Monday, April 4, 2022
Today's Leasing News Headlines
Missouri's "Show Me the Disclosures" Bill Advances
Are Brokers and Leasing Companies Aloof?
Kenneth C. Greene, Leasing News Legal Editor
Funders Taking "New" Broker Business List
Four Do Not Require that Brokers Be Licensed
North Mill Equipment Finance Hits All-Time High
for Month of March: $49 Million
Commercial Finance and Leasing Industry Ads
Spring into an Awesome New Job
First Quarter Has Been Robust for Most
in Commercial Finance and Leasing
By Scott Wheeler, CLFP
Top Ten Leasing News Read by Readers
March 29 to April 1
Trucking’s Inflation Worries Go Beyond Fuel
By Avery Vise, FTR
Most Influential Women in Leasing and Finance
Terrier Mix
Alpharetta, Georgia Adopt-a-Dog
Annual AACFB Conference
May 11 - 13 Charlotte, North Carolina
Concert for Ukraine, Monday, April 4th, 5pm
Presented by Ken Greene & the Get Together Foundation
News Briefs---
Five Takeaways from deBanked
Spring break travel mess: Airlines cancel,
delay 12,000 weekend flights
Tesla sells 310,000 vehicles in 1Q,
despite logistics issues
Why much of California’s top crop — almonds —
has been purchased, but is sitting in storage
Benefield: You never know what you’ll find
in the pages of a book
You May have Missed---
Supply chain winner: This Bay Area trucker
is taking home close to $1,000 per day
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (wrilter's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months (Be Careful of Doing Business)
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California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that wine"
This Day in History
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######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release,” it was not written by Leasing News nor has the information been verified. The source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “byline.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.

Missouri's "Show Me the Disclosures" Bill Advances;
Are Brokers and Leasing Companies Aloof?
Kenneth C. Greene, Leasing News Legal Editor
On March 31, 2022, Missouri’s HB 2706, entitled “Disclosure of Information on Certain Financing Products” progressed out of committee and is headed for a vote of the full House. At the same time, the Missouri Senate is considering a “Commercial Financing Disclosure Act,” denominated SB 963.
The main difference between the two bills is that the House bill exempts factoring while the Senate bill does not. Both bills apply only to providers who consummate more than five commercial financing products to a business located in Missouri in any calendar year. The required disclosures under HB 2706 are fairly benign, at the moment, as compared to many other states, and mandate disclosure of:
1. The total amount of funds to be provided;
2. The total amount of funds disbursed to the business;
3. The total amount to be paid to the provider;
4. The manner, frequency and amount of each payment;
5. A statement re: any prepayment costs; and
6. A statement of whether a broker is being paid a commission.
The required disclosures under SB 963 are the same as the house bill. Both bills have similar exemptions, though the House bill exempts factoring and the Senate bill does not. Neither bill creates a private cause of action.
The penalties for violation of either of the bills are $500 per incident, up to a $20,000 maximum, or, for willful violations, $1000 per incident, up to a $50,000 maximum.
In a recent article in deBanked about the recent conference in Miami, it was noted that “brokers and funders alike expressed little concern that the new disclosure laws would lead to sweeping changes.” deBanked, Adam Zaki March 31, 2020 (see News Briefs).
If Mr. Zaki is correct, the finance industry is going to be in for an unwelcome shock. These new laws, now pending or passed in at least nine states, are no longer the exception but the rule.
From my personal dealings representing clients before the California DFPI, I believe that compliance with these disclosure provisions will be closely monitored and violators sanctioned. It is, in my opinion, a huge mistake to ignore these new laws.
Unfortunately for those who do play by the rules, this will be no easy feat. Each of these states has its own disclosure regulations, and each state has separate rules depending upon the nature of the transaction. In my opinion, it makes far more sense to have a uniform set of disclosure rules that apply to all 50 states, like the Uniform Commercial Code, a clear and highly effective means of regulating commercial business transactions.
This may be easy for the larger companies, who might have the resources to hire compliance experts and/or attorneys, but it could seriously jeopardize the continued viability of the smaller companies
and independent brokers.
These costs will undoubtedly be passed on to the borrower as a means of offsetting the higher costs. This is ironic, considering the new laws were intended to protect the borrower. This could signal a major sea change in the face of the equipment finance industry.
Update: When Do the New Commercial Laws Take Effect?
Ken Greene Leasing & Finance Observations
Ken Greene
Tel: 818.575.9095
Fax: 805.435.7464

