(Regular edition follows)
Relational Technology Solutions Closing Down?
A spokesman for Relational Technology Solutions, Rolling Meadows, Illinois could not confirm nor deny that the company founded in 1990 with 360 employees, revenues of $325,000,000 was being sold, perhaps even closing down.
Several sources told Leasing News:
"I have not read anything on your web site regarding the impending sale of Relational Technology Solutions to MacQuarie it has been announced to the all of the employees of RTS. Are you aware of it?"
(name with held)
"Some if not all were sent a letter in the mail that their last day with the company would be October 1 or 15 - sales guys are supposed to be interviewing with MacQuarie to see if they are needed most admin will be let go as i understand it.."
(name with held)
Asked if a statement would be coming from Relational Technology Solutions, Leasing News was told "sorry, can't confirm that or deny that."
More of this breaking story in the next Leasing News edition.
Sales positions in the Western United States
5 years+ small ticket or mid market experience
Established customer/vendor relationships a plus. Draw/Base
plus commission. Submit resume to: jobs@TEQlease.com
TEQlease provides customized equipment leasing solutions for businesses.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sheldon Player---new "Alert"
by Christopher Menkin
Classified Ads---Sales Manager
New Readers---Welcome Aboard
ELFF Confidence Index slips slightly
ELFA-MLFI-25 August Charts on Leasing Business
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Bank Beat-Georgia: 19 since Jan.,24 since August
Top 11 metro areas (Where the business are)
Movies-DVD's Out Now
Fernando's Review by Fernando Croce
Leasing News Top Stories-September 21-25
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
News Briefs----
You May have Missed---
"Gimme that Wine"
Today's Top Event in History
This Day in American History
Baseball Poem
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
Sheldon Player---new "Alert"
by Christopher Menkin

Sheldon Player in bottled water business
In several Leasing News' "Alerts," readers were warned that
Sheldon Player was back as Equipment Acquisition Resources (EAR), Palatine, Illinois. Asked at the time in a telephone interview, if most leasing companies who were leasing to him, and also leasing equipment from his company as a dealer, knew of his background, he said 75% did. All the ones I spoke to did not. His wife was the president at the time, and Player said he was moving to Wyoming. This was in May, 2007.
In the latest deposition, Sheldon Player states the money from Red Oak Acquisition receivables was needed because his company Equipment Acquisition Resources (EAR) was about to default on
leases. This was over $2 million and evidently the dispute has
caused defaults at EAR. No one seems to be talking "on the record."
From a funder:
"I am surprised since he has hired a group of attorneys and workout specialists, at exorbitant cost to the company, to present a preposterous workout proposal to creditors. My company is a secured creditor and has been advised our equipment is not critical to the continuing operation of the company, but we should wait for a year or more to allow them to liquidate it in an orderly manner to the benefit of the company and all creditors. During this period we would not receive any payments. The company advisors are threatening bankruptcy if any creditor objects to the proposal.
"I have indicated my displeasure with the proposal and requested they surrender our equipment to us for disposition. The advisors have advised "EAR is not in a position to return the equipment at the present time." I do not know why since it is non-essential to the operation and considered surplus.
"Reading through the proposal it is clear it is not truly in the best interests of the creditors who are being asked to sit tight for an unknown period of time while EAR attempts to liquidate surplus equipment in an orderly manner.
"I was essentially forced to sign a confidentiality agreement to obtain even the smattering of info I got. I am sure all other creditors are in the same situation."
(name with held)

EAR web site states:
"We are the largest On-Hand supplier of dicing saws, lapping and polishing machines, ID and OD saws, wire saws and various other pieces of equipment related to the semiconductor industry. Our remanufactured equipment out-performs even new machines in finishing accuracy and attainable material thinness."

Sheldon Player, promoter of Jackson Hole bottled water, selling
distribution right, was the actual owner of EAR, who also served time in jail for $79 million taken from Greyhound Leasing & Financial Corp., at the time of the last telephone interview said he had done of $130
million in leasing. What lead to the interview and discovery, false income tax returns caught by Don Blody, now with Madison Capital.
Then in evidently a move to create cash Equipment Acquisition Resources, he got involved in the stock purchase of Red Oak Acquisition, assigned receivables and then it gets involved including venue for action, as it seems one party believes it was a scheme
to get cash. Red Oak filed first and then EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION RESOURCES, INC., an Illinois limited
liability company, DONNA L. MALONE, Individually, and MARK
ANSTETT, Individually,
FUND V, LLC, a Texas limited liability company,
In a recent court document a April 7,2009 email from Shelton Player
states: "We need $1.9 million for the next two weeks. The largest share is for lease payments and S1 Audio. We are starting to get
late and have asked for grace periods with some companies…"
If any reader has any information to forward, it will be held "in
the strictest of confidence" in sharing with other readers.
Previous stories:
New Readers---Welcome Aboard

Thank you for subscribing. You may also want to "bookmark" www.leasingnews.org as the "news edition" is also posted here. Generally it is every Monday-Wednesday-Friday, unless a holiday or I am on vacation, as I am today, headed back from 14 days in Hawaii.
ELFF Confidence Index slips slightly

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) released the September 2009 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) which "Overall, confidence in the equipment finance market is 53.8, a slight dip from 54.9 in August."
When asked about the future of the equipment finance industry, Roland Chalons-Browne, President, Siemens Financial Services stated "In general, [I feel] positive about the industry. We are actually seeing a significant decrease in activity as firms continue to focus on capital preservation and de-leveraging."
From the Small-ticket segment:
"The industry will likely experience a challenging future (along the overall financial sector) over the next 1-2 years led weak growth prospects, limited access to capital and funding and excessive credit losses."
Daniel Dyer, Marlin Business Services
From the Middle Market segment:
"The industry will remain challenged until the economy reaches a stabilization point. The loans and leases remain under pressure. The collateral value of the assets under lease/finance continue to decline. I don't think we have seen the bottom in equipment values."
Elaine Temple, BancorpSouth Equipment Finance
From the Large-ticket segment:
"Tough sledding the rest of this and into 2010. Let's see where and how we feel by the end of the first quarter next year."
David Fate, AIG Commercial Equipment Finance
Survey Respondent Demographics:
Responses to company demographics may add up to more than 100% because respondents are able to "select all that apply."

