Great Opportunity
Operations Manager
Coordinates lease process from inception through pay off. 3+ years proven leasing account management exper.
For more info, click here
Monday, October 2, 2006

Correction: Security w/Captive Lessor
Classified Ads---Sales Manager
Alert --- EFS Enterprises, Scottsdale
Stock Close— Marlin/Netbank/Pawnee
Leasing 102-by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
“How to Participate in True Leases”
Top Stories--September 25-29
Liberty Leasing joins “Funder List”
Classified ads---Help Wanted
Leasing Assoc. Conf. 2006--Up-date
Banner Adverting ad sheet
Equilease commitment to $175MM
News Briefs---
You May have Missed---
"Gimme that Wine"
Restaurant Review: Sante Awards
Calendar Events
Snapple Real Facts
Today's Top Event in History
This Day in American History
Baseball Poem
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
Correction: Security with a Captive Lessor
(If you are a family ******, you want to work here.)
An apology to anyone who was offended.
The original sentence was written by Leasing News, and not the advertiser. The sentence originally began “if you are a family man...”.
Ads that appear in the headline section, in an attempt to draw more attention, certain features and “lead ins” have been added by Leasing News, in an attempt to draw more attention to the ad itself. The lead in sentence was written by Leasing News, not the advertiser.
In this case, Colin Rosenmeyer, National Sales Manager, NEC Financial Services was getting complaints about being sexist because the sentence above his ad used the noun “family man” instead of “family person.” We changed the sentence on line after the complaints.
Please accept our apology if that offended anyone. I'm from the old school where “family man” was one who not only thought about his job and hobbies, but considered his family as important.
It comes from the dictionary meaning,” a man devoted to his family and home.” Unabridged (v 1.0.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
n : a man whose family is of major importance in his life
WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University
It was not our intention to insult anyone but to compliment NEC and the high regard they have for their employees.
Kit Menkin, editor
Here is the ad as it appeared after being “corrected:”
Security with a Captive Lessor
(If you are a family person, you want to work here.)
3 Regional Sales Opportunities
NY/NJ; Dallas & Atlanta/Nashville
Manage existing accounts and develop relationships. Min. Req. 3 years equip. leasing sales or strong leasing operations experience. For more information, click here:
The position pays base plus commission with a total compensation at target of high five to low six figures, with no cap if target is exceeded. This position requires 40%+ travel within the region and reports directly to the National Sales Manager.
Classified Ads---Sales Manager

Paul Thomas Winery, The Alder Ridge Vineyard is one of the largest and most spectacular vineyard developments in the Washington wine industry. With 950 acres overlooking the Columbia River (on the Washington State side) 800 of which have been planted. *
These help-wanted ads are free. We also recommend to both those seeking a position and those searching for a new hire to also go to other e-mail posting sites:
In addition, those seeking employment should go to the human resource departments on company web sites for funders, captive lessors, and perhaps “broker-lessors.”
To place a free “job wanted” ad here, please go to:
Atlanta, GA
30 years in transportation Finance with strong management/ sales background. Represented company on national & region markets. Started two successful operations- produce profits and growth.
Chicago, IL
Successful sales manager has 15 years experience with captives and independents. Expertise in re-energizing existing sales teams and territories, also building teams from scratch. True Team Leader looking for new challenge.
Chicago, IL
Senior sales manager seeks Chicago based sales management role with growing, creative, customer focused lessor. Extensive experience/documented results in all aspects of information technology leasing.
Geneva, IL
Leasing leader seeking sales manager, senior sales/business development, marketing or strategic planning opportunity. Twenty plus years in the business. Looking for a new challenge.
Marlton, NJ
25 years exper. Promoted to sales manager after attaining highest percentage of quota for 2 years. Increased business by 50% over two years as sales manager.
New York, NY
I have over 25 years owning an independent leasing company that specialized in truck leasing. Tow trucks, Limos, ambulances, tractors, etc..
Pennsauken, NJ
17 Years Leasing in all capacities from CSR and Collections to National Sales Management and Vice President Vendor Development. Exceptional People Skills. Many industry references.
Portland, OR
18+ yrs w/bank leasing company. Supervised 14-20 sales people. Willing to relocate for the proper position.
For a full listing of all “job wanted” ads, please go to:
Alert--- EFS Enterprises, Scottsdale, Arizona
“The lessee was Todd Adams Chiropractic of Newport Beach, CA. His business had 2 leases with us – the initial lease for (3) Toshiba eStudio 55 copiers and a subsequent lease for (1) Toshiba eStudio 55 and an assortment of chiropractic equipment. When the 2nd one came across my desk I did call another creditor and got a clean bill of health. In both cases the equipment was ‘sold' by a medical equipment dealer in AZ known as EFS Enterprises. (see attachment).

After a while the leases became delinquent and ultimately the lessee, Todd Adams Chiropractic filed chapter 11 which was converted to chapter 7. We had an inspector pay a visit to the lessee's place of business but were unable to locate any of our equipment. During a bankruptcy hearing we found that the equipment was kept at several self storage units. Our inspector went to those units and found a large quantity of machines, all properly disassembled, wrapped and marked with the typical copier dealer's worksheet.

The appearance had an uncanny resemblance to the typical off lease storage facility of a copier dealer. The machines had service tags from ‘Ultra Imaging Solutions.' (see attachments).

“According to info from the bankruptcy court, Dr Adams had approximately $1.6 million in leases. Most were copiers but according to testimony some chiropractic equipment crept in toward the end. Dr Adams also testified that the copiers were taken in on trade from a client that he performed chiropractic services for that was unable to pay due to an unfavorable personal injury judgment. Dr Adams then went on to blame his accountant who put him in touch with EFS so that he could raise cash from these machines by means of these sham transactions with a whole host of leasing companies. For their participation Dr Adams testified that EFS was paid 10% of the proceeds and he suspects that his accountant also received something. Dr Adams has stated for the record that the $1.6 million that he received went into leasehold improvements on his business. This does not seem plausible since his operations were way too small for this. This much is a matter of public record.
“This inventory of used machines is so vast that I believe that they were actually supplied by a copier dealer and Ultra Imaging Solutions would be the prime culprit by virtue of their service tags.