Funders Taking "New" Broker Business List
Four Do Not Require that Brokers Be Licensed
BSB Leasing, Inc.
Bankers Capital
C.H. Brown Company
Forum Financial Services
TimePayment Corp.
The following “funders” have informed Leasing News they will consider business from “new” third party originators. Many companies require a certain length of time in business and other requirements, such as a specific volume of business. These “funders” will consider submissions from those new in the leasing and finance business:
In Business Since
Leasing Association
16 |
National |
$10,000 Minimum
Application Only to
$250,000 Financial
Statement Transaction
Up to $1MM Business
Loans Up to $500K
Y |
N |
N |
Y |
Y |
6 |
50 states |
$25,000 + |
Y |
N |
N |
N |
C.H. Brown Company
a Subsidiary of Platte Valley Bank
Wheatland, Wyoming
Kit West
Business Development Director/Broker Relations
20 |
Y |
N |
Y |
N |
N |
7 |
Nationwide |
$50,000 - $1.5 million (Our average size transaction is $250,000. Preferred range $100,000 - $500,000) |
N/R |
N |
N/R |
N/R |
N/R |
175 |
Y |
N |
N |
Y |
Y |
A -Accepts Broker Business | B -Requires Broker be Licensed | C -Sub-Broker Program
| D -"Private label Program" | E - Also "in house" salesmen

North Mill Equipment Finance Hits All-Time High
for Month of March: $49 Million

NORWALK, CT – North Mill Equipment Finance LLC (“NMEF”), a leading independent commercial equipment lessor headquartered in Norwalk, Connecticut, announced today that first quarter loan and lease originations reached an all-time high of $109M, up 99% from the same period last year. Originations for the month of March represent a new pinnacle as funded volume surpassed $49 million, eclipsing the December 2021 originations high of $36 million.

NMEF Chairman and CEO, David C. Lee, said, “I could not be prouder of the energy, dedication, and collaboration that the team at NMEF displays each and every day.
“We were able to double our funded volume in one year with only a 33% increase in headcount while achieving greater asset and industry diversity and maintaining yields without sacrificing credit quality as evidenced by a weighted average guarantor FICO of 716.”

According to Mark Bonanno, NMEF’s President and COO, “Our exclusive commitment to the broker channel remains steadfast. By deepening our strategic relationships with key referral partners, we were able to substantially improve our efficiency and service levels, allowing us to double funded volume while processing nearly the same number of applications as the prior year. Discounting relationships now represent over a third of our funded volume.”
About North Mill Equipment Finance
North Mill Equipment Finance originates and services small to mid-ticket equipment leases and loans, ranging from $15,000 to $1,000,000 in value. A broker-centric private lender, the company accepts A – C credit qualities and finances transactions for many asset categories including construction, transportation, vocational, medical, manufacturing, printing, franchise, renovation, janitorial and material handling equipment. North Mill is majority owned by an affiliate of WAFRA Capital Partners, Inc. (WCP). The company’s headquarters is in Norwalk, CT, with regional offices in Irvine, CA, Dover, NH, Voorhees NJ, and Murray, UT. For more information, visit

