“The NEC position pays base plus commission with a total compensation at target of high five to low six figures, with no cap if target is exceeded! “
3 Regional Sales Opportunities
NY/NJ; Dallas & Atlanta/Nashville
Manage existing accounts and develop relationships. Min. Req. 3 years equip. leasing sales or strong leasing operations experience. For more information, click here:
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

In commemoration of the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001.
NetSol to Ring the Closing Bell at NASDAQ
Classified Ads---Senior Management
Cartoon---Ira Romoff, One World Leasing
How Does a Small Firm Attract
and Hire In a Competitive Market?
Classified Ads—Help Wanted
Sales Makes it Happen-by C. Menkin
“App. Only” is for “Girlie Men”
And there is Graneri-now on CD
Fitch Credit Workshops Fall/Winter
Confidence Off Const./Contractors
Bryn Mawr Bank enters Leasing Fray
Miguel Vara joins Alta Team
Rick Heater joins GE Capital
Balboa Capital Compass Version 2.0
Carl Chrappa Elected Chair NABE
News Briefs---
You May have Missed---
Sports Briefs---
California Nuts Briefs--
"Gimme that Wine"
Calendar Events
Snapple Real Facts
Today's Top Event in History
This Day in American History
Baseball Poem
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
Leasing News's Steve Chriest will be in the conference discussion regarding:
"Hiring, Training, and Retaining Superior Sales Professionals in Today's Competitive Market"

Partner Once Again to
EXPO 2006
(September 18th - Teaneck NJ)
Members from both EAEL and NAELB have come together to develop an excellent agenda for this year's EXPO. Every Leasing Professional should plan to attend this exciting event. The theme this year is "INNOVATIVE IDEAS" and the goal of the event is to bring knowledgeable leasing professional together to share and expand their leasing knowledge. The agenda includes but is not exclusive of:
Key Note Speakers: Christine Todd Whitman- 50th governor of NJ.
and past Environmental Protection Agency Administrator
Jonathan and David Murray- regular guests on
The Today Show and CNBC Morning Call where they
discuss current economic conditions and investment themes and
wealth management strategies.
Interactive Forum: "Hiring, Training, and Retaining Superior Sales Professionals in Today's Competitive Market"
CLP Introduction Class: The CLP Foundation is offering an "Introduction Class to CLP" on Sunday Sept 17th
For more information and a registration form visit:
For more information and a registration form visit: http://www.eael.org/doc/SeptemberMeetingBrochure.pdf or contact Alison at the EAEL Office at (212) 209-1602 or Scott Wheeler- EXPO Chairman at (800) 365-6566. |
### Press Release ###########################
NetSol Technologies to Ring the Closing Bell at NASDAQ

CALABASAS, CA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- -- NetSol Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTWK), a U.S.-based, multinational provider of enterprise software and services for equipment financing, today announced that its Chairman, Najeeb U. Ghauri, will ring The NASDAQ Stock Market Closing Bell in New York on today, September 13, 2006, along with John McCue, the company's CEO of U.S. operations.

John McCue
"NetSol is proud to have been listed on NASDAQ for the last seven years and be counted among some of the world's most prestigious companies in the technology sector," said Ghauri. "Our goal has been to build an exemplary company for our customers, shareholders and employees. We look forward to continuing to drive our customers' success, provide shareholder value and attract and retain performance-oriented employees."

Najeeb Ghauri
Founded in 1997 by Najeeb U. Ghauri, Naeem Ghauri, NetSol Technologies Chief Executive Officer, and Salim Ghauri, NetSol's President, NetSol has grown to over 500 employees with offices in the U.S., Europe, China, Australia, Canada and Lahore, Pakistan.
NetSol Technologies helps its clients identify, evaluate and implement technology solutions to meet their strategic business challenges and maximize their bottom line. By utilizing its worldwide resources, NetSol Technologies delivers high-quality, cost-effective equipment finance portfolio management solutions and IT services ranging from consulting and application development to systems integration and outsourcing. NetSol Technologies' commitment to quality is demonstrated by its achievement of both ISO 9001 and SEI (Software Engineering Institute) CMMl (Capability Maturity Model) Level 5 assessment. For more information, visit NetSol Technologies' web site at www.netsoltek.com .
### Press Release ###########################
Classified Ads---Senior Management

