Business Risk Manager
Extensive industry knowledge with
strong technical/analytical
skills. Relocation not required.
For more information,
please click here
Western Equipment Finance, a subsidiary of Western State Bank
established in 1901, solicits originations throughout the US
provides funding solutions for a wide range of industries |
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Phil Dushey Visits Protestors in New York City
And lives to tell about it!
Classified Ads---Asset Management
Marlin Leasing Officers Exercise a lot of Stock Options
by Christopher Menkin
Companies Who Do Not Notify Lessee regarding termination
nor have such a standard for their discounters
Dog Halloween Costume
Classified---Help Wanted
NAELB Conference had 80 Attend, but more brokers
by Dwight Galloway, CLP
Mesa Leasing to Suspend Leasing Funding
October 31, 2011-Happy Halloween!
Leasing Companies Out of Business
plus No Longer taking Broker/Discounting Business
C. and A. Courier Inspection Services
Joins Site Inspection List
Sawbux joins Classified Marketing List
M&I Equipment Finance Now BMO Harris Equipment Finance
CIT Launches Online Bank--Offers CDs---Competitive
NXT Capital Launches Venture Finance Business
Pest Control Owner gets 1 Yr., $175,000 fine, May Lose License
Mount Laurel, New Jersey Adopt-a-Dog
News Briefs---
JP Morgan Topples BofA as largest US Bank by Assets
Baltic Leasing celebrates its 21st birthday
Message from bank earnings: Higher fees are here to stay
Gloom Grips Consumers, and It May Be Home Prices
'Dancing' ballroom erupts in boos over latest ouster
Pete Rugolo, award-winning composer and arranger, dies at 95
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists |
Features (collection)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers |
Top Stories last six months
Spending outlook more sober this holiday season
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Gimmie that wine---
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######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer. It is considered “bias” as it is the writer’s viewpoint.
Phil Dushey Visits Protestors in New York City
And lives to tell about it!

Phil Dushey
Pres., CEO Global Financial Services
"My office is about three blocks from the park where they are protesting. Last week I walked over to the park to see what was going on. I felt that I went back in time to the days of Woodstock and the hippie years.

“I spoke to about ten people and asked why they are protesting and nobody could give me a straight answer. The common response was "CORPORATE GREED" and "POWER TO THE PEOPLE" Nobody seemed to want a job and most of them seemed like they have not worked in a long and by choice."
"I think the problem with this protest is there are no requests. If they had a proper platform then I could agree or not.
“I must say it was a good party with a lot of music. It seems to be growing a lot and more and more people are getting on the bandwagon including political people but the bottom line is "WHAT DO THEY WANT TO ACCOMPLISH?"
Phil Dushey
Global Financial Services
1 State Street
New York NY 10004
Philip Dushey
212-480-4900 Ext 5005
Classified Ads--- Asset Management
(These ads are “free” to those seeking employment
or looking to improve their position)
San Francisco, CA
Ten years experience setting residuals, negotiating leases and remarketing equipment across a broad spectrum of large ticket asset types including marine, intermodal, mining, energy, manufacturing. |
Santa Barbara CA (will relocate)
Experienced Asset Manager of various portfolio's for a bank, broker and leasing company. Utilized specialized remarketing companies to maximize collateral values. Worked remote two years. | Resume
| Reference 1 | Reference 2 |
Free Posting for those seeking employment in Leasing:
All “free” categories “job wanted” ads:
Marlin Leasing Officers Exercise a lot of Stock Options
by Christopher Menkin

There has been some serious trading of stock by officers of Marlin Business Services, especially President, CEO, Treasurer Daniel P. Dyer and George D Pelose, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, General Counsel & Secretary. The other party is Lynne C. Wilson, Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer.

Does not include these recent SEC notices:
10/18 George Pelose |
3,100 at $11.55 |
10/17 George Pelose |
5,069 at $11.52 |
10/14 George Pelose |
3,612 at $11.53 |
10/12 Daniel P. Dyer |
1,400 at $11.29 |
10/11 Daniel P. Dyer |
1,591 at $11.12 |
There is a Comtex Smarted copyrighted story about how over-valued the stock is (rating at 28X earnings, despite having no promising business model other than auto renewal. The story says It says that of all the so-called "Specialty Finance" companies (non-banks that lend to a niche, like Marlin) -- of which there are many in the U.S.) Marlin has the 3rd lowest Earnings Yield, which is a bad distinction indeed. It suggests that the stock is substantially over-valued.
At the time the article was written, Marlin Business Services Corp. has a market cap of $144.7 million; its shares were traded at around $11.28 with a P/E ratio of 28.2 and P/S ratio of 2.2.
While based in New Jersey, Marlin Business Services does it business out of Pennsylvania to avoid the New Jersey usury limits as well as the Pennsylvania legislature introduced an Evergreen bill and got it passed. The Marlin documentation office is located in Philadelphia.
The following information comes from Marlin Business Service SEC filings:
Net Profit |
Lease Renewel income |
net of depreciation |
First Quarter, 2010 |
$1.2 million |
$1.9 million |
$1.8 million (1) |
Second Quarter, 2010 |
$1.2 million |
$3.9 million |
$2.5 million (2) |
Third Quarter, 2010 |
$1.4 million |
$1.9 million |
$1.8 million (3) |
Fourth Quarter, 2010 |
$1.8 million |
First Quarter, 2011 |
$1.2 million |
$2.0 million |
$1.9 million (4) |
Second Quarter, 2011 |
$1.5 million |
$2.3 million |
$2.7 million (6) |
"Renewal income, net of depreciation, totaled approximately $7.7 million, $7.2 million and $7.0 million for the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively.” (5)
"Fee income included approximately $1.1 million and $1.3 million of net residual income for the three-month periods ended June 30, 2011 and June 30, 2010, respectively. Fee income included approximately $2.3 million and $2.7 million of net residual income for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2011 and June 30, 2010, respectively. Net residual income includes income from lease renewals and gains and losses on the realization of residual values of leased equipment disposed at the end of term as further described below.
Our leases generally include renewal provisions and many leases continue beyond their initial contractual term. Based on the Company’s experience, the amount of ultimate realization of the residual value tends to relate more to the customer’s election at the end of the lease term to enter into a renewal period, purchase the leased equipment or return the leased equipment than it does to the equipment type. We consider renewal income a component of residual performance." (5)
Should Pennsylvania adopt that the lessor so notify the lessee prior to the expiration of the lease the residual terms, Marlin's profitability will certainly change.
Note Equipment Category from December 31, 2010 Year-end as to nature of automatic renewals:
Comprehensive personal property tax outsourcing services We accept file exports and integrate personal property tax information
with all lease management or accounting software. No other firm offers the combination of individual
attention, software capabilities expertise, "full disclosure" and web port accessibility to information more than we
Click here to learn what our clients say about our service
Gary DiLillo, President
216-658-5618 or
Companies Who Do Not Notify Lessee regarding termination
nor have such a standard for their discounters

