Monday, March 19, 2012

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Classified Ads---Senior Management
Investors' Conference a Major Success
By Bruce Kropschot, The Alta Group
Bank Beat-- 100 Top Community Banks $500M to $5B Assets
Plus-- ICBA “Community Banking Policy Priorities”
Story Credit Lessors---Up-Date
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Vendor Programs Installment #2
Career Crossroad—“Negotiating a Salary”
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Attorney Jokes
Top Stories March 13--March 16
Convicted $736 Million Tax Fraud Involving 1,000 people
Louisville, Kentucky Adopt-a-Dog
Classified Ads---Attorneys Specializing in Leasing
News Briefs---
FDIC sues insiders of failed Omni National Bank
New spin on rent-to-own Rental store’s reality shift
An interview with Caterpillar CEO Doug Oberhelman
(Illinois budget problems, workers' compensation expenses hinder further Caterpillar expansion in Illinois, CEO says.)
Meg Whitman steadies HP but big challenges remain
Foreclosure Whistleblower Wins $18 Million in Bank Accord
Chaleo, developer of Red Bull, dies
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists |
Features (collection)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers |
Top Stories last six months
Personal Cloud to replace PC by 2014
You May Have Missed
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer
Sports Briefs---
Winter Poem
California Nuts Briefs---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in American History
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer. It is considered “bias” as it is the writer’s viewpoint.

Investors' Conference a Major Success
By Bruce Kropschot
The Alta Group

The 11th annual Investors’ Conference on Equipment Finance was held in New York City on March 15, 2012. As has been the case in recent years, the conference was organized by Information Management Network (IMN) in partnership with the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association. About 300 attendees enjoyed a busy day of informative programs and valuable networking opportunities.
I found the conference to personally be of great value as I was able to talk (briefly in some cases) with about 50 people that I wanted to connect with.

ELFA Chairman Crit DeMent
CEO, LEAF Commercial
The opening session was an update on the state of the leasing industry presented by ELFA President & CEO Woody Sutton and ELFA Chairman Crit DeMent.
The ELFA is projecting that overall capital equipment expenditures and equipment leasing and finance volume will continue to grow in 2012. This session was followed by the keynote address in which Pimm Fox of Bloomberg TV and radio discussed some of his experiences as a member of the media.

Other sessions on the day’s agenda included Overview of the Equipment Finance Sector in 2012, Capital Markets Update and Funding Strategies Today, Assessing Investment Opportunities on the Equipment Finance Sector, Risk Mitigation Developments in the Equipment Finance Sector, Locking in Equity & Debt Funding, and Solar Energy as a Growth Sector. The presenters were senior executives from the equipment leasing industry, investors in equipment leasing companies and service providers, and their remarks were informative and well-received by the audience.
The greatest value for many of the attendees was the opportunity to network. Many of the leasing company executives in attendance had pre-arranged meetings with potential investors in equity or debt. For parties interested in investing in the leasing sector, the conference was an opportunity to interact with executives of many of the leading independent leasing companies in one location. In fact, during some of the conference sessions there were more people networking in the refreshment area outside the conference auditorium that were attending the session. There were also a few service providers that had exhibit tables to promote their services, but most of the attendees appeared to be more interested in networking with their peers and with investment sources and advisors than in talking with the service provider exhibitors.
The conference concluded with a cocktail reception for which many of the attendees stayed in order to continue their networking. For many of us in the capital markets sector, the Investors’ Conference is a “must go” event, and this year’s conference did not disappoint.
Bruce Kropschot, Senior Managing Director and Merger & Acquisition Advisory Practice Leader
The Alta Group, LLC
2352 Clearwater Run
The Villages, FL 32162
(352) 750-3588
Terey Jennings, CLP, Senior Vice President at Financial Pacific Leasing, who serves on the Board of Directors of the National Equipment Finance Association (NEFA), would like to personally invite you to join NEFA and attend our Spring Summit.
As of last week, there were 165 registered to attend. It is not too late to register, click on the link below to learn more:
National Equipment Finance Summit, March 22-24 |
Classified Ads---Senior Management

(These ads are “free” to those seeking employment or looking
to improve their position)
25+ yrs exper. management roles Chase, AT&T Capital, Heller Financial, SFS. Develop biz from “scratch to success”. Looking for challenging & pioneering job.
Email: |
Philadelphia, PA
27 yrs. exp. sales, ops., credit, strategy, P&L mngmet. Most recently created & executed the biz plans for 2 highly successful Bank-owned small ticket leasing subsidiaries.
email: |
Southern CA
20 years exp. as hands-on leasing CFO, managing accounting, treasury, FP&A, including securitizations, Great Plains/FRx, budgets, risk management. MBA. Also available as interim Controller/CFO, consultant.
Free Posting for those seeking employment in Leasing:
All “free” categories “job wanted” ads:
Bank Beat-- 100 Top Community Banks $500M to $5B Assets
Plus-- ICBA “Community Banking Policy Priorities”

Despite coming from Georgia, a state with 77 failures since 2008, Atlanta-based State Bank Financial was found to be the "Best Performing Community Bank between $500 million and $5 billion in assets for 2011 by SNL Financial.
Texas had the highest number of ranked banks in 2011 with 12 companies in the top 100. California came in second with 9 banks, followed by Virginia and Pennsylvania with 8 banks each.

Methodology: To compile the rankings, SNL defined community banks as institutions with less than $5 billion in assets, 60 or fewer offices, with at least one-third of their balance sheet composed of loans, and cannot have more than half of their loans in credit cards. Additionally, banks with a majority of revenue derived from nontraditional banking activities or not well capitalized were excluded. SNL ranked companies at the bank holding company level if consolidated data was reported. Otherwise, commercial bank subsidiary data was used. Thrifts were excluded. Based on the described criteria, 723 companies with assets between $500 million and $5 billion, and 4,316 companies with assets under $500 million were eligible for the rankings.
Recognition: SNL will recognize the top performers in person at the 2012 SNL Community Bankers Conference, May 3-4 in Tampa, FL. The conference features community bankers and advisors from across the country sharing operational and financial strategies they've found useful in driving profitability. Details and registration can be found at

