee arrange their cash requirement.
Mr. Terry Winders, CLP, has been a teacher, consultant, expert witness for the leasing industry for thirty-five years and can be reached at or 502-649-0448
He invites your questions and queries.
Previous #102 Columns:
(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)

Evergreen and the ELFA MFLI-25
by Christopher Menkin

David A. Merrill, President, Fifth Third Leasing Company
Equipment Leasing and Finance Association Chair
This is a follow-up to the story on the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) position on the Louisiana legislation regarding Evergreen Leasing clauses. While Ralph Petta, COO, and Dennis Brown, CAE, Vice-President, State Government Relations, have told Leasing News they are for "transparency," the issue is the notification by the lessor to the lessee about the end of the initial term of the lease (a). It has been common in the small ticket market specifically for those finally holding the lease to not notify the lessee and continue the monthly payments, even on $1.00 purchase options.
This practice of extending payments has been going on for years by smaller companies ((such as in the past Puget Sound Leasing as documented in the court records of the practice (b)) as well as Marlin Leasing ((documented in their SEC filings as well as many complaints.(c))
Leasing News printed the ELFA MFI-25 participants and stated they "appear" to support this non-notification. Several have contacted Leasing News, and others are invited to state their policy and position.
1- ADP Credit Corporation
(Anthony Pacchiano of Credit Corp. is on Board of Directors)
2- Bancorp South Equipment Finance
3- Bank of America
(Larry A. Similie of Leasing is on Board of Directors)
4- Bank of the West
(Notifies Lessee of pending purchase option)
5- BB&T
(Thomas M. Jaschik--is Treasurer)
6- Canon Financial Services
7- Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation
(Kent M Adams is on the Board of Directors)
8- CIT
9- De Lage Landen Financial Services
(William F. Stephenson is on the board of Directors)
10- Dell Financial Service
11- EverBank Commercial Finance
12- Fifth Third Bank
(Leasing Div. David A. Merrill is Chair)
13- First American Equipment Finance
14- GreatAmerica
(States notifies lessee and if doesn't pay residual, goes month-to-month until paid.)
15- Hitachi Credit America
16- HP Financial Services
17- John Deere Financial
18- Key Equipment Finance
(Adam D. Warner is Second Vice-Chair)
19- M&I Equipment Finance
(Jud Snyder is on the Board of Directors)
20- Marlin Leasing Corporation
(SEC shows profit of company is from Evergreen clauses (c)
21- Merchants Capital
22- National City Commercial Corp.
23- RBS Asset Finance
24- Regions Equipment Finance
25- Siemens Financial Services
26- Stearns Bank
27- Susquehanna Commercial Finance, Inc
(Kenneth R. Collins, Jr., past Chairman)
28- US Bancorp
(Anthony Cracchiolo from Equipment Finance Division is on Board of Directors)
29- Verizon Capital Corp
30- Volvo Financial Services
31- Wells Fargo Equipment Finance
(a) Favors transparency, but not notification
(b) Puget Sound Leasing
(c) Marlin Leasing

(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Sales Manager – Houston Office
5 years+ equip fin/leasing experience
Player/Coach 3-4 Rep’s, Energy Experience+
Must have track record of overachievement
Controller – So California Office
AR, AP,Tax,Fin-Statement Prep/Internal Controls
Treasury Mgmt/Lease Acct and IT knowledge all++
Please submit resume to
FIRST NATIONAL CAPITAL CORPORATION Is the 5th Largest Privately Held Equipment Finance Company In the United States
Vehicle Lenders Group, LLC is looking for dynamic sales associate. Either work out of one of our offices in Calif. , Dayton, or Oyster Bay, NY or your own office.
Draw w/benefits after three month probation period.
Must have excellent references, honest, self motivated, able to generate $500,000 a month by the end
of 12 months of employment.
Curt Webster, CVLE 516-922-7447 ext 104
Sales Account Executives: Jacksonville, FL/Philadelphia, PA.
Small ticket Direct Lender with broad funding capabilities and exceptional vendor service. Join an experienced management team in a dynamic growth environment.
E-mail resume to:
Navitas Lease Corp is a top leader in the equipment financing industry. We offer solutions to small-to-medium-sized businesses looking to acquire and finance equipment.
National Business Development Manager
with minimum ten years experience and
current book of business. Strategically
located throughout US in various targeted industries.
Click here for more info.