“We have also been told that Dr Adams had a personal relationship with an employee of Ultra Imaging Solutions and that there was some type of copier deal that they had with Disney that broke down. There is a strong possibility that these machines were “traded up” but the original lessor not paid off and the sham leases were a means to raise cash so that the original lessor would receive monthly payments.
“Once we get the machines and verify the serial numbers we should be able to track their history but the storage facility has been uncooperative. The matter of finding out where the $1.6 million went has also not been resolved. “
(name withheld)
Stock Close—Marlin/Netbank/Pawnee

Stock Quote $ 20.90
Change $ (0.23)
1.09 %
Volume 17,060

Change: 0.05 (0.82%)
Prev Close: 6.10
Open: 6.07
52wk Range: 4.03 - 8.52
Volume: 164,072
Avg Vol (3m): 240,695
Pawnee (Chesswood Income Fund)

Price 7.680 Net
Change (-0.240 )
Ask Size 28 Low 7.680
Leasing 102
“How to Properly Participate in True Leases”
by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP

How to Properly Participate in True Leases
The question always come up on how to sell a tax lease and still retain the value of the excess income from the release or the sale of the equipment at termination. The problem stems from the desire to retain ownership of the equipment and sell off the payment stream to obtain the purchase price of the equipment. The trouble is that if you sell off the payment stream, on a non recourse basis while retaining the title, the IRS says you have received all of your rent up front with no liability, and therefore you owe income tax on that amount in the current period. You are allowed to take MACRS depreciation but only that amount allowed for the first year. This makes for a healthy tax bill.
If you want to obtain the benefits of the ownership at lease termination after selling off the payment stream then sign a remarketing agreement with the funding source that allows you to sell or release the equipment at lease termination and receive a commission equal to the value received after the residual and selling costs have been realized.
A remarketing agreement allows the ownership to be passed to the funding source so that they can benefit from the tax advantages allowing for increased fees to the broker. It also allows for the funding source to assume a residual that will lower the lessee's payments, making the transaction more competitive.
Just because the ownership has passed does not mean the control of the transaction has passed to the funding source. A remarking agreement commits the funding source to allow the broker to have access to the value received once the funding source has received its proper return on the investment. However, some funding sources may prefer to share in the benefits if they have assumed the risk of the payment stream. Therefore, the compensation may only be 50% of the excess benefits or some other percentage that can be agreed upon.
Mr. Terry Winders has been a teacher, consultant, expert witness for the leasing industry for thirty years and can be reached at or 502-327-8666
Top Stories--September 25-29

Here are the top ten stories most "opened" by readers last week.
(1) Collection: Essential to IFC's financial health
(The working title was “Leasing: House of Cards,” then changed to “Leasing: Can be a House of Cards” thus the “Jack of Diamonds” graphic at the top, a card designating the knave considered as the “salesman” of the playing cards (sorry, I am not going to use salesperson, as the card is a male.). A working draft was sent to IFC Credit officers for a comment (they never responded), and the section on how leasing works was sent to a few top technical people in the leasing industry to insure that the description of how leasing really works was accurate.
It was suggested I make this into two articles, but as editor I thought that took away the explanation of why IFC Credit appears to have painted themselves into a corner.)
(2) Advance Rental Artist Sentenced
(Our archives have many of these culprits being caught and sentenced. Most, or almost all, are not professional leasing brokers but “crooks” whose sole aim is to collect the deposits and advance rentals.)
(3) “Broker-Vendor” Commissions up-dated
(This was originally started by Linda Kester in a “Sales makes it Happen” column. The list is now on line)
(4) “ Evergreen Clauses”
by Archie Julian, Dumac Leasing
(Archie is one of the most respected persons in the Leasing Business, especially well-known in Northern California. Dumac has been expanding their geographic area and he is now marketing the Dumac broker program in Southern California.)
(5) Leasing Institute of America Sold
(Offering $10,000 to procure a student, this Amembal project was doomed for failure. It had some top flight instructors at one time. Hopefully Bob Baker, CLP, will be able to service what was promised to students who went through the school and graduated. I personally know he will try his best.)
(6) New Lease Broker Software
(Lease News has a version to test, but has not gotten around to it. Perhaps I should offer it to a broker who would like to give it a try?)
(7) Captive Lessors—Up-dated
(This is a growing field in the leasing industry as back office companies can service, regional banks can finance, and if you have ever personally ordered through Dell Computer, you get an offer of free for 60 days or it “ automatically” starts a CIT payment program. I didn't even have to sign a contract.)
(8) Leasing 102-Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
"Hold Harmless and Tax Indemnities"
(The popularity of Winders column shows readers are interested learning more of the laws and details in leasing.)
(9) Five Point Capital Another SD Award
(As their press release states, “Emerging as one of the nation's leaders in small ticket leasing, Five Point Capital (FPC) was founded by David Gilbert and Dan Feder in 1999 under the principle that'” leasing can help any company grow.' The San Diego-based firm employs 120 and occupies 37,000 sq. ft.”)
(10) Microsoft Explorer 7
(After all, we are a internet trade publication, so why should we not write about such topics that may interest our readers? Better you should play with a knife and cut yourself? Shalom (hey, it's Yom Kippur.)
This did not make the top ten, nor top twenty, but should be considered a further explanation of #10
Correction: Explorer 7 Version

joins “Funder List”
Funder - Update
A -Accepts Broker Business | B -Requires Broker be Licensed | C -Sub-Broker Program
| D -"Private label Program" | E - Also "in house" salesmen
In Business Since
Leasing Association
14 |
Nationwide |
$100,000 |
Y |
N |
N |
N |
Y |
Liberty Leasing specializes in "true operating leases" where the running rate (lease payments) are usually negative on the stream (if you added up the steam of payments.)
To view the complete list, please click here.
The “Funder List” has also been up-dated, and may be view here:
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Office Administrator
Office Administrator
Deerfield, Illinois
Proficient in Microsoft Office, 2 years admin. minimum report directly to Director of Operations. To learn more, please click here.
Operations Manager
Operations Manager
Coordinates lease process from inception through pay off. 3+ years proven leasing account management exper.
For more info, click here
Sales Representatives
National Machine Tool Financial Corporation |
National Tel-Med Capital | National Business Finance |
Sales Reps
Machine tools, construction, medical equip. Top competitive comp. package Fax resume: 847-871-4209 e-mail:
National has operated as an indirect lessor for over 25 years. They are expanding three of their divisions. |
Leasing Association Conference 2006