ACC Capital, Midvale, Utah
Financial Pacific Leasing, Federal Way, Washington
IFC Credit, Morton Grove, Illinois
Jules and Associates
LEAF Financial Group, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Marlin Business Services
ACC Capital, Midvale, Utah---This company is no longer in business, although its portfolio is being wound down, according to its owner Loni Lowder; the receivables are being collected by creditors. Lowder today is an employee, manager, Stalwart Contract Finance, Salt Lake City, Utah. To date, all Evergreen Clause complaints have been satisfied.
Financial Pacific Leasing, Federal Way, Washington---The company itself states they notify lessee, but does not have that policy for their discounters. They also fund leasing companies on the Leasing News Bulletin Board, notably Benchmark Financial Group, as well as others who also appear on the Complaint Bulletin Board, and decidedly then support these companies and their behavior.
This is their policy on Evergreen Clauses:
“Upon collection of the stream rentals that were discounted, we assign all rights back to the Lessor. We expect the Lessor to fulfill all of their obligations and uphold all of the Lessee’s rights under the original agreement. While we do not have any legal standing to make sure this happens in a legal and ethical manner, we will try to mediate any disagreements when it comes to our attention.”
Paul Menzel, CLP, President.
A recent example occurred in not helping a lessee. Since then, the company who was enforcing the Evergreen Clause, resolved the complaint, changes its policy and has put in place notifying the lessees 30 days in advance of the expiration of the lease.
IFC Credit, Morton Grove, Illinois---This company is in bankruptcy, appeared many times in the Leasing News Bulletin Board prior to filing bankruptcy, but engaged in Evergreen Clauses, and unfortunately a recent example is a complaint to the trustee, stemming from M&T Bank lease assignment expiring and notify the lessee that they did not notify about the residual, which was a $1.00. This has happened many times with other banks who have taken over the IFC Credit Corporation portfolio. Calls and letters to the trustee and attorneys have gone unanswered.
Jules and Associates, Los Angeles, California--- Jules and Associates, Los Angeles, California---A repeat customer, who notified Jules and Associates on a lease, but was not before the 180 day expiration, so Jules and Associates instead of the 1% due for the residual ($2,308.79) charged six more payments or $40,463.94, and if 1% is not paid in this time, they will be subject to another three months.
LEAF Financial Group, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania---It appears this company is in a more wind down phase, moving its operation of LEAF Commercial Credit with basically the same management. There have been complaints about the Evergreen Clause, including a recent one for an Equipment Finance Agreement!
Marlin Business Services, Mount Laurel, New Jersey---The actual SEC filings state the profit earned from Evergreen Clause, primarily from copier leases. Complaints have been received about this practice in addition to the SEC financial statement filings.
Leasing News has contacted over 50 leasing companies, several more than five times, who have not responded with their policy regarding notification to lessees. The practice of imposing extra payments may be more widespread than the companies named above.
"Complaints" Bulletin Board
Put a Clause Requiring Notification in Your Lease Contract
John Kenny Receivables Management
• End of Lease Negotiations & Enforcement
• Fraud Investigations
• Credit Investigations
• Asset Searches
• Skip-tracing
• Third-party Commercial Collections | ph 315-866-1167| |
(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for investigations
and background information provided by John Kenny)

Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Midwest Sales Representative
(as far east as Michigan, as far west as Colorado, as far
south as Texas, and as far north as Minnesota)
Construction, Trucking, Machine Tools, Waste Equipment
Credit application only up to $250K, vendor driven, fast approvals
contact: Chris Chiappetta at
In the last 25 years National Machine Tool Financial has evolved into the premier outsource captive finance company for many major manufacturers.
Medical app only to 200k, Commercial app only to 150k
Superior COF’s-Superior Buying window-Superior back office
Please contact Steve Schachtel at 973-339-9900 ext. 101
email at
Business Risk Manager
Extensive industry knowledge with
strong technical/analytical
skills. Relocation not required.
For more information,
please click here
Western Equipment Finance, a subsidiary of Western State Bank
established in 1901, solicits originations throughout the US
provides funding solutions for a wide range of industries |
For information on placing a help wanted ad, please click here:
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
NAELB Conference had 80 Attend, but more brokers
by Dwight Galloway, CLP

The annual Eastern Regional Meeting of the National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers (NAELB) held in Atlanta, Georgia last Friday and Saturday drew one less than the previous year, but 40 brokers compared to 32 the in the 2010 Atlanta Conference. The exhibitors saw more activity at their booths this year due to the higher broker attendance.
Though the Association membership is down by nearly half from its peak of 1,089 members in 2008, Bud Callahan in his President’s address noted that the average years in business among the members has increased as veterans continue while recent industry entrants have fallen by the wayside. He made it a point to thank the long-time funders and suppliers that have consistently supported brokers and the NAELB and noted the few newly constituted funders that have recently re-emerged.
The attendee list included the core members of the last 21 years with many of the former presidents in attendance. As is its norm, the NAELB continues to attract new entrants to the industry seeking the information, education, contacts, and encouragement they need from the presentations, funders exhibits, and networking.
The general mood of the conference seemed to be guarded optimism. The consensus was that this recession, while the worst the broker industry has experienced, has reached its low point and that a long, slow improvement is underway. Most broker/lessors reported seeing increases in vendor interest and the volume of applications. Several funding sources pointed out that their submissions seemed to be clearly good or clearly bad with fewer gray area credits than historically. A number of veteran brokers voiced the opinion that they did not believe the broker leasing industry would return to the great prosperity of the old days “during their lifetimes” but that making a reasonable living in 2012-13 now looked possible.
The annual Western Regional Meeting of the NAELB will be 11-12 November in Costa Mesa, CA.
Dwight Galloway