The Independent Community Bankers of America at their 2012 national Convention and Techworld, held in Nashville, Tennessee, attracting more than 3,000 attendees, announced their "Community Banking Policy Priorities."
“Our nation’s more than 7,000 community banks continue to be prolific small businesses lenders and job creators, boosting economic growth in local communities nationwide,” said Jeff Gerhart, incoming ICBA chairman and chairman of Bank of Newman Grove, Neb.
“ICBA’s 2012 policy priorities address the needs of Main Street community banks and their customers by supporting key policies that promote much-needed regulatory relief for community banks, address the suffocating examination environment, extend FDIC coverage of transaction accounts and stop the tax-exempt credit unions’ unfair push to expand into prohibited commercial lending—at the expense of taxpaying community banks.”
ICBA’s top priorities for 2012 include:
• Pursuing enactment of the Communities First Act (H.R. 1697 and S. 1600), which provides much-needed regulatory and tax relief for community banks, their customers and their communities. The Communities First Act would allow community banks to continue to lend locally and help boost the economy by providing appropriate tiering of regulation and providing relief for smaller, low-risk institutions. The legislation contains 26 tax- and regulatory-reform provisions that would benefit local economies and have a positive impact for community banks and their customers.
• Urging Congress to address the unfair tax and regulatory disparity between taxpaying community banks and tax-exempt credit unions, while opposing further credit union “mission creep.” Bank-like credit unions should be subject to the same laws and regulations as banks, including taxation and compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act. Large, multi-bond and geographic-based credit unions have exceeded their statutory tax-exempt mission and unfairly use their large taxpayer subsidy to compete with taxpaying community banks. At a time of record federal budget deficits, every dollar of revenue counts. ICBA also vigorously opposes legislation to expand commercial lending powers of credit unions. Of the nation’s 7,300 credit unions, only 162 are at or near the current cap. Furthermore, Small Business Administration loans, as well as any small business loans of $50,000 or less, are exempt from the cap. There is ample capacity for the 98 percent of credit unions below the federally mandated cap to expand their lending with no change to current law if they choose to do so.
• Urging Congress to extend full insurance on noninterest-bearing transaction accounts once the temporary coverage expires on Dec. 31. This important coverage was established to support bank liquidity and stability and prevent any sudden withdrawal of deposits, which potentially could destabilize the entire banking system. It also ensures that small business, municipal and other transaction accounts are adequately protected. Congress must act soon to continue full FDIC coverage for noninterest-bearing transaction accounts for an additional five years. Leaving this important insurance issue unaddressed would harm Main Street communities and small businesses and create disruptive uncertainty in an already fragile banking system. More than $1.4 trillion in deposits are now insured by this bank-funded insurance. Congress must act this year to extend it.
• Encouraging the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to provide community banks a safe harbor for “qualified mortgages” for the “ability to repay” requirements mandated by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. ICBA also encourages the regulatory agencies not to define “qualified residential mortgage” under the credit risk retention rules of Dodd-Frank so stringently that community banks would no longer have the ability to structure loan terms that fit a qualified borrower’s unique financial situation. Too narrow a definition will severely limit credit availability to many creditworthy borrowers who do not have significant down payments, have seasonal incomes or face other unique situations that fall outside of secondary market guidelines. Community banks need to retain the flexibility to serve these borrowers.
• Continuing to warn regulators that excessively tough exams that result in potentially unnecessary loss of earnings and capital can have a dramatic and adverse impact on the ability of community banks to lend and therefore impair their ability to support economic growth. To prevent unnecessary bank failures, the examiners must exercise some restraint. ICBA resists efforts by the regulators to impose hard concentration limits on any type of lending. Examiners should take a longer-term view of real estate held by banks as collateral for loans and should not demand aggressive write-downs and reclassifications of loans based on forced sale values of real estate during illiquid or dysfunctional markets. ICBA supports legislation that would reform the appellate process for agency decisions or actions and that would allow bankers to appeal to an independent council or ombudsman office an adverse determination made by an examiner in an exam report.
• Ensuring that any new rules promulgated by the CFPB provide community banks the flexibility to meet the unique needs of their customers and do not burden community banks with additional and unnecessary regulatory requirements that could prevent them from serving their communities. ICBA also supports legislation that would replace single-director governance of the CFPB with a five-member commission. Prudential banking regulators should actively participate in the consumer protection rule-writing process. The Financial Stability Oversight Council should have the power to veto CFPB rules under a more practical and realistic standard than currently exists. ICBA firmly believes that the focus of any enhanced regulation of consumer financial products should be on the unregulated “shadow” financial industry. The CFPB must use its authority to exempt any class of providers or any products or services from the rules it writes to grant broad relief to community banks and their products where appropriate.
• Promoting tax laws that spur robust economic activity and a vibrant community banking sector while fostering saving and investment. ICBA opposes new bank-specific fees or punitive new tax levies and transaction taxes specifically targeting the financial services sector. ICBA also advocates for the net operating loss five-year carryback to be extended or made permanent for all community banks. Public policy should support community banks’ ability to raise capital, including allowing Subchapter S Corporation banks to issue preferred stock, increasing their shareholder limits, and allowing new IRA shareholder investments. Tax policy should also foster greater savings and bank liquidity, including tax-advantaged savings accounts and CDs.
For more information, visit
Story Credit Lessors---Update

To qualify for this list, the company must be a funder (as qualified by Leasing News and on the “Funder List, meaning we have verified with their banker, investor, or they are a public company, that 50% of
their transactions are "full recourse.") They also have to have a good reputation as evidenced by an acceptable Better Business Bureau Rating and no history of complaints at Leasing News, as well as notifying lessees in advance when the lease will end and what the residual will be, specifically not automating extra lease payments, or insisting their discounter follow the same policy. We reserve the right to not list a company who does not meet these qualifications.
These companies may accept and compete in "A" and "B" marketplaces, but also specialize in "C" and "D" credits, often new businesses, or businesses where the principal(s) have Beacon score around 600 or previous difficulties or the equipment may be considered poor collateral or attracting problems; meaning to become comfortable with the credit and financial situation you need to learn the "story" to make a positive decision, often requiring further security, shorter term, or additional guarantors. Their specialty is not being a “cookie cutter” and often require full financial statements and tax returns as well as a “story about the company, its history, goals, circumstances” to fully understand the full financial picture.
Leasing News encourages companies who are listed to contact us for any change or addition they would like to make. Adding further information as an "attachment" or clarification of what they have to offer would be helpful to readers is very much encouraged.
Leasing 102
by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP

Vendor Programs
Installment #2
Vendor programs are as varied as the different types and kinds of equipment. Here are some of the most popular programs at the moment realizing that some of them will fade away, if and when the FASB decides to implement their new rules for lease accounting.
Discounted rate structure:
The vendor allows the Lessor to purchase the equipment at a discount so that it appears that the lease rates are below market encouraging the Lessee to lease the equipment. Even a 5% reduction in the equipment cost will reduce the appearance of the interest rate to the lessee and your competition. Occasionally it helps the vendor sell equipment because sometimes the lessee’s look at the lease rate as a deciding factor.
Credit support:
The vendor may wish to encourage the leasing company to take weaker credits by giving a recourse agreement, which allows them to repurchase the lease agreement when the lessee falters. They are in a better position to come out of the deal whole because of the mark up on the equipment is greater than the Lessor’s mark up and they have remarketing capabilities which the Lessor probably does not have. On occasion the Lessor may have to gain the right to repossess the equipment through a replevin action prior to requiring the Vendor to repurchase the transaction.
Rent to Lease:
A startup company or a week credit may require that the first six months look like a rental with the vendor accepting the credit risk but if the Lessee makes it through the first six months at a payment that is much higher than the remaining term; then the vendors recourse goes away but the Lessee has reduced the outstanding risk to where the equipment is now supporting the deal. This works good if the equipment has a small mark up and retains its value. It does not work if the vendors mark up is high or the value of the asset falls shortly after it leaves the vendors business.
Programs tailored to use:
Certain types of equipment are seasonal use and programs that understand this are offered so lease payments can be made when the revenues are received by the Lessee.
Remarketing agreements:
If a vendor agrees to remarket the equipment for a reduced fee on “off lease equipment”; or guarantees residuals; or repurchase the repossessed equipment, then the Lessor can assume higher residuals allowing for reduced terms that help both the vendor and the leasing company do increased business.
National Manufacturer Programs
Most manufacturers of equipment have established a captive financial company to serve the needs of its customers and support the sale of their equipment. On occasion they may engage a leasing company to provide a private label-leasing program where the customer is unaware that an outside firm is doing the lease financing. It will function much the same as a captive where equipment residual values and credit guarantees support the leasing company so better terms can be offered. The manufacturers equipment mark up tends to be a grater margin than the markup for financing and the manufacturers have found that financial incentives are easier to provide so as to not have to vary the price of the equipment. The public is use to changing interest rates but react negatively to changing equipment values.
Manufacturers can use their dealer base to remarket off lease equipment and therefore take higher residuals and lower lease payments below what a financial or independent Lessor can offer. In some cases the rates may be higher but the rent payments are lower and if the residuals can be realized the manufacturer can hold on to his customer. Manufacturers are often using lower lease payments to increase market share knowing they may have a small loss on the residual but in the long run increasing the customer base will pay off in the end.
Captive Leasing Programs
Captive leasing companies are rarely direct subsidiaries or part of the manufacturer because they need to separate the equipment performance responsibility from the financial responsibility. If the equipment stops the lessee would stop the rent payments until the repairs were made. By separating the financial arrangements into a separate company it also allows the manufacturer to book a sale instead to taking the income over the term of the lease if they never passed title/ownership.
Captive leasing companies are a growing segment of the lease market generally because they have a better understanding of the equipment and how to remarket it. They are more prominent in large companies but a large number of smaller manufactures that unable to establish the capital to create a separate financial entity are looking for support except they usually need a leasing company with national capabilities.
(part III next week)
Vendor/Manufacturer/Distributor Lease Sales --
Installment One
Mr. Terry Winders, CLP, has been a teacher, consultant, expert witness for the leasing industry for thirty-five years and can be reached at or 502-649-0448
He invites your questions and queries.
Previous #102 Columns:
Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Anaheim, California
April 5 & 6
Two Day Seminar
sponsored by
Equipment Leasing Department
4040 MacArthur blvd, Suite 100
Newport Beach, CA 92660
The seminar will contain information on how to approach leasing in 2012 with the following subjects:
New lease language
- Proposed new accounting rules for lessee's
Structuring and pricing for competition
Income tax rules, Article 2A vs. Article 9
New reasons to lease
Questions to ask lessee
- Vendor needs
- Credit enhancements
Documentation issues
and a take home assignment to see how to propose a lease.
Cost $450 per person
Registration and Outline of Course: PDF
For questions, please contact Mr. Terry Winders, CLP, at or call 502-649-0448. |
Career Crossroad—“Negotiating a Salary”

Question: I am a candidate expecting an offer next week---Do you have any tips on negotiating a salary?
Answer: First, congratulations!
If you are currently employed and in an operations-type role and are expecting an offer from a new employer:
· You should already know the salary range which is typically based on years of experience, expertise and education/training
· Understand that “salary ranges” have already been determined / budgeted by the company and very rarely do they deviate from this range for operational-type employees
· Listen to the offer, and if you feel you are worth more you can always negotiate, but make sure you are being realistic and in-line with the market/ and your geography
If it is a sales position, the game has changed, do not expect companies to be offering base salaries of the good ‘ol days, salaries offered have become more conservative – especially in the world of finance.
Right now Captive Lessors and Manufacturing companies are hiring back sales personnel, while others want a proven sales record.
Typically a company will want to view your W-2 for the past few years to see what your base salary has been. This is quite common.
If you are in a sales/business development role, your W-2 ALSO indicates your success (commission) as such it is almost always a requirement to supply this information.
There is a bright side, if you are in a sales role, there are ways to make up the difference (call me for the inside scoop).
Emily Fitzpatrick
Sr. Recruiter
Recruiters International, Inc.
Phone: 954-885-9241
Cell: 954-612-0567
Previous Career Crossroad columns:
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Leasing News Help Wanted Ad Pricing
Help Wanted Web Ad New Programs
Classified Ad Section
(rotates chronological above headlines and
also appears in Classified Ad section.) *
21 days in a row:
$595 four lines (a space is a line)
($40 each additional line or space)
Design work is free. Logo is free as well as company description not to exceed the number of lines of the ad.
Also free: click to a click to a web site or a full description of the position.
Ads are placed in the "Help Wanted' section by category, alphabetical, with the ad with the most lines first in the group. They appear on the web site and in each news edition at the top in a rotation basis per issue.
* Help Wanted” ads appear in each issue on a chronological basis above the top headline as a courtesy. This position is not available as a paid position, but is generally on a rotation basis. At the same time, the ad continues in the classified help wanted section in the news edition and web site, so in effect appears twice.
Leasing News reserves the right to refuse advertising, particularly to a company that has appeared in the complaint bulletin board |
""I want to thank you for listing our Business Risk employment position in Leasing News. Through our various postings, we received resumes from over 50 very qualified candidates.
""I am very happy to report that the position has been filled..."
Laurie Bakke, President
Western Equipment Finance
Southern California
"The ad worked great. We hired a Documentation Coordinator that has been out of the industry for almost 3 years as a friend of hers saw our ad on Leasing News. She is now in her 2nd full week.
"We are actually looking to fill 4 sales positions this year so we’ll likely be back again. It feels nice to be managing growth, albeit measured, again.
Andrew Nere, President
Innovative Lease Services, Inc.
Southern California
"We are definitely satisfied customers after placing our employment ad in Kit's Leasing News. Although the person we hired hadn't seen the ad, a friend of her's in the leasing industry saw the ad and told her that Dakota was hiring...
(The position was filled and time was left on the ad, so it was changed to a marketing person, which they also were successful in finding. editor.)
"It turned out we not only filled our open position, but were able to find an experienced leasing veteran who just wanted a location change. It worked out well for everyone!"
Mae G. Philpott
Sales & Marketing Director
Dakota Financial, LLC
Attorney Jokes

1. What do you call a lawyer with an I. Q. of 50?
Your honor.
2. What do you call a lawyer gone bad?
3. What’s the difference between a lawyer and a trampoline?
You take off your shoes to jump on a trampoline!
4. How can you tell when a lawyer is lying?
His lips are moving.
5. What’s the difference between a dead dog in the road and a dead lawyer in the road?
There are skid marks in front of the dog.
6. Why won't sharks attack lawyers?
Professional courtesy.
7. What do have when a lawyer is buried up to his neck in sand?
Not enough sand.
8. If a lawyer and an IRS agent were both drowning, and you could only save one of them, would you go to lunch or read the paper?
9. If you see a lawyer on a bicycle, why don't you swerve to hit him?
It might be your bicycle.
10. Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, an honest lawyer and an old drunk are walking down the street together when they simultaneously spot a hundred dollar bill. Who gets it?
The old drunk, of course, the other three are mythological creatures
Top Stories March 13--March 16

Here are the top ten sorties opened by readers:
(1) Alert---Another One/ from Lease Police
(2) Blue Bridge Financial joins
Funders Looking for New Broker Business
(Tie) (3) Dick's Drive-In named "Most Life-Changing Burger in America"
(Tie) (3) Westover Capital and Joe Woodley, CLP by Christopher Menkin
(4) New Hires---Promotions
(5) Financial Pacific Leasing joins
Companies who notify lessee in advance of lease expiration
and require their discounter to also notify lessee in advance
(6) Not Over Yet for Mr. Donner!
(Tie) (7) Direct Capital Expands $100 MM Securitization Facility
(Tie) (7) Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Vendor/Manufacturer/Distributor Lease Sales --Installment One
(8) Central Leasing Executive Gets Two Years
(9) Five Leadership Lessons from James T. Kirk
You May Have Missed
(10) National Equipment Finance Summit Page
Not counted due to technicalities:
Jury Has Verdict in Westover Capital and Joe Woodley, et. al
Gary DiLillo, President
440.871.0555 or
Comprehensive personal property tax outsourcing services.
Click here to see what our clients say about us. |
#### Press Release #############################
Convicted $736 Million Tax Fraud Involving 1,000 people

