Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
New ---IFC Credit BK Trustee Complaint
Bulletin Board Complaint
---From Bob Robichaud, CLP, Commerce National Bank
Classified Ads---Collections
Fifty “First Time” Attendees at NEFA Funding Symposium
by Dwight Galloway, CLP
NEFA Elects New Officers
John Rosenlund, CLP, will be president
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Career Crossroad---“Use Verbs in my resume?”
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
“What is the Agreement Definition?”
What did Tetra and Republic Bank Have in Mind?
by Tom McCurnin, Esq.
Bank Beat
---Poor Real Estate Loans Take St. Louis Bank Down
Denver, Colorado Adopt-a-Dog
Classified Ads—Outsourcing—Asset Management
News Briefs
House increases SBA loan subsidy to keep credit flowing
Banks giving risky loans to strapped consumers
Fed Researchers Say Consumer Doubt Worsened Unemployment
World has 3rd-warmest summer on record
Critical zero-day bug in Internet Explorer under active attack
Klez Virus
Banned Iphone5 Video
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists |
Features (collection)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers |
Top Stories last six months
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SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer
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Baseball Poem
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"Gimme that Wine"
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######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer. It is considered “bias” as it is the writer’s viewpoint.
New ---IFC Credit BK Trustee Complaint
Bulletin Board Complaint

From Bob Robichaud, CLP
Vice President, Equipment Finance Department
Commerce National Bank
3818 E. Coronado Street, Suite 100
Anaheim, CA 92807
“In response to the bulletin board complaint in today’s Leasing News, we have also had some issues with the way the IFC Trustee went after the IFC Lessees.
“We purchased the stream of payments only on a number of IFC contracts back in early 2009. As soon as some of these started to payoff we quickly found out this was happening when the Lessee called us to complain that the trustee refused to accept the $1.00 purchase option and kept on billing.
“We decided we needed to inform all the lessees so back in October 2010 we sent out a notification to ‘all’ the Lessees we still held contracts on this to put them on notice that they needed to protect themselves. In April of this year we sent it out again as a second reminder to the few remaining accounts we still held.
((Here is a draft of the letter that was sent (1).) As far as I know Illinois law and a number of other states as well, still allows this. In my opinion, it’s nothing more than ‘legalized theft’.
Not only does it put the lessee in jeopardy it causes problems for the lender who discounted the deal because the lessee is always going to blame you as well.
Bob Robichaud, CLP
(Tel.) 714-678-5302
(Cell) 714-290-8112
IFC Notification REMINDER
September 14, 2012
IFC Credit Trustee, Northfield, Illinois
Bulletin Board Complaint
Classified Ads---Collections

(These ads are “free” to those seeking employment or looking
to improve their position)

Long Grove, Illinois
17+ years Comdisco, accounts receivable, collections, customer service, plus senior management, seeking full time or part time assignment. 847-726-1883roborgaard@aol.com | Resume |
Port St Lucie, FL
20+ yrs exp. commercial collection/late stage specialist.
Prefer to work from home based office or transfer to Sarasota areamichaelgalan@comcast.net | Resume |
Free Posting for those seeking employment in Leasing:
All “free” categories “job wanted” ads:
Fifty “First Time” Attendees at NEFA Funding Symposium
by Dwight Galloway, CLP

The National Equipment Finance Association’s (NEFA) annual Funding Symposium in Washington DC held September 13th – 15th drew 181 attendees, of which well over half were brokers and/or lessors. Many of the fifty “first time” attendees came as part of a multiple representation of a funder or service member. There also were attendees from Canada, showing NEFA President Hugh Swandel’s influence.

Hugh Swandel
Senior Managing Director - Canada
The Alta Group
The Funding Symposium drew a wide range of exhibitors which in addition to several well-known ”A” lenders included many offering unique funding for hard to place applications. Many of the NEFA members are lessors and hold certain leases on their own lines; however, they certainly could place most any deal they chose not to hold with one of the diverse specialty lenders represented
NEFA’s “United Association of Equipment Leasing” (UAEL) and “Eastern Association of Equipment Lessors” (EAEL) origins were evident with long time core members of each of those former associations serving on the board, presenting the breakout sessions, and participating on the committees planning NEFA’s future.
The well attended breakout sessions offered advice on competing in the present environment as a broker or lessor and how to build your company to profitably discount or hold portfolio as a lessor

Gerry Egan
Executive Director, NEFA
NEFA’s net revenue has increased under the guiding hand of Executive Director Gerry Egan and the balance sheet was described as stable and strong.

Randy Haug
Sr. VP/Partner LeaseTeam
Randy Haug of LeaseTeam, Inc. was named member of the year and accepted the award now named for his close friend and greatly missed industry stalwart, the late Chris Walker, CLP

Chris Walker, CLP
There was an upbeat, positive, buzz to the meeting with many of the broker/lessors mentioning that the return to the industry of funding sources would allow placement of their recent growth in applications.
Optimism included speculation that the traditional EAEL funding expo scheduled for the November 4-5 in Teaneck, New Jersey would be well attended.
Dwight Galloway, CLP
Senior V.P. Broker Operations
803-566-8245 Ext. 102
803-728-0196 Fax

NEFA Elects New Officers
John Rosenlund, CLP, will be President

Elected to lead the National Equipment Finance Association (NEFA)
Executive Committee for 2013

John Rosenlund, CLP, Director--Risk Management at
Portfolio Financial Servicing,
as President;

Kyle Gilliam, CLP, President, Arvest Equipment Finance,
as Vice President;

Tara Aasand, Business Development at Great American Insurance,
as Secretary;

John Donohue, Senior Vice President at Direct Capital Corporation,
as Treasurer.

2012 NEFA President, Hugh Swandel, Senior Managing Director – Canada The Alta Group,
will continue to serve on the Executive Committee as Immediate Past President.
Elected as Directors for NEFA for 2013 were: Mike Coon, Vice-President, Equipment Leasing Division of TAB Bank; William Ford, Jr., of Ford Financial Services, Inc.; Brad Harmon, CLP, President of First Star Capital; Terey Jennings, CLP, Senior Vice President of Financial Pacific Leasing, LLC; Jesse Johnson, of LeaseTeam, Inc.; Jim Merrilees, CLP.; Tim Mathison, Vice-President of P&L Capital Corp; David Normandin, CLP, Senior Vice-President of PacTrust Bank Equipment Finance; Bruce Smith, Owner of Diversified Capital Credit Corporation; Gary Souverein, CLP, President/COO of Pawnee Leasing Corporation; and Diane Williams, of Bankers Leasing Company.
Honored for their Board Service as they completed their terms this year.

Chris Enbom, CLP, CEO of Allegiant Partners,

Frank Peretore, of Peretore & Peretore Law Firm
Honored for her successful efforts as Conference Chairperson:

Lori Dean, CLP
VP, Equipment Finance Operation Manager
Equipment Finance

Leasing Industry Help Wanted
General Legal Counsel
National Bank Holding Company in Southern California
10+ yrs exp. commercial finance/leasing industry.
Background in employment law, contract origination,bankruptcy litigation/
must possess
an immense veracity, extensive understanding on
wide range of legal issues and business experience.
Salary requirements + resume: rose.jones98@yahoo.com
Los Angeles, CA
Taycor has developed and tested an innovative and
unique marketing engine, and we are ready to grow!
We are looking for closers and relationship builders,
not cold callers. (Full description)
jobs@taycor.com or apply online at www.taycor.com
For information on placing a help wanted ad, please click here:
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
Career Crossroad---“Use verbs in my resume?”

Question: I have heard that I need to use verbs in my resume, can you explain what this means?
Answer: I believe you mean ACTION verbs … Resumes are a reflection of your success with your current / previous employers. For example, using words such as:
• Created
• Structured
• Met challenges
• Lead
• Participated
• Collaborated
• Implemented
Just to name a few, will demonstrate that you have accomplished certain tasks (which will follow the Action word); e.g. “Collaborated in the creation of a new IT system which led to a 30% increase ...”
Each sentence or bullet-point should begin with an ACTION Verb to give your resume more punch. Make sure these words include skills or attributes that you believe a potential employer would want to see and hold valuable in the role you are seeking. Your resume should demonstrate that you are able (have experience) to employ these qualities, skills and talents they deem important.
NOTE: When using these ACTION verbs, make sure the verb tense is consistent e.g. “ed” or “ing”, etc…
For more examples, please do not hesitate to request more.
Emily Fitzpatrick
Sr. Recruiter
Recruiters International, Inc.
Phone: 954-885-9241
Cell: 954-612-0567
Connect on LinkedIn:
Recruiters International, Inc.
Also follow us on Twitter #RIIINFO
Career Crossroads Previous Columns
Leasing 102
by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP

“What is the Agreement Definition?”
Often time’s people question the difference between a loan, a lease, and a rental. Especially when they see common language and documents that are long and confusing.
A “loan” is a transaction where the ownership is in the customer’s name and he pledges only his interest or equity in the equipment for collateral to arrange the loan. In the case of a default the lender uses Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code to exercise his rights to repossess the equipment after following the procedures outlined in the Article. One of the key issues is that the borrower is the owner of the equipment and therefore has rights that the lender must honor. Such as returning any excess value after the loan balance is satisfied. In addition as owner of the equipment, they were responsible for selecting the equipment when it was purchased, paying all assessed taxes, and insuring the equipment and providing a loss payable to the lender. The borrower is also responsible to correctly maintain the equipment during the term of the loan.
A “rental” is a transaction where the rental company provides the equipment and is therefore responsible for its performance. The term of the rental is usually short and while the renter provides short term insurance, the rental company is responsible for long term insurance and must pay all assessed taxes. They must maintain the equipment in good condition because it is the equipment’s performance that they are really renting and must replace the equipment if the rented equipment fails to perform properly.
Now we come to a “lease”. A lease is a transaction that has a lot of similarities to a loan because we require the lessee to select the equipment, arrange for the insurance and, pay all the assessed taxes. However, the lessor pays for the equipment and becomes its owner. Then we request, in addition to the loss payable, an additional insured endorsement from the lessee’s insurance company. Usually the lessee’s insurance company represents the leasing company if any action is taken against the leasing company due to injury or property destruction but the lease also contains a requirement that the lessee indemnify the lessor against all claims brought on by the use of the equipment.
The confusion resulting from a lease agreement and a loan or a rental is a result of a lot of things. Usually using the term “rental” in a lease agreement instead of “lease payment” and the lack of communication between the leasing company and the lessee about the lessee’s responsibilities add to the problem.
The type of lease adds to the problems as we provide different options in the lease agreement. This requires some discussion with your customer so they understand what type of transaction they are entering into.
Mr. Terry Winders, CLP, has been a teacher, consultant, expert witness for the leasing industry for thirty-five years and can be reached at leaseconsulting@msn.com or 502-649-0448
He invites your questions and queries.
Previous #102 Columns:
Mr. Terry Winders available as Expert Witness. 35 years as a professional instructor to the top equipment leasing and finance companies in the United States, author of several books, including DVD's, as well as weekly columnist to Leasing News. He also performs audits of leasing companies as an expert on documentation, and has acted as an expert witness on leasing for litigation in legal and tax disputes, including before the IRS. He also has taught the senior bank examiners, how to review a bank leasing department, for the Federal Reserve in Washington D.C. and has trained the examiners for the FDIC on how to prepare a lease portfolio for sale.
Mr. Winders received his Master of Business Administration and his Bachelor of Science degrees from the College of Notre Dame.
502.649.0448/Leaseconsulting@msn.com |
(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)
What did Tetra and Republic Bank Have in Mind?
by Tom McCurnin, Esq.
Barton, Klugman & Oetting
Los Angeles, California

Junior Creditor/Lessor Which Buys Equipment in a Sale/Leaseback is Held
Not To Have Converted Proceeds of Bank’s Loan.
Platte Valley Bank v. Tetra Financial Group, LLC, 682 F.3d 1078 (8th Cir. 2012)
I always thought when collateral of a secured lender is sold, and the proceeds deposited into a bank account, as they always are, the secured nature of the original loan attaches to the proceeds and to the funds on deposit at the bank. This case demonstrates the conflict between those two competing interests—the interests of the original secured lender, the interests of a bank in which the funds were deposited after a junior creditor’s sale/leaseback.
Platte Valley Bank loaned $1mm dollars to its customer, Heggem Construction for construction equipment, secured by a broad form UCC-1. An equipment lessor, Tetra Financial Group, sought to provide Heggem with additional financing, and requested that PVB subordinate. PVB refused.
Tetra then structured a junior loan on the same collateral through a sale/leaseback agreement (SLA) with Heggem. PVB’s collateral was sold for the sum of $565,430. Oddly, the borrower never received the proceeds. Instead Heggem allowed Tetra to keep the $565,430 and deposit it an interest bearing account. Heggem would get the funds back after it made all the payments on the lease. On a business level, I have no idea why a business would sell and leaseback collateral for the possibility of getting $565,430 at the end of the lease term. It is equally mystifying why Tetra would take such a speculative junior position behind a perfected senior creditor. This was 2007, and construction equipment value was dropping like a rock. This deal makes no sense to me on any level.
Tetra’s SLA acknowledged that Tetra’s security interest was junior in priority to PVB's security interest in those same assets. The sale proceeds, $565,430, were held back to be “used as a security deposit pursuant to SLA to be held at Republic Bank in the name of Heggem. The transfer of the CD was very unclear, and it seemed to me that there never was a CD, and that Tetra simply kept the money and ultimately transferred to its assignee.
The transaction was subsequently assigned to Republic Bank and Tetra received $555,899, but deposited it, and another $9,531 and brought the holdback account up to the correct amount of $565,430. The funds were on deposit at Republic Bank apparently in the name of Heggem.
Heggem then defaulted on the loan. PVB located all the collateral, and with Heggem’s assistance, repossessed it, and sold it at a foreclosure sale.
After the foreclosure sale, in which there was a deficiency, and PVB found out that Heggem had had sold the equipment to Tetra for $565,430.
PVB sued, claiming (1) Tetra had no right to make a lease junior to PVB’s without PVB’s consent; and (2) PVB had a security interest in the proceeds of the sale of the collateral and therefore was entitled to those lease payments and holdback account.
The trial court ruled that Tetra did nothing wrong, except perhaps make a bad loan from its own proceeds. Certainly a borrower has the right to double finance collateral, and if a junior creditor endeavors to make a risky second position loan like this, that’s its business. The UCC contemplates multiple security interests in the same collateral and devised a system for determining the priority of those interests should they ripen. See U.C.C. §§ 9–317 to 9–339.
The trial court also ruled that while titling of the holdback account was screwy, PVB could not claim an interest in it, because a security interest in deposit accounts are perfected by control, not filing and Republic Bank had control over the account. Consequently, PVB’s lawsuit was dismissed. The 8th Circuit Court of Appeal affirmed.
The 8th Circuit got the right result. Because Republic Bank loaned money to Tetra, on the strength of that lease and deposit, the deposit account was moved to Republic Bank, subject to its security interest via assignment. Under UCC § 9-327, the Bank would seem to have control over that account, notwithstanding the fact that the monies were “proceeds.” The Court noted that Comment 3 to this section, specifically gives banks priority in a deposit account they control, even if the monies are identifiable proceeds.
Ultimately, the UCC framers had to choose between two competing interests, the secured party who lost priority due to the sale, or the bank who received the proceeds without notice of the tainted proceeds. The UCC framers picked the bank. Usually, the laws impose liability on the entity which first dealt with the miscreant, or perhaps the banks had better lobbyists. You pick.
Ultimately, there is nothing new here to learn for secured lenders. There is nothing PVB could have done to prevent Heggem from double dipping the equity in the equipment, except by documenting the matter as a true lease. As unfair as the result seems to me, the UCC makes it clear that the bank wins.
The lessons for the junior secured lender are less obvious, because normally there is little equity in a junior position in personal property. But for the huge security deposit which Tetra took, the lessor might have taken a large loss on the lease.
Or was something else intended from the very beginning (if you have the time, view the deposition)
Tom McCurnin
Barton, Klugman & Oetting
Los Angeles, California
email: tmccurnin@bkolaw.com
Voice: (213) 621-4000
Fax (213) 625-1832
Visit our Web Site at www.bkolaw.com
Court Case (10 pages)
Deposition (4 on a screen, enlarge to read, total 108 pages)
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:
Bank Beat
Poor Real Estate Loans Take St. Louis Bank Down

The four branches of Truman Bank, St. Louis, Missouri were closed with Simmons First National Bank, Pine Bluff, Arkansas, to assume all of the deposits

Formed originally June 20, 1923 and then part of the Templar Fund, Inc., August 1, 1988, there were 56 full time employees at their three St. Louis offices and one in Saint Peters. In 2006 year-end, Truman Bank had 106 full time employees at their four offices with net equity of $46.3 million, a profit of $3.1 million for the year with only $38,000 in charge offices and $3.1 million in non-current loans.
June 30, 2012 Truman Bank had Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio of 2.54%. Since 2008, the bank lost $61 million, and had gone from a high net equity year-end of $47.8 million in 2007 to $5.9 million, June 30, 2012.
Missouri's Commissioner of the Division of Finance Richard Weaver said in a statement, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch: "The demise of this bank is the result of aggressive, imprudent lending decisions made by prior management," the state official said in the statement. "Many of these loans were in high-risk commercial real estate and development projects that proved uncollectible."
The St. Louis Post Dispatch also reported "Truman had the highest level of bad loans of all St. Louis chartered banks, with 19 percent of its loans classified as nonperforming, according to data released by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The average figure was 3 percent for St. Louis-based banks.
September 28, 2011 a letter reached the newspaper from a past director: “Daniel Slavin, a real estate manager, said in the letter that Richard Miller, chairman of the bank's holding company, Truman Bancorp, interfered with past and present bank presidents, crippling their ability to do their jobs so that the bank could succeed."