Western Finance & Lease, a subsidiary of Western State Bank
established in 1901, solicits originations throughout the US
provides funding solutions for a wide range of industries |
Transportation Focused Company seeks Credit Manager.
Knowledge of automated scoring as well as
subjective credit underwriting a must.
Compensation commensurate with experience.
Located in the Inland Empire, please email
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
Top Stories --January 10---January 14
Here are the top ten stories opened by readers:
(1) Bulletin Board Complaint--ACC Capital Corporation
(2) Archives January 14, 2001
Top Ten Reasons for Staying in Equipment Leasing
(3) New Company: LEAF Commercial Capital?
by Christopher Menkin
(5) Sales Makes It Happen---by Steve Chriest
Solid Reasons for Growing the Sales Organization In 2011
(6) From the Desk of Michael J. Witt, Esq.
Royal Links “Hell or High Water” Clause Upheld
(7) (Tie) Clarification: ZRG and ELFA MFLI-25 Employment Charts
(7) (Tie) Road Conditions Closing Some Leasing Companies
(8) Bank Beat---Florida, Florida, Florida
(9) 21st Century Leasing added to “Broker/Lessor” “A” List
(10) “Story Credit” List---Up-dated

Saluting Leasing News Advisor Bruce Kropschot

The Leasing News Advisory Board does not participate in editorial decisions, meaning reviewing or choosing stories or subjects. Their role is to participate with policy and business advice as well as contribute in discussions on matters brought up by the publisher in a private internal blog.
Bruce Kropschot is one of the first asked to join the advisory board and he has been active since September 6, 2000.

Kropschot Financial Services
2352 Clearwater Run
The Villages, FL 32162
(352) 750-3588
Bruce Kropschot is President of Kropschot Financial Services, a firm he founded in 1986. The firm has been for many years the leading provider of merger and acquisition advisory services for equipment leasing companies, having initiated the sale of more than 160 businesses. In 2008, Kropschot Financial Services became part of The Alta Group, a leading worldwide consulting firm for the leasing industry. Mr. Kropschot is Senior Managing Director of Alta and serves as the firm’s M&A Advisory Practice Leader. He has been active in the equipment leasing industry since 1972 and has been a senior executive of three large leasing companies.
Mr. Kropschot has served on the Board of Directors of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association, the Equipment Leasing and Finance Foundation, Eastern Association of Equipment Lessors and United Association of Equipment Leasing. He is also a founding director of the International Network of Merger & Acquisition Partners. Mr. Kropschot is a CPA and graduated with BBA and MBA degrees (with honors) in Accounting and Finance from the University of Michigan.
Leasing News has asked each one the same four questions to give readers more insight into their personality and experience in the industry.
1. What is the biggest issue you face in your business?
“As a merger and acquisition advisor to leasing companies, my most important issue usually is to be able to convince potential acquirers that the acquisition of my equipment leasing company client can provide an excellent return on investment.”
2. What advice would you give to a young person entering the leasing business today?
“Become a well-rounded leasing person by trying to get experience in sales, credit, collections, accounting and finance. Continue the learning process throughout your career by participating in leasing industry association conventions and conferences.”
3. To what do you attribute your success?
“Throughout my career, I believe that hard work, doing more than is expected and maintaining a high level of integrity have played important roles in my success. I try to live by the words of my high school class motto: "Give to the world the best you have, and the best will come back to you."
4. What is one big thing that you hope to do before you die?
“After I semi-retire, I would like to take an active management role in a charitable organization.”

Kit receives CLP Handbook for his birthday

Theresa Kabot, CLP, K2 Funding, Kabot Commercial Leasing LLC, a past president of the Certified Leasing Professional Foundation, former Leasing News Advisory Board member, and a long time personal friend, sent me the new Certified Lease Professionals Handbook for my January 1st birthday. I had not seen an edition since the original, which was also a gift, but from Bob Teichman, CLP, who was tutoring me to pass the test (I never could get the math part correct and Bob spent a lot of time in my office with two private lessons.)
I read chapters, browsed others since receiving the 4th edition, and plan to go back to it. This is not just for entry level people interested in leasing, but is a reference book, and even for persons in business a long time, a refresher course, a handbook.
If I may be so bold, and with respect, to say: "The CLP Professionals Handbook is the bible of the leasing industry."
