We are looking for experienced business development
professionals with established vendor / client
contacts in general manufacturing equipment,
road maintenance, material handling , radio/TV broadcasting
and other hard collateral.
We have openings for in-house business development positions
and Independent Sales Associates.
Contact or send resumes to: John Martella SVP
800 800 8098 ext 5209 or direct: 248 743 5209
Friday, May 28, 2010

Gladys Knight, singer, born Atlanta, Georgia, May 28, 1944. (The “Pips” comes from her manager, James 'Pips' Wood.) Won on "Ted Mack & the Original Amateur Hour" (1948) at age 4. She formed the Pips in 1952 when she was just 8 years old. Record Reviews: http://www.warr.org/knight.html |
Memorial Day
Classified Ads---Sales
2 more get added to “No More Broker/Discounter List”
No Comment on “How’s Business?”
Leasing Companies Out of Broker/Discounting Business
Story Credit Lessors---Up-Dated List
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
I should have called Lease Police!
by Christopher Menkin
Placard---Doesn’t mean you’re wrong
Micmacs/Looking for Eric/Alice in Wonderland
The Messenger/The T.A.M.I. Show
Fernando Croce Movie/DVD Reviews
Classified ads—Job Search
Charlotte, North Carolina-Adopt-a-Dog
News Briefs ---
BofA $1.5 Trillion Community Development Lending
Mortgage Rates---Get Lower than Low
Leases Headed for the Balance Sheet
Kenneth Starr, adviser to celebrities, charged with fraud
Capitalizing Leasing Payments ---CPA Journal
You May have Missed---
California Nuts Brief---
Sports Briefs---
"Gimme that Wine"
Today's Top Event in History
This Day in American History
'Colors I Can't See'
Poem by Barry S. Marks, Esq.
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer. It is considered “bias” as it is the writer’s viewpoint.
Little Rock, Ark.
Meet and learn from Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Leasing #102 columnist for Leasing News,
long time educator and trainer
Sales and Operations
click here for course information and to register
June 9, 10, until Noon on the 11th
Little Rock, Arkansas
Hosted by Arvest Equipment Finance
$395.00 Paid in Advance for first person from company
$345 with each additional attendee
"Certified Leasing Professionals attending this seminar will earn CPEs (Continuing Professional Education)
Credits toward their recertification" |
Memorial Day
Sue and my son Dash when he graduated from Great Lakes, Illinois.
Classified Ads---Sales
Boston, MA
Senior leader in companies of varying size and scope, including start-ups. My current focus is sales, as a leader or as an individual contributor. thomasherlihy33@comcast.net
Cherry Hill, NJ
College grad seeking entry level sales position for equipment leasing and financing in small to mid-size ticket markets. Have 6 months experience in the industry and self-motivated. Contact Matt at 609-280-2178 or
email at mkuzan@gmail.com
Aggressive, competitive self-starter with vendor/direct equipment
leasing and asset-based lending experience. Success in business banking sales and financial planning.
Email: dsp559@hotmail.com | Resume |
Denver, CO
A results driven, high performing sales executive with over twelve years of success in the Equipment Leasing industry.
Contact: anderson_678@earthlink.net |
Minneapolis, MN
16 years leasing experience from micro to large ticket market, variety of equipment. Most recently calling on vendor telecom dealers in Upper Midwest.
golfadm@yahoo.com |
Montgomery, AL
Individual with 10 years advertising sales exp. & 7 years insurance sales exp. Wants independent contractor situation in Alabama.
Work with leasing company or broker. 334-590-5133
E-mail: billmcneal2003@yahoo.com |
Orange County, CA
20+ years in leasing sales & sales management.
Have estab. existing remote office with Lessee /Vender following.
Looking for a partnership w/funding source.
Philadelphia Metro Area - 30 Years experience Healthcare sales/ management- 3 years experience newly create "small-ticket" healthcare division. Good success - Mitch Utz 215-460-4483
mitutz@msn.com |
Pittsburgh , PA
Aggressive self starter looking for leasing position w/10 plus yrs sales exp., plus banking experience
mwiser500@hotmail.com |
Pittsburgh, PA
Over 25 years of leasing experience including Captive, Dealer, Broker, and Third Party. Multiple equipment types. Seeking a Territory or National Sales position.
vsiegel2@aol.com |
San Francisco Bay Area:
Business Development “Hunter” with transferable book of business in multiple segments: commercial construction, technology, fitness, etc. Years of managerial experience: can also be a “player/coach”.
E-mail: VdrPgmBizDev@aol.com |
15 year lease vet looking for plact to take business.great references. all major equipment types. open to compensation. please contact if interested.
E-mail: bankingdallas@yahoo.com |
For a full listing of all “job wanted” ads, please go to:
Other e-Mail Posting Sites:
Two more get added to “No More Broker/Discounter List”

Frontier Capital - Norm Cohen
1086 Teaneck Road
Teaneck New Jersey 07666
Phone: 201-686-3375
Web Address: frontiercapllc.com
Frontier Capital numbers: 201-353-0231, 201-353-0232, and 201-353-0061
Frontier Capital, LLC
Angela Monahan Operations Manager - Documentation / Funding (201) 353-0231 angela@frontiercapllc.com. Ryan Kenning Credit/ Underwriting Manager ...
May 17th Leasing News was told by a very reliable source: "Norm Cohen came in over the weekend, closed the shop without employees knowing or salesmen paid commissions owed.”
The telephones rang to a voice mail to Norm Cohen, and mentioned he could also be reached by email, so an email was set. In following up, the web site was down, the telephones were not working, and Mr. Cohen did not respond to the previous telephone call or email. Leasing News was unable to have confirmed or denied the closing and condition of the closing of Frontier Capital.
Mr. Cohen had one or two prior leasing companies. Ramsgate in
2005 had a Bulletin Board Complaint. It is also reported he was
denied membership in the National Association of Equipment
Ramsgate Leasing Systems, Inc., Bergenfield, New Jersey
SunTrust Equipment Finance & Leasing Corp.
"Please be advised that our Company has implemented a strategic change in our business model. As such, we will no longer be in a position to accept your brokered business. This is effective immediately. However, any transaction currently in our system will be processed.
“I want to thank you for your relationship with us and I sincerely wish you success in your future endeavors."
John Hmelnicky
Vice President
SunTrust Equipment Finance & Leasing Corp.

No Comment on “How’s Business?”