The FDIC year-end numbers show large land and construction charge offs, as well as other real estate, perhaps reflective of the area as the main culprit of the major losses was in the very high non-current loan column:
(In millions, unless otherwise)
Non-Current Loans
2006 $3.1
2007 $6.9
2008 $20.1
2009 $41.2
2010 $53.6
2011 $49.0
6/30 $36.4
Construction and Land, 1-4 family multiple residential, Multiple Family Residential, Non-Farm Non-Residential loans.
Charge Offs
2006 $38,000 ($108,000 1-4 family, $32,000 construction/land, -$81,000 commercial, -$6,000 Indiv.)
2007 $1.3 ($699,000 1-4 family, $381,000 construction/land, $241,000 nonfarm/no res., $32,000 Ind.)
2008 $9.2 ($6.1 land/construction, $1.8 1-4 family, $600,000 nonfarm/nonres., $471,000 multi, $249,000 com.)
2009 $6.9 ($3.1 land/construction, $2.3 1-4 family, $613,000 nonfarm, $350,000 multi, $509,000 comm.)
2010 $10.8 ($5.7 land/construction, $1.6 1-4 family, $1.3 commercial, $1.0 nonfarm, $462,000 indiv.)
2011 $19.5 ($5.5 land/construct., $2.9 commercial, 1.9 1-4 family, $136,000 multifam, $68,000 nonfarm)
6/30 $8.1 ($4.6 land/construct.,$3.2 nonfarm/nonres., $574,000 1-4 family, -$221,000 commercial)
Net Equity
2006 $46.3
2007 $47.8
2008 $39.5
2009 $35.4
2010 $28.1
2011 $15.3
6/30 $5.9
2006 $3.1
2007 $5.5
2008 -$14.1
2009 -$13.7
2010 -$7.9
2011 -$15.8
6/30 -$9.3
As of June 30, 2012, Truman Bank had approximately $282.3 million in total assets and $245.7 million in total deposits. In addition to assuming all of the deposits of the failed bank, Simmons First National Bank agreed to purchase essentially all of the failed bank's assets.
The FDIC and Simmons First National Bank entered into a loss-share transaction on $117.8 million of Truman Bank's assets. Simmons First National Bank will share in the losses on the asset pools covered under the loss-share agreement
The FDIC estimates that the cost to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) will be $34.0 million.
List of Bank Failures:
Bank Beat:
Gary DiLillo, President 440.871.0555 or gary@avptc.com
To learn more about the benefits of
outsourcing personal property tax, please click here.
Send Leasing News to a Colleague. We are free!!!
Denver, Colorado Adopt-a-Dog

"I'm a 14 month old spayed female that is looking for my forever home!! I am currently living with other dogs and cats. My foster mom is a professional dog trainer and has done a great job teaching me manners. I am a little sensitive so no small children for me. I would enjoy having a buddy to play with and humans to love. Please adopt me as my foster mom is having to move and I have nowhere to go but boarding. I would be very sad if I had to go there. PLEASE ADOPT ME!
“Rottie Aid adopts dogs TO COLORADO RESIDENTS (we would consider parts of Wyoming). All our dogs are spayed or neutered prior to going to their forever homes. Our dogs live in individual foster homes, Rottie Aid is not a kennel, shelter, nor do we have a central location.
We are all volunteers that donate our time and homes to saving these dogs - so please be advised that the adoption process can take a few weeks (depending on the dog). Emailing your application is the fastest way - we focus on matching up a dog to the applicant.
“Adoption fees are as follows: $300 for puppies up to 12 months, $250 for dogs ages 1-4, $200 for 5 and up (including mixes of any age)
“Contact Rottie Aid for more information on these dogs. If you want to meet any of these dogs, you will need to fill out an Adoption Application prior to meeting them.”
Denver, CO 80010
(303) 575-1669
Adopt-a-Pet by Leasing Co. State/City
Adopt a Pet
Asset Management
Asset Management: Atlanta, GA
premier provide accounts receivable management functions from 3rd Party contingency collections to Portfolio Purchasing. Contact George Elliott, National Account Manager. 678-694-9063,
Asset Management: Boston, MA
Nationwide appraisals, remarketing, audits, inspections and more! Over 15-years industry experience and dedicated to deliver personal, prompt, professional services.
Call Chris @ 508-785-1277. Email:chris@dovermanagementgroup.com
Asset Management: Minneapolis, MN
NetSentric provides services to leasing companies: Inspection, Appraisals, Auditing, Warehousing, Repossession, Asset Management, Repairs, Remarketing and Field Service for Electronics and Computing Technology.
Email: jcahill@netsentricinc.com
Asset Management: Monroe, NC
Recover a greater return on your investment. We specialize in the woodworking, pallet, sawmill and forestry industries. Carolinamachinerysales.com/Melinda Meier (704)288-1904 x103 |
Asset Management: Nationwide
BUYER/LENDER BEWARE. Don't sign anything until Collateral Verifications Inc. goes onsite, knocks on the door and gets the facts.
Email: mark@i-collateral.com |
Seasoned and fair priced workforce is at your service for all lease collections, repossessions, and asset liquidations, appraisals. Call Nassau Asset Management 800-462-7728 dcastagna@nasset.com
Asset Management: NorthWest Sequent provides collateral recovery, remarketing, and storage services to lenders with assets located in the greater Pacific Northwest. Professional services at reasonable pricing. Contact rossr@sequentam.com |
Asset Management: Orange City, FL
We help Lessors Liquidate un-wanted Assets valued at $750,000+. It's an effective method of Liquidating Assets such as Jets, Planes, Helicopters, Freighters, etc.
Eric R. Sanders
Tel 386-789-9441
Asset Storage/Re-Marketing: Ohio & surrounding states. Providing no cost warehousing, condition reports, digital photos and remarketing of off-lease forklifts & industrial equipment. NAFTA wide dealer network. Email to GCochran@OhioLift.com |
Asset Management
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Auctions, Appraisals, National Repossessions. ALL asset classes. 20+ year team works for you. Spend less, Net More… Fast!
Ed Castagna 516-229-1968ecastagna@inplaceauction.com |
Asset Management:
South East US- AllState Asset Management
Recovery, remarketing, inspections. 25 years experience, dedicated to deliver, prompt, professional services.
Call Brian @ 704-671-2376.brian.buchanan@allstateassetmgmt.com |
Asset Management: Global
Specializing in Semiconductor and Electronic Test Equipment collateral. Lender services include Consignment Sales, Remarketing, Portfolio Purchases, Inspections, De-installation, Repairs and Warehousing.
mnovello@testequipmentconnection.com |
Bulldog Asset Management provides recovery and remarketing services with a difference. Contingent repos, free storage and industry experts to remarket. Email:Jamie@bulldogasset.com
www.bulldogasset.com |
Asset Management: Portsmouth, NH
Unique approach improves results, keeps costs down. Repossession, Storage, Inspection, Legal, Appraisal, Transport, Remarketing. Free advice and resources.Call 855.EENGINE
lendersolutions.equipmentengine.com |