Senior V.P. Broker Operations
RLC Funding-Division of Navitas Lease Corp.
803-566-8245 Ext. 102
803-728-0196 Fax
**** Announcement **************************************
ON OCTOBER 31, 2011
(Happy Halloween)

Mesa Leasing, San Diego, California is suspending general lease funding on October 31, 2011. Mesa will continue to operate (collect and service its $4mm lease portfolio) at its existing location. Mesa’s decision to suspend its lease originations was made because its principle investor has suspended funding because of concerns about the economy.
Mesa will review the situation in 2012. If you have any questions please feel free to give Jeff Macdonald or Dave Watt a call at 858-541-1002.
***** Announcement *************************************
Mesa rejoined the "Story Credit" list June, 2011 announcing they would be doing deals in Arizona, California, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, and Washington. They had previously rejoined July 28, 2010 to do "story credit" in California only. Jeff Macdonald said he had again connected with his investors, and secured ability for transactions in California. Jeff started the company in 1999 and hopefully will become active again with new investors. Dave Watt is chairman, Mellanie Martin, broker contact, and Chelsea MacDonald is documentation/customer service, according to their web site:

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Leasing Companies Out of Business
plus No Longer taking Broker/Discounting Business

Companies with an * are no longer in business. The others are companies that were taking broker business, but announced that they no longer are accepting broker business. Many have also down-sized or are managing an existing portfolio.
More details are available in this list by company name:
*ABCO Leasing Inc.,Bothell, WA
*ACC Capital, Midvale, Utah (lenders running off portfolio residuals)
Advantage Business Capital, Lake Oswego, Oregon
AEL Financial, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
(No longer taking new broker business)
Alliance Financial, Syracuse, New York
*AMC Funding, Charlotte, North Carolina
*American Bank Leasing, Alpharetta, Georgia
Balboa Capital, Irvine, Ca
Bankers Healthcare Group, Weston, FL.
*C and J Leasing Corp, Des Moines, Iowa
*Carlton Financial Corporation, Wayzata, Minnesota
*Chase Industries, Inc., Grand Rapids, Michigan
*Chesterfield Financial, Chesterfield, Missouri
CHG-MERIDIAN U.S. Finance, Ltd, Woodland Hills, CA
(Sales Management focuses very selectively on certain brokers.)
*Churchill Group/Churchill Leasing, Jericho, NY
CIT Group (limited)
Columbia Bank Leasing, Tacoma, WA
Commercial Equipment Lease, Eugene, Oregon
Concord Financial Services, Long Beach, California
Court Square, Malvern, Pennsylvania
*Creative Capital Leasing Group, LLC, San Diego, CA
Direct Capital, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Diversified Financial Service, Omaha, NE
Dolsen Leasing, Bellevue/Yakima, Washington
Equipment Finance Partners, a division of Altec, Birmingham, Alabama
Evans National Leasing, Inc., Hamburg, NY
Enterprise Funding, Grand Rapids, Michigan
*Excel Financial Leasing, Lubbock Texas
*First Corp.(IFC subsidiary), Morton Grove, Illinois
First Federal Financial Services, Inc., Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
First Republic Bank, San Francisco, CA
Frontier Capital, Teaneck New Jersey
*GCR Capital, Safety Harbor, Florida
GE Capital, Conn (limited)
Global Funding LLC., Clearwater, FL
*Greystone, Burlington, MA
*Heritage Pacific Leasing, Fresno, CA
Hillcrest Bank Leasing, Overland Park, KS (Parent bank sold)
Huntington Equipment Finance, Vendor Finance Group, Bellevue, Washington
*IFC Credit Corp., Morton Grove, Illinois
Irwin Financial (Irwin Union Bank), Columbus, Indiana
Irwin Union Bank, F.S.B. (Louisville, Kentucky)
Lakeland Bank, Montville, NJ
LaSalle Systems Leasing
*Latitude Equipment Leasing, Marlton, New Jersey
*Leaf Specialty Finance, Columbia, South Carolina
*LEAF Third Party Funding, Santa Barbara, Ca.
Lombard, part of Royal Bank of Scotland, worldwide
Marlin Business Services, Mount Laurel, NJ (accepting no new brokers, they may have opened for a select fee, but no more at this time, they say.)
M&T Credit (Bank)
*MericapCredit, Lisle, Illinois
Merrill Lynch Financial
Mesa Leasing, San Diego, CA
Midwest Leasing Group, Livonia, Minnesota
National City, Cleveland, Ohio
*Navigator (Pentech subsidiary) San Diego, California
OFC Capital, Roswell, Georgia
Old National Bank, Evansville, Illinois
Pentech Financial, Campbell, CA
*PFF Bancorp, Inc, Pomona, CA
Pinnacle Business Finance, Fife, Washington
*Pioneer Capital Corporation, Addison, Texas
PredictiFund, a subsidiary of Capital Access Network, Inc
Popular Finance, St. Louis, Missouri
Puget Sound Leasing, Seattle, Washington
Radiance-Capital, Tacoma, WA
Rational Technology Solutions, Rolling Meadows, IL
*Reliant National Finance, Jacksonville, Florida
Sandy Springs, Olney, MD
Sovereign Bank, Melville, New York
Specialty Funding, Albuquerque, NM
Sun Trust Equipment Finance & Leasing, Baltimore, Maryland
*SunBridge Capital, Mission, Kansas
Suncoast Equipment Funding Corp., Tampa, Florida
TCF Equipment Finance, Minnetonka, Minnesota
TechLease, Morgan Hill, California
Textron Financial
*Triad Leasing & Financial, Inc., Boise, Idaho
*Union Capital Partners, Midvale, Utah
US Bank, Manifest Funding, Marshall, Minnesota
(new requirement: large yearly funding)
US Bank, Middle-Market, Portland, Oregon
Velocity Financial Group, Rosemont, Illinois
VenCore, Portland, Oregon (former company Len Ludwig)
*Vision Capital, San Diego, California
Wachovia Bank Leasing
*Washington Mutual Financial
Western Bank, Devils Lake, ND
*Westover Financial, Inc., Santa Ana, California
(Note: Should a company policy have changed, please contact
Funders looking for new Brokers:
"Broker/Lessor" looking for broker business:
NAELB Broker Exchange
Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Anaheim, California

