Portfolio Collection & Customer Service Specialist, Irvine, CA
Small ticket lessor seeks candidates with related work experience in the equipment leasing industry. Candidates must possess strong verbal/written communication and negotiating skills. Competitive comp package and outstanding work environment! Please e-mail resumes: recruiter@gen-cap.com.
Chief Credit Officer
Costa Mesa, CA
Report to president. Min.10 years commercial lending/lease exp. Equip./Vehicles/RE loans. Fax Resume to: 714-241-1582 or email to sltidland@goldenwestfinance.com
Monday, April 10, 2006

Salvation Army Founder's Day
Birth anniversary (1892) of William Booth, March 10, 1829, founder of the movement that became known, in 1878, as the Salvation Army, was born at Nottingham, England. Apprenticed to a pawnbroker at the age of 13, Booth experienced firsthand the misery of poverty. He broke with conventional church religion and established a quasi-military religious organization with military uniforms and ranks. Recruiting from the poor, from converted criminals and from many other social outcasts, his organization grew rapidly and its influence spread from England to the US and to other countries. At revivals in slum areas the itinerant evangelist offered help for the poor, homes for the homeless, sobriety for alcoholics, rescue homes for women and girls, training centers and legal aid. Commissioner George Scott Ralton and seven women officers landed at New York to officially begin the work of the Salvation Army in the US. In the winter of 1891, Salvation Army Captain Joe McFee put a crab pot on the San Francisco docks and asked citizens to "keep the pot boiling" by making donations so he could feed the needy at Christmastime. On April 18, 1906 the great earthquake hit, and the Army with little funds summoned all members in the United States to the city with a one word telegram: “Others.” (see other calendar events)
Archives---Tom Depping and Today w/FS
Classified Ads---Credit
A Few Free Seats
Wal-Mark Bank Hearing Today
Senator--Protect State's ILC Industry
What about Target Industrial Bank?
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Top Stories--April 3-7
Why I became a CLP
--Nancy Pistorio
The List—Up-dated
News Briefs---
You May have Missed---
Sports Brief-
"Gimme that Wine"
Calendar Events
Today's Top Event in History
This Day in American History
Spring Poem
Linda Kester —“Sales Makes it Happen ” Wednesday
Archives---April, 2001---Tom Depping and Today
Main Street Bank Financial statements included Last three paragraphs,
plus P.S., of resignation made public in Leasing News:
“Shortly after the acquisition is complete I will be leaving. While American Express is a great company and they will put new leadership in place that will help our culture make the transformation from a small entrepreneurial company to a major world class financial services company, from my perspective, I think it is time to seek new challenges. I am more like the gazelle than the lion. I need the thrill of the chase to get motivated every morning.
“Thank you once again for helping make SierraCities/First Sierra the best small ticket company on the planet. We should have a very bright future as part of American Express.
“I wish you all the best.
“P.S. Make sure the lion does not go hungry!”
Today, Tom Depping is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Main Street, Texas.

“An investor group, led by Thomas Depping, recently made an investment of over $21 million in the Bank. Main Street will use these funds to capitalize its new equipment leasing division to provide funding to equipment leasing companies and lease brokers on a national basis.
“Depping has been active in the equipment leasing industry for over 22 years. In 1994 he founded publicly traded First Sierra Financial, Inc. which was acquired by American Express in 2001. Prior to 1994 he served as President of Sun America, Inc's equipment leasing subsidiary.
“Depping stated: "As we develop our national presence in the equipment leasing industry, Main Street Bank will truly become 'America's Small Business Bank.'''
“Main Street National Bank was formed in 1984 and currently serves the Texas market.”
November 19, 2005 company press release
December 31, 2005 Balance Sheet:
Main Street National Bank |
23970 U. S. Hwy. 59 North
Kingwood, TX 77339 |
FDIC Certificate #: 24979 Bank Charter Class: N |
December 31, 2006 Profit and Loss Statement:
Main Street National Bank |
23970 U. S. Hwy. 59 North
Kingwood, TX 77339 |
FDIC Certificate #: 24979 Bank Charter Class: N |
J.M."Mike" Hofmann is president and director. He states, “Our initial business plan anticipated significant losses for a period of time in order to build our infrastructure and ramp up our lease volume. Over the past year we have invested millions in state of the art software, a new 22,000 square foot operations center and a 500% increase in the size of our bank staff.
“This huge investment was made to support our growth in the small ticket equipment industry and to serve our nationwide base of brokers, vendors and employees.
“During 2005 we doubled the size of the bank as we increased our deposit base and the size of our equipment lease portfolio. We continue to be very pleased with our growth and look forward to a great year in 2006 and beyond."
Main Street National Bank
P. O. Box 5799
Kingwood, Texas 77325
Phone: 281.348.2011
FAX: 281.312.4206
e-mail: mhofmann@msnbank.com
(From 1999 to 2000, Mike served as Executive Vice President of First Sierra Financial, Inc., and was instrumental in developing the firm's commercial banking strategy. Mike has over 35 years operating experience in the financial services industry.
(Mike graduated from Michigan State University, College of Business and Stonier Graduate School of Banking at Rutgers University.)
Classified Ads---Credit