Help Wanted Ads

First Quarter Has Been Robust for Most
in Commercial Finance and Leasing
By Scott Wheeler, CLFP
The first quarter of 2022 has remained robust for most participants in the commercial equipment finance and leasing industry, including Wheeler Business Consulting. I have been on-site with more clients than any other quarter in the past ten years. Many industry participants are posting record months over the past six to nine months. Portfolios continue to perform exceptionally well. Owners and managers throughout the industry are pleased with recent results, even with prevailing challenges (supply chain disruptions, rising interest rates, geo-political concerns, etc.) There are several managerial trends developing which I believe are significant.
- Management teams are preparing for changes and taking bold steps to anticipate both positive and negative alterations in the market.
- Management teams are strengthening their existing sales and operational staffs. There are deliberate efforts being made to retain the best talent by investing in career enhancement programs for all employees.
- Management teams are focused on efficiencies and long-term sustainability. Controlled growth with quality assets is more important than ever.
- Management teams are developing marketing plans to solidify their core relationships and core position in the market. They are focusing on what they do best.
- Management teams are solidifying their bank and funding relationships. Strong sources of capital are always important, especially in changing markets.
- Management teams are focused on equipment concentration and making necessary divestment decisions to ensure stronger equipment positions.
- Management teams are considering strategic partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions differently than the recent past.
At recent industry conferences, the atmosphere was optimistic, somewhat cautious, and definitely preparatory. Management teams are making adjustments with a focus on financial strength. Market changes will create opportunities for those industry participants that are financially strong, well prepared, and opportunistic.
Scott A. Wheeler, CLFP
Wheeler Business Consulting
Comments, questions and suggestions are welcome.
Phone: 410-877-0428
Wheeler Business Consulting works with banks, independents, captives, origination companies, and investors in the equipment leasing and finance arena. We provide training, strategic planning, and acquisition services. Scott Wheeler is available to discuss your long-term strategy, to assist your staff to maximize outcomes, and to better position your organization in the marketplace. 
Top Ten Leasing News Read by Readers
March 29 to April 1

(1) Update: When Do the New Commercial Laws Take Effect?
Kenneth C. Greene, Leasing News Legal Editor (March 2022)
(2) Surprise! Utah Passes Commercial Financial Law
to Begin January 1, 2023
Kenneth C. Greene, Leasing News Legal Editor
(3) New Hires/Promotions in the Leasing Business
and Related Industries
(4) National Equipment Finance Association Summit
Big Success! Reaches Record-Breaking Attendance
By Don Cosenza, CLFP, North Mill Equipment Finance SVP
(5) Congratulations to the CLFP Graduates
But Why Not More Originators?
By Scott Wheeler, CLFP, Wheeler Business Consulting
(6) NEFA Women in Leasing Luncheon Meeting
By Reid Raykovich, CLFP, CEO CLFP Foundation
(7) Only one U.S. county saw a larger share of people
leave last year than San Francisco
(8) Jim Merrilees Gets NEFA's Lifetime Achievement Award
at National Equipment Finance Association Lunch
(9) Average 30-year Mortgage Rate Rose nearly 5%
in March, Reaching its Highest Level since 2019
(10) CLFP Foundation Adds 18 New CLFP's
from first Virtual Proctor Exam in March 
Trucking’s Inflation Worries Go Beyond Fuel
By Avery Vise, FTR
March’s unprecedented surge in diesel prices was one more indication that costs for truck fleets are rising sharply. Of course, the same is true for everyone. Consumer inflation is running at the highest levels in 40 years, prompting the Federal Reserve to raise the target federal funds rate for the first time since 2018 in a bid to cool things down a bit and return the economy to a long-run inflation rate of around 2%.
Inflation currently is running close to 8% annualized, and it’s still more than 6% if we exclude the volatile food and energy sectors. One reason economists exclude those sectors is that they tend to fall outside of usual pricing pressures. Food costs often vary because of weather-related issues such as droughts, floods, or freezes. Meanwhile, petroleum is a global economy that moves for a host of supply, demand, and political reasons or as is currently the case: because the world’s third largest supplier of crude decided to start a war.
Some economists are skeptical that the Fed’s moves to address inflation will work, because the inflationary pressures are not normal. Much of it is driven by supply chain disruptions causing scarcity — a dynamic that we historically had seen just in food or a few other limited products at any given time. During the rebound from pandemic, however, these disruptions have become widespread.