UAEL Annual Conference & Exhibition
Brochure on Line:
The Funding Source and Service Provider Expositon will be held Friday, October 6, after the event. Educational sessions and the Annual Business Meeting will be held on Saturday, October 7.
You will become a Balloon Fiesta "VIP" and enjoy the International Balloon Festival from a private reserved area, away form the crowds and with comfortable seating indoors and out.
Enjoy this exclusive setting that includes delicious food and a private tent during the Mass Ascension, which is famous for being a top draw of the Festival.
UAEL is also providing transportation and admission to the event with paid registration so sign up ASAP to reserve your place at this exciting event .
Annual Conference & Exhibiton
Kim at 760-564-2227
or email at
More information at:
Schedule of the International Balloon Festival:
You can see the balloons from the Embassy Hotel, where UAEL
has booked rooms. Register early as this is a popular event.
Click here for the hotel:;jsessionid=YRSAQP3J
Exhibitor Layout (The choice of booth location is based in the order of conference registration, so register ASAP to secure your desired spot:)

Equipment Leasing Association Annual Conference
45th Annual Convention
October 22-24
JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort & Spa
Palm Desert, CA
It is the first convention that former president Mike Fleming, CAE, will not be attending (according to a source at the Alta Group.) It is the first conference for the new president Kenneth Bentsen, Jr. It is a major "changing of the guard" in a time of great FASB turmoil, corporate board room ethics, and both the growth of captive lessors, community banks and industrial banks entering the equipment leasing fray.
This certainly will be a major convention, and for the first time, Leasing News has assigned a reporter to cover it, arranging for his registration, lodging and expenses: Bob Teichman, CLP, chairman of the Leasing News Advisory Board.
Both JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort & Spa and the Rancho Las Palmas Resort are now SOLD OUT.
Two nearby hotels do have availability. Attendees still needing a hotel room should call one of the following two locations:
Courtyard by Marriott
74895 Frank Sinatra Drive
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Residence Inn
38305 Cook Street
Palm Desert, CA 92211
The two additional hotels may be sold out soon as this is a very important convention.
Flights to the Palm Springs Airport are most likely booked, so you may have to fly into Orange County ( John Wayne Airport) or Ontario (one hour drive )or Los Angeles International Airport and drive (one and half to two hours.)
You will love the weather the end of October. Bring your golf clubs. Great restaurants in the entire area, too.
Registration and all information about the Annual Convention are now available on-line at
October 12:
Last day for receipt of mail-in registrations. After this date, individuals should register or make substitutions on site.
Last day to cancel and receive a partial refund.
At this time, individuals registering before October 12 will be included on the final list of attendees handed out on site.
Attendance List Today:

Association for Governmental Leasing & Finance
26th Fall Annual Conference
November 8 – 10, 2006
Conference Early Bird before October 15th
AGL&F Registration Deadline: October 31
Conference venue:
Westin Mission Hills Resort
71333 Dinah Shore Drive
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
Keynote Addresses
“Innovative Performance Contracting Programs – The Kansas Model”
James Ploger, Director, Kansas City Energy Office
“Water Supply, Demand and Financing – New Models and New Opportunities”
Lynn Sherman, Winstead Consulting Group
50 State Survey
Since the initial Fifty State Survey was published in the Urban Lawyer 20 years ago, there have been many changes and improvements. The 2006 Fifty State Survey will update AGL&F’s 2004 Survey and includes three separate surveys -- the Fifty State Survey of Legislation and Case Law, the Federal Tax Survey and the Federal Securities Law Survey.
To make the 50 State Survey session the best for you, please send your requests for legal updates or questions you would like addressed directly to George Mardikes. Email him now at:
Annual Golf Scramble
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
11:00am – 5:00pm
Registration fee: $225
All attendees are encouraged to play! There will be many opportunities to win a prize, maybe closest to the pin or furthest from the pin, longest drive or shortest drive! Fun for all!
Fees includes box lunch, green fees, and cart rental. Golf club rental is $55 plus tax and not included on the registration form. Please be sure to sign up on the conference registration form!
Banner Advertising

Alexa Ranks Leasing News #1
21 Consecutive days on the website.
Pricing Information |
Price |
Ad Size |
Pixels Size |
Term |
Per Day |
$300.00 |
6.5W X 1.5 H |
468W X 108H |
21 days |
$14.28 |
$500.00 |
6.5W X 2.5 H |
468W X 180H |
21 days |
$23.81 |
$750.00 |
6.5W X 4" H |
468W X 288H |
21 days |
$35.71 |
Web site links or links to additional information are free.
Ad copy may be up-dated or changed at any time during the time period.
No charge for artwork or design.
The ads are rotated in the headline section on a chronological basis. Advertisers on the average get this place four times at no charge (this depends on the number of banner ads running.)
Leasing News offers a discount for contracts at two, three, and six months, based on 21 days "on" and ten days "off."
To obtain more information or to submit an ad, please click here.
### Press Release ###########################
DZ Bank and Newstar increase their Equilease commitment to $175 million

