Chicago, Illinois
Senior Exec. w/10 yrs discounting quality leases with Investment
Grade and Fortune 1000 credits. Must consider re-locating to Illinois,
working with an independent entrepreneurial community bank.
Richard A. Burns, SVP, 312-850-1405
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
New Complaint Bulletin Board Policy
Classified Ads---Asset Management
Schwartz Gets Out on $2 Million Bail
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Why Non-Cancelable Leases
Bank Beat—23rd Florida Bank Fails
CLP Spotlights Howard Krollfeifer, Jim Lahti
Alexa Leasing News Web Site Rankings
Mintaka Signs Funding Agreement with Susquehanna
CIT: Retailers/Suppliers Cautiously Optimistic
Bank of the West Equip. Fin./IDS work together
Ridgeway, New Jersey---Adopt-a-Dog
World Trade Center---9/11/2010
News Briefs---
New Bank Rules Good—Except Bankers' Bonuses
Average U.S. credit score in August was 667
Banks bounce back, but can they handle next crisis?
Five Georgia banks behind on TARP
Big banks play key role in financing payday lenders
Shuffle Master Back on Track with Leasing
IFA Applauds Release of First "Census of Franchising"
Orix Targets China et. al. by $1.2 Billion
IBM rips HP's Hurd debacle
Apple to announce subscription plan for newspapers
Continental, UA to keep Cleveland Hopkins hub
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists |
Features (collection)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers |
Top Stories last six months
Dancing with the Stars—Obama/Palin
You May have Missed---
California Nuts Brief---
Sports Briefs---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in American History
Baseball Poem
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer. It is considered “bias” as it is the writer’s viewpoint.

New Complaint Bulletin Board Policy

Leasing News received many compliments for its alerts and Bulletin Board Complaints. We have been requested to name the companies who do business with these companies and are exploring the possibility of using both UCC searches as well as contacting specific companies to confirm that they have done business with the companies named.
In most cases, it is public information, if a UCC is filed.
The story about Allied Health Care Services brought many requests to name the brokers who were referring the deals. Many questions regarding "reps and warrants." Actually, the banks and leasing companies involved have not made any public statements regarding this.
Many of the bank filings show the original contracts that were discounted to them by a source, some of them nine or ten transactions, several more than that, and that information is also public knowledge. Leasing News does not take a position on the liabilities or reputation of those who arranged Allied Health Care Services or Equipment Acquisition Resources and leaves the matter up to the creditors and their legal advisers.
Kit Menkin, editor
Schwartz To Get Out of Jail: $2 Million Bail

Charles K. Schwartz, President of Allied Health Care Services, Orange, New Jersey Schwartz, was granted $2 million bail after his arrest last week by the Newark FBI in an alleged $87 million equipment- leasing fraud.
He has been in custody since last Thursday. Bail has been set at $2 million with the collateral to be real estate. As soon as he satisfies this condition, he will go on home detention with electronic monitoring. U.S. Magistrate Judge Madeline Cox Arleo in Newark federal court also ordered him to undergo mental-health treatment.
Meanwhile the Allied Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy proceedings in Newark, New Jersey appear to moving along in quite a fast speed. The 24 separate complaints were notified of the bankruptcy, with scheduled hearings mostly moved back to October, as objections to Charles K. Schwartz trustee appointment were heard and Schwartz's rebuttal. It appears appraiser, auctioneer, accountants, and attorney firm for the new trustee.
Creditors were able to obtain their choice of trustee over Schwartz's objection and his attorney’s original motion. Named was Eric R. Perkins, Esq., McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, Ridgewood, New Jersey.

Eric R. Perkins
B.A., Columbia College, 1981
Law School
J.D., Washington College of Law, American University, 1984
Mr. Perkins currently serves on the Panel of Chapter 7 Trustees for the United States Bankruptcy Court, District of New Jersey, Newark Vicinage, and has been a member for over ten years. Mr. Perkins has also received numerous appointments as a Chapter 11 Trustee. His Chapter 11 Trustee appointments have been in a wide array of industries and businesses including, but not limited to, the medical and dental fields.
Full CV:
FBI Legal Complaint:
Schwartz Bail Requirements:
Allied Trustee Appoint Notice:
Allied Trustee Appointment:
Trustee Opposition by Schwartz:
Previous Stories:
Leasing 102
by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP

Why Non-Cancelable Leases
The history of why lease contracts are non-cancelable dates back to the introduction of the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) during the Kennedy administration in 1962. In those days 7% ITC was allowed to the first “user” of the asset; however the tax credit required a seven year ownership or a portion of the ITC must be returned in the next federal tax return. One of the ways to make sure the lease transaction lasted for the seven year requirement was to make it non-cancelable. The ITC was changed to 10% with a reduced vesting of five years as a result of the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981. That is why five year leases became the most popular lease term. It was then repealed in 1986.
The lease must quality as a true lease for federal income tax for the lessor to have the right to the ITC. The real question was; how to insure that if the lease transaction early terminated, the funds required to satisfy the lease balance, due to the return of a portion of the ITC, and the impact of the tax effect of accelerated depreciation, was high enough. A non-cancelable clause allowed the lessor the “right” to ask for the remaining lease payments or a reduced amount but greater than a standard payoff. An early termination did not require a return of the ITC if the lessor just took the equipment back with a termination charge but intended to release the equipment or store it until the full vesting term had expired.
Bargain option leasing or $1 out leasing began to use non-cancelable to protect the funding capabilities when interest rates began to have a lot of volatility. Leasing is a fixed rate transaction and when rates go down a lot of lessee’s preferred to refinance to obtain lower rates. Years ago lessor’s use to fund leases with a combination of variable rate funding and fixed rate funding to maximize margins. Then the volatility of rates forced everyone into match rate funding and primarily fixed rates. The non-cancelable provision protected the lessor by giving the lessor the right to require the remaining payments or a discounted payoff but it contained sufficient funds to cover the prepayment penalties imposed by funding sources.
In 1986 with the introduction of Article 2A for commercial equipment leasing the developers of this legal article searched for ways to separate leasing from lending and decided to make non-cancel clause part of the definition of an Article 2A legal lease. The following is a direct quote from the definition of a legal lease. However it is describing what makes a security agreement instead of a lease and must be read in the “negative”. Therefore, to not be a security agreement a legal lease needs to be non-cancelable.
Whether a transaction creates a lease or security interest is determined by the facts of each case; however, a transaction creates a security interest if the consideration the lessee is to pay to the lessor for the right to possession and use of the goods is an obligation for the term of the lease not subject to termination by the lessee,
The difference between a legal lease for Article 2A and Article 9 for a lease intended as a security has additional requirements but the non-cancelable clause is the first one on the list.
If you have a bargain option lease you do not qualify for federal income tax or Article 2A. Therefore, the only purpose for non-cancelable clause is to protect the lessor from early payoffs. Because of this many lessors ignore the non-cancelable clause, in the lease, unless it serves their current purpose.
I am sure that the non-cancelable clause will be in lease documents for a long time but it is beginning to be of less importance with the low rates we have today, but it may take on renewed importance as congress creates more incentive plans to get the economy moving.
Mr. Terry Winders, CLP, has been a teacher, consultant, expert witness for the leasing industry for thirty years and can be reached at or 502-649-0448
He invites your questions and queries.
Previous #102 Columns:
(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)
Bank Beat—23rd Florida Bank Fails

The twenty-third bank to fail in Florida is Horizon Bank, located in Bradenton. The bank had 40 employees with two in Bradenton (first one opened 1999), one in Palmetto, and one in Brandon.
Bradenton is the largest Principal City of the Bradenton-Sarasota-Venice, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area, which had a 2007 estimated population of 682,833. It is the county seat. The city had been hit considerably hard by the United States housing market correction.