This Day in History
1502 - Christopher Columbus landed at Costa Rica on his 4th & last voyage. He would retire a very wealthy man.
1634-The first religious leader in the American colonies who was a woman was Anne Hutchinson, born Anne Marbury in England. She and her family arrived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony this day. She organized groups of women who met at her house and led them in the discussion of secular and theological questions. She taught that each person could attain understanding in matters of faith and therefore owed no obedience to church law. Her influence became so great that in November, 1687, she was brought to trial in Cambridge for undermining the authority of the colony's Puritan ministers. Banished from the colony, she was given a safe haven in Roger William's settlement ( the future Providence, RI() along with 70 followers. In 1642, she moved to the wilderness near what is now Pelham Bay, NY, where she and her family were killed by Native Americans.
1769-The first harpsichord piano was made by john Harris. It was called a spinet and was described in the Boston Gazette this day. I that only three or four octaves. Each jack was provided with a little spur of goose-quill that plucked the thin wire to cause vibration. It became very popular in many
New England homes and churches.
1790-The first loan taken out by the US was negotiated and secured by Alexander Hamilton.. After beginning negotiations with the Bank of New York and the Bank of North America on Sept 18, 1789, Hamilton obtained the sum of $191,608.81 from the two banks in what became known as the Temporary Loan of 1789. The loan was obtained without authority of law and was used to pay the salaries of the president, senators, representatives and officers of the first Congress. Repayment was completed on June 8,1790. He leased his office furniture and gas Dictaphone ( this was before
electricity) from Charlie Lester.
1793- President George Washington laid the Capitol cornerstone at Washington, DC, in a Masonic ceremony. That event was the first and last recorded occasion at which the stone with its engraved silver plate was seen. In 1958, during the extension of the east front of the Capitol, an unsuccessful effort was made to find it.
1830- In a widely celebrated race, the first locomotive build in America, the Tom Thumb, lost to a horse in a famous race. Mechanical difficulties plagued the steam engine over the nine-mile course between Riley's Tavern and Baltimore, Maryland, and a boiler leak prevented the locomotive from finishing the race. In the early days of trains, engines were nicknamed "Iron Horse." People in the 19th century were opposed to change, and inventions took thirty to forty years before they were put in place, even though labor saving devices. Industries were also intertwined with company owned stores, houses, other retail businesses. The attitude at the time of this race
was steam locomotive would never replace the horse, which was faster, more mobile, and " user friendly." Why do we need a “rail road?”
1850- After long debates and failure to pass the omnibus bill, Congress passed Fugitive Slave Law as part of the compromise of 1850 in separate bills. It was supposed to cool down the growing differences between those opposing slavery and those that owned slaves, but according to historians, the bill was instrumental in dividing the sides as but did not as the law had slave catchers were only paid for slaves they caught: Northerners did not enforce their part of the Fugitive Slave Law; They did not catch or return any run-away slaves; This angered the South. Reason the North turned against Slavery: They saw slaves captured - (men, women, and children);They were chained and marched through the streets this angered northerners and turned them against slavery; People in the north did not like immigrants; They said that they lost jobs to these foreigners. They even started political parties against immigrants. People in the north did not want slaves or immigrants in their part of the country as it cost them jobs.
1851 - "The New York Times" began publishing “All the News That's Fit to Print.” The "Times" now owns other media, such radio, TV, cable and the Internet. Their edition on September 11, 2002, was one of the best ever. Perhaps the most well written newspaper in the United States.
1863- Battle of Chickamauga, Tenn (near Chattanooga) begins; Union retreat
1889-Hull House Opens. This settlement house was founded in Chicago by Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr. It soon became the heart of one of the country's most influential social reform movements, offering a mix of cultural and education programs to new immigrants.
1891- “White Woman” Harriet Maxwell Converse was made a chief of the Six Nations Tribe at the Tonawanda Reservation, NY. She was given the name Ga-is-wa-noh, which means “The Watcher.” She had been adopted as a member of the Seneca tribe in 1884 in appreciation of her efforts on behalf of the tribe.
1895- Booker T. Washington delivered his famous "Atlanta Compromise" speech at the opening of the Cotton States and International Exhibition in Atlanta, Georgia. Washington, the founder and president of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, was the first African-American man ever to address a racially-mixed Southern audience. He used the occasion to advocate a moderate approach to race relations in the New South.
1905-Birthday of Agnes DeMille, dancer, choreographer for ballet and Broadway shows such as Oklahoma, born at New York, NY. DeMille died at New York, NY. Oct 7, 1993.
1905- Greta Garbo birthday, Swedish-American actor of the almost perfect face, and one of the great stars of cinema. She made 24 films in Hollywood and was nominated for Academy Awards four times. She was finally awarded a special Academy award in 1954 "for her unforgettable screen performances." Although she retired in 1941 to live in seclusion in New York, the papparzi continued to chase her and the gossip newspapers printed photos of her when she was in her 70s and 80s - even while swimming. She hated making movies and condemned their superficialities as well as the burden of being portrayed a beautiful thing rather than a human being. Greta Gustafsson left school at 14 to work after her father died. A film director saw her, admired her beauty and gave her a small part in a movie. She then studied at the Royal Dramatic Theater School in Stockholm for two years where she met Mauritz Stiller, the foremost Swedish film director of his time who renamed her Garbo. When he went to the United States to work for MGM, he took her along. Garbo's fame soon eclipsed his. One of the few stars who were able to move from silent films to talkies, she made The Torrent (1926), Flesh and the Devil (1927), Love (1927), A Woman of Affairs (1929), and Wild Orchids (1929). Garbo starred in "talkies" for the next 14 years before walking away from movies, some say because her box office draw was dwindling, others because she was aging and didn't want the world to watch the process. Others noted her hatred of the Hollywood superficiality. The Hollywood publicists blared "Garbo Talks!" as she starred in her first talkie, Anna Christie (1930), followed by Mata Hari (1932), Grand Hotel (1932), Queen Christina (1933), Anna Karenina (1935), Camille (1936), and Ninotchka (1939). She died in New York City on April 15, 1990. Yes, she was a lesbian rather than a bi-sexual. Ironically, Marlene Dietrich who was brought to the U.S. as a rival to Garbo was a bi-sexual who, in private life, also played the rival to several of Garbo's women lovers. "I said I wanted to be left alone, not I want to be alone. There is a great difference," Garbo explained about the misquote that is universally attributed to her.
1910- birthday of Samuel “Sam” Bankhead, baseball player and manager born at Empire, AL. Bankhead starred for several teams in the Negro Leagues from 1930 to 1950., In 1951, he became organized baseball's first black manager handling the Farnham team in the Provincial League. Died at Pittsburgh, PA, July 24, 1976.
1914- Mrs. Frank Leslie, aka Baroness de Bazus, aka Miriam Florence Folline Leslie, died and her amazing will changes the course of history in the U.S. She bequeathed $2 million to Carrie Chapman Catt personally to get woman's suffrage approved in the U.S.! After legal battles that seemed to go on forever and caused Catt to remark that the money seemed to be more of a curse than a boon, Catt received about $900,000 - the rest eaten up by legal fees by family members trying to break the will.Catt put it all - every cent - into the Leslie publicity bureau which sent suffrage material to newspapers, magazines, and activists in a snow of information that turned a stalled movement into an avalanche of pressure. Would U.S. women gotten the vote without Leslie's money? Eventually, but history (read correctly) showed that even with the tremendous amount of pressure exerted by women, the results came down to ONE VOTE in the Tennessee legislature. Had that one vote not been cast for suffrage, the entire movement would have been stopped because a number of states were poised to rescind their favorable vote. One must remember that lifting any restrictions on women's freedom breaks one of the oldest of all prejudices reinforced by almost every religion, that of men have the right and duty to keep women, by force if necessary, as subservient slaves. Most sources simply state the donation by a Mrs. Frank Leslie and one is left to surmise that it was the will of pampered wife who didn't even lay claim to her own name and used HIS money for HER causes. But nothing could be further from the truth. Miriam changed her name to Frank legally after she was left a widow with bankrupt businesses. Through shrewd business dealings, she rebuilt what was left of her husband's publishing empire into the fortune.
1927- the Columbia Broadcasting System was launched in the United States. Many of the radio network's programs originated at station WOR in New York. My late father Lawrence Menkin the late 1940's was station manager of WOR radio, and then worked for WOR-TV in the 1949 and early 1950's introducing “Harlem Detective,” “Hands of Murder,” and “One Man Theater.” He then went to work for DuMont TV, introducing these shows there, plus a new one, he is best known for, “Captain Video and the Space Rangers.” By the way, NBC was the first network. “The Tiffany Network,” as CBS was called, broadcast an opera, "The King's Henchman", as its first program. William S. Paley put the network together, purchasing a chain of 16 failing radio stations. The controlling interest cost between $250,000 and $450,000. The following year, the 27-year-old Paley became President of CBS. It only took one more year for him to profit 2.35 million dollars as the network grew to over 70 stations.