Equilease Financial Services, Inc. (“Equilease”) announced that Autobahn Funding Company, LLC (“Autobahn”) and NewStar Financial, Inc. (“NewStar”) have increased their commitment to Equilease's lease-backed commercial paper program from $100 million to $175 million.
Autobahn is the asset-backed commercial paper conduit sponsored by DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank (“DZ Bank”), which serves as agent for the Equilease financing. This transaction further supports Equilease's business strategy of providing leasing and financing of business-essential equipment to small and middle-market companies nationwide.
Gary Silverhardt, President of Equilease, said, “This is an affirmation by both DZ Bank and NewStar of their continued confidence in Equilease's ability to grow its equipment leasing business in the competitive middle- and small-ticket marketplaces and develop new business initiatives that complement our market position.”
DZ Bank and NewStar closed the existing facility with Equilease in May 2005.
Dan Marino, First Vice President of DZ Bank's Asset Securitization Group, said, “We are excited about the opportunity to continue working with Gary and his team and supporting the growth of Equilease's lease origination platform.”
Equilease, founded in 1957 ( and headquartered in Norwalk, Connecticut, provides small- and middle-ticket equipment lease and finance solutions to businesses nationwide, indirectly through equipment vendors/dealers and other specialty finance companies, and directly to end users. The company finances business-essential income producing equipment. Equilease currently serves customers in the construction, transportation, machine tool, printing and other capital intensive industries.
For more information, please call Gary Silverhardt at (203) 354-3654 or by email at
### Press Release ###########################
News Briefs----
30-year mortgage rates fall to lowest level in more than 6 months

You May have Missed---
More banks to electronically clearing transactions instead of shipping paper checks, small air carriers losing this business

“Gimme that Wine”
California: Harvest report
Last year's big crop causes this year's grape glut
Harvest tale: Birds save grapes from literary foe
American dream, Sonoma style
Ulises Valdez goes from pruning vines to making his own wines
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Winery Atlas\
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page
The London International Vintners Exchange (Liv-ex)
is an electronic exchange for fine wine.

Sante Award Winning Restaurants
DiRoNA is pleased to announce that several of our member restaurants and restaurateurs have been honored with the 2006 Sante Restaurant Award.
Founded by Mark Vaughan and Chris Costello in 1996, Sante is now in its ninth year of publication. The magazine reaches 55,000 upscale-casual to fine-dining establishments in all 50 states, Canada, and Mexico. More than 200,000 restaurant professionals read Sante .
Sincerest congratulations and cheers from all of us at DiRoNA.
2006 Sante Restaurant Award Winners
Culinary Hospitality Awards, honoring restaurants that exhibit a high level of professional achievement in the culinary arts:
Regional Awards
Inn at Sawmill, West Dover, VT
Beach Walk at Crystal Beach, Destin, FL
Andres French Restaurant, Las Vegas, NV
Cioppino's Mediterranean Grill, Vancouver, BC
Dream Dance, Milwaukee, WI
Water Grill, Los Angeles, CA
Regional Winners, Fine Dining
Il Capriccio, Waltham, MA
Elizabeth on 37 th , Savannah, GA
Port Land Grille, Wilmington, NC
Annie Gunn's, Chesterfield, MO
Hotel/Resort Fine Dining
Friends Lake Inn & Restaurant, Chestertown, NY
Ventana Room, Tucson AZ
Spirits Hospitality Awards, honoring restaurants that exhibit a high level of professional standards in spirits service and hospitality:
Regional Awards
Hotel/Resort Bar
NoMI, Chicago, IL
Service Professional Awards, honoring individuals who exhibit a high level of professional achievement in food, wine, and spirits service:
Regional Awards
Nick's Fishmarket, Rosemont, IL – Joe Gonzales
Bali by the Sea, Honolulu, HI – Kris Nago
(for reviews of other restaurants: please go here:

Calendar Events This Day
Child Health Day
Presidential Proclamation always issued for the first Monday of October. Proclamation has been issued since 1928. IN 1959, Congress changed celebration day form May 1 to the present observance.
Dussehra or Vijayadashmi is the most popular of all the Indian festivals and takes place over 10 days, beginning on the first day of the Hindu Month of Ashwin (September-October). It celebrates Durga's victory over the buffaloheaded demon Mahishasura, and in some places it was once customary to sacrifice a buffalo on the day. The vibrant festivities last for ten days, of which nine nights are spent in worship, 'Navaratri'. The tenth day is devoted to the worship of goddess Durga, who occupies a special position in the Hindu pantheon of gods and goddesses. She is 'Shakti', the cosmic energy which animates all beings.
Feast of the Guardian Angels
A feast in honor of the guardian angels was first observed in the 16th century. In 1615, Pope Paul V added it to the Roman calendar.
Guinea: Independence Day .
Guinea gained independence from France in 1958.
Name Your Car Day
United Nations: World Habitat Day
A day to reflect on the living conditions of human beings and for actions to be taken to address the short comings of those conditions.
World Farm Animals Day.
Celebrated on Gandhi's birthday as an effort to expose and memorialize the needless suffering and death of billions of innocent sentient animals in factories, farms and slaughterhouses.
Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement.
Holiest Jewish observance. A day for fasting, repentance and seeking forgiveness. Hebrew calendar date; Tishri 10,5767. Began at Sundown on October 1

The Eisenhower interstate system requires that one-mile in
every five must be straight. These straight sections are usable as
airstrips in times of war or other emergencies.

Today's Top Event in History
1975-W.T.Grant files for bankruptcy. After a year of desperately trying to revive its flagging fortunes, the once-mighty retailer W.T. Grant filed for bankruptcy on this day. Seeds of the company's collapse were planted in the mid-1960s, when management embarked on an ambitious growth program. The company decided to open a fleet of new stores and, after five years of rapid expansion, 410 super-sized Grant outlets had been built around the country. At the same time, Grant, which had traditionally stocked mainly inexpensive products, began to offer more of the pricier items usually sold at department stores. Unfortunately, the retail makeover only served to alienate Grant's clientele, who had relied on the stores for cheap goods. When a recession hit in 1974, the company was left with little in the way of customers or earnings. At the time it went belly-up, W.T. Grant was saddled with over $1 billion in debt, making it the nation's single biggest retailing failure.