Martin Scott Winery,East Wenatchee, Washington *

Atlanta, GA
Commercial Finance and Leasing expert with proven success in the transportation finance industry. Working directly with company Presidents to develop national transportation programs.
Email: mll1946@comcast.net
Atlanta, GA
Experienced leasing exec looking for next challenge. Various asset types, deal sizes and channels. Turn-around or expansion opportunity.
Email: akimicata@mindspring.com
Baltimore, MD
25 year veteran of commercial and equipment leasing seeking a senior management position with leasing or asset based financing company in the southeast (Florida preferred)
Email: kellogg_md@yahoo.com
Chicago, IL
25 + yrs. exp. 18 w/ two captives. Currently SVP captive started for Japanese multi-national distributor. Looking to do same w/another mfg. or distributor.
Email: pilot13@sbcglobal.net
Denver, CO
Fortune 500 GM/SVP wants to team up with aggressive lender looking for Western expansion mid-market equip. finance/leasing. 20+ years experience within Rocky Mountain/Southwest and Ca markets.
Email: legal@csotn.com
Hope, NJ
25 years in optimizing call center operations, collections, billing, and back end revenue generation. Experienced in $7 + billion dollar portfolios. Verifiable achievements.
E-mail: cmate@nac.net
Irvine, CA
Credit executive, portfolio manager and syndication facilitator. Extensive business building experience in small and mid-ticket operations. Highly innovative. Fortune 100 audit and technology skills. Bottom-line manager.
Email: lenhubbard@bigfoot.com
Jacksonville, FL
15+yrs Collections/Customer Service Expert. InfoLease, CARMS,managed staffs excess 100 VERY successfully - will relocate WITHIN Florida for right position ~ SIMPLY THE BEST
Email: rafftink@aol.com
Lawton, OK.
Twenty years, I have been the President of Cash Financial Services. I sold my loan portfolio. Resume.
email: bobmooreok@email.com
Long Island, NY
Degree Banking/Finance. 13 years leasing exp. Now prez young leasing company where promises were not met. Interested in joining established firm with future.
Email: bob33483@yahoo.com
New York, NY, NJ, Ct Tri-State
Top Exec. middle and big ticket, top skills treasury, funding, ops,transaction detail, syndication, ready to max profit, help build quality operation. right now!
E-Mail: leasefinance@optonline.net
Orange County, CA
25+ years experience large ticket equipment finance companies and commercial banking. Operations, documentation, legal, credit, workouts, portfolio management. $2+Billion portfolio. Seeking CFO, COO or similar.
Email: finance1000@cox.net
Philadelphia, PA
27 yrs. exp. sales, ops., credit, strategy, P&L mngmet. Most recently created & executed the biz plans for 2 highly successful Bank-owned small ticket leasing subsidiaries.
email: mccarthy2020@comcast.net
Portfolio Management Consultant ;
25+years experience in Collections, Customer Satisfaction, Asset Management, Recoveries, Continuous Process Improvement, Back end Revenue Generation, Cost per Collection Analysis. $5+Billion Portfolio expertise.
Email: efgefg@rogers.com
Salt Lake City, UT
GM in Sales, Marketing & Operations for Several technology captives. Seeking new adventure in Western States. Consultant of full time.
Email: stevegbdh@hotmail.com
San Francisco, CA
25 years experience w/global leasing company, sales,marketing,business dev., P&L responsibility, asset mgmt, brokering and re-marketing. Interested in joining an est. firm with a future.
Email: rcsteyer@yahoo.com
Sausalito, CA
Sr. Corp. officer, presently serving as consultant, fin. service background, M&A, fund raising, great workout expertise, references
Email: nywb@aol.com
Syracuse, NY
Int. equip. leasing exec. 25 yrs global P&L sr. mngt., including corporate turnarounds, strategic planning, new biz dev., structure finance, contract neg., vendor leasing specialist.
Email: jimh356094@aol.com
Tampa, FL
20+ yrs small/middle ticket finance, operations/ sales management exper. Outstanding record of revenue enhancement, operational improvement and team development.
Email: rlindcpa@earthlink.net
Wilmington, DE
Over 15 years experience managing Credit, Risk Management and Fraud operations for large Financial Institution. Proven Results. Anywhere between NYC and DC for right opportunity.
Email: cklous@comcast.net
For a full listing of all “job wanted” ads, please go to:
To place a free “job wanted” ad, please go to:
Office of Ira Romoff, One World Leasing


How Does a Small Firm Attract and Hire In a Competitive Market?
By Fred St. Laurent, SFBI
Professional Recruiting
This article appeared in the National Association of Equipment Leasing Broker " Leasing Logic, September, 2006. ” Reprinted here with the permission of the NAELB.*
How do we find good people?
The average firm will place advertisements in the local newspaper (most economical) which will generate many unqualified responses. The next option is a Monster ad, or Career Builder ad. This can cost upwards of $300 a month. The result is usually the same as a newspaper ad; multiple submissions by people who have no related experience.
There are several leasing related sites that post jobs. There is a cost involved for the posting however the potential employees that view and respond to these sites will be industry specific. There is one site that is free for leasing jobs and resumes www.lessors.com
There are effective methods to find good people that seem to be under utilized. Networking with existing employees can be fruitful. There have been a number of occasions where we placed someone that was known by an existing employee. The firm could have saved thousands of dollars if they had just interviewed the people who work there about the need and ask them who they knew that could help.
Offering a “bonus” to employees who can bring someone over to the firm is also effective. Happy employees have a tendency to reproduce themselves when properly motivated.
How do we verify what someone is telling us? (Especially in sales)
In the non-regulated world of Equipment Leasing it is difficult to verify what a sales person has really accomplished beyond the resume, credit check, and few reference calls. We suggest that a copy of the taxes be provided to verify income. This helps determine if there is an income flow that verifies claims of volume of business. Follow the money. Someone who cannot or will not show income verification is hiding something!
We also recommend verifying the degrees. According to recent surveys publicized a large percentage of resumes contain falsified degree information. There is now a national clearing house to verify degrees of individuals at a cost of around $7 but most background vendors will include degree verification in the cost of the Criminal/Credit/ Background check services. (Generally costs for this service run between $15-75 and the quality can be just as good at a lower price!)
(here is a company that Leasing News has used in the past:
http://www.factualdata.com/ )
Fred St. Laurent
Managing Director
SFBI Recruiters
Phone: 678.947.9910
Fax: 678.623.8283
Website: www.sfbirecruiter.com
Email: Fred@sfbirecuiter.com
Fred St Laurent is a seasoned executive recruiter with a real understanding of the Financial Services Industry. Having been a member of Equipment Leasing Association, United Association of Equipment Leasing and National Association of Equipment Leasing and an active member of the Leasing News Advisory Board, he has been a participant in many forums on behalf of ethics related issues, and has published articles and spoken publicly about his views concerning topics related to the future of the Industry.
- "Leasing Logic and its contents are protected by a United States Trademark owned by the National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers. Any unauthorized use or distribution in any format of Leasing Logic or its contents without the express written consent of the National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers is strictly prohibited."
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Office Administrator
Office Administrator
Deerfield, Illinois
Proficient in Microsoft Office, 2 years admin. minimum report directly to Director of Operations. To learn more, please click here.
3 Regional Sales Opportunities
NY/NJ; Dallas & Atlanta/Nashville
Manage existing accounts and develop relationships. Min. Req. 3 years equip. leasing sales or strong leasing operations experience. For more information, click here:

Sales Make it Happen

“App. Only” is for “Girlie Men” *
by Christopher “Kit” Menkin
The trend in equipment leasing the last five years has been “application only,” with companies such as Balboa Capital and Main Street National Bank today advertising they go up to $250,000 with this procedure. Machine Tool Finance states on their web site they go up to $350,000 “application only.” Even a hold out major funder has gone along with this trend: Bank of the West Leasing for over a year, perhaps longer, considers “application only,” but at a different “buy rate” than with “financial statements;” yes, higher rate, of course.)
The thrust in sales since the founding of Direct Capital and Preferred Capital has been approval by mail with “credit cards” or by fax in certain states, followed by telemarketing. The computer scoring by Dun & Bradstreet, Faire Issac and PayNet presents “pre-approvals.” The callers read from a script, even make 200 calls or more a day, telling the “prospect” they have been approved for $75,000 or $100,000.
Many of these companies were started by salesmen of small lessors or brokers, who knew telemarketing, but not sales. They also did $1.00 out leases and no lease account. They were “sales.” They has a computer strategy, bought lists, find industries, have “credit consultants” who create industry lists to call. Their basic sales training is “make those telephone calls.”
Today with the wireless communication and abilities, there is very little “eyeball to eyeball” selling in the small ticket soon to be middle-market leasing, according to Jeff Taylor's latest book, “The Future of Equipment Leasing.”
This also has created a divide between “A” and “B” credits, leaving “C” and “D” to the old timers, who can read a financial statement and know how to sell a deal by the merits they have discovered.
They have become “customer service representatives,” more a fisherman in the process, throwing out the hook, catching the fish, but another decides if they want to keep it or not.
This trend is also happening in the banking and other financial services where the individual attracts the customer and another department evaluates and actually processes what the “customer service representative” has caught.
It's an old question; where does one go to learn the equipment leasing business? There are few, if any, formal courses of study at universities, and the so called schools are really teaching people to become lease brokers, not salesmen. Others are pure tax, which are the million dollar deals of sale/leasebacks in Europe and the United States.
And think about it, company salesmen don't go to the leasing association conferences. It is the broker and smaller lessor who go there to meet funders and learn their business, not the company telemarketers or even professional sales personnel. The associations make available a lot of information at the conferences, and the National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers (NAELB) has even started a weekly telephone conference “Meet the Funder” and “Distance Learning Session,” with the first one On Being a Broker.” The second module, also by Gerry Egan, is out now titled, “Vendor Value.” (I was privileged to see a preview copy, which is only available to NAELB members. It is top material; a classic.)
So where do they learn about understanding tough credits and how to sell them? In the old days, they were bankers or finance officers who were taught to make lending decisions based on trade references, financial statements, collateral, and the type of industry; their financial-credit experience. They entered the leasing business and many made a ton of money.
Dun & Bradstreet has an excellent financial statement course, and there are many junior and regular colleges where you can take courses at night. Fitch has a group, too, as does the Alta Group. Steve Chriest also has developed an internet module on line.
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girlie_men
Credit Workshops
2006 Autumn / Winter Schedule
www.FitchTraining.com |
Market-oriented credit courses covering financial institutions, structured finance and corporate credit analysis. |
- Investors
- Fixed income sales, trading and syndicate
- Originators
- Credit risk managers
- Relationship managers
- Research analysts
Please go here for the calendar:
Confidence Off Nearly 40 Percent in Construction/Contractor Industry

The past three months have seen confidence among the construction and contractor industry fall by nearly 40 percent, according to the most recent International Profit Associates Small Business Research Board (IPA SBRB).
“The precipitous drop in confidence among the construction and contracting trades mirrors the concern we have heard from developers and builders about the slowdown in housing purchases and softness in commitments for new commercial projects,” Gregg Steinberg, President of International Profit Associates, the largest privately-held provider of management consulting and professional services to small and medium-sized business in North America.
“This data is alarming, though, both in how quickly the confidence among owners and managers of construction and contracting firms has changed, as well as the steepness of the decline,” Steinberg added. “The confidence of construction and contracting firms, which had greater confidence that the universe of all small businesses just three months ago, has dropped by twice as much.”
The IPA SBRB Construction/Contractor Confidence Index fell to 30.7 for the poll completed in August, down from May's 49.3 level. This outlook was far more pessimistic than that of all small businesses, which dropped about 20 percent, to 39.3 from 47.3 during the same period, according to the IPA SBRB Small Business Confidence Index (SBCI).
Twenty-six percent of those responding to the Construction/Contractor Confidence Index survey said they had confidence in the general economy, compared to May's 48 percent. The number of survey participants indicating disappointment with the direction of the economy increased 11 percent, to 38 percent. Nevertheless, 52 percent of the construction and contracting firms responding to the survey indicated that they are estimating revenues for the year will be about the same as last year and 40 percent estimated they would beat their 2005 performance.
In addition, 49 percent of those surveyed said they intend to maintain current workforce levels, while 26 percent said they intend to increase hiring, 14 percent reported intention to decrease hiring and 9 percent being unsure of their plans. Construction and contracting firms are split about the minimum wage, with 49 percent in favor of it being raised, 28 percent opposing a raise and 23 percent unsure.
The cost of materials, energy and fuel costs, and taxes are listed as the three leading business concerns among respondents. The cost of materials was described as the leading concern by 25 percent of participants, unchanged from the previous period. Fifteen percent named fuel and energy as the leading issue, a 3 percent increase over May. Taxes were the leading concern for 14 percent of respondents.
Concerns over the costs of materials appear well founded. NewRoofSite.com reports that all manner of roofing material and supply prices are up 10 to 20 percent over last year. Major shortages in raw material as a result of the damage to southern sea ports from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita have put a strangle hold on roofing material production and other building materials because special handling equipment and procedures are difficult to duplicate in other ports around the country. Much of the raw materials used in production are received from suppliers around the globe through the damaged ports.
The shortage of conventional roofing materials has led to renewed interest in less traditional roofing ideas, such as metal roofing. The large volume of new and repair construction in storm damaged areas, however, means that metal roofing, previously reserved only for commercial buildings, is also in short supply, according to NewRoofSite.com.
The shortage of roofing materials, such as clay and concrete tiles, has spawned a new industry: roofing salvage. With material increasingly difficult to acquire, there are companies that specialize in sorting through discarded roofing materials searching for undamaged, usable materials suitable for use in completing restorations or repairs.
Construction and contracting firms have varied opinions regarding emergency preparedness. The Construction/Contractor Confidence Index indicates that 27 percent of responding construction and contracting firms report having a disaster or emergency plan ready, up 15 percent from the post 2005 hurricane season. Significantly, 72 percent still do not have a plan in place, similar to the 73 percent of all small businesses lacking emergency plans
### Press Release ###########################