The four branches were closed with Bank of the Ozarks, Little Rock, Arkansas, Assumes All of the Deposits. This was the third purchase of a failed bank this year by Bank of the Ozarks, following Unity National Bank of Cartsville, Ga., which failed in March and Woodlands Bank of Bluffton, S.C., which was closed in July.
As of June 30, 2010, Horizon Bank had approximately $187.8 million in total assets and $164.6 million in total deposits. Net Equity had gone from $7.7 million in June 30, 2009 to $5.1 million June 30, 2010. Non-current loans were $14.2 million. The bank had lost $6.7 million the previous period and June 30, 2010 it has lost $1.7 million, after charging of $2 million in real estate loans ($1.3 in 1-4 multifamily homes). Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio: 1.87%
The FDIC estimates that the cost to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) will be $58.9 million.
It is the 119th bank to fail in the US this year, and the first since August 20th. The regulator reported 10 closures in August after a 2010 high of 22 in July. If you think the list is getting smaller because September was slow in bank closing, it is the opposite as more banks are listed on the trouble list.
List of Bank Failures
Bank Beat:
((Please Click on Bulletin Board to learn more information))
(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Chicago, Illinois
Senior Exec. w/10 yrs discounting quality leases with Investment
Grade and Fortune 1000 credits. Must consider re-locating to Illinois,
working with an independent entrepreneurial community bank.
Richard A. Burns, SVP, 312-850-1405
We offer great funding capacity, strong, experienced back
office, keeping established vendor relationships happy.
Looking for a home and have 5 years experience, contact:
Jeff Rudin (818) 843-8686 x14.
About the company: Quail Equipment Leasing 17 years in business with the ability to develop specialized programs for vendors and unique industries: $10K to $24MM.
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
CLP Spotlights Howard Krollfeifer, Jim Lahti
The September Certified Leasing Professional Circular features two members:

An Interview with Howard Krollfeifer, Jr, CLP, D&H Enterprises
Mr. Krollfeifer is a Certified Lease Professional (CLP) and Executive Vice President of D&H Enterprises, Inc. a consulting, training and expert witness company for the equipment leasing and financing industry. He retired in 1999 as a Senior Vice President with Copelco Capital managing the Financial Intermediary Group and the Manufacturing Technology Division and was active in the leasing and financing industry since 1964. He was previously employed by AT&T Commercial Finance Corporation, Fleet Credit Corporation, ELLCO Leasing Corp., U.S. Leasing Corporation and Talcott National Corporation. Prior to joining the leasing industry, he was in asset based lending and factoring and with Arthur Andersen & Co. as a senior staff auditor.
He has a BA in finance and accounting from Fairleigh Dickinson University, a LL.B. from Blackstone School of Law and a certificate of completion in Leadership Development from Rutgers University and taught intermediate accounting at the university level for five (5) years. Since 1986 he has: served as Chairman or Member of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) Credit and Collection Management Committee; worked on the task force preparing the Effective Credit Management Handbook was a primary contributor to ELFA's Detecting Leasing Fraud video program; and provided invaluable assistance in the preparation of ELFA's documentation video program Getting It Right. For the past ten (10) years he has been a senior instructor for ELFA's Principles of Leasing and Financing Workshops, Fundamentals of Credit and Collection Seminars. He previously served on ELFA's Middle Market Business Council and ELFA's Membership Committee.
An expert in equipment leasing credit analysis and decision-making, he worked closely with Moody's Risk Management Services exceptional training staff to modify their award-winning credit training program for bank loan officers. The result: ELFA's online, internet, inter-active credit training program entitled The Effective Credit Underwriter. He has served on the Board of Directors of public and private companies.
When asked what a perfect day would start with, he unhesitantly responded: "Making and having breakfast with Dee, my wife of twenty-six years."
After many years of involvement in soccer as a semi-pro and professional player, administrator (Regional Commissioner, Treasurer and Board of Directors) with the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) and State, National and International (FIFA) referee, he was inducted into the AYSO and National Soccer Halls of Fame in 1997.
An Interview with James (Jim) R Lahti, CLP

Jim Lahti, CLP, and his sons Stephen and David.
Affiliated Investment
How did you get your start in the leasing business?
After graduating from the University of Michigan in the 1974, not knowing what I wanted to be the rest of my life, I started selling stuff. First copiers, then other commercial equipment, then I decided to even get my real estate license. It became apparent that closing transactions was dependent on the financing. My wife and I moved to Dallas in 1980 with three other families to form an automated machine business. As the finance manager, I began to work with "leasing companies". When the new company realized inadequate market research I began looking for other opportunities and answered an ad for a leasing salesman for Security Pacific Bank's Dallas office. I was hired, and was soon transferred to San Francisco to become branch manager. My success here resulted in my promotion to National Sales Manager in San Diego where I was responsible for opening and managing eight offices around the country. In late 1985, we were purchasing a portfolio out of Dallas and I was offered a job to move back and open up a new leasing company. While I learned a tremendous amount at the bank, I was having difficulty with the "corporate environment" and thought this opportunity would more fit my entrepreneurial spirit. I moved back to Dallas to form the first Affiliated company working solely with lease brokers and have been a broker funding source now for more than 25 years.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
Every day is a new opportunity, a new challenge and there's always something different coming across your desk. I have always lived by the motto "find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life". I have truly enjoyed my career in the leasing business and have always felt a desire to give something back by being actively involved in the leasing associations and the CLP program. After six years on the board of UAEL, one of my proudest accomplishments was to be part of the formation of the CLP Foundation and become its founding President. Although I have been through many cycles of this business and find the current environment to be the most challenging, I remain optimistic about the future. We have stayed with our core values and so far have the made necessary changes to adapt. I am blessed to have my two sons, Stephen and David, working with me to hopefully carry on a long and successful history of being "The Flexible Funding Source".
What does your perfect day start with?
I'd probably back up a little first and start with "what is the way to perfectly end your day" by answering: taking a sunset cruise in my 1952 wooden Chris Craft on beautiful Torch Lake in Northern Michigan. Then my perfect day would start with a cup of coffee on the deck at sunrise, overlooking this lake in the woods with the thought of thanking the good Lord that it's another great day to be vertical.
Would you like to share an interesting hobby or accomplishment?
My family and friends call me "Mr. Green Jeans" as I like fixing, repairing, creating and making things. I have always gotten satisfaction by making something better—by the challenge of not knowing how to necessarily do it, but try anyway and succeed. I have a great tool shop in my garage, complete with flat screen TV, where I spend a lot of time "putzing". I even recently built a small pub style table and bar stools in the garage so Lola, my bride of 35 years, can join me while I "whistle while I work".
A full copy of the CLP Circular with more information, particularly about the foundation:
Alexa Leasing News Web Site Rankings
(Note: Leasing News is generally three times a week, and recently has been two times a week during this period, but remains at the top as most read. editor)