Kit Menkin, editor

Site Inspection Services
( To apply to be listed, please fill in this form, you
may e-mail to: )
Site Inspection Form
Employees |
Employees or Ind. Contractors |
Services |
Clients |
300 |
Pre-Funding Inspections, Post-Funding Inspections, Vendor Verifications, Collection Inspections, Collateral Management and Floor Plan Inspection Services |
USA/Canada |
QuikTrak, Inc.
Kami Stehman
National Account Executive
800-927-8725 x3094 (toll free)
503-214-3094 (direct)
503-214-3994 (fax)
65 employees
500+ independent field contractors |
Equipment & Site Inspections, Merchant Verifications, Commercial Collections, Audit & Inventory Management, Vehicle Condition Reports |
9 |
4,000 |
Pre-Funding and Post-Funding Equipment Inspections, Business Verifications, Door Knocks, Condition Reports, and Vendor Inspections. |
6 |
Specializing in truck & trailer inspections, appraisals, investigations and remarketing. |
(23) banks & leasing companies with s footprint in Canada to Chile & Argentina |
1 |
On site verification, document signing or collections. Quick, accurate and professional. |
Remarketing Systems, Appraisal & Legal |
Appraisals, Repossession and remarketing services. |
North America coverage for all services, inspections, appraisals and consulting. Accredited senior appraiser - American Society of Appraisers, providing USPAP Appraisals, desktop appraisals, general equipment consulting, equipment portfolio management. |
Banks, insurance companies, financial product placement entities, equipment finance and leasing companies, public companies. |
Morgen Industries, Inc
201-223-0071 - Phone
201-223-0071 - Fax
Remarketing & resale, Data center relocation, Valuation & Appraisals, Disk Sanitizing and hard drive destruction |
Site Visits, collections, recovery, remarketing, recovery, remarketing and appraisal - FMV |
Technical evaluations, logistics, documentation and funding. |
SecureTrac proudly services banks, leasing companies,
brokers, auctioneers and equipment dealers.
(A) "Douglas Guardian has probably been doing site inspections longer than any other company in the market today. This is our 75th year in business. We even do inspections for some of the people on your editorial board. Please include Douglas Guardian in your survey. We do not subcontract our inspections to independent contractors like many of our competitors. We utilize a network of over 300 company trained and certified employees. We operate throughout the US and Canada performing pre-funding inspections, post-funding inspections, collection inspections and vendor verifications."
Bruce Lurie, President
(B) SecureTrac, Inc. - Additional Services
- SecureTrac, Inc is a nationwide provider of collateral inspections for banks, leasing companies, equipment brokers and equipment vendors.
- A picture is worth a thousand words but an on-site inspection is worth 10 times more.
- We give you a snapshot of your customers business in real time, not just on paper.
- Our field consultants are experts and are nationally recognized by leading Professional Associations as ethically and technically qualified to perform equipment consulting services for third parties.
Services Include:
Pre/Post Fund Collateral Inspections
Business and Merchant Site Inspections
Vendor Inspections
Vehicle Condition Reports
Check/Title Exchanges
Lease Signings
Inventory & Audits
Collection Inspections
Delinquency Interviews
Drive by Inspections
Benefits of choosing SecureTrac:
Real Time Status Updates
Online Reporting
Online Report Archive
Free Digital Photographs
Volume Discounts
Multi- Lease Discounts
Online Monthly Invoices/Early Pay Invoice Discounts
SecureTrac is proud to offer Same Day Service Requests.
Associations are abbreviated. See our Associations page full name and information.
### Press Release ############################
First U.S. Finance Partners With SEC to Offer 100% Financing for Entire Equipment Line
LOS ANGELES, CA--- First U.S. Finance (FUSF), a California-based equipment leasing and financing firm, announced today a partnership with Semiconductor Equipment Corp. (SEC) to provide a wide variety of equipment leasing and financing programs on a national scale. Now SEC customers and affiliates can look to First U.S. Finance for assistance in financing new assembly and production equipment. Financing programs are flexible from 3 to 5 year terms with packages starting at $15,000.00 up to multi-million dollar projects. FUSF can combine a variety of equipment in one contract so an entire assembly area can be easily equipped.
Through the FUSF leasing and financing programs, SEC ( customers nationwide can receive 100% financing for all their production equipment including add-on costs like installation, training and warranties. Customers typically only pay documentation fees and one month advance payment. This is a great benefit to the semiconductor and technology markets which are now poised for rapid growth in 2011 and beyond.