Market Segments Based on Transaction Size of New Business Volume
(New Business Volume Avg. Transaction Size Over $5 Million) 14.3%
(New Business Volume Avg. Transaction Size of $250,000 - $5 Million) 52.4%
( New Business Volume Avg. Transaction Size of $25,000 - $249,999) 28.6%
(New Business Volume Avg. Transaction Less Than $25,000)
Organization Size (Based on Annual New Business Volume for Fiscal Year 2008):

Respondents indicate:
o The majority of the leadership, 72.7% continue to evaluate the current U.S. economy as "poor."
o When asked to assess if their current business conditions would remain the same over the next four months, 25% of executives responding said they believe business conditions will improve over the next four months. 68.2% believe conditions will stay the same over the next four months, with 3.8% indicating they believe business conditions will worsen over the next four months.
o 61.4% of survey respondents believe demand for leases and loans to fund Capital Expenditures (Cap Ex) will remain the same over the next four months. 27.3% believe demand will increase, while 11.4% believe demand for leases and loans to fund CapEx will decrease over the next four months.
Full Report:
ELFA-MLFI-25 August Charts on Leasing Business

As predicted by Leasing News, August was down from July, 22.9%, and 35.1% compared to last year. This reflects what Leasing News is being told the small ticket is down from 40% to 60%, depending on the industry, and middle market 30% to 40%, depending on the industry.
The MLFI-25 data illustrate a pattern of stagnant growth in new business volume and at the same time, some deterioration in credit quality," said interim Equipment Leasing and Finance Association President Ralph Petta.

Ralph Petta
"It should come as no surprise to those following the equipment finance sector that it will take some time for troubled portfolios to work their way through the system."
(Click here for larger version)
ELFA New Business Chart
(Click here for larger version)
ELFA Credit Approval Chart
(Click here for larger version)
Change in approval process Chart
(Click here for larger version)
ELFA Charge Off Chart
(Click here for larger version)
ELFA Aging of Receivables Chart
(Click here for larger version)
Did you Business See a Down Turn Chart
(Click here for larger version)
Can you name a specific for downturn Chart
(Click here for larger version)
Underperforming Industries Chart
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
2 years + vendor driven experience
Active with major trades shows, vendor programs and Pefunding
Small office environment, with knowledgeable staff member and 17 year reputation for performance
Quality funding sources
Large commission structure with book of business
Confidential Interview:
Barbara Griffith 714-573-9804 ext 101
resume: bgriffith@socalleasing.com
Lease Corporation of America is seeking a select group of business development professionals to participate in our Independent Sales Associate program.
This is a commission only program that can lead to permanent employ with base salary, commission and benefits.
John Martella
LCA Financial, llc
Phone: 800.800.8098 ext. 5209
Direct: 248.743.5209
2 years+ small ticket ($150k and under) experience
We offer the ability to structure and fund Vendor Programs, great
commission splits; friendly support staff in beautiful Carlsbad, CA.
Remote office work is acceptable for the right candidate. More Info: click here or Email resumes@ilslease.com
ILS is a direct lender specializing in
Vendor Program business.
Sales positions in the Western United States
5 years+ small ticket or mid market experience
Established customer/vendor relationships a plus. Draw/Base
plus commission. Submit resume to: jobs@TEQlease.com
TEQlease provides customized equipment leasing solutions for businesses.
Bank Beat-Georgia: 19 since Jan.,24 since August

Nineteen banks have failed in George this year with Georgian Bank, Atlanta, Georgia become the 95th bank to fail in the US. Since August,
2008, when banking crisis began in August 2008, Georgia has had 24 banks fail. No other state has had as many failures during that time period.
The five branches of Georgian Bank, Atlanta, Georgia, 185 employees, are now open under the name of First Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Inc., Columbia, South Carolina, who the FDIC arranged to assume all of the deposits of Georgian Bank. A relatively young bank, founded in 2001, it did very well during the housing boom, but non-current loans went from $9,744,000 in June 30,2008 to $313,862,000 in June 30, 2009. The bank showed a profit of $5.6 million in June 30, 2008 to a loss of $45 million in June 30, 2009 with a net charge off of $25.8 million.
As of July 24, 2009, Georgian Bank had total assets of $2 billion and total deposits of approximately $2 billion. In addition to assuming all of the deposits of the failed bank, First Citizens Bank agreed to purchase essentially all of the assets. The FDIC estimates that the cost to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) will be $892 million
List of Bank Failures
Previous Bank Beat columns:
Top 11 metro areas (Where the business are)
---U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis

1. New York $1.26 trillion.
2. Los Angeles $717.9 billion
3. Chicago $520.7 billion.
4. Houston $403 billion
5. Washington, DC $395.7 billion
6. Dallas $379.9 billion
7. Philadelphia $331.9 billion
8. San Francisco $310.8 billion
9. Boston $299.6 billion
10. Atlanta $269.8 billion
11. Miami $261.2 billion