Ronald L. Brekke, 55, was convicted of tax fraud in a conspiracy that resulted in more than $14 million tax loss, involving over 1000 people with claims over $736 million.
The Orange County, California man was indicted and arrested in late 2010, after two of his Canadian co-conspirators were arrested in Bellingham after attempting to cash two refund checks exceeding $350,000 each. The two Canadians, Donald Mason and John Chung, were convicted in U.S. District Court in Seattle, and the investigation revealed that Brekke had been promoting the tax fraud scheme. Brekke faces up to 20 years in prison when sentenced by U.S. District Judge John C. Coughenour, on June 15, 2012. The jury also found that $291,064 seized from Brekke’s PayPal account at the time of his arrest was subject to forfeiture as the proceeds of his crime.
Brekke promoted a tax fraud scheme known as “1099 OID” fraud. Promoters of this scheme claim that the U.S. Treasury will pay out tax refunds equal to the value of a person’s personal debt. Brekke helped nearly 1,000 people claim over $763 million in fraudulent tax refunds by preparing phony tax forms on their behalf. The IRS flagged the vast majority of the filings as frivolous, but refund claims totaling approximately $14 million were paid before the IRS detected the fraudulent nature of the returns. Brekke had been repeatedly warned and fined by the IRS about the frivolous filings. He also had received information from the FBI that the scheme was illegal. In a recording played for the jury, Brekke told people at a seminar that some of the filings would slip through resulting in a big payout for some of the filers. In closing argument, prosecutors said that Brekke “knew the tax system’s vulnerabilities and exploited them... and the result was people getting free money who never paid a dime into the U.S. Treasury.”
The IRS has more information on this fraud scheme here:,,id=254383,00.html.
The case was investigated by the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI) and the United States Secret Service. The case was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorneys Thomas Woods, Mary K. Dimke, and Tessa Gorman.
##### Press Release ############################
Louisville, Kentucky-- Adopt-a-Dog

Pet ID: A454758
Labrador Retriever/Shepherd Mix
Up-to-date with routine shots
Primary color: Red, Chestnut or Orange
Coat length: Medium
“Brownie is a 5-month-old Labrador Retriever/Shepherd mix. Batten down the hatches when Brownie comes through because she's a whirlwind of energy. She is playful, vocal, and ready to go. She wants to play, she wants to investigate, she wants to make new friends. Brownie would probably be comfortable doing 8 things at once. She'll be a delight in an active household and has a sweet nature to go with all that puppy energy. If you would like to contact Metro to ask about this dog, it is very helpful if you have the ID number (A454758) handy. Thanks!! “
Metro Animal Services' Animal House Adoption Center
3516 Newburg Road, Louisville KY.
Phone: 502 473-PETS (7387)
Adopt-a-Pet by Leasing Co. State/City
Adopt a Pet
John Kenny Receivables Management
• End of Lease Negotiations & Enforcement
• Fraud Investigation
• Credit Investigations
• Asset Searches
• Skip-tracing
• Third-party Commercial Collections
The Solution to Your Credit & Accounts Receivable Needs
John Kenny
315-866-1167 |
(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for investigations
and background information provided by John Kenny)
Classified Ads---Attorneys Specializing in Leasing
Client Looking For A Leasing Attorney
Birmingham, Alabama
The lawyers of Marks & Weinberg, P.C. have over 30 years experience in dealing with virtually every type of equipment financing and are recognized throughout the industry for prompt, practical solutions and exemplary service. They offer cost-conscious, effective lease enforcement and good counsel.
Website: |
California, National: city: Riverside
Ellen Stern - get results, reasonable pricing; numerous industry contacts, nearly 30 yrs SoCal, 20 yrs equip.: CFL license specialist, documentation, work-outs, litigated collections, recoveries; deal-maker.
Email: |

Kenneth C. Greene |
California & Nevada
Hamrick & Evans, LLP, Universal City , LA; San Francisco Bay
Area, No.Calif. & Nevada. Call for free consultation (828)763-5292 or (415) 806-2254, |
Connecticut, Southern New England:
EVANS, FELDMAN & BOYER, LLC Collections, litigation, documentation, portfolio sales and financing, bankruptcy. We represent many of the national and local leasing companies doing business in this state. Past chairman EAEL legal committee. Competitive rates.
email: |
Los Angeles, Southern CA
Seasoned attorney representing secured creditors in auto finance and truck/equipment lease industry. Bankruptcy and State Court litigation. Vincent V. Frounjian (818) 990-0605or email: |
Encino, California: Statewide “ELFA”
Hemar, Rousso & Heald, LLP 30 yr excellent reputation Lessor representation commercial litigation, debt collection, and bankruptcy.
Call Stephen E. Jenkins Esq (818) 501-3800 |
Los Angeles, Statewide: CA. "ELFA" Aggressive creditors rights law firm specializing in equipment leasing handling collection matters on a contingency, fixed fee or hourly cbasis.
Los Angeles -statewide: CA "ELFA"
Practice limited to collections, bankruptcy and problem accounts resolution. Decades of experience. 10-lawyer firm dedicated to serving you. Call Ronald Cohn, Esq. (818)591-2121 or email. Email: |
Long Beach, CA
Wagner & Zielinski, successfully representing lessees/ lessors. Not a member of any leasing organization, therefore not beholden to special interests. Richard Wagner
(562) 216-2952 |
Long Beach CA.
Paul Bent -- 30 years experience in all forms of equipment leasing, secured lending, and asset based transactions, from analysis and deal structuring to contract negotiations to closing to private dispute resolution. (562) 426-1000 |
Law Firm - Service, Dallas, TX. "ELFA"
Mayer regularly practices in leasing, secured financing, project development and finance and corporate finance.
Website: |
National: Coston & Rademacher: Business attorneys serving the lease-finance industry since 1980. Transactional, documentation, corporate/finance, workouts, litigation, bankruptcy, portfolio management. Chicago-based national practice. Jim Coston, CLP (Members: ELFA, NEFA).
email: |
National: The OMEGA Network Group-nationwide legal representation of small and mid ticket equipment lessors-flat fee bankruptcy & replevin, contingent collection,
billable litigation (704-969-3280)
St. Louis County , MO. - statewide:
Schultz & Associates LLP., collections, negotiation, and litigation. Also register and pursue recovery on foreign judgments. Contingency and reasonable hourly rates.
Ronald J. Eisenberg, Esq. (636) 537-4645 x108 |
NJ,De,Pa: Specializing in leased equipment/secured transactions. Collections, replevins/workouts reasonable rates. Sergio Scuteri/Capehart & Scratchard, / |
Thousand Oaks, California:
Statewide coverage Spiwak & Iezza, LLP 20+ years experience,Representing Lessors banks in both State/ Federal Courts/ all aspects of commercial leasing litigation.
Nick Iezza 805-777-1175 |
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News Briefs----
FDIC sues insiders of failed Omni National Bank
New spin on rent-to-own Rental store’s reality shift
An interview with Caterpillar CEO Doug Oberhelman
(Illinois budget problems, workers' compensation expenses hinder further Caterpillar expansion in Illinois, CEO says.),0,7324067.story
Meg Whitman steadies HP but big challenges remain
Foreclosure Whistleblower Wins $18 Million in Bank Accord
Chaleo, developer of Red Bull, dies

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Winter Poem
The Sound of the Trees
by Robert Frost
I wonder about the trees
Why do we wish to bear
Forever the noise of these
More than another noise
So close to our dwelling place?
We suffer them by the day
Till we lose all measure of pace,
And fixity in our joys,
And acquire a listening air.
They are that that talks of going
But never gets away;
And that talks no less for knowing,
As it grows wiser and older,
That now it means to stay.
My feet tug at the floor
And my head sways to my shoulder
Sometimes when I watch trees sway,
From the window or the door.
I shall set forth for somewhere,
I shall make the reckless choice
Some day when they are in voice
And tossing so as to scare
The white clouds over them on.
I shall have less to say,
But I shall be gone.