Genesis Wall—Mendocino Ark Company *
Atlanta, GA
10 yrs experience in credit/collections/recovery/documentation in the leasing industry. P&L responsibility, team builder & strong portfolio mgnt skills.
email: mortimerga@adelphia.net
Boston MA
Challenging position where my skills, professional experience, organization, leadership, strategic thinking, creativity, energy, passion, competitive nature will enable me to define opportunities and personal development.
Email: bernd.janet@verizon.net
Corona, CA
VP credit Consumer Credit prime/sub prime Auto lending/leasing/mortgages. 20+yrs exp. If you are looking for someone to affect the bottom line I am that person. Will relocate.
Email: amosca2000@yahoo.com
Fort Lee NJ
3 Years Experience credit/documentation. Looking in NJ/NY.
Email: angitravis@mail.com
Irvine, CA
I have over 16 years of Credit/Collection experience in the finance industry. Prompt results, extremely effective and knowledgeable, professional, excellent manager and team player.
Email: newportresources@sbcglobal.net
Los Angeles, CA
Over 15 years experience in Credit/Operations with Small Ticket and transactions up to $500,000.00. CLP, with excellent relationships with most major lenders.
Email: jonbh123@earthlink.net
New Jersey, NJ
Credit Analyst with 10+ years experience in small-ticket lending up to $500,000. Experience with both vendor-direct and with brokers.
Email: b.leavy@worldnet.att.net
New York, NY.
V.P. Credit & Collections w/23 years exp.looking for a situation where I can utilize my varied & extensive knowledge of credit/collections/risk-management & leasing.
Email: rcouzzi@yahoo.com
Sausalito, Ca
Sr. Corp. officer, presently serving as consultant, fin. service background, M&A, fund raising, great workout expertise, references
Email: nywb@aol.com
Orange, CA
15 years exper., credit/operations;looking for a new home. Have handled both middle/ large ticket transaction, plus muni & international finance.
email: equiplender@aol.com
Senior Credit Officer
experienced in middle-market leasing; structured, vendor and 3rd party to the fortune 1000. Proactive team builder, originations capable with strong work ethic.
Email: kyletrust@hotmail.com
For a full listing of all “job wanted” ads, please go to:
To place a free “job wanted” ad, please go to:
*The Genesis Wall Edition is crafted to add to any wall space. The large Genesis Ark is halved, creating a perfect addition to the collector's wall accessories. The Ark's upper and middle decks give ample space for Mr. and Mrs. Noah and the 60 animals that accompany them on their journey. This Ark edition is limited to 225 Arks, so don't miss out on this rare opportunity!
A Few Free Seats
In case you missed it in the story about The Alta Group conference, Creating Solutions in Leasing, set for April 19-21, in Chicago, Shawn Halladay stated he has a few free seats available for industry executives who are between jobs and wish to attend the conference.
This is the second year the Professional Development Division of The Alta Group is hosting a conference on information technology solutions in equipment leasing. The event's moderator, Alta Principal Shawn Halladay, says the program is ideally suited for COOs, CFOs, CIOs and IT managers in leasing and finance who want to learn more about how current applications solve actual business issues faced today.
“We promise no commercials, just thought-provoking discussions and demonstrations of the real functionality of today's technology platforms,” Halladay said. “Leading educators and consultants in the business will present their insights on where the equipment leasing industry is headed in the future and the critical role technology will play in helping everyone get there. It should be very interesting.”
The three-day agenda includes presentations on best practices in migration from legacy systems, challenges of securitizations and new approaches to forecasting and quantifying residual value. Attendees will also learn what auditor expectations for residual values will be under Sarbanes-Oxley and how systems are handling asset splits, buyouts and residual impairments.
Conference sponsors are CHP Consulting, International Decision Systems, McCue Systems and Oracle. There will be numerous functionality demonstrations and two program tracks-- one focused solely on IT systems and the other on portfolio management. For details go to www.thealtagroup.com for the agenda and registration details. People interested in attending the conference, to be held at the Chicago Marriott Oak Brook Hotel, should call The Alta Group at 801-322-4499 or email Bonnie Johnson at bjohnson@thealtagroup.com.
Wal-Mark Industrial Bank Hearing Today with Agenda/Application

FDIC Chief Operating Officer and Deputy to the Chairman John F. Bovenzi will serve as Presiding Officer at the hearings. In addition, Douglas H. Jones, Acting General Counsel of the FDIC, and Sandra L. Thompson, Acting Director of the FDIC's Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection, will serve as hearing officers.
For the April 10th and April 11th hearings at the FDIC's Virginia Square Auditorium in Arlington, Virginia, doors will open at 7:30 a.m. to allow time for security screening.
The hearings will begin at 9:00 a.m. each day and conclude at approximately 4:00 p.m. on April 10th and approximately 11:30 a.m. on April 11th.
For the April 25th hearing at the Overland Park Convention Center in Overland Park, Kansas, doors will open at 8:30 a.m. The hearing will begin at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at approximately 4:15 p.m. Admission at both hearing locations will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
Senator Seeks to Protect His State's ILC Industry
(American Banker)
Sen. Bob Bennett (R-Utah) is Congress' staunchest supporter of industrial loan companies (ILCs). As Utah's representative in the Senate, Bennett wants to make sure the state's ILC sector continues to thrive. Thirty-three of the nation's 60 ILCs are in Utah, and the state accounts for $115 billion of the sector's $140 billion of assets.
As the second-highest ranking member of the Senate Banking Committee, Bennett also wields enough power to stymie legislative attempts to limit ILC operations, and says he will do just that if necessary.
At the same time, Bennett says he can sympathize with opponents of Wal-Mart's bid to open an ILC, which is why he says he has made Wal-Mart pledge not to use the charter for any other purpose but to process payments.
What about Target Industrial Bank?
by Shawn Halladay

