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Monday, November 22, 2021

Today's Leasing News Headlines

Positions Wanted
    Accounts Receivable/Collections
Funders Looking for Broker Business
Leasing Industry Ads
    Make Your Dream Remote Job a Reality!
Broker Commissions by Linda P. Kester
    Sales Make it Happen (11/14/07 Leasing News)
Things to Know About Leasing EVs Right Now
    By Adam Berger, President, Doering Fleet Management
Slim Capital Simplified Finance Solutions
    Examples of Programs
Top Ten Leasing News Read by Readers
    November 15 to November 22
1st Commercial Credit Launches Equipment Financing
    with over $1 billion in funding availability
ELFA Announces 2022 Business Council
    Steering Committees 
Terrier Mix
     Palm Beach Gardens, Florida  Adopt-a-Dog
Learn How to Save on Your Searches
    Tuesday, November 30, 2021 - Free
News Briefs---
Forrester Expects Banks To Invest Aggressively,
    But Run Into Skills Shortages
As Kaiser workers strike, health care industry grapples
    with burnout, staffing shortages
Over a Million Americans May Have Permanently
    Lost Their Sense of Smell to Covid-19
California truck driving school sees annual enrollment
    growth of nearly 20%
Federal Savings Bank, whose former CEO was convicted in
   scheme to land Trump appointment, reined in for ‘unsound’ practices
Supply-Chain Problems Show Signs of Easing
    Asian output is coming back and some bottlenecks are clearing
Californians Flee the Coast to Inland Cities
     in a Mass Pandemic-Era Exodus

You May have Missed---
Is your company secretly monitoring your work
   at home? Since COVID, the practice has surged

Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (wrilter's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months (Be Careful of Doing Business)
Leasing News Icon for Android Mobile Device

Sports Brief----
 California Nuts Brief---
   Wine Reviews
    This Day in History
      Daily Puzzle
        Weather, USA or specific area
         Traffic Live----

######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release,” it was not written by Leasing News nor has the information been verified. The source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “byline.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.


Positions Wanted
Accounts Receivable/Collections

Ray Borgaard

Senior Accounts Receivable and Collections professional with over 30 years of experience. Have successfully and consistently reduced DSO and increased cash flow during my entire career. Have worked with Fortune 500 "C" Suite level to resolve large outstanding balances. This has been done by dealing on a one on one with these individuals after written correspondence has not resolved the delinquency.

Have worked well with marketing, contact administrators, and credit to resolve any contractual issues that are preventing payment. Looking for an opportunity with a company that can utilize my experience to have better control and results for the future.
References furnished upon request.

Post a Free Ad that You are Looking
Limited to 100 Words


Funders Looking for Broker Business

Alphabetical list - click on company name to view more details

1st Enterprise Bank Leasing
360 Equipment Finance
Allegheny Valley Bank Leasing
Balboa Capital Corp.
Bankers Capital
Barrett Capital Corporation
Baystone Government Finance/
KS StateBank

Black Rock Capital
Boston Financial & Equity Corp.
BSB Leasing, Inc.
Calfund, LLC
Celtic Bank
C.H. Brown Company
Chesapeake Industrial Leasing Co., Inc.

Dakota Financial
Dedicated Funding
Dext Capital
Exchange Bank Leasing (formerly Dumac Leasing)
FirstLease, Inc.
First Federal Leasing
First Foundation Bank
First Midwest Equipment
Finance Co.

Financial Pacific Leasing
Forum Financial Services, Inc.
Gonor Funding
Global Financial & Leasing Services, LLC
International Financial Services

Madison Capital
Maxim Commercial Capital, LLC

Mesa Leasing
National Equipment Finance
Navitas Lease Corp.
NewLane Finance
NexTier Leasing
NFS Leasing, Inc
North Mill Equipment Finance
Northwest Leasing Company, Inc
Padco Financial Services
Pacific Mercantile Bank
Pawnee Leasing Corporation
Providence Equipment Finance
Quality Leasing Co, Inc
RLC Funding
SLIM Capital, LLC
Standard Professional Services, LLC
TEAM Funding Solutions

Leasing Associations: All non-profit leasing associations are abbreviated. To see the full name and learn more about the association, please click here.

BBB - Better Business Report | CBB - Leasing News Complaint Bulletin Board
| CNI - Current News Information
A -Accepts Broker Business | B -Requires Broker be Licensed | C -Sub-Broker Program
| D -"Private label Program" | E - Also "in house" salesmen

N/R (not reported)
* (no response---these listing do not come from the company directly, but from our research from many sources. It is our policy not to put anything in this section without confirmation

Full Section:



Help Wanted Ads


Broker Commissions by Linda P. Kester
Sales Make it Happen (11/14/07 Leasing News)

Sales Make it Happen

Broker Commissions - Follow-Up Report

By: Linda P. Kester

In my initial article about broker commission three main questions were raised:

  1. Why do funding sources limit the amount of points paid, sometimes as low as ten points or less?
  2. Why are some funding sources who are trying to attract brokers willing to pay 20% or more?
  3. Should there be a cap for the amount of points paid, or should it be determined on an individual basis?

My answers were:

  1. Funding sources feel that excessive points must mean that there is something wrong with the deal that has yet to be uncovered.
  2. Funding sources think, on average that leases with twenty points built in will most likely perform worse than deals with five points.
  3. Some "story" credit companies limit the amount of points (two or three percent) because they feel the lessee is so hard up for the equipment that they will agree to any rate. In addition, a 20% commission will make it that much more difficult to recover equipment cost on a repo.
  4. On large dollar amount transactions the point cap should be determined on an individual basis.
  5. Brokers should be compensated on individual circumstances for deals that are more costly to process without an arbitrary maximum. Bottom line, funding sources should set a relatively high point cap & monitor the performance of the portfolio.
Our Informal Poll Results

A large number of Leasing News readers responded to my request for information on this subject. Most were willing to share their knowledge as long as they could remain anonymous. What I discovered is that there are a multitude of variables that go into this decision making process on both the broker and the funding sources sides. The variables include:

    • Type of credit
    • Reliance on collateral
    • Funding rate
    • Size of deal

Broker Responses

Most broker responses were straight forward; here are four responses from Brokers:

  1. "Over the years, we try to set fees in relation to the amount of time & effort required to get the lease approved, keeping the fee at a level when added to our cost of funds, results in a lease that is priced within comparable going market rates.   We never price to "skin alive" any of our clients as we are not a one time lessor....we seek a relationship. Our transaction size runs from about $10,000 to over $1,800,000. .........Origination fees will range from 5% or 6% on the smaller deals to 2% or 3% as the lease size increases. Many times the structure of the lease will allow for an increased fee...when payments are compared to other types of financing.  We try to be creative. With some funding sources, we discount the stream of payments. This results in more front end profit and/or some residual ownership.

"I typically deal with transactions less than $100,000 and average about 8 points. Customers with poorer credit are charged more; better credits have more options. So to be competitive, I usually charge less. If I can occasionally make a larger profit on a transaction, I will; and I think it is reasonable to do so.

"One sometimes overlooked fee is the doc fee.  We have typically charged $295 for probably 3 yrs and it usually adds up to a few more bucks or at least is enough to include some funding source fees too!

"Our average commission was always in the 8% range and that was for average size deals of $35-40,000.

"Obviously on really small deals we couldn't get away with the bigger doc fee, but the commissions certainly shot up to 15% pretty fast.

"Deals under $50K I generally put 7 points in. Deals between $50K and $100K I put 4 points in. Over $100K I charge 2 or 3 points depending on how rate sensitive the customer is.

"Hope that helps you. I'm probably cheap because I hear a lot of brokers charge 10 points on most deals.  I believe in keeping the customer for life and if you are fair with them on the first deal, you will get all their future business."

  1. "Less than $75,000: five points. Will try to push for seven."
  2. "$100,000: two to three points. Most people are trying to figure out how much more they can get without losing the deal."