December 12-14th
Two and One Half-Day Seminar
The seminar will contain information on how to approach leasing in 2012 with the following subjects:
- New lease language
- Proposed new accounting rules for lessee's
- Structuring and pricing for competition
- Income tax rules, Article 2A vs. Article 9
- New reasons to lease
- Questions to ask lessee
- Vendor needs
- Credit enhancements
- Documentation issues
and a take home assignment to see how to propose a lease.
Cost $450 per person
sponsored by
Commerce National Bank
4040 MacArthur Blvd. Suite 100
Newport Beach CA 92660
(Orange County Airport is a half-mile away)
To request a complete outline contact: or for questions call 502-649-0448 |
C. and A. Courier Inspection Services
Joins Site Inspection List
Covers Baltimore Maryland and Surrounding Counties
C. and A. Courier Inspection Services
Andy Klepp-Egge Jr
More info
Covers Baltimore Maryland and Surrounding
Counties only for: On-Site Real Property due diligence reporting services:
Dealer Floor Plan Audits,
Leased/rented equipment inspections,
Damaged Freight Insurance Inspection,
Merchant Business Site physical Inspections,
Construction Loan Draw Inspections,
Baltimore MD Mobile Notary & CJIS Fingerprinting ID verification,
Insurance Premium Audits-Underwriting Surveys-Loss Control data reporting |
Full Site Inspection List:
Sawbux joins Classified Marketing List

SAWBUX: a different kind of marketing firm. Built by deal guys for deal guys, we drive sales and create winning brands. Contact:
M&I Equipment Finance Now BMO Harris Equipment Finance

When Bank of Montréal, the fourth largest bank in Canada, purchased M&I Bank, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, they changed the name of the US Bank to BMO Harris Bank. By acquiring M&I, Toronto-based Bank of Montreal, the fourth largest bank in Canada, will more than double its presence in the U.S. from 321 branches to 700. Yesterday they announced the name change of M&I Equipment Finance Company, which will now be known as BMO Harris Equipment Finance Company.
M&I Equipment Finance Company was a subsidiary of M&I Marshall & Ilsley Bank. On July 5, 2011, at the time of the merger of M&I Marshall & Ilsley Bank into Harris N.A., Harris N.A. changed its name to BMO Harris Bank N.A.
Based in Chicago, BMO Harris Bank N.A. has approximately 700 branches and approximately 1,350 ATMs in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Nevada, Arizona and Florida. Member FDIC. BMO Harris Equipment Finance Company is a subsidiary of BMO Harris Bank, which is part of BMO Financial Group, a North American financial organization with 1,600 branches, and a retail deposit base of approximately $180 billion.
### Press Release ############################
CIT Launches Online Bank to Offer Certificates of Deposit (CDs) with Competitive Rates

Enhances CIT’s Flexibility and Diversifies Sources of Funds to Support Financing
of Small Business and Middle Market Clients
NEW YORK & SALT LAKE CITY--CIT Group Inc. (NYSE: CIT), a leading provider of financing to small businesses and middle market companies, announced the launch of its online FDIC-insured consumer bank, CIT Bank (

John A. Thain, Chairman/CEO
“The launch of CIT Bank online is another important step in our efforts to diversify our funding sources into stable, low-cost deposit products,” said John A. Thain, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “The online bank will help us meet the financing needs of our small business and middle market clients. The CIT Bank platform will allow us to expand our client base as we offer additional retail and commercial deposit products in the future.”
CIT Bank’s initial consumer deposit product offerings include a range of certificates of deposit (CDs) that offer competitive rates, depending on the product type, and are designed to help consumers meet their savings goals. The Bank CDs will have no account opening or monthly maintenance fees. CD options include:
ACHIEVER CDs, which offer consumers a one-time opportunity to increase their savings potential. If CIT Bank’s certificate of deposit rates go up, customers can opt to take advantage of the higher rate by raising their rate. Customers can also elect to increase their deposit level at any time during the term of the CD.
CIT Bank’s suite of products and services are expected to expand throughout 2012 and may include: checking, savings, online bill pay, mobile banking and other features.

Raymond J. Quinlan, Executive Vice President, Banking, said, “CIT Bank is inviting U.S. consumers to put our experience to work for them. We are bringing the same qualities that have helped us build small and middle market businesses -- ingenuity, commitment and focus -- to consumers, and we look forward to helping them achieve their personal savings goals."
CIT Bank is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and deposits are insured up to $250,000 per depositor.
Individuals interested in receiving future updates on CIT via e-mail can register at
About CIT Bank
Founded in 2000, CIT Bank is a state-chartered Utah bank and wholly-owned subsidiary of CIT Group Inc. (NYSE: CIT). It is regulated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Utah Department of Financial Institutions. As of June 30, 2011, it had $4.4 billion of deposits and $6.9 billion of assets.
About CIT
Founded in 1908, CIT (NYSE: CIT) is a bank holding company with more than $35 billion in financing and leasing assets. A Fortune 500 company, CIT provides financing and leasing capital to its more than one million small business and middle market clients and their customers across more than 30 industries. CIT maintains leadership positions in small business and middle market lending, factoring, retail finance, aerospace, equipment and rail leasing, and global vendor finance.
#### Press Release #############################
NXT Capital Launches Venture Finance Business

Chicago, Illinois – NXT Capital announced the launch of NXT Capital Venture Finance. This new business will be led by Jan Haas, former President and CEO of Velocity Financial Group and a 15-year industry veteran, who will be joined at NXT Capital by the entire Velocity Financial Group team.
The launch of Venture Finance is another important step in NXT Capital’s development as a diversified commercial finance company. NXT Capital Venture Finance complements NXT Capital’s Corporate Finance and Real Estate Finance groups, extending NXT’s reach to emerging growth companies backed by venture capital and private equity firms, particularly those in the technology and life science sectors. NXT Capital Venture Finance provides senior and subordinated term loans in the $1 million to $20 million range to these companies.