California Nuts Briefs---
For California's disgraced politicians, the fall hurts -- but just look where they landed

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This Day in History
1589 - William Bradford, Pilgrim father, governor of Plymouth Colony, one of the early presidents of the United States. Born at Yorkshire, England, baptized Mar 19, 1589. Sailed from Southampton, England, on the Mayflower in 1620. His wife Dorothy fell off the Mayflower and drowned on 7 December 1620, when it was anchored in Provincetown Harbor. Died at Plymouth, MA, May 9, 1657 (OS).
1674---French Jesuit missionary Jacques Marquette erected a mission on the shores of Lake Michigan, in present day Illinois. His log cabin became the first building of a settlement that afterward grew to become the city of Chicago.
1687 -- The French explorer La Salle is murdered in by his own men while searching for the mouth of the Mississippi, along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.
1734- birthday of Thomas McKean, signer of the Declaration of Independence and governor of Pennsylvania. Born at Chester County, PA, he died June 24, 1817.
1785 - the first city college was the College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, which was founded in 1770, but chartered this day. On December 20, 1837, it became a municipal university under municipal control.
1798 - President John Adams informs Congress of the failure of US negotiations with France. France had been America's major ally in the War of Independence, and without its assistance the United States may not have won independence. But the new government of Revolutionary France viewed a 1794 commercial agreement between the United States and Great Britain, known as Jay's Treaty, as a violation of France's 1778 treaties with the United States. The French initiated seizures of American ships trading with their British enemies and refused to receive a new United States minister when he arrived in Paris in December 1796. In his annual message to Congress at the close of 1797, President John Adams had reported on France's refusal to negotiate and spoke of the need "to place our country in a suitable posture of defense."
1847 - Painter Albert Pinkham Ryder was born at New Bedford, MA, where he gained a great love for the sea, the subject of many of his works. Ryder was a misanthrope and recluse. He dedicated himself to his painting, working slowly and piling layer after layer of paint on his canvases until he achieved the look he was after. In his lifetime Ryder created only 150 paintings. Three of his best-known works are The Race Track, Toilers of the Sea and Siegfried and the Rhine Maidens. Ryder died Mar 28, 1917, at Elmhurst, NY. Because of his method of painting, many of his works have deteriorated since their creation.
1848-birthday of Wyatt Earp. Born at Monmouth, IL, and died Jan 13, 1929, at Los Angeles, CA. A legendary figure of the Old West, Earp worked as a railroad hand, saloonkeeper, gambler, lawman, gunslinger, miner and real estate investor at various times. Best known for the gunfight at the OK Corral Oct 26, 1881, at Tombstone, AZ.
1860-birthday of William Jennings Bryan, American political leader, member of Congress, Democratic presidential nominee (1896), "free silver" advocate, assisted in prosecution at Scopes trial, known as "the Silver-Tongued Orator." Born at Salem, IL, he died at Dayton, TN, July 26, 1925.
1864-birthday of Charles M. Russell, St. Louis, Missouri. He moved to Montana at about age 16 and became a cowboy. Considered one of the greatest Western artists, he recorded the life of the cowboy in his artwork.
1865 - Confederate General Joseph Johnston makes a desperate attempt to stop Union General William T. Sherman's drive through the Carolinas in the war's last days, but Johnston's motley army cannot stop the advance of Sherman's mighty army. Following his famous March to the Sea in late 1864, Sherman paused for a month at Savannah, Georgia. He then turned north into the Carolinas, destroying all that lay in his path in an effort to demoralize the South and hasten the end of the war. Sherman left Savannah with 60,000 men divided into two wings. He captured Columbia, South Carolina, in February and continued towards Goldsboro, North Carolina, where he planned to meet up with another army coming from the coast. Sherman assumed that Rebel forces in the Carolinas were too widely dispersed to offer any significant resistance, but Johnston assembled 17,000 troops and attacked one of Sherman's wings at Bentonville on March 19. The Confederates initially surprised the Yankees, driving them back before a Union counterattack halted the advance and darkness halted the fighting. The next day, Johnston established a strong defensive position and hoped for a Yankee assault. More Union troops arrived and gave Sherman a nearly three to one advantage over Johnston. When a Union force threatened to cut off the Rebel's only line of retreat on March 21, Johnston withdrew his army northward. The Union lost 194 men killed, 1,112 wounded, and 221 missing, while the Confederates lost 240 killed, 1,700 wounded, and 1,500 missing. About Sherman, Johnston wrote to Lee that, "I can do no more than annoy him." A month later, Johnston surrendered his army to Sherman.
1881 - birthday of Edith Nourse Rogers was a YMCA and Red Cross volunteer in France during World War I. In 1925 she was elected to the US Congress to fill the vacancy left by the death of her husband. An able legislator, she was reelected to the House of Representatives 17 times and became the first woman to have her name attached to major legislation. She was a major force in the legislation creating the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (May 14, 1942) during World War II. Rogers was born at Saco, ME, and died Sept 10, 1960, at Boston.
1883- African-American Jan Matzeliger invented the first machine to manufacture entire shoe
1891 - Birthday of Earl Warren, American juist, 14th chief justice of the US Supreme Court, governor of California, born Los Angeles, Calif. Died at Washington, DC, July 9, 1974. He went from a crusading attorney general to a very conservative, right wing governor, they claim, and became one of the most liberal on the bench, hated by those who one time applauded him for his very conservative political actions.
1897-vocalist/comedian Jackie “Moms” Mabley born Brevard, NC
1918-Anniversary of passage by the Congress of the Standard Time Act, which authorized the Interstate Commerce Commission to establish standard time zones for the US. The Act also established "Daylight Saving Time," to save fuel and to promote other economies in a country at war. Daylight-Saving Time first went into operation on Easter Sunday, Mar 31, 1918. The Uniform Time Act of 1966, as amended in 1986, by Public Law 99-359, now governs standard time in the US. US: Daylight Saving Time Begins April 7.
1904 - Birthday of John Joseph Sirica, “the Watergate Judge,” born at Waterbury, CT. During two years of trials and hearings, Sirica relentlessly pushed for the names of those responsible for the June 17,1972 burglary of the Democratic National committee headquarters in Washington’s Watergate Complex. His unwavering search for the truth ultimately resulted in the toppling of the Nixon administration. Judge John Sirica died August 15,1992, at Washington, DC.
1919-blind pianist Lennie Tristano born Chicago, IL
1920-brithday of bassist Curly Russell, New York City. ( played a lot with Bird )
1921-gospel vocalist Bobby McFerrin, Sr., born Marianna, AR
1927-Don Richard ( Riochie) Ashburn, Baseball Hall of Fame outfielder, born at Tilden, NE. Ashburn won two national League batting titles and collected 2,574 hits over a 15-year career. He was a key member of the 1950 Philadelphia Phillies, known as the Whiz kids. After retiring he broadcast Phillies games for 35 years. Inducted in the Hall of Fame in 1995. Died at New York, NY, September 9, 1997
