3 Regional Sales Opportunities
NY/NJ; Dallas & Atlanta/Nashville
Manage existing accounts and develop relationships. Min. Req. 3 years equip. leasing sales or strong leasing operations experience. For more information, click here:
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Classified Ads
--Collector/Controller/Contract Admin
Jerry Hudspeth takes a walk
Levine and Reitman
“Who's at EAEl/NAELB Expo?”
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Alexa Ranks Leasing News #1
Cartoon---by Sidney Harris
Sales makes it Happen-by Linda Kester
“Who Pays What?” -Broker Commissions
Letters---We get eMail
Dash's latest picture
ICBC, HSBC Leasing Tax Leasing
Network Statistics
News Briefs---
You May have Missed---
"Gimme that Wine"
Calendar Events
Snapple Real Facts
Today's Top Event in History
This Day in American History
Baseball Poem---by Kit Menkin
Classified Ads
---Collector/Controller/Contract Administrator

L'Ecole * Built in 1915, the schoolhouse is located in historic Frenchtown, a small community just west of Walla Walla, Washington. Frenchtown derived its name from the many French-Canadians who settled the valley during the early 1800s. Legend has it, these men of French descent, were raising grapes and producing wine. By the 1860s, nurseries, vineyards and winemaking had become a part of the regions' growing economy. The name - L'Ecole Nº 41 French for "the school" located in district number 41 - was chosen to salute these pioneer viticulture efforts. (One of my favorite Merlots, a glass given to Bobby Flay, who was in the kitchen cooking behind the stove, brought him to our table when he and Sue talked about some of his recipes and the difficulty sometimes in getting some of the ingredients—I have this picture 8”x10” in my regular office and my home office.)

Collector: Boston, MA
Challenging position where my skills, professional experience, organization, leadership, strategic thinking, creativity, energy, passion, competitive nature will enable me to define opportunities and personal development.
Email: bernd.janet@verizon.net
Collector: Jacksonville, E. Brunswick, FL
13 years experience with collection, recovery,re-marketing and legal on commercial loans and leases. Expertise with distressed portfolios, Six Sigma trained. Willing to relocate.
Email: RichardB12364@aol.com
Controller: Chicago, IL
experienced in lease accounting, operations, management, and Sarbanes-Oxley. Seeking position with equipment lessor. Would consider contract assignments or relocating.
email: leasecontroller@comcast.net
Controller: Philadelphia, CA
CPA/CFO/Controller/Due Dilgence Officer/SOX Lead seeking position.
Email: obrienhowardj@aol.com
Controller: Seattle , WA
CPA w/ Sarbanes Oxley/ 15 years management exp. as CFO/ Controller/5 yrs w/ PWC Extensive exp providing accounting/ tax guidance for the equipment lease industry. Willing to relocate.
Email: bltushin@hotmail.com
Controller: Southeastern, MI
Controller & Management experience w/ equip lessors &broker. MBA, CPA w/ extensive accounting, management, securitization experience with public and private companies. Willing to relocate.
Email: Leasebusiness@aol.com
Controller: Uniondale, NY
I have a strong multifaceted background in all areas of lease accounting combining my years as a Controller of leasing companies and as Vice-President of Leasing for a NY Bank.
Email: awinitt@hotmail.com
Contract Administrator
Contract Administrator: New York, NY
10+ years in equipment leasing/secured lending. Skilled in management & training, documentation, policy and procedure development & implementation, portfolio reporting. Strong work ethic.
Email: dln1031@nyc.rr.com
Contract Administrator: Portland, OR
6+ years small ticket leasing/financing. Documentation/funding Policy development &implementation, management &training, process mapping, customer service, broker, vendor, portfolio experience.
Email: susanc777@hotmail.com
For a full listing of all “job wanted” ads, please go to:
To place a free “job wanted” ad, please go to:
* http://www.lecole.com/ourwines.htm
Jerry Hudspeth takes a walk

Leasing News source was correct: the acquirer of PFSC, a 150 employee “back office” operation in Portland, Oregon was Walled Lake, Michigan Varilease “owner” Bob VanHellemont, plus “four to five significant investors with a lot of board of director experience." Varilease was also one of the UniCapital companies. PFSC does the servicing for the Varilease small ticket operation.
According to Varilease CEO Robert VanHellemont that's how it all started.

Robert VanHellemont
"We were solid in the middle market leasing business, "he explains.”For a year and a half, we studied getting into the small ticket market, but did not want to do the servicing, as it was too costly.
"PFSC was backed by Bank of America to handle the UniCapital portfolio, and they wanted to run it down, not invest any more. Jerry Hudspeth, as the portfolio ran down, brought in some new accounts, as he is excellent in marketing. He had an option from Bank of America to buy the assets, which we basically did and were running it for a few months.
"After learning more, watching the operation, it was clear to me and the other investors we could grow this ten- to- twenty fold and become the premier provider in the United States. Jerry basically wanted to keep the same size as he was coming in at 7am every morning and had his pace at full speed.
"We see a bigger marketplace, so temporarily I am the acting CEO, flying out to Portland once a week... also hoping that Jerry will stay on and help us market PFSC to become a much larger company."
To learn more about Varilease, please go here:
(Thank you readers for correcting a spelling error in the Back Office list. Further up-dates were also made to it:
Levine and Reitman
“Who's at EAEl/NAELB Expo?”