March’s unprecedented surge in diesel prices was one more indication that costs for truck fleets are rising sharply. Of course, the same is true for everyone. Consumer inflation is running at the highest levels in 40 years, prompting the Federal Reserve to raise the target federal funds rate for the first time since 2018 in a bid to cool things down a bit and return the economy to a long-run inflation rate of around 2%.
Inflation currently is running close to 8% annualized, and it’s still more than 6% if we exclude the volatile food and energy sectors. One reason economists exclude those sectors is that they tend to fall outside of usual pricing pressures. Food costs often vary because of weather-related issues such as droughts, floods, or freezes. Meanwhile, petroleum is a global economy that moves for a host of supply, demand, and political reasons, or as is currently the case, because the world’s third largest supplier of crude decided to start a war.
Some economists are skeptical that the Fed’s moves to address inflation will work, because the inflationary pressures are not normal. Much of it is driven by supply chain disruptions causing scarcity; a dynamic that we historically had seen just in food or a few other limited products at any given time. During the rebound from pandemic, however, these disruptions have become widespread.
This article appears in the April 2022 issue of Heavy Duty Trucking.

Terrier Mix
Alpharetta, Georgia Adopt-a-Dog

Rauxy Raux
Four Months Old
Vaccinatons Up to Date
Good in a Home with
Other Dogs
Meet Rauxy Raux
Hi, I am Rauxy Raux. I am a cute terrier mix and I really want a family. I am about to be four months old and weigh about 15 pounds currently. The vet did determine that I have an under bite. It's very cute, but my top teeth are causing trauma, so they are going to remove my upper deciduous incisors while I am under anesthesia for the spay. I also have a small hernia that they will fix. AAU will cover the expenses and also take care of the adult teeth if they cause a problem as well. None of this will change me. I will remain an adorable puppy who loves life!
A few of my favorite toys are water bottles, rope toys, and squeaky toys. I also love playing in the fenced in yard or going on walks in the neighborhood.
I love other dogs, but they aren't necessary if you are active and will play with me.
I sleep in my crate at night and go in my crate when I cannot be supervised. I'm still learning to potty outside, but I always keep my crate clean!
I need time to explore and learn, so I need someone home more than gone. I also can be a bit vocal, so shared walls might not be the best fit unless a human is home with me.
All in all I am an adorable puppy who needs a family to teach me the ropes and in turn I will give you lots of love!
An Adoption Application for this dog can be found and submitted online
Please be sure to like our Facebook page
Some apartments and neighborhoods have breed restrictions. We verify rental policies and adhere to any regulations. Please ensure you understand those restrictions before choosing a dog.
Adoption Form
Angels Among Us Pet Rescue
PO Box 821
Alpharetta, GA 30009
(877) 404-5874
Contact Us:
Annual AACFB Conference
May 11-13 Charlotte, North Carolina
Attending industry events can play a critical role in a company's success. At AACFB conferences attendees meet with key partners, stay on top of industry trends, and recharge their energy, making them more productive when they get back to the office.
We know you are busy, so we are providing an easy checklist to help you make the most of this opportunity!
The deadline for Early-Bird registration rates is April 29, 2022. Don't miss out on the savings!
The deadline to get the AACFB group rate at the Sheraton Charlotte is April 19, 2022, or until the block is full. Be sure to use our unique reservation link because rooms may not be available outside our block.
The Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) has dozens of flights available from all over the country making flights affordable and convenient.
Meet with over 60 exhibitors at the trade show. This is the place to get your deals funded and bring in more revenue to your business!
With 17 educational opportunities to choose from you are sure to come home with valuable information to improve your business.
We know this is a business conference but there is also a lot of FUN to be had! Thursday night is a free night for attendees to enjoy the city of Charlotte and there is a lot going on. Grab a friend and take in a Tim McGraw concert, Hamilton production, Michael Yo comedy show, or even a Charlotte Knights baseball game. You might even get an invite from an exhibitor!


