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Monday, July 9, 2012 
Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Bulletin Board Complaint
Integrity Financial Groups, Murray, Utah
Classified Ads---Legal
Pray for Patrick Sponsel
$17 Million Fraud Closes the 6th Bank this year in Georgia
Career Crossroad—
“Is it Legal to do background checks?”
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
“Who is Your Lessee?”
Top Stories--July 2--July 6
Financial and Sales Training Sources
Ten Surprising Products Still Made In America
OCC--Risks Facing National Banks/Savings Associations
Golden Retriever
Glendale, Arizona Adopt-a-Dog
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Bulletin Board Complaint
Integrity Financial Groups, Murray, Utah

The complaint concerns Dallin Hawkins, Managing Director of Sales & Operations, Integrity Financial Groups, as well as his representations on Linkedin.com. A proposal was signed on May 14, 2012 by Andy Siu, president, Grand Enterprise, Inc., Gardena, California, for $553,750 for a Harris Centurion-EHD-T100 Two Ram Baler for 60 months with a 2.185 lease factor with a "Fair Market Value" residual, extend for a year and then "fair market value," or "return the equipment."
This originally began with Bernard Whitley, BW Transportation Solutions, Inc. dba BW Capital Solutions in an email dated June 1, 2012:
"On 04/27/2012 I entered into a deal with Matthew Johnson of Compound Profit which I thought was a direct lender, they worked the deal asked for additional information a couple of times which was provided by the customer to me which I forwarded onto Compound Profit, a conference call was set up with myself, Mathew Johnson, another individual from Compound Profit and Dallin Hawkins, I didn’t catch on at the time that the other individual was Dallin till I received the term sheet, I called Matthew right away and said, ‘ I don’t think that this guy is a direct lender and I have a bad felling about having my customer send this guy $12,101.00’. Matthew assured me that he felt that Compound Profit only dealt with direct lenders, I told him to go to Dallin website and check out his web site for himself which he did. My gut feeling was to pass on this deal but I went ahead and had my customer wire the $12,101.00, after Dallin received the money it was Two weeks of him going underground stating that his credit department was doing their due diligence and needed Five to Seven business days, so finally on 05/31/2012 we received a term sheet from Tetra and the terms had changed completely, it went from a 60 month lease to a 36 month lease, the customer was putting a total of $100,000,00 down, the Tetra proposal called for the 100k as well as a 25% security deposit, which would have meant the customer would have to come up with $248,000.00 total, I told Matthew the deal was off to have Dallin refund the customer their $12,101.00, I was told that Dallin was keeping the money for service rendered, I have placed several to Dallin over the past couple of days he has not responded to any of my calls as of yet."
What was produced was a Tetra Financial Group (or affiliate) 36 month contract with 25% security deposit with a FMV and pay down of the security deposit during the term of the lease (no interest on the deposit).
The complaint was outlined by Jun (Andy) Sui:
“Good morning my name is Jun (Andy) Sui, on May 4th I met with Bill Robinson from H West Equipment Company as well as Bernard Whitley President of BW Capital Solutions in Las Vegas during the Waste Expo, I talked to Bernard about financing the recycling equipment that I was purchasing from H West for $653,000.00 putting $100,000.00 Bernard informed me that he had a source that he was working with that had experience working startup business’s a company called Compound Profit, I supplied Bernard with all the financial documents that he requested to get me the loan for $553,000.00 that he requested.
“On May 14th we had a conference call with several gentlemen concerning my loan, on the call was Bernard Whitley-BW Capital Solutions, Matthew Johnson-Compound Profit, Dallin Hawkins-Integrity Financial Group, and Robert Jacobs President of Compound Profit, we discussed the terms of the lease that we thought would work best for me, we agreed to a operating lease at 60 months and payments of $12,101.00 I was told that we would have a term sheet later that day and that we needed to send in the first months payments, we were sent the term sheet late that Monday night, we looked over the term sheet and discussed it with both Bernard as well as Bill Robinson, after several discussions we signed the term sheet on Thursday May 17th and faxed to Bernard. Bernard called us and informed us that we still needed to wire in the first payment and he sent as the wiring instructions, we told Bernard that we would wire the money on Monday May 21st which we did.
“After the money was wired to Integrity Financial Group we waited for the documents to be forwarded we made several calls a day to Bernard and we assumed that he was making calls on his end to try and update us, after several days Bernard updated us and said that Integrity Financial Group needed between Five and Seven days to do their due diligence, finally on May 31st we got a new term sheet from a totally different lender called Tetra and not Integrity Financial Group, with different terms then we agreed to during our conference call, the terms weren’t we agreed to so we told Bernard that we weren’t upset with him but we wanted our money back, we asked that he get us our $12,101.00, the next day June 1st he informed me that I might not get my money, Integrity Financial Group was keeping the money unless I went through them, and if I wanted to contract with Tetra I needed to get my $50,000.00 back from the vender H West and send it to Dallin at Integrity Financial Group to move forward, both Bernard and I agreed this wasn’t going to happen, Bernard told us that he was trying to get us at least $10,101.00 back and that he would personally write us a check for the $2000.00 so that we didn’t lose any money.”
Jun (Andy) Sui
Thus began emails and telephone discussions with Dallin Hawkins, who said he was still trying to put the deal together. This went on from June 4th, and as the time went by, the returning of telephone calls and emails ceased from Dallin Hawkins, and Leasing News asked the person who made the complaint did he want Hawkins to continue working on the proposal;
July 2nd, from Mr. Sui:
"When we last talked to Dallin on June 7th he promised that he would return our money if he couldn’t meet our original terms that we discussed back in early May he wanted one more opportunity to go back to his lender, I have sent a lot of e-mails to Dallin with no response, I don’t know what else to do we just want our money back from Dallin as he promised, thanks Bernard we know that you are doing all that you can."
Mr. Andy Sui
Bernard Whitley responded:
“I told Grand Enterprises that if they didn’t receive their money by the end of June that I will refund it to them out of my own pocket when I get home next week from vacation since it was me that lead them towards Dallin and didn’t catch the verbiage on his term sheet and make him spell out what his intentions were and when he planned on refunding Grand Enterprises their money if things didn’t work out, we were all under the impression that Dallin was a direct lender, if you look at some of his past LinkedIn posts he states that he is a direct lender, like I said when we first got started I learned a valuable lesson dealing with Dallin looks like it’s a lesson that will cost me and my company $12,101.00.”
No telephone or emails or Linkedin.com messages have been returned by Dallin Hawkins to Leasing News since June 12, 2012.
The web site (http://integrityfinancialgroups.com ---"Where Integrity Comes First!") states the company is a member of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association, but Leasing News could not find a listing on line to confirm this.