Leasing Companies Out of Broker/Discounting Business

These are companies who are either out of business who worked
with independent equipment leasing brokers or no longer are
doing business with independent equipment brokers within
the last year. This is not a list of companies who do not do
business with independent equipment brokers.
Advantage Business Capital, Lake Oswego, Oregon
AEL Financial, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
*(No longer taking new broker business)
Alliance Financial, Syracuse, New York
Balboa Capital, Irvine, Ca
Bankers Healthcare Group, Weston, FL.
C and J Leasing Corp, Des Moines, Iowa
Carlton Financial Corporation, Wayzata, Minnesota
Chesterfield Financial, Chesterfield, Missouri
Churchill Group/Churchill Leasing, Jericho, NY
CIT Group (limited)
Columbia Bank Leasing, Tacoma, WA
Concord Financial Services, Long Beach, California
Court Square, Malvern, Pennsylvania
Creative Capital Leasing Group, LLC, San Diego, CA
Direct Capital, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Diversified Financial Service, Omaha, NE
Dolsen Leasing, Bellevue/Yakima, Washington
Equipment Finance Partners, a division of Altec, Birmingham, Alabama
Evans National Leasing, Inc., Hamburg, NY
Enterprise Funding, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Excel Financial Leasing, Lubbock Texas
First Corp.(IFC subsidiary), Morton Grove, Illinois
First Republic Bank, San Francisco, CA
Frontier Capital, Teaneck New Jersey
GE Capital, Conn (limited)
Global Funding LLC., Clearwater, FL
Greystone, Burlington, MA
Heritage Pacific Leasing, Fresno, CA
Hillcrest Bank Leasing, Overland Park, KS
Huntington Equipment Finance, Vendor Finance Group, Bellevue, Washington
IFC Credit Corp., Morton Grove, Illinois
Irwin Financial (Irwin Union Bank), Columbus, Indiana
Irwin Union Bank, F.S.B. (Louisville, Kentucky)
Lakeland Bank, Montville, NJ
LaSalle Systems Leasing
Leaf Specialty Finance, Columbia, South Carolina
LEAF Third Party Funding, Santa Barbara, Ca.
Lombard, part of Royal Bank of Scotland, worldwide
Marlin Business Services, Mount Laurel, NJ (accepting no new brokers,
they may have opened for a select fee, but no more at this time, they say.)
Marquette Business Credit Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota
M&T Credit (Bank)
MericapCredit, Lisle, Illinois
Merrill Lynch Financial
Mesa Leasing, San Diego, California
Midwest Leasing Group,Livonia, MI
National City, Cleveland, Ohio
Navigator (Pentech subsidiary) San Diego, California
OFC Capital, Roswell, Georgia
Old National Bank, Evansville, Illinois
Pentech Financial, Campbell, CA
PFF Bancorp, Inc, Pomona, CA
Pinnacle Business Finance, Fife, Washington
Pioneer Capital Corporation, Addison, Texas
PredictiFund, a subsidiary of Capital Access Network, Inc
Popular Finance, St. Louis, Missouri
Radiance-Capital, Tacoma, WA
Rational Technology Solutions, Rolling Meadows, IL
Sandy Springs, Olney, MD
Sovereign Bank, Melville, New York
Specialty Funding, Albuquerque, NM
Sun Trust Equipment Finance & Leasing, Baltimore, Maryland
SunBridge Capital, Mission, Kansas
Suncoast Equipment Funding Corp., Tampa, Florida
TechLease, Morgan Hill, California
Textron Financial
Triad Leasing & Financial, Inc., Boise, Idaho
Union Capital Partners, Midvale, Utah
US Bank, Middle-Market, Portland, Oregon
Velocity Financial Group, Rosemont, Illinois
VenCore, Portland, Oregon
Vision Capital,San Diego, California
Wachovia Bank Leasing
Washington Mutual Financial
Western Bank, Devils Lake, ND
Westover Financial, Inc., Santa Ana, California
Story Credit Lessors
These companies specialize in "C" and "D" credits, often new businesses, or businesses where the principal(s) have Beacon score around 600 or previous difficulties; meaning to become comfortable with the credit and financial situation you need to learn the "story" to make a positive decision, often requiring further security, shorter term, or additional guarantors. Many of these companies may also be a "B," but appear otherwise without the "story" to understand the full financial picture.
Also listed below the dollar amounts are companies that who are known for accepting "subprime leasing."
(To qualify for this list, the company must be a funder and not a "Broker/Lessor"
or "Super Broker/Lessor", along with an acceptable Better Business Bureau Rating
and no history of complaints at Leasing News. We reserve the
right to not list a company who does not meet these qualifications.)
We encourage companies who are listed to contact us for any change or addition they would like to make. Adding further information as an "attachment" or clarification of what they have to offer would be helpful to readers is very much encouraged.
Business Reports: Companies listed may make any netiquette comment about their company or reports or other information in the footnote section of their listing. Leasing News recommends readers also view the footnote as well as the section itself or searching reports on the business.
It also should be noted that if a BBB report listing is found by a reader, as there may not have been one when this was last up-dated, please send the link to maria@leasingnews.org so Leasing News may up-date this section.
(for Broker/Lessors List "A," please click here, for list "B," pleae click here,
for Captive Lessor list, please click here,
for Funder List "A," please click here, for Funder List "B," who do not specialize in
“Story Credits please click here,
for “Super Broker/Lessor,” who primarily place leases, click here )
Leasing Associations: All non-profit leasing
associations are abbreviated. To see the full name and learn more about the association,
please click here.
BBB - Better Business Report | CBB - Leasing News Complaint Bulletin Board
| CNI - Current News Information
( To apply to be listed, please fill in this form and fax to 408.374.3843 or you
may e-mail to: kitmenkin@leasingnews.org )
Story Credit Form
In Business Since
Leasing Association
Employees |
Business Reports |
Financial Pacific Leasing
Terey Jennings CLP,
800-447-7107, tjennings@finpac.com
115 |
Nationwide |
$5,000-$50,000 |
45 |
Nationwide |
$1,000 - $30,000
Does Subprime Leases
20 |
Nationwide |
Vehicles Only
$10,000 - $1,000,000
National Machine Tool Financial Corporation
Chris Chiappetta, Robert Lang, Susan Adamatis
www.netlease.com (CC)
20 |
Nationwide |
$15,000 |
12 |
National |
$100,000 to $1,500,000
Does Subprime Leases
10 |
Western States |
Does Subprime Leases
9 |
Nationwide, including Alaska & Hawaii |
$20,000---$150,000 |
7 |
US Canada (F) |
$50,000 to $3MM
$250,000 average transaction |
Forum Financial Services, Inc.
Tim O'Connor
972-690-9444 ext. 225
275 West Campbell Road
Suite 320
Richardson, Texas 75080
Fax: 972-690-9464
Nationwide |
$50,000 to $1.0 million. Our average size transaction is $250,000.
Preferred Range
$100,000 to $500,000
Does Subprime Leases
7 |
All 50 States |
Does Subprime Leases
6 |
Most States |
$50,000 - $450,000 |
American Leasefund, Inc.
Tom Davis
800.644.1182 - PH
503.244.0845 - FX
NEFA (Q) |
6 |
Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington |
$3,500 - $50,000
Does Subprime Leases
6 |
Nationwide - 50 States |
$25,000 + |
6 |
Nationwide |
$50,000 to $1MM
$250,000 average transaction |
5 |
U.S. |
$50,000 - $1,000,000
(Master Lease)
Does Subprime Leases
4 |
Nationwide & some offshore |
$10,000 - 250,000
($25,000 - $150,000 desired) |
3 |
$10,000 to $100,000 with an average of $25,000 - $35,000
Does Subprime Leases |
In Business Since
Leasing Association |
Employees |
Area |
Amount |
Business Reports |
Business Reports: Companies listed may make any netiquette comment about their company or reports or other information in the footnote section of their listing. Leasing News recommends readers also view the footnote as well as the section itself or searching reports on the business.
It also should be noted that if a BBB report listing is found by a reader, as there may not have been one when this was last up-dated, please send the link to maria@leasingnews.org so Leasing News may up-date this section.
BBB - Better Business Report | CBB - Leasing News Complaint Bulletin Board