Presented by Ken Greene & the Get Together Foundation 

News Briefs---
Five Takeaways from deBanked
Spring break travel mess: Airlines cancel,
delay 12,000 weekend flights
Tesla sells 310,000 vehicles in 1Q, despite logistics issues
Why much of California’s top crop — almonds —
has been purchased, but is sitting in storage
Benefield: You never know what you’ll find
in the pages of a book


You May Have Missed---
Bay Area trucker makes $1,000 a day

Sports Briefs---
A’s hit with lawsuit over $12 billion Howard Terminal ballpark
and development. Team calls it ‘absolutely crazy’
Colin Kaepernick throws for NFL scouts at Michigan
spring game: 'I can still play, still throw it'
New England Patriots acquire wide receiver DeVante Parker
in deal with Miami Dolphins
Inside Sac Republic’s
$100 million downtown stadium plan
Oakland A’s trade another fan favorite, Sean Manaea,
leaving huge hole in rotation
An epic night in New Orleans: The end of Coach K's career
doubles as the peak moment in the Duke-UNC rivalry
Tiger Woods says 'it will be a game-time decision'
on whether he plays at next week's Masters

California Nuts Briefs---
How much do California state workers get paid?
Search public salaries in our database
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Marc Andreessen adds $44 million Malibu house
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season as bud break arrives
The latest trends in kosher wines,The%20latest%20trends%20in%20kosher%20wines,-PEG%20
Grgich Hills Estate Celebrates the 99th Birthday
of Miljenko "Mike" Grgich
“Gimme that Wine”
Free Wine App
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This Day in History
1513 - Juan Ponce de Leon discovered Florida, landing at the site that became the city of St. Augustine. He claimed the land for the King of Spain.
1792 - The first US Mint was established at Philadelphia, PA, as authorized by an act of Congress. Copper coins were authorized in one cent and half-cent (coined until 1857). Gold coins in $10 Eagles, $5 half-eagles, and quarter eagles $2.50. It was not until 1849 that $20 double eagles and $1 gold pieces were authorized. All gold coins were discontinued by the Gold Reserve Act of January 30, 1934 that stated “no gold shall hereafter be coined.” Silver coins were the half dollar, quarter dollar, dime, and half dime, until 1873, when Congress enacted what was known as
“the crime of 73”, that made gold the sole monetary standard. The first paper money was issued by Native Americans in Oregon, the Araphos. Paper money was not authorized until July 17, 1861 and August 5, 1861 by Congress
1829 - The bank deposit insurance law was enacted in the state of New York, assessing banks one-half percent of capital stock until 3 percent was set aside " ...for the benefit of the creditors.” Banks, their officers, and their servants were required to be examined under oath at least once every four months.
1850 - First masquerade ball in San Francisco with 600 guests. The event was organized by Tiffany Shlain and in 1898 moved to the Palace of Fine Arts with 2,000 guests.
1863 - Richmond, Virginia Bread Riot: Women marched through the streets of Richmond, Virginia, demanding food. Facing them, Confederate President Jefferson Davis was equally adamant: If the protesters did not disperse, they would be shot. Indicative of conditions in the Confederate capital of Richmond, VA, an angry mob's demands for bread from a bakery wagon escalated into the destruction of nearby shops. Confederate president Jefferson Davis, in a bold move, stepped into the angry crowd and stated, "We do not desire to injure anyone, but this lawlessness must stop. I will give you five minutes to disperse, otherwise you will be fired upon." The mob dispersed without bloodshed.
1865 - The evacuation of Richmond, VA, was urged by General Robert E. Lee, who informed Confederate President Davis that he himself must withdraw from Petersburg, VA. Davis left the city that night with his cabinet, retreating to Danville. The now small Confederate army began evacuation of Petersburg. Many believe it was General Grant and his troops that burned Richmond down, but that is not correct, according to historians and records of the time. “Richmond, meanwhile, burned, as fires set by fleeing Confederates and looters raged out of control.”
1866 - Civil War officially ended. The state of “insurrection” was declared over by presidential proclamation in Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Florida. It was not until August 2 that the president announced that the “insurrection” was at an end in Texas, and that civil authority existed in the United States.