Dallin Hawkins
The Linkedin.com website does not list the company
as a member of ELFA. It states the company started January, 2011; previously Hawkins was an account executive at Mazuma Capital Corp (June, 2010-December, 2010), senior account executive, Culver Capital Group (2008-2010), senior account executive, Envision Capital Group (September, 2007-August, 2008),senior account executive, Nationwide Funding, LLC (2002-September, 2007). Mr. Hawkins is very active in many LinkedIn groups seeking business from brokers and others.
BBB rates the company A-
Integrity Financial Groups Proposal:
Tetra Financial Group Proposal:

• Contract Negotiations
• Fraud Investigations
• Credit Investigations
• Skip-tracing
• Third-party Commercial Collections
John Kenny
Receivables Management
For flat fee or commissions basis
john@jkrmdirect.com | ph 315-866-1167| www.jkrmdirect.com |
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Pray for Patrick Sponsel
Sharpe Financial Network
President, National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers
(Reprinted from the NAELB Forum Listserve with permission)
“I had Colonoscopy 2 Fridays ago June 22nd and was waiting for results with appointment scheduled with General practitioner on Friday last week. Previously passed specialist prostate exam June 14th. I had been struggling with this recurring illness more and more frequent since January with same symptoms similar to severe flu I was having in Denver. (Severe Abdominal gas-like pain and nausea followed by diarrhea and much less frequent symptom but vomiting). Tried changing everything within my diet, thought perhaps was stress related ulcer, eliminated gluten from diet. Each change would feel better or milder symptoms for awhile until another episode or two would eliminate that as a conclusion.
“The frequency of the symptoms had increased to twice in same week and so was very ill last Thursday June 28th. I went to Dr’s office first thing in morning and vomited while there during exam, and was checked into the hospital. The colonoscopy was negative for polyps but really is a scope internal to the organ. They did CT scan and found growth (tumor) that bowel had wrapped itself around causing obstruction (tumor was external of the bowel) Operated Friday June 29th and removed the small bowel and portion of larger bowel including the appendix and lymph nodes. The surgeon is general surgeon so I’ve yet to see an oncology specialist. The test results from the removed tumor are due back tomorrow, but surgeon’s opinion (based upon previous experiences) is that likely to have been cancerous. The surgery removed all existing tumor and the lymph nodes that surround the removed organ, but cancer can travel through the system and regenerate elsewhere especially if previously entered thru the lymph nodes. The following procedures for treatment of which we are all familiar then come under the care of oncologist which I have yet to meet or decide upon.
“I meet with the surgeon on Monday July 9th, 2pm, to get the results from the tests and to discuss next steps. If tests are returned negative, won’t need to meet oncologist. Please Pray for that. Thank you for your concern and prayers to this point. It’s working!”
Patrick Sponsel
((Kit, to respond to your request for permission to use my story as incentive for colonoscopy I guess if it motivates someone in your circulation to have it done I guess so. Certainly doesn’t hurt. (literally and figuratively))
Patrick Sponsel
Hopefully if you have not had a colonoscopy, or one recently, this may serve as a reminder. We all pray that Patrick has good news this afternoon.
$17 Million Fraud Closes the 6th Bank this year in Georgia

The three offices of Montgomery Bank & Trust, Ailey, Georgia, were closed with Ameris Bank, Moultrie, Georgia, to assume all of the deposits. Ameris Bank has now acquired at least 9 failed banks since fall 2009 (8 in Georgia, 1 in Florida). Montgomery Bank & Trust Established March 1, 1926, the bank had 45 full time employees as of March 31, 2012 at their two offices in Vidalia and one in Ailey. December 31, 2008, they had 89 full time employees.
The FDIC estimates that the cost to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) will be $75.2 million.
What happens seems to be a major embezzlement with the U.S. Attorney's office charging Montgomery Bank director and on-time metro Atlanta investment adviser Aubrey Lee Price with wire fraud of $17 million from the bank. After telling upper management that he was investing in U.S. Treasury securities, he wired bank funds to accounts he controlled and prepared falsified statements to cover his tracks, the federal complaint said. He is also charged with allegedly defrauding more than 100 clients in Georgia and Florida.
According to ajc.com, "The FBI is searching for Price, who disappeared last month. A letter bearing his name was sent to friends and colleagues about the same time and said he had lost millions of dollars in client funds and suggested he intended to commit suicide.”
Investigators say Price, 46, was last seen boarding a ferry in Key West, Florida. bound for Fort Myers, Fla. He had "previously stated that he owns real estate in Venezuela" and "may own a boat that would be large enough to travel to Venezuela from Florida," the complaint says.
The AJC.com reports, “Montgomery Bank was founded in 1926, and remained a slow-growing, but stable player in Montgomery and Toombs counties for much of its history. But a decision in the mid-2000s to expand to St. Simons Island proved disastrous. The bank lost nearly $37 million from the beginning of 2009 until March 2012, according to an AJC analysis of federal bank data.”
On October 6, 2009, the Bank was issued a Cease and Desist Order from the FDIC for “unsafe or unsound banking practices and violations of law and/or regulations alleged to have been committed by the Bank.”
In 2010 Montgomery County Bankshares, Inc. raised approximately $14.1 million through the combination of a sale of common stock to PFGBI, LLC, a newly-created bank holding company comprised of individual investors, lead by Price, and a private placement to his clients and other investors in the Montgomery County area. The investment group Price controlled invested $10 million into ailing Montgomery Bank. Locals in the community of 450 people pitched in an additional $4 million.
As a result of the transaction, PFGBI acquired a controlling interest in Montgomery County Bankshares, Inc.
Federal authorities said Price, as a director for the bank, took control of investing the bank's capital. Price allegedly wired funds to accounts he controlled at other banks, and provided false financial statements to bank management.
Trae Dorough was brought in as president. He previously was executive vice-president and senior lender at First Coweta Bank in 2008, which the FDIC closed August 21, 2009. January 28, 2011 the bank announced three new hires to help turn things around.
Little did the board of directors of bank officers control the activities of bank director Price. In less than a year, from 2011 to 2010 the bank equity dropped from $16.6 million to $3.8 million with a $14.1 million loss.
As of March 31, 2012, the bank has a Tier 1 Risk factor of 2.98%.
(in millions, unless otherwise)
Net Equity
2006 $17.1
2007 $19.0
2008 $19.0
2009 $9.1
2010 $16.6
2011 $3.8
3/31 $3.6
2006 $2.5
2007 $2.6
2008 $721,000
2009 -$12.3
2010 -$6.4
2011 -$14.1
3/31 $3.9
Non-Current Loans
2006 $1.4
2007 $5.8
2008 $8.4
2009 $29.8
2010 $34.0
2011 $18.7
3/31 $15.0
Charge Offs
2006 $112,000 ($70,000 loans to individuals, $42,000 commercial/industrial)
2007 $95,000 ($47,000 commercial/industrial, $42,000 loans to individuals, $5,000 construction)
2008 $302,000 ($176,000 other loans, $64,000 loans to individuals, $40,000 commercial/Ind., $22,000 construction/land development)
2009 $17.6 ($12.4 construction/land development, $2.3 1-4 family, $459,000 loans to individuals, $305,000 commercial, $26,000 other loans)
2010 $3.6 ($1.6 construction/land, $555,000 nonfarm-nonres., $481,000 1-4 family, $287,000 loans to individuals, $$256,000 farmlands, $98,000 multifamily
2011 $6.4 ($3.1 construction/land, $1.2 1-4 family, $725,000 commercial-industrial, $443,000 multifamily, $362,000 loans to individuals, $340,000 nonfarm nonres, $165,000 farmland.
3/31 $2.6 ($1 construction/land, $590,000 commercial-industrial, $552,000 1-4 family, $231,000 farmland $154,000 loans to individuals, $113,000 multifamily, -$25,000 loans to depository institutions.
Construction and Land, 1-4 family multiple residential, Multiple Family Residential, Non-Farm Non-Residential loans.
As of March 31, 2012, Montgomery Bank & Trust had approximately $173.6 million in total assets and $164.4 million in total deposits. In addition to assuming all of the deposits of the failed bank, Ameris Bank agreed to purchase approximately $12.4 million in assets, comprised mainly of cash and cash equivalents. The FDIC will retain the remaining assets for later disposition
This is the sixth bank to fail in Georgia this year. Bill Dawers of peachpundit.com notes:
Georgia’s political leadership has not taken any substantive steps to determine whether state policies contributed to our leading the nation in bank failures.
After subtracting this failure, there are 68 Georgia banks on the unofficial problem bank list published by Calculated Risk and maintained by Suferdude808 using FDIC public actions.
- Note: Georgia had 237 active banks as of May 14, 2012:
List of Bank Failures:
Bank Beat:
Career Crossroad
—“Is it Legal to do background checks?”