(Leasing News assigned Allan Levine, Chief Operating Officer, MADI$ON CAPITAL, to cover the Eastern Association of Equipment Lessors/National Association of Equipment Leasing Brokers to the September 18th Conference in Teaneck, New Jersey.)
((Leasing News also requested Barry Reitman of Keystone Leasing to provide some "color" on) the conference (they do this in TV football broadcasting and there is no debate that Barry is not colorful.))
The play-by-play from Allan Levine:
EAEL Expo in partnership with NAELB crammed lots of leasing business, education, and camaraderie into about a 36 hour window. Sunday's arrival saw a hospitality suite with many attendees mingling throughout the day. The opening nights gathering saw the usual food and spirits with most tracking down their favorite buddies and as one would guess funding sources and/or customers.
Monday saw over 300 attendees and 43 exhibitors cram about as much into one day as could be done. After Nancy Pistorio's (Madison Capital LLC), President, welcomed everyone, Christine Todd Whitman, past two term N.J. Governor and cabinet member, spoke about politics in the US. After that, the leasing frenzy was on. Booths were visited, education sessions began, and networking was the order of the day. As an aside, it was good to see an increasing number of women attendees. Morning sessions included the following:
A. Electronic marketing-Randy Haug and Ruth Anderson(Lease Team)
B. What's Happening in Today's Market Place-Paul Meyer (Manifest Funding), Carl Anderson (M & T bank), Ted Reynolds (Team Equipment Leasing) and Michael Coon, Enterprise Funding Exhibitor time was followed by lunch and The dynamic Duo of Jonathan and David Murray. They are the twin brothers that speak on wealth management and the economy. They have a recently published book, have been seen on national TV, do various lectures, and are heard on radio.
As the day went on, there were additional workshops on the following topics:
A. Selling Lease Documentation-Terry Winders
B. Strategies for Minimizing Exposure to Class Actions-Frank Peretore, John Lynch, Richard Feldman and Gerald Salerno
C. How Can Brokers Make Money in Today's Environment-Jon Albertsson (Fernwood Capital and Leasing), Spencer Richman (American Financial Network) Richard Livingston, Leasing Technologies International and Valerie Jester (Brandywine Capital Associates, Inc. and the Chair Elect of ELA.
D. Hiring, Training, and Retaining Superior Professionals in Today's Competitive Market
Before the event ended at about 6 P.M., there was a closing reception with beverages, hors' devours, and door prizes. Seen mingling throughout the event was a cross section of many in our industry from brokers, broker/lessors, funding sources, and service providers. Below are a few:
Bank of the West (Steve Crane), All Points Capital (Anthony Fantauzzi), John and Donna Cole (Business Capital Leasing), Marlin Leasing, Allegiant Partners (Paul Foster),Oakmont Capital (Joe Leonard), and Scott Wheeler (The Equipment Leasing Company) and event chair.
In summation, it was a busy session and it looked like everyone gained from the experience.
Allan Levine, Chief Operating Officer
9D Gwynns Mill Court
Owings Mills, MD 21117
Direct Line: 443.796.7337
Office: 443.796.7333
Equipment and Vehicle Leasing Solutions
The color from Barry Reitman:
Pictured with Governor Whitman before her speech are (left) Bruce Winter, and (center) Dennis Horner, both EAEL officers.

The booking of Governor Whitman as keynote speaker could not have been timed better. She has been in the headlines in the New York area because of recent charges that the EPA, under her direction, was lax in protecting the respiratory health of 9/11 rescue workers. The issue was raised during the question and answer period at the conclusion of her Expo speech. She vociferous defended her actions, which included providing 20,000 respirators for Ground Zero responders to wear. She spoke of the terrible set of facts that forced many workers to discard the safety masks because of the difficulty of wearing them in the heat.
Governor Whitman mentioned, as an aside, that she recently did a one hour interview with CBS anchor, Katie Couric, which was edited down to ten minutes. Not shown when the piece aired was Couric asking, about the poor health of those workers five years later, "Then who is to blame?" Whitman's simple answer: "The terrorists." The comment was rounded applauded by the attendees.

The following photographs were taken by Allan Levine, as forwarded to us by the EAEL office:

Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Office Administrator
Office Administrator
Deerfield, Illinois
Proficient in Microsoft Office, 2 years admin. minimum report directly to Director of Operations. To learn more, please click here.
Operations Manager
Operations Manager
Coordinates lease process from inception through pay off. 3+ years proven leasing account management exper.
For more info, click here
3 Regional Sales Opportunities
NY/NJ; Dallas & Atlanta/Nashville
Manage existing accounts and develop relationships. Min. Req. 3 years equip. leasing sales or strong leasing operations experience. For more information, click here:
Alexa Ranks Leasing News #1