(This ad is a "trade" for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)
Fernando's View
By Fernando F. Croce
The imaginative fantasy "9" and the moving family drama "35 Shots of Rum" are worth seeing on the big screen, while DVD releases offer box-office hits ("Monsters vs. Aliens"), sleepers ("The Girlfriend Experience"), and the chance to revisit a classic ("The Wizard of Oz").
In Theaters:

9 (Focus Pictures): A fascinating mix of apocalyptic anxiety and childlike optimism, Shane Acker's animated futuristic adventure is one of the year's most original movies. The setting is not unlike that of the "Terminator" movies, a bleak future in which machines have turned on their makers, though the heroes trying to save the human race couldn't be more different. Created by a scientist in hopes of finding life in a devastated world, a group of "stitch-punk" creations make their way across the dangerous landscape, literally on a mission to save the world. Exciting and Visually breathtaking (if maybe too intense for small children), the movie shows the influence of producer Tim Burton ("The Nightmare Before Christmas") while creating a dynamic world of its own.

35 Shots of Rum (Cinema Guild): Claire Denis proves she's one of today's greatest directors with this deceptively modest family drama. Set in Paris, it sensitively depicts the warm, largely wordless relationship between Lionel (Alex Descas), a widowed, retirement-bound train conductor, and his college-student daughter Josephine (Mati Diop). When a young neighbor shows interest in Josephine, Lionel realizes that, as painful as it may be to them, it may be time for his daughter to begin a life of her. Without resorting to contrivance or histrionics, Denis crafts a graceful and deeply moving portrayal of family love that more than holds its own to the classics of Japanese master Yasujiro Ozu ("Tokyo Story") on which it is based. With subtitles.
New on DVD:
Netflix Tip: When ordering TV series, find out ahead of time on the Netflix page how many episodes are in each disc, so that you don't have either too little or too muchwhen trying to catch up with your favorite show.

The Girlfriend Experience (Magnolia Pictures): As unpredictable as ever, Steven Soderbergh follows up his mammoth two-part epic about "Che" Guevara with this small-scale but often witty, dry comedy about the risky areas where business and emotion meet. Chelsea (Sasha Grey) is a high-priced call girl making the rounds of Manhattan, dealing with her boyfriend, and trying her best to remain aloof and professional in an unpredictable profession. Shooting with digital cameras that allow brisk and intimate moments, Soderbergh creates an engaging and ultimately quite barbed portrait of how even feelings can be turned into consumable products. Keep an eye out for critic Glenn Kenny in a hilariously slimy cameo as one of the heroine's least savory acquaintances.

Monsters vs. Aliens (DreamWorks): The first in a series of 3-D movies from DreamWorks, this colorful animated feature has enough effervescence to galvanize young viewers and enough smart humor to delight their parents. The story follows plucky Susan (voiced by Reese Witherspoon), who in the same day has her wedding day interrupted by a falling meteorite and turned into a giant. Suddenly endowed with mysterious new powers, she's summoned to a secret government program to help save the world along other friendly creatures, which include an ever-hungry blob (Seth Rogen) and a smarty-pants cockroach (Hugh Laurie). Much of the film feels like a spoof of old monster movies, though one in which the monsters are an endearing bunch of misfits rather than a destructive force.

The Wizard of Oz (Warner Bros.): Celebrating its 70th anniversary, this legendary Hollywood classic remains as full of delights and surprises as ever. By now everybody knows the plot of this lavish screen version of L. Frank Baum's children's story, though that doesn't keep viewers from following the adventures of Dorothy (Judy Garland) and friends from the grays of Kansas to the flaming Technicolor of the magical world of Oz. After you're done marveling at the iconic performances (including Bert Lahr as the Cowardly Lion and Margaret Hamilton as the Wicked Witch) and unforgettable songs, make sure to check out the behind-the-scenes anecdotes to find out how often this beloved fantasy came close to disaster during production.
Leasing 102
by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP

While bankruptcy cases are always filed in United States Bankruptcy Court (an adjunct to the U.S. District Courts), bankruptcy cases, particularly with respect to the validity of claims and exemptions, are often dependent upon State law. State law therefore plays a major role in many bankruptcy cases, and it is often not possible to generalize bankruptcy law across state lines.
Generally, a debtor declares bankruptcy to obtain relief from debt, and this is accomplished either through a discharge of the debt or through a restructuring of the debt. Generally, when a debtor files a voluntary petition, his or her bankruptcy case commences.
The most common types of personal bankruptcy for individuals are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. As much as 65% of all U.S. consumer bankruptcy filings are Chapter 7 cases. Corporations and other business forms file under Chapters 7 or 11.
In Chapter 7, a debtor surrenders his or her non-exempt property to a bankruptcy trustee who then liquidates the property and distributes the proceeds to the debtor's unsecured creditors. In exchange, the debtor is entitled to a discharge of some debt; however, the debtor will not be granted a discharge if he or she is guilty of certain types of inappropriate behavior (e.g. concealing records relating to financial condition) and certain debts (e.g. spousal and child support, student loans, some taxes) will not be discharged even though the debtor is generally discharged from his or her debt. Many individuals in financial distress own only exempt property (e.g. clothes, household goods, an older car) and will not have to surrender any property to the trustee. The amount of property that a debtor may exempt varies from state to state. Chapter 7 relief is available only once in any eight year period. Generally, the rights of secured creditors to their collateral continues even though their debt is discharged. For example, absent some arrangement by a debtor to surrender a car or "reaffirm" a debt, the creditor with a security interest in the debtor's car may repossess the car even if the debt to the creditor is discharged.
The 2005 amendments to the Bankruptcy Code introduced the "means test" for eligibility for chapter 7. An individual who fails the means test will have his or her chapter 7 case dismissed or may have to convert his or her case to a case under chapter 13.
Generally, a trustee will sell most of the debtor's assets to pay off creditors. However, certain assets of the debtor are protected to some extent. For example, Social Security payments, unemployment compensation, and limited values of your equity in a home, car, or truck, household goods and appliances, trade tools, and books are protected. However, these exemptions vary from state to state. Therefore, it is advisable to consult an experienced bankruptcy attorney.
In Chapter 13, the debtor retains ownership and possession of all of his or her assets, but must devote some portion of his or her future income to repaying creditors, generally over a period of three to five years. The amount of payment and the period of the repayment plan depend upon a variety of factors, including the value of the debtor's property and the amount of a debtor's income and expenses. Secured creditors may be entitled to greater payment than unsecured creditors.
Relief under Chapter 13 is available only to individuals with regular income whose debts do not exceed prescribed limits. If you're an individual or a sole proprietor, you are allowed to file for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy to repay all or part of your debts. Under this chapter, you can propose a repayment plan in which to pay your creditors over three to five years. If your monthly income is less than the state's median income, your plan will be for three years unless the court finds "just cause" to extend the plan for a longer period. If your monthly income is greater than your state's median income, the plan must generally be for five years. A plan cannot exceed the five-year limitation.
In contrast to Chapter 7, the debtor in Chapter 13 may keep all of his or her property, whether or not exempt. If the plan appears feasible and if the debtor complies with all the other requirements, the bankruptcy court will typically confirm the plan and the debtor and creditors will be bound by its terms. Creditors have no say in the formulation of the plan other than to object to the plan, if appropriate, on the grounds that it does not comply with one of the Code's statutory requirements. Generally, the payments are made to a trustee who in turn disburses the funds in accordance with the terms of the confirmed plan.
When the debtor completes payments pursuant to the terms of the plan, the court will formally grant the debtor a discharge of the debts provided for in the plan. However, if the debtor fails to make the agreed upon payments or fails to seek or gain court approval of a modified plan, a bankruptcy court will often dismiss the case on the motion of the trustee. Pursuant to the dismissal, creditors will typically resume pursuit of state law remedies to the extent a debt remains unpaid.
In Chapter 11, the debtor retains ownership and control of its assets and is re-termed a debtor in possession ("DIP"). The debtor in possession runs the day to day operations of the business while creditors and the debtor work with the Bankruptcy Court in order to negotiate and complete a plan. Upon meeting certain requirements (e.g. fairness among creditors, priority of certain creditors) creditors are permitted to vote on the proposed plan. If a plan is confirmed the debtor will continue to operate and pay its debts under the terms of the confirmed plan. If a specified majority of creditors do not vote to confirm a plan, additional requirements may be imposed by the court in order to confirm the plan.
Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 are the efficient bankruptcy chapters often used by most individuals. The chapters which almost always apply to consumer debtors are chapter 7, known as a "straight bankruptcy", and chapter 13, which involves an affordable plan of repayment. An important feature applicable to all types of bankruptcy filings is the automatic stay. The automatic stay means that the mere request for bankruptcy protection automatically stops and brings to a grinding halt most lawsuits, repossessions, foreclosures, evictions, garnishments, attachments, utility shut-offs, and debt collection harassment.
There are six types of bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code, located at Title 11 of the United States Code:
" Chapter 7: basic liquidation for individuals and businesses; also known as straight bankruptcy; it is the simplest and quickest form of bankruptcy available
" Chapter 9: municipal bankruptcy; a federal mechanism for the resolution of municipal debts
" Chapter 11: rehabilitation or reorganization, used primarily by business debtors, but sometimes by individuals with substantial debts and assets; known as corporate bankruptcy, it is a form of corporate financial reorganization which typically allows companies to continue to function while they follow debt repayment plans
" Chapter 12: rehabilitation for family farmers and fishermen;
" Chapter 13: rehabilitation with a payment plan for individuals with a regular source of income; enables individuals with regular income to develop a plan to repay all or part of their debts; also known as Wage Earner Bankruptcy
" Chapter 15: ancillary and other international cases; provides a mechanism for dealing with bankruptcy debtors and helps foreign debtors to clear debts.
Mr. Terry Winders, CLP, has been a teacher, consultant, expert witness for the leasing industry for thirty years and can be reached at leaseconsulting@msn.com or 502-327-8666.
He invites your questions and queries.
Previous #102 Columns:

News Briefs----
You May have Missed---

"Gimme that Wine"
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http://www.localwineevents.com/ http://www.wine-searcher.com/
Winery Atlas
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page
The London International Vintners Exchange (Liv-ex) is an electronic exchange for fine wine.
[headlines] ----------------------------------------------------------------
Today's Top Event in History
1850 - Pres. Millard Fillmore named Mormon leader Brigham Young as the first governor of the Utah Territory.