Many brokers are reluctant to share specifics because they think if they say "I got 15 points on a $45,000 deal." The next broker will say, "I got twenty on the same type of deal"; while the broker standing in the corner eavesdropping, says "I got 25, you guys are schmucks."

That being said, there were the brokers who have strong ethical concerns. Stating,

"Don't hurt our industry with your pricing." "Just because a lessee is 'financially challenged' (not knowledgeable in the ways of finance) doesn't mean you should add in 20 points and try to get a couple more deals before they go out of business."

This forces the question: "How much is too much?"

In my opinion it depends on how much value you add to the transaction. Pricing should be inherently fair. If you bring something to the deal the lessee couldn't bring on his own, then you charge more. If it's strictly a commodity then you should get less. The bottom line is to know what you are charging and know why. The more educated the leasing sales rep is, the more they know where the pricing should be.

Start Your Own Leasing Company?

Another question posed was: "Is it still a valid concept to start your own leasing business in order to make a greater percent of commission?"

As long as you take all factors and expenses into consideration it is a viable option. This can be done on both a broker level and a funding source level. I have a friend who had such a tight relationship with a vendor that she became a broker, just to service that account. On another level, when senior management left Advanta Leasing to start Marlin Leasing, one of their motivations was to stop making so much money for their parent, Advanta Corp., and start making money for themselves.

Funding Source Responses

One funding source stated that this is really a concern of "application only" business. I tend to agree with this statement because with "application only" business the sales rep has more control of the rate. One reoccurring theme was that it's difficult to get a higher percentage of points on a large dollar amount transaction. The majority of leasing companies go up to $150,000 "app only". There are some who advertise up to $250,000 app only. Other captive companies offer $350,000 app only.

The following is a sampling of the feedback from funding sources:

  1. "We are an "A" credit funder, or so we believe.  Our dollar range is 10-75K.  The average points paid to a broker are 7.8 points."
  2. "Your article is specific to credit quality as a concern over commission limits. Certainly, every credit officer would shudder if they knew a deal they approved in one part of the building was getting maxed out from a commission standpoint at funding, in another part of the building. Generally, that does not occur...especially in app only [leases].

    "Only when introduced in a loss review session would the excess commission become a part of the discussion as to why a loss has occurred. We did not expose our credit officers to the details of individual losses and certainly they would not have seen the data to support the correlation.  However, we studied the data at the executive level and it revealed a higher propensity for losses when commissions exceeded 20% although there was not a strong correlation between credit quality and excess commissions. Fortunately, very few transactions are ever priced at that level of payout.

    " It is interesting to note that a large percentage of the brokers we talk to today see our 20% cap as a value add. The fact is the average payout is much less than our cap, although we do see an occasional deal with the max priced into it so I would conclude our stated limits are more optical and emotional than rational.  Why do so many people participate in lotteries? It is the dream that they have a chance to hit it big when in reality they likely understand they will not. "

I would suggest that the larger reason a funder caps commission is because of the economics of the deal.  If you are holding a portfolio your advance rate is never 100% so you must put equity into every transaction you fund. The higher the commission payout, more equity must be included into the deal. Because of liquidity issues, lenders may decide to limit the amount of their advances.  The reality is the treasury function directs more of this type of policy than credit within an organization.   

The other aspect of the argument is entirely emotional. We are all consumers and we tend to want to follow the "do unto others" rule. It is unfortunate that some folks in our industry do not adhere to that standard instead opting to go for it all when presented with the opportunity. Perhaps their mortgage payment is on the line, or past due child support is looming large over them. Whatever the reason, it happens and often with little remorse. With the commission caps the lender is drawing the line for the broker and telling them what their tolerance level is for how they treat their lessee. "

"Regarding Points our limits are as follows:

"10K-50K:   8 Points

"50K-100K: 5 Points."

"We limit the points we pay out due to (1) limiting the amount of 'air' in a transaction especially when we require a larger down payment on a structured deal. (2) being part of a bank, we never want to be put in a position of defending why a lessee was paying a 25% interest rate."

"We're one of the "high risk" deal lessors..we pay 2-3 % depending on how much volume a broker gives us.that is .deals that actually get done, not just sending or showing deals."

 This issue did touch a nerve. Other questions I received included:

  • If the funder gets their yield what do they care how much I get on top of that?
  • Does a higher commission mean less of a return in a default?
  • How high will the "split" go to get broker business?
  • Has the role of the salesperson changed that they can obtain a higher commission and part of the residual?
I'll address each of the above questions in a subsequent article. Again, if you have an opinion on this subject be sure to e-mail me at

Institute for Personal Development
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Linda P. Kester


Things to Know About Leasing EVs Right Now
By Adam Berger, President, Doering Fleet Management

Tips on the ever-changing electric vehicle market
 and tips for leasing with logic within that space.

1. The field of EV contenders is growing quickly. It's going to be like The Hunger Games--some products will live and some will die. To date, most of the big OEMs have fallen flat on their faces but new products like the Ford Lightning might fly. New entrants like Rivian should fly, but they are not a fleet product. Fleet vehicles like the Endurance truck from Lordstown Motors and Arrival's products may succeed but there are headwinds. However, options like Lucid, the Mercedes EQS, and others are unlikely to find a meaningful market. 

2. Successful EV leasing is about safety. The EV Kool-Aid drinkers will tell us these cars will last longer, be worth more, that the model year and age do not matter, and that the mileage is far less relevant than in the ICE world. This is nominally true but from an underwriting and residual setting perspective, keeps your logic grounded. Use the same knowledge from over the years: 50% depreciation every three years--or safer. We have seen huge deflation in EV prices in recent years and that pressure will continue. The cars that formerly cost $172,000 are now $129,000. 

3. In addition to basic residual setting, overlay the OEM and product. Some will survive and some will likely fail. Seven years ago when we first started working with Tesla, they were bleeding cash and the market was fearful that they would not make it. We saw through the dust, set safe residuals, and didn’t do any risky deals. 

4. Rely on the basics: OEM viability, charging infrastructure, features, and benefits. The answer with EV leases is always safety. As is normal in sales, we have to be willing to lose to win. Be willing to lose deals and work on the deals on which you can write safe residuals to good credit entities. 

5. The best EVs should have three-year residuals of no more than 50%. Don’t be deceived by current resale values, of course. Stay grounded and scale. EVs surrounded by uncertainty should have lower residuals, safer structure, and possibly down payments. 

6. The number of startups that plan to revolutionize the world via EVs is staggering. Some raise obscene sums from the early stage investment markets under the illusion of changing the world with EVs, car sharing, and other ideas. To date, we have been approached by over 100 of these startups. However, we do business with only a select group that meets our criteria. Be selective and don’t be deceived. Just as subscription companies have come and gone by the dozen, know that the market in the United States is slow to evolve. Norway has over 60% of new car sales in EVs. We aren’t Norway! Don’t do business with a new startup unless you have corporate or PGs. They all ask for it but it’s not a good decision to trust your client more than they trust themselves…ever.

7. It is our responsibility to pull our heads up out of the sand and stop playing the ostrich routine! The world is changing and we need to be part of it and support it, safely and logically. 

Published in the November, 2021
National Vehicle Leasing Association
Live Wire.”


Slim Capital Simplified Finance Solutions
Examples of Programs


BOTH Credit Based and Collateral Based Programs,
to brighten your summer! Here are a few recent samples:

$630,000 For A Cannnabis Dispensary
 Upgrading Their Machinery

Who - Cannabis Dispensary
What - Single Weigh, Fill And Bag System
Where - California
Why - This company came to SLIM Capital because they knew we could provide the financing they needed for this industry type of equipment. So many other lenders say they will work in this space but simply don't fund the deals. With over a hundred locations nationwide, this company is growing at a rapid pace and they need to keep with demand. This specialized piece of equipment can help the distributor speed up the production of this product to market. With just two years’ time in business SLIM was able to get comfortable with the company's mission and the equipment they wanted to acquire. We took a 20% down payment to get the deal done! Helping New Businesses Grow!