About First U.S. Finance
First U.S. Finance is a national independent equipment leasing and financing business dedicated to providing customized programs to meet the growth objectives of small to mid-size companies in a wide variety of markets. FUSF can finance any capital asset or expansion from $15,000 to multi-million dollar projects with terms from 3 to 5 years. Typical equipment financed includes technology assembly equipment, computer networks, medical technology, communication systems, LED lighting retrofit projects, solar projects, electronic systems and furniture. They have lenders for every major commercial market in the U.S.A.
They work with a variety of credit profiles and base approval decisions on both the credit and the collateral structure of the applicant. FUSF has 14 years experience in the finance market and can structure very competitive financing even when traditional lenders cannot. For more information, please visit or contact Lester Salvatierra at: or call 805-217-9896.
### Press Release ##############################
John Kenny Receivables Management
• End of Lease Negotiations & Enforcement
• Fraud Investigations
• Credit Investigations
• Asset Searches
• Skip-tracing
• Third-party Commercial Collections | ph 315-866-1167| |
(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for investigations
and background information provided by John Kenny)
Bozeman, Montana---Adopt-a-Dog

Name Dingo
Animal ID 11963858
Breed Border Collie / Mix
Age 3 years 1 month
Gender: Female
Color: Black / White
Spayed/Neutered: Yes
Size: Medium
1549 E Cameron bridge Road, BOZEMAN, MT, 59718
(406) 388-9399
adopt@heartofthevalleyshelter. org
Adopt-a-Pet by Leasing Co. State/City
Adopt a Pet\
Comprehensive personal property tax outsourcing services We accept file exports and integrate personal property tax information
with all lease management or accounting software. No other firm offers the combination of individual
attention, software capabilities expertise, "full disclosure" and web port accessibility to information more than we
Click here to learn what our clients say about our service
Gary DiLillo, President
216-658-5618 or

This Day in American History
1770- the Sons of Liberty in New York City attacked British soldiers. They were called this because the group of American civilians attached 40 to 50 armed soldiers because they had cut down the liberty poles that the Americans had erected. The soldiers used their bayonets and dispersed them. No one was killed, but several persons on both sides were seriously injured. What was really a mob fight was termed the Battle of Golden Hill.
1778 - Captain James Cook of the British Navy thought he was the first to find a group of islands in the Pacific. He named them the Sandwich Islands in honor of England's Earl of Sandwich, the first lord of the British Admiralty. Little did he know that the islands already had a name. The people who lived on them called the islands, Hawaii (known to us now as the 50th of the United States). Actually, these islands had been discovered long before this day by the Polynesians. Other explorers before Cook probably stopped at the Hawaiian Islands as early as the 1500s. However, it was Cook who spread the word of the existence of this group of tropical isles to the rest of the world. He was killed in Waimea, Kauai, after a dispute with the natives. A plaque marks his discovery of the island, in a rather remote area, actually on the ocean near the river inlet, and the when I visited, it was defaced with many words written over it. The city fathers put up a statute in the “downtown” area. While it says it is in the actual spot, it is not, as evidenced by not only the original plaque but a book about the errors of historic markers in the United States.
1782- Birthday of Daniel Webster, American statesman and orator who said, on Apr 6, 1830, "The people's government, made for the people, made by the people, and answerable to the people." Born at Salisbury, NH; died at Marshfield, MA, Oct 24, 1852.
1803—Seeking information on what lay west of the young United Sates, President Thomas Jefferson sent a confidential letter to Congress requesting funds for an exploratory expedition to be led by Captain Meriwether Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark. After the Louisiana Purchase was signed on April 30,1803, the expedition's mission change: it became a survey of new American land. The “Corps of discovery” set off May 14 form St; Louis and returned with much information about the land, the peoples there and the flora and fauna.1840- the ElectroMagnetic and Mechanics Intelligencer appeared this day. It was printed in New York City on a press “propelled by electro-magnetism.” The editor of the magazine and the inventor of the electrical printing press was Thomas Davenport.
1813 - Joseph Farwell Glidden, inventor of barbed wire, was born. Glidden began experimenting with ways to improved barbed wire, and the next year he received a patent for a machine that added the barbs to the wire mechanically, thus allowing for mass production. Glidden and his partner, Isaac L. Ellwood, established the Barb Fence Company in De Kalb, and in a few years, barbed wire was being used all over the West. Barbed wire accelerated the development of the region, closed the open range, and ended the golden age of the cowboy, who had roamed freely over wide stretches of land. Glidden was soon one of the richest men in America. He invested in the fancy Glidden Hotel in De Kalb and bought 180,000 acres of land in Texas, where he raised 15,000 head of cattle.