Alexa Ranks Leasing Media Web Sites
US rankings
Rank |
9/9/2010 |
8/9/2010 |
1. |
37,582 |
27,942 |
| Leasing News |
2. |
79,344 |
82,537 |
| eLessors Networking Association |
3. |
120,327 |
83,867 |
| Monitor Daily |
4. |
233,670 |
195,512 |
| Ind Community Bankers of America |
5. |
317,579 |
|* National Assoc. of Equip Leasing Brokers |
6. |
366,299 |
217,552 |
| World Leasing News |
no data |
| Commercial Finance Association |
no data |
193,422 |
no data |
no data |
| CLP Foundation |
no data |
no data |
| National Equipment Finance Assoc. |
no data |
no data |
| Exec Caliber-Jeffrey Taylor |
no data |
no data |
| Equip. Leasing & Fin Fndn |
no data |
no data |
| Institute of International Container Lessors |
no data |
no data |
| Assoc of Government Leasing Financing |
no data |
no data |
| Leasing Press |
no data |
no data |
| Leasing Notes |
no data |
no data |
| Lease Assistant |
no data |
no data |
| Lean -Lease Enforcement Att Net |
no data |
no data |
| |
no data |
no data |
| Lessee Advocate |
Alexa Ranks Leasing Media Web Sites
World rankings
Rank |
9/9/2010 |
8/9/2010 |
1. |
137,355 |
136,022 |
| Leasing News |
2. |
354,052 |
344,850 |
| The Journal for Asset Finance |
3. |
367,406 |
400,451 |
| eLessors Networking Association |
4. |
401,542 |
380,243 |
| Monitor Daily |
5. |
892,702 |
888,314 |
| Ind Community Bankers of America |
6. |
918,602 |
1,068,425 |
7. |
989,341 |
1,072,913 |
| World Leasing News |
8. |
1,228,418 |
1,077,335 |
|* National Assoc. of Equip Leasing Brokers |
9. |
1,729,624 |
1,859,705 |
| Commercial Finance Association |
10. |
2,961,964 |
3,196,096 |
| Equip. Leasing & Fin Fndn |
11. |
3,220,961 |
2,201,458 |
| National Equipment Finance Assoc. |
12. |
3,273,073 |
2,959,100 |
| CLP Foundation |
13. |
3,673,479 |
4,347,078 |
| Institute of International Container Lessors |
14. |
4,411,143 |
9,669,468 |
| Exec Caliber-Jeffrey Taylor |
15. |
4,482,417 |
5,009,707 |
| Assoc of Government Leasing Financing |
16. |
7,399,566 |
8,816,565 |
| Lean -Lease Enforcement Att Net |
17. |
7,796,266 |
14,184,631 |
18. |
10,593,856 |
22,005,084 |
| Leasing Notes |
19. |
14,962,741 |
11,134,275 |
| Lessee Advocate |
20. |
21,827,153 |
16,565,140 |
| Leasing Press |
21. |
21,857,151 |
no data |
| Lease Assistant |
David G. Mayer's Business Leasing and Finance News is not included in the Alexa report list as it does not have its own individual site and Alexa finds Patton Boggs, LLP Attorneys at Law. The rating is not valid as it includes all those who visit and communicate with the law firm. When Business Leasing and Finance News has its own individual web site, it will be included in the Alexa survey.
*It should be noted that NAELB web site "list serve" requires logging onto their site, meaing their e-mails are counted as a visit to the site, whereas they are "list serve" communication. These are technically visits to the web site, but primarily to use "list serve."
The Alexa tool bar works on most browsers. They are partnered with Google.
You may download their free tool bar A graph and analysis of the last three months are available.
### Press Release ############################
Mintaka Signs Funding Agreement with Susquehanna

Gig Harbor, WA, Mintaka Financial LLC, announced the signing of a funding agreement with Susquehanna Commercial Finance, Inc. Mintaka specializes in providing equipment financing to small businesses across the United States. Susquehanna actively reviews and purchases portfolios of other companies with receivables that are consistent with its credit guidelines and provide a better diversity to its existing portfolio mix.

David T. Schaefer, founder and President of Mintaka Financial
“Our agreement with Susquehanna will allow Mintaka to continue serving the credit needs of our small business customers, a key ingredient for continued economic recovery and new jobs growth across the US” said David T. Schaefer, president of Mintaka Financial, LLC.
“Susquehanna offers an extensive portfolio of financial products and services for small businesses, to provide maximum value to our customers. We believe the Mintaka business model is in harmony with this strategy and our overall mission to help small business customers achieve their financial goals, and to build the economic strength of local communities” said Frank Souder, Vice President of Acquisitions and Syndications with Susquehanna.
Susquehanna Commercial Finance, Inc., located in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, is a subsidiary of Susquehanna Bank, which operates more than 220 branch offices in the Mid-Atlantic region. The bank’s parent company, Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:SUSQ), is a financial services holding company with assets of approximately $14 billion, headquartered in Lititz, Pennsylvania. More information on Susquehanna can be found at
Mintaka Financial, LLC, located in Gig Harbor WA, was established in December 2004 as a commercial finance company dedicated to serving the credit needs of small businesses across the United States. Mintaka finances equipment leases and loans which are originated through a limited group of independent small business finance companies that share ownership in Mintaka. These companies are specialists in small business credit service, selected for the Mintaka program based on their experience and reputation in the industry, and their dedication to building long term relationships with their small business clients. For more information regarding Mintaka, please call 888-705-8778, ext. 1097.
Jim Brady
Orion First Financial, LLC
Toll Free: 888-705-8778 x 1097 Direct: 253-857-9646
#### Press Release #############################
U.S. Retailers and Suppliers Remain Cautiously Optimistic
Majority Believe Consumer Spending May Return to 2007 Levels by Late 2011
Capital Spending Focused on Technology and Efficiency Initiatives
More Than Two-Thirds Expect to Hire More Workers this Holiday Season