Bryn Mawr Bank Corporation Announces Formation of Leasing Company
BMT Leasing, Inc. to be headed by leasing industry veteran James A. Zelinskie, Jr. and operate under the name Bryn Mawr Equipment Leasing BRYN MAWR, PA - - Bryn Mawr Bank Corporation, (NASDAQ: BMTC), parent of The Bryn Mawr Trust Company (the "Bank") today announced the formation of BMT Leasing, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bank that will engage in small ticket equipment leases ($5 thousand - $150 thousand) on a local, regional and national level, operating under the name Bryn Mawr Equipment Leasing. The Company will also operate as a lease-funding source, using the trade name of Bryn Mawr Funding.
The principals of BMT Leasing, Inc. bring with them a total of more than 50-years of leasing experience serving clients and vendors on a national level. Prior to heading up BMT Leasing, Inc., James A. Zelinskie, Jr., who will serve as the subsidiary's President, was a founding principal of Hamilton National Leasing in 1988, which was later acquired by First Lease. Senior Vice President Timothy Westburg has been in the banking and equipment finance fields since 1984, and brings industry expertise in credit operations, business development and risk management. Vice President and Controller Paul Wesolowski has been a controller of several equipment leasing companies since 1985, including Hamilton National Leasing. The subsidiary will report to Joe Keefer, the Bank's Chief Lending Officer and head of its Credit Division.
"We are excited about the prospects a leasing operation offers Bryn Mawr Banking Corporation,” said Ted Peters, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Bryn Mawr Bank Corporation. “This operation creates unique niche business with strong margins distinctive from what is right now a competitive banking market. We are confident that this business will compliment our existing product lines while also diversifying our revenue streams, and thereby increase shareholder value."
"Lease-brokers and equipment vendors are attracted to a funding source for three reasons: competitive rates, speed and performance in the credit process, and excellent on-going service to them and their customers,” said Jim Zelinskie, President of BMT Leasing, Inc.
“It is our intention to provide all three and add and carry on the excellent service and attention to detail that has made the Bryn Mawr Bank Corporation what it is today."
BMT Leasing's offices are located at 6 South Bryn Mawr Avenue in Bryn Mawr, PA.
Telephone: 866-408-0308 (toll free) or 610-581-4947 (local).
About Bryn Mawr Bank Corporation
Bryn Mawr Bank Corporation, including The Bryn Mawr Trust Company, which was founded in 1889, has $750 million in bank assets and $2.3 billion in trust & investment assets under management and administration. Bryn Mawr Trust offers a full range of personal and business banking services, consumer and commercial loans, mortgages, insurance, and wealth management services, including investment management, trust and estate administration, retirement planning, custody services, and tax planning and preparation.
Ted Peters, Chairman
### Press Release ###########################

The Alta Group continues its European expansion –
Miguel Vara joins Alta Team
London – – In the latest of a string of recent appointments, The Alta Group today announced that Miguel Vara Luna has joined the European team as an Associate, based out of Madrid, Spain. Working closely with Javier de León Blanco, Mr. Vara will use his considerable experience to further develop opportunities within the Spanish market. Commenting on his appointment, Mr. Vara said “The chance to work with the premier leasing consultancy in the world was just too good to turn down. I feel that my background complements the existing skills in the Group, but also, the stature of the company means that I will have the possibility to work on projects that will call on all of my experience, and this really excites me”

Miguel Vara
Miguel Vara has over 30 years experience within the financial services sector, focusing in particular on IPOs and M&A transactions in the 1980's. He joined the Banesto group in 1989, becoming General Manager of LeaseBanesto two years later to develop their corporate business sector. In 1993 he became General Manager for Banesto Leasing, the retail business, and oversaw the merging of the two arms, resulting in a company that now provides global leasing services. After leaving Banesto, he then became Chairman and CEO of ING Lease España, before leaving in 2002 to set himself up as an independent corporate advisor, where he has spent the past four year providing strategic advice and M&A services for mid-sized corporates.
Javier de León Blanco, a Principal in the Alta Group's European region, said: “The Spanish leasing market is really exciting at the moment with a number of interesting developments. With Miguel we have a highly experienced individual who can help us provide the solutions that our Clients need. His knowledge and profile in the market will be crucial to our continuing success in the region and I am really looking forward to working with him”. Patrick Gouin, another European Principal added: “As our European expansion progresses, the opportunities are multiplying and it is important that we continue to maintain the quality of what we can deliver to our Clients. As such, we need to maintain the calibre of people as we expand, and Miguel provides us with additional complementary skills and an outstanding track record in the Spanish market.”
The Alta Group, established in 1992, provides a broad array of strategic consulting and advisory services, education and training programmes, merger and acquisition and dispute resolution services for companies in the global equipment leasing and asset finance industries. Its clients include manufacturers, banks, independent lessors of various sizes and others in the industry. The Alta team is made up of more than 35 international professionals committed to the asset finance business, including former CEOs, company founders and industry thought leaders who are active in their areas of expertise. They collaborate and share their in-depth knowledge and insights with today's business leaders who face a range of challenges, both old and new. The firm has built a reputation on creative thinking, trust and professionalism. The Alta Group supports clients in North America, Latin America, Western, Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Australia. For more information, visit www.thealtagroup.eu.com
### Press Release ###########################
Rick Heater joins GE Capital Solutions, Intermediary Funding