$300,000 For A Chocolate Cooling System

Who - Baked Goods Manufacturer
What - Chocolate Cooling System
Where - Illinois
Why - This baked goods manufacturer can be found in many local grocery stores nationwide. It is a family-owned business that found the need for sweet treats that are allergen free. As more and more kids suffer from allergies, they saw an increase in business for their products. To become more efficient and increase production they needed to update their machines. With several owners and different locations for the business, SLIM Capital needed to dig in and see how to help. With a 60-month term, this baked goods company was able to continue filling their orders. Life Is A Sweet Treat!

$300,000 For A Hotel That Wants To Save
Money With Solar

Who - Hotel Industry
What - Solar Panels And Installation
Where - California
Why - When this large hotel approached SLIM Capital with this equipment acquisition, it was going to be tough to justify lease payments in the ROI calculations. Furthermore, the solar panels were going in at a new location that is still under construction. Prefunding this transaction was key. Despite those challenges, SLIM Capital was able to help this company become more energy efficient and was even able to provide a 60-month term that was requested. The Future for Solar Energy is Bright!


$285,000 For Various Equipment Needed
 For A Mining Company

Who - A Mining Company
What - Various Equipment Including A Box Truck And Flatbed
Where - Nevada
Why - The biggest challenge with this transaction was the industry and the age of some of the equipment. With just under ten vendors to work with and one piece of the equipment being 15 years old, SLIM knew they needed to find out more about the business to get comfortable with the deal. With this company having been in business for some time and solid credit history, SLIM Capital knew they could help! With some time and patience the drilling company was ready to take on new contracts to expand their business.
Slim Will Drill In And Help Get The Deal Approved!

SLIM Capital, LLC is a nationwide direct finance company that specializes in securing hard assets to structure financing transactions as well as Credit Based Financing Decisions. We consider equipment with a strong secondary market value, real estate and other assets that can be easily monetized as collateral. Give us a call or email us with any deals that you think might be a fit.



Top Ten Leasing News Read by Readers
November 15 to November 19

(1)Never Compare Yourself with Others

(2) "Surprise! Surprise!" yelled Gomer Pyle
  Appropriate Today for California
    Part I by Christopher Menkin, Editor

(3) New Hires/Promotions in the Leasing Business
    and Related Industries

(4) CFL License Transition to NMLS Instructions Explained
    By Kenneth C. Greene, Leasing News Legal Editor

(5) New DFPI Commissioner Has Full Plate
  What Will the Finance and Business Plate hold to Eat?
    and Experience of F.I.T. Leasing with NMLS Process
     Part II by Christopher Menkin, Editor

(6) Most Influential Women in Leasing and Finance

(7) Leasing News Adds New Procedure
    to Subscribe to News Editions      

(8) IRS provides guidance on per diem rates and the temporary
    100% deduction for food or beverages from restaurants

(9) Remote work is now the hottest ‘city’
     for high-paying jobs

(10) McDonald’s marks 50 years of Egg McMuffins
    with 63-cent throwback price


#### Press Release #############################

1st Commercial Credit Launches Equipment Financing
with over $1 billion in funding availability

1st Commercial Credit offers clients looking to finance over the road and vocational trucks, manufacturing and material handling equipment, construction equipment, and other quality assets
 that retain value.

AUSTIN, Texas,  -- 1st Commercial Credit, LLC is a nationwide funding company that specializes in accounts receivable factoring and trade payable financing has introduced an equipment financing program for various sized companies, credit score ranges, and industries.

Raul Esqueda, President of 1st Commercial Credit says, "Equipment finance has always been a great alternative financial instrument for acquiring equipment without using your bank line or cash savings. Our primary equipment finance clients are capped out with their exiting lenders, have challenged credit, or have financial stress due to growth in sales.  We cover a very wide credit score range for approvals many vendors and dealerships would appreciate."

Start-Up Equipment finance

1st Commercial Credit has a new funding program for companies needing up to $75k in equipment finance for start-ups. For start-ups less than three months old, a large demand exists for equipment financing among enthusiastic start-up business owners. Leasing and equipment finance companies in the past have ignored business owners with less than 2 years of business operations. However, 1st Commercial Credit is optimistic in providing financial services to higher risk clients amongst the small business community. Over 60% of clients that come to 1st Commercial Credit for funding have less than one year since start-up and 1st Commercial Credit has helped them grow with receivable and trade payable finance programs.

Vender and Dealer Setup

1st Commercial Credit's primary goal is to set up vendors across the United States with our funding programs. We will also offer clients looking to finance over the road and vocational trucks, manufacturing and material handling equipment, construction equipment, and other quality assets that retain value. In order to keep our rates low for clients, we are not accepting brokers in the equipment lease program at this time.

For more information about how to setup equipment finance programs:


##### Press Release ############################

ELFA Announces 2022 Business Council Steering Committees
Committees Represent Key Business Sectors and Advance Association Mission

Washington, D.C. – The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association today announced the results of the association’s Business Council Steering Committee elections. A diverse group of ELFA members has been elected to serve on five committees representing key business sectors of the association membership. The committees are an integral part of ELFA operations, providing input on the direction of the association, meeting the needs of members in their respective areas and serving as a bridge between the members, Board of Directors and staff. Each committee keeps its finger on the pulse of the industry, assessing sector trends and how they may impact the membership and the association.

“We are pleased to recognize the 2022 Business Council Steering Committee members, who will play an important role in the ELFA community in the year ahead,” said ELFA President and CEO Ralph Petta. “We are fortunate to have engaged volunteers who will contribute their time and energy to advancing our association’s critical mission in a wide range of areas, from advocacy to professional development.”

The following individuals will serve on the five committees in 2022. The committee members are elected by the Business Council membership for a term of two years on a staggered basis.
Asterisks indicate members who were newly elected or re-elected in the 2021 elections. The ETAC Liaisons are representatives from ELFA’s Emerging Talent Advisory Council.

The Bank Business Council Steering Committee represents bank-owned or bank-related organizations that utilize internal funding. They may encompass bank departments, divisions or affiliates, or divisions or subsidiaries of bank holding companies. The members are as follows:

  • Sean Svoboda, Farm Credit Leasing (Committee Chair)
  • Eric Bunnell, Arvest Equipment Finance*
  • Maureen Carr, Pacific Western Bank (Board Liaison)
  • Mark Farlin, LEAF Commercial Capital*
  • Adam Fay, First American Equipment Finance, an RBC / City National Company*
  • Thomas Forbes, Wintrust Commercial Finance*
  • Kris Foster, Pinnacle Financial Partners*
  • Craig George, Truist Equipment Finance Corp.
  • Amy Gestal, Huntington Technology Finance
  • Bryan Grantham, Regions Equipment Finance*
  • Matthew Hand, U.S. Bank Equipment Finance*
  • Dale Kluga, Providence Equipment Finance, A Division of Providence Bank & Trust
  • Svetlana Kralik, U.S. Bank Equipment Finance (ETAC Liaison)
  • Dennis Magarro, Peapack Capital Corporation*
  • Martha McGuire, First Bank Chicago, a Division of First Bank of Highland Park
  • Jill McKean-Bilby, BOK Financial Equipment Finance, Inc.
  • Theresa Provencher, Bank of America Global Leasing*
  • Jourdan Saegusa, Midland Equipment Finance, a division of Midland States Bank*
  • Robert Seltzer, BciCapital, Inc. (BciC)
  • Marci Slagle, BankFinancial, NA
  • Stan Walker, Citizens Asset Finance
  • Ken Walters, Investors Bank Equipment Finance

The Captive and Vendor Finance Business Council Steering Committee represents financial services organizations that provide sales-assisted financing and vendor and manufacturer support activities, either on a third-party or captive basis. The members are as follows:

  • Jayma Sandquist, John Deere Financial (Committee Chair)*
  • Mark Bainbridge, Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation*
  • Joe Banister, LEAF Commercial Capital Inc.*
  • Jon Biorkman, Healthcare Financial Services, GE Healthcare (Board Liaison)
  • Brian Bower, Bank of America Global Leasing*
  • Todd Clegg, TCF Capital Solutions, a division of TCF National Bank*
  • Mike Elmasry, IBM Global Financing
  • Dan Hathcoat, Summit Funding Group, Inc.*
  • Xiang Ji, Toyota Industries Commercial Finance, Inc.*
  • Christopher Johnson, Pitney Bowes Global Financial Services
  • Sherrie Kalajian, Presidio Technology Capital LLC
  • Mark Lombardi, GE Healthcare Financial Services*
  • Brian Lowe, Verdant Commercial Capital LLC
  • Jeremy McCulloch, Wells Fargo Vendor Financial Services*
  • Chris Meeks, OnPoint Capital, LLC
  • Kara Miyasato, Stryker Flex Financial
  • Vince Mollica, CIT
  • Dan Nuss, US Bank Equipment Finance*
  • Sara Palmer, Key Equipment Finance
  • Larry Scherzer, Cisco Systems Capital Corporation
  • Eileen Schoonmaker, DLL*
  • Justin Tabone, TIAA Commercial Finance, Inc.
  • Greg Vandewalker, GreatAmerica Financial Services
  • Camtu Vo, DLL (ETAC Liaison)
  • Dan Willems Van Dijk, CNH Industrial Capital

The Independent Business Council Steering Committee represents non-bank-owned organizations that provide financing through lines of credit, discounting relationships or other funding vehicles. The members are as follows:

  • Jonathan Albin, Nexseer Capital (Committee Chair)
  • Kimberly Adair, Amur Equipment Finance
  • Hollis Bufferd, Star Hill Financial LLC*
  • Deborah Cole, Gaelic Leasing Inc*
  • Roman Gajda, ENGS Commercial Finance Co.*
  • Autumn Heseltine, Insight Investments, LLC
  • Rick Matte, Encina Equipment Finance, LLC*
  • Zoe Mitchell, Macquarie Specialized and Asset Finance
  • Brian Mulder, FORT Capital Resources, LLC*
  • Chris Pagano, Mitsubishi HC Capital America*
  • Jennifer Sablowski, LeasePlan USA
  • Mark Scardigli, Marlin Capital Solutions
  • Howard Shiebler, Crossroads Equipment Lease & Finance LLC*
  • Harrison Smith, Stonebriar Commercial Finance (ETAC Liaison)
  • Bruce Winter, FSG Capital, Inc. (Board Liaison)

The Service Providers Business Council Steering Committee represents organizations and firms providing a variety of related services to the members of the other four Business Councils. Associated company types include accounting, collections, law, consulting, software, equipment management, university/government, executive recruiters, insurance, nonprofits/associations and publishers. The members are as follows:

  • Jon Gerson, Executive Solutions for Leasing and Finance, Inc. (Committee Chair)
  • Tara Aasand, LTi Technology Solutions
  • Todd Anderson, CSC
  • Jeffery Bilbrey, Leasepath
  • Susan Carol, Susan Carol Creative*
  • Ben Court, Stinson LLP*
  • Kelly DeCarteret, DeCarteret Transport, LLC
  • Joe Franco, CLFP, FIS*
  • Julia Gavrilov, Moritt Hock & Hamroff LLP*
  • Sean McKenna, Great American Insurance Group (ETAC Liaison)
  • Barry Ripes, Equifax Company (Board Liaison)
  • Cody Sanguinetti, CLFP, Great American Insurance Group*
  • Douglas Williams, JDR Solutions, Inc.

The Small Ticket Business Council Steering Committee represents financial services organizations primarily involved in transactions under $250,000, either individually or through lines.

  • Brad Peterson, Channel (Committee Chair)
  • Robert Ceribelli, DLL
  • Mike Coon, Hanmi Bank
  • Cole Farmer, Blue Street Capital, LLC (ETAC Liaison)
  • Nicholas Gibbens, CLFP, Wintrust Specialty Finance*
  • Brent Hall, CLFP Alliance Funding Group
  • Stephanie Hall, BankFinancial, NA*
  • Richard Irwin, Marlin Capital Solutions
  • Chris Lerma, CLFP, AP Equipment Financing
  • Brient Mills, JB&B Capital, LLC*
  • Robert Neagle, Finova Capital, LLC (Board Liaison)
  • Kayla Perlinger, Oakmont Capital Services*
  • Ryan Schlenner, U. S. Bank Equipment Finance
  • Allen Snelling, Financial Pacific Leasing, Inc., an Umpqua Bank Company
  • Todd Wainwright, Amur Equipment Finance*

Learn More
To learn more about each ELFA committee and its purpose, download the ELFA Volunteer Guide or view committee descriptions online. All members who are interested in serving on an ELFA committee, including a Business Council Steering Committee, are encouraged to complete the online committee volunteer form or contact Director of Governance Ed Rosen at or 202.238.3428.

About ELFA
The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) is the trade association that represents companies in the nearly $1 trillion equipment finance sector, which includes financial services companies and manufacturers engaged in financing capital goods. ELFA members are the driving force behind the growth in the commercial equipment finance market and contribute to capital formation in the U.S. and abroad. Its 575 members include independent and captive leasing and finance companies, banks, financial services corporations, broker/packagers and investment banks, as well as manufacturers and service providers. For more information, please visit Follow ELFA on Twitter @ELFAonline.



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National Animal Interest Alliance



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Wine Reviews


2020 Trader Joe's Diamond Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon
Kevan R. Wilkinson, Leasing News Wine Reviewer

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Idaho's 2021 Grape Harvest: Smaller Yields, Intense Color and Flavor

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For Greek Reds, No Matter How Good, the Embrace Will Be Slow

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This Day in History

     1631- First Public Thanksgiving in US.  History records the earliest American harvest festival was celebrated in early December by the Pilgrims at Plymouth, Mass. A peace treaty and defensive alliance between the Wampanoag Indians and the Pilgrims was con­cluded at Strawberry Hill, Plymouth, Mass. Arranged by Squanto, an English-speaking Indian, it was one of the earliest recorded treaties between Europeans and Indians in North America. Squanto had been kidnapped and sold as a slave in Spain. He escaped to Eng­land, where he learned English, and lived in New­foundland for a time before returning to Massachusetts in 1619. Meat and bird were rare. Turkeys flourished in Pennsylvania, but not here. Seafood was the main source of nutrition women and children arriving in New England year to join their Pilgrim husbands and fathers. Settlers were feasted with “a lobster or a piece of without bread or anything else but a cup of spring water.” Many lobsters weighed 25 lbs. and were so abundant that the smallest child could catch them. Clams, mussels, and fish stew were also popular dishes. The coastal Indians, diminished by a viral hepatitis needed the Europeans to help protect them from “inland” Indian tribes and approached the “Pilgrims” to aid them offering food and fur as blankets for small trinkets that was their main reason for the relationship.  The first public thanksgiving, a fast day, was celebrated in Massachusetts Bay Colony, on February 22, 1631 though history records many private celebrations before this date.
    1789 - Thanksgiving Day was celebrated for the first time as a national holiday. President George Washington, at the request of Congress, had proclaimed it a day of thanksgiving for the Constitution. Anti-Federalists protested that his proclamation violated states’ rights.
    1864 - Oct 3, Thanksgiving Day was proclaimed a national holiday by Pres. Lincoln, to be observed on the last Thursday in November. In 1939, Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving Day one week back to stimulate Christmas shopping. In 1941, Congress adopted a joint resolution confirming the fourth Thursday, not the last Thursday, as Thanksgiving Day. In most states, the Friday after Thanksgiving is also a holiday. In Nevada, it is called Family Day.