(Note: Emily Fitzpatrick welcomes your questions, and will keep it confidential, meaning not mentioning your name. Editor)
Is it legal/the norm for companies to conduct background checks?
Absolutely! 95% of companies conduct formal background checks to look at credit history, criminal history, school and college verification, perhaps even a driver's license if required to travel on company business.
Every bank we have worked with requires this before any formal offer is given and about 90% of our independent Clients require this as well. The potential employer must have your written authorization to conduct this background check; often they will send or email forms for your review and signature. In addition they will conduct reference checks and drug screening. Do yourself a favor and be proactive before ever starting your career search … see below.
In most hiring processes, you must fill out a formal application for employment; questions will arise on this application. You may indicate, would like to discuss or minor glitch, etc… do not go into TOO much detail. Make sure during your interview process you are upfront with credit history or any blips in your past … often, they can work around it. HOWEVER, if you “hide” anything that would show up in your check, they will dismiss the Candidate all together. This happened once to us, not because of the glitch in his past, but because he was not honest and upfront about it.
One thing I would strongly recommend is conducting your own background check on yourself (there are many services that charge a small fee) and of course check your credit scores (everyone should receive 1 FREE from each of the bureaus 1x per year). By doing this you will know what you are dealing with AND maybe can correct the situation. I would recommend doing these 6-12 months prior to any potential career search, so if there are issues you can take care of right away (e.g. expunging/sealing of minor infraction records, incorrect credit issues, etc…) Note: BANKS take credit scores very seriously as you are working in the financial world.
You might even try to hire an attorney / consultant in expediting the process, as they routinely do such investigations for cases they are involved in.
If your are concerned about this, you are doing yourself a favor by taking this extra step and paying nominal fees – it will help you in your current and future career endeavors.
Emily Fitzpatrick
Sr. Recruiter
Recruiters International, Inc.
Phone: 954-885-9241
Cell: 954-612-0567
Twitter: @RIIInfo
Invite me to Connect on LinkedIn & Follow RII on LinkedIn
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Commercial Finance & Leasing Bank of Cardiff, Inc, a
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Seasoned Leasing professional in Dallas-Fort Worth area, experienced in 3rd party generated business.
Must be highly ethical, self starter with a good understanding of financials and able to produce immediately and consistently.
Generous commissions paid and
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Please submit resume to ron.mitchell@bancleaseacceptance.com
Contact: Ron Mitchell 214-615-0667 direct
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Leasing 102
by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP

“Who is Your Lessee?”
Over the years as we revisit fraud cases and charge offs one of the leading problems is the lessors failure to determine if the lessee or the equipment is legit. Especially if the transaction is small and the lessee appears to be an individual or new operation. You should ask to see their business license, and if not one, then the board of equalization permit, or insurance certificate; and always in signing a lease, their driver’s license. Consumers try to represent a business enterprise to get better pricing and if you do not confirm the business you have a consumer lease with all the additional requirements of regulation Z.
If the transaction is for used equipment from private sales it needs to be inspected prior to payment. Remember that title transfer only happens if the equipment is free of liens. One fraud was committed by a lessee that had his friend act as a vendor and took some equipment that he had pledged to another lender and said he was buying it from his friend and claimed he wanted to lease it. The lessor did not check out the UCC filings to match the serial numbers with the requested purchase. When the lessee filled bankruptcy, the lessor lost his equipment to the other lender who had a prior claim.
Most lessors require at least two years of operations prior to leasing equipment. But that does not mean that some lessee’s may not get financing at higher rates to offset the risk. However, the review of the lessee’s qualifications needs to be much deeper and more complete. Checking addresses is important to determine how long the lessee has lived in the area. Short residence in the area is a real clue that something is not right. Check to see if the lessee has had other businesses or how long he has been in his profession.
Sometimes a fraud exist because a new lessee gives you a business name that is spelled slightly different than an existing business or has the same name but a different ending like “inc” instead of “corp.”. On occasion a company that has been purchased drops their name and someone comes along and uses it to obtain credit and runs off with the equipment. It is always smart to check with the State to determine if the business is registered and how they spell their name and the address they used. Then check this against your credit application.
I could go on for hours with the problems of fraud but the most important fact that comes from these issues is the failure of lessors to investigate “completely” the facts of the transaction regardless of its size. Please do not take other peoples work or investigation as gospel. Do your own investigation and look for things that do not look right; like does the equipment match the type of work the company does? Is the delivery location different that the address of the lessee? Check UCC filings against the equipment already in place to see if the business is really in business.
Credit is not the only thing necessary to qualify for a lease. If possible you should visit the business and just look around and take note of the amount of equipment there and how it stacks up against the UCC filings. If you send a salesperson to survey the business give them a list of questions and direction on what to look for. I always have been in favor of site inspections, especially if something doesn’t just seem right.
I know this seems like a lot of work but you can avoid it by increasing your lease loss reserve because fraud will get you in the end.
Mr. Terry Winders, CLP, has been a teacher, consultant, expert witness for the leasing industry for thirty years and can be reached at leaseconsulting@msn.com or 502-327-8666.
He invites your questions and queries.
Previous #102 Columns:
(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)
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Top Stories--July 2--July 6

Here are the top ten sorties opened by readers
(1) Career Crossroad—-"Just Laid Off!
“Want to bring Sales Team with me."
(2) Marlin Amends Wells Fargo Capital Line
by Christopher Menkin
(3) Former NFL Wide Receiver Sentenced For Lying to a
Federal Grand Jury during an IRS Criminal Investigation
(4) New Hires---Promotions
(5) Lease Companies on the Stock Exchange
(6) Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
"What is a Legal Lease?"
(7) Six Month BBB Leasing Company Ratings
(8) Warning: July 9th is the Virus Day
(9) Hudson Juggles Original Investment to $1 Billion in Assets
(Tie) (10) More True Lease Ink Split The Year in Review
by Tom McCurnin, Esq.
(Tie) (10) Mortgage rates fall to new record lows

Financial and Sales Training
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These individuals act as a consultant in 75% or more of their main business, actually training staff or individuals of a leasing company. These are not schools or franchisors, which can be viewed
by clicking here.
Several hold classes, and most will travel to their client's premise.
To qualify for this page, they must be an active member in an equipment leasing association.
Please fax our request form back to 408-317-2066 or you
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18 |
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Motivating, Educating and empowering leasing sales reps to top performance. Practical ideas for success using the telephone and internet. |
1989 |
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Highly results-driven, informative and enjoyable sales skills training programs that will leave participants empowered for bottom-line success. AMST guarantees a positive return on training time and investment.
20 |
International |
By leveraging people, process and technology, Selling Up guides the next step in revenue generation and elevates sales organizations into appreciating corporate assets.
Teichman Financial Training
Sausalito, California
Bob Teichman, CLP
43 |
International |
"We specialize in the technical side of leasing, offering comprehensive training in packaging, credit, pricing, structuring, financial analysis and operations. Our clients include lessors, lessees, lenders, associations, and government agencies."
26 |
Provide multiple educational products to individuals and companies engaged in the leasing/financing industry. Encourage & facilitate personal and corporate strategy building to promote efficiencies, increase productivity & future success.
Winders Consulting Co., Inc.
Louisville, KY
Terry Winders, CLP
35 |
Lease seminars and training on rules & regulations pricing, documentation, sales. Also procedure audits, and help to establish a leasing activity or company for brokers, bankers, and captives.. Expert witness on legal & tax.
(A) Selling Up's Sales Management Operating System™ ( SMOS™) provides companies and business units of all sizes with a proven methodology and unique tools offering a comprehensive, flexible, scalable approach to managing all elements of the organizational sales process.