The Wal-Mart bank battle continues to heat up as more and more parties join the fray. The big retailer continues to hang in there, even with new developments and changes occurring almost every day. For instance, Iowa's Governor signed legislation yesterday that prohibits commercially-owned industrial loan companies (ILCs) from opening branches in stores located in Iowa. I wonder if he had anyone in particular in mind. California and Colorado already restrict ILC activities and seven other states are considering restrictions. While these actions address the specific issue raised by Wal-Mart, thought must be given to the effect on other economic issues. For instance, if one state starts limiting the commercial activities of out of state entities, there may be retaliatory measures taken. The regulatory environment may be effected, also.
The Dow Jones Newswires reported last Friday that, although not targeting Wal-Mart specifically, Federal Reserve Governor Bies made comments indicating that the Fed should have oversight authority over ILCs rather than the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. As Ms. Bies commented, if ILCs "…have a charter that allows them to do everything a bank does, why should they have different supervisory oversight?" One concern, apparently, is the impact of ‘banks outside of the banking system' on the economy that are. The Congress also has weighed in the issue.
Developments are not just occurring around Wal-Mart – it also is being proactive by making changes to its application. These changes are in addition to the changes I mentioned in a previous post regarding the Community Reinvestment Act. Responding to an FDIC request, Wal-Mart has pledged to raise the proposed bank's capital from $12 million to $125 million, and to hire a chief risk officer. (As a side note, a recent study has indicated that the number of bank failures is down significantly, primarily due to the risk practices and policies banks have adopted, so this step makes a lot of sense.) Wal-Mart also promised to introduce other financial safeguards and policies.
What really baffles me is the marked absence of Target in all these discussions. They are a ‘big box' retailer, they have an ILC, and they could open up bank branches in their stores. Why just Wal-Mart? Is there more to this than just the regulatory issues? It seems that public perception and Wal-Mart's market reputation are driving many of these actions. And on it goes.
Classified Ads—Help Wanted
Account Executive
At Dell Financial Services, we fuel your potential with the kind of challenging opportunities and hands-on support you need to grow. We're the exclusive provider of leasing and finance services for Dell technology systems worldwide. If you're ready for your chance to take the field, join our team as a:
Account Executive
Responsible for working remote out of a home office in the states of MI, GA, WA, CO, CA and MN. We're looking for seasoned candidates with 8+ years of Equipment Leasing Sales experience with a successful track record of increasing market/account penetration by assigned segment and/or geographic region, improving customer satisfaction and growing the business for long term results. You will be working in a relationship sales environment directly with CFOs, CIOs, CEOs and other high-level executives. If this type of opportunity sounds appealing, please send a copy of your resume to US_DFS_STAFFING@dell.com
Account Executive
Seeking an assertive, goal-oriented, profit-motivated Account Executive with sales experience in the equipment finance industry for Irvine , California headquarters. Unlimited earning potential - competitive salary with bonus and commission. Send resumes to llewis@calfirstlease.com or log on to www.calfirstjobs.com/apply_now.htm to apply for position.
Business Development Officer

Business Development Officer—
Golf Industry
Located in SE region of U.S.
This opportunity with VGM Financial Services (affiliate of TCF Financial Corp.) offers rewards for selling vendors & leasing programs to golf car & turf equipment manufacturers, dealers/distributors & golf clubs. You'll work with VGM Club, largest buying group in golf industry, to facilitate eqpm't financing needs of member courses. BS & 5 yrs vendor/leasing sales exp. req'd, including golf industry eqm't financing. Send resume & letter to: jclark@vgmfs.com
Chief Credit Officer
Chief Credit Officer
Costa Mesa, CA
Report to president. Min.10 years commercial lending/lease exp. Equip./Vehicles/RE loans. Fax Resume to: 714-241-1582 or email to sltidland@goldenwestfinance.com
Lease Coordinator
Lease Coordinator, Accurate preparation of equipment lease documentation and funding. Knowledge of leasing industry preferred. email kgoo@celticleasing.com
Portfolio Collection & Customer Service

Portfolio Collection & Customer Service Specialist, Irvine, CA
Small ticket lessor seeks candidates with related work experience in the equipment leasing industry. Candidates must possess strong verbal/written communication and negotiating skills. Competitive comp package and outstanding work environment! Please e-mail resumes: recruiter@gen-cap.com.
Sales Manager
Sales Manager – Irvine, CA
We're looking for a detail oriented, profit driven Sales Manager with 10 years experience in sales and/or management in the middle ticket equipment finance/leasing industry. Great opportunity for huge earnings potential as we offer a competitive salary with bonus and commission. Send resumes to llewis@calfirstlease.com .
Top Stories--April 3-7

Here are the top ten stories most "opened" by readers last week.
(1) Founder of Leasing Company dies in car accident
(2) $13 Million Telecom Leasing Scandal
(3) FBI Raids United Leasing Office
(4) BSB Leasing Cartoon
(5) T-Bills Continue to Rise
(6) O'Romoff to Retire, Again?
(7) Order a “QuikTrak”
(8) EAEL Spring Conference
(9) Alert---Today's Destiny, Inc., Max Day, et. al.
(10) NorVergence Lease “Dirty Dora”
Not counted was a very popular:
Friday Evening, Prepare for Passover (Wednesday night)
“Macho Matzoh Man” go here:
An extra sent out, cost Leasing News readers, as a half a dozen cancelled their subscription:
UAEL Dana Point Spring Conference, which also included an offer for a free business personality profile for the first 40 who responded:
The point was to promote Leasing News presenting Paul Menzel, CLP, with the Leasing News Person of the Year 2006 Award at the Dana Point, California conference. The site was chosen by Mr. Menzel, active in other associations, but we can only guess the event is not that far from his office in Santa Barbara, California, plus he is an ex-board member of UAEL (and present board member of the Equipment Leasing Association.) He has many friends in the leasing association from his old days of hawking for Puritan Leasing to his present position at Pacific Capital Bank.
Why I became a CLP
Nancy Pistorio

