Galloway and Shivers to Influence the Small Ticket Marketplace
by Christopher Menkin

It was great news to learn Dwight Galloway, CLP, will lead a division of Navitas Lease Corp. for leasing brokers exclusively---while the company founder and CEO Gary Shivers’ operation will devote their efforts toward direct and vendor sales. These two men are probably the smartest in the business when it comes to "small ticket leasing" with a proven, success record of not only understanding this market place, but returning a profit for all involved, including the small businesses who are looking for financing for their business. Shivers could be considered “brilliant,” in my opinion, and Galloway is certainly “top-drawer.”
The reaction was instantaneous from readers about the announcement on Friday. Here are only a few of the emails Leasing News received:
"Made my day. Dwight is a great guy."
Robert D. Parker
CEO / President
"Thank you for sharing this good news on 3 fronts.
1. I’m always happy to see a very good client, especially a great operator and client / partner of ours in Navitas Lease continuing to grow out there franchise. I can tell you they are growing their business and doing it the right way. Excellent people, great management, operations and sales team. Dwight will fit right into this with his team.
2. I’m happy for Dwight, as he’s a good industry man with lots of experience and superb track record. It’s good to see him back in the game.
3. I like this news because you helped refer Gary Shivers to me through our relationship and made the introduction through LinkedIn."
“Thanks for sharing this news with me again and shows the power of our long-term relationship together!”
Randy Haug| Senior Vice President / Co-Founder
LeaseTeam, Inc.|w: 402.493.3445 |
"Thanks for the advance notice on this very good news for the broker-originated leasing community in general, and Dwight and his very competent operational team in particular. As you might know, Dwight and his previous entities were clients of ours since 2002 through all their iterations of previous ownership. We hope now to be able to do business again with RLC through Dwight's new partnership with Navitas, which is a company we have come to know over the last few months as a very capable and competent equipment leasing group (even though they are not presently a client of ALI).
“Let's hope this partnering of two significant participants might be construed as a positive sign of recovery for the whole US equipment leasing and financing industry."
“Best wishes for your continuing success,”
Steve Dinkelaker, President
American Lease Insurance
d/b/a Lease Insurance International
654 Amherst Rd.
Sunderland, MA 01375
"More good news that leasing veterans are getting jobs!"
Paul J. Menzel, CLP
President & CEO
Shivers and Galloway began talking in February, reportedly being introduced by Wells Fargo Bank.
Galloway said, "RLC Funding is a division of Navitas and will operate as a national broker/lessor funding source (48 states), with my original team of credit and portfolio servicing folks. Unless the good application from the broker or lessor is too big (for now), too unique, or some other 'too' we will fund, keep, and service the lease. If we cannot accept a good ‘app,’ for whatever reason, we will--with the broker's/lessor’s agreement--fund and syndicate as some banks do.
"I will do no direct or vendor business, only a broker or lessor as I have always done."
The web site states: "RLC Funding’s three-tiered Application Only Program is designed for A-B credit quality equipment financing requests that do not include financial statements. Requests ranging from $5,000-$75,000 in size are considered under the program, and acceptable terms are generally between 24-60 months.
"Decisions are based on credit quality- we are not a collateral-based lender.”
"RLC’s Franchise Program provides financing for established franchisees of regional or national franchisors. Particular emphasis is placed on the strength of the franchise concept, experience of the applicant, and evidence of the cash flow necessary to meet business and personal needs."
"RLC Funding creates tailored programs for broker/lessors seeking to accommodate an opportunity with a unique vendor or niche industry. We understand that not every opportunity fits squarely within our standard guidelines, so we pride ourselves in working with our broker/lessors to understand key aspects of those niches. The goal is to produce efficient and profitable solutions in the form of customized programs."
Shivers, who was both successful at Advanta Leasing and Marlin, said they both "know the model, the bad guys to steer away from, how to keep out of trouble, and make the small ticket market place work."
He said, “RLC Funding will provide a wide range of custom programs, common sense underwriting, and outstanding service the broker industry has come to expect from these professionals.”
Both come from experiences of having the company pulled out from them, particularly Galloway who was originally in syndication, then Resource Bancshares Mortgage Group, Inc., which was sold to NetBank, who went out of business, and the winning bidder of the leasing company was LEAF Financial, who also ran out of funding and is now concentrating on a new partnership.
Both Galloway and Shivers had the numbers. They both share having their companies pulled out from under them. They both see a major opening for broker business, as well as small ticket vendor and direct business.
"In the broker marketplace, when Manifest cut way back, I left the marketplace, and other funders closed too, it created a major void: all of a sudden there were not many places for brokers to turn", Galloway said. ”Those brokers that have survived are the professionals---They are the professionals we hope to serve."
"The key now is getting access to capital,” Shivers explained. Navitas has a strong relationship with Wells Fargo, who is also introducing them to other sources and combinations. There are others who know the numbers both created with low losses. The question then is can they make the magic work again.
"Small businesses are very anxious," Shiver said. "The banks are not interested in them, and the expensive cash advance money at 40% to 60% over short time periods is more tied to companies who take much of their business by credit cards. There is a strong marketplace waiting for us."
Some of the paperwork is still being completed, with some operational work to be done, but Galloway hopes to have his operation up and running by the end of the month.
Navitas is located in Ponte Verde, Florida. Web site is
RLC Funding is located in Columbia, South Carolina, with a final address to be announced; however their web site is up at
Comprehensive personal property tax outsourcing services We accept file exports and integrate personal property tax information
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Firestone Financial Secures $125 Million, Multi-Year Credit

Firestone Financial Corp., Newton, Massachusetts announces the signing of a $125 Million, multi-year revolving credit facility provided through a bank group led by Citizens Bank. Reportedly the facility is for a 5 year period and provides financing initially of $125 Million with the ability to increase up to $150 Million.