One of my goals when we started Leasing News was to become the most read equipment leasing trade publication.
When I realized that we were no longer a five day a week internet publication, I thought the goal would never be met. Our competition were all business daily's.
Being an ex-reporter, columnist, news editor, managing editor, news producer, I hated to fill up the half hour, then a one hour TV space with features and no hard news. I wanted quality over quantity.
Without a proof reader, I knew it would be “quick and dirty,” so I had to strive to have substance. I even tried to end running press releases, but readers did not want that. I vowed when we started the web site six years ago, if there was not enough “news,” we would not post that day.
Maria Martinez-Wong should get all the credit for design and graphics, including the ads and banners she puts together. Brian Wong is our Web Master, who does the World Wide Web posting and layout, very early in the morning, too.
The next goal is to get below 100,000, as that is the magic Google number. We are most often in the top ten in browser searches, but when you get below 100,000, all the other browsers pick you up and Google puts your URL in their “master search” to make sure you appear high in their results all the time.
Not too bad for a part-time gig, huh?, I still work full-time in the equipment leasing business ( thirty-fifth year.)
Kit Menkin
Alexa Ranks Leasing Media Web Sites
Rank |
1. |
100,075 |
110,402 |
www.leasingnews.org Leasing News |
2. |
112,998 |
99,806 |
www.aba.com American Bankers Association |
3. |
207,032 |
287,999 |
www.elaonline.com Equipment Leasing Association |
4. |
273,346 |
218,713 |
www.monitordaily.com Monitor Daily |
5. |
643,282 |
988,774 |
www.naelb.org* National Assoc. of Equip Leasing Brokers |
6. |
649,860 |
729,868 |
www.ibaa.org Ind Community Bankers of America |
7. |
990,463 |
1,013,661 |
www.iicl.org Institute of International Container Lessors |
8. |
1,033,450 |
910,638 |
www.us-banker.com U.S.Banker |
9. |
1,118,967 |
1,378,944 |
www.lessors.com eLessors Networking Association |
10. |
1,187,882 |
863,214 |
www.cfa.com Commercial Finance Association |
11. |
1,197,767 |
1,666,869 |
www.leasingnotes.com Leasing Notes |
12. |
1,311,260 |
1,152,185 |
www.leasecollect.org Lean -Lease Enforcement Att Net |
13. |
1,375,480 |
1,046,736 |
www.uael.org United Association of Equipment Leasing |
14. |
1,832,393 |
2,700,038 |
www.executivecaliber.ws Exec Caliber-Jeffrey Taylor |
15. |
2,331,288 |
3,397,167 |
www.leasefoundation.org Equip. Leasing & Fin Fndn |
16. |
3,534,068 |
2,831,724 |
www.Leasingpress.com Leasing Press |
17. |
3,546,785 |
3,613,993 |
www.clpfoundation.org CLP Foundation |
18. |
5,496,965 |
3,614,473 |
www.leaseassistant.org Lease Assistant |
19. |
No Data |
5,246,816 |
www.nationalfunding.org The National Funding Assoc |
20. |
No Data |
5,630,267 |
www.eael.org*Eastern Association of Equipment Leasing |
21. |
No Data |
No Data
www.aglf.org Assoc of Government Leasing Financing |
22. |
No Data |
No Data |
www.efj.com Equipment Financial Journal |
ncluded in the Alexa survey.
*It should also be noted that two web sites have their "list serve" posted via their site, meaning their e-mails are counted as a visit to the site, whereas they are "list serve" communication. These are technically visits to the web site, but primarily to use "list serve."
These comparisons are compiled by Leasing News using Alexa and should be viewed as a "sampling," rather than an actual count from the website itself. Other than as noted above, we believe the ratings are reflective as most have stayed in the same position, basically, for over a year.
The Alexa tool bar works on most browsers.
They are partnered with Google.
You may download their free tool bar A graph and analysis of the last three months are available.
( Note: the lower the number, the higher you are on the list. It is based on all web sites. Leasing is only a very small part of the various sites such as Yahoo, MSN, Google, etc. )


Sales Make it Happen

Who Pays What?
By: Linda P. Kester
Linda Kester helps leasing companies increase volume. For more information visit www.lindakester.com . Questions, contact: Linda@lindakester.com
When I'm training a leasing “sales rep,” I always reiterate “add value, add value!” I tell them when they call on a vendor or a broker: don't just ask if they have any applications for you. Give them something …a tip, a piece of information, without looking for something in return.
For example, I was sitting with a “rep” last week coaching and monitoring her calls. I had her call on her top 10 prospects, the leads that she identified as having the most potential. One account had given her business, but very sporadically. She knew this account had a high volume of equipment sales and was only giving her a sliver of their leasing business.
She had called once a month over the past four months and the contact had not returned any of her calls. She started to pick up the phone… “Wait” , I said “What's your objective”? She looks at me like ‘duh, I want the guy to talk to me'.
We analyzed the information available on the account (took about 90 seconds) and decided that the objective was to give value first, and then ask where the business was going. We also decided to email the vendor, rather than call on this attempt. (The direct marketing association ( http://www.the-dma.org/aboutdma/ ) has declared that more businesses prefer to be contacted by email rather than by phone.
We did a quick calculation and added up the 1% her company had paid this account as an incentive so far for 2006. It was roughly $1,800. So, the rep composed an email to the prospect; Subject: $1800 . The contact was not aware that so much commission had been paid. This is valuable information.
Within thirty minutes the vendor responded positively to her email. She hadn't heard from him in four months. Now the communication was two-way again.
So, I thought to myself, how can I add value to the Leasing News readers? The article I wrote in August about broker commissions generated more feedback than any other article I've written. This is a topic people are interested in. So, at the risk of being sued for misinformation—( Disclaimer : While I do my best to provide you with helpful resources, I, Linda Kester, cannot guarantee this information, because it is constantly changing. For all the brokers who thought your funding source only paid five points, but now you know they pay eight I feel like I'm entitled to (only half) of the extra three.)
Here is my unofficial list of “who pays what” in terms of points on a deal:
Points |
2 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
20 |
Leasing Companies |
Balboa Capital **** |
- Commercial Deals $100,000+
Bank of the West *
- $50,000 |
X |
- $100,00 |
X |
- $250,00 |
X |
- Over $250,00 |
X |
Cannon Financial |
Citi Capital |
Dumac |
Financial Pacific |
- Under 2 years in business |
- Over 2 years in business |
GE Capital |
Graybar |
Great America |
Main Street |
Manifest |
- $5K-100K |
- over $100K |
Marlin Leasing |
- Vendor Side |
- Broker Side ** |
Pawnee Leasing*** |
Vanguard Leasing, Inc. |
- 10K-50K |
- 50K-100K |
- Municipal Deals in General |
Leasing Companies |
Points |
2 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
20 |
* Bank of the West - (Discounters: Max incl. first + last) |
** Marlin Leasing - May split any overage |
*** Pawnee Leasing - (Sales Tax not included) |
**** Balboa: Over $100,000 is considered Commercial. We do not pay a vendor any fees. We no longer have a Muni sales channel. Our outside commissions are limited to brokers. If a referral source, CPA or attorney, refers a transaction to a sales rep they have some flexibility to comp them but based on the reports I see that is rare. |
Letters---We get eMail