1938-Birthday of drummer Walter “Popee” Lastie, New Orleans, LA. Best known for playing drums with Fats Domino, but his family well-known in musical circles in New Orleans. Walter "Popee" Lastie died in New Orleans, LA. at the age of 42.
1939-Birthday of former teen idol-singer-actor Frankie Avalon (Venus),
Philadelphia, PA.
1939-Saxophonist Steve Marcus Birthday
1940- Will Bradley records “Scrub Me, Mama, with a Boogie Beat,” ( sequel to Beat Me, Daddy recorded four months earlier.
1944-Birthday of singer and songwriter Michael Franks, born in La Jolla, California. His pop-jazz tunes have been recorded by such artists as the Carpenters, Melissa Manchester and Manhattan Transfer. Franks's own albums have been moderately popular, and usually feature well-known backing musicians. For instance, he was aided on his 1976 LP "The Art of Tea" by the Crusaders. In the late 1960's, Franks spent some time at the University of Montreal, where he obtained a master's degree in contemporary culture. While in Canada, he opened shows for Gordon Lightfoot and played with the groups Carnival and Lighthouse.
1944--JACKSON, ARTHUR J. Medal of Honor Rank and organization: Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, 3d Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division. Place and date: Island of Peleliu in the Palau group, 18 September 1944. Entered service at: Oregon. Born: 18 October 1924, Cleveland Ohio. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving with the 3d Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division, in action against enemy Japanese forces on the Island of Peleliu in the Palau group, 18 September 1944. Boldly taking the initiative when his platoon's left flank advance was held up by the fire of Japanese troops concealed in strongly fortified positions, Pfc. Jackson unhesitatingly proceeded forward of our lines and, courageously defying the heavy barrages, charged a large pillbox housing approximately 35 enemy soldiers. Pouring his automatic fire into the opening of the fixed installation to trap the occupying troops, he hurled white phosphorus grenades and explosive charges brought up by a fellow marine, demolishing the pillbox and killing all of the enemy. Advancing alone under the continuous fire from other hostile emplacements, he employed similar means to smash 2 smaller positions in the immediate vicinity. Determined to crush the entire pocket of resistance although harassed on all sides by the shattering blasts of Japanese weapons and covered only by small rifle parties, he stormed 1 gun position after another, dealing death and destruction to the savagely fighting enemy in his inexorable drive against the remaining defenses, and succeeded in wiping out a total of 12 pillboxes and 50 Japanese soldiers. Stouthearted and indomitable despite the terrific odds. Pfc. Jackson resolutely maintained control of the platoon's left flank movement throughout his valiant 1-man assault and, by his cool decision and relentless fighting spirit during a critical situation, contributed essentially to the complete annihilation of the enemy in the southern sector of the island. His gallant initiative and heroic conduct in the face of extreme peril reflect the highest credit upon Pfc. Jackson and the U.S. Naval Service.
1944--OHNSON, OSCAR G. Medal of Honor Rank and organization: Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company B, 363d Infantry, 91st Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Scarperia, Italy, 16-18 September 1944. Entered service at: Foster City, Mich. Birth: Foster City, Mich. G.O. No.: 58, 19 July 1945. Citation: (then Pfc.) He practically single-handed protected the left flank of his company's position in the offensive to break the German's gothic line. Company B was the extreme left assault unit of the corps. The advance was stopped by heavy fire from Monticelli Ridge, and the company took cover behind an embankment. Sgt. Johnson, a mortar gunner, having expended his ammunition, assumed the duties of a rifleman. As leader of a squad of 7 men he was ordered to establish a combat post 50 yards to the left of the company to cover its exposed flank. Repeated enemy counterattacks, supported by artillery, mortar, and machinegun fire from the high ground to his front, had by the afternoon of 16 September killed or wounded all his men. Collecting weapons and ammunition from his fallen comrades, in the face of hostile fire, he held his exposed position and inflicted heavy casualties upon the enemy, who several times came close enough to throw hand grenades. On the night of 1617 September, the enemy launched his heaviest attack on Company B, putting his greatest pressure against the lone defender of the left flank. In spite of mortar fire which crashed about him and machinegun bullets which whipped the crest of his shallow trench, Sgt. Johnson stood erect and repulsed the attack with grenades and small arms fire. He remained awake and on the alert throughout the night, frustrating all attempts at infiltration. On 17 September, 25 German soldiers surrendered to him. Two men, sent to reinforce him that afternoon, were caught in a devastating mortar and artillery barrage. With no thought of his own safety, Sgt. Johnson rushed to the shell hole where they lay half buried and seriously wounded, covered their position by his fire, and assisted a Medical Corpsman in rendering aid. That night he secured their removal to the rear and remained on watch until his company was relieved. Five companies of a German paratroop regiment had been repeatedly committed to the attack on Company B without success. Twenty dead Germans were found in front of his position. By his heroic stand and utter disregard for personal safety, Sgt. Johnson was in a large measure responsible for defeating the enemy's attempts to turn the exposed left flank.
1947- the US Air Force was officially established. Although its heritage dates back to 1907 when the Army first established military aviation, the US Air Force became a separate military service on this date. Responsible for providing an Air Force that is capable, in conjunction with the other armed forces, of preserving the peace and security of the US, the department is separately organized under the Secretary of the Air Force and operates under the authority, direction and control of the Secretary of Defense.
1948 - "The Original Amateur Hour" returned to radio on ABC, two years after the passing of the program's originator and host, Major Bowes. Bowes brought new star talent into living rooms for 13 years. Ted Mack, the new host, had also started a TV run with "The Original Amateur Hour" on the DuMont network in January of 1948.
1949- Montreal-born jazz pianist Oscar Peterson made a sensational debut at Carnegie Hall as a surprise guest at a Jazz at the Philharmonic concert. The producer of Jazz at the Philharmonic, Norman Granz, had planted Peterson in the audience and had him come on stage midway through the event. Granz became Peterson's manager, an association that was to last 30 years.
1949- Montreal-born jazz pianist Oscar Peterson made a sensational debut at Carnegie Hall as a surprise guest at a Jazz at the Philharmonic concert. The producer of Jazz at the Philharmonic, Norman Granz, had planted Peterson in the audience and had him come on stage midway through the event. Granz became Peterson's manager, an association that was to last 30 years.
!950- “The Speidel Show” premiered, and became one of my favorite television
shows. Ventriloquist Paul Winchell was featured with his dummies, Jerry Mahoney and Knucklehead Smith,, on this NBC comedy-variety series which ran for four years. Dorothy Claire, Hilda Vaughn and Jimmy Blame also made appearances on the show, which included the quiz segment “What's My Name?” Winchell later hosted a variety of programs such as “Circus Time,” “The Paul Winchell Show,” “CartoOnieS,” “Winchell and Mahoney Time” and “Runaround.” The Jerry Mahoney puppet was very popular and I had one, actually appearing in school shows with a comedy routine when I was
eight and nine years old.
1952---Top Hits
Wish You Were Here - Eddie Fisher
Auf Wiedersehn, Sweetheart - Vera Lynn
Half as Much - Rosemary Clooney
Jambalaya (On the Bayou) - Hank Williams
1955 - What had been "The Toast of the Town" on CBS Television (since 1948) became "The Ed Sullivan Show". This “rilly big shew” remained a mainstay of Sunday night television until June 6,
1961-15 year old English actress Hayley Mills sees her US debut recording "Let's Get Together" enter the Billboard charts, where it will reach #8.
1961-Bobby Vee scores his third US top ten hit and his only number one with "Take Good Care Of My Baby."
1971- Sullivan was a newspaper columnist/critic before and during the early years of this pioneering TV show. It was one of the most popular, introducing many stars including Elvis Presley, the
Beatles, and the home town boy of Port Chester, New York was not only famous, but
powerful, as if you appeared on his show, your career was sure to take off.
1957 - "The Big Record", hosted by ‘the singing rage', Miss Patti Page, debuted on CBS-TV. "The Big Record" was a live musical showcase featuring established artists singing their big songs. "The Big Record" lasted one big season.
1957-“Wagon Train,” premiered on television. My father Lawrence Menkin wrote many of the
epos ides, plus contributed stories and “treatments” on the growth of the characters. This was a popular Western on both NBC and ABC, airing for eight years with its last telecast September 5, 1965. The series was about a journey along the wagon trial from Missouri to California. Each Week the travelers encountered new surroundings and interacted with different guest stars. Ward Bond played wagon master Major Seth Adams until his death in 1960. He was replaced by John McIntire as Chris Hale. and other regulars were Robert Horton as scout Flint McCullough, Frank McGrath as cook, Charlie Wooster, Terry Will as Bill Hawks, Danny(Scott) Miller as scout Luke Shannon, Michael Burns as Baraby West, a teen passenger and Robert Fuller as scout Cooper.
1960-On his twenty-first birthday, Frankie Avalon is given $600,000 that he earned as a minor.
1960---Top Hits
It's Now or Never - Elvis Presley
The Twist - Chubby Checker
My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own - Connie Francis
Alabam - Cowboy Copas