1902 – First motion picture theatre, Electric Theatre, opens in Los Angeles.
1908 - The first professional to manage a city, now called “City Manager” and the most prevalent form of city government in the United States, was Charles Edward Ashburner of Richmond, VA. He was elected general manager by the city council of Staunton, VA. Prior to this time, the mayor was the manager of each city. This was the first “professional city manager”, who’s first year salary was $2,000; the second year salary, $2,500. He served until July, 1911.
1908 – Mills Committee declares that baseball was invented by Abner Doubleday.
1917 – Jeannette Rankin (Rep-MT) begins her term as the first woman member of the US House of Representatives.
1931 - Jackie Mitchell, 17, became the first woman to pitch in a professional baseball game after she was signed to a contract by the Chattanooga Lookouts of the Southern Association. In an exhibition game against the New York Yankees, Mitchell struck out Babe Ruth (who took strike three) and Lou Gehrig (who gallantly missed three straight pitches) before Tony Lazzeri walked.
1932 - Charles Lindbergh pays over $50,000 ransom for his kidnapped son.
1948 - Top Hits
Now is the Hour - Bing Crosby
I’m Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover - The Art Moonie Orchestra
Beg Your Pardon - Francis Craig
Anytime - Eddy Arnold
1954 – Walt Disney announces plans to build Disneyland outside Los Angeles.
1956 - “As the World Turns” premiered on TV, one of the longest-running soaps currently on the air, "ATWT" premiered on CBS. The series is set in Midwestern Oakdale and revolves around the Hughes family and their neighbors. Irma Phillips was the show's creator and head writer. Some of its cast members who made it big are: Meg Ryan, Julianne Moore, Michael Nader, Steven Weber and Swoosie Kurtz.
1956 - "The Edge of Night" premiered on CBS. Though the plots initially revolved around crime and courtroom drama, the serial's format soon developed along more conventional soap story lines of romance. The soap shifted to ABC in 1975 but was cancelled in 1984. Larry Hagman, Dixie Carter, Lori Loughlin, Willie Aames and Amanda Blake were some of the show's most prominent players.
1956 - Top Hits
The Poor People of Paris - Les Baxter
Heartbreak Hotel - Elvis Presley
Rock Island Line - Lonnie Donegan
Blue Suede Shoes - Carl Perkins
1957 - Elvis Presley played two concerts before 23,000 people at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto. Presley performed outside the US only four times in his career - the two concerts in Toronto, one the next night in Ottawa and a later performance in Vancouver. The 15,000 fans who attended the second Toronto show was the largest audience the 22-year-old Elvis had faced. But before Presley came on, people had to sit through an hour of warm-up acts, including an Irish tenor, a rock 'n' roll tap dancer, and a comedian who did an imitation of a woman taking off a girdle.
1963 - Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King begins the first non-violent campaign in Birmingham, Alabama, followed by a sit-in on April 3rd.
1964 - The Beach Boys record "I Get Around", which will become their first US #1 single by the following July, selling nearly two million copies.
1964 - Top Hits
She Loves You - The Beatles
Twist and Shout - The Beatles
Suspicion - Terry Stafford
Saginaw, Michigan - Lefty Frizzell
1965 - Freddie And The Dreamers record "Do The Freddie," a song that was put together quickly after American audiences wanted to know more about the swaying motion that lead singer Fred Garrity seemed to do on stage.
1966 - Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass set a chart record when four of their albums make the Top 10 of the Billboard album chart at the same time.
1969 - The Milwaukee Bucks of the National Basketball Association signed Lew Alcindor for a reported $1,400,000 five-year contract. Alcindor soon changed his name to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and was later traded to the Los Angeles Lakers.
1969 - Frank Sinatra's version of "My Way" entered the Billboard Hot 100 where it would rise to #27. In the UK, the song would spend an amazing 75 weeks in the Top 40, peaking at #5.
1971 - Janis Joplin's LP “Pearl” hits #1
