Monday, May 13, 2019

Today's Leasing News Headlines
Bulletin Board Complaint
Anuva Capital, Buena Park, California
Post a Position Wanted
Free to those Seeking Work in Financial Industry
Leasing News Top Stories
April 29 - May 3
Now Open for the Cannabis Industry
International Financial Services dba IFS
Leasing Industry Ads---Help Wanted
Centra Funding/Gamma Funding Corporation
Want to Hire Great Sales Reps? Start by Avoiding
the "Sales Personality" Myth
Sales Make it Happen --- by Steve Chriest
Why Do Struggling Chains Always Turn to Franchising
By Jonathan Maze,
ELFA Members Convene for Capitol Connections,
This Wednesday, May 15th
Labrador Retriever
Baldwin Park, California Adopt a Dog
12th China Leasing Summit 2019 June 20 -21
Asia Auto Finance & Leasing Forum
News Briefs---
Attorneys general from 33 states urge pot banking reform
fully open U.S banking doors to the legal marijuana industry
Third-biggest US coal company files for bankruptcy
Fourth major coal producer in Wyoming to file for bankruptcy
NYC taxes are squeezing out small businesses
to Florida
This is How Much it Costs to Open a McDonald’s
generating nearly $2.7 million in annual sales
Burger King Franchisee, Carrols, Posts $11.5
Million Net Loss in Quarter 1
Millions of retirees are returning to work
looking for extra income
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (wrilter's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months (Be Careful of Doing Business)
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"Gimme that Wine"
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######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release,” it was not written by Leasing News nor has the information been verified. The source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “byline.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.

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Bulletin Board Complaint
Anuva Capital, Buena Park, California
By Christopher Menkin, Editor

This first complaint was eventually settled. It was sent to me February 12, 2109 came from Mike Esposito (Cluck Cluck Chicken dba la Ros Chechen & Grill) regarding the return of a $1050 deposit, where he was told by salesman Joel Oroza that the deposit would be refundable. Several salesmen got involved at Anuva Capital with approximately 30 emails over a 25 day period. It was settled by taking a complaint Mr. Esposito made on line off line. The deposit was returned the end of February, about three weeks later.
As per Leasing News Policy, "Should a new complaint be posted, previous complaints that have not been posted, or removed as the matter has been satisfied, may be re-instated as per policy regarding the postings.” (1)
The second complaint started in late January regarding Jimmy Church dba Jim's Bobcat Service, Pinehurst, Idaho, who signed Anuva Capital "Term Sheet," as it was called by the Anuva Capital sales person, for a total deposit of $5,598. It stated, "The amount due is fully refundable, if transaction is not accepted at no fault of the lessee." The form also stated "Since 2012, Anuva Capital has provided over $100 million in equipment finance/leasing to over 3,000 customers throughout the United States." (2)
Anuva Capital is located at 8682 Beach Blvd. Suite 201, Buena Park, California 90620, according to their website, The California Department of Business Oversight shows the company is a licensed CFL as of July 18, 2016 under license as BEST MAN, INC. dba Anuva Capital. (3)
LinkedIn showed the company as founded 2014 (not the date on the Anuva website) as well as 16 employees on LinkedIn. Yelp shows the formation date as 2011. (4) Three different dates than the Anuva term sheet stated. No indication they did $100 million to over 3,000 customers.
Leasing News contacted Mike McNeil, according to Anuva Capital, the person in charge at their company, who provided a refund request less $1,078 for alleged costs which Jimmy Church refused to sign. (5) In subsequent emails for eight days, commitment letters and the situation was discussed, including that Jimmy Church called the police on the company and they were visited by the police, Leasing News was made to believe. The Idaho law regarding no fee was discussed, as well as documents that their company should be using, including the list with Attorney Gen Green's comments. (6) On April 12, he said he would get back to Leasing News to settle this complaint as he had settled the first one. I sent him an email asking for an ETA on the refund. He then stopped returning telephone calls.
LinkedIn listed Kareem Khalil as President. I sent him a message on April 9 and he responded on April 12, wanting more details, which I provided. McNeil did return an email on April 12. On April 18, I told Kareem Khalil I wasn't getting returned emails or telephone calls from Mike McNeil. Khalil responded April 19. I then spoke to him on the telephone. No one returned emails or telephone calls after that as promised, so on April 29th, I sent Mr. Khalil and Mr. McNeil that I was going to put May 1st as the date this should be resolved. No response.
May 3, an article was published in Leasing News "Keeping a Deposit/Charging a Fee," which I emailed them both that basically gave them a ten day time period for them to resolve the complaint as they said they would do. It also included the Idaho law regarding no fee in advance as well as the penalty of double the amount of the advance fee kept (7).
(1) "Complaints" Bulletin Board
(2) JIMMY CHURCH Term Sheet
(3) Search for California License
(4) Anuva Yelp Listing
(5) Refund Request form
(6) Commitment Agreements
(7) Bulletin Board Complaint May be Coming Next Week
Keeping a Deposit/Charging a Fee
Post a Position Wanted

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Leasing News Top Stories
April 29 - May 3
(Stories most opened by readers)
(1) Rumor Floating Around the AACLB Conference re: Date
of Implementation of California New Interest Disclosure Law
(2) AACFB 2019 Annual Conference Report
By Shervin Rashti, CLFP, Slim Capital
(3) New Hires/Promotions in the Leasing Business
and Related Industries
(4) Get a one-ring call? Don’t call back.
Federal Trade Commission Warning
(5) Broker Fair 2019 Sells Out, Breaks Record
Attendance 700+ Monday, May 6th, 2019
(6) Steak ‘n Shake 'Temporarily' Closes 44 Restaurants
Traffic and sales continue to slide.
(7) 37 New Certified Lease Finance Professionals
Breaks Record Most Graduates One Host
(8) deBanked New York City Broker Fair 2019
By Edward P. Kaye
(9) North Star Leasing Sees Largest Monthly
Funding Growth to Date
(10) Companies with More than Two Employees
Certified Leasing and Finance Professionals