Ten Surprising Products Still Made In America

1. Intel chips
Parent company: Intel Corp.
Headquarters: Santa Clara, Calif.
Chipmaker Intel currently produces more than 75 percent of its microprocessors in the U.S., despite international purchases accounting for 75 percent of sales. The company is currently working on a state-of-the-art semiconductor production plant in Arizona, which is slated to open in 2013. The new plant is expected to cost approximately $5 billion and will employ thousands of American workers.

2. Pyrex
Parent company: World Kitchen, LLC
Headquarters: Rosemont, Ill.
Pyrex is one of the most widelyknown makers of kitchen containers and bakeware found in 80 percent of American households. Corning Inc. started producing Pyrex in the U.S. in 1915. About 2,500 people are employed in the United States for manufacturing and distributing.

3. Oreck
Parent company: Oreck Corporation
Headquarters: Duluth, Minn.
Oreck, one of the nation’s top vacuum makers and a staple among late-night infomercials, was founded by David Oreck in 1963. Though the company began by supplying products to the hospitality industry, the popularity of its products with hotel workers inspired later expansion to the consumer market. The company’s marquee vacuum, the Oreck XL, is manufactured in Cookeville, Tennessee.

4. Post-it Notes
Parent company: 3M
Headquarters: St. Paul, Minn.
If you bought your Post-it note in the U.S., you can be sure it was made in the U.S. too.
The product, invented by 3M employee Art Fry and hitting the market in 1977, has been manufactured in Cynthiana, Ky., since 1985. The company also manufacturers Scotch tape at the plant. Post-it is important to the town, employing roughly 500 residents who work at the plant. The company is green, too. Post-its are manufactured using recycled home and office paper.

5. Weber grills
Parent company: Weber-Stephen Products LLC
Headquarters: Palatine, Ill.
Weber grills have been made in the United States since 1952, when George Stephen built his kettle grill from a buoy at Weber Brothers Metal Works in Mount Prospect, Ill. All but one of latest models are still manufactured in Palatine, Illinois. Because the company uses globally-sourced components it has been exposed to a class-action lawsuit over its claims that it was “Made in America.” Still, as of 2011, 98 percent of Weber’s workforce was located in the U.S. According to many grill reviews and grilling enthusiasts, it is the most popular grill of all time.

6. KitchenAid Mixer
Parent company: Whirlpool Corp.
Headquarters: Benton Charter Township, Mich.
Appliance maker KitchenAid still makes many of its products in the U.S. — notably, its highly popular mixer is made at a plant in Greenville, Ohio. This is despite large appliance makers having moved manufacturing mostly outside of the U.S. and into emerging markets such as China, India and Latin America.

7. Harley-Davidson Motorcycles
Parent company: Harley-Davidson, Inc.
Headquarters: Milwaukee, Wis.
Founded in 1903, Harley-Davidson is an iconic, cult-like American motorcycle company facing stiff foreign competition — think Yamaha and Honda. But the American company actually builds its motorcycles here in the United States. The company has four major factories in the U.S. — two in Wisconsin, one in Missouri and one in Pennsylvania. Many manufacturing executives point to the need to stay competitive when they move work overseas. But Harley-Davidson doesn’t seem to be suffering too much by making its products at home. Shares of the company are up 17 percent over the last year and the company holds about half the market share in the U.S.

Sub-Zero refrigerator Parent company: Sub-Zero, Inc. and Wolf, Inc.
Headquarters: Madison, Wis.
Westye Bakke’s invented the world’s first free-standing freezer in the basement of his home in Madison, Wis., in 1943. Two years later, Bakke founded the Sub-Zero Freezer Company, which has maintained its prominence in the manufacturing of “premium built-in home” refrigerators for over 60 years. The company acquired Wolf, Inc., the world leader in professional cooking equipment, in 2000. Wolf now creates stoves and ovens for the “serious in-home cooks” in addition to appliances for restaurants and hotels. The company employs more than 1,000 Americans in plants in Madison, Wis., Phoenix, Ariz., and Richmond, Ky

9. Spanx Products
Parent Company: Spanx by Sarah Blakely
Headquarters: Atlanta
Sarah Blakely’s revolutionary line of slimming footless pantyhose and undergarments were invented in 2000 in Atlanta. Most of the products are made in the U.S., according to the Spanx website, but some may be manufactured abroad. The company has a line of about 200 products, employs 125 people and manufactures about 36,000 items everyday

10. Duraflame Fire Logs
Parent company: Duraflame Inc.
Headquarters: Stockton, Calif.
In 1968, when California Cedar Products Company was producing pencils, it found it could recycle the sawdust created in the wood manufacturing process by mixing it with petroleum wax to make fire logs. By 1986, Duraflame, Inc. became independently owned and operated, employing 250 Americans in its Stockton corporate office as well as California and Kentucky manufacturing facilities. Duraflame’s revenue exceeded $100 million annually as of 2007, and the company has expanded its production to charcoal, lighters, and more environmentally conscious logs.
Fully Story by Samuel Weigley, Lisa A. Nelson and Alexander E. M. Hess
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##### Press Release #############################
OCC -Risks Facing National Banks and Federal Savings Associations

WASHINGTON — Top risks facing national banks and federal savings associations include the lingering effects of a weak housing market, revenue challenges related to slow economic growth and market volatility, and the potential that banks may take excessive risks in an effort to improve profitability.
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency discussed those risks in its new report, the Semiannual Risk Perspective for spring 2012, which was released today. Key points regarding these risks facing banks include:
Asset-quality indicators show continuing improvement across small and large banks. Small bank delinquency and loss rates did not reach the peaks seen at the larger banks, but their pace of improvement has been slower. Housing-related loans continue to demonstrate above-average rates of delinquency and charge-off. Commercial real estate performance is improving, but vacancy rates and the level of problem assets continue to be high.
Outside of commercial and industrial lending, loan growth remains tepid, which has weighed on net interest income by pressuring asset yields for banks of all sizes. Underwriting standards are under pressure as banks compete for higher earning assets to improve profitability.
The persistence of historically low interest rates continues to hamper margin upside, by limiting the ability of many banks to further reduce funding costs. As net interest income has declined, non-interest income faces pressures from legislative, regulatory, and market changes that have depressed fee income, servicing and securitization income, and may restrain future trading revenue.
More generally, the low interest rate environment continues to make banks vulnerable to rate shocks. Small banks, in particular, are increasingly adding to investment portfolio positions and increasing duration to obtain higher yields. “New product” risk is increasing as banks seek to enter new or less familiar markets to offset declines in revenues from core lines of business.
European sovereign debt issues and the threat of a break-up of the Euro have led to a sharp slowdown in European economic growth, contributed to worsening credit quality, increased financial market uncertainty, and perceptibly weakened global economic activity. These developments have contributed to an increase in the cost of long-term debt and equity financing for large European and U.S. financial institutions as these issues continue to weigh on market confidence and the economic recovery in Europe and the United States.
According to the report, levels of capital and allowance for loan losses across the industry are more robust and of higher quality than prior to the recession. The higher levels and better quality of capital are noticeable across the industry, but most notable at the largest banks. However, the U.S. banking industry continues to recover from the recent recession and to adjust to significant shifts in its operating and regulatory environments. These shifts are inducing large changes in the risk and profitability profiles of all banks, but may affect community banks differently than large banks. Combined, these conditions present significant operational risk for banks of all sizes.
The report presents data in four main areas: the operating environment; the condition and performance of the national banking system; funding, liquidity, and interest rate risk; and regulatory actions. The report focuses on issues that pose threats to the safety and soundness of those financial institutions regulated by the OCC and is intended as a resource to the industry, examiners, and the general public. The report reflects data as of December 31, 2011. The OCC plans to release the report twice a year.
##### Press Release ############################