This Day in American History
1721-The Boston Gazette advertised a Camel would be exhibit for sale” African camel...7 feet high and 12 feet long.”
1780- British intelligence officer Major John André was hanged as a spy in Tappan, New York. Captured on his return to New York City by American militiamen fighting in the War of Independence, Major André was found to have papers hidden in his boot concerning West Point, New York . General George Washington designated a board of officers to hear the case which, after finding André guilty of spying, sentenced him to death. More disturbing news was uncovered during the process of the investigation. The papers carried by the British officer had been given to him by Brigadier General Benedict Arnold of the Continental Army, recently appointed commandant of the fort at West Point . Since May 1779, Arnold, motivated by greed, by his opposition to the French alliance of 1778, and by his resentment towards authorities who had reprimanded him for irregularities during his command in Philadelphia , had maintained a secret correspondence with Major André. On September 21, Arnold had agreed to surrender West Point to the British in exchange for 20,000 pounds. West Point, at the time, was a major fort, plus defended the major water transportation for the area.
(lower half of: )
1800 – Birthday of Nat Turner Virginia, leader of major slave rebellion
1864- Battle of Saltville
A Union cavalry column strikes Saltville in southwestern Virginia, but is defeated by a force patched together from several reserve units. The Confederacy's main source of salt, used as a preservative for army rations, was secured as the war entered its final phase. With nearly 8,000 soldiers, the two Union forces converged on the area; the Confederates had barely 1,000 men to stop them. Some of those were used to slow Gillem's advance, but only a few hundred men under the command of Colonel Henry Giltner were available to face Burbridge. On October 1, Giltner delayed the Yankees at Clinch Mountain, but by October 2 the Yankees had reached the outskirts of Saltville. Confederate General John Williams arrived just in time with cavalry reinforcements, and Burbridge suddenly faced more than 2,500 Rebels. The determined Confederates dug in and repulsed a series of attacks. By nightfall, Burbridge's men were running low on ammunition. The Yankees withdrew during the night, and the Confederates pursued them to the Kentucky border. The glory of the victory was tarnished, however, when the Confederates massacred wounded Union soldiers from the 5th and 6th Colored Cavalry.
The Union suffered 329 men killed, wounded, or missing at Saltville, while the Confederates lost 190 men. It was a stunning victory for the Confederates, since they were vastly outnumbered. Winning the Battle of Saltville did little to delay the collapse of the Confederacy, however, which was complete just six months later.
1866-J.Osterhoudt of New York City, obtained a patent for an "improved method of opening tin cans." The can had a projecting lip and a key could open it.
1871-Birthday of Cordell Hull, American statesman who served in both houses of the Congress and as secretary of state , born Pickett County, TN. Noted for his contributions to the “Good Neighbor” policies of the US with regard to countries of the Americas and to the establishment of the United Nations. Hull died at Bethesda, MD July 23, 1955.
1890- birthday of Groucho Mark. Born Julius Henry Marx at New York, NY. Comedian, who along with his brothers, constituted the famous Marx Brothers. The Marx Brothers began as a singing group and then acted in such movies as Duck Soup and Animal Crackers. During the '40s and '50s, Groucho was the host of the television and radio show "You Bet Your Life." Died at Los Angeles, CA, Aug 19, 1977.
1885- Ruth Bryan Owen Rohde birthday, a remarkable woman from Florida - U.S. statesperson. RBOR was a former United States Ambassador to Denmark; member of the House of Representatives from 1929-1933, and first woman elected from the deep South (Florida). Her accomplishments as U.S. Representative include the farsighted proposals to designate the Florida Everglades as a national park and to establish a cabinet-level department to oversee the health and welfare of families and children. She lost her reelection in 1932 because she favored prohibition - although later she voted for its repeal because that was what her constituents wanted. Rohde was appointed U.S. Minister to Denmark in 1933 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. She resigned from the foreign service (1936) to marry a second time, a Danish citizen. Her marriage to a Dane gave her duel citizenship according to Danish law and an impossible conflict as a U.S. ambassador. President Harry Truman appointed her alternate U.S. delegate (1949) to the U.N. General Assembly where she chaired the executive committee of the UN Speakers Research Committee. RBOR received the Distinguished Service Medal from King Frederik of Denmark (1954). RBOR authored six books. Politically, she is best known, however for the grueling 10,000 mile campaign up and down the coast of Florida in her winning campaign for the Fourth District Congressional seat in 1928. After she won election, her opponents challenged her by claiming that she had forfeited her American citizenship under a law passed in 1907 when she married a British subject, Reginald Owen in 1910. The 1922 Cable Act, one of a series to right the wrongs of the 1907 law, enabled her to be renaturalized, but her opponents claimed it did not meet the seven year PRIOR citizenship requirement for a congressional representative. The 1907 law stripped a native-born U.S. woman of her citizenship if she married a citizen of another nation. No such outrageous actions were taken against men who married foreign women - in fact, their marriage conferred U.S. citizenship on their wives! The House ethics committee allowed her to be seated after an emotional appeal and a LOGICAL one. She was, after all, BORN an American. Her case focused national attention on the grossly unfair laws affecting women. The law had been changed but even such people as heiress Barbara Hutton and renowned news correspondent Dorothy Thompson had lost their citizenship because of the appalling law and were unable to regain it because there was no retroactive elimination. By the way, Rohde was the eldest daughter of William Jennings Bryan, noted U.S. political figure and a candidate for the presidency. A daughter but not his clone. While serving as U.S. Representative, she astonished pundits by voting for tariffs on imports, a policy her father had vehemently opposed.
1895-Birthday of comedian Bud Abbott Asbury Park, NJ y Pk NJ,)
1928 – African-American DeFord Bailey cut eight masters at Victor Records Studios in Nashville. Three songs were issued, marking the first studio recording sessions in the place now known as Music City, USA. On December 6, 1925, DeFord won second place with his rendition of "It Ain't Gonna Rain No More" in a French harp contest on radio station WDAD. Soon after, Bailey made his first appearance on WSM Radio, after overcoming some racial opposition from the station's director. The young black performer was given the title "Harmonica Wizard." Bailey played a role in the naming of the "Grand Ole Opry." In 1926, the WSM Barn Dance followed an hour of symphonic music, and one evening its programming concluded with a selection by a young composer from Iowa reproducing the sound of a train. Bailey opened the country music program with his rendition of "Pan American Blues." The difference in the musical genres caused the director, George D. "Judge" Hay, to observe, "For the past hour we have been listening to music taken largely from grand opera; from now on we will present 'The Grand Ole Opry.'" Bailey toured with other stars of the Opry, including Roy Acuff, Uncle Dave Macon, Bill Monroe, and others. During his travels throughout the South in the 1930s, he was well received by the country music public, although racial segregation laws caused Bailey problems in hotels and restaurants. To get a hotel room, on some occasions either he posed as a baggage boy for the white performers or pretended to be Uncle Dave Macon's valet. In April of 1927, Bailey teamed with the black Golden Echo Quartet to make his first recordings of "Pan American Express" and "Hesitation" for Columbia Records in Atlanta. The Columbia recordings were never released. Two weeks later he recorded eight titles for Brunswick label in New York. On October 2, 1928, DeFord recorded for Victor records during a Nashville session. "Ice Water Blues/Davidson County Blues" became so popular that the Victor label released it three times.