Firestone Financial, President and CEO David Cohen
“We are extremely pleased with the terms we have received and the financial and operating covenants," said Firestone Financial, President and CEO David Cohen. "These changes will allow Firestone Financial more flexibility to serve our markets and customers.”

Scott Cooper, Executive Vice President and CFO
“We greatly appreciate the commitment and confidence that our bank group has in our company and business,” said Scott Cooper, Executive Vice President and CFO.
Jerry Sargent, President of Citizens Bank, Massachusetts, commended Firestone’s management team.

Jerry Sargent, President of Citizens Bank
“Similar to our company, Firestone has built its business on relationships and an unwavering commitment to the client," he said. “The company has a unique ability to serve its customers due to its deep knowledge of the industries it serves. We take great pride in this newly expanded partnership and look forward to supporting the Firestone growth strategy going forward.”
In addition to Citizens Bank, banks participating in the financing are Wells Fargo Capital Finance, LLC, Bank of America, N.A., TD Bank, N.A. and Brookline Bank.
About Firestone Financial
Since 1965, Firestone Financial has provided equipment financing nationwide. As a direct lender, we have helped our customers acquire billions of dollars worth of assets. Our focus is on cultivating long term relationships in the industries that we serve. Today we provide competitive financing solutions for the carnival, vending, fitness, coin-op, and amusement industries. To learn more, call 1.800.851.1001 or visit
About Citizens Bank
Citizens Bank is a division of RBS Citizens, N.A., operating its seven-state branch network in Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont. It has257 branches and 803 ATMs in Massachusetts.
RBS Citizens, N.A. is a subsidiary of Citizens Financial Group, Inc., a $132 billion commercial bank holding company headquartered in Providence, R.I. CFG’s two bank subsidiaries are RBS Citizens, N.A. and Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania. They operate a 12-state branch network under the Citizens Bank brand in Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont, and the Charter One brand in Illinois, Michigan and Ohio. CFG has non-branch retail and commercial offices in more than 30 states. CFG is owned by RBS (The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc). CFG’s website is
Top Stories May 31---June 1

Here are the top ten stories opened by readers:
(2) Caution! Look Out for Vendors! by Christopher Menkin
(3) Steve Reid, CLP, Joins Commerce National Bank
(4) Getting Approved at EagleRock Leasingby Christopher Menkin
(5) Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Are you Sales Tax Compliant?
(6) Bank Beat---Columbia State Bank on a roll---
(7) Forum Leasing for “Tough” Credits Nationwide
(8) FDIC 76 Enforcement Actions Against Problem Banks
(9) Letters? We get eMail?
(10) Ted Nugget: Wine
Not Counted for Technical Reasons:
Dwight Galloway at Gary Shiver's Navitas Lease
Leasing 102
by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP

“Interim Rent”
It was common for leasing and finance companies to request all payments be made on the first of each month. It was also common to issue payment coupon books all with payments due on the first of the month. It was originally was developed to support delinquency because it gave the firm thirty days to collect the payment. If the payment was not in by the twenty fifth, it became a thirty day delinquent account in five days. This procedure was driven by the bookkeeping systems of the day. Then it developed that either you gave away the income from moving the due date from the commencement date to the first of the next month, you had to charge the lessee for a whole month regardless. Most Lessee’s regarded this as not acceptable, and in addition, moved the due date not 30 days, but ten days after the payment was due. Often the late charge became an “extra profit.” Coupon books were abandoned and interim rent was born.
With modern bookkeeping, we are able to collect interim payments based on the number of days between commencement and the preferred due date.
This trend not only re-cooped the daily interest cost, but also earned a profit between principal and interest in this time period. In addition, to the actual date of the funding---check to vendor, the interim rent could be full profit, depending on the start date and actual date the booking of the lease was complete, as the interim rate did not change the actual number of payments or reduce the days at the end. It is important to note that interim rent is not interest only like in a loan but extra rent and that is why it increases the yield so much.
Therefore additional rent on top of the total rent stream is collected, usually on the second invoice because the first invoice covers the first advanced payment and it usually comes with the signed acceptance prior to the computing of the interim amount.
I have seen abuses of the interim rent just like all parts of the lease contract. Now there seems to be leasing companies that start the rent payments as much as 90 days in the future to create a large interim payment that is usually not explained to the lessee until after signing the lease.
Interim payments are part of the cost of a lease but rarely presented up front to the lessee. In some cases it is used to reduce the appearance of the rate when a long interim is required. It therefore becomes one of those hidden advantages used to be more competitive.
I believe we need competitive advantages but for some reason we rely on tricks and hidden charges. Therefore it is important to completely understand lease documentation and the timing of rent payments to determine your competitive position when proposing a lease arrangement. If a rate looks too low something in the transaction is not clearly understood.
Unless the transaction is a large lease, most lessee’s accept the interim rent payment as it is very common today to be included in the lease or finance contract.
This is the most common language added to the lease:
“Lessee shall pay to Lessor the monthly rent in advance for each month or any part thereof following the Commencement Date. The first Base Lease Term rental payment for each Schedule shall be made on the first day of the calendar month following the Commencement Date. In addition to the Base Lease Term monthly rental payment for each Schedule, Lessee shall pay to Lessor rent under such Schedules (for, without limitation, the hiring, taking, accepting or funding of items of Equipment prior to the due date for the first Base Lease Term rent payment) in an amount equal to 1/30th of the monthly Base Lease Term rent, multiplied by the number of days elapsed between the earlier of the Acceptance Date or the date Lessor disburses payment to, without limitation, a manufacturer, developer, publisher, distributor, vendor or licensor (collectively, "Manufacturers") for such items of Equipment, together with the number of days elapsed between the Commencement Date and the due date of the first monthly Base Lease Term payment (the payment of such rent shall be due and payable upon Lessee's receipt of an invoice from Lessor). Such rent and any of Lessor's fees in effect from time to time for documentation, administration and termination of this Lease or any Schedule, shall be due and payable upon delivery to Lessee of Lessor's invoice for same.”
Mr. Terry Winders, CLP, has been a teacher, consultant, expert witness for the leasing industry for thirty-five years and can be reached at or 502-649-0448
He invites your questions and queries.
Previous #102 Columns:
(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Sr. Contract Adminstrator
Irvine, California
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5+ years leasing & contract admin. required
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--- About CityNationalBank---
Medical app only to 200k, Commercial app only to 150k
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Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
Charlie Chan---Only Nine Contestants