This Day in American History
1803- The first Roman Catholic Church in Boston was formally dedicated. (Catholics had not been permitted any religious freedom within this predominantly Puritan colony prior to the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780.)
1862 - Union General Jefferson C. Davis mortally wounds his commanding officer, General William Nelson, in Louisville, Kentucky. Davis had been upset by a reprimand handed down by Nelson. After quarreling in a hotel lobby, Nelson slapped Davis. Davis then chased him upstairs and shot him. Davis was never court-martialed, and it is thought that the influence of Indiana Governor Oliver Morton, who was with Davis at the time of the shooting, was instrumental in preventing a trial. Davis went on to serve with distinction at the Battles of Stones River, Chickamauga, and Chattanooga.
1907- Birthday of Gene Autry, born Tioga, Texas: ‘The Singing Cowboy', actor in over 100 cowboy westerns, singer, CMA Hall of Fame and the only person to have 5 Hollywood Walk of Fame stars. They were for film, radio, TV, stage and records; born Tioga, Texas. Autry made 635 recordings, including more than 300 songs written or co-written by him. His records sold more than 100 million copies and he has more than a dozen gold and platinum records, including the first record ever certified gold. His Christmas and children's records Here Comes Santa Claus and Peter Cottontail are among his platinum recordings. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer , the second all-time best selling Christmas single, boasts in excess of 30 million in sales. In 1950, Autry became the first major movie star to use the television medium. Always a man of vision, Autry excelled and for the next five years he produced and starred in 91 half-hour episodes of The Gene Autry Show for CBS Television. This success lead him to produce such popular TV series as Annie Oakley, The Range Rider, Buffalo Bill Jr., The Adventures Of Champion as well as the first 39 episodes of Death Valley Days. My father Lawrence Menkin wrote many of the episodes, plus served as story editor.
1908-Birthday of Thomas Edward (Eddie) Tolan, Olympic gold medal sprinter born at Denver, CO). Tolan was the first black American athlete to win two gold medals, triumphing in the 100 meters and the 200 meters at the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles. At his death, he still held the Michigan high school record of 9.8 seconds in the 100-yard dash. Died at Detroit, MI, Jan. 31, 1967.
1918--EGGERS, ALAN LOUIS Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Sergeant, U.S. Army, Machine Gun Company, 107th Infantry, 27th Division. Place and date: Near Le Catelet, France, 29 September 1918. Entered service at: Summit, N.J. Birth: Saranac Lake, N.Y. G.O. No.: 20, W.D., 1919. Citation: Becoming separated from their platoon by a smoke barrage, Sgt. Eggers, Sgt. John C. Latham and Cpl. Thomas E. O'Shea took cover in a shell hole well within the enemy's lines. Upon hearing a call for help from an American tank, which had become disabled 30 yards from them, the 3 soldiers left their shelter and started toward the tank, under heavy fire from German machineguns and trench mortars. In crossing the fire-swept area Cpl. O'Shea was mortally wounded, but his companions, undeterred, proceeded to the tank, rescued a wounded officer, and assisted 2 wounded soldiers to cover in a sap of a nearby trench. Sgt. Eggers and Sgt. Latham then returned to the tank in the face of the violent fire, dismounted a Hotchkiss gun, and took it back to where the wounded men were, keeping off the enemy all day by effective use of the gun and later bringing it, with the wounded men, back to our lines under cover of darkness.
1918-LEMERT, MILO Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: First Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company G, 119th Infantry, 30th Division. Place and date: Near Bellicourt, France, 29 September 1918. Entered service at: Crossville, Tenn. Birth: Marshalltown, lowa. G.O. No.: 59, W.D., 1919. Citation: Seeing that the left flank of his company was held up, he located the enemy machinegun emplacement, which had been causing heavy casualties. In the face of heavy fire he rushed it single-handed, killing the entire crew with grenades. Continuing along the enemy trench in advance of the company, he reached another emplacement, which he also charged, silencing the gun with grenades. A third machinegun emplacement opened up on him from the left and with similar skill and bravery he destroyed this also. Later, in company with another sergeant, he attacked a fourth machinegun nest, being killed as he reached the parapet of the emplacement. His courageous action in destroying in turn 4 enemy machinegun nests prevented many casualties among his company and very materially aided in achieving the objective.
1918 --Captain GH Wilkins, official AIF photographer, rallies United States troops at the battle of the Hindenburg Line, while taking photographs for this action he is awarded a bar to his Military Cross, becoming the only Australian official photographer to be decorated for bravery in the field.
1927 - An outbreak of tornadoes from Oklahoma to Indiana caused 81 deaths and 25 million dollars damage. A tornado (possibly two tornadoes) cut an eight-mile long path across Saint Louis MO, to Granite City IL, killing 79 persons. The damage path at times was a mile and a quarter in width. The storm followed a similar path to tornadoes which struck in 1871, 1896, and 1959.
1935-Birthday of singer/piano player Jerry Lee Lewis. ("Whole Lot of Shakin' Goin' On," "Great Balls of Fire"), born Ferriday, LA.
1937-Birthday of guitarist Joe Hughes, Houston, Texas.
1938 -Charleston, SC was hit with 5 tornadoes, which killed 32 people and did $2 million in damage
1939 - Germany and the Soviet Union agree to divide control of occupied Poland roughly along the Bug River--the Germans taking everything west, the Soviets taking everything east.
1942- Hugh Mulzac, first Black captain of a US merchant ship, launches with the Booker T Washington,
1946 - "The Adventures of Sam Spade" premiered on CBS radio this Sunday night. In the summer of 1946, it had aired on ABC on Friday nights. "The Adventures of Sam Spade", starring Howard Duff as detective Spade, became a hit on Sunday night radio.