1928-Birthday of George “Spanky” McFarland actor. e Rascals), Dallas, TX,+George+'Spanky
1929 - October 2, Guitarist Howard Roberts Birthday
1929- Birthday of Moses Gunn.. The 1981 winner of the NAACP Image Award for his performance as Booker T. Washington in the film Ragtime was born at St. Louis, MO. His appearances on stage ranged from the title role in Othello to Jean Genet's The Blacks. He received an Emmy nomination for his role in Roots and was awarded several Obies for off-Broadway performances. On film he appeared in Shaft and The Great White Hope. He died Dec 17, 1993, at Guilford, CT.
1929 - "The National Farm and Home Hour", which gave rural Americans information about farm products, growing crops, farm animal care and useful household tips, debuted on NBC radio. "The Stars and Stripes Forever" opened the show. Don Ameche and Raymond Edward Johnson were featured, along with music and entertainment by The Cadets male quartet, Jack Baus and The Cornbusters and Mirandy of Persimmons Holler. "The National Farm and Home Hour" was sponsored by Montgomery Ward (or, Monkey Ward's, as we used to call it).
1933 - "Red Adams" was heard for the first time on NBC radio. Later, the program was retiled, "Red Davis" (starring Burgess Meredith), "Forever Young" and, finally, "Pepper Young's Family" (starring Mason Adams). Radio listeners kept listening through all the changes until 1959.
1932-Birthday of former baseball manager and player Maurice Morning “Maury” Wills, born Washington, DC.1935-Birthday of Robert H. Lawrence, Jr. He was named the first black astronaut when he was selected by the Air Force for space flight training in 1966. Born in 1935 on Chicago's South Side, Lawrence graduated from Englewood High School and earned a B.S in chemistry from Bradley University in 1956. He joined the Air Force and completed a doctorate in physical chemistry at Ohio State University. He died in a plane crash on Dec. 8, 1967, at Edwards Air Force Base in California before the start of his space mission. On August 30, 1983, Guion (Guy) S. Bluford, Jr. became the first black American astronaut to make a space flight. Robert H. Lawrence School in Chicago's Jeffrey Manor neighborhood is named in his memory . 966. Born, Jr.
1937 - Ronald Reagan, just 26 years old, made his acting debut with the Warner Brothers release of "Love is in the Air".
1939 - "Flying Home" was recorded by Benny Goodman and his six-man-band -- for Columbia Records. It became his “signature” tune. He had two black musicians, Teddy Wilson on piano and Lionel Hampton on vibraphone. Goodman was the first to break the white-black musician barrier in the early 1930's and the first major band and group to include both black and white musicians playing together, especially in lead positions.
1945-Birthday of singer/songwriter Don McLean, New Rochelle, NY.
1946-Birthday of singer Freddie Jackson, Harlem, NY.
1946-Birthday of accordion player Jo-EL Sonner, Rayne, LA
1947- Yogi Berra becomes first to pinch hit a world series homer.
1948- Donna Karan born Forest Hills, NY - U.S. fashion designer, responsible for the Murphy Brown look - the mix and match wear in soft fabrics in muted colors that allowed an active woman to move comfortably and stay neat all day. She had two terms as chief designer for the Anne Klein line before breaking off to form her own line. Her first stock offering topped $160 million.
1949 - “Hennnnnnreeeeee! Henry Aldrich!” “Coming, Mother!” The popular radio program, "The Aldrich Family", became one of TV's first hits, as the longtime radio show appeared on NBC-TV for the first time. In addition to being a successful radio transplant, "The Aldrich Family" scored another distinction -- being the very first TV sitcom (situation comedy).
1950—Top Hits
Goodnight Irene - The Weavers
La Vie En Rose - Tony Martin
All My Love - Patti Page
Goodnight Irene - Red Foley-Ernest Tubb
1950- This comic strip featured Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, Sally, Peppermint Patty and Charlie's dog Snoopy. The last new Peanuts strip was published Feb 13, 2000.
1950- "Lux Video Theater," James Mason, Otto Kruger and Gordon MacRae hosted this half-hour dramatic anthology series that aired for seven years on both CBS and NBC. Its famed guest stars included: Robert Stack in "Inside Story" (1951); Peter Lorre in "The Taste" (1952); Grace Kelly in "A Message for Janice" (1952); Edward G. Robinson in "Witness for the Prosecution" (1953) and Esther Williams in "The Armed Venus" (1957). 1953- Brooklyn Dodger Carl Erskine strikes out 14 Yankees in the 50th World Series.
1954- "The Jimmy Durante Show" premiered on TV. Affectionately known as "The Schnozz," Durante hosted a Saturday night variety show with his former vaudeville partner, Eddie Jackson, pianist Jules Baffano and drummer Jack Roth. It alternated with "The Donald O'Connor Show" on NBC and aired for two years.
1954-“The George Gobel Show” premiers on TV. George Gobel hosted this comedy-variety show for five years on NBC. Chanteuse Peggy King and Jeff Donnell were also on the show, with Eddie Fisher as “permanent guest star.” In 1959 Gobel switched networks to CBS and appeared for a year with Joe Flynn, Anita Bryant and Harry von Zell. He played Las Vegas, Nevada very often.
1955- "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" premiered on TV.. Alfred Hitchcock was already an acclaimed director when he began hosting this mystery anthology series that aired on CBS and NBC for 10 years. Each episode began with an introduction by Hitchcock, the man with the world's most recognized profile. Hitchcock directed about 22 episodes of the series. Robert Altman was also a director for the series. Among the many stars who appeared on the show are:
Barbara Bel Geddes, Brian Keith, Gena Rowlands, Dick York, Claris Leachman, Joanne Woodward, Steve McQueen, Peter Lorre, Dick Van Dyke, Robert Redford and Katherine Ross.
1957- Specialty Records releases "Bony Maronie" backed with "You Bug Me, Baby," by Larry Williams. "Bony Maronie" peaks at #14 on the pop chart. ("I got a girl and her name is Bony Maronie, she's as skinny as a stick of macroni--bom-bom-bom-arat-ta)
1958—Top Hits
It's All in the Game - Tommy Edwards
Rock-in Robin - Bobby Day
Tears on My Pillow - Little Anthony & The Imperials
Bird Dog - The Everly Brothers
1959- "The Twilight Zone" went on the air with these now-familiar words: "There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fear and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call ‘ The Twilight Zone'." The anthology program ran five seasons for 154 installments, with a one-year hiatus between the third and fourth seasons. It now is considered to have been one of the best dramas to appear on television. It was created and hosted by Rod Sterling. He lived down the street from us in the Pacific Palisades. My father Lawrence Menkin wrote several of the episodes. He used to give Rod Sterling a hard time, calling him a "hog" for writing most of them. Sterling would get a kick out of this from my father who was a big man, six foot four, and Sterling was thin and about five foot four tall. I used to babysit for him. The last episode was telecast on Sept 31, 1965. 1961- Robbie Nevil rocker
1960-"Stay" by Maurice Williams and the Zodiacs, enters the R&B chart and peaks at #3. On the pop chart, it climbs to Number One and popularizes the beach sound of the Carolina beach resorts.
1961 - “Ben Casey” premieres on television, competing with Dr. Kildare, starring Richard Chamberlain . The second year, it overtook Dr. Kildare in ratings, running for five years and 153 episodes starring Vince Edwards as Dr. Ben Casey, Sam Jaffe as Dr. David Zorba, Franchot Tone as Dr. Freeland and Bettie Ackerman as Dr. Maggie Graham. He was a friend of my father's very good friend and actor ( can't remember his name right now), who found himself “typecast” as an actor, tried singing, and had gone from nobody to a great TV star, and then back to a “nobody,” he felt; brooding about it, almost obsessed, as I remember. Vince Edwards died of cancer March 12, 1996 l
1961-Vanguard Records releases the album "Volume Two" and the single "Banks of the Ohio" by 22 year old Joan Baez. She will go on to be one of the most popular and outspoken protest singers of the '60s.
1962- Frank Sinatra records with Count Basie, Los Angeles, Reprise Records FS 1008