DANBURY, CT, -- GE Capital Solutions, Intermediary Funding, announced that
Rick Heater has been named national sales manager and managing director - regional accounts, reporting to Bob Piscitelli, general manager, Intermediary Funding. Heater will lead sales and will be responsible for identifying new growth opportunities.
GE Capital Solutions, Intermediary Funding provides a comprehensive range of indirect financing solutions for financial institutions and intermediaries. As one of the largest players in the indirect funding market, its customers range from large banks and syndication desks to smaller independent finance and leasing intermediaries.
“We're excited to have Rick in this leadership role,” said Piscitelli. “As GE's center of excellence for intermediary sales, we are committed to finding the most effective solutions for our customers and Rick's extensive industry experience will help take us even further.”
Previously, Heater was senior vice president for GE Commercial Finance, Energy Financial Services where he led new business development, relationship management, and sales efforts. He began his career working as a credit analyst at the national headquarters for Hertz Corporation Truck Division. He then gained extensive sales experience with companies such as ITT and First Fidelity Bank Leasing Group. From there, he spent eight years at GE Capital Commercial Equipment Finance where he became senior vice president, national sales manager.
Heater has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Marist College.
About GE Capital Solutions
GE Capital Solutions provides leasing, lending, and capital investment products and services to help business customers grow. It has more than $90 billion in assets, serves more than a million clients around the world, and is headquartered in Danbury, Connecticut, USA. For more on GE Capital Solutions, go to www.ge.com/capitalsolutions.
About GE
GE (NYSE: GE) is Imagination at Work -- a diversified technology, media and financial services company focused on solving some of the world's toughest problems. With products and services ranging from aircraft engines, power generation, water processing and security technology to medical imaging, business and consumer financing, media content and advanced materials, GE serves customers in more than 100 countries and employs more than 300,000 people worldwide. For more information, visit the company's Web site at www.ge.com.
### Press Release ###########################
Balboa Capital Releases Compass Version 2.0

(Irvine, CA) Balboa Capital announces the general release of version 2.0 of Compass, its online lease processing system for Brokers and Vendors. This new version includes an enhanced user interface and new features designed to improve access to information as well as provide real-time status updates. The version is live as of September 1, 2006.
One of the important new features is the ‘Funding Check List'. Users can access real-time updates and comments from their funders regarding the status of their transaction in funding. Posting the information real-time in Compass limits the reliance on phone calls, voice mails, and lengthy emails in order to respond to customer needs. Also included is a new ‘Sales Tax Info' table that allows users to more accurately apply local sales tax. “We recently completed a broker survey and there was a demand for more real-time information. We were able to respond with this release of Compass,” said Curt Lysne, Chief Sales Officer for Balboa Capital. Other enhancements improve navigation, search capabilities, tracking and reporting.
Compass was first released in January of 2005 to provide partners with a complete user-centric lease management tool. By automating the application process and delivering it on-line, Balboa has been able to provide faster, more efficient processing of transactions, better communication and greater customer service.
About Balboa Capital
Balboa Capital provides equipment leasing and financing to small and mid-sized business in the United States. The company markets its products through its direct sales force, vendor channel, and broker partnerships. The company offers leases in the range of $ 5,000 to $ 5,000,000. Balboa Capital is privately held and based in Irvine, CA.
### Press Release ###########################
Carl Chrappa Elected Chair of The National Association of Business Economics' Manufacturing/Industry Roundtable

The National Association of Business Economics ("NABE") announced today that Carl Chrappa, A.S.A., I.F.A., has been elected Chairman of the Manufacturing/Industry Roundtable for the 2006/2007 term. Mr. Chrappa is the President and C.E.O. of Independent Equipment Company (IEC), the nation's oldest equipment management and consulting firm, located in Clearwater, Florida. He is a tested and accredited Senior Appraiser with over 35 years of experience, and is active in global equipment markets.

NABE is an association of professionals with an interest in business economics. It has approximately 2,500 members representing more than 1,500 businesses and other organizations from around the world. Since its founding in 1959, NABE7 has continued to attract the attention of the most influential and prestigious economic leaders in business. Past Presidents have included several former Federal Reserve Governors, the former Chairman of the Board of Governors for the Federal Reserve System, Alan Greenspan, and other senior business leaders. The Association has seven permanent Roundtables, ranging from manufacturing and technology, to health economics and corporate planning. The Manufacturing/Industry Roundtable addresses members' interest in major economic policy and management issues of the U.S. economy. These include areas from current economic conditions, trade, logistics, technology, and productivity. The roundtable also provides a forum for the exchange of information, ideas and techniques of analysis with representatives from manufacturing firms, and related industry experts. For more information about NABE7 or IEC, please visit www.nabe.com, or www.iecvalue.com.
### Press Release ###########################
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Dunn to step down as HP chairwoman in January
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Positive Thinking Day

Googol is a number (1 followed by 100 zeros)

Today's Top Event in History
1862-Perhaps this one event changes the Civil War most dramatically, as it ended General Robert E. Lee's plan to invade Washington, D.C., bring the war here, win over the growing demand for "peace" with the Confederates. Not only was Lee surprised that McClellan could muster his troops in such short notice, but outmaneuvered his plans. The fact is McClellan had obtained a copy of General Lee's surprise battle plans.” According to the records, the XII Corps, 1st division of General Alpheus Williams, was bivouacked about a mile southeast of Frederick, Maryland, on a meadow occupied the day before by Confederate General D. H. Hill's command. Around 10 a.m. on the 13th of September, 1862, Private Barton W. Mitchell of the 27th Indiana, along with Sergeant John M. Bloss, discovered an envelope containing three cigars wrapped in a piece of paper lying in the grass. The document turned out to be a copy of Confederate General Robert E. Lee's orders for the Invasion of Maryland. The dispatch was addressed to Confederate General Hill. Passed up through the chain of command, the captured order gave Union General George B. McClellan advance notice of his enemy's movements. Holding the paper, McClellan exclaimed, ‘Here is a paper with which, if I cannot whip Bobby Lee, I will be willing to go home'."
What was to follows was the first major Civil War engagement on Northern soil, and the bloodiest single day battle in American History on September 17. This was just 18 days after the Confederate victory at Second Manassas, 40 miles to the southeast in Virginia, and General Lee's overall strategy would not have only won the battle but perhaps ended the war politically, except for the finding on an envelope containing three cigars wrapped in a piece of paper lying in the grass.