| CNI - Current News Information
(A) Pawnee Leasing Corporation; Some times we go higher than $30,000, but our marketplace is from $1,000 to $30,000. Broker Qualify - One year time in business
* Allegiant Partners has expanded their maximum transaction size from $250,000 to $500,000 for the 5 western states of California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Arizona.
In addition to increasing the transaction size Allegiant is offering more competitve rates for these A- and B+ transactions. Broker Qualify - For Broker qualification please click here.
(D) ABCO Leasing, Inc. in Seattle area has been operating since 1974 serving the broker community. We required full financial disclosure on every transaction. We do story transactions, but do not like to refer to them as "C" credits. We think of them as "A" type credits that have not been discovered yet. Broker Qualify contact: Brad Christensen, Broker Relations Manager,971/204-0236 bradc@abcoleasing.net
(G) Cobra Capital, LLC. Comments: Our registered trademark "Making impossible possible" is our central marketing tagline for both strong and weak credits. I have developed a 10 year history, (from Cobra and my prior company GALCO), with specialty, non-conforming transactions (story credits) and have a solid reputation for candidly responding to our originators and lessees and working diligently to mitigate deal risk rather than making excuses to turn deals down. Our originators prefer our underwriting approach to non-conforming transactions since unlike most non-conforming funders, we prefer to mitigate risk versus jacking our return. Both Originators and Lessee's prefer our candid approach as we are also frequently asked to advise lessee's and lessors on the best way to structure their bank loans and raise capital due to our 25+ year banking and accounting backgrounds as my partner and I are both former bankers and CPA's.
(I) Standard Professional Services. LLC is a non-cookie cutter funder who does not credit score.
(J) Boston Financial & Equity Corporation, most of our leases are venture capital backed startups and turnarounds. We require full financial disclosures, CPA and internal statements, no tax returns. We do not required additional collateral, no PG's or RE needed. Do not send deals with large tax liens, especially if they are payroll taxes. Broker Qualify - A deal in hand and a full package.
(N) Blackstone Capital Partners, L.P. lends up to 50% of verified auction value for working capital and/or equipment financing requests (we of course include equipment to be acquired in our valuation). Using this formula, allows Blackstone to approve deals on the assets rather than the credit or cash flow that other lenders desire. Also being an asset lender, we are looking for hard assets i.e. yellow iron, machine tool, manufacturing lines, textile etc... We do not care for soft assets such as computers, furniture, restaurant, or "white elephants" (equipment that is too specific to the clients needs and was specially built for them - there would be no resell available and our liquidity if repossessed would be in jeopardy). If you have any questions, please feel free to call, we will do our best to help or seek the answer for you. Broker Qualify - Please Call
(O) Bankers Capital " We will do ANY Type of Equipment, in ANY industry, in ANY state. We especially like 6-figure transactions with full financial packages no matter how good or bad they look. We look to structure the story C&D credits with any kind of additional collateral that makes sense. It could be with 2nd or 3rd mortgages on residential or commercial Real Estate, additional equipment, cash value life insurance, security deposits, vendor agreements. We look for any way to make the deal work instead of looking for any way to decline the deal." Broker Qualify - Please contact Larry LaChance
(P) Financial Pacific Leasing supports a nationwide network of Brokers and Lessors. We specialize in "B" and "C" credits for established companies as well as companies under two years in business. Broker Qualify - Please Call or see "Prospective Broker" section on website
(Q) American Leasefund, Inc. funds small hard to do transactions under $50,000.00. Most of the transactions are "app only". We look for additional collateral or larger first payments to help the weaker credits. We maintain and service our own portfolio. All of our lessee billings are done via ACH. Broker Qualify - Please Call
(S) We at Summit Leasing consider ourselves to be primarily "B" credit lenders, working almost exclusively through brokers. Broker Qualify - Contact us
(V) Agility Solutions; we fund all equipment used by Wireless Internet Service Providers.
Click here to see Leasing News story. Broker Qualify - Please Call
(W) Forum Financial Services, Inc., prefer venture capital backed start-ups and middle market to large corporate turnaround companies including companies in bankruptcy and post bankruptcy.
Our absolute minimum sales for an established business with financial
problems are $10.0 million.
(this does not include
venture capital backed start-ups). Broker Qualify - Please visit our website at www.forumleasing.com
or call 972-690-9444 ext. 225
(X) Advantage Funding - While we also consider quality equipment leasing as a funder, in the title vehicle leasing business, we consider all types of situations and credits and speciality vehicles for commercial use. We have a history of
understanding all types of title vehicle leasing. Broker Qualify - Please Call
(Y) Gonor Funding specializes in hard to fund leases with D credit. Collateral based with good rates and commission program. Broker Qualify - Please Call
(Z) TEAM Funding Solutions is a structured lender for brand new businesses or for older companies with previous credit problems. We do not credit score. The secret to producing an approval for C-Credits starts with interviewing your customer." Broker Qualify - Click here for Broker Enrollment Form.
(AA) Calfund, LLC finances 18 wheelers and some trailers for owner operators with substandard credit.
(CC) Specializing in Machine Tools only for transactions up to $750k. National has been in the Machine Tool Finance business since 1986 and has a leasing proficient staff to accommodate the most challenging transaction. F ull financial disclosure required. We can provide structured financing for the story marginal credits. May require personal guarantees and/or down payments depending on the credit. Any size business accepted. For more information please contact Chris Chiappetta or Robert Lang at 800-669-7527.
Or fax us your story transaction to 888-901-7789.
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Interviewing Leasing Professionals With Proven Track Record and Established Book of Business. Envision Provides: 1) Established Funding Sources, 2) Fun Working Environment, 3) Full Benefits (Health Insurance, 401k), 4) Aggressive Commission Structure.
Resumes To: careers@envisioncapitalgroup.com, Contact: Jeff Edwards (949) 225-1712
Envision Capital Group is dedicated to providing the best in class products and service to our employers, customers, vendors and partners in the small and middle ticket commercial finance industry. With over 50 years of combined experience we have the knowledge, skills, abilities and relationships to help you reach your goals.
We are looking for experienced business development
professionals with established vendor / client
contacts in general manufacturing equipment,
road maintenance, material handling , radio/TV broadcasting
and other hard collateral.
We have openings for in-house business development positions
and Independent Sales Associates.
Contact or send resumes to: John Martella SVP
800 800 8098 ext 5209 or direct: 248 743 5209
Seeking originators with 5+ years small ticket and/or
middle market experience and with established
customer and vendor relationships. Remote
office and on site positions are available.
Please send resumes to: jobs@teqlease.com
Attn: Mike Lockwood or Russ Runnalls CLP
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
I should have called Lease Police!
by Christopher Menkin