Now Open for the Cannabis Industry
International Financial Services dba IFS
"IFS has approved our 1st deal in the cannabis industry! We are now able to consider established companies with accountant prepared financial statements (or tax returns) within the cannabis industry.
“NOTE: We won't consider any start-ups. Must have at least 3 full years in business. Please contact me for more information or to preview a deal."
Dara Dietmeyer, VP
Credit & Syndications
847-932-0912 direct

Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Sales Make it Happen --- by Steve Chriest

Want to Hire Great Sales Reps?
Start by Avoiding the "Sales Personality" Myth
Anyone who has managed salespeople has made hiring mistakes. At one time or another all of us have found ourselves unable to resist hiring a candidate who seemed to be a sales superstar, even though our intuition made us uneasy or something in their story just didn't jibe with reality.
Today, more than at any time in the last 80 years, business success will depend on getting the right people on the sales team and making sure they are doing jobs that best use their innate talents.
Avoid the Myth of the "Sales Personality"
When managers want to hire sales superstars, they tend to hire people with stereotypical sales personalities—people who are outgoing, talkative, personable and gregarious. And because sales managers, for a host of reasons, prefer this personality type for their teams, they convince themselves that customers will prefer them as well.
This so-called "sales personality" is a myth. Belief in this myth may be as responsible for bad hiring and disastrous promotions by employers, and poor performance by salespeople and sales managers, as anything else in the sales talent management equation.
Unfortunately, the traits that make up the "sales personality" have little to do with success in the game of sales. It doesn't hurt, of course, when a salesperson has a pleasant, extroverted personality; but there are lots of outgoing, talkative, personable and gregarious people in the world with pleasant, extroverted personalities. Some are teachers; some are physicians, attorneys, plumbers and circus performers. But just because these folks share some pleasing personality traits doesn't mean they have the talent or competencies to succeed as sales professionals.
Get the Right People on the Team
According to the International Personnel Management Association, typical hiring methods are ineffective. If you simply pointed, blindfolded, to one among a group of candidates and hired that person, your hiring method would depend entirely on chance. If your hiring process includes a typical employment interview, your odds of improving over chance increase about one percent.
Unfortunately, the traits that make up the "sales personality" have little to do with success in the game of sales.
If your hiring process includes a standard personality test, you will improve your odds over chance by another one percent. If, along with the interview and personality test you require a candidate to have relevant job experience, your chances of a good hire increase to five percent. If you include a scoreable interview in your hiring process your odds of a good hire increase to about seven percent.
If your company is among a growing number of firms that include validated and objectively administered selection tests in the hiring process, you can increase your chances of a good hire by up to 25 percent. An improvement of 25 percent over chance may not impress you, but that is a whopping improvement of 257 percent over even the best interview processes that lack selection tests!
So, exactly how would a validated and objectively administered selection test help you avoid making hiring mistakes? These tests reveal not only aptitude for performance, but also a candidate's willingness to perform the duties of the particular sales position.
It isn't enough that Mary, a candidate all the sales managers’ love, has the quintessential sales personality. A validated and objectively administered selection test will reveal whether or not Mary has the innate talent, job-related competencies and tendencies to perform on the job. The tests answer two critical questions: Can the candidate do the job, and is the candidate likely to do the job?
Don't Send Ducks to Eagles School!
Assuming you've hired a salesperson based on the results of a validated selection test, it is now imperative to place the new employee in the right position on the team.
I once heard someone admonish sales managers: "Don't send your ducks to eagle school!" It just won't work. Unlike eagles, which are skilled predators hard-wired with a hunter's instinct, ducks are friendly creatures. You send the ducks out hunting, they find a rabbit and they make friends with it! You then yell to the ducks, "No, no, re-read page twenty-one of your hunting manual!"
The same thing happens when you send the wrong salespeople on a hunting expedition for new prospects. They make friends with potential customers, buy them lunch, treat them to sporting events, and shower them with expensive gifts, all in the hope of winning business through friendship. But the new business seldom materializes. In frustration, you yell, "No, no, bring in the orders, close the prospects, close the prospects!"
Nearly 2500 years ago in his essay on “The Art of War,” Sun Tzu, the great Chinese military thinker admonished, "Do not demand accomplishment of those who have no talent." He continued, "Do not charge people to do what they cannot do. Select them and give them responsibilities commensurate with their abilities." This wisdom has been largely lost on leaders who manage sales organizations.
Talent can't be trained. You either can or cannot sing like an American Idol. In the world of selling, the characteristics of great strategic account managers—by definition—limit their success in new business development. Likewise, great business development salespeople rarely have what it takes to become great strategic account managers. Both require different skills and different talents! Yet somehow sales leaders believe that talent in one area naturally translates into an ability to perform equally well in other areas.
Coaching Talent
We believe that much of the money spent by business on sales training is spent educating people in roles they should not occupy.
Although you've done your best to select the right talent, and to make sure she has the right position on the team, how do you retain her and develop her innate abilities? First, you continually review your employee's assessment test to remain knowledgeable about her natural abilities and willingness to perform certain job functions. Second—and this is a key to successful talent management—you resist the temptation to place her in a job for which her talent and interests are not aligned.
When it comes to utilizing sales talent, perhaps the biggest error most sales leaders make is promoting great salespeople to the role of sales manager.
Most often, when a great salesperson is promoted to sales manager, four things happen:
- the company loses a great salesperson
- the company gets a mediocre, or worse, sales manager
- customers suffer in the transition
- the stigma of failure prompts the great salesperson to flee to another company
We believe that much of the money spent by business on sales training is spent educating people in roles they should not occupy. At some point companies will demand a better system for selecting salespeople and sales management candidates with the talent and the will to perform up to management's expectations. For many companies this, and not simply more sales skills training, may become their single most important investment to improve market share and profitability, especially in these challenging times.
Using statistically validated assessment tests in the hiring process, placing salespeople only in jobs for which their talents and interests are aligned and developing career paths that allow employees to expand their natural talents is a win-win for the employees and the company.