    1633 - Irish Catholic Cecil Calvert, 27, sent two ships (the Ark and the Dove) from Ireland to establish a colony in America as a refuge for fellow Catholics. His work later earned Lord Calvert the nickname, "Colonizer of Maryland."
    1641 - An observer at Boston, MA, recorded a "great tempest of wind and rain from the southeast all night, as fierce as a hurricane, and thereupon followed the highest tide which we have seen since our arrival here."
    1643 - René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, or Robert de La Salle (d. 1687) was born in Normandy, France.  He explored the Great Lakes region, the Mississippi River, and the Gulf of Mexico. He claimed the entire Mississippi River basin for France.  La Salle's major legacy was establishing the network of forts from Fort Frontenac to outposts along the Great Lakes, Ohio, Illinois and Mississippi rivers that came to define French territorial, diplomatic and commercial policy for almost a century between his first expedition and the 1763 cession of New France to Great Britain. In addition to the forts, which also served as authorized agencies for the extensive fur trade, LaSalle's visits to Illinois and other Indians cemented the French policy of alliance with Indians in the common causes of containing both Iroquois influence and Anglo-American settlement. He also gave the name Louisiana to the interior North American territory he claimed for France, which lives on in the name of a US state. His efforts to encompass modern-day Ontario and the eight American states that border the Great Lakes became a foundational effort in defining the Great lakes region.
    1718 - Off the coast of North Carolina, British pirate Edward Teach (best known as "Blackbeard") was killed in battle with a boarding party led by Royal Navy Lieutenant Robert Maynard. Teach captured a French merchant vessel and equipped her with 40 guns. He became a renowned pirate, his nickname derived from his thick black beard and fearsome appearance. He formed an alliance of pirates and blockaded the port of Charles Town, South Carolina, ransoming the port's inhabitants. He then ran aground on a sandbar near Beaufort, North Carolina. But he was soon back at sea, where he attracted the attention of Alexander Spotswood, the Governor of Virginia Colony. Spotswood arranged for a party of soldiers and sailors to capture the pirate, which they did following a ferocious battle.   
    1744 – Abigail Adams, nee Smith, (d. 1818) was born in Weymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony.  Adams' life is one of the most documented of the first ladies: she is remembered for the many letters she wrote to her husband while he stayed in Philadelphia during the Continental Congress sessions. John frequently sought the advice of Abigail on many matters, she was his closest advisor, and their letters are filled with intellectual discussions on government and politics. Her letters also serve as eyewitness accounts of the Revolutionary War home front.  She was also the mother of John Quincy Adams. She is sometimes considered to have been a Founder of the US and is now designated as the first Second Lady and second First Lady of the US. 
    1842 – Mt. St. Helens erupted.
    1847 - In New York, the Astor Place Opera House, the city's first operatic theater, is opened.
    1849 - Austin College was chartered in Texas at Huntsville under Presbyterian sponsorship. In 1876, the school campus was moved to Sherman, TX.
    1854 - San Francisco Saloon keepers at a mass meeting decided to keep the free lunch, despite the high cost.   
    1864 - Confederate General John Bell Hood invades Tennessee in a desperate attempt to draw General William T. Sherman out of Georgia. This movement was part of the sad saga of Hood's Army of Tennessee in 1864. In the spring, the army, commanded then by Joseph Johnston, blocked Sherman's path to Atlanta from Chattanooga. During the summer, Sherman and Johnston fought a series of relatively small engagements as Sherman tried to flank the Rebel army. Johnston slowly retreated toward Atlanta but kept his army intact. By July, Confederate President Jefferson Davis had seen enough territory lost to the Yankees, so he replaced the defensive Johnston with the aggressive Hood. Hood made a series of attacks on Sherman outside of Atlanta that did nothing but diminish his own army's capabilities. After a one-month siege, Hood was forced to withdraw from Atlanta. He took his army south, then swung around west of Atlanta in an attempt to cut Sherman's supply line. This line ran down the corridor from Chattanooga covering the same ground over which the two armies had fought in the summer. Although Sherman had to commit a substantial part of his force to protect the lines, Hood could do little more than pick at them. In October, Hood headed into Alabama to rest his beleaguered army. Hood then embarked on a bold expedition to save the western theater for the Confederates. He planned to move toward Nashville, into Kentucky and maybe even into the Northern states before turning east and joining up with General Robert E. Lee's army, which was under siege at Petersburg, Virginia. It was an enormous task, but Hood was determined to carry it out. The November 22 passage into Tennessee marked the start of a new campaign that spelled disaster for the Confederates. In early November, Sherman took part of his force, cut loose from his supply lines, and began his March to the Sea, which would end with the capture of Savannah just before Christmas. He sent the rest of the force under George Thomas back to Nashville to guard against Hood. Hood charged toward Thomas and attacked part of his force at Franklin, Tennessee, on November 30. Hood suffered a devastating defeat there but continued on to attack Thomas at Nashville on December 15. After that attack, little remained of Hood's once-proud Army of Tennessee. As a side note, the white male voters in Tennessee did not want to secede from the union and the slave population in the state was low. (here is a fascinating account of “slavery” in Tennessee. )
    1873 - American lawyer Horatio G. Spafford's four daughters drowned when their passenger ship, while crossing the Atlantic, collided with another and sank. The following month, as his own ship passed over the spot of the earlier tragedy, Spafford penned the words to the enduring hymn, "It is Well With My Soul."
    1883 – New York Gothams owner John B. Day proposed a resolution to prohibit a team from signing a player who has broken the reserve clause of his contract. This resolution, eventually adopted by both the American Association and National League, effectively changed the reserve clause from a device to protect owners from their own greediness to a vindictive weapon to be used against uncooperative players.
    1893 - Birthday of Alrutheus A. Taylor (d. 1955), Washington, DC.  A teacher and historian, he was a specialist in the history of blacks and segregation, especially during Reconstruction.  “The Crisis” cited him as a "painstaking scholar and authority on Negro history." A teacher at Tuskegee University and at West Virginia Collegiate Institute, following a grant from the Laura Spellman Rockefeller Memorial Fund, Taylor began heavily researching the role of African Americans in the South during Reconstruction.