`Christopher “Kit” Menkin, Editor
September 11, 2006

"Without Precedent, The Inside Story of the 911 Commission"
Written by Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton
“Certainly you may quote me...
“I disagree with the use of the upside down flag for purposes, political or sympathetically...
Your motives may be well intentioned, and I am sure they are, but to use this to express displeasure with the government over lack of implementation of the 9/11 recommendations, is, in my humble opinion, the improper way to express that displeasure.
“I am Vice Commander of our local VFW post, and one of my duties is to promote patriotism, the display of our flag, and the efforts to get congress to pass legislation to make desecration of our flag illegal. On this latter issue I have mixed emotions, but without going into a debate on free speech, this is not the time nor place.
“God Bless America and all she stands for.... She may not be perfect, but there's no other place I would ever want to live and bring up my children, and grandchildren...”
Duane Russell.....
(Happy in retirement in the Colorado Rockies...)
(Duane and I exchanged several e-mails on this. He elected to unsubscribe from our mailing list. My position is the “flag pole” is located on our property and we are not being disrespectful when we fly the Gadsen flag ( the first American flag) or display the flag in mourning. Editor)
Inside Patrick "Evergreen" Byrne's Brain
I saw your little “Byrne's Brain” thing this morning and felt compelled to write.
Your comments and opinions on “Evergreen” clauses are valid editorial material, whether or not the practice is shared by hundreds of lessors and funding sources; and in spite of the fact that they are perfectly legal.
However, in my opinion, personal attacks are not valid. Using the term “Patrick 'Evergreen' Byrne” steps over this line and I wish you would cut it out and publish an apology. Your resorting to mocking commentary cheapens the impact of the legitimate editorial position which you are taking on the “Evergreen” matter.
I don't think you'd like it if someone started identifying you as “Kit ‘Vendetta' Menkin.”
Best regards,
Kenneth D. Goodman, CLP
Goodman & Associates
"The Equipment Leasing Experts"
Consulting-Training-Litigation Support
24137 Grayston Drive, Lake Forest, CA 92630
888/852-7560 - fax 949/583-7275 - cell 310/721-1751
ken@ leasegood.com -- www.leasegood.com |
(Ken wrote the Balboa Capital newsletter and performed other public relations for this company in the past. The fact is Bryne signs his name “Patrick E. Byrne.” His company is proud of Evergreen Leases and obviously thinks it is ethical to practice. It is legal in 48 states. A company spokesman has acknowledged their practice of “Evergreen Leases” and Leasing News has printed copies of their lease contracts.
(As to a “vendetta,” Ken, it is a publication tradition to utilize editorial cartoons. You certainly will see more of them regarding Balboa Capital, Patrick Byrne, and “Evergreen leases.”
(Our policy is stated in our “Mission Statement, “which is printed in each edition. I draw specifically to publisher Joseph Pulitzer's retirement speech on April 10, 1907:
“An institution which should always fight for progress and reform; never tolerate injustice or corruption; always fight demagogues of all parties; never belong to any party; always oppose privileged classes and public plunder; never lack sympathy with the poor; always remain devoted to the public welfare; never be satisfied with merely printing the news; always be drastically independent; never be afraid to attack wrong, whether by predatory plutocracy or predatory poverty.”