Robert Radway
“We’re excited to be joined by Jan and his colleagues in launching NXT Capital Venture Finance and are confident the team’s extensive domain expertise, impressive track record, consistent commitment to the entrepreneurial community and past experience building de novo businesses will be vital ingredients in the success of this initiative,” said Robert Radway, Chairman and CEO of NXT Capital. “Venture finance is a business we are very familiar with and one that represents a logical, attractive expansion of the NXT platform.”
Founded in 2007, Velocity Financial Group provided alternative capital to a wide range of growth stage companies. Velocity has invested in more than 30 venture and private equity-backed technology, life sciences and clean energy companies. Its portfolio includes such notable industry leaders as Cadent, Schoolnet, Seven and Suniva.

Jan Haas
Senior Managing Director, Venture Finance
“Joining forces with NXT Capital makes perfect sense for our clients and the team,” said Haas. “With NXT’s substantial and stable capital base, familiarity with venture finance and a quick and reliable decision making process, we are confident our team will quickly establish NXT Capital Venture Finance as a market leader and the preferred source of financing for our clients.”
NXT Capital provides structured financing solutions to middle-market and emerging growth companies, and real estate investors through its Corporate Finance, Real Estate Finance and Venture Finance groups. Based in Chicago with offices in New York, Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, Newport Beach and Silicon Valley, NXT Capital targets senior financing opportunities of up to $150 million with a hold size up to $30 million
#### Press Release ##############################
Pest Control Owner gets One Year, $175,000 fine, May Lose License

Los Angeles – Appearing before United States District Judge Gary A. Feess, an Inglewood business operator was sentenced today to 12 months and one day in federal prison for underreporting his business income.
Frank Marshall, 66, of Los Angeles, operator of Stormies Pest Control, was further ordered to pay restitution of $175,000 to the Internal Revenue Service and to spend one year on supervised release after serving his prison sentence. In light of the sentence imposed by the court today, Marshall faces the possible loss of his State of California pest control license.
In hearings leading up to today’s sentencing, Judge Feess acknowledged that Marshall failed to report over $2 million in gross receipts from his business during the years 2003 through 2005.
On June 27, 2011, Marshall pleaded guilty to a one-count information charging him with subscribing to a false 2004 tax return. Marshall’s 2004 tax return reported business income of $87,824 on the attached Schedule C. In 2004 Stormies received substantially more income than what was reported on the tax return.
According to documents filed with the court, Marshall’s criminal conduct came to light during the course of a routine IRS tax audit.
According to the plea agreement, beginning in 2003 and continuing through 2005, Marshall operated Stormies Pest Control. Marshall controlled the finances of Stormies and was responsible for the deposits of Stormies’ gross receipts.
In addition to the unreported income for the 2004 tax year, Marshall admitted that he engaged in similar conduct for the 2003 and 2005 tax years. The total tax loss to the government for the years 2003, 2004, and 2005 is at least $175,000.
Judge Feess ordered Marshall to surrender to the Bureau of Prisons in 90 days. In issuing today’s sentence, Judge Feess commented that Marshall’s crime was serious and that the general public should know that if you are caught committing a tax crime you face the possibility of being sent to prison
The investigation and prosecution of Marshall was conducted by IRS - Criminal Investigation’s Los Angeles Field Office, in conjunction with the United States Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California.
#### Press Release ############################
(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)
Mount Laurel, New Jersey -- Adopt-a-Dog

Female, Adult
Harley is a black female Lab mix with a grey muzzle, medium in size & short. She is looking for a loving home. Her owner is in the hospital & can no longer care for her. Please adopt her!! Look alike picture."
Animal Sanctuary Society, Inc.
PO Box 24
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
856-642-0004 sanctuarysociety
Adopt-a-Pet by Leasing Co. State/City
Adopt a Pet

News Briefs---

JP Morgan Topples BofA as largest US Bank by Assets

Full Report:
Baltic Leasing celebrates its 21st birthday
Message from bank earnings: Higher fees are here to stay
Gloom Grips Consumers, and It May Be Home Prices
'Dancing' ballroom erupts in boos over latest ouster
Pete Rugolo, award-winning composer and arranger, dies at 95

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Spending outlook more sober this holiday season,0,2624887.story

Sports Briefs----
Al Davis Private Funeral
Al Davis: A Lifetime with the Raiders
NBA Players, Owners meeting with mediator
Detroit Lions coach Jim Schwartz says officials erred in loss to San Francisco 49ers
Hue Jackson on Palmer trade: 'We're chasing a championship'
Palmer trade will have long-lasting impact on Raiders, Bengals

California Nuts Briefs---
Fry's Electronics to Omar Siddiqui: You still owe us $65 million
San Jose cops let hundreds of bikers leave cemetery crime scene without searches, interviews
Home loan defaults jump by 26 percent in California