    1898 – Wiley Post (d. 1935) was born in Grand Saline, TX.  A famed American aviator during the interwar period, he was the first pilot to fly solo around the world (1930).  On August 15, 1935, Post and American humorist Will Rogers were killed when Post's aircraft crashed near Pt. Barrow, AK.
    1899 - Hoagland Howard “Hoagie” Carmichael (d. 1981) was born Bloomington, Ind.  An attorney who gave up the practice of law to become an actor, songwriter, pianist, and singer, while still a student at Indiana Univ. he was influenced by a number of jazz musicians. Several of his jazz tunes, e.g., "Riverboat Shuffle” (1924), became popular in the 1920s. He went on to write many songs of which "Stardust” (1929) is best known. Others include "Georgia on My Mind” (1930), "The Nearness of You” (1938), "Skylark” (1942), and "In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening” (1951, Academy Award). Carmichael also played in and recorded with a number of bands. His easygoing charm made him a popular celebrity as was apparent in his film roles, “To Have and Have Not” (1944) and “Young Man with a Horn” (1950).
    1899 - The world's first radio company, the Marconi Wireless Company of America, was incorporated in New Jersey.  Marconi made his first demonstration of his system for the British government in July, 1896.  Numerous additional demonstrations followed and Marconi began to receive international attention.  In December, 1898, the British lightship service authorized the establishment of wireless communication between the Dover lighthouse and the East Goodwin lightship, twelve miles distant. In March, 1899, the lightship sent a signal on behalf of the merchant vessel Elbe which had run aground on Goodwin Sands. The message was received by the radio operator of the Dover lighthouse, who summoned the aid lifeboats for the rescue.  In the autumn of 1899, the first demonstrations in the United States took place. Marconi had sailed to the U.S. at the invitation of the New York Herald newspaper to cover the America’s Cup international yacht races off Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The transmission was done aboard the SS Ponce.  Marconi left for England in November, 1899 on the America Line’s SS Saint Paul, and he and his assistants installed wireless equipment aboard during the voyage. On 15 November Saint Paul became the first ocean liner to report her imminent return to Great Britain by wireless when Marconi's Royal Needles Hotel radio station contacted her 66 nautical miles off the English coast.  These developments motivated Marconi’s incorporation of the Company.
    1905 - Birthday of tenor-clarinetist Cecil Scott (d. 1964), born, Springfield, Ohio.
    1906 - The SOS distress signal was adopted at the International Radio Telegraphic Convention in Berlin.  The International Morse Code signal for distress – three dots, three dashes, three dots - was first adopted by the German government radio regulations effective April 1, 1905, and became the worldwide standard under the second International Radiotelegraphic Convention, effective on July 1, 1908. SOS remained the maritime radio distress signal until 1999, when it was replaced by the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System.  SOS is still recognized as a visual distress signal. 
    1908 – In the first US vs. Japan baseball game, the Reach All-Stars defeated Waseda University, 5-0.
    1910 - Arthur F. Knight of Schenectady, NY obtained a patent for a golf club with a steel shaft; it had tapered and tempered steel tubing. Before this date, all clubs were made of wood.
    1911 - Birthday of reedman Ernie Caceres (d. 1971), born Rockport, TX.
    1912 - Birthday of Doris Duke (d. 1993), NYC, the only child of tobacco and hydroelectric power tycoon James B. Duke and his second wife, Nanaline Holt Inman.  At his death in 1925, the elder Duke's will bequeathed the majority of his estate to his wife and daughter, along with $17 million, in two separate clauses of the will, to The Duke Endowment he had created in 1924.  The total value of the estate was not disclosed but was estimated variously at $60 million to $100 million (equivalent to $819 million to $1.366 billion in 2017), the majority from Duke's equity in Lucky Strike cigarettes.  Her philanthropic work in AIDS research, medicine, and child welfare continued into her old age, some of it unknown to the public during her lifetime, and her estimated $1.3 billion fortune was largely left to charity. After much legal challenging of the executors and trustees, Duke's legacy is now administered by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, dedicated to medical research, prevention of cruelty to children and animals, the performing arts, wildlife and ecology, and one of the world's most richly endowed philanthropies at the time.
    1921 - Birthday of Rodney Dangerfield, born Jacob Cohen (d. 2004), Babylon, NY.  Comedian, “I don’t get no respect;” actor, “Caddyshack,” “Easy Money,” “Back to School,” “Natural Born Killers,” “Ladybugs,” “The Dean Martin Show.”
    1925 - French hornist-musicologist Gunther Schuller (d. 1915) birthday, Queens, NYC.,,490385,00.html?artist=Gunther+Schuller
    1927 - Birthday of trombone player Jimmy Knepper (d. 2003), Los Angeles.
    1935 – Transpacific commercial air service began with the maiden flight of China Clipper.  PanAm’s Martin M-130 departed Alameda, California for Manila, The Philippines, arriving November 29.
    1938 - Bunny Berigan and his orchestra waxed "Jelly Roll Blues" on Victor Records. The tune became a standard for the band. 
    1942 - Birthday of Guion S. Bluford, Jr., first African-American astronaut in space, West Philadelphia, PA.
    1943 - BONNYMAN, ALEXANDER, JR., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps Reserves. Born: 2 May 1910, Atlanta, Ga. Accredited to: New Mexico. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as Executive Officer of the 2d Battalion Shore Party, 8th Marines, 2d Marine Division, during the assault against enemy Japanese-held Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands, 20-22 November 1943. Acting on his own initiative when assault troops were pinned down at the far end of Betio Pier by the overwhelming fire of Japanese shore batteries, 1st Lt. Bonnyman repeatedly defied the blasting fury of the enemy bombardment to organize and lead the besieged men over the long, open pier to the beach and then, voluntarily obtaining flame throwers and demolitions, organized his pioneer shore party into assault demolitionists and directed the blowing of several hostile installations before the close of D-day. Determined to effect an opening in the enemy's strongly organized defense line the following day, he voluntarily crawled approximately 40 yards forward of our lines and placed demolitions in the entrance of a large Japanese emplacement as the initial move in his planned attack against the heavily garrisoned, bombproof installation which was stubbornly resisting despite the destruction early in the action of a large number of Japanese who had been inflicting heavy casualties on our forces and holding up our advance. Withdrawing only to replenish his ammunition, he led his men in a renewed assault, fearlessly exposing himself to the merciless slash of hostile fire as he stormed the formidable bastion, directed the placement of demolition charges in both entrances and seized the top of the bombproof position, flushing more than 100 of the enemy who were instantly cut down, and effecting the annihilation of approximately 150 troops inside the emplacement. Assailed by additional Japanese after he had gained his objective, he made a heroic stand on the edge of the structure, defending his strategic position with indomitable determination in the face of the desperate charge and killing 3 of the enemy before he fell, mortally wounded. By his dauntless fighting spirit, unrelenting aggressiveness and forceful leadership throughout 3 days of unremitting, violent battle, 1st Lt. Bonnyman had inspired his men to heroic effort, enabling them to beat off the counterattack and break the back of hostile resistance in that sector for an immediate gain of 400 yards with no further casualties to our forces in this zone. He gallantly gave his life for his country.
    1943 – The Cairo Conference brought President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill and Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek of China together to strategize the Allied position against Japan during World War II and made decisions about postwar Asia.
    1943 – Billie Jean King was born in Long Beach, CA.  A former World #1 professional tennis player, she won 39 Grand Slam titles: 12 in singles, 16 in women's doubles, and 11 in mixed doubles. King won the singles title at the inaugural WTA Tour Championships.  King is an advocate for gender equality and has long been a pioneer for equality and social justice.  In 1973, at age 29, she won the ballyhooed television event, "Battle of the Sexes" tennis match against the 55-year-old Bobby Riggs. King was also the founder of the Women’s tennis Association and the Women’s Sports Foundation.  Regarded by many in the sport as one of the greatest tennis players of all time, King was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 1987. The Fed Cup Award of Excellence was bestowed on King in 2010. In 1972, King was the joint winner, with John Wooden, of the Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the Year award and was one of the Time Persons of the Year in 1975. King has also received the Presidential Medal of freedom and the Sunday Times Sportswoman of the Year lifetime achievement award. King was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame in 1990, and in 2006, the USTA National Tennis Center in New York City was renamed the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center.