Steve Chriest is the CEO of Open Advance and author of “Selling to the E-Suite, The Proven System for Reaching and Selling Senior Executives and Business Acumen 101.” He recently re-named his company from Selling-Up. He produces video and radio blogs, as well as continuing as a columnist for Leasing News since 2005. He is getting close to announcing a major project he will be raising funds to bring to fruition. He is the former CEO of Signature Financial.

Why Do Struggling Chains Always Turn to Franchising
By Jonathan Maze,
Fuddruckers hasn’t exactly set the world on fire lately. Same-store sales in the burger chain’s fiscal second quarter declined 5.3%, parent company Luby’s Inc. reported last week.
And that was an improvement. Same-store sales in the first quarter declined by 11.2%.
Not surprisingly, the company is refranchising. Fuddruckers currently operates 54 company stores, following 14 closures over the past year and after the sale of five locations in San Antonio earlier this year. Franchisees operate another 102.
Refranchising has been a common strategy in the restaurant business for the past couple of decades, as executives embrace an investor-friendly and more profitable “asset light” business model.
But they’re really common when systems struggle, often coming across as a last-ditch rescue effort to keep chains afloat.
“They do it because they don’t have a better alternative,” said John Gordon, a restaurant consultant out of San Diego.
Famous Dave’s announced plans to refranchise its company stores in 2017, for instance. Those company stores had produced 13 straight quarterly same-store sales declines when it announced the plan.
Papa Murphy’s, which had employed a strategy of buying back struggling franchisees, after its 2014, began selling them back in 2017.
Steak ‘n Shake announced plans to refranchise all 415 of its company-owned restaurants last year, after its same-store sales turned south for the first time in nearly a decade. It has closed 44 locations this year to “prepare” those locations for incoming franchisees.
There are now 367 corporate and 213 franchised locations in operation. That compares to 415 and 201, respectively, as of March 31, 2018. Steak ‘n Shake opened 10 franchise units and closed 10 in Q1.
The shift comes as Steak ‘n Shake’s traffic and same-store sales slide. The company’s comps dropped 7.9 percent in Q1, according to the filing. Traffic fell 7.7 percent. The number of customers declined from 116 million to 111 million to 103 million—its lowest mark in eight years—during the three-year span. On a two-year stack, Steak ‘n Shake’s traffic is down nearly 15 percent.
Refranchising isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Oftentimes, companies are simply bad at operating restaurants and better at franchising. And franchisees can do a better job of running the locations.
That was clearly the case when Burger King sold off all of its company restaurants to franchisees in 2012 and 2013. Many operators simply fixed up poorly operated restaurants and yielded improved profits.
“Just because you operate restaurants doesn’t mean you have an operating culture,” Kevin Burke, managing partner at Trinity Capital, told me.
Refranchising done right can inject some energy into restaurants while freeing up executives to concentrate on running the brand. The strategy can work, so long as the system focuses on ensuring franchisee profitability and operates the brand well.
When the brand is struggling, franchisees can frequently get stores at low prices because the franchisor is eager to let the restaurants go. The operators buying the units often pick off the best stores that can be more easily turned around, which can leave the franchisor closing weaker stores—Fuddruckers has been closing unprofitable stores for the past year, after all.
Still, such strategies can sap the credibility of the refranchising model when they’re done so frequently by companies desperate for a turnaround.
And just because franchisees are willing to take the risk of buying such stores doesn’t mean they are making a good decision.
Gordon pointed out that when an operator buys up a store that is losing money, it not only has to get that store to basic profitability, it has to generate enough profits to pay the royalty payment, which is typically about 5%.
And let’s not forget that many of these companies buying up stores are borrowing money to do so and leasing new equipment.
But the simple fact is that, if running stores were a more profitable venture, then more companies would seek to operate more stores.
And when restaurants are less profitable, companies seek to get out of it and hope someone else can do a better job. They often can, but sometimes they can’t.
##### Press Release ############################
ELFA Members Convene for Capitol Connections
This Wednesday, May 15th

What: 2019 Capitol Connections, hosted by the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association
When: Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Where: Washington Court Hotel, 525 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20001
Who Attends: Presidents, CEOs and senior executives of ELFA member equipment leasing and finance companies
Highlights: Equipment finance executives from across the country will gather in Washington, D.C., for ELFA’s Capitol Connections event, May 15 at the Washington Court Hotel. This event is designed to educate members of Congress and select Administration officials about the $1 trillion equipment finance industry’s role as a major source of capital and investment in the United States, and to positively influence federal policymakers who set the legislative and regulatory framework for the industry.
More than 120 ELFA members will meet with more than 200 Senate and House offices. In addition to advocating for the equipment leasing and finance industry on tax and financial services matters, attendees will hear from keynote speakers on a range of hot topics.
The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) is the trade association that represents companies in the $1 trillion equipment finance sector, which includes financial services companies and manufacturers engaged in financing capital goods. ELFA members are the driving force behind the growth in the commercial equipment finance market and contribute to capital formation in the U.S. and abroad. Its 580 members include independent and captive leasing and finance companies, banks, financial services corporations, broker/packagers and investment banks, as well as manufacturers and service providers. For more information, please visit
### Press Release ############################
Labrador Retriever
Baldwin Park, California Adopt a Dog