Charlie Chan Collection, Vol. 4 (Charlie Chan in Honolulu / Charlie Chan in Reno / Charlie Chan at Treasure Island / City in Darkness) (4DVD) $22.99 at Amazon 53 reviews
Unfortunately in our contest for wise sayings or aphorisms, only nine have contributed to date. The contest was for the top ten.
You can make one up, or repeat one of your favorites, any observation, and please send to me:
Bank Beat---First Charleston-based Bank Failure in Two Decades

The first Charleston-based bank to fail in nearly two decades was Atlantic Bank and Trust, Charleston, South Carolina. First Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Inc., Columbia, South Carolina, to assume all of the deposits. Formed February 20, 2007, there were 64 full-time employees at their offices in Charleston, Myrtle Beach, and Savannah offices.
"Along with the traditional banking services you expect, our bank provides tailored services such as by-appointment banking and remote deposit for our business customers, which enables you to make deposits from your place of business."
Bank equity was $24.5 million year-end 2009, $7.1 million year-end 2010, and $2.8 million
March 31, 2011

Atlanta Bank, Charleston
The bank had lost $6.8 million year-end 2009, lost $17.6 million year-end 2010, and the first quarter of this year reported a $4.3 million loss. What was worse were non-current loans were almost $47 million year-end 2010 following charge offs of $5.4 million in loans secured by 1-4 family residential properties, $3.7 million secured by nonfarm nonresidential properties, $2 million in construction and land development, $879,000 in commercial and industrial loans, as well as $302,000 each in loans to individuals and "other consumer loans."
Non-current loans March 31, 2011 were $40.7 million and charge offs $1.6 million in construction and land development, $679,000 in loans secured by nonfarm nonresidential properties, and $102,000 in 1-4 family residential properties. Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio 1.96%

June 9, 2009, Peggy Hines resigned as president, saying she was going back to the Del Sol T-shirt franchise in the Charleston City Market that she opened in 2004. "...a store that sells products — sunglasses, jewelry and nail polish — that change color in the sunlight," she described to the Her grandfather had started a bank in Georgia in 1930, and her father, continued the family business. She had considered herself a third-generation banker. She had worked for SunTrust Bank for two years, then SC. National Bank, which was purchased by Wachovia, then Union Bank, also purchased by Wachovia.
An August 9 bank examination resulted in an agreement with the Office of Thrift Supervisor to "stop unsafe or unsound banking practices...operating the bank with inadequate levels of capital protection; inadequate earnings to augment capital and reserves; an excessive level of adversely classified loans and assets; and an inadequate contingency funding plan."
“Since January 2010, management was aware of the issues raised by its primary regulator and had already taken steps to correct those issues,” said Neal Arnold, president and CEO of Atlantic Bank & Trust, in a statement about the order, according to the Charleston Regional Business Journal.
As of March 31, 2011, Atlantic Bank and Trust had approximately $208.2 million in total assets and $191.6 million in total deposits. First Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Inc. will pay the FDIC a premium of 0.75 percent to assume all of the deposits of Atlantic Bank and Trust. In addition to assuming all of the deposits of the failed bank, First Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Inc. agreed to purchase essentially all of the assets.
The FDIC and First Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Inc. entered into a loss-share transaction on $141.8 million of Atlantic Bank and Trust's assets.
The FDIC estimates that the cost to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) will be $36.4 million.
A bog comment on the web site seems to have said it best:
"Opening a Bank in February of 07 and then starting to make real estate loans was, unfortunately, very bad timing. Most likely ABT made residential and commercial development loans on projects that have failed. Frankly, Bush, Clinton, Obama or George Washington had nothing to do with why they failed."
Tracking Bank Failures Map:
List of Bank Failures:
Bank Beat:
John Kenny Receivables Management
• End of Lease Negotiations & Enforcement
• Fraud Investigation
• Credit Investigations
• Asset Searches
• Skip-tracing
• Third-party Commercial Collections
The Solution to Your Credit & Accounts Receivable Needs
John Kenny
315-866-1167 |
(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for investigations
and background information provided by John Kenny)
NACM Records Big Drop in Sales Numbers

May 2011 vs. May 2010
The National Association of Credit Management, composed by 17,000 business and financial professionals, May report from members show the year-over-year numbers are not trending in the direction preferred. They state: "The numbers show they are now back to levels seen in the summer of 2010 when the recovery was just starting to show some steam. The sense is that a great deal of momentum has been lost and it is hard to see just what will boost growth in the future. The good news is that the index is still over 50 but at the current pace that may not be true for much longer.
"The bottom seemed to drop out of the economic recovery in May. The first signs of trouble started to manifest in April, but by the end of May these threats had become very real and the economy took some steps backwards. The Credit Managers’ Index (CMI) data in April had hinted at the problems with declining numbers in areas like sales, credit extension and dollars beyond terms, but by May these areas and others showed definite strain."
“The momentum of the economic rebound has been reversed for the time being and for reasons that should not come as a shock to many,” said Chris Kuehl, PhD, managing director of Armada Corporate Intelligence and National Association of Credit Management economic advisor.
The report notes the biggest drop in May was in sales. The 59.4 reading is the lowest since September 2010, and this decline was felt in both the manufacturing and service sectors. "There is widespread concern that the consumer was retreating from spending again as retail numbers in general have been tepid," the report states." The only reason for an increase in retail activity is due to the hike in gas and food prices. These have forced more spending on the part of the consumer, but this spending has come at the expense of almost every category of retail."