1963- "The Outer Limits" premiers on TV. You may be getting tired of this inclusion, however, my father Lawrence Menkin wrote several of the episodes and provided story lines for others.
He came to Hollywood right after the War, didn't like it, did some movie work for Barbara Streisand, didn't like it, went back to New York City, where he was very well known locally, left for Hollywood TV in 1955 and stayed very active for ten years, the basically retired and taught at San Francisco State College and had his own actors/comedy workshop, while he worked on books (that were
never published ).
1964- “The Addams Family” premiered on TV. Charles Addams' quirky New Yorker cartoon creations were brought to life in this ABC sitcom about a family full of oddballs. John Astin played lawyer Gomez Addams, with Carolyn Jones as his morbid wife Morticia, Ken Weatherwax as son Pugsley, Lisa Loring as daughter Wednesday, Jackie Coogan as Uncle Fester, Ted Cassidy as both Lurch, the butler, and Thing, a disembodied hand, Blossom Rock as Grandmama and Felix Silla as Cousin Itt. Although the last episode aired Sept 2,1966, The Addams Family movie was released in 1991, starring Anjelica Huston as Morticia, Raul Julia as Gomez, Christopher Lloyd as Uncle Fester, Jimmy Workman as Pugsley and Christina Ricci as Wednesday.
1965-Priemer of TV Show “ Get Smart,” a spay-thriller spoof appearing on both NBC (1965-69) and CBS (1969-70.) Don Adams starred ass bumbling CONTROL Agent 86, Maxwell Smart. His mission was thwart the evildoings of the KAOS organization. Agent Smart was usually successful with the held of his friends, Barbara Feldon as Agent 99 ( whom Smart eventually married), Edward Platt as the Chief, Robert Karvelas as Agent Larrabee, Dick Gautier as Hymie the Robot and David Ketchum as Agent 13. Gimmicks included agents in garbage cans that you did not see, the “Cone of Silence” so no one could wire tape the conversations, a telephone in the sole of a shoe ( way before wireless the size of a cigarette pack) and no one was shot or killed ( remember, it was a comedy ).
1965 - Larry Hagman (Captain Tony Nelson) and Barbara Eden (Jeannie) starred in the first episode of "I Dream of Jeannie" on NBC-TV. Capt. Nelson had been forced to make a parachute landing on a desert island. He happened upon an old bottle that had washed up on the shore. He popped the top and - bingo! Out popped Jeannie, a 2000-year-old, very pretty genie. Jeannie took to Tony and started making weekly magic that lasted until September 1, 1970.
1966 - Herb Alpert's European tour culminated in a performance before Princess Grace and the royal family in Monaco. From Washington to the Riviera, it seemed that no place was out of place for Alpert's ‘Ameriachi' sound.
1967- the popular soap opera “Love Is a Many Splendored Thing” premiered. It was created by veteran writer lrna Phillips, airing on CBS for five years. It was based on the 1955 film starring William Holden and Jennifer Jones. line Phillips left the show after the network nixed interracial romance in favor of political storylines. David Birney, Leslie Charleson, Bibi Besch and Donna Mills have all appeared on the show.
1968---Top Hits
People Got to Be Free - The Rascals
Harper Valley P.T.A. - Jeannie C. Riley
1,2,3, Red Light - 1910 Fruitgum Co.
Mama Tried - Merle Haggard
1969- Tiny Tim announced his engagement to Vicki Budinger at the New Jersey State Fair. The falsetto-voiced singer said he was so moved, he shed a tear and put it into an envelope that he kept in his ukulele. The wedding took place live on Johnny Carson's "Tonight" show.
1970- Jimi Hendrix, rock music's most innovative guitarist in the late 1960's, was found dead in a London apartment at the age of 27. He had left the message "I need help bad, man" on his manager Chas Chandler's answering machine. The coroner said Hendrix choked on his own vomit after barbiturate intoxication. A month earlier, Hendrix had performed his last concert at the Isle of Wight Pop Festival. Hendrix, born in Seattle, Washington, had first gained fame in Britain in early 1967 when "Hey Joe" by the Jimi Hendrix Experience reached number six on the British chart. He did not perform in the US until June that year, at the Monterrey Pop Festival. He ended his appearance by burning his guitar. Hendrix's guitar heroics and flamboyant stage antics soon made him a superstar. But Hendrix, who considered himself more a musician than a showman, began ridding himself of his stage theatrics in 1968, concentrating on his music. He also appeared and did an album with the Canadian born great jazz composer/arranger Gil Evans. The Hendrix Experience fell apart in 1969, and Hendrix followed that group with Band of Gypsies, which stayed together for only a few months. His "Purple Haze" and "Foxy Lady" became anthems for a generation at war in Vietnam.
1970-After scoring 12 US number one hits with The Supremes, Diana Ross has her first solo US chart topper with "Ain't No Mountain High Enough".
1971- Pink Floyd became the first rock group to play at the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland. They performed "Atom Heart Mother," which had been released as an album the previous year.
1971-Birthday of Lance Armstrong, cyclist, national and world champion, two time Olympic champion, five time winner of the Tour de France, born Piano, TX.
1975 - Publishing heiress Patricia Hearst was rescued/captured by the FBI in San Francisco, CA. She had been kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army on Feb 4, 1974, but had apparently fallen in with her captors and had participated in a bank holdup. Hearst was convicted of bank robbery on Mar 20, 1976. On Feb 1, 1979, her sentence was commuted to time served by President Jimmy Carter, but her conviction stood. On Jan 20, 2001, outgoing President Bill Clinton granted Patricia Hearst a full pardon.
1976-Boston's "More Than A Feeling" is released in the US, where it will reach #5.
1976---Top Hits
Play That Funky Music - Wild Cherry
I'd Really Love to See You Tonight - England Dan & John Ford Coley
A Fifth of Beethoven - Walter Murphy & The Big Apple Band
I Don't Want to Have to Marry You - Jim Ed Brown/Helen Cornelius
1977 - The Voyager I spacecraft (launched on Sep 5, 1977 from cape Canaveral, FL) snapped the first photograph showing the earth and moon together. (As of Feb 17, 1998, Voyager I is further away from Earth than any other man-made object.)
1984---Top Hits
What's Love Got to Do with It - Tina Turner
Missing You - John Waite
She Bop - Cyndi Lauper
You're Getting to Me Again - Jim Glaser
1993 - Garth Brooks' "In Pieces" debuted at #1 in the U.S. on both the "Billboard" "Hot 200" and Country LP charts. The album has sold over 8 million copies.
1995- Shania (sha-NYE'-ah) Twain won in five of the seven categories in which she was nominated at the Canadian Country Music Awards in Hamilton. The Timmins, Ontario, singer took the honors for female vocalist of the year, as well as best single and video for "Any Man of Mine" and album of the year for "The Woman in Me." Twain and her producer-husband Mutt Lange won for song of the year - "Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under."
1996- Tupac Shakur's video "I Ain't Mad," which depicts the rapper being shot as he leaves a nightclub, premiered on MTV five days after he died of gunshot wounds in a Las Vegas hospital. The video was made about a month before Shakur was gunned down in a drive-by shooting on the Las Vegas strip.
1996- Pitcher Roger Clemens of the Boston Red Sox tied his own record for most strikeouts in a 9-inning game when he struck out 20 Detroit Tigers in a 4-0 Red Sox victory. Clemens set the record on April 29, 1986, against the Seattle Mariners.
1997-The Rolling Stones played a small Chicago club as a prelude to their "Bridges to Babylon" world tour. Those who were lucky enough to get into the Double Door paid just $7.
1999 -Slammin' Sammy Sosa becomes the first player in major league history to hit 60 homers twice. The Cub outfielder hits his milestone round-tripper off of Brewer hurler Jason Bere.
1634-The first religious leader in the American colonies who was a woman was Anne Hutchinson, born Anne Marbury in England. She and her family arrived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony this day. She organized groups of women who met at her house and led them in the discussion of secular and theological questions. She taught that each person could attain understanding in matters of faith and therefore owed no obedience to church law. Her influence became so great that in November, 1687, she was brought to trial in Cambridge for undermining the authority of the colony's Puritan ministers. Banished from the colony, she was given a safe haven in Roger William's settlement ( the future Providence, RI() along with 70 followers. In 1642, she moved to the wilderness near what is now Pelham Bay, NY, where she and her family were killed by Native Americans.
1769-The first harpsichord piano was made by john Harris. It was called a spinet and was described in the Boston Gazette this day. I that only three or four octaves. Each jack was provided with a little spur of goose-quill that plucked the thin wire to cause vibration. It became very popular in many
New England homes and churches.
1790-The first loan taken out by the US was negotiated and secured by Alexander Hamilton.. After beginning negotiations with the Bank of New York and the Bank of North America on Sept 18, 1789, Hamilton obtained the sum of $191,608.81 from the two banks in what became known as the Temporary Loan of 1789. The loan was obtained without authority of law and was used to pay the salaries of the president, senators, representatives and officers of the first Congress. Repayment was completed on June 8,1790. He leased his office furniture and gas Dictaphone ( this was before
electricity) from Charlie Lester.
1793- President George Washington laid the Capitol cornerstone at Washington, DC, in a Masonic ceremony. That event was the first and last recorded occasion at which the stone with its engraved silver plate was seen. In 1958, during the extension of the east front of the Capitol, an unsuccessful effort was made to find it.
1830- In a widely celebrated race, the first locomotive build in America, the Tom Thumb, lost to a horse in a famous race. Mechanical difficulties plagued the steam engine over the nine-mile course between Riley's Tavern and Baltimore, Maryland, and a boiler leak prevented the locomotive from finishing the race. In the early days of trains, engines were nicknamed "Iron Horse." People in the 19th century were opposed to change, and inventions took thirty to forty years before they were put in place, even though labor saving devices. Industries were also intertwined with company owned stores, houses, other retail businesses. The attitude at the time of this race