    1945 - Top Hits
“It’s Been a Long, Long Time” - The Harry James Orchestra (vocal: Kitty Kallen)
“Till the End of Time”  - Perry Como
“I’ll Buy that Dream”  - The Pied Pipers
Sioux City Sue - Dick Thomas
    1950 - The Fort Wayne Pistons used a stall tactic to defeat the Minneapolis Lakers, 19-18, including 3–1 in the fourth quarter, in the lowest-scoring NBA game ever. The game drew a large crowed for fifty cent tickets for father-son night but was so boring that people were reading newspapers in the stands during play. The game led to the adoption of the 24-second clock in 1954.
    1950 – Steven Van Zandt was born in Boston.  Musician and actor who frequently goes by the stage names Little Steven or Miami Steve. He is a member of Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band, in which he plays guitar and mandolin. He is also known for his roles on television dramas such as Silvio Dante on “The Sopranos” (1999–2007) and Frank Tagliano / Giovanni "Johnny" Henriksen on “Lilyhammer” (2012–2014). In 2014, Van Zandt was inducted into the Rock and Rock Hall of Fame as a member of the E Street Band.
    1951 - STONE, JAMES L., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: First Lieutenant, U.S. Army, Company E 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division. Place and date: Near Sokkogae, Korea, 21 and 22 November 1951. Entered service at: Houston Tex. Born: 27 December 1922, Pine Bluff, Ark. G.O. No.: 82, 20 October 1953. Citation: 1st Lt. Stone distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and indomitable courage above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy. When his platoon, holding a vital outpost position, was attacked by overwhelming Chinese forces, 1st Lt. Stone stood erect and exposed to the terrific enemy fire calmly directed his men in the defense. A defensive flame-thrower failing to function, he personally moved to its location, further exposing himself, and personally repaired the weapon. Throughout a second attack, 1st Lt. Stone; though painfully wounded, personally carried the only remaining light machine gun from place to place in the position in order to bring fire upon the Chinese advancing from 2 directions. Throughout he continued to encourage and direct his depleted platoon in its hopeless defense. Although again wounded, he continued the fight with his carbine, still exposing himself as an example to his men. When this final overwhelming assault swept over the platoon's position his voice could still be heard faintly urging his men to carry on, until he lost consciousness. Only because of this officer's driving spirit and heroic action was the platoon emboldened to make its brave but hopeless last ditch stand.
    1952 - LORING, CHARLES J., JR. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Major, U.S. Air Force, 80th Fighter-Bomber Squadron, 8th Fighter-Bomber Wing. Place and date: Near Sniper Ridge, North Korea, 22 November 1952. Entered service at: Portland, Maine. Born: 2 October 1918, Portland, Maine. Citation: Maj. Loring distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. While leading a night of 4 F-80 type aircraft on a close support mission, Maj. Loring was briefed by a controller to dive-bomb enemy gun positions which were harassing friendly ground troops. After verifying the location of the target, Maj. Loring rolled into his dive bomb run. Throughout the run, extremely accurate ground fire was directed on his aircraft. Disregarding the accuracy and intensity of the ground fire, Maj. Loring aggressively continued to press the attack until his aircraft was hit. At approximately 4,000 feet, he deliberately altered his course and aimed his diving aircraft at active gun emplacements concentrated on a ridge northwest of the briefed target, turned his aircraft 45 degrees to the left, pulled up in a deliberate, controlled maneuver, and elected to sacrifice his life by diving his aircraft directly into the midst of the enemy emplacements. His selfless and heroic action completely destroyed the enemy gun emplacement and eliminated a dangerous threat to United Nations ground forces. Maj. Loring's noble spirit, superlative courage, and conspicuous self-sacrifice in inflicting maximum damage on the enemy exemplified valor of the highest degree and his actions were in keeping with the finest traditions of the U.S. Air Force. 
    1952 - "It's in the Book" by Johnny Standley topped the charts and stayed there for 2 weeks.
    1953 - Top Hits
“Ebb Tide” - The Frank Chacksfield Orchestra
“Rags to Riches” - Tony Bennett
“Ricochet” - Teresa Brewer
“There Stands the Glass” - Webb Pierce
    1954 – The Humane Society of the United States was formed in Washington, DC by journalist Fred Myers and Helen Jones, Larry Andrews, and Marcia Glaser to address what they saw as animal-related cruelties of national scope, and to resolve animal welfare problems by applying strategies beyond the resources or abilities of local organizations. 
    1955 - RCA paid the unheard-of sum of $25,000 to Sam Phillips of Memphis, TN for the rights to the music of a truck driver from Tupelo, Mississippi: Elvis Presley. Thanks to negotiations with Elvis’ manager, Colonel Tom Parker, RCA tossed in a $5,000 bonus as well, for a pink Cadillac for Elvis’ mother. 
    1955 - Elvis Presley sends a telegram to his new manager, Colonel Tom Parker, which reads: "Dear Colonel, Words can never tell you how my folks and I appreciate what you did for me. I've always known and now my folks are assured that you are the best, most wonderful person I could ever hope to work with. Believe me when I say I will stick with you through thick and thin and do everything I can to uphold your faith in me. Again, I say thanks and I love you like a father." 
    1957 - The Miles Davis Quintet debuted with a jazz concert at Carnegie Hall in New York.
    1957 - Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel make their first appearance on ABC-TV's dance show American Bandstand -- in their earlier incarnation as Tom and Jerry, playing their minor hit "Hey Little Schoolgirl." 
    1957 - In a controversial vote, Yankee outfielder Mickey Mantle edges out Red Sox superstar Ted Williams to win the American League MVP. In spite of the 'Splendid Splinter' leading the league with a .388 average and 38 home runs, as well as a stunning .731 slugging average, two Chicago writers still list him in the ninth and tenth places on their ballots.  Mantle, who won the award in 1956 for his Triple Crown performance, hit .365 with 34 HR, 94 RBI, 121 runs scored, and the highest OPS – 1.177 – of his career.  This and the 1941 snub when he hit .406 and lost to Joe DiMaggio, are evidence of just how poor his relationships were with the baseball press.
    1957 - Extremely destructive Santa Ana winds blew from Oxnard to San Diego and inland parts of southern California. The high winds produced a 28,000-acre brush fire on a 40-mile front west of Crystal Lake. People were ordered off streets in some areas due to flying debris.
    1959 - Boston Patriots enter the American Football League.  Boston business executive Billy Sullivan was awarded the eighth and final franchise of the developing AFL that began play in 1960. The following winter, locals were allowed to submit ideas for the Boston football team's official name. The most popular choice – and the one that Sullivan selected – was the "Boston Patriots.”  Immediately thereafter, artist Phil Bissell of The Boston Globe developed the "Pat Patriot" logo.
    1961 - Top Hits
“Runaround Sue” - Dion
“Fool #1” - Brenda Lee
“Goodbye Cruel World” - James Darren
“Big Bad John” - Jimmy Dean
    1961 - Frank Robinson was elected National League MVP by the Baseball Writers Association for his efforts as an outfielder with the Cincinnati Reds.  He became the first baseball player to win Most Valuable Player in both Major Leagues on November 8, 1966 when he was unanimously chosen MVP in the AL for the Baltimore Orioles. He developed a reputation as an aggressive outfielder and hard-charging base runner. Also a feared hitter, Robinson ranked fourth on the all-time home run list at the time of his retirement with 586, trailing only Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth and Willie Mays. His intelligence and leadership helped him become the Majors' first African American manager in 1975, when he skippered the Cleveland Indians.
    1963 - There are certain days we never forget. One of my most vivid is this day when President John F. Kennedy was slain by a sniper while riding in an open automobile at Dallas, Texas. Accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was killed in police custody awaiting trial.  There has been much controversy about his death and perhaps we would not have escalated the Viet Nam war and the succession of leadership would have changed differently in our country. Generations recall watching CBS Television on this day. The popular soap opera "As the World Turns" was interrupted by a flash bulletin from Dallas. No one was available to man the CBS News studio at that instant, but a voice informed the nation that President John F. Kennedy had been gravely wounded during a motorcade through downtown Dallas. Minutes later, the network interrupted again to bring the world the terrible news. This time, Walter Cronkite, wearing partially rolled-up, white shirt sleeves, a loosened tie, no makeup, and black glasses, read wire copy just handed him: “Ladies and gentleman, the President of the United States is dead.” Cronkite, disbelieving the words he had just said, turned to look at a studio clock, stoically raised a hand to wipe away tears and continued with the tragic news that President Kennedy had died while undergoing emergency surgery at Parkland Hospital.