It was based on novels by writer Dashiell Hammet.
1947 - Musician Dizzy Gillespie (performing with Charlie Parker) made his Carnegie Hall debut in New York City. Playing with a full-sized band, Gillespie was the leader of a new wave of jazz known as bebop. Over time, Gillespie became one of the great jazz players of all time.
1947---Top Hits
Feudin' and Fightin' - Dorothy Shay
I Wish I Didn't Love You So - Vaughn Monroe
I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now - Perry Como
Smoke! Smoke! Smoke! (That Cigarette) - Tex Williams
1948-Brithday of broadcaster and amateur golfer Bryant Gumbel, born, New Orleans, LA.
1950--CHRISTIANSON, STANLEY R. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, Company E, 2d Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein.). Place and date: Seoul, Korea, 29 September 1950. Entered service at: Mindoro, Wis. Born: 24 January 1925, Mindoro, Wis. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving with Company E, in action against enemy aggressor forces at Hill 132, in the early morning hours. Manning 1 of the several listening posts covering approaches to the platoon area when the enemy commenced the attack, Pfc. Christianson quickly sent another marine to alert the rest of the platoon. Without orders, he remained in his position and, with full knowledge that he would have slight chance of escape, fired relentlessly at oncoming hostile troops attacking furiously with rifles, automatic weapons, and incendiary grenades. Accounting for 7 enemy dead in the immediate vicinity before his position was overrun and he himself fatally struck down, Pfc. Christianson, by his superb courage, valiant fighting spirit, and devotion to duty, was responsible for allowing the rest of the platoon time to man positions, build up a stronger defense on that flank, and repel the attack with 41 of the enemy destroyed, many more wounded, and 3 taken prisoner. His self-sacrificing actions in the face of overwhelming odds sustain and enhance the finest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. Pfc. Christianson gallantly gave his life for his country.
1953-- “Make Room for Daddy,” premiers on TV. Danny Thomas starred as Danny Williams, a nightclub singer and comedian, in this family sitcom. The series was renamed "The Danny Thomas Show" in 1956 after Jean Hagen (who played his wife, Margaret) left the show. Many cast members returned for the show's sequel, "Make Room for Granddaddy" in 1970. Thomas' co-stars were: Sherry Jackson and Penney Parker as Danny's daughter Terry; Rusty Hamer as son Rusty; Amanda Randolph as housekeeper Louise; Horace McMahon as Danny's agent, Phil Arnold; Jesse White as agent Jesse Leeds; Sid Melton as Charlie Halper, owner of the Copa Club; Ben Lessy as Danny's pianist, Ben; Mary Wickes as his publicist, Liz O'Neal; Hans Conried as Uncle Tonoose; Nan Bryant as Danny's mother-in-law and Marjorie Lord as his new wife Kathy O'Hara. Rusty Hamer was our next door neighbor growing up in Pacific Palisades, California. His brother was my age and we were best friends, double-dating all the time. Danny Thomas, who many now remember as Marlo's dad and Phil Donahue's father-in-law, is also remembered for many things that influenced television. At the suggestion of his friend, Desi Arnaz, Thomas negotiated a deal that would allow him to retain ownership rights to his programs, like Make Room for Daddy, which debuted this day on ABC-TV. Later, in 1957, the show would move to CBS under the Desilu/Danny Thomas Productions banner. The rest is, literally, TV history. His success allowed him to give something back to the world, in the form of his philanthropic efforts to build St. Jude's Children's Hospital in Memphis. "All I prayed for was a break," he once told an interviewer, "and I said I would do anything, anything, to pay back the prayer if it could be answered. All I needed was a sign of what to do and I would do it." And so it was.
1954---Willie Mays made a fabulous over-the-shoulder catch that many regard as the most famous in baseball history. It came in the first game of the World Series as the New York Giants were playing the Cleveland Indians. Vic Wertz of the Indians hit a long drive to deep center field in the Polo Grounds. Bays turned on the ball, caught it running full stride about 475 feet from home plate, wheeled and threw. The Gaints won the game, 3-0, in 10 innings on Dusty Rhodes's pinch-hit home run and swept the Indians in the Series.
1955---Top Hits
The Yellow Rose of Texas - Mitch Miller
Love is a Many-Splendored Thing - The Four Aces
Tina Marie - Perry Como
I Don't Care - Webb Pierce
1955 - Arthur Miller's play, A View from the Bridge, opened on Broadway on this date, and received mixed reviews from critics.
1956-So far, RCA Victor has received over 856,327 advance orders for Elvis Presley's "Love Me Tender."
1958-The Big Bopper's "Chantilly Lace" enters the US Pop chart, where it will top out at #6.
1959-Tommy Edwards' "It's All In The Game" lead the Billboard chart. The melody of the song had been written in 1912 by Charles Gates Dawes, who would become vice-president of the United States between 1925 and 1929. Updated lyrics were added in 1951.
1959-Little Anthony and the Imperials record "Shimmy Shimmy Koko Bop", which will reach #24 in the US early next year.
1959 -Hurricane Gracie made landfall near Beaufort, SC with sustained winds of 97 mph with a peak gust to 138 mph. 10 people were killed in South Carolina and Georgia. As the weakening storm moved through Virginia on the 30th, she spawned an F3 tornado at Ivy, VA which killed 11 people
1959 - The irreverent cartoon TV series, Rocky and Bullwinkle, created by Jay Ward, debuted on ABC on this date. It was the most sophisticated satirical cartoon series of the television era at that time. The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis debuted on CBS on the same evening.
1958-"It's All in the Game" by Tommy Edwards topped the charts and stayed there for 6 weeks.
1958-The Big Bopper's "Chantilly Lace" enters the pop chart at #27 and the Moonglows' "Ten Commandments of Love," enters the pop charts at #41.