ID: A4818898
Age: 7 Years
Location: Baldwin ACC
Baldwin Park Animal Care Center
4275 Elton Street
Baldwin Park, Ca. 91706
(626) 962-3577
Monday-Thursday: 12:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Friday-Sunday: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Adoption Fee: $125
"We do offer discounted adoption rates for animals that have been in our care for more than 10 days. The adoption fee includes initial vaccines, a microchip including national registration, spaying and neutering fees, and a complementary veterinary medical exam at participating veterinary offices."
Adopt a Pet

- Authoritative interpretation of relevant government policies in China, and industry report revealing business development trends
- Insights into product diversity and business innovation for new energy vehicles , new & second-hand auto, commercial vehicles and fleet management
- Exploration of Al and cutting-edge auto-finance technology
- Information on optimizing auto industry financing channels and risk management, for sustainable business development
- In-depth analysis of emerging trends and profitability within the auto rental, auto finance, and finance leasing sectors
- Detailed look at business channels for enhancing off-line operations in the wake of new retail models
- Firsthand experiences related to "human-auto-ecosystem" models, and the trend toward industry and consumption upgrading
- Study into the integration of auto finance with vehicle insurance/extended warranty
- Opportunity to identify potential partners and boost your business in China
Full Information:

News Briefs----
Attorneys general from 33 states urge pot banking reform
fully open U.S banking doors to the legal marijuana industry
Third-biggest US coal company files for bankruptcy
Fourth major coal producer in Wyoming to file for bankruptcy
NYC taxes are squeezing out small businesses
to Florida
This is How Much it Costs to Open a McDonald’s
generating nearly $2.7 million in annual sales
Burger King Franchisee, Carrols, Posts $11.5
Million Net Loss in Quarter 1
Millions of retirees are returning to work
looking for extra income

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Visualizing Corruption Around the World
Makin’ Jump Shots
He waltzes into the lane
’cross the free-throw line,
fakes a drive, pivots,
floats from the asphalt turf
in an arc of black light,
and sinks two into the chains.
One on one he fakes
down the main, passes
into the free lane
and hits the chains.
A sniff in the fallen air—
he stuffs it through the chains
riding high:
“traveling” someone calls—
and he laughs, stepping
to a silent beat, gliding
as he sinks two into the chains.

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Chris Paul reportedly kicked Stephen Curry off the practice
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The Future of Football

California Nuts Briefs---
State parks standstill:
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“Gimme that Wine”
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Broken Earth Winery opening new, 23,000 square-foot tasting room
North Coast winemakers shifting to machines
to harvest grapes as labor woes mount
North Coast new canned wines capture consumer attention
Free Wine App
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page