    1964 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Leader of the Pack," The Shangri-Las. The group is made up of two sets of sisters from Queens, New York - Mary and Betty Weiss and twins Marge and Mary Ann Ganser.
    1965 - The production of "Man of LaMancha," including the classic "The Impossible Dream," opened in New York City for the first of 2,328 performances.
    1965 - Tamla-Motown Records releases Stevie Wonder's "Uptight." peaking at Number one, on the R&B chart and #3 on the pop chart, it will become the fifteen year old's biggest hit since "Fingertips Part Two" in 1963.
    1967 – Tennis champion Boris Becker was born Leimen, West Germany.  A former world #1 professional tennis player, he was successful from the start of his career, winning the first of his six major singles titles at age 17. He also won five year-end championships, 13 Masters Series titles, and an Olympic gold medal in doubles. Tennis magazine ranked him the 11th best male player of the period 1965–2005.  Currently, he coaches Novak Djokovic. 
    1968 - The Beatles release their long-awaited double album simply called "The Beatles" but better known as "The White Album." Among the set's 32 songs is Ringo Starr's first songwriting contribution to the group's repertoire, "Don't Pass Me By," which as a single, makes it to Number One in Scandinavia.
    1968 - In San Francisco, The Beatles Tour/Show: Magical Mystery Tour at Straight Theatre. 
    1969 - Top Hits
“Wedding Bell Blues” - The 5th Dimension
“Take a Letter Maria” - R.B. Greaves
“Smile a Little Smile for Me” - The Flying Machine
“Okie from Muskogee” - Merle Haggard
    1971 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Reed v Reed that it was unconstitutional to give preference to men as executors of estates. Argued by Ruth Bader Ginsburg who herself would become a Supreme Court judge 22 years later, the decision marked the first time a high court decision overturned a law based on sex.
    1971 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Theme from ‘Shaft'," by Isaac Hayes. The single is the third No. 1 hit to win an Academy Award for best song.
    1972 - Chuck Thacker, a computer scientist at Xerox PARC, started designing the Alto computer, designed to improve the quality of machine-human interactions. The computer featured a graphical user interface, a mouse, and the ability to network easily with other computers. Despite its cutting-edge design, Xerox decided not to market the Alto. Instead, Apple's cofounder Steve Jobs, who saw a working version of Alto during a visit to Xerox PARC in December 1979, adopted many of Alto's ideas into the interfaces for the Apple Lisa and the Apple Macintosh, released in 1984. The Original Apple design came from Nolan Bushnell’s personal computer, which he thought would never become popular due to its limited storage and speed.
    1972 - The United States loses its first B-52 of the war. The eight-engine bomber was brought down by a North Vietnamese surface-to-air missile near Vinh on the day when B-52s flew their heaviest raids of the war over North Vietnam.
    1975 - "That's the Way (I Like It)" by K. C. & the Sunshine Band topped the charts and stayed there for 2 weeks.
    1975 - Barry Manilow's "I Write the Songs" enters the US chart, on its way to number one. Although Manilow wrote many of his hits, this one was actually written by Bruce Johnston of The Beach Boys. I went to high school with him and we each played in each other's bands, although more in my dance band. 
    1977 – British Airways inaugurated regular London to New York City supersonic Concorde service.
    1977 - Top Hits
“You Light Up My Life” - Debby Boone
“Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue” - Crystal Gayle
“Baby, What a Big Surprise” - Chicago
“The Wurlitzer Prize” (“I Don’t Want to Get over You”) - Waylon Jennings 
    1977 - Tony Orlando returned to the concert stage after a self-imposed, three-month retirement following the suicide death of his good friend, Freddie Prinze. Orlando appeared in concert in San Carlos, California. 
    1977 - Weddings will never be the same after Debbie Boone has a Number One hit with "You Light Up My Life." The record goes platinum on this date and makes Pat Boone a proud papa.
    1981 - During Muddy Waters' gig at the Checkerboard Lounge in Chicago, the legendary bluesman is joined onstage by the Rolling Stones' Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, and Ron Wood, currently touring through the Midwest. 
    1981 - San Diego tight end Kellen Winslow ties an NFL record with five touchdown catches in the Chargers' 55-21 victory over Oakland.
    1985 - Microsoft signed an agreement with Apple, allowing Microsoft to copy visual characteristics of Apple's Macintosh in its Microsoft Windows software. Windows was heavily based on the Macintosh user interface (which, in turn, was greatly influenced by the Alto, designed at Xerox PARC in 1972). The mouse instead of the keyboard was one of the innovations. In 1988, Apple sued Microsoft for copyright infringement, because Microsoft's licensing agreement had applied only to Windows 1.0, not to subsequent versions. The suit was dismissed in 1991. 
    1985 - Top Hits
“We Built this City” - Starship
“You Belong to the City” - Glenn Frey
“Separate Lives” - Phil Collins & Marilyn Martin
“Hang on to Your Heart” - Exile
    1986 - Center Wayne Gretzky of the Edmonton Oilers scored the 500th goal of his National Hockey League career in only his 575th game, a 5-2 victory of the Vancouver Canucks.
    1986 - Justice Department finds memo in Lt. Col. Oliver North's office on the transfer of $12 million to Contras of Nicaragua from Iranian arms sale.
    1986 - "Human" by Human League topped the charts and stayed there for a week.
    1989 - Kirby Puckett becomes the first Major Leaguer ever to sign a contract that calls for an average salary of $3 million per year when he inks a pact with the Twins for $9 million over three years.
    1989 - Strong northerly winds produced squalls along the shore of Lake Michigan, with heavy snow in extreme southeastern Wisconsin. Milwaukee, WI received nine inches of snow, and in Racine County there were more than one hundred automobile accidents.
    1990 – President George Bush visits US troops in Saudi Arabia during Thanksgiving.
    1992 - 45 tornadoes touched down in the Tennessee and Ohio Valleys. Georgia was hard hit with 2 F4, 1 F3 and 3 F2 storms which killed 6 people and injured 144. Indiana has a total of 15 tornadoes on this day to set a record for an outbreak in November and for the month of November. One, an F4 multiple vortex type, cut a 22-mile path through extreme southeastern Indiana and northern Kentucky.
    1998 - It was week 12 of the NFL football season as Denver Broncos QB John Elway achieved the 50,000-yard career-passing mark. He joined Dan Marino as the only passers to throw for more than 50,000 yards in a career. And Elway threw four touchdowns passes the following week to move into third place on the all-time TD pass list. 
    1999 - ‘The Great One,’ Wayne Gretzky, was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame. On June 23, 1999, it had been announced that Gretzky would be the tenth, and last, player to have the three-year waiting period waived by the hall-of-fame selection committee “by reason of outstanding pre-eminence and skill.” Gretzky held 61 NHL records.
    2004 - The recently-relocated – from Montreal - NL franchise announced its new name, logo and colors. Using the official original name of the district's team which was popularly known as the Senators from 1901-71, the club clad in red, white, blue and gold will be known as the Washington Nationals.  
    2005 - Tim McGraw, the Black Eyed Peas, Green Day, Destiny's Child and Kelly Clarkson triumph, each taking two trophies away from the 33rd annual American Music Awards at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles.
    2005 – Ted Koppel signed off for the last time as host of “Nightline.”
    2012 - A dense fog near Beaumont, Texas caused a 100-vehicle pileup, leaving 120 people injured and 2 killed.  The accident forced the Interstate 10 in Southeast Texas to close in both directions.
    2017 – California governor Jerry Brown pardoned Craig Coley after he served 39 years for a double murder.  It is the longest prison term to be overturned in state history.  Wrongfully convicted of a double murder in Los Angeles, Coley was pardoned because DNA testing, unavailable at his original trial, did not support his conviction. Michael Bender, a detective with Simi Valley Police Department, started to re-investigate Coley's case in 1989 and discovered there were problems with it. Simi Valley Police Chief Dave Livinstone requested a new investigation by cold case Detective Dan Swanson who located missing evidence and had it forensically examined. DNA testing showed there was no trace of Coley's DNA on the evidence but that there was the DNA of an unknown suspect.  Investigators also disproved the testimony of a witness from the original trial who claimed to have seen Coley at the scene of the crime. In a report to the local police, three former and current police officers testified that the detective at the time of Coley's trial had “mishandled the investigation or framed Mr. Coley.” In February 2018, the California awarded Coley almost $2 million in compensation for his wrongful imprisonment. On February 23, 2019, Coley received a $21 million settlement from the city of Simi Valley. 



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