NEW YORK----Amid continued trepidation about the health of our nation’s economy, retailers and suppliers believe consumer spending is better than last year and gradually making a comeback. According to the second annual retail outlook study released Tuesday by CIT Group Inc. (NYSE: CIT), a leading provider of financing to small businesses and middle market companies, 65% of retailers and 69% of suppliers believe consumer spending may return to 2007 levels by the end of 2011.
“Some valuable lessons have been learned from the economic crisis and many suppliers believe they are better positioned for strong and sustained growth once the economy turns”
The research report, “U.S. Small Business and Middle Market Outlook 2010: Retailers and their Suppliers—Smarter. Leaner. Cautiously Optimistic,” prepared in association with Forbes Insights, examines how middle market retailers (those with annual revenues of $25 million to $1 billion), as well as suppliers and manufacturers (those with annual revenues from $2 million to $1 billion), have weathered the recession and gauges their outlook of the future.
"While the majority of retailers are cautiously optimistic about their future, more than two-thirds expect revenues to grow over the next 12 months,” said Burt Feinberg, Managing Director and Industry Group Head of Retail Finance at CIT. “The general consensus is that, having weathered the economic downturn, most retailers are in better shape today than in 2009 and have positioned themselves well to meet future consumer demand when it returns."
Since the market downturn, retailers and their suppliers have had to work smarter and operate more efficiently. They continue to maintain a conservative approach along the entire supply chain by conserving cash, paring down inventories, and keeping staff levels lean.
“Some valuable lessons have been learned from the economic crisis and many suppliers believe they are better positioned for strong and sustained growth once the economy turns,” said Jon Lucas, Executive Vice President and Chief Sales Officer of Trade Finance at CIT. “This study reveals an industry that is transforming, top to bottom.”
Retailers also had a positive view of the upcoming holiday season, with more than two-thirds (68%) of retailers planning to hire more seasonal workers than in 2009. In addition, 57% expect to stock more inventory than in 2009 and 69% say they will advertise more aggressively. However, 72% expect they will discount more this year than last.
Key findings from the report:
Middle market retailers remain cautiously optimistic and guarded in their outlook. Sixty percent of retailers say that, over the last 12 months, their revenues have grown (55%) or grown significantly (5%) and two-thirds expect revenues to be higher still in the coming 12 months. However, sales expectations may still be below the levels seen prior to the economic downturn.
Retail inventory levels are rising, but retailers are proceeding cautiously. Nearly 60% say their current inventory is higher than it was a year ago. At the same time, they’re quick to reduce prices to speed their inventory turns, and they’re using technology to track demand and purchasing more closely.
Retailers’ capital spending will concentrate on technology. Over the next 12 months, 83% of retailers expect investments in their Web sites to increase; 69% say they will increase investments in mobile applications; and 66% will increase spending for integration of in-store and technology-enabled channels.
Small and middle market suppliers show a similarly positive, but cautious, outlook. Seventy-four percent of suppliers anticipate growth over the next 12 months. Fifty-five percent will achieve and support this growth through new investment in product development, while 51% will put greater focus on operating efficiencies.
Suppliers continue to look for ways to manage their cash flow more effectively. While one-third say it is easier to manage their cash flow today than it was a year ago, 39% say it is harder. The number of suppliers indicating that they have begun to use factoring or credit insurance rose from 23% in 2009 to 35% in 2010.
Financing conditions for suppliers appear to be getting better. Two-thirds (67%) of survey participants say their ability to secure financing has improved over the past year. Additionally, nearly two-thirds of suppliers and manufacturers say they expect their financing needs to grow (40%) or significantly grow (23%) over the next 12 months.
About the Report
The information in this report is based on the results of two surveys and a series of one-on-one interviews conducted by Forbes Insights in July and August 2010. In the first survey, 111 executives and financial decision makers at middle market retailers were surveyed. All companies had revenues of $25 million to $1 billion. Respondents represented a broad range of retail segments including specialty apparel, consumer electronics, appliances, sporting goods, convenience stores, house wares, and discount chains. All those surveyed had senior-level titles (including CEO, COO, CFO, VP) and functional responsibility for finance, strategy and business development, or general management.
In the second survey, an additional 150 executives and financial decision makers at suppliers to the middle market retail sector were surveyed. Here, revenue ranges were from $2 million to $1 billion with 27% coming in at under $100 million. These suppliers represent a broad range of segments, including apparel and accessories, consumer electronics, house wares, footwear, home furnishings, and other suppliers. All those surveyed had senior-level titles (including CEO, COO, CFO, VP) and/or functional responsibility for a business unit or department. Nearly two-thirds were either a CEO or owner.
Individuals interested in receiving future updates on CIT via e-mail can register at
About CIT
Founded in 1908, CIT (NYSE: CIT) is a bank holding company with more than $40 billion in finance and leasing assets. It provides financing and leasing capital to its more than one million small business and middle market clients and their customers across more than 30 industries. CIT maintains leadership positions in small business and middle market lending, factoring, retail finance, aerospace, equipment and rail leasing, and global vendor finance.
About Forbes Insights
Forbes Insights is the strategic research practice of Forbes Media, publisher of Forbes magazine and, whose combined media properties reach nearly 50 million business decision makers worldwide on a monthly basis. Taking advantage of a proprietary database of senior-level executives in the Forbes community, Forbes Insights’ research covers a wide range of vital business issues, including talent management, corporate social responsibility, financial benchmarking, risk and regulation, and doing business in emerging markets.
#### Press Release ##############################
Bank of the West – Equipment Finance Division Partners with
International Decision Systems to Streamline Operations
IDS’ Rapport Front Office Solution Delivers Improved Workflow in a Scalable Platform to Help Bank of the West Prepare for Future Growth

Minneapolis, MN —International Decision Systems® (IDS), the leading provider of asset finance software, announced that Bank of the West, one of the largest commercial banks in the western United States, has partnered with IDS to improve operational efficiency by implementing IDS’ industry-leading Rapport® front-office account management, origination and decisioning solution across multiple business lines in its Equipment Finance Division.
After evaluating several options, Bank of the West selected Rapport for its exceptional ease of integration with its existing back-end systems, its ability to deliver improved operational efficiency, and its comprehensive, fully-supported platform that relieves the IT burden imposed by maintaining the Equipment Finance Division’s legacy in-house systems.
“We are confident that IDS’ solutions will provide us with a platform that will improve workflow and reduce manual processes to enhance our operational efficiency,” said Jerry Newell, Executive Vice President, Equipment Finance Division, Bank of the West. “With its seamless integration with our existing systems, including compatibility with ongoing updates in our back-end systems, Rapport delivers the cutting-edge technology and flexibility we need to leverage future growth opportunities.”
Rapport provides complete, automated origination workflow systems to simplify front-end processes, shorten response time to improve customer satisfaction, and reduce the risk of errors by eliminating manual data entry with seamless integration to back-end databases. Customizable reporting and an easy-to-use dashboard user interface provide comprehensive account visibility in a single, consolidated view of customer and related-party risk by capturing delinquency and exposure from multiple back-office systems. The system also incorporates fast, reliable online integration with third-party systems, including credit bureaus, to further streamline decisioning.
In addition, Rapport supports vendor-side integration with a white-label website architecture that provides Bank of the West partners with direct online access to the bank’s Equipment Finance databases to view deal status and conduct portfolio analysis in real time.
“We are delighted to work with Bank of the West in delivering leading-edge account management systems to improve efficiency and provide the total portfolio visibility required to help them stay ahead of the competition,” said Tom Thomas, CEO of IDS. “By delivering a complete end-to-end front-office solution, Rapport provides a flexible, well-supported foundation that will enable Bank of the West to scale up quickly to meet evolving market demands.”
For more information about IDS’ finance origination and portfolio management solutions, visit <> .
About IDS:
IDS is the leading provider of software and solutions for the equipment finance market. For over 30 years, the company has offered integrated solutions from origination through disposition and asset management, supported by an ongoing research and development effort unrivaled in the market space. Customers include approximately 50% of the largest leasing companies in the United States, and an increasing number of the largest global players. In addition to offering powerful, flexible software, IDS provides the industry experience and expertise to assure successful, complete solutions. Headquartered in Minneapolis, MN, the company also has offices in the United Kingdom, India, Singapore and Australia. For additional information, visit <> .
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About Bank of the West:
Based in San Francisco, $61 billion-asset Bank of the West ( <> ) offers a full range of business, corporate, personal, trust and international banking services. The bank operates more than 700 branch locations and commercial banking offices in 19 Western and Midwestern states. The Equipment Finance Division offers direct and indirect financing, vendor finance programs, and inventory financing, as well as portfolio management services, across all 50 states. Bank of the West's holding company, BancWest Corporation, is a subsidiary of BNP Paribas, among the six strongest banks in the world, according to Standard & Poor's.
#### Press Release #############################
Ridgeway, New Jersey ---Adopt a Dog

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Shepherd, Spaniel [Mix] Pet Inquiry: No Name PFId#17397518
This pet is up-to-date with routine shots.
My Contact Info
* Golden Hearts Rescue
* Ridgewood, NJ
* 201-251-1031
Golden Hearts Dog Rescue
Phone: 201.251-1031 between 10 AM and 10 PM only please
Our dogs are kept in foster homes so visits by appointment only, please.
Adopt-a-Pet by Leasing Co. State/City
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World Trade Center---9/11/2010