1836 - Jim Bowie arrives at the Alamo to assist its Texas defenders.
1836 - Marines reinforced Army to repulse Indians at Ft. Brooke, Florida the Army’s headquarters during the Second Seminole War.
1857 - A great cold storm swept across the Atlantic Seaboard. Snowfall totals of 12 inches were common, whole gales caused shipwrecks and damage property on islands, and temperatures near zero prevailed from Virginia northward. Great drifts of snow blocked transportation. Richmond VA was cut off from Washington DC for a week.
1866- As Congress convened, first on the agenda was reconstruction, the process of dealing with the former Confederate states and the millions of freed Black slaves, was to occupy the government and the nation for the next decade. President Andrew Johnson proposed fairly lenient treatment of the secessionists but show no interest in securing civil rights for Blacks. He has made a deal to win the electoral votes of Southern Democrats. Opposing him was a group of radical Republicans, who wanted the South severely punished. The deal created hostility on both sides, also giving the congressional election in the fall an overwhelming victory that paved the way for harsh treatment of the South. Thus was born the "Dixie Democrats," which until this modern day elected and supported only Democrats and while the Civil War was officially over, there was no end in Washington, D.C.\
1896—First college basketball game.
1913--Birthday of entertainer and movie star Danny Kay, born David Daniel Kaminski at Brooklyn, NY. He died March 3,1987 at Los Angeles, California
1891- The first Armenian Church in the U.S. was consecrated in Worcester, MA. New churches were later consecrated in Fresno, CA (1900); West Hoboken, NJ (1907); and Fowler, CA (1910).
1918- legendary blues guitarist Elmore James was born in Durant, Mississippi. He is cited by Eric Clapton, George Harrison and countless other rock guitarists as a major influence. James's early 1950's recording of "Dust My Broom" is his most famous. He died in 1963.
1932-Irene Kral birthday
1936-- In Washington, DC, Catholic biblical scholars met to discuss two proposals: the preparation of a new Bible translation and the formation of a society of Catholic biblical scholars. In result, the Catholic Biblical Association (CBA) was formed in 1937, and the New American Bible (NAB) was published in 1970.
1938- Curtis Charles ( Curt) Flood baseball player born at Houston, TX. Flood was one of baseball's best centerfielders in the 1960's, batting .923 over 15 seasons and playing spectacular defense. After the 1`969 season, he refused to accept a trade from the St. Louis Cardinals to the Philadelphia Phillies. “ I am not a piece of property to be bought and sold irrespective of my wishes, “ he said in a letter to Commissioner Bowie Kuhn. The resulting lawsuit went o the Supreme Court where Flood lost. But his stand, taken because he did not want to switch teams, paved the way for the end of baseball's reserve clause and the advent of free agency. Died at Los Angeles, CA. Jan 20, 1992.
1939 - On Decca Records, Louis Armstrong and his orchestra recorded "Jeepers Creepers". Vocals were provided by Satchmo.
1940- Canadian jazz pianist and bassist Don Thompson, in Powell River, BC.
1941- David Ruffin, co-lead singer of the Temptations until 1968, was born in Meridian, Mississippi. The Temptations emerged during the mid-1960's as one of the leading vocal groups in soul music, and their sound, as well as their elaborate stage show, became the model for countless groups that followed. The Temptations major breakthrough came in 1965, when they took Smokey Robinson's composition, "My Girl," to the top of the charts. David Ruffin left the Temptations in 1968, beginning a successful solo career with his 1969 hit "My Whole World Ended." He died of a cocaine overdose in Philadelphia on June 1st, 1991.
1941- singer Bobby Goldsboro was born in Marianna, Florida. His sentimental pop songs, such as "See the Funny Little Clown," "Honey" and "Watching Scotty Grow" were big hits from the mid-1960's to the early '70s.
1944 - The first jazz music concert ever held at the New York City Metropolitan Opera House was performed. Performing were: Louis Armstrong, Artie Shaw, Benny Goodman and Lionel Hampton.