1964---Protest Rally Continues Against UC Berkeley (I was there as a reporter for KFRC-News, San Francisco.) Some 450 police assemble on campus to undertake removal of police car and Weinberg, still immobilized by seated crowd; University officials, including President Kerr, members of faculty and student leaders meet, agree to discuss differences. Police leave; demonstrators disperse. Weinberg booked, but released as University, in accordance with agreement, does not press charges ...from The Diggers
1965--The Beatles concert in the Cow Palace. Pandemonium broke out as fans rushed the stage. The Fab Four waited backstage until the frenzy diminished. It was so bad that the Pranksters had to leave halfway through. Booze, joints, you name it was everywhere. It seems not only did people arrive early, they left late, many falling asleep all over the place, so many, the police did very little, but the first aid station was overwhelmed. The only band you can really hear at the Cow Palace with this type crowd was AC/DC.
1965- Pope Paul VI named the Very Reverend Bishop Harold Robert Perry of Lake Charles, LA, as the auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. He was the very first Catholic bishop who was an African-American . He was consecrated in the Basilica of St. Louis, New Orleans, LA, on January 6, 1966, and was the pastor of the New Orleans Parish of St. Theresa of the Child of Jesus, Society of the Divine Word.
1965 - The McCoys' "Hang on Sloopy" hit #1 in the U.S. The song snuck in at number one for one week, between "Eve of Destruction", by Barry McGuire and "Yesterday", by The Beatles.
1965-The Who make their U.S. TV debut on "Shindig!" performing "I Can't Explain." Also on the show are the Four Tops and Gerry & the Pacemakers.
1965-Soul Singer Fontella Bass' "Rescue Me" enters the Hot 100. It remains on the pop charts for thirteen weeks where it peaks at Number Four.
1966-Top Hits
Cherish - The Association
Beauty is Only Skin Deep - The Temptations
Black is Black - Los Bravos
Almost Persuaded - David Houston
1966 - Sandy Koufax, in great pain from an arthritic elbow, won 27 games and, for the third time in four years, led the Los Angeles Dodgers to the National League pennant. However, the Baltimore Orioles swept the Dodgers 4-0 in the World Series that year.
1967- Thurgood Marshall, appointed by President Lyndon B. Johnson, was sworn in as associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Marshall was the first black Supreme Court justice and served until his retirement on June 27, 1991, at the age of 82. He had served in the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals (1961-1965) and as U.S. Solicitor General (1965-1967). Justice Marshall died on January 24, 1993.
1930 Mr. Marshall graduates with honors from Lincoln U. (cum laude)
1933 Receives law degr ee from Howard U. (magna cum laude); begins private practice in Baltimore
1934 Begins to work for Baltimore branch of NAACP
1935 With Charles Houston, wins first major civil rights case, Murray v. Pearson
1936 Becomes assistant special counsel for NAACP in New York
1940 Wins first of 29 Supreme Court victories (Chambers v. Florida)
1944 Successfully argues Smith v. Allwright, overthrowing the South's "white primary"
1948 Wins Shelley v. Kraemer, in which Supreme Court strikes down le gality of racially restrictive covenants
1950 Wins Supreme Court victories in two graduate-school integration cases, Sweatt v. Painter and McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents
1951 Visits South Korea and Japan to investigate charges of racism in U.S. armed forces. He reported that the general practice was one of "rigid segregation".
1954 Wins Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, landmark case that demolishes legal basis for segregation in America
1961 Defends civil rights demonstrators, winn ing Supreme Circuit Court victory in Garner v. Louisiana; nominated to Second Court of Appeals by President J.F. Kennedy
1961 Appointed circuit judge, makes 112 rulings, all of them later upheld by Supreme Court
1965 Appoint ed U.S. solicitor general by President Lyndon Johnson; wins 14 of the 19 cases he argues for the government (1965-1967)
1968- Bob Gibson of the St. Louis Cardinals struck out 17 Detroit Tigers, a record, in the first game of the World Series. The Tigers recovered to win the Series in seven games.
1968-Redwood National Park established.
1971-John Lennon's "Imagine" LP enters the chart as does The Beach Boys' "Surf's Up" LP.
1974-Top Hits
Rock Me Gently - Andy Kim
I Honestly Love You - Olivia Newton-John
Nothing from Nothing - Billy Preston
I'm a Ramblin' Man - Waylon Jennings
1975-W.T.Grant files for bankrupcy. After a year of desperately trying to revive its flagging fortunes, the once-mighty retailer W.T. Grant filed for bankruptcy on this day. Seeds of the company's collapse were planted in the mid-1960s, when management embarked on an ambitious growth program. The company decided to open a fleet of new stores and, after five years of rapid expansion, 410 super-sized Grant outlets had been built around the country. At the same time, Grant, which had traditionally stocked mainly inexpensive products, began to offer more of the pricier items usually sold at department stores. Unfortunately, the retail makeover only served to alienate Grant's clientele, who had relied on the stores for cheap goods. When a recession hit in 1974, the company was left with little in the way of customers or earnings. At the time it went belly-up, W.T. Grant was saddled with over $1 billion in debt, making it the nation's single biggest retailing failure.
1976-Rod Stewart's "Tonight's The Night" is released.
1977- When Dusty Baker hits his 30th homer of the season against the Astros' J.R. Richard, the Dodgers become the first team in major league history to have four players hit 30 or more home runs. He joins with Steve Garvey (33), Reggie Smith (32) and Ron Cey (30) to complete the foursome.
1977-After a month following what appeared to be an attempt to steal the body of Elvis Presley from Forest Hill Cemetary, both Presley's and his grandmother's bodies are moved to Graceland.
1980- Larry Holmes retains WBC heavyweight title defeating Muhammad Ali
1982-John Cougar's "Jack & Diane" hits #1 on the singles chart while .38 Special's "You Keep Runnin' Away" peaks at #38.
1982---Top Hits
Jack & Diane - John Cougar
Eye in the Sky - The Alan Parsons Project
Somebody's Baby - Jackson Browne
Put Your Dreams Away - Mickey Gilley
1982-Bruce Springsteen's "Nebraska" enters the rock albums chart at #24. Though the record, which consists mainly of solo acoustic songs, will receive virtually no radio play, it remains on the best-seller charts for several months.
1982-The Clash's "Rock the Casbah" enter the Hot 100 at #90. It eventually makes the pop Top Ten and the funk-dub remix, "Mustapha Dance" makes the disco singles Top Ten, helping the group's latest album "Combat Rock" become it first golf and platinum LP.
1982-Aerosmith's "Rock In A Hard Place" album enters the chart. The LP was recorded without guitarists Joe Perry and Brad Whitford.
1982-Rush's "Signals" enters the LP chart.
1985-Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the U.S.A." tour ends at the L.A. Coliseum.
1986-The Everly Brothers are awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame
1988 - The games of the XXIV Olympiad closed at Seoul, Korea. The Soviet Union topped the medals tally with 132 (55 gold) against 102 medals for East Germany (37 gold) and 94 for the United States (36 gold). The Olympics were also profitable, with a surplus of $288 million. And the Games helped open new avenues of foreign trade and commerce to the isolated, but burgeoning, South Korean economy.
1990-Top Hits
(Can't Live Without Your) Love and Affection - Nelson
Close to You - Maxi Priest
Praying for Time - George Michael
Jukebox in My Mind – Alabama
1993- Rod Stewart's "unplugged" version of "Reason To Believe" hits #19 on the pop singles chart
1993-Meat Loaf's "Bat Out of Hell II: Back Into Hell" enters the LP chart.
2001- Slugging Sammy Sosa becomes the first player in baseball history to slug 60 home runs in three seasons. The Cubs' outfielder connects off Reds starter Lance Davis to reach the milestone.
2002- Former Diamondback Alex Cabrera slams his 55th home run to tie the Japanese single-season home run mark. The 31-year-old Seibu Lion joins Sadaharu Oh (1964) Tuffy Rhodes (2001) in the record book.
2004-- Jeff Kent hits two round-trippers to become the all-time home run leader of second basemen. The Astros infielder records his 278th dinger and 302nd overall to break Ryne Sandberg's major league record established in 1997.
World Series This Date
1932 New York Yankees
1954 New York Giants