This is the fourth in a series about the Certified Lease Professional program, explaining why individuals decided to become a CLP, the process, and their reaction to the knowledge and other benefits gained.
Nancy Pistorio, CLP, is Executive Vice President of Madison Capital, LLC, a Baltimore-based equipment and vehicle leasing company which provides direct lease financing for businesses nationwide, in Canada, and in Puerto Rico. She also is the first female president of the Eastern Association of Equipment Lessors (EAEL.)
“I had been in the leasing industry for just over ten years working for what was, at the time, an independently owned, small-ticket equipment leasing company. Because it was a smaller firm, and I was the general manager, I had experienced, to one degree or another, the running of most aspects of the company. Credit, sales, marketing, administration, human resources, and accounting, were all areas in which I'd had exposure. Still, taking the CLP test was going to be a challenge to which I would need to apply discipline, focus, and basically go to back to studying.
"I had heard it was a difficult test. Like most people in their late thirties, I was not wild about having to do massive amounts of preparation for test taking.
"For preparation, there is a CLP manual/book to read and different prep study courses one can arrange to take. Usually this study seminar or course is taught by one of the better known industry educators and/or industry CLP's. As it turned out there were several of us working in local Baltimore leasing firms who were interested in sitting for the CLP exam so we got together and hired an educator to help us prepare.
“After having the CLP manual for approximately 30 - 60 days, I remember our group spent 2 - 3 days, 8 hours a day, studying and asking questions with the educator in a classroom-type environment.
“We used Johnny Johnson as our educator/proctor, “she explains.
” Please understand this was 8 years ago, and I have trouble remembering what I had for lunch yesterday! I asked some of my fellow test takers and we seem to recall that the class prep was two 8+ hour days of studying and one 8 or 9 hour full day of test taking. We did all the days in a row.
"Also, the test was actually 4 main sections which were then divided into 4 sub-sections. On just one of the main sections, you were to choose two out of the four sub-sections to complete for your test purposes. So, in total, a test-taker completed approx. 14 sections of testing."
"So the question is…Does becoming a CLP give one an immediate entrée into more opportunities and/or higher paying jobs in our industry? Does it win you more business? More respect? "I am frequently asked these questions by those in our industry considering sitting for their CLP.
"Our industry, unlike many others in the financial sector, remains, for the most part, unregulated particularly with regard to any governing or licensing of those who practice our vocation.
“For our profession, this can be a double-edged sword. It makes the barriers to entry less; however, lack of certification also allows more of the basically unqualified or unknowledgeable to work in this industry indefinitely, sometimes leaving a trail of destruction and failures in their wake.
"This makes credibility for our industry and our products even more challenging.
" As for winning additional business, I know of at least one colleague who recounts a story where a potential client was trying to decide between doing business with my colleague's leasing firm or another sales rep from a different leasing company:
“Both deals were similarly priced and the client had good rapport with both salesmen. On my colleague's business card, he had the CLP insignia after his name. When the client asked and was told what the designation meant, the potential Lessee replied, “Oh well then, I want to give my business to a CLP.”
"My colleague won the deal! Does this happen often??? Probably not, but like anything else, the CLP can be what you make of it. And, as with all competitive situations, every little bit of extra effort helps!"
"Any efforts by our own to raise levels of education, create measures of achievement, and maintain high and ethical standards of those within our industry should be both encouraged and supported by all," Nancy Pistorio, CLP, concluded.
The List—Up-dated

--Mergers, Acquisitions, Changes,
“The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”---
First Quarter, 2006
Full Chronological List by Date
Full List-Alphabetical by Company
News Briefs----
JPMorgan takes on Bank of New York retail arm
Airbus denies trouble in sky competition
BULGARIA: Leasing Companies Enjoy Strong 2005 Performance
State of Executive Pay in 2005
Will Couric as Anchor Revive News at Night?
Campbell Brown and Dan Senor

You May have Missed---
For many car hunters today, leasing's the way to go

Sports Briefs----
Mickelson outpaces the field at the Masters to earn his second green jacket and a third major title.

“Gimme that Wine”
Court: Minnesotans can buy wine on-line and out of state
Remarks by CEO Juanita Duggan at the WSWA Convention
"...I do not need to tell anyone in this room what will happen if these trial lawyers succeed in court. Those who supported the right of small wineries to sell direct to consumers should have been careful what they asked for. The direct-to-retail lawsuits are the biggest threat to suppliers, wholesalers and retailers alike since Prohibition."
Mendocino Wine launches 'trip back in time' with Zig Zag Zin
Wine Spectator restores Noyes' mansion
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Winery Atlas
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page