“I just wanted to compliment you on your review of Chelokabibi restaurant. You have a strong command of the English language and the detailed description that you described of the food makes me want to eat there.”
Robert A. Hatfield
Phone: 815-308-5108
Cell: 847-271-2435
(Thank you. We welcome readers to send in their restaurant review, particularly useful for those who travel and want to learn find what is recommended by their colleagues. Editor)
Sales Makes it Happen-by C. Menkin
“App. Only” is for “Girlie Men”
“I loved your editorial on ‘App. Only' business. The timidity of a sales rep is astounding. I do not know how anyone can make a living in the leasing business without gaining the confidence of their customers and being able to ask for whatever is needed to get the deal done.
“There is another problem and that is that many people in the business know that many of their customers will not be approved if they obtain a full package. A lot of people avoid asking for this important information because it may cost them a deal.
“Something to think about!”
Andrew Thorn
Telios Corporation
Accelerating Leadership Development

Dash's latest picture:

Dash is in the forward craft, #13. They call it “Lucky 13.” He is in the back, not in this picture. His friends take pictures, but generally are of the craft. He was in the Norfolk, Virginia “911” commemoration, where his unit made up the part of a large American flag. He said he was holding one of the stars.
He and some of his buddies travel to Washington, DC by motorcycle, visit the monuments. He sent me pictures of them, and where they visited. They all had “Harleys.” They call themselves “dirt sailors” as their uniform is brown, similar to the US Marines. He appears still to be quite “gung ho.”
He sent me a recent e-mail. I asked his permission to re-print it in Leasing News.
“I'm doing well...Been back on the water front lately, really love being a US Sailor, love racing around drilling and training for combat riverine patrol on our small boats. lots of great stuff to learn. Navigation, night /day ops, weapons release authority rules, rules of the open seas... fascinating stuff!”
He and his friends don't seem to be bothered with the quality of equipment, as it appears this has been happening for many wars, he tells me. They bought their own modern bulletproof vests as all they had were “Viet Nam” issue. He wanted a better pair of boots for duty on the craft then they issued (expensive,) gave me the web site, so I bought it for him.
“It is a wonderful life. Really am enjoying things. Hope to make you proud.
Tell Sue and friends I send my love.
“Thanks to a good father, you Always are and have been here for me. I am grateful.
Thank you!
I really love my new boots they are very nice.
“Always smiling inside and out.
I am motivated to serve our Country, right or wrong (politic wise) I support our Commander and Chief. I, of course, have my own opinions, but that is what is nice about being a free man I suppose.
I am dedicated and dutiful. Still find time to laugh and always keep my sense of humor alive, even laugh at myself too.
I have some of the best friends in the world. I am fortunate.”
love ya ;)
Take care, ttyl
Recent newspaper story of my son's unit:
China: ICBC, HSBC Leasing arrange tax lease financing for China Eastern Airlines
Recently, ICBC and HSBC Leasing Company entered an agreement to arrange USD 92.06 million for China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited to acquire one Airbus A330-300 through French tax leasing. ICBC was also the guarantee trust bank and interest swap bank in this first tax leasing project ever taken by a domestic bank independently.
Tax lease financing is a new main area for financial renovation in nowadays international market. It is widely applicable in raising block capital. In 2005, foreign banks captured all the tax lease financings of aircraft for China's three largest airliners. But ICBC has started to arrange some tax leasing for these three airlines through corporation with foreign institutions since this year. ICBC thus became the first domestic bank to break the foreign banks' dominance in this area.
Acquisition of A330-300 this time was ICBC fourth project in arranging aircraft financing for China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited this year, and also the first tax lease-financing project ever arranged by a domestic bank independently.
Network Statistics
It appears that Google's market share continues to rise. According to the Marketshare Stats provided by Net Applications, Google ended the month of August with a 50.49% market share. Who are they pulling the market share from? It appears to be MSN users.

Apple is also losing share in the Operating System section.

It may be that Apple is headed in the music and video direction rather than the World Wide Web wars.
News Briefs----
Treasury Secretary arrives in China
Oracle Stays Hot—Profit Jumps 28%
Summit Bank Corp. bought for $175.5M
Housing starts fall 6% in August
Chrysler cutting 3Q shipments by 90,000
Extensive Spying Found At HP

You May have Missed---
Crowe tributes Irwin at memorial service
Cousteau: Irwin's tactics 'misleading'

Wine may help against Alzheimer's disease
NEW YORK, Sept. 18 (UPI) -- New York researchers have found that moderate red-wine consumption in a form of Cabernet Sauvignon may help reduce the incidence of Alzheimer's disease.
"Our study is the first to report that moderate consumption of red wine in a form of Cabernet Sauvignon delivered in the drinking water for about 7 months significantly reduces Alzheimer's Disease-type a-amyloid neuropathology, and memory deterioration in 11-month-old transgenic mice that model Alzheimer's Disease," reported researchers Drs. Giulio Maria Pasinetti and Jun Wang at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.
"This study supports epidemiological evidence indicating that moderate wine consumption, within the range recommended by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) dietary guidelines of one drink per day for women and two for men, may help reduce the relative risk for Alzheimer's Disease clinical dementia."
The findings are scheduled to be presented at the Society for Neuroscience meeting held in Atlanta Oct. 14-18 and are published in the November issue of The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Journal.
Calling All Georges de Latour Stories
Long Meadow Ranch, St.Helena, California
“Gimme that Wine”
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Winery Atlas
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page
The London International Vintners Exchange (Liv-ex)
is an electronic exchange for fine wine.