Baseball Poem
By Donald Hall
From “Fathers Playing Catch (Essays on Sport-mostly baseball) with Sons”
North Point Press, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York
“Half of my poet-friends think I am insane to waste my time writing about sports and to loiter in the company of professional athletes. The other half would murder to take my place.
“My obsession with sports began a year or two before my obsession with poetry, I suppose in mimicry of my father and in companionship. The first essay in this book talks bout those days. Like other boys I wanted desperately to be an athlete, but, although (and probably because) I conceived that my father was prodigiously athletic, I wholly incompetent: I dropped the ball; I struck out; I practiced the airball layup. A few years back trying to write songs for a composer, I made this lamentation:”
In the baseball game of life
It's the bottom of the ninth:
We trail, bases are loaded, and I'm up.
The pitcher throws a sliders
Just where the plate gets wider.
I think, I swing, I foul it off my cup.
Then he brings if Express Freight
Through the fat part of the plate.
I think, I swing, I pop the baseball up.
In the basketball game of life
I am standing in the line:
Time's fine. I've got two shoots to win the game.
In the silent, breathless gym
My first one hits the rim.
I pause, I bounce the ball, I take good aim.
If I make it we will tie
But my shot hits only sky.
We loose. I disappear. I change my name.
In a third stanza, I dropped a game-winning pass at the end of the fourth quarter. I ended:
They can shoot me if they want to. I don't mind.
From “Fathers Playing Catch (Essays on Sport-mostly baseball) with Sons”
By Donald Hall
North Point Press, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York
The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?