It is difficult to get across to funders the value of a vendor report by Lease Police. The report only costs $3.25, but just one report can save a funder hundreds of thousands of dollars in one simple click of the mouse.
Some of the most valuable information in every LeasePolice report is actually provided by other subscribers. While there are other information sources being used by the leasing industry such as D&B and Equifax Business Reports, LeasePolice.com is the report specifically designed and devoted to the leasing industry. While D&B can offer many data points, it relies heavily on information submitted by the actual firm actually being investigated leaving it vulnerable to manipulation. The Equifax Business Report uses more independently obtained data, but provides no very little information that helps determine whether the vendor will serve as a reliable and trustworthy supplier of equipment to a funder’s lessees.
Perhaps at one time "fraud" was considered a small ticket lease problem, but with recent events including Equipment Resource Acquisition that caught ICON Capital for $25 million or Fifth Third Bank, $10 million, Funders are learning that fraud is not only a small ticket problem. All of these fraudulent transactions could have been spotted and eliminated for the cost of $3.25 LeasePolice report. In most of these frauds, the firms involved had extensive D&B and Experian Business reports; however LeasePolice.com had them identified as a problem from almost the first moment they started applying for credit.
How can LeasePolice identify these fraudulent vendors and lessees before the competition? It is real simple: the other data sources approach each report as if the firm in question is applying for simple net 30 terms. Their only anti-fraud screens are verifying incorporation information, office location checks, etc… They do not notice the subtle patterns that all frauds exhibit and they get virtually no input from their subscribers. By using LeasePolice.com, you are tapping into the collective knowledge of over 200 banks and lease funding companies as well as countless independent brokers. If one of those companies discovers any improper action by a lessee or vendor, it is easily reported by LeasePolice.com’s online interface. Just ask yourself, are you smarter than the collective knowledge of that many industry professionals? In most instances, the answer is no.
In all the recent frauds, the key to finding out what the real story is focusing on the vendor. Unlike D&B and Equifax Business Report, LeasePolice.com is the only data source that tracks portfolio losses by vendor. The accumulation of data indicates vendors/suppliers that have a higher incidence of producing leases and loans that default (due to non-payment). These vendors may be fraudulent and usually they will have an alert issued on them or they may be a legitimate vendor who just produces a lot of bad deals. Either way, you can easily avoid them with LeasePolice.