“Gimme that Wine”
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This Day in History
1739 - England declared war on Spain over borderlines in Florida. The War is known as the War of Jenkins' Ear because a Member of Parliament waved a dried ear and demanded revenge for alleged mistreatment of British sailors. British seaman Robert Jenkins had his ear amputated following a 1731 barroom brawl with a Spanish Customs guard in Havana and saved the ear in his sea chest.
1781- Washington takes Yorktown. By 1780, the Continental Army had suffered its worst privations, it greatest defeats, and its darkest hours. October was a terrible month in 1780. It would continue to lose battles but, by this time turned into a well-trained fighting force by European officers and aided by allied French forces, it endured and historians consider the American Revolutionary War ended this day in 1781 when more than 7,000 English and Hessian troops, led by British General Lord Corwallis, surrendered to General George Washington at Yorktown, Virginia, effectively ending the war between Britain and her American colonies. The military phase of the conflict ended at Yorktown as there were no more major battles, but the diplomatic struggle continued. Preliminary articles of peace were secured on November 30,1782, after long and difficult negotiations. The Treaty of Paris, by which the war was officially ended and independence formally acknowledged by Great Britain, was not signed until September 3,1783. Adding to the disagreements was communication by ship and even meetings locally were delayed as the pace of public transportation in the U.,S. was painfully slow. It took Thomas Jefferson five days to travel from Philadelphia to Baltimore. The time delay also gave over 100,000 ÒloyalistÓ the time to fled the U.S. Also known as Tories, they had suffered various penalties for their loyalty to the Crown, including confiscation of property, removal from public office, and punitive taxation. Probably no more than 10% of the colonials were Tories, who were generally well-to-do, engaged in commerce or the professions, or public officials. Many fled to Canada, some to England. Some returned after the peace treaty was actually signed. After the conflict, many were also able to recover at least some of their confiscated property. The estimated colonial population was 2,781,000
1829 The monument to George Washington was completed this day in Baltimore, MD. The cornerstone was laid on July 4, 1815, with Masonic ceremony.
1833 -- Edgar Allen Poe's "Ms. Found in a Bottle" appears in "Baltimore Sunday Visitor".
1842 -- Military forces, believing war has begun, occupy Monterey, Calif., Mexico.
1844 - The famous "Lower Great Lakes Storm" occurred. Southwesterly winds were at hurricane force for five hours, driving lake waters into downtown Buffalo NY. The storm drowned 200 persons.
1848 - John "The Pathfinder" Fremont moved out from near Westport, Missouri, on his fourth Western expedition--a failed attempt to open a trail across the Rocky Mountains along the 38th parallel. It was not until scout Christopher "Kit" Carson did Fremont find passage West.
1849 -- Elizabeth Blackwell became first woman in the country to receive medical degree.
1850-- Annie Smith Peck, shocks society by wearing trousers when she climbed mountains. She had conquered every large mountain in the Western Hemisphere and at age 85 she climbed Mount Madison in New Hampshire.
1876-Birthday of ÒThree Finger Brown;Ó Mordecal Peter Centennial, Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher born at Nyesville, IN. Brown won 239 games. His nickname came from a childhood injury that cost him one finger and misshaped others. Inducted inot the Hall of Fame in 1949. died at Terre Haute, IN. Feb 14, 1948.
1895 - Historian Lewis Mumford Birthday.
1901 - Arleigh A. Burke, admiral (WW II, Solomon Islands, Navy Cross), was born in Colorado. Although unable to complete his high school education because the school was closed during the flu epidemic in 1917, he competed successfully for an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy. Convinced that the inadequacies of his secondary education put him behind other Midshipmen in his class, Burke decided that he could only overcome this deficiency by working more diligently at his studies than the others. This plan paid great dividends, and he graduated in 1923 in the top sixth of his class. Taking this lesson strongly to heart, he remained a believer in the benefits of sustained hard work throughout his Navy career. During the interwar years, Arleigh Burke honed his skills as a surface warfare officer, serving initially in the battleship USS Arizona, obtaining a postgraduate degree in ordnance engineering, and rising eventually to command a destroyer. It was in this formative period of his career that he learned the importance of the Navy adage "loyalty up, loyalty down"--if you expect loyalty from your people you must be loyal to them in return. During World War II, Burke commanded Destroyer Squadron 23 (the "Little Beavers") during combat in the South Pacific. Developing successful tactics to overcome Japanese advantages in night surface operations, he earned fame as "31-knot" Burke during the 1943 battles of Empress Augusta Bay and Cape St. George. It was in this period that his belief in the importance of thorough training was validated--as he explained to his subordinates, in combat your outfit could expect to do only about as well as it had trained to do beforehand. During Dwight Eisenhower's terms as President in the 1950s, Arleigh Burke served as Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) for six years. While CNO he initiated efforts such as the submarine-launched Polaris ballistic missile program that tremendously strengthened the U.S. Navy's military capabilities.
1915 - Establishment of Submarine Base at New London, Connecticut. In 1868, Connecticut gave the Navy land and, in 1872, two brick buildings and a "T" shaped pier were built and officially declared a Navy Yard. Today the Naval Submarine Base New London (SUBASE NLON), located on the east side of Thames River in Groton, CT, proudly claims its motto to be "The First and Finest."