"Sales numbers plummeted from a high in December of 66.6 to a May reading of 57.8, the lowest this factor has been since September and reflects the fact that there has been a reduction in demand from overseas markets. The two most important regions to the U.S. manufacturer remain Europe and Asia. The financial crisis in Europe is deepening, affecting the appetite for imports. In China, the focus has been on slowing the economy in order to take some pressure off of inflation and that has meant a reduced import demand. These sales declines have also meant that there have been fewer new credit applications and, thus, a reduction in the amount of credit extended. This is not a matter of credit managers rejecting applicants or judging companies to be unworthy of credit-there is simply much reduced demand.
"There are other trouble areas showing up in the data this month. Dollar collections dropped to a level last seen in August 2010 as many companies found themselves in trouble as they were forced to start contending with inflation even as their business opportunities remain limited. This started to show up in April and has since accelerated. As the market leader starts to become aggressive and goes after market share, other competitors in that sector have to keep pace—even if they are not ready. Many companies are having problems staying current as the costs of inputs rise while their markets remain moribund. Kuehl said that, thus far, there has been little increase in areas like disputes, accounts out for collection and bankruptcies, but if the past is any pattern these areas will reflect the strain in the months to come as business customers continue to grapple with cash flow.
"The inflation hike is not solely responsible for the problems manifesting in May, but it is playing a significant role for sure. The plain fact is that most businesses have not seen a return of previous demand as yet and that leaves them very vulnerable to higher costs. The big hike in gas pricing has worked its way through the economy and will be having an impact for the next few months and beyond if its march upward resumes."

"While there has not been quite such drama in the service sector, it is also down. Sales numbers are still above 60 but only barely. In February the index showed a high of 67.5 and in April sales had rebounded to 65. Now the sector index is sitting at 61.1. While this is certainly a respectable number, the trending is in the wrong direction and that is a concern."
About the National Association of Credit Management
The National Association of Credit Management (NACM), headquartered in Columbia, Maryland, supports approximately 17,000 business credit and financial professionals worldwide with premier industry services, tools and information. NACM and its network of Affiliated Associations are the leading resource for credit and financial management information and education, delivering products and services, which improve the management of business credit and accounts receivable. NACM’s collective voice has influenced legislative results concerning commercial business and trade credit to our nation’s policy makers for more than 100 years.
10 states most at risk of disaster—2001-2010

•Types of Disasters (2001-2010): 7 hurricanes, 2 tropical storms, severe weather
•Estimated Insured Property Loss: $31.9 billion
•Types of Disasters (2001-2010): 8 hurricanes, 5 tropical storms, severe weather
•Estimated Insured Property Loss: $31.5 billion
•Types of Disasters (2001-2010): severe weather, 4 hurricanes, 2 tropical storms
•Estimated Insured Property Loss: $23.9 billion
New York
•Types of Disasters (2001-2010): terrorist attack, winter storms, severe weather, 4 hurricanes
•Estimated Insured Property Loss: $21.5 billion
•Types of Disasters (2001-2010): severe weather, 6 hurricanes, 2 tropical storms
•Estimated Insured Property Loss: $14.9 billion
•Types of Disasters (2001-2010): severe weather,
winter storms
•Estimated Insured Property Loss: $5.3 billion
•Types of Disasters (2001-2010): 6 hurricanes, severe weather, winter storms
•Estimated Insured Property Loss: $4.9 billion
•Types of Disasters (2001-2010): 3 wildfires, Santa Ana wind, severe weather, earthquakes
•Estimated Insured Property Loss: $4.7 billion
•Types of Disasters (2001-2010): severe weather, hurricanes, winter storms
•Estimated Insured Property Loss: $4.5 billion
•Types of Disasters (2001-2010): severe weather, 2 hurricanes
•Estimated Insured Property Loss: $4.1 billion
Note: Atlantic Hurricane season starts June 1 and ends November 30th.
Majority normally August to October.
78% of the tropical storm days
87% of the "minor" hurricane days, and
96% of the "major" hurricane days
Peak: early-mid September on the average
Columbia, South Carolina-- Adopt-a-Dog

Labrador Retreiver (short coat)
Male (neutered)
Young: 1 Year, 3 months (guess)
Current Size: 40 lbs
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“Twizzler is a very loving dog who craves attention. He gets along great with dogs, cats, kids, whoever! Twizzler is a special boy in that he is CARE's first rescue from a kill shelter that still uses the gas chamber. We saw something special in him. If you do too, contact us today to adopt him into your life.”
All dogs receive a distemper/parvovirus vaccine(s), kennel cough vaccine, rabies vaccine, dewormer, monthly heartworm prevention, microchip, and are spayed/neutered through CARE.
Contact Twizzler *URGENT*'s Caretaker/Foster Directly: Main Email CARE (, (803) 622-9813
Adopt-a-Pet by Leasing Co. State/City
Adopt a Pet
Please send to a colleague---Leasing News is Free