This Day in History
1607 - The first permanent English settlement was established in Jamestown, VA with one hundred and five from Blackwell, England who traveled on three ships: Susan Constant, Goodspeed and Discovery. Most of them were 'gentlemen adventurers,’ gentlemen who did not work and brought servants…quite British, you know. Captains John Smith and Christopher Newport were among the leaders of the group of royally chartered Virginia Company settlers. The colony was named after England's King James I.
1612 - Tobacco cultivation was undertaken at Jamestown by John Rolfe, who had arrived with the Jamestown settlers. Rolfe was the first settler to come up with a method of curing tobacco, which made it possible grow tobacco drops for export to England. The smoking, chewing, and snuff became very popular and soon were the most important export to Europe. Nicotine made this not only popular, but a daily necessity. It was definitely a "cash crop" for the New World.
1637 - Cardinal Richelieu of France created the table knife
1780 - The Cumberland Compact was signed by leaders of the settlers in early Tennessee. This forerunner of the Tennessee Constitution was signed by these 256 settlers when they settled Fort Nashborough, which would become Nashville. It called for a governing council of twelve judges who would be elected by the vote of free men 21 years of age or older. Unique to the times, the Compact included a clause that these judges could be removed from office by the people. Government salaries were to be paid in goods. Governor was worth 1,000 deer skins. Secretary was to be paid 450 otter skins, and county clerk was valued at 500 raccoon skins. The constable received one mink skin for every warrant served. All males sixteen or older were subject to militia duty.
1846 - Although fighting had begun days earlier, Congress officially declared war on Mexico. The struggle cost the lives of 11,300 American soldiers and resulted in the annexation by the US of land that became parts of Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California, Utah and Colorado. The war ended in 1848.
1861 – Queen Victoria of England issued a "proclamation of neutrality" which recognized the breakaway Confederate states as having belligerent rights.
1862 – The USS Planter, a steamer and gunship, stole through Confederate lines and passed to the Union by a southern slave, Robert Smalls, who later was officially appointed as captain, becoming the first black man to command a United States ship.
1864 - The first soldier buried at Arlington National Cemetery was a Confederate soldier, William Henry Christman, close to what is now the northeast gate in Section 27. George Washington Parke Custis, Martha Washington’s grandson, acquired the land that now is Arlington National Cemetery in 1802, and began construction of Arlington House. The estate passed to Custis' daughter, Mary Ana, who had married then US Army Officer Robert E. Lee. When Virginia seceded from the Union, Lee resigned his commission and took command of the armed forces of the Commonwealth of Virginia, later becoming commander of the Army of Northern Virginia. The Virginia militia occupied Arlington and Arlington House. With Confederate forces occupying Arlington's high ground, the capital of the Union was left in an untenable military position. Although unwilling to leave Arlington House, Mary Lee believed her estate would soon be infested with federal soldiers. So she buried many of her family treasures on the grounds and left for her sister's estate in Fairfax County, Virginia. On May 3, General Winfield Scott ordered Brigadier Gen. Irvin McDowell to clear Arlington of all troops not loyal to the United States. McDowell occupied Arlington without opposition on May 24. By late 1863, existing cemeteries in the area were nearly full. On July 16, 1862, Congress passed legislation authorizing the U.S. federal government to purchase land for national cemeteries for military dead and put the U.S. Army Quartermaster General in charge of this program. In May 1864, Union forces suffered large numbers of dead in the Battle of the Wilderness. The Quartermaster ordered that an examination of eligible sites be made for the establishment for a large new national military cemetery. Within weeks, his staff reported that Arlington Estate was the most suitable property in the area. The property was high and free from floods (which might unearth graves), it had a view of the District of Columbia, and it was aesthetically pleasing. It was also the home of the leader of the armed forces of the Confederate States of America, and denying Robert E. Lee use of his home after the war was a valuable political consideration.
1865 – The Battle of Palmito Ranch, near Brownsville, Texas, more than a month after the Confederate surrender, is the last land battle of the Civil War and ends with a Confederate victory. PVT. John J Williams of the 34th Indiana is last man killed.
1880 – Thomas Edison performed the first test of his electric railway, in Menlo Park, NJ.
1908 - President Theodore Roosevelt declares "Conservation is a national duty."
(Lower half of
1911 - Birthday of pianist Maxine Sullivan (d. 1987), Homestead, PA.
1911 – Fred Merkle of the New York Giants, of Merkle’s Boner fame in 1908, became the first Major Leaguer to get 6 RBIs in an inning. The Giants scored a Major League record 10 runs before the St. Louis Cardinals retired the first batter in the 1st inning.
1912 - Jazz arranger and composer Gil Evans (d. 1988) was born in Toronto. Evans, whose career was almost entirely in the US, first became known for his innovative writing for the Claude Thornhill orchestra in the 1940's. In the following decade, Evans collaborated with trumpeter Miles Davis for such classic jazz LPs as "Miles Ahead," "Porgy and Bess" and "Sketches of Spain." He is my favorite jazz composer/arranger. I have all his records; every one.,,428387,00.html
1914 - Birthday of one of boxing’s great heavyweight champions, Joe Louis was born Joseph Louis Barrow (d. 1981) near Lafayette, AL. He held the title 1937-49. Nicknamed the "Brown Bomber,” Louis helped elevate boxing from a decline in popularity in the post-Jack Dempsey era by establishing a reputation as an honest, hardworking fighter at a time when the sport was dominated by gambling interests. Louis' championship reign lasted 140 consecutive months, during which he participated in 26 championship fights. Louis was victorious in 25 title defenses, a record for any division. In 2005, Louis was ranked as the #1 heavyweight of all-time by the International Boxing Research Organization, and was ranked #1 on “The Ring’s” list of the 100 Greatest Punchers of All-Time. He is widely regarded as the first African-American to achieve the status of a nationwide hero within the US, and was also a focal point of anti-Nazi sentiment leading up to and during World War II. He was instrumental in integrating the game of golf, breaking the sport's color barrier in America by appearing under a sponsor's exemption in a PGA event in 1952. In 1943, he enlisted as an Army private and was stationed at Ft. Riley, KS. There he helped the cause of various black soldiers with whom he came into contact. In one noted episode, Louis contacted his lawyer in order to facilitate the Officer Candidate School applications of a group of African Americans at Fort Riley, which had been inexplicably delayed for several months. Among the OCS applications Louis facilitated was that of a young Jackie Robinson. The episode would spawn a personal friendship between the two men. His burial at Arlington National Cemetery, by presidential waiver, was the 39th exception ever to the eligibility rules for burial in Arlington National Cemetery.