1930- alto saxophonist Ornette Coleman born Fort Worth, TX An iconoclastic saxophonist and composer, his experiments in free-form improvisation sharply divided the jazz establishment upon his emergence in 1959. Largely self-taught, he played in rhythm-and-blues bands before settling in Los Angeles in 1951, where he gradually formed a quartet of musicians who were receptive to his unorthodox ideas. He first recorded in 1958 and made his New York debut the following year. He made a series of important recordings in 1959--61 that shaped the direction of jazz for the next twenty years. A sporadic performing artist after the early 1960s, he occasionally led both a conventional jazz quartet and the rock band Prime Time, but turned increasingly to composition, producing several works for symphony orchestra in accordance with his "harmolodic theory." Most commonly played a “plastic” alto saxophone.
1931 -- The state of Nevada legalizes gambling.
1933--Birthday of Phillip Roth, American novelist and short-story writer
1935 - Suffocating dust storms occurred frequently in southeastern Colorado between the 12th and the 25th of the month. Six people died, and many livestock starved or suffocated. Up to six feet of dust covered the ground. Schools were closed, and many rural homes were deserted by tenants.
1936-vocalist/songwriter Willie Dixon Columbus, MS
1937-Count Basie and his band open at the Apollo Theatre in Harlem for the first time.
1937- pianist/vocalist Clarence “Frogman” Henry born Algiers, LA
( I have all his records. He is best know for: :”I Ain’t Got No Home, But I Do [I Don’t Know Why])”
1941-The US aircraft carrier Lexington departed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, to deliver aircraft to Midway Island. Because of this mission, the Lexington inadvertently avoided the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 07 December. It was later to play a pivotal role in the Japanese defeat at Midway. Other US ships were not as lucky. Japanese carrier-based planes attacked the bulk of the US Pacific fleet moored in Pearl Harbor, sinking or severely damaging nineteen naval vessels, including eight battleships.
1945 -- Kamikaze attacks USS Franklin off Japan. In a maneuver heralded as one of the greatest feats in naval history, the light cruiser USS Santa Fe bellied up alongside the flaming Franklin & rescued over 800 sailors while still being stalked by Japanese fighter pilots.
Rank and organization: Commander (Chaplain Corps), U.S. Naval Reserve, U.S.S. Franklin. Place and date: Near Kobe, Japan, 19 March 1945. Entered service at: Massachusetts. Born: 14 May 1904, Boston, Mass. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as chaplain on board the U.S.S. Franklin when that vessel was fiercely attacked by enemy Japanese aircraft during offensive operations near Kobe, Japan, on 19 March 1945. A valiant and forceful leader, calmly braving the perilous barriers of flame and twisted metal to aid his men and his ship, Lt. Comdr. O'Callahan groped his way through smoke-filled corridors to the open flight deck and into the midst of violently exploding bombs, shells, rockets, and other armament. With the ship rocked by incessant explosions, with debris and fragments raining down and fires raging in ever-increasing fury, he ministered to the wounded and dying, comforting and encouraging men of all faiths; he organized and led firefighting crews into the blazing inferno on the flight deck; he directed the jettisoning of live ammunition and the flooding of the magazine; he manned a hose to cool hot, armed bombs rolling dangerously on the listing deck, continuing his efforts, despite searing, suffocating smoke which forced men to fall back gasping and imperiled others who replaced them. Serving with courage, fortitude, and deep spiritual strength, Lt. Comdr. O'Callahan inspired the gallant officers and men of the Franklin to fight heroically and with profound faith in the face of almost certain death and to return their stricken ship to port.
1945 - BURR, HERBERT H. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company C, 41st Tank Battalion, 11th Armored Division. Place and date: Near Dorrmoschel, Germany, 19 March 1945. Entered service at: Kansas City, Mo. Birth: St. Joseph, Mo. G.O. No.: 73, 30 August 1945. Citation: He displayed conspicuous gallantry during action when the tank in which he was bow gunner was hit by an enemy rocket, which severely wounded the platoon sergeant and forced the remainder of the crew to abandon the vehicle. Deafened, but otherwise unhurt, S/Sgt. Burr immediately climbed into the driver's seat and continued on the mission of entering the town to reconnoiter road conditions. As he rounded a turn he encountered an 88-mm. antitank gun at pointblank range. Realizing that he had no crew, no one to man the tank's guns, he heroically chose to disregard his personal safety in a direct charge on the German weapon. At considerable speed he headed straight for the loaded gun, which was fully manned by enemy troops who had only to pull the lanyard to send a shell into his vehicle. So unexpected and daring was his assault that he was able to drive his tank completely over the gun, demolishing it and causing its crew to flee in confusion. He then skillfully sideswiped a large truck, overturned it, and wheeling his lumbering vehicle, returned to his company. When medical personnel who had been summoned to treat the wounded sergeant could not locate him, the valiant soldier ran through a hail of sniper fire to direct them to his stricken comrade. The bold, fearless determination of S/Sgt. Burr, his skill and courageous devotion to duty, resulted in the completion of his mission in the face of seemingly impossible odds.
1945 -GARY, DONALD ARTHUR Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Lieutenant, Junior Grade, U.S. Navy, U.S.S. Franklin. Place and date: Japanese Home Islands near Kobe, Japan, 19 March 1945. Entered service at: Ohio. Born: 23 July 1903, Findlay, Ohio. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as an engineering officer attached to the U.S.S. Franklin when that vessel was fiercely attacked by enemy aircraft during the operations against the Japanese Home Islands near Kobe, Japan, 19 March 1945. Stationed on the third deck when the ship was rocked by a series of violent explosions set off in her own ready bombs, rockets, and ammunition by the hostile attack, Lt. (j.g.) Gary unhesitatingly risked his life to assist several hundred men trapped in a messing compartment filled with smoke, and with no apparent egress. As the imperiled men below decks became increasingly panic stricken under the raging fury of incessant explosions, he confidently assured them he would find a means of effecting their release and, groping through the dark, debris-filled corridors, ultimately discovered an escapeway. Stanchly determined, he struggled back to the messing compartment 3 times despite menacing flames, flooding water, and the ominous threat of sudden additional explosions, on each occasion calmly leading his men through the blanketing pall of smoke until the last one had been saved. Selfless in his concern for his ship and his fellows, he constantly rallied others about him, repeatedly organized and led fire-fighting parties into the blazing inferno on the flight deck and, when firerooms 1 and 2 were found to be inoperable, entered the No. 3 fireroom and directed the raising of steam in 1 boiler in the face of extreme difficulty and hazard. An inspiring and courageous leader, Lt. (j.g.) Gary rendered self-sacrificing service under the most perilous conditions and, by his heroic initiative, fortitude, and valor, was responsible for the saving of several hundred lives. His conduct throughout reflects the highest credit upon himself and upon the U.S. Naval Service.
1946-vocalist Ruth Pointer born Oakland, CA.
1948 -an F4 tornado moved through Fosterburg, Bunker Hill, and Gillespie, Illinois, killing 33 people and injuring 449. 2000 buildings in bunker hill were damaged or destroyed. Total damage was 3.6 million dollars.
1949 - The American Museum of Atomic Energy opened in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
1950-Sarah Vaughan records “ Mean to Me, “ Columbia 745 )
1950 - Timberline Lodge reported 246 inches of snow on the ground, a record for the state of Oregon.
1950---Top Hits
I Said My Pajamas - Tony Martin & Fran Warren
Music, Music, Music - Teresa Brewer
If I Knew You Were Comin’ I’d’ve Baked a Cake - Eileen Barton