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Sports Briefs----
Adrian Peterson arrested on charge of resisting arrest
Baseball Poem

Baseball: a Poem by Nancy Pham
Baseball is a simple game,
It's hard to find someone who does not know the name,
of Ruth or Gehrig or Mays
baseball can go back to the days
of horse drawn, up to horsepower
an amusement used to pass the hours
and minutes, and days, through a lifetime
like mine
the wonderful joy of horsehide on cowhide
the bat on the ball
spikes on the bag
dirt in your palms
grass under your feet
the white of the lines
the black on the plate
the mound, that's just there
the cap on your head
the wood in your hands
the perfect throw from center to home
from third to first
or that little flip from short to second
to complete
the most beautiful thing in the game
the double play
one.then two
like 90 feet in a faultless diamond
or 60 feet 6 in between
it's exciting,
the rundown
the homer
the triple
or triple play
the double down the left field line
the stolen base
or pickoff
it's boring,
the walk
the force play
the infield fly rule,
the ground-rule double
it's the stuff dreams are made of
Game 7
Bottom of the 9th
2 outs
bases loaded
and you hit the game winning homer
is better than that
nothing is better than baseball
a pure pastime
a childhood memory
a grown passion

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This Day in History
1755 - General Edward Braddock was mortally wounded when French and Indian troops ambushed his force of British regulars and colonial militia, which was on its way to attack France's Fort Duquesne (Pittsburgh). Gen. Braddock's troops were decimated at Fort Duquesne, where he refused to accept Washington's advice on frontier style fighting. British Gen'l. Braddock gave his bloody sash to George Washington at Fort Necessity just before he died on Jul 13.
1776- Declaration of Independence read aloud to Gen Washington's troops in NY.
1776 - New York was the 13th colony to ratify the Declaration of Independence.
1793- Vermont is the first state to complete the revision of its constitution
( lower half of: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/jul09.html )
1809-Samuel Parker of Billerica, MA received his first patent for a leather-splitting machine, which split leather to any thickness. This invention doubled the use of leather.
1811- Sara Payson Willis Parton born Portland, Maine, better known as Fanny Fern, whose first collection of witticisms sold 80,000 copies. SP was one of the first woman newspaper columnist in the world.
1819-birthday of Elias Howe, American inventor of the sewing machine, born at Spencer, MA. He died October 3, 1867, Brooklyn, NY. All inventions were slow to catch on as people were afraid to try new things, or change, or invest. His invention made him very little money.
1838- Birth of Philip P. Bliss born in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. American gospel singer and songwriter. His best-remembered hymns include 'Wonderful Words of Life,' 'It is Well with My Soul' and 'Let the Lower Lights Be Burning.'
1846 - An American naval captain occupies the small settlement of Yerba Buena, a site that will later be renamed San Francisco. Surprisingly, Europeans did not discover the spectacular San Francisco Bay until 1769, although several explorers had sailed by it in earlier centuries. When Spanish explorers finally found the bay in that year, they immediately recognized its strategic value. In 1776, the Spanish built a military post on the tip of the San Francisco peninsula and founded the mission of San Francisco de Asis (the Spanish name for Saint Francis of Assisi) nearby. The most northern outpost of the Spanish, and later Mexican, empire in America, the tiny settlement remained relatively insignificant for several decades. However, the potential of the magnificent harbor did not escape the attention of other nations. In 1835, the British Captain William Richardson established a private settlement on the shore of Yerba Buena Cove, several miles to the east of the Mexican mission. That same year the U.S. government offered to purchase the bay, but the Mexicans declined to sell. In retrospect, the Mexicans should have sold while they still had the chance. A little more than a decade later, a dispute between the U.S. and Mexico over western Texas led to war. Shortly after the Mexican War began, U.S. Captain John Montgomery sailed his warship into San Francisco Bay, anchoring just off the settlement of Yerba Buena. On this day in 1846, Montgomery led a party of marines and sailors ashore. They met no resistance and claimed the settlement for the United States, raising the American flag in the central plaza. The following year, the Americans renamed the village San Francisco. When the Mexicans formally ceded California to the United States in the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe, San Francisco was still a small town with perhaps 900 occupants. That same year, however, gold was discovered at the nearby Sutter's Fort. San Francisco became the gateway for a massive gold rush, and by 1852, the town was home to more than 36,000.
1846 - The U.S. Treaty with Great Britain set the Oregon boundary at the 49th parallel. Expansionists in Congress disagreed, and used the slogan “54-40 or Fight.” In June, Col. Castro’s forces from Monterey, under the command of Joaquín de la Torre, fought the “Battle of Olompali” north of San Rafael with Fremont’s troops from Sonoma. Two Americans and five or six Californians were killed. John Frémont, along with my namesake Christopher “Kit” Carson, his guide, crossed to the Presidio with his Republic of California forces and spiked 10 Spanish guns. He also gave the name “Chrysoplylae” or “Golden Gate” to the entrance of the Bay. Meanwhile, on July 2 Commodore Sloat anchored at Monterey aboard the “Savannah.” He hesitated to follow his secret orders lest he commit the same grave error as Commodore Jones in 1842. Thomas Larkin advised the Commodore to move cautiously. July 5, Frémont returned to Sonoma and organized the “California Battalion” to carry on the revolution. Marine Lt. Archibald H. Gillespie was appointed adjutant. July 7, American flag rose at Monterey by Commodore John Drake Sloat, U.S.N. Sloat decided to take possession of California because he feared the British might occupy Monterey, and he was concerned about the reported revolution in Sonoma. The Commodore told the people of Monterey that he came to bring greater political freedom and stability, and henceforth California would be a part of the United States.
Population the pueblo of Yerba Buena estimated at about 1000 non-natives. There were about 50 buildings in the pueblo. July 8, Capt. Montgomery took formal possession of Yerba Buena and appointed Lt. Washington Allen Bartlett the first American Alcalde because he spoke fluent Spanish. This appointment was later ratified by a vote of the people. And this day, Captain James B. Montgomery of the “U.S.S. Portsmouth” and 70 marines and sailors marched to the Plaza at Yerba Buena (San Francisco), hauled down the Mexican flag and raised the Stars and Stripes. Capt Montgomery claims Yerba Buena (San Francisco) for United States. He later made Indian slavery against the law by proclamation.
As a side note, it would not be until January 24, 1848 that James W. Marshall, an employee of John Sutter, accidentally discovers gold while building a sawmill near Coloma City. Efforts to keep the discovery secret failed, and the gold rush of 1849 was under way, bringing thousands of men to California.
1847-the twelve and longer workday was common. The first law to try and change the workday to ten hours a day was by a new law in New Hampshire, although because of the “bargaining position,” it was ineffective. It stated that “in all contracts relating to labor, ten hours actual labor shall be taken to be a day’s work unless otherwise agreed by the parties.”
1850-Zachary Taylor, War hero, 12th president of the United States, after serving only 16 months, dies of “acute gastrointestinal illness,” also thought to be cholera at the age of 55. Vice-President Millard Fillmore was sworn in as the 13th president of the United States on July 10. Some historians suggested that Taylor
may have been poisoned. To test this theory, his remains were exhumed from a cemetery in Louisville, KY, on June 17, 1991. A coroner’s report dated June 26 found no evidence of foul play.