1923 - Birthday of Pianist Red Garland (d. 1984), Dallas, TX.
1926 - Birthday of Beatrice Arthur, born Beatrice Frankel (d. 2009) in NYC. Actor and singer who won the Tony Award for Best Supporting Actress in “Mame” (1966). Her TV series “Maude,” a spin-off of “All in the Family,” was a hit during the 1970s and she was one of the “Golden Girls,” another long running TV hit series. During World War II, she worked as a truck driver and typist in the Marine Corps, receiving an Honorable Discharge in September 1944 with the rank of Staff Sergeant.
1927 – Baseball lore is replete with players who generally played in relative obscurity only to rise to the occasion in the World Series. One of them was James Lamar “Dusty” Rhodes (d. 2009), born in Mathews, AL. One of the best-known pinch hitters of the 1950s, famed for his performance in the 1954 World Series for the New York Giants, Rhodes is the first player to hit a walk-off home run in extra innings of a World Series game. Against Bob Lemon of the Cleveland Indians in Game 1. The game was tied, with runners on first and second. His crucial pinch hits in that series were key to the Giants' unexpected sweep of the Indians. He slugged 1.667 in that Series. Rhodes was also the last player to bat in the Polo Grounds for the Giants, on September 29, 1957.
1929 - At Cleveland's League Park, the Indians defeated the Yankees, 4-3, in the first game in Major League history in which players from both teams wore numbers on the back of their jerseys.
1930 - A man was killed when caught in an open field during a hailstorm northwest of Lubbock TX. It was the first, and perhaps the only, authenticated death by hail in U.S. weather records.
1931 – Cult Leader Jim Jones (d. 1978) was born in Randolph County, IN. Jones is notorious as founder and the leader of the Peoples Temple, best known for the mass murder-suicide in November, 1978 of 909 of its members in Jonestown, Guyana, the murder of five people at a nearby airstrip, including California Congressman Leo Ryan. Nearly three-hundred children were murdered at Jonestown, almost all of them by cyanide poisoning. Jones died from a gunshot wound to the head; it is suspected his death was a suicide.
1933 - Birthday of saxophonist Buddy Catlett (d. 2014), Long Beach, CA catlett.htm
1938 - Louis Armstrong records "When the Saints Go Marching In."
1939 - The first commercial FM radio station in the United States launched in Bloomfield, CT. The station later became WDRC-FM.
1941 - 50s rock 'n' roll singer Ritchie Valens was born Richard Steven Valenzuela (d. 1959) in Pacoima, California. He was signed by Del-Fi Records in 1958, and had three big hits that year with "Come On, Let's Go," "Donna" and "La Bamba." Valens was killed in the plane crash in Iowa with Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper in February, 3, 1959…"...the day music died." There was a resurgence of interest in Valens' music in 1987 with the release of the movie biography "La Bamba."
1943 - General Sir Harold Alexander telegraphed Winston Churchill, who was in Washington attending a conference, "It is my duty to report that the Tunis campaign is over. All enemy resistance has ceased. We are masters of the North African shores." About 250,000 Germans and Italians surrendered in the last few days of the campaign. This Allied victory in North Africa helped open Mediterranean shipping lines.
1943 - Birthday of singer Mary Wells (d. 1992) in Detroit. Probably best known for her song, "My Guy," she was one of the group of black artists of the 60's who helped end musical segregation by being played on white radio stations.
1947 – The Senate approved the Taft-Hartley Act limiting the power of unions.
1948 – On the day before the signing of its declaration of independence, Israel suffers a tragic loss at the hands of Arab irregulars at the Kfar Etzion Massacre.
1949 - Top Hits
“Cruising Down the River” - The Russ Morgan Orchestra
(vocal: The Skyliners)
“Forever and Ever” - Perry Como
“Careless Hands” - Mel Torme
“Lovesick Blues” - Hank Williams
1950 - Stevie Wonder, whose real name is Steveland Morris Hardaway, was born in Saginaw, Michigan. He sang and played the harmonica so well that Ronnie White of the Miracles brought him to Motown records, where Berry Gordy signed him on the spot. Wonder's third single, "Fingertips-Part Two," shot to the top of the Billboard Hot 100 in the summer of 1963. Since then, Stevie Wonder has developed into one of the greatest pop composers and vocalists of our time. His songs, such as "For Once in My Life," "Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours" and "You Are the Sunshine of My Life," appeal to a wide range of the public taste. Almost all of his albums have sold enough to qualify for gold records. The one notable exception was 1977's "Journey Through the Secret Life of Plants," a mostly instrumental album which failed to catch on with the public.
1951 – E Street drummer Max Weinberg was born in Newark, NJ.
1952 – Ron Necciai of the Bristol Twins struck out 27 batters while throwing a 7-0 no-hitter against the Welch Miners in the Class D Appalachian League. He is the only pitcher ever to do so in a nine-inning, professional baseball game. Four hitters did reach base, a walk, error, hit batter, and a third-strike passed ball. Only two batters put the ball in play. In his next start, Necciai threw a 24-strikeout two-hitter. In that season, he struck out 109 hitters in 43 innings with Bristol.
1954 - President Dwight Eisenhower signed legislation authorizing US-Canadian construction of a waterway that would make it possible for oceangoing ships to reach the Great Lakes. The construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway was underway.
1954 - "The Pajama Game" made its debut on Broadway in New York City at the St. James Theatre, the first Broadway endeavor of producer Harold Prince. The show ran for 1,063 performances. John Raitt and Janis Paige starred in the leading roles. Carol Haney came to national fame for her rendition of the song, "Steam Heat". The movie version also starred Raitt along with Doris Day.