1946- Ella Fitzgerald has another hit with “You Won't Be Satisfied.” Decca
1954---Top Hits
Oh! My Pa-Pa - Eddie Fisher
Changing Partners - Patti Page
Secret Love - Doris Day
Bimbo - Jim Reeves
1956-Little Richard enters the pop chart at #26 with "Tutti Frutti." His original beats out covers by Elvis Presley and Pat Boone. Also the Top Fifty pop album chart which is dominated by records like "Jackie Gleason Plays Music for Lovers Only" and "Jackie Gleason Plays Romantic Jazz," lists its first rock and roll entry. Billy Haley & the Comets' "Rock around the Clock" is #12.
1956- The Bill Haley and the Comets album Rock Around the Clock enters the charts
1958- Willie O'Ree became the first black player in the national Hockey League when he played for the Boston Bruins in a game against the Montreal Canadians. Boston won, 3-0.
1960- Johnny Preston's "Running Bear" hits #1
1962---Top Hits
The Twist - Chubby Checker
Peppermint Twist - Joey Dee & The Starliters
Can't Help Falling in Love - Elvis Presley
Walk on By - Leroy Van Dyke
1964-The Beatles had their first appearance on the US singles chart with "I Want to Hold Your Hand". The disc entered the Billboard Hot 100 at #45, just ten days after its release, making it the fastest-breaking and the fastest selling single in Capitol Records history. Capitol had earlier turned down "Love Me Do", "Please Please Me", "From Me to You" and "She Loves You", which were then released by Vee Jay Records. After a nasty lawsuit, Capitol Records was granted an injunction, restraining Vee Jay Records from further manufacturing, distributing, advertising or otherwise disposing of recordings by the Beatles. If you have any old Beatles records on Vee Jay, hang on to them, they are now collector's items.
1965- Paul Simon drops out of law school to pursue music full-time.
1966- Robert Clifton Weaver was sworn in as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, becoming the first black cabinet member in U.S. history. He was nominated by President Lyndon Johnson.
1968-~ Singer Eartha Kitt made headlines, as she got into a now-famous confrontation with Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson , wife of the President of the United States, at a White House luncheon to discuss urban crime. Ms. Kitt told Lady Bird (the First Lady) that American youth were rebelling against the war in Vietnam, linking the crime rate with the war escalation. She had a lot to say and it definitely was not "C'est Si Bon".
1968-YNTEMA, GORDON DOUGLAS Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company D, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne). Place and date: Near Thong Binh, Republic of Vietnam, 16-18 January 1968. Entered service at: Detroit, Mich. Born: 26 June 1945, Bethesda, Md. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life and above and beyond the call of duty. Sgt. Yntema, U.S. Army, distinguished himself while assigned to Detachment A-431, Company D. As part of a larger force of civilian irregulars from Camp Cai Cai, he accompanied 2 platoons to a blocking position east of the village of Thong Binh, where they became heavily engaged in a small-arms fire fight with the Viet Cong. Assuming control of the force when the Vietnamese commander was seriously wounded, he advanced his troops to within 50 meters of the enemy bunkers. After a fierce 30 minute fire fight, the enemy forced Sgt. Yntema to withdraw his men to a trench in order to afford them protection and still perform their assigned blocking mission. Under cover of machinegun fire, approximately 1 company of Viet Cong maneuvered into a position which pinned down the friendly platoons from 3 sides. A dwindling ammunition supply, coupled with a Viet Cong mortar barrage which inflicted heavy losses on the exposed friendly troops, caused many of the irregulars to withdraw. Seriously wounded and ordered to withdraw himself, Sgt. Yntema refused to leave his fallen comrades. Under withering small arms and machinegun fire, he carried the wounded Vietnamese commander and a mortally wounded American Special Forces advisor to a small gully 50 meters away in order to shield them from the enemy fire. Sgt. Yntema then continued to repulse the attacking Viet Cong attempting to overrun his position until, out of ammunition and surrounded, he was offered the opportunity to surrender. Refusing, Sgt. Yntema stood his ground, using his rifle as a club to fight the approximately 15 Viet Cong attempting his capture. His resistance was so fierce that the Viet Cong were forced to shoot in order to overcome him. Sgt. Yntema's personal bravery in the face of insurmountable odds and supreme self-sacrifice were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect the utmost credit upon himself, the 1st Special Forces, and the U.S. Army.