was steam locomotive would never replace the horse, which was faster, more mobile, and " user friendly." Why do we need a “rail road?”
1850- After long debates and failure to pass the omnibus bill, Congress passed Fugitive Slave Law as part of the compromise of 1850 in separate bills. It was supposed to cool down the growing differences between those opposing slavery and those that owned slaves, but according to historians, the bill was instrumental in dividing the sides as but did not as the law had slave catchers were only paid for slaves they caught: Northerners did not enforce their part of the Fugitive Slave Law; They did not catch or return any run-away slaves; This angered the South. Reason the North turned against Slavery: They saw slaves captured - (men, women, and children);They were chained and marched through the streets this angered northerners and turned them against slavery; People in the north did not like immigrants; They said that they lost jobs to these foreigners. They even started political parties against immigrants. People in the north did not want slaves or immigrants in their part of the country as it cost them jobs.
1851 - "The New York Times" began publishing “All the News That's Fit to Print.” The "Times" now owns other media, such radio, TV, cable and the Internet. Their edition on September 11, 2002, was one of the best ever. Perhaps the most well written newspaper in the United States.
1863- Battle of Chickamauga, Tenn (near Chattanooga) begins; Union retreat
1889-Hull House Opens. This settlement house was founded in Chicago by Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr. It soon became the heart of one of the country's most influential social reform movements, offering a mix of cultural and education programs to new immigrants.
1891- “White Woman” Harriet Maxwell Converse was made a chief of the Six Nations Tribe at the Tonawanda Reservation, NY. She was given the name Ga-is-wa-noh, which means “The Watcher.” She had been adopted as a member of the Seneca tribe in 1884 in appreciation of her efforts on behalf of the tribe.
1895- Booker T. Washington delivered his famous "Atlanta Compromise" speech at the opening of the Cotton States and International Exhibition in Atlanta, Georgia. Washington, the founder and president of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, was the first African-American man ever to address a racially-mixed Southern audience. He used the occasion to advocate a moderate approach to race relations in the New South.
1905-Birthday of Agnes DeMille, dancer, choreographer for ballet and Broadway shows such as Oklahoma, born at New York, NY. DeMille died at New York, NY. Oct 7, 1993.
1905- Greta Garbo birthday, Swedish-American actor of the almost perfect face, and one of the great stars of cinema. She made 24 films in Hollywood and was nominated for Academy Awards four times. She was finally awarded a special Academy award in 1954 "for her unforgettable screen performances." Although she retired in 1941 to live in seclusion in New York, the papparzi continued to chase her and the gossip newspapers printed photos of her when she was in her 70s and 80s - even while swimming. She hated making movies and condemned their superficialities as well as the burden of being portrayed a beautiful thing rather than a human being. Greta Gustafsson left school at 14 to work after her father died. A film director saw her, admired her beauty and gave her a small part in a movie. She then studied at the Royal Dramatic Theater School in Stockholm for two years where she met Mauritz Stiller, the foremost Swedish film director of his time who renamed her Garbo. When he went to the United States to work for MGM, he took her along. Garbo's fame soon eclipsed his. One of the few stars who were able to move from silent films to talkies, she made The Torrent (1926), Flesh and the Devil (1927), Love (1927), A Woman of Affairs (1929), and Wild Orchids (1929). Garbo starred in "talkies" for the next 14 years before walking away from movies, some say because her box office draw was dwindling, others because she was aging and didn't want the world to watch the process. Others noted her hatred of the Hollywood superficiality. The Hollywood publicists blared "Garbo Talks!" as she starred in her first talkie, Anna Christie (1930), followed by Mata Hari (1932), Grand Hotel (1932), Queen Christina (1933), Anna Karenina (1935), Camille (1936), and Ninotchka (1939). She died in New York City on April 15, 1990. Yes, she was a lesbian rather than a bi-sexual. Ironically, Marlene Dietrich who was brought to the U.S. as a rival to Garbo was a bi-sexual who, in private life, also played the rival to several of Garbo's women lovers. "I said I wanted to be left alone, not I want to be alone. There is a great difference," Garbo explained about the misquote that is universally attributed to her.
1910- birthday of Samuel “Sam” Bankhead, baseball player and manager born at Empire, AL. Bankhead starred for several teams in the Negro Leagues from 1930 to 1950., In 1951, he became organized baseball's first black manager handling the Farnham team in the Provincial League. Died at Pittsburgh, PA, July 24, 1976.
1914- Mrs. Frank Leslie, aka Baroness de Bazus, aka Miriam Florence Folline Leslie, died and her amazing will changes the course of history in the U.S. She bequeathed $2 million to Carrie Chapman Catt personally to get woman's suffrage approved in the U.S.! After legal battles that seemed to go on forever and caused Catt to remark that the money seemed to be more of a curse than a boon, Catt received about $900,000 - the rest eaten up by legal fees by family members trying to break the will.Catt put it all - every cent - into the Leslie publicity bureau which sent suffrage material to newspapers, magazines, and activists in a snow of information that turned a stalled movement into an avalanche of pressure. Would U.S. women gotten the vote without Leslie's money? Eventually, but history (read correctly) showed that even with the tremendous amount of pressure exerted by women, the results came down to ONE VOTE in the Tennessee legislature. Had that one vote not been cast for suffrage, the entire movement would have been stopped because a number of states were poised to rescind their favorable vote. One must remember that lifting any restrictions on women's freedom breaks one of the oldest of all prejudices reinforced by almost every religion, that of men have the right and duty to keep women, by force if necessary, as subservient slaves. Most sources simply state the donation by a Mrs. Frank Leslie and one is left to surmise that it was the will of pampered wife who didn't even lay claim to her own name and used HIS money for HER causes. But nothing could be further from the truth. Miriam changed her name to Frank legally after she was left a widow with bankrupt businesses. Through shrewd business dealings, she rebuilt what was left of her husband's publishing empire into the fortune.
1927- the Columbia Broadcasting System was launched in the United States. Many of the radio network's programs originated at station WOR in New York. My late father Lawrence Menkin the late 1940's was station manager of WOR radio, and then worked for WOR-TV in the 1949 and early 1950's introducing “Harlem Detective,” “Hands of Murder,” and “One Man Theater.” He then went to work for DuMont TV, introducing these shows there, plus a new one, he is best known for, “Captain Video and the Space Rangers.” By the way, NBC was the first network. “The Tiffany Network,” as CBS was called, broadcast an opera, "The King's Henchman", as its first program. William S. Paley put the network together, purchasing a chain of 16 failing radio stations. The controlling interest cost between $250,000 and $450,000. The following year, the 27-year-old Paley became President of CBS. It only took one more year for him to profit 2.35 million dollars as the network grew to over 70 stations.
1938-Birthday of drummer Walter “Popee” Lastie, New Orleans, LA. Best known for playing drums with Fats Domino, but his family well-known in musical circles in New Orleans. Walter "Popee" Lastie died in New Orleans, LA. at the age of 42.
1939-Birthday of former teen idol-singer-actor Frankie Avalon (Venus),
Philadelphia, PA.
1939-Saxophonist Steve Marcus Birthday
1940- Will Bradley records “Scrub Me, Mama, with a Boogie Beat,” ( sequel to Beat Me, Daddy recorded four months earlier.
1944-Birthday of singer and songwriter Michael Franks, born in La Jolla, California. His pop-jazz tunes have been recorded by such artists as the Carpenters, Melissa Manchester and Manhattan Transfer. Franks's own albums have been moderately popular, and usually feature well-known backing musicians. For instance, he was aided on his 1976 LP "The Art of Tea" by the Crusaders. In the late 1960's, Franks spent some time at the University of Montreal, where he obtained a master's degree in contemporary culture. While in Canada, he opened shows for Gordon Lightfoot and played with the groups Carnival and Lighthouse.
1947- the US Air Force was officially established. Although its heritage dates back to 1907 when the Army first established military aviation, the US Air Force became a separate military service on this date. Responsible for providing an Air Force that is capable, in conjunction with the other armed forces, of preserving the peace and security of the US, the department is separately organized under the Secretary of the Air Force and operates under the authority, direction and control of the Secretary of Defense.
1948 - "The Original Amateur Hour" returned to radio on ABC, two years after the passing of the program's originator and host, Major Bowes. Bowes brought new star talent into living rooms for 13 years. Ted Mack, the new host, had also started a TV run with "The Original Amateur Hour" on the DuMont network in January of 1948.
1949- Montreal-born jazz pianist Oscar Peterson made a sensational debut at Carnegie Hall as a surprise guest at a Jazz at the Philharmonic concert. The producer of Jazz at the Philharmonic, Norman Granz, had planted Peterson in the audience and had him come on stage midway through the event. Granz became Peterson's manager, an association that was to last 30 years.
1949- Montreal-born jazz pianist Oscar Peterson made a sensational debut at Carnegie Hall as a surprise guest at a Jazz at the Philharmonic concert. The producer of Jazz at the Philharmonic, Norman Granz, had planted Peterson in the audience and had him come on stage midway through the event. Granz became Peterson's manager, an association that was to last 30 years.