Calendar Events This Day
96 Days until Christmas, autumn starts this Saturday

PIG'S EYE - The name by which St Paul was originally known, and the nickname of Pierre Parrant, first settler and notorious whiskey merchant of the city. By the late 1840's, this was also the name by which Grand Marais was often known. This usage has carried down to the present day, as that area is the site of the Twin Cities largest sewage treatment plant, known as the Pig's Eye Plant. Also in the 1990's, the name has become relatively famous as a popular brand of beer brewed by St. Paul's Minnesota Brewing Company.

Today's Top Event in History
1885-Birthday of composer/singer/piano player Ferdinand “Jelly Roll” Morton. He claimed to have “invented” jazz music. Many historians say he was not bragging when he made the claim.
“If you want my fricassee, you're going to have to chase me down, If you want my jelly roll, you're going to have to treat me better Here's a nickel, send the boy down for another bucket of beer.”

This Day in American History
1519 - Magellan started the first successful circumnavigation of the world.
1565 -Spaniards capture Fort Caroline, Florida and massacre the French.
1777- Paoli massacre; American troops surprised in midnight raid while they slept by overwhelming British troops.
1797- US frigate Constitution (Old Ironsides) launched in Boston
1830 -First National Black convention meets .Philadelphia, Pa.
1845-the Adirondack Tornado traveled on a 275 mile long track starting as a waterspout over Lake Ontario and then traveling as a tornado through New York State to exit as a waterspout again on Lake Champlain. The tree fall in the forest is still discernible
1850-Washington, DC—one of the provisions of the Compromise Act of 1850 abolished the slave trade in the country's capital.
1854-Otis opens his factory to produce freight elevators.
(Bottom half of: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/sep20.html )
1845-The Adirondack Tornado traveled on a 275 mile long track starting as a waterspout over Lake Ontario and then traveling as a tornado through New York State to exit as a waterspout again on Lake Champlain. The tree fall in the forest is still discernible
1863-After disastrous moves by Union General William Starke Rosecrans, a career officer, Confederate forces appeared to be carrying the third day at the Battle of Chickamauga in Tennessee. With Rosecrans in flight to Chattanooga, Union General Henry Thomas and his men held their position and repeatedly turned back a series of Southern attacks until being reinforced. Thomas's actions saved the Union forces from a complete rout and earned him the nickname, “ Rock of Chickamauga.” Rosecrans was relieved of his command.
1873-To avoid Financial Panic, it was announced the Stock Market would close for ten days. For the first time in its history, the New York Stock Exchange was forced to close because of a banking crisis. Although the worst of the panic and crisis was over within a week, the psychological effect on businessmen, investors and the nation at large was more lasting during.
1878- Birthday of Upton Sinclair, American novelist and politician born at Baltimore, MD. He worked for political and social reforms, and his best-known novel, “The Jungle,” prompted one of the nation's first pure food laws. Died at Bound Brook, NJ, Nov 25, 1968.
1884- The Equal Rights Party was formed at San Francisco, CA. Its candidate for president, nominated in convention, was Mrs. Belva Lockwood. The vice presidential candidate was Marietta Stow.
1885-Birthday of composer/singer/piano player Ferdinand “Jelly Roll” Morton. He claimed to have “invented” jazz music. Many historians say he was not bragging when he made the claim.
“If you want my fricassee, you're going to have to chase me down, If you want my jelly roll, you're going to have to treat me better Here's a nickel, send the boy down for another bucket of beer.”
1879- US President U.S. Grant comes to SF for elaborate extended visit.
1909-A strong hurricane made landfall in southeastern Louisiana. A 15 foot storm surge flooded the Timbalier Bay area. 350 people perished
1916- Anniversary of first meeting of National Research Council, at New York, NY. Formed at request of President Woodrow Wilson for”.., encouraging the investigation of natural phenomena. .. “for American business and national security.
1920- Trumpeter Joe Guy born.
1926 - A hurricane which hit Miami, FL, on the 18th, pounded Pensacola with wind gusts to 152 mph. Winds raged in excess of 100 mph for four hours, and above 75 mph for 20 hours.
1934-Birthday of Sophia Loren, Italian-American actor of great earthy beauty and outstanding acting ability. She won Academy Award for her work in Women (1961) and was nominated for her work in Marriage Italian Style (1964). She got her start in Italian movies as a sex-kitten, developed into a strong actor, and aged into a role model. In 1991, she was awarded an honorary Oscar for her outstanding career. Her Italian comedies, especially Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (1963) show her great versatility.
1940- Claude Thornhill Band cuts first records in Hollywood, 1940. Gil Evans joins him next year, and some plays in his band included Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Lee Konitz, Gerry Mulligan, and many other post bop modernists.
1945 -- Rocket scientist Von Braun arrives in the U.S.A. under the auspices of "Operation Paperclip" — a program that was supposed to exclude Nazis, but in fact became a cover for "rehabilitating" them. His dossier was rewritten so he didn't appear to have been an ardent Nazi. See the NASA site for the sanitized Werner.
Operation Paperclip case file
1946---Top Hits
To Each His Own - Eddy Howard
Five Minutes More - Frank Sinatra
Surrender - Perry Como
Wine, Women and Song - Al Dexter
1948 - The Four Freshmen, one of the most popular singing groups of the 1950s, got their first gig in Fort Wayne, Indiana. They went on to major success with Capitol Records. Hits included "It's a Blue World", "Charmaine" and "Love is Just Around the Corner".
1953- “The Loretta Young Show, “NBC half-hour dramatic anthology series (initially titled “Letter to Loretta”) hosted by and frequently starring Oscar-winning actress Loretta Young. At the beginning of each episode Young would swirl through a door in a spectacular gown. Young garnered two Emmys during the show's eight-year run. In 1972 it was reported that Young had been awarded $559,000 in a suit against NBC for syndicating reruns of the show without her permission. Young did not want them shown because her clothes and hairstyles in the shows were long out of date by the 70s.
1954---Top Hits
Sh-Boom - The Crew Cuts
Skokiaan - The Four Lads
The High and the Mighty - Les Baxter
I Don't Hurt Anymore - Hank Snow
1954- First FORTRAN computer program run.
1955- “The Phil Silvers Show” premiered. This popular half-hour sitcom starred Phil Silvers as Sergeant Ernie Bilko, a scheming but good-natured con man whose schemes rarely worked out. Guest stars included Fred Gwynne, Margaret Hamilton, Dick Van Dyke and Alan Alda in his first major TV role. The character of Sergeant Bilko was featured in a movie of the same title in the mid-90s.