1852 -- American Poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow visits Jewish cemetery of Newport, RI. Shortly thereafter he writes his poem "The Jewish Cemetery at Newport".
1853-Admiral Perry and US Navy visit Japan
1863-At the battle of Port Hudson, Miss., Confederate Major General Franklin Gardner surrendered his garrison of 5500 men to General Nathaniel P. Banks after a siege of six weeks. The army this day fully controlled this crucial spot on the Mississippi.
1864 - Confederate General Jubal Early brushes a Union force out of his way as he heads for Washington. Early's expedition towards the Union capital was designed to take pressure off Robert E. Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia around Petersburg. Beginning in early May, Ulysses S. Grant's Union army had continually attacked Lee and drove the Confederates into trenches around the Richmond-Petersburg area. In 1862, the Confederates faced a similar situation around Richmond, and they responded by sending General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson to the Shenandoah Valley to occupy Federal forces. The ploy worked well, and Jackson kept three separate Union forces away from the Confederate capital. Now, Lee sent Early on a similar mission. Early and his force of 14,000 marched down the Shenandoah Valley, crossed the Potomac into Maryland, and then veered southeast toward Washington. Union General Lew Wallace, commander of the Middle Department and stationed in Baltimore, patched together a force of 6,000 local militiamen and soldiers from various regiments to stall the Confederates while a division from Grant's army around Petersburg arrived to protect Washington. Wallace placed his makeshift force along the Monocacy River near Frederick. Early in the morning of July 9, Early's troops easily pushed a small Federal guard from Frederick before encountering the bulk of Wallace's force along the river. Wallace protected three bridges over the river. One led to Baltimore, the other to Washington, and the third carried the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Early's first attack was unsuccessful. A second assault, however, scattered the Yankees. The Union force retreated toward Baltimore, and the road to Washington was now open to Early and his army. Union losses for the day stood at 1,800, and Early lost 700 of his men. However, the battle delayed Early's advance to Washington and allowed time for the Union to bring reinforcements from Grant's army. On July 11th, he actually entered the District of Columbia, breaking through inadequate Union forces southeast of Frederick, MD. He withdrew on July 12th as reserves were reported on their way. He continued to harass Union forces from the Shenandoah Valley until the Battle of Cedar Creek in October. He again missed his opportunity and allowed the Union troops to regroup. The poem “Sheridan’s Ride” by Thomas Buchanan Read dramatized the general’s return to the field and the turn of the battle.
1868- The 14th Amendment defined US citizenship and provided that no State shall have the right to abridge the rights of any citizen without due process and equal protection under the law. Coming three years after the Civil War, the 14th Amendment also included provisions for barring individuals who assisted in any rebellion or insurrection against the US from holding public office, and releasing federal and state governments from any financial liability incurred in the assistance of rebellion or insurrection against the US.
1872-John F. Blondel of Thomaston, ME, obtained a patent for a doughnut cutter. A spring pushed the dough out of a center tube to make a hole. His invention helped to increase efficiency for bakers to increase their quantities of this tasty treat that originated in the 16th century Holland, where it was known as an "Olykoek." Blondel, however, was not the one who gave this pastry its famous ring shape. According to legend, a Maine sea captain gave the doughnut its hole by thrusting a piece of fried dough on the spoke of his ship’s wheel so he could steer with both hands. On the books, however, it was in 1847 when a young American named Captain Hanson Crockett Gregory first put the hole in the doughnut. Hanson's mother was a cake maker who, because the cakes were difficult to fry all the way through, began placing walnuts and hazelnuts in the center to mask their gooey texture. Her son disliked this part of the otherwise delicious cake and removed it altogether, giving it the look we all know and love. Today Americans eat an estimated 10 billion of these deep-fried pastries annually. Krispy Kreme is taking the country by storm.
1893-in Provident Hospital on Chicago’s south side, African-American surgeon Dr. Daniel Hale Williams performed the first successful open-heart surgery. The patient was James Cornish, who’s internal mammary artery had been damaged by a knife wound. The operation was witnessed by six doctors, and described in the March 27, 1897 Medical Record.
1894- Dorothy Thompson birthday- influential U.S. newspaper columnist. Expelled from Germany for her virulent anti-Nazi stand when she was a U.S. reporter, she lectured widely against Hitler on her return to the U.S. She headed her paper's Berlin office 1925-1934. Her newspaper column On the Record was one of the most popular in the nation (1936-1958).
1896- Birth of William Cameron Townsend, American missionary and linguist. In 1942 he established what has become the largest evangelical missionary agency in the world --Wycliffe Bible Translators (WBT).
1907-birthday of Eddie Dean ( Edward Dean Glosup,) was born in Posey, Texas. He appeared in scores of low-budget westerns, including his own series of 20 films from 1946 to '48. Dean and his wife Loreen co-wrote the country music classics "One Has My Name, the Other Has My Heart" and "I Dreamed of a Hillybilly Heaven. Died Thousand Oaks, California, March 4, 1999"
1908 – American photographer Minor White birthday.
1910 - Jimmy Dale Birthday
((real name Harold C. Fox, bandleader-clothier, who first coined “zoot suit” ( with a reet pleat!)1942.)
Bahai’i observance of the anniversary of the execution by a firing squad, 1850, at Tabriz, Persia, of the 30-yer-old Siyyid Ali Muhammed, the Bab ( prophet-herald of the Baha’ Faith. One of the nine days of the year when Bahai'is suspend work.
1914-the first auction duplicate bridge championship was held at the Lake Placid Club, Lake Placid, NY. The four-man team of the New York Bridge Whist Club defeated the team of the Knickerbocker Whist Club of New York City by seven tricks on 48 boards to win the American Whist League’s Hamilton Trophy, symbolic of the whist championship of the United Sates and Canada.
1915--Birthday of American composer David Diamond, born Rochester, NY. Died 12 June, 2005.
Diamond studied with Nadia Boulanger in Paris, because of his great hero Maurice Ravel. He Had a close friendship with Leonard Bernstein, who premiered a lot of his works. Diamond was still active as a composer in his mid 80’s, and has been mostly known for the work "Rounds" for string orchestra.
1918 –- Worst rail accident in U.S. history occurs with head-on collision of two trains at Nashville, Tennessee, taking the lives of 101 & injuring another 171.
1921-birthday of Canadian country singer Stu Davis ( David Stewart,) born in Boggy Creek, Saskatchewan. He and his brother Fred teamed up in 1939 to perform as the Harmony Boys on Regina radio station CKCK. Stu Davis later became known as "Canada's Cowboy Troubadour," and made appearances in the late 1940's on NBC radio's "National Barn Dance" from Chicago and the "Grand Ole Opry." Davis signed with London Records in 1956, making 15 LP's for the label.
1925-birthday of tenor sax player Frank Wright, Grenada, MS
1926- Mathilde Krim birthday - founder of AmFar, the preeminent AIDS organization in 1980 that has raised more than $50 million for AIDS research and education. She was one of the first to recognize the dangers of AIDS worldwide - in 1980 when most health authorities were unaware of anything called AIDS - and then had the courage to do something about it, using $100,000 of her own funds. She served as head of a lab at New York's Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and was a noted medical researcher and health educator.