Calendar Events This Day
Commodore Perry Day
Birth anniversary (1794) of Matthew Calbraith Perry, commodore in the US Navy, negotiator of first treaty between US and Japan
Golfers Day
Salvation Army Founder's Day
Birth anniversary (1892) of William Booth, March 10, 1829, founder of the movement that became known, in 1878, as the Salvation Army, was born at Nottingham, England. Apprenticed to a pawnbroker at the age of 13, Booth experienced firsthand the misery of poverty. He broke with conventional church religion and established a quasi-military religious organization with military uniforms and ranks. Recruiting from the poor, from converted criminals and from many other social outcasts, his organization grew rapidly and its influence spread from England to the US and to other countries. At revivals in slum areas the itinerant evangelist offered help for the poor, homes for the homeless, sobriety for alcoholics, rescue homes for women and girls, training centers and legal aid. Commissioner George Scott Ralton and seven women officers landed at New York to officially begin the work of the Salvation Army in the US. In the winter of 1891, Salvation Army Captain Joe McFee put a crab pot on the San Francisco docks and asked citizens to "keep the pot boiling" by making donations so he could feed the needy at Christmastime. On April 18, 1906 the great earthquake hit, and the Army with little funds summoned all members in the United States to the city with a one word telegram: “Others.”
Siblings Day
A commemorative day to honor all brothers and sisters who are here or in the hereafter. Recognizing the bond between brothers and sisters for the special gift it is. A day to hug, honor, and enjoy your sibling. Founded by Claudia A. Evart of New York City through her nonprofit charity, Siblings Day Foundation, to honor the memory of her sister Lisettee and brother Alan; they both died from accidents early in their lives. wwwsiblingsday.org
Spalding University Running of the Rodents
To celebrate the pre-final exams “Rat Race” that occurs each year, to develop community sprit and to unofficially kick off the Kentucky Derby festivals. www.spalding.edu
Today's Top Event in History
1945-- U.S. Armed forces liberated the prison camp at Buchenwald, Germany. It was estimated that nearly 57,000 prisoners (mostly Jews) perished in the gas chambers of Buchenwald during its eight-year existence as a Nazi concentration camp.