I was in New York City on September 11, 2010. It was our fourth, perhaps fifth trip to the World Trade Center, as well as a visit to St. Patrick's Church, the first memorial location. New Yorkers don't seem to be as bothered as we are from out of the area about a Mosque nearby the World Trade Center. I was surprised by that. Perhaps the media has made it look more controversial.
I was told by many New Yorkers in their style of language the "Ground Zero Mosque" is not a mosque; it's an Islamic cultural center, with a swimming pool, art galleries, lecture rooms, performance halls, a special-needs center and a top-floor sanctuary. And it's not at Ground Zero. It's proposed to be built at a former Burlington Coat Factory, two and a half blocks away from the former World Trade Center - not visible from the site. I personally am not in favor of it, but was certainly the minority opinion from people I spoke with in New York from all walks of life.
Organized tours of the entire World Trade Center site are now available and we took an audio tour on Monday, which was not only very informational, but very emotional as well. There were people from all over the world taking the tour and to see the building going from the viewpoint of surrounding buildings and to learn more of the history very heartening. I strongly recommend every American take the tour. You won't forget it.
We had a person along with us who had never been to New York City, so we took her to all the tourist spots, bus ride, boat ride, Top of the Rock, FAO Schwartz, saw Memphis Blues, Matisse exhibit at MOMA, great restaurants such as 21 Club, Crimson, River Cafe for Sunday Brunch, Spice Market, to name just a few, and to say the least, New York is a great place to visit. Bring money.
Kit Menkin, editor