1928- Vince Edwards birthday. As Dr. Ben Casey on the 1961 television show “Ben Casey,” Edwards’s muscular, brooding charm made him an overnight sex symbol. Medical school enrollment increased while he was on the air. After conquering a gambling addiction, he became a real-life hero. Born at Brooklyn, NY, he died at Los Angeles, CA, Mar11, 1996.
1930-arranger/bandleader Buddy Bregman born, Chicago, IL
1936 - The temperature hit an all-time record high of 106 degrees at the Central Park Observatory in New York City, a record which lasted until LaGuardia Airport hit 107 degrees on July 3rd in 1966.
1941 - Crackerjack British cryptologists break the secret code used by the German army to direct ground-to-air operations on the Eastern front. British experts had already broken many of the Enigma codes for the Western front. Enigma was the Germans' most sophisticated coding machine, necessary to secretly transmitting information. The Enigma machine, invented in 1919 by Hugo Koch, a Dutchman, looked like a typewriter and was originally employed for business purposes. The Germany army adapted the machine for wartime use and considered its encoding system unbreakable.
1942 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: ``Sleepy Lagoon,'' Harry James Orchestra.
1944- German Army Group Center was taken by surprise when the Soviets began an offensive between the Baltic Sea and the Carpathian Mountains. The Germans had expected an attack farther south, where the Red Army had already penetrated deep into Poland. When Hitler refused to allow a German retreat, the Soviets easily broke through the German lines, and the Reich’s forces were isolated in the Baltic states. Within a week Army Group Center was virtually annihilated, with a loss of 200,000 men.
1944-*PUCKET, DONALD D. (Air Mission) Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: First Lieutenant, U.S. Army Air Corps, 98th , Bombardment Group. Place and date: Ploesti Raid, Rumania, 9 July 1944. Entered service at: Boulder, Colo. Birth: Longmont, Colo. G.O. No.: 48, 23 June 1945. Citation: He took part in a highly effective attack against vital oil installation in Ploesti, Rumania, on 9 July 1944. Just after "bombs away," the plane received heavy and direct hits from antiaircraft fire. One crewmember was instantly killed and 6 others severely wounded. The airplane was badly damaged, 2 were knocked out, the control cables cut, the oxygen system on fire, and the bomb bay flooded with gas and hydraulic fluid. Regaining control of his crippled plane, 1st Lt. Pucket turned its direction over to the copilot. He calmed the crew, administered first aid, and surveyed the damage. Finding the bomb bay doors jammed, he used the hand crank to open them to allow the gas to escape. He jettisoned all guns and equipment but the plane continued to lose altitude rapidly. Realizing that it would be impossible to reach friendly territory he ordered the crew to abandon ship. Three of the crew, uncontrollable from fright or shock, would not leave. 1st Lt. Pucket urged the others to jump. Ignoring their entreaties to follow, he refused to abandon the 3 hysterical men and was last seen fighting to regain control of the plane. A few moments later the flaming bomber crashed on a mountainside. 1st Lt. Pucket, unhesitatingly and with supreme sacrifice, gave his life in his courageous attempt to save the lives of 3 others.
1946-Birthday of Bon Scott, singer for AC/DC is born. I saw him in Campbell, California, when there was a rock'n'roll club early on and at one time had a signed poster by all members of the band.
1948- Satchel Paige, 42, debuts in majors pitching two scoreless innings for Cleveland. Paige was the greatest attraction in Negro Leagues baseball and one of black baseball’s greatest players. He was also, at age 42, the first Black pitcher in the American League. Inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1971. Died at Kansas City, MO, June 8, 1982.
1947-the first army officer who was a woman was Florence Aby Blanchfield, appointed lieutenant colonel in the Army, with a ceremony held at the Pentagon, Washington,, with General Dwight David Eisenhower, Chief of Staff, presenting her with her commission. On June 1, 1943, she had been appointed superintendent of army nurses.
1949 - NBC radio broadcast "Dangerous Assignment" for the first time. The show starred Brian Donlevy as Steve Mitchell.
1950---Top Hits
Bewitched - The Bill Snyder Orchestra
My Foolish Heart - The Gordon Jenkins Orchestra (vocal: Eileen Wilson)
I Wanna Be Loved - The Andrews Sisters
Why Don’t You Love Me - Hank Williams
1951 -- American "hard-boiled" novelist Dashiell Hammett sentenced, choosing six months' imprisonment rather than co-operate with the US House of Representatives Committee on Un-American Activities' inquiries into domestic "subversion", refusing to kow-tow to the anti-communist witch hunters. My son Dashiell is named after him, my favorite detective writer. Hammett was President of the League of American Writers in 1942, & of the Civil Rights Congress of New York, 1946-47.
1952 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: ``Auf Wiederseh'n Sweetheart,'' Vera Lynn.
1954 - Debbie Sledge of Sister Sledge is born. Sisters Debbie, Joan, Kim and Kathie Sledge of North Philadelphia begin recording as Sister Sledge in 1971. The group's biggest hit is the million-selling No. 2 song ``We Are Family'' in 1979.
1955-Pat Boone released his version of "Ain't That a Shame" which became his first #1 hit.
Originally a Fats Domino hit.
1955---A landmark in music history is established on July 9th, when Bill Haley's "Rock Around The Clock" reaches number one on the Billboard chart. Many music historians will eventually acknowledge the song as a dividing line, separating Rock and Roll from everything that preceded it.
1955-Les Paul and Mary Ford enter the Billboard charts with "Hummingbird", which will reach #7 and become the first of their five Pop chart entries.
1956- Dick Clark made his debut as host of "Bandstand" on Philadelphia TV station WFIL. He took over from Bob Horn, who had been charged with driving while intoxicated during a highly publicized police crackdown. "Bandstand" featured top pop and rock stars lip-synching their latest hits and a group of local teens dancing in the studio to recorded music. The ABC network expressed interest, and in 1957 the program was re-titled "American Bandstand" and shown across the US and Canada. At the height of its popularity, the daily show was reported to have generated one million fan letters a week. Through their exposure on "American Bandstand," such non-singers as Fabian and Frankie Avalon became teen idols. Clark relinquished his "Bandstand" hosting duties in 1989 to 26 year-old David Hirsch. The program died within a matter of months. Still, it had been on the air for 37 years - a record for a television variety show. Clark today hosts a daily talk show, plus many other specials.
1956-Actor Tom Hanks born Concord, California. After his parents divorced when he was a toddler, Hanks lived with his father, a cook. He began studying acting in high school, played with a Shakespeare festival for three years, and launched his television career in 1980 with Bosom Buddies, an offbeat sitcom about two men forced to disguise themselves as women. He made a splash with Splash in 1984, followed by a huge success with Big in 1988, for which he received an Oscar nomination. After several quiet years, his career took off again with Sleepless in Seattle (1993); he is now considered one of the biggest box office draws alive. He won the Best Actor Oscar twice, for Philadelphia in 1993 and Forrest Gump in 1994. He was also nominated for his role in Saving Private Ryan in 1998. He began directing in 1996 with That Thing You Do and co- produced Cast Away (2000), for which he received another Best Actor Oscar nomination.
1957-Bobby Helms "My Special Angel" is released.
1958---Top Hits
Hard Headed Woman - Elvis Presley
Splish Splash - Bobby Darin
Poor Little Fool - Ricky Nelson
Guess Things Happen that Way - Johnny Cash
1958-Johnny Cash, following in the footsteps of ex-Sun Records artist Carl Perkins, signs with Columbia Records.