This Day in American History
1663-The first major conspiracy between Black slaves and indentured servants occurs in Gloucester County, Virginia. The plot by black slaves and white indentured servants was betrayed to the authorities. Several plotters were beheaded.
1635- The Massachusetts General Court banished Separatist preacher Roger Williams, 32, for criticizing the Massachusetts Bay Company charter and for perpetually advocating a separation of church and state.
1759 - General Wolfe defeats General Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham outside Quebec City. Canada becomes English. End of the 7 Years' War, King George's War: -- English (in New Canada) and French (in New France) duke it out, with Indian allies on each side. Both sides build forts or fortify trading posts in Indian country on the above map. Choctaw, Tuscarora, Yamasee, Cherokee, some Creeks, fight against English; Mohawks, Chicasaw fight for English against French.
1778- Congress picked New York, NY, as the location of the new US government in place of Philadelphia, which had served as the capital up until this time. In 1790, the capital moved back to Philadelphia for ten years, before moving permanently to Washington, D.C. They also authorized a Federal election “ resolved that the first Wednesday in January next be the day for appointing electors in several states, which, before the said day, shall have ratified the said Constitution; that the first Wednesday in February next be the day for the electors to assemble in their respective states, and vote for a President; and that the first Wednesday in March next be the time, and the present seat of Congress the place for commencing the preceding under the said Constitution.”
1814- Francis Scott Key was aboard a ship that was delayed in Baltimore harbor by the British unsuccessful bombardment on Fort Henry Key, and he had not choice but to anxiously watch the battle. That experience and seeing the American flag still flag over the fort the next morning inspired him to pen the verses that coupled with the tune of a British musician's popular drinking song, “Anacreon in Heaven,” became our official national anthem in 1931, 117 years after the words were written. The commander of the Fort knew the British would be attacking and had a second flag made by Betsy Ross that was ten times the size of the fort's flag so it could be seen from far away as a sign of defiance to the British and to show the people of the land the resolve not to surrender the fort.
( lower half of: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/sep13.html )
This battle became a major turning point in halting the British invasion, who for the first time was beginning to retreat and trying to re-group as the Americans were now organized and if not winning battles, pushing back British troops.
1851-Birthday of Walter Reed, American army physician ( especially known for his Yellow Fever Research). Born at Gloucester County, VA, he served as any army surgeon for more than 20 years and as a professor at the Army Medical College. He died at Washington, DC, November 22,1902. the US Army's general hospital at Washington, DC, is named in his honor.
1862-Perhaps this one event changes the Civil War most dramatically, as it ended General Robert E. Lee's plan to invade Washington, D.C., bring the war here, win over the growing demand for "peace" with the Confederates. Not only was Lee surprised that McClellan could muster his troops in such short notice, but outmaneuvered his plans. The fact is McClellan had obtained a copy of General Lee's surprise battle plans.” According to the records, the XII Corps, 1st division of General Alpheus Williams, was bivouacked about a mile southeast of Frederick, Maryland, on a meadow occupied the day before by Confederate General D. H. Hill's command. Around 10 a.m. on the 13th of September, 1862, Private Barton W. Mitchell of the 27th Indiana, along with Sergeant John M. Bloss, discovered an envelope containing three cigars wrapped in a piece of paper lying in the grass. The document turned out to be a copy of Confederate General Robert E. Lee's orders for the Invasion of Maryland. The dispatch was addressed to Confederate General Hill. Passed up through the chain of command, the captured order gave Union General George B. McClellan advance notice of his enemy's movements. Holding the paper, McClellan exclaimed, ‘Here is a paper with which, if I cannot whip Bobby Lee, I will be willing to go home'."
What was to follows was the first major Civil War engagement on Northern soil, and the bloodiest single day battle in American History on September 17. This was just 18 days after the Confederate victory at Second Manassas, 40 miles to the southeast in Virginia, and General Lee's overall strategy would not have only won the battle but perhaps ended the war politically, except for the finding on an envelope containing three cigars wrapped in a piece of paper lying in the grass.
1867- Gen E R S Canby orders South Carolina courts to impanel blacks jurors, part of the Freedman Bureau. When President Tyler is installed, much of the reconstruction effort comes to an end, including allowing Blacks to serve on juries.
1876-Birthday of Sherwood Anderson, American author and newspaper publisher, born at Camden, OH. He is best remembered book is “Winesburg, Ohio.” Anderson died at Colon, Panama, March 8.,1941.
1881-African-American Louis Latimer patents an electric lamp with a carbon filament.
1881-the famous "Yellow Day" in the northeast caused by Michigan forest fires where 20 villages were burned and 500 killed. The smoke filtered out most of the light and left a brassy tinge on everything
1886-Birthday of African-American Alain L. Locke, philosopher and first Black Rhodes Scholar.
1905—Birthday of Meade Lux Lewis, one of my favorite pianist and boogie woogie master, Chicago, IL.
1910- tenor sax player Chu Berry born Wheeling, W.Va.
1916-Birthday of singer Dick Haymes, born Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1922 - The mercury climbed to 136 degrees (Fahrenheit) in Azizia, Libya, the highest temperature ever recorded on Earth. We sure hope they had plenty of lemonade on hand.
1925-Birthday of “The velvet Fog,” singer, drummer, composer Mel Torme, born, Chicago Illinois
Died June 1999, Los Angeles, California
1931 - Vaudeville star Eddie Cantor was heard for the first time -- on NBC radio. "The Chase and Sanborn Hour" became one of the most popular radio shows of the 1930s. He also made the early transition to television and his variety show was very popular until he retired.
1948- Margaret Chase Smith (R-Me) elected senator, 1st woman to serve in both houses of Congress.
1949 - The Ladies Professional Golf Association was formed in New York City. Patty Berg became the first president of the LPGA.