Bernie Boettigheimer, CLP
When Bernie Boettigheimer, CLP, retired on April 28, 2006, he had in the back of his mind the experience he learned when he first started out for Dun & Bradstreet when he was a kid, and after corporate roles, got into leasing and realized most of the problems were tied to the sellers of the equipment. He had this idea of developing software that would provide information solely on vendors who sold to leasing companies. Experience had taught him that the vendor quality is just as important component to a successful deal as lessee/debtor quality. It took him two years to get the program up and running, and another couple of years to reach the plateau he has today. The LeasePolice report also ties in credit information that independently verifies the vendor’s time in business, web presence, organizational formation, ownership, information from other leasing companies, leases that have defaulted that originated from that vendor, as well as any complaints that Lease Police investigates them.
He also has a large number of non-subscribers who call him with information, and has developed an extensive list of vendors that provide invoices for disguised "sale/leasebacks" or for equipment that does not exist. In the span of a few years, he has become the unofficial nexus of information on almost any fraud discovered in the leasing industry. Considering that all this can be obtained at the cost of 1/10th of a D&B, Paynet or Equifax Business report, it gives any funder an incredible value. Do not be a funder who saved $3.25, but now has a large uncollectable receivable. The price is too cheap to ignore.

(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)
Fernando's View
By Fernando F. Croce
A colorful fantasy (“Micmacs”) and a lighthearted comedy (“Looking for Eric”) hit theaters, while DVD watchers can catch a new retelling of a timeless story (“Alice in Wonderland”), a relevant drama (“The Messenger”), or a treasure trove of legendary musical performers (“The T.A.M.I. Show”).

Micmacs (Sony Pictures Classics): Following a six-year hiatus from the screen, director Jean-Pierre Jeunet is back to his colorful old tricks with this madcap, crowd-pleasing fantasy. The story follows Fazin (Dany Boon), a dreamy man who, orphaned and homeless, lives with a motley crew of eccentrics in a junkyard. With names like Buster, Calculator and Elastic Girl, his faithful friends’ unique talents come in handy when Fazin hatches a plan to take revenge on the men responsible for his father’s death: A pair of weapon-manufacturers (Andre Dussollier, Nicolas Marie) whose rivalry will be used against them in a complex series of inspired ruses. Fast-paced and filled with striking characters, the film is sure to satisfy fans looking for the humor and inventiveness that made Jeunet’s “Amelie” a hit.

Looking for Eric (IFC Films): Better known for his serious, politically engaged studies of downtrodden characters, acclaimed British filmmaker Ken Loach lightens up in this surprisingly lighthearted, enjoyable comedy-drama. Taking place in working-class Manchester, it portrays the misadventures of Eric Bishop (Steve Evets), a middle-aged mail carrier whose many troubles include a troubled marriage and a couple of lazy stepsons. Taking stock of his life, he finds inspiration in his hero, soccer legend Eric Cantoner, who coaches him in hilarious, magic-realist interludes. Will the footballer’s advice help Eric win back the love of his life? Mixing gentle whimsy with an often rough-hewn realism, the film is a warm and human look at one man’s attempts to find love in a frequently grim world.
Netflix tip: A prolific and highly respected director, Ken Loach is not well-known enough to American viewers. Here are a few Netflix suggestions to help novices get acquainted with his unique brand of grit and humor: “Looks and Smiles,” “Raining Stones,” “My Name Is Joe,” “Sweet Sixteen,” and “The Wind that Shakes the Barley.”
New on DVD:

Alice in Wonderland (Walt Disney Pictures): A specialist in mischievous fairy tales (“Edward Scissorhands,” “The Nightmare Before Christmas”), Tim Burton would seem like the ideal director for bringing Lewis Carroll’s immortal whimsical fantasy to the screen. In this visually striking new adaptation, Alice (Mia Wasikowska) falls down the rabbit hole and finds herself surrounded by the fantastical creatures of Wonderland. There’s the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp), the Red Queen (Helena Bonham Carter), the White Queen (Anne Hathaway), the Blue Caterpillar (Alan Rickman), and Twiddledee and Twidledum (Matt Lucas). Boasting eccentric turns and imaginative imagery, it’s a rollicking version of a tale that remains as spellbinding as when it first came out. Make sure to catch this one on 3-D.

The Messenger (Oscilloscope): Somewhat buried under the excitement over last year’s “The Hurt Locker,” this smaller but no less impressive film deals with the consequences of war honestly and with great feeling. Will Montgomery (Ben Forster) is a young U.S. Army officer who has returned from a tour in Iraq with a reputation as “decorated war hero” and a load of personal problems. His new position is a difficult one: Delivering sad news to the relatives of dead soldiers. Things get even more complicated when he becomes involved with Olivia (Samantha Morton), the wife of one of the fallen officers as both look for solace and peace. Director Oren Moverman handles the material with tenderness, and the exceptional cast includes Woody Harrelson in an Oscar-nominated performance.

The T.A.M.I. Show (Shout Factory): When you think of concert movies, titles like “Woodstock” and “Monterey Pop” come to mind. If this recording of an once-in-a-lifetime lineup of rock ‘n’ roll performers, shot for a 1964 TV special, has never been as famous as the other titles, it’s because of its unavailability. However, with its DVD release, viewers can now treasure early glimpses of legendary bands. There’s Chuck Berry strutting to “Johnny B. Goode,” the teenaged Lesley Gore singing “It’s My Party,” the Rolling Stones on the verge of stardom with “Time Is On My Side,” the Supremes with “Baby Love,” and the Beach Boys with “Surfin’ U.S.A.” Other acts include Marvin Gaye, Smokey Robinson, and, in a blazing performance, James Brown. A veritable musical treasure chest.
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Animal ID 10050864
Species Dog
Breed Border Collie/Mix
Age 4 years 2 months
Sex Male
Size Medium
Color Rust/White
Declawed No
Housetrained Yes
Intake Date 3/19/2010
Adoption Price $110.00
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Humane Society of Charlotte
2700 Toomey Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28203
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Hours of Operation
The Humane Society of Charlotte is open every day from 11am - 5pm
Adopt-a-Pet by Leasing Co. State/City
Adopt a Pet
Today in History
Name not from color of the Bridge----
1937-The Golden Gate Bridge opens to cars At noon, President Franklin Roosevelt presses a telegraph key in the White House, and the bridge is opened to vehicular traffic. The previous day, the bridge was inaugurated and opened to pedestrian traffic.
Until the Verrazano Narrows Bridge was completed in 1964, the Golden Gate's structural steel suspension span was the longest in the world. (Today, the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge in Japan boasts the longest span at over 2000 meters.). The Golden Gate Bridge was designed by Clifford Paine, who submitted the final blueprints for approval in 1930. It then took three years for the builders to attain the approval of the military, the city financiers, and the voting public. Construction of the bridge began on January 5, 1933.
The Golden Gate Bridge cost the community nearly $35 million during its five-year construction. Its name is derived from the body of water over which it spans, Golden Strait. The "gold" comes from the strait's location at the mouth of the North Bay, beyond which lies the gold of California. Other have mentioned that the Golden Gate Bridge is the Gateway to the Land of the Setting Sun, but they didn't mention this until nearly thirty years after the bridge was originally erected.