This Day in American History
1498 - Christopher Columbus left on his third voyage of exploration.
1712 - The Pennsylvania Assembly banned the importation of slaves.
1755- Birthday of Nathan Hale. The American Patriot was caught behind lines gathering troop movements by General William Howe, who ordered him to be hung in the morning, as he was a spy. His alleged last words have become a symbol of American Patriotism: “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." They were attributed to a news story printed in the 19 th century, and were not heard by contemporaries of his time, nor commented upon. A 1777 newspaper article reported Hale as saying that ``if he had ten thousand lives, he would lay them all down, if called to it, in defense of his injured, bleeding country.'' Four years later another newspaper story quoted Hale's last words as: ``. . . my only regret is, that I have not more lives than one to offer in its service.'' Hull's 1848 memoirs give us the pithier version we know today: ``I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.'' According to Captain Frederick Mackenzie, a British officer who witnessed Hale's death, he may have been young and courageous, but he never said these words. According to Mackenzie's diary, he wrote that Hale's last words were: “ It is the duty of every good officer to obey any orders given him by his commander-in-chief” James A. Barnes,” Myths of the Bryan Campaign,” Mississippi Valley Historical Review (1947). Also see:
1756-birthday of American painter John Turnbull, Lebanon, Conn. lower half of:
1769 - Daniel Boone first began to explore the present-day Kentucky.
1775 - The United Colonies changed their name to United States.
1776 - Richard Henry Lee of Virginia proposed to the Continental Congress the resolution calling for a Declaration of Independence: that "these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States..." Congress delayed the vote on the resolution until July 1
1816 - The temperature reached 92 degrees at Salem MA during an early heat wave, but then plunged 49 degrees in 24 hours to commence the famous "year without a summer".
1828 - A party led by Jebediah Smith completed a journey down the Klamath River and were on the verge of starvation when they were visited by Indians who brought food. Smith's party proceeded north to Oregon and most of the party was killed by Umpqua Indians. Smith was killed in 1831 by Comanches on the Cimarron River. Smith’s party was the 1st white people to see Lake Earl, the biggest lagoon on the West Coast.
1831- “People of Color” Convention held for the first time.
1862-Confederate gunboats engaged a Union flotilla near Memphis, TN. As crowds of spectators watched from the riverbanks, the outgunned Confederates were defeated. The city of Memphis surrendered shortly before noon of that day, effectively opening up the Mississippi region. . The war would rage on as the Union Army through shear source of "numbers of soldiers" would prevail.
1872- Susan B. Anthony tests the rights of women and black males to vote under the 14th and 15th amendment, registering and voting in Rochester, New York. She would be arrested, tired, and sentenced to pay a fine. She refused. The judge backed down, fearing she would take this to the Supreme Court for appeal, but nevertheless, the votes were all disqualified and both women and blacks would not be allowed to vote in this century.
1877--Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller - Afro- American sculptor. After success in Paris, she faced race and sex prejudice on her return to the U.S. In 1913 she began using Afro-Americans as models and for the next 50 years she produced major pieces that are part of the permanent collections at a number of museums and universities. Died March 18, 1968.
1889 -- Great Fire in Seattle, Washington destroys 25 downtown blocks.
1892-birthday of bandleader Ted Lewis, Circleville,OH
1894 - One of the greatest floods in U.S. history occurred as the Williamette River overflowed to inundate half of the business district of Portland OR.
1899-birthday of pianist William “Fats” Jefferson, Waco, TX
1889-- Bryn Mawr College awarded the first graduate fellowship to a woman in the history of the United States. It went to Emily Greene Balch (B. 01-08- 1867) for "prosecuting sociological studies." Balch went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946.
1889--- Bryn Mawr College awarded the first graduate fellowship to a woman in the history of the United States. It went to Emily Greene Balch (B. 01-08- 1867) for "prosecuting sociological studies." Balch went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946. Half the human race is a terrible thing to waste... Bryn Mawr was under the direction of M. Carey Thomas who developed the college to an academic par with Harvard University.
1902—Birthday of band leader Jimmy Lunceford
1904 -- Helen McCloy (1904-1993) American mystery writer, first woman to serve as president of Mystery Writers of America. In 1953 she received Edgar for her criticism.
1918-Casey Stengel returned to Ebbets Field for the first time since being traded from the Brooklyn Dodgers to the Pittsburgh Pirates over the winter. Stengel celebrated the occasion by striding to the plate for his first at-bat, calling time, doffing his cap and letting a live bird fly out. Fans broke into laughter. He was giving them the bird.
1925-birthday of trombonist Al Grey, Aldie, VA, died March 24,2000
1930-Dillard University charged in New Orleans, LA
1931-birthday of guitarist Grant Green, St. Louis, Mo.
1933-Richard M. Hollingshead, Jr. opened America's first drive-in movie theater in Camden, NJ. At the height of their popularity in 1958, there were more than 4,000 drive-ins across America. In the 1990s, fewer than 600 remained opened.
1934- President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Securities Exchange Act that established the SEC. Wall Street had operated almost unfettered since the end of the eighteenth century. However, the stock market crash of 1929 necessitated regulation of the exchanges. The Securities and Exchange Commission is composed of five members appointed by the president of the US.
1939-- Singer Gary (US) Bonds, whose real name is Gary Anderson, was born in Jacksonville, Florida. Bonds had a string of energetic dance records in the early 1960's, the biggest of which was "Quarter to Three," which reached number one in 1961. Bonds' career was revived in 1981 by Bruce Springsteen. "The Boss" wrote "This Little Girl of Mine," which became Gary (US) Bonds' first hit in nearly 20 years. Bonds' comeback album, "Dedication," also made the charts.