This Day in American History
1777-the Continental Congress held a lottery for the purpose of raising funds. The lottery was approved on November 1, 1776, and seven managers were appointed to conduct it. Treasury bank notes were awarded as prizes, payable at the end of five years. Funds were obtained by lottery by individual colonies at various times prior to this national lottery.
1790-when Robert Gray docked the Columbia at Boston Harbor this day in 1790, he became the first American to circumnavigate the earth. It took him three years. His 42,000-mile journey opened trade between New England and the Pacific Northwest and helped the US establish claims to the Oregon Territory.
1794- birthday of, Matthew Calbraith Perry commodore in the US Navy, negotiator of first treaty between US and Japan (Mar 31, 1854). Born at South Kingston, RI. Died Mar 4, 1858, at New York, NY.
1816-- In Philadelphia, church reformer Richard Allen, 56, was elected the first bishop of the newly-created African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church. (Previously, in 1799, Allen had been the first black ordained to preach in the Methodist Episcopal Church.)
1829- The birthday of General William Booth, founder of the movement that became known, in 1878, as the Salvation Army, was born at Nottingham, England. Apprenticed to a pawnbroker at the age of 13, Booth experienced firsthand the misery of poverty. He broke with conventional church religion and established a quasi-military religious organization with military uniforms and ranks. Recruiting from the poor, from converted criminals and from many other social outcasts, his organization grew rapidly and its influence spread from England to the US and to other countries. At revivals in slum areas the itinerant evangelist offered help for the poor, homes for the homeless, sobriety for alcoholics, rescue homes for women and girls, training centers and legal aid. Booth died at London, England, Aug 20, 1912.
1845-Erastus Brigham Bigelow received a patent for his invention of gingham manufacturing machinery. Previously, all gingham had been made by hand at home. He capitalized Lancaster Mills at $500,000 and opened it in 1846 in Clinton, MA.
1847 -- Joseph Pulitzer born, Budapest (or Makó), Hungary. Bought the New York World in 1883. In 1885 he was elected to Congress from New York, but resigned. In the 1890s Pulitzer had a circulation war with William Randolp Hearst, & his newspapers were accused of "yellow journal" practices. Through his will, he established the Columbia University School of Journalism and annual prizes for literature, drama, music, & journalism. Leasing News "Mission" is based on his retirement speech:
1849- Walter Hunt of New York patented the first safety pin. Within the space of three hours, he conceived the idea, made a model, and then sold his patent rights for $100.
1854--Two earthquake shocks San Francisco, one at 10:30 a.m. and another 15 minutes later, were felt. The second was the most severe, and more violent at Pt. Lobos
1866-Henry Bergh organized the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals, patterning it after the Royal S.P.C.A. of London. He returned to New York City after a trip to St. Petersburg, Russia, where he was appalled by the beatings which droshky drivers in Russia administered to their horses.
1877-Nathanael Greene Herreshoff of Providence, RI, received a patent for a boat on two parallel hulls. He called it a “catamaran”. This jointed boat is still used today, principally by lifeguards at public beaches.
1878 -- In San Francisco, the California Street Cable Car Railroad Company starts service.
1880-birthday of Frances Perkins, first woman member of a US presidential cabinet. Born at Boston, MA, she was married in 1915 to Paul Caldwell Wilson, but used her maiden name in public life. She was appointed secretary of labor by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933, a post in which she served until 1945. Died at New York, NY, May 14, 1965.
1894 - A heavy late season snow blanketed parts of the northeastern U.S. Heavier snowfall totals included 31.5 inches at Salem Corners PA, 30 inches at LeRoy NY, 26 inches at York PA, 14 inches at Waterbury CT, and 9 inches at Providence RI.
1872—The First Arbor Day.
1913-- In a game which features President Woodrow Wilson throwing out the first pitch, Washington's Walter Johnson gives up an unearned run in the first inning of the home opener but will not yield another for 56 innings. The Senators beat the Yankees, 2-1.
1915-birthday of Harry Morgan, a New York actor, close friend of Clifford Odets, and many of the fine actors, who moved to Hollywood and became a hit on "December Bride", then "Pete and Gladys, then went to M*A*S*H and to Dragnet, among others.
1916- A number of golf professionals are invited to lunch at the Taplow Club on January 17, by Rodman Wanamaker to discuss the feasibility of forming a national association of golf professionals. PGA of America founded April 10 in New York City with 35 charter members, says the official site, but history books state the number at 83 “ Following the organizational luncheon meeting called by Rodman Wanamaker in January, 82 charter members approved a constitution to create the Professional Golfers' Association of America. The members agreed to promote interest in the game of golf, elevate the standards of the golf professional's vocation, protect their mutual interests and establish a national professional championship.
1917- birthday of the “Beautiful Mind,” Robert Woodward, Nobel Prize--winning (1965) Harvard University science professor whose special field of study was molecular structure of complex organic compounds. Called "one of the most outstanding scientific minds of the century." Born at Boston, MA, he died at Cambridge, MA, July 8, 1979.
1921-birthday of Chuck Connors ( Kevin Joseph)."The Rifleman" of television fame, Chuck Connors played that role from 1958 to 1963. His portrayal of a slave owner in the miniseries Roots won him an Emmy nomination. Connors acted in more than 45 films and appeared on many TV series and specials. He played professional basketball , recorded in history as the first player to break the basketball player to break the basketball backboard in a game in Boston. He also played baseball before becoming an actor. Born at Brooklyn, NY; died Nov 10, 1992, at Los Angeles, CA. ( My father Lawrence Menkin wrote many of “The Rifleman” scripts.)
1921 – birthday of Sheb Wooley (CMA comic of the Year [1968]; singer, songwriter: The Purple People Eater, Are You Satisfied, Hee Haw theme; actor: Rawhide, High Noon, Rocky Mountain, Giant, Hoosiers)
1925 -- F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby is published. Eventually his best-known work of the Jazz Age, sales are disappointing. A dispassionate examination of blandness and emptiness in the lives of tycoons and flappers was acclaimed by critics, but was not a popular success. In the 1950's, the book was re-published with great popular acclaim among colleges and universities.
1930—Birthday of rhythm and blues singer Ray Agee
1935 - Severe dust storms across Iowa and Kansas closed schools and highways. Dodge City KS experienced its worst dust storm of record, with dense dust reported from the morning of the 9th until after sunset on the 11th. The sky was almost as dark as night at times during the daylight hours. The thick dust suspended traffic on highways and railroads, and also suspended most business in town.