!950- “The Speidel Show” premiered, and became one of my favorite television
shows. Ventriloquist Paul Winchell was featured with his dummies, Jerry Mahoney and Knucklehead Smith,, on this NBC comedy-variety series which ran for four years. Dorothy Claire, Hilda Vaughn and Jimmy Blame also made appearances on the show, which included the quiz segment “What's My Name?” Winchell later hosted a variety of programs such as “Circus Time,” “The Paul Winchell Show,” “CartoOnieS,” “Winchell and Mahoney Time” and “Runaround.” The Jerry Mahoney puppet was very popular and I had one, actually appearing in school shows with a comedy routine when I was
eight and nine years old.
1952---Top Hits
Wish You Were Here - Eddie Fisher
Auf Wiedersehn, Sweetheart - Vera Lynn
Half as Much - Rosemary Clooney
Jambalaya (On the Bayou) - Hank Williams
1955 - What had been "The Toast of the Town" on CBS Television (since 1948) became "The Ed Sullivan Show". This “rilly big shew” remained a mainstay of Sunday night television until June 6,
1971- Sullivan was a newspaper columnist/critic before and during the early years of this pioneering TV show. It was one of the most popular, introducing many stars including Elvis Presley, the
Beatles, and the home town boy of Port Chester, New York was not only famous, but powerful, as if you appeared on his show, your career was sure to take off.
1957 - "The Big Record", hosted by ‘the singing rage', Miss Patti Page, debuted on CBS-TV. "The Big Record" was a live musical showcase featuring established artists singing their big songs. "The Big Record" lasted one big season.
1957-“Wagon Train,” premiered on television. My father Lawrence Menkin wrote many of the epos ides, plus contributed stories and “treatments” on the growth of the characters. This was a popular Western on both NBC and ABC, airing for eight years with its last telecast September 5, 1965. The series was about a journey along the wagon trial from Missouri to California. Each Week the travelers encountered new surroundings and interacted with different guest stars. Ward Bond played wagon master Major Seth Adams until his death in 1960. He was replaced by John McIntire as Chris Hale. and other regulars were Robert Horton as scout Flint McCullough, Frank McGrath as cook, Charlie Wooster, Terry Will as Bill Hawks, Danny(Scott) Miller as scout Luke Shannon, Michael Burns as Baraby West, a teen passenger and Robert Fuller as scout Cooper.
1960---Top Hits
It's Now or Never - Elvis Presley
The Twist - Chubby Checker
My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own - Connie Francis
Alabam - Cowboy Copas
1963- "The Outer Limits" premiers on TV. You may be getting tired of this inclusion, however, my father Lawrence Menkin wrote several of the episodes and provided story lines for others.
He came to Hollywood right after the War, didn't like it, did some movie work for Barbara Streisand, didn't like it, went back
to New York City, where he was very well known locally, left for Hollywood TV in 1955 and stayed very active for ten years, the basically retired and taught at San Francisco State College and had his own actors/comedy workshop, while he worked on books (that were never published ).
1964- “The Addams Family” premiered on TV. Charles Addams' quirky New Yorker cartoon creations were brought to life in this ABC sitcom about a family full of oddballs. John Astin played lawyer Gomez Addams, with Carolyn Jones as his morbid wife Morticia, Ken Weatherwax as son Pugsley, Lisa Loring as daughter Wednesday, Jackie Coogan as Uncle Fester, Ted Cassidy as both Lurch, the butler, and Thing, a disembodied hand, Blossom Rock as Grandmama and Felix Silla as Cousin Itt. Although the last episode aired Sept 2,1966, The Addams Family movie was released in 1991, starring Anjelica Huston as Morticia, Raul Julia as Gomez, Christopher Lloyd as Uncle Fester, Jimmy Workman as Pugsley and Christina Ricci as Wednesday.
1965-Priemer of TV Show “ Get Smart,” a spay-thriller spoof appearing on both NBC (1965-69) and CBS (1969-70.) Don Adams starred ass bumbling CONTROL Agent 86, Maxwell Smart. His mission was thwart the evildoings of the KAOS organization. Agent Smart was usually successful with the held of his friends, Barbara Feldon as Agent 99 ( whom Smart eventually married), Edward Platt as the Chief, Robert Karvelas as Agent Larrabee, Dick Gautier as Hymie the Robot and David Ketchum as Agent 13. Gimmicks included agents in garbage cans that you did not see, the “Cone of Silence” so no one could wire tape the conversations, a telephone in the sole of a shoe ( way before wireless the size of a cigarette pack) and no one was shot or killed ( remember, it was a comedy ).
1965 - Larry Hagman (Captain Tony Nelson) and Barbara Eden (Jeannie) starred in the first episode of "I Dream of Jeannie" on NBC-TV. Capt. Nelson had been forced to make a parachute landing on a desert island. He happened upon an old bottle that had washed up on the shore. He popped the top and - bingo! Out popped Jeannie, a 2000-year-old, very pretty genie. Jeannie took to Tony and started making weekly magic that lasted until September 1, 1970.
1966 - Herb Alpert's European tour culminated in a performance before Princess Grace and the royal family in Monaco. From Washington to the Riviera, it seemed that no place was out of place for Alpert's ‘Ameriachi' sound.
1967- the popular soap opera “Love Is a Many Splendored Thing” premiered. It was created by veteran writer lrna Phillips, airing on CBS for five years. It was based on the 1955 film starring William Holden and Jennifer Jones. line Phillips left the show after the network nixed interracial romance in favor of political storylines. David Birney, Leslie Charleson, Bibi Besch and Donna Mills have all appeared on the show.
1968---Top Hits
People Got to Be Free - The Rascals
Harper Valley P.T.A. - Jeannie C. Riley
1,2,3, Red Light - 1910 Fruitgum Co.
Mama Tried - Merle Haggard
1969- Tiny Tim announced his engagement to Vicki Budinger at the New Jersey State Fair. The falsetto-voiced singer said he was so moved, he shed a tear and put it into an envelope that he kept in his ukulele. The wedding took place live on Johnny Carson's "Tonight" show.
1970- Jimi Hendrix, rock music's most innovative guitarist in the late 1960's, was found dead in a London apartment at the age of 27. He had left the message "I need help bad, man" on his manager Chas Chandler's answering machine. The coroner said Hendrix choked on his own vomit after barbiturate intoxication. A month earlier, Hendrix had performed his last concert at the Isle of Wight Pop Festival. Hendrix, born in Seattle, Washington, had first gained fame in Britain in early 1967 when "Hey Joe" by the Jimi Hendrix Experience reached number six on the British chart. He did not perform in the US until June that year, at the Monterrey Pop Festival. He ended his appearance by burning his guitar. Hendrix's guitar heroics and flamboyant stage antics soon made him a superstar. But Hendrix, who considered himself more a musician than a showman, began ridding himself of his stage theatrics in 1968, concentrating on his music. He also appeared and did an album with the Canadian born great jazz composer/arranger Gil Evans. The Hendrix Experience fell apart in 1969, and Hendrix followed that group with Band of Gypsies, which stayed together for only a few months. His "Purple Haze" and "Foxy Lady" became anthems for a generation at war in Vietnam.
1971- Pink Floyd became the first rock group to play at the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland. They performed "Atom Heart Mother," which had been released as an album the previous year.
1971-Birthday of Lance Armstrong, cyclist, national and world champion, two time Olympic champion, five time winner of the Tour de France, born Piano, TX.
1975 - Publishing heiress Patricia Hearst was rescued/captured by the FBI in San Francisco, CA. She had been kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army on Feb 4, 1974, but had apparently fallen in with her captors and had participated in a bank holdup. Hearst was convicted of bank robbery on Mar 20, 1976. On Feb 1, 1979, her sentence was commuted to time served by President Jimmy Carter, but her conviction stood. On Jan 20, 2001, outgoing President Bill Clinton granted Patricia Hearst a full pardon.
1976---Top Hits
Play That Funky Music - Wild Cherry
I'd Really Love to See You Tonight - England Dan & John Ford Coley
A Fifth of Beethoven - Walter Murphy & The Big Apple Band
I Don't Want to Have to Marry You - Jim Ed Brown/Helen Cornelius
1977 - The Voyager I spacecraft (launched on Sep 5, 1977 from cape Canaveral, FL) snapped the first photograph showing the earth and moon together. (As of Feb 17, 1998, Voyager I is further away from Earth than any other man-made object.)
1984---Top Hits
What's Love Got to Do with It - Tina Turner
Missing You - John Waite
She Bop - Cyndi Lauper
You're Getting to Me Again - Jim Glaser
1993 - Garth Brooks' "In Pieces" debuted at #1 in the U.S. on both the "Billboard" "Hot 200" and Country LP charts. The album has sold over 8 million copies.
1995- Shania (sha-NYE'-ah) Twain won in five of the seven categories in which she was nominated at the Canadian Country Music Awards in Hamilton. The Timmins, Ontario, singer took the honors for female vocalist of the year, as well as best single and video for "Any Man of Mine" and album of the year for "The Woman in Me." Twain and her producer-husband Mutt Lange won for song of the year - "Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under."
1996- Tupac Shakur's video "I Ain't Mad," which depicts the rapper being shot as he leaves a nightclub, premiered on MTV five days after he died of gunshot wounds in a Las Vegas hospital. The video was made about a month before Shakur was gunned down in a drive-by shooting on the Las Vegas strip.
1996- Pitcher Roger Clemens of the Boston Red Sox tied his own record for most strikeouts in a 9-inning game when he struck out 20 Detroit Tigers in a 4-0 Red Sox victory. Clemens set the record on April 29, 1986, against the Seattle Mariners.
1997-The Rolling Stones played a small Chicago club as a prelude to their "Bridges to Babylon" world tour. Those who were lucky enough to get into the Double Door paid just $7.
1999 -Slammin' Sammy Sosa becomes the first player in major league history to hit 60 homers twice. The Cub outfielder hits his milestone rou
nd-tripper off of Brewer hurler Jason Bere.

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