1957- “The Thin Man, “ the famous crime-solving duo of Nick and Nora was brought to TV after appearing in a novel by Dashiell Hammett ( whom my son was named after ) and a film series. This half-hour crime series featured Peter Lawford as Nick Charles, a former private eye who still engaged in it for fun, and Phyllis Kirk as his wife and partner Nora. Jack Albertson played Lieutenant Harry Evans, and their pet dog Asta was played by Asta.
1957-“ M Squad” premiere on television. My father Lawrence Menkin wrote many episodes. This half-hour crime series had a catchy theme song composed by Count Basie and Lee Marvin ( who lived down the street from us ) as Lieutenant Frank Ballinger, a Chicago cop assigned to a unit that investigates murders (the M Squad). Paul Newlan played his supervisor Captain Grey. In one episode, “The Teacher” (1959), Burt Reynolds played one of his first major roles.
1961- Roger Maris hits home run # 59 & barely misses # 60 in game 154 of the season. Yanks clinch pennant #26.
1962---Top Hits
Sheila - Tommy Roe
Ramblin' Rose - Nat King Cole
Green Onions - Booker T. & The MG's
Devil Woman - Marty Robbins
1967-Hurricane Beulah struck south Texas with gusts to 136 mph near Brownsville. The storm was a slow mover and Pettus, TX had 27.38 inches. The hurricane also spawned 115 tornadoes in south Texas, the greatest ever for a hurricane. 13 people perished and damage was set at $200 million
1968-Mickey Mantle of the New York Yankees hit the final home run of his career against Jim Longborg of the Boston Red Sox. Mantle finished with 536 homes.
1969 - "Sugar, Sugar", by the Archies, hit number one in "Billboard". The Archies sat at the top of the hit heap for four weeks.. The pop group never actually existed, as it was based on the popular comic strip. Two studio singers did all the vocals. Sugar, Sugar sold over 3 million copies, and according to Billboard, was the top-selling single for the year.
1970---Top Hits
Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Diana Ross
Lookin' Out My Back Door/Long as I Can See the Light - Creedence Clearwater Revival
Patches - Clarence Carter
For the Good Times - Ray Price
1973- Billie Jean King defeated Bobby Riggs in the nationally televised “Battle of the Sexes” tennis match in three straight sets.
1975-Bruce Springsteen's "Born To Run" single is released.
1975-David Bowie's "Fame" hits #1 on the singles chart and stays there for two weeks, while Bad Company's "Feel Like Making Love" peaks at #10 on the chart.
1976 -Playboy releases Jimmy Carter's interview that he lusts for women.
1977- “Lou Grant” premiered . This hour-long dramatic series was a spin-off of “The Mary Tyler Moore Show.” Ed Asner reprised his role as newspaper editor Lou Grant, now a city editor for the Los Angeles Tribune. The show tackled many serious issues, including child abuse, gun control and the plight of Vietnamese refugees. The cast included Mason Adams, Nancy Marchand, Jack Bannon, Robert Walden, Daryl Anderson, Rebecca Balding, Linda Kelsey, Allen Williams and EmHio Delgado. This series was an unusual spin-off because it was the first time a character left a sitcom to headline a drama.
1978---Top Hits
Boogie Oogie Oogie - A Taste of Honey
Three Times a Lady - Commodores
Hot Blooded - Foreigner
I've Always Been Crazy - Waylon Jennings
1978-The Who's "Who Are You" LP goes gold.
1980-Billy Joel's "Don't Ask Me Why" peaks at #19 on the singles chart while Peter Gabriel's "Games Without Frontiers" peaks at #48, The Kinks' "Lola" re-enters the chart and peaks at #81; Bob Seger's "You'll Accomp'ny Me" peaks at #14 and Pete Townshend's "Let My Love Open The Door" peaks at #9
1982-Joan Jett and the Blackhearts' "I Love Rock and Roll" is certified platinum. The hit is the title track from Jett's second album with the Blackhearts.
1983 - The temperature at West Yellowstone MT plunged to six degrees below zero, while the temperature at San Francisco CA soared to 94 degrees.
1984- Four days of heavy rains come to an end in extreme south Texas. Port Isabel recorded a total of 21.27 inches while Brownsville, TX had 15.19 inches. Brownsville International Airport was closed for 4 days due to extensive flooding. Total damage $30 million
1984-“The Cosby Show” Premiers on Television. The Emmy Award-winning comedy set in New York City revolved around the members of the Huxtable family. Father Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable was played by Bill Cosby, his wife Clair, an attorney, was played by Phylicia Rashan. Their four daughters were played by Sabrina Le Beauf(Sondra), Lisa Bonet ( Denise) Tempest Bledsoe( Vanessa) and Keshia Knight Pulliam (Rudy)(. Malcolm-Jamar Warner played son Teheo. By the end of the series in 1992.The two oldest daughters had finished college and were married. “A Different World” was a spin-o0ff set at historical-black Hillman College where Denise was a student.
1985-Tom Petty and the Heartbreaker's "Southern Accents" LP is certified platinum.
1986 - The number one pop hit in the U.S. was "Stuck With You", by Huey Lewis & The News. The song, from the multi-platinum album "Fore!", was stuck at #1 for three weeks.
1986---Top Hits
Stuck with You - Huey Lewis & The News
Dancing on the Ceiling - Lionel Richie
Friends and Lovers - Gloria Loring & Carl Anderson
Got My Heart Set on You - John Conlee
1988 -Red Sox Wade Boggs becomes first player in this century to get 200 hits in six consecutive years.
1989 - Hugo jilted Iris. Hurricane Hugo churned toward the South Atlantic Coast, gradually regaining strength along the way. Tropical Storm Iris got too close to Hugo, and began to weaken. A cold front brought strong and gusty winds to the Great Basin and the Southern Plateau Region, with wind gusts to 44 mph reported at Kingman AZ.
1994---Top Hits
I ll Make Love To You- Boyz II Men
Stay (I Missed You) (From "Reality Bites")- Lisa Loeb
Endless Love- Luther Vandross
When Can I See You-Babyface
1995 - AT&T announced that it would be splitting into three companies: today's AT&T (communication services); Lucent Technologies (systems and technology communications products); and NCR Corp. (computer business).
1996 - The hit comedy film, The First Wives Club, starring Goldie Hawn, Bette Midler, Diane Keaton, Dame Maggie Smith, and Sarah Jessica Parker, opened in United States theaters.
1998- Cal Ripken's streak ends at 2,632 consecutive games as he does not appear in the lineup for the first time since May 29,1982.
1999---Top Hits
Unpretty- TLC
She s All I Ever Had- Ricky Martin
Bailamos- Enrique Iglesias
Genie In A Bottle- Christina Aguilera
2003- When Marcus Giles sends Brad Penny's 3-2 pitch into the stands, the Braves tie the National League record by having six players to hit at least 20 home runs in season. Along with the Atlana's second baseman , Javy Lopez, Gary Sheffield, Andruw Jones, Chipper Jones and Vinny Castilla equals the mark established by Eddie Mathews (32), Hank Aaron (32), Joe Torre (27), Felipe Alou (23) Mack Jones (31) and Gene Oliver (21) of the 1965 Milwaukee Braves.
2003---Top Hits
Shake Ya Tailfeather- Nelly, P. Diddy & Murphy Lee
Baby Boy- Beyonce Featuring Sean Paul
Right Thurr- Chingy
Disturbing Tha Peace | 77995 | Capitol
Get Low- Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz Featuring Ying Yang Twins