This Day in American History
1539 - Hernando de Soto sailed from Cuba to Florida with 13 pigs to help sustain his 700 men on his gold-hunting expedition.
He trades with Indians, bringing pigs to America.
1732-protecting the environment and particularly the fishing industry is not new. New York City enacted a law for “preserving fish in fresh water ponds...Fishing by hoop-net, draw-net, purse-net, catching-net, cod-net, bley-net or with any other engine machine, arts, or ways and means whatsoever, other by an by angling with angle-rod, hoot, and line, was subject to a fine of 20 shillings.”
1754-the first bloodshed in the French and Indian War occurred on an isolated mountainside a few miles east of Uniontown, PA. Lieutenant Colonel George Washington, at the head of several companies of Virginia militia, reached the Monogahela River and overtook a French reconnoitering party from Fort Duquesne ( the future site of Pittsburgh). Jumonville, the French commander was slain and his force captured. In a surprise attack, the Virginians killed 10 French soldiers from Fort Duquesne, including the French commander, Coulon de Jumonville, and took 21 prisoners. Only one of Washington's men was killed. The French and Indian War was the last and most important of a series of colonial conflicts between the British and the American colonists on one side, and the French and their broad network of Native American allies on the other. From this base, he ambushed an advance detachment of about 30 French, striking the first blow of the French and Indian War. For the victory, Washington was appointed a full colonel and reinforced with several hundred Virginia and North Carolina troops. On July 3, the French descended on Fort Necessity with their full force, and after an all-day fight Washington surrendered to their superior numbers. The disarmed colonials were allowed to march back to Virginia, and Washington was hailed as a hero despite his surrender of the fort. The story of the campaign was written up in a London gazette, and Washington was quoted as saying, "I have heard the bullets whistle; and believe me, there is something charming in the sound." Reading this, King George II remarked, "He would not say so if he had been used to hear many." In October 1754, Washington resigned his commission in protest of the British underpayment of colonial offices and policy of making them subordinate to all British officers, regardless of rank. With the signing of the Treaty of Paris in February 1763, France lost all claims to the mainland of North America east of the Mississippi and gave up Louisiana, including New Orleans, to Spain. Fifteen years later, French bitterness over the loss of their North American empire contributed to their intervention in the American Revolution on the side of the Patriots, despite the fact that the Patriots were led by one of France's old enemies, George Washington.
1774-- First Continental Congress convenes in Virginia.
1807-birthday of Louis Agassiz, professor of zoology and geology at Harvard, born at Motier, Switzerland. He was a major influence in spawning American interest in natural history and helped to establish the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology. “ The eye of the trilobite,” Aggassiz wrote in 1870, “ tells us that the sun shone on the old beach where he lived; for there is nothing in nature without a purpose and when so complicated an organ was made to receive the light, there must have been light to enter it.” Died at Cambridge, MA, Dec. 17, 1873.
1814-birthday of Daniel Reaves Goodloe, emancipatist; A Crusading Abolitionist in Reconstruction North Carolina
1818-Former president Thomas Jefferson set forth in a letter to a Jewish journalist his opinion of religious intolerance: 'Your sect by its sufferings has furnished a remarkable proof of the universal point of religious insolence, inherent in every sect, disclaimed by all while feeble and practiced by all when in power. Our laws have applied the only antidote to this vice, protecting our religions, as they do our civil rights, by putting all on equal footing. But more remains to be done.'
1830-The Indian Removal Act was signed by President Andrew Jackson. It called for resettlement of all Indians east of the Mississippi River to lands west of it. The sum of $500,000 was appropriated by Congress to compensate Indians and pay the cost of resettlement.
1831-birthday of Eliza Ann Gardner, underground railroad conductor, “known as the Julie Ward Howe of the Negro race.” http://digilib.nypl.org/dynaweb/digs-b/wwm97253/@Generic__BookTextView/2438
1851-The Ohio Woman's Rights Convention met in Akron, an historic meeting of women calling for equal rights.
1855- Abby Leach birthday; U.S. teacher whose profound knowledge of Greek impressed Harvard professors enough to open their doors a crack in 1879 for women through what they called the Harvard Annex. It would become Radcliffe College.
1858- Lizzie Black Kander birthday - U.S. philanthropist. Thousands of immigrants and poor in the Milwaukee area received a help because of this remarkable woman. Starting with organizations that distributed food and clothing to needy immigrants, she helped form and headed the city's first settlement house (1900-1918). As a 1901 fund-raiser, she supervised the printing of a cookbook. She expanded it and used the profits for charity. Still in print many years after Lizzie's death in 1940, The Settlement Cook Book, Treasured Recipes of Seven Decades, sold more than a million copies in 23 editions.
1863-The 54th Massachusetts Infantry, the most famous African- American regiment of the war, leaves Boston for combat in the South. For the first two years of the war, President Abraham Lincoln resisted the use of black troops despite the pleas of men such as Frederick Douglass, who argued that no one had more to fight for than African Americans. Lincoln finally endorsed, albeit timidly, the introduction of blacks for service in the military in the Emancipation Proclamation. On May 22, 1863, the War Department established the Bureau of Colored Troops to recruit and assemble black regiments. Many blacks, often freed or escaped slaves, joined the military and found themselves usually under white leadership. Ninety percent of all officers in the United States Colored Troops (USCT) were white. Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, the idealistic scion of an abolitionist family, headed the 54th. Shaw was a veteran of the 2nd Massachusetts infantry and saw action in the 1862 Shenandoah Valley and Antietam campaigns. After being selected by Massachusetts Governor John Andrew to organize and lead the 54th, Shaw carefully selected the most physically fit soldiers and white officers with established antislavery views. The regiment included two of Frederick Douglass's sons and the grandson of Sojourner Truth.
On May 28, 1863, the new regiment marched onto a steamer and set sail for Port Royal, South Carolina. The unit saw action right away, taking part in a raid into Georgia and withstanding a Confederate attack near Charleston. On July 16, 1863, Shaw led a bold but doomed attack against Fort Wagner in which he and 20 of his men were killed. The story of Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Massachusetts was immortalized in the critically acclaimed 1990 movie Glory, starring Mathew Broderick, Denzell Washington, and Morgan Freeman.
1875-Birthday of American composer Fred Jewell, Worthington, IL. Died Feb. 11, 1936, Worthington, IL. Over the next two decades he rose through the ranks of the circus composers and bandmasters, becoming the Music Director of the Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth in 1908. His circus career ended in 1917, and he moved to Oskaloosa IA to assume the conductorship of the Iowa Brigade Band. There he started his own publishing company, which moved with him back to Worthington IN in 1923. He served as the high school band director, conductor of the Murat Temple Shrine Band and the Sahara Grotto Band in Indianapolis, and he continued to compose music for bands. His most famous marches are E Pluribus Unum (1917), Quality-plus (1913), Supreme Triumph (1920) and The Old Circus Band (1923).
1879-Illionis prohibited employment of women in coalmines in their state.
The first law enacted in the United States to protect women in employment.
1880 -Savoy, Texas was hit by an f4 tornado. 14 people were killed and 60 were injured. It leveled the entire business and northeast residential sections. The tornado was described as "a funnel blazing with balls of fire".
1892---the Sierra Club was founded by famed naturalist John Muir. The Sierra Club promotes conservation of the natural environment by influencing public policy. It has been especially important in the founding of and protection of our national parks. www.sierraclub.org
1888-birthday of James Francis “Jim” Thorpe, Olympic gold medal track athlete, baseball player and football player born at Prague, OK. Thorpe, a Native American, won the4 pentathlon and the decathlon of the 1912 Olympic Games, but later lost his medals when Olympic officials declared a stint as a minor league baseball player besmirched his amateur standing. He later played professional baseball and football and was acclaimed the greatest male athlete of the first half of the 20th century. Died at Lomita, CA, Mar 28, 1953(Thorpe’s medals were returned to his family many years after his death when the earlier decision was reversed.)http://www.yvwiiusdinvnohii.net/history/ThorpeAthleteOfTheCentury.htm
(lower half of: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/may28.html )
1898-birthday of great bandleader Andy Kirk, Newport, KY.
1900—Birthday of trumpet player Tommy Ladnier.
1910—birthday of singer/pianist/song writer Aaron Thibodaux “ T-Bone “Walker, Linden, TX. Died March 15,1975
1912—birthday of guitarist David Barbour, Flushing, NY
1917-General John Joseph Pershing lead members of the American Expeditionary Force to fight in Europe, America’s first entrant into this war. The group included 40 regular army officers, 17 reserve officers, 2 Marine Corps officers, 67 enlisted men, 36 field clerks, 20 civilians, 3 interpreters, and 3 news correspondents. They left New York City on the “Baltic” and arrived in Liverpool England, on June 8, and reached Paris on June 13. The United States had been in a state of war with Germany since April 6, 1917, when it became the 13th national to declare war against the Central Powers.1922 - Otto Krueger conducted the Detroit News Orchestra, the first known radio orchestra, which was heard on WWJ Radio in Detroit, MI. The "Detroit News" owned the radio station at the time.
1928 - Walter P. Chrysler merged his Chrysler Corporation with Dodge Brothers, Inc. The Dodge Motor Car Company had been purchased several years earlier, from the widows of the two founders, by Clarence Dillon's banking firm for $148 million. The merger of Chrysler and Dodge, the largest automobile industry merger in history at the time, placed the newly consolidated firm third in production and sales, just behind General Motors and Ford Motor Company. Their vehicles have always been popular with law enforcement, the Blues Brothers, and my son drives a Dodge truck, which he swears is the best made in the industry.