1971 - Ringo Starr releases his solo hit, "It Don't Come Easy." It would become his first top-10 hit.
1972 - Top Hits
A Horse with No Name - America
Puppy Love - Donny Osmond
Mother and Child Reunion - Paul Simon
My Hang-Up is You - Freddie Hart
1973 – CBS launches 24-hour news programming for the first time.
1974 - 46th Annual Academy Awards presentation at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles! Hosting the film industry celebration were John Huston, David Niven, Burt Reynolds, and Diana Ross. Pictures this year included: "Serpico", "The Exorcist", "Jonathan Livingston Seagull", "The Day of the Jackal", "American Graffiti", "Papillion", "Jesus Christ Superstar", "Last Tango in Paris", "Live and Let Die", "Cinderella Liberty". And this list doesn’t even include The Best Picture of the Year, "The Sting" (producers: Tony Bill, Michael Phillips, Julia Phillips). "The Sting" won six additional Oscars: Director (George Roy Hill); Art Direction (Henry Bumstead)and Set Decoration (James Payne); Costume Design (Edith Head); Film Editing (William Reynolds); Scoring/Original Song Score/Adaptation: (Marvin Hamlisch); Writing/Original Story/Screenplay based on Factual Material or Material Not Previously Published or Produced (David S. Ward); plus three additional nominations. Nor does it include these Oscar winners: Best Actor: Jack Lemmon for "Save the Tiger"; Best Actress: Glenda Jackson for "A Touch of Class"; Best Supporting Actor: John Houseman for "The Paper Chase"; Best Supporting Actress: Tatum O’Neal for "Paper Moon"; and Best Music/Song: "The Way We Were" -- Marvin Hamlisch (music), Alan and Marilyn Bergman (lyrics) from the movie of the same title.
1975 - The northeastern U.S. was in the grips of a severe storm which produced hurricane force winds along the coast, and two to three feet of snow in Maine and New Hampshire. Winds atop Mount Washington NH gusted to 140 mph.
1975 - The biggest snowstorm of record for so late in the season paralyzed Chicago, IL. Up to 20 inches of snow fell in extreme northeastern Illinois, and 10.9 inches of snow closed Chicago's O'Hare Airport.
1975 – Microsoft was founded s a partnership between Bill Gates and Paul Allen to develop and sell BASIC interpreters for the Altair 8800.
1977 - "Sir Duke," Stevie Wonder’s tribute to Duke Ellington, was released.
1978 - “Dallas” premieres on TV: Oil tycoons battled for money, power, women, and prestige in this prime-time CBS drama that ran for nearly 13 years. The Ewings and Barneses were Texas's modern-day Hatfields and McCoys. Larry Hagman starred as the devious, scheming womanizer J.R. Ewing. When J.R. was shot in the 1980 season-ending cliffhanger, the revelation of the mystery shooter was the single-most watched episode of its time (it was Kristin, J.R.'s sister-in-law, played by Mary Crosby, Bing’s daughter). Cast members included Jim Davis, Barbara Bel Geddes, Donna Reed, Ted Shackelford, Joan Van Ark (who, along with Shackelford, starred in the spin-off "Knots Landing"), Patrick Duffy, Linda Gray, Charlene Tilton, David Wayne, Keenan Wynn, Ken Kercheval, Victoria Principal and Steve Kanaly.
1979 - Nickelodeon, the cable TV channel for kids owned by MTV Networks, debuted on this date.
1980 - Top Hits
Another Brick in the Wall - Pink Floyd
Working My Way Back to You/Forgive Me, Girl - Spinners
Call Me - Blondie
I’d Love to Lay You Down - Conway Twitty
1980 - Anne Murray won four Juno Awards, including best single for "I Just Fall in Love Again." Show host Burton Cummings was named top male vocalist.
1982 - Severe thunderstorms spawned fifty-six tornadoes in the central U.S., including seventeen in the Red River Region of Texas and Oklahoma. The tornadoes claimed thirty lives, and injured 383 other persons. A violent tornado near Messer OK left only the carpet tack strips on the slab of a house it destroyed, and carried a motel sign thirty miles.
1984 - John Thompson became the first black coach to lead his team to the NCAA college basketball championship. Georgetown’s Hoyas defeated Houston 84-75 in Seattle for the win. Thompson’s team in 1982 had finished second to North Carolina for the championship.
1985 - One day after its release, the album, "We are the World" was certified gold, when its sales reached an excess of 500,000 copies.
1985 - The NCAA Rules Committee adopted the 45-second shot clock for men’s basketball, to begin in the 1986 season. It was an effort to thwart the end-of-game stalls that kept opposing teams from scoring in close contests.