1942-Congress on Racial Equality founded.
1942-birthday of Marian Wright Edelman, activist and found of the Children's Defense Fund.
1942 - The Battle of Midway--one of the most decisive U.S. victories in its war against Japan--comes to an end. In the four-day sea and air battle, the outnumbered U.S. Pacific Fleet succeeded in destroying four Japanese aircraft carriers with the loss of only one of its own, the Yorktown, thus reversing the tide against the previously invincible Japanese navy.
1943 - The worst of the L.A. Zoot Suit Riot violence occurs as soldiers, sailors, and marines from as far away as San Diego travel to Los Angeles to join in the fighting. Taxi drivers offer free rides to servicemen and civilians to the riot areas. Approximately 5,000 civilians and military men gather downtown. The riot spreads into the predominantly African American section of Watts.
1944- In the early-morning hours Allied forces landed in Normandy on the north coast of France. In an operation that took months of planning, a fleet of 2,727 ships of every description converged from British ports from Wales to the North Sea. Operation Overlord involved 2,000,000 tons of war materials, including more than 50,000 tanks, armored cars, jeeps, trucks and half-tracks. The US alone sent 1,700,000 fighting men. The Germans believed the invasion would not take place under the adverse weather conditions of this early June day, especially with their number one General George S. Patton employed elsewhere. But as the sun came up the village of Saint Mèere Eglise was liberated by American parachutists, and by nightfall the landing of 155,000 Allies attested to the success of D-Day. The long-awaited second front had at last materialized.
General Patton joined the war with his tank brigade, pushing toward the Rhine River before the other generals told him he couldn't do that.
1944-birthday of pianist Monty Alexander, Kingston, Jamaica
1945--McTUREOUS, ROBERT MILLER, JR. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Private, U.S. Marine Corps. Born: 26 March 1924, Altoona, Fla. Accredited to: Florida. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty, while serving with the 3d Battalion, 29th Marines, 6th Marine Division, during action against enemy Japanese forces on Okinawa in the Ryukyu Chain, 7 June 1945. Alert and ready for any hostile counteraction following his company's seizure of an important hill objective, Pvt. McTureous was quick to observe the plight of company stretcher bearers who were suddenly assailed by slashing machinegun fire as they attempted to evacuate wounded at the rear of the newly won position. Determined to prevent further casualties, he quickly filled his jacket with hand grenades and charged the enemy-occupied caves from which the concentrated barrage was emanating. Coolly disregarding all personal danger as he waged his furious 1-man assault, he smashed grenades into the cave entrances, thereby diverting the heaviest fire from the stretcher bearers to his own person and, resolutely returning to his own lines under a blanketing hail of rifle and machinegun fire to replenish his supply of grenades, dauntlessly continued his systematic reduction of Japanese strength until he himself sustained serious wounds after silencing a large number of the hostile guns. Aware of his own critical condition and unwilling to further endanger the lives of his comrades, he stoically crawled a distance of 200 yards to a sheltered position within friendly lines before calling for aid. By his fearless initiative and bold tactics, Pvt. McTureous had succeeded in neutralizing the enemy fire, killing 6 Japanese troops and effectively disorganizing the remainder of the savagely defending garrison. His outstanding valor and heroic spirit of self-sacrifice during a critical stage of operations reflect the highest credit upon himself and the U.S. Naval Service.
1946 –Birthday of Janet Lennon Culver City CA, singer (Lennon Sisters)
1946-The Basketball Association of America was founded at a New York meeting of hockey team owners and arena managers interested in having their buildings used on open dates. The BAA played three seasons (1946-47, 1947-48, 1948-49), after which it merged with the National Basketball League, founded in 1937, to form the National Basketball Association. Three original BAA teams remain: The Boston Celtics, The Golden State Warriors (originally the Philadelphia Warriors) and the New York Knicks.
1949---Top Hits
Riders in the Sky - Vaughn Monroe
Again - Doris Day
Some Enchanted Evening - Perry Como
Lovesick Blues - Hank Williams
1951-HANSON, JACK G. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Private First Class, U.S. Army, Company F, 31st Infantry Regiment. Place and date: Near Pachi-dong, Korea, 7 June 1951. Entered service at: Galveston, Tex. Born: 18 September 1930, Escaptawpa, Miss. G.O. No.: 15, 1 February 1952. Citation: Pfc. Hanson, a machine gunner with the 1st Platoon, Company F, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty in action against an armed enemy of the United Nations. The company, in defensive positions on two strategic hills separated by a wide saddle, was ruthlessly attacked at approximately 0300 hours, the brunt of which centered on the approach to the divide within range of Pfc. Hanson's machine gun. In the initial phase of the action, 4 riflemen were wounded and evacuated and the numerically superior enemy, advancing under cover of darkness, infiltrated and posed an imminent threat to the security of the command post and weapons platoon. Upon orders to move to key terrain above and to the right of Pfc. Hanson's position, he voluntarily remained to provide protective fire for the withdrawal. Subsequent to the retiring elements fighting a rearguard action to the new location, it was learned that Pfc. Hanson's assistant gunner and 3 riflemen had been wounded and had crawled to safety, and that he was maintaining a lone-man defense. After the 1st Platoon reorganized, counterattacked, and rescued its original positions at approximately 0530 hours, Pfc. Hanson's body was found lying in front of his emplacement, his machine gun ammunition expended, his empty pistol in his right hand, and a machete with blood on the blade in his left hand, and approximately 22 enemy dead lay in the wake of his action. Pfc. Hanson's consummate valor, inspirational conduct, and willing self-sacrifice enabled the company to contain the enemy and regain the commanding ground, and reflect lasting glory on himself and the noble traditions of the military service.