1954 – Robin Roberts of the Philadelphia Phillies gave up a HR to the first batter, then retired 27 in a row. The lead-off home run was hit by Bobby Adams of the Cincinnati Reds, who lost the one-hitter, 8-1.
1955 - At tonight's show in Jacksonville, FL, Elvis Presley tells the girls who make up the majority of the 14,000-plus crowd that he'll "see (them) backstage." The crowd proceeds to do just that, ripping the King's clothes, causing Elvis' first-ever riot and, reportedly, convincing Tom Parker about Elvis' popularity once and for all.
1955 – Mickey Mantle hit 3 consecutive home runs of at least 463'. This is the first game in his career in which Mantle homered from each side of the plate.
1957 - Top Hits
“School Day” - Chuck Berry
“A White Sport Coat (And a Pink Carnation)” - Marty Robbins
“So Rare” - Jimmy Dorsey
“All Shook Up” - Elvis Presley
1957 - Elvis begins filming his third movie, “Jailhouse Rock”, in Hollywood.
1958 - During a visit to Caracas, Venezuela, Vice President Nixon’s car was attacked by anti-American demonstrators.
1958 - Stan Musial of the St. Louis Cardinals got the 3,000th hit of his career, a pinch-hit double off Moe Drabowsky of the Chicago Cubs. “The Man” finished his career in 1963 with 3,630 hits, 1,815 at home and an equal number on the road.
1958 – Velcro was first registered as a trademark.
1960 - The juvenile delinquent movie “Platinum High School,” starring Conway Twitty, opens in New York.
1960 – The Free Speech Movement was born when hundreds of University of California students congregated in Berkeley for the first day of protest against a visit by the House Committee on Un-American Activities. Thirty-one students were arrested.
1962 - The Beatles began their legendary stint at the new Star-Club in Hamburg, Germany. Performing three to four hours a night for 48 days, with only one day off, the group logged a total of 172 hours of performance. When they return to England, they were already stars with a recording contract.
1963 - The Beach Boys released "Surfin' USA."
1964 – Stephen Colbert was born in DC. After years on the hit Comedy Channel’s “The Colbert Report”, he has been chosen to take over from David Letterman as host of CBS’ “The Late Show”, premiering on September 8, 2015.
1965 - Elvis Presley's sixteenth movie, “Tickle Me”, premieres in Hollywood.
1965 - Top Hits
“Mrs. Brown You've Got a Lovely Daughter” - Herman's Hermits
“Count Me In” - Gary Lewis & The Playboys
“Ticket to Ride” - The Beatles
“Girl on the Billboard” - Del Reeves
1966 – Federal education funding was withheld from 12 school districts in the South because of violations of the 1964 Civil Rights Act
1967 - Slugging outfielder Mickey Mantle of the New York Yankees hit the 500th home run of his career against Stu Miller of the Baltimore Orioles. The homer propelled the Yankees to a 6-5 victory. Mantle finished his career in 1968 with 536 home runs, third on the all-time list at the time of his retirement after the next season.
1967 - The Rolling Stones played their first-ever gig behind the "Iron Curtain" with a performance in Warsaw. When the club became overrun by kids without tickets, the local police reacted by dispersing the crowd with tear gas.
1969 - DUNAGAN, KERN W., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Major, U.S. Army, Company A, 1st Battalion, 46th Infantry, Americal Division. Place and date: Quang Tin Province, Republic of Vietnam, 13 May 1969. Entered service at: Los Angeles, Calif. Born: 20 February 1934, Superior, Ariz. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Maj. (then Capt.) Dunagan distinguished himself during the period May 13 and 14, 1969, while serving as commanding officer, Company A. On May 13, 1969, Maj. Dunagan was leading an attack to relieve pressure on the battalion's forward support base when his company came under intense fire from a well-entrenched enemy battalion. Despite continuous hostile fire from a numerically superior force, Maj. Dunagan repeatedly and fearlessly exposed himself in order to locate enemy positions, direct friendly supporting artillery, and position the men of his company. In the early evening, while directing an element of his unit into perimeter guard, he was seriously wounded during an enemy mortar attack, but he refused to leave the battlefield and continued to supervise the evacuation of dead and wounded and to lead his command in the difficult task of disengaging from an aggressive enemy. In spite of painful wounds and extreme fatigue, Maj. Dunagan risked heavy fire on 2 occasions to rescue critically wounded men. He was again seriously wounded. Undaunted, he continued to display outstanding courage, professional competence, and leadership and successfully extricated his command from its untenable position on the evening of May 14. Having maneuvered his command into contact with an adjacent friendly unit, he learned that a 6-man party from his company was under fire and had not reached the new perimeter. Maj. Dunagan unhesitatingly went back and searched for his men. Finding 1 soldier critically wounded, Maj. Dunagan, ignoring his wounds, lifted the man to his shoulders and carried him to the comparative safety of the friendly perimeter. Before permitting himself to be evacuated, he insured all of his wounded received emergency treatment and was removed from the area. Throughout the engagement, Maj. Dunagan's actions gave great inspiration to his men and were directly responsible for saving the lives of many of his fellow soldiers. Maj. Dunagan's extraordinary heroism above and beyond the call of duty, are in the highest traditions of the U.S. Army and reflect great credit on him, his unit, and the U.S. Army.
1969 – Singer Diana Ross, having left The Supremes, made her first television appearance as a solo act, performing on Dinah Shore's NBC special “Like Hep.”
1970 - WINDER, DAVID F., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Private First Class, U.S. Army, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d Battalion, 1st Infantry, 11th Infantry Brigade, Americal Division. Place and date: Republic of Vietnam, 13 May 1970. Entered service at: Columbus, Ohio. Born: 10 August 1946, Edinboro, Pa. Citation: Pfc. Winder distinguished himself while serving in the Republic of Vietnam as a senior medical aid man with Company A. After moving through freshly cut rice paddies in search of a suspected company-size enemy force, the unit started a thorough search of the area. Suddenly they were engaged with intense automatic weapons and rocket propelled grenade fire by a well-entrenched enemy force. Several friendly soldiers fell wounded in the initial contact and the unit was pinned down. Responding instantly to the cries of his wounded comrades, Pfc. Winder began maneuvering across approximately 100 meters of open, bullet-swept terrain toward the nearest casualty. Unarmed and crawling most of the distance, he was wounded by enemy fire before reaching his comrades. Despite his wounds and with great effort, Pfc. Winder reached the first casualty and administered medical aid. As he continued to crawl across the open terrain toward a second wounded soldier he was forced to stop when wounded a second time. Aroused by the cries of an injured comrade for aid, Pfc. Winder's great determination and sense of duty impelled him to move forward once again, despite his wounds, in a courageous attempt to reach and assist the injured man. After struggling to within 10 meters of the man, Pfc. Winder was mortally wounded. His dedication and sacrifice inspired his unit to initiate an aggressive counterassault which led to the defeat of the enemy. Pfc. Winder's conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the cost of his life were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit on him, his unit and the U.S. Army