1969-Albums released this week include the Beatles' "Yellow Submarine" on Apple Records; Tommy James & the Shondells' "Crimson and Clover" on Roulette; Creedance Clearwater Revival's "Bayou Country" on Fantasy and the self-titled LP by Blood, Sweat and Tears on Columbia.
1970---Top Hits
Raindrop Keep Fallin' on My Head - B.J. Thomas
Venus - The Shocking Blue
I Want You Back - The Jackson 5
Baby, Baby (I Know You're a Lady) - David Houston
1975- “The Jeffersons” premiered on TV; CBS sitcom about an African American family (formerly neighbors of the Bunkers on "All in the Family") who moved to Manhattan's East Side, thanks to the success of George Jefferson's chain of dry cleaning stores. Having a format similar to "All in the Family," the show featured a black bigot, George Jefferson. Particularly memorable were the racial slurs Jefferson used against the mixed-marriage neighbors, Tom and Helen Willis. The show was able to humorously introduce subjects such as mixed marriage on a prime-time series. Cast included Sherman Hemsley as George Jefferson, Isabel Sanford as Louise Jefferson, Mike Evans and Damon Evans as Lionel, Franklin Cover and Roxie Roker as the mixed couple and Berlinda Tolbert as their daughter, Jenny and Paul Benedict as the British bachelor neighbor Bentley. The last episode aired July 23, 1985.
1975- Barry Manilow's "Mandy" hits #1.
1976- the Pittsburgh Steelers won their second consecutive Super Bowl, defeating the Dallas Cowboys, 21-17, in Super Bow X. Pittsburgh wide receiver Lynn Swann was name the game's most valuable player by setting a Super Bowl record by gaining 161 yards on four receptions.
1978---Top Hits
Baby Come Back - Player
Here You Come Again - Dolly Parton
You're in My Heart (The Final Acclaim) - Rod Stewart
Take This Job and Shove It - Johnny Paycheck
1985-Newspaper USA Today took a poll of its readers as to where the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame should be built. The winner was Cleveland
1986 - Dionne Warwick's single for AID's research, "That's What Friends are For", became her second #1 song on the music charts. Although Dionne had many hits in the 1960s, singing Burt Bacharach tunes like, "I Say a Little Prayer" and "Do You Know the Way to San Jose"; she first hit the top spot when she added an ‘e' to Warwick and joined the Spinners in the 1974 hit, "Then Came You". She changed her name back to Warwick (without the ‘e') after making a couple of hits produced by Barry Manilow in the early '80s. That'll do it. Remember, "I'll Never Love This Way Again"?
1986---Top Hits
That's What Friends are For - Dionne & Friends
Talk to Me - Stevie Nicks
Burning Heart – Survivor
Bop - Dan Seals
1987 - For the first time in history, the Public Broadcasting System, PBS, was watched by more than 100 million viewers. The record audience was measured during the week of January 12-18.
1993-- Martin Luther King Jr. holiday observed in all 50 states for 1st time.
1988 - A storm in the southwestern U.S. produced a 15 to 20 foot surf along the southern coast of California resulting in more than fifty million dollars damage. A small tornado in Orange County CA lifted a baseball dugout fifteen feet into the air and deposited it in the street, 150 yards away. The same storm also produced 26 inches of snow at Duck Creek UT.
1990 - A winter storm produced heavy snow and high winds across the southwestern U.S. Snowfall totals ranged up to 18 inches at Lake Arrowhead CA and Ashford AZ. High winds in New Mexico gusted to 100 mph east of Albuquerque. Unseasonably warm weather continued from Texas to the Atlantic coast. Twenty cities reported record high temperatures for the date including Roanoke VA with a reading of 71 degrees.
1995-- The Grateful Dead's Jerry Garcia escapes unhurt when his rented BMW crashes into a guardrail near Mill Valley, California.
1996- the first computer software application on Digital Video Disc was the PhoneDisc PowerFinder USA ONE, an electronic phone directory for the entire United States. It contained on a single digital video disc, or DVD, information that previously required the storage capacity of six CD-Rom discs.
2001—San Francisco sues 13 energy providers for collusion to fix prices and restrict the energy supply.
2003- In the US tens of thousands rallied in Washington DC in an emphatic dissent against preparations for war in Iraq. As many as 500,000 rallied outside the Capitol. In SF the rally drew at least 100,000 by my count. A small band of anarchists vandalized the Financial District in “black bloc” protests.
Super Bowl Champions This Date
1976 Pittsburgh Steelers

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