1954 - The cover of "LIFE" magazine was adorned with Judy Garland's picture, with the caption, “Judy Garland takes off after an Oscar.” Garland had been nominated for her role in "A Star is Born".
1955---Top Hits
The Yellow Rose of Texas - Mitch Miller
Maybellene - Chuck Berry
Autumn Leaves - Roger Williams
I Don't Care - Webb Pierce
1956-Birthday of Joni Sledge , born Philadelphia, PA, vocalist (Sister Sledge-We are Family)
1960 - The U.S. Federal Communications Commission banned payola. A scandal, investigated by a Congressional committee, involved some of the biggest names in radio, including popular New York DJ Alan Freed. He lost his job at WABC for allegedly accepting gifts and money for playing certain records. There was substantial evidence to prove that the practice was quite widespread. In the industry, it was openly a common practice. Tickets, dinners, trips, are still commonplace gifts by record and entertainment promoters. Cash is now a “no-no.”
1962 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Sherry," The Four Seasons.
1963---Top Hits
My Boyfriend's Back - The Angels
Hello Mudduh, Hello Fadduh! - Allan Sherman
Blue Velvet - Bobby Vinton
Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash
1964- New York DJ Murray the K hosts the conclusion of the ten day rock & roll extravaganza at Brooklyn's Fox Theatre, held to compete against the Animals ten day run at Brooklyn's Paramount Theatre. Acts on the Fox bill include Marvin Gaye, the Miracles, Martha & the Vandellas, the Contours, the Supremes, the Searchers, the Temptations, Jay & the Americans, the Dovells, the Newbeats, Little Anthony & the Imperials, the Shangri-las and the Ronettes. The Fox show outdraws the concurrent Paramount show.
1965 -Willie Mays hits his 500th home run. Connecting against Don Nottebart of the Houston Astros, Mays becomes only the fifth player to reach the milestone. Mays' blast helps the San Francisco Giants to a 5-1 win...
1965-The Beatles release the single, "Yesterday/Act Naturally." This is also the day they win their first Grammy -- for Best Group and for their "A Hard Days Night" LP.
1968 - Clarence Carter received a gold record for his million-selling hit "Slip Away". Carter earned two other gold records for "Too Weak to Fight" and "Patches". The singer from Montgomery, Alabama had been blind since age one and taught himself to play guitar by age 11.
1969 - John Lennon and his wife, Yoko Ono, presented the Plastic Ono Band in concert for the first time. The appearance at the Toronto Peace Festival was Lennon's first in four years. The first hit by the new group, "Give Peace a Chance", made it to number 14 on the charts.
1969-- In a 6-4 defeat to the Reds, Bobby Bonds becomes the fourth player in major league history steal at least 30 bases and hit at least thirty home runs in the same season. The other members of the 30/30 club include Ken Williams (1922-Browns) , Willie Mays (1956 & 1957-Giants) and Hank Aaron (1963-Braves).
1969-Santana's debut album enters the LP chart.
1970- the first New York City marathon drew 126 runners, 55 of whom finished the course. Queens fireman Gary Muhrcke won the race with a time of 2:31:38.2
1970- IBM brings out the System 370 computer; the first with a rational data base. Intel, later in the year, introduces the ROM chip, where the memory stays on the chip when the electricity is turned off. Gene Amdahl spins off a new company and the start of the modern computer can be linked to this introduction by IBM.
1971 - The World Hockey Association was formed. It was announced that play would commence in October, 1972.
1971---Top Hits
Go Away Little Girl - Donny Osmond
Spanish Harlem - Aretha Franklin
Ain't No Sunshine - Bill Withers
Easy Loving - Freddie Hart
1971- Nine hostages and 28 prisoners die in take over at Attica State Prison by authorities.
1971-Frank Robinson hits his 500th home run.
1974- “Chico and the Man” premiered on TV.. This sitcom starred Jack Albertson as Ed Brown, a cranky garage owner and Freddie Prinze as Chico Rodriguez, his Mexican-American employee. It was set in the barrio of East Los Angeles. However, the show was widely criticized for its use of the term “Chico,” which was derogatory to many Chicanos, and for the lack of Mexican-Americans in the cast or crew. To remedy this, the cast was expanded to include Issac Ruiz as Chico's friend, Reman and Rodolfo Hoyos as Ed's friend, Rudy.
1975-Bruce Springsteen's "Born To Run" LP enters the chart.
1976- “The Muppet Show.” This comedy variety show was hosted by Kermit the Frog of ‘Sesame Street.” The new Jim Henson puppet characters included Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear and The Great Gonzo. Many celebrities appeared as guests on the show, which was broadcast in more than 100 countries. The show ran until 1981. “Muppet Babies” was a Saturday morning cartoon that ran from 1984 until 1992. The Muppet Movie (1979) was the first of five films based on “The Muppet Show.” In 1996 a new show, Muppets Tonight!, was created.
1976-Peter Frampton's fourth solo album, "Frampton", goes gold. It's his commercial breakthrough album containing the hits "Show Me the Way" and "Baby I Love Your Way."
1977- the first diesel cars to be mass-produced were the Oldsmobile 88 and 98-diesel-engine models introduced by General Motors, Detroit, MI.
1977- “Soap” was a prime-time comedy that parodied soap operas. It had plots that were funny (e.g. Corinne's baby is possessed by the devil), controversial (e.g. Billy joins a cult) and downright bizarre (e.g. Burt is abducted by aliens). The show focused on two families, the wealthy Tates and the middle-class Campbells. It starred Katherine Helmond, Robert Mandan, Jennifer Salt, Diana Canova, Jimmy Baio, Robert Guillaume, Cathryn Damon, Richard Mulligan, Ted Wass, Billy Crystal, Richard Libertini, Kathryn Reynolds, Robert Urich, Arthur Peterson, Roscoe Lee Browne and Jay Johnson. Rod Roddy was the announcer who recapped what had happened on the previous episode
1979- “Benson” premiered on TV. This half-hour sitcom was a spin-off from the popular series “Soap.” Benson, played by Robert Guillaume, went to work for Jessica's Tate's widowed cousin Governor James Gatling, played by James Noble. The series centered around Benson trying to keep the household intact while the governor performed his duties for the state. The last telecast aired Aug 30, 1986. Other cast members included Missy Gold, Rene Auberonois, Ethan Phillips, Didi Conn, Caroline McWilliams, Inga Swenson and Lewis J. Stadlen. 1983- United States mint strikes 1st gold coin in 50 years (Olympic Eagle )
1979 - Abba's first North American tour opens in Edmonton, Alberta.
1979---Top Hits
My Sharona - The Knack