1929 - Warner Brothers debuted the first all-color talking picture. The film debuted at the Winter Garden Theatre in New York City. Ethel Waters, Joe E. Brown, Betty Compson and Arthur Lake starred in "On with the Show," based on a story by Humphrey Pearson.
1931-birthday of guitarist Sonny Burgess, Newport, AR
1931 - WOR radio in New York City premiered "The Witch’s Tale". The program was broadcast on the Mutual Broadcasting System (of which WOR was the flagship station) where it aired until 1938. My late father Lawrence Menkin started out as a radio writer, and wrote many of these and soap operas. In the late 1940’s, he became general manager of WOR-TV, producing the first early television drama’s, such as “Harlem Detective,” “Hands of Murder,” and the first “Captain Video,” all shows he created, wrote, produced and directed.
1934 - The Dionne quintuplets were born near Callender, Ontario to Oliva and Elzire Dionne. They were the first quintuplets to survive infancy. This increase in Canada’s population became known as Marie, Cecile, Yvonne, Emilie and Annette. All five survived into adulthood, Cecile, Annette, Yvonne, Emilie and Marie. Their father, Elzire, signed to have them exhibited at the Chicago World's Fair only hours after they were born without permission from their mother. The Ontario provincial government intervened on behest of the doctor who delivered them. The government took custody of the children in what has been described more as a political move than a humanitarian one, and yet, at the time, it was a popular decision because of the family's poverty and the father's willingness to exploit the children in unsafe ways. The doctor became a wealthy man acting as their caretaker as he, as the government's representative, housed them in a modern home (across the road from the Dionne home) and showed them to the public from the porch. He and the government used their names and celebrity status in various ways to make millions. Hardly anyone around these children acted in their interest.
It took until 1997 for the surviving sisters to win monetary awards from the Canadian government for its exploitation of them. Their mother was not allowed any more intimacy with them than a tourist and she had no legal rights to claim them under the church dominated laws of the time in that area.
1935-John Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat is published. The novel's endearing comic tone captured the public's imagination, and the novel became a financial success. Steinbeck's next works, In Dubious Battle and Of Mice and Men, were both successful, and in 1938 his masterpiece The Grapes of Wrath was published. The novel, about the struggles of an Oklahoma family who lose their farm and become fruit pickers in California, won a Pulitzer Prize in 1939. Steinbeck's work after World War II, including Cannery Row and The Pearl, became more sentimental. He also wrote several successful films, including Forgotten Village (1941) and Viva Zapata! (1952). He became interested in marine biology and published a nonfiction book, The Sea of Cortez, in 1941. His travel memoir, Travels with Charlie, describes his trek across the U.S. in a camper. Steinbeck won the Nobel Prize in 1962 and died in New York in 1968.
1937-The Golden Gate Bridge opens to cars At noon, President Franklin Roosevelt presses a telegraph key in the White House, and the bridge is opened to vehicular traffic. The previous day, the bridge was inaugurated and opened to pedestrian traffic.
Until the Verrazano Narrows Bridge was completed in 1964, the Golden Gate's structural steel suspension span was the longest in the world. (Today, the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge in Japan boasts the longest span at over 2000 meters.). The Golden Gate Bridge was designed by Clifford Paine, who submitted the final blueprints for approval in 1930. It then took three years for the builders to attain the approval of the military, the city financiers, and the voting public. Construction of the bridge began on January 5, 1933.
The Golden Gate Bridge cost the community nearly $35 million during its five-year construction. Its name is derived from the body of water over which it spans, Golden Strait. The "gold" comes from the strait's location at the mouth of the North Bay, beyond which lies the gold of California. Other have mentioned that the Golden Gate Bridge is the Gateway to the Land of the Setting Sun, but they didn't mention this until nearly thirty years after the bridge was originally erected.
1938-Benny Goodman records “Big John Special.” Two points if you know who “Big John” was.
Other sites about the “King of Swing,” who also was a fine symphonic clarinetist.
1938-birthday of former coach and basketball Hall of Fame guard Jerry Alan West, Cheylan, WV.
1939- Helen Hadassah Levinthal birthday, becomes the first Jewish woman to receive a degree from a Jewish college of theology. She received a Master of Hebrew Literature from the Jewish Institute of Religion.
1941 - Frank Sinatra joined Tommy Dorsey’s orchestra in recording "This Love of Mine" for Victor Records.
1942 - The rest of the Japanese forces directed at Midway set out. Admiral Yamamato, commanding the operation overall, believes that, if the plan to invade the island succeeds, the American fleet can be forced into a decisive engagement and that their defeat will force a truce before American production can swamp the Japanese war effort.
1944-birthday of Rudolph Giuliani, former Mayor of New York City, born Brooklyn, NY.
1944-Gladys Knight, singer, born Atlanta, GA. The first hit was in 1961 with "Every Beat of My Heart." Her group continued to record hits throughout the 1960s, '70s, and '80s. Among their best-known songs are "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" (1967), "Midnight Train to Georgia" (1973), and "Love Overboard" (1987).
1944--DAVILA, RUDOLPH B. Medal of Honor
Staff Sergeant Rudolph B. Davila distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action, on 28 May 1944, near Artena, Italy. During the offensive which broke through the German mountain strongholds surrounding the Anzio beachhead, Staff Sergeant Davila risked death to provide heavy weapons support for a beleaguered rifle company. Caught on an exposed hillside by heavy, grazing fire from a well-entrenched German force, his machine gunners were reluctant to risk putting their guns into action. Crawling fifty yards to the nearest machine gun, Staff Sergeant Davila set it up alone and opened fire on the enemy. In order to observe the effect of his fire, Sergeant Davila fired from the kneeling position, ignoring the enemy fire that struck the tripod and passed between his legs. Ordering a gunner to take over, he crawled forward to a vantage point and directed the firefight with hand and arm signals until both hostile machine guns were silenced. Bringing his three remaining machine guns into action, he drove the enemy to a reserve position two hundred yards to the rear. When he received a painful wound in the leg, he dashed to a burned tank and, despite the crash of bullets on the hull, engaged a second enemy force from the tank’s turret. Dismounting, he advanced 130 yards in short rushes, crawled 20 yards and charged into an enemy-held house to eliminate the defending force of five with a hand grenade and rifle fire. Climbing to the attic, he straddled a large shell hole in the wall and opened fire on the enemy. Although the walls of the house were crumbling, he continued to fire until he had destroyed two more machine guns. His intrepid actions brought desperately needed heavy weapons support to a hard-pressed rifle company and silenced four machine gunners, which forced the enemy to abandon their prepared positions. Staff Sergeant Davila's extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit on him, his unit, and the United States Army.
1944-Singer Billy Vera is born.
1945-birthday of guitarist/song writer John Fogerty, Berkeley, CA
Among the songs he writes are ``Proud Mary,'' ``Have You Seen the Rain'' and ``Bad Moon Rising.''
1948---Top Hits
Nature Boy - Nat King Cole
Now is the Hour - Bing Crosby
Baby Face - The Art Mooney Orchestra
Texarkana Baby - Eddy Arnold
1951-After failing to get a hit in his first three major league games, Willie Mays of the New York Giants broke his 0-for-12 skein by hitting a home run off Warren Spahn of the Boston Braves.
1951 - U.N. Forces drove the communists' back across the 38th parallel on most of the Korean battlefields.
1951 - Eighth Army took Hwachon and Inje.
1952-- *KELLY, JOHN D. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, Company C, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein.). Place and date: Korea, 28 May 1952. Entered service at: Homestead, Pa. Born: 8 July 1928, Youngstown, Ohio. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a radio operator of Company C, in action against enemy aggressor forces. With his platoon pinned down by a numerically superior enemy force employing intense mortar, artillery, small-arms and grenade fire, Pfc. Kelly requested permission to leave his radio in the care of another man and to participate in an assault on enemy key positions. Fearlessly charging forward in the face of a murderous hail of machine gun fire and handgrenades, he initiated a daring attack against a hostile strongpoint and personally neutralized the position, killing 2 of the enemy. Unyielding in the fact of heavy odds, he continued forward and single-handedly assaulted a machine gun bunker. Although painfully wounded, he bravely charged the bunker and destroyed it, killing 3 of the enemy. Courageously continuing his 1-man assault, he again stormed forward in a valiant attempt to wipe out a third bunker and boldly delivered pointblank fire into the aperture of the hostile emplacement. Mortally wounded by enemy fire while carrying out this heroic action, Pfc. Kelly, by his great personal valor and aggressive fighting spirit, inspired his comrades to sweep on, overrun and secure the objective. His extraordinary heroism in the face of almost certain death reflects the highest credit upon himself and enhances the finest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.
1953 - The first 3-D (three-dimensional) cartoon world premier at the Paramount Theatre in Hollywood, California and downtown Paramount Theatre, LA. The production, a Walt Disney creation/RKO picture, was titled, "Melody".
1955-birthday of Ronald Lawrence (Ron” Wilson, hockey coach, born, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
1955-"The Ballad of Davy Crockett" is the most popular song in the United States. Billboard refers to the tune as "disc entity" and reports if the sales of the other versions were all added up, including the original done by Fess Parker, more than 18-million copies have been bought in six months.