1960 - ABC-TV brought "My Three Sons" into United States homes. Movie actor Fred MacMurray had a hard time adjusting to the small screen. "My Three Sons" did so well CBS bought it in 1965, for somewhere between seven and ten million dollars.
1962- President JF Kennedy authorized use of federal troops in integration of University of Mississippi. James H. Meredith was escorted onto the University of Mississippi campus by U.S. marshals. Tow men were killed in the ensuing mob violence, which was quelled with the aid of 3000 federal soldiers. The next day Meredith was enrolled and began to attend classes amid continuing disruption by protestors. On June 6, 1966, James Meredith was shot and wounded while on a lone march from Memphis, Tenn. to Jackson, Miss. to encourage black voter registration. Only June 26, 26 groups from across the country joined with Meredith to complete the march. From 1989 to 1991, Meredith served as a policy advisor to conservative Republican Senator Jesse Helms, who only ten years earlier had opposed the establishment of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. He is an author and businessman today.
1962 - My Fair Lady closed on this day after a run of 6½ years. At the time, the show held the Broadway record for longest-running musical of all time. 3,750,000 people watched the wonderful show and heard tunes like Wouldn't it Be Loverly, Show Me, Get Me to the Church on Time, I'm an Ordinary Man, I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face and the Vic Damone/Robert Goulet standard, On the Street Where You Live. The team of Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe turned George Bernard Shaw's play, Pygmalion, into a colorful, musical production. They gave a new life to the rough- around-the-edges, cockney, flower girl; the subject of a bet between Professor Higgins (Just You Wait, 'Enry 'Iggins) and a colleague. The Professor bet that he could turn Eliza Doolittle into a proper lady (The Rain in Spain). With a Little Bit of Luck he did it. Eliza, looking and acting very much like a princess, sang I Could Have Danced All Night. After its Broadway success, My Fair Lady was made into a motion picture (1964) and won seven Academy Awards including Best Picture.
1966-Birthday of football player Kenneth Howard (Ken) Norton, Jr., born Jacksonville, IL.
1963---Top Hits
Blue Velvet - Bobby Vinton
Sally, Go 'Round the Roses - The Jaynetts
Be My Baby - The Ronettes
Abilene - George Hamilton IV
1963-Rolling Stones 1st tour (opening act for Bo Diddley & Everly Bros)
1965 - Hanoi publishes the text of a letter it has written to the Red Cross claiming that since there is no formal state of war, U.S. pilots shot down over the North will not receive the rights of prisoners of war (POWs) and will be treated as war criminals.
1967 -”Alice” premiers on TV. Linda Lavin played the title role in this CBS comedy that was based on the 1975 film Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore. Alice Hyatt was the new girl in town--a widow raising her son while trying to make ends meet by waitressing at a diner. She also had dreams of making it big as a singer. Nine years later, Alice was able to leave her "temp" job for a gig. Lavin's co-stars were: Vic Tayback as diner owner Mel Sharples, Philip McKeon as Alice's son, Tommy, Beth Howland as waitress Vera Gorman, Polly Holliday as sassy waitress Flo Castleberry, Diane Ladd as Flo's replacement Belle Dupree, Celia Weston as waitress Jolene Hunnicut, Martha Raye as Mel's mother, Carrie and Marvin Kaplan as customer Henry Beesmyer. The last episode was on August 31, 1976.
1967 - Motown's Soul label released Gladys Knight and the Pips's I Heard It Through the Grapevine. It ultimately reached Number 2 on the pop charts and Number 1 on the rhythm and blues charts.
1967-Mickey Hart joins the Grateful Dead.
1970-- The New American Bible was published by the St. Anthony Guild Press. It represented the first English version Roman Catholic Bible to be translated from the original Biblical Greek and Hebrew languages. (The Rheims-Douai Version of 1610 had been based on Jerome's Latin Vulgate.)
1971---Top Hits
Go Away Little Girl - Donny Osmond
Maggie Mae/Reason to Believe - Rod Stewart
The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down - Joan Baez
The Year That Clayton Delaney Died - Tom T. Hall
1973- "We're an American Band" by the Grand Funk Railroad topped the charts and stayed there for a week.
1974-- The U.S. Congress passed the Equal Credit Opportunity Act designed to equalize credit opportunities for women and men. Under the new law, women's income had to be counted in the same way as men's income for credit ratings. It also decreed no one should be refused credit on account of sex or marital status.
1975- WGPR-TV Detroit, first Black-owned station in US, begins broadcasting.
1976 --Tommy Lasorda is named to succeed Walter Alston as Dodger manager. 'Smokey', compiled a 2040-1613 record (.558), during his 23-year tenure with the club winning seven pennants and four world championships.
1977 - In history's most-watched prize fight, Muhammad Ali defeated Ernie Shavers, in a decision, to claim the heavyweight championship boxing crown. The bout was televised from Madison Square Garden in New York City to an estimated 70 million viewers on NBC-TV. The first woman official of a heavyweight title boxing match officiated the match.
1977 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Star Wars Theme/Cantina Band," Meco. The 15-minute song is a disco version of several themes from the top movie of 1977.
1979 - Cheap Trick's "Ain't That A Shame" peaks at #35 on the singles chart, while Robert Palmer's "Bad Case Of Loving You" peaks at #14, Nick Lowe's "Cruel To Be Kind" peaks at #12 and Dave Edmunds' "Girls Talk" peaks at #65.
1979 ---Gold hits record $400.20 an ounce in Hong Kong.
1979---Top Hits
My Sharona - The Knack
Sad Eyes - Robert John
Rise - Herb Alpert
It Must Be Love - Don Williams
1982-The first poisoning of store merchandise known to have resulted in numerous deaths took place in and around Chicago, Il. In a three-day period from September 29 to October 1, 1982, seven people died after taking Tylenol, a brand of acetaminophen, which they had bought at a local drugstores and supermarkets. A murderer who was never apprehended had removed the bottles from store shelves, opened them, added cyanide to the capsule of Tylenol, and replaced them in the stores. Tylenol removed all their product from the stores and destroyed them. The poisonings led to the introduction of wraps and seals on all pharmaceutical products and many other products as well.