1917 - The first doughnut was fried by Salvation Army (who would found the United Service Organization) volunteer women for American troops in France during World War I. The first of a group of 250 Officers and Soldiers of The Salvation Army to be posted to France to serve with General John Pershing's American expeditionary force sailed from New York on August 12th 1917. General Pershing was far from convinced that The Salvation Army's presence at the Front Line would benefit his troops and at first the Salvationists were treated with total indifference. At Demange, in the American first division sector, Salvationists toiled in pouring rain to build a hut 25 feet wide by 100 feet long for the troops benefit. No one gave them the time of day, much less a hand. What swung the troops to The Army's side was their practical example. No task was too menial, none too dangerous or difficult. But The Salvation Army won pride of place in American hearts by a brain wave born of sheer necessity. At Montiers, after 36 days of rain, supplies were almost exhausted. Only flour, lard and sugar remained. Ensign Margaret Sheldon, from the Chicago slums made a suggestion which was to go down in history. "Why don't we make them doughnuts?" They had no rolling pins or cake cutters and gales had blown down their tent but Salvationists thrive on challenges. Along with Ensign Helen Purviance, Margaret Sheldon crouched in the rain to prepare the dough. An empty bottle did duty as a rolling pin and in place of a cutter they used a knife to twist the doughnuts into shape. The first doughnuts cooked over a wood fire were triumph of improvisation. On the first day they served up some 150 doughnuts. The following days batch topped 300. The traditional hole now being punched out with the inner tube of a coffee percolator. The doughnuts made by The Salvation Army Lassies were an instant success with the troops. Some lining up for hours in appalling conditions for their daily supply. Soon the troops came to realize that even in the firing line The Salvationists would not neglect them. When Lassies like Ensign Florence Turkington crawled under shell fire to deliver coffee an doughnuts to troops in the trenches, letters praising the work of The Salvation Army began flooding back home. Over night the bewildered lassies found themselves national heroines. Although often in great danger The Salvationists displayed tremendous courage. At Baccarat they worked so close to the German lines that they couldn't even whisper for fear of being heard by the listening posts. The sermon that came with the coffee and doughnuts was a friendly squeeze on the shoulder.The Doughnut became a symbol of The Salvation Army in the U.S.A. Outside many of The Army rest rooms and hostels were hung giant "doughnuts". The Army, by selfless example, had won the hearts of a nation. At the end of the war the American people subscribed an unprecedented 13 million dollars to meet the debts incurred by The Salvation Army in its' war work.
1926 - John C. Garand patented a semi-automatic rifle. Civil Service employee John Garand was in a class all by himself, much like the weapons he created. Garand was Chief Civilian Engineer at the Springfield Armory in Massachusetts. Garand invented a semiautomatic .30 caliber rifle, known as the M-1 or "the Garand," which was adopted in 1936 after grueling tests by the Army. It was gas-operated, weighed under 10 pounds, and was loaded by an 8-round clip. It fired more than twice as fast as the Army's previous standard-issue rifle and was praised by General George S. Patton, Jr., as "a magnificent weapon" and "the most deadly rifle in the world."
1938 - For Decca records, the Bob Crosby Orchestra recorded "I'm Free". Trumpet was provided by Billy Butterfield. A few years later the song would be retitled, "What's New".
1939 - One of Frank Capra's finest films, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, opened in the United States. Starring James Stewart, Jean Arthur, Claude Rains, Harry Carey, Sr., and Edward Arnold, the film about a young idealist who discovers nothing but corruption in the government did well at the box office. It received many Oscar nominations, including Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Director, but was knocked out of most at awards' time due to Gone with the Wind's sweep; it did snag, however, Best Writing, Original Story for writer Lewis R. Foster, and Stewart received the New York Film Critics Circle Awards for Best Actor.
1949 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: ``That Lucky Old Sun,'' Frankie Laine.
1944--1944--US Navy opened to Black women.
1944--HAJIRO, BARNEY F. --- Medal of Honor
for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty:
Private Barney F. Hajiro distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action on 19, 22, and 29 October 1944, in the vicinity of Bruyeres and Biffontaine, eastern France. Private Hajiro, while acting as a sentry on top of an embankment on 19 October 1944, in the vicinity of Bruyeres, France, rendered assistance to allied troops attacking a house 200 yards away by exposing himself to enemy fire and directing fire at an enemy strong point. He assisted the unit on his right by firing his automatic rifle and killing or wounding two enemy snipers. On 22 October 1944, he and one comrade took up an outpost security position about 50 yards to the right front of their platoon, concealed themselves, and ambushed an 18-man, heavily armed, enemy patrol, killing two, wounding one, and taking the remainder as prisoners. On 29 October 1944, in a wooded area in the vicinity of Biffontaine, France, Private Hajiro initiated an attack up the slope of a hill referred to as "Suicide Hill" by running forward approximately 100 yards under fire. He then advanced ahead of his comrades about 10 yards, drawing fire and spotting camouflaged machine gun nests. He fearlessly met fire with fire and single-handedly destroyed two machine gun nests and killed two enemy snipers. As a result of Private Hajiro's heroic actions, the attack was successful. Private Hajiro's extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon him, his unit, and the United States Army.
1944 - Marlon Brando made his New York stage debut at age 20 in the hit Broadway play, I Remember Mama. Playwright John Van Druten adapted Kathryn Forbes' novel, Mama's Bank Account. The show will become one of televisions first big hits in the late 1940's.
1950- "The Adventures of Ellery Queen" premiered. My father, Lawrence Menkin, wrote many of the episodes. In each of the shows Queen talked to the home audience at the show's climax to see if they were able to identify the killer. These people played Ellery Queen during the several year TV series: Lee Bowman, Hugh Marlowe, George Nader, Lee Phillips, Peter Lawford and Jim Hutton.
1951---Top Hits
Because of You - Tony Bennett
I Get Ideas - Tony Martin
Cold, Cold Heart - Tony Bennett
Always Late (With Your Kisses) - Lefty Frizzell
1953 - Popular singer of her time, Julius LaRosa, was fired on the air by Arthur Godfrey. "Julie lacks humility," Godfrey told the stunned audience, while putting his arm around LaRosa adding, "So, Julie, to teach you a lesson, you're fired!" This ended his career, and Godfrey also was never the same.
1955-- For the first and only time, Elvis Presley and Pat Boone share the bill for a performance at the Circle Theatre in Cleveland, OH.
1956-- The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously strikes down two Alabama laws requiring racial segregation opublic buses.
1957 Maurice 'Rocket' Richard of the Montreal Canadiens became the first player in the National Hockey League to score 500 goals when he tallied against the Chicago Blackhawks in a 3-1 Montreal victory. Richard finished his career with 544 goals and entered the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1961.
1957 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: ``Jailhouse Rock,'' Elvis Presley.
1959 - The Miracle Worker, based on the childhood training of deaf and blind Helen Keller, and starring Anne Bancroft and 12-year-old Patty Duke, opened on Broadway to favorable reviews.