This Day in American History
1752 - A great hurricane produced a tide along the South Carolina coast which nearly inundated downtown Charleston. However, just before the tide reached the city, a shift in the wind caused the water level to drop five feet in ten minutes.
1776-The Continental Army evacuates New York, as British General William Howell has captured the city. On September 22, he hanged Nathan Hale as a spy (caught returning lantern to the wrong ship for pick up from his mission, an English frigate.) Howe then went on to defeat General George Washington at Brandywine, captured Philadelphia, Pa, and he said due to the weather and insufficient troops, he camped for the winter in Philadelphia. In May 1778, Howe is replaced as British Army Commander in America by Lt. General Henry Clinton and recalled as he had thought he had won the war, but Washington re-grouped, got stronger and the troops better trained as most were originally farms fighting professional troops well armed and trained (the Continental Army in several battles actually ran out of ammunition and were forced to retreat.) In actuality Howe's reasons for not crushing the rebels were calculated and sensible. Strategically, he wanted to secure a base of operations for the winter from which he could launch a campaign in the spring. So his first priority was driving the rebels from Manhattan, in which he was wholly successful. Howe's entire strategy rested on the premise of the safe re-conquest of territory versus a single crushing victory. He theorized that as areas came under royal control again, they could be secured as loyal. The re-conquest of territory was a European military tradition, in an era when learned commanders did not strive to crush an enemy. In this respect, he was a product of his time, a very capable, but unimaginative European general. "He simply did not think in terms of annihilation. Victory would come from an accumulation of minor successes, not from a single decisive stroke."
The inevitable question from the armchair strategist is, if Washington's army could rapidly fly away, why could not Howe equally as rapidly pursue him? The reason is that Washington was not encumbered by the proverbial, and in this case actual, baggage train. As with all European armies, the British army in America was wedded to an extensive baggage train, thereby slowing the army significantly. Conversely, Howe was fighting against an enemy adept at escape and so loosely organized, that it could be broken apart and re-formed a few days later rendering it very difficult to strike a final destructive blow. Despite the few critics, the Battle of Long Island was such a great victory for the British that it was generally believed that Howe had dealt the rebels a fatal blow. Many of Howe's military colleagues were so convinced of this that they thought the rebellion would not last another year. Cornwallis wrote that, "in a short time their army will disperse and the war will be over." Lord Percy wrote to Germain, believing, "that this Business is pretty near over.” Neither his top advisors, nor the General himself thought a pursuit of a defeated and disintegrating army valuable, and Howe had victoriously achieved his strategic goal with minimal loss.
1789-Birthday of James Fenimore Cooper. American novelist, historian and social critic, born at Burlington, NJ, James Fenimore Cooper was one of the earliest American writers to develop a native American literary tradition. His most popular works are the five novels comprising The Leatherstocking Tales, featuring the exploits of one of the truly unique American fictional characters, Natty Bumppo. These novels, The Deerslayer, The Last of the Mohicans, The Pathfinder, The Pioneers and The Prairie, chronicle Natty Bumppo's continuing flight away from the rapid settlement of America. Other works, including The Monikins and Satanstoe, reveal him as an astute critic of American life. He died Sept 14, 1851, at Cooperstown, NY, the town founded by his father.
1830-The first national convention for blacks was held at Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, PA. It was attended by delegates from seven states. Bishop Richard Allen presided. The convention was organized to protest the work of the American Colonization Society, which was calling for the return to Africa of free African-Americans. There was a wave of groups who wanted to return to Africa, particularly to Nigeria.
1853-The first minister who was a woman was the Reverend Antoinette Brown Blackwell, age 28, who was ordained at the Congregational Church, South Butler, NY. She became an ardent feminist and left the ministry because of conflicts over the rights of women. She married the brother of America's first woman doctor, Elizabeth Blackwell.
1857-Birthday of William Howard Taft, the 27th president of the US was born at Cincinnati, OH. His term of office was Mar 4, 1909-Mar 3, 1913. In a lesser known fact there was a group that was to swing the election not to Taft, but to have Abraham Lincoln selected as vice-president candidate with Roosevelt (a last minute deal), and a group of delegates votes were halted by security at the door, and by the time they received clearance to enter, the vote had taken place and Taft was chosen. Following his presidency he became a law professor at Yale University until his appointment as Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court in 1921. Died at Washington, DC, Mar 8, 1930, and was buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
( --lower half of )
1857-The first typesetting machine that actually operated was invented by Timothy Alden of New York City, who obtained a patent this day. The type was arranged in cells around the circumference of a horizontal wheel. As the wheel revolved, several receivers also started to rotate the desired type was picked up and dropped in proper order in a line. It would not be until 1884 that the Linotype machine was invented with the blower on 1886 making very popular, resulting in the growth of newspapers all over the country.
1858—Until this date mail from one end of the country to the other traveled by ship. The Overland mail service to the Pacific Coast began this day by the Overland Mail coaches, the old John Butterfield stage line. Stages left Tipton, MO, and San Francisco, simultaneously every Monday and Thursday. The route was operated under government contract, authorized by act of Congress of March 3, 1857. The contract was signed on September 16, 1857, and specified payment of $600,000 a year for six years, for semiweekly trips in both directions in “good four horse post coaches or spring wagons suitable for the convenience of passengers as well as the safety and security of the mails. The specified running time for the 2, 8000 miles was a maximum of 25 days. The first trips were made in a little less than 24 days.
1862-The Union arsenal at Harpers Ferry, W.Va., was captured by General Stonewall Jackson. A tremendous quantity of material was seized, and 12,500 men were captured. Harpers Ferry was abandoned and the captured troops set free by the Confederates on September 20 and reoccupied by the North on the 22nd .
1896-- Great Train Crush. The collision, intended as publicity for the railroad, nearly 50,000 people had gathered anxiously on a wide stretch of Texas prairie near Waco. Moments later, they watched two 35-ton locomotives, each pulling seven boxcars, collide head-on at a combined speed of 120 miles per hour.
1898-Birthday of Edward (Eddie) Gottlieb, Basketball Hall of Fame executive, born at Kiev, Russia. Barely 20 years old, Gottlieb organized the Philadelphia SPHAS, one of the best early professional basketball teams. He also promoted Negro Leagues baseball and wrestling. Gottlieb owned and coached the Philadelphia Warriors and helped to engineer the merge of the BAA and NBL in 1949. His innovative ides to improve the game included double-headers involving four teams, outlawing zone defenses and awarding bonus foul shots. He also arranged the NBA's schedule for years, inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1971. Died at Philadelphia, PA, December 7, 1979.
1902-Chicago's Cubs' short stop Joe Tinker, second baseman, Johnny Evers and first baseman Frank Chance recorded their first double play together. This was two days after they took the field for the first time in this configuration, and the Cubs went on to beat the Cincinnati Reds, 6-3. The threesome was later immortalized in Franklin Pierce Adam's poem” Baseball's Sad Lexicon.” Tinker, Evers and Chance were inducted together into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1946.
*** see baseball poem at end****
1903-Grand Ole Opry "King of Country Music,” often called the “Father of Country Music,” Roy Acuff was born at Maynardville, TN. Singer and fiddler Acuff (who was co-founder of Acuff-Rose Publishing Company, the leading publisher of country music) was a regular host on weekly Grand Ole Opry broadcasts. He frequently appeared at the Opry with his group, the Smoky Mountain Boys. In December of 1991 Acuff became the first living member elected to the Country Music Hall of Fame. Some of his more famous songs were "The Wabash Cannonball" (his theme song), "Pins and Needles (In My Heart)" and "Night Train to Memphis." Roy Acuff died Nov 23, 1992, at Nashville, TN.
1904-Bachelor Father premiers on TV. John Forsythe (Bentley Gregg) and Noreen Corcoran (Kelly Gregg) starred in this sitcom about a bachelor attorney's life turning upside-down after his orphaned niece moves in with him. The series aired at different times on all three networks. Supporting players included: Sammee Tong as Peter Tong, the butler, Jimmy Boyd as Kelly's boyfriend, Howard Meachum, Bernadette Withers as Kelly's friend Ginger, Whit Bissell as Ginger's father, Bert Loomis, Alice Backes as Bentley's secretary, Vicki, Sue Ann Langdon as Bentley's secretary, Kitty Marsh and Victor Sen Yung as Peter's cousin, Charlie Fong.
1910-Birthday of Harmonica player “Rhythm Willie” ( Willie Hood) also known as Lee McCoy on some dates, considered one of the best blues Harmonica players.
1920-Birthday of great alto saxophone player Julian “Cannonball” Adderley, Tampa, Florida. Died August 8, 1975