After the Love Has Gone - Earth, Wind & Fire
The Devil Went Down to Georgia - The Charlie Daniels Band
I May Never Get to Heaven - Conway Twitty
1980-Jackson Browne has the first Number One album of his career with the platinum "Hold Out," his first LP in well over two years.
1983-Huey Lewis and the News' "Sports" LP is released.
1984-Hurricane Diana made landfall near Wilmington, NC after meandering for two days off the coast. On the 11th, the Oak Island Coast Guard station recorded sustained winds of 104 mph with gusts over 115 mph. Wilmington recorded over 13.72 inches of rain. Damage was set at $78 million.
1985 - Sting begins his first solo tour in San Diego.
1986 - "Captain EO", a 17-minute, three-dimensional, musical, science-fiction flick starring Michael Jackson, made its gala premiere at Disneyland in Anaheim, CA and at Disney's Epcot Center in Orlando, FL this day. The innovative movie cost approximately $1,000,000 a minute to produce.
1986 - Miss America (1987), crowned this night in Atlantic City, NJ, was Kellye Cash, the grandniece of singer Johnny Cash. It was the first year that the contestants' measurements were not publicized. Women's groups had been protesting the Miss America Pageant, especially the judging of contestants in swim suits, saying it was humiliating and demeaning to women.
1987-The New England Patriots became the first NFL team to broadcast its games on a regular basis on a French-Canadian radio network. Pierre Donais handled the play-by-play in French with radio station KCLM, a 50,000-watt station in Laval, Quebec, serving as the flagship.
1987—Top songs on this day:
La Bamba - Los Lobos
I Just Can't Stop Loving You - Michael Jackson with Siedah Garrett
Didn't We Almost Have It All - Whitney Houston
Make No Mistake, She's Mine - Ronnie Milsap & Kenny Rogers
1988 - Hurricane Gilbert smashed into the Cayman Islands, and as it headed for the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico strenghtened into a monster hurricane, packing winds of 175 mph. The barometric pressure at the center of Gilbert reached 26.13 inches (888 mb), an all-time record for any hurricane in the Carribean, Gulf of Mexico, or the Atlantic Ocean. Gilbert covered much of the Gulf of Mexico, producing rain as far away as the Florida Keys.
1989-Jockey Pat Day rode eight winners in nine races at Arlington Park in Illinois, breaking the record for most winners in a single day of racing at one track. Day finished second in his sole loss.
1989-Bruce Springsteen records "Viva Las Vegas" for the Elvis Presley tribute album, "The Last Temptation of Elvis."
1990- “Law & Order” premiered on TV. This hour-long series is filmed on location at New York City. Each episode shows the interaction between the police and the district attorney's office in dealing with a crime. Almost the entire cast has changed over the life of this program; Steven 1-fill as District Attorney Adam Schiff has been the only constant. Michael Moriarty as Assistant District Attorney Benjamin Stone was followed by Sam Waterston as ADA Jack McCoy. Richard Brooks as ADA Paul Robinette was replaced by Jill Hennessy as ADA Claire Kincaid who was replaced by Carey Lowell as ADA Jamie Ross followed by Angie Harmon as ADA Abbie Carmichael. The police have been represented by George Dzundza as Detective Max Greevey, followed by Paul Sorvino as Detective Phil Cerreta, followed by Jerry Orbach as Detective Lennie Briscoe. Christopher Noth playing Detective Mike Logan was replaced by Benjamin Bratt as Detective Reynaldo Curtis followed by Jesse L. Martin as Detective Edward Green. Dann Florek as Captain Donald Cragen was followed by S. Epatha Merkerson as Lieutenant Anita Van Buren.
1992 - The first punt less game in NFL history happened this day. The Buffalo Bills (quarterback Jim Kelly: 403 yards and three TDs) and San Francisco 49ers (QB Steve Young: 449 yards and three touchdowns) combined for 1,086 yards of total offense -- without punting the ball once. The Bills beat the 49ers 34-31. And they have the nerve to call it football...
1993 - There was hope that the 45 years of war between Arabs and Jews would come to an end. PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin came together in Washington, DC to sign an agreement to make peace, not war.
1993-a strong winter type storm moved through the Rockies and western high plains producing record early snows. Denver, CO recorded 5.4 inches for its greatest snowstorm for so early in the season after reaching 92 degrees the day before. Records were also set at Cheyenne, WY with 5.5 inches and Scottsbluff, Nebraska with 2.5 inches.
1993-"Late Night with Conan O'Brien" makes its premiere on NBC. E Street Band drummer Max Weinberg is the show's band leader with the Max Weinberg 7.
1997 - Oscar De La Hoya was awarded a unanimous decision after 12 rounds against Hector ‘Macho' Camacho in Las Vegas. This was the second time De La Hoya, unbeaten in 26 bouts, had successfully defended his WBC welterweight boxing title. “He earned it,” the bruised and battered Camacho said following the loss. “He did everything he said he was going to do, except he didn't knock me out.”
1997 - “I like that ooh, ooh; Come on, come on MC, MC ooh, ooh...” Mariah Carey's "Honey" debuted on the "Hot 100" at number one -- her third single to do so. The others were "Fantasy" (Sep 30, 1995) and "One Sweet Day" (Dec 2, 1995). Carey was the first artist to have three singles debut at #1.
1999 - Country music newcomers the Wilkinsons sweep the 1999 Canadian Country Music Awards by gathering five trophies. Close behind is Canadian-born country music sensation Shania Twain with four awards.
2001 --Due the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Major League Baseball postpones all games through September 17. The 91 missed games, the most regular-season contests not played since World War I forced the cancellation of the final month of the 1918 season, have been re-scheduled for the week after the regular season ends meaning the World Series is likely to extend into November for the first time in history.

Baseball Poem
If I were the teacher
If I were the teacher
My students would confirm
I spend all day talking about
Important things to learn:
Statistics, Batting Averages and
the confusing ERA.
Who invented baseball?
Was it really Doubleday?
How does photosynthesis affect
the left field grass.
"Nite Game" is
close enough to pass.
Never say, he slided";
Always say, "he slid."
Which country has a ballpark
next to a pyramid?
If I were the teacher
My students would confirm
They spend all day hearing about
Important things to learn.
Written by Dan Zamudio,
“Catcher in the Wry,” baseball poems,
published by McFarland & Compan
The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?