Chatanoogie Shoe Shine Boy - Red Foley
1951 - "The Caine Mutiny", a novel by Herman Wouk, was published for the first time. Wouk won a Pulitzer for the novel. He followed it with several more successes: "Marjorie Morningstar", "The Winds of War", and "War and Remembrance".
1953 - The Academy Awards celebrated their silver anniversary -- and came to television. NBC paid $100,000 for the rights to broadcast the event on both radio and TV, the first to be telecast, black and white to over 174 stations.. Hollywood’s best turned out to hand out the Oscar statuettes for the movies of 1952. The party was held at the RKO Pantages Theater, Los Angeles, with Bob Hope hosting. A dual celebration was staged in New York City, where Conrad Nagel was host. The Best Picture award went to Cecil B. DeMille’s "The Greatest Show on Earth". Best Director was the legendary John Ford for "The Quiet Man". The rest of the best: Actor: Gary Cooper for "High Noon"; Supporting Actor: Anthony Quinn for "Viva Zapata!"; Actress: Shirley Booth for "Come Back, Little Sheba"; Supporting Actress: Gloria Grahame for "The Bad and the Beautiful"; Art Direction-Set Decoration/ Color: Paul Sheriff, Marcel Vertès for "Moulin Rouge"; Music/Song: Dimitri Tiomkin (music), Ned Washington (lyrics) for the song, "High Noon (Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My Darlin’)", from "High Noon".
1954 - Viewers saw the first televised prize fight shown in living color as Joey Giardello knocked out Willie Tory in round seven of a scheduled 10-round bout at Madison Square Garden in New York 1968 - Dean Martin received a gold record for the album, "Houston". Martin charted 17 hits on the pop music charts in the 1950s and 1860s. "Houston" was his 12th.
1956 - New England had its second heavy snowstorm in 3 days. 20 inches piled up at Putnam, Connecticut, 19.5 inches fell at Blue Hill Observatory in Milton, Massachusetts, and Boston, Massachusetts recorded 13 inches. Traffic was paralyzed. This storm made a contribution to the snowiest march ever in southern New England (until 1993).
1957- Although he wouldn't finalize the deal for six more days, Elvis Presley puts down a deposit to secure the 14-acre estate with a two-story colonial at 3734 Highway 51 South, Memphis, TN., later known as Graceland.
1958---Top Hits
Don’t/I Beg of You - Elvis Presley
Sweet Little Sixteen - Chuck Berry
Dinner with Drac (Part 1) - John Zacherle
Ballad of a Teenage Queen - Johnny Cash
1958-Big Records releases "Our Song," the first record by a teenage duo from Queens, New York, who go by the names of Tom and Jerry. The pair will become famous in the '60s under their real names, Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel.
1966---Top Hits
The Ballad of the Green Berets - SSgt Barry Sadler
19th Nervous Breakdown - The Rolling Stones
Nowhere Man - The Beatles
Waitin’ in Your Welfare Line - Buck Owens
1968-Chuck Berry plays Winterland in San Francisco
(Promised Land one of the best)
1968 - BUCHA, PAUL WILLIAM Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Captain, U.S. Army, Company D, 3d Battalion. 187th Infantry, 3d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division. Place and date: Near Phuoc Vinh, Binh Duong Province, Republic of Vietnam, 16- 19 March 1968. Entered service at: U .S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y. Born: 1 August 1943, Washington, D.C. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Capt. Bucha distinguished himself while serving as commanding officer, Company D, on a reconnaissance-in-force mission against enemy forces near Phuoc Vinh, The company was inserted by helicopter into the suspected enemy stronghold to locate and destroy the enemy. During this period Capt. Bucha aggressively and courageously led his men in the destruction of enemy fortifications and base areas and eliminated scattered resistance impeding the advance of the company. On 18 March while advancing to contact, the lead elements of the company became engaged by the heavy automatic weapon, heavy machine gun, rocket propelled grenade, Claymore mine and small-arms fire of an estimated battalion-size force. Capt. Bucha, with complete disregard for his safety, moved to the threatened area to direct the defense and ordered reinforcements to the aid of the lead element. Seeing that his men were pinned down by heavy machine gun fire from a concealed bunker located some 40 meters to the front of the positions, Capt. Bucha crawled through the hail of fire to single-handedly destroy the bunker with grenades. During this heroic action Capt. Bucha received a painful shrapnel wound. Returning to the perimeter, he observed that his unit could not hold its positions and repel the human wave assaults launched by the determined enemy. Capt. Bucha ordered the withdrawal of the unit elements and covered the withdrawal to positions of a company perimeter from which he could direct fire upon the charging enemy. When 1 friendly element retrieving casualties was ambushed and cut off from the perimeter, Capt. Bucha ordered them to feign death and he directed artillery fire around them. During the night Capt. Bucha moved throughout the position, distributing ammunition, providing encouragement and insuring the integrity of the defense. He directed artillery, helicopter gunship and Air Force gunship fire on the enemy strong points and attacking forces, marking the positions with smoke grenades. Using flashlights in complete view of enemy snipers, he directed the medical evacuation of 3 air-ambulance loads of seriously wounded personnel and the helicopter supply of his company. At daybreak Capt. Bucha led a rescue party to recover the dead and wounded members of the ambushed element. During the period of intensive combat, Capt. Bucha, by his extraordinary heroism, inspirational example, outstanding leadership and professional competence, led his company in the decimation of a superior enemy force which left 156 dead on the battlefield. His bravery and gallantry at the risk of his life are in the highest traditions of the military service, Capt. Bucha has reflected great credit on himself, his unit, and the U.S. Army.
1968 - Dean Martin's LP Houston is certified gold
1969---McMAHON, THOMAS J. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Specialist Fourth Class, U.S. Army, Company A, 2d Battalion, 1st Infantry, 196th Infantry Brigade, Americal Division. place and date: Quang Tin province, Republic of Vietnam, 19 March 1969. Entered service at: Portland, Maine. Born: 24 June 1948, Washington, D.C. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Sp4c. McMahon distinguished himself while serving as medical aid man with Company A. When the lead elements of his company came under heavy fire from well-fortified enemy positions, 3 soldiers fell seriously wounded. Sp4c. McMahon, with complete disregard for his safety, left his covered position and ran through intense enemy fire to the side of 1 of the wounded, administered first aid and then carried him to safety. He returned through the hail of fire to the side of a second wounded man. Although painfully wounded by an exploding mortar round while returning the wounded man to a secure position, Sp4c. McMahon refused medical attention and heroically ran back through the heavy enemy fire toward his remaining wounded comrade. He fell mortally wounded before he could rescue the last man. Sp4c. McMahon's undaunted concern for the welfare of his comrades at the cost of his life are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit on himself, his unit, and the U.S. Army.