1923-Birthday of bass player Arvell Shaw, St. Louis, best known for playing with Louis Armstrong. In Bing Crosby's genial routine for Now You Has Jazz, in the 1956 film High Society, each of Louis Armstrong's bandsmen was introduced in turn, with bassist Arvell Shaw, who has died aged 79, especially prominent. His eager, animated persona, bear-like frame and propulsive bass style had obvious visual appeal, as well as musical merit, making him a natural for a concert and movie attraction like the Armstrong All-Stars.
1926-Birthday of Bobby Short, singer, pianist, cafe song stylist, born Robert Altrip at Danville, IL, Sept 15, 1926. Died Monday, March 21, 2005. He was 80.
1927---The rules for the game of bridge became effective this day as outlined in the “Laws of Contract Bridge 1927,” which was adopted and issued by the Whist Club, New York City. It was published by John C. Winston Company, New York City, and contained 57 pages. The game was originally invented in 1925 by Harold Stirling Vanderbilt.
1929-- Seven North Carolina men are indicted for the murder of Ella May Wiggins on 09-14-1929. EMW, widowed mother of five and a labor balladeer, was slain by vigilantes while en route to a meeting for strikers in Gastonia, North Carolina. The workers were striking for better wages and working conditions. The murder was seen as an attempt to intimidate the women workers to drop the strike.
1930 - On the Victor record label, Hoagy Carmichael recorded "Georgia on My Mind"; which has been the official state song of Georgia since 1922. Over the years, the song has been recorded by many artists, such as Ray Charles, one of his greatest performances.
1930 - Chic Young's new comic strip, Blondie, debuted in newspapers. In the first episode, readers were introduced to the ditzy flapper, Blondie Boopadoop, and her fondest admirer, Dagwood Bumstead, a mild-mannered playboy and son of a railroad tycoon. Dagwood was later disinherited for marrying Blondie. The comic strip eventually was syndicated around the world.
1931-Birthday of bassist Richard Payne, New Orleans, Louisiana Died May 5, 2000. Noted New Orleans R&B and jazz bassist was also a classical musician and music educator; he performed with dozens of musicians over the years, including Ray Charles, Duke Ellington, Professor Longhair, Ellis Marsalis, and Allen Toussaint; in later years Payne was a regular at Preservation Hall.
1935 - In Germany, the Nazis enacted the Nuremburg Laws, starting off a program of violent religious and racial persecution. As America slept, all Jews were deprived of their citizenship, ghettos were revived and the Swastika became the national flag.
1938-Birthday of Gaylord Jackson Perry, Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher, born Williamston, NC.
1939-the temperature at Detroit, MI soared to 100 to set a new September record.
1940 - At the height of the Battle of Britain, Britain claimed to have shot down 185 German planes; the day has been subsequently celebrated as Battle of Britain day.
1942---SMITH, JOHN LUCIAN Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Major, U.S. Marine Corps, Marine Fighter Squadron 223, Place and date: In the Solomon Islands area, August-September 1942. Entered service at: Oklahoma. Born: 26 December 1914, Lexington, Okla. Other Navy award: Legion of Merit. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and heroic achievement in aerial combat above and beyond the call of duty as commanding officer of Marine Fighting Squadron 223 during operations against enemy Japanese forces in the Solomon Islands area, August-September 1942. Repeatedly risking his life in aggressive and daring attacks, Maj. Smith led his squadron against a determined force, greatly superior in numbers, personally shooting down 16 Japanese planes between 21 August and 15 September 1942. In spite of the limited combat experience of many of the pilots of this squadron, they achieved the notable record of a total of 83 enemy aircraft destroyed in this period, mainly attributable to the thorough training under Maj. Smith and to his intrepid and inspiring leadership. His bold tactics and indomitable fighting spirit, and the valiant and zealous fortitude of the men of his command not only rendered the enemy's attacks ineffective and costly to Japan, but contributed to the security of our advance base. His loyal and courageous devotion to duty sustains and enhances the finest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service.
1943 - With German support, Benito Mussolini formed a rival fascist government to the Pietro Badoglio administration. 1950 - In the Korean War, the United Nations landing at Inchon proved decisive in driving North Korean troops out of the south.
1943-Paul Robeson, Black actor and activist, portrays Othello for the 296th time at New York City's Shubert Theater, 1943.
1949-“The Long Ranger” premiered on TV and we all had cowboy hats, masks, and wore two six guns as kids, as many did not have television sets and would gather in groups to watch this favorite TV show. The Long Ranger was created for a radio serial in 1933 by George W. Trendle. The famous masked man was the alter ego of John Reid, a Texas Ranger who was the only survivor of an ambush. He was nursed back to health by his Native-American friend, Tonto. Both men traveled around the West on their trusty steeds, Silver and Scout, fighting injustice. Clayton Moore played the Lone Ranger/John Reid and Jay Silverheels co-starred as Tonto. The theme music was Rossini's "William Tell Overture."---Of course, there is the favorite joke today, the short version, with the Long Ranger and Tonto surrounded by Indians, running out of ammunition, and Clayton Moore turns to Tonto, and says, “What are we going to do? “ Tonto responds, “What do you mean ‘we?' White Man.”
1945 -a major hurricane made a direct hit on southern Florida with wind gusts as high as 170 mph. The Naval Air Station in Homestead suffered heavy damage with many hangars destroyed. 4 people were killed and damage totaled $55 million
1947-Birthday of singer Ronn Matlock, Detroit, MI
1947-Birthday of drummer Charles “Bobo” Shaw, Pope, MS
1949---Top Hits
Room Full of Roses - The Sammy Kaye Orchestra (vocal: Don Cornell)
You're Breaking My Heart - Vic Damone
Maybe It's Because - Dick Haymes
Why Don't You Haul Off and Love Me - Wayne Raney
1950--*LOPEZ, BALDOMERO Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, Company A, 1st Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein.). Place and date: During Inchon invasion in Korea, 15 September 1950. Entered service at: Tampa, Fla. Born: 23 August 1925, Tampa, Fla. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as a marine platoon commander of Company A, in action against enemy aggressor forces. With his platoon 1st Lt. Lopez was engaged in the reduction of immediate enemy beach defenses after landing with the assault waves. Exposing himself to hostile fire, he moved forward alongside a bunker and prepared to throw a hand grenade into the next pillbox whose fire was pinning down that sector of the beach. Taken under fire by an enemy automatic weapon and hit in the right shoulder and chest as he lifted his arm to throw, he fell backward and dropped the deadly missile. After a moment, he turned and dragged his body forward in an effort to retrieve the grenade and throw it. In critical condition from pain and loss of blood, and unable to grasp the hand grenade firmly enough to hurl it, he chose to sacrifice himself rather than endanger the lives of his men and, with a sweeping motion of his wounded right arm, cradled the grenade under him and absorbed the full impact of the explosion. His exceptional courage, fortitude, and devotion to duty reflect the highest credit upon 1st Lt. Lopez and the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.
1953 - The National Boxing Association adopted the 10-point ‘must' scoring system for all of its matches. The winner of each round must get 10 points, while the loser of each round must have fewer than 10 points.
1954- The scene in the movie "The 7 Year Itch" where Marilyn Monroe's skirt is blown up by the wind from a subway grate is shot, 51st St., NYC.
1955 - On the eve of Rosh Hashanah,- the Jewish New Year, at services held at Temple Avodah in Long Island, New York, Betty Robbins, Mrs. Sheldon Robbins, became the first woman cantor.
1956--Elvis Presley is presented with a Gold record for "Don't Be Cruel".
1957---Top Hits
Tammy - Debbie Reynolds
Diana - Paul Anka
Honeycomb - Jimmie Rodgers
Fraulein - Bobby Helms
1959 - Russian Premier Nikita Khruschchev arrived in the United States at the start of a
12-day visit.
1959 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Sleep Walk," Santo & Johnny.
1961-Birthday of football player Daniel Constantine (Dan) Marino, Jr., born Pittsburgh, PA.|
1961- The Pendletones, a quintet from nearby Hawthorne, CA, audition for Los Angeles music publishers with a version of a folk song called "Sloop John B." The suits, however, are more interested with an original song the group mentions, a novelty called "Surfin'," kicking off the career of the band that would soon come to be known as The Beach Boys.
1962—“Sherry" by the Four Seasons topped the charts and stayed there for 5 weeks.
A church bombing in Birmington, Alabama. left four young black girls dead. The attack on the 16th Street Baptist Church sparked further violence in the city, leaving two more dead and 19 injured. The same year, Eugene "Bull" Conner the Police Commissioner of Birmington, Alabama attacked peaceful non-violent black protesters with dogs and fire-hose. This televised action alerted the nation about the racial problems in the south After years of frustrating investigations and delays, a Klux Klux Klansman was finally charged with the bombing in 1977. Robert Chambliss, who was known as "Dynamite Bob," was convicted of murder in the bombing in 1977 and died in prison. Ex-Klansman Thomas Blanton Jr. was convicted of four counts of murder last year and was sentenced to life in prison. A fourth suspect, Herman Cash, died in 1994 without being charged. Cherry was supposed to have gone on trial with Blanton, but was ruled mentally incompetent to stand trial. After psychologists testified that Cherry was faking, the judge reversed himself and declared Cherry competent. He went to Bobby Frank Cherry, age 71, was found guilty.
full story:
1963 - Matty, Felipe and Jesus Alou, the famed Alou Brothers of baseball, played together for the first time. They played for the San Francisco Giants, beating the Pittsburgh Pirates, 13-5, at Candlestick Park in San Francisco.