1939-Glenn Miller records “Little Brown Jug,” “Sunrise Serenade” (Bluebird 10286, 10214)
1941-Jimmy Rushing records “Goin' to Chicago” with County Basie (Okeh 6244)
1942- On this morning American and Filipino prisoners were herded together by Japanese soldiers on Mariveles Airfield on Bataan (in the Philippine islands) and began the Death March to Camp O'Donnell, near Cabanatuan. During the six-day march they were given only one bowl of rice. More than 5,200 Americans and many more Filipinos lost their lives in the course of the march.
1945-- U.S. Armed forces liberated the prison camp at Buchenwald, Germany. It was estimated that nearly 57,000 prisoners (mostly Jews) perished in the gas chambers of Buchenwald during its eight-year existence as a Nazi concentration camp.
1947 ----During the sixth inning of an exhibition game against their minor league team at Ebbets Field, the Montreal Royals, Dodgers' president Branch Rickey issues a two sentence statement to the press which will forever change the game. It reads "The Brooklyn Dodgers today purchased the contract of Jackie Roosevelt Robinson from the Montreal Royals. He will report immediately."
1953 - Eddie Fisher discharged from the Army, arrived home to a nice paycheck of $330,000 in record royalties. Fisher sold 7 million records for RCA Victor while on furloughs. "Anytime" was just one of several hits recorded during his stint in the Army. He was the most popular male singer in his day, until he abandoned Debbie Reynolds for Elizabeth Taylor. His fans disappeared overnight.
1953 -- House of Wax, the first 3-D movie, released in New York.
We were living in Larchmont, New York, and I remember going to the movies on a Saturday afternoon for 15 cents each, wearing the glasses, and I think at the time my brother and I thought the movie was stupid; it didn't scare us at all. (We were eleven and ten years old.)
1955 --Dr Jonas Salk successfully tests Polio vaccine.
1956--Top Hits
Heartbreak Hotel - Elvis Presley
The Poor People of Paris - Les Baxter
(You've Got) The Magic Touch - The Platters
Blue Suede Shoes - Carl Perkins
1956--Nat "King" Cole is attacked and severely beaten by a group of racial segregationists while singing onstage at the Municipal Hall in Birmingham, Alabama.
1958 - Dick Clark devoted an hour of his "American Bandstand" afternoon TV show to the memory of Chuck Willis who had died earlier in the day from peritonitis. Willis was from Atlanta, GA and recorded hits that included: "C.C. Rider", "Betty and Dupree", "What Am I Living For" (his biggest hit) and "Hang Up My Rock and Roll Shoes". Willis was a noted rhythm and blues singer and songwriter of the early rock era.
1960--- 24th Golf Masters Championship Arnold Palmer wins, shooting a 282.
1961-South African Gary Player shot an 8-under par 280 to become the first foreign player to win the Masters. Player, defeated Arnold Palmer and Charley Coe by one stroke. He won the tournament again in 1974 and 1978.
1961--- In the last opener ever to be played at Griffith Stadium, rookie president JFK throws out the longest and hardest thrown ceremonial first pitch in history as the ball sails over the heads of the players lined up in front of the presidential box. The newly elected commander in chief, an avid Red Sox fan, stays for the entire game and sees the 'new' Washington Senators, the former team moved to Minnesota, play their first game losing to the White Sox, 4-3.
1963- the Houston Colt .45s, a National League expansion team, hosted the first major league game ever played in Texas, beating the Chicago Cubs, 11-2, before 25,000. The Colt .45s finished the year in eight place with a record of 64-96. Renamed the Astros in 1965, they won their first division title in 1980.
1964---Top Hits
Can't Buy Me Love - The Beatles
Twist and Shout - The Beatles
Suspicion - Terry Stafford
Understand Your Man - Johnny Cash
1967 – 39 th Annual Academy Awards held at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium. Bob Hope was the host. ""Virginia Woolf" won Best Costume Design/Black-and-White (Irene Sharaff) and "Seasons" won the award in the Color category (Joan Bridge and Elizabeth Haffenden); "Seasons" also won Best Cinematography/Color (Ted Moore) and "Virginia Woolf" the Black-and-White division (Haskell Wexler). Then "Virgina Woolf" won for Best Art Direction/Set Decoration, Black-and-White (George James Hopkins, Richard Sylbert) while "Seasons" took the Oscar for Best Writing/Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium (Robert Bolt). They were tied. Best Supporting Actress: "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" (Sandy Dennis), but Best Supporting Actor went to Walter Matthau in "The Fortune Cookie". "Virginia Woolf", ahead by one. The Best Music/Song Oscar went to "Born Free" (John Barry-music, Don Black-lyrics) from the movie of the same title. The fight was still on since neither "Seasons" nor "Virginia Woolf" was nominated in that category. The Academy Award for Best Actress went to Elizabeth Taylor for "Who's Afraid of Virginnia Woolf. The Best Picture of 1966 winner as "A Man for All Seasons", Fred Zinnemann, producer.
1967-British Invasion band Freddie and the Dreamers hit Number One in the U.S. with "I'm Telling You Now." Their only other hit, the dance the song "Do the Freddie" would hit #18 on the pop chart within several weeks.
1968-Rolling Stone reports Mickey Hart has joined the Grateful Dead at the invitation of drummer Bill Kreutzmann.
1968 –The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences postponed the 40th Annual Academy Awards ceremonies two days because of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King. It was held at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium. Bob Hope was the host. The Best Picture of
1967--- "In the Heat of the Night" (Walter Mirisch, producer), and "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" (Best Actress: Katharine Hepburn—She is the only actress to win the award two consecutive years in a row Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) and The Lion in Winter , plus the most Best Actress Awards *(1968and Best Writing/Story and Screenplay/Written Directly for the Screen (William Rose), . "Heat" won four more Oscars that evening: Best Actor (Rod Steiger); Best Writing/Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium (Stirling Silliphant); Best Sound (Samuel Goldwyn SSD); Best Film Editing (Hal Ashby). Best Supporting Actor George Kennedy ("Cool Hand Luke"), Best Supporting Actress Estelle Parsons ("Bonnie and Clyde"); Best Music/Song, "Talk to the Animals" from "Doctor Dolittle" (Leslie Bricusse). Mike Nichols who lost to "The Man for All Seasons" the previous year, won this time, as Best Director for "The Graduate". Other serious contenders for the golden statuette were: "Casino Royale", "Thoroughly Modern Millie", "The Dirty Dozen", "Divorce American Style", "Camelot", "The Jungle Book", "Far from the Madding Crowd", "Valley of the Dolls", "In Cold Blood", "Barefoot in the Park".
Best Actress |
Katharine Hepburn |
4 |
Ingrid Bergman |
2 |
Bette Davis |
2 |
Sally Field |
2 |
Jane Fonda |
2 |
Jodie Foster |
2 |
Olivia de Haviland |
2 |
Glenda Jackson |
2 |
Vivien Leigh |
2 |
Luise Rainer |
2 |
Elizabeth Taylor |