1969 - RAY, DAVID ROBERT Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Hospital Corpsman Second Class, U.S. Navy, 2d Battalion, 11th Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF. Place and date: Quang Nam Province, Republic of Vietnam, 19 March 1969. Entered service at: Nashville, Tenn. Born: 14 February 1945, McMinnville, Tenn. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a HC2c. with Battery D, 2d Battalion, at Phu Loc 6, near An Hoa. During the early morning hours, an estimated battalion-sized enemy force launched a determined assault against the battery's position, and succeeded in effecting a penetration of the barbed-wire perimeter. The initial burst of enemy fire caused numerous casualties among the marines who had immediately manned their howitzers during the rocket and mortar attack. Undaunted by the intense hostile fire, HC2c. Ray moved from parapet to parapet, rendering emergency medical treatment to the wounded. Although seriously wounded himself while administering first aid to a marine casualty, he refused medical aid and continued his lifesaving efforts. While he was bandaging and attempting to comfort another wounded marine, HC2c. Ray was forced to battle 2 enemy soldiers who attacked his position, personally killing 1 and wounding the other. Rapidly losing his strength as a result of his severe wounds, he nonetheless managed to move through the hail of enemy fire to other casualties. Once again, he was faced with the intense fire of oncoming enemy troops and, despite the grave personal danger and insurmountable odds, succeeded in treating the wounded and holding off the enemy until he ran out of ammunition, at which time he sustained fatal wounds. HC2c. Ray's final act of heroism was to protect the patient he was treating. He threw himself upon the wounded marine, thus saving the man's life when an enemy grenade exploded nearby. By his determined and persevering actions, courageous spirit, and selfless devotion to the welfare of his marine comrades, HC2c. Ray served to inspire the men of Battery D to heroic efforts in defeating the enemy. His conduct throughout was in keeping with the finest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service.
1971 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: ``Me and Bobby McGee,'' Janis Joplin. The song is the second posthumous No. 1 song of the rock era, reaching the top of the charts almost six months after Joplin's death.
1972-Immaculata College defeated West Chester State, 52-48, to win the first Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women national basketball tournament. The AIAW crowned a champion for 11 years, but most Division 1 teams entered the new NCAA tournament starting in 1982.
1974 - Jefferson Airplane is re-named Jefferson Starship. The line-up includes Paul Kantner, Grace Slick, drummer Johnny Barbata, David Freiberg, Peter Kaukonen, Cragi Chaquico and Papa John Creach.
1974---Top Hits
Seasons in the Sun - Terry Jacks
Dark Lady - Cher
Sunshine on My Shoulders - John Denver
There Won’t Be Anymore - Charlie Rich
1977- The final episode of "The Mary Tyler Moore Show." It premiered on September 19, 1970 and ran for 168 episodes. "Mary Tyler Moore" was the first of a new wave of sitcoms to make it big in the early '70s. It combined good writing, an effective supporting cast and contemporary attitudes. The show centered around the two most important places in Mary Richards's (Mary Tyler Moore) life-the WJM-TV newsroom and her apartment at Minneapolis. At home she shared the ups and downs of life with her friend Rhoda Morgenstern (Valerie Harper) and the manager of her apartment building, Phyllis Lindstrom (Cloris Leachman). At work, as the associate producer (later producer) of "The Six O'clock News," Mary struggled to function in a man's world. Figuring in her professional life were her irascible boss Lou Grant (Ed Asner), levelheaded and softhearted news writer Murray Slaughter (Gavin MacLeod) and self-obsessed, narcissistic anchorman Ted Baxter (Ted Knight). In the last episode the unthinkable happened-everyone in the WJM newsroom except the inept Ted was fired.
1980 - Elvis Presley's autopsy is entered into proceedings held by the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners against Dr. George Nichopoulos, better known to his clients -- including Elvis -- as "Dr. Nick." The doctor will eventually be found guilty of overprescribing the drugs that led to The King's death and will have his license revoked, even though he repeatedly took measures to cure Presley of his addiction.
1982---Top Hits
Centerfold - The J. Geils Band
Open Arms - Journey
I Love Rock ’N Roll - Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
Blue Moon with Heartache - Roseanne Cash
1984- a major winter storm produced blizzard conditions in northwestern Kansas and southern Nebraska. This storm, which began affecting the region on the 18th, dumped 10 to 20 inches of snow over the above mentioned areas. A severe ice storm occurred in northeastern Kansas with 1 inch ice accumulations common. The 1400 foot radio tower for KLDH-TV near Topeka buckled and then collapsed from the weight of a 3 inch coating of ice. This ice storm ranks as one of the worst ever to hit Kansas.
1985 - IBM announced that it was planning to stop making the PCjr consumer-oriented computer. The machine had been expected to dominate the home computer market but didn’t quite live up to those expectations. In the 16 months that the PCjr was on the market, only 240,000 units were sold. A young software programmer purchased the rights to the operating system and started a “tiny” software operation compared to IBM to be called Microsoft in the near future.
1988- Michael Jackson begins construction on his 2,800-acre ranch and private amusement park in Santa Barbara, CA, which he will name "Neverland" after a fantasy location in his favorite book, Peter Pan, a place where children never grow up.
1990---Top Hits
Escapade - Janet Jackson
Black Velvet - Alannah Myles
Roam - The B-52’s
Hard Rock Bottom of Your Heart - Randy Travis
1998 - Seven cities in California and Nevada reported record high temperatures for the date as readings soared into the 80s and lower 90s. Los Angeles CA reported a record high of 89 degrees. Five cities in south central Texas reported record lows, including El Paso, with a reading of 22 degrees.
1999 - Six cities reported new record low temperatures for the date as cold arctic air settled into the Upper Midwest for Palm Sunday, including Marquette MI with a reading of 11 degrees below zero. or league baseball owners gave final approval to the sale of the Los Angeles Dodgers from Peter O’Malley to media mogul Rupert Murdoch’s Australian-based news conglomerate, News Corp. O’Malley had inherited the Dodgers from his father, Walter, who moved the team from Brooklyn to Los Angeles following the 1957 season, which Brooklyn fans never forgive him. Critics of the $311 million sale to Murdoch’s company bemoaned the fact that one more team would no longer be family-owned. Nobody seemed happy about the sale except for Rupert Murdock, reported never to have seen the team play in person.
2003-Operation Iraqi Freedom: At 9:30pm, EST, two hours past a deadline for Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to step down from power, US and British forces began air strikes gains this regime. A ground campaign (adding Australian forces) followed quickly, and by April 9, Baghdad was in allied control and Hussein had disappeared. On May 1, President George W. Bush announced the end of major military operations in Iraq, although a peacekeeping force remains and faces violet and fatal attacks from insurgents. Hussein was captured by US forces on December 13, 2003. ON June 28, 2004, Iraq regained its sovereignty. And on December 15, 2005, 70 percent of Iraqi’s registered voters turned out for parliamentary elections---one of the freest elections on record in the Arab world.
2003 - Denver digs out from the second-biggest snowstorm in the city's history. Almost two and a half feet of wet snow over 36 hours shuts down the city. The month ends as Denver's snowiest March on record.
2005-- After avoiding salary arbitration by signing a one-year $10.5 million deal worth in the off season, Lance Berkman agrees to a six-year, $85 million contract. The three-time All-Star outfielder will be an Astro until 2010 with the club holding the option for an additional year.
NCAA Basketball Champions This date
1955 San Francisco
1960 Ohio State
1966—Texas Western

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Daily Puzzle

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See USA map, click to specific area, no commercials
Traffic Live---
Real Time Traffic Information
You can save up to 20 different routes and check them out with one click,
or type in a new route to learn the traffic live
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