Baseball Poem
(We were there and Sue snapped a picture of Bonds just as his bat hit the ball. She took a entire set of pictures of the event. To mark the occasion, I wrote the poem above.)
Barry Bonds Hits his 700 th Home Run
by Kit Menkin
He swaggered to the plate,
like Elvis Presley going on stage
Joe Louis entering the ring,
Taking care of business
The fans knew he would hit 700---
They stood as the Giants were leading
in the first inning
But the Pitcher hit Bonds in the chest
He shrugged it off,
like Elvis Presley going on stage,
Walking to first base,
Knowing he would score a run.
The field was more lit up than Las Vegas,
Bright, surreal, as if this was a movie set,
The players moving in slow motion
as the pitcher tried to take control.
The third inning the fans stood up again,
This time the ball came in for a strike,
as the pitcher had the guts with a fast ball,
It happened so fast.
Bonds swung in stride,
Moving in this baseball ballet,
Knowing the ball was his,
Taking care of business.
He ran the bases,
Went back to the dug out,
as the crowd went wild,
699 was changed to 700,
a new “legend” sign was revealed.
He did not come out again,
until the new inning
Walking to the right field,
next to the new “legend” banner.
He threw the ball several times
to the coach on the side line,
As the crowd continued to roar,
camera flash lights from the stadium.
He popped out the next time,
almost as if he swung too soon.
His run to first was fast than slow
as he watched the ball tell him no.
He came up to bat one more time,
Determined, seemingly angry,
Ready to make up for the last time,
It wasn't a swagger.
Don't treat me this way,
I'm going to hit it far,
Two strikes and he swung so hard,
if he had connected,
It would have gone to Treasure Island,
The swing had so much power,
You could feel it in the stands.
Afterwards he was happy,
His team won Four to One;
on Saturday he hit 701
Taking care of business.
The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?