1983 - Heavy rains began in central and eastern Arizona which culminated in the worst flood in the history of the state. Eight to ten inch rains across the area caused severe flooding in southeastern Arizona which resulted in thirteen deaths and 178 million dollars damage. President Reagan declared eight counties of Arizona to be disaster areas.
1983- A Chorus Line became the longest-running show on Broadway, with performance number 3,389. Grease, the rock 'n' roll production, had been the previous box-office champ since 1980.
1984- "Let's Go Crazy" by Prince & the Revolution topped the charts and stayed there for 2 weeks.
1984-The Cars' "Drive" peaks at #3 on the pop singles chart.
1985 - MacGyver, starring Richard Dean Anderson, debuted on ABC on this night.
Fortunately, the last detail is unimportant when compared to his astounding mind. Drawing on a vast practical knowledge of science, Macgyver is able to make use of any mundane materials around him to create unorthodox solutions to any problem he faces. The enemies of world peace and justice continually learn that underestimating this man is a fatal mistake for their plans. The popular series last seven years, perhaps making MacGyver a verb in our language for turning someting simple into a major tool.
1986 - The sitcom, Designing Women, starring Dixie Carter, Delta Burke, Annie Potts, and Jean Smart premiered on CBS. The well-written show had a loyal following, and touched on many female topics that few shows then, or now, tackle. Last episode: May 24, 1993
1987 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Didn't We Almost Have It All," Whitney Houston.
1987---Top Hits
Didn't We Almost Have It All - Whitney Houston
Here I Go Again - Whitesnake
Lost in Emotion - Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam
Three Time Loser - Dan Seals
1987--“Thirtysomething,” premiers on TV. This ABC drama series about a group of seven baby boomers was created by boomers Ed Zwick and Marshall Herskovitz. The show's characters were very real to many viewers who were able to identify with their struggles--such as the death of a parent, disease, relationships, singlehood, marriage, divorce, career setbacks and the birth of a child. The cast featured Ken Olin as Michael Steadman; Mel Harris as his wife, Hope; Jade Mortimer and the Craven twins, Brittany and Lacey, as their daughter Jane; Timothy Busfield as Michael's business partner, Elliot Weston; Patricia Wettig (Olin's real-life wife) as Elliot's wife, Nancy; Luke Rossi as their son Ethan; Jordana Shapiro as their daughter Brittany; Polly Draper as Hope's friend Ellyn Warren; Melanie Mayron as Michael's cousin, Melissa Steadman and Peter Horton as family friend Gary Shepherd. The popular show lasted until 1991.
1987 - A slow moving cold front produced rain from the Great Lakes Region to the Central Gulf Coast Region. A late afternoon thunderstorm produced wind gusts to 62 mph at Buffalo NY. Warm weather continued in the western U.S. In Oregon, the afternoon high of 96 degrees at Medford was a record for the date.
1989 - Seven cities reported record high temperatures for the date, as readings soared into the 80s and low 90s in the Northern Plateau and Northern Plains Region. Record highs included 91 degrees at Boise ID, and 92 degrees at Sheridan WY. The high of 100 degrees at Tucson AZ marked their 51st record high of the year, and their 92nd day of 100 degree weather.
1990 - In Washington, DC, the National Cathedral (officially, the Cathedral Church of St. Peter and St. Paul) was completed after 83 years of construction. Begun in 1907, the Gothic edifice had been used in its incomplete form since 1912.
1991-snow began in Caribou, ME at 8:35 p.m. on the29th and ending at 2 am on the 30th with 2.5 inches accumulating.
1994 - The Pointer Sisters receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The star on Hollywood Boulevard was originally set to be unveiled in January, but an earthquake struck Los Angeles three days before the scheduled ceremony. The Pointers are the first African-American female music group to receive the honor.
1996-Astros Retiren's Number. The Houston Astros retired uniform number 34 in honor of their former pitcher, Nolan Ryan, who played for Houston for nine seasons.
The ceremony made Ryan the only player to have his number retired by three teams, the California Angeles, adn the Texas Rangers having previously accorded him the honor.
2001-Some 7,000 people marched for peace in Washington DC while an estimated 7-10 thousand marched in San Francisco. They marched to mourn terrorist victims, and to urge the nation to heal poverty and injustice that fuels global violence instead of focusing on military revenge.
2002--- Barry Bonds sets a new season mark for on-base percentage with a .582 OBP. The 38-year old Giant left fielder, who became the oldest first-time winner of a batting title hitting .370, easily surpassed the 1941 mark established by Ted Williams with a .553 OBP.
2004 ---Major League Baseball announces Washington D.C. will become the new home of the Montreal Expos in time for the 2005 season. The nation's capital, which was chosen over finalists including Las Vegas and Northern Virginia, will have baseball first time in 33 years since the expansion Senators left in 1971 to become the Texas Rangers.
Baseball Poem

Ballpark Haiku by Tim Peller
Hot wicked summer
Against the fat man's belly
Budweiser can sweats
Under the shrubbery
Down by the bullpen mound
Yellow jackets whine
Budweiser! he calls
between innings, between pitches,
between breaths
God Protects Fools with Curveballs
Going after her
Was chasing
A bad pitch,
A sharp curve
That tailed off
Into the dirt,
Evaded the end
Of my whirling bat.
Thank goodness
I only looked stupid
On the first strike.
from " Touching the Bases"
These come from a soft cover 128 pages
with index published by www.mcfarlandpub.com
He is a unique American poet.
He lives in Hickory, North Carolina.
The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?
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