1958-Brenda Lee records "Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree". The song will be released as a single but will fail to chart in either 1958 or 1959. When it was re-released in 1960, it rose to #14 and has since become a Christmas standard, being ranked at #4 in the Top 10 All Time Christmas Songs.
1959---Top Hits
Mack the Knife - Bobby Darin
Put Your Head on My Shoulder - Paul Anka
Mr. Blue - The Fleetwoods
The Three Bells - The Browns
1960 - The United States State Department embargoed the shipment to Cuba of all goods except medicine and food.
1960 -- Martin Luther King, Jr., & 35 students choose jail after arrest for sit-in requesting service at the snack bar of Atlanta's Rich's department store.
1963 - Buck Owens started a 16-week run at top of the U.S. Country chart with "Love's Gonna Live Here". It eventually became the biggest of all the Buck Owens hits.
1967---Top Hits
The Letter - The Box Tops
To Sir with Love - Lulu
Little Ole Man (Uptight-Everything's Alright) - Bill Cosby
I Don't Wanna Play House - Tammy Wynette
1967 -- The Jefferson Airplane perform at Loews Warfield Theatre on Market Street, San Francisco.
1967-Tamla-Motown releases Smokey Robinson & the Miracles "I Second That Emotion." The record climbs to #4 on the pop chart and Number One of the R&B, making it their biggest hit since "Shop Around" in 1960.
1969 -- US: "Mad Bomber" Lamonica passes football for six touchdowns vs Buffalo (50-21).
1969 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: ``I Can't Get Next to You,'' The Temptations.
1970--- Working from a design sketched out by his wife and himself, Elvis Presley orders a dozen 14-karat gold pendants from a Beverly Hills jeweler featuring the letters "TCB" set around a lightning bolt. Designed as totems for the Memphis Mafia (and also for security issues), the symbol stands, in Elvis' words, for "Taking Care of Business in a Flash." They would eventually come to symbolize the '70s era for Presley.
1970-The film Ned Kelly, starring Mick Jagger in the lead role, is released and the critics wasted no time in telling Mick he should stick to singing. One reviewer wrote: "He looks about as lethal as last week's lettuce." Predictably, the movie bombed at the box office.
1973 - Elvis and Priscilla Presley divorced after six years and one child, Lisa Marie.
1974-Billy Preston went to the top of the US singles chart with "Nothing from Nothing", the singer's second and final number one.
1974- Bachman-Turner Overdrive's Not Fragile hits #1
1975-Dickie Goodman had the best selling single in the US with the novelty tune, "Mr. Jaws", which mixed his rapid-fire mock interviews with answers that were snipped from contemporary hit singles. Goodman first entered the US charts in 1956 when he and his partner Bill Buchanan used a similar format on a record called "The Flying Saucer".
1975---Top Hits
Bad Blood - Neil Sedaka
Calypso/I'm Sorry - John Denver
Miracles - Jefferson Starship
Hope You're Feelin' Me (Like I'm Feelin' You) - Charley Pri
1981 - LA Dodger Rick Monday hit a two-out homer in the ninth inning, leading the Dodgers to a 2-1 win over the Expos in the 5th game of their championship series. The Dodgers would win the World Series title.
1981 -- US: Martin Luther King, Jr. Library & Archives opens in Atlanta. Founded by Coretta Scott King, it is the largest repository in the world of primary resource material on King, nine major civil rights organizations, & the American civil rights movement.
1983 - The United States Senate passed a bill making Martin Luther King's birthday a public holiday.
1983---Top Hits
Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler
Making Love Out of Nothing at All - Air Supply
Islands in the Stream - Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton
Paradise Tonight - Charly McClain & Mickey Gilley
1985 - "Take on Me", by a-ha, hit number one on the pop music charts. The video for the song was in regular rotation at MTV. The group is the first from Norway to have a No. 1 hit in the United States.
1986 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: ``True Colors,'' Cyndi Lauper.
1987- The worst stock crash in the history of the New York Stock Exchange occurred when the Down Jones industrial average fell 508 points, closing at 1738.74, a decline of 22.6%, nearly double the decline in1929 that ushered in the Great Depression. The volume of stocks traded, 604,330,000, was nearly twice the previous record of 338,500,000set on October 16. computerized program trading, as well as various factors in the national and international economy, was blamed for the collapse of the market that had exhibited a case of the jitters in recent weeks. On October 230, the Dow Jones rose 102.27 points an trading set another new record for volume with 608,120,000 shares traded. In spite of the gain, largely confined to blue chip issues, many more stocks fell than rose The Down gained another 186 points the following day but dropped 77.42 points on October 22. The major markets set temporarily shorter hours in hopes of easing the tension, but on October 26, there was another drop
of 158.83 points. After a short period of relative quiet, the Dow fell 5.052 on Nov 3, ending a five day
rally, and on Nov. 9 the average was down another 58.85 points, closing at 1900.20.
1981-Though it yielded only one minor hit single in "Backfired," "Koo Koo," the solo album by Blondie's Deborah Harry, goes gold today.
1989 - Record breaking snows fell across northern and central Indiana. Totals ranged up to 10.5 inches at Kokomo, and 9.3 inches was reported at Indianapolis. The 8.8 inch total at South Bend was a record for the month as a whole. Up to seven inches of snow fell in extreme southern Lower Michigan, and up to six inches fell in southwestern Ohio. The heavy wet snow downed many trees and power lines. Half the city of Cincinnati OH was without electricity during the morning hours. Temperatures dipped below freezing across much of the Great Plains Region. Twenty cities, including fourteen in Texas, reported record low temperatures for the date. North Platte NE reported a record low of 11 degrees. In Florida, four cities reported record high temperatures for the date. The record high of 92 degrees at Miami also marked a record fourteen days of 90 degree weather in October, and
116 such days for the year.
1991---Top Hits
Emotions - Mariah Carey
Do Anything - Natural Selection
Romantic - Karyn White
Keep It Between the Lines - Ricky Van Shelton
1998 - Microsoft and prosecutors for the U.S. Department of Justice and twenty states met in federal court. It was the beginning of the antitrust case against the Microsoft Corporation.
2000-- Dusty Baker, who led the Giants to a National League West flag with baseball's best record (97-65), reaches agreement with the Giants on a two-year contract extension. The pact makes, the two-time National League Manager of the Year the second highest-paid skipper in the majors.
2006--Rod Stewart's CD, "Still the Same...Great Rock Classics of Our Time" entered the Billboard Hot 200 album chart at #1.

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