1958-- On Capitol Hill, Casey Stengel and Mickey Mantle appear in front of the Senate Anti-Trust and Monopoly Subcommittee which is investigating the baseball monopoly power in regards to sport's antitrust exemption. After 'The Old Perfessor' gives 45 minutes of rambling and confusing testimony, Senator Estes Kefauver laughs when Mickey Mantle's answers his inquiry about the topic with, "My views are just about the same as Casey's."
1959- The Drifters "Dance with Me" is released.
1962--- Bob Dylan records Blowin in the Wind.
1962 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: ``Roses Are Red (My Love),'' Bobby Vinton.
1964-"House of the Rising Sun" by the Animals hits #1 on the U.K. singles chart.
1965- Patricia Roberts Harris was sworn in as the ambassador to Luxembourg, the first African-American Ambassador. She was appointed by President Lyndon B. Johnson, who later that month announced US Troops would be increased from 75,000 to 125,000 in South Vietnam and the draft would be doubled from 17,000 to 35,000 a month.
1966 -- United Farm Workers benefit at the Fillmore with Quicksilver Messenger Service & the San Andreas Fault Finders.
1966---Top Hits
Paperback Writer - The Beatles
Red Rubber Ball - The Cyrkle
Hanky Panky - Tommy James & The Shondells
Think of Me - Buck Owens
1966-Jack Nicklaus shot 282 at Muirfield in Scotland to win his first British Open Championship. With this victory, Nicklaus joined Gene Sarazen, Ben Hogan and Gary Player as the only golfers to have won all four events comprising golf’s modern Grand Slam: the Masters, the US Open, The British Open and the PGA Championship. Nicklaus won two other British Opens, in 1970 and 1978.
1968- The Beatles "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" is released.
1969- A funeral was held in Cheltenham Spa, England, for Rolling Stones guitarist Brian Jones, who had been found dead in the swimming pool of his home six days earlier. The coroner's report cited "death by misadventure."
1969-Courtney Love is born.
1974---Top Hits
Rock the Boat - The Hues Corporation
Rock Your Baby - George McCrae
Hollywood Swinging - Kool & The Gang
He Thinks I Still Care - Anne Murray
1977-KISS' "Love Gun" LP enters the chart.
1977-Bob Marley and the Wailers' "Exodus" LP enters the chart.
1978-Steve Miller's "Jet Airliner" peaks at #8 on the pop chart.
1978- After crashing legendary bluesman Willie Dixon's house in Chicago, Dixon takes the Rolling Stones to the local Quiet Night Club to join Muddy Waters and his band onstage and jam with them on several of their favorite Muddy songs, including "Mannish Boy."
1982---Top Hits
Don’t You Want Me - The Human League
Rosanna - Toto
Hurts So Good - John Cougar
Any Day Now - Ronnie Milsap
1983-The Police's "Every Breath You Take" peaks at #1 on the pop chart -- a position it will hold for 9 weeks.
1983-Stevie Nicks' album "The Wild Heart" enters the chart. It features the smash hit, "Stand Back."
1983-Elton John's hit "I'm Still Standing" hits #12 on the singles chart.
1984 - The Hoosier Dome in Indianapolis, IN was packed to the rafters. 67,596 spectators, the largest crowd to watch a basketball game in the United States, saw the U.S. men’s Olympic team defeat a team of players from the NBA, 97-82. The largest crowd in the world to see a basketball game was in 1951. 75,000 spectators saw the Harlem Globetrotters play in Olympic Stadium in West Berlin, Germany.
1985 - Football great Joe Namath signed a five-year pact with ABC-TV to provide commentary for "Monday Night Football". The former New York Jets quarterback reportedly earned one million dollars a year for the job. Namath replaced ‘Dandy’ Don Meredith. Broadway Joe had previous experience with "Monday Night Football" as a player, when he and the Jets were the first team to play on the popular TV series on September 21, 1970.
1987 - Thunderstorms produced severe weather in Michigan. A tornado near Munising, MI, destroyed part of a commercial dog kennel, and one of the missing dogs was later found unharmed in a tree top half a mile away.
1988 - Twenty-three cities in the eastern U.S. reported record high temperatures for the date. Alpena, MI, and Buffalo, NY, suffered through their sixth straight day of record heat. The percentage of total area in the country in the grips of severe to extreme drought reached 43 percent, the fourth highest total of record. The record of 61 percent occurred during the summer of 1934.
1988- At Candlestick Park, Chris Speier hits for the cycle as the Giants maul the Cardinals, 21-2. The 21 runs scored establishes a San Francisco record.
1988-Elton John's "Reg Strikes Back" LP enters the chart. It will stay for 19 weeks and features the hit, "I Don't Wanna Go On With You Like That."
1988-Steve Winwood's "Roll With It" LP enters the chart. It will stay on the chart for 31 weeks eventually hitting #1. The LP features the #1 hit, "Roll With It."
1989-- 1st time Wimbledon has both men & women's final on same day, Boris Becker beats Stefan Edberg & Steffi Graf beats Martina Navratilova
1990---Top Hits
Step By Step - New Kids on the Block
She ain’t Worth It - Glenn Medeiros featuring Bobby Brown
Hold On - En Vogue
1991- Prodigy began testing a service allowing customers to pay bills electronically. The service, which cost about $9.95 a month on top of Prodigy's monthly online service fee, allowed members to pay up to 20 bills electronically. About a quarter of a million subscribers participated in the test.
1994- John Mellencamp's "Dance Naked" LP enters the chart. The album features the hit "Wild Night", a duet with MeShell NdegeOcello.
1994-The Kiss tribute album, "Kiss My Ass, Classic Kiss Regrooved" enters the chart. The LP features Kiss songs done by artists such as Lenny Kravitz, Stevie Wonder and Garth Brooks.
1995-The Grateful Dead played what proved to be their last concert at Soldier Field in Chicago. The show began with their only Top-10 hit, "Touch of Grey," and ended with an encore of "Black Muddy River" and "Box of Rain." One month later he entered a drug rehabilitation program in Forest Knoll, known as Forest Farm. Jerry Garcia died of an overdose while recovering from drug addiction at Forest Farm in Marin CountyThe band broke up after leader Jerry Garcia died of a heart attack exactly one month later. Garcia died early Wednesday, August 9, in his sleep at the drug rehabilitation clinic in Forest Knolls, Marin County, where he had gone to kick a heroin habit. He had snuck out after curfew and made a connection. The Marin County coroner said preliminary tests indicated Garcia - overweight and diabetic - had died of a heart attack.
1995- The Rolling Stones played their first concert in their homeland in five years, opening the British leg of their "Voodoo Lounge" tour in Sheffield, England. During the tour, the Stones played before more than 6.5 million people in 135 venues around the world. Ticket sales topped $300-million Canadian, with more than $430-million in merchandise sales. They are still on a roll; every concert I have seen them, they get better and better. Several recent ones I have sat in the second or third up-front row.
1997-Apple Computer chairman and CEO Gilbert Amelio was ousted from Apple on July 9, 1997. His unexpected departure came less than a year and a half after he was named chairman in February 1996. Amelio became the third Apple chief forced out in four years, including John Sculley in 1993 and Michael Spindler in 1996. Amelio had a very fancy wine cellar entrance and trappings. He liked it there better than
anywhere else.
1998-- Brewer owner Bud Selig, who served as acting commissioner for nearly the last six years, is named by the owners to be baseball's ninth commissioner. To avoid conflicts of interest, his ownership of the Milwaukee's franchise will be placed in trust.
2002 --Despite chants of 'Let them play!' from the sellout crowd of 41,871 at Milwaukee's Miller Park, Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig declares the 73rd All-Star Game a 7-7 tie after 11 innings. No player is selected to receive the first Ted Williams Most Valuable Player award, named in honor of the late Red Sox legend who died five days ago.
2005 -- Daredevil skateboarder Danny Way jumps the Great Wall of China; rolling down a massive ramp at nearly 50 mph, Way botched the landing on his first attempt but then successfully completed the jump across the 61-foot gap four times, adding 360 degree spins on his last three tries.

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