1986 – NCAA adopts the 3-point basket for shots that are sunk from a new semi-circular arc of 19’9”.
1987 - Eleven cities in Florida reported record low temperatures for the date, including Tallahassee with a reading of 31 degrees. The low of 48 degrees at Key West smashed their previous record for the date by 13 degrees
1987 - Canadian country rocker k.d. lang made her Los Angeles debut at The Roxy nightclub. Among the audience of 1,200 people were reviewers for the major newspapers and record industry executives. Lang's appearance came as her "Angel with a Lariat" was beginning its climb up the Billboard country chart.
1988 - Top Hits
Man in the Mirror - Michael Jackson
Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car - Billy Ocean
I Want Her - Keith Sweat
Love Will Find Its Way to You - Reba McEntire
1989 - Strong and gusty winds prevailed from California to Colorado and Wyoming. Winds gusted to 50 mph at Lancaster CA, and reached 85 mph at Berthoud Pass CO. Snow and high winds created blizzard conditions in the Colorado Rockies.
1989 - NY Yankee Tommy John ties record of playing 26 seasons, his 287th win puts him 19th overall as Yanks beat Twins on opening day 4-2
1990 - Thunderstorms produced severe weather in North Carolina and Virginia during the afternoon and evening. Thunderstorms produced golf ball size hail, and spawned a tornado near Chester, VA which caused half a million dollars damage. A storm system produced snow and gale force winds across northern Michigan, with 8.3 inches of snow reported at Marquette. Temperatures in the north central U.S. soared from morning lows in the 20s and 30s to afternoon highs in the 60s and 70s. Eight cities reported record highs for the date, including Havre, MT with a reading of 77 degrees.
1996 - Tiger first baseman Cecil Fielder steals the first base of his eleven-year career. The swipe of second comes in the 1,097th game of 'Big Daddy's career, establishing the longest duration a player has ever gone without a stolen base.
1996 - In a Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference baseball game, St. Francis of Illinois humiliated Robert Morris, 71-1, in a game that Robert Morris coach Gerald McNamara declared over after four innings. St. Francis scored 26 runs in the first inning, 22 in the second, 4 in the third, and 19 in the fifth. The Fighting Saints broke a dozen NCAA Division II records and tied four others.
2001 - On Opening Day, Yankee fireballer Roger Clemens becomes the all-time AL career strikeout leader, passing Walter Johnson as he Ks Royals’ Joe Randa for his 3,509 Junior circuit victim. Passing the 'Big Train’, the 'Rocket' now takes over the seventh spot in Major League history.
2001 - For the first time in Major League history, a Japanese-born position player participates in a regular-season game. Ichiro Suzuki, hitless in his first three at-bats, singles in the seventh inning to ignite a two-run rally and bunts for a hit in the eighth in his Seattle Mariner debut at Safeco Field.
2001 - Duke University wins the NCAA Basketball Championship
2003 - Mike Bordick's record streak for games and chances without an error by a shortstop ends as Yankee outfielder Bubba Trammell's third inning grounder tips off his glove. After converting a fielder's choice in the first inning, he misplays his second chance of the game, thus ending the streak at 544 chances and 110 consecutive games without an error, a new Major League mark for shortstops.
2003 - Todd Zeile homers in first at-bat as a Yankee, becoming the only Major League to hit a home run for ten different teams. In addition to homering with the Bronx Bombers, the infielder has also gone deep for the Cardinals, Cubs, Phillies, Orioles, Dodgers, Marlins, Rangers, Mets, and Rockies.
2008 – In a raid on Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints-owned YFZ Ranch in Texas, 401 children and 133 women were taken into state custody.
2017 – Alibaba becomes the world's largest retailer according to US Securities and Exchange Commission.
2019 - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints pledges to roll back anti-LGBT policies, including not baptizing children of gay parents.
NCAA Men’s Basketball Champions:
1983 – North Carolina State
1984 - Georgetown
1988 – Kansas
1990 - UNLV
1994 – Arkansas
2001 – Duke
2005 – North Carlina
2011 - Connecticut
2016 - Villanova
NCAA Women’s Basketball Champions:
1993 – Texas Tech
2006 – Maryland
2021 - Stanford

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