2 |
1969 ---Met center fielder Tommy Agee hits a monster shot into the upper deck in left field making it the longest home run to reach the seats in Shea Stadium history; Disc commemorating Agee's historic homer at Shea Stadium.
1970-- The Russian Orthodox Church in America was granted autocephalic independence by its Mother organization, the Russian Orthodox Church. Headquartered today in Syosset, New York, membership in this religious body currently numbers approximately one million.
1970 - Officially resigning from The Beatles, Paul McCartney disbanded perhaps the most influential rock group in history at a public news conference. The Beatles hit, "Let It Be", was riding high on the pop charts. The last recording for the group, "The Long and Winding Road" (also from the documentary film "Let It Be"), would be number one for two weeks beginning on June 13, bringing to a close a chapter in rock and roll music.
1971--- Despite temperatures in the low 40s, a crowd of 55,352, the largest in the history of Pennsylvania ever to watch a baseball game, witness the Phillies first game at Veterans Stadium. Jim Bunning throws the first pitch and Larry Bowa singles, for the park's first hit, as Philadelphia defeats the Expos, 4-1.
1972---Top Hits
A Horse with No Name - America
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face - Roberta Flack
I Gotcha - Joe Tex
My Hang-Up is You - Freddie Hart
1972 - The 44th Annual Academy Awards celebration was held at Los Angeles' Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. The hosts of the evening's festivities: Helen Hayes, Alan King, Sammy Davis Jr., and Jack Lemmon. The nominees were: "A Clockwork Orange", "Fiddler on the Roof", "The Last Picture Show", "Nicholas and Alexandra" and "The French Connection". And the Oscar goes to ... "The French Connection", Philip D'Antoni, producer. The Oscar also went to "The French Connection" for Best Director (William Friedkin); Best Actor (Gene Hackman); Best Writing/Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium (Ernest Tidyman); and Best Film Editing (Gerald B. Greenberg). All of the other Best Picture nominees (except "A Clockwork Orange") also received Oscars: "The Last Picture Show" won for both supporting actor and actress (Ben Johnson and Cloris Leachman respectively); "Fiddler on the Roof" won for Best Cinematography (Oswald Morris), Best Sound (Gordon K. McCallum, David Hildyard) and Best Music/Scoring Adaptation/Original Song Score (John Williams); "Nicholas and Alexandra" won the awards for Best Art Direction/Set Decoration (John Box, Ernest Archer, Jack Maxsted, Gil Parrondo, Vernon Dixon) and Best Costume Design (Yvonne Blake, Antonio Castillo). "Klute" won one out of its two nominations: Best Actress (Jane Fonda) and "Shaft" won its only nomination: Best Music/Song (Isaac Hayes, "Theme from Shaft". Other films from 1971 that received accolades: "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory"; "Sunday Bloody Sunday"; "Carnal Knowledge"; "Summer of '42", "Bedknobs and Broomsticks"; "Mary, Queen of Scots"; and "McCabe & Mrs. Miller". http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0149208.html
1979 - A massive tornado smashed into Wichita Falls, TX, killing 43 persons and causing 300 million dollars damage. Another tornado struck Vernon TX killing eleven persons.
1982-"Ebony and Ivory" a duet by Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney, debuts on the U.S. charts at #29. It will go on top be Number One in both the U.S. and U.K., becoming Wonder's first British Number One
1985 - Relief pitcher Dan Quisenberry was signed by the Kansas City Royals to a contract that promised he would “...never wear another uniform.” The lifetime pact was worth $43 million, after taxes, over a 40-year period. Quisenberry became known as the ‘Fireman', for putting out late-inning fires and saving games for the Royals. The contract made him the game's highest-paid reliever.
1985 - Eddie Murphy's "Beverly Hills Cop" made it to the top ten on the list of top-grossing motion pictures. The film, at number nine on the list, was the only R-rated and non-summer movie to make the list.
1988 - It was a big day on Wall Street as 48 million shares of Navistar International stock changed hands in a single-block trade. It was the largest transaction executed (to that time) on the New York Stock Exchange.
1988---Top Hits
Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car - Billy Ocean
Out of the Blue - Debbie Gibson
Devil Inside - INXS
Famous Last Words of a Fool - George Strait
1989 - Strong northerly winds, gusting to 53 mph at Albuquerque, NM, ushered cold arctic air into the south central U.S. The temperature at Albuquerque plunged from 82 degrees to 29 degrees overnight. Thirty-three cities in the central U.S. reported record low temperatures for the date, including Goodland KS with a reading of 4 degrees above zero.
1990 - Thunderstorms produced severe weather from the Central Gulf Coast Region to western sections of the Carolinas during the afternoon and evening. Evening thunderstorms over western South Carolina produced wind gusts to 98 mph which injured four persons at Holly Springs, and wind gusts to 100 mph which injured one person and caused half a million dollars damage north of Dacusville.
1995-- NYC bans smoking in all restaurants that seat 35 or more.
1999- "Here, There and Everywhere: A Concert For Linda," a charity tribute concert for the late Linda McCartney is held at the Royal Albert Hall in London. Among the performers are Paul McCartney, Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders, Elvis Costello, Sinead O'Connor, and George Michael. Proceeds raised funds for animal rights causes.
2000-- On his father's 50th birthday, Ken Griffey Jr. becomes the youngest player (30 years, 141 days) to hit 400 career homers beating Jimmie Foxx's previous mark (30 years, 248 days old).
2003 --By hitting his 31st career leadoff homer, Astros' outfielder Craig Biggio breaks Bobby Bonds' National League record. The major league mark of 80 belongs to Rickey Henderson.
2003-- In a 7-6 victory over the Cardinals at Coors Field, the Rockies turned the first triple play in club history. With Scott Rolen on second base and Tino Martinez on first, Colorado's first baseman Todd Helton catches Orlando Palmeiro's soft liner for the first out and throws to shortstop Jose Hernandez who steps on second for the second out and then tags Martinez to complete the triple killing.
NBA Finals Champions This Date
1953---Minneapolis Lakers
1955 Syracuse Nationals
Stanley Cup Champions This Date
1934 Chicago Blackhawks
1956 Montreal Canadiens

Spring Poem
by W.H.Auden
For us like any other fugitive,
Like the numberless flowers that cannot number
And all the beasts that need not remember,
It is today in which we live.
So many try to say Not Now,
So many have forgotten how
To say I Am, and would be
Lost, if they could, in history.
Bowing, for instance, with such old-world grace,
To a proper flag in a proper place,
Muttering like ancients as they stump upstairs
Of Mine and His or Ours and Theirs.
Just as if time were what they used to will
When it was gifted with possession still,
Just as if they were wrong
In no more wishing to belong.
No wonder then so many die of grief,
So many are so lonely as they die;
No one has yet believed or liked a lie,
Another time has other lives to live.