1963-"She Loves You" backed by "I'll Get You" by the Beatles is released by Swan Records in the U.S. Though its tops in the U.K., "She Loves You" doesn't do anything until 1964 when it runs up to Number One.
1964-"Shindig!" premieres on ABC-TV. It was inspired by the success of British Invasion groups on "The Ed Sullivan Show." The show features both British and American performers plus a cast of go-go dancers and a house band. Within a few months NBC has an imitation, "Hullabaloo."
1964-The first Soap Opera on prime-time television was “Peyton Place,” which first aired on the CBS network this day, and continued to run for five years. The series was based on the 1956 novel by Grace Metalious, which also spawned a popular 1957 Hollywood film. It detailed the steamy doing sin a small New England town. . Grace Metalious wrote three other books, 1956, “Return to Peyton Place; 1959”The Tiger White Colar;” 1963, “No Place in Eden.” All were considered “trash fiction” by critics as the main theme was always centered around sex. An alcoholic, Thirty-nine-year-old Grace Metalious died of cirrhosis of the liver on February 25, 1964. She never lived to see her book become a hit television series.
1965---Top Hits
Help! - The Beatles
Like a Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan
Eve of Destruction - Barry McGuire
Is It Really Over? - Jim Reeves
1965- “I Spy” premiered on TV. Bill Cosby made television history as the first African-American actor starring in a major dramatic role in this spy series. Cosby played Alexander "Scotty" Scott, an intellectual spy with a cover as a tennis trainer. Robert Culp played Kelly Robinson, the "tennis pro" and Scotty's partner in espionage. The series was notable for filming worldwide
1965--The Ford Motor Company becomes the first auto maker to offer an 8-track tape player as an option for their entire line of vehicles. Tapes were initially only available at auto parts stores, as home 8-track equipment was still a year away.
1968 - Television musical series "Soul" premieres on NBC with guests Lou Rawls, Martha & the Vandellas.
1969 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Sugar, Sugar," The Archies. Billboard ranks the song as the No. 1 single of the year.
1971-Greenpeace founded: The environmental organization Greenpeace, committed to a green and peaceful world, was founded by 12 members of the Don't Make a Wave committee of Vancouver, BC, Canada, when the boat Phyllis Cormack sailed to Amchitka, AK, to protest US nuclear testing. Greenpeace's basic principle is "that determined individuals can alter the actions and purposes of even the overwhelmingly powerful by 'bearing witness'--drawing attention to an environmental abuse through their mere unwavering presence, whatever the risk."
1971-“Colombo” premiers on TV. Based on a 1968 made-for-TV movie, entered the lineup of NBC”s “Mystery Movie” series on this date. The other two original shows were McMillan and Wife and McCloud. Peter Falk starred as one of TV's greatest character, Lieutenant Columbo, the crime-solving policeman, dressed in rumpled raincoat and bearing a chewed up cigar. In almost every episode, Columbo latches himself onto the main suspect, usually a polished sophisticated in comparison to Columbo's seeming simpleness, and nags him or her to death with questions and comments such as “But one thing bothers me, Sir.” Bing Crosby, at age 67, had been approached first, but he turned down the role. The series ended in 1978, but reemerged in the form of periodic movies beginning in 1989. A very popular show in its time and fans look forward to re-runs on TV.
1972-Rod Stewart's "Never A Dull Moment" hits #2 on the LP charts.
1972-The Temptations' "All Directions" enters the LP charts. The album features the #1 single, "Papa Was A Rollin' Stone."
1973- "Delta Dawn" by Helen Reddy topped the charts and stayed there for a week.
1973---Top Hits
Delta Dawn - Helen Reddy
Say, Has Anybody Seen My Sweet Gypsy Rose - Tony Orlando & Dawn
Loves Me like a Rock - Paul Simon
You've Never Been This Far Before - Conway Twitty
1977-“CHIPS” premiers on TV. A popular action-packed NBC police series depicting cases and chases of the motorcycle-riding California Highway Patrol. The show starred Erik Estrada as Francis "Ponch" Poncherello and Larry Wilcox as Jonathan Baker, two quick-witted cops. Wilcox left the show, and Estrada's new partner, Bobby "Hot Dog" Nelson, was played by Tom Reilly. Other regulars included Robert Pine, Paul Linke, Lou Wagner, Brodie Greer, Brianne Leary, Randi Oakes, Michael Dorn, Bruce Jenner, Bruce Penhall and Tina Gayle.
1978-Ali Wins Title for Third Time: Muhammad Ali became the only fighter to win the heavyweight championship for a third time when he scored a unanimous 15-round decision over Leon Spinks at the Louisiana Superdome. Ali, then known as Cassius Clay, won the title for the first time on February 25, 1964, over Sonny Liston. He regained the crown the first time on October 30, 1974 by knocking out George Foreman.
1978—Dodgers Pass the Three Million Mark. The Los Angeles Dodgers became the first major league baseball team to pass the 3-million mark in home attendance in a 5-0 victory over the Atlanta Braves.
1980 - On Broadway, "The Elephant Man" made its debut, with rock singer David Bowie in his acting debut.
1981---Top Hits
Endless Love - ---Top Hits Diana Ross & Lionel Richie
Slow Hand - Pointer Sisters
Stop Draggin' My Heart Around - Stevie Nicks with Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Older Women - Ronnie McDowell
1982-USA newspaper first published. Media corporation Gannett published a new kind of daily---the “Nation's Newspaper”---that featured general interest articles for a national audience.
1982-a snowstorm over Wyoming dumped 16.9 inches of snow at Lander to establish a new 24 hour record
1987 - Computer hackers in Germany known as the Chaos Computer Club, said they had tapped into NASA's computer system and planted a program called "Trojan Horse."
1987 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "I Just Can't Stop Loving You," Michael Jackson with Siedah Garrett.
1989---Top Hits
Hangin' Tough - New Kids on the Block
Don't Wanna Lose You - Gloria Estefan
Heaven - Warrant
I Wonder Do You Think of Me - Keith Whitley
1990-“Please Me" by Wilson Phillips topped the charts and stayed there for 3 weeks.
1994 - The last United States marine guards left Somalia after 21 months of American intervention.
1996-The Baltimore Orioles hit 5 home runs as they beat the Detroit Tigers, 16-6, to set a new major league record for most home runs in a season by a team. Mark Parent's 3-run home in the 3 rd inning wins the record-breaker, the team's 241 st home run of the year, breaking the mark set by the 1961 New York Yankees. The orioles ended the year with 357 homers.
1997- Elton John's "Candle In The Wind 1997," rewritten and rerecorded with new lyrics paying tribute to the recently-deceased Princess Di, sells a record 600,000 copies in one day in Britain alone. It would go on to become the biggest-selling single of all time.
1998-- In a 12-7 win over Twins, Mariner Ken Griffey Jr. becomes the fourth-youngest (28 years and 10 months) player to reach 1,000 RBIs. Junior got to 1000 mark younger than anyone except Mel Ott (27 years, three months), Jimmie Foxx (27 years, eight months) and Lou Gehrig (28 years, 9 1/2 months).
1998--- Ending a six-game drought without a homer, Mark McGwire, pinch-hitting in the ninth inning, hits his 63rd homer; the solo shot off Jason Christiansen in the Cardinals' 8-6 loss to Pirates allows 'Big Mac' to regain the home-run lead over Sammy Sosa.
1998 - Reba McEntire joins the prestigious Hollywood Walk of Fame. Her star, the 2,120th planted in the famous foot thoroughfare, is unveiled in front of the Johnny Grant Building, 7018 Hollywood Boulevard.
1999 - For the first time since it's opening in 1971 Walt Disney World was closed as Hurricane Floyd moved in on central Florida. It was the first time any of the parks had been closed since Disney opened the first one there in 1971.
2000---Top Hits
Country Grammar---Nelly
Oops!...I Did It Again -- Britney Spears,
The Marshall Mathers- Eminem
Human Clay-- Creed
2005—Top Hits
Gold Digger-- Kanye West Featuring Jamie Foxx
Shake It Off-- Mariah Carey
Lose Control- Missy Elliott Featuring Ciara & Fat Man Scoop
We Belong Together- Mariah Carey
Baseball Poem
The Night Game
by Robert Pinsky
Some of us believe
We would have conceived romantic
Love out of our own passions
With no precedents,
Without songs and poetry--
Or have invented poetry and music
As a comb of cells for the honey.
Shaped by ignorance,
A succession of new worlds,
Congruities improvised by
Immigrants or children.
I once thought most people were Italian,
Jewish or Colored.
To be white and called
Something like Ed Ford
Seemed aristocratic,
A rare distinction.
Possibly I believed only gentiles
And blonds could be left-handed.
Already famous
After one year in the majors,
Whitey Ford was drafted by the Army
To play ball in the flannels
Of the Signal Corps, stationed
In Long Branch, New Jersey.
A night game, the silver potion
Of the lights, his pink skin
Shining like a burn.
Never a player
I liked or hated: a Yankee,
A mere success.
But white the chalked-off lines
In the grass, white and green
The immaculate uniform,
And white the unpigmented
Halo of his hair
When he shifted his cap:
So ordinary and distinct,
So close up, that I felt
As if I could have made him up,
Imagined him as I imagined
The ball, a scintilla
High in the black backdrop
Of the sky. Tight red stitches.
Rawlings. The bleached
Horsehide white: the color
Of nothing. Color of the past
And of the future, of the movie screen
At rest and of blank paper.
"I could have." The mind. The black
Backdrop, the white
Fly picked out by the towering
Lights. A few years later
On a blanket in the grass
By the same river
A girl and I came into
Being together
To the faint muttering
Of unthinkable
Troubadours and radios.
The emerald
Theater, the night.
Another time,
I devised a left-hander
Even more gifted
Than Whitey Ford: A Dodger.
People were amazed by him.
Once, when he was young,
He refused to pitch on Yom Kippur

The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?
Daily Puzzle

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