1955--- Bill Haley & Comets, "Rock Around the Clock" hits #1
1956 - Gogi Grant (born Audrey Brown) reached the top spot on the "Billboard" singles chart for the first and only time in her career. Her hit, "The Wayward Wind", stayed at the top of the top-tune tabulation for eight weeks and on the music charts for 22 weeks. It was her second record release. The first, in October, 1955, was "Suddenly There's a Valley" which climbed to number nine.
1956--Gene Vincent's recording of "Be Bop A Lula" was released. The song was co-written by Vincent and (Sheriff) Tex Davis, a deejay at a Norfolk, Virginia radio station. "Be Bop a Lula" was a hit on both sides of the Atlantic, selling a million copies. Vincent never was able to match the success of his initial hit. He died in 1971 of a seizure brought on by a bleeding ulcer.
1957---Top Hits
Love Letters in the Sand - Pat Boone
A Teenager's Romance/I'm Walkin' - Ricky Nelson
A White Sport Coat (And a Pink Carnation) - Marty Robbins
Four Walls - Jim Reeves
1960-- Tony Williams of the Platters left the group for a solo career. Williams was the lead singer on the Platters' big hits in the '50s - "Only You," "The Great Pretender" and "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes," among others. In the 1970's, Williams and Buck Ram, manager of the Platters, battled in court over who had the right to use the group's name. Ram won the case, but both later toured with groups billed as the Platters.
1960-- Roy Orbison's "Only the Lonely" was released. It would reach number two on the Billboard Hot 100 and inspire Bruce Springsteen to write "Born to Run."
1960-- The RIAA presents Bing Crosby with a special platinum record honoring the sale of his 200 millionth record, a total which includes not only 125 albums but 2,600 singles!
1962--- The Beatles audition for EMI, recording four demos, the first material the band ever recorded at Abbey Road: three original compositions called "Love Me Do," "Ask Me Why," and "P.S. I Love You," and a cover of the standard "Besame Mucho." Producer George Martin is not at the session, but is called in by engineer Norman "Hurricane" Smith when he hears something he likes in "Love Me Do." Martin is not impressed with the group's songwriting, scruffy outfits, and even scruffier equipment (one of the band's amps blows during the audition), and he tells them so, finishing, "Look, I've laid into you for quite a time, you haven't responded. Is there anything you don't like?" To which George quips, "I don't like your tie!" The tension is broken, and Martin, charmed by the group's personality, agrees to work with them. (Though he later says, "They were pretty awful. I understand why other record companies turned them down.") The band members are paid US $12 each for the session; drummer Pete Best, whose skills Martin remains unimpressed with, would soon be sacked from the group.
1964-- The Dixie Cups' "Chapel of Love" hits #1
1965 - General Westmoreland requests a total of 35 battalions of combat troops, with another nine in reserve. This gave rise to the "44 battalion" debate within the Johnson administration, a discussion of how many U.S. combat troops to commit to the war. Westmoreland felt that the South Vietnamese could not defeat the communists alone and he wanted U.S. combat troops to go on the offensive against the enemy. His plan was to secure the coastlines, block infiltration of North Vietnamese troops into the south, and then wage a war of attrition with "search and destroy" missions into the countryside, using helicopters for rapid deployment and evacuation. Westmoreland had some supporters in the Johnson administration, but others of the president's advisers did not support Westmoreland's request for more troops, because they disagreed with what would be a fundamental change in the U.S. role in Vietnam. In the end, Johnson acquiesced to Westmoreland's request; eventually there would be over 500,000 U.S. troops in South Vietnam.
1965---Top Hits
Help Me, Rhonda - The Beach Boys
Wooly Bully - Sam The Sham and The Pharoahs
Crying in the Chapel - Elvis Presley
What's He Doing in My World - Eddy Arnold
1966-civil rights activist Stokely Carmichael launches “Black Power” Movement. Died Nov 15,1998.
1966 -- Author Truman Capote holds famous "Black & White Ball" — widely regarded as most glittering bas of the decade.
1966 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Paint It Black," The Rolling Stones.
1966- The Turtles and Oxford Circle at the Fillmore Auditorium in San Francisco.
1966--- The Beatles record "Eleanor Rigby"
1968-McDONALD, PHILL G. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Private First Class, U.S. Army, Company A, 1st Battalion, 14th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division. place and date: Near Kontum City, Republic of Vietnam, 7 June 1968. Entered service at: Beckley, W. Va. Born: 13 September 1941. Avondale, W. Va. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Pfc. McDonald distinguished himself while serving as a team leader with the 1st platoon of Company A. While on a combat mission his platoon came under heavy barrage of automatic weapons fire from a well concealed company-size enemy force. Volunteering to escort 2 wounded comrades to an evacuation point, Pfc. McDonald crawled through intense fire to destroy with a grenade an enemy automatic weapon threatening the safety of the evacuation. Returning to his platoon, he again volunteered to provide covering fire for the maneuver of the platoon from its exposed position. Realizing the threat he posed, enemy gunners concentrated their fire on Pfc. McDonald's position, seriously wounding him. Despite his painful wounds, Pfc. McDonald recovered the weapon of a wounded machine gunner to provide accurate covering fire for the gunner's evacuation. When other soldiers were pinned down by a heavy volume of fire from a hostile machine gun to his front, Pfc. McDonald crawled toward the enemy position to destroy it with grenades. He was mortally wounded in this intrepid action. Pfc. McDonald's gallantry at the risk of his life which resulted in the saving of the lives of his comrades is in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflects great credit upon himself, his unit, and the U.S. Army.