1956---Top Hits
Heartbreak Hotel/I Was the One - Elvis Presley
The Wayward Wind - Gogi Grant
The Happy Whistler - Don Robertson
Blue Suede Shoes - Carl Perkins
1957 - National League club owners voted to allow the Brooklyn Dodgers to move to sunny Southern California and said that the New York Giants baseball team could move with the Horace Stoneham family to Northern California. The teams went on to establish themselves in Los Angeles and San Francisco.
1957 - The National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (NARAS) was established. This is the organization that brings us the Grammy Awards for all forms of musical entertainment each year.
1958 - The American League voted to divide itself into two divisions and reduce its schedule to 156 games.
1959 - Abel and Baker were two one pound monkeys, one a rhesus, the other a spider monkey, survived a 15-minute flight trip into space in separate containers in the nose cone of Jupiter rocked launched at Cape Canaveral, FL. The cone was hot 300 miles into space and was recovered about 90 minutes later off the island of Antiqua, about 1,500 miles away, by Navy frogmen from the tug Kiowa. A previous attempt made on December 13, 1958, has been unsuccessful.
1959-birthday of former football coach and player, David Donald Shula, Lexington, KY.
1963 -- Medgar Evers gets agreement of negotiations in the All-American city of Jackson, Mississippi — which is then withdrawn; four students and a professor harassed during sit-in at Woolworth's lunch counter. A few days earlier the garage of his house was bombed and on June 12, a few hours after President John F. Kennedy had made an extraordinary broadcast to the nation on the subject of civil rights, Medgar Evers was shot and killed in an ambush in front of his home. Byron de La Beckwith, a white segregationist, was charged with the murder. He was set free in 1964 after two trials resulted in hung juries but was convicted in a third trial held in 1994.
1964---Top Hits
My Guy - Mary Wells
Love Me Do - The Beatles
Chapel of Love - The Dixie Cups
My Heart Skips a Beat - Buck Owens
1966 - Percy Sledge hit number one with his first -- and what turned out to be his biggest -- hit. "When a Man Loves a Woman" would stay at the top of the pop music charts for two weeks. It was the singer’s only hit to make the top ten and was a million seller.
1966-Ike and Tina Turner's "River Deep, Mountain High" is released. It stays on the chart for four weeks and reaching as high as #88. The record's producer Phil Spector considers the song the high point of his legendary production career and is so embittered by it not doing well in America that he would go into seclusion for two years.
1966-The Temptation's "Ain't Too Proud to Beg" is released and enters the Hot 100, where it will stay for thirteen weeks, peaking at #13. It will later be covered by the Rolling Stones on their album "It's Only Rock n' Roll, and will be a hit for them as well.
1966--Herb Alpert and The Tijuana Brass set an American record when they had four albums in the US Top Ten. The four were "What Now My Love", "South of the Border", "Going Places" and "Whipped Cream and Other Delights". After falling off the charts a couple of years later, Alpert would return with a solo hit called "Rise" in 1979 and again in 1987 with "Diamonds".
1967--- The Association makes their television debut, performing "Along Comes Mary" on CBS-TV's Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour.
1968 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: ``Mrs. Robinson,'' Simon & Garfunkel.
1968-The American League announced that it would split into two divisions for the 1969 season. Teams in the AL East included the Baltimore Orioles, the Boston Red Sox, the Cleveland Indians, the Detroit Tigers, the New York Yankees and the Washington Senators. The AL West was comprised of the California Angeles, the Chicago White Sox, the Kansas City Royals, the Minnesota Twins, the Oakland Athletics and the Seattle Pilots.
1972---Top Hits
Oh Girl - Chi-Lites
I’ll Take You There - The Staple Singers
Look What You Done for Me - Al Green
(Lost Her Love) On Our Last Date - Conway Twitty
1975 - The Doobie Brothers went gold with the album, "Stampede". The group, formed right here in San Jose, CA, recorded 16 charted hits. Two made it to number one, becoming million-selling, gold record winners: "Black Water" [March, 1975] and "What a Fool Believes" [April, 1979].
1978 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: ``Too Much, Too Little, Too Late,'' Johnny Mathis/Deniece Williams.
1978-the first Casino outside the state of Nevada opened in Atlantic City, NY, after the state’s voters approved legalized casino gambling in 1977. Resorts International opened the casino in a hotel on the Atlantic City boardwalk. The first week’s take was $2.6 million.
1980---Top Hits
Call Me - Blondie
Funkytown - Lipps, Inc.
Don’t Fall in Love with a Dreamer - Kenny Rogers with Kim Carnes
Starting Over Again - Dolly Parton
1982 - The legendary train, "Orient Express", made popular through Agatha Christie’s thrilling mystery novel, "Murder on the Orient Express", was reborn. The 26-hour train trip resumed across the European continent after a long respite. While I have never had the pleasure, I am told by people who rode it, it was a great trip I know several chefs on the West Coast who said they learned to cook on this train, where food and wine was “the best,” they told me.
1985 - Gay Mullins, a retiree from Seattle, WA, founded Old Cola Drinkers of America. This was an effort to bring back the original Coca-Cola, instead of the New Coke that the Atlanta-based company had foisted on the American cola-drinking market. By July of 1985, with arms firmly twisted behind their backs, Coca-Cola Company executives relented , kept the new formula on the market, but returned with: Classic Coke.
1985 - "Vanity Fair" magazine, with a picture of President Ronald Reagan and First Lady Nancy kissing on the cover, went on sale. Whether you area Republican or Democrat, their “love affairs” was genuine, as expressed
in this book, “ I Love You, Ronnie.”
1986-Viewers of Dick Clark's "America Picks the #1 Songs" chose Bill Haley's "Rock Around the Clock," "Simon & Garfunkel's "Bridge Over Troubled Water" and Lionel Richie's "All Night Long" as the greatest hits of the rock era.
1987 -Thunderstorms produced torrential rains in Oklahoma and Northern Texas. Lake Altus, Oklahoma was deluged with 9 inches of rain. Up to 8 inches of rain drenched Northern Texas and baseball size hail was reported north of Seminole and at Knickerbocker. 10 To 13 inches of rain inundated central Oklahoma over the last 5 days of the month resulting in an estimated 65 million dollars damage. Flooding forced several thousand people to evacuate their homes, many by boat or by helicopter.
1988---Top Hits
One More Try - George Michael
Shattered Dreams - Johnny Hates Jazz
Naughty Girls (Need Love Too) - Samantha Fox
Eighteen Wheels and a Dozen Roses - Kathy Mattea
1989 - Unseasonably hot weather continued in Florida. Five cities reported record high temperatures for the date. The record high of 98 degrees at Lakeland, FL, was their fifth in a row. Thunderstorms produced severe weather in Florida late in the day, with golf ball size hail reported at Kissimmee.
1990 - Two to five inches of rain over southeastern Ohio on the 28th and 29th capped an exceptionally wet month of May, and triggered widespread flooding. Flooding which resulted claimed three lives, and caused millions of dollars damage. Numerous roads in southeast Ohio were flooded and impassable, and many other roads were blocked by landslides.
1996 -In a 12-8 win at the Kingdome, Orioles' third baseman Cal Ripken has his first career three-homer game and collects a career-high eight RBIs.
1996-US President Clinton's former business partners in the Whitewater land deal, James and Susan McDougal, and Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker, were convicted of fraud. Tucker was charged with creating a sham bankruptcy to avoid paying taxes on profits from a sold cable TV company in which he was a partner. Tucker resigned after the verdict. He briefly reversed his decision, but finally stepped down in July. In 1998 Tucker pleaded guilty to a felony charge of fraud and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors of independent council Kenneth Starr.
1998 - Elton John & Bernie Taupin's global hit "Candle In the Wind '97" is a double winner at the Ivor Novello Awards held at London's Grosvenor House Hotel. The song commemorating the late Princess Diana wins best-selling U.K. single and international hit of the year. Accepting the award, John calls his victory "bittersweet," noting, "I wish this record had never had to be made."
1998-- First Hawaiian Inc. and BancWest Corp. joined forces to create a $14 billion banking major banking entity based in the western United States. The merger, which cost around $1 billion, gave First Hawaiian's stockholders a small majority stake in the new institution.
2000- The Angels, for the first time in franchise history, hit four home runs in one inning. Anaheim goes yard four times in the fifth inning with Darin Erstad, Mo Vaughn, Tim Salmon and Garret Anderson supplying the fireworks in the 11-4 victory.
2003 -When Rafael Furcal, Mark DeRosa and Gary Sheffield all go deep off Reds' Jeff Austin in the bottom of the first inning, the Braves become only the second team in big league history to begin a game with three consecutive home runs.
2006-- At AT&T Park, Barry Bonds passes Babe Ruth the all-time home run list taking sole possession of second place as he hits the 715th homer of his 21-year big league career. The historic homer, which comes off a 90-mph fastball thrown by Byung-Hyum Kim of the Rockies, makes the Giants outfielder the most prolific left-handed slugger in baseball history
Barry S. Mark Poem

I Am Convinced That There Are
Colors I Cannot See
by Barry S. Marks
One of these days someone will say to me,
"Doesn't the sky look slor tonight?"
and I will say, "Huh?"
I will then discover that there are hues
between blue and red and that
for fifty-some years, my blue slacks
have clashed with the slor stripes
on what I thought was a white shirt.
Of course, the person who will tell me these things
will be my wife. Who is very honest now that we are married.
Who is long-suffering for what I lack.
Who almost has me convinced that I am autistic.
I say it's just that I am a guy.
A sensitive guy by most accounts.
But apparently there is something,
some emotional slor,
I just don't get.
bu Which is why I will always be Louie.
Left on the tarmac with Rick
while Ilsa and what's-his-name fly off.
Clever, cynical, lonely
and probably wearing socks that,
like his relationships,
are hopelessly mismatched.
from Possible Crocodiles
Poems by Barry Marks
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