1971 - Aretha Franklin, the 'Queen of Soul,' received a gold record for her version of "Bridge over Troubled Water," originally a Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel tune.
1973 - Top Hits
“Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree” - Dawn featuring Tony Orlando
“You are the Sunshine of My Life” - Stevie Wonder
“Little Willy” - The Sweet
“Come Live with Me” - Roy Clark
1973 - Tennis star Bobby Riggs defeated Margaret Court in a televised tennis match that was seen worldwide. He went on to face Billy Jean King, in a typical "Don King" hype, after appearing on many radio and television shows saying a man tennis player can always beat a woman tennis player. At that time Billy Jean King, his opponent, was still in the closet, and she whipped his butt at the Houston Astrodome. The event allegedly brought women's tennis to the forefront as a competitive sport with a growing legion of fans. It certainly made Riggs a lot of money, plus put him on a circuit for more as the man for women to beat. Died Oct. 27, 1995.
1978 - Paul Anka opened a disco in Las Vegas named after his early gospel-disco number "Jubilation."
1978 – Former A’s and Giants’ lefty, Barry Zito, was born in Las Vegas. He won the 2002 Cy Young Award in the American League with a 23-5 record for the Oakland A’s. He never approached that level of excellence again and retired after the 2015 season.
1980 - After $8 million in ticket sales and 3,883 performances, a record run for the time (not to mention one major motion picture), the Fifties musical “Grease” closed on Broadway.
1981 - Top Hits
“Morning Train (Nine to Five)” - Sheena Easton
“Just the Two of Us” - Grover Washington, Jr./Bill Withers
“Bette Davis Eyes” - Kim Carnes
“Am I Losing You” - Ronnie Milsap
1981 - A tornado 450 yards in width destroyed ninety percent of Emberson, TX. People did not see a tornado, but rather a wall of debris. Homes were leveled, a man in a bathtub was hurled a quarter of a mile, and a 1500-pound recreational vehicle was hurled 500 yards. Miraculously no deaths occurred in the tornado.
1981 - Pope John Paul II was shot and seriously wounded in St. Peter's Square by Turkish assailant Mehmet Ali Agca.
1982 - The Chicago Cubs, charter members of the National League won the 8,000th game in their history, beating the Houston Astros in the Astrodome, 5-0. The Cubs began their existence as the Chicago White Stockings in the National Association (1871, 1874-75) and moved to the National League in 1876. The team changed its name to the Colts in 1890, to the Orphans in 1898, and the Cubs in 1902.
1983 – Reggie Jackson became the first Major Leaguer to strike out 2000 times.
1984 - "The Fantasticks," playing at the Sullivan Theatre in Greenwich Village in New York City, became the longest-running musical in theatre history with performance number 10,000 on this night. "The Fantasticks" opened on May 3, 1960.
1985 - During the siege of the radical group MOVE at Philadelphia, PA, police in a helicopter reportedly dropped a bomb containing the powerful military plastic explosive C-4 on the building in which the group was housed. The bomb and the resulting fire left 11 persons dead (including four children) and destroyed 61 homes.
1985 - Tony Perez became the oldest Major League baseball player to hit a grand slam home run. Perez hit the grand slam for the Cincinnati Reds, helping the Reds to a 7-3 win over the Houston Astros. Perez was just a month shy of his 43rd birthday when he connected for the big dinger.
1985 - 'The Boss,' Bruce Springsteen, married actress/model Julianne Phillips in ceremonies in Lake Oswego, OR. The couple went their separate ways in 1989. Springsteen's hit, "I'm on Fire", was in the top ten when the couple tied the wedding knot. Springsteen remarried in June of 1991, this time to a member of his E Street Band, Patti Scialfa, a true Jersey Girl, with whom he remains married. Despite his popularity, Springsteen has never had a number one song. His closest to the top of the pop music charts was a four-week stay at number two with "Dancing in the Dark" (June/July, 1984). Springsteen has had 11 hits in the top ten.
1989 - Top Hits
“I'll Be There for You” - Bon Jovi
“Real Love” - Jody Watley
“Forever Your Girl” - Paula Abdul
“Is It Still Over?” - Randy Travis
1989 - Thunderstorms developing along a warm front produced severe weather in the Southern Plains Region during the afternoon and night. A thunderstorm at Killeen, TX produced wind gusts to 95 mph damaging 200 helicopters at Fort Hood causing nearly $500 million damage. Another thunderstorm produced softball size hail at Hodges, TX.
1990 - Thunderstorms developing ahead of a cold front spawned ten tornadoes from eastern Wyoming to northern Kansas, including seven in western Nebraska. Thunderstorms forming ahead of a cold front in the eastern U.S. spawned five tornadoes from northeastern North Carolina to southern Pennsylvania. Thunderstorms over southeast Louisiana deluged the New Orleans area with four to eight inches of rain between 7 AM and Noon.
1991 - A way ahead of its time, Apple introduced an improved version of its Macintosh system software, called System 7.0, on this day in 1991. The new system let all Macintoshes share files in a network without the intervention of a server, and it also introduced "balloon help" - pop-up text windows offering helpful hints.
1994 - After nine years of a very public marriage, Billy Joel and Christie Brinkley announced they have separated. They divorced later in the year.
1994 – Johnny Carson made his last television appearance on “The Late Show with David Letterman.” He died in 2005.
1997 – Eddie Murray became the sixth player in MLB history to play in 3000 games.
2003 - The government unveiled a new version of the $20 bill - the first to be colorized in an effort to thwart counterfeiters.
2014 - A shipwreck off Haiti may be that of the Santa Maria, one of the three ships led by Christopher Columbus. The wreck was discovered in 1994, but was only now tentatively identified in light of Columbus' writings and other evidence.

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