1970---MURRAY, ROBERT C. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company B, 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry, 196th Infantry Brigade, 23d Infantry Division. Place and date: Near the village of Hiep Duc, Republic of Vietnam, 7 June 1970. Entered service at: New York, N.Y. Born: 10 December 1946, Bronx, N.Y. Citation: S/Sgt. Murray distinguished himself while serving as a squad leader with Company B. S/Sgt. Murray's squad was searching for an enemy mortar that had been threatening friendly positions when a member of the squad tripped an enemy grenade rigged as a booby trap. Realizing that he had activated the enemy booby trap, the soldier shouted for everybody to take cover. Instantly assessing the danger to the men of his squad, S/Sgt. Murray unhesitatingly and with complete disregard for his own safety, threw himself on the grenade absorbing the full and fatal impact of the explosion. By his gallant action and self sacrifice, he prevented the death or injury of the other members of his squad. S/Sgt. Murray's extraordinary courage and gallantry, at the cost of his life above and beyond the call of duty, are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit on him, his unit, and the U.S. Army.
1968-New York Senator Robert Francis Kennedy dies after being shot while campaigning for president. There are many who believe this was a conspiracy, and there are many sites on the internet making all kinds of noise, but history is full of loners who manage to assassinate famous people, including American presidents.
1986-Manager Steve Boros of the San Diego Padres was ejected before the first pitch of a game with the Atlanta Braves when he attempted to give umpire Charlie Williams a videotape of a disputed play in the previous night's game, a 4-2 Braves victory.
1971 – Ed Sullivan said goodbye. He reportedly lived in my home time of Port Chester, New York, married to a Jewish lady who reportedly rule the roost at home. As a newspaper columnist, he was very popular and it was told a mention in his column was very important for your career. When his variety shows appeared on television, with him as the host, due to his fame as a columnist, he was able to attract the top stars that were originally afraid of the medium. He also brought in new talent and had a real circus from Polish dancing bears, a little mouse named Topo Gigio, and “discovered” Elvis Presley, The Beatles, The Dave Clark Five, the comedy of Jackie Mason, John Byner, Rich Little, Allen King, Richard Pryor and so many more, as "The Ed Sullivan Show" left CBS-TV. Gladys Knight and The Pips and singer Jerry Vale appeared on the final show. "The Ed Sullivan Show" had been a showcase for more than 20 years for artists who ranged from Ethel Merman to Ella Fitzgerald, from Steve and Eydie to the Beatles. "The Ed Sullivan Show" was the longest running variety show on TV
1973 - Barry White was awarded a gold record for "I'm Gonna Love You Just a Little More Baby". It was his first hit and his first of five number one million-sellers. White began recording in 1960. He formed the group, Love Unlimited, in 1969 and married one of the group's singers, Glodean James. He also formed the 40-piece Love Unlimited Orchestra which had the number-one hit, "Love's Theme" in 1973.
1973---Top Hits
My Love - Paul McCartney & Wings
Daniel - Elton John
Pillow Talk - Sylvia
Satin Sheets - Jeanne Pruett
1974-- Billy Swan, "I Can Help"
1977 - Severe thunderstorms with large hail and winds to 100 mph caused one million dollars damage around Norfolk, VA. A forty-two foot fishing boat capsized near the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel drowning 13 of the 27 persons on board.
1977--- Stevie Wonder appears, sponsored by Billboard, as a guest music lecturer at a UCLA symposium, talking about his early Motown days and illustrating his points with performances.
1978 - Proposition 13 passed in California. Voters joined Senator Howard Jarvis in cutting property taxes by 57 percent. This was seen as the birth of a taxpayer's revolt against high taxes and excessive government spending. It also spelled the end of the higher education system in California, and brought the secondary schools from number one to number thirty and lower in score testing today.
1978-“20/20” premiered on TV. An hourly news magazine developed by ABC to compete with CBS's “Sixty Minutes”. Its original hosts, Harold Hayes and Robert Hughes, were cut after the first show and replaced by Hugh Downs.
Barbara Walters became co-anchor in 1984. the show consisted of investigative and background reports. Contributors to the show have included Tom Jarriel, Sylvia Chase, Gerald Rivera, Thomas Hoving, John Stossel, Lynn Sher and Stone Phillips.
1981---Top Hits
Bette Davis Eyes - Kim Carnes
Being with You - Smokey Robinson
Stars on 45 medley - Stars on 45
Friends - Razzy Bailey
1988 - Seventeen cities in the north central U.S. reported record high temperatures for the date, including Williston ND with a reading of 104 degrees. Thunderstorms in Florida produced wind gusts to 65 mph which damaged two mobile homes northwest of Melbourne injuring six people.
1989---Top Hits
Rock On - Michael Damian
Soldier of Love - Donny Osmond
Wind Beneath My Wings - Bette Midler
Where Did I Go Wrong - Steve Wariner
1996 -San Francisco became the first city in the nation to sue the tobacco industry.
1998 - "The Boy is Mine", by Brandy and Monica, zoomed to number 1 on the "Billboard" pop chart. It ruled the Hot 100 roost for 13 weeks -- putting it in the top ten of longest-running #1 singles in the modern rock era.
2000-- Thanks to the Angels' video crew playing a clip from the 1994 movie "Ace Ventura, Pet Detective" on the JumboTron, the Rally Monkey is born. With the words "Rally Monkey" superimposed over a monkey jumping up and down in the Jim Carrey movie, the crowd goes wild as Anaheim scores two runs in the bottom of the ninth to beat the Giants, 6-5.
2003-- Insisting the corked bat, designed to put on home run displays during batting practice, was accidentally used in the Devil Rays' game, Cubs' slugger Sammy Sosa is suspended for eight games by major League baseball. Bob Watson, baseball's vice president of on-field operations, agreed the Chicago's outfielder use of an illegal bat was an "isolated incident," but one that still deserved a penalty.
NBA Finals Champions This